#s:alina moore
ashleighssims · 2 years
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“Thank you for coming tonight, Holden. I’m sorry that we barely got a chance to talk.”
“That’s fine, I much prefer to watch this kind of chaos from the sidelines, anyway.”
“Well, I hope you’ve got your headguard ready, because every second you’re seen talking to me in public the more likelihood that you’ll be brought into this fight at some point.”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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Listening to Aaron confidently charm his way out of any Marsha related questions made Alina realise something. Man, did he remind her of Owen. 
How could two people who had barely spoke since high school have managed to meet and marry practically the same man?
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“What made you decide to move here, then?” Alina asked, keeping her forced smile present.
“We were sick of the constant rain in the city, and Marsha has been desperate to come back here pretty much since she left.”
“The weather you say? Well, it’s nice to know that fanning the flames of a thirty year vendetta isn’t Marsha’s only aim, huh?”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“And I hope you don’t drink coffee!” Ellie burst out laughing, “The water here is horrible. It tastes like dirt.”
“I’m not a big coffee drinker, actually.” Celine replied, nonplussed, “And what can really be the difference between here and the inn?”
Why did I let Marsha talk me into this? Aaron wondered as he saw his niece being harassed by one of the townsfolk, That’s the last time I let Marsha plant ideas in my brain after a few bottles of wine.
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“This house is haunted, you know.”
“Huh?” Celine didn’t know this over-eager woman, who was she and why was she smiling like that while talking so intently about the paranormal? 
“Haunted. You know, ghosts, ghouls, spooky things. They’re everywhere.”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve all had a great evening so far.” Alina was surprisingly nervous, the faces of her town watching her intently as she tried to prove that she was the one who deserved the next four years.
“I know during the last twelve months I haven’t been as attentive as I should, and that many parts of my personal life that I’d have preferred to keep private have found themselves at the forefront of my appearance. But if I can guarantee one thing, it is that if you elect me to keep running this town for the next four years, I won’t let a single personal conflict get in the way of ensuring that this town prospers. That is a promise I give to each and every one of you.”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“Just because she’s some big-city lawyer doesn’t mean she’s right for the mayoral position, you know.” Curtis said.
“Of course not. Owens numerous infidelities and my impassiveness of the whole town in the last year may be, though.” Alina stopped for a moment as her voice began to waver, “Anita, you will have to do an absolute killer of a campaign, ok?”
“Obviously.” Anita turned to her husband, “You dated Hayley for a few months back in high school didn’t you - any juicy gossip about Marsha that you care to share with us?”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“So, I was curious, what’s the dress code for Saturday?” Holden Costillo, phoning Alina, to talk about something that isn’t her broken appliances? Oh, scandal!
“Dress code?” Alina laughed, “I didn’t ask you to prom.”
“Really? Well I best put my tuxedo away then-”
“Honestly, Holden, casual attire will be fine.”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“Ms Moore... You don’t have to take the bins out-”
“This is still my house, isn’t it?” Alina sighed, “Please, take the day off. Full pay.”
Curtis watched from afar as Alina stormed to the bin. Anita had been right to be worried about the return of the McAllister’s. 
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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Oh, watcher.
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“...Oh, and while I’m here I should probably mention that I’m planning on running for mayor this term.”
“A bit of healthy competition is never a bad thing, Al. What’s this house like? Do you reckon it could fit my whole family? How many bedrooms? We’ll need four, at least.”
“Get. Out.”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“I bumped into your husb- sorry, ex-husband at the inn the other night.”
Was she smirking? Alina couldn’t decipher what, if any, emotion Marsha was displaying, “Ah, yes, well he is living there.”
“So I heard. Oh, how dreadful.” Definitely a smirk, “Anyway, it made me think... I should go and see how good ol’ Alina is doing. You know, offer my sympathies. It’s so much harder to find love again once you hit our age.”
“Oh, cut the crap, please.” Alina said through gritted teeth, “You came to gloat? About how great your life is, yes?”
“Me?” Marsha gasped, “No. I came to see how an old friend was doing...”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“Marsha McAllister... What are you doing here?”
“I’ve brought wine, aren’t you going to invite me in?”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“Wait a minute!” Alina found herself following Holden as he began to leave, “It’s the mayoral candidacy announcement next week. Only a formality really, no one’s ran against me for years now, but if you’re in the area I’d love for you to pop by...”
“I’m sure I can find the time.” Holden grinned, “And if worse comes to worse, I’m sure you can find an appliance to break, hey?”
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ashleighssims · 2 years
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“Sorry to keep bothering you-”
“It’s not a bother, not at all.”
“Please, take this.” Alina thrust $100 at him.
“Alina, I couldn’t possibly, if you tip me $100 every time I come out you’ll be bankrupt by the end of the season!”
“Me?” Alina gestured around the kitchen, “With this ridiculous house? I don’t think you need to worry about bankrupting me anytime soon.”
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