#s2 round 1c
thettrpgtournament · 1 year
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Why you should vote for each of them and full art below!
Rosalie von Heydenhofen (by @sessenaa for Dungeons & Dragons)
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(art by @sessenaa)
Baby…baby girl…
2. She is a wanted enemy of the state for attacking a head of state (he deserved it)
3. She is probably the most morally sound member of her group
4. She is going through it and deserves something nice to happen to her
5. Her patron is a demon who loves her so much that she decided she doesn't want to be evil anymore
6. She is a cool magical girl!
Amalthea (by @dt75artblog for The Dragon's Table)
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(art by @dt75artblog)
Amalthea is a 15 year old pirate queen! Her armada is made of old sailboats, her ocean is a medium-sized lake, and her crewmates are all teens (or younger), but I assure you, the bloodshed is real. She values the little things in life, such as good food, riches beyond measure, and finding the guy who killed her parents when she was a baby (so she can rip him to shreds). She has a magic bracelet that turns people who wear it into sea slugs, so watch out competition!!!
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Poll: Round 1c #4
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[Image ID. An image of Scooge McDuck and Goldie L'Gill from Ducktails 2017, and an image of Cavendish and Dakota from Milo Murphy's law. End ID]
*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Scrooge and Goldie:
Scrooge McDuck and Goldie O'Gilt from Ducktales 2017, who keep going on and off and who the fuck knows for centuries until Goldie can be less of a selfish backstabber for once. This happens because of shenanigans involving Ponce de Leon, a Franken-baby, nasty pool water, and swordfighting, because this is Ducktales we're talking about.
Cavendish and Dakota:
They have two break ups during the show. The first is during the Christmas episode, where during a work Christmas party they argue over who should have eaten the last egg roll. This leads to them falling out so badly that they don’t speak for 20 years- during that time, Dakota becomes famous and successful but is very regretful, while Cavendish becomes, and I quote: “an old man with unfinished business.” They both end up breaking dozens of time travel laws to go back in time to try and stop their past selves from breaking up. They figure it out eventually. Remember, this was all over an egg roll. I just really need to hammer in that they broke up a decades old friendship/relationship/whatever it is they’ve got going on over an egg roll.
and then, more related to the actual plot of the show, is their multi episode break up in s2. They have an argument, and Cavendish decides to use a device on Dakota to wipe his memory, so he can leave to go investigate aliens. Dakota is very unhappy about this, understandably. He teams up with Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz to try to find Cavendish, and ends up having an argument with him because he isn’t Cavendish. They make a Cavendish-platypus hybrid to help them “get into his head”. Meanwhile Cavendish ends up getting himself trapped in an alien ship. They have a nice reunion when he gets rescued.
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thettrpgtournament · 1 year
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Why you should vote for each of them and full art below!
Rishika Díaz (by @flockofdoves for Masks)
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(art by @flockofdoves)
in the year 202X, local Halcyon City newspapers report occasional spottings of a new superhero in town, a teenage girl with portal and teleportation powers calling herself “The Future Violent”.
in a different timeline some ambiguous amount of generations later, capitalism and global warming have gotten even worse, and superheroes are recruited to serve the interests of a few big corporations, who now even more explicitly are in control of the state and have a monopoly on legitimate violence. a 17 year old pores over a very old family photo, family from his dad’s side generations ago, smiling happily in their living room. he hopes that maybe, just maybe, he can take his ability to teleport anywhere he has a clear sensory grasp on to its most extreme, and do something he’s never done before, travel to the the past. to him it feels like the only hope at saving the world.
somehow, they succeed! they pop into their ancestor’s living room right after the picture was taken, aged picture in hand. in stuttering through an explanation in a post time travel haze, the name they’ve always gone by is misheard as Rishika, and on a whim, they go along with it.
rishika’s family (who are now referred to as her aunt, uncle, grandma, and nieces and nephews) fully accept rishika into their home. rishika is open with them from the beginning about their goals of stopping evil corporations, which is all well and good to their family as long as he’s safe about it, but he still needs to go to school and get decent grades while he’s at it.
using their powers for something as extreme as time travel has scrambled their brain a bit. their memory of the future is very spotty. in their meandering first attempts at stopping evil corporations, they end up encountering two other teens with powers from their school, and begin to work as a superhero, getting involved with situations not directly related to preventing their future, developing a costume and superhero name, and omitting all this while talking with family so as to not worry them too much.
when the first news reports of Rishika’s team’s activity refer to The Future Violent as a girl, for some reason rishika really enjoys that. she might as well have her teammates always refer to her as such when in costume, after all it’ll help make it harder to find out her secret identity as a boy!
when not spending increasing amounts of time embroiled in heroic situations, rishika loves getting to listen to long lost recordings of their favorite “retro” emo bands, running a fanblog for future revolutionary martyrs and now famous on the local scene band made up entirely of superheroes, The Gawth Chix, and modifying clothes in baffling ways (her friends aren’t sure what is future fashion and what is just rishika being rishika).
coming from their even more abysmal capitalist propaganda filled future education, history is by far their favorite school subject, but their history teacher is never quite sure what to do with the combination of their clear enthusiasm and huge gaps in basic historical knowledge.
rishika is open about casually mentioning they came from the future, but theres no real precedent for that, and most people just dismiss it as some sort of weird joke.
between their gaps in memory and knowledge both of past and future, juggling a new and dramatically different school system, a new family life, and a new identity as a superhero, and the nagging but vague feelings about identity starting to emerge for them, rishika has a lot of growing and reflecting to do, even as she feels the constant weight of saving the entire world on her back!
(a note on pronouns: if its not obvious, i intend rishika to be a trans girl or nonbinary transfem person who has not really consciously connected that for herself yet, but who is on the way to soon realizing that. in school and at home she uses he pronouns by default, but uses she pronouns in her superhero identity. her closest friends are also her superhero teammates, and they have started to occasionally slip up and use she and they pronouns even sometimes outside of superhero contexts. despite how this technically could help people connect her hero and personal identities, she hasn’t corrected this any time its happened, instead just privately going like .’whoa..’ when referring to her as a character, i mostly use she and sometimes they, but he can contextually make sense too like how i used it here. so feel free to use your judgement when referring to her)
Benedikt Ignatov (by @19orionis for Dungeons & Dragons)
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(art by @19orionis)
Benedikt has learned not to fly off the handle very often, appearing relaxed and even at times sleepy, making his disastrous slip-up (more on that below) all the more difficult for him to think about. In daily life, he’s a chill, artsy guy, who, aside from living off the land, occasionally ventured into town to sell his colorful work. He says the occasional weird, funny thing and would be a great guy to smoke with. Despite not having as much in the way of physical strength as one might expect, his tall, large stature lends him skill in quiet intimidation. Initially coming off as a chaotic neutral, he does find fulfillment in listening to and protecting those who need it.
After being robbed and accidentally decimating his home woods in a firey rage of his own making, mortified, Benedikt fled his home continent by stowing away on a ship, and traveling to a new frontier where he is currently posing as a naturalist researcher, using his sketching abilities and background as a forester to make the act all the more convincing. As a totally human sorcerer with wild magic, he’s never had any idea where his powers came from, and is using the adventuring opportunity to hopefully gain some insight on what he is. And maybe find some community along the way. He’s always wanted a nicer family.
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thettrpgtournament · 1 year
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Why you should vote for each of them and full art below!
Aurora Byford (by @scattereda for Monster of the Week)
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(art by @rosenkranz-does-things)
Aurora is 50's america's most normalest woman who's definitely not actually a changeling eating people in the woods. She was having a great time amongus-ing the group of monster hunters she joined to stay under the radar until the world's worst man dragged her to the moon with him (which will hopefully be exploding very shortly)
Krogu Thunderhowl (by @lammergeared)
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(art by Lammergeared)
Krogu is an Orc who considered cursed by his clan because his father was considered a coward, and was abandoned by his mother. He dedicated his entire life to proving himself. He is strong, highly skilled, clever and tactical but sometimes his ego gets the better of him. He has a deep heart, and a desire to be loved but his communication skills are almost as bad as his fighting skills are good.
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thettrpgtournament · 1 year
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Why you should vote for each of them and full art below!
Cy (by @theambivalentagender for Dungeons & Dragons)
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(art by @theambivalentagender)
Cy is a wild magic sorcerer blue dragonborn. They were raised by their grandparents after their adventurer mother dropped them off at their doorstep. As they grew up in a small dragonborn village, elders in the village saw them as a ticking time bomb due to their unpredictable and often explosive expressions of magic, to the point where several of the elders tried to push getting them lobotomized.
As they grew up, Cy found community in academics, studying to learn more about nature. After being told they were an "unnatural curse" in their hometown they felt called to prove themselves and beings like them as a natural part of the world.
What Cy doesn't know, however, is that they aren't quite part of this world - the truth is, their mother had managed to travel to another plane, where they fell in love with a chaos dragon.
In personality, Cy has always tried solving problems through unconventional means. Their studies in the natural world, particularly into phenomenon that is not fully understood by the general public or academic society, give them a unique advantage when dealing with certain challenges as an adventurer. They can come off as blunt, as they don't like wasting time dealing with small talk or "buttering others up." They also have a firm belief that no knowledge should be forbidden to others and take both legal and illegal means to release "forbidden" works to the public. They also drink way too much coffee.
Vivandere "Viv" Monteblac (by @aroace-sunbro for Dungeons & Dragons)
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(art made at Hero Forge)
This fox kid* is four and a half feet of anti-authoritarian gremlin energy. Probably best know for almost single-handedly strong-arming the regional government into peace talks with a rebelling army, vetoing fights through clever tactics and superior mobility, and accidentally surviving saving the region. Also, their canon gender is "What are you, a cop?" Also, also, accidentally on purpose blew themself up magicking their sword. *technically an adult
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thettrpgtournament · 1 year
The winners of Round 1C are...
Vivandere "Viv" Monteblac
Rishika Díaz & Benedikt Ignatov (a TIE!!!)
Aurora Byford
Congratulations! You'll all be going on to Round 2!
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