#s2 really splits up well watching 1-4 then 5-8
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cahootings · 1 year ago
I should have known better going into the s2 finale because s1 eps 9 and 10 were released at the same time, so it really did feel like a nice full two part finale, and those eps are inseparable in my brain because of it. Definitely why I felt bereft at the s2 finale at first
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morganas-pendragons · 5 years ago
Best Carol/Melissa Episodes
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So I got bored in Quarantine and I was so moved by Look At The Flowers that I decided to make this list of the best episodes that either feature Carol/Melissa as a lead or she plays a large part in them. I haven’t seen S1-2 since like... 2014 as they’re my least favorite (i know i’m sorry but i did include honorable mentions) but I’m so freaking proud that I couldn’t not make this list. Here we go! Feel free to add to them! ** means they’re my favorite performances of Melissa! I do mention some scenes that are also with Norman/Daryl as he is a LARGE part of who Carol is. If you think it’s ‘’shippy’’ which it might be, don't read it. I worked on this for almost two hours. 
season 1
- for real, what woman keeps a grenade on hand? That was it. That was where I started paying attention to her. 
- also, the scene where she digs the pickaxe into Ed’s head? I think Daryl and I both fell for her then. 
season 2 
- the honorable mention!! the barn scene in which carol learns the fate of her daughter. I don’t remember most of s2, but this one I do. I think this might’ve been the first point in the show where I was like, “Hey Google, how to protect someone who isn’t real.’’
season 3
- walk with me: We get to see how Carol has changed during her time on the road after the farm and how much she’s learned. This is also, unfortunately, the last time we see her for a couple episodes until Daryl finds her in the cells below. 
- hounded: daryl finds carol. It’s sweet, it’s warm and soft and there’s alot of reunions and alot of mourning over T-Dog and Lori. 
season 4
- Carol has become a leader in her own right for this season. She teaches the kids how to defend themselves during the ruse of a story time and takes on Lizzie and Mika as her own after Ryan is bit. 
- indifference: After killing Karen and David to stop the spread out a virus, Rick takes it into his own hands to banish Carol. This one hurts too because it’s quite obvious why she did it. She did it to protect herself and the people she loves, but sometimes that’s just not enough. 
- the grove: emmy emmy emmy emmy material. Holy crap, I CANNOT stress this enough! This is the make or break episode for Carol as a character. There’s beauty and devastation and anguish all wrapped up into 45 minutes. This should’ve made Melissa well known. This should’ve won her multiple awards, and it didn’t. But we know. We know. 
season 5 
- sanctuary: this one goes down in history for multiple reasons, and most of us know them. 1.) Caryl reunions galore. Even if you don’t ship it, that moment is so, so sweet. 2.) If it weren’t for Carol, your fave would be dead. That’s literally it. 
- consumed: OOF. Really. 
- The back half of season 5 after the arrival at Alexandria is hilarious to me. Because these people are so sheltered from the darkness and the cruelty of the outside world that Carol takes on their own persona to blend in with them, to know the naivety of these people and to hide easily among them to get what she needs. This is also how she befriends Sam, who probably reminds her of Sophia which is why she’s so cruel to him. 
season 6 
- jss**: ‘’Miss Peletier, you are an honest to goodness hero.” No. Freaking. Way.  I remember watching this episode and rocking back and forth on my heels in anticipation because up until this point, I think this might’ve been one of the bloodiest moments in the show - and right in the center of it all is Carol - who is now of the mindset that, ‘’hey, we need to kill, we don’t have a choice.’’ and she portrays the internal struggle behind all of this so, so well. The scene with Melissa holding the body on the stairs was what won me over for this episode. It’s very much a merciless 45 minutes. 
- no way out: Carol is not a lead in this episode, but Melissa is very heavily influenced between this one and the previous because of her confrontation with Morgan. I remember how angry that made me, having to watch him bodyslam her (a former domestic abuse victim) against the floor. Outside of Carol, this episode is one of my favorites in the show. 
- not tomorrow yet/the same boat**: Carol moreso plays a bigger part in the latter as opposed to the former, but these two episodes really showcase two things: Her heart to protect her family (IE: A now pregnant Maggie) and her deteriorating mental state. Outside of The Grove, I think this is one of Melissa’s most powerful performances. it’s also the only female led ep in the show  
- east**: I cried the first time I watched this. Carol vs The Saviors, #2. This episode breaks between Morgan and Rick going out to look for her (HENCE ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE QUOTES ABOUT CAROL: “That woman, she’s a force of nature.) I don’t think I really understood the power behind the eyes in the midst of television until I saw this episode. I can’t find the gif, but I’m sure most of you who’re reading this know what I’m talking about. 
- last day on earth**: again this episode shifts between perspectives as TF is trying to get Maggie to Hilltop for her pregnancy complication, but Melissa is stellar here. Carol doesn’t want to love because if she loves, she has to kill, and she attempts to manipulate one of the survivors from the massacre into doing what she can’t: taking her own life. She just wants to go, and Morgan won’t let her. This one is a bit darker, and the episode as a whole is not my favorite, but it’s definitely up there in my favorite performances for Melissa. 
season 7 
- the well: if there was ever an episode that would show you that Melissa aces comedy, it was this one. This is meant to be an introductory to The Kingdom, but the hilarity behind the way Carol talks to Ezekiel is so entertaining. It’s kind of hard to believe she ends up marrying the man (we’re not going into shipper discourse here, friends) but this one also shows you something through Carol’s eyes: The differences between people and walkers and her desire not to kill. She wants to hide, and she does. 
- new best friends: Daryl lies to Carol about what happened in the clearing with Negan. This one is so so heartfelt. It’s deeply intimate. It showcases two people who’d move heaven and earth to ensure the safety of the other, both physical and mental and emotional. Norman and Melissa aced this. I can’t say it more simply then that. 
- bury me here**: I love love love love love this episode. The entire thing is a metaphor, but I love it anyway. If I remember right, this is also the one where Morgan tells Carol about Glenn and Abraham. Remember what I said about the power behind a look? This is another instance in which Melissa shows she is the master of this. 
- carol spends alot of the time at the kingdom for the rest of the season and i cannot really remember any more memorable performances for this garbage, as they took my fave and reduced her to a side character for this and most of s8.
season 8 
- the only performance i will give any credit to in this season is 8x04, which is Some Guy. I barely remember the rest of it. Minus the moment where she finally saves a kid - Henry - instead of losing one. And a heartbreaking moment between her and Morgan that I also barely remember. Case in point, S8 was and still is garbage. 
season 9 
- 9x01-9x05 all have Carol in them because whenever Angela Kang took over the show, she had the brilliant idea to actually use her lead women as leads. Season 9 feels like an eternity ago and I can’t remember if she took over before or after AL signed off, but my point remains. Between Carol’s loyalty to Ezekiel because of Henry, (who she has now taken as her son), and their marriage, and her short stint as the leader of the Sanctuary as Negan is in confinement, there’s something in Carol here we haven’t seen in years. It’s something akin to peace, or as close as she’s gonna get to it. 9x03 and 9x04 (particularly the conversation b/t Rick and Carol) are my favorite of this cluster for her. 
- I almost dropped off after 9x05. I thought that was it, I thought that was gonna be where I ended. Nope. This woman - AK- took this show and made it what it had been and I’ll never be able to thank her enough for it. 
- Who Are You Now: I only remember this one because of the scene where Carol and Henry are in the carriage - side note: I really need to go back and rewatch this season again - but one of the things that caught my attention about the after of the bridge was how the relationships b/t parent and child are approached as significant. They’re not the future. The adults are building for the future of the kids. Michonne/Judith, Ezekiel/Henry and Carol/Henry. It’s sweet. Very sweet. 
- Stradivarius: this is a very Caryl heavy episode, but we find out something here: Even with being married to Ezekiel, Carol has still gone out to see Daryl where he resides by the same river that took Rick. Henry sees the relationship between him and his mother. It’s as obvious as the nose on your face. This one is just adorable. I love it. 
- The Calm Before**: Ow. OW OW OW OW OW. You want more pain? Here you go! Carol faces the dark truth as she crests the hill that holds her worst nightmare: Henry has died. She’s lost another kid. You wanna restrain yourself from breaking through the TV to comfort Carol for the umpteenth time as she breaks? Cool. That’s what you get here. 
- The Storm**: Split apart by the death of Henry, Carol and Ezekiel no longer remain married. She gives up that fairytale - one of the happiest she’d ever had - and begins wallowing in her suffering over the loss of her son. Heartbreak and grief do not come easily to her. They never have. Can you imagine being suffocated by things you’ve never talked about? Can you imagine having to live every day with your grief? Well, look here... that’s exactly what Carol does, and you want to know who her guiding force is? 
It’s Daryl. 
season 10 
- I remember when Season 10 aired, I watched the first episode in Kenya and loved it. I’d heard something about how PTSD was a BIG factor in the progression of the story throughout this season, and as someone who wants to go into mental health counseling, I was so intrigued by this that every single episode kept my eyes glued to the TV. Carol is the lead female now besides Michonne, but I’m gonna tell you every single favorite episode of mine anyway. 
- Ghosts: Carol makes a mistake and fires at Alpha when they meet her at the border. She wears a mask that’s so composed it’s almost hard to see the heartbreak beneath it, and that’s the point. She’s not considering her life. She’s considering vengeance for the life that was taken. This is a constant circle for her. Alot of people are tired of this arc and I get it, I do. But the difference between this one and the three seasons previous is that we’re meant to get to a resolution now. This episode broke my heart. Especially the last scene in the gym. 
- Bonds: Another Caryl heavy episode. I love this one. It’s very lighthearted compared to the rest of the season. 
- Open Your Eyes**: This one is utterly terrifying and eerily reminiscent of the one in S2 where Daryl interrogates Randall. Carol, having just brought back a Whisperer from her escapade with Daryl, interrogates him to find out the location of Alpha’s horde without any real consideration for the people around her. She also uses Lydia for her own personal gain, and I’m not gonna lie - Even though this one is one of my favorites because of Avi Nash (WHO WAS SUCH A GOOD ADDITION TO THE SHOW I LOVED HIM AS SIDDIQ) This episode made me so angry because of Carol’s motives. 
-  The World Before**: And when I said I was angry, this episode turned it all into heartbreak. This one remains one of my favorite of the show and of Carol for one very specific reason: The scene in the woods between her and Daryl. 
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As someone who has never done grieving well, this scene hit me so. hard. She’s so set on this path of vengeance and blood that she’s neglecting a very real truth that she has never done well: talking about her burdens, talking about the pain and if she does that, if she acknowledges it, then she will hurt. 
- Squeeze: I don’t have to talk about this. I just have to show you. 
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Ow. Please, please let her heal. I’m so tired of seeing her hurt. 
- 10x11 and 10x12 don’t really have Carol, and neither does 10x13, but she’s there. We see her a couple of times, we have a conversation or two. Let me get to the penultimate moment. One we’ve waited for years to see and which next week will give us the rest of. 
- LOOK AT THE FLOWERS*****: You can be a Carol fan for five minutes or five years and still somehow managed to love her MORE after watching this one. There’s a couple reasons why this one is probably in my top 3 for both Melissa and Carol as a whole. 
1. I have waited years to see Negan meet Carol. JDM has made it very clear how he feels about MMB and I knew, I knew, that once this interaction happened I would not be disappointed. I should’ve realized she was the one who let Negan out, but I didn’t. That entire first scene is gold. 
2. This entire episode is just.. art. The fact that Carol’s darker side takes the form of the being of her hatred - Alpha - is fitting, and it’s also the first time we’ve really gotten an actual dialogue about multiple things that have formed her character for the last several seasons: The Grove, the loss of Sophia, Ed... It’s heartbreaking to see because she keeps telling herself pushing people away is better, it’s better to be alone because there’s no one to burden, and the darker side of her asks a very simple question: What do you want? 
Her answer is clear, at least to her. I want to be alone. But the fact that the darker part of her, the one that keeps calling out on Connie, doesn’t agree. No. There’s something deeper. Something she’s too afraid to acknowledge. 
3. That whole final scene. Wow. I’ve watched it like four times because Samantha Morton is just so good as Alpha, as Carol’s dark counterpart, trying to mock and taunt her into doing the one thing she never was able to do herself: Dying. This episode is dark because of this realization. “Look at the flowers’’ is akin to ‘’It’ll all be over soon.” but instead of choosing death, instead  of choosing the one thing that would let it be over, she chooses life. She essentially chooses to fight for herself which she has not done in YEARS. The minute she acknowledges that it’s never too late (FOR WHAT?? HM??) the demons disappear. I think that this point into 10x15 will give us two things that every Carol fan is desperate for: Healing for Carol (FINALLY!), and a resolution to this endless arc of suffering. 
Also... Why do we think that Daryl is the one who ends up welcoming her home? Why is he the one who opens the gate? 
Long story short: I love this character. I love Melissa McBride as she is one of the most down-to-earth, humble and compassionate actresses in Hollywood. It’s a shame she’s not gonna be recognized by The Academy because if ever there was an actor/actress on this show to win, it’d be her. 
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xianmudelaozu · 5 years ago
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*; OOC » SO I was rewatching the animation with my best friend while staying at her place bc my electricity was down and because I hate leaving things unfinished and also bc I was maybe trying to refresh my memory a bit for oc development reasons I continued watching where we left off.......
AND I COULDNT HELP BUT PULL OUT MY CALCULATOR AGAIN! Join me on Age/Timeline calculator road! (or skip to the bottom to read what I have come up with)
So, referencing this post of mine, we are safe to assume “it’s Year 25 when the Yiling Patriarch died. He’s been dead for 13 years which makes it the Year 38.” Easy as that. Basic Math, am I right? Cool, moving on.
Now, what I know is, that JC and WWX were about 15 when studying at Gusu, right? The study was supposed to last a year (it did for JC, but WWX got kicked out) which means JC was 16 when he returned from Gusu. At a certain flashback we hear Madam Yu’s voice claiming the boys are 16 and 17, and knowing WWX is older, it’s safe to assume it was after JC returned to Lotus Pier from Gusu. 
Then, the Archery contest, thing... stuff you know Discussion Conference happened shortly after, followed by Wen Chao feeling humiliated and the Wen Clan destroying several clans, including the burning of Gusu’s Cloud Recess and the uhm.... recruitment of the other Clan’s students and them having to turn in their swords yadda yadda.
It is save to assume there wasn’t too much time in between those happening, let it be a month maybe, but JC and WW were still 16/17 respectively. So, they get pushed around by Wen Chao, find the turtle, rest 3 days, kill the turtle, recover 7 days (?) all in the same year. We also know WWX was younger than 20 as commented by JC that he killed such a wild beast before reaching adulthood (Age 20)
Madam Yu and JFM get into a fight. JFM leaves assumed for several days, (since Yanli is there when WWX wakes up but is stated to ‘have left 2 days ago’ the night the Wen’s attack). Lotus Pier fell in a single night, meaning that was a quick defeat.
It takes Lan Xichen several months (as stated by his uncle at his return to Gusu) to gather the clans for their cause.  I guess it’s save to assume (since MXTX is like fuck timelines) That there possibly is a span of two or three months between attack on Gusu and the attack on Lotus Pier given the above statement.
WWX and JC wander for a few days before returning to Lotus Pier, where they stay for 5 days until Wen Chao’s returns. It is not stated how long it takes them to get to Baoshan Sanren’s mountain, but I’m assuming a few weeks. It is then that WWX gets attacked and thrown into the Burial Mounds.
I say, this might have all spiraled down in the span of a year, give or take a few months.
Fast forward to Sunshot Campaign starts. It is said their first attempt to take the Nightless City was unsuccessful which is why they split up and started smaller territorial battles. Now, War aint done in just a few weeks, so I guess it took a while. H O W E V E R, when Wen Chao attacks Chongyang he taunts JC and LWJ by saying he threw WWX into Burial Mounds a few days ago, so maybe it’s only been a week or two since the Sunshot Campaign started. Or Wen Chao is just a prick yknow. 
EDIT 1: I forgot, the Sunshot Campaign is said to have been taken 10 days, or rather that the Clans fought the Wen for 10 days in total, so I guess that fixes that. If we say Wen Chao threw WWX into the mountain “a few days ago”, however long that was, WWX joined somewhere in the middle of those 10 days.
EDIT 2: Season 2 literally starts with the Nightless City being stormed in Year 23 and it is said to have lasted several weeks and ends with the Fall of Wen Rouhan.
WWX joining JC back when returning to Lotus Pier. The animation flashes ‘back’ to current times after his awakening titled “16 years later” --- he died 13 years ago. So he’s been acting as the Yiling Patriarch for 3 years before he died. that is safe to assume. Also fits with Sizhui being 3 years old when he was found by LWJ after WWX died.
What else we know is that Jing Ling is 15 (edit: at the end of the story! in the beginning he’s 14, close to 15 I believe) and Sizhui is 16. which means there is a roughly 2 year gap between the bloodbath of Nightless City and the Siege of Burial Mounts where WWX died in Year 25.
EDIT 3: It is questionable if the Sunshot Campaign really lasted about a year, but we have two different time stamps. One, with the Animation showing us Wei Wuxian being thrown into Burial Mounds and rejoining JC and JYL in Lotus Pier being 16 years before his resurrection, and another with S2 opening saying The Nightless City/Wen Rouhan fell in the year 23 in a battle that lasted several weeks. 
Then again, we are told the Clans fought the Wen for 10 days which is just confusing the fuck out of me not gonna lie. How I understand it, the 10 Days/Several weeks are probably referencing the same period of time and refer to ONLY the battle of the Nightless City where Wen Rouhan fell and not the whole Sunshot Campaign. That would definitely make more sense anyway. 
So we have Year 22 with the start and year 23 with the end of the Sunshot Campaign, leaving 2 more years until WWX’s death. We know the Lanling Jin Sect enslaved the remaining Wen in the same year. (S2, EP15 mentions those events to be 15 years ago. 38-15=23). Notable things WWX did in those two years are, resurrecting Wen Ning, taking in the remnants of the Wen, punching Jiang Cheng in the face leaving the Yungmeng Jiang Sect, awakening Wen Ning’s consciousness.
The Animation notes that “the issue” at Qiongqi Path took place “one year later”. Since Jin Ling was born in November and WWX was on his way to the one month birthday anniversary, I think it is just referring to “the next year” and not directly a year later, unless of course you take into consideration Jin Ling was still 14 at the beginning of the story (which I assumed was just bc he has a late birthday in November) but he might actually been born in Year 24! Tho the evidence suggests it is at the end of Year 24 (specifically December since JL was born in November and aged 1 month) that WWX and Wen Ning are on their way to the 1-Month-Banquet and WWX loses control and kills JZX..
Edit 4: It’s later referred to again that ‘the person [that cast the curse on JZX1] has reappeared after 14 years”, so it is save to say Jin Ling was born in November of Year 24 and his father died a month later in December. Since WWX died in the Year 25 it is safe to assume, with everything taking place at the end of Year 24, he died very early in the Year 25, most likely still in January. That is, however, like most of the rambling I put in here, purely speculation and assumptions. Tho I do believe it is closer to being accurate than my first half assed attempted at trying to figure out the timeline.
That concludes the timeline/years of Mo Dao Zu Shi so far as I can tell up to the beginning of the story!
Regarding the matter of Xue Yang and XXC, I have the following theorie which is mostly just speculation and assumptions! Feel free to hash it out more or get inspired by it if you will.
NHS mentions that about 11 years prior (of the current year) the trouble at the stone castles began, which was shortly after he was appointed sect leader because Nie Mingjue died. That leads to assume NMJ died in the year 26 or 27. 
Xue Yang was imprisoned after WWX died and NMJ was still alive, so around year 25-26 (if we assume WWX died very early in January year 25 as mentioned above). Xue Yang was released AFTER NMJ died, probably in the same year (26-27) and then went on to get his revenge on Baixue Temple before returning to Lanling Jin Sect. 
He helped JGY to plot JGS's death and once that succeeded, he was captured and abused before released/escaping prison. Then, XXC and AQing found him. If we assume, this all happened until Year 27. 
During Year 27, he probably recovered from his injuries. We do not know how many years Xue Yang stayed with XXC, but it was at least 2 because he mentioned going night hunting with XXC 'two years ago', but given the fact his injuries needed to heal for several months I personally think he spend a year recovering and then started night hunting with XXC and stayed for the aforementioned two years = a total of 3 years
That would make it Year 30 - 8 years prior to WWX's resurrection - when he is found out and fights XXC and collects his shattered soul, as well as killing A-Qing
SO the only year we are explicitly given is the Year 25 when the Yiling Patriarch died and Year 23 when the Sunshot Campaign ended/Wen Rouhan died. Going from there, this is all speculations of timelines/ages unless we know the year/gap we’re given
* the happenings concerning Xue Yang, Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing are PURELY speculation on my part!
YEAR 20 - JC and WWX study at Gusu 
(JC Age 15, WWX Age 16)
YEAR 21 - JC returns from his 1 year trip to Gusu 
(JC: 16/ WWX: 17)
LATE YEAR 21 - EARLY YEAR 22 - Archery Competition/Discussion Conference in the Nightless City. Destruction of Cloud Recess, abduction of the Students by the Wen, death of the turtle. 
(JC about 17, WWX 18)
(- 16 years) YEAR 22 - Start of the Sunshot Campaign. WWX becomes the Yiling Patriarch/Develops Demonic Cultivation 
(JC: 17, WWX: 18) // Sizhui is born (just for reference) My heart bleeds imagining JC was just sweet 17 hot damn
(-15 years) YEAR 23 - END of the Sunshot Campaign / Death of Wen Rouhan (confirmed in S2 EP1 of the Animation), Death of Wen Ning/Resurrection as the Ghost General (S2 EP5) | JYL & JZX get married
( -14 years) LATE YEAR 24 - Jin Ling is born in November, about a month later, JZX dies on Qingqi Path / Wen Qing & Wen Ning’s execution and Bloodbath of Nightless City / JYL dies.  
(JC: 18/19, WWX: 19/20) 
Beginning of YEAR 25 - Siege of the Burial Mounds - WWX dies 
(JC: 20, WWX: 21 (deceased) | Jin Ling: 1, Sizhui: 3)
YEAR 25-26 - Massacre of Yueyang Chang Sect / Imprisonment of Xue Yang one month later -  Nie Mingjue insulting Jin Guangyao
(Speculated Age for Xiao Xingchen 17-18, Song Lan: 17-18, Xue Yang: 15-16)
YEAR 26-27 - Trouble in Nie Sect Stone Castles / Speculated death of Nie Mingjue / Release of Xue Yang / Baixue Temple Masacre /  Assumed Death of Jin Guangshan / JGY abusing XY / XY escaping prison / XXC and A-Qing finding XY in the streets
(JC: 22, WWX: Deceased | Jin Ling: 3, Sizhui: 5)
(Speculated Age for Xiao Xingchen 18, Song Lan: 18, Xue Yang: 15-16)
YEAR 28 - Xue Yang and XXC start night hunting together
YEAR 30 - Song Lan confronts Xue Yang, dies / XXC confronts Xue Yang, dies / Xue Yang kills A-Qing / Xue Yang spends 8 years trying to piece XXC’s shattered soul back together
(Speculated Age for Xiao Xingchen 22/23, Song Lan: 22/23, Xue Yang: 20)
(+13 years) YEAR 38 - WWX gets resurrected 
(JC: 33 / WWX techincally 34 | JL: 14/15, LSZ: 16)
(Speculated Age for Xiao Xingchen 30/31, Song Lan: 30/31, Xue Yang: 28)
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skatingthinandice · 5 years ago
Tagged by @midnightanddiamonds, thank you so much! This looks like fun <3
Pick 10 ships without reading the questions.
Aethelflaed/Aldhelm (The Last Kingdom)
Michael/Thomas (Man in an Orange Shirt)
Harry/Ruth (Spooks)
Alfred/Drummond (Victoria)
Florence/Siobhan (Death in Paradise)
Leofric/Uhtred (The Last Kingdom)
Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
Feron/Marcheaux (The Musketeers)
Molesley/Baxter (Downton Abbey)
Jocelyn/Maggie (Broadchurch)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
It definitely came on gradually and happened like five years ago now, but I think the moment my heart was officially sold to them was their first scene in episode 5, the moment after Leofric removes his sword from Uhtred’s neck and they laugh and hug with relief at seeing each other again.
2. Have you ever read a fanfiction about 2?
MIAOS is one of the smallest fandoms I’m in, so there isn’t much fic out there, but I have written my own! Dear Darling took me over a year to write, but I knew I had to give Michael and Thomas their happy ending!
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?
Unfortunately not! I wrote enough fics for Alfred/Drummond in the short space of time they were together though.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?
Doomsday is the worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life, I still bawl my eyes out to this day. So yeah, I think it’s fair to say that I can’t handle Doctor/Rose splitting up.
5. Why is 1 so important?
Gahhhh OKAY WELL, without turning this into a massive emotional essay, let’s just say that Aethelflaed deserves a kind and gentle love, and after my poor darling Erik died in s2, her relationship with Aldhelm in s3 made me realise that she could have that love again. Although they aren’t together romantically at the moment (though fingers crossed for s5!), their loyalty, trust and respect is so wonderful, and their lil moments of flirting make my life.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Although Molesley was essentially the comic relief character in earlier series’ (and in the movie, which I’m still conflicted about), the moment Baxter arrived in the show we really saw a deeper side to his character. Their relationship is built on supporting each other and is truly beautiful, even without the romantic element.
7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
Harry and Ruth’s entire relationship was pretty much built solely on chemistry and connection, cause lord knows they weren’t allowed to have anything else.
8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
I’d have to say Michael/Thomas, cause their love story lasted over a decade and beyond, and I will never ever be over them.
9. How many times have you read/watched 8’s fandom?
Nearly twice lol, for some reason we abandoned our rewatch of The Musketeers mid-way through s2 last time, but we’re planning on rewatching again soon.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
I’ve shipped Doctor/Rose for the longest time, it’s been, what, fifteen years? I was about ten when I watched it, so...
11. How many times, if ever, has 2 broken up?
Michael and Thomas never really broke up in the sense that neither of them ever stopped loving each other, though they were forced to part three times (and admittedly, one of these kinda counts most as a break up).
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Michael and Thomas were admittedly in a war and both have unbelievable and admirable reserves of strength. If they were in hiding during this apocalypse, they’d be good. In terms of fighting, Marcheaux could single-handedly take the zombies on and would do to protect Feron. I don’t really know how you’re supposed to handle a zombie apocalypse lol.
13. Did 5 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? 
Florence and Siobhan were never canon (bc the writers are cowards) but no they would never have had to hide their relationship, their family and friends would have been so supportive!
14. Is 4 still together?
No, Alfred/Drummond are not still together, thanks to history and Daisy Goodwin.
15. Is 3 canon?
WELL, how to answer this one?! Harry and Ruth technically went for one date, then she had to leave the country for like three years and stopped Harry from confessing his love. On her return, he proposed practically out of the blue and she turned him down but they still loved each other, and THEN SHE DIED. So, they never actually said they loved each other, they were never a couple, and yet they are canon. Does that make sense?
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Leofric/Uhtred, definitely! I love battle couples so much, and these warriors are the best (also Leofric isn’t dead so it totally holds)!
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 10’s ship?
Yes, Jocelyn herself. From what we know of their backstory, she stepped away from any relationship they could have had, and only when they meet again many long years later does she finally confess that she’s loved Maggie all this time.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
Leofric/Uhtred, mainly because I once received a comment on one of my fics for them that literally just said “Uhtred isn’t gay. Sorry.”
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 1’s tumblr page?
There’s not enough there to spend hours in their tag lol, but I do check Aethelflaed and Aldhelm’s tag every day to see if my friend’s posted any new gifsets ahahaha, there’s pretty much only content from me and her in there atm!
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
I mean technically Florence/Siobhan isn’t canon, and Death in Paradise already sunk any chance of it happening, so...
Tagging: @estelanel, @maurice-and-music, @wildwildtarget, @explodingpringlescans and anyone else who wants to do it and has an hour spare lol
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littlebitalexis · 5 years ago
Schitt’s Creek Questionaire
tagged by @bestwisheswarmestregards
1. Favorite Schitt’s Creek character: david rose tbh. alexis is a v close second
2. Favorite Quote: can i quote the entirety of  the title track off the critically reviewed, limited reality series, ‘a little bit alexis?’ esp the ‘im a cute huge yacht’ bit, absolutely gets me every single time.
3. Who is the best dressed character in Schitt’s Creek?  alexis i think? like, the 70% of david’s wardrobe that i love, i love with my whole heart. but that other 30% i absolutely hate, whereas with alexis it’s a much more positive/neutral even split, so she comes out the overall winner. omg also, her workout gear? god damn
4. If you could be best friends with any character in Schitt’s Creek, who would it be? stevie bc she provides the weed and is also hot and i think she’d be down to join me for wine/mst3k movie nights. altho im tempted to say alexis bc she has to have a ton of air miles saved up, right? i wanna say patrick as well, but if i’m being honest he’d just make me feel anxious about all the paperwork/emails i’m constantly avoiding in my everyday life. which makes me sound like david and proves answer #6 a lie.
5. How many times have you watched the series up until this point? straight thru? 4 times i think. but individual eps/seasons have def been rewatched more than 4 times.
6. Which character are you most like and why? honestly i’m nothing like her really, but i relate so much to alexis. her whole going back to school and getting her degree arc? v much get that, love that journey for me,
7. Would you live at the Rosebud motel? nah man, i’d take that haunted $275/month soundproofed studio apartment from s2 in a fuckin heartbeat. david and alexis were both idioots for letting that one slip away, even if carl did hang himself from the ceiling fan there.
8. Do you prefer Patrick or David’s version of Tina Turner’s The Best? i’m gonna say patrick, bc due to 2nd hand embarrassment i can’t watch david’s performance without anxiously pausing every 3 seconds. i think it’s the eye contact with the camera in the beginning? having said that, i also have to pause patrick’s version every 6 seconds probably. i’m likely the only person on the planet who’s grateful to roland and jocelyn for interrupting that sincerity-fest. which only serves to prove that my answer for #6 (and #4) is a lie and the truth is that i’m actually most like stevie.
9. If you were to work in Schitt’s Creek, where would you work? cafe tropical for sure. that place is always popping and twyla is the only waitress so i’d get a ton of tables. she must make a killing in tips. sry to rose apothecary but food service industry > retail every fuckin time. i know ppl like to hate on tipping culture but you can make some money (when there isn’t a pandemic floating about. fuck you 2020 all restaurant dreams everywhere).
10. What moment made you laugh the most in the show? there are a lot, but i gotta say that i think the biggest laughs from me were moira-driven. the danny boy solo from s1, her interactions with the fiddly old man from motel review, the gd bernadette peters wig/latex gown ensemble from ‘rip moira rose’
also every single moment of moira as dr clara mandrake?? an icon (also i keep thinking of the ‘character within a character’ as ‘clara barton’ which is 1. disrespectful 2. absolutely awesome 3. can you believe that a human/crow hybrid founded the red cross????? incredible.)
11. Favorite episode? most of my favs are the ones that a lot of others would also say are their favs, so there’d be no surprise there. so instead i’m gonna mention my fav from s1: carl’s funeral
12. What actor would you most like to be friends with in real life? truly idk, i have a weird thing where when i become a fan of a show i find it rly hard to watch any interviews with any of the cast. i wanna say catherine o’hara tho. but also maybe dan levy bc i did somehow talk myself into watching that sturday night seder that he guested in, so who knows. i was feeling really lonely about passover this year.
13. What was the most touching moment for you? first things i thought of were the david/stevie moments from s6, esp that convo on the hood of her car in front of the cottage. also the entire second half of grad night, the alexis/ted breakup, and the s2 finale, and the scene in patrick’s apartment in meet the parents, and the bit in ‘driving test’ where david admits how much he worried about his sister over the years. i get emotional about this show a lot, don’t really have the desire to pin it down more than that tbh.
not tagging anyone bc i went and disappeared for 2 months and idek who’s done this or even who’s around anymore! also it’s 3am rn and i don’t want to be that person. but if you see this and want to claim i tagged you, i’ll totally vouch for you that i did.
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sasakisniko · 5 years ago
Fanfic Writer Asks
I was tagged by @partsofthesamecosmicbeing and @spaceskam and how am I possibly even remotely cool enough for either one of them to know I write stuff sometimes?
Author Name:
Molly and manesalex
Fandoms You Write For:
Roswell New Mexico. Mostly Malex, but I’ve written a couple Maribel fics. And my latest fic has Malex, Maribel, and Echo in it because it’s more focused on all the characters.
Where You Post:
@manesalex and ao3
Most Popular Oneshot:
The one with the most kudos is A kiss from your lips on a night like this, like an explosion in my soul which is really just a cracky, fun Malex fic I wrote for a friend.
Most Popular Multi Chapter Story:
Paper rings and picture frames and all my dreams which is a Malex wedding fic I wrote out of spite. Because this is who I am. My fluffiest fics are often written out of spite.
Favorite Story You Wrote:
I don’t know what my favorite one is, but I’m most proud of Keep your soul (like a secret in your throat). I’ve stuck to fluffy or smutty oneshots until this one. This was my first attempt to deal with a lot of plot and juggle multiple ships and character arcs. It’s the one I’m most nervous about people seeing and the one I put by far the most time and effort into.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
Definitely Keep your soul (like a secret in your throat). It’s a s1 rewrite (with vampires, witches, and ghosts) and I’ve questioned my decisions with it over and over again. Is it too close to canon in some places? Am I dealing with certain issues with the sensitivity they deserve? I spent a long time just considering deleting it all, tbh.
How Do You Pick Your Titles:
I usually go for song lyrics. I’m not good at titles.
Do You Outline:
It depends. I don’t really outline my smutty oneshots. Or my fluffy oneshots. Those are simple enough that I have the necessary parts in my head. I do vaguely outline any 5+1 fic because I need to know what each number involves. And I do a lot of outlining with my longer fics. First I go through the character arcs for the full fic, split them up chapter by chapter, and then combine that with how I want to move the plot forward. So my final outline is just a vague sentence for each scene.
How Many of Your Stories are Complete:
I have 8 that are published or being published. I have a few I wrote for group chats that need a lot of work before they get published. But... Right now, I’m trying to decide what I want to work on next, whether that’s cleaning stuff up or working on a few fics I have been plotting in my head.
Okay. The ones I’ve written in group chats that need lots of editing before I post them publicly:
1. A Malex cage sex alien sex pollen fic, based loosely on a scene from Lost. The first fic I ever shared with anyone.
2. A Malex porch sex fic I wrote to reclaim the porch after a friend’s creepy porch fic.
3. A Malex road trip smut fic I wrote off of a request.
Now the ones I’ve worked on outside of chats:
4. A Michael has been too focused on studying and Alex decides to help him release some tension fic.
5. A Maribel fic idea I shared with some other people, and offered to let them take it before I started writing. I don’t think they have and, well, I’m writing now, so... I may just pick it up. It’s angsty and focused on a lot of the pain they’ve caused each other.
6. A fic based on the original s2 premise. I shared my idea with a good friend (angst, so much angst). And I may just write it. We’ll see. I’m completely surprised to find an outline in my google docs.
Now for ideas that are just kicking around in my brain:
7. A Malex arranged marriage AU that has been torturing me since April, well before I started writing fic.
8. A prequel to one of my fluffy Malex fics based on a question a friend asked about a Malex moment referenced in it. This would be a 5+1 fic.
9. A sequel to my Halloween fic. I have a vague idea where it’s headed next and I have to decide how I want to tell that and if I want it to be two more parts or just one.
Coming Soon:
The rest of Keep your soul (like a secret in your throat). I’ve finished it, so it just needs to be betad. And I plan on posting a new chapter every Friday for All Hallows RNM. Until it’s done.
Do You Accept Prompts:
Right now? I’m open to them, but no guarantees when and if I’ll get to them. Usually, I just take them from a few very close friends at the moment. But, yeah, if people actually like my writing enough to request stuff, sure. I can’t guarantee if I’ll get to it, as my very long list of fics to write shows.
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For:
I don’t know. That’s why I’m kind of stuck on what I want to work on now. I’m waiting for one of them to grab my attention.
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions
Trying to tag people who I haven’t seen tagged yet: @insidious-intent, @gra-sonas, @stydiaeverafter, @lilasmcosmic, @hannah-writes, and a friend outside of the RNM fandom for fun, @thereadersmuse. Come join me in my hell and watch the beautiful boys kissing!
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years ago
Dragonic Musings: A Squiggle Meister’s Blunt Ramblings about The Dragon Prince S2.
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So I just wrapped up watching S2 of The Dragon Prince and I’m going to be blunt:
#1: How is it that this series is able to fit so much into just 9 episodes without feeling rushed? It tells a lot needed for the season but still leaves enough to keep me wanting more episodes. The writing in this series is sooo good.
#2: Queen Anya, you go girl! I actually clapped for this character. This girl don’t play. Your queen mommas didn’t birth no fool. I also loved how they handled the backstory about the three queens; three mothers who went down as legends fighting to aid their kingdoms and their people. I don’t know how the LGBT community is going to react to TDP’s representation with the two queens. The last time we got a Netflix series created by people who originally worked on A:TLA and had same-sex lovers who died, it wasn’t well-received. So for what it’s worth, I hope there wasn’t any backlash of any kind.
The Dragon Prince thus far has been really good with handling its diverse cast of characters and the storytelling for this show is as sweet as a jumbo jelly tart. It’s that good. At least to me.
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#3: Whoever creates the artwork used in the credits for The Dragon Prince---I love you. I mean, the whole production team at Wonderstorm and cast of this series has my love but I wanted to spot light the credits artist because I love how TDP adds a little something extra in the credits.
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#4:  Can someone please free the precious Strawberry Boi? His captivity for S1 was cute but now in S2, he needs to be set free. Free him.
#5: Speaking of Strawberry Boy, dear The Dragon Prince, how many husbandos are you going to keep giving me? I mean you already gave me Runaan, Strawberry Boy, Ezran’s new smexilious bodyguard---a beautiful chocolate man, yes. Loving all these wonderful flavours of husbandos that TDP is spoiling me with, yes and yes. But I already had my hands full with the beautiful husbandos we got from Book 1. Now after Book 2, there is Aaravos and might I say…HOT DIGGITY GIGGITY DAMN! Aaravos, you can whisper in my ear through a magical purple worm headset any day. It’s bad enough that he’s another sexy elf husbando (why) but his voice---oh my stars, his voice. His voice slicker than melted caramel drizzling on ice-cream. I should not like this man…but I do. I GIGGITY DIGGITY DIG THIS DUDE! How can one so evil be so fine? Why you do this to me, TDP?
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 #6: All things considered, I’m happy to see that Viren has found himself a new man after King Harrow. Good for you! Not good for everybody else but good for you Viren.
#7: Claudia, Claudia, Claudia…I do not hate this girl. As a Rayllum shipper, I understand that Claudia is a thorn in my ship however, that being said, I don’t hate Claudia. As a matter of fact, I want nothing but happiness for my lil witchy girl. I see her going down a dark path that I do not like. No Claudia, you too dorky and pure for the dark side girl. Don’t be like your daddy!  I would say Soren needs to save his sister but he need saving too. They both need saving. Can someone adopt these two, please? Can someone GOOD adopt them? I want Claudia and Soren to abandon their dad and just go on their own journey to find their mother. Can that be their story for S3 please? Can we just have Claudia and Soren go find their mother, please. I’m worried for Claudia. She straight up Bambi’s mother that poor deer with magic. Yes she did it to help her brother but, this left me curious about something.
What if, Soren’s rehabilitation is only temporary? What if Claudia will have to keep stealing magic from living things to keep her brother from returning to his own paralysis while damning herself in the process? While that would be good for developing Claudia and Soren’s bond, I don’t want to see this because…I don’t want to see Claudia fall into the same path as her father. However…I think that’s what is being set up and I am worried. My dorky villainous children!
 #8: I liked how they handled explaining death to children. That was great how they made that nice parallel between King Harrow telling Callum about his mom and Callum essentially trying to tell Ez about his father. I don’t think Harrow is dead though. His soul is in the green bird isn’t he? The same green bird that got away and will probably meet up with Ez in S3. Cannot wait.
#9: I felt a little bad for Bait this season. It looked almost as if Ezran had replaced him with Zym. It wasn’t like that at all since Ez was only trying to raise Zym. But at least we got to see Bait bond with Callum. That was sweet.
#10: Zym and Ez share a psychic link?! What the what? Okay, we going full Eragon up in this bitch. Okay. I dig it. It’s a way to keep Ez connected to Zym and essentially Callum and Rayla.
#11: As sad as I am to see Ezran go. As much as I’m sad to see the dream team---the dragonic trio split, my pathetic giant Rayllum shipping heart is performing cartwheels and summersaults right now. 
Rayla and Callum are going to be travelling alone together (with Zym) for a whole season eh? How perfect ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Especially after that little confession moment from Rayla with Callum. I’m loving where this is going. I’m loving where they’re taking Rayla in terms of her growing ties to Callum. I’m just waiting for our dear boy to catch up.
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According to Callum in C2 (I think), he and Rayla aren’t there yet. But fear not, I’m a patient shipper so I shall wait. But boy did I enjoy those little Rayllum breadcrumbs. They be delicious. I ate good for this season. RWBY take notes for RoseGarden.
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But yeah, I think that’s it for my thoughts on TDP S2. I enjoyed this season. I had planned on watching it half and half but as soon as I got through the first 4-5 episodes, I couldn’t put it down. I ended up watching the full 9 in one sitting this morning.
To my friends who told me I would love S2, you were right. I did. I am looking forward to seeing how far this story goes. More and more layers to the world of TDP is being brought in and I’m interested to see where it will take the fans. I hope there is going to be a S3 and I hope that it will be a routine where we get a new season once every year. But we’ll see.
Overall, I can’t wait.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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ruwithmeguys · 7 years ago
You’ve got to accentuate the positive...
It really doesn’t take much for people to say a TV show has gone stale. Or, that a season is bad because of an episode arc. And something I won’t do is judge what I already love on the basis of a few spoilers or a few episodes (or episode arc). I’m used to it by now to be 100% affected by the ugh of it all...
By 6.11 of Arrow, I wasn’t alone in hailing s6 as the best season of arrow. It has everything in it: Oliver’s growth. Olicity getting married. Starting a family (this coming from the man who used to think he’d die alone). Diggle getting some focus once again (though I question why he wants to be GA, because in every prior season, he hasn’t even mentioned it). Felicity being so clearly strong willed (especially in 6.03/04/07/08/09/10/11) and effortlessly brilliant. The new team progressing in their own way…
Whether it’s a way we like or not.
A lot of people have complained about the villains this season too. I’m good with it. We don’t need to have a horribly terrifying villain every season. We don’t need another Adrian Chase or Malcolm Merlyn. I liked and still like the idea of a group of semi-capable villains, regardless of whether or not the actor/actress is someone we/I can back, because I don’t think we’ve gotten to the bottom of it yet.
What I’m puzzled by the most however, is the reaction to the current arc; the way people are getting lost and angry and frantic by it.
Don’t you know Arrow by now?
(S1, a season of introduction, isn’t one we can use to discuss this so- nope!)
S2: there was a solid stream of episodes, all focusing on or around Sara Lance, Laurel and Quentin. Sara and her attempt to change so that she could exist in Oliver’s world. Sara’s attempt to fight off her own darkness and failing to do so, arguing about it with Oliver over and over again because of Roy, Slade and Helena. Sara and Laurel’s relationship. Sara and Oliver and Laurel’s history. Laurel realizing her bitterness was hurting her sister. Oliver letting go of any feelings he had for Laurel after his final attempt at caring, once again, ended up hurting him. Laurel and Quentin’s fight against their addictions – it went on and on and on until I thought my interest had gone dry...
S3: the 4 mind-numbing episode arc about LL becoming BC before uselessly being abandoned for another 5 episodes and the team’s morose attempt at fighting the good fight without their leader. Oliver thinking he can’t live, thinking he can’t have it all – that to trust his team, meant inviting darkness. And an extra 2 episodes where we had to watch Oliver make more bad choices and Felicity start a relationship with Ray, 3.10 to 3.15. That’s 6 episodes of UGH.
S4: Less episode arcs and more a general feeling. Oliver was put in the backseat in order to sell LL and Thea as members of the team. I know you all love Thea, but to me, she didn’t quite fit the team. The way her character progressed made this feeling worse. Then we had Oliver lying to the love of his life for 8 episodes. So, yeah. BAD.
S5: love it or hate it, season 5 had several stand alone episodes that made you nauseous. 5.13, 14, 15 were particularly crappy.
Any of you who thought they’d change this pattern for the sixth season, were fooling yourselves, I’m sorry to say. But S6, I think, has been one of the kinder seasons.
There’s no bad Olicity angst (the 6.08 angst was delicious). There’s no ridiculous attempt at selling a character to us. There’s no ‘I’m Oliver Queen which means I can’t have a life’ crapola…
The way the team split was handled has left much to be desired, I know that. It really has. I admit that I can’t love the new guys like I do OTA, but I did like them. Now I can’t stand them. They took every bad habit Oliver has EVER possessed, thrown them in his face and then utilized them x10 and made excuses for their behaviour… and then blamed Oliver once more.
But even with the crappy attitudes of the newbies and their horrifying lack of morality recently, each episode this season has been pretty on the ball.
I also know a lot of us don’t like BS.
In portraying LL or BS, KC seems to have a problem with grabbing the majority audience’s sympathy. Her villain role this year has been decidedly camp and over the top and, once again, her character is rooted in selfishness. No surprises there. And now, well, she’s using (going to use) LL’s identity to get what she wants. I hope Quentin is happy: he gave her the tools for this.
Anyone who wasn’t expecting this or for her to be in 6.15 a whole lot, were not paying attention.
She’s going to use the excuse of being kidnapped for a couple of years and assume LL’s identity. This is not the action of someone who wants redemption. This is the action of a mole. I always thought she’d try to play one side against the other for her own gain and I bet that she does.
She’ll also use her knowledge of the team as leverage: blackmailing Oliver and co so that they can’t prosecute her because she knows so much and, really, they can’t imprison her unless they want to unfairly blemish LL’s reputation, because she isn’t LL.
Happily, Oliver made it very clear that he a) doesn’t care about saving her, he’s looking after the city and b) pretty much doesn’t want to see her again. Everything else he did in 6.14 was rooted in his respect for Quentin. I know Quentin has officially flown over the cuckoo’s nest but after years of friendship etc, Oliver owes it to him. Even if he knows it’s not right. He’ll do it, just this once.
Saying it the way he did too, to never wanting to hear her name or see her face again… it’s like not expecting a child to do the exact opposite of what they’re told. Of course the writers would have her push back.
You know, she could have gone with Quentin. Instead, she’s decided to immerse herself in another woman’s life. When you’re looking for redemption, that’s kind of the last thing you do. She wants something. And she’s going to take it.
And you know what? This could be really good.
They’ve slanted away from a true redemption arc. It doesn’t mean she won’t end up there. But the likelihood of it being about true goodness is pouring away, fast. And it’s going to bite all of them on the ass.
You know, I state the obvious, if it was any other character/actress, we wouldn’t be having the same problem with this SL.
I don’t like LL/BS or KC. I have my reasons, which I won’t force on anyone and I know that if this were a different character/actress/actor, the ‘god, this again’ I’d feel and the outrage everyone else has displayed, wouldn’t be nearly so high.
This isn’t a plot-line to make people happy. It’s designed to both satisfy a trope (for her stans) and not repeat a character (for us, because enough with boring and predicable please) and to make us all freak out and get angry. We’ll be waiting for something to go wrong. They want us on tender hooks and you know what? It’s working.
The amount of hype the people who hate this arc have produced is more than the hype created by those who like it.
There’s goodness coming. There is.
But every year, a chunk of the fandom family start hating on the show with nearly the exact arguments as the years previous. I get it. I do.
But, you know what else happens every year? The slingshot.
Would I like Felicity and Oliver to hog the screen time, I sure would. It took years to get them married. Show us more for god sake! 
But it isn’t realistic. The show has more than one character and the design of it, though flawed, is one they haven’t changed. There are filler episodes and other things. We knew – we KNEW – that 6b (6.10 – 6.14/15) would have little to no Olicity (save some amazing moments, especially in 6.11) and yet there’s still surprise at this. 
We knew, after watching 6.12 that the newbies were wrong and would continue to be so. We knew that the BS arc would be a royal pain in the ass, but this latest twist is going to test the characters and maybe that’s a good thing.
First thing’s first though. Every single season, Felicity’s story goes like this:
We have a group of episodes surrounding her. Then she comes out of the main focus but is still very much part of the plot. She has brilliant moments that make the show great. Then, like a slingshot, roughly during episodes 16/17/18, she pops back into focus for the rest of the season.
Let’s look at past seasons again.
S2: between episode 1 and 5, she’s very much relevant but not the focus and then for 6 to 10, she was very focal. With Sara’s introduction and Roy’s, she’s secondary until roughly 2.19 up till the finale.
S3: episodes 1 and 2, she’s focal. 3 and 4 she’s not. 5, 7 and 9, she’s focal. 6, 8, she’s not. Then the BC arc and episode 14. Then slingshot round again.
I do think season 3 gave Felicity the most SL isn’t given ANY of the female characters in Arrow. Now, there are too many characters for this to work.
Still, it repeats, it repeats, it repeats. Same with season 4, same with season 5.
Would I like more married Olicity, HECK YES. But – and the way they’ve done it is more than a little skewed – they’re trying to make it look like Olicity are currently waylaid by all the drama. They literally don’t have enough time to be together. They’ve gone back to saving the city full time; just like in season 2 and 3 where they had to somehow handle saving the city alone with living their lives. Both Oliver and Felicity were unable to do so alone, from what I remember. Now we know there could be more scenes. They could give us a few moments at least (beyond the few brillo-pads ones we’ve had). But those scenes were sold to Rene and Curtis. Thankfully, there’ll be less of them in 6.15/17 etc.
As much as I don’t like it, we’ll get back to it.
And as much as I’d like to see more of Felicity’s SL, I’m going to leave any and all judgement on the lack of it since 6.07, until the end of the season. Safe to say, it’s been taken over by her break with Curtis. He did the unforgivable. She gave up her money to save Oliver. I believe we’ll get more, but there’s just too much going on.
Would I prefer to see that over the badly handled civil war crap? Yes. Of course I would. Would I prefer to see more married Olicity, more Felicity and Diggle over this BS bull? Yes, I would. But they got MARRIED. The show literally told the audience they were each other’s true loves and destined to be together. The writers actually allowed Oliver to get married. It means they probably think they can afford a few episodes of not giving us much in that department but again, it depends why you watch the show.
I’m also hoping the writers showed the B team to be assholes because they’ve got lessons to learn and forgiveness to earn, I really hope for that.
They’ve mentioned a honeymoon. The show only does that when they plan to deliver, whether it’s this season or the next. Either of them could end up in jail. If fan theory is correct, Oliver gets poisoned/drugged in 6.18, leaving her alone in 6.19.
My point is that, the show isn’t going stale just because of an arc that’s been handled in such a way. Or because of a character that we literally don’t care lives or dies. Or turns into a goat. Whatever.
It’s going to be fine…
In re to BS – Stephen, Emily, Juliana and KC mentioned things about her. KC’s words haven’t been accurate save for aforementioned extreme contention between BS and DD.
The only thing Stephen said about it was that it would be interesting if LL was actually walking around in the daylight the past couple of years. He said it was an interesting take. That was it. And I agree. I don’t like her, but I agree.
Emily mentioned there might still be a thing between Felicity and BS (another possible fight) and really, if BS pretending to be LL culminates in her facing off with Felicity then bring it on because my god, it’s a death wish waiting to happen! I’ll get the popcorn!
I was done with LL./BS/KC long ago but I’m choosing to see the little goodies in the crap because I love the show, even with its faults. It hasn’t gone stale guys. The newbies are idiots but they never used to be, so I’m waiting for the penny to drop for them. Let’s just ride it out, kay?
This season has given us so much, even if it hasn’t delivered on other things we’re waiting for, so I’ve decided to accentuate the positive. If a show pushes it, then they’ve earned the scorn. Arrow hasn’t pushed this season as far they’ve done in previous additions and we get the added luxury of Olicity being a pillar.
For now, I’m good.
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everbrilliantheartbreaker · 7 years ago
Also was tagged by the wonderful @kmaknation <3
1. What was your very first anime ever? Have you ever finished it?
Naruto. Lmao I’m so original. Um I finished the manga but no way have I finished the anime. 
2. What’s the longest anime series you’ve ever watched?
Fricking One Piece omg. Currently sitting at 816 episodes and no end in sight, but I love it to death so you won’t catch me complaining. Also I haven’t actually watched all of it. Just a very large chunk lol
3. Do you listen to music or anything while working/writing/drawing? What is it or why not?
If I’m drawing/working I’ll listen to whatever I’m into at the moment. But if I’m trying to write usually I’ll listen to kpop or anime/Japanese music so I don’t get as distracted singing along to it (bcus I don’t know the words as well lol).
4. Who is your most hated pairing? The never-gonna-happen-paring(NGHP)?
Oh geez. Elv u tryin to get me in a fight with somebody lol
I hate just about any pairing that is a kid/teen with an adult. Like a few years’ gap is one thing but like a full-grown with a teen, even a legal teen just creeps me out. Pretty much any incest ship as well, obviously. So for example pretty much any Attack on Titan pairing that has the kids with the veterans, or certain ships from Vampire Knight (with the exception of one that I didn’t realize was incest until after I started hardcore shipping it and finished the manga and I’m still mad omg). Idk I know I got some hardcore NOTPs but I can’t think of most of them rn ugh. Ok I’ll just say it tho I hated Kaname/Yuki from Vampire Knight there we all happy now? Ill hit u up if I remember the others lol
5. What anime/manga did you first draw/write for?
Narutooo. Except I never actually finished or published any of those fics so idk if that counts haha.
6. Subtitles or dubbed anime?
Usually subtitles, although there are a very few where I can’t stand the Japanese voicing and gotta watch the dub to save my sanity XD
7. What anime/video game/manga world would you not mind living in? One that you would never in a million years go to?
Oh geez too many choices options here. Okay you’re getting one of all if I can think of them lol.
Anime/manga/video game world I would like to go to:
My Hero Academia
Idk man I don’t actually play a lot of different video games I just play a bunch from the same half a dozen or less series um. Idk I’d like to say Darksiders just cause those worlds are rad but also I would die like 20 minutes in so um. That would not be a good idea. But also it would be awesome.
Anime/manga/video game world I would not like to go to:
Attack on Titan
Zodiac Wars 
The Evil Within
8. Do you ever use song lyrics in actual conversation? What song?
AHAHA. Yes. I frequently make references to Kesha songs. Um “Tik Tok” (”Party don’t start til I walk in”, obvs) and a couple others but I can’t think of them rn...also I frequently make references to that song line “Haven’t you people ever heard of closing the *coughs* goshdarn door” (sorry Elv no swears this time haha)
9. What’s your worst/funniest injury story?
The worst one is the one where I was in a really bad bike crash and split my face open really bad. It took ages to heal omg I was so miserable. I can’t really think of any funny ones rn but I’ll hit u up if I think of anything.
10. Who are your top three Voice Actors?
Khary Payton
I’ve watched a couple shows that he voices in and he plays a lot of neat black/black-coded characters but lbr here the biggest reason I like him is because he voices my fave Young Justice character Aqualad so uh yeah. Also funny story he also apparently voices Aqualad’s father which must have been both amusing and awkward bcus a) they share a lot of scenes in s2 and b) they end up fighting so he had to argue with himself like that must’ve been entertaining 
Kevin Michael Richardson
Legit my favorite voice actor ever omg. One of the few I can almost always pick out even tho i.d.ing vcs ain’t my greatest skill. Voices Martian Manhunter (one of my fave superheroes) in Young Justice. Plays tons of other big bads and just bigs like. Is it a big tough guy with a deep voice in an action TV show? It’s probably KMR. He plays in tons of shows I love, Transformers stuff and tons of DC superhero stuff and Thundercats...Star Wars and Avatar the Last Airbender too apparently. This guy is in everythiiing. Fave voice actor forever honestly he’s sooo good.
Fff I almost couldn’t think of anyone else but then. How could I forget wow
Liam O’Brien
A fave vc since before I really paid attention to that kind of stuff because he voices absolutely my favorite Naruto character ever, Gaara. He’s done a bunch of other big stuff I enjoy too like Transformers, Bleach, AND OMG. Kay I went through their IMDB pages to do this part and omg. He also plays War from Darksiders aka my favorite video game franchise ever how did I forget that. Did I even know. Anyways. He’s played in tons of other big video game and anime franchises too but honestly whenever I hear his name my only thought “hey that’s the guy who plays Gaara!” Also he’s really funny, too.
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shaydixons · 8 years ago
wlw survey results
thank you so much to everyone who participated in mine and @aliciqvikander ’s survey! we ended up getting 221 responses. below is a breakdown of each question.
disclaimer: there were a couple of responses that we considered to be disrespectful or homophobic that we decided to delete from the survey pool. the idea of this survey was to gauge the feelings & opinions of wlw skam fans regarding lgbt representation in the show; it was made with wlw fans in mind, and there were some skam fans who decided to take the survey and give disrespectful/homophobic answers, which was not the point of the survey.
part 1: demographics
what is your sexuality?
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the most common were lesbians (83 people)  and bisexuals (74 people), followed by 22 pan people and 17 questioning, only 4 straight people (whose answers we didn’t delete bc they weren’t disrespectful). there were also several people who identified as gay (4), queer (2), sapphic (2), asexual (5), or other sexualities (lesbian ace, demisexual pansexual, biromantic with a preference towards women, panromantic ace, biromantic asexual)
what is your gender?
the most common answers were female/woman/girl/cis girl, with many nb people (19), as well as several questioning people (5), and just 2 men.
what is your age?
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the most common answer was 17-19 (90), with many 20-24 year olds (62) and 14-16 year olds (51), as well as 9 25-30 year olds and 7 people over 30, and just 2 under 14.
where are you from?
there were people from all over who took the survey, but the most common answers were the US, Sweden, France, UK, Brazil, Finland, and Norway.
when did you start watching Skam?
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the most common answer by far was season 3 (155), followed by season 4 (32), then season 1 (23), then season 2 (10).
part 2: opinions
what is your favorite season?
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the most common answer was season 3 (141), then season 1 (65), then season 4 (10) and just 2 people favored season 2.
what fandoms are you a part of?
the most common answer to this was obviously tumblr (212) seeing as we posted the survey on tumblr. Other popular answers were twitter (34) and instagram (42), other than that we have some sprinkled answers such as discord, jodel and facebook. Plus some people who said they were not really active in any fandom.
who are your top 3 characters?
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the most favored characters in order are Sana (158), Isak (117), Eva (104), Even (94), Noora (59), Vilde (53), Jonas (33), Chris (16), Elias (14), Yousef (8), a tie between Magnus and Mahdi (5), Eskild (3), 2 people wanted to specify that they liked season 1 Noora, and one vote for Dr. Skrulle! (specifically: that fierce school nurse lady whose name i don't remember but she's really cool”) Nobody picked Wilhelm.
who is your favorite canon ship?
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the most picked ship was evak (166), after that we have yousana (44) and then joneva (6). four people also replied that they dont really care for any ship and there was one vote for noorhelm (although it’s worth noting that the one vote came from one of the only two men who took the survey). not one person chose vagnus.
[edit: the person who chose noorhelm messaged me to tell me that they clicked noorhelm by mistake and meant to choose yousana!]
who are your favorite non-canon ships?
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The most common answers were Nooreva (170), Evilde (156), Evana (58) and Sanoora (39). Other popular ones were Noorvilde (31), Johdi (26), Noorevilde (24), Joora (15), Chrisana and Chrilde both had 10, Mohnstad had 8, Sana x Vilde had 7, Jonas x PChris and Mikael x Jonas both had 4, and there were other assorted ships including Vilde x Some hipster girl that could have been introduced in her season (3), Vilde x The soft butch lesbian she would have dated in her season (1), Isak x PChris (2), Elias/Eskild (2), Eva/Iben (1), Noora/Mari (1), Adam x Mutta (1), Vilde x Ingrid (1)
What is Vilde’s sexuality?
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this was one of the most unified questions with a total of 204 out of 221 saying shes a lesbian! the other answers were bi (13) and pan (4)
What is Noora’s sexuality?
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the most common answer was lesbian (110), followed by bisexual (61), then straight (29), then pan (18). i think it’s worth noting that we saw a pattern that bisexual was often put by bisexuals and pansexual was also put by a lot of pansexuals, so maybe people just see themselves in Noora.
What’s Eva’s sexuality?
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This question was, as Vilde’s, very unified with 209 out of 220 answering bisexual then there were 6 people who answered pan, 4 people who answered straight, and 1 who answered lesbian.
What is Sana’s sexuality?
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this one was pretty split! the most common answer was bi (104), followed by straight (81), then pan (28), then lesbian (2).
What is Chris’s sexuality?
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this one was also pretty split! the most common answer is pan (117), followed by straight (65), then bi (22), then lesbian (11)
Opinion on queerbaiting & Vilde?
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the overwhelmingly popular opinion is that queerbaiting did happen. 109 people said there was explicit queerbaiting, 81 people said they originally meant to make Vilde a lesbian then decided not to, only 3 people said there was no queerbaiting, and there were also an array of answers, most of which say queerbaiting did happen. (“I'm super torn bc I feel Vilde is a lesbian but she doesn't realize it yet. Like I believe she would figure it out in college (and I think her dating Magnus is important in her self discovery) and ugh I wish we could get an epilogue of some sort with her a canon lesbian. Unfortunately if that doesn't happen, I feel like it is queerbaiting.”) (“julie treats lesbians like were a fucking joke”) (“i will be on my deathbed telling everyone that vilde lien hellerud was a lesbian and showing them my powerpoint on all the signs throughout the seasons but honestly idk if they really meant for her to be gay or not. she is in my heart tho.”)
opinion on noorhelm?
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the most popular answer by far was “wilhelm is an abuser who can rot in hell and Noora deserved better” (161). 27 people say they were a bad couple, 13 people say they were okay but not as bad as people say, ZERO people said they were cute, there were also an array of write-in answers, mostly negative. (“Some parts of their relationships were good, the rest - pure trash on wilhelm's part”)  (“classic romance novel damage, gaslighting & emotional manipulation”)  (“I swear to christ, WillHELL does not deserve Noora - only Eva does, duh - and their whole relationship didn't make any sense from a character point of view! Also I hate that they had to take this beautiful, strong woman's season and make it about a guy! An emotional ABUSER at that!! Like whyyyyy???????????”) (“DICKHELM NEEDS TO JUST GET OUT. PRISON. SOMEWHERE SECLUDED. NO ONE DESERVES TO LAY THEIR EYES ON HIM. i hate him with a passion i swear to fucking god I HAD TO MOTIVATE MYSELF TO WATCH S2 and i was in complete pain whenever dickhelm was on screen i hate him and NOORA IS A LIPSTICK LESBIAN DONT TELL ME OTHERWISE SHE DESERVES BETTER”)
opinion on nooreva?
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this one was pretty evenly split! the most popular answer is that they were set up as a couple (85), followed by they would be a cute couple but they were platonic in canon (80), followed by they were in love in canon (54), and only 2 people said they were just friends.
what do you think of the skam fandom?
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most people think it’s fine as far as fandoms go (126), then it was a tie between a great fandom and mostly demonic, each with 47.
for wlw: could you relate to vilde’s behavior?
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i’ll be honest with you guys, we probably should have made this a write-in question rather than multiple choice because the results were not very conclusive. 75 lesbians could see themselves in her, 64 bisexuals could see themselves in her, 13 pansexuals could see themselves in her, and 30 people said no.
part 3: long-answer questions
why do you think julie didn’t want to include wlw in the show?
the consensus was that either she’s lesbophobic, the show is written with straight people in mind, or she wanted to but ended up not finding the time to write it in. every answer was wonderful and i wish we could include them all, but here are a couple ones that i like:
bc she's a classic lesbophobic piece of shit and believes wlw can't exist except for punchlines and ridicule
probably because she thought it wouldn't sell as well as an mlm couple. i mean you gotta please those straight girls
She Is Bad at Writing and forgets wtf she is doing and hates logically developing characters
"we did one storyline about exploring sexuality so that's all we need! anything else would be overkill :)))" and also trying to appeal/relate to straight teenage girls. also noora should have been a lesbian but julie used her as a self insert character. also just generally media doesn't take wlw seriously our perceive our relationships/feelings as legitimate
cause she's a typical straight girl who thinks wlw are icky/she's actually a closeted lesbian who hasn't realised yet
are you disappointed with the lgbt representation in skam? please elaborate.
the consensus is that isak, even, and eskild are all wonderful and they’re great for what they are, which is 2 white gays and 1 white pan boy. it would have been great to have some diversity, especially by adding a wlw, specifically vilde or eva. here are a few i like:
For a show that was originally made for teenage girls and to accurately represent them its unbelievable they didnt include a single wlw character. Evak was nice but in s4 turned into complete fanservice and they lost a lot of the development they made in s3. WHERE ARE THE LESBIANS JULIE
definitely like dude evak was cute and all, and powerful and moving, and I was infinitely glad that was represented onscreen. but on the other hand—that wasn't me? and for a show that claimed to be so progressive, it seemed to mock the concept of bi girls and lesbians at every single turn. fuck, when i think about how noora's response to vilde's er du lesbisk question I still get so pissed
lol yeah julie andem treats lesbian existence as a literal joke and yet she still gets all this praise for the great lgbt rep on her show because of isak and even (and s3 was good but in s4 they didn't even feel like they're own characters anymore just a couple with all these weird nods to evak fans)
Yes, in a show meant for teenage girls the only LGBT representation was with a gay boy and a pan boy, and that's because straight girls love to fetishize and obsess over gay boys for some reason. The fact that Julie only wrote about LGBT boys indicates to me that she is writing the show not for all teenage girls, but for the straight teenage girls that she used to be.
yessss. how can we have three mlm but no wlw??? its like whooo we have a canon pan guy, but if i remember correctly he never actually says the word? and eskild is obviously written as gay, but im pretty sure we see eva and vilde kiss more times than we see eskild kiss a guy, and still they're both supposed to be straight?? and like eva, noora and vilde all have so many characteristics of lesbians/bi girls, yet NONE of them turned out to be wlw in canon?? thats so fucking unrealistic!! in my whole friend circle of about 15 girls, there's maybe three who identify as 100% straight, and multiple who have come out as bi or pan, so how come skam has none?
what did you think of season 4?
the general consensus is that it was rushed and messy, that wilhelm ruined it, and that sana was sidelined in her own season. there were a few people who said they liked it, and some pros that were written were that iman was wonderful, the balloon squad was great, the los losers scene, and that they liked yousana. here are a few great ones:
horribly written, with subtle racism and islamophobia to boot. sana deserved so much better. also, bringing back william and p-chris was so unnecessary. they were making progress with noora realizing that william never loved her and was an abuser, and then it's like they backtracked on all of that just for...what purpose? completely unnecessary. noora, vilde, and eva don't need any men in their lives, and any tying of loose ends of their stories in season 4 should have been about that.
pandering to women who fetishize evak/queer male relationships!!! also some major other bullshit!!! (why is william back wtf, why is p chris still around, why tf are evak living together theyre children, vilde needed season 6 to #come #out though so im not too mad)
I think it suffered from weak writing more than anything else. The story totally stalled out at the hiatus and Julie seemed to be unable to get it going again and then found herself without enough time to tell the whole story. She is saved as usual by the strength of her characters-- I think she's great at character building but very over-rated as a storyteller.
(this one is really long but i thought it was eloquent and great)
HAHAHAHA where to start. It’s almost my least favorite season, nearly tied with S2, though my burning hatred of William edges out. But I will say that from a writing perspective, as much as I despise Noorhelm, their relationship kept S2 anchored and prevented the season from losing focus too often. I do think S2 was messier and more bloated than S1 and S3, but it still feels like a more cohesive narrative than S4, which was so sloppy that I can’t believe the same person wrote something as tight as S3. The criticisms seem almost endless and I’ll probably forget something but here are a few off the top of my head: -TERRIBLE SEASON FOR GIRL SQUAD. This is what really surprised me about S4. It was the last chance to enjoy them as a friendship unit and most of the season they were unbearable. I’m not saying they had to have a perfect friendship, I was expecting some conflict and I was fine with that but it was almost all unpleasant moments with no good moments to balance them out. Sana having to apologize for everything but the rest of the girls never apologizing for their ignorance or hurtfulness. Eva and Chris doing nothing but partying most of the time. Vilde being an annoying caricature. Noora … I’ll get to Noora. The los losers clip is a good moment in itself but doesn’t make sense in the larger context, there are several plot holes, and we never ever hear the girls talk about their issues afterwards. -Noora was overused at the expense of the other girls, including Sana, and I couldn’t even enjoy her and Sana’s relationship because I felt like it wasn’t there to explore their friendship, but to give an excuse for Noorhelm to rise again and to get Noora involved in the stupid Sana/Yousef/Noora triangle. I loved Noora but it felt like all the other girls were unfavorably compared to her, like of course Noora got to be Sana’s ally and Vilde/Chris/Eva were just off being drunk and terrible somewhere. It got ridiculous in episode 9 when we started getting texts about Noora’s living situation, of course it’s Noora who Sana’s mom thinks is beautiful with her red lipstick, of course it was Noora who gets to give Sana detailed advice in Maghrib and the other girls have less to contribute. There were a few moments with Chris, maybe. But we got better material from Vilde, Chris, and Eva in the last episode than we’d gotten all season. -Sana taking a backseat to Noorhelm drama at the climax of her own season, enough said. -Even’s plotline being dropped … after what was widely considered a respectful portrayal of mental illness in S3, Julie hugely messed up with Even in S4. Yeah, it was Sana’s season, but maybe don’t introduce a character’s suicide attempt if you’re not going to address it properly? The utter shittiness of having a mentally ill character who says he’s tired of people trying to tell him how he feels, and never letting him give his own side of the story, only hearing it from other people. -A fight that makes no sense, a love triangle that makes no sense, characters not talking to each other just to prolong the drama, characters acting OOC, characters acting like the worst versions of themselves.   -Bad pacing, subplots being juggled and dropped and picked up and abandoned at whim, so much filler and wasted time. I've seen people say Sana was out of focus because Julie had to wrap up loose ends but like, she didn't? She spent time on bullshit no one cared about and ignored actual dangling plot threads. Why are we spending so much time on racist Pepsi Max girls and what's up with Noora and Yousef or Noora and William when we could be addressing Vilde's mysterious home life, giving Chris depth other than funny fat girl, getting into this Even sad backstory that Julie chose to introduce in Sana's season, exploring why Elias got so drunk he could barely stand... the list goes on? Not to mention, you know, focusing on SANA. I’m going to stop now because I’ll be here all day, lol. The thing is, as messed-up as this season is, I’d still rather have this than nothing, sadly, because Iman is wonderful and I enjoyed seeing her show off her acting chops. I wish she could have had a better season but I’m happy such an awesome human being got to be so visible; even if the season was disappointing, Iman being in the public eye meant a lot to Muslim girls around the world. And I’ll always be thankful to Julie for Evak, because their relationship was one aspect of canon that was consistently well-handled. Their story resonated with me and meant a lot to me. I just wish everything else in the show was treated with as much care as the Evak romance, and that S4 was as carefully and thoughtfully written as S3.
CONCLUSION: wlw skam fans were disappointed in the lack of representation, as well as the last season of the show. evak was great, but it would have meant the world to many of us to make one of the female characters not straight, especially after all of the queerbaiting. the VAST majority of people think that vilde was a lesbian, which is very telling. also wlw love sana and hate wilhelm.
bonus: some of my favorite nicknames for william: willdevil, willdick, woldemort, willhellfuck, willfickle, willhellanusfuckingdickface, also @cosa-fea who called him a “sinewy man toe”
thank you all SO MUCH for taking the survey and for giving such wonderful answers. i’m glad we can all agree on some things, like william being terrible and vilde being a lesbian.
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magicalruinsdaze · 8 years ago
OUAT Fanfic writing prompts
I’m aware some have been done before, but it’s always interesting reading different versions based off the same writing prompt. Any length story (I like longer ones); you’re welcome to elaborate or expand off the list.
Captain Swan
1)       Emma likes to watch Hook/Killian get ready in the morning. She finds it fascinating how he manages to put his clothes on, how he uses his hook, applies guyliner. The way his muscles flex is quite the sight too. (Before and after his wardrobe change)
2)       Emma gives Hook/Killian a much needed massage, and gives his stump a little extra TLC.
3)       Hook/Killian’s reaction to the first time he saw Emma dressed to the nines. The appreciation he shows her takes place behind closed doors, far from others, and where they can be as loud as they please.
4)       AU S2, no Pan curse. Emma knows how he feels, after all he told her and if she’s being honest with herself, she feels the same. But before she can tell him exactly why she acts the way she does toward him, another crisis/villian pops up, and she’s hurt or cursed. Hook/Killian feels a crushing pain in his chest and doesn’t quite understand.
5)       Emma and Killian/Hook switch bodies. Sexy times ensue when they can’t resist each other despite the slight awkwardness.
6)       S6. Emma gets turned into a man (ex. Magical spell side effect/gone wrong). She and Hook/Killian end up in a fight and somehow end up kissing. Killian soon realizes it’s Emma; he’d recognize those eyes anywhere and besides, “I know how you kiss, love”. They talk. He examines her new body (with and/or without clothes) and is extremely aroused by what he sees. Emma feels self-conscious but Killian shares a secret - he’s bi. SMUT ensues. Killian begs Emma to nail him with her cock, “bugger me Swan”
7)       S6. Killian/Hook/DH gets split – Jekyll’s potion/vapor or something else. The halves argue, go separate ways or other. Emma gets cursed. Each half tries, but TLK fails. Mother Superior sheds light on why. The halves fully realize she doesn’t just love one part of them. They must set aside differences and rally together to find a way to become whole to save their Love.
8)       S6. Dealing with Hyde has been a pain in Emma’s ass but he’s gone into hiding for the time being with the Evil Queen. Killian has convinced her to take a day or two off, however, the EQ decided to attack once more. She throws a potion/spell at Emma while everyone’s distracted but Killian shoves her out of the way. After the smoke clears and the EQ’s disappeared Emma holds Killian’s unconscious body. She’s relieved when he opens his baby blues. Emma kisses him but is surprised her pirate is a little different. At the moment Killian is all Captain Hook, his darkness has come back to play and Emma is about to find out just how much the pirate Captain loves her too.
9)       AU S4 finale/S5. Role reversal. Hook/Killian takes on the darkness to protect Emma and she’s determined to find him. There is nothing she will not do for her pirate.
10)   S4 finale. Emma does work up the courage to tell Hook/Killian she loves him on the bed.
11)   Hook/Killian reacts to the first time Emma hugs him for real.
12)   Hook/Killian and Emma react to hearing the other sing. Killian sings a sea shanty while working on the Jolly. Emma hums then sings while putting laundry away in their home.
13)   S6. Hook/Killian and Emma’s reactions upon seeing each other at their wedding. Killian to Emma’s dress, and Emma to Killian’s black velvet tux.
14)   S6. Emma scrambles to find a different dress after the Black Fairy ruined her mother’s and she doesn’t quite like the two that are hanging in the foyer.
15)   Emma is having a really bad day. For one, she has a helluva migraine. Add to that the phone at the sheriff’s station has been ringing non-stop, she didn’t have enough time to eat breakfast or her morning coffee, her little brother is sick/colicky, Mary Margaret is pissing her off with all the baby talk lately “Neal this & Neal that” plus the baby supplies everywhere, David’s not helping the situation and Henry decided to act the moody pre-teen. The loft is just too cramped. When she finally decided to put her foot down about getting a place of her own both complained that neither wants her to leave. This day couldn’t end quickly enough. She wants her pirate and a hot chocolate with rum, in that order.
16)   S6 finale. Killian gets to Emma before Henry after she falls. He gives her TLK instead.
17)   Emma’s heart somehow gets crushed. No one knows how to deal with it and Killian/Hook refuses to give up. He begs Regina if there’s a way to bring her back. She tells him about heart splitting, but warns it’ll only work if they share the true love. He’s willing to take the risk for the woman he loves and can’t live without.
18)   S2 finale/S3. Somehow everyone ends up back in the Enchanted Forest, along with Henry and Emma. Hook/Killian goes off to find his ship after telling Emma that he will come back for her. Time passes. Emma has finally had enough of castle life and the Princess schtick, it’s not who she is but no one seems to care and takes off. Reunited with the Jolly, Hook/Killian is on his way to the Charming’s castle when he receives a bird letter. Upon arrival he finds a distressed Snow & Charming. They send him to find Emma. When he does, she’s become the pirate he always knew she could be.
19)   AU. Pirate Emma Swan & Merman Killian
20)   AU. Captain Hook/Jones & Princess Emma turned mermaid. TLK.
21)   AU. Emma lost most of her leg in an accident when she was young and still in foster care or at a group home. She’s managed to hide her handicap and no one in Storybrooke knows or is aware that the Savior has a prosthetic – not even her son or her parents. Hook/Killian finds out.
22)   AU. Emma isn’t the Savior, her older twin sister is and Henry is actually her nephew.
23)   There was a consequence to sending Emma through the wardrobe that no one foresaw. (Split personality)
 Captain Hook/Killian Jones
1)       Being with Emma has been eye opening, in more ways than one. He realizes what he had with Milah wasn’t true love. Even though it hurts he looks back on their time together and sees how they were just using each other. But with his Swan, he’s not only a different person but a better man.
2)       S5. In the Underworld, Killian/Hook thinks back on all Emma has done for him ever since they met, even when he thought she didn’t care. He remembers the good times and bad, but can’t help questioning if they were really bad.
 CaptainCharming Believer
1)       S6 finale. David/Charming and Killian/Hook had more time on the beanstalk.
2)       S6. Killian has David over on the Jolly again while he tries the white tux on. They both decide it doesn’t suit him, Henry agrees wholeheartedly when he stops by. Killian freaks out a little on where to find a different tux since it’s the night before his & Emma’s wedding. Henry offers a solution.
1)       Emma and Henry discuss the ramifications of baby Charming being named after Neal and how they really feel about it. HURT feeling ensue. [Extra kudos if David &/or Mary Margaret overhears]
 Outlaw Queen
1)       S3. Getting to know you. Regina and Robin Hood in Storybrooke. [Extra kudos if include first kiss & eventual sexy times]
2)       AU S3/S4. Robin never left Storybrooke, they found out Zelena was masquerading as Marian before.
3)       AU S5. Zelena loses the baby (ex. Miscarriage/stillborn). Regina comforts Robin after the news; he’s actually a little relieved. [Extra kudos if it’s not Dark Swan/Emma’s fault]
4)       AU S5/S6. Roland stays with Regina after Robin dies.
5)       S6. EvilOutlaw. The Adventures of Wish Realm Robin and the Evil Queen
1)       Mary Margaret and Emma get into a big fight. She’s shocked when David sides with their daughter.
2)       S6. At the end of the day, once the festivities are over & they’re back at the loft. Snow and David discuss the events of the day. Of what they’ve leaved about their daughter & how far Emma has come since she arrived in Storybrooke. Of her relationship with Hook/Killian, what they’ve gone through to get to this point (finally getting married) and just how well he understands her. [Extra kudos if David cries]
1)       S4. She didn’t stay asleep like Rumple had planned. Belle is affected by the Curse of Shattered Sight. He’s about to find out just how much anger/rage can be packed into a pint-sized bookworm & hidden under her forgiving personality.
 S6 finale. A look into everyone’s happy beginning.
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nottherailtracer · 8 years ago
My top 10 anime of 2016
2016 was the year I started watching anime while they were ongoing so I wanted to make a list of my favourite anime of the year. I haven’t watched everything obviously so there might be some anime that would have been on this list if I’d watched them. There are anime I started watching but haven’t finished yet so things like 91 Days or Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu won’t be on this list. And don’t expect Re:Zero to be here either because I dropped that after 4 episodes. Also, I didn’t watch a bajillion anime so I had to strain a bit and include anime that probably wouldn’t have made it if I’d finished more shows to make it a top 10 and not a top 5 since I wanted to shine a spotlight on more than 5 anime (though I suppose I could have just included them as honorable mentions but shut up I’m doing it this way now). Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that this list is entirely subjective and if you disagree with it that’s completely fine.
10. Nanatsu no Taizai: Seisen no Shirushi - This is kind of here as a placeholder, I did enjoy it but it’s nothing spectacular and relies on the fact that I already kind of love the Seven Deadly Sins so go watch that.
9. Bungou Stray Dogs - Again, nothing spectacular but I enjoyed it and it’s main downfall for me was that I didn’t really care about the main character.
8. Bungou Stray Dogs s2 - This might be cheating, splitting up the BSD seasons seeing as they aired the same year but I needed ten anime and I really wanted to avoid having to put Joker Game on here if I could (don’t get me wrong I enjoyed Joker Game while I was watching it but this is supposed to be about the shows that did make the list so I don’t want to explain why Joker Game didn’t, not here at least). Also, I enjoyed the second season more than the first, especially the first arc.
7. Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) - I have a feeling I didn’t like this as much as some people did but I did enjoy it and it is a good movie, there are just some things I thought were unnecessary and that’s why it’s not higher on this list.
6. Tales of Zestiria the X - I don’t know if I should put this here since it’s technically only halfway done but I’ve put other shows with no clear endings on this list and I really enjoyed this one.
5.  My Hero Academia -  I tried reading the manga a while ago but couldn’t get into it, this however finally managed it and I certainly wouldn’t say no to more (like give me more now).
4.   Drifters - This would probably have been 3rd if it weren’t for the fact that it didn’t have an ending. I’m not saying it should have created an anime only ending since that would most likely not end well but it’s still a factor and even if we’ll get a sequel I can’t judge this anime on something that hasn’t come out yet.
3. Kiznaiver - I really liked this anime, probably more than a lot of people did, at least if I judge by a lot of the comments I’ve read about it. I enjoyed and sympathised (to different degrees) with all the characters and the ending was satisfying to me. It didn’t make me crave more but not in a bad way exactly, it was perfectly fine as a contained 12 episode anime, it satisfied me and it didn’t need any more.
2. Mob Psycho 100 - I’m actually kind of sad that this aired this year, not because I would have wanted to wait longer for it but because any other year it would have been my top ranked anime but since it did air this year it had to compete with...
1. Yuri!!! on Ice - Surprise! It’s YoI! No one could have seen that coming. I don’t think I even had to put this here, I could have left the nr 1 spot empty and people would have just known.
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