amitieos · 2 years
“ i don’t give two shits about the back-up; i’m just happy you’re alive. “
The cut across her forehead is fairly shallow, easily fixed in the hands of a good healer. It looks far worse than it is. Concern shines in Ike’s eyes as he catches up with her, leading their reinforcements, proud and strong. Gallant and silver, bathed in the sun’s glow. 
She smiles. It doesn’t quite meet her eyes, never does on the battlefield. The very sight of him brings relief crashing down upon her shoulders like a waterfall. Ike has always been her most reliable ally, an ardent friend. Steadfast and shining in gold and marble. A radiant hero, above all others.
“I’m glad to see you too, my lord Ike,” Elincia greets him warmly, as always. The battle is far from over, although with his presence here it ought to be soon. Fatigue starts to pull at her bones but she stands steadfast. Not yet. For now she must summon the courage to fight on. “Please, help me save the people of this village. They need our strength.”
He looks at her, concern evident in his eyes. Their foes really have done a number on her, it seems.
“I promise I’ll be cautious. Even if all I can do is support you with my staff, I refuse to run and hide..”
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iinterim · 11 years
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    Being able to not see Ike for so long had made a small gap form in her heart, it was like she needed him to fill her whole, to talk to him, to spend some time with him. Last time she actually ever spoke to him was a little over a month ago, some she definitely felt like walking into his place at that moment was necessary. She definitely wasn't avoiding him that's for sure, but she felt like she needed some space, so reassurance that she was somehow attracted to him for something else rather than sex and pleasure. And the moment she saw his bare back, the small scratches that looked as if made by fingernails, nails that couldn't be his; she backed up, a hurt expression evident on her delicate face. She said it wouldn't be anything more than sex, they both agreed on it, but now she wasn't so sure about her feelings. And when she saw those marks, it was like she regretted ever stepping into his place. Backing up had only made it clear for him that someone was in his property -- she bumped into what seemed like a bookshelf, which had knocked something down.
           "It's just me... I-I came b-by t-to talk to y-you about so-something but w-with the looks o-of that t-thing y-you have on your back I-I'm sure y-you're b-busy. S-So I'm j-just g-gonna go."
     The redhead pointed to him and her then made some hand signs since her speech was getting in her way. She had hoped he knew what they meant; that she was done, done with the whole friends-with-benefits bullcrap they put themselves in, that she put herself in. And then she turned away, taking few deep breaths, but her feet were planted to the ground and she couldn't move, not even if she wanted to. The female looked around for any near by liquid which in this case can only be water, but she didn't see any. And maybe if it exposed who she truly was, she knew she couldn't stay there because it would end up in her heart being broken, and siren's don't love, don't have feelings, don't feel anything.
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amitieos · 2 years
permeating without a sound
You don’t quite know where you are, but you have a good idea of what had been here. What remains of the houses that were built here bear old scorch marks, evidence of a violent demise for the little village that was. You walk past ovens that haven’t baked bread in centuries, the skulls of sheep that provided meat and wool for their shepherds, even stone tops and bone dice that you could imagine children playing with. It’s clear that something happened here…
It’s obvious to anyone they’re lost.
Elincia tries not to fret too much. Chrysaor is with them, if they need to find their way back they can get a better vantage of their surroundings. Besides, she’s with Ike right now. There is no one else, in all the world, whose skill and competence she trusts more. They’ll be fine, of that she is certain. 
“Ah, milord Ike!” Her voice chimes hopefully in this strange, oppressive place. The winds are preternaturally still, despite her obvious jubilation her voice sounds muffled and distant. Her boots step upon a canopy of death, withered long ago. She can’t wait to get away. “I think I spot a village in this distance. Perhaps the locals will be able to help us reorient ourselves?”
It’s not too far, even by foot. Surely anywhere would be better in this soundless field where nothing can thrive. She tries to imagine what this place must surely have looked like at some point in the far-flung past. Teeming with the vibrancy of life. Her gaze turns to Ike, wondering if her feels a similar sense that the world is closing in around the pair of them. He is a stoic and hard to read as ever, a fact she finds deeply comforting. Some things in this rapidly changing world are constant, reliable. Elincia tries to smile, despite herself. There’s no need to panic if Ike is calm, she’s sure.
As they get closer, the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention. The onerous silence echoes louder in her mind. Something feels wrong, as if they’ve entered a place no one should ever tread. They see houses, building and all Elincia can smell is acrid smoke that threatened to swallow her whole the night Daein invade. She freezes in her tracks, taking in the charred remains of what, at one time, must have been a warm, bright home for many. Head swimming and eyes prickling with tears she refuses to shed she steps forth in spite of her instinct to run, run far, far away.
“What... what on earth happened here?” Elincia whispers to herself.
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amitieos · 3 years
Ike winces as he sees Elincia take a tumble. She doesn't look too good even when she's gathered her footing, so he jogs over, discarding his remaining pompom along the way. "Hey, are you alright. Need a hand out?" He pauses. How long has she been here for? "The medical tents are that way."
“Thank you, Ike.” Oh she is so grateful someone came to help! Otherwise she might have fallen again and been stuck their pitifully on the ice. “
You’re very kind but you need not worry yourself about me. Nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises, they’ll heal up quickly.” She takes his hand and limps off the rink. A heal staff and a warm fire are exactly what she needs right now.
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amitieos · 3 years
Ike catches a flash of green. There's not many of those of that hair colour in his ball, and there's a good chance that he's on good terms with its holder. So he turns to look, making a noise of pleasant surprise as it's a familiar face. He waves at her. "Elincia! How's the night treating you? Want one of these?" He drags a dish with him; the 'pomegranate seeds' that they were giving out at the snack table. Crunch. Munch, munch.
Hmm. Kind of sour-sweet. Crunchy. Ike decides that he doesn't quite dislike the taste of the fruit, and pops in another one. He notes that his fingers are now stained cherry-red. Kind of like... "Oh, right. Stamps. Do you need one?"
He has a feeling Elincia has a full board already; there's no way she wouldn't be popular. Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to ask.
"I'd love some, Ike. Thank you very much!" Elincia takes a few and pops them in her mouth. She chews, savouring the bright and sour taste before speaking once more.
"I'm having a lovely time - I was worried the event might be a bit stiff, honestly." Elincia confessed and perhaps some of the attendees were enamoured with pomp and circumstance. However, most people she'd interacted with had been very friendly.
That said, she was well aware that others would see her status and that alone. That some would curry favour with her not because they cared about the person, Elincia, but that they wanted something from the queen of Crimea. She understood many people had far bigger problems in life, of course. It still left her feeling alone and isolated, even in crowds of people. Even when they paid attention to her every need.
For years now, she's known and trusted Ike - her stalwart friend. Garreg Mach has introduced her to more people than ever before and she's been pleasantly surprised. She has new friends, like Dorothea and Dimitri, Larcei and Maria - who all see her as simply Elincia. Beyond that, she's had the pleasure of meeting many people tonight whom she hopes to forge stronger bonds with in the future.
Despite this being a school typically for nobles, nearly everyone approached her kindly and without pretense.
"I've definitely been enjoying the dancing - I was practicing long and hard on the lead up to this event, you know," she says with a fond smile. Dancing truly was a gift - of passion and freedom.
"I don't need anymore stamps but I'll gladly accept yours, Ike. It would be an honour." Truly, she meant that from the bottom of her heart. She wouldn't even be here, alive and breathing if it hadn't been for him. There's no one she owes more too, or trusts as readily, in this world. "Do you need anymore? I'll be happy to stamp your card too!"
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