vidames · 2 years
it's your potlucky day
The Officers Academy welcomes the continent of Elyos! With the current interest in countries outside of Fodlan, the students are eager to welcome new faces and learn all they can about these new-to-them countries. The cooking club in particular is hosting a potluck for all to attend, starring a roast bear on a spit.
Céline carefully carries her favourite, delicately painted porcelain teapot. She takes gentle steps so as not to jolt the chinaware in her arms and keep it steady. The bag over her shoulder is filled with a myriad of tea varieties, both from Fodlan and her beloved Firene, alongside a party sized serving of Emperor's Mess. Her favourite dessert and the dish she felt most confident sharing with others.
A banner, welcoming staff and students from Elyos hung above a huge table. Or several tables, laid out end to end and laden with cuisine from all across the globe.
Such a joyous occasion, prepared for their welcome. It warmed her heart, and she could only hope her contributions to such an event were satisfactory. It takes a great deal off effort, but once the ceramics are settled, pulling out her dessert and tea selection is a simply affair.
"Oh my, that looks simply delicious!" She speaks brightly, with great enthusiasm to the person who slips in next to her. Their offering smells wonderfully comforting and at a glance, looks equally as delicious. She speaks to them, attention upon the display of food and drink spread out infront of them. "I am Céline, princess of Firene, a kingdom in Elyos. The monastery has welcomed us so warmly, it's a pleasure to be here."
She turns, facing the person and smiles. "Oh, it really is lovely to see you!"
@elusivia & anyone who'd like to join in for good food and company
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