uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“The Offering” Part 1 of 3 (A Namor of Talokan Fic)
My first Namor story! Masterlist HERE.
A young Wakandan woman attends an annual Mama Wati celebration to honor the sea spirit and surf with friends. She encounters a strange man in the ocean who claims to be from a land as powerful as hers. A man who calls himself, Namor.
NSFW. Smut. 18+. (7,330 words) Namor x Black Female OC
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"You're ruling the way that I move And I breathe your air You only can rescue me This is my prayer"
Sade – "Cherish The Day"
It was the day of offerings for Mama Wati.
No time of the year ever made Lebadi happier than the first days of summer in Wakanda when the Border Tribe region celebrated the deities of the deep waters. Bast, Sekmet, and other higher powers were recognized inland, but on the sea, Mama Wati ruled everything. From the fishermen and fisherwomen to the military patrols on the ocean by the military, and everyday citizens, the big water was respected and revered. Mama Wati held sway there, and the annual offerings and celebration excited Lebadi beyond belief. Birnin S'Yan faced the sea and thousands of Wakandans made the trek across the mountains to the shorelands to dance, pay homage, and leave offerings to the mother of the sea.
Lebadi loved the trip because she loved to surf with her friends.
Every year T'limiwati—Revering the Mother of Waters—started the journey of packing up her father's Stealthmaster van with surfboards, firewood, and food. Lebadi drove around to pick up her four friends before they stopped at a temple to pay for blessed offerings to put into the sea. Mama Wati liked sugary treats, blue flowers, and small puff pastries shaped like seashells.
The drive would only take two hours, so her friends, N'ku, Pule, Ausi, and Benya would sing songs with her, eat snacks, and hope to find decent parking.
"We should've taken the monorail," Benya complained, as Lebadi tried her best to find a parking situation large enough for her father's van, but not too far away for them to trudge along with all of their gear.
"Not with all this stuff," N'Ku huffed.
"How about I drop you all off to find a suitable camping spot, and I'll catch up later," Lebadi offered.
Her friends agreed, and she pulled up near a sea wall where they offloaded their things. She happily drove away, knowing she wouldn't have to lug anything, not even her own stuff once she parked. Mama Wati must've known they had a great offering for her because Lebadi was able to snag a parking spot that was only a twenty-minute walk back to the beach.
The pilgrimage that year ran deep. The splendid weather, warm water, and balmy temperature brought out a dense wave of Wakandans for the celebration. Lebadi ran her fingers through her shoulder-length goddess braids she decorated with shells and blue flowers. It was the perfect style for swimming and surfing in seawater. Her skin was already turning a darker red-brown hue from the sun as she tapped her kimoyo beads against her father's car, sending up a protective shield that kept sand, sun, and seawater from damaging the paint.
Tugging on her short shorts that her plump ass cheeks tried to swallow, she checked her bikini top to make sure her plum-sized breasts weren't popping out like they were in the car. The top was a size too small on purpose, but it gave her the desired effect she wanted on N'Ku. He checked her out in the car despite his insistence that they stay friends after a not-so-successful try at a relationship. She thought that being out of college would make her love life easier, but the men around her were pitiful.
The walk to the beach thrilled her by seeing all the elaborate altars and gifts being brought to the beach for Mama Wati. She wished her grandmother was still alive. Their family used to show off by building a giant altar, but once Umi became an ancestor, her family didn't go to the ocean anymore. A pity. Umi taught Lebadi how to surf and she was going to keep up the tradition of surfing for Mama Wati until she was an old woman, too.
"Kgopo molemo!" Lebadi cried out when she caught up to her friend's campsite.
Wicked Good indeed.
They found the perfect location up against a sea bluff that protected them against any wind and was also far enough away from dense crowds hunkered down on the sand. There was a lot of dried and rotten seaweed separating them from folks that attracted flies and a subtle stench that was bearable to them, but unpleasant to others. She didn't care. They had room and privacy for their tents and boards. Gazing across the shore, families erected altars and there was a large old-fashioned blue and white boat decorated with blue flowers and filled with gifts for the sea, waiting to launch beyond the waves.
Wiggling out of her shorts, Lebadi made a show of jiggling her backside. N'Ku ignored her, his eyes fixated on the waves. They were big enough. Over six feet high. She held a hand above her eyes, shading them from the sun to see how far out the swells were, and how fast they were rushing in. Her board rested on her beach blanket, already waxed and ready to go. Checking her kimoyo, they had about ninety minutes to surf before the official ceremony began. They all stretched and put on rashguards, except for N'Ku and Ausi. He had on a full black wetsuit, and Ausi wore a short dark blue wetsuit that hugged her heavy curves.
"Last one in!" Lebadi shouted, kicking up sand.
The others chased after her with their boards and they spent a cracking good time snagging waves left and right until her kimoyo lit up. It was time for the offering ceremony. Lebadi twirled her finger in the air to let the others know it was time to stop. She paddled toward the shore fast when a wave lifted her. She popped up on her board like a rocket shot, balanced her arms, and took a quick glide along the lip of the wave, doing a three-sixty spin before dropping down. Her fingers skimmed the wall of bluish-green water that almost curled over into a nice liquid tunnel, but she overcompensated her balance and fell headfirst, knocking into Pule, whose husky voice shouted her name before he plummeted into the water too.
Soaking wet and full of laughter, the five friends scurried to their campsite to change into ocean-blue cotton tunics. Carrying the small offering basket they purchased at the temple, they delivered it to the large ceremonial boat. Several elders watched over the boat and accepted the gifts people brought. Seven djembe and talking drum leaders beat out a loud drum call and an old woman draped in an eggshell white dress with aquamarine flowers in her hair sang an ancient song to Mama Wati that Lebadi knew by heart. Two men and a woman paddled the offerings away and all the spectators onshore watched it sail far out to sea. The elder continued to sing and in the distance, they humbly observed all the offerings dropped in the water by the small boat crew.
When ululations ripped out from the throats of the onlookers, the drummers kicked up their pounding and Lebadi danced around her friends. They took time to admire the altar displays by families who decorated their own praise for Mama Wati. There were so many dotting the seawall.
They shared a fancy lunch together, and Lebadi relaxed into the fun for the rest of the day. By early evening, families left the beach for the inner-city entertainment. Soon, it was time to spark up a campfire and roast seasoned chicken kebabs and yams after a good surf day.
Lebadi reached into her open tent-flap door for the small paper napkin filled with sugar and special spices for Mama Wati that her grandmother used to make. She pulled off her tunic, revealing her bikini again.
"Be right back," she said.
"Hey, Lebadi. You're not surfing again, are you?" N'Ku asked as she lifted her board from the bluff wall.
"Just putting something out in the water for my Umi. Won't be long," she said.
N'Ku nodded and watched her carry her board back to the ocean. She felt self-conscious about her booty because she knew he was checking it out. Glancing back, she waved at him. He shook his dark locs threaded with shells, and she admired the lean muscular physique he showed off with his delicious sable skin. Bright white teeth gleamed at her. Her heart skipped a little. Maybe something could jump off later.
The far side of the beach was cleared of people, and the dull sound of music and carnival festivities echoed far behind her. Sunlight glinted off of the water with a final showy display of magenta and a sliver of blue for the sunset. She dropped her board on the water and skimmed over small waves, her strong arms paddling toward the orange sun. Straddling her board, she checked her leash, loosening it before she pulled out Umi's offering. She sprinkled the mixture gently into the water. The sugar dissolved, but the spices floated before being washed further out to sea.
"Mama Wati, I know this is your day, but my Umi, she was special to me. She taught me about you… she taught me how to love the ocean and ride the waves. Forgive me for honoring her with you. I don't know when I will be out to the sea again. Bast be blessed in your holy waters. Yibambe."
Lebadi dipped her fingers in the cooling water, cleansing her hands of sugar and spices. Reaching into her hair, she unfastened a flower and dropped it for a small wave to catch. It floated around her surfboard and a peace came over her. She sprawled out flat on her board and let her eyes gaze at the languid water, feeling lazy and free. Drifting off to a mini-sleep from a long day, her board rocked and lifted, gently pacifying her mind.
Minutes later, she opened her eyes and nearly fell off of her board. Two piercing dark brown eyes stared back at her from the water. They were attached to a handsome young man's tawny brown face. His ears were pointed and his dark wavy hair sat plastered around his forehead. A jade septum piercing captured her attention, and then her eyes drifted down to look at the most kissable lips that were parted slightly. His gaze had her transfixed. She held her breath, and he reached for her hand.
Lebadi sat up quickly, and a fresh wave rocked her, throwing her off the board. She splashed around, looking for the man, and glimpsed his feet diving below the surface. Were those tiny wings on his ankles?
She gagged on seawater because her mouth sat agape, and the shock of being spied on subsided. The man wasn't Wakandan. He didn't look like a citizen of their border country neighbors of Canaan or Azania. The man clearly wasn't African of any kind. He didn't look like the colonizers she learned about either, their pale flesh naked and strange like food without seasoning.
Something moved under her.
Lebadi scrambled onto her board and tried to catch the next wave back to shore, berating herself for not hitting her kimoyo quickly enough to film the man on a holo pic. She tapped it before she popped up on her board. A small wave rose and Lebadi rushed to snag it, but her leash stretched behind her and it dragged her off her board. She smacked hard into the water. A dorsal fin popped up, and terror hardened like cement in her stomach.
A great white shark.
Normally, they were confined to Southern Africa, but the shark circling her missed the memo. She struck the water to scare it away, and amazed herself by not screaming. Panic would overtake her if she did. She lunged for her board again and pulled herself out of the water, lying flat and still. The fin came around again and she could only guess at how big it was under the dark water.
"Mama Wati, help me," she whispered to the sea.
A thrashing in the water scared her shitless. She wanted to paddle away, but her arms would look like a tasty snack. Teeth chattering, Lebadi took a chance, sank her arms in, and stroked. A wave lifted her, and she jumped up quickly, focusing on getting to shore. She did no tricks or special moves, just rode the wave straight. Her board fins struck something, but she kept her balance, twisting her body to maintain control until she arrived on the wet sand that snaked between her toes.
"Holy Bast!" she shouted.
Running with her board back to her campsite, she kicked up a fuss. Her friends were tipsy from sharing a bottle of liquor.
"A great white attacked me!"
Her friends stared at her from around the fire. Benya held out the liquor to her.
"Well, shit!" N'Ku said.
Lebadi took a swig of plum liquor, and her friends followed her back to the water. They used lights from their kimoyos to illuminate the waves, but there was nothing out there.
"There was a strange man out there, too. I wonder if he was injured," Lebadi said.
"I don't see anything. Maybe it swam away," N'Ku said.
"I hope so. I'd hate to come all this way and can't surf because Jaws is swimming around," Ausi teased.
They searched the water with her for ten minutes until they grew bored.
"Maybe it was a dolphin, yeah?" N'Ku said.
"No. I know a dolphin fin when I see it. That was a shark out there," Lebadi said.
"And a little merman," Benya snickered.
Lebadi threw up her hands, and they returned to the fire.
More drinking commenced, with Lebadi partaking heavily, and after midnight, they were inside their tents asleep. Everyone turned in except for Lebadi. She let the fire burn down to the hot, glowing red coals before she took a walk along the shore away from their tents. Moonlight turned the peaks of the water into glowing white slashes of silvery light. Checking her kimoyo beads, they didn't do a great job of capturing anything because she didn't change the setting to get a wide 3D view of her surroundings.
Wait… there!
She froze the image. It floated in front of her, and she took her index finger and thumb to enlarge a section and cleared it up.
His eyes!
The static image seemed so strange. Water surrounded his face, with his hair swirling around. His body sat hunched forward like he was riding something…
She covered her mouth with her hand. The great white shark was underneath him. He straddled it like she did her own surfboard. There were no more images better than that one. Perplexed, Lebadi glanced at the water. Moonlight bathed her in tranquil blush-white light, and the soft sound of foamy water tickled her ears. He couldn't be human. Not with those ears. She could swear that she saw non-human feet, too.
She gasped.
He was there.
In the water.
Lebadi stepped forward until her toes were coated with foam and surging water, but she remembered the shark and kept the water at knee level.
"Hey!" she shouted, waving at him.
She didn't expect him to come to her, but he did, striding out of the sea in small tight trunks dripping wet. His hair was slicked back from his face, and it allowed her to observe him in the moonlight and the glow from her kimoyo beads. He was just under six feet, maybe three inches taller than her in comparison. His eyes made him seem larger than life, and their darkness penetrated every inch of her. His shorts hid nothing of the dick print bulge. He studied her too, taking peeks at her body and the lack of clothing she had on with her tiny bikini set. An elaborate choker necklace draped around his neck and she could make out gold cowrie shells, small beads, and strings of—
"Is that vibranium?" she said.
The shock of her tone startled him, and he looked at his jewelry.
Wakanda was the only nation that had vibranium.
"You're bleeding," she said, pointing to his side.
He turned around, and she saw the deep gash in his back.
"How did that happen?" she asked.
He pointed at her and his lips quirked up. Was he smirking?
"Me? How?" she asked.
He moved his hands to tell a story, and she made out that her surfboard had crossed over him and her board fins underneath cut him up.
"Can you understand me, or am I just thinking you can?" she said.
"Tene Tin na’atik … I understand," he said.
His voice scared her. It was forceful and slightly seductive. There was an accent, but she gawked at his ability to know her language. She eased back from him slowly.
"We are isolated from other places. How can you know Wakandan? Where did you get that vibranium? Did you steal that from us?"
Lebadi's voice grew haughty and protective of her country's secret resource.
"My people have our own."
"Rhino shit! It's native to our country. You stole—"
His hand went around her throat, preventing her from talking or yelling for help.
"My people don't have to steal," he said through gritted teeth.
"Take your hand off of me."
His head tilted and she swallowed as best she could.
"Watch what you say to me," he said.
The growl in his throat made her stomach jump. He released his hold on her and she rubbed her neck.
"The shark didn't attack you," she said.
"It knows better than to bite me. I raised it."
"Like a pet? Serious?"
He looked over her shoulder, and she glanced behind herself. N'Ku was up and about, kicking sand on the coals. Lebadi turned back to the man, and he was gone.
"Wait! Don't go!" she called out.
She ran toward the water. There was no splash. She would've heard that. Looking around, there was only the high bluff he couldn't climb up. He didn't run down the opposite side of the beach either.
"What are you doing way over there?" N'Ku cried out.
She ambled over to him on the cool sand.
"Walking around. Couldn't sleep."
"Stay close, yeah?" he said.
He rubbed her hair, flicked one of her decorative hair shells, and crawled back into his tent. She walked back to where she last saw the stranger.
"Where did you go? Am I drunk?"
The plum liquor had been strong. Maybe she had too much. She turned toward the bluff and—
"Fuck!" she shouted.
The man stood there, a sly smile on his face.
"How did you… do you have a camouflage shield or something…?"
"Bix a k’ a’aba’? What is your name?" he asked.
"Tell me yours first."
He stepped closer to Lebadi until his nose was an inch from her face.
"Eeen kaah-bah eh … K'uk'ulkan by my people. My enemies know me as Namor."
"So what am I to you?" Lebadi asked.
"I don't know yet. Who are you?"
He circled her, and the skin on her arms pricked with goosebumps. Not because it was cold, but because she found his behavior unnerving. He sniffed her hair, then stood in front of her again.
"Where are you from?" she asked.
He held a hand up to stop her from talking.
"I am looking for someone. A man was out in the water earlier. He dropped offerings into the sea with other people. I need to find him."
"I don't know anyone from earlier. I'm here with my friends to celebrate Mama Wati."
"Your God?"
"The mother of the waters," she said.
Lebadi shrugged, not understanding the new language he spoke.
"You are not afraid of me," he said.
"You rode a great white shark. If you wanted me dead, I would've been dead out there."
The intensity of his gaze became too much.
"I can't help you," she said.
She turned away.
"Would you like to ride him?"
Lebadi laughed in her mind at the nasty thought that ran through her brain about him when he said that. He had a solid body that would tempt any woman to climb on it. Fuck that shark.
"Me ride a shark?" she said.
Lebadi sucked her teeth.
"I'd rather know why you're here. What do you want from that man you're looking for? Are you a spy for the Americans?" she said.
King T'Chaka had begun a series of visits to the United States and the Wakandans worried about the west encroaching on their secrets. Lebadi pulled her hands in toward her chest. This was a national security situation. Liquor had her slipping up big time. She tapped her kimoyo to summon the authorities. Namor pulled on her beads and they fell apart, dropping onto the sand with soft plops. She dropped to her knees and gathered them back up onto her wrist. He held one away from her.
Lebadi ran back toward her camp, her hair shells jangling across her neck as she fled, and Namor's right arm encircled her waist. His left arm pointed above his head and they both lifted off the ground, racing upward fast, flying past the high bluff until they reached the top. Air breezed past her body and she closed her eyes from her fear of falling out of his grip. He dropped her on the soft tufts of grass at the edge. Too frightened to move, she stared at Namor's body floating in the air near the ledge. The small wings on his ankles fluttered like a hummingbird's wings. He glared down at her, daring Lebadi to move. She stayed on her rump.
"I must find this man soon. His name is Owiti Kiprono—"
"That is not a Wakandan name. I think you came to the wrong country," she said.
His eyes narrowed, and his lips became a tight line.
"I'm not lying. That name sounds Kenyan. You made a mistake coming here," she said.
She scooted backward slowly, and he crouched down to meet her eyes again.
"I cannot stay here long," he said.
"I don't know what to tell you."
He closed his eyes and sighed. Plopping down next to her, he plucked at the grass and threw it over the side of the bluff. That action alone made him seem so young. He looked her age, perhaps early to mid-twenties. There was peach-fuzz soft facial hair, and despite the maturity in his dark eyes, Namor acted as if he had a curfew, like he had to do something before his parents found out. How would an elder punish a flying fishman?
"You live out there?" she asked, her chin lifted toward the sea.
"I must leave," he said, raising up.
Lebadi grabbed his arm and held him. His skin felt cool and smooth, the muscle in his arm hard. He looked down at her hand gripping his flesh and jerked it away.
"Sorry," she said.
They sat together in silence, the crash of waves growing more frequent as a high tide rolled in. Far out in the sea, giant swells teased her eyes.
"You want to be on that?" he asked, nodding toward the large swells.
"Too far. I have a flying glider board that can take me out there, but it broke. We aren't allowed to go beyond five miles with our tech in the open."
"Because you hide yourselves?"
"Yes. If people outside knew about what we have…"
"My people are the same. It is forbidden… forbidden to be so far away… here."
"What do you call your home?" she asked.
"Talokan… K'uk'ulkan… Ixchel …" she said, sounding out his language.
She looked at his ears and then gazed down at the wings on his feet.
"Do all your people—?"
"No. I am different."
She left the word mutant alone, not wanting to offend him. He flexed his fingers, stood up, and his body rose above her, those wings whirring fast.
"Wait, you can't leave me up here!"
Lebadi jumped up, and he flew past the ledge with a sly smile on his face.
"It'll take me forever to walk all the way down and back to my camp!" she whined.
"I need time to disappear before you tell the others."
"You haven't really done anything for me to tell them about."
He moved his hands in a wide arc while flying, and she put a hand on her hip.
"Okay, yeah… the flying thing is gossip-worthy. But you didn't hurt me, and nothing major happened… wait!"
He floated back six feet, and she stomped her feet.
"Come on!" she said.
"I like when you pout," he teased.
A smile lit up his face, and the moonlight gave his skin an eerie glow. She didn't want to grovel, but she also didn't want to make a long ass trek either.
"I'm scared," she said in a hushed tone.
"You faced a shark and didn't scream."
"I was in shock."
Namor held his hands palms up.
"Take my hands," he said.
Lebadi shook her head, but her feet had a mind of their own walking toward the ledge. Her hands ignored her brain signals too and reached for him. Clasping his hands, she curled her fingers in his and let out a nervous breath. Stepping out into the air with her right foot, she made the mistake of looking down.
"Namor!" she yelped.
Namor held her up and flew backward fast before tossing her in the air, her arms and legs flailing about before he caught her by the waist. He guided her down, not toward her camp, but across the dark waters dappled with moonlight and holding secrets of the deep.
"Easy, breathe easy, Lebadi," he cooed in her ear.
They dipped low and her stomach seemed to fall behind her as he whipped them across a giant wave that she saw minutes ago from so far away. He slid his hand from her waist up along her arms until she dangled below him, her legs swinging against wind and ocean spray. She whooped it up as he lowered her so that her feet skimmed across the top of a giant wave, cooling her feet and making her laugh hysterically. He swung her in another direction gently and her heels surfed the crest of another wave like she was water skiing. Dropping her into the ocean from twenty feet high, she splashed around frantically, terrified that his shark buddy would leap out and swallow her. Namor landed above the water, standing on top of it with his hands on his hips, looking down at her. He sank down into the water as her panic escalated and she threw her arms over his shoulders when the shark's fin appeared behind him.
"Take me out! Please, take me out!"
"He won't hurt you. See?"
The shark nestled close to Namor, and the man stroked the slippery cold skin.
Lebadi pressed her face into his neck and shivered in fear.
"Nothing will happen to you."
He stroked her hair and lifted her chin up.
"I promise," he said.
She wiped her eyes of water and nodded her head to him. Glancing to her side, Lebadi regarded the shark with trepidation, but she took a chance and stretched out her trembling arm toward the sea creature. Like dolphin skin, it was slippery, like wet rubber, and pliant when she pushed on it. She stroked the dorsal fin and nearly passed out when its head splashed toward her and she saw one of the cold black eyes staring back at her. Shoving her face back into his neck, Lebadi was done with the marine life show and tell.
Namor patted the shark near its gills, and the beastly animal went under the water and away from them. He lifted Lebadi in his arms, cradling her against him like a baby as he floated above the surface, flying them back to shore. She held onto his neck, watching the sand and bluff grow closer until they were back on land.
Face to face, they stared at one another.
"Good luck with your search," she said.
He touched her cheek, and the heat of her wet skin swallowed his damp coolness up. Those dark flashing eyes caused her insides to tumble and quake, making her feel a thick anticipation. Their attraction to one another was unquestionable. He slid the pad of his thumb across her top lip, following along its full shape before he leaned in and kissed her. The soft hairs of his light goatee tickled, and she smiled, opening her lips, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth where he explored every part. She gave back in return, sucking on his lower lip, fusing them together with slow succulent kissing. Her arousal triggered something in him as he pressed into her body. Firm muscles molded against her breasts, and the thin material of her bikini top revealed taut nipples. His right hand moved across her chest until it fondled a left breast, plucking at her nipple with gentle pinches. He slid the bikini bra cup aside, lowering his head to suckle. His tongue was incredibly warm dancing around her areola and her knees buckled when he lifted to kiss her again, his tongue snaking in and out of her mouth to taste every molecule, making her mouth water.
Her pussy already felt engorged, and every time he thrust his tongue between her lips, it throbbed with wanton need. His carnal desire for her curled her toes as his tongue and lips created a wet trail of gentle kisses along her neck. He moaned in her ear and her stomach became a swarm of butterflies trapped inside of her.
Their necks twisted from side to side, trying to find the best way to kiss more passionately, and she loved the failure of it. It seemed to irritate him, and he pulled back to stare at her with brooding arousal. She glanced down at his trunks and the thick erection protruding out toward her made her frantic to kiss him more. His dick pressed into her and Namor wanted Lebadi to feel it. He rubbed against her and she ground her vulva on it. When she looked down at his trunks again, he had his hand down there, tugging on the length. The tip peeked out and a heavy mushroom cap dripped pre-cum.
Lebadi moved his hand to her mound, and he took the invitation to heart by sliding his fingers down her scant bikini bottom. He stroked her clit first, his index and middle finger working tight gentle circles before touching her slippery wet folds. She was a frothy ocean down there and Namor pulled out his fingers to lick up all of her essence, making eye contact as he did it to show her how good she tasted to him. He smacked his lips and went back for more, tracing odd shapes along her folds and clit, teasing her with so much pleasure that she squealed out loud. He clamped a hand over her mouth and looked toward her campsite. No one was awake or searching for her. Moving his hand, he crashed his lips over her mouth, kissing the living breath out of her. Namor fondled her clit with expertise, and she thanked Mama Wati for the gift of her offering to the sea.
"Oh, my Bast!" she cried out.
Namor dropped to his knees and slid her bikini bottom to the side and feasted on her swollen clit, kissing and sucking to his heart's delight. His hands reached up to cup her ass cheeks to keep her in place. Lebadi stood and watched the ocean waves crash to shore as an orgasm surged. She grabbed for his hair and held his head against the clipped hairs of her vulva, panting and saying his name under her breath, willing herself not to scream. When his plush lips held her clit, and his tongue slurped all over it with warm saliva, Lebadi threw her head back and jammed her fingers in her throat to stifle the scream that she let out. She fell apart all over his mouth, the deep throbbing of her release reaching all the way to the back of her pussy. His seductive, penetrating eyes watched her cum all over his lips and tongue, extending her release, the orgasm rolling across her flesh in heated waves that made her scalp tingle and her eyes roll back.
His lips moved away from her pussy with a wet smacking sound, and they glistened with her sticky juices. He grinned and slid his tongue across his slips to swallow up every drop of her. Lebadi staggered back from him and Namor jumped up quickly to keep her from falling flat on her ass. Her entire body trembled with aftershocks, and the throbbing between her thighs wouldn't stop. She craved him.
Slamming her lips over his, she sucked her own taste from his mouth while he lowered his trunks and fisted himself. He coated his dick with all the pre-cum that dripped down from a deep slit and lifted Lebadi up by her hips, positioning her over the head of his erection. Sanity and thoughts of protection left her brain as she slid down his thick, brown dick. She wanted to be fucked good and proper by a man who laid her pussy out.
Namor's thrusts into her hot, gushy pussy had her mewling into his neck. He held her up easily, like she was a feather floating on the wind. His balls slapped against her ass cheeks, and she thanked all the Gods on land and sea for letting him stretch her pussy out on the beach. He grunted, the pleasure enveloping him too. He spoke to her in his own language, and she could only guess that he was telling her how good she felt on his heavy erection. His plundering of her pussy only made her more vocal, her yelps and wailing in his ear encouraging him to thrust with more conviction.
"Oh, Bast… Namor!" she shouted.
She clung to his shoulders as she gazed down at the sand he was not standing on anymore. Namor flew up along the bluff, still fucking her as he flew, and pressed her back against the hard wall of rock halfway from the top.
"You are too loud," he grunted, twisting his sinewy hips and pumping her full of Talokan dick.
Her pussy made squelching noises, and he slowed his strokes to tease her before flying them up again. He landed back on the soft tufts of grass at the top, but kept her on his dick. His breath was hot against her skin, and Lebadi's pussy clenched, making him shout her name from the pleasure of the tight grip. Laying her down on the grass, he pushed her thighs back and wiggled out of his trunks, giving her time to untie her bikini from top to bottom. She cast caution to the wind. Dick that good wouldn't come around that often.
He smiled at her as if he had read her thoughts. His beauty in smiling had her all soft and gooey on the inside, like she wanted to run home and tell her Mama that she finally met the one man to change her entire life forever. Lowering his face to hers again, Namor kissed her cheek and then her forehead. He turned his head as if he heard something.
"What is it?" she asked.
He shook his head, "Nothing."
He peppered tiny kisses across her clavicle and dragged his lips to her belly button, where he tongued it playfully, tickling her and making her giggle. Lebadi rubbed his head, letting her fingers caress his hair, and he looked at her again. She touched his nose piercing and the fire in his eyes reflected moonlight and a yearning for something beyond his grasp. Moving lower on her body, he kissed her thighs and the fold of skin near her vulva.
"I like the taste of saltwater on your skin," he said, licking her more.
He positioned himself between her legs and lined up his dick with her opening. Penetrating her gently, the bulbous tip parted her folds and her legs shot up straight to the moon.
"Ooohhhhh," she groaned.
He held her thighs with reverence, pumping in and out with delicate strokes. There was no fast fucking this time. He wanted to etch their lovemaking on the stars above them. It was so slow that it brought tears to her eyes. She whimpered his name, and he closed his eyes, his lower lip housed between his teeth, seawater dripping from his hair. He hunched over Lebadi and rocked into her body a little faster, the quicker pace forcing moans to fall from his lips.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and he repositioned them so that she was on top, riding him with feverish intent. He palmed her breasts and stroked her nipples, watching her pussy slide up and down his length with vigor. She was so close to cumming again. Namor played with her clit, rubbing it softly and edging her closer to paradise.
"Fuck!" she yelled.
Flipping her over, Namor planted himself deep, stroking her at an angle that had her squeezing her eyes shut, thrashing under him. The beads from his choker dangled and scraped across her skin. He tossed her legs over his shoulders and tongued her down between giving her praises in his language. The man talked her pussy into letting go again and her walls clenched all around him, his strength and weight the only thing keeping her from shooting over the cliff.
"Namor… fuck me good… fuck me… oh, right there… stay right there… please… that's my spot!"
His name became a holy mantra on her lips. She felt his dick swell inside of her and he cried out her name, his cum warm and thick inside of her. He collapsed on her, and she stroked his back, feeling sweat pooling on his lower back. His mouth found hers again and his kisses were sweet all over her face and neck, bringing forth calming energy to her body and mind.
"That was incredible," she whispered into his ear.
His smile lit up his face again, and those sexy eyes drank in her naked charms under him. The smile faded when his eyes looked out toward the sea. His body grew stiff above her.
"What is it?"
He crawled off of her and pulled on his trunks. She rolled over and looked out to sea. The large leviathan body of a humpback whale floated in the distance; its long wide body visible from so far away in the moonlight. Fear shined in Namor's eyes.
"K’a’ak’ate," he said, stroking her cheek.
Lebadi scrambled to put on her bikini and Namor was already flying away from her, heading toward the sea and the whale waiting for him.
"Come back! You have to take me down!" she yelled.
He spun around to face her.
"I won't say anything. No one will see you," she pleaded, tying her top.
"Ma’taali’teeni’," he said, sounding regretful.
Namor shot away so fast that Lebadi took several seconds to blink. He vanished.
"Dammit! You bastard!" she said.
Storming away in the opposite direction, she made the long trek down the tricky bluff, cursing the man out, while also enjoying the tingles that ran up and down her body from their lovemaking. She took a long restroom break behind some bushes to urinate. By the time she made it to the bottom and found the trail that led back to the beach, her cheeks were warm and tight from smiling so much. No matter what she said, no one would believe her. She glanced at her kimoyo beads.
"Ah, shit!"
Namor still had one of her beads. The main one she needed to turn the kimoyo on. Oh, well.
Lebadi searched the water for signs of the whale or glimpses of her otherworldly lover. There were only waves and foamy water lapping on the shore. She trudged over the sand back to her tent. Unzipping it, she crawled inside and fell fast asleep.
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The week in Birnin S'Yan went by so fast to Lebadi that she thought they had been there only three days instead of seven. She surfed so much that her skin flaked with sunburn and pruned feet. She felt gorgeous with her darkened, sun-kissed skin. But it was time to get home, remove shells, and unbraid her hair for a thorough washing and conditioning. She would rest her normal curls inside a satin bonnet.
Lebadi spent her last day on the beach surfing and scanning the water for signs of a great white shark, whales, or a set of pointy ears rising from the sea. She found nothing.
Her board skimmed across the warm waters, and she practiced neat footwork on it to impress her friends. A miscalculation sent her sailing over her board into a whitewash of liquid heaven. She laughed and shook her braids when she broke the surface. Another high wave towered over her and she duck-dived underneath, clutching her board with her hands as she held her breath. For a split second under the wave, she thought she saw Namor floating before her, and she broke the surface, startled and gasping for air. Releasing her board and letting her leash tether her close to it, Lebadi dove under again, searching for her lover. The sunlight that struck the water gave her enough light to see an expanse of the blue-green ocean and nothing else.
The next morning, she set about packing up her belongings before breaking down her tent. Her friends wanted to stop at a restaurant in town to eat a meal before the drive back to Birnin Zana. Rolling her sleeping bag, she found her missing kimoyo bead and a gold cowrie shell from Namor's necklace. There was no way for him to place it there while her friends were up, so he must've brought it to her in the middle of the night when she was fast asleep. Slipping the loose bead onto its rightful place on her wrist, Lebadi held up the cowrie shell. The craftsmanship rivaled her own people's artisan skills. Palming it, she stepped out of her tent to gaze at the horizon.
"All good?" N'Ku asked, staring at her as he buried their old coals.
"We'll be ready soon. I can drive to give you a break," Benya offered, tying up her wet hair.
"Cool," Lebadi said, holding the cowrie shell close to her heart.
She later passed Benya a kimoyo bead to start up the van. Sitting on the sand with her legs pulled into her chest, Lebadi bid a silent farewell to the beach.
"Next year, I'm coming back, and you better show up again," she huffed, reminiscing over his touch all over her skin.
Just thinking about him aroused her, and she stood up, tugging on her shorts, trying to keep her bikini from sticking to her folds.
"What's that?" Ausi asked, looking at the gold cowrie shell she fingered in her hand.
"I found it in the water," Lebadi lied.
She pocketed the shell in her cut-offs and lifted her board and tent, following her crew to the seawall so they could wait for Benya to pull around. Lebadi glanced over her shoulder, and a shiver went through her.
"Mama Wati, when I give you a bigger offering next year, please send that man back to me," she whispered.
The sound of the waves crashing down loudly on the shore made her believe Mama Wati heard her request. No matter what, Lebadi was going to come back.
And she would ride the shark, Namor, and anything else he shared with her.
Part 2 HERE.
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Author’s Note: If you liked the story, please share by reblogging, commenting and all that good stuff. Follow me for new updates and more content. I would love to see the Black Panther fandom come alive again. I haven’t seen the “Wakanda Forever” movie yet, so this story takes place twenty years before that. Just so you know, I make my own canon, lol! 
Also, I switched up the spelling of the actual Mami Wata to Mama Wati to give myself space to reshape my ancestor’s actual African/African Diaspora spiritual water being into a fictional Wakandan one. 
The Masterlist for more of my content is  HERE. Be on the look out for part 3 soon!
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
November 10th - The Black Panther / Shuri
The Princess of Wakanda, Shuri is the sister of T’Challa The Black Panther, and an heiress to the throne of Wakanda. She is the youngest child of T’Chaka and his third wife, Queen Ramonda. From a very young age, Shuri has wanted to become the first woman to don the mantle of The Black Panther.  Following the death of her father, Shuri entered the arena to challenge her uncle S'yan for the title of Black Panther, but was unable to reach the ring before another fighter defeated S'yan and claimed the title. When the victor was unmasked, it was none other than Shuri's older half-brother T’Challa.
Shuri was disappointed, but her brother made for a fine king and excellent Black Panther and she stood dutifully by his side.  She continued to hone her skills as a combatant and tactician.  She was additionally a gifted student who greatly excelled in her studies, particularly in the fields of science and technology.  
Shuri would go on to become a fierce warrior and cunning leader.  She led the attack force that sacked the capital of Atlantis as retribution for Prince Namor’s assault on the Golden City whist possessed by the Phoenix Force.
When T’Challa was incapacitated and left in a comatose state, Shuri stepped in as Wakanda’s stewardship queen.  During this time, the Golden City was besieged by the extra-dimensional menace known as Morlan.  Shuri communed with the deity of Basst who bestowed her the powers of the Black Panther.  Donning her own iteration of the panther garb, Shuri was able to defeat Morlan.  Shuri continued on as the Black Panther, maintaining the mantle even after T’Challa was eventually revived.  
Later, Shuri was nearly killed in battle against Prince Namor and The Cabal.  In a near-death state, Shuri’s soul traveled to the Djalia, a transcendent plane that represented Wakanda's collective memory.  There she encountered a griot spirit who taught her advanced combat skills and ancient magical incantations.  Shuri was eventually revived by T’Challa with the aide of Manifold and she now possessed great powers bestowed by the griot’s training.  
A version of Shuri features in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, portrayed by actress Letitia Wright.  The heroine first appeared in the pages of Black Panther Vol. 4 #2 (2005).
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pettybetty69 · 2 years
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝
Young!T'Challa x Enhanced!reader
TW: Nothing really
Word Count: 2.7k
Masterlist | Part One
He froze.
For the first time in his life he couldn’t move. 
It was as though his brain turned off. Any sense, any logic, any thought, all came to a halt. His hands were clammy and hot. His heart was tricked to pound in his chest. Every ounce of self-control he held was taken hostage by a relaxing trance. A pair of green eyes, your green eyes, seemed to be the crux of it. As quickly as he saw you, you turned away just as fast.
"Staring will only scare her off, umtshama." The King noted. He snapped out of it. 
“Pretty girl.” S’Yan nodded his chin toward you. 
The prince didn’t look toward you again, only gulped his dry throat. He hated this feeling with a passion. It was rare in his life he ever had control over anything. And the only thing he did, himself, now seemed to betray him all over again. 
“Yes, I….I suppose.” He averted his sight to an undesignated spot out one of the tall tower windows.
He avoided the sight of you. But his peripheral betrayed him. He could fuzzily see chestnut coils fall upon a pair of shoulders. A flash of a wide, ebullient smile that greeted officials. Caramel skin that almost looked like it was glowing. There was an unfamiliar thumping in the pit of his stomach. He wondered if he was coming down with something because what he was feeling.....he hated it.
His uncle watched him, seemingly amused.
“She comes from a respectable Italian family. T’Chaka and N’Yami held a quiet admiration for the family during their living days.” S’Yan explained. 
T’Challa’s head peaked at the mention of his parents. He was told very little about them. At least he knew his father to be brave, a story teller, and one of the best Black Panther’s to grace Wakandan soil. However, his mother, no one spoke of her; and doing so gave his father too much pain to bare when he was alive. 
He looked back toward you and a woman without hesitation. His eyebrows furrowed with a quiet desperation, as he searched the surface for what his parents could admire. He ignored to tingling feeling taking over his body. Other than the eyes and the similar pallet of skin, there was nothing.
“What makes them so special?” He asked, not removing his staring gaze. 
“That was one thing I could never make sense of.” S’Yan sighed. “What I can affirm to you is that they can be painfully honest people. But despite it, I will introduce you.”
S’Yan already began to walk toward the two of you. 
"Malume." The Prince quietly begged for him not to, but the King ignored him. 
"King S'Yan. I see you've come out of the shadows once more." The woman's exalted voice cordially joked.
Closer now, he could truly grasp her image. An intimidating beauty. On the taller side, svelte, dressed immaculately. Face was rosy and grounded. Deeply melanated skin with contradicting, sharp green eyes. An image very similar to yours. T'Challa noted the sudden pleased look across his uncle’s face.
"This tradition is one that must always follow through. And congratulations on the permanent position, Ambassador Vitale." S'Yan nodded his head with respect.
The King continued, “I’ve heard the notes of your proposal for the new policy. I must say it has my high hopes. I’m grateful my nephew here will be able to witness such respectable works.”
“Prince T’Challa Udaku. I can see you’ve grown up well, how old are you now?” She asked, curiously.
She knows my full name? He questioned in thought. He was Royalty, they were to be always addressed by a single name. And still, this winsome woman, just barely taller in height humbled him with a surname...
“I’m fifteen, Ambassador,” T’Challa answered neutrally.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could view your gaze suddenly on him. Your once-tilted head straightened with the rise of your eyebrows. The uncomfortable feeling rose once more. His throat dried again and he gulped, avoiding the magnetizing pull.
Why wouldn't you just turn away? Your drilling gaze lingered and lingered, his jaw tightening and heart racing with every growing second. His body betrayed him to the smirk that was so visible in his peripheral. Then, it finally stopped. You looked away nonchalantly, and he could breathe again.
But yet, he carefully inched his vision toward you. He didn't know what he was doing. He was choking just moments before and everything shouted at him to stop. He could see your black mary janes, then the hem of the black skirt at your knees, and thereafter......he froze. The pair of eyes, the color of Wakanda's acacia leaves, brazenly avert at him. He sighed, absentmindedly. A warmth spread through his chest, numbing away his anxiousness. His rambling thoughts unexpectedly weren't so gripping. He was simply there, present at the moment; observing a small comforting smile you'd sent. He could barely hear what his uncle was saying. 
"He's to ascend my position a decade from now. In preparation, he's been independently attending schools across the globe and today is joining me here for the first time."
"There's no better moment to prepare for the future than the present." Your mother commented. A silence prolonged. One he didn't come to notice for many seconds. The background noise faded, and he snapped, looking to his uncle who watched unimpressed, and your mother, the ambassador judgingly calculating him. The Prince cleared his throat.
"I could not agree more, Ambassador." He not so subtly glanced up toward the king. He heard a peep of a chuckle from where you were.
“By the eyes, I can assume you’re her daughter.” S’Yan quickly changed the subject.
“Yes, your highness. Alessandra Vitale.” You bowed your head slightly. You did it in a way identical to your mother. Enough to hold respect for yourself yet just enough to give respect. He admired that. 
“I see you’re about the age of my nephew. What brings you here instead of enjoying your youth?
“About. I’m fourteen, your highness. And because I’m here doesn’t mean I’m boring and not enjoying my youth. No matter what the other members of my family may attempt to convince.” You had explained, jocularly. It made him unknowingly smile. He liked your voice, he wanted the sound of it to go on. “All it is is that I’ve been raised to be well aware of my blessings and to recognize the choice I have to make use of them or not. I’ve chosen the former.”
”Hm." S'Yan hummed, noting what you'd said. "Conceivably, the two of you watching the assembly together may be a wise suggestion. Perhaps, you may explain the importance of making use of opportunity, Ms. Vitale.” S’Yan suggested, his pettiness shielded. Embarrassment ran through him. It increased with the surprised raise of your eyebrows and amused smirk. You nodded. "Sure thing."
"The assembly should be starting any moment now." Your mother spoke and he just noticed her hand had been on your back the entire time. “The seats are in the upper left corner. I will meet you after.” She finished. You had nodded to your mother and the King signaled his head for the Prince to go.
He could see your neck tense the second her hand left you. Your eyes shut for just a moment, like you were concealing some type of pain. He wanted to ask if you were alright, but his conspiring thoughts came at full force. Did you not want to be around him? Were you frightened to be separated from your mother?
Together you walked silently to the seats. It was awkward. No small talk. Few glances of acknowledgment. He saw your focus hyper-fixated on the floor, the playful demeanor now meek. He lingered for a few moments before he bit his tongue and looked straight ahead. 
Once you sat together, it perpetuated. He wasn’t sure what happened. He stared curiously at your still frame. The deep rise and fall of your chest, the clenching hands, how the floor continued to hold your attention. 
“Hello?" He quietly questioned.
“Uh, hi.” You chirped quietly, dashing a glance and quick smile. He still watched you, trying to understand your behavior. Your expression suddenly furrowed.
“Why do you continue to stare at me?” You bluntly asked. “Is it my makeup, what is it?”
He understood what his uncle meant by sudden honesty.
“No, no, that isn’t it. Not it at all. I’m- I'm attempting to figure you out.” He tried to explain calmly, but it came out as stutters.
You had shut up. Sitting back against the chair, your eyes narrowed. "Figure me out?" You asked.
He hummed. “Yes, the uh- the floor seems to have peaked your fascination.” He attempted to joke, which seemed to be successful.
A laugh fell from your lips. He liked your smile. How beaming it was and took up your entire face. One came across him. He didn’t know what was happening to him. A trance seemed to interval. It undulated from fright to calmness all in seconds. He didn't know why or how, for the first time, he didn't seem to care to know. He felt fine, for the first time in a while.
"Would you say you are talented at it? Figuring people out?" You carefully asked, with a shy smirk. 
"I would certainly. I figure you're a timid acolyte. Someone who is comfortable with a crowd, but the opposite when alone with a person. You’re someone who is easily intimidated and doubt yourself before any move you take.” He stated confidently.
You laughed. A boisterous laugh that caught the attention of a few around the two of you. It confused him. He looked around at their judging faces as you shamelessly giggled so much your eyes were shut tight. 
"No, not really.” You chuckled boisterously. “Quite the opposite, actually." 
"Are you sure of that? Yet, I notice you find difficulty to look me in my eyes." He quietly observed, archly. 
“Is that a challenge?” You smirked and impulsively met his stare. He could feel his own heart starting to race. As if you could see right through him. 
Faces no more than a foot apart, you could feel your anxiety efface. The observant, slightly arrogant boy before you, the one who you had to admit was cute, was all you could see. All up close and personal with the sporadic amber flecks in his dark iris, the asymmetric wideness of his nose, and the small apples of his cheeks. He flushed your nerves away, yet simultaneously brought them on. He was amusing to you, once you got a grip of the internal sphere. His brave front, and hidden turbulent interior. His tenseness and rapid heart rate that reverberated in your ears. Adrenaline, dopamine, and norepinephrine all involuntarily released throughout him. You grew amused seeing the bold boy becoming rattled. 
"First time you've been wrong?" An eyebrow raised teasingly. He was nervous and now was the one to break the lock of your matched sights. 
He hesitated, thinking before he spoke. You had noticed he did it a lot. He cleared his throat. “It may be a wise choice for me to brush up on my skills.”
“And in other words….” You chuckled. 
“.....No, it hasn’t been. Perchance, you’d be willing to give your attempt?” He light-heartily offered to see if you could do any better. 
You knew you could. Yet still, you asked, “Should I?”
His back fell back against the chair, and he observed you with a repressed smile. The way he looked at you, it made your heart go again.
You debated for a few moments. Should you go all in with the unrelenting truth or scale back and decline? Screw it. You readjusted your position to face him. Your eyes met, and neither dashed away.
"You're here by force. You'd rather be somewhere else, or anywhere else for that matter. But as of this moment, you're not so sure. You're not a person who is used to being wrong. Rather that be sourced from your intelligence or arrogance, I’m not so sure. But what I am sure of is… I make you nervous." You revealed. 
He sat still, taking in a sharp breath. The wheels turned in his head and you could tell, you hit a nerve. You weren’t sure what but he was uncomfortable. You sat back in the chair.
“I uh, I assume I’m correct.” You asked, sensitively.
“Some parts may not be too far from the truth.” He answered, reserved once more.
You left it at that. You didn't want to force this boy you just met, though it didn't feel like it, to reveal anything he wasn't ready to. You knew the feeling, and it wasn't nice.
"So, do you simply read and expose people's vulnerabilities for fun or?" He prompted once more. It made you burst out into a laugh again.
"It's only one of my favorite hobbies." You saw his big, imperfect smile come around again. His eyes began to soften, and you knew you wanted to see more of it.
"I can teach you if you'd like."
He nodded his head quietly. "I would."
The room began to calm and people began to sit. He was the first to bring his focus to the front of the room. And you did not long after.
Once the assembly ended, there seemed to be a silent agreement to find a way out of the room. As the buzzing came again, the two of you found a quiet hallway that let the mid-day sunlight shine through. 
His back fell against the wall, facing the windows over the river. 
“That was two hours of nothing.” He reflected calmly, but absolutely astonished. 
“I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking it. I can’t believe it!” You admitted passionately, yet still in a hushed tone. He turned toward you.
“There were over a hundred officials in that room yet a fraction of what two people can do was accomplished. The relevant notions could be summarized within the span of 30 minutes and those who had zero to affix claimed the most time.”
“It isn’t that a hundred can’t be efficient, it’s that they all have their motives. Some less pure than others.” 
He seemed taken aback, not like you were any different when you began.
“Do you deduce?” He asked hesitantly and you hesitated. After a quick decision, you inched yourself closer to him. 
“It isn’t… exactly… a surmise.” You whispered the admission. 
“But the amount it would take leave an impact… Some form of honor must be present in most. It is what the job requires.” He reasoned.
“You’d be surprised.” You concluded with a disappointed sigh. “But you didn’t hear that from me, of course.” 
“Of course not.” He responded quietly. Clearly half of himself was in thought.
"At the very least I hope they aren’t all as tedious. If guilty, may Gaia help us find a rope.”
His eyes widened and he laughed with disbelief.
“Or maybe she and Bast gave a partner to bare it with.” He continued, with a hint of unsureness. You narrowed your eyes humorously and you felt his chest started to beat harder.
“.....that may be the more reasonable route.”
“May?” His laugh reverberated off the walls of the hallway. 
One of the Wakandan guards came into sight from the end of the hallway behind him looking panicked. She eased at the sight of him unharmed but subtly glared at you. He turned back to see what you were looking at.
“My Prince, we will be leaving now. The King has requested to leave for the day.” She firmly spoke, clearly annoyed. 
He sighed disappointingly before he turned back to you. 
“I must be going, unfortunately.”
“No, the timing is right. I should be meeting my mother anyways.”
“Should I- let me walk you to where you rendezvous.” He said, getting all awkward again. It was cute.
He saw you politely shake your head. “A kind gesture, but I will decline. But uh, I’m glad I met you.” He saw your own nervousness shine through your confidence.
He smiled, sensing it. 
“Alessandra Vitale.” He confirmed your name. You liked the way he said it.
“T’Challa Udaku.” You did the same. He liked the way you said his.
You friendly offered your hand and his eyebrows lifted with surprise. Never in his life had he met someone who offered him a hand. Never in your life had you offered a hand and had someone not take it.
“Prince.” The Dora hardly corrected from behind him. It hit you like a ton of bricks. 
“Oh, that’s right! Royals don’t shake hands.” You retracted your hand quickly. Now feeling bashful, you muttered “My mistake.”
He looked at your hand, and back at you. His years of etiquette lessons buried in the back of his mind finally came to light. Unlike the times before, the automatic gesture triggered insecure anxiety. He gently took hold of your hand and lifted it to his lips. 
The formulaic kiss to the back of your fingers felt rehearsed, but nonetheless, butterflies fluttered around in your belly. A blush rose to your cheeks. 
As he lowered your hand he began trying to ask you something. He kept on breaking eye contact as he stumbled over his words. You chuckled, kept on trying to meet his gaze.
Seeing your gentle smile all he wanted was to ask to see you again, but he couldn’t seem to find the words.
“Yes?” You asked interestedly, so close to him and eyes all bright.
“My Prince.” She warned again. He scolded himself to get the words out because he knew, you were someone he didn’t want to go without seeing again, again, then again again.
“I’d still like that lesson.” The words finally came off his tongue.
You thought, then a light bulb appeared in your head. You dashed to the small notebook in the pocket of your pants and scribbled on it. Ripping and offering the paper to him, he took it looking composed.
“Call me?” You asked, hopefully.
He nodded one last time. "I will."
The guard behind him was reaching her limit of irritation.
"Well then- Bye." You simply smiled.
"Bye." He hummed.
As he left, the giddy feeling in your stomach intensified. 
Seconds after leaving you, he felt his want to meet you again throb. 
A giddy, juvenile smile didn’t leave your lips the entire way home. 
The uncomfortable feeling he hated, he didn’t mind bearing anymore. The short flight with his uncle back to school didn't seem as suffocating.
From the moment you arrived home, you didn't wait like Roberto said. All you did was shout "Fina! I understand you now!"
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ennmaximof4 · 1 year
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• T'Challa
• Humano / Wakandano
• Empoderamento Divino: T'Challa foi originalmente aprimorado pela Erva em Forma de Coração, que lhe concedeu poderes de Super-Soldado. Seu corpo é aprimorado para perto do auge da perfeição física humana. Ele recebeu poderes adicionais da Deusa Bast, quando se tornou o Rei dos Mortos. Essa bênção parece tê-lo restaurado nos mesmos níveis de poder que ele possuía como o Pantera Negra escolhido. Além de seus sentidos, a força, velocidade, agilidade, durabilidade, cura, resistência e reflexos naturais de T'Challa foram aumentados a um grau quase sobre-humano.
√ Hoje somos todos Pantera Negra! E hoje vamos lutar como um! Por Wakanda! - T'Challa.
T'Challa foi o primeiro filho biológico de T'Chaka, rei da nação africana de Wakanda, um país isolado tecnologicamente avançado que continha a única fonte do raro metal ultradurável conhecido como Vibranium. Sua mãe, N'Yami, morreu uma semana depois de dar à luz seu filho como consequência de uma rara doença autoimune que contraiu durante a gravidez. O irmão mais velho adotivo de T'Challa, Hunter, o culpou por sua morte.
T'Challa aprendeu as propriedades do Vibranium quando ainda era criança, e suas lições sobre o dever real começaram aos cinco anos. Quando ele acompanhou seu pai na inspeção de fronteira pela primeira vez, T'Challa se perdeu, mas foi encontrado pela exploradora Ramonda. Depois de conhecer T'Chaka, Ramonda permaneceu em Wakanda e se tornou a mãe de T'Challa. Ele se tornou a razão pela qual Ramonda decidiu ficar no país, e ela acabou se casando com T'Chaka.
Durante uma cerimônia realizada na fronteira de Wakanda, T'Chaka foi abordado pelo físico Ulysses Klaw, que tentou fazer uma petição pelos direitos de mineração do metal raro da nação chamado Vibranium. Klaw foi apoiado por um grupo de mercenários, que abriram fogo assim que T'Chaka recusou. Quando a arma sônica de Klaw dominou seu pai, T'Challa correu para ajudá-lo. Klaw se preparou para matar o jovem príncipe, mas T'Chaka o protegeu e morreu. Depois que Klaw foi desarmado por Zuri, T'Challa pegou seu blaster sônico e mutilou a mão direita do invasor, forçando-o a recuar. Não muito tempo depois, Ramonda deixou Wakanda abruptamente. Apenas décadas depois, T'Challa soube que ela havia sido sequestrada e trazida de volta para sua terra natal, a África do Sul.
Quando T'Challa era adolescente, ele foi enviado no rito de passagem de Wakanda para vagar pela terra. Ele salvou uma jovem órfã chamada Ororo Munroe de sequestradores, que mais tarde usou seus poderes mutantes para controlar o clima para eliminar os mesmos supostos sequestradores e assassinos quando eles vieram atrás dele. Os dois compartilharam um romance e passaram muito tempo juntos, no entanto, os deveres de T'Challa como príncipe os impediram de explorar ainda mais sua crescente atração mútua.
Quando jovem, T'Challa viajou para a América e a Europa para frequentar universidades. B'Tumba, seu amigo de infância, foi enviado por seu pai N'Baza para estudar com ele. Enquanto estava nos Estados Unidos, T'Challa usou o pseudônimo de "Luke Charles" para permanecer incógnito. Foi nessa época que ele conheceu outra aluna, Nicole Adams, e os dois tiveram um breve romance.
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T'Challa voltou para cumprir suas funções em sua tribo para se tornar um homem para liderar o país. Ele foi enviado para encontrar a erva sagrada em forma de coração, e enquanto procurava, ele foi capturado por A.I.M., B'Tumba foi ordenado a executar seu amigo, mas como ele não podia fazer isso, ele libertou T'Challa e se juntou a ele na batalha contra o MIRAR. Durante o combate, B'Tumba foi mortalmente ferido e, após A.I.M. recuar, ele se desculpou com o Pantera Negra antes de morrer.
Dois anos antes do esperado, T'Challa desafiou anonimamente seu tio S'Yan pelo trono, e após a vitória ganhou o manto do Pantera Negra dele. S'Yan alegremente renunciou, para que seu sobrinho pudesse governar. T'Challa então pegou uma Erva em Forma de Coração para se ligar a Bast, o deus Pantera. A erva também melhorou o novo rei, tornando-o quase sobre-humano.
Algum tempo depois, T'Challa excomungou seu irmão adotivo, Hunter. Como o Lobo Branco, Hunter havia, décadas antes, assumido a liderança dos Hatut Zeraze ("Cães de Guerra"), zelosos patriotas que atuavam como a Polícia Secreta de Wakanda, realizando atos de sedição, contra-espionagem e assassinato contra os supostos inimigos do país. T'Challa não seria um rei que tolerasse tais ações, então ele oficialmente dissolveu o Hatut Zeraze, embora na realidade os Cães e o Caçador simplesmente tenham deixado Wakanda para operar por conta própria no exterior.
Ser rei continuou a trazer novas dificuldades quando uma guerra tribal começou em Wakanda. T'Challa foi forçado a tomar partido na guerra, escolhendo Dora Milaje em vez da tribo Jabari para seus agentes do serviço secreto e também para seu harém. Quanto mais Wakanda se tornou uma potência global tecnológica, mais T'Challa percebeu as ameaças do mundo exterior.
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Enquanto desenvolvia armas nucleares dentro de Wakanda, ele começou a convidar pessoas superpoderosas para seu país, começando com o Quarteto Fantástico. Embora, uma vez que ele descobriu que tipo de pessoas eles eram, T'Challa os viu como aliados e também como amigos. Eles ajudaram T'Challa a derrotar Klaw sem tirar sua vida. Em agradecimento, ele jogou beisebol com seus novos amigos americanos.
O Pantera Negra, sob a identidade de "Luke Charles", juntou-se ao Capitão América para lutar contra o Barão Zemo. Depois de derrotá-lo, Cap pediu ao Pantera Negra para se juntar aos Vingadores. Com a equipe, ele lutou contra o Grim Reaper, a Irmandade dos Mutantes do Mal, os Mestres do Mal liderados por Ultron-5, o Centurião Escarlate, e ele até viajou no tempo de volta a Segunda Guerra Mundial, ele ajudou a derrubar o Visão, a última criação de Ultron, que mais tarde se juntou à equipe. Ele também lutou contra Jaqueta Amarela, o Circo do Crime, e Surtur com Ymir.
Pantera Negra e seus aliados viajaram para Wakanda. Lá, eles foram recebidos por um exército de tropas wakandanas que atacaram os outros Vingadores com armas até que o Pantera Negra os deteve. Ao perguntar a eles quem os autorizou a carregar tais armas, eles disseram ao Pantera que foi seu substituto escolhido, M'Baku, que deu a ordem. Irritado, o Pantera Negra chamou M'Baku. Durante o jantar, M'Baku explicou que ordenou que as tropas carregassem armas porque ouviu relatos de que Klaw estava de volta a Wakanda.
Em uma viagem de Wakanda para Nova York, T'Challa soube que os Filhos da Serpente tinham como alvo pessoas negras proeminentes na cidade. Depois que a franca cantora Monica Lynne expressou sua opinião sobre os Sons on the Serpents no show de Dan Dunn, ela se tornou o próximo alvo. As atividades das Serpentes atraíram a atenção dos Vingadores, que relataram seu encontro anterior com o grupo para o Visão. Quando Monica Lynne foi atacada pelas Serpentes, ela foi salva pelo Pantera Negra. Mais tarde, ela apareceu no programa de Dan Dunn mais uma vez para continuar a expor sua opinião sobre as Serpentes, o que a tornava mais um alvo.
O Pantera Negra e o Demolidor se uniram novamente depois de testemunhar um acidente em que o motorista era apenas um adolescente. Os dois levaram o menino para o hospital. O Pantera Negra explicou que estava investigando as atividades criminosas de uma gangue local de jovens afro-americanos conhecidos como Thunderbolts, que recrutava membros das crianças que ele ensinava em seu disfarce civil de Luke Charles.
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Quando o Doutor Destino, o governante da Latvéria, soube da existência de Vibranium, ele procurou a pequena nação africana com uma águia mecânica. Ele usou um dispositivo de tunelamento para viajar para Wakanda, mas causou distúrbios sísmicos que abalaram a nação. As pessoas chamaram T'Challa, que voltou para casa para ajudar. Ele encontrou Doom tentando consertar um defeito em seu dispositivo.
Durante um protesto na Mansão dos Vingadores sobre T'Challa morando nos Estados Unidos, os manifestantes invadiram e atacaram os Vingadores. Um repórter exigiu que T'Challa fosse com ele e T'Challa se curvou em reverência. Foi revelado que o repórter era na verdade o deus Leão disfarçado. Ele estava lá para trazer o Pantera para casa.
T'Challa voltou a Wakanda para encontrar sua terra natal ameaçada por Erik Killmonger. Killmonger estava devastando aldeias para atrair a atenção do Pantera Negra. Os dois lutaram até a morte. De volta ao seu país, ele lutou contra novos inimigos Venomm, Baron Macabre, King Cadaver e Lord Karnaj, todos os quais eventualmente se uniram para lutar contra o Pantera.
O Pantera Negra foi um dos muitos heróis sequestrados pelo Professor Soos para participar de seu festival de luta contra suas próprias criações. Não se sabe contra quem o Pantera Negra foi confrontado. Ele foi um dos muitos heróis que estavam presentes na festa surpresa de Luke Cage depois que Luke derrotou o professor Soos.
T'Challa forneceu refúgio ao Doutor Destino durante o período em que Kristoff Vernard o usurpou no trono da Latvéria. Em troca de refúgio, Doom projetou o TransHuman ROBot, ou THROB, para ajudar na guarda do monte sagrado de Vibranium. No entanto, T'Challa se recusou a ajudar Doom na retomada da Latvéria, já que ele não estava interessado em atrair Wakanda para as lutas internas da Latvéria. Quando o Coisa e a segunda Sra. Marvel, Sharon Ventura, aterrissaram em Wakanda, T'Challa os encontrou lutando contra o THROB, e foi a primeira pessoa na Terra a saber que a forma do Coisa de Ben havia sofrido uma mutação ainda maior, e Sharon havia se tornado uma Mulher-Coisa.
Quando Steve Rogers foi forçado a deixar seu papel de Capitão América pela Comissão de Atividades Sobre-Humanas, quando ele não concordou com suas ordens, ele precisou de um substituto para seu escudo. Depois de devolver um escudo de Adamantium criado por Tony Stark devido ao conflito de Rogers com Stark sobre as Armor Wars, T'Challa forneceu um escudo de Vibranium para Rogers. Embora não pudesse estar presente pessoalmente para a entrega, ele enviou seus cumprimentos via satélite. O escudo mais tarde seria dado a John Walker quando Rogers retomou o papel de Capitão América e Walker se tornou o Agente dos EUA.
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Wakanda quase entrou em guerra com Atlântida durante um incidente na Ilha Kiber e T'Challa descobriu que sua madrasta não havia deixado sua família, mas foi sequestrada e transformada em escrava doméstica por Anton Pretorius, um conhecido supremacista branco que a agredia sexualmente diariamente. Foi logo após sua descoberta que T'Challa a resgatou e se juntou aos Cavaleiros de Pendragon, onde descobriu que tinha um Espírito Pendragon dentro de si.
Capacitado pelo demônio Mephisto, o reverendo Achebe liderou um golpe em Wakanda apoiado por Xcon, uma aliança de agentes de inteligência desonestos e a máfia russa. Em troca de Mephisto abandonar Achebe e deixar Wakanda em paz, T'Challa vendeu sua alma a ele, sabendo que sua unidade com o deus Pantera e sua ligação com os espíritos dos líderes anteriores do Clã Pantera arruinaria os planos de Mephisto.
Durante seu conflito com Mephisto, no entanto, T'Challa foi levado a beijar Nakia da Dora Milaje. Isso fez com que um amor obsessivo por T'Challa crescesse dentro de Nakia, e ela eventualmente tentou matar Monica Lynne. T'Challa a ejetou do Dora Milaje como consequência. Perturbada e sozinha, Nakia foi capturada, torturada e quase morta por Achebe antes de Killmonger reconstruí-la em Malice.
Killmonger também tentou acabar com a economia de Wakanda, então T'Challa foi forçado a nacionalizar todas as empresas estrangeiras. Isso resultou em Tony Stark tendo o controle acionário do Wakandan Design Group. Depois que a economia foi mais uma vez estabilizada, T'Challa lutou contra Killmonger em um combate ritual e quase foi morto, mas perdeu o título de Pantera Negra em vez de sua vida. O Cavaleiro da Lua e o Irmão Voodoo cuidaram misticamente de T'Challa.
Em uma missão para recuperar os Sapos do Rei Salomão, T'Challa conheceu uma versão futura de si mesmo que era telepática e mortalmente doente. Tentando mudar esse futuro, ele terminou com Monica Lynne e manteve seu futuro corpo em criostase.
O criminoso Nightshade ressuscitou o lendário monstro chinês Chiantang, o Dragão Negro, para usar contra T'Challa em Nova York. O Dragão Negro tinha um ataque do Punho de Ferro controlado pela mente do Pantera Negra. O Pantera conseguiu derrotar o Punho de Ferro, no entanto, o ataque causou a doença fatal que o futuro Pantera havia originalmente previsto.
Ao mesmo tempo, o Lobo Branco assumiu Xcon e matou a maioria de seus líderes. A liderança anterior da Xcon havia usado os sapos do rei Salomão para substituir o presidente dos Estados Unidos e o primeiro-ministro canadense por futuras contrapartes com lavagem cerebral, permitindo que a empresa derrubasse os dois países. Hunter continuou com este plano e se vingou de Tony Stark por sua compra do Wakandan Design Group. Com medo de Tony, T'Challa enviou-lhe uma mensagem usando truques financeiros para assumir o controle da Stark Enterprises e simultaneamente anexar uma pequena ilha canadense no Lago Superior.
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Quando o Pantera voltou para Wakanda, o futuro Pantera entrou em coma e foi colocado de volta em êxtase até ser morto por Homem-Macaco. O Homem-Macaco foi então libertado pela Justiça Divina na esperança de libertar sua tribo. Depois de tudo isso, o T'Challa original tornou-se instável e constantemente alucinado devido ao aneurisma infligido a ele pelo Punho de Ferro.
Um policial chamado Kasper Cole adotou uma fantasia de Pantera abandonada e procurou T'Challa para treinamento e orientação. Este incidente deu a T'Challa a força para lutar por sua saúde, sua nação e seu mundo.
Ao mesmo tempo, T'Challa voltou para os Vingadores, que lutaram contra Escorpião, e desmascarou o Secretário de Defesa dos Estados Unidos, Dell Rusk, como o malvado Caveira Vermelha. A equipe foi dissolvida não muito tempo depois, quando a Feiticeira Escarlate teve um colapso mental.
O governo dos EUA acreditava que Wakanda estava desestabilizado e, quando o vizinho Niganda tentou uma invasão, eles enviaram suas Forças Muito Especiais zumbis para 'ajudar' Wakanda. T'Challa havia retornado e foi capaz de derrubar o Exército Nigandan e os supervilões que eles contrataram, antes de dizer aos Estados Unidos para deixar seu país.
T'Challa ajudou a reunir Ororo com seus familiares sobreviventes na África, bem como apresentá-la a seus avós há muito perdidos na América. Pouco depois, T'Challa pediu Ororo em casamento. Os dois logo se casaram em uma grande cerimônia wakandana e, em seguida, partiram em uma turnê mundial diplomática para sua lua de mel.
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Eles visitaram nações como a Latvéria, a Área Azul da Lua e a Atlântida, bem como a América. Lá, a nação foi dominada pelos eventos da Guerra Civil e, durante uma visita à Casa Branca, as autoridades tentaram forçar Ororo a assinar a Lei de Registro de Super-Humanos, apesar de seu status de dignitária governante. Isso resultou no casal real escolhendo ficar do lado do Capitão América e dos Vingadores Secretos na guerra.
Ao retornar a Wakanda, Pantera Negra e Tempestade enfrentaram um Killmonger retornado, derrotando-o com a ajuda de Monica Rambeau. Posteriormente, Pantera Negra e Wakanda enfrentaram a invasão dos metamorfos alienígenas Skrulls, que já haviam se infiltrado como parte de seu plano de "Invasão Secreta" para conquistar a Terra. No entanto, Pantera descobriu sobre os intrusos e conseguiu capturar todos os impostores Skrull de antemão.
T'Challa ficou do lado dos Vingadores no conflito contra os X-Men e lutou contra sua esposa na batalha. Depois que a Fênix escolheu seus cinco hospedeiros e eles começaram a tornar o mundo um lugar melhor, T'Challa forneceu um esconderijo para os, agora, Vingadores fora da lei em Wakanda, embora ele tenha começado a duvidar dos Vingadores enquanto eles continuavam a lutar.
Ao realizar um teste para potenciais membros do programa espacial de Wakanda, T'Challa testemunhou o evento conhecido como "Incursão", quando dois universos colidem com suas Terras como ponto de colisão. T'Challa enfrentou o Cisne Negro, que destruiu a outra Terra colidindo com a Terra-616.
Enquanto os Vingadores estavam fora do mundo representando a Terra em uma coalizão de impérios espaciais na guerra contra os invasores Construtores, o Titã Louco Thanos e seus exércitos de piratas espaciais invadiram a Terra para matar o último descendente remanescente de Thanos. Wakanda foi um dos muitos locais visados e uma ala do exército de Thanos liderada pelo Anão Negro da Ordem Negra atacada. O Pantera Negra enfrentou o Anão Negro na batalha e por pouco conseguiu sobreviver a ele enquanto os exércitos de Wakanda repeliam os invasores.
Durante a incursão final, o Pantera Negra foi um dos heróis que tentou impedir que a Terra-1610 destruísse sua Terra. Depois que a nave que transportava a "equipe de ressurreição" da Terra foi destruída pelas Crianças, o Sr. Fantástico e o Pantera Negra foram forçados a colocar o "bote salva-vidas" em ação. Quando o "bote salva-vidas" foi implantado, Manifold teletransportou vários heróis para ele, incluindo Homem-Aranha, Senhor das Estrelas, Capitão Marvel, Ciclope e Thor, o que lhes permitiu sobreviver ao fim do Multiverso.
Com o tempo, para garantir a paz mundial, T'Challa secretamente colocou agentes adormecidos em todo o mundo e começou a espionar seus companheiros de equipe dos Vingadores, reunindo dados sobre seus poderes e habilidades para replicá-los após a morte do Doutor Estranho. No entanto, todas essas informações caíram nas mãos do líder terrorista e ex-amigo de infância de T'Challa, Jhai. Isso levou os Vingadores a perderem a confiança nele, considerando T'Challa um autoritário paranóico, e foi deixado sozinho em sua batalha contra Jhai, que havia dominado as redes de comunicação.
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-> MCU:
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i-r-readcomics · 3 years
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Black Panther
Volume: 4 #2
Who is the Black Panther (Part Two)
Writers: Reginald Hudlin
Pencils: John Romita Jr
Inks: Klaus Janson
Colours: Dean White
Covers: Esad Ribić
Featuring: Black Panther (T'Challa), Black Panther (S'Yan), Shuri, Ramonda, T'Shan, Klaw, The Cannibal 
Marvel Knights
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comicwaren · 4 years
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From Black Panther Vol. 7 #022
Art by Daniel Acuña, Ryan Bodenheim and Chris O’Halloran
Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates
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wakandaiscoming · 7 years
Movies v. Comics: Royal Siblings
I had a difficult time condensing all my thoughts into this. Would welcome input from others to chime in.
Comparing movie!T’Challa and movie!Shuri to the books.
When T’Challa was first introduced in the pages of Fantastic Four, he was already King of Wakanda. Of course we’ve had several flashback-type stories since then, but it’s still interesting for me to see a relatively-young T’Challa. Obviously it depends on who is writing him, but I am used to him being a lot more savvy in terms of politics and also people. But what I always find interesting about Panther, and this is why he became one of my faves, is that often we see this contrast to the naive/idealistic people and world-weary/smart people in media. But T’Challa is idealistic and smart. I think that is what makes him a real hero--that he isn’t embittered. I really can’t wait to see Boseman grow into confidence. I saw a hint of it in the glint in his eye during the United Nations scene. And, of course, we’ve seen it in the Infinity War trailer when he’s stepping up and taking charge. I was happy to see him (although he killed Killmonger in the fight) honor his enemy in the end. This reminded me of Spider-man Homecoming a bit, when everyone said it was some awesome that Peter saved Vulture’s life. I don’t think T’Challa wanted to kill Killmonger, he just knew it was the only way to stop him. And he’s not happy about it, so in those final moments he gives Killmonger a gift.
Now, of course, there have been runs where T’Challa was also written like a complete asshole so you could say the movie version is nothing like him.
There was one big change that Coogler announced early on that his sister Shuri would be the tech genius of the family, when typically this is T’Challa. (It is not right to say that Shuri is not smart in the comics. She is very clever, as T’Challa is. But naming her the “smartest person in the MCU” seemed akin to proclaiming her the new RiRi Williams  (Marvel is OBSESSED with who the smartest is, when I tend to know people who are smart in one particular area but don’t know much about a lot of other things. I digress.) Certainly T’Challa’s name often gets thrown around in those nerd fights about who the smartest comic character is but I never have seen Shuri in those conversations. (Feel free to prove me wrong.)
Comic!Shuri was introduced relatively recently (2005), as a warrior-girl who wanted to win the mantle of Black Panther from her uncle but it is T’Challa who actually becomes Black Panther and wins the battle. She is more of a traditionalist that T’Challa (preferring to keep Wakanda isolated) and can sometimes be accused of being “jealous” of her brother. When she initially takes the heart-shaped herb to become the Black Panther, the Panther god rejects her for this reason but ultimately comes to accept her.
I didn’t see any hint of that jealousy in the film and I was happy about it. Despite the above, I see Shuri and T’Challa as having one of the most normal/best brother-sister relationships in comics. (Thanks to The Ultimates for ruining Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch for me!)
In fact, it seems more likely that Coogler took aspects typically associated with T’Challa and split them into two characters. Giving movie!T’Challa the physical fighting skills and statesmanship, and movie!Shuri the scientific mind and inventor abilities.
I suppose you could see this as down-grading T’Challa, or as a corruption of Shuri’s character. What was interesting to me in the press tour was that Letitia Wright was asked what films Coogler made her watch in preparation (Coogler is known to assign homework) and the interviewer assumed it would be like Q from James Bond or other inventor-y character. But she said that Coogler had her and Boseman watch movies about brothers and sisters.
This is a film about siblings.
Coogler is actually putting more emphasis on the importance of the family dynamics. And, I must point out, what causes T’Challa to break from T’Chaka in the land of the ancestors is that T’Chaka killed his sibling. N’Jobu (Sterling K. Brown) doesn’t exist in the comics. (T’Chaka does have a brother named S’Yan but they do not have similar story arcs or trajectories.) I do believe that T’Challa truly believed that abandoning young Erik was wrong, but I also think he is more than a little horrified by the sibling-killing.
It’s symbolic that T’Challa brings Shuri to that same place at the end of the film. I’d like to think that even if Shuri goes nuts, T’Challa would not kill her. I think she is too much of a part of him. He trusts her completely. And I think in a way they are both “the” Black Panther, or at least the Black Panther we know from the comics.
I don’t think it’s a surprise some of the concept art for Shuri featured her looking very much like the Panther at one point. I hope to see her in the costume before I die.
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klawsofwakandablog · 8 years
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avatarconner · 3 years
RWBY/Black Panther outline
So a few years ago I wrote up a possible outline for Black Panther and RWBY crossover but I never really went anywhere with it so it’s just been sitting in my notes for years now. Since I’m not going to do anything with it, I figure I’d post it here for someone else to take and create their own story if they so choose.
The information is taken from various writers and runs of the character.
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General Facts
Wakanda has NEVER been conquered
It's main resource is Vibranium
Also has Dust deposit
Though does not mine it
Due to Vibranium has made leaps in technological to the point of discovering space travel
The Black Panther, while passed down through the royal line along with the title of King, is challenged once a year by any Wakandan
The Tribal Council (Known as the Taifa Ngao) is the council of all thirteen tribes of Wakanda who help the king with polices
Education is highly valued in the Wakandan culture and was viewed as a fundamental building block to incient Wakandans. The nation has one of the highest literacy rates on the planets. They have an eleven year free, compulsory cycle of primary and secondary education. At the end of this the citizens of Wakanda have the choice in the future of their career path. Many go on to attend one of their free Universities. The citizens also have other options such as farming and mining and other such laboring professions
The nation is very xenophobic to the other Kingdoms, mainly due to the intolerance that has spread since the war between the Faunus and Humans
95% of Wakandans are Faunus of various animals
Every major city is named after a former King/Black Panther
Wakanda has a universal public health system paid largely from taxation. Wakanda's entire population has equal access to health care services. The nation has one of the highest life expectancy rates on the planet.
The king is protected by his own personal bodyguards the Dora Milaje, skilled female warriors who have dedicated their lives to the Black Panther
They have their own intelligence agency known as P.R.I.D.E. (Princess Regent Intelligence Division Executives)
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Foreign Policies
While Wakanda is xenophobic to the rest of the world they do not ignore what goes on outside their boarders. They have access to the CCT such as the other Kingdoms since they built their own tower years before Atlas did and is capable of reaching all around the world if needed. But their relationships vary between other Kingdoms.
Wakanda has no qualms with the Kingdom of Vale, however they do hold the belief that the Kingdom is too lax, not facing the dangers of the world
Ozpin has met with T'Chaka, T'cahlla and Tanka's father when he first became the Black Panther. Ozpin made a good impression on him which led to Wakanda beginning to grow out of it's boarders and slowly start to reach out to the outside world
An expedition to Wakanda with professor Evert Ross and Doctor Oobleck of Beacon academy yielded a productive relationship, with the two learning a great deal of Wakandan culture as well as earning a look inside the kingdom.
It's furthest neighbor, they see the Kingdom of Vacuo as a warning, since they as well had access to copious amounts of minerals and destroyed their lands mining for them. However it's debated whether this has made the people of Vacuo strong since they can survive in such harsh conditions, or merely foolish for letting it happen in the first place.
Vacuo had once tried to take over Wakanda but this failed miserably, since then it has for the most part respected the nation's borders.
Atlas and Wakanda have the worst relationship out of all the Kingdoms, Atlas has tried a number of times to force their way into Wakanda and has failed every time. This is due to Atlas' ideals of protecting everyone and while Wakandans understand the reasoning they do not trust another Kingdom that believes it can act as the entire world's police without any of the people it rules over actually in the kingdom.
The SDC also has a bad relationship with Wakanda, mainly with the current CEO Jacques Schnee and his discrimination against the Faunus. But also due to his greed, and his desire for Vibranium.
The only official who has garnered any respect from Wakanda's Kings is General Ironwood, who at the start of his career asked Wakanda to officially welcome it to the other Kingdoms with a peace summit in Mantel. However the Summit was ruined by an assassination of King T'Chaka, sending the kingdom of Wakanda back into isolation.
Minstrel is the closest Kingdom to Wakanda and has respected it's borders
Has never tied to attack/invade Wakanda
However most people who attempt to steal from the Kingdom hide out here until caught.
Kimoyo Bracelets-See Diagram
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Panther Habit-Suit worn by the king/protector of Wakanda the Black Panther
Magnetic Wave Vehicles-Aircraft that Black Panther and Wakandan military use to fly without the use of Dust.
Holopods-Horgraphic orbs that create projections and even have heat signatures.
Vibranium-While this substance itself is rare and has the unique ability to absorb and redistribute Kinetic and Sound energy, Wakanda has also found a method to create Vibranium from itself, making their supply of it endless.
Wakanda was founded thousands of years ago by a small tribe living on the continent currently known as Anima. At that time a gigantic meteorite crashed into the ground fairly close to the village, upon investigating the site of the impact they discovered a mound that rivaled a mountain sticking out from the ground. They discovered that the entire meteorite was composed of a metal that was virtually indestructible, explaining how the impact from the impact hadn't caused worse damage.
The chief of the tribe decreed that the mound was theirs since it fell on their land and decide to keep it to themselves. Years pass and settlers from Mantel arrive caliming the land is there, however the Wakandans hold their ground and defeat their attackers with weapons more advanced than their attackers. They leave one man alive and tell him to send a message, that any who try to invade Wakanda will be dealt with in the same manner, after this victory the chief is pronounced as the King of Wakanda, and taking the title of the Black Panther, on account of his faunus traits and pelt of a black panther which he wore into battle.
The first Black Panther, Bashenga, had only one son and heir to the throne Azzuri. He ruled during the time of the great war and met the king of Vale when he asked the King of Wakanda to join Vale and Vacuo in the war against Mantel and Minstrel to end the slavery of faunus as well as the dampening of expression. Azzuri said that while he would oppose the two Kingdoms against Vale he would not lead his people to a war they didn't ask for. But he would allow Vale and Vacuo to pass through Wakanda since they morally opposed Minstrel and Mantle's polices against Faunus kind.
During the Great War Wakanda was faced with constant battle from Mantel and Minstrel but remained victorious throughout until the war ended. When it came to a close, the King of Vale offered Azzuri to join him in forming five kingdoms and divide the world up between them. However, knowing that they could not open Wakanda's technology to the rest of the world he declined and instead requested that his nation be recognized as it's own sovereign Kingdom.
The world then enjoyed a time of peace, during which Azzuri passed his mantel down to his oldest son T'Chaka. His second oldest S'Yan served at his brother's side dutifully until their father passed away from old age.
Soon, T'Chaka had his own son, T'Challa, however his queen passed away at her son's birth, never to know the son she gave her life for. But T'chaka found love again with his second wife Ramonda, who gave them his second son Taka and then becoming pregnant with their first daughter Shuri.
It was during this time that the king was invited to a peace summit in Vytal, giving Wakanda the chance to be recognized as a Kingdom on par with the others and finding a compromise between the other Kingdoms. T'Chaka accepted the invation and took his family with him to the summit. However while at the Summit, T'Chaka was attacked by an assassin known as Klaw, the attack resculted with Taka being mortally wounded and T'Chaka being killed.
Ramonda took her children back to Wakanda, Taka being kept alive by the best of the kingdom's medical technology while S'Yan took the mantle of Black Panther.
Taka made a miraculous recovery, and awoke to find a black panther cub had found it's way into his room.
Royal Family
Former King of Wakanda as well as father to T'Challa, Shuri and Taka. He died when an assassin known as Klaw attacked him and his family at a peace summit.
Brother of T'Chaka and Uncle to the prince and King, he served as Black Panther after his brother's passing, he was well known for his speed and earned the nickname "S'yan the fast".
Queen of Wakanda
Firstborn son of T'chaka and current ruler of Wakanda
Third child of T'Chaka and sister to Taka and T'Challa. Is a scientific genius
Son of S'yan, he tried to compete for the mantle of Black Panther along with his cousin T'Challa but failed, he has harbored resentment towards the king ever since.
Second son of T'Chaka and brother to T'Challa, Taka was wounded by Klaw during the assassination of his father but has since recovered. Main Character of the story
Dora Milaje
Mistress Zola
Shuri's bodyguard
Ramonda's Bodyguard
Taka's bodyguard
Taifa Ngao
Leader of the Wakanda secret police the
Spymaster of P.R.I.D.E. and head of Wakandan intelligence.
Queen Ramonda
Head of Public Relations for Wakanda
Head of Wakanda's technology branch
Mistress Zola's second in command and representative
General Jakarra
Genreal in charge of the millitary forces of Wakanda
Head of the Vibranium mine
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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The princess of Wakanda, Shuri is T'Chaka's youngest child and only daughter. From a very young age, Shuri coveted the Black Panther mantle. She attempts to challenge the then-Black Panther, her uncle S'yan, for the mantle, only to discover that he had already been defeated by her older half-brother T'Challa.[6] During an attack on Wakanda by Klaw and a group of his mercenaries, she uses the Ebony Blade to defeat the Russian Radioactive Man, killing him in the process. Because she is shell-shocked by her first kill, T'Challa promises to train her in hand-to-hand combat, enabling her to fight on her own terms should she ever need to take his place as leader of Wakanda.[7]
While T'Challa and his wife Queen Ororo are away as members of the Fantastic Four, American battleships aligned with Erik Killmonger moved in on Wakanda. With their King away, Shuri and her advisers decide to sneak onto the ships in the night and incapacitate them. During the raid Shuri is captured by Killmonger's men and thrown in a cell. She challenges Killmonger himself to a fight but, seeing her as beneath him, he sends a group of his men to battle her. She defeats them easily and is broken out of her cell by Zuri, one of T'Challa's advisers.[8] After T'Challa and Ororo leave the Fantastic Four and return to Wakanda, the Skrulls invade Wakanda as a part of Secret Invasion. Shuri and her uncle S'yan lead most of the Wakandan army on an assault against the invading Skrulls, while T'Challa and Ororo battle their leaders.[9]
Prince Namor of Atlantis attempts to recruit T'Challa for the Cabal, a secret council of supervillains run by Doctor Doom. He rejects the offer but is attacked by the various members, and is left in a comatose state. Queen Ororo nominates Shuri as his successor, and she successfully completes the various trials, granting herself access to the heart-shaped herb. However, when she consumes the herb, the Wakandan Panther God does not imbue her with the powers of the Black Panther, instead rejecting her due to her lifelong jealousy of her brother's mantle and her arrogance in its presence.[2] When the powerful villain Morlun threatens to annihilate Wakanda entirely, Shuri takes on the Black Panther identity and outfit anyway, and manages to both save Wakanda and resurrect her comatose brother. Through her humble act of self-sacrifice she earns the mantle of the Black Panther, and the Panther God grants her its accompanying powers.[3]
When a now powerless T'Challa discovers that Doctor Doom infected many Wakandan officials and advisers with nanites, he goes off in search of a way to stop him, leaving Shuri as acting ruler of Wakanda.[10] Shuri tracks down and fights Namor, trying to discover for herself what part he played in her brother's injuries. Together, T'Challa and Shuri discover that the infected Wakandans, calling themselves the Desturi, intend to stage a revolution, seizing power in Wakanda for themselves.[11]
With Doctor Doom's Desturi successfully overthrowing the incumbent Wakandan government as seen in the Doomwar storyline, he finds himself with access to the world's largest supply of vibranium. Shuri and a re-powered T'Challa, who were able to avoid infection from Doom's nanites due to their heightened senses, remain the only Wakandans not under Doom's control. They team up with Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine of the X-Men to regain control in Wakanda. They succeed, but Doom steals a large portion of the vibranium. Shuri travels the globe, attempting to destroy Doom's criminal network and recover the stolen vibranium. Doom uses vibranium's inherent mystical qualities to take control of all processed vibranium on the planet, and Shuri and the other heroes attempt to fight and stop him. They succeed when T'Challa uses Doom's own mystical ploys against him, rendering all processed vibranium on the planet inert.[12]
With Wakanda struggling economically as seen in the "Klaws of the Panther" storyline, Shuri travels to the Savage Land to meet with Ka-Zar and obtain a stock of natural vibranium present there. They are attacked by Klaw, who wants the vibranium for his own use. They defeat him, but a volcanic eruption caused by his sound waves covers the vibranium and renders it unobtainable. She tracks down other stockpiles in Madripoor and New York, but Klaw already has A.I.M. troops excavating both sites and fights ensue. Klaw had created a monster called M.U.S.I.C. using the vibranium, and intended to place it on an AIM space station to enslave the world. With help from various other heroes, including Wolverine, Spider-Man and Black Widow, Shuri is able to thwart his scheme.[13]
Following Namor's attack on Wakanda during Avengers vs. X-Men, Shuri declares war on Atlantis, despite her brother's protests.[14] The Wakandans virtually level Atlantis, leaving only a few Atlantean survivors.[15] In retaliation for Shuri's assault on Atlantis, Namor lies to Thanos’ agents by falsely telling them that the Infinity Gems were located in Wakanda.[16] After Wakandan troops were forced to retreat from a counterattack by Thanos’ army, Shuri learns from the Dora Milaje that T’Challa was in contact with Namor during the Wakandan/Atlantean conflict and that he allowed Namor into the Necropolis several times during the conflict. As a result, Shuri banishes T’Challa from Wakanda's capital city.[17]
During the 2013 "Infinity" storyline, it is shown that Shuri is the head of the Wakandan School for Alternative Studies.[18]
When Wakanda is attacked by the Cabal during the "Time Runs Out" storyline, Shuri sacrifices herself by staying behind in order to hold off Proxima Midnight so T'Challa can escape.[19] Her death is later confirmed when her spirit is seen among those of the past Black Panthers.[20]
As part of Marvel's 2015 branding All-New, All-Different Marvel, T'Challa is shown trying to revive Shuri's body. Shuri's soul had transcended to the Djalia which was a spiritual plane consisting of the entire memories of Wakanda. There Shuri trained under the tutelage of a griot spirit who had taken the form of her mother, Ramonda. As they trained the griot spirit shared the memories of not only Wakanda but also before the nation had formed. With the help of Manifold, T'Challa was able combine his technology and Manifold's bending of reality to bring Shuri's soul back to the physical plane. After her revival Shuri had been imbued with the power similar to that of the griot spirit. She had then been informed of the events taking place in her absence including the rogue Dora Milaje and the rebellion led by Tetu and Zenzi. Shuri had then set out to confront the rogue Dora Milaje and convince them to join forces with T'Challa in order to stop the rebellion and the march against the Golden City, which she was successful in doing. With the united power of Shuri, T'Challa, Manifold, the Dora Milaje and the forces of Wakanda, Tetu was defeated although Zenzi had escaped. As the rebellion came to an end Shuri joined Wakanda's council that had been established by T'Challa.[21]
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killchallahub · 6 years
Character Profile: T’Challa
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Comic History
T’Challa first appeared in the comics in the Fantastic Four issue number 52 in 1966 as the first black superhero for Marvel written by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. His history is long, and as with any comics, complex and filled with contradictions. The comic series has gone through several writers with their own vision of the character, changes and retcons. It is hard to pinpoint exactly who is 616!T’Challa, but we can say that:
He was first a guest character in other Marvel heroes series, like with the Fantastic Four, he appeared in Captain America and then joined the Avengers. He got his first solo stories only in 1973 in Jungle Action, but it was the first Marvel “graphic novel” with the Panther’s rage, which also coincided with Killmonger first appearance. T’Challa also got his first long lasting girlfriend, Monica Lynn, in this run.
T’Challa’s origin story is quite different from the one in the MCU. The first origin story we learn about in the 1966 comics tells us that Klaue had killed T’Chaka. T’Challa, out of grief, fired Klaue’s own modified weapon against him; taking one of his arm off in the process. He then vowed revenge against Klaue for his father’s death. Being too young to become the Black Panther and King, his uncle S'Yan takes the throne in his place as the regent king. T’Challa then travel around the world to gain more experience and knowledge, studying in many different universities like Oxford. When he came back to Wakanda, he challenged his uncle in the duel to get the Black Panther mantle, while hiding his identity - in the comics, any warriors can challenge the current king in the duel - and wins. He then reveals himself as being T’Challa.
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Marvel Knights (1998) ->  Priest run made a lot of contribution to the Black Panther lore, being the first appearance of T’Challa’s bodyguards, the Dora Milaje, and Nakia.
Who Is Black Panther? (2005) -> Hudlin’s run does a soft reboot of T’Challa’s backstory. Changing it somewhat by making Klaue a professional assassin and killing T’Challa’s dad, mom and younger brother in a UN economic conference in Switzerland. His run is also famous for giving us the ship T’Challa/Storm, and giving a little other retcon of having them meet when they were teenagers during T’Challa’s trip around the world. It is also the first appearance of Shuri.  And his storyline has been adapted in a BET miniseries cartoon in 2010.  
Two Panthers (2008) Shuri becomes the Black Panther
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A Nation Under Our Feet (2016) ->  Ta-Nehisi Coates’ run brought us a lot of what we know of Wakandan’s world in the movie; most specifically its technology, the design for them and the feel of Birnin Zana. This Wakanda is also a wakanda in turmoil, feeling the aftermath of many catastrophic events happening in their country, like the vibranium becoming inert to defeat God Doom (Black Panther - DoomWar, 2010), and the flooding of the country by Namor. In this run, T’Challa and the royal family struggle to keep their power while still doing right by their people growing discontent with all the suffering they had to live through.
The Illuminati: New Avengers (2013) -> Jonathan Hickman - Scrull invasion gets to Wakanda and T’Challa kick some ass.
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MCU background
T’Challa’s origin story happens quite later in the MCU than in the comics. His dad dies at a UN conference, which is reminiscent of Hudlin’s run, but T’Challa is already 36 when this happens. He had the time to grow up and learn to be King alongside his father. When he father dies, he goes to Wakanda the next week to be coronated. In the lore of the MCU, the Panther tribe, from which T’Challa is from, seems to not have been challenged often during the warrior fall duels, and the duels seem to happen only before the coronation.
T’Challa seems to have lived a more reclusive life in the MCU than in the comics, he hasn’t much traveled outside of the country; although we have hints in Civil War that he has traveled outside before. He knows less about the outside world but is not ignorant, having both his best friend and ex-girlfriend trying to sway him to their side. He objects to both of them, not knowing yet which sides he will take. He is very much a king in training, with only a day on the throne before Killmonger arrives.
He has a big entourage of friends and loved ones in the movie, a lot of them women, Ramonda, Nakia, Okoye, Shuri and all play a big part in his life.
He is the King who would break with tradition, but before doing that his leadership would need to be tested and his vision of the world challenged.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
The Offering Part 3
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"I know he loves me
I know he cares
Cause he's all mine
And soon he'll be knockin'
At my door
Things will be alright"
Juicy – "Sugar Free"
Lebadi slid the fingers of her right hand over the monorail console while watching a monitor to gage the flow of traffic in the wide Birnin S'Yan street. Her left hand rubbed on the swollen belly that was ready to pop with a strange mutant's baby.
"Everything good?"
Lebadi turned her head and watched a lanky, reed-thin male co-worker saunter in to take over her shift. Mantso quirked up his thick lips and handed her a warm chocolate coffee along with a hot-out-of-the-oven seasoned meat bun. She accepted both and shifted her weight out of the chair so he could take over.
"Slow night. Thank you for this," she said.
Taking a huge bite out of the round bun stuffed with ground beef and yellow potatoes baked inside, she wiped her lips when the flavorful juices spewed out onto her chin. Mantso studied her belly.
"You are ready to burst," he teased.
"One more month."
"When does your leave start?"
"Next week."
A rumble outside the wide glass window announced the arrival of the midnight lift in the city center.
"I'll hold it for you," Mantso said.
Lebadi grabbed her sweater and waddled out of the control room taking an escalator to the surface street. Saturday nights were a busy festive time and she passed through crowds of young people out for a night of dancing and drinking. She missed doing that with her friends back home in Birnin Zana. If she hadn't gotten pregnant, she'd be attending Dora Milaje training with Okoye and going out with her crew to their favorite clubs and night cafes.
Chewing on the tender meat of the late night snack Mantso gave her, she gripped her cup of cocoa-rich coffee and sat by herself on the monorail. It was a short fifteen minute ride to her cottage nestled behind a row of luxury villas. She jostled her big belly around exuberant party-seekers and munched on her food while admiring the bright lights and music spilling out onto the public sidewalks from flashy clubs. Ten minutes later she rounded a corner that led to the opening of a quiet suburban street twinkling with tiny nightlights decorating the clipped hedges lining the path she followed. Tall rust-colored trees blotted out the noise of the main street behind her.
Approaching her home, she noticed a figure hidden in the shadows of her small porch.
"Who's there?" she blurted.
No one answered and she took a step back, cradling her stomach in a protective stance.
"I see you!" she shouted to make herself sound tough.
The figure moved toward the light of a street lamp and Lebadi sucked in her breath.
"It took me some time to track you down here," Okoye said, eyeing Lebadi's burgeoning midsection, "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"
Lebadi entire demeanor slumped with shame.
"I'm your best friend, Lebadi. You can tell me anything in confidence and I would never judge you."
"I know…but…"
"But what? Who is the father?"
"No one you know."
"Are you still seeing this person? Are they going to support you and this baby?"
"No…I'm not seeing them anymore. This wasn't planned."
"I know it wasn't. You were supposed to be training with me."
Okoye's eyes softened. Lebadi glanced at the new shaved head that highlighted the perfectly round skull of her friend. A brand new v-shaped crimson tattoo crowned the top of Okoye's forehead. She had passed the first level of Dora Milaje training.
"Open your door. The neighbors should not hear our conversation," Okoye demanded.
Lebadi shuffled past her and onto the porch. She swiped her kimoyo beads over the door handle and stepped aside to let Okoye in first. The motion sensor lights in the living room flickered on and she hung up her sweater on the back of the door. Setting down her coffee and half-eaten meat bun on a side table, she faced her bestie full on.
"Sit," Lebadi said gesturing to a chair near the couch.
Okoye glanced around the neat cottage living room before sinking down into the chair.
"I have to use the restroom. I'll be right back."
Lebadi excused herself and went into a small hallway that led to the cramped bathroom. She closed the door and gripped her hands on the sink. She wasn't prepared to let anyone know her secret. For the past four months she had hidden in Birnin S'Yan where no one knew her or her family. She kept her interactions among family and friends purely through vid chats at low angles to conceal her stomach. She joked about eating too many meat buns that the city was famous for to explain away her plump cheeks and wide moon face. Stories were made up about being busy with work and taking advanced art classes at the University of S'Yan that rested above the cliffs overlooking the sea. Many questioned why she'd move so far away, but most assumed it was because she was disappointed about not being accepted into the Dora Milaje Corps. She let that lie fester to dampen the pleadings of returning to the Golden City.
Lebadi needed to give birth in a place where she was a stranger, and the fast pace of seaside life was the perfect hideaway. She hired a private midwife and planned to give birth at home. Beyond that she had no further plans. It all depended on what came out of her vagina in thirty days. If the child looked human, she'd give it away to the midwife to find a good home. She used a fake name in the city and no one would be able to trace a baby back to her. However, if the child came out a mutant…
She shook away the thought with splashes of cool water on her high cheekbones. Okoye would ruin all of her plans. Wiping her face with a towel, Lebadi stared at her frightened eyes in the mirror. She had saved up enough money to pay a bribe to the midwife to keep the birth off of the formal hospital registry. The only problem was that she couldn't decide what to do with a child if it came out like him.
Lebadi shivered at the mere thought of him and the baby inside of her moved. She touched the spot where it kicked her. The child was strong in there. So ready to come out.
"Lebadi, are you hiding from me?"
Okoye's voice sounded more hurt than accusatory.
"Coming," Lebadi chirped.
Okoye studied her every move coming back into the living room. Lebadi took a seat on her lumpy couch adjacent to the chair and finally gazed into her friend's eyes. They were watery and her lips trembled.
"I was worried about you. I didn't know what it was, but I felt like something was wrong. I needed to see you in person and ease my mind," Okoye said.
"Now you see why I stayed so far from home."
"Having a baby out of wedlock is not shameful anymore."
"The father and I are not together. He doesn't know about this baby."
"He has a responsibility. You are from a prominent family—"
"No one will know about this child. When it is born I will give it away."
"Give it away? Are you mad? You are descended from the first family that stood by the Udaku clan when Bashenga created the nation. You have grandmothers and grandfather's written about in our history books…you cannot just give a baby away with your bloodline, Lebadi. It would be sacrilegious! A sin in the eyes of Bast."
"I cannot keep this baby, Okoye."
"Why not?"
"Because its father is a foreigner. Not a Wakandan."
"Foreigner? How?"
"He slipped through our borders."
"No one slips through our borders. Do not lie to me, Lebadi. I am your friend."
"I met him at the Mama Wati Festival. Two years ago. I fell pregnant eight months ago. We were secretly meeting here in Birnin S'Yan. You cannot tell anyone."
"This is a national security threat. I cannot sit here and ignore that. I work for the palace now. This man could be a spy using you."
"He is not a spy. There's nothing in Wakanda he wants… not anymore since he left me. I am begging you Okoye. Nothing will happen to the nation if you keep quiet about this. I am no longer seeing him. He is long gone away from here."
"How was he able to even get through our protective dome from the outside? Lebadi? Answer me!"
Lebadi burst into tears and covered her face. To not have her lover pained her heart. She struggled to regain her composure and became frantic when Okoye tapped her kimoyo beads. A sharp discomfort in her side distracted them both and Lebadi clutched under her stomach and sat back in her seat.
"Lebadi, what's wrong?"
"I'm okay…you are stressing me out and it disturbed the baby."
"Should I call your doctor? Uh..the midwife?"
"No…I am fine now."
"I'm sorry."
"Please…just leave this be. Keep my secret."
"You cannot give your baby away. If you need help, W'Kabi and I can do that. We're getting married next year…we could adopt your child and keep it close to you—"
"How far along are you?"
"Eight months."
Okoye palmed her hands together and let the tips of her fingers rest under her chin.
"You have been dealing with this all alone?"
Okoye lowered herself to her knees and clasped Lebadi's hands.
"I see that you're frightened. I will keep your secret, but I will return to help you when the baby comes. We're figure out what to do together. Your child deserves a good home…with you."
Okoye thumbed away the tears that pearled out from the corners of Lebadi's eyes.
"Do you need anything right now? Money? Food?" Okoye asked.
"No. I'm tired and want to go to bed."
"I will stay for the weekend and return for my training. No more keeping secrets from me. Promise?"
Lebadi squeezed Okoye's hands.
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The moment Okoye left the cottage Sunday evening, Lebadi packed up all her clothes and called a private cab to ferry her to the marina. She tossed her kimoyo beads in a sewer run-off after telling her mid-wife that she was going home and would no longer need her services.
Lebadi knew Okoye had a good heart and wanted the best for her, but the reality spoke of newer alliances. She couldn't trust that her friend wouldn't go searching for breeches in security and ring the alarm. It was better to go away and give birth alone on the sea away from prying eyes. Telling her that the father was foreign was bad enough. It was a stupid mistake on her part.
She rented the same boat she had used for two years sneaking away to see Namor. It was an older model that most people bypassed for the sleek newer ones all over the marina. She paid for a three month rental and the woman releasing it didn't bat an eye at her condition or the crinkly bills she paid in cash from a fat purse stuffed with more Wakandan money. It took Lebadi four trips to load the boat with supplies of food, water, and things she would need for a baby. The last item she carried on board was a peach and sand-colored conch shell that Namor gifted her. She wanted something of his with her.
She set sail on a Monday evening to cloak herself in darkness, taking the boat off radar once she was past her target area to hide from any drone surveillance.
She programmed the boat to glide her to her favorite spot three miles from the coast. For three days she used radar from the boat and her own binoculars to scan for anyone coming after her. She left a month's worth of pre-programmed holo vid messages for family and select friends to keep up appearances until the baby came. Using the boat ramp, she dipped her heavy body into the water when the weather was too hot and spent most of her days lying in her berth to keep cool. She limited the use of the air-cooling system to keep traces of vibranium energy surges to a minimum in case it captured the attention of the Wakandan Coast Guard.
A pod of dolphins passed by her boat her second week out at sea and they lingered to frolic for a few hours before heading out to the growing swells. Shading her eyes with her hand, she pondered moving the boat when it was bumped by something that didn't feel like a strong wave shoving the starboard side. She tottered on bare feet to investigate if she hit a reef and was shocked to find a large orca nudging the hull with its massive head.
Lebadi held onto some rope looped around the inside of the hull to keep her balance. The orca opened its mouth and echolocation clicks bounced at her along with high-pitched whistling sounds. It snapped its mouth closed a few times making jaw claps and she ran to the control room to move the boat away from the sea creature. At a smooth twenty knots, she left the orca in a wake of white water, but it gave chase. She aimed the boat back toward land but the orca kept up and then cut her off, forcing her to head further out to sea. She white-knuckled the control console when the orca slammed itself under the boat.
Cutting her eyes to the ocean, the boat stuttered to a complete stop. The odor of something burning came from the stern. She shut everything down and checked the back. The boat belched blue-black smoke and the orca peered at her from the water with a menacing brown eye under a patch of white marking on its slippery skin.
"What the fuck did you do to this boat?"
The orca clicked and rolled its dark body upside down in the foamy turquoise waters. Before she could curse it again, it flicked its wide tail and tossed Namora onto the deck. Soaking wet, the Talokanil woman stood to her full height and sea water dripped from her feathered headdress and the jagged spear she carried. Lebadi turned away trying to hide her stomach, but Namor's cousin spotted the forbidden fruit of their union. She stuck the tip of her spear against Lebadi's stomach.
"Ba'ax le ts'íiba' utia'al?" Namora spat out from behind her breathing mask.
Lebadi nodded and stepped back from the spear. Namora lunged forward raising her spear at an angle that would slice the child out of her womb.
"Don't! Please!" Lebadi shrieked.
The harsh rays of the sun and the muggy heat draped Lebadi in an uncomfortable cocoon of dripping perspiration. Short of breath, and frightened, she urinated on herself and lost control of her knees. Namora tossed away her spear and caught Lebadi with her strong but gentle hands. Her piercing dark brown eyes were the same as Namor's.
"Yaan teen," Namora whispered in Lebadi's ear.
"Please don't kill my baby," Lebadi pleaded before the world went black and she collapsed in the Talokanil's arms.
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Lebadi woke up to the delicious aroma of something being cooked in the galley. She glanced around the berth before touching her belly. The baby still protruded from her midsection and it moved when she lifted up on one arm. From one of the circular berth windows, Lebadi noticed that the sun had vanished ushering in a muggy evening calm. How long had she slept?
A soft slightly muffled humming voice drifted into her ears.
"Namora?" Lebadi called out.
The humming stopped and the sound of feet padding across the creaking floor took over. Namora entered the berth carrying a steaming bowl. Her headdress was gone and her long dark hair sat loose on her shoulders.
"Ma'lob ak'abtal," Namora said.
Lebadi nodded at the evening greeting and sat up further, grimacing at the weight on her bladder. She dangled her legs over the side and shoved a pillow behind her to support her lower back. Namora held out the bowl.
"Bix a u'uykabáa? Wi'ijen?" Namora asked.
"I'm fine…yes, I'm hungry…um…wait, you don't understand that…give me a minute."
Lebadi closed her eyes to think better. She imagined Namor being with her in the kitchen and the words came back to her. She reached for the bowl with both hands.
"Dios bo'otik, Namora."
Lebadi stirred the spoon in the bowl and chunks of chicken floated in a savory-smelling soup. Yellow rice, caramelized onion, and chopped greens from her food supply filled up the spoon. She ate the first spoonful and her tongue detected a pleasant fishy taste with the greens. Seaweed.
"Good," Lebadi said, scooping more soup onto her spoon and funneling it to her hungry mouth.
Tilting the bowl back to slurp up the liquid, Lebadi wiped her mouth after finishing the meal.
"More?" Namora said.
"You know my language?"
"Chen jumpit," Namora said holding her thumb and index finger close together. She knew a little.
"I would like more…"
Lebadi gave the bowl back to Namora and the Talokanil woman smiled beneath her breathing mask. It made her eyes light up. She returned quickly with another tasty bowl and Lebadi took her time eating it. The silence between them was pleasant enough although Namora kept sneaking glances at her protruding stomach.
"I am much better now. This food was wonderful."
Namora watched her face and Lebadi couldn't tell if there was real comprehension so she stuck with handing back the empty bowl. She followed Namora into the kitchen galley where a big pot of the soup stayed simmering.
"You eat now," Lebadi said, pointing to the stove.
Namora shook her head and turned off the burner under the pot. She cleaned Lebadi's bowl and spoon and placed them on the draining rack. Pointing a stern finger back toward the berth, Namora ushered Lebadi back to bed to keep her off of her feet. The soup in her belly calmed the baby, making her eyes drowsy.
Lebadi fell asleep.
She dreamed of home, her parents, and Okoye. Strange images intermixed surreal images of water and whales blending into amorphous shapes. She woke up to the sound of water lapping against the boat.
"Is anyone here?" Lebadi shouted.
She didn't want to be alone anymore.
"Ma' k'a'abet a yaantal sajakil, teen le."
Namora's voice traveled to her from the deck. Lebadi wiped her forehead and huffed. It took a minute longer than usual to pull herself up from the bed. She ambled over to the small restroom and let out a steady stream that relieved her screaming bladder. The extra effort used to clean her privates made her yearn for relief soon. She fumbled her left hand against the sink to help lift up from the toilet. Washing her hands quickly she returned to the berth to find Namora waiting for her. She scrutinized Lebadi's face noticing a grimace.
"Ba'ax yaan ma'alo'ob tu láakal?" Namora asked.
"Everything is alright. The baby is fine…le paalo' ma'alob," Lebadi said.
Namora looked unsure. Lebadi doubled over.
Lebadi jammed a hand against her side. A strong contraction nearly bowled her over. She squeezed here eyes shut and breathed through the pain. Namora helped her get back to the berth and made her as comfortable as possible. She ran back into the kitchen galley and rummaged through a few cupboards before running back with another spoon and a glass jar filled with honey.
"Kaab…this… for pain," Namora said.
Namora dipped the spoon inside the dark thick honey and held it up to Lebadi's lips. She accepted, and swallowed the richness taking the spoon away from her.
Namora held out her hand toward Lebadi's midsection seeking permission to touch.
"Béet?"Namora said.
Lebadi nodded and Namora unfastened the loose pale blue dress that she often wore for the Mama Wati ceremonies. Pushing the gauzy material aside revealed a heavy burden. Namora gently ran her hands over the front and sides, feeling the warm skin until she grinned.
"I want you to know I didn't plan this. My country has the best birth control…I just think my annual shot couldn't protect me from his genetics…"
Namora didn't understand and looked at Lebadi with bright eyes.
"Ch'úupale' juntúul chan paale'," Namora said, rocking her arms like she had a baby.
Lebadi blinked rapidly, recognizing the words she spoke. Her two years of rudimentary Yucatec Maya with Namor flooded her brain with comprehension.
"How do you know it's a girl?"
Namora fastened Lebadi's garment back up.
"The baby comes. I bring him here."
"Bring who here?"
Lebadi grabbed Namora's hands in a vice grip. Namora jerked away and her eyes narrowed.
"He must come to his daughter," Namora insisted.
Lebadi whimpered and pleaded but the Talokanil woman ignored her. Another contraction rendered her helpless on the bed. She felt the boat move as if it were being pushed. Namora called out what sounded like names and the boat moved faster. Forcing her body to get up, Lebadi lumbered out onto the deck.
Namora stood on the top of the bow with her hair blowing in the night wind. Silver moonlight illuminated her shape and that of the pod or orcas pushing the boat along a route that only they knew. Lebadi rubbed her stomach and regulated her breathing as another churning contraction shot through her midsection. Gravity helped to pull the baby down in her womb.
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They arrived at a small, hidden island seventy miles away from the Seychelles Island archipelago.
Lebadi's birthing pains subsided on the trip there, but kicked back into high gear the moment Namora helped her off of the boat and into unnaturally warm waters. Namora set up a little campsite near a natural hotspring and the orcas pushed the house boat away from view on the other side of the island. There was enough non-perishable food stacked nearby and a cooling container held plenty of fresh water bottles.
Namora lifted Lebadi to her feet and moved her into the large natural pool closest to the sea where cooler water mixed in making it a comfortable temperature. The water helped offset the weight she carried and the soothing warmth helped with the contractions. Namora pulled off all of Lebadi's clothing and her nakedness felt natural as she squatted in four feet of water to relieve the pressure on her cervix.
"Why do you have that?" Lebadi asked.
Namora raised up the conch shell Namor had given her two years ago. She removed her breathing mask temporarily, puckered lips, and blew into the narrow end creating a haunting sound that gave Lebadi chills. Looking over the horizon, she glimpsed the pod of orcas shifting their bodies so that their tales were the only things visible on the water. Lebadi counted seven of them in total. Namora brought her spear over to the hotspring and stabbed it into the bottom. Lebadi gripped it as soon as another contraction struck her womb.
Namora lowered herself into the water and wiped away sweat dripping into Lebadi's eyes. She demonstrated calm breathing through her mask that Lebadi followed. The fearsome warrior seemed so protective of her. But it made sense after Lebadi thought about it more. The child inside of her was Namora's blood relative, a baby cousin. They were a family linked across the big waters and different cultures. Lebadi realized she had been a fool to think she could give birth alone at sea. She needed family with her and Namora had become that kinship. She cooed soothing words and cradled Lebadi's face to encourage strength in bearing the new life making her way through.
Lebadi tried to picture what her daughter would look like, and in the imagining, the dawning realization crept upon her. Okoye was right. There was no way she could give her baby away no matter what she looked like upon earthly arrival. Lebadi hunkered down all her weight and endured her birthing pains for another hour.
From the sea, the orcas whistled and twirled their now upright bodies in a circle. Water churned in a frothy seafoam green rush creating a mighty whirpool.
"He comes," Namora said.
Namor shot out of the water and flew so high in the sky that Lebadi had to squint to track his form against the blinding sunlight. Her breath caught in her throat and hot tears blurred her eyes as the baby moved further into the birth canal.
Namor swooped down from the blue skies and took in the picture before him. She began to ugly cry feeling so bad for herself. He floated down, the wings on his feet whirring rapidly. His spear dropped onto the sand and he floated closer until he settled onto the ledge of the wide pool of warm water. Namor's brow furrowed and he stared at her struggling in the warm liquid until his features softened with the glimpse of her belly. His facial expression could not fathom the truth of what was coming. Lebadi watched his confusion transform into full understanding and acceptance once the side of his mouth quirked up into a slight grin. Pulling Namora's spear out of the sediment under the water, he tossed it and moved behind Lebadi, his strong arms surrounding hers, helping her squat better. Namora removed her mask and dove under the water to tend to Lebadi's stretched vaginal walls.
"I'm sorry…I'm sorry…" Lebadi cried into his neck.
"Shh…Lebadi, I am here. Push…"
"I didn't want to hurt you…you lost children when they grew old and I know you don't want that pain anymore."
She couldn't stop crying and apologizing. He kissed the side of her temple and held her lovingly. His hands reached under the water to feel her stomach and he chuckled at the size.
"It's a girl," Lebadi whimpered, slowly relaxing into his presence once more.
He stroked her forehead and hair, kissing her cheek repeatedly, his strong body giving her the momentum and strength to bring life into the world.
"I love you both," he whispered before nuzzling her cheek.
Namora rose up, gasping from the foreign air.
"She is almost out."
Namora dove back down and Namor encouraged Lebadi.
"Push…in yucanaj…push…" he said. "Ma' a faltará mix ba'al…understand? You will want for nothing. Neither of you."
A contraction rippled down from her womb into her vaginal opening. Lebadi peered at the top of Namora's head under the water, her hair flowing with the swoosh of the current adding more water into the balmy liquid. She strained with all her might to get those lower muscles to cooperate with her will, and they did. The fullness was expelled from between her legs in a rush of newborn liquid as a little caramel brown and yellowish vernix body with a head full of satin ebony waves burst free from Namora's hand and floated to the surface attached to her umbilical cord. Water washed over their daughters face and she squirmed in the clearness as it cleaned away the blood and creamy protective vernix on her skin. Namora rubbed away the slippery coating and the baby's skin was even more brown and beautiful.
Lebadi reached for the baby and lifted her to her breast and immediately the child gasped and struggled to breathe. Her skin turned ashen and before Lebadi could nuzzle her nose onto the little face, the baby girl stopped moving. She never opened her eyes once.
"No!" Lebadi cried out "Nonononononoooooo!"
She wept uncontrollably as Namora checked the baby's neck. Namor remained silent as he touched the little limbs, lifting her hands and feet. There was webbing between the tiny fingers and toes and the small budding of wings on her precious ankles. She even had his pointed ears.
"Why would Bast do this to me? Bring me this far only to take our baby away?" Lebadi lamented.
Namora reached for her breathing mask and placed it on her face again. Lebadi cradled her nameless baby girl against her breast. Her nipples leaked milk and the absurdity of that action threw Lebadi over the deep end. She closed her eyes and wallowed in sorrow.
Namor touched his daughter, wiping away vernix from her nose, checking to see if anything obstructed her nostrils or mouth. He placed his mouth over the child's mouth and blew air into it as Namora pinched her button nose closed. That didn't work to stimulate breathing. They even tried rubbing her chest for light compression to get the baby's heart to pump. He used the warm water to clean her soft hair and Lebadi lowered the small body under the water feeling miserable and lost.
Namor's chest shuddered and he exhaled a long drawn out breath.
"It will be okay, Lebadi. Maybe we are too different to produce a healthy child."
Lebadi whimpered and his body trembled against her sharing the loss.
"This is cruel. If I had to lose a baby, it should've happened before I held her. Why couldn't I miscarry in the first trimester? Why…?"
Lebadi's voice drifted into a mournful wail and Namor held her tighter until the sun moved from over them. Namora tapped Lebadi's shoulder and softly spoke Talokanil. He translated for her.
"We should bury her now so she will be at peace," Namor said.
"Not yet…please…I need more time."
The cord had been cut an hour earlier and Namora did her best to be respectful and discreet when she buried the afterbirth. The baby had lost more color and her skin began to turn gray.
"Her skin still feels warm and soft," Lebadi said.
"What name should we give her?" Namor said with sadness in his throat.
"Lewatle. Her father came to me from the ocean, and the ocean is where she will return."
Lebadi glanced at Namora.
"I don't want her buried on land. I want you to take her into the water…far below. I will give her to Mama Wati."
Namor translated the words again and then flew up out of the hotspring carrying Lebadi and Lewatle to the edge of the island shore. Although weary from giving birth, Lebadi willed herself to walk into the water carrying her baby. Namor and Namora walked at her sides as the water licked at their feet and rose up to their waists. Lebadi clutched Lewatle to her breast.
"Mama Wati, please take care of my child. I am a child of the sea, just like my grandmother and her grandmother before her. I offer you my little one who could not survive this journey. Please care for her as you have cared for my people for generations. May her spirit live on with you…"
Lebadi's voice trembled and she stopped speaking to the waters. The pain of her grief became unbearable and she handed the baby to Namor. He tucked his daughter into the crook of his arm, then bent over and kissed her forehead. Lebadi fell to her knees in the water. Namor lowered himself to join her. She gathered up the baby one last time.
"Be good for Mama Wati my sweet little girl…"
Lebadi lowered her head to smell the baby's hair and the water surrounding them rose higher in a swirling mass.
"Are you doing this?" Lebadi asked.
Namor shook his head and Namora rushed forward, her gaze studying a wave of water rising from the sea. They all moved backward toward the sand, but the swell corralled them and snatched the baby from Lebadi's arms. She screamed and clamped a hand over her mouth. A water funnel lifted the baby above their heads. For a heartbeat they all witnessed the shimmering, glassy water take on the pulsing shape of a giant manta ray that formed into a watery woman with blue-black fluid locs radiating from her head holding the baby in dark azure arms before dissolving into warm salty rain falling on top of their heads. Lewatle floated gently under the water, her tiny limbs flailing and her eyes wide open. Lebadi lifted the baby and the child gasped, choking on the air. Quickly dropping onto her backside, Lebadi held the baby to her breast under the water where the child latched onto her nipple and suckled.
"Mama Wati claimed her and spared our baby's life!"
Lebadi stared at Namor who stood bewildered. Namora laughed and clapped her hands together. Namor knelt beside her and caressed Lewatle's head.
"She is like your people, Namor. Can't breathe on land. A true child of the sea," Lebadi said.
He lifted them both up again and placed them back into a shallow hotspring where the baby nursed underwater as Lebadi sat and breathed above it.
"How will this work?" Lebadi asked.
The grateful thrill of having a live baby once more gave way to worry. Namor stared at his cousin. Namora put her hands on her hips.
"They can live with me," he said.
"Not in Talokan," Namora said with sadness straining her voice.
"I can't separate mother and child. Lebadi and Lewatle will live in my cavern. My child is a mutant, see?"
He touched the buds on her ankles that unfurled tiny wings.
"She may eventually learn to breathe air too, but it is safer to keep them hidden near Talokan until we see what she becomes as she grows," he said.
Namora nodded.
Namor sat next to Lebadi and hugged her with one arm, watching his child nurse and his woman relax into returned motherhood.
"Your offerings into the sea gave our daughter her life back," he said with wonder in his voice.
"Mama Wati heard me and blessed us. She will look over Lewatle now."
"As soon as you are strong, I will take you to the place where I live away from our capitol. There is a pool entrance that I use that we can convert into a living space for the baby. The water is warm for your comfort and shallow enough in parts for you to walk in as the baby swims. I can't lie…this may be difficult for you. I have crossed a line having a child with a surface dweller."
"Will your people try to kill me again?"
Namora climbed into the hotspring with them.
"No one will harm you," Namora said.
"My people may try and look for me. I don't want them to think I'm dead."
"They will have to believe that. Lewatle can never go to Wakanda. Even if you created an environment for her near the sea, she is too different to pass among your people," Namor said.
Lebadi held her daughter's hand and shifted her body to allow the baby to sleep on her chest covered by water.
"I didn't mean to give you a hard life, Lewatle," Lebadi whispered.
Namora brought over a thick blanket and made a soft floor bedding in the hotspring. They had to place heavy rocks down on the four corners to keep it from floating away. Lewatle slept below the surface on her back, and Lebadi gazed down at her daughter's form as light dappled across her round face. Namor stroked the swirling hair of his child. He was proud, but a somber energy shadowed him.
Namora spoke to Namor quickly and removed her mask, spooning around the infant.
"Come," Namor said, "you must rest. Namora will sleep with our baby and wake you in a few hours to feed her again."
The calm in his voice made it easier to leave her newborn's side. She was exhausted and flooded with mixed emotions. Birthing a mutant child that could only live in water became a stressful mindfuck.
Namor made them bedding only a few feet away from the hotspring and they faced one another. He kept stroking her damp hair and wiping tears from her eyes. They didn't speak, only gazed at each other in total wonderment. There was a bloodline connection between them.
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Lewatle's hungry mouth fed from Lebadi as the new mother walked in the calm sea. Every few minutes she dropped under the water holding her breath so her baby could see her face clearly. Lebadi was blessed with the ability to hold her breath for six minutes because of her surfing skills and she used it to bond as best she could underwater. She rubbed her nose against the baby's nose, kissing her cheeks and forehead, and Lewatle laughed with bubbles near her mouth, her bright ebony eyes tracking every movement Lebadi made with her head. Lewatle was strong and quite adept at swimming on her own. Lebadi wondered if it was a evolutionary trait of Namor's people, much like baby giraffes and newborn impala fawns in Wakanda that had to walk soon after birth to avoid predators. The webbing on her fingers and toes gave the baby graceful movement the few times Lebadi let her go to test her swimming abilities. No matter where she moved underwater, Lewatle swam close to her, automatically reaching for her breasts to suckle and stay protected in her arms. There was no sense of helplessness. She assumed all Talokanil children were that way at birth.
Fear gnawed at her insides.
Could she leave Wakanda and never return?
She adored her family and hiding in Birnin S'Yan had been the hardest time in her life after finding out she was pregnant. As much as she loved Namor, she worried that homesickness would break her spirit if she went to his world. Looking down at Lewatle, her own personal concerns vanished for a time. The baby was physically like her father and could only survive with his people. She had to do what was best for Lewatle.
Namor eased along her side and she handed the baby to him. He dunked under with Lewatle and stayed down for a long time, allowing Lebadi to tread water peacefully with the sun baking her face a darker brown. Namor cradled his little one and bonded in the sea with her. No…she couldn't stay in Wakanda. She had to go with him to give their daughter her best life.
"You are a good mother," Namora said.
Lebadi glanced over at Namora. She looked young without her headdress. Namor told her that his cousin was twenty, but she acted much older, her warrior spirit giving her the presence of an elder instead of a young woman.
"It's only been one day."
"One day is a good day. This baby is not like his others."
"The others weren't mutants?"
Namora shook her head.
"I think she will live a long time. Maybe as long as him. He is happy," Namora said watching the shape of Namor swimming with Lewatle below the surface.
Lebadi leaned back and floated, staring up at the sun. Namora brought her fruit and fresh water after a time and she left the water to rest on land, sunbathing and taking naps. Namor brought Lewatle to her inside the hotspring for a late afternoon feeding.
"I will have Namora go to Talokan and bring things we need to move Lewatle to the entrance of our home. We will destroy the boat you came here with, but you may take what you need from it."
"Can't we just bring the boat? We could use it for me. I can't stay in a cave all the time. I need a life above the surface or this won't work," she said.
Namor thought about it.
"We may be able to fix it," he said.
"I think the orcas damaged the bow thrusters. There's a self-diagnostic module on the boat and I can use it to help repair it. I have to keep it in a secret place—"
"Because of the vibranium."
He pondered that.
"We could change the boat to accommodate the baby so you can be outside with her away from other surface dwellers."
"We can make a life together."
He kissed her temple. "Yes, we can be together as a family."
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The mottled gray leviathan rose from the deep and Lebadi gasped watching the fifty-foot female humpback whale breach the surface near her house boat. After a week of recuperation and adjusting to raising Lewatle on the small archipelago, time had come to travel to her new life.
She'd left a cryptic message to her family about needing more time alone to get her life together and recorded a series of vids using the houseboat's comm system to send out a monthly schedule of recordings. Lebadi had four older siblings and her parents held important positions in the Udaku Royal Court. No one would be alarmed by monthly vids from her with their hectic schedules. She had at least seven months of physical vanishing time before anyone would become truly alarmed. Unless of course, Okoye interfered. There was no time to weigh the possibility of that.
Namora fussed with the baby, making sure she was secure inside a baby carrier made of slippery neon blue seaweed and soft cloth. Namor helped tie the carrier tight on Namora's back. Lebadi filled bottles with her milk on the boat with her breast pump and stuffed them in a bag attached to Namora's hip. Namora would ride inside the whale's mouth with the baby guarded by the two orcas through a series of underwater vortexes that would lead them to Namor's hidden enclave. Two young male warriors waited to accompany Namora on the outside of the humpback, one of which wore a large hammerhead shark crown on his head. His name was Attuma and Namor treated him like another relative. Attuma stared at Lewatle in the water with such fascination that he lost all pretense of being a menacing-looking threat. He touched her fingers and toes and laughed when she tried to grip his hand.
From the deck of the boat Lebadi watched the whale open its maw and fill it with enough water to look like a small pond. Namora dove inside with the baby on her back and for a split second, Lebadi's legs buckled.
Her baby rested inside a whale's mouth.
Attuma and the other warrior faced Namor from within the sea and held their hands up like a shark's mouth. It was the same gesture she witnessed before two years previous when they honored their sacred K'uk'ulkan.
Lebadi held onto Namor's arm as the whale swam further out to sea and dove under with the men on either side holding on to the barnacles embedded in the marine animal's flesh. It waved the giant tail like a farewell, exiting with an explosive splashy wake.
"Ready?" Namor asked softly.
"Yes," Lebadi answered with bated breath.
"Go sleep. When you awaken, we'll be with our daughter again."
Lebadi walked inside the boat and crawled into her berth. Namor activated the spectral camouflage cover to hide the houseboat, and within seconds, there was the sensation of rising up in the air. Lebadi could only imagine what a sight he must've been, flying with the houseboat on his back. The ebb and flow of air pockets created light turbulence on their journey rocking her to sleep. At least three times she woke up checking her swollen breasts dripping with milk, expecting a feeding.
Her rest took a full hold and her sleep was untroubled. A waning moon greeted her eyes through a window as Namor woke her up.
"We are here. You will have to hold your breath to get past the barrier. The houseboat is hidden safely and my attendants tell me Lewatle is well, waiting for us."
"Thank Bast and Mama Wati," Lebadi mumbled sitting up.
She swiped a hand over her twisted hair, thankful for the sleep that refreshed her energy.
"You are shaking," he said, reaching for her hands.
"I'm nervous…a little scared. The opening looks like a snake's mouth."
Namor embraced her, helping to calm the jitters coursing through her body.
"It will be a new world for you, but the only one Lewatle will know. We must be brave to guide her. I'm nervous too."
Lebadi pulled back from his chest.
"You've been a father before," she teased.
"Every child is special and different, but Lewatle is a miracle. A precious gift. This time will be strange and wonderful for me too."
His expression was tinged with nervous energy. They were embarking on a momentous experiment raising a unique baby.
"Do you feel strong?" he asked.
She nodded.
"How long do I need to hold my breath?"
"Four minutes."
"We will go to a depth you may not be used to, so don't panic. I will carry you to get there quicker. Without me, it would be impossible for you to get there on your own without having to hold your breath longer. Come."
He carried her in his arms while flying off the boat. They drifted down into night water. Three Talokanil men anchored the houseboat under a canopy of tropical foliage that blended it with the surrounding lush topography.
They all swam above the surface hidden by drooping vines and tree leaves the size of elephant ears. Their only light was the small lamps they held that glowed a turquoise blue filled with vibranium energy. The small entrance to his world looked like a tiny pool of inky black water. Lebadi breathed harder.
"Put your arms around my neck," Namor said.
She hung them loosely at first until he pulled her tight against his chest. The shine from the lanterns glowed in his eyes. The low covering of the cave entrance caused a claustrophobic reaction to kick in with all the intimidating darkness that the lamps couldn't illuminate.
"Don't be afraid," he whispered, kissing her lips. "Think about Lewatle. She can't wait to be with us again."
Lebadi's eyes welled up thinking of her baby mermaid.
"Do you think she can hear my voice under the water? I press my lips against her cheek and say her name. Will I ever be able to hear her call me Mama?"
Namor rested his forehead on her temple.
"She knows her mother loves her just by feeling the vibrations you make under the water. She can hear you above the water and she has always known your voice when she was swimming inside of you."
Lebadi grinned and wiped away a tear.
"I'm ready," she said.
He nodded and she gulped in air, slamming her eyes shut and pressing her face into his shoulder. The temperature of the water dropped after fifteen seconds, but Namor's body heat stayed constant and she was warmed by it. Pressure pushed in on her ear drums and she focused on the sensation of colder water rushing over her body. There was a steep drop and right when the strain of needing more air took hold, they flew up into what looked like a small beach inside of a wide open cave.
Soft sugary white sand met her feet when Namor put her down. She followed him past a wondrous enclosure of stalagmites and stalactites. The long icicle-shaped deposits of limestone and calcium carbonate glowed the same neon blue Lebadi recognized from her home.
"Oh…my goodness…"
Her eyes nearly popped out walking through another part of the interconnected cave system that felt like a warm cozy sauna filled with giant glow worms that wiggled their bioluminescence, illuminating the mural-sized paintings that depicted the life of the Talokanil.
"Is that you?" Lebadi asked, stopping in front of a mural where a young boy a floated above kneeling people. Namor nodded, and her eyes followed the story of the ascension of K'uk'ulkan to the throne of Talokan.
All sorts of creatures in stylized Mesoamerican images decorated wall after wall as she walked holding Namor's hand. Her eyes grew even wider realizing that her idea of cave-dwelling was vastly incorrect. Each cavern gave a palatial feel, and she could only speculate at the grandeur that Talokan must've been twelve thousand feet down below in the depths of the ocean. Whatever imaginings she held about perpetual darkness hiding from the surface world was erased.
A gust of cooler air wafted down in another connected tunnel and when her eyes adjusted to that section of the cave, she clearly saw the shapes of tall trees growing high above nearly reaching the opening at the top that let in the light of the moon. Attuma held up his lamp and Lebadi recognized the shapes of abundant fruit growing from the branches.
"Almost there," Namor said, squeezing her hand as they entered a new well-lit area that felt more like the vestibule of a grand manor.
Two female attendants wearing pale peach-colored dresses waited for them. One held a garment across her arms, and another held a small round cup made of jade. They lowered their heads to Namor. He took the cup and bid Lebadi to drink from it. The warm, sweet liquid had a slighty chalky aftertaste that reminded her of cocoa powder.
"This is what our women consume after having a newborn. It helps with the milk and gives the mother strength," Namor said.
The attendants led them to a majestic room with smooth polished walls decorated with exquisite blood-red shells and pictures depicting an extraordinary underwater city.
"Is that Talokan?" she asked.
"Yes. It is the capital city…and there, in that structure, is my throne room. Here, change into this and I will meet you right outside. They are going to summon Namora to bring Lewatle."
He kissed her cheek and left her holding the thin coral gown. Looking around the room she marveled at a low platform bed covered in a soft orange blanket. She pulled off the blue covering that she wore leaving only her panties on. The new dress went down to her ankles and supported her tender breasts well.
Namor returned.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you. Is this your bedroom?"
"It's lovely. Peaceful."
He held out his hand for her and she clasped it, eager to see their child.
They passed by shelving housing ancient books and rolled up maps on old faded yellow parchment. Another section held an unfinished mural and her wandering eye caught sight of something that halted her steps. It was a mural of an ancient map of the southern hemisphere and Wakanda was outlined in gold and vibranium. Namor pulled her along and the smell of seawater became pungent. The glow of cerulean blue water lapped at damp sand inside a vast room that appeared to be a comfortable living area circling the pool of hypnotic liquid. They stood together at the edge, and the water surface stirred. Namora emerged pushing a floating baby bassinet that rested under the water. Lebadi released Namor's hand and rushed into the pool, splashing water everywhere to get to her little one. She burst into tears lifting her daughter and allowed her body to sink down into the luxurious warmth, pulling away the top of her dress to feed Lewatle. The baby squirmed and then settled in her arms.
"Thank you…thank you!" Lebadi said, reaching for Namora's arm and holding it.
Lebadi could barely get her words out as relief spilled into her.
"She did well?" Lebadi asked.
Namora smiled and patted Lebadi's hand.
"She slept all the way," Namora said.
Namor jerked his head and the attendants walked into the pool moving the water bassinet near the edge and mooring it to the sand with heavy iridescent sea crystals. Namora slipped away and changed into dry clothing that matched the color of the attendants.
Lewatle fell asleep in Lebadi's arms and she rocked the baby until Namor approached her holding a small mask that resembled the ones all of the Talokan wore on the surface.
"Let me see if this fits her," Namor said.
He knelt down and slipped the breather over Lewatle's face. The baby fussed and shook her fists, but quickly settled back down, becoming accustomed to breathing in a strange way above the water.
"You can feed her in the water and bring her out when you are done. She will sleep here and everything you need will be brought to you. I will go down to Talokan and inform leading elders from far and wide that an heir has been born," he said.
"Will you take her down there?"
"Not yet. I want you both comfortable first."
"Do all of your people know about me?"
"Only the ones Namora brought to your boat two years ago."
"They will be angry…feel betrayed. You hate us. How can you have a child by an enemy?"
"You are Wakandan. I do not see you or your people in the same way as the others. Our people are too similar. I'll explain it to my elders and our nation. It will be easier to accept once they see my child. She is a reflection of me."
"Will you paint her on your walls?"
"Of course. I will paint you there too. It is possible that you and Lewatle can be a bridge of eternal peace between our nations one day. United by blood and understanding of who our real enemies are."
Namor helped her stand, and Lebadi accepted a small baby dress from an attendant to clothe Lewatle in. It finally turned somewhat normal to hold her baby on land freely.
Lewatle's eyes held Lebadi's gaze and she smothered the baby with kisses. Her daughter's smile from under the breather made her heart swell. She sang a Wakandan lullaby and rocked the baby while walking around the living area. Very little furniture was present, and the pieces that did decorate the space were simple and colorful: A few small tables holding statues of Yucatec Maya gods. A simple set of low stools surrounding a small hearth where a pot of food simmered over a low fire. Lebadi sat there for a moment to watch the bubbling mixture. Her thin dress dried quickly and the dampness against her skin evaporated.
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Namora brought Namor a bowl of steaming fish stew from another cooking area beyond the hearth, and he shared it with Lebadi sitting on the other stool, feeding her with a wide scooped golden spoon, pampering her every need. The stew had lots of red pepper flakes and small, soft seeds with bright green slivers of onion that tasted sweet in the lightly salted broth. She didn't know what kind of fish she ate, but it was cut in thick flaky chunks.
Namor gave her a long piece of red cloth and Lebadi tied Lewatle to her back with it. She followed him around for another tour of his private respite away from his people. Old relics from the past dazzled her eyes and she became enthralled with the history lesson he gave her about his part of the world. When Lewatle whimpered from hunger again, she returned to the pool and Namora showed her how to clean the baby and pointed to where she could use the restroom herself. There was a bacteria the Talokanil placed in the water that fed off of the urine and feces from their waste release and Lebadi was happy to know that she would never have to worry about diaper cleaning. They gave her little cloth strips to put on Lewatle, and when they were soiled, the women dropped them into a closed off part of the cave away from the main body of water. The bacteria ate away the waste material and the diaper was pristine again in an hour or so.
Once Lebadi became weary from the feeding, Namor led her to his bedroom and held the baby. She crawled onto the soft cover and he snuggled next to her, adjusting Lewatle's breather making sure it was secure.
"Today was a long day for you both. Sleep. You are home now," he said.
Lebadi drifted off into bliss.
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"Lebadi, the elders are coming."
Lebadi climbed down from a papaya tree. She shifted the netted fruit bag around her shoulder and faced the fearsome warrior woman.
"Do I look okay?"
"Teech ka wilik ma'alob," Namora affirmed in the positive.
Lebadi handed Namora her bag of cave fruit and smoothed back the new sleek twists she palm rolled her thick hair into. Her long orange over-the-shoulder dress was adorned with shells and beads that once belonged to Namor's mother. She scurried behind Namora through the twists and turns of the cavern, her sandaled feet slapping against the cave floor until she met Namor standing poolside.
Dressed in his full king's regalia with a feathered serpent crown, he held Lewatle in the crook of his arm swaddled in the colors of royalty. All she could see of the baby was a head full of glossy black curls that became thicker in texture after the three weeks they had been living there. Tiny gurgles came from behind her small breather and the bundle moved in Namor's arm as if the baby were anxious. Three attendants carefully smudged the air with hand-sized incense cones. Tendrils of smoke created a hazy yellow atmosphere with the cloying scent of purple sage and cinnamon.
"Stand behind me, Lebadi. I want them to see our child first," Namor said.
She did his bidding and watched the pool water churn as shadowy figures came into view below the surface. Lebadi leaned into Namor's back as thirteen mature-looking individuals climbed out of the water in full feathered headdresses dripping with ropes of vibranium jewelry draped around their blue arms and necks. Five men. Seven women. She recognized an individual that could've been non-binary that happened to be the eldest one standing in the center. Water dripped from their bodies but that didn't cool the flames of curiosity in their eyes as they peered down at the small wonder in Namor's arms.
"Lela' in waal," Namor said holding out the baby with pride in his tone.
Namora slinked over to Lebadi, and her presence helped relax the tight knot in her stomach.
"Bix u k'aaba'?" the non-binary elder asked.
"Lewatle," Namor answered.
He reached back for Lebadi's hand and pulled her forward.
"Lela' u na' in waal…Lebadi," he added.
The elder stepped forward and looked Lebadi square in the face. Their gaze came across intimate, as if they were trying to see into her soul. The attempt to assess what kind of person Lebadi represented ended as Lewatle gurgled in her father's arms, her fingers grasping at the air.
"You were willing to stay here and never see your home again?"
Lebadi tilted her head with surprise. The elder spoke fluent Wakandan.
"You know my language?"
"We know many languages," another male elder piped in from behind.
"These are the governors of the twelve cities of Talokan. Chacc is the vessel that holds our spiritual connection to our ancestors," Namor said, staring into the face of the non-binary elder with kind eyes.
Chacc glanced at Lewatle.
"May I?" Chacc asked, gesturing toward the baby.
Namor handed Lewatle over and Chacc cradled her against their chest with tender affection. They turned to the other elders who circled up to study Namor's heir.
"She is just like him," an elder woman said, her blue face lighting up with amazement.
They touched the webbing in her fingers and toes and lightly stroked the tiny wings on her ankles that made Lewatle bubble with laughter that echoed around them, forcing laughter from some of the other elders. The pointed tips of her ears completed their inspection.
"She is the color of the sacred ocean jasper," one of the elders said in awe.
Lebadi looked down at her child from over their shoulders. Lewatle's skin tone rested in the middle of her parents, a perfect blend of Black and Brown.
"Her name means 'Ocean' in Wakandan," Namor said.
"Why did you hide this from us?" Chacc asked.
"He didn't know about her…she was not planned. I tried to prevent anything like this from happening, but Bast and Mama Wati had other plans," Lebadi said.
"Bast and Mama Wati?"
"Those are her people's gods, Chacc. One of them saved our daughter. When she was born, the air above took her life. But it was returned because she is one of us," Namor said.
Chacc carried the baby over to Lebadi and bounced her gently in their arms.
"You are human and cannot live in our capitol. Lewatle will be raised Talokanil. Do you accept that? She will learn your mother tongue as well as ours, but she will never be Wakandan. Not the way you may like," Chacc said.
"I have accepted that she will live here, but you are wrong. She is Wakandan too. I will teach her about my people, and one day…maybe… she can see my world—"
A middle-aged looking male elder eased next to Chacc. His headdress was made of the long-spined sea urchin.
"Usukan, watch your tone with her. She will become my wife. Address her with the same respect as you do your K' uk'ulcan."
Usukan and the others jerked their heads to stare at him the same way Lebadi did.
"Forgive me…I am only pointing out the obvious. Lewatle can never interact with those people, K'uk'ulcan. The child is royalty, a deity in her own right. Blood of your blood. Flesh of your flesh. She bares all the markings of your lineage. This child belongs to Talokan."
Namor held up his arms and Chacc placed Lewatle back where she belonged. He turned to Lebadi and gave her their baby. The other elders lowered their heads, understanding without words that the child was hers too. Wakandan.
"I will tell the people in three days that I have an heir. You were summoned here to meet her first so that you may prepare all the cities for a celebration."
A small woman wearing a crown of sea stars, who refused to look at Lebadi from jump, raised up her voice.
"When will you marry the surface dweller?"
"Her name is Lebadi," Namora said.
The other elders gave the small woman and two other men who shared the same grim faces furtive looks of discomfort. No one wanted to anger Namor.
"Yes, Namora…Lebadi. I ask again, when shall this union happen, K'uk'ulkan?"
Namor took a step forward and glared at them all.
"When she tells me she is ready, I will tell you."
Chacc glanced at Lebadi.
"Is this something you would like to happen, Lebadi?" Chacc asked.
"We haven't talked about it. Right now, we're bonding as a family. But I love him," Lebadi said, ducking Namor's direct gaze and circling her toe in the sand. Her face became warm and her stomach shivered.
Chacc nodded and lowered their head. All of the elders held their hands up in their way of supplication.
"Líik'ik Talokan," they said in unison.
Namor pointed to Lewatle, and his eyes bore into the faces of the three elders who were less accepting. All of the elders lowered their heads again and repeated, "Líik'ik Talokan."
Namora lunged forward and pointed at the disgruntled elders.
"You will tell our people what you saw here and you will say her name with reverence. Our K'uk'ulkan has been alone for a long time. You may have wished for him to marry one of our women, but he fell in love with her, and she gave him a child who may bring him peace for himself. Do not be selfish and darken her name because you wanted him to unite with your daughter, Usukan…or yours Ixchel—"
"Namora," Namor cautioned.
Namora sauntered even closer to the trio she addressed.
"I will hold my tongue, K'uk'kulkan…but my spear will not be so obedient if I hear of any evil words spoken against my little cousin."
Namora returned to Namor's side and her entire body stayed coiled and ready. She locked eyes with Lebadi and nodded her head toward her. Lebadi felt sorry for anyone who crossed Lewatle's big cousin.
"You may leave now," Namor said in Talokan once more.
Chacc gave Lebadi a warm smile and followed the others back into the water where their skin turned back to the natural brown of their foremothers and forefathers.
"Do not worry, Lebadi. Chacc will set the others straight. They have seen that I have produced my likeness in female form. Lewatle will be exalted among our people," Namor said.
He stroked her cheek and palmed the curve of Lewatle's head. Lebadi walked into the water and lowered the top of her dress and removed the breather for the baby. It became a long feeding and she was able to think about her reception from the elders. She trusted what Namor said.
Namora swam up to her and watched her feed Lewatle.
"They will accept her," Namora said. "His word is law."
Namora checked for Namor who had taken off his crown and gone off to add more scenes to his growing mural.
"How long has he been alone, Namora?"
"Since my grandmother was a child. Our family is large, but he is the only one of his kind. Lewatle…she is important to him. I feel his love for her…so strong. I know he wants you to be his wife."
"This is all so fast. I'm still trying to get used to her."
"Do you truly love him?"
Namora's eyes were shiny. She tread in water up to her neck.
"I do."
"Then I ask that you marry him. He will cherish your life for as long as you live and he will have Lewatle by his side."
"Does he have grandchildren? Great Grandchildren?"
"No. His children were never able to have babies of their own. He lived with them in Talokan until they passed on, and then he moved here permanently. They were never like him…but Lewatle is. He sees a future that can be different. Being a ruler and nothing else is not good for him. I think…I think you and the baby are good for him."
"What about you? Do you want to have a family someday?"
Namora splashed water on her and swam backwards while laughing.
"Men fear me. I am a warrior. I protect Talokan and that is what I want."
"There isn't anyone you like in Talokan?"
"Oh, sure…many."
Namora pushed water on her again wetting Lebadi gently. Lebadi let go of Lewatle to be with Namora and the warrior women twirled around slowly cradling the baby under the deeper end of the pool.
"She likes you a lot," Namor said.
Lebadi turned her head and Namor walked into the luxurious pool to sit next to her.
"To think she tried to kill me the first time she laid eyes on me. And now…look at her. She stays by my side every day watching over me and Lewatle," Lebadi said.
"We have many male relatives and very few female relatives her age. You are the closest to a sister she has."
Namor watched Namora play underwater. His mood had shifted to a relaxed state. The burden of revealing his daughter waned and he could finally shake the tension he carried in his body all morning.
"Will you marry me, Lebadi? Become my wife?" he asked.
He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it before rubbing small circles on her knuckles.
"I didn't think I could love another woman. Especially one from the world of my enemies. I heard your prayers in the ocean and you lured me to you. I became enchanted by your beauty and your grace. I don't know what kind of life I can give you here, but I will do my best to be a loving husband and father. I want you here with me. You can't go down to Talokan, but I can give you a taste of it here. You can draw, paint, and venture out from time to time when it is safe on the surface world. Look at her. See? Lewatle thrives. She will have a blessed life."
"What if you fall out of love with me?"
"That will never happen."
"What if I decide I want to go back home one day? Would you allow me to leave?"
"Leaving here means leaving Lewatle behind. I know you would never betray me and tell your people about my world. But if you left me, our child will remain in Talokan."
His tone was sharp and his eyes narrowed in that way of his when he wanted her to know how serious he was.
"If I marry you, would I become queen? How can a queen rule a world under the sea where she can never go?"
"The people will come to you."
"How? Squeeze them all in here?"
"Let me show you."
He helped her out of the water leaving Lewatle with Namora. Wandering through the connected caves, he took her to a route she was unfamiliar with that led down deeper into the earth.
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Namor left her standing among jagged rock formations as he flew down to a staged structure of carefully placed blocks of limestone that created a floating stage surrounded by beautiful azure water.
"As queen, our people will greet you here. I will place a great throne for you right there and our world will come alive for you to participate in important matters. We can be united here in front of thousands."
He flew back to her side.
"Give me time to think, Namor."
"I will not pressure you."
They returned to their living quarters and Namora had Lewatle tucked away in her water bassinet. A dark figure stirred in the water. The bones of a hammerhead shark came into view before the rest of the looming figure of Attuma broke the surface. He carried a small shark figure carved out of smooth soapstone. Attuma looked at Lebadi and then pointed at the baby.
"Go ahead," Lebadi said.
The giant man moved next to the bassinet and looked down at the baby. Namora watched him and smirked.
"Let him hold her," Namor said to Namora.
Namora placed the breather over the baby's face and lifted Lewatle who only wore a diaper cloth. She held her out for Attuma to take. He placed the soapstone figure inside the baby bed and picked up Lewatle who became a tiny doll in his massive hands. Attuma stood awkwardly as the baby squirmed and let out squeals of delight. Namora swam away from him and Attuma looked around the quarters with panic in his eyes.
"He's held babies before, but because this is my child he's nervous," Namor said chuckling afterward.
Lewatle stopped moving and stared up into the man's face.
"That is your cousin Attuma," Namor said.
Attuma raised the baby higher and closer to his face. Lewatle waved her arms and touched Attuma's mask.
"Leti' ki'ichpam…"
"Yes, she is beautiful, Attuma," Namor said.
Attuma stood for awhile, staring at the baby until he tucked her in his arm and rocked her, showing off the gift he brought for Lewatle to touch.
Attendants notified Namor and Lebadi that it was time for them to eat. Attuma put Lewatle back into her bed and Namora followed him under the water leaving Namor's realm on the surface.
Lebadi and Namor sat across from each other and he talked about growing more squash and beans in his cave garden. He ate food from the sea like his people, but he enjoyed eating the foods of his mother when she had once been human. The man was a verbose storyteller and she listened with avid ears. He asked her to share more about herself that he had missed while they had been apart. She spoke of her work, loneliness, and feeling out of place in her own homeland when he left her. Namor became quiet then. She reached across their plates of fried corn, black beans, and grilled squash and patted his hand.
"I understand why you chose your people," she said. "All those elders showed me that you are needed. Being selfish about us was out of my love for you. I wanted us to be together and losing you ripped my heart apart."
Namor reached a hand over and thumbed a tear away from her eye.
"I'm happy here. You spoil me and Lewatle. There is so much to do and explore within these caves. I have the houseboat and I will cherish my memories of Wakanda…"
Namor's face softened and he held her hands on the table.
"I will marry you," she said.
He squeezed her hands and his smile shined brighter than the jewels around his neck. A splash from the baby bed alerted them that Lewatle wanted attention. Namor strode across the room and pulled off his robes until he was stripped down to his green swim shorts. Lebadi peeled off her dress to her underwear and padded over topless, fitting her breather over her face. She dove under the pool water and joined Namor with their daughter.
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Eight months into her new life, an alarm was sounded inside Namor's private abode.
Namora woke them up in their bed speaking the Talokan language so fast that Lebadi couldn't translate fast enough. She grabbed a covering and rushed out to Lewatle's bed where two women looked after the baby during the night.
Attuma and Namora stood at attention dressed in their battle regalia with four other male and female warriors. A gruff-looking soldier in a leadership position approached Namor with a solemn expression. Lebadi recognized him from private talks with Namor. His second-in-command of the Talokan army. Yaluk.
"K'uk'ulkan, the Wakandan military are moving in our territory in the north Atlantic," Yaluk said.
"What are they doing? Surveillance?"
"We don't know, but they have moved in several positions off the coast of Brazil, and the Caribbean territories. They have one aircraft that has entered the sea near the vortex that leads to Sayyil. We have a pod dispatched there to watch them. The vessel floats in one place…as if it were hiding."
Another soldier rose up from the pool of water in a rush. His voice sounded agitated.
"The king of Wakanda is on his way to the Sayyil territory!"
Namor went to a corner of the cave and brought out his spear.
"We will go see what the Wakandan king is up to," Namor said.
"Namor?" Lebadi said.
She held Lewatle against her chest. At eight months the girl was chunky and active, wiggling in her mother's arms.
"This is not war if there's no overt provocation. I want to see why he's there. Your King T'Chaka will need to stay away from our waters to avoid my army," Namor said.
He kissed Lewatle's forehead and nuzzled Lebadi's cheek. She knew not to ask how long he would be gone. There were global threats to their discovery at a more brisk pace. Especially among the western powers. Too many were testing nuclear weapons, polluting the oceans with chemical waste and human trash. Namor was adamant about killing his enemies from other countries on sight. He told her several times that Wakanda was a special case, but the fierceness he carried out with him when he passed by her made Lebadi doubt he would be civil if King T'Chaka acted rash. This left her torn with her allegiance. Perhaps she could be the voice of reason if something went awry with her former king. She was still Wakandan after all, even though she was married to the Talokan king.
Lewatle wiggled so much in her arms that Lebadi finally put her down. The baby crawled toward the pool trying to catch up with her father. Their attendants blocked the baby's path and Lewatle sat back on her rump and cried, her mask making her voice sound strangled in pain.
"Shhh..shhh…it's okay my precious little one. Yuum will be back in no time. Don't cry, Na' is here, I'm here…"
Lewatle cried and pointed to the water.
"Yuum!" Lewatle wailed.
Lebadi took the baby to the water and removed her mask so she wouldn't get frustrated and pull off her breather in a distraught fit. The water cooled down her angst and Lebadi walked around the pool with her daughter snug against her chest listening to her mother's heartbeat.
"Such a good girl, Lewatle. Yuum will come back home soon, don't you worry."
Once the baby calmed down, Lebadi returned her breather and walked out of the pool. She strolled the grounds of the caves and pointed out particular images on the murals.
"That's you! Yuum painted you so pretty."
Lewatle mumbled her baby talk and snuggled her head against Lebadi's neck.
"Look how handsome your father looks next to me. See? I'm wearing my wedding dress…and look there… see all the Talokanil that came to see us wed in the grand hall? One day if you want to get married to someone, you can wear my dress. I hope you will have a wedding in the same place as me, because Na' can't go down to Talokan in the palace."
"Up!" Lewatle said, raising her hand up above her head.
"Up?" Lebadi said in Talokan and Wakandan playing with her daughter's bilingual learning.
"Up, Na'! Up!"
Lebadi sighed. Her daughter wanted to go to the cave garden where she could watch for her father fly down from his journeys out into the world from the opening in the roof.
"Up! Up!" Lewatle insisted.
Lebadi took her child where she wanted to go and they stared up high above the tall fruit trees and gazed at the starlight filtering down in the semi-darkness. She rocked the baby on her hip and whispered sweet words in her ear, praying to Bast that Namor would remain cool, calm, and collected over the Atlantic. He ripped apart a foreign naval ship on previous trip away. Lebadi didn't know how many dead floated in ocean graves because of him over the centuries. She kept quiet about it. Namor was deadly and kept his killing business away from her.
For two days she walked and rocked Lewatle, wishing she could swim up to the surface and wait for her husband on the houseboat. A messenger sought out an audience with her in the grand hall waters, and she sat on her custom shark throne listening to the young woman fresh from the sea giving word that Namor would arrive soon.
"What became of his meeting with King T'Chaka?" Lebadi asked.
The messenger, Hun-Nal-Ye, fingered the shark-tooth necklace around her neck. Her flawless blue skin had dark moon-sliver scarring around the sides of her temples denoting her status as a citizen protector of Talokan. Her hair hung in long wet wavy strands past her shoulders and she held a small jade manta ray, a talisman Namor used to prove that his messenger's words were directly from him.
"K' uk' ulkan has rendered a treaty with the king of Wakanda. There will be peace between our nations," Hun-Nal-Ye said lowering her head.
Lebadi's favorite attendant, Tepeu took the talisman from Hun-Nal-Ye's hand and gave it to her. She palmed it and placed it inside the top of her dress against her heart.
"Thank you, Hun-Nal-Ye. You may leave."
Hun-Nal-Ye nodded and dove back into the water. Lebadi stood up and breathed deeply.
"Please tell El-Cuaj to dress Lewatle for her father and meet me in the cave garden," Lebadi said.
Tepeu lowered her head and left the grand hall.
Lebadi meandered her way toward the cave garden, patting her heart to feel the manta ray talisman pressed against her skin. Touching her hair, she fluffed out a puffy cloud adorned with cowrie shells and gold trinkets. Her royal indigo dress billowed behind her as she walked.
Sunlight illuminated dust motes high above her head, and the warmth teased her bare arms and face.
Lewatle's voice broke Lebadi's reverie with nature.
"Let her crawl to me," Lebadi instructed El-Cuaj.
The attendant placed the baby on the soft earth and Lebadi sat down eight feet away from her.
"Come," Lebadi said in Wakandan and Talokanil.
Lewatle hustled her knees and hands, scurrying toward her mother. When she reached Lebadi, the baby used her hands to pull herself up on her feet with a wobbly balance. Lebadi touched the ankle wings that looked inflamed at the calmus root. There were traces of a sea-made poultice that the nanny El-Cuaj used to sooth the pain for the baby. Much like a new baby tooth, Lewatle's wings were growing and became a slight discomfort for the little one.
"Yuum, up! Na'…hmmm…." Lewatle murmured.
Lewatle's head tilted back instinctively knowing that her father would come down from the tiny bit of visible sky. Lebadi looked up too, awaiting a glimpse of Namor. The baby babbled and cooed and Lebadi entertained her daughter by holding her upper body to help strengthen her chubby legs.
A shadow loomed above them and Lebadi grinned.
"It's Yuum!" Lebadi said.
Lewatle looked up and Namor floated down from the top, hovering over seventy feet above them. Lebadi started pointing to him and gasped when Lewatle released her hold on Lebadi's arms and flew up six feet, her baby wings whirring like her father's.
"Oh Bast!" Lebadi squeaked, jumping to her feet and grabbing for her daughter's toes.
Lewatle's flight was wonky and off-kilter, but she held her arms high above her head, kicking her little feet trying to steer her trajectory. Like a bumble bee drunk from too much nectar, the baby zig-zagged in the air and Lebadi became frightened that she would fall and break bones. Namor dropped down quickly and wrapped his arms around his daughter.
"You miss Yuum that much?" he teased, kissing Lewatle's forehead.
Lewatle only squealed and babbled away.
"My queen," Namor said.
He landed softly by Lebadi's side and hugged her with one arm. She kissed his lips and rubbed her hand over his hair that held the warmth of the full sun that she missed for the days he was absent.
"I wasn't expecting her to do that so soon," Lebadi said.
"I started flying at this age. My mother had to tie a piece of rope around my waist to keep me near her when she harvested fruit on land."
"We should do that."
"Only when I am not around. I can catch her once she gets stronger and better."
"I'm so glad you're home safe. Hun-Nal-Ye told me it all went well."
"I don't know what King T'Chaka's true intentions are on the surface world, but we have an agreement about the sea. He will avoid encroaching in that area for their spying. Flying over it is not an issue. Going into the sea near there again will be seen as a threat by me. I will destroy any submersibles or lingering ships."
Lebadi listened and then closed her eyes to feel the sun again. Her stomach dropped as she felt Namor whisk her in his free arm and fly them all to the hole in the cave sky. They landed near the ledge of the tall hill surrounded by foliage down below. The sun danced on all their skin and Lebadi drew in a deep breath of fresh air. They were far from the snake mouth entrance of their underground dwelling, and isolated from humans who could never get through the dense canopy or the brush hiding them from the Talokan world.
Across the horizon, Lebadi studied the sea and thought of her family. The last of her vid messages had gone out the month before, and she was sure there would be a search for her. She debated about going to the houseboat and sending a final message telling them the truth. That she had run away with the love of her life and had a baby.
She fought back tears thinking of her parents worrying that she was dead in Wakanda somewhere. Her own people would consider her a traitor for falling in love with a mutant foreigner if they knew the fantastic reality she lived in. Another civilization had to hide their true selves and their powerful vibranium resource. Lebadi buried those thoughts in her heart, tucked them for back into a hidden place that she would never open again. She was now a Queen Mother and deeply in love with her husband and child. A time for mourning Wakanda had to end. She had made her choice the moment she floated into the sea with Lewatle filling up her belly.
On top of the hidden hill, Lebadi gave a final prayer to the sea's horizon, asking Mama Wati and her ancestors to comfort her family. She watched her loving husband play with their flying baby, enjoying the sight of Lewatle floating her chubby brown body above her father's outstretched hands. The wings on her feet buzzed and she flailed her arms in excitement. The reality of her daughter flying before walking made Lebadi laugh and she glanced at her husband once more. The joy on Namor's face and the precious squeals of happiness from Lewatle was worth the sacrifice of leaving Wakanda. Forever.
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multiverseforger07 · 3 years
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Shuri on the variant cover of Black Panther #1
(May 2018).
Art by Stanley "Artgerm" Lau.
Publication informationPublisherMarvel ComicsFirst appearanceBlack Panther #2 (May 2005)Created byReginald Hudlin
John Romita Jr.In-story informationAlter egoAja-AdannaPlace of originWakanda, AfricaTeam affiliationsAvengers
Panther Cult
The Wakandan School for Alternative Studies
Daughters of LibertyNotable aliasesGriot, Black PantherAbilities
Genius-level intellect
Expert martial artist
Super speed
Stone skin
Use of high-tech equipment and weapons including vibranium uniform
As T'Challa recovers from battle wounds, Shuri is tested and found suitable for the role of Black Panther. She possesses all the enhanced abilities given to the Black Panther via an ancient Wakandan ritual, is a skilled martial artist, allowed access to extensive advanced technologies and wealth, and uses learned transmorphic capabilities.
Letitia Wright portrays the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Black Panther (2018), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and the upcoming Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022). Additionally, Ozioma Akagha voices a younger alternate timeline version in the Disney+ animated series What If...?
Publication history
Fictional character biographyEdit
The princess of Wakanda, Shuri is T'Chaka's youngest child and only daughter. From a very young age, Shuri coveted the Black Panther mantle. She attempts to challenge the then-Black Panther, her uncle S'yan, for the mantle, only to discover that he had already been defeated by her older half-brother T'Challa.[6] During an attack on Wakanda by Klaw and a group of his mercenaries, she uses the Ebony Blade to defeat the Russian Radioactive Man, killing him in the process. Because she is shell-shocked by her first kill, T'Challa promises to train her in hand-to-hand combat, enabling her to fight on her own terms should she ever need to take his place as leader of Wakanda.[7]
While T'Challa and his wife Queen Ororo are away as members of the Fantastic Four, American battleships aligned with Erik Killmonger moved in on Wakanda. With their King away, Shuri and her advisers decide to sneak onto the ships in the night and incapacitate them. During the raid Shuri is captured by Killmonger's men and thrown in a cell. She challenges Killmonger himself to a fight but, seeing her as beneath him, he sends a group of his men to battle her. She defeats them easily and is broken out of her cell by Zuri, one of T'Challa's advisers.[8] After T'Challa and Ororo leave the Fantastic Four and return to Wakanda, the Skrulls invade Wakanda as a part of Secret Invasion. Shuri and her uncle S'yan lead most of the Wakandan army on an assault against the invading Skrulls, while T'Challa and Ororo battle their leaders.[9]
Prince Namor of Atlantis attempts to recruit T'Challa for the Cabal, a secret council of supervillains run by Doctor Doom. He rejects the offer but is attacked by the various members, and is left in a comatose state. Queen Ororo nominates Shuri as his successor, and she successfully completes the various trials, granting herself access to the heart-shaped herb. However, when she consumes the herb, the Wakandan Panther God does not imbue her with the powers of the Black Panther, instead rejecting her due to her lifelong jealousy of her brother's mantle and her arrogance in its presence.[2] When the powerful villain Morlun threatens to annihilate Wakanda entirely, Shuri takes on the Black Panther identity and outfit anyway, and manages to both save Wakanda and resurrect her comatose brother. Through her humble act of self-sacrifice she earns the mantle of the Black Panther, and the Panther God grants her its accompanying powers.[3]
When a now powerless T'Challa discovers that Doctor Doom infected many Wakandan officials and advisers with nanites, he goes off in search of a way to stop him, leaving Shuri as acting ruler of Wakanda.[10] Shuri tracks down and fights Namor, trying to discover for herself what part he played in her brother's injuries. Together, T'Challa and Shuri discover that the infected Wakandans, calling themselves the Desturi, intend to stage a revolution, seizing power in Wakanda for themselves.[11]
With Doctor Doom's Desturi successfully overthrowing the incumbent Wakandan government as seen in the Doomwar storyline, he finds himself with access to the world's largest supply of vibranium. Shuri and a re-powered T'Challa, who were able to avoid infection from Doom's nanites due to their heightened senses, remain the only Wakandans not under Doom's control. They team up with Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine of the X-Men to regain control in Wakanda. They succeed, but Doom steals a large portion of the vibranium. Shuri travels the globe, attempting to destroy Doom's criminal network and recover the stolen vibranium. Doom uses vibranium's inherent mystical qualities to take control of all processed vibranium on the planet, and Shuri and the other heroes attempt to fight and stop him. They succeed when T'Challa uses Doom's own mystical ploys against him, rendering all processed vibranium on the planet inert.[12]
With Wakanda struggling economically as seen in the "Klaws of the Panther" storyline, Shuri travels to the Savage Land to meet with Ka-Zar and obtain a stock of natural vibranium present there. They are attacked by Klaw, who wants the vibranium for his own use. They defeat him, but a volcanic eruption caused by his sound waves covers the vibranium and renders it unobtainable. She tracks down other stockpiles in Madripoor and New York, but Klaw already has A.I.M. troops excavating both sites and fights ensue. Klaw had created a monster called M.U.S.I.C. using the vibranium, and intended to place it on an AIM space station to enslave the world. With help from various other heroes, including Wolverine, Spider-Man and Black Widow, Shuri is able to thwart his scheme.[13]
Following Namor's attack on Wakanda during Avengers vs. X-Men, Shuri declares war on Atlantis, despite her brother's protests.[14] The Wakandans virtually level Atlantis, leaving only a few Atlantean survivors.[15] In retaliation for Shuri's assault on Atlantis, Namor lies to Thanos’ agents by falsely telling them that the Infinity Gems were located in Wakanda.[16] After Wakandan troops were forced to retreat from a counterattack by Thanos’ army, Shuri learns from the Dora Milaje that T’Challa was in contact with Namor during the Wakandan/Atlantean conflict and that he allowed Namor into the Necropolis several times during the conflict. As a result, Shuri banishes T’Challa from Wakanda's capital city.[17]
During the 2013 "Infinity" storyline, it is shown that Shuri is the head of the Wakandan School for Alternative Studies.[18]
When Wakanda is attacked by the Cabal during the "Time Runs Out" storyline, Shuri sacrifices herself by staying behind in order to hold off Proxima Midnight so T'Challa can escape.[19] Her death is later confirmed when her spirit is seen among those of the past Black Panthers.[20]
As part of Marvel's 2015 branding All-New, All-Different Marvel, T'Challa is shown trying to revive Shuri's body. Shuri's soul had transcended to the Djalia which was a spiritual plane consisting of the entire memories of Wakanda. There Shuri trained under the tutelage of a griot spirit who had taken the form of her mother, Ramonda. As they trained the griot spirit shared the memories of not only Wakanda but also before the nation had formed. With the help of Manifold, T'Challa was able combine his technology and Manifold's bending of reality to bring Shuri's soul back to the physical plane. After her revival Shuri had been imbued with the power similar to that of the griot spirit. She had then been informed of the events taking place in her absence including the rogue Dora Milaje and the rebellion led by Tetu and Zenzi. Shuri had then set out to confront the rogue Dora Milaje and convince them to join forces with T'Challa in order to stop the rebellion and the march against the Golden City, which she was successful in doing. With the united power of Shuri, T'Challa, Manifold, the Dora Milaje and the forces of Wakanda, Tetu was defeated although Zenzi had escaped. As the rebellion came to an end Shuri joined Wakanda's council that had been established by T'Challa.
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o-bunai-o · 6 years
Comicbook vs. Movie
Some issues I had with the Black Panther movie is mainly character related. And I get that they all had to be set-up within a short amount of time but I think it could have been done a bit better without sacrificing their original concepts.
* T'Challa. . . ** has been portrayed alright so far. ** is the genius of the family. ** is a progressive type when it comes to Wakanda. ** is stubborn with is emotions. ** has zero issues with killing people.
* Shuri. . . ** is not a child. She is in her late 20s. ** not a genius. She’s clever and sharp which made her an asset to the Dora Milaje. ** would challenge T’Challa for the throne at any opportunity. ** not keen on outside influence when it comes to Wakanda. ** is a traditionalist. Her views clash with T’Challa which gives them a dynamic. ** only became the Black Panther when T’Challa was incapacitated. ** has been rejected by Bast when it comes to obtain physical prowess.
* W’Kabi. . . ** is chief of security, so the movie got that one correct. ** is also a traditionalist. ** was already married with a wife and child. ** never raised rhinos or any other animal for that matter.
* N'Jobu . . . ** is a movie-only character. ** could have easily been S'Yan. ** as S'Yan holds the same status and idles.
* N'Jadaka / Erik Stevens / Erik Killmonger . . . ** was born and raised in Wakanda. ** and his family were exiled. ** studied at MIT. ** is very intelligence. ** , his need to avenge his father is correct to a degree. ** is a terrorist. ** is just as strong as T'Challa and is far taller than him. ** is not apart of the Royal Family thus not related to any member within the family. ** can't eat/drink the Heart-Shaped Herb without nearly dying; which is why a synthetic one was made. ** had a pet leopard... that T'Challa killed.
* Okoye . . . ** is a loyalist. This is correct in the movie. ** is bald. ** is not married to W'Kabi or any other Wakandan. In fact she and many Dora Milaje are not to marry or engage in relationships when serving the Royal Family. ** is younger than T'Challa but older than Shuri.
* Ramonda . . . ** casting is alright, but eh. ** is not a born Wakandan but adapted to their idles. ** is not related to T'Challa, she is Shuri's biological mother only. ** is an important mother figure to T'Challa and the nation, which is why her small mannerisms in the movie had me a bit miffed. ** is a lot tougher than one would think.
* T'Chaka. . . ** , his younger appearance in the movie is pretty solid. ** was killed by Klaw in just about every comicbook flashback. ** had a great love T'Challa. Depending on the writer, T'Challa was his only child. ** encouraged T'Challa to experience the world outside of Wakanada. ** was never really hesitant on outsiders- i.e. he married Ramonda after-all. *** And he had a white son named Hunter. ** in all likelihood- would never abandon a child for the sake of his countries privacy.
* M'Baku / Man-Ape . . . ** is probably the most accurate comic to movie character! ** does not hide his worship of the white gorilla, which is tribe is based on. ( a lot of tribes within the nation are divided by animal 'tropes ) ** is more or less friends with T'Challa but will go against him at any point. ** is definitely not a vegetarian but it has not be explicitly stated what he and his tribe eat. ** would fight a member of the Royal Family for power but would not rule the throne as the Black Panther.
* Everett Ross. . . ** , his status within the MCU is a bit confusing. ** , the casting works well enough. ** was assigned as an escort for T'Challa and the Dora Milaje. ** was made Regent of Wakanda by T'Challa at one point. ** can speak Wakandan. English aside. ** did work for S.H.I.E.L.D. but doesn't have a military background. ** gets out of a lot of hot situations by using his brains and not his brawn. * Klaw / Ulysses Klaue . . . ** casting was good. ** his motives were off. He would do anything for Vibranium even if it meant being beat to crap by Wakandans. ** , his attitude as a character is 'way off'. ** he's a mad-genius not plan mad.
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petiri · 7 years
Tchaka... Picked up a white baby from a downed plane and thought...yes this is my child now and also? I'm going to name him Hunter....hunter! Was tchaka plugged into some Caucasian database in order to get that Name? Did he call S'yan like? ' I have a white baby. I am going to keep it. What should I name it?" And then together they decided on HUNTER? He fucking consulted with N'Yami like.... Hunter? And she was like YES!
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i-r-readcomics · 3 years
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Black Panther
Volume: 4 #5
Who is the Black Panther (Part Five)
Writers: Reginald Hudlin
Pencils: John Romita Jr
Inks: Klaus Janson
Colours: Dean White
Covers: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, Dean White
Featuring: Black Panther (T'Challa), S'Yan, Shuri, T'Shan, Klaw, Batroc the Leaper, Radioactive Man (Igor Stancheck), Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich), Black Knight (Augustine du Lac), M'Butu
Marvel Knights
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