#s3 you will always be famous but holy shit
cottoncandysprite · 1 year
Literally every single thing we learn about this season feels like riding passenger in a car going 90 on a mountainside. Like we're either going off a cliff or having the ride of our fucking lives
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galactic-magick · 24 days
Umbrella!Ben Hargreeves x Reader (with similar powers to Klaus)
Author's Notes: This is part of a small collection of short Ben fics I recently came across in my drafts from 2021, so pre-S3. I thought they were still cute so I’m posting them. :)
The famous Umbrella Academy showing up at your door was definitely not on your list of things you expected to happen today.
Not that you hadn’t always wanted to meet them. After all, you would probably belong with them more than you have anywhere else. You were born on the same day as them, and have had powers that no normal human should ever possess. Your mother decided to keep and raise you despite the circumstances being extremely unexpected, and you’ve been able to have a fairly normal childhood due to her efforts. You’ve never gotten proper training like the Umbrella Academy has though, so you probably haven’t even touched the extent of what you can do.
Although, that might change today.
“Hey, are you Y/N L/N?” the woman with dark curly hair asks.
You nod, “Uh…yeah,”
“We’re tracking down some of the other people who were born like us,” the tall man speaks up. “Would you be interested in coming to the Academy?”
“Wow,” you exhale. “I…yeah sure-“
“What powers do you have?” the young boy teleports right in front of you.
“Guys, guys, can we just wait until we get back to the house?” a man with tattoos on his hands pushes the boy away. “Geez, you guys can be so intense sometimes,”
You grab a few of your things and get in the car with them, and before you know it you’re inside the huge mansion you’ve only seen in pictures.
There’s a few other people there like you that you’re introduced to, people not in the Academy but they have powers. You’re surprised at how many they’ve already managed to locate and gather up.
There’s one person you haven’t yet been introduced to though, and you’re a bit confused because he’s been around with you and the others since you first opened your door. Maybe he’s just shy.
Or maybe you’re just seeing things like you always do.
“Who’s the guy over there? He’s cute,” you smile, trying to play it off as a lighthearted conversation starter.
The one you now know is Klaus turns to you, shock washing over his features, “You can see him?”
“Wait, maybe we have the same powers!” he gasps. “Holy shit! I mean, there is like, 40 of us, I guess it would make sense for some powers to duplicate, right?”
“I suppose so,” you shrug.
“Ben!” he shouts to the guy in the leather jacket. “They can see you too and they think you’re cute!”
“Klaus!” you hiss, covering your face.
“You know sometimes I can get ghosts to be able to touch things, maybe you guys could-“
“Are you kidding me?” Ben cuts him off with a glare.
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jade-kyo · 2 months
RvB 20th rewatch: s4
Getting closer to done with the Blood Gulch Chronicles!
Love that Caboose knows Church so well he can predict what he’ll do next 😂
Tex is so silly… she’s the only one aware of the horrors 🙂
Ooooh Andy… you were truly something
“And you’re the only one who saw it… just like signs of Donuts heterosexuality!” Absolutely one of my favorite jokes in the whole show holy shit
“Well Church you’re kind of a long way from hero” I am in agony
Watching Donut and Simmons fight over the ghost in the background has me cackling
“You know if I killed a ghost would it come back as a ghost of a ghost” and Church was not about to test that theory 😂
Fun fact I just found out from the s3 commentary: crouchasourus, the name Andy suggests for the alien, was a reference to an email they received from a fan suggesting a name for the “dinosaur” (the fan didn’t know it was an alien)
“And my bullshit meter agrees” Sheila you will always be famous to me
Ah yes Simmons first breakdown
I respect Tex being horny on main
“We’re both just a couple of lovers” “that sounded kinda gay dude” yet another heavily quoted line for me
Love Church trying to have a genuine moment with Tucker and just giving up
Nah bro Grif straight telling Simmons to talk to him more aggressively I’m losing it
Tucker being all cowardly boy doesn’t know he’s gonna be the best of them, he doesn’t know that he’s gonna be leader, he doesn’t know he’s gonna be a hero. Crying.
“A threesome with cheerleaders” another vocal stim right there
Ah yes Grif and his love for Simmons hole
God Church is such a fucking dork. He just like me fr.
And Donut becomes Church’s favorite red
“I think you might be projecting” man even Leonard “most repressed man alive” Church knew Simmons was gay
LOVE Church and Sheila just fucking with Simmons
“Or it’s a key all the time and when you stick it in people it unlocks their death” Caboose my beloved
“Is he republican?” Caboose really coming in here with the best political joke in the series
“Could’ve just thrown it on the floor and cut out the middle man” again a very quoted line for me
“Officer hot pants” Simmons says that like he’s into it
“I am allergic to things I don’t want to do” me too Caboose
“I do not want to catch pregnancy”
Grif genuinely trying to cheer up Sarge is weirdly sweet 😂
Ahhh Blood Gulch is so silly! They’re doomed 🙂 also I was half asleep towards the end of the season so if my notes seem less coherent that’s why 😂
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pitbullwithaship · 8 months
Yay more Christmas Shenanigans!! (I can't spell Shenanigans I'm trusting my autocorrect here)
I love how he's says WOT it's hilarious
Pats his Tardis he's so cute
Those are sus angels
I knew they seemed suspicious that ones a robot
They are indeed damned, Titanic is not a good name (I could go on a rant about this)
Anthropology tour
He seems mildly suspicious
That tv dude has very blue eyes
She's pretty
They did not tell them why it was famous (the worst events always get the most famous (hindenburg, holocaust, titanic, etc.))
Aw poor girl
She's very pretty
Not sir lol
He's adorable
Uh oh he's got a tuxedo on
Lol I love him sets of the champagne in the rich snobs faces
Those people seem friendly
Old man captain seems mildly suspicious
Ooh it's deserted that's not good
New Zealand is quite beautiful
They've learned, good for them
Those don't look like normal asteroids
She's a good singer that's a nice song
Oh no is young crewman going to die
Information: you are all going to die (lol)
Ooh I bet the robots are evil
He's adorable (I genuinely just have to say that every so often)
Oh shit he's dead now
I like the name Astrid
Awwww he's so comforting (I think I'm firmly in the 'I want david tennant to be my dad' subtype of tennant fan)
He's so comforting and gentle I love him
Oh dear
Recites his name and address
I love him
Ooh working class people, always helpful
What message? SHUT UP
Lol that's cute
Oh dear the door is opening
Oh dearie me
Oh yay they got out
Lol she has game
Doctor.exe has stopped working
Aw poor Anthropology dude (I can never remember names)
Oh shit he's dead no he was so nice
Aww you're allowed to have emotions, but don't make the Doctor's guilt worse
I wish dickhead would die
Aww hugs
Oh shit they can fly
Baseball to the death
Aww he saved them all
Oh no he's dying no
Aww that's so sad nooo
He should have tried 1 first
Oh shit is she
Nooooo what nooooo that's horrible no she's dead nooo
He trusts dickwad with his screwdriver?
Okay what's gonna prevent her from going with him, is she gonna die too she better not she's really pretty
Well it's not fireworks bit it is sparks
Doctor.exe has once again stopped working
Okay he's off again
Oh fantasy trope of wasting questions
Take me to your leader (dude you already said it once but maybe that time didn't count)
Oh fuck is she gonna die
Oh shit that's creepy as hell he's a head
Ooh I mean he's evil but I do feel sorry for him with that prejudice
Retirement Home from Hell
No Astrid don't die!!
That's a shiny tooth
Ethereal music plays, true zen has been reached
Oh Astrid
Oh shit it's crashing please don't crash cmon
Dramatic slo-mo shot through fire
Okay what's he doing what's going on
Calls Buckingham Palace lol
Aww the corgis
Thank yu doctor thank yu lol
That's so cute
What happened to the fact that dude got shot
Oh dear cmon work
She made her choice Doctor
We are made of stardust after all
Awwww that's so sweetcutesadpoeticamazingheartbreacking
Aww hug but he didn't hug back he likes hugs oh yes right he's a dickwad
Very wise old man
It's never real snow ugh
Bats his eyelashes lol
He's Rich!!
He can have a house!!! Aww I love him
*skips away*
Aww that was a cute episode
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viscountessevie · 2 years
A funny bit, but I was on youtube watching one of those list videos, and one about famous romcoms, talked about My best friend's wedding and one producer said they had to come back and film a different end, because in the original, Julia's character got the guy and the focus group was pissed because everyone felt bad for Cameron's, their idea didn't work on screen, so they saw the mistake and changed the end, they could go on like Bridgerton, not even acknowledge the mistake but then again there are creators interested in making things people will enjoy and bring more $ others are way to worry about their own ego with the check already on their bank
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Thanks for this ask anon! Super cool info on an old movie I like and I'm always here for dragging the Bridgerton Production 😂😂
Okay firstly: let's talk about the Best Friend's Wedding of it all because holy shit what!!! I may be in the minority but I would have lovedd that ending. I was always rooting for Julia Roberts to be happy even though I thought Dermot's character was a shithead for leading her on (however cluelessly) and they didn't really seemed to have chemistry which is why it was so surprising when Julia and Dermot had INSANE chemistry in interviews. Like I once watched one of their interviews in recent years and had to check if they were actually married to one another. Their friendship is what soulmates are made of tbh.
Honestly, I thought both girls could do better than Dermot's character 💀💀 Rupert Everett was the only valid man in that movie.
My dragging of My Best Friend's Wedding aside, I like that they did take into account of the test audiences' response to some extent (cos it doesn't always work tbh and you just gotta stick to your vision) and realised they could do better and did just that.
As for Bridgerton, D R A G them anon. They refused to listen to us about how problematic the SA scene was and instead CVD doubled down on it saying it was a monent of empowerment for Daphne 🤢. Of course this season, they COMPLETELY butchered one of the most beloved book of the series (don't get me started on butchering my culture but that's for another post) and made Penalty girlboss some more and ruin her so-called best friend's life. Like I love drama but this isn't Big Brother or Gossip Girl, it's a romance show I don't know why they moved away from that. It's fucking annoying. If I wanted drama, I'd tune into my reality shows.
I will give them *some* props for certain changes - the new Bee scene, new accident scene (though I hated the motivation of it for the Sharmas - like you're going to finally notice and forgive her after she almost dies???) and Kathony choosing each other before marriage (though fuck buddies married Kathony sex montage I'll always miss your potential for the show 😭😭)
Other than that, it was ALL Jimone carrying this season because aside from their scenes and storyline, the whole season was a fucking mess. It was not cohesive at all and because of the Featherflops, it felt like I was watching two different shows. Literally who approved this season to drop in the state it was in?? Did no one on the Executive Producing Team and Higher Ups at Netflix take a SINGLE writing/storytelling class???
But yeah this season's writing and CVD acting like he is God's gift to humanity for writing, just proved this show isn't really worth my time. So they can take other people's time and money next season and keep putting out the shit they're putting out. Some people will clearly eat it up. I'll be here watching Lockwood & Co. supporting Ruby instead (may pirate S3 but I'm undecided).
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lu-cia-lu-nacy · 7 years
I've been rewatching Rick and Morty from S2 onward, and holy shit, I just realized something important about Rick
At the end of S3E1--the famous Szechuan sauce scene--Rick talks about becoming head of the family. As seen in S2E1, Rick is never uncertain, otherwise it would quite literally split time in half. He always has control, the upper hand, and nothing surprises him. Shit, he TURNED HIMSELF IN, MADE HIS FAMILY HATE HIM, TOPPLED AN ENTIRE GOVERNMENT, AND RESCUED HIS GRANDCHILDREN all so he could kick Jerry out and become the head of the household again (aka have Beth continue to let Rick take Morty on adventures). He owned all that shit even when his family and we, the audience, thought he had absolutely no control over any of the situations he faced.
Now, let's look at S3E10. Rick has no control over his family anymore. His family is back to, in a sense, hating him, and it wasn't a part of his plan. It wasn't HIS doing.
Jerry has always hated Rick, but now that Beth is on his side, Jerry has an advantage.
Beth distrusts her father for her safety, her choice to get back with Jerry (clone or not), and due to her abandonment issues.
Morty is, now more than ever, tougher and skeptical of everything Rick says or does, and Summer is right on Morty's heels.
Whatever hold, whatever CONTROL Rick had on his family before is now gone with the wind. Rick HATES that. He HATES that Beth got back with Jerry; he HATES that his family is no longer willing to blindly follow his direction. Rick DOES NOT DO WELL WITHOUT CONTROL. Shit, he's the smartest man in the universe, yet the "irrational attachment" he has on his family, particularly Morty, was the only thing he (potentially) cherished.
Rick's facial expression at the end of this season proves that he's angry and doesn't know what to do about his forcefully relinquished control. He knows his family is acting out of emotion--which is basically anti-logic in Rick's eyes--and he's FURIOUS about it because there's no reasoning with them anymore. He has absolutely no idea how to deal with it, and that irks him to no end.
What worries me the most is, now that he's essentially lost his family, what will he do?? How will he go on adventures without Morty?? How will Beth let him get away with all the shit he does?? What, and who, is going to govern his actions, i.e. who is going to give him a reason to live?? He might be a selfish bastard most of the time, but you can't tell me the man doesn't let his feelings take the reigns from time to time.
It's been implied time and again that Rick is too smart for his own good. That's why he's a raging alcoholic that has attempted suicide before. However, his family kept him relatively grounded. That's why he stays on Earth, he helps his grandkids, and refrains from killing himself: they were a constant in his life that, in a sense, gave him purpose. They were something he had 100% control over because he knows his family like the back of his hand. Now, that comfort is gone.
In a way, Rick lost his family. Rick lost his beloved control over the Smiths. The smartest man in the universe with nothing to lose has to be the most dangerous weapon in all the cosmos.
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phynali · 7 years
finale - flash s3 liveblog
1. FUCKING KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE HR (love how they pulled it off)
2. okay i know this scene shouldn’t make me ship savitar/cisco but we should all acknowledge at this point that i have a serious problem for any hero/villain ship and i’m trash okay?
3. snart mention yessssss
4. they’re gonna save the day with truth and love omg
5. thinking of parallels to arrow and i actually think the flash has learned from some of arrow’s mistakes here, with respect to what fans want in terms of storylines and repetition
6. I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ABOUT SAVITAR (like the dude killed HR, was ready to kill iris, and in another timeline did kill iris and crippled wally but he is also so fucking vulnerable at the first sign of compassion and his memories of family like wtf???????)
7. it’s cruel of them to get harry to talk to tracy (but like she should know who harrison wells is, he was kinda famous even on this earth)
8. harry’s voice sounds so weird but at least he’s gotten better at pep talks
9. YEP i’m like 90% sure we’re seeing DeVoe next season, there’s been two hints now
10. oh fuck i have to keep pausing because my heart is breaking over there being two barrys and i keep thinking about how barry-s was rejected by the team and his family for not being the “real” barry and AH HE’S TALKING ABOUT THE WEDDING MY HEART WTF 
11. also, it’s awkward
12. also also, i’m still convinced barry-s (savitar) is gonna die by the end of this episode and idk how to feel about that at this point
13. in any reality or time, barry always looks to himself for guidance or instruction?? i find that fascinating.
14. ps - i also don’t trust savitar rn???
16. CYNTHIA SAVES THE DAY (otp: “because we are connected, jackass”)
17. cold can kill the black flash???? why the hell didn’t eobard recruit len for that? jfc
18. okay this is backtracking by why is caitlin so willing to work with savitar instead of cisco when she literally has to know savitar is gonna kill her or is just using her? like there’s a difference between “i’m evil i don’t love anyone because my cold heart” and “i’m evil and gonna be a lackey to this dude now”
19. wtf jay?????? how did you...
20. okay julian literally didn’t give caitlin a choice in being killer frost??? i’m all for respecting killer frost’s bodily autonomy but doing so also directly contradicts caitlin’s wishes... letting her choose is sort of a moral mess, just saying.
21. savitar you need to chill the fuck out, wow
22. what... did barry just do?... why is the suit red?? that’s so strange. and they’re literally speaking with the same voice why isn’t it the same and????
24. i am gonna need 1000 fix-it fics where savitar chose to stay
25. so HR and Iris saved the day. i kind of love that??? i don’t think it was expected and it’s the perfect kind of twist
26. julian also needs to chill a little. just saying.
27. so the team (on earth 1) is waaaaay too male-dominated rn then
29. okay my first thought was literally that it was the legends’ fault like i totally forgot about savitar blowing shit up and literally went straight to “will there be DINOSAURS” (sadly, no dinosaurs)
30. as with every liveblog, just gotta comment on how good cisco looks. he looks really effing good.
31. pretty sure this fits with @trufflemores concept of the speedforce and the metaphor of how it’s being held back behind cracked glass, but too many chips will cause that glass to break? pretty sure central city has a bullet-hole in the glass and the speedforce prison is a stopgap for it?
32. barry “i have to try” allen, goddammit
33. HARRY IS GONNA BE AROUND NEXT SEASON? (please god give us harry back and no new wells omg)
35. cisco doesn’t think he’s a hero? cisco is my fucking hero too omg
36. barry is like super chill about dying??? everyone else in this episode needs to get chill and for once in his life, barry needs to be a little less chill
37. sure would’ve been nice to end with the main couple heading off into the sunset, not the hero heading off into the speedforce. low-key still wish it was dinosaurs.
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