#s:owen moore
ashleighssims · 2 years
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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We interrupt my hiatus to start year 5 of Sunshine Valley and it’s a very special day
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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And so Owen moves into the inn.
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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"Alice is a good girl, isn't she." Alina said to Owen as he came downstairs to fix himself some dinner. The first time she'd spoken a positive sentence towards him in years.
"She is." He agreed.
"Owen... I'm tired." Alina frowned, "I don't want to fight anymore."
"Me either." Was this it? A glimmer of a more positive future quickly flashed past Owen's eyes. Was Alina finally going to begin to forgive me?
"I think we should begin the divorce paperwork. I'd appreciate it if you would find somewhere else to stay until we decide what to do with the house."
Oh. I guess not.
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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Every time Anna assured herself she wouldn't do this again, but yet every time she saw Owen she couldn't help but accept his offer of casual woohoo. She knew this could only end badly.
Not today, though, today it was fine.
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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"Well Alina's at work for a few hours and Luc's got class... Want to come back to mine?"
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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"Hey, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, you know," Anna giggled, "Just thought I'd come down to the park and do some exercise."
This was a lie, Anna had seen Owen walk past to do his patrol an hour earlier and decided she wasn't going to sit in to see if the phone would ring again.
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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"Flora must be due pretty soon, huh?" Owen forced the conversation, unknowing what else to speak to Jonah about if not his wife.
"Not long now, beginning of Summer." Jonah closed his eyes for a moment, "Only a few weeks before Amy. Least the kids will be close, hey?"
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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"Hey... Mind if I join you?"
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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"I just don't understand." Owen near-enough wailed, "What else can I do to show you how sorry I am?"
"Sorry?!" Alina scowled, "I'll believe you're sorry if you can honestly tell me that when you disappeared for the night a few weeks ago you weren't sneaking over to see Anna Cash. Just because we're no longer sharing a bed doesn't mean I am oblivious to where you are."
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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And the afternoon carried on with an atmosphere that the group of friends had become used to by now.
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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Today wasn't the day to moan about it, though. It was his son's eighteenth birthday.
And the day was going just about how he'd expected.
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ashleighssims · 3 years
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How long had it been since he'd slept in his own bed? Owen genuinely couldn't remember anymore. It must have been... over three years. What was there left for him to do to get back on his wives good side?
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