merinomeri · 6 months
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2014 ~ 2024
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evilstep · 8 years
I just wanted to say that your art is gorgeous!! I love the colour schemes you use, its so floaty and fresh
thank u so much i’m glad u like it
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3000bearsstuff · 8 years
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A gift for @sabermeltdown​ I forgot to upload here!
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straightsorey-blog · 9 years
Your Yosuke cosplay is really good omg
Ahh thank you so much!! (/////7/////)
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ko-oks · 9 years
Top. As in, top notch. B^)))
nice B^)
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You make such an adorable Naoto!!
Thank youuuuuuu~!!! ♥
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princess-ali-rose · 9 years
Ok but on the topic of cheesy dancing- imagine Souji and Yosuke watching Grease and doing a duet of You're the one that i want while they dance really badly and laugh at each other,, god help me souyo is so good.
I 1000% approve of this!!!
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kidsbop · 9 years
You have a lovely voice gosh~!!
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merinomeri · 8 years
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to know better
Nabbing this from @chikinan ♥
☆Name: Lindsey
☆Nickname: Lin, Linny | Linnie, always open to nicknames tbh-
☆Gender: Female
☆Star Sign: Gemini
☆Height: 5′6″ | 167 cm
☆Sexual orientation: AroAce AF
☆Hogwarts House: Slytherin
☆Favorite Color: Lavender
☆Favorite Animal: Sheep, Bats
☆Time right now: 5:33 pm
☆Cat or dog person: D O G S
☆Favorite Fictional Character: Emizel (Disgaea 4), Junko Enoshima (DanganRonpa), Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney)
☆# of blankets I sleep with: 1 comforter and 1 blanket!
☆ Favorite Singer/band: Florence and the Machine, Marina and the Diamonds, Of Monsters and Men
☆Dream Trip: England to visit @sabermeltdown!
☆Dream Job: NO IDEA-
☆When blog created: 2012
☆Current number of followers: 408
☆Why did you make this tumblr: To get into the Nintama fandom tbh. I had to follow Arma and stay updated!
☆ Why did you pick your URL: Its my favorite character from my favorite series. Made plural.
Tagging: (only if you want to aahhh-)
@nayutakenji @drift-blim @sketchyemi @ocdrainbows @kurimatsu-san @cattype
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futureboy · 10 years
sabermeltdown replied to your post:okay seriously though what the fuck is this carrot...
WAIT YOU HAVE IT TOO??? Its all over mine for some reason omg like why???
have i been left out of a breast cancer meme again
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dracojounin7 · 10 years
locorollo tagged me to share my top ten favorite video games. These will be in no particular order.
Persona 3/Persona 4 Golden
I'm grouping these together since they're the same franchise. I love turn-based RPGs, and the music, graphics, and especially story to theses games sucked me in from the first hour or so of gameplay. I'm excited to see how Persona 5 turns out, and wish I had a console to play the Arena games on.
Ys: Memories of Celceta
Another RPG I love, I found this game's story to be very gripping, since I'm a big fantasy nerd. The real-time battle is fun too, and I love the variety. Variety is a big draw for me in any game, as I'll probably mention a couple more times, especially for:
I loved Bastion. It would have been on my top ten list a couple years ago, though since then I've found a few other games that caught my attention. Transistor is the second game by Supergiant Games, and despite being short, it was a blast. One of the biggest reasons for me: the combat system works with a couple dozen or so skills with different functions. Each of these functions can be applied as an active ability or a passive, and then each active ability can have two functions applied to it to change the effects. Quite a lot of customization for such a simple system, and I hope another game takes its cue from Transistor in that respect.
As long as we're talking heavy customization, that's the big reason I love Loadout. You have your four basic weapon types: Beam, Rifle, Launcher, and Pulse. From there, you can make just about anything with the customizable parts; a sniper rifle that heals allies more on a headshot, a six-shot rocket launcher that fills an area with deadly static electricity... or, if you're feeling practical, a simple shotgun. It's also got a lot of mobility, which I love in any shooter.
Team Fortress 2
I don't really feel the need to say much here. I gave several of my reasons for loving this game in the Loadout section, and besides; it's Team Fortress 2. The game has had an active and healthy community for 7 years running for a reason.
Stepping away from shooters for a bit, Toribash is a somewhat obscure fighting game in which you fight another player by controlling the movements of various "muscles" in a ragdoll. The goal changes in various gamemodes, but for the most part you're attempting to either deal more damage to your opponent or disqualify them by moving them out of the ring or by making certain body parts hit the floor. Admittedly, some moves in particular are very cheap, but that can go for any fighter:
Rival Schools 2: Project Justice
I really enjoyed this game, and the character Roberto is a big reason why. It's already an interesting change to typical fighters to have a rotating battlefield, with dodges moving the battlefield to one side while attacks carry through in another direction. Roberto's dodge made it all the better for me; he'd slide around back and forth on the field, disorienting your opponent and almost guaranteeing a dodge. Roy was my other main, and I'd typically fill the third slot with Momo or Hinata.
Metal Gear Solid 3
Survival meets stealth shooter? Yes please. I like the Metal Gear Solid series as a whole, but MGS3 was by and far my favorite for adding the stamina function, not to mention having to manually cure wounds.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
If I were forced to pick a favorite off this list, HR would probably be my choice. It's a wonderful story, has a good system for personal upgrades, and provides an array of approaches to the objectives. My only criticism is the boss fights being too simple, but then I can think of a few other games I like with the same problem.
I tag the-mysterious-gourmet, sabermeltdown, alps090, and codephoenix525.
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lab-hamham · 10 years
sabermeltdown replied to your post “Once you get this, you have to say five nice things about yourself publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers”
are u sure about number 3?
dammit god dammit eli
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garbagedetective-blog · 10 years
Congrats on having great taste in trash detectives wink wink. B-) (Your blog is great omg)
!!! bless u friend omg
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futureboy · 10 years
Have a great time in France!! uvu
i will!! thank you eli! ^__^ 
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straightsorey-blog · 10 years
The sun, Temperance and Yos- Magician. :>
The Sun:Your happiest memory
Ahh this one's difficult ; v ; I have a lot of good memories honestly, I don't think I could choose only one.
But I think I'm gonna go with my school trip to England, which was four years ago I think? It was the last time I did something with my group of friends and it was awesome. Not to mention that's when I bought Persona 4 and who know where I'd be today if it wasn't for it-
Temperance:Your ideal day
I'd love to spend a day watching anime or playing games in big TV on my living room. Honestly that'd make me happy- If there's some cuddling involved then HEYYY THAT'S AWESOME TOO
The Yosugician:Something you're very good at
I honestly don't know- I think I'm good at writing but latetly I think I'm kind of meh, so- At least I think I'm good at encouraging people? I mean, I can't give them any actual advice because I suck but I like to see people happy so maybe that's something I do nicely-
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dracojounin7 · 10 years
For sabermeltdown.
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