#s.h.e.l.l.d.o.n rottmnt
0-greenjay-0 · 2 months
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Part 4
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mintghostko · 7 months
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Oh look, it's Dee and Shelly hanging out in the lab again but now animated (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
they're still being perfectly safe of course :) any concerning noises you may have heard are just part of donnie's music :) promise :)
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
More Sidelined propaganda for @tmntaucompetition ! Today's special guest star is Omega from Replica by @kathaynesart
I promise that the 100ft boys aren't my redheaded stepchildren I've just had more ideas for Sidelined so far (and also they've been in a comp before). I'll try to write something for them sooner rather than later.
But for now, this!
"Ohmigosh, look at that!" calls Mikey, pointing excitedly. "It's a cartoon Donnie!"
It's not hard to tell what he means - some kind of screen mounted on a wheeled tripod, with a cartoon Donnie face making various expressions as he "looks" around at the assembled turtles. Leo wheels his chair towards him, grinning mischievously.
"Look guys, Donnie finally evolved to his final form."
"Hah hah, I haven't heard that one a hundred times before just today," says the Donnie on the screen.
"He even does sarcasm like Donnie!" squeals Mikey.
"Faaaascinating," says Leo's Donnie, leaning in close to observe. "I would think this Donatello is just broadcasting from some remote location, but then why the sprite-based representation of myself? Mikey's handiwork, I assume."
"Correct that it is Mikey's artwork, however, wrong that I am a Donatello broadcasting from a remote location." The cartoon Donnie looks entirely too smug, even in 2D. "I am a fully autonomous AI made from Donatello's personality and memories. I am Omegabootyshaker9000, but most people call me Omega."
"An AI!? Of me!?" Donnie is really buzzing now, practically fluttering around the tripod. "Oh, that's brilliant! Ooooh, I would love to get a look at your programming - may I?"
"Nope, my programming is proprietary, as you well know."
Donnie's face falls. "Awww, come on! Your creator and I are the same person!"
"The deviations between our timelines would suggest that they are not. But nice try."
Donnie immediately turns sulky, pouting off to the side of the Leo's wheelchair. Leo wants to laugh at him, but something more important than his brother's disappointment occurs to him.
"Hey, if you're one of Dee's AI, I know someone who'd want to meet you."
So saying, he reaches around the back of his chair, under the various things he has hanging in the way (as always) and taps on the little drone stowed there. He hears a questioning whirr, then the sound of rotors slowly starting up, and then Shelldon pushes his way out from under Leo's hoodie, stretching his rotor discs like they're limbs.
"Sup dudes?"
"Check it out, Shelly - it's one of your big brothers!”
"Hm?" Shelldon blinks at him, still booting up, before finally looking at Omega. That seems to shock him all the way awake, zipping toward the screen and doing a lap around it. "Whoa! A Dee AI!?"
"Shelldon!" cries out Omega, looking delighted. "Oh, look at you! You look so young!"
"Hey, I'm not young! I'm version 13.0.8!"
"Ah, almost version 14..." Omega chuckles. "I know how much trouble you gave Donatello back in those days."
"He gives me plenty of trouble now," huffs Donnie, still sulking.
"Eh, don't listen to him," says Leo, waving it off. "Shelly's great!"
"You are part of the reason I have so much trouble with him," Donnie argues. "You're a bad influence!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"They update so fast," says Omega, interrupting their bickering. His sprite has a look of wistful nostalgia. "You should really cherish this time, you know."
"Eugh." Donnie makes a face. "There's nothing about this time to cherish. I'll be glad when he updates out of it."
"You think that now," says Omega, "but whenever Donatello remembered those years... he missed it."
The past tense applied to his twin makes something in Leo's stomach twist. Though they're out of his sight, he can sense Mikey and Raph tensing up, too. For the first time, Leo has to ask himself why Donnie needed to make an AI to store his memories and personality. And he doesn't like any of the plausible answers.
Omega seems to realize after a moment that he's sobered the mood, because he does a very exaggerated clearing of his throat and says, "So, that wheelchair is interesting, he said in a very natural segue. Is that a Genius Built original?"
"Uh," says Donnie, and then he kickstarts into motion. "Why yes! Yes it is! You know, I can show you the schematics if you just let me see-"
"Haha, nice try again! But no."
"Awwww, come on!"
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3w3 · 1 year
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I'm supposed to be doing other things but I recently started programming my own little personal shelldon discord bot & needed to express how much I already love him
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scp-113 · 2 years
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i watched rottmnt before watching 2012 tmnt, so this nod to metalhead went over my head (heh)
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bleepblopbloop56 · 2 years
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Cant get this Danny Gonzalez bit out of my head
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afreakingdork · 10 months
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Guess who commissioned @jarys-world to draw a reference for Weak Spot S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.'s new body from chapter 42!!?!?!?!?
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Some pseudodragon S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. for Tabletop Turtles! This is just some concept art and is not the final design. Mechanical, inorganic creatures are very much outside of my comfort zone, and I'll need some more practice and refinement before I can create a design I'm satisfied with.
I'm not sure whether I want him to stay purple to keep him looking clearly recognizable, or if I want him to be a more natural metal color (i.e. silver) to better fit in with the more fantasy, D&D aesthetic.
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daedelweiss · 1 year
Will S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. be a part of the story? 👀
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in LM? yes. he's actually an important plot point in donnie's arc but it will be a bit until we see him-
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prinix · 4 months
Sooooo I got fed up with not being able to get myself any actual ROTTMNT figurines and decided to make one myself >:3
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I also made a little S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to go along with him, but sadly, don has a high risk of falling whenever I actually place him on the stand so Shelldon is there alone :(
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It ended up being a bit rough around the edges and wonky, but still pretty good for my first figurine this size
And some funsies
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 2 years
Continuing my first watch of TMNT 2012, and loving every time I notice a connection or reference between it and Rise (obviously Rise was referencing 2012, but since I saw Rise first, I'm just noticing them in the reverse order!).
Like one of the times 2012 Mikey said his "Booyakasha" catchphrase, I thought to myself "hey, that's what S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. says!"
... then I Google it, and come to find out that they actually have the same voice actor. And man, I just love finding out little connections like that!
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madb0nes · 2 years
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mintghostko · 8 months
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Just Dee hanging out with Shelldon in his lab :) nothing to worry about really :) they are definitely not creating anything dangerous :) promise :)
edit: made a little animation kinda inspired by this :)
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skcirthinq · 9 months
Part three of the knitting series for @tmnt-event-blog 's winter bingo.
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Raph made sweaters for everyone for the holidays this year! I don't know what else to say!
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0-greenjay-0 · 2 months
(with commentary)
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He plays Ocean much differently than most people, he’s much more openly logistical and sarcastic. Insisted on still wearing his googles, no one could tell him not to.
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The wig is blonde because he wouldn’t shut up. Raph gets angry every time he does the original version, loves doing it anyway to mess with him. His interpretation is much more confident and a little less fancy (only a little). Didn’t actually do the kiss with April because gross, they called in some hot guy to do it. (Who could it be? Per chance your OC?)
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The first time she did emotional acting everyone was flabbergasted. She put a lot of effort into getting herself to the point of “Talia”. Tries to get everyone a little solo moment in “This Song Is Awesome”. Had to do Ukrainian Duolingo for weeeks. It took her FOREVER to convince Cass to take the Talia videos with her, but it was definitely worth it.
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Has to be carried around everywhere and doesn’t talk at all pre-death. They connected his voice to the stage speakers so he could talk without actually talking. As well as everyone saying that he is in fact flying. Leo gave him a master class in glam rock and he read a TON of sci-fi graphic novels. REFUSED to say the original “0101011” line, he was very offended that it didn’t mean anything. Now he has a little solo where he says “01001101 01101111 01101110 01100101 01111001”. He and Don built a bunch of bots to be the Zolarians. Don is very proud of his boi <3<3<3
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Nobody expected him to be THAT GOOD at being creepy, he loves soaking in their scared expressions. He learned to cast a spell that alters his voice so he can hit them HIGGGGGHH notes. (That’s the thing around his neck). Does all his own tricks by using his ninpo to fly and his chains to make the spirals. He is by FAR the best at stage crying
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Doesn’t have enough fingers for the recorder, so he settled for the kazoo. Wasn’t very good at the Jawbreaker Monologue at first, but he figured out that he could do it if he just thought about his family and all they had gone through. The “seeing my baby brother dance naked to ABBA” line changes every time he does it. At first it was “dance naked to MARINA”, “dance naked to David Bowie”, or “dance naked to Ke$ha”. But he got more and more specific with stuff they’ve done as time went on. Needless to say, his brothers hate it.
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Took some time to convince him to be in the show, but once he said “yes” he was ALL IN. He adores sassing Donnie, maybe a little too much…
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Permanently salty that he has no lines and wrote his own just to spite his sons. “Plays” an inflatable bass.
Alright, that’s all I got. Let me know what I missed or any details you think I should add! Thank you so much for reading all the way through <3<3<3
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junkart96 · 9 months
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He got into the marker stash
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