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hemihr12005 · 7 months ago
Fundies S2W1
We did a similar project to the childen's story book in graphic design stream. This time making a 12 page book on in design i want to focus more on type and imagery.
our brief was to create:
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we also needed to include:
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i used 3 different paragraph styles. one for titles, one for subheadings and one for body text.
i used a lot of images, which i edited on photoshop.
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i wanted to create a collage of frame of flowers and the characters from each nursery rhyme/ story included in the book. i ended up editing a lot of images in photoshop for this by making them black and white and removing backgrounds (also adding some pencil drawings to them through photoshop). I used this for the end page. i also added two drawings i drew on paper and then turned into illustrations. below is the two drawings on paper and then how they ended up on illustrator. i then put them into photoshop and duplicated the layers and flipped them horizontally to create the whole moth/butterfly. i also edited the overlapping parts too in photoshop. i turned the opacity down on the in design page spread beacsue i found they were a lot darker than the other illustrations i had on the page.
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on the page above i also created one of the flowers on illustrator using the pencil tool and curves.
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on my end page i also created the penguin books penguin on illustrator using pen tool and bezier curves.
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i made the stomach colour the same as the book back cover so it would blend well.
the teacher also helped me align one of my pages better. the type size was adjusted smaller, and increased the leading. i think this helped a lot with the alignment and made the page look a lot better. i think i just ran out of space and didn't want to change the font size, but the small change helped the page to look a lot better.
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the original is on the left and the changed on the right. the one on the right is just more spacious and better to look at.
pages in order:
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for my front cover i found this wreath that i really liked. it had lots of stock marks so i removed them in photoshop using pen and patch tool. i really liked the composition and colours and style. i really like old style book illustrations and wanted to have a similar theme for my book. i originally just had the title as children's storys, but i felt something was missing so i added & nursery rhymes. i think this made the page a lot more balanced. i also used blue for the font originally, but i changed to yellow to match the flowers and be more complimentary to the background.
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For my end pages i found a pattern i liked. i edited in photoshop to be black and white because it was originally pink. i then turned the opacity down because i thought it was to bright. i like this pattern as it is floral so it fit in with the rest of my book and it looks nice and simple.
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for content page i found an image i liked of flowers and then i edited a different composition on photoshop and added a few different flowers from other images. I used middle alignment for the title, and changed the font size of the story so it would be in equal length to ‘children’s’ I did this to create a square looking alignment. I was going to use middle alignment for the page numbers too but with the number it looked really bad so I changed it to left alignment. This looked a lot better but there were a few orphans so I changed the font and tracking so all the books would fit on one line.  For the first story “Mary had a little lamb” I ended up getting help to real align the page to make it less cramped. Other than that change which I talked about earlier - I kept the nursery rhyme into fours lines and made sure I had no orphans or widows. I used an all cap title, a subheading for the author and body text for the story. I used a coloured illustration on this page since the content page had colour. I liked this image I found because it also had the vintage look of older books - with the watercolour style that I like - and have on the front cover. The image also featured a girl and lambs which I thought fit the story well.
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For ‘I’m a little teapot’ story I used the same text as the previous story but I kept the font the original paragraph setting I had which was 16. I used return shift to create the text paragraphing. I used a teapot image, illustrated with black and white with what looks like pen. I chose this because in old book design they often used black illustrations in children’s book - for example old Winnie the Pooh books. I really like this style and as I sad earlier I wanted an older sort of styled book design. for ‘itzy bitzy spider’i used the same format and type of image. I liked this image as it included a spider, a web and some flowers. I liked the flowers because it is a recurring theme throughout the book. I also like that the spider is not a super realistic image, because children are often scared of spiders. 
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For ‘ring o’ roses’ I wanted to have a literal image of a ring of roses or a wreath of roses. I found an image that was in the watercolour style I liked. I decided to keep this in colour, even though most of the illustrations I have are in black and white. I tried it in black and white but it didn’t look as good, and I feel like colour shows off the rose illustration nicely. I used middle alignment for text and put the text inside the ring of roses. For hare and the tortoise i used lots of soft return for the paragraphing. I also used it at the end to use emphasis on the last line, because that is the main meaning behind the story. I used a tortoise illustration for the bottom of the page, the illustration was originally brown so I changed it into black and white. 
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in this i used multiple images and then edited them on photoshop to black and white and removed the backgrounds. i also edited some of them - moving thing around/ removing things ect. I chose these images because i thought they looked good and matched the rest of my book while also relating back to the characters from the stories i used. i wanted it to look nice while also matching the rest of the book and i think i achieved this. i like the colour as well and think i child would like to look at this. the only thing i would change next time is to make a more simple back cover - as while this is pretty back covers are usually pretty bland. So this could be used as a front cover next time.
i enjoyed this task, as i enjoyed thinking to what i would like as a child when i made this. i also enjoyed playing around more on photoshop, in design and illustrator. i definitly leant some new things through trail and error as well as soft returns which the teacher taught us. my favourite thing was making arrangements on photoshop and INdesign. i think children would like my book design and stories and do think a children could easily read the storys themselves. I think its a really pretty book and an adult reading it to their kids would also (hopefully) enjoy the illustrations. i think if i were to do this again i would do a make the back cover the front cover, do a more simple back cover (maybe just keep the rabbit and do more of a blurb), and make the book all black and white. i would also change the order of the page spreads i would swap 6 & 7 for 8 & 9 because the 'ring o' roses' story is in colour and would look better near the colour pages - originally i chose the order of pages this way so 'the hare and the tortoise' would be last on content page, because i originally couldn't fit the name on one line, so i wanted it to be the last story. I would also make the books content page background colour white. lastly I would try to add some more vectors. I got a little annoyed with the vectors because I couldn't really make illustrations in the same style as the style i was going for. i found i could only really make line art when i wanted to create more sketchy illustrations (which i ended up doing on photoshop instead with the pencil tool). although i did manage to create the style i wanted by converting sketches i drew, into vectors on illustrator with a tool called 'convert sketch into vector'.
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makeyourfighter · 4 years ago
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✏️ #MakeYourFighter S2W1: Hero vs. Villain ⚔️
Welcome to season two of MYF, my art challenge dedicated to character design!
For newcomers, every Friday at 8pm EST, two opposing prompts will be released. Artists choose a ‘team’ and design a fighting game character based off of it! The deadline is the following Friday, 4pm EST. (MYF is also on Instagram and Twitter, so tag the account if you post an entry!)
Each design in an art piece counts as a ‘point’ towards that team, so feel free to draw for both teams if you like! The competition is just a Splatfest-y way for people to unite over a prompt they prefer. Once the round is over, I’ll shoutout some of my favorite pieces and announce the winning team.
One new part of MYF is that fanart of the team ‘leaders’ (the designs here) also counts as an entry! If you’d rather make fanart than an original design, that option’s there.
This week’s theme is black and white - will your character be a HERO of the greater good, or a VILLAIN with your own code? 🥊🧪
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kjg222453kjg222454 · 7 years ago
Week 1 - independent study 1
Contact from Corrections NZ + Getting in touch with Pillars
During the break I spoke at GOVIS - a major govtech conference - I spoke really briefly during my talk about my major project and managed to make a few connections within Ministry of Justice & Department of Corrections in doing so. 
I decided to utilise my networking and see if there were any resources or people I could talk to within these departments to gain more of an understanding of my project’s context - considering I have never been in the situation that I am designing for. 
I got in touch with my connection at Corrections NZ, explained my project a bit more, his suggestions for resources below, and he put me in touch with the Manager of the service design team at Corrections! Booked in for a meeting next week.
Contact @ Corrections’ suggestions: http://www.victimsupport.org.nz/ Dept of Corrections - “Safer Child Visits” programme Consider what happens after prison at a community corrections office too.
I also emailed Pillars - an NZ charity supporting children of prisoners - asking if they had any resources available for working with children of prisoners or any info on understanding the experience and journey they go through when a parent is imprisoned. 
I got a reply from Verna McFelin (CEO & my absolute hero for this project) with a resource on working with children of prisoners.  http://www.pillars.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Pillars-Practice-Guide-2017.pdf
Rapid ideation - 20 in 20
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I’ve been feeling a bit stuck for ideas and what this project could possibly turn into. I decided to do some rapid and random ideation to help push at least *something* along. 
I generated these ideas without boundaries, based on some of my “it’d be rad to”s in my compass, creating the ideal speculative. If I were to go ahead with any of these - which is plausible as this exercise helped me figure out some ideas across 3 touch points, think about how i could further my original idea from last semester and also generate other pathways with potential pursuit - I would need to really research and understand what barriers and restrictions/regulations I may face if this were to be implemented today, or even what regulations there might be surrounding prisons in the future. 
The ideas:
1. You only have $10 to make it - rewards chart for both parents & child - like a countdown/advent calendar till the next visit
2. Wear your response - something to do with normalising the electric monitoring bracelet // maybe a VR headset to show the experience of going to visit from the comfort of your own home > pre-visit preparation
3. Shipping container - simulation // holds an activity for kids & parents to do together // “Super-hero pre-test immersion” 
4. No screens/no digital - Duke the dog but across more touchpoints + brought into the home somehow? // an activity book which a child and parent can mail activities between each other. 
5. 3x different touch points - 1. Duke as a wall decal leading a child through the prison; 2. security scanner as a superhero power sensor; 3. Prep box with activity book, VR set to show the experience, duke soft toy, and calendar/countdown chart. 
6. Target audience is a 5yr old - well it is... narrative storybook pre first visit, takes the child through the journey/experience in a narrative
7. Include the colour orange - superhero cape in orange > are NZs scrubs orange? > help to normalise if so?
8. Only had 1 min to engage with project - security scanner becomes more interesting > as a narrative so first and initial experience of a prison wasnt so scary
9. Only viewed from the sky - A drone game played simultaneously from prison & home, allowing parent and child to interact from a distance.
10. Could only be viewed in the dark - glow in the dark stars/picture that kid makes and sends to parent for their cell or vice versa parent for child’s room > could be part of the activity book?
11. $1 million to make it - Complete overhaul of a prison > more like wales/sweden
12. 10 screens - build your own superhero/character > parent & kid do individually and come together in a game or virtual space
13. accessed via headphones only - audio narrative of story pre first visit // storybook dads/mums! 
14. If the response was an interpretive dance, where is the stage? - in the prison courtyard or visiting room // Perhaps throughout the path a child walks to get to the visiting room > maybe it’s a dance like a secret code to unlock a ‘superpower’ - like peter panda dance from the film “The Pacifier”
15. Target audience was an elderly widow - perhaps the prisoner’s mother coming along with a grandchild > how do we make this project inclusive for the? kid is superhero - how do they use creativity/problem solving to get to the visiting room?
16. Sign on the side of the road with 3 words - “find your superpower”, “always your hero”, “super hero training facility” > don’t like the word facility.
17. a full 24hr day - “mini supers immersion day” in school holidays kids get to spend a day doing superhero training with parent in prison
18. Installation at the waterfront - current inmates/parolees as superheros with kids educating public > eee that’s risky? // as a simulation of prison experience but with my response of how it could be for kids.
19. Had to use 100 drinking straws - an activity from activity book or a challenge kid + parent can do together  - part of a superhero mission
20 . was located at Disneyland - ?? > prisoners build mini disneyland for a carnival day for their kids
Breaking down key takeaways from thesis
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Known pain points in an invisible child’s journey so far
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An idea without boarders
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Possible restrictions/tensions this idea may face: - need to consider the realities of a prison environment and what’s actually do-able.
Early prototype
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Really draft-y prototype of what the prep kit could start to look like/hold/contain. Want to start really making some of these things!
Caroline advising notes
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Kids packaging design + book design
mood boarding visual ideas/aesthetics
Karl Chat
After Carolines feedback I was a bit lost as to what this project would become - how would I design it if it wasn’t actually implementable in today’s corrections system? 
Karl said: we’re in a state of flux, things are changing so:
• find the canon of discourse around restorative justice theory - validation. • make a hypothetical visiting system • do both a high and low security situation + juvenile • because we're in a state of flux, show them what it could look like in the future
Next steps
dive into researching about what the experience of going to, being in, and coming out of a prison is actually like! Sensory map that shit! also who is there and why are they there? 
dive into finding out more about our current corrections system, where it’s going, what things are going on already.
find out what Scandinavia is doing, what does the design of their prisons and systems look like? what could you take as an ideal example and use? 
continue to journey map pain points
do it for the future you envision - architectural changes then do it for then now to help get it there - narrative changes
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aejhvcd-blog · 7 years ago
Week 1 Studio
Responsive studio
Caroline Campbell- illustration, storytelling, narrative, sensory
Annette - typography, working with materials
Andre - Experience design, documentation
Donald - Identifying
Jason Ohara - Crazy shit
Kerry Ann - how do we know what’s good here
Ant Nevin - experience - revelation - human-centred design
Lee Jensen - sensory
Pastoral - Donald
What matters most about your project?
Who is involved?
What’s happening? Why?
What are some ways to achieve this?
What’s a step to try?
When you think you’re done. there’s always another 10% to go
Work out what success looks like to you - HAPPINESS
Find your voice and use it to say something
Don’t be cautious - say it! Throw it out there!
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mercyofficial · 7 years ago
i went through the all-time top clips on the owl twitch channel and compiled some of my faves (feel free to reblog with your own!)
- big boss pine’s first grand display (boston v nyxl s1w1) - when malik was really done with twitch chat (fusion v outlaws s2w2) - profit’s 1k bird (ldsf v sfs s1w3) - sneaky soon (lav v dallas s1w1) - pine 4k junkertown flank (nyxl v ldsf s1w5) - THERES ONE AMERICAN ON THE DALLAS FUEL (dallas v seoul s1w1) - puckett’s mercy cosplay (shd v outlaws s2w1) - fissure kills pharagilities - midair. as winston. (glads v valla s3w3) - this list could just be pine highlights (outlaws v nyxl s1w1) - dont ask hydration for genji tips (hydration ama s3w2) - “are you regretting it?” (glads v ldsf s4w4) - SEOUL C9NASTY (dynasty v sfs s3w1) - pine falls offstage (stage 3 finals) - mano saves jjonak (glads vs nyxl s3w3) - bye jjonak (outlaws v nyxl s2w2) - jehong too good for snillo (fusion v seoul s3w4)
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le-plus-de-roflmao · 6 years ago
Briefing S2W1 - Besoin de réponses
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briefingowl · 6 years ago
Briefing S2W1 - Besoin de réponses http://bit.ly/2TSEIV0
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hellahighhd · 8 years ago
20% Off Your Order + Free Gentle Daily WashKate Somerville Skin Health Experts Coupon Code: WIN-S2W1-2017 Get 20% off Your order + Free Gentle Daily Wash » Beauty Coupon Codes » Skin Care Coupon Codes » Kate Somerville Skin Health Experts Coupon
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kjg222453kjg222454 · 7 years ago
Week 1 - studio
Lecture takeaways
• Find your visual voice • People to talk to about designing for children: Caroline, Lee, Donald • People to talk to about interaction & experience: Ant, Lee, Andre, Caroline • Marking = one staff member on paper, one staff member from faculty, one industry • 20 min presentation
Toby’s workshop
short lecture takeaways: • Work out what success looks like for you • Find your voice and use it to say something • You don’t need to be perfect, perfection doesn’t exist • Paint with a wet brush, don’t be cautious, just do it!
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left hand drawing
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from my audience’s perspective
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wheelmanone · 8 years ago
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kjg222453kjg222454 · 7 years ago
Mid year break work - finding the canon on prison reform & restorative justice
Verna McFelin - RNZ
• Maintaining family relationships whilst in prison = less likely to re-offend • A parent imprisoned affects the children: children are likely to act out & 9.5x more likely to offend too. It’s not about the parent being imprisoned its about the environment and lack of empowerment from both parent and physical space.  • We need to make the space somewhere that the children can feel comfortable > Pillars family pathway centres > parents are responsible for the needs of the child. • We don’t tend to think of the families of the prisoners, families and children also pay for the crime. • 23,000 kids with a parent in prison in NZ • “Powder kegs” in need of severe intervention • Relationship of Dads = vital to child’s development, allow the facilitation of a normal family when parent comes out. For newborns let the dad learn how to be a dad “aha! oh I’m a dad, this is wonderful!” Dad’s in prison are focussed on their family and supporting them.  • Wales - family intervention space > whānau centre > learn to be a good parent before getting out.  • It’s about rehabilitation back into the community. “Break cycles & mental health issues in crime.”
Sir Peter Gluckman - RNZ 
• “It’s not the whole answer and we shouldn’t advise that it is.” • Systems analysis - Understand what is going on within the system, is violent crime increasing or are cops just arresting more people? • NZ has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world + on the rise > due to a set of policy decisions made by both sides of the house. • “More people in prison = less crime, at least non-violent” - Garth McVicar. >> Wrong? see McFelin interview. Parents taken away = kids more likely to offend. • “Prisons are great for young people & turning them into career criminals.” “University for crime.” • Values dimensions vs. evidential dimensions > have to be weighed • Why is our incarceration rate so high? • Is this the direction we want to continue with our justice system? When in fact there’s a lot of evidence that relates to how young people enter the crime pathway in the first place - how can we reduce that?  • Māori - over represented • Association between prison, violent crime, gang culture & drugs and alcohol. • If you lock them up and when they’re out shower them with love and support does that work? > no, focus on young people and prevention of them ending up there in the first place. 
Feedback on 453 from Karl
Architectual changes - ‘you’re welcome here’ - followed by Narrative changes ‘you’ll enjoy being here.’
Before & after
Wouldn’t it be rad if...
Leave time to craft
RT @Corrections NZ 
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• “Being a father and being locked up is not really the ideal picture I want to paint for my children.” • Storybook dads - 11 yrs - working on prisoner illiteracy & connecting families • Teaching children that things go away and come back
RT @JosiahT_NZ (Josiah Tualamali’i)
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• “NZ is a land of inequality, disadvantage and marginalisation” • “The majority of children with low oral language live in low-socio economic communities” • “New Zealand was leaving too many children behind and earlier identification and intervention was needed” • “From what I saw in the Youth Court, all roads lead back to language development in the early years”
Things to say about America
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Yes, so Trump’s America is happening. I am not very impressed at all. 
From Karl
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• “Scott Guthrie, a senior figure and spokesman for Sensible Sentencing Trust, told the Heraldhe had quit the trust believing it had achieved little that made New Zealand safer and that longer prison sentences were not the answer to crime and justice problems.” • “He has now set up the new Transforming Justice Foundation, saying rehabilitation and finding ways to help prisoners rejoin society without reoffending is the key to cutting crime” • “Little said: "The idea you just callously say it's okay if they commit suicide - that's not a set of values that I want to be anywhere the debate about reforming our criminal justice system.” • “Guthrie said he believed in prison - "I'm certainly not soft on crime" - but he was fully supportive of Little's aims to reduce the prison population through early intervention, rehabilitation and projects that helped inmates safely return to the community.” • “This isn't America. We aren't going to be locking these people up and throwing away the key. These people are going to come out eventually. How do we stop them going back in?"We need to think about how - if they are going to be released - we can reduce the chance of them offending again. It's victim-focused - if they reoffend, there will be another victim.” • “We keep imprisoning more people in response to dogma not data, responding to shifting policies and media panics, instead of evidence-based approaches to prevention, intervention, imprisonment and rehabilitation.”
From Karl 2.0
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Pretty excited to be meeting Toby in week one as our first guest lecturer/workshop! 
Really easy to understand comic - in validation of my project.
Mothers with Babies Unit
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Some thoughts - I didn’t know this existed so it’s pretty cool to see pop up, although I would really like to know what the spatial design is like i.e. is it like a normal family home or its it similar to a cell? 
RT @Corrections NZ
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This is super groovy! Corrections NZ making steps along the same lines as my project already! 
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kjg222453kjg222454 · 7 years ago
Pre-week 1 Class
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Gathering of Knowledge & stats so far
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+ Compass Had a look into population & incarceration rates, comparison of NZ v Sweden (top left cnr) - double the population, half the amount in prison. What’s going on NZ?
Found an article on the same topic - warning about the invisible children & the need to support them from 2009! almost a decade on and we’re still facing the same issue. WHAT ARE WE DOING SO WRONG?
Journey Map plan
What’s the journey a child goes through from parent’s arrest to first visit and after parent returns home? Bit of a big journey, so where are the real pain points along the way? 
Plan:  Incident timeline (y axis) > (x axis): reaction to incident according to ECE theory > Barriers to empowerment > think > feel > say > do > How might you facilitate empowerment? 
Looking into the Mothers with Babies Unit
I was really curious about the design involved in this initiative so did some more research into what was involved here (also what other initiatives Corrections are already doing). 
This PDF doesn’t say much about the design but is based of Early Childhood practices, which resonate wiht my earlier research. From the photos it looks as though the environment is more of a household one - only available in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. 
Pillars resource: justus.org
Really poorly designed resource - has the basics of learning and understanding the experience of what might happen but very confusing and tricky to use - not good in a situation that’s already high stress. 
Might use for insight of journey and experience. 
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