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tolerateit · 10 months ago
Same about the speak now tv reminding me of the m*tty time too. It’s my favorite album and it came out during a time where I felt like I could barely look at her. I know they had already broken up but the damage was done. This new album I barely listen to because of it too. Even songs I can semi dissociate have lines I can’t ignore. The line in down bad “I’ll build you a fort on some planet where they can all understand it” takes me out of the song. I understood perfectly. She didn’t and still doesn’t. I will never fully move on from it and it’s devastating.
saaaaameeeee. disillusionment is really something huh 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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guardian-angle22 · 5 months ago
The entire time I was watching Carlos in the scene with him and Trevor I was like…how is Carlos not being like saaaaameeeee.
But I also wonder if Carlos’ dialogue about what Trevor need to tell Tommy was the other half of the Tarlos scene we never saw about the season 4 arc.
[a kind of related ask here. that this might be in response to?]
The only time I really felt that, based off the dialogue, was when Carlos was like “you waited until now to tell her” - that part he can relate to. Given the whole ~waiting to tell TK about his wife until they were engaged and his mom had to shame him about it over a taco truck lunch date~ thing. That taco truck owner… they really have seen some things. 🤭 The rest of the dialogue talking about ultimatums didn't feel very similar of a situation to me. Carlos didn't give TK any ultimatums imo.
I’m not quite sure if I know what you mean by “tarlos scene we never saw”… do you just mean scenes we wish we had gotten? Or do you mean the cut "I love you" from the reveal scene in 4.01? I feel like that was TK telling Carlos 'I love you' after finding out about the wedding venue stuff just based off the camera blocking of it. but who knows, maybe we'll get some bts script info some day once the show is over. Release all the secret things, Ronen!! and I'm directing it at Ronen because he seems chaotic enough of a human that he would actually do it.
(I don't have a relevant gif in response to any of the above, really... so have a TK gif that represents how I feel about having to talk about the wife plot again.)
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anti-cyra · 7 months ago
The new trailer for the new cards got me foaming in the mouth 😭
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alltoowsll · 10 months ago
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steepedwonders · 6 months ago
Yeah, I got way too hyped for the loading screen LOL
saaaaameeeee. if it wasn’t for the cute hentai shirt, i’d be pissed. 😂
LOL That hentai shirt discussion definitely made it all better.
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our-blood-is-our-ink · 10 months ago
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she’s so beautiful this show is gonna be the end of me
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musette22 · 4 years ago
If this is his future daily content I’m not going to make it to the end of October. I’m dead. DEAD. (but Chris if you are reading this, more please and can we get a clearer read on those tats bb)
SAAAAAMEEEEE. I can’t decide if Chris is being very very generous or very very much a withholding tease 😂😂 But please sir, can we have some more?
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 4 years ago
Yikes at the anon giving her money for Diane that makes me v uncomfyyy I need to know what her response was now my anxiety is sky high
Saaaaameeeee literally I went to delete it because I didn’t want to normalise that but then I was like no because then I won’t get closure on it and I’ll just keep worrying
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calcifermovesthecastle · 4 years ago
Bless Eyes of Heaven for existing 🥺🥺 They brought my boys home again 😭 I genuinely just wanna give Caesar the biggest hug. Just squeeze him tight. Im 5'2 but you'd best believe I'd wrap my arms around him as best as I could. I would fall asleep in that man's arms huggin him so long 🥺
Saaaaameeeee 😭I'm 4'11 I'd climb him like a tree 😭😭😭
Caesar giving smol friend/s/o piggy backs 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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gingaaaaa · 2 years ago
Currently sobbing over Welly Boots rn
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lonelier-version-of-you · 3 years ago
apparently yesterday was 11 years since S13E44 “One Of Those Days” aired, which is an episode that always fucks me up when I think about it because it’s where Henrik, after hearing from Sahira that Greg’s been struggling lately (because of being forced to remember his own abuse and finding out that his friend became a sex offender, though Henrik doesn’t know that and Sahira doesn’t know about Greg having been abused himself), turns that fact against Greg to upset him even more and try to drive him away from Sahira and they (Henrik and Greg) have a big argument about it and it just makes me so sad because it’s like. you idiots, you’re the same!! you’re the saaaaameeeee!! :((
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undertheniall · 6 years ago
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vldrocketeer · 7 years ago
I love you. Also Keith, saaaaameeeee. I fall for idiots all the time, my pan ass don’t learrrrrnnnnn.
I love you too! ❤️❤️❤️❤️And hard same idk why I find dumbasses so attractive 😩
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buck-askbox · 7 years ago
I hate my job and I hate school but I need both of those things to live. Yeaaaa!
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yavieriel · 7 years ago
crocordile replied to your post “Fic or art, I don’t care which, but I really want to someday see a...”
Right???  Hell, royal hunting parties were a Big Deal in pretty much every pre-modern culture I can think of (India, China, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, Western Europe in general, etc.), so no matter what tradition someone wants to draw from there should be all kinds of pageantry!  Lavish pavilions, minstrels, both people and animals in fancy hunting gear.  Bragging on the fancy breeding of their latest horses/hounds/hawks and the skills of their warriors, you know they’d be all over that.  And all sorts of opportunities for political intrigue and personal competition and so on, that’s right up the alley for the usual Finwean dysfunctional relationship exploration and whatever conflict finally frustrated Finrod enough that he split off, come on fandom.  Finrod acting as a go-between for Doriath since they refuse to deal with the non-Finarfinian Noldor.  Come on fandom!
Plus then you get Finrod meeting the Edain with a nice sampling of an elvish court in tow and the impression that would make, no wonder they were impressed!  Suddenly this magical-seeming encampment of wonders pops up next to where your people are living, there’s all kinds of great tropes to play with there.
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monchursouls · 2 years ago
i would've made for such a good fucking cat life's so unfair
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