james-cartwright-md · 6 years
Monkey & James
Welcome back! How was Australia? I’m not very good at the video game thing, so I’m not so sure I could help there… I know nothing about them. Sorry about that! If you’re looking to do anything non-video game related I’m willing for that, but only if you want.
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It was great. The only way it could be better would have been you joining us. But then I wouldve been mad I couldnt go climbing with you. And you already promised me you would visit alot. When are you going to come visit me?
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Cute, cute cute! Oh my goodness this is so precious!
She’s definitely precious! It helps her get away with everything, bless her. Especially in a santa hat!
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lucas-peterson · 7 years
Lucas & Sophie
Careful there, you’re sounding like me with all that stress from studying bit. I have a tendency to unconsciously reach over to pet and comfort an animal in the midst of studying or so, and realize… I’m not working with my animals right then, and nothing is there.
I have to say that’s the weirdest thing I’ve heard someone do out of reflex.
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Honestly I’m fucking exhausted right now and everything is a pain in my ass. 
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kosey-khalil-blog · 6 years
Sophie & Kosey
HI! Welcome!! I’m Sophie, a bit of a ball of energy, so I’m sorry if I scare you, that’s not my intention. You look very comfy in this selfie, if I take a selfie they don’t come out nearly half this nice.
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Hello beautiful. Im not easy to scare. I was very comfortable. I was still in bed on a rare day of sleeping in. What makes you so perky Sophie?
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james-cartwright-md · 6 years
Monkey & James
EEEP! LOOK AT THE TWO OF YOU! Best friends together at last, just as it should be. Ummmm, I’ll bring him a puppuccino from Starbucks. Those are always a big hit with the doggos. Maybe I’ll bring a few because your pupperoo is a BIG one. Maybeeee get him one of those really good bones? OH! I heard dogs really like bully sticks. Of course, lots and lots and lots of snuggles. Give him all the snuggles and all the belly rubs because he’s such a good boy.
I don’t know about looking alike, but you are both aces in this picture!
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He is very big. Ive never given him a puppuccino before. Whats in it? He wasnt shy on treats while Malu watched him. I do need to get him some more food. Ill bring him with me and let him pick a good bone or two. That was a great idea. If youre coming over then you can finally see my house.
Did you like it so much it is your new wallpaper? I need a haircut.
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tomlinotracey · 7 years
What are your three favourite songs and who do they remind you of?
People on here? There are songs that I like that remind me of people so I’ll roll with that:
If You Could Only See - Tonic; Sophie
Take What I Can Get - Matthew Mayfield; Selene
Family - Dry the River; Zephyr
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james-cartwright-md · 6 years
Back Together || Sophie & James
There were only a few people James was nervous about seeing again. Sophie was high on the list of people he wanted to reconnect with. James’s closeness to Sophie was akin to his relationship with his family. Unlike everyone else they had managed to keep in touch for a year after he left. The memories of a long distance closeness had hung on his fridge through the early days of his illness. Now in LA they hung on his new refrigerator in a new house that didnt feel like home yet. The letters had become infrequent as he settled into his second year of residency and stopped as his fatigue made it impossible for him to accomplish most tasks outside of his long work scheduled hours. Seeing Sophie was still in LA made James equally excited and nervous. The first thing he knew he needed to to was apologize for losing touch.
After apologizing Sophie brushed off his absence and made plans with him like they used to do. James knew the second thing he needed to do was to talk to her face to face about why he was back. His clothes were noticeably lose on him. But he hoped that she would notice the same person under his sunken cheeks and lean frame. One of the things he made sure to do before leaving to pick her up at the zoo was to pack his tools in the back of his refurbished Trans Am. He took alot of pride in his car and his ability to fix it himself. James was glad to be able to put his new hobby to good use for someone he cared about. But there was alot of internal tension about the past that Jameson had not addressed. Seeing the messages on the site about his feelings didnt help matters. James knew that people changed while he was gone. He also knew he hadnt changed very much.
When James pulled up to the zoo there was the usual clusters of students, families, and teenagers milling around the big exhibits. James knew that if he was going to have to walk around to find her it could take him over an hour in the heat with his symptoms of fatigue and coughing fits. The first thing he did was pick up a map of the zoo and wait at the customer service window for someone to text him where Sophie was. Then he made sure to text her he was there and ping her a new message with each exhibit as he got closer. Eventually he had to stop all together. Families looked at him concerned for the health of their own children as he held his sides, coughed and wheezed through an episode. What had changed about Jameson was that he was sick and most of his energy was put toward that. The thought of complicating anyone elses feelings or trying to figure out if he harbored any of his own was off of his radar.
James knew better than to push himself and keep walking. He chose to take a break and focus on catching his breath instead of walking or mentally rehashing his happier past while he sat on a bench at the giraffe exhibit. Sophie’s name popped up on his phone and he read the message that she was on her way. His head was pounding as he looked through the crowd for Sophie’s familiar face. When he saw her he got up slowly so that he didnt pass out. Then he held out his long arms waiting for a big hug. “You are a sight for sore eyes Sophie Gardener. And as beautiful as you ever were.” He held her shoulders and really looked at her with a big smile. “You haven’t changed at all. That smile could make Stanley Hudson dance before five oclock.”
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jeremy-robbins-blog · 8 years
Sophie & Jeremy
You know what I think? I think that you and I should go do something fun! Let’s go do some bumper cars, or go-karts!!!
Did you mean bumper cars as an analogy for my life? Just crash into things and keep going? Because that actually sounds pretty accurate. But sure, I’m down. Sounds like a good time!
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maluhialanikahala · 8 years
I find it incredibly depressing that we haven’t hung out in a long time!!!!
Well you need to come hang out with me! Let’s go surfing!
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mario-morgan-peretz · 8 years
If you were in a burning house with everyone on the site and only had time to save 3 people, who would it be?
@dr-river-morgan - Anyone who wouldn’t save their boyfriend needs to give themselves a long hard look in the mirror.
@sophie-gardener - Very sweet dear and we live in the same apartment building so it makes sense.
@taneycaviler - One of my only friends so I’d save her too.
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james-cartwright-md · 6 years
Day Five
@sophie-gardener when the first see each other
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Youre alive. I knew it. God I cant believe you found your way here. Are you ok? Did anything happen to you when you were getting here?
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eirlyspowell-blog · 8 years
Eirlys & Sophie
I should take you to some of the places that I go! You would love the view!!
Yes you should! I love new places, especially hiking spots. TAKE ME THERE, FEARLESS LEADER.
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