#s*xy s*lla
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i do love the reading of sulla giving pompey the cognomen magnus as a mean joke about him acting like a little baby. like he can’t control his own army and throws a tantrum about it (unless of course he staged the mutiny. but if he did i think he did it badly). like yeah pompey is ‘great’. lol. also remember when sulla didn’t even mention pompey in his will
#sulla and pompey’s relationship is soooooo funny to me#s*xy s*lla#snompey#plutarch#suicide mention —#beeps
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here’s a review btw
we need more historical fiction about sulla. is being a murderous ginger bisexual not ENOUGH for people!!!!!
#there are other actual reviews but i do like to look at this one every so often#i haven’t read this book btw. yet.#s*xy s*lla#beeps
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TTHHiish aass goottten ;; absso;;l,u,,te,e,ly f ucjiinngg r,,ru,,iidcduulloouuss. ..i ,,onn’T TTc;caa re,e ..wh;haa... L,Lanne dimd, IId onn’t crmaee ww,hm,a;t;;th hee qot;hre;;ea l],,tersr,,r haav;v;e odne,, I.I do;n’’tt c rae aaaoout.t a..annY o,,of,f tt;aat. tthhi,,is,,s iis. har,raasSSm;;meenntt ..Fu..ulll stt,,Ompp.. WhIIhcEEvjeeerr oo,,f Hea,th;;er;r’s/oeey’’S f riie..ennr dss I..Iss dionnt,,g thiss,,,, stso,,op, .pi,tin ;;woo;. TTH Hi,is Siis s yyouurr oone e , wwarrniin,ngg. ouu hh,av;vee be,e,een S Su,,uiicc i.e ba,,iatingu ss,, s,,s.endni,ign us,s deddaTh, t hRR aattSS,, ,,puurrppoeef,,fuul,,l ytt..rigggerriingg \uus s,, aan,nd I w,,won..’ott ;;eveen n ,,,goo . IIn,,nto . thhee e ,s,,saagge xy,,youur rFFrriin.d A,Aii,cee se;ntuo ;; ss preveioo,us,,slly. ,YoUvUee beEEn , CCaallli,n,,igg , ourrs syeym “..“fa,,akkee..,”” ; dcll ai,,im,, jus stittnng ew’.’rre;e “,,ra;co,ae kein;;g,,”” c,caal.ll;l,,ng, .usa,, ““r/p/iss,,t””o; se err iinttrruusIv ve th,,ho,,,,ugghht t;;s;; tt,ha[htt we w `havvE nneve,,r acteedd.. uuppoonn .a nnd , hhaivv,e ddEalt wwithh thorroougghhLLyy,,r cclla;im m;;jmmustt w wee ’,,,e ““ssTa;;alkxi;;inng” youu,, .,A nd dh..haav,vee tovvErral;l,,l b be]nn bbbulllyLviinnggr u,,uss .. ssIc eethe..e. ddaayy;; swwe ,lef;;tffo ur.r s,,sriide d,do..uo; 'h,hav,,e ;; AAviodeedd .atTTmc,,eptt aft,,eerr ..aattty.elmmpptt ;to, ggeett yy,ouu ,, ttoo .lnea ee u`ss[ aaoll,,en,n., ,ro..o,mmoovvi,g,, . bloGGs,, c,,cllo,osi;;in ng,,gw n,,aonyymous,e c,,cloossinvg,g s U;;bmm;t;;t;;,[ ,,s eettti,,ingg eeru.st tiRRccti.ino.o ns ,onm whw..wo accnn ennd `us,, mmsE,Esa,agss,;;, a nad ey,ve;;neeb lloocks. ssaan,,nddc om mpplletellyy t,,tuunrir rng ,, offf tt h;haask , bOXX xowwnn’tt,, ke.epy ,o ,,u away.. .Andd ni’ts s ,, i ll;leeg,gaLL, ,,NNoott o onnyl;;a ree yyo..ou bbueraakii,,ng T;Tub,Mll r’ss ruuless;t O;O harasss, u,,s urft thherr, ,utu thhEE ,, elrngt,,t hs yy,,u,,o’’Ve bbee enn ,, ,r,,ewAcAAHHiinng,g haa.v vioila,ate ed,,d U.S.. ; LLA Aw. . Yoou f..frrequue;;nttly thttreeatte n to ical.L; .oru,u mmooTe rroov voE `htisc,, iissuss,e, b quut l,,l,,e.tm tthhiss ;;beea ,,w,,arnniinn,,g ,,thA `tt,Sh'e St,andds,,s ,,bheIIn;nd..d UUs sonn ,thhs;;, aan,,d tthereee iissn o u,,uar nwat;eee w.we can;;n keepp hher, rfom,,rreeppoortingg yO dut too tthe, ppoo,,lyi,ice if f,, fss h;;ev iis c aa,,ll,,led . o,,ove..er thhi,,issI;;f ;;yoou uuwoou,,ldd ss..toop a ,, nnd,,d LLiissttee,, nttoox. jjuusst oonnee r,,erq queus,stt,, ;;I hahqev, ,,iit i;;s. tto dropp ictt.. , L[naie,,h,, as..s app[oll,,okGi ized Fo,,o rthhee ttr.rauu ma a nn[d, ppaaiinn q,h,,e’ss ccaaUUs,,sedd, ,and IIss w,owwrk.ki,,ing tto ooIIm jjusTprrovOee ;;iphmm ;; J..,,uSST.Tsse.le,,eff fforr tt,,h,,e , ,,Fuu.t u;;r,ev ;; ;as s t;; oop r r.vEEeennT o,smeteeh,h,,in,,n ggssiimm . j,ussttill;;a, rr;frrm..o haappple..eNing gg.g g,,aII. .T.h er’ess noothhinngg;; ,,moorre hee kacN;N ddo..o,; ,,,..h,e hh,,sm;; ovevd o n . YYou..u aaree tthhe ,,sooll r,,reA Assoon ;thiisss yittuuaattiio mo;is, sslssttiil,,lll ann oognoing p.pror.rbllzeemm, rrma.thceerr,t ehn hhkoen,n of,,fp th ee ,, casstt.,. oon;;ne ffiN.Nall . stattement..n? LaN;Nee’’[ss nanm,mE i,,siio tte L eo,onn, ,andd` hhee, hass ,,sppc..ciifi,,c.al.ll,,ly aaskeeD yyoouu too n.too ccaLLll hhi im,m,, juust htatt.. MUl;ltt;ippl;;lee;; ,tiim , jjuussttee;;s . I,,In aamm .. o ot..t susrr,,e iiff itii;c;ou,,nu uTT ss..as tt rannS peS,,S,h,Obibbaa,,,;;B,,BujTT ii;t i sd eef;;nnitiiely a giianntt d .tiicc k m,,moove ;teo do ttHH\iiss .,.;To .. rrpEEeeaa.t my,, eearllii,err ,sttaat;temetN:: L,,Leavme.. Uss.;. ll/onen,n., IIf f oyu c on;;oiinuuee t o pm,,maak newe lb obbgs aand a,hrraassss uu,s, ;;it t.tccn,A pndn wi..i;lll g..ge tee ugly nfo,,r yoyuu V.VEr;Ep q;;quiicc..kl,l.py TT;;hi,,sii i is u orr; fin fall, ffio atnllwppo s t,a;;Boout tt,,ih;hs..T hh;;is,s e;;rap o'ff oour lliivvee;s, .,alL o.. ffoo urr lli;;v,,ies,, iiss o ov er.. I,, .. hope ee evve.y, on e eevenee tthe eeU,Us;s;;e,,R har..ras,assin ng .. us, h.haas a G,oodd d..day., .
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no offence but y'all need to get on @paddyfitz’s level
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*sulla voice*
so much FLUFF
📷: Kuronihon
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(plutarch life of marius trans. rex warner)
unnecessarily bitchy and very funny of sulla to do this. also the sulla/surrender of iugurtha by bocchus coin minted by faustus sulla was totally modelled on the design from sulla’s ring right. like marius and sulla were both dead by that point but you know when that coin went into circulation marius’ ghost was PISSED
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plutarch, life of sulla 32.2 trans. perrin
#Much To Consider This Fine Fratricide Friday#horrible horrible catiline. wow!#s*xy s*lla#plutarch#beeps
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spectre of sulla you will always be famous to me
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the spectre of sulla btw
#also fuck the inconspicuous m. junius silanus. don’t trust the genealogy on his wiki page!!!#epistulaeposting#s*xy s*lla#beeps
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funny that marius and sulla had all that fucked up sexy history where their first joint success is already haunted by the future civil war situation and then their names get linked forever Because of the civil war even though they never quite fight one another During the civil war and then marius explodes and dies in a consulship explosion when sulla isn't even there but sulla is so weird about it that he digs up his corpse and then also cinna is just. there
#like who even is that guy. he just shows up#he#s*xy s*lla#<- those sure are organisational tags#beeps
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why is there a guy roleplaying as lucius cornelius sulla's grandson in the amazon reviews of this book. 'To set the record straight, Grandpa while greatly misunderstood, never committed those horrible murders, nor was he really bisexual' ...... he has been dead for more than 2000 years what are you TALKING about
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valerius maximus 9.3.8 trans. s. speed
#hmmmmmmmmmmmm#alita miseriis rei publicae............#s*xy s*lla#valerius maximus#upon what meat doth this our caesar feed#beeps
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hey hello. i know very little about ancient rome. could you elaborate on sulla's beef with teenage caesar?? that sounds wild
basicallyyyyyy caesar’s uncle marius was a leader in the side opposing sulla in the civil war. when sulla won he ‘proscribed’ A Lot of his enemies / their relatives (made a list of people it was legal + rewardable to Kill). caesar was i think eighteenish? which did not stop sulla from trying to have him a little bit killed. as a treat
plutarch’s life of caesar 1.3-5
suetonius’ life of caesar 1.1-3
#he also criticised his fashion sense but that’s. not why he tried to Kill Him lol#s*xy s*lla#big c#beeps
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i did not know that valerius maximus (9.2.1) has sulla personally killing (or. refusing to kill) m. marius gratidianus! it's after the almost-cannibalism and before desecrating gaius marius' grave
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