#s02 ep42
avatarquake · 3 years
GO ELLIE! GO ELLIE! GO ELLIE! *does Delbert Doppler’s little dance*
A very precise kick to the hand holding the dagger, to an even more precise head-butt to the nose, to the most precise knee to the *ahem* (points for guessing the kick -even if it wasn’t in the face).
God, that episode was great.
Thorne crumbling to the floor gripping the family in pain was such a sweet, sweet moment. Retribution!
Ellie going after the disruptor and then yeeting it to the wall like a Pokeball or a baseball and then laying on the floor after the huge-ass explosion that followed, going ‘yeah, probably should have took a step back there.’
And Thorne is a psychic, that’s why he knew about the Ether and how it works, and why he would have an Ether disruptor, and his channel’s color is red (the color of passion, which is quite fitting for a theatre guy).
And Ichabod, rightfully, is fucking pissed, but god, he stops when Ellie tells him to, because he doesn’t want her to see him like this and Thorne, the absolute jerk, has the gall to do the villain thing, where they mock the hero for stopping before the kill shot, because the love interest asked them to (though, more than likely here it’s because he considers Ichabod the equivalent of a golem or some shit and Ellie as the one he takes orders from or something).
And holy bejeezus, Ichabod, my poor mummifying pumpkin, he looks so defeated there at the end, because this was not how he wanted Ellie to find out, this was not where and when he was going to tell her. And my sweet Ellie, being really considerate about it, because she knows he wanted to tell her on his terms, despite the fact she must have be dying of worry ever since he first told her there was something she needed to know, back when Colin interrupted them.
And, oh God, the cliffhanger is killing me, but next episode is going to give us what little Ichabod remembers/is aware of his past and Ellie is going to get in touch with Alice, isn’t she, trying to find a way to save him, she is going to do something reckless like that, it’s not something I put past her (but not look for Oberon and Titania, I don’t think, she knows better than to trust them) in exchange for restoring the barrier spell (because Maris’ block allows Ellie to help Alice with that of her own free will and not because a contract she was tricked into).
I am so invested in this webtoon.
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lupin-iii-edits · 3 years
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S02 EP42
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lupin-iii-edits · 3 years
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S02 EP42
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