AFAB MTF Pride Flag
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AFAB: assigned female at birth.
MTF: transitioning from male to female.
This flag represents those who are FTMTF (detrans), SAFAB (self-assigned) female transitioners (AGABpunk), plural systems, circumgender, or intersex/altersex (varsex) people with complex experiences with gender/sex, for example, plus many more experiences I couldn't describe in simple terms. Many times, it could be a subtliden identity (aka 'contradictory labeling' or contrapunk).
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neopronouns · 10 months
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image id: a flag with 5 stripes, with the second and fourth being much smaller than the rest. they are soft red, white, light pink, white, and bright purple. in the center of the flag is a medium dark faded blue circular ring shape with its center filled in with white. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
a s-afab mesosex flag for anon!
dni link
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tojisun · 5 months
"do you like it like this, love?"
is something price murmurs when he fingers you :(( his lips are pressed along your tear-stained cheek, the scruff of his beard feels so ticklish. you mewl out your whimpers, quiet hiccups passing between your trembling lips.
a particular curl makes you gasp, your legs squeezing close at the sudden rush of euphoria.
"shh," john croons, rubbing his thumb along your folds, expertly avoiding our hardened clit. "open y'r legs again f'me, love. c'mon."
he coaxes you with his touch, his voice, his soft kisses. when you shake your head in reply, too overwhelmed with pleasure to speak, john just doubles his efforts; quiet pleas lilting from the base of his throat, his tongue heavy in his mouth.
he is just so soft. so patient.
(he will draw out the foreplay even when you're shaking in his hold, your eyes full of tears, and your body racked with oversensitivity. when you beg him to fuck you, to "please, john. please stuff me," john just nuzzles his nose on your cheek and curls his fingers in your cunt again.
it makes you sob because the realization finally descends on you—john was preparing you for a scene.)
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Soap: How’s Ghost’s head?
R/n, annoyed: Still full of bullshit.
R/n: Oh... You meant when he walked into that flag pole this morning. He’s fine.
Soap: …
R/n: Why are you still staring for?...(looks over her shoulder) Oh crap, is he behind me?
{Ghost is sitting on the chair next to her with out his mask on.)
Simon, flatly: No. I’m beside you...
R/n, jumps away shocked: Ahhh! 
{The reader is so used to seeing Ghost with his mask on, she often forgets what Simon looks like. Also the reason the reader is acting so catty is because Ghost stood her up on a date, he didn’t mean to. A female recruit who was after him, tricked Ghost into helping her with some tasks knowing full well he had a date with R/n. Long story short, the recruit tried to make a move and Ghost tore her down a few pegs in front of everyone. He tried to apologize to R/n for missing their date but she was giving him the cold shoulder so he’s basically following her around like a lost puppy...]
[PART 2]
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[R/n is searching in the closet for cleaning supplies.]
R/n: Ken, where’s the Mr Muscle?
[Kenji smirks pushes her into the closet, closing the door behind them. They reemerge a while later, Ken is fixing his shirt and R/n is flushed and disheveled]
R/n, zipping up her pants: *ahem* That’s not what I meant.
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admirxation · 5 months
Delusional - Leon Kennedy
yandere!Leon Kennedy x afab!reader | 18+ mdni | oneshot
summary: the chief felt sympathy for you and let you have a job as a coffee girl, but along the way you start to do favours for your favourites in the department, only the label of the favourite brings unwanted attention from the new rookie.
warnings: DARK CONTENT, heavy smut 18+ mdni, dead dove do not eat, yandere, obsession, heavy smut fantasies, masturbation, stalking, watching porn, moments of misogynistic language, voyeurism (peeping tom), non-consensual picture taking, breaking in, thoughts of kidnapping, putting someone to sleep with chloroform, tit play, grinding, unprotected sex (p in v), non-con, and somno // please read the warnings carefully, and understand this fiction is made for 18+ only and if any of the warnings make you uncomfortable this fic is not for you; please remember this is just fiction where real people cannot get hurt, and no actions in this fic are condoned.
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Stage one: noticing
Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the job market proved to be an unexpected odyssey, a reality starkly different from the rose-tinted visions of post-college life. You harboured the naive notion that securing employment would be a mere formality, a recipe of time, persistence, and nothing more. However, the harsh truth unfolded before you, revealing a landscape that was desolate and unforgiving, where the promises within the market of ‘urgently hiring’ were nothing more than a lie that echoed hollowly against the deafening silence of unreturned emails and failed interviews where people couldn’t even be bothered to follow-up, just letting you wonder about your failure into obtaining your first real job. 
In your frustration, you confided in your father, lamenting the arduousness of the job hunt, how this pursuit was draining you and how unfair it was. You told him it wasn’t what it was like when he first entered it, how he was given the chance to climb the ladder, and you weren’t even given the sight of it—it was just starting to feel tedious.
His empathy was palpable as he sought avenues to alleviate your plight. Despite his respectable standing within the professional sphere, his efforts to secure a foothold in your proved futile search were met with the obstinate resistance of corporate bureaucracy and entrenched biases; when he asked his boss for a simple job, perhaps in the mail room, he was only met with: “If I allow your daughter, I’ll have a whole mailroom of incompetent daughters.” This was met with your father feeling disheartened, unable to fabricate a response, and not wanting to go against his boss’ boundaries.
Yet, amidst the encroaching despair, a glimmer of hope emerged from connections through the benevolence of an old friend, the chief of the Raccoon City Police Department. Your father had met him back in high school, and despite the distance over the years, there was an inextricable bond where favours were allowed to continue being asked. A lifeline materialised in the form of a humble role at the department, as you were designated as a simple ‘coffee girl’ to make the coffee runs for his workers and help clean up the area; it all worked in the chief’s favour anyway, with him needed workers to stop being distracted and continue with their designated cases. 
At first—when you started—everyone was curious as to who you were, wondering why the chief allowed a coffee girl when the department never had one; no one could think of any other department that allowed this; this practice was out of the ordinary as the usual practice was having someone nominated to take their turn and collect everyone’s order, but hey, they weren’t going to complain about having someone take care of them, people who were constantly nominated were even more thrilled about you working here. 
Before starting, you had some thoughts before going to bed that maybe no one would be friendly or accepting of you, but this was all proven wrong; as the months continued, you were welcomed, becoming a favourite with how you remembered everyone’s usual order, but you also had your favourites. Everyone was kind to you, but you still had your favourites; being your favourite meant you would always sneak an extra sweet treat for them; the way someone knew to expect being a favourite was if you asked them what their favourite treat was. This started with Jill Valentine, then rippled to a man called Chris Redfield; some people even went out of their way to be marked as your favourite, but for a good while, it was only to them two until after a month or so, you found another to be labelled as your favourite; the newest recruit in the department who was the newest target to be picked on, the ‘rookie’ everyone liked to make jokes about, Leon S. Kennedy. 
When you first met him, you noticed how reserved he was, how he stuttered in his speech and how shy his demeanour was; when he had a seat allocated for him, you wanted to be the first friendly face after a long time of being subjected to what the guys liked to call ‘harmless bullying’ a term they used to describe it as a state of teasing that ‘built character’, but all you could see was a group of guys that never grew up and stayed in the state that piqued in high school—you had encountered that all your life, and many others. You remembered tapping him on the shoulder and introducing yourself, waiting for him to fabricate his words to introduce himself to you; you told him you were the coffee girl around the department and gave him the times you would go out and get everyone what they wanted, giving him a piece of paper to put his order down. You remembered that shy, small smile as he wrote it down, thanking you for spending time with him. 
That was the first stage of him noticing you. 
Inescapably, he found himself ensnared by the genial ambience you provided, discerning the elegance of your smile and the picturesque framing of your countenance by your styled locks, reminiscent of an ethereal masterpiece. Yet, he refrained from delving deeper into such impressions, recognising that your amiable demeanour was intrinsic to your professional role. These cogitations united into a resolute acceptance as he seamlessly integrated himself into discussions concerning you, recognising such interactions he noticed were just the result of friendliness being a part of your job. With a nonchalant attitude of seeing the truth, he dimmed any personal inclinations, instead redirecting his focus to his duty as a law enforcement officer, immersing himself into the very reasons he chose this line of work when going through the academy. 
As the weeks drew on, your reasonings of favouring started to manifest; the reasons resulted in a mix of his manners and sympathy for Leon. You heard how people talked about him in the breakroom or the reactions to being partnered with him. The titling of ‘rookie’ always left a bad taste in your mouth when you were watching full-grown men bullying him like they were back in the walls of the school—how pathetic it was, you thought to yourself, but you could tell it was doing a number on Leon’s mentality. You were never given slack for being new; at the very most, some people called you ‘cute’ but not in a complimentary way, more to describe your lack of experience within the chief’s sympathy towards you. Still, you were never subjected to what Leon was to. You decided to do something small, to make him feel better, asking him the next time you gave him his usual what his favourite treat was—you were aware how odd this was to him, you could tell with his facial expression, but you knew it would make sense the next day. You could tell the others knew what was happening when you noticed people waiting for that question, just looking at Leon and wondering why him. He quickly answered that he was simple and loved raspberry and white chocolate muffins; you greeted his answer with a quick nod and scurried away to put it in your notebook, ready to give it to him the next day. 
When that day rolled along, you managed to collect everyone’s order and pick up the treats for Chris and Jill, later remembering the order you wanted to make for Leon; you looked at the glass dome surrounding the cakes and pointed to the one that you thought was perfect, hoping it would pick up his spirits, even if it were just a little bit. When it came to you walking back to the building and giving out everyone’s orders, you made sure Leon was left til last; you saw him look over to you with a tinge of sadness, perhaps thinking that he was forgotten, but after your little conversations with Chris and Jill you made your way over to Leon, being greeted with that shy smile that you couldn’t help but describe as cute. 
“Hey, I’m sorry I took a while to get to you; please don’t think I was ignoring you,” you reassured him as you placed the coffee in front of him. 
“It’s o-okay. I know you have loads of people to get to,” he wrapped his fingers around the warm cup, curiously watching as you remained a few moments longer around his desk and reached in your bag for something. 
“Oh, don’t be silly, I couldn’t forget you.”
Couldn't forget me? Leon thought.
“Remember that question I asked you yesterday… Well, I hope this answers why I asked it,” you handed over his favourite treat, watching as his eyes widened with happiness, and a dust of blush appeared on his cheeks. 
“T-Thank you so much… You didn’t have to go out of your way-” 
“It’s my treat,” you said, grazing your hand on his, “Consider it a thank you for being so kind to me.” 
He watched your lips curl and stretch into a warm and inviting smile—he couldn’t help but feel a connection from that smile. 
That was when it all changed. 
That was the day Leon felt connected to you, feeling a need to cling to the idea of you, thinking the more he clung to it, the more the fixation of connection would manifest into a physical connection, much more than just a graze on the hand, but physical intimacy—something he craved, and now only craved with you from now on. When you walked off, you didn’t notice how the blush intensified as he grazed his finger along the paper casing of the muffin you gave to him; one of the corners of Leon’s mouth turned up, his hand smoothed over the warm drink before lifting it to his lips, letting it glide down his throat, before clenching his jaw as he thought and looked to you across the room. 
Your name would be on his mind for a long time now. 
As he continued to watch you before going into the chief’s office, he made his way into the breakroom, ready to dispose of the paper casing surrounding your provided present; before putting it in the bin, he caught Chris' attention. 
“Oh, I see someone else has joined the club,” he laughed lightly, adding to Leon's confusion. 
“Club? I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you mean.” 
“You know the coffee girl, yes?” Leon nodded, "She has her favourites, and you know you’re a favourite if she asks you what your favourite snack is and gives it to you; so far, you're the third person; you must have been very kind to her.” 
Favourite. I am her favourite. He continued to think about being a favourite, a tinge of jealousy within his mind as he thought about being the ‘third’ favourite, but he was a favourite non the less, steps ahead of many of the guys in the department—and he loved that he was on your radar. 
Stage two: obsession. 
Leon always thought you looked pretty; he thought it was an objective fact that you were the most attractive girl in the precinct, but he never formed any true feelings about that. However, since that day, his behaviour and feelings towards you started to change; he couldn’t get the word 'favourite’ and the notion that he was your favourite out of his mind. He often thought that he wasn’t the only favourite, but he didn’t need to think of them; they weren’t a competition—the way Chris said it, it had a casual tone, not one of endearing description, granted whenever he heard you in the breakroom laughing with Chris, jealousy was often felt. However, he knew if Chris wanted you, he would have made a move already—but he was still one to watch. As more time drew, he constantly thought of you; no matter the time of day, you were fixed in his mind, a constant that would not change. 
As the weeks drew on, he started to notice you more, noticing everything about you with just the simple act of watching; it wasn’t hard to collect this information, especially with how you were a creature of habit, a person who worked with continuous routine—a huge mistake from you. He knew the times you would go off for your coffee runs from the paper you gave him; he knew the order you would go around the room and how you left Leon for last and always had a longer conversation with him. He also noted when you would have your breaks and how long you would talk to Jill and Chris; he made sure to listen in to ensure Chris was never overstepping the boundary he placed ever since his obsession was created. He always felt a burning within his chest, a heavyweight hanging on his heart every time he heard you laugh from one of Chris’ jokes; he couldn’t help but curl his fists into a ball, feeling his head get warmer as the feeling of jealousy expanded further within him. 
Calm down, Leon; he would have already asked her if he wanted her. He constantly told himself to calm down and stop thinking of how close you two were together, remembering that Jill was in the middle of you two. If he wanted to be closer, he would spend time with just you—that thought comforted him.
Your small conversations lasted a little longer when you gave him his coffee and muffin. It was Friday, and the easy conversation was on its way. 
As you were about to turn around, you were greeted with an extended conversation with Leon, who asked, “Have you got anything plans for the weekend?” he fiddled with the paper casing as he tried to concentrate on the conversation you two were having. 
You were taken aback at this imposed question, not shocked at the content, but curious about how he started to take interest: “Oh, nothing much; I’m thinking of just chilling at home and relaxing a bit; what about you?” 
“Oh, I’m just working on some cases; see how much I can get done over the weekend.”
“Don’t overwork yourself; there’s a reason you have the time off.” 
She cares about my well being, Leon thought, your kind nature only adding to his obsession growing.
“I’ll see you around; I need to do something for the chief,” you went off, leaving Leon in a pool of his thoughts that never stop being around you. You were kind to everyone, but it felt different to him; you cared for him more with how your words were strung together. 
The weekend felt long; usually, Leon would enjoy the time off, using this time to be as lazy as possible and have a break from his other colleagues, but his weekends now consisted of longing and counting down the minutes until he went back to work until he could see you again and sneak a few minutes of conversation with you. He couldn’t help but think about what you were doing at your place; he wondered if you lived alone; he wished you lived alone as he fantasised about growing closer to you and spending time with you—if only he had the courage to initiate that. 
Leon thought about where you lived; he knew it wouldn’t be too far from the police station, and he was even thinking of getting some information through a series of questions. But he could tell you were a smart girl and wouldn’t give that information out by mistake. You seemed overly cautious, but not too cautious, as you had a few mistakes let slip—like your continuous routine, which was easy to plan around.
But right now, all he could think was the idea of having you, not just in a romantic way where you could be his person for as long as he needed you, but thinking of an intimacy he so long desired. 
He wasn’t exactly the rookie everyone described him as; he had a girlfriend before finishing the academy and joining the department. It wasn’t like he was oblivious to it all, but that ended a long time ago when the thought of her disappeared the moment she left his everyday life, and now you were the beautiful and endearing replacement that he couldn’t stop thinking about. 
He was confined in the same four walls he had lived in for years. He felt the urge to pull his laptop and fix up a website everyone had at least wondered about, even if it was out of curiosity or plain desperation; he hadn’t touched this website in a while, but thinking about you wasn’t enough, his imagination needed stimulation, and watching porn was the only way he could settle that yearning that was bubbling inside of him for a long time now. 
He slowly looked at the screen, looking at the most popular videos that were the most watched, but none of them was attracting him; he just wanted you, and everyone he looked at was just inferior to how he put the thought of you on a pedestal. So, he typed, looking through several pages, looking for girls that emulated your features, perhaps having similar hair colour or style, similar body type, and facial features; he kept scouring through the internet to find a video with someone that looked like you, of course, none of them even came close, leading him to have to settle. His mouse hovered over results that came close to what he needed before the window for settling decreased in chance with an overwhelming wave of uncontrollable desire wash over him, pressing against his pants as he continued to have you on his mind, the thought of you being the source of his mind and body running on adrenaline. 
As soon as he watched, he jerked his hands away from the keyboard, pushing the laptop further down as he unbuttoned his trousers, palming the imprint of his clothed cock for a moment, watching as the girl in the video—an inferior doppelganger—undressed slowly for the camera, teasing her viewers with the perfect execution of timing and a smile that just enticed you further; of course, Leon wasn’t enticed by her, he was only watching for the similarity she had to you, but she was a good enough vessel for his imagination to run rampant. 
He pulls out his cock, which is throbbing painfully, making him moan and whimper slightly as he wraps his calloused hand and lets it run along his prominent veins, smearing the dribbling of precum along his warm shaft, his cheeks flushing deep red as he continues to morph her face into the perfect imagination of you, imagining you opening your legs and biting your lip, running your fingers along your wet folds, imagining you begging and desperate eyes looking up to him to beg for his cock inside you—god he needed that more than ever right now. He was practically salivating, drooling as he watched the woman fit her fingers inside her wet cunt, continuously thinking about what you would look if he fit his cock inside your aching pussy; he just knew you would be a screamer. His cock continued to painfully throb as he pressed his fingers around his member, even harder with another squeeze, kicking his head back as he continued to think about how you would moan his name, thinking about what you would sound like; he imagined even further how much of a dirty girl you would be. She has an innocent facade, but I can bring it down, he continued to think as he was lost with an unbearable ache within his core, his heart racing as he leaned back and pumped his hand even harder, laying your name on his tongue. 
His eyes closed, listening to the woman’s moans in placement for yours, fantasising about what you would look like naked, wet and squirming just for him and only him, his fantasies becoming vivid as he thought about watching your tits bounce with every thrust inside you wet core, pounding his hard cock inside you repeatedly, wanting to just fill you up to the brim with his cum. 
That was it. That was the thought that sent him over the edge. The thought of making you his by pumping his hot seed inside you, fucking it further inside your cervix. His fingers were wrapped around his shaft tightly as he let out a whimper, a quiet ‘fuck’ with a release of your name like a blissful treat laced on his lips; his hips bucked as he refused to let that thought of you being his little cumslut be fixed in the lines of memories and fantasies—he needed to bridge the gap with you. 
After reaching a sweet release, he looked at the woman in the video, hearing her talking and her high-pitched voice, looking at her with disgust. “Shut up… annoying bitch,” he hissed in a curse, closing down the tabs. 
He couldn’t let this be in his imagination; Leon’s obsession would no longer live in his fantasies, and he needed to ask you out. 
This was routine with Leon; he always found himself in the same pathways, no matter how much he denied that part of himself. He always noticed a girl, then went to know them a little more, continuously thinking and then… asking them out and letting everything he wanted manifest into a reality of physical connection. That’s all he needed to do. He planned the next time he would see you would be when he asked you on a date, perhaps dinner at his place. All he needed to do was wait for you to say yes and let it continue from there—you would be the most perfect, his favourite girl he laid his eyes on and continued the repetitive journey with, perhaps be the last one with him now finding perfection. 
Stage three: rejection
In the dimly lit break room, Leon hesitated at the threshold, his heartbeat pounding against his ribs, his blood flow quickening through his veins with the tumult of his beating heart. Each breath felt laboured with anxiety, weighted with the burden of anticipation and trepidation. Adjusting his shirt—in a futile attempt to regain composure—Leon stepped himself for the task he provided himself the previous night: to summon the courage and ask you out, the enigmatic coffee girl he just couldn’t forget ever since he was exposed to your heart of gold. 
As the door creaked open, Leon was exposed to you, immersed in preparing your coffee; you were in your world before you heard the click of the door close. Leon’s breath hitched in his throat, beads of sweat drawing along his brow as he tried to maintain calm and remain at the task at hand, subtly, well to what he thought was subtle, he rubbed his hands on his trousers from them heating up in fear, trying not to become distracted from what he had set out to do.
Summoning his courage, Leon cleared his throat, the sound echoing unnaturally in the space: “Morning… Hey… Um,” he paused for a moment, “The coffee girl making her coffee… heh,” he let out nervous laughter at a failed attempt at what he thought would come out as a joke… If you could call it that. 
“Um, yeah… I get my breaks like you lot,” you let out a sympathetic, breathy laugh, but Leon could see through it, knowing it was a sympathy laugh. Nonetheless, he was still warm inside, knowing you were trying to make him comfortable; your smile continued to beacon a feeling of reassurance that made Leon’s heart flutter within its beats. 
Embarking upon the precarious precipice of confession, Leon forged ahead, his words carefully fabricating into what he had rehearsed the night before: “So um, I’m glad to find you here… Alone… Since I- there’s something I want to ask you.. For a while now,” he rubbed the back of his neck as you raised an eyebrow out of interest. 
“Oh, do you want to change your regular order? I’m happy to do that for you,” you naively reached for your notebook. 
“No, no, that isn’t what I wanted to talk about,” he couldn’t help but find your naivety cute; how you were always ready to please was captivating to him; you continued to watch as he was trying to find the words. “So I’ve wanted to ask you this… For a while now…You’re a very kind and pretty girl, and I find… I find…I-I think about you often, wondering if you want to… Go out with me. You’re a really nice girl, and well, I’m a really nice guy; we already have that in common and, yeah, what do you think?” 
A flicker of confusion danced along your features, your brow furrowing into gentle bewilderment as he kept blabbing on; you watched how he rubbed the back of his neck, how he couldn’t keep up eye contact longer than a few seconds, and how his foot kept grazing along the wooden floor as he kept gently kicking it back and forth. “Oh,” you said as you tried to figure out what to say, tapping the ceramic layer of your cup as you tried to piece it all together. 
Oh… fucking oh, that’s all you got, Leon thought to himself. 
“Look, I think you’re lovely, but I’m not ready to go on dates; it’s only nearly been a year after finishing college; I’m not ready to start dating again.” 
Again? Who else has got their hands on her? Leon felt a sting of jealousy. 
Rejection pierced Leon’s hopes, feeling like the jagged rocks of reality came crumbling down on him; with a nod of resignation, he acquiesced to the painful truth. “I-I understand,” his fists were bawling up and his teeth grinding, “I’m sorry I asked,” he walked off slowly, hoping that you would stop him and tell him you changed your mind. 
But you didn’t. 
You had a boyfriend in college. Nothing serious happened with him, but you were close to that man; you even thought you loved him at one point until he betrayed you with another woman. You weren’t ready to start going out on dates, especially in a new job where you barely knew anyone. 
Just as you were planning to exit, your friends came through the door, noticing how shaken up you were. 
“Are you okay? you look like you just saw a ghost,” Jill said with concern, coming over to you and placing her hand on your shoulder for reassurance. 
“I-I had a weird encounter with… Leon.” 
“The rookie? what’s the little weirdo up to now?” Chris asked while folding his arms, coming closer to you so you wouldn’t have to raise your voice. 
“He… He asked me out.” 
Both of them widened their eyes, looking at one another and gesturing you to sit down; while the topic of asking someone out was an innocent one, you looked shaken up by Leon’s advances. 
“I was here making myself a coffee, and I think he was trying to make a joke. I don’t know; he wanted to ask me something. I thought maybe he wanted to change that coffee order because we all know it’s gross. Who orders that?” Chris cut you off your emerging tangent.
“Back to the topic, you said Leon asked you out?” 
“He said he had been thinking about me for a while and was saying that we’re both nice. He asked, and I rejected him, but… I don’t know; I feel weird. Was I leading him on? What’s it that muffin I gave him? I didn’t want to give that idea.” 
“Look, I’m not going to defend him, but-“ 
“Then don’t finish that sentence,” Jill cut Chris off, “Look… It was just a case of a man misreading friendless for attraction; it happens a lot; men are stupid,” Chris looked offended, “especially the one opposite me.” 
You both laughed. 
“I just… I just find that it’s delusional to start liking someone because they did their job. I gave him a muffin, nothing else,” you told them. 
“Giving muffins isn’t in your job; you do that extra. I’m not blaming you, but he might not be that used to women, and before you come back talking, we’ve all thought it; look at the guy,” Both you and Jill agreed, “Also, I did tell him you give muffins to favourites, to people you find kind, he must have taken it as favourite equals attraction. You’ve turned him down anyway. Just forget it happened; I’m sure he’ll forget about it.” 
But he didn’t. 
He was nestled in the corner, a blind spot for people in the break room, and heard every word. The moment you uttered “delusional”, it pricked a spike right into his chest, feeling like you just couldn’t help yourself but injure him and twist the blade for a bit of enjoyment; he curled his lips into a line as he heard Chris insult him, wondering what it would be like to drive him away from you, to hurt him back like he verbally hurt him. A darkened fog casted over his mind of clarity, putting him back in that dark space he worked hard to get himself out of. 
No, no, no, don’t think like that. You wouldn’t want to hurt Chris. You can’t be messy. It leaves tracks. Remember your ex… All you need to do is be persuasive. Leon’s internal monologue kept feeding his delusional nature. 
The next day approached, and Leon patiently awaited your coffee run. He watched the reflection of the glass and continued to look at you, hobbling into the building with numerous coffee orders, all with post-it notes and that brown bag for your favourites. He waited patiently, keeping his back turned to not make him seem too desperate as he awaited. 
Just as routine kept providing, you went around the room in exact order, starting from left to right, then sneaking a conversation with Chris and Jill, and then to him; Leon’s heart quickened in beat as he heard your deep breaths become clearer as you got closer to him, but to his surprise, all you did was plant his coffee and muffin in front of him—no greeting, no few sentenced conversation, not even the usual grace with care as you just basically threw his order in front of him like a waitress getting awful tips. There was a strange feeling within him, one of anger for ignoring him and one of sadness as you went straight to the chief’s office—you had never quickened your pace like that before. 
Probably just in a rush, chief overworking you, he thought as he let the scalding hot coffee pass through his throat, not wincing or reacting to its temperature as he kept replaying your distance in his mind, over and over again. He looked at the muffin you gave him, which was still his favourite, and it looked to be the best quality from that coffee shop with its raised top and good ratio of white chocolate and raspberry. As he analysed every aspect, he concluded that you still cared to treat him. 
She’s just teasing me. I can tell. She wants me to work for it. Of course, women don’t want to accept it, and it makes them look desperate; they love it when a man works for them; it’s only an act of chivalry that those women crave. Yes. Yes. If she didn’t care about you, she would have ignored you. She wants you. She does. Leon was trapped in his thoughts as he bit into the fluffy muffin, biting into a sour and sweet raspberry-rich quadrant that fueled his delusions even more. He watched the chief’s door intently, knowing that he just needed to be more persistent with you; the next time he saw you in the break room, you would say yes. Leon had it all planned in his mind. 
You were overly cautious now. You knew Leon didn’t do anything wrong, per say, but it made you uncomfortable; something about his demeanour threw you off. It wasn’t even the fact you weren’t attracted to him; you felt an unnerving aura on him. Your eyes darted around you before you entered the break room, watching the coffee machine and tapping your fingers on the counter, blinking every time a second went past and wanting time to hurry up. 
Come on, come on, come on, you kept saying like the machine would obey and go quicker. 
You heard footsteps linger around the room. 
Oh god, not now. 
Of course, who else would it be? Leon peered through the corner, watching you, already glued to the door, with an unwelcoming gaze piercing him. 
“Hey… Can I talk to you?” he was back in that shy demeanour again. 
“If you must,” you coldly replied. 
“I’m sorry if I came onto strong… I didn’t mean to creep you out; I’m just not used to this sort of thing,” your brow relaxed for a moment as you waited for a real apology, “but I do really like you and-“
“You don’t know me, Leon,” your arms were folded, knowing he would try his chances again. 
“I mean… We can get to know each other… that’s kinda what dating is about, yeah?” 
You rolled your eyes. 
Look at her, acting rude and nonchalant. It’s all part of her act, Leon. You’re just wearing her down, he continued to tell himself. 
“I’m going to say this once and only one more time, Leon,” you said, stepping closer to him. “I’m not interested. It has nothing to do with you. I’m not interested in dating anybody now; I’m just here to do my job for the remaining time. Please understand I’m not looking for anything at the moment. I’m flattered, but I don’t want this.” 
When you exited, your fleeting touch upon his shoulder sent shockwaves of longing coursing through Leon’s veins. In that fleeting moment, he entertained the notion that you liked the long game. Perhaps, just perhaps, your gesture or touch harboured a silent encouragement to persevere. 
Once you left and went out of sight, you left Leon with another bitter taste of rejection upon his lips. he designated himself to the harsh truth: some desires are destined to remain unrequited, lost in the labyrinth of unspoken longing and unfilled yearning. Yet, in the depths of his despair, a glimmer of resolve ignited within him—a need to persevere despite the spectre of rejection that loomed over your conversations. His heart had fervent whispers that hoped you would stop this chase and let it just happen. 
Leon’s darkened thoughts continued, standing still as he let those thoughts unfold; he wanted to keep trying to keep wearing you down, but he needed to satisfy a hunger to get it all out, to get his yearning and built-up frustrations out before he continued his chivalrous courting—a description he kept providing to make him feel better, in all reality anyone would just call this creepy. Still, Leon thought he was just playing the game. 
Stage four: stalking
His fingers kept tapping as he waited in his car, tapping on the steering wheel at night for you to come out of the building. 
You rejected him. Two times. But the second wasn’t the last, to Leon’s thought process; he was willing to play the long game with you, to wear you down; it wouldn’t take that long. However, there was one problem with all these build-up frustrations within him. He just wanted a taste. Just to see what you look like, but you weren’t so willing at the moment; no, you were holding back, and this led to darker thoughts bubbling and festering inside his mind, thoughts he needed to let out before it became overwhelming. He just wanted something to keep him going, to stop relying on bitches who couldn’t compare to you, to take his pictures, perhaps to let his motivations keep running. 
He wanted you. Just you. No other girl. 
His car was parked at the back, watching your car and waiting for you to enter. He saw you give one final wave and a comforting smile to a group of his colleagues—a smile only he wanted to be directed at him. You didn’t notice how he stared at you. The darkened atmosphere made it difficult to see anything that far, and as you stepped in, Leon started his engine, ready to follow you at a distance and find out where you dwelled. 
He followed the road, making sure not to get too close, watching you from the back window to make sure you weren’t looking back in suspicion; when you finally stopped at your destination, he made a loop around the corner to make it look like he was just taking a similar path and went on if you noticed his car. In all honesty, you did notice that car, but you couldn’t make out who was in there. but after he had driven past, your piqued anxiety levels went down, telling yourself that it was just some person taking a similar route, feeling silly for overthinking. 
After Leon had done his little tangent driving, he found a place right in front of the building, watching as the window lit up. 
That’s got to be hers. 
You always had your curtains open to get some sunlight in during the day at work. Still, your innocent affairs managed to make Leon’s job easier as he watched you from the distance of his car—he was parked in the perfect spot, a place you couldn’t see when looking down from the top floor, but somewhere that gave a clear view of what you were doing by the window. 
He watched as you unpacked everything, feeling emotional responses and inpatient anger when you strayed away from his sights.
Unknowingly, you started to undress, taking your blouse off and revealing your lacy bra; this was it; this was the moment Leon pulled his phone and pressed that button to take dozens and dozens of pictures of you, watching you stand in front of the window without a care in the world. Watching as your hand slithered to the back of your hooks, his eyes widening as he moved closer to the window of his car, ready to take pictures of your beautiful body, he felt his cock hardening against his trousers as he waited for you to expose yourself.
You winced as you unhooked your bra, feeling where the underwire pressed into your skin all day, exposing yourself to Leon as he zoomed his camera in to take pictures; he cursed at his phone for blurring and not taking better quality, wanting to see your bare chest. As he was practically salivating, your head darted to the window, recognising you had forgotten to draw the curtains, placing your blouse back under your arms before hurriedly covering Leon’s shot, looking around and thankful that no one was in the streets to see you—oh if only you knew. 
“Fuck,” he let out a low curse as his cock started to no longer press against his tight trousers watching your windows be nothing but a dark-covered void now.
But he wasn’t all that disappointed. He managed to get some decent pictures to settle him for a bit longer. 
He drove back to his apartment. To his glee, it wasn’t too far from his, perhaps a fifteen-minute drive from yours to his. He hurriedly fumbled with the keys of his place, kicking his shoes off and stripping naked in a matter of seconds as he lunged for his bed, wanting to indulge in those pictures before he lost his high. 
He lay on the soft covers, naked, looking at each photo of your unknowing face, how blissfully ignorant you were; he couldn’t help but smirk as he zoomed into your face of shock when you realised the curtains were open. 
“Such a tease. You wanted someone to notice you… You wanted me to notice you,” he whispered. 
He kept swiping and zooming into your bare chest, circling his thumb around your exposed nipples, wondering what it would be like to suck on them, to pinch them until you squirmed with delight, to press his cock in between your tits; all these thoughts continued to make him harder. Before you covered yourself up, the last photo was perfect; your hair was messy, forwardly in front of Leon’s view as he kept zooming in to look. He imagined a scenario where you were a complete whore for him. Imagining you looking down and pressing your hardened nipples against the window, perhaps leaving a kiss mark on the window while looking at him with those beautiful eyes and leaving a lipstick mark on the glass; that was it, that was the imagined scenario that got him going. His phone was leaving indents on his fingers from his tight grip; he could feel his balls tighten as a dribble of precum started to ooze out the tip, his fingers tightening their grip around his large and thick shaft as he followed the flow of his thick veins, smearing the precum along the direction of his hand pumping along his length. He bit his lip as he whimpered out your name, his core tightening as he continued to look at your unknowing face. He started to think what your face would look like if he pushed his hard cock inside your wet cunt; he could just tell you were a screamer, and he wanted to hear that pretty mouth scream out his name. He imagined how you would feel as your tight hole would wrap against him. 
He could barely breathe, and his breathing patterns became laboured, and his chest continued to rise and fall at a rapid pace, a groan released as he kept moaning your name. “Fuck I need you,” he moaned as his head was thrown back into the pillow, cum spurting all along his torso, slowly rubbing himself before letting go and being left to think about what his next course of action was. 
Stage five: possession. 
What was the point of asking you out again? Leon tricked himself into believing you set out a game for him to play, believing that you wanted him just to try a little harder for you; no matter how much distance you placed between him, he kept thinking you were just making the test harder—to him this was just another challenge he wasn’t going to put down. But this game, Leon forced himself to believe, was difficult; this game of yours would be over if he got fired; if he asked you out again, he knew you would go telling the chief, and every single person knew how much a soft spot the chief had for you. He hated how other people held that spot for you, hated how people noticed the good in you; that was something only he should notice; a burning rage within his chest flowered every time he thought about people experiencing the kindness only he wanted to experience and witness. 
He wasn’t going to lose interest until he got you. Hence, he felt drawn to execute his plan for a little treat. 
Leon needed to ease his frustrations and pent-up desires just to get a taste of you, to obtain further motivation to keep seeking you out, to keep wearing you down until you realised you were made for him. 
For the past week, Leon kept going to your place but could only snap pictures with you fully clothed; how boring, he thought every time he pointed the camera to your window and waited for another good shot like that first night. Every time he left without seeing more of your bare chest, he still smirked behind the screen every time he saw your unknowing face, oblivious to how close he was to you—but he needed more. 
To execute his plans, he needed to do some research. He planned to stop having the building be a physical obstacle against his needs, looking up your apartment complex and looking at the rooms ready to be rented out, focusing on the ones on the top floor—your floor—and looking at the floor plans. With just a few clicks on the internet and a few drives, the type of information you can get was amazing; we all know the saying, if there’s a will, there’s a way. He found those floor plans with the available pictures, seeing that all of them were similar, the only difference being the placement of the bedroom and bathrooms—the only thing in his way now was getting inside. 
When your lights turned off, he was ready for his plan to continue; he marched up to the doors, running through the rain and making his way to the doors, waiting for someone, making a show of forgetting his keys—it came easy to him to lie and perform. 
“Oh god, not again,” he started patting down his pockets, looking around until an older woman came along, giving him a gentle smile that signalled how his acting was believable. 
“Have you forgotten the key to the front door?” 
“Yeah… I always forget the key to this door; I moved in only a week ago; I need to get used to it.” In another email, making a whole other identity, Leon managed to send a few questions to the landlord, knowing that there were two keys given to the occupant, a front door key and an apartment key—as said, he did his research before coming to your place. 
“Oh dear, here you go,” she let him in without a second thought. His innocent facade took her in as he thanked her: “Don’t worry about it, sweety. Forgetting is an easy thing. You have a great night.” 
She waved him off as he pressed the elevator button, thinking to himself I will have a great night, clutching onto the straps of his backpack, waiting for the elevator to ascend to your floor; every time the number of the level changed, a jump in his chest was felt, excitement and anticipation running through his emotions as he thought how much closer he was getting to you, to be with you outside of work—finally. 
It was almost too easy to find where you were; he knew what side you were on and only needed to count the windows he saw on the inside until he made his way to yours; it was just two windows away from the very edge of the end; he pressed his ear against the door, hearing no sounds of your consciousness still roaming around. As he made sure his coast was clear, he collected a lock pick from the smallest pocket in his bag; he was a cop, after all, he knew his way around and learned how people did this; they ought to be careful who they let in this field of work. 
The silence within your place made the room feel empty; he was hit with your signature scent that sent a blush rushing to his cheeks, his heart beating at a constant quickened rhythm as he processed how close he was to you, how close he was to your private realm that he snuck into, everything about you could be learnt just within these walls—but he needed to stay at the task he provided himself. He made his way into your room, padding silently down the hall; he breathes in deeply as he reaches for your white-painted bedroom door, thankful it wouldn’t make a sound as you had left it a crack open. 
She’s practically asking for it; Leon’s delusional monologue kept running rampant in his thoughts. 
You were fast asleep, as planned, curled up in the countless pillows and blankets you had surrounding you; Leon couldn’t help but find you adorable how you were cuddled up, but he couldn’t let his admiration of you stop his tracks. His backpack hit the floor, making you jolt in movement, but only shifting your legs into a more comfortable position; you were out cold, giving Leon the perfect opportunity to continue with his plan. He retrieved a cloth, draining every last drop of chloroform on it, it dripping all over the floor; with a few searches, he knew it wasn’t going to be a quick breath in like the movies presented; he knew he had to press this on your nose and mouth for at least a few minutes, the fact you were a heavy sleeper made it very easy for this to happen. While you were away in dreamland, he gently pressed the wet rag on your nose and mouth, pressing just enough for you to inhale deeply but not enough to force you awake; you felt almost a tickle sensation on your nose, just thinking it was your fan pushing air on your face and causing an itch; oh how your naivety just made it ten times easier for Leon to indulge a little. 
He watched your digital clock to wait for the appropriate amount of time to pass, listening to your breathing becoming shallower with every minute that past; just as the recommended time has been completed, he presses his ear to your chest, your heartbeat and breathing patterns being a murmur now; he couldn’t mess up now, he was in your room and ready to complete everything his fantasies were forcing him to do, he grabbed your face, his fingers pressing into the plush of your cheeks to give more evidence that you were asleep, but you would awake within due course.
It was time. 
In a matter of seconds, he stripped off his shirt and jeans, throwing all the layers you put on yourself, his fingers tightening around the bands of your sleep clothes and peeling them off, exposing your naked and bare body right in front of him; his pupils dilated, his blush deepening, and his cock hardening as he processed how close he was to your naked form, your naked helpless form that was ready for the taking, ready for his taking. 
As his eyes widen to encapture your whole form, he pressed a desperate kiss on your limp lips, pressing his hands on your chest, grabbing and squeezing them the more he placed wet and rough kisses on your soft lips; he couldn’t believe how you were just there, ready to fulfil everything he had been thinking of—this was the kick he needed, the little taste of motivation to keep going before you would be all over him, he kept thinking about the day you would help him get undressed and let him fuck deep inside you, but he had to settle for this time with you now before that happened. He released whimpers as he grinds his hips into yours, his hands underneath your thighs as he makes them go around his waist, kissing you like you were a hungry couple experiencing their first night together. He couldn’t help but be amused as he pinched your nipples, shocked as they sprung into hardened buds; lapping his tongue around them and letting them be covered in his saliva as he slid his tongue around them and placed gentle nibbles; there was just so much to do; and so little time; he wanted to feel and experience every inch of you, but time was limited, and this was just a taste for him before he wore you down. 
He gulped as his fingers collected around his waistband, freeing his throbbing erection from his boxers, adjusting your panties to the side so he could slip his length inside you; his fingers started following the line of your folds, a spurt of precum forming around his tip as he watched your glistening cunt ready for him, pushing his hips closer to you and sliding his tip to push along your slit and hit your clit now and again, he felt his breath hitch as he stared at your wet pussy, biting his lip and letting out quiet and whispered whimpers as he pushed himself inside you, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he placed his hands on your hips before bucking his hips and watching your motionless frame bounce with every thrust he forced onto you.  
“Fuck, you feel amazing, baby,” he cooed like you could hear and feel everything he was doing, pushing his hard cock further into your sopping wet cunt that dribbled all over him, making it easier to slide and feel your walls grasp around him, making it hard to last long and savour this blissfully moment, to him, with feeling his dick be placed in something he wanted to own and possess. 
He focuses on grinding the head of his cock, pumping it further and letting it continuously hit and bruise your delicate cervix. As he watched your tits bounce, your closed eyes in a tranquil state, he pictured what it would be like to hear you moaning his name, to feel you roam your hands over his biceps and chest as you begged him to cum inside you. He bent down to the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet and addictive scent with a sigh; as much as he wanted to fill you with his seed, to fuck it further inside you and take ownership, he didn’t want to make such a mess; most importantly, he didn’t want to make a mess that could be tracked. 
As he felt a deep gruntle moan erupt out of him, he pulled out and let it spurt all over your soft skin, watching how much of messy darling you looked underneath him.
He thought how easy it would be to drag your helpless body somewhere where you could realise your love with him, somewhere where Leon could fulfil every fantasy he wanted to on your gorgeous frame. 
“You’re mine, sweetheart. Forever mine.” 
Being delusional is a dangerous thing for the obsessive. 
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star divider is from @/inklore
please note the best way of supporting your writers is by liking and reblogging, i send so much love to everyone that took the time to read this and hope everyone has a lovely day/evening.
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blitzyn · 10 months
welcome home
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leon s. kennedy x ftm!reader
request: Is it possible for you to do a Leon Kennedy x ftm reader where Leon's been away for months and it's just sweet sex? Maybe a hint of cockwarming(Leon falling asleep while still inside), loads of praise and just in general body worship stuff! - Anonymous
synopsis: leon comes back home after being months away for a mission and he's eager to feel you again
a/n -> this was actually my first time writing cunnilingus i was STRUGGLING but all in all this was exciting to do i had fun. anyways alhaitham next i haven't done him in a while. ALSO. IM SORRY I KEEP CHANGING THEMES AND USERS 💔
wc -> 2.4k
cw -> cunnilingus, fingering, praise, p in v sex, cockwarming, ftm reader - use of the word 'pussy' and 'cunt' for reader's genitalia, brief description of top surgery scars, soft leon (heart eyes), not beta read
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It was silent when Leon finally made his way back home, the soft moonlight shone brightly, as if treading a path for him.
He was exhausted, wanting nothing more than to feel the warmth of your body in his arms as he held you tightly, to smell the scent of your hair, and to hear the sound of your laughter that sent butterflies to his stomach no matter how many times he's heard it.
His keys jangled loudly in the silent night as he unlocked the front door, swiftly entering the house to make his way upstairs. He knew you were asleep since the lights weren't on, as made evident by your figure covered in blankets. Slowly, he made his way closer before sitting on his side of the bed, creating a dip in the mattress. Gently, tenderly, he reached out and shook your shoulder, chuckling softly at the sight of you taking a moment to stare at him.
Your drowsy eyes lit up in instant recognition as you sat up eagerly to take him in your arms in a tight hug.
"It's good to see you again, [Name]," he said, burying his nose in your hair to breathe in your scent. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Leon," you said, relief flooding through your veins, grateful to see him home. Reluctantly, you pulled away, watching the way his eyes darted all across your face to take in your features. "You've been gone for so long. I was so worried you'd..."
"I know, sweetheart," he muttered, cupping your cheeks to gently rub them with his thumbs. "And I'm sorry for that."
You nodded, holding onto his wrists. He took a second to gaze into your eyes before he pressed his lips against yours, cherishing the way they melded together with practiced ease. You sighed contentedly, leaning into him to deepen the kiss.
In need of air, you moved back, only for Leon to follow after you, refusing to take his lips off of you just yet.
"Hey—Leon!" You laughed, trying to tilt your head away from his onslaught of kisses. "I still need to breathe."
"Your lungs can wait," he jokingly said, chasing after your lips. You leaned back far enough to lie down, rendering you unable to resist his affection any longer. Not that you wanted to, anyway. Soon enough, he found himself on top of you, peppering kisses all over your face—on your forehead, nose, eyelids, cheeks, and lips before moving downward towards your neck.
At first, they were innocent, but when he tilted his head and sucked on the piece of flesh that pulled a moan from you, you knew then that neither of you would be getting much sleep tonight.
"Leon," you gasped out, reaching up to comb your fingers through his hair. "You just got back... Aren't you tired?"
"Honestly, yeah," he admitted, sliding his hands over your shirt to caress your waist. "But I'll be fine," he muttered against the column of your throat, pressing his lips to it for a chaste kiss before sitting up.
"The question is, are you tired?" He asked, scanning your expression for any lies you might've tried to hide. "I don't wanna push you."
You shook your head reassuringly despite having woken up not too long ago. "I'm good. Don't worry about me."
He let out an amused huff through his nose, the corners of his lips quirking up in a smirk. "No promises." He gently tugged on your shirt in a silent request to take it off, swiftly pulling it up and over your head as soon as you nodded.
"Christ, Leon, your hands are cold!" You let out a surprised yelp, arching your back in a futile attempt to get away. He only laughed, sliding his hands all over your stomach mercilessly to use your body heat to warm them up until you finally relaxed.
He leaned down again, gently biting on a spot over your collarbone as he ran his tongue over it soothingly. He moved again, kissing a trail down your sternum until he took one of your perky nipples in his mouth, rolling it between his teeth. You bit your lip, watching him toy with your chest, running his fingertips along your scars. A heat pooled in your stomach as he slid lower, finding himself slotted between your legs. He watched your face intently, burying his thumbs underneath the waistband of your pants to slowly pull them off upon finding no disapproval from you, his breath hitching at the sight of your cunt.
"Fuck..." He whispered, blowing a teasing puff of air onto your clit, lips quirking up when you shivered. "Missed you and this pretty pussy," he groaned, hiking your thighs up and over his shoulders. Electricity shot down your spine when he looked up at you and gave it a quick kiss before encasing his lips around it, sucking gently.
You sighed, reaching down to comb your fingers through his hair. He hummed in response, curling his arms around your thighs to keep your legs open, squeezing the swell of them with his calloused hands. He moved down to give your pussy a long lick from your hole all the way back up to your clit and down again, savoring the taste of your juices on his tongue. He looked up through his lashes to gauge your reaction, feeling his cock throb in his pants as he softly ground his hips against the mattress.
You let out a moan when he pressed his face firmly against your cunt, eagerly sucking and flicking his tongue up and down your clit. Pressing your heels against his back, you rocked your hips, tightening your hold on his hair as you tugged on the strands.
He let go of one of your thighs, pressing two of his fingers against your hole, swiping upwards to gather some of your wetness before pushing them inside, groaning against your nub when you clenched around them. He curled them, searching for that one spot inside you that'll have you cumming in no time.
A subtle grin lifted his face when he saw you jerk, legs twitching, before diving back down to your clit. He was gentle but relentless at the same time—a blend that had you reeling for more.
"Fuck, Leon," you moaned, squirming. Your belly heaved as you looked down with half-lidded eyes, meeting his.
"That's it, baby," he muttered against your skin, giving it a harsh suck. "Moan my name just like that."
He pulled away slowly, his lips and chin glistening with your juices as he raised his free arm to drape it across your hip and inner thigh. The fingers inside you stopped, pressing against your G-spot while his other hand spread your pussy lips. Leaning over your crotch, he spat on your swollen clit before rubbing it in tight circles with his thumb. You shuddered, tightening around his fingers as his saliva mixed in with your fluids.
"You taste so fucking good," he mumbled, licking his lips. He began moving his hand again as he stared up at you with heat evident in his eyes, watching you toss your head back in ecstasy. "I could stay here for hours."
He curled and crooked his fingers, listening to the sounds of your sopping pussy around him, squeezing and trying to suck him back in whenever he moved away. "You're so wet f'me... This how much you missed me?"
"Uh-huh." You groggily nodded, rocking your hips against him. Your cunt throbbed—you were sure he could feel it—with the need to cum, legs writhing just a little bit more. You bit your lip, whining and gasping as you tensed, inadvertently trying to close your thighs around his head.
"No, don't do that," he said, taking his hand off your pulsing clit to hold one thigh open while his tricep kept your other one down. His arm ran across your lower abdomen, gently bobbing up and down with every labored breath you took. "Keep your legs open... Let me watch you cum 'round my fingers."
You could only nod, utterly drawn to the rasp of his voice and the undeniable authority in his tone. You whined when he latched back onto your sensitive clit, flicking his tongue up and down, eager to make you orgasm.
"That's it, baby," he muttered, giving your nub a firm suck. "You're so close... C'mon, give it to me." He groaned, grinding harder against the mattress as he moved faster, pushed deeper, until finally, you came around him with a loud moan.
"There we go..." He nearly came in his pants as he curled his fingers into the special spot inside you, helping you ride out your orgasm. "You did so good, sweetheart. Missed watching you do that for me." Sighing, he sat back up and pulled his fingers out of you to lick them clean, staring straight into your eyes.
With a grunt, he flopped beside you, turning your body so your back was flush against his chest as he ran his hands along the side of your thigh. His painfully hard cock was pressed against your ass, grinding against you leisurely.
"You wanna go all the way?" He questioned against your ear, his hot breath fanning against the shell of it to bring shivers down your spine. Even when the throbbing between your legs hadn't subsided yet, you couldn't find the need to decline.
"Thanks, baby," he said. You could hear the faint smile in his voice as he shifted around behind you, listening to the sound of rustling fabric and the jangling of his belt buckle. He tossed his pants to the floor haphazardly before swiftly pulling his cock out of his boxers. It throbbed fervently, leaking with precum and leaving your skin slick when he dragged it along the inside of your thighs.
He grit his teeth as he rubbed the shaft of his dick against your pussy, mouthing at the back of your neck before he slowly pushed his way inside you again. The two of you let out satisfied noises, savoring the way he stretched you out so perfectly.
"You're so tight..." his voice was strained as he spoke through gritted teeth, roaming his hands along your body. "You were made to take my cock like this, huh?"
"Mhm," you signed contentedly, eyelids fluttering shut. "Couldn't touch myself without you here."
"Poor boy," Leon teased breathlessly, snaking an arm under you to toy with your nipples, ghosting the tips of his fingers along your top surgery scars every so often. His free hand moved down to rest on your belly, gently pressing down to feel himself thrusting inside you. It was far too late at night to do anything intensive, but both of you were satisfied with just soaking in each other's presence. He held you close to him, whispering those sweet words that you've been aching to hear ever since he had to leave for his mission.
He was already on the verge of cumming just by eating you out, and it was no secret to either of you with the way he twitched and throbbed. He spent countless nights fucking his fist trying to imagine it was you, but his calloused hand could never compare to your soft and warm cunt.
"Fuuuck..." Leon drawled out, fucking you a bit faster. "I'm so close..."
"Already?" You laughed quietly, hissing when he pulled about halfway only to ram himself back inside in response before resuming his relaxed pace. "Okay! Sorry, sorry."
You bit your lip and let out a pleased sound when his free hand shifted itself to pat your clit before massaging it, lifting your own arm back to run your fingers through his hair again. You turned your head, connecting your lips with his passionately. You moaned into his mouth when your sensitivity from earlier began pooling in your abdomen again, earning a beautiful groan from the man behind you when you tightened reflexively.
Breaking away, you lazily pushed against him in sync with his thrusts, eyebrows furrowing in concentration when you could feel the heat burning brighter in your stomach.
"Fuck... That's it, sweetheart," he panted, tugging you closer, fucking you just a bit harder. "Cum for me again. Please, pretty boy, I wanna feel you cum." He rubbed your clit with just the right amount of pressure, brushing up against your G-spot with every thrust. He sucked and licked and kissed the skin of your neck, littering it with hickeys and shallow bites.
"Shit, Leon, 'm gonna... gonna cum again," you gasped, your hips jerking. You could feel him nod in response, but he was in no rush to get you to orgasm. He maintained the pace until he felt you squeeze tight around him and let out a loud moan, your body tensing and convulsing for a moment. The sight and feeling of you cumming sent him right over the edge as he swiftly pulled out with a wet squelch, pressing your thighs around his slick cock to fuck the plush flesh.
With an audible groan, milky white ropes of cum spurt out of the tip of his cock, landing on your skin and the bedsheets in front of you. He pressed himself flush against your body until his cock stopped throbbing and jerking before finally relaxing with a satisfied sigh.
"That was so good, [Name]," Leon praised, nuzzling into the back of your neck. "You did amazing. Like always."
"I know," you responded swiftly, feigning arrogance. But you could hardly keep up the facade, softly laughing at yourself. "But you did amazing, too."
"I know," he parroted playfully, giving you a quick kiss to the nape of your neck when he suddenly shifted to push his softening cock back inside your hole. He caressed you reassuringly when he felt you tense, explaining that he wasn't going to move. Not too much, at least.
"Now go back to sleep," he instructed, exhaustion taking root in his voice as he pulled the covers over your spent bodies. He wrapped his strong arms around you in a comforting embrace, listening to the sound of your soft breathing. "We'll clean up tomorrow."
You rolled your eyes with an exasperated huff through your nose. "Fine." Your eyes fluttered shut, feeling your body relax. "Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you, too."
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cross-posted on ao3
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darlingsaturn · 9 months
Price’s Hot Spouse
Alex truly do look similar to Price.
Warning : dubcon, afab, unprotected sex, & implied cuckold.
Note : Part 2? +I EDITED IT! Sorry, i forgot what the nb word for Mr/Mrs while writing this😭
If anyone say that Alex is his son, i would’ve believe them. No question whatsoever.
But imagine this: reader is Price’s spouse who’s close with his colleagues and team. The TF members likes to come over, along with his trusted allies for a peaceful dinner at his house.
One night while the rest of the team were drinking away and sharing story, his spouse goes upstairs to rest for the night.
Since it’s already night time, you didn’t bother using the big light, only using the one on the nightstand. You were just finished showering and was about to slip on your night garment but felt a pair of hands hugging you from behind.
Based on the size of the hands and the similar body shape, you just assume it’s your husband and let him cope a feel.
“Don’t be too rough, love.” You warned him while holding back a moan from his hands that are massaging your breast.
Impatiently, he put on a blindfold over your eyes and you were a bit confused. John always says that he wants you to always look at him while making love. He said it turn him on when he see how hard you’re trying to keep your eyes on him with every thrust.
But at the same time, John is always the adventurous one, always suggesting new ways to spice up their love making. So, you figure it’s one of those nights.
You let him take the lead as he man handle you as he pleases. His move is a bit sloppy and clumsy, like he’s testing the water, but he is still gentle, something that your husband pride himself when it comes to you.
“Don’t tease me, John...” you groan impatiently. You felt him kissing you and stripping your towel in one harsh movement before putting your back on the mattress.
When your head meets the pillow, you hear rustling of clothes, meaning he is stripping down. Then his hand immediately latch onto your skin, as if he’ll die without skin contact.
You felt his cock twitching on your thigh with every noise that you let out. His fingers comfortably playing with your clit. Trying to open you up and prep you, but mostly because of his own needs.
After making you cum once with his fingers, he need to taste you. NEED IT. So he held your legs apart as he eat your pussy like a starve man. The sensitivity of just cumming and the warm feeling of his mouth just made you shudder in pleasure as you cum one more time, now on his mouth.
“Good girl.” He praised you as he lick your juice from his lips. His voice is different from your husband but you were too far gone to notice. You’re enjoying it, he can tell.
“‘M gonna take care of ya.” He murmur as he line his dick. Slowly he push his dick in and kissing your collarbone while waiting for your signal to move.
In your dazed mind, you do felt the difference of penis. For one, your husband’s dick is larger, fat, and veiny. Like an angry bull when it’s fully erect. But this man’s dick is leaning into large in length instead of width, although it’s still veiny.
“‘m wanna move...” he whined on your shoulder. Your thought doesn’t go very far since his dick keep twitching inside your walls. He can’t help it! It’s too warm, too comfortable, but also tight. He wanna feel more!
On instinct, you tap his shoulder twice, a code that only your husband knows, that means you’re ready.
It seems the man also knew this code and he start moving in and out of you cunt. Is he your husband then? You can’t think properly like this!
“Mmfh! S-slow down!” You moaned out. Instead of slowing down, he just goes even more feral. “Feels so good...! I’m sorry, i can’t slow down! I’ll make it up to you. I promise!” He stutter out his sentences as his move began going rapid but still on rhythm.
“Jo-“ His mouth catch yours, just as you were about to moan your husband’s name. His kiss is filled with needy lust and happiness. As if he’s been waiting for this for a long time.
You grab his arm and direct him to touch your clit since you want to cum too. And he immediately picks up on it as he begin teasing your clit while still moving his hips and kissing your lips.
His movement began going sloppy when he felt you clamping down on him. “F-fuck!” He moan into your mouth. “Wanna cum...” you whined.
He kiss your cheeks and lick the tears that escape the blindfold from your cheeks. “‘m gonna fill ya, yeah?” He mumbled.
You nods, waiting for the permission to release while your hands are on his shoulders, trying to find stability. Although he quickly reposition the two of you in a mating press, your hand are now on either side of your head as you held onto the sheets and legs are thrown onto his shoulders.
His movement goes bold but still sloppy before he squeezed your waist twice, a code that only your husband knows, that means to cum now.
He pour his seeds deep inside you at the same time as you cum all over his dick.
Both of you are sweating and out of breath but still keeping the position because he still want to feel you close. But he knows he need to lay you down, so he did with gentleness.
He pull out his dick and lay your legs on the mattress, giving it a squeeze of ‘well done’ before his hand went up to caress your still blindfolded face.
“I love you. God, i’ve been in love with you since the day Captain Price introduce his spouse.” His words made your heart skip a beat, and it’s not out of flattery but out of panic.
He took off the blindfold and kiss you lips quickly while you are still adjusting to the light. A few seconds passed by and you now can see the man in front of you.
You pushed him off of you as strong as you could, which is not a lot in the first place but even more after cumming three times. Regardless, he relented and moves away from your embrace, although not without a pout.
“ALEX?!” You could not believe that you just fucked your husband’s coworker!
“That’s a good show, love.” A familiar voice praise you. You glance to the side to find your husband smiling on the chair with his dick out and cum all over his hand.
“John?” You called for him. But your vision is immediately being violated by harsh light, as somone turn on the bedroom light.
After a few seconds, you regain your sight and saw John’s team and their allies in your marital bedroom. Their eyes are filled with lust and want. The buldge on their pants are noticeable but they seems to be more interested in you.
“John? What’s going on?”
“I’m sorry, love. Should’ve told you beforehand, but the boys agreed on telling you themselves.” He apologized.
“Told me what?” You began asking nervously as the guys start smiling, even Simon from behind his mask.
“On sharing you, Mx. Price. We love you so much, we can’t handle not being yours anymore.” Alex kissed your open palm.
Your eyes widen and heart beating uncontrollably. You loves John, that’s for sure. But the others? You never even look at them more than just your husband’s coworkers.
“Don’t hurt your pretty head. We’re gonna make you love us, yeah?” Johnny approach the bed and start kissing your shoulder while caressing your arm.
John smile at you. “They’re good boys, love. Give ‘em a chance, will you? If you still doesn’t feel anything, we can just make it into strictly sexual or even stop it all together.” He assure you. “I just want my spouse to be worship like what they’re suppose to.”
“Can i be your second husband?” Phillip cheekily asked.
“That position is mine.” Alex retort.
“I’m fine with third.” Kyle interjected.
“Let’s start with boyfriends first.” Simon cut their chatters.
Alex, Johnny, Simon, Kyle, Phillip, Nikolai, Gary, Alejandro, Rudy, Sandman, and Frost. Knowing your husband, you might have to assume there’s more than them.
With a sigh, you smile at John and the boys.
“Anything for you, John.”
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strawberriemarswrites · 7 months
Ok ok I love Kid, but I also love Killer so why not BOTH
any relationship hc crumbs I can lick off the table for a kidkiller and afab reader? (idc pronouns or if they’re are any)
OOOOHOHOHOHO yes yes. I can do this. I probably should put in my header that I take headcanon requests. I'll remedy that.
General Relationship Headcanons w/ AFAB Reader/SO - Kid, Killer
SFW and NSFW (18+ only) - 569 words
In public, he’ll sometimes act in ways that make it hard to believe he likes you. It’s no intentional, he just doesn’t think about it. He’s a ruthless pirate after all, and he’s gotta show it.
In private he’ll give you a little extra attention. Mostly teasing, definitely a physical-touch-as-love-language type of guy, and it’s mostly behind closed doors.
There is the rare occasion when on deck he’ll have part of his furry coat draped over your shoulders with a hand on your waist while he’s barking orders to the crew.
If anyone seems like they’re coming onto you or posing a threat, he will make it known that you’re off. Limits. Acts first, thinks later (if ever).
(Which has led to more than one instance of you just being looked at in a way that Kid didn’t like and him just going straight for the throat).
Kid prefers having you ride him. He likes watching you squirm a little trying to make him feel good.
Notably, this carries over to eating you out, but only if you’re sitting on his face and he’s got both hands on your hips to keep you there. Again, he likes watching you squirm.
Quieter in the ways he shows affection. He’s also a physical touch kind of guy, but leans pretty heavily on acts of service, too.
In fact, he combos that shit. Brushing your hair out of the way when you’re cooking together. Bandaging you up after a rough battle. Pulling his button-up shirt you keep stealing right off your back so he can launder it and conveniently leave it out for you to steal again.
He especially likes just sitting with you and letting you talk his ear off. If you’re brave enough to start idly braiding bits of his hair, he’ll leave them in.
Not as quick to anger as Kid, but he’ll still loom behind you if you’re interacting with anyone he thinks will cause trouble. You have frequently had moments where you’re talking to someone only to have a shadow cast over you mid-conversation because Killer’s rolled up.
In somewhat of a contrast to his more reserved attitude, any position where he’s bending you a little out of shape or to your limits is a plus. He likes posing you like a little doll — but mating press is his favorite.
Face-down-ass-up is a close second however. He can get a little carried away and feral when he just needs to get it out of his system~
The definition of “scary dog privilege”
You up front and them tailing close behind, both of them effortlessly exuding the most menacing aura.
Both are protective of you in their own ways when they have you alone, but together? If Kid’s throwing hands, Killer’s throwing hands.
Unless Killer can identify whoever’s involved isn’t a threat. In which case Kid will still do a little fake-out lunge just to watch them piss their pants a little.
Kid is surprisingly willing to share you with Killer when it comes to the bedroom. Though he will taunt you the whole time, asking if you like being so full, how it feels being spitroasted, whose cock is better and you better not lie.
Afterwards you’re sleeping smushed right between them with Kid’s deafening snores and Killer’s human furnace body. You still somehow manage to get the best sleep at night like this.
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graysnetwork · 1 year
So I kinda gave up on running my story through Grammarly, so please bare with me here.
Also, I found the audio and listened to it as I wrote this to see how I would write the story, this is also my first time completely writing smut so pls don't be rude or I will delete 🙈
I will take yalls constructive criticism, so thanks ☺️
Read warnings pls
Edit: FOUND IT — I found it meiiioo’s acc (yes on tumblr) creds to them and audio maker!!
Warnings: afab!reader, consensual‼️, pet names, spanking, praise, fingering, mating press, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, baby talk, creampie.
Summary— reader lost a bet and has to wear a bunny suit for the rest of the weekend, now their friend and roommate are sitting in his room getting ready to watch a show, but Leon is very annoying with all his teasing.
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You were coming out of your room as Leon walked through the door, you hadn’t seen him this morning which you were grateful for.
“Hey I was gonna order takeout for dinner, do you-“ he was cut off by the sight of you, in a bunny costume “w-what in the world are you wearing?” He asks with a chuckle, this was odd to say the least; for the both of you. “A bunny costume” you say bluntly, it was embarrassing, and you were just hoping he wouldn’t make too much fun of you.
“I see that it’s a bunny costume, but, why?” He asks as he looks you up and down repeatedly, “I lost a bet with my friends” you admit, “no fucking way, since when do you take bets? Last time I checked, you pussied out of anything that needed any ounce of courage” he said and you pushed him.
“I’m just saying the truth, but, how long are you gonna have to wear it?” He asks, he was your roommate and your friend after all, so he was gonna be the one who would have to see you during this.
“The rest of the weekend..” you admit, situating the headband for what felt like the fifteenth time, “the rest of the weekend?” He almost didn’t believe you, he began laughing at you.
Making fun of you and asking if you’d like him to be your magician, you hit him again, lightly. He stopped the joke.
“Why don’t you just, not wear it? It’s not like your friends are gonna know” he suggests, “I pinky promised though” you tell him, he chuckles, “Why am I not surprised that you still do that?” He asks as he chuckles again.
“You can’t expect me to stop making fun of you” he says as the two of you lay on his bed, ready to watch a show, “stop it with the teasing Leon” you tell him, it was already beginning to annoy you.
“Or what? Your the least intimidating person in the entire apartment complex” he chuckles “It’s not like you could do anything about it” he says as he laughed a little more.
You kicked him a bit hard and he groaned but continued the teasing.
“Okay stop that, im serious” he said before you kicked him again and he got tired of it and grabbed you, and pinned you down, “you just had to be a fucking brat huh?” He asks you “what are you gonna do?” You ask as he keeps you pinned to the bed.
“I dunno bunny, what should I do?” He asks, a smirk appears on his face, you could feel his pants and how a bulge was beginning to appear in them and with how close he was, the bulge was right near your clit. You could feel it, and if you were being honest it didn't feel bad, you didn’t even think about it until he brought it up— “Why're you moving your hips like that bunny?” He asked.
His voice now sounded airy, and it took all of him to stop himself from moaning at your movements.
He flipped you over onto your stomach and laid you over his thighs, “never met a bunny, that is a brat” he said, dragging his hands down to your ass, “I know you want this bunny, tell me your okay with this..” he said, he waited for your answer.
You nodded and hummed a “mhm” for him, which made him happy, to hear you admit you wanted him.
“Listen, you just tell me when to stop..” he said trailing off and rubbing your ass more now.
“mmm’your ass, with this cute cotton tail, just looks so good” he said, “it’s fucking perfect..” he said, as his hand left your ass before he smacked it.
“Oh? Wasn’t expecting that huh bunny?” He asks almost in a mocking tone. “It’s what a brat like you deserves, no?” He asks as he smacks you ass again.
Your whimpers only made him like this more.
“how many..” you ask as you fix the headband again, “how many? However many I want bunny, plus your making such” he spanks you again, almost harder than the last one “pretty noises” he finishes as you whimper again.
He laughs at the sight of you, before rubbing your ass again, “oh bunny, look at how red your ass is..” he cooed as he kneaded it. “Your so beautiful huh?” He said, the change from his actions and praise could make you dizzy.
“My pretty bunny, yeah” he said before spanking you again, it caught you off guard, “your mine, y’not gonna let anyone else do this to you right?” He asked and nodded with a simple “yeah”
“Good bunny” he rubbed your ass, almost like a reward, before smacking you again, it seemed like a rhythm now. “My good, pretty bunny” with ever word he said aloud he smacked your ass each time, before kneading it.
“c’mere, it’s okay baby” he said, allowing you to get up and straddle him, which you did, almost out of fear he’d surprise you with another slap to your butt.
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded, “yeah, I’m okay” you said as his hands returned to your ass and he nodded before kissing you. “mm’ffuck you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that” he admitted as he pulled away from your lips.
“you’ve been wanting this?” You asked quietly, and he nodded as he kissed your neck, “been wanting this since the moment I saw you” he said returning his lips to your neck. If you were being honest, Leon was handsome, and you’d been wanting to make a move on him, so maybe this bunny costume wasn’t so bad.
“Don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before baby” he admits as he kisses your collar bone, you shiver at the way his lips feel on your skin, the way he places wet kisses there.
“keep making those pretty noises” he says as he kisses the other side of your neck. “look at the way your nipples look against this fabric hon” he said staring at your chest. “just begging for my attention huh? I’ll give it to you” he says he tugs a bit at them.
You let out a whimper “sensitive huh?” He asks.
How could you forget?
It’s ovulation week.
Leon pulls you out of your thoughts when he tugs at your bunny suit. “This is a one piece, no?” He asks knowingly, sliding your arms out. “just perfect to give me access to everything..” he says, pulling the suit down your body.
Revealing everything to him, your chest, to your genitals, it felt very exposing, but at the same time you liked the way Leon stared at your body in awe.
He moved his fingers down to your pussy, and rubbed his thumb over your clit, “so wet, I’m only rubbing your clit baby..” he teased you as he leaned into kiss you again while rubbing more.
“Can I slide my finger in bunny?” He asked, he stared at you intently before you nodded, he slid his finger in as he kissed you again, he pulled away slightly after kissing you “mmm’fuck your so fuckin hot..” he admitted as he kissed you again, his breathing quickened as well with every movement of his fingers sliding in and out.
“You want two?” he asks, before you could give him a yes he slid his middle finger in as well, a quiet whimper escaped your lips once again. “Love the way your movin your hips baby” he mumbled against you.
“want more, we both do” he said and curled his fingers, moving quicker, “m’your so good, your a good bunny” he mumbled before kissing you again.
“mmmhm” he hummed as he stared your pussy. “yeah come all over my fingers, squirmy bunny..” he said as he felt you clench all around his fingers. “bet y’taste delicious” he said as he lowered himself to your cunt.
“can I taste you princess? I bet you wanna be cleaned, right?” He asked for permission, before you nodded “mkay” you muttered and he looked at you, staring into your eyes as he connected his lips to your pussy, lapping at it, sliding his tongue over the slit and sucking on your clit.
“mm’bunny, you want a pillow?” He asked nicely against your pussy, it was a contrast to what he was doing, sucking at your clit with all he could, you let out a quiet moan, and he pulled away from your pussy, you let out a dissatisfied noise before he lifted your head up gently and placed a pillow below you.
It was easy to forget how nice he was, especially with he was treating you and.. your ass. But the gentleness from his hands made you feel comforted.
“I want you now bunny… you see how hard I am?” He said unzipping his pants and pulling both his pants and boxers down to let his cock be visible to you. You could see the precum smeared on his boxers.
You almost didn’t notice him lower back to your pussy until he said— “yeah put your legs over my shoulders, I’ll make you feel good, y’trust me bunny?” He asked licking at your clit again.
You nod and mutter a “yeah, I trust you”
“Good, now can I get inside this perfect cunt?” He asked you as you nodded, “good girl, bunny” he said as he slid his cock in.
He gave you a minute to adjust to his size, and used that time to give you a few hickeys on your collarbone and neck.
He moved very slightly and heard you quietly ask if he could move now, he nodded for you and moaned as he started moving. “mm’ffuck bunny, you feel so good” he said as his skin slapped against you.
“Your so warm around me” he said kissing you “just take it” he put more weight on you to fuck deeper into you, “yeah take it bunny, that’s my sweet bunny, sweet n’sexy bunny” he said.
“Too much for you? too deep for my bunny to handle?” He asked, even if you said yes he probably wouldn’t have stopped, only if you asked him too, he could tell you enjoyed this, maybe even a bit more than him.
“You still okay baby?” He asked as he went quicker and harder into you “y-yeah” was all you could get out before he kissed you again. “Fuck that’s it, yeah..” he trailed off as he slammed harder, if that was even possible.
“My perfect bunny” he said, “y’close? Yeah?” He asked as you nodded at his first question, “me too, m’gonna come with you, yeah” he said kissing your cheek.
“That’s it, shit, if you keep squeezing me like that, I’ll come” “mm’ffuck” he started getting a little lost in it two, as he began whimpering and trying to go quicker for you to reach your high.
“You want me to come in you bunny?” He asked, “yeah you’d like the idea of having some kids with me after I fill you up, huh?” He asked again as he was on the verge of coming. “I’d love to fuck some bunnies in you” he muttered, you almost didn’t hear him.
He reaches down and starts playing with our clit, “yeah you love that baby, you should see your face” he says rubbing only a little bit faster, “want you to come with me” he said.
“fuck” he said softly as he came along with you, and kissed you gently, his movement didn’t stop he continued sliding his cock as deep as he could in you but he was slower now, more gentle almost.
He gave you a second to rest before he slid out of you slowly, making sure you’d feel all of him.
He groaned quietly at the sight of you, “it’s leaking out of you bunny” he said as he stared at your guy’s cum mixed together, “you look so… sexy” he said “wanna get a taste of what we’re like, together” he said as he lowered himself down to your cunt again.
“m’no, too sensitive right, right now” you mumbled as you pulled softly at his hair. He chuckled quietly at your attempts to pull his face away from your cunt.
“Your too sensitive? I know baby, I know” he cooed “you can come for me again bunny, you have one more left for me, no?” He asked with a soft tone, hoping it would help his chances.
You decided to nod, you wanted it, you’d wanted him for a while now so why would you turn down his offer down.
He lapped at your pussy, sucking at your clit and even kissing it at some point, it was all so much and you came faster than the last two times. Maybe it was because you were sensitive, or it could possibly be because he was the first guy in your life to be so good at eating pussy.
He pulled away and laid down next to you while pulling you to lay on your side to look at him.
“been wanting to do that for so long” he admitted and placed another kiss on your cheek, “me, me too” you said relaxing, and snuggling up closer to him for more warmth.
“Really, I guess you should’ve worn a bunny costume sooner huh?” He said chuckling, “maybe” you simply said as you smiled at him. “Hm, I think we should clean up” he suggested and you nodded, “we should talk about, us” he said.
Right, now that you’ve had sex with your roommate and long-ish time crush, you should establish what you two were now. “C’mon bunny, I’ll clean you up, I’m sure a shower together would be nice right?” He said, as he picked you up by the back of your thighs.
“Yeah, a shower does sound good” you said wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder.
��and, since my bed is a mess how about I sleep with you tonight, wouldn’t want you to get cold” he said as he carried you into the bathroom. “Yeah” you said.
“you didn’t actually mean what you said right? That you liked the idea of fucking me to have kids, or as you said bunnies” you asked, “ah, uh, well I don’t hate the idea of having some bunnies with you, don’t get me wrong you’d look, great, pregnant” he chuckled “but only if you want them too, I’ll stuff you full of my cum as much as want and need” he said in a reassuring way.
“I don’t know if, having kids in university is the best idea, but I’m not opposed to having your babies” you said, it caught him by surprise, he had to take a quick moment to collect his thoughts.
“Yeah, but, you would look hot pregnant”
The end 😊 (happy ever after idk)
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tangylemonade · 7 months
Last Night
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Heeseung x afab reader
SMUT (w/cursing)
About 2.3k
I was having Heeseung hard hours and wrote this last night. I barely edited it so let me know if you find any spelling mistakes 😽.
Let me know what you think and please COMMENT and REBLOG if you enjoyed.
Thank you for reading 😊
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Don’t fuck the talent.
Seems simple enough, right?
So could someone kindly explain how and why you were currently under Heeseung at 3 in the mornings making the bed shake to a sinful tune.
Waking up the morning after while ‘shit shit shit’ played on repeat in your head as you looked over at the slender yet muscular frame that was cuddled up against you, arm draped over your waist.
A glance at his watch revealed it was the afternoon and you let out a groan.
The sun filtered and flickered through the curtains as the wind from the open window sent them aflutter, your wind chimes pleasantly singing.
The man stirred next to you, slowly opening his eyes, squinting as the sunlight beamed down on his unfairly handsome face. The rays felt comforting and warm on your skin despite the cool air that was blowing through. Tricky situation aside, you found yourself suddenly smiling at how satisfied and well rested you felt this lovely morning.
Heeseung on the other hand, who was still going through the initial shock, sat up quickly and looked down at you who didn’t even bother to move from your relaxed posture in bed.
No benefit in panicking now you thought, not after the way he licked your pussy and sucked you clit until you shook last night.
You could almost see recounts of the night racing through his doe eyes.
He looked at you again, this time staring as a blush slowly crept into his face.
You raised an eyebrow confused.
You hadn’t realized that the blanket had been removed in his panicked scramble.
But he did.
He noticed everything from how the warm sun glistened on your glowy skin to how the light reflecting from the wind chimes you had hung on your curtain rod danced along the curves and lines of your body, furter enticing the beauty that had him mindless.
“Uhh..you.” He stuttered, his eyes flickering across your body, finally drawing your attention to the reason for his sudden shyness.
“Oh..” you pulled the blanket around your chest and sat up.
You weren’t the only one still in your birthday suit.
Now sitting up your eyes couldn’t help but wander along his body.
Quickly noticing your line of vision, Heeseung pulled the blanket around his waist.
Your face felt warm despite the fact that just hours ago your mouth had kissed and licked out all of the curses he knew in English and Korean.
As thoughts of last night began to settle back in the panic you thought you’d curbed rejoined the party setting off your dreadful habit of word vomiting.
“Listen.” You said breaking the silence. “Heesung, I'm sorry. This really is my fault. I should’ve been more responsible. Especially since I’m…”
Heeseung wanted to listen but he just couldn’t focus. Not when the way your pretty lips moved sent more replays of what else you had done with them flashing through his mind.
Agonizingly his cock began to throb despite his internal plees with himself to calm down.
But he couldn’t. Not when he experienced the way your beautiful mouth felt wrapped around him just hours ago. The way your lush body fit in his hands as he felt you the way he’d always wanted to. Not when he finally got to kiss your lips and they tasted exactly as he knew they would. Sweet and supple.
Now all he could focus on was how much he wanted to kiss you again.
The beautiful sound of your voice calling his name brought him back to the present. He looked up at you only to find you looking down. Following your eyes he saw the tent in the blanket he’d loosely pulled around himself.
“You weren’t listened to a thing I said were you?” You asked, face burning once again.
You stood and wrapped the sheet around you, tucking it into itself so it would stay up.
Heeseung didn’t even bother to cover his erection as he stood and wrapped the towel he’d tossed on the floor last night around his waist, tucking it the same as you.
The regret and shame of your previous actions no longer pulled on him. Not even one little bit. And how could they when you were still so beautiful in front of him and he knew he wouldn’t blink before he did it all again.
“I always imagined what it would be like to have you under me.” Heeseung suddenly proclaimed.
You backed up as he stepped closer to you, blinking in shock at his sudden statement.
He continued to walk closer until your back was against the wall and he was so close to you that his erection brushed against your thigh.
“Heeseung th-this is serious.” You said, squeezing your legs together. You suddenly felt desire pooling hot in your core. “We-we could get in trouble. We shouldn’t…”
“Why?” He said, suddenly cutting you off. “Why when we clearly both have been wanting this”
“It was dumb to think I could stop craving you after one taste.”
“That was the plan Heeseung. One night. We get it out of our systems and move on.”
The heat from his body felt so good in the cold winter morning air so you could barely think straight.
“Well that was the dumbest fucking idea Y/N because right now…I- I want you more then ever.”
His strong fingers wrapped around your hand before traveling up your arms leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Cupping your face with gentle hands, he looked into your eyes with his big round brown ones.
Those eyes you couldn’t resist and couldn’t deny.
You wanted to run, scream, and kiss him all at once. You swallowed and pitifully searched his eyes for any sign to end this but all you saw was the same look that got you in the mess in the first place.
“That’s why I said I’m sorry.” You choked out “I was wrong to think we should’ve indulged in any of this. I was drunk- I…”
“You and I both know you weren’t darling.” He said cutting you off once again. Heeseung didn’t see the point in lying just to deny your obvious infatuation with each other. Neither of you were stupid.
You looked away from him, afraid to cry or say anything else.
Heeseung softly caught your chin between his index finger and thumb, bringing your eyes back to his.
Looking into your shaking pupils he knew right away just how scared you were.
Scared to pursue something you weren’t certain of. Something that could end so badly for both of you.
But he also knew that he was right. You couldn’t have been more sober last night.
You had wanted him just as much as he needed you.
You still do.
“Fuck!” you said under you breath. It was too late to turn back now.
But even if you could, would you?
You grabbed his face and pulled him towards you. His mouth was so very warm against yours as he invited you in. Your hands raked through his hair and he undid the tuck of the sheet from around your body.
Heeseung pulled you closer to him as the wrinkled white linen pooled around your ankles, his hands once again finding purchase against the smoothness of your body.
Your nipples were hard against his chest as he pressed you between him and the wall, your back arching to escape the cold.
His towel that loosed on the commotion joined the white bundle of fabric at your ankles and his erection, now freed, pressed against your stomach tantalizingly.
You reached down instinctively and began to stroke his silky member, pre cum already seeping from the tip. He groaned into your mouth and you hummed in satisfaction at the way everything felt perfect with him.
His hands unable to pick one thing to focus went up and down as he squeezed your thighs and hips then your waist and boobs.
All of you.
Heeseung wanted to have all of you.
Ever since the first day you showed up and were introduced as the choreographer for their most recent song. Your radiant smile left his heart pounding and his palms sweaty. Focusing on the moves you showed became increasingly more challenging when he noticed how sensually your body moved with every dance.
And good god you smelled heavenly.
He cursed himself for acting like a creep but one day he caught you watching him in the mirror and his thoughts began to wander beyond his control.
What if?… no. It wasn’t possible. But…what if you thought about him too.
As impossible as it seemed his suspicions were undeniably confirmed when he saw the lust filled gaze in your eyes yesterday while celebrating the songs first win with the members and staff.
You excused yourself and he talked himself into following you a little bit after, catching you in the parking garage on the way to your car.
“Hi?” You said, feigning confusion as if you hadn’t just been telepathically begging him to ravish you..
But you knew why he came. It was the same reason why you were leaving.
You didn’t want to do anything stupid but the opportunity was too tempting to let go.
You’d talked with Heeseung many times during work and each time you spent every opportunity flirting while it often felt like he was trying to undress you with his eyes.
It was too much tonight. You felt like you had to leave or you might fuck him right there in front of everyone. His eyes that twinkled into yours was the final straw.
Your mind screamed at you that this was off limits but your body wouldn’t comply.
You didn’t stop him from giving you a ride home and you didn’t stop him from pressing you up against the inside of your house door as you tore each other's clothes off.
And right now you didn’t stop Heeseung from doing it all again as he pressed you up against the wall after you slid a condom onto his aching cock.
You didn’t stop him even a little bit as he slid into you, catching you as your knees buckled a bit from the instant pleasure.
The sound of you moaning his name had him gritting his teeth with increasing desire.
Your lips were swollen and hot with Heesungs kisses.
His sucks and nibbles at your collarbone would surely leave marks but you didn’t care in the least bit.
His hips rolling into you at a breathstoping rhythm was all you could process.
You held onto his back, your nails digging into him as the heat began to deepen in your core.
Heeseung’s cock twitched inside of you, your walls squeezing and milking him in the most delicious way.
Moans fell from his kissed pink lips as your pussy swallowed him and left him feeling dizzy.
Heeseung lifted your thigh against his hip, skillfully rolling into you. It only took a bit longer before his orgasm rippled through him, his heat filling the condom. And it wasn’t long after him that you followed, the fluttering of your pussy delectably squeezing his pleasure into overstimulation.
You twitched in his arms as he did a few more lazy strokes before pulling out and leaving you feeling strangely empty without the stretch of him.
You stayed leaning against Heeseung as he held you up against the wall. He peppered little kisses on your neck and shoulder as you both caught your breath enough to head to the bathroom.
“Now.” he said softly, lifting you up and placing a kiss on your nose. “Let’s go shower and eat breakfast.”
The simply nodded still too drunk off of his dick to do anything else.
He gingerly caressed your skin as he helped you wash (despite you being completely capable of the task yourself) leaving you feeling absolutely dreamy. You couldn’t resist making out in the shower so you didn’t even try but sadly it was cut short by the ring of Heeseung’s phone reminding you two to stop screwing around.
“You're lucky the live isn’t until 6.” Jake said to Heeseung over the phone.
You sat quietly as you chewed on a bit of toast and jam Heeseung had so kindly made while you prepared the eggs.
You started to quietly laugh at the way Jake was scolding Heeseung but that ended quickly when you heard your name being mentioned.
“I know your with Y/N because you guys had been eye fucking all last night so don’t even try to deny it.”
Heesung laughed at your wide open eyes of shock and you could practically hear Jake rolling his eyes.
“Whatever.” Jake said. “You need to be at the shop in like 30 minutes so don’t be late or I tell everybody exactly why you are.”
Heesung hung up on Jake without a word.
“Should I give you a ride?” You asked.
Heeseung nodded in agreement before going back to eating his breakfast in no rush.
You grabbed a jacket from your closet before putting your keys in your bag and heading for the door.
Heeseung, who was already ready and leaning against the door waiting for you, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you against him. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you.
He leaned in, carefully placing a soft kiss on your smiling lips.
“Yup,” Heeseung said after he pulled away from the kiss.
You tilted your head and raised your eyebrows inquisitively. “What?”
“You taste too fucking good to quit.”
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
R/n, calling Ghost from a payphone: Um...Is Ghost there?
Soap, who answered Ghost’s phone: Only when he has to be. Who’s asking?
R/n, reluctantly: His ….friend, R/n.
Soap, skeptical that she’s telling the truth: Ha! Ghost doesn’t have any friends. Only people he hasn’t pissed off yet. Nice try lass!
R/n: No, wait I’m not lying! I know his real name!? it’s Si- *Soap hangs up* {R/n sees a gray van that had been tailing her turn the corner, she quickly runs for it.}
[Soap snickering as Ghost enters the office.]
Ghost: What’s so funny?
Soap: Some stupid prank caller, R/n or somethin’ said she knew ye.
{Ghost froze thinking he misheard...]
Ghost, eye twitches: You answered my phone...
Soap: Don’t worry told her bugger off.
Ghost, yanks Soap out of his chair by the shirt: You did WHAT?!
Soap, startled: w-What?
[Ghost angerly drops Johnny and immediately grabs his phone and tries to call back the payphone’s number.]
Ghost: C’mon...C’mon Doll, pick up...pick up for me darlin.
{He hangs up and calls back a few times as Soap watches on confused.]
Soap: W-wait, that lass wasn’t joking she really is yer friend?
Ghost: Shut up Johnny! …(Throws his phone) Dammit! Did she say something?
Soap: No, she just asked for you. What’s going on?
Ghost: You may have just gotten my fucking wife killed! that’s what’s going on! (Storms out of his office.)
{Soap stares at him gobsmacked as his brain short circuits.}
Soap, sputtering: Whawheae... WHAT!? SINCE WHEN WERE YE MARRIED?!
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
R/n: Have you ever read something so explicit that you feel like you need to go to church and live there for like a year? 
Stolas: Send it to me.
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Training session
Jack Krauser x Leon S Kennedy x GN afab reader smut
Description: A typical training session turned into Krauser teaching Leon how to fuck you properly 🥰 (pre RE4)
Length: medium to long (not proofread)
Warnings/contains: use of knives, choking, dry-humping, voyeurism, creampie
Reader: gender neutral afab
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Krausers watchful eye followed you as you circled Leon, your body moving swiftly as you dodged and swiped. He caught your arm as you threw a punch, quickly pulling you into a restraint with a satisfied grunt. You panted, your face scrunched up with annoyance as you glanced at Krauser. His eyes wandered down to the knife nestled in your belt before quickly flicking back up, his eyebrows raising expectantly.
Knives are faster. That's what he always said.
You pulled yourself out of Leons grip, pushing him away and snatching the blade in a swift series of movements. You readied yourself before slashing out, catching the man's forearm as he covered his face, attempting to dodge your attack. He let out a hiss of pain, his eyebrows furrowing as he glared at you.
"Sloppy. Do better Leon." Krauser scolded, his eyes fleeting between the pair of you before landing on you with confidence.
Leon let out an annoyed grunt before going after you again, wanting to prove himself after Jacks words. You stayed steady, occasionally jabbing and swiping at the man..only for him to dodge them. You grew frustrated, you'd been training for hours already because of Leon and his need to do well. You scrunched your nose up and glanced at the major, silently hoping that he'd catch on and let you off for the night. He simply glared back, watching as Leon took the opportunity to tackle you to the ground. You grunted, your knife falling from your grip as you landed on the training mat. Leon trapped your legs between his and wrapped his hands around your wrists, trapping you onto the ground. Your cheeks flushed, your fatigue making you..less focused which of course meant your mind went to the filthiest of places. You turned your face away from him, only to catch Krauser circling the pair of you with a smug grin. He knew.
"What now rookie?" He stood over Leon, glaring at him expectantly. "You've got them pinned but..your hands aren't free."
Leon opened his mouth to speak, his eyebrows furrowing as he thought about his options..before Krauser quickly cut him off. The larger man knelt down and quickly pulled your wrists together, keeping them pinned above your head within one hand. You swallowed, as if having Leon in your space wasn't enough..and it didn't help that you had a childish crush on the major.
"Right. Thank you Sir." Leon nodded, giving you a cautious look.
"That all you got?" He turned to you with a smug smile. "You had a chance to break out then, why didn't you take it?"
Your face lit up with embarrassment. "I thought you wanted me to stay put so that you could..demonstrate Sir." You replied, feeling tiny under his gaze and his grip.
Krauser merely chuckled at you before letting go of your wrists and pulling away. You couldn't even think of breaking out of Leon's grip before his hands had replaced Jack's. He pulled a knife from his belt and pressed it against your stomach, letting the tip of the blade cut through your shirt and press against your bare skin. You panted softly, embarrassed by how easily the pair had caught you off guard.
"Getting tired soldier?" Jack hummed teasingly.
"Yeah...yes Sir...I think I could do with a break." You stumbled over your words, the blade against your stomach making you giddy.
"Shame..this was just gettin' good." Leon remarked as he began to let go. You sneered back at him, playing into the mock rivalry you had.
Krauser placed a hand on his back, keeping him pressed over you. Leon braced himself, letting out a quiet pant as he tried to hold himself steady underneath the pressure.
"I didn't answer yet." He said coldly, his tone making the younger man's mouth shut in seconds.
You let out an exhausted sigh, getting frustrated that you were even in this situation.
"Do *you* need a break, rookie?" He turned to Leon, giving him an expectant look.
"...yes Sir." He muttered, contradicting his teasing earlier.
Krauser let go and walked over to one of the benches, taking a seat to watch as the younger man's body finally started to cave after the hours of training. Leon pulled the knife away first, letting the blade fall to the ground as he let go of you and rolled over to rest next to you.
"Thought it was just getting good?" You repeated his previous words back to him, giving him an expectant glance as you sat up.
"Had to say something that would get you fired up for next time." He shrugged, a playful smile on his lips.
You shrugged him off and took a moment to sit and rest. You cautiously pushed the knives off of the mat, out of Leon's reach, before swiftly straddling his hips and trapping him to the mat. You copied Krauser's movements from earlier, pinning his hands in yours and pressing your free hand upto his throat. You desperately wanted to get back at him for what he had done..and physically you had but mentally, you were a mess. The position and the way Leon was panting was enough for warmth to spread between your legs. Yet..you were equally matched by an equally unfocused and tired opponent. You could feel him getting hard underneath you, his cheeks turning red with embarrassment as he tried to stare you down. Of course Krauser was still watching, already smug from how easily you had overpowered Leon..the fact that you were both so wound up was just the cherry on top.
"Look at the pair of you..like teenagers getting desperate over the smallest touch." He scolded, the harsh tone playing against the amused smirk on his lips. "Pathetic.."
You both froze, somehow forgetting that Krauser had been watching.
"What's wrong rookie?" He cooed at you, he was stood beside you now, looking down at you with an encouraging gaze. "You could easily finish him. He's practically given himself to you."
Leon let out a grunt of protest as he wriggled underneath your grip.
"I expected better from you..come on, put them in their place." He turned to Leon, spurring both of you on.
You glared down at Leon, tightening your hands around his wrists and your legs around his waist. He grunted, yanking his hands out of your grip and quickly snatching your hips to push you away. You wrestled for a few moments, letting out frustrated growls as you both got more and more pent up. Leon made the last move, pulling you ontop of him and wrapping one arm over your waist whilst the other pulled you into a headlock. You panted, your hands gripping onto the arm he had over your neck, your fingertips brushing over the cut you had inflicted earlier. He flinched away, giving you the opportunity to trap him again. You returned to position, letting out a soft sigh as you rubbed over his semi again.
"Alright..that's enough." The older man hummed, an amused tone to his voice and smile on his lips. "Got it out of your system now or are you gonna have to fuck like rabbits before this tensions gone?"
You let go of Leon's wrists and moved to climb off of him, your face burning hot from the workout and the desire. You paused at the feeling of his hands wrapping around your waist, keeping you pressed against him.
"Seems like it." Jack cooed to the pair of you, his trousers getting tighter at the sight of his trainees so pent up over each other.
Your mind raced with questions and desire, were you really doing this here? Were you really doing this in front of your major? But a filthier part of you wanted to know what part Krauser would play in it.
"Are we really doing this?" You whispered to Leon, your voice shakey with want.
"If you want to." He replied, his voice low and needy. He gave your hips a reassuring squeeze.
You didn't answer, choosing to show your answer through action instead. You placed your hands onto Leon's chest to steady yourself and gently moved your hips, the motion relieving some of that ache that each of you had between your legs. You let out a pleasured sigh, which was met with a content groan from Leon's lips. You glanced at Krauser, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly as he watched you grind on his trainee.
"Gotta keep him in his place, hmm?" He asked. "Show him who's in charge?"
"Yes Sir." You muttered, getting worked up over his use of training encouragement when this was what you were doing.
"Good job soldier." He cooed with a smug grin.
Those words lit a different spark in Leon, making him toy with the idea of taking charge again, flipping you over and taking you right there and then. Instead he waited, like a good mutt, until Krauser inevitably hinted for him to take over. He rested his head back against the mat, his eyes closing as he relaxed under your touch, letting out soft groans. His grip was gradually getting tighter on your hips, dragging your movements out painfully slow..until you pulled his hands away. You pinned them down, making you lean over him, your face mere inches away from his.
Show him who's in charge.
"Stay." You spoke down to him, waiting for him to acknowledge your response before letting go of his wrists.
You continued softly grinding your hips as you trailed your hands down his torso, pausing at his belt for a second before unbuckling it. You put it to one side, keeping it close just in case you needed it. You moved down to his trousers, taking your time to palm at him and rile him up before unzipping them. He let out low moans at your touch, his hips bucking into your hand as you palmed at him through his boxers. You got to work on your own clothes, kicking your shoes away and slipping your trousers off. Leon stayed put, his lustful eyes following your every move.
“Got him wrapped right around your finger..” Krauser muttered approvingly. “You’re just letting that happen rookie? I expected a bit more fight from you.”
And there it was, you knew he’d set you both off at some point. You glared Leon down, your hand moving to his chest in a weak attempt to keep him pinned down.
“Be good for me?” You half asked, half commanded. Your words earned a chuckle from Krauser and a playful smile from Leon.
You knew he was too obedient to decline his major, and you were becoming too needy to stop him from taking over.
“You know I can’t do that.” He hummed, pulling your hand away and quickly pinning you down against the mat. His hands gripped onto your hips as he buried his head into your neck, pressing needy kisses along your jaw.
“Don’t be such a tease..” You sighed, resting your head back as he worked his way down.
He ignored your complaint, instead running his hands down your thighs and gently pushing your legs apart. He looked up at you as he kissed along your stomach down to the hem of your underwear, his breath leaving a warm dampness over your skin. You shivered slightly, eyes fixated on him as he finally touched you where you were so desperate. He kissed over your clothed clit before sucking at you, making you gasp and arch your back. He hummed contentedly, sending vibrations over your cunt and drawing a breathy moan from your lips.
“Fuck them properly rookie.” Krauser chimed in, his eyes glued to your pleasured expression.
“Yes Sir.” Leon hummed, always eager to follow the rules.
You tilted your head back and glanced at Jack, cheeks flushing as you met his unwavering gaze. A smug smile graced his lips as you looked at him, he could hardly wait to take over when Leon inevitably grew tired.
“Been so patient, haven’t you?” He cooed at you as Leon fumbled with his trousers. “I’ll make sure you get what you want.”
You parted your lips to speak but merely nodded to him, far too worked up to respond to him. You couldn’t even dream of him treating you like this after how cruel he had been to the trainees over the years.
“Can I?” Leon whispered to you, guiding your focus back round him. He rested his hand at the waistband of your underwear, his fingers just sneaking under.
“Please..” You whispered and nodded.
The second you opened your mouth, he had slipped them down your legs and pulled you closer. He grabbed your thighs, lifting them up so that your hips met with his. You wrapped your legs around his waist, locking him in place. Heavy breaths spilled from your lips as he pulled his cock out, the sensation making him sigh desperately. He lined himself up with your cunt, shutting his eyes as he slowly pressed into you. You let out a pleasured sigh as you adjusted to the feeling, your eyes meeting his as an invitation to keep going.
“Fuck..you feel so good..” He muttered as he grabbed your thighs, his fingers digging into your skin desperately.
He started grinding into you, panting like a needy dog as he lost all sense of restraint. That slow teasing behaviour that he was engaging in mere seconds ago was gone, the simple feeling of you being enough to make him yearning and impatient. You hooked your hands over his shoulders, pulling him closer as you got lost in the pleasure. He leaned into you, resting his head against your neck, and moaned, the sound making your stomach flip. You locked one hand in his hair, gently tugging at the locks as your free hand slid over his back underneath his shirt.
“He’s even needier than you soldier.” Krauser grinned, his voice tainted with arousal as he palmed at himself.
“Mmmhh..” You let out a little hum of agreement, your eyelids fluttering open as you looked over at him.
He stood up, making your heart rate quicken, your eyes glued to him as he stalked over to the pair of you. He pressed his foot against Leon’s back, firm enough to keep him down but still light enough for the younger man to push him off if he wanted. But of course he didn’t, if anything it spurred him on, his pace getting more frantic as the major pressed his boot down.
“Poor thing might fall apart if we don’t prop him up.” Krauser muttered, making Leon’s sigh longingly.
He panted against your neck, his eyebrows furrowing as he got more and more lost in your touch. You gently pulled at his hair, making him moan softly as he continued fucking into you. Krauser loomed over the pair of you, his eyes burning into you as he watched Leon’s hips thrust against yours. You lost focus on his gaze as you got lost in the pleasure, clenching around him as you got ever so slightly closer. Of course, that was enough for Leon. Just the feeling of your slick cunt tightening around his cock was enough to make him break, his fingertips bruising your thighs as he sloppily fucked his cum into you. He whined and panted, his hot, wet breath coating your neck, before stilling and letting out a string of content breaths.
“That quick, rookie?” Jack tutted, lifting his foot off of his back.
“Fuck..sorry..” Leon panted, leaning up just enough to give you an apologetic look.
Your stomach was a twisted mess after the display he’d just put on, and your flushed expression was enough for him to know he was forgiven. You gave him a sympathetic look and trailed your fingers through his hair, yearning to coax more pathetic noises from him. Before you could even speak, Krauser had a fistful of Leon’s shirt, gently commanding him to get up.
“Good thing I’m here to help, hmm?” He cooed, giving the younger man a moment to compose himself.
Leon sighed softly as he pulled out, already desperate again and jealous that Krauser was taking over. He stood up, letting Jack steady him before moving out of the way. He took the majors place on the bench, his eyes fixated on the pair of you. The disappointment of not finishing quickly vanished as soon as Krauser had pulled Leon away from you, and was quickly replaced with nerves and desperation. You met his gaze, your cheeks heating up as he gazed down at you smugly whilst unbuckling his belt. It took seconds for him to get down and pin your legs back, locking you into a mating press. You were already gripping at the mat as best as you could, flustered and caught off guard by how quickly and easily he could move you.
"Told you I'd make sure you get what you want." He remarked as he rubbed his cock against your entrance. "Knew I'd have to teach you how to fuck properly rookie..such a sloppy performance."
You let out sighs of pleasure as he rubbed against you, his harsh words making you giddy even though they weren't directed to you. Leon was just as worked up, embarrassed that he'd let his major and his partner down, but equally as turned on over Krauser scolding him.
Jack finally slid into you, letting out a satisfied grunt as he fucked into a mixture of your slick and Leons cum. Your face scrunched up with pleasure as he immediately started moving his hips, you were already so sensitive and this new angle was making him hit all the right spots. He leaned into you, his hands resting either side of your body, completing trapping you underneath him. You let out a string of moans and pleasured breaths as your eyes flickered over Krauser. The sight of him like this was enough to make your heart race, your stomach already knotting up to signal that you were close.
"..perfect little hole for me to fuck, aren't you?" Jack panted.
"Y-es sir.." You moaned, weakly nodding in response to him.
"So good at it too...my little soldier knows their place." He cooed, still fucking into you at a relentless pace.
"Mmhmm.." You hummed, the sound trailing into a pleasured moan as you finally snapped.
He grinned, his eyes piercing into you as he guided you through your high. Your hands had grabbed onto his arms at some point, your fingertips now digging into the muscular flesh as you rode out waves of pleasure. He only slowed as he felt you start to relax, his hips merely grinding into you now. You panted, your eyes fluttering open as you started to come down, your cunt still gripping onto his cock.
"Need me to keep going, hm?" Krauser teased, giving you a proud smirk. "Wouldn't blame you after that performance from Kennedy."
You let out a soft sound of agreement, mindlessly nodding as you glanced over at Leon, who was desperately palming at himself. You bit your lip, keeping a soft gaze on him as Jack steadily coaxed you towards another orgasm. He adjusted himself, grabbing your hip with one hand as the other brushed over your clit. A low moan fell from your lips as he rubbed circles over the sensitive nerve, his other hand gently squeezing you. You shut your eyes, letting out a pleasured sigh as you just relaxed into his touch, completely giving yourself over to him.
"Maybe he'll learn and you won't be so needy next time..poor thing." He sighed with a smug tone.
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obsmiechujek · 1 year
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Bubbline with some bubbles
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shinegguk · 5 months
„Would someone who hates you, do this Love?“
Pairing: RE4!Leon Kennedy x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: +18 MDNI, dirty talk, smut/comfort/angst (basically a mix of everything), p in v, oral and fingering(f receiving), bathroom/mirror sex, foul language/cursing, fem!reader, Leon kind of dominant(?), kinda enemies to lovers
Authors Note: never thought this would be long tbh.. anyways have fun reading and MINORS DO NOT INTERACT THIS IS +18
( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )
The way she walked down the hallways of the building, the way her eyes were shining like polished glass and the way her smile lights up the whole room-
Leon was ripped out of his thoughts when another agent tapped on his shoulder to gain his attention. He blinked a few times and turned to look at the man beside him.
„Sorry to interrupt but-„
Leon wasn’t listening at this point. He had her and only on his mind. Everything else didn’t deserve his attention. While he was mindlessly talking to the agent, you were walking into the break room, smiling in accomplishment as you felt good after a good training session with your new coach in combat training.
After Krauser left, you never knew where it was written in the stars where he left off, the training was way more chilling than ever. You liked the coach, he knew what he was doing and when it was the time to stop. You liked that.
As you grabbed a cold cup of water from the water fountain, your eyes were pulled onto Leon. You looked at him, a blush rose onto your cheeks and you weren’t sure if it was from hate or if you were fluttered.
You and Leon had a complicated situationship since you were transferred to the agent company in order by the president. You both never had a good start. At least thats what you thought. Leon was mesmerized by you. He lived for your smile, he loves the way you laugh, the way you are so kind to everyone - except to him.
He never knew what caused you to be so mean to him, he was struggling to not just pull you into the nearest empty space, bend you over and and fuck the most out of you until you liked him. He was so, so much struggling.
As Leon and you held eye contact, the world for the both of you stopped. You couldn’t read the expression on his face, you just interpreted something. And that something was disgust.
You thought he didn’t liked you, so you don’t like him too. But that doesn’t mean you find him attractive. The way his eyes were so beautiful, the way he was so protective over this teammates on missions, the way his body was so appealing. You had your thoughts about him, some horny ones.
It was just sad none of you had the balls to confess it.
You sighed, shook off your thoughts and took the cold cup, emptying it on the spot. You threw the used cup away, aiming your way to the next shower room.
The warm water was cooling for your burning hot body, it was refreshing and the tense muscles were finally relaxing. You closed your eyes for a moment, let the water fall down to your face. After some time just standing under the flowing water, you finished showering.
Wrapping a towel around your body, you made your way out of the shower and almost had a heart attack when you saw Leon leaning against the cool wall with his arms crossed and looking down.
„What the fuck? Get out!“, you screeched and grabbed onto the towel. Leon slowly lifted his head, looking at you with yet again an unreadable expression.
His ice blue eyes pierced through yours, goosebumps forming on your arms, legs, everywhere. You gulped, suddenly you feel so small under his stare.
„You know, I was wondering..“, he was balancing back on his feet and took a few steps forward to you. You stood still, observing his every step he takes to you.
„What?“, you asked, not knowing what he meant or was about to say. You really didn’t, thats also probably why your legs feel like jelly, and your heart was beating like crazy.
„Why do you hate me?“, he was straight forward, wasting no time. He looked directly into your eyes.
„Because you hate me. Feelings are mutual.“
He scoffed. Did you say something wrong?
„Why the fuck would I hate you?“, he asked. Now you felt dumb. You assumed something that was never the case.
„I-I..“, you couldn’t find the words, they were lost like your mind was. He smirked and took more steps forward, his breath so close to your face as he bends down to your height.
„What? You had such a bad mouth when we were talking and now? What happened to that?“, he was looking up and down on you, trying to find your weak spot.
Did you mind that? Hell no. You were somehow growing very attracted by that.
You didn’t know where else to look either. Your eyes jumping from his eyes, to his lips, to his chest-
He caught up on that.
He carefully grabbed your chin, lifting your head to meet your eyes with his. „Eyes are up here, love.“
Love. That nickname was making you weak.
He caught up on that too.
„Oh? So you like being called love?“
You whimpered, you do really like being called love. You felt the butterflies going crazy in your stomach and a funny feeling was developing in your lower area. You were getting wet. You rubbed your thighs together to feel at least some friction.
His smirk grew. He had an affect on you. Or maybe he didn’t and your body just wanted to feel the thrill.
„Just to get that clear. You assumed I hated you just because you thought that by the way I looked at you? And you never had the idea to just come up and ask? Silly girl.“, he caressed your cheek with his thumb.
You squirmed under his soft touch on your face.
„Would someone who hates you, do this?“
He pressed his lips against yours, still keeping his hand under your chin as the other wrapped around your waist. You were a little caught off guard but that didn’t changed the fact that you wanted more now. So you pressed yourself closer to his body.
His tongue asked for permission to enter from your lips, your lips were inviting. The sloppy kissing went on, until you felt the bulge from his erection on your lower stomach.
Your lips parted and you both were breathing heavily. You bit your lip as you felt his hand wandering from your lower back to the squish of your butt, grabbing it through the towel that was still wrapped around your body.
„The things I would do to you, it’s killing me.“, he breathed out. Your heart was hammering in your body and the anticipation was rising. You both wanted it, so why not now?
„Then do it.“, you said. He wasted no time, pulling the towel off your body and lifted you up, placing you down on the cold white sink. You hissed at the short sensation but that quickly vanished.
He placed a few wet kisses on your lips before moves on to your neck, collarbone down your stomach to your now exposed core. Your face grew red, you bit your lip harder as his finger drew over your clit to your wet folds. You were sensitive and he took advantage of that.
He spread your legs and angled one onto the sink while the other leg went over his shoulder, giving him enough excess to give you something he dreamed of.
Placing soft kisses onto your inner thighs, he moves closer and you felt his hot breath down there. He placed a kiss onto your pearl and his tongue began to taste you.
You closed your eyes and threw your head back, supporting your body by your arms on the sink. Your moaning was music to his ears and he wanted more. He inserted his index finger first and felt you clenching around his finger, soon enough he added a second finder and slowly began to move them.
„Oh-„, you placed your hand on your mouth, trying to suppress the noises coming out your mouth. But Leon wanted to hear them. He stopped pumping his fingers and tasting you, glaring at you.
„Move that hand away and do not dare to be quiet. Let me hear you, Love.“
That was enough for you to let out yet another whimper and Leon continued to taste your pussy and please you. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten, grabbing his hair, your breathing increased and your legs started shaking as you let out the most pornographic moan.
Leon helped you to ride out your high, and licked his lips covered in your arousal. He grabbed you by your chin and kissed you again, letting you taste yourself.
When he pulled away, he took off his shirt showing his toned abs and not a second later his cargo pants were on the floor by his feet. He was now in only his underwear but you could the the bulge and the wet spot.
He grabbed you by the waist and helped you down from the sink, turned you around and now you faced the mirror. He bend you over and lifted one of your legs, placing it onto the sink. You eyed him through the mirror as he massaged the squish of your butt before placing one finger inside your wet pussy.
You groaned in emptiness as he moved his finger out and Leon chuckled.
„don’t worry, love, you will feel my cock in just a second.“, he kept his promise and ripped down his underwear, giving his cock a few pumps before he positioned it in front of your entrance.
He gave you a quick look through the mirror and slid into your wet core. Your mouth flew open, grabbing onto the sink edge as you adjusted to his length.
„F-fuck, Love, you’re tight.“, he groaned and grabbed onto your hips, starting to move slow and passionate.
„Oh, god..“, you breathed out and you felt him brimming you to the bone. He was fitting perfectly in you and his hands were made to fit on your waist. He picked up his pace, the shower room was now filled with skin slapping and hot breaths.
His hand traced your back up to your hair, which he grabbed and pulled you backwards, back arched as he pounded into you merciless. Sweat pearls were forming on his fore head, his hot body meeting yours.
What the most thrilling part was, anyone could come in and see the mess Leon made with you. A beautiful mess in his opinion.
The knot in your stomach was tightening again.
„I‘m close.. fuck..“, you moaned out and god know what words came out of your mouth next. You were cock-drunk and your mind was foggy.
„Hold on, love, we are almost there.“
The mirror was fogging up, your sight was now blurry and Leon felt his high coming too, so, he took his last strength and pounded harder into you. His hand found his way to your clit and started circling it with his fingers.
„Cum for me, love.“
Mouth wide open, eyes rolling to the back of your head and legs starting to shake for a second time, you and Leon both chased the high. Your arousal was dripping to the floor, covering your and Leons tights.
He pulled out of you, the both of you were catching breaths. He placed a kiss between your shoulder blades, smiling to himself.
„You did so good for me, love.“
There they were again. The butterflies.
You weakly smiled and turned to look at Leon. He gave you the most beautiful smile you have ever seen. He bends down to grab the towel he ripped of you, placing it beside you.
He turned you around to face him, placing his hands on your waist and places yet another kiss on your forehead.
His actions spoke more than enough. He was in love with you, and so were you.
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