dangerousbride · 5 years
Your art + chrisposting is literally some of the best I love it! Hope you have a nice day too btw! uwu
lmao thank youuu!! I’m happy you like it!! 💖
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pascalls · 6 years
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locorollo replied to your post: me trying to explain ffxiv lore in the most basic...
garleans mean and also Ishgard has racist Catholic elves. Das it
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smt4 · 7 years
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locorollo · 6 years
I’m still gonna be here but if you wanna check out my twitter it’s locorollo  
It’s just more of the same but I talk a bit more.
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doctordestiny · 7 years
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So I made an alt on Zalera to fuck around and hang out with some old pals (yo @locorollo @hobopolis hmu, I see you aint changed the house since I left)
I have joined team catgirl: Mami Tomeow, complete with matching cosplay.
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According to the significant other unit I am not to be trusted with things after this atrocity,  also shout out to @verynotgoodbad for the level booster.
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raitoskitchen · 8 years
Tell me about a cute girl you saw recently.
so, every single girl I’ve seen recently,
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moragtong · 8 years
locorollo replied to your post :
I have to ask how the gay ferris wheel is destroying your life man…
i work right underneath it, and every day, someone asks me about it. asks me how i feel about it. and i cant tell them its a terrible slow moving eyesore. 
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pascalls · 7 years
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( •̀ ω•́ ) [Twitter] - [ Commissions ]  ( •̀ ω•́ )
two more Pokemon teams for @hobopolis and @locorollo !!
please remember to tenderize your ditto before battling him
I’m taking commissions for these! send me an e-mail if you’re interested! 
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niiikooooo · 8 years
Your art would taste like peach rings man.
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shinmadoka · 9 years
locorollo replied to your post: maskedriderghost reblogged your post D…
This sounds just like that “With Hinako” series. Where every episode this girl does stuff with you like sleep next to you, take a bath, and exercise. True sin
I think it is just like that, but with guys.
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pascalls · 3 years
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ladyfubuki · 9 years
(2/2) Somebody had to announce the news and the other guy with didn't have the heart to go on. Somehow I ended up getting in front of the camera and man did I mess up. I stuttered, I looked at the wrong cameras, and I was too tall to fit in the frame. I was pretty much dead inside after that. Once we cleaned everything up and I headed back to class everybody actually applauded for me. Apparently once I got on camera everybody in my class went crazy. It was a great feeling coming back to that!
AWWWWWWWWWW THAT WAS GREAAT!! This made me so happy :’))))))))
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mujunrasen · 9 years
Psst wanna do Eli for the name playlist thing. That would be neat man
hell yeah sorry i didnt see it 
E. Electronica in The Velvet Room by Shoji Meguro
L. Live and Learn by Crush 40 (imn sorry)
I. In A Moment’s Time by Michiru Yamane
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shinmadoka · 9 years
locorollo replied to your post: Watching the Kame...
That dub was my first kamen rider show ever. I wish I could go back save my innocence.
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