#s: teenage bounty hunters
evilminji · 8 days
Back on my: Holotuber Jedi Youngling - OC Thoughts >.>
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You think folks debate at first? Shtick or Real Thing? Like? No... no WAY could that be one of those Mysterious Mystic Space Cult Kids. No WAY. They would NEVER let their kid be unsupervised on the Net.
But like... (and since I'm a She, gonna use She, but realistically could be any pronouns here) she LOOKS like she's recording from a...? Is that a closet? This one looks like a vent. THIS video is definitely some sort of maintenance area. So she's definitely sneaking...
Ooooh! Thaaaat's a Jedi! REAL FUCKING JEDI. Just dropped down silently behind her. Arms crossed. Mouse droids be snitching. BUSTED.
"Uuuuuuh, h-heeey, Master Uvalii. Fancy seeing YOU here!"
"Yes. Quite interesting isn't it? Since you should not be able to access this area at all, much less to achieve holonet access. Of which we are both aware you are expressly Forbidden To DO unsupervised."
".........I can explain?"
"Please. Do."
*feed ends, chat goes fucking NUTS*
Like? Oh SHIT. Baby Jedi in troooouble. But also? Oh no! What's gonna happen?! Are they gonna be okay?! S-should they TELL somebody? What do Jedi do to kids who disobey them? Does anyone actually KNOW? What DO any of us know about them!? Someone find their Com Code! MA! MA, I need you to yell at space monks! An adorable CHILD MIGHT BE AT STAKE!!! D:>
Even coming BACK on? For a supervised feed? Going "no, I'm just in trouble. Have to right paragraphs and meditate on 'why I felt the need to do this' (even though I KNOW why, not that they'll LISTEN. They just hope I'll meditate until I come to an answer they LIKE)" under the offscreen supervision of a teacher or Creche master?
Whole ass Net gonna be like "youngling! Blink Twice if they're holding you hostage! We can afford bounty hunters! We got a group pot thing going already!!! Aaaaaaaa-!"
Like? *waves at the camera and chat* she TOLD you. They don't believe you. This is part of WHY she wants to do what she's doing. Palpatine's and his Master's machinations have been building for a while. Eroding trust. The Jedi have become strange, dangerous, semi-mythical cryptids with magic powers we must HOPE are benevolent.
Not people.
Why would they expect some unfeeling, magical, sword-wielding space legend to be patient or kind to children? To even have the capacity? We are said to kidnap children and be unfeeling. Can not reach enough people to show otherwise. To reveal the mundanity of our lives. The traditions. The norms.
Food, children, laughter.
The Common Good.
And like? She obviously isn't gonna name Sith-ly NAMES. Not on CAMERA. But her lil "why I wanna play the tooka game and chat about lunch" speech? Convincing. Calms chat down. Still in trouble, mind you. But... provided it's SUPERVISED? And they work out some sort of effective moderation? Alright.
It's a matter of SAFETY, youngling. And no matter HOW much good you wish to do? They will NOT be sacrificing children to achieve it. That is NOT the Jedi way. There are plenty of old masters who would live nothing more then to ramble all day into cameras, if only to here themselves talk. (Oh? Good to know. Guest speakers pog?)
Like? Imagine making a game. Have a "mystical sage" character you TOTALLY BASED of Jedi in it. And your feed gets? Flooded with XD reactions in response to some smol bby streamer playing it? You go to check it out. Cause you're kinda a big deal on your planet. And?
Oh No™
That tiny streamer? Is a tiny JEDI streamer. Who is sitting there, in the stills, going O.o like "Wut." And the next still? Her lil friends are pulled in. The next? A teenager. The NEXT. An adult. The one after THAT. A few adults looking over her shoulder. Then a CROWD. All deeply, deeply confused looking.
The comments are DYING. Howling with laughter. The Jedi were so earnest. Trying to identify which Era you must be referencing. Which sect. But the head dress... cultural, maybe? It doesn't fit with the features though. Could be adopted. A hint at, I believe the term was, "lore"? No, no, those are DEFINITELY padawan beads! But so MANY? In THAT order?
They aren't even connected to a braid! And he's supposed to be a Master, right? But, wait. Perhaps it's meant to suggest he is a Padawan of the Force itself? A student of life? No, that wouldn't make sense! Stolen? It could suggest he has TAKEN the beads? Is regurgitating stolen texts without true understanding? Much like wearing bead he did not EARN?
They keep going and going. Ripping your character design to SHREDS. Picking it apart. Not even meanly! They are genuinely confused. AND IT ONLY MAKES THE CHAT LAUGH HARDER. Because it devolves into a MARATHON, after the game has been paused, of chat spamming different character names? For the Jedi to go "???" Over.
T...that's not? What? How does he even EAT in those robes? And those ones don't seem very non-humanoid friendly. Is he FLOATING HIS SWORD WITH THE FORCE? WHY!? Just keep it on your belt!!!
And? Now every game developer in the galaxy is PARANOID AF. Either make their mystics Very Obviously NOT Jedi rip offs... or shoot a "if I pay you $20 will you consult on something real quick" email. It's just... just easier man. Last guy got laughed into oblivion. Oof.
They can bill it as "Realism" or something. See guys? WE do or reasearch! Give us your credits!
Oh YEAH? Says the growing fan base of this Funky Lil Monk Child. Then put you game where your communication organs are. Send her the game, you cowards.
Do It.
Cut to "oh no, guys! The sorta-jedi died! What? Next objective? No. No we gotta give him a funeral! Oh good, we ca-BURY HIM?! What!? No!!! I could understand if he was from a race that held beliefs that bodies must be returned to the soil from whence they came, but this guy is a SORTA-JEDI! Absolutely NOT!"
"Let's cut down some trees. WE are building him a PYRE. Never ran one of these, but I can look it up. Gimme a moment. Okay. Draaaaag, him on to it. Where's his weapon. There! Thanks chat! On it goes too. Okay. Looking it up..... got it. Ahem...!"
*hold funeral for the sage character by burning his body*
*mods are IMMEDIATELY created to change the "burial" scene to a "Funeral pyre" with somber music*
Just? I can not let go? Of how the subtle shift would spread? Not in shining senatorial halls, but in class rooms and living rooms, dingy pubs and long hyperdrive flights? Anywhere boredom might be found and "hey check this out" might spread? Where someone else, might overhear and get curious?
Lik?? Imagine being the bounty hunter, who fuckin HATES Jedi, thinks they're sanctimonious BASTARDS, hearing someone snort laugh. Just... just fucking CHOKE on their cheep beer. Oh? Now everyone's interested. What's funny?
It's a teeny, tiny, lil jedi youngling. Playing that new Bounty 5 game. Unrealistic as hell. But they are going "I am a MASTER of stealth. A LEGEND of the hunt. You will not see me. I am sneaky. So, so, sneeeeakyyyyy!" As they concentrate on sneaking through back alleys.
Only for their character to fall RIGHT of a ledge, bounce against three buildings, smash into a parked Speeder, and roll right into a cut scene. Where they are call the "greatest bounty hunter of all time".
They look so incredulous.
"Are you SURE? Cause I'm fairly certain that phrase alone is banned for the trouble it causes, near most Bounty outposts. Could be the concussion talking though!"
They are? A sarcastic lil SHIT. Roast EVERYTHING. Know a surprising number of them. Given that they gave the Duros support character a modded in hat. Named him Definitely-Not-Cad. The fake look mustache REALLY sells it. Yeah, Bane. Clearly not you. YOU don't have a mustaches. *watches as she unleashes the Not Cad Bane like a highly tactical meat thresher on legs* brutal lil shit. They like her.
Granted, it's only BECAUSE it's not real she does so.
But I just? Have so many ideas? Spam the Galaxy with "this is who we are. We are people. Develop bonds with us. Care about us. KNOW us." Because the Sith can not possibly kill us all. Can not stop truth, so widely spread. Light dies, when you smother it in closed hands, hidden away in dark and long forgotten places. When you let fear dictate your actions.
It thrives in the open. With people. With the chance to SPREAD. Grow. Bloom.
It's about talking and caring. Being heard. What better place? Then on the screen in their pocket?
@babbling-babull @hypewinter @hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @spidori
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posiden1234567 · 3 months
Two ocs for @elmushterri 's PJ Masks GunnTech AU because I said so and it's my blog so my rules. If you have a problem file a complaint with the complaint department (trash can).
Name: Chris King
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: long dyed purple hair, pale skin, blue eyes
Personality: manipulative, money-obsessed, flirtatious, suave, smug
Code Name: Jade Serpent
Occupation: Pawn Shop employee, Phantom Thief
Affiliation: Himself
Backstory: Chris has always been obsessed with gaining things for a price. So his family running a pawn shop only made him giddy. He started working in the pawn shop at 15 and picked things up immediately. Chris started seeing things he very much thought would make a LOT of money so he asked his uncle for help. And his uncle, being an irresponsible scientist, said 'Yep. I'm helping my teenage nephew steal something to test out my new tech'. So he became the Jade Serpent and began stealing things for high paying clients. Even helping the other villains simply because they can offer valuable objects as collateral. So far he has never been caught and hasn't ever had anything he's stolen taken back. He's that good. In normal life he likes flirting with Connor for no reason other than he wants to. Also in BOTH times of day Chris as Chris and Jade Serpent called Connor/Catboy 'Kitty' but Connor hasn't put two and two together. (Because I think it's funny).
Now for oc 2
Name: Matt Lewis
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: long dirty blond hair he keeps in a ponytail, pale skin, blue eyes
Personality: smug, sarcastic, no filter, brutally honest, too be honest a genius in inventing and science
Code Name: Sapphire Racoon
Occupation: Inventor, Bounty Hunter
Affiliation: Himself
Backstory: Matt has always been brilliant and even was able to invent multiple machines that he only used for himself because he had no reason to share them with the public. So he moved on to also experimenting with scientific compounds. But some of them needed human test subjects and since he didn't have anyone to test them on one day he tested one of the compounds on himself. Which caused his right arm to turn black as it gathered something he's calling 'Corruption' which is also affecting him mentally. He zones out as the corruption slowly drives him crazy and he snaps at anyone who tries to touch his corrupted arm. Which he OBVIOUSLY covers with a glove. So now he hunts down criminals and anonymously gathers the money so that he can pay for other compounds to cure him. But he also tends to steal machine components in case he needs a machine to cure him instead of a compound. So he has a reason for our heroes to want to catch him.
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marvelstars · 1 year
While I absolutely love Satine and Obi-Wan debate over peace, war, peacekeepers and diplomatic agreetments, Satine short talk with Anakin holds a special place for me.
Obi-Wan presents Anakin as "General Skywalker" and Anakin, who already noticed the tension between Obi-Wan and Satine, just says
Anakin: I am your servant, my lady. Satine: I remember a time when Jedi were not generals but peace keepers. So far Satine has keep her debate with Obi-Wan and here she just seems to be trying to see Anakin´s take in the Jedi´s new role in the war. Anakin: We are protectors, Highness. Yours at the moment, we fight for peace. Satine: What an amusing contradiction.
Anakin stays silent after this and looks at Obi-Wan as if asking him what´s her problem and Obi-Wan adds Obi-Wan: What Master Skywalker means is that we are acting at the behest of your highness to protect you. Satine says she didn´t ask for protection and Obi-Wan answers but your court did.
Anakin is very uncomfortable around Satine , he just knows his mission here is to protect her as she´s the leader of thousand of neutral worlds, so he keeps cold proffesionalism and respect while talking with her and when asked for his reason for supporting the war, he answers "We fight for peace" which is actually very in character for him, all his life the one time he has seen positive changes was with the help of an army, be it Naboo´s invasion, Geonosis or his own dream of freeing the slaves by becoming a Jedi in the sense of becoming a powerful warrior.
Satine believes this is a contradiction, something Anakin tells to himself to be able to play his role in the war as a Jedi but she doesn´t know Anakin isn´t a traditional Jedi and that he´s being serious about protecting by attacking to get peace and it´s something he deeply cares about because he knows very well how´s to be powerless and how hard is to get peace by peaceful means from that position.
Then when Anakin notices Satine and Obi-Wan obvious care for each other despite their bitter words his face is priceless. He understands there´s a lot of story he doesn´t know about them and that they care for each other deeply so he gets curious about her story and asks obi-wan.
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Obi-Wan tells him he and Qui-Gon were given the mission to keep her safe and for a year they stayed protecting Satine from bounty hunters and grow close during that time. Anakin´s face authomatically changes as he pictures as teenager Satine dealing with ruling a world in ruins on her own and asks Obi-Wan why he didn´t stay to help her, Obi-Wan answers he had to leave for another mission but admits he feels regret over it.
At the end of their conversation Anakin offers to go and see their troops to give Obi-Wan more time with Satine.
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So Anakin understands where Satine is coming from and feels empatetic to the burden she had to keep from a young age, he likes to tease Obi-Wan over his love/crush on her but actually only feels deep respect and understanding for Satine.
Anakin´s final words to Obi-Wan about her are that she´s a very "remarkable woman" and feels happy Obi-Wan has someone like her in his life.
Satine and Anakin are coming from very different backgrounds, so their point of view seems to be opposite to each other but just like Satine knows for a fact sometimes you can´t just argue your way out of a conflict, Anakin actually respects Satine pacifism and isn´t so affected by her observations about the Jedi Order because his idea of what a peacekeeper isn´t just the diplomatic one, he comes from a world in which words just were not useful to survive, so Anakin is always ready to protect using violence back, he´s a warrior at heart, that´s the meaning of his name actually but this doesn´t mean he doesn´t see the beauty of peace, the effort and strenght it takes to try to make lasting change by peaceful means and the kind of character someone has to develop to make that a reality, especially for a world like Mandalore that was so hurt by a Civil War.
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ninjaneonleon · 1 year
So I've made myself a solo AU, separate from Surp-Rise. Here's the summary!
For the past nine years, Leo has only known a few things for certain.
He was missing most of his memories from before he was sixteen
Somewhere in the world, he had brothers
His best friend Yuichi always had his back
He's really good at killing things.
Now having been offered contracts to take out three seemingly random targets, the certainty in Leo's life starts to crumble and he has to face the person he's become while finally finding his family. But with the fate more than just his sanity at risk, Leo has to step up or risk losing everyone he's ever cared about. Great, Now I'm Stuck with a Spoiled Brat, a Megalomaniac and a Hermit (2534 words) by what_in_the Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Leonardo (TMNT)/Yuichi Usagi Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Yuichi Usagi, Donatello (TMNT) Additional Tags: Separated AU, Amnesia, Violence, Murder, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Minor Character Death, depictions of panic attacks, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Not Beta Read, Smoking, Aged-Up Character(s), Slow Burn, bounty hunter!Leo, Hitman!Leo, Bounty Hunter!Yuichi, Hitman!Yuichi, Gay Leonardo (TMNT), Post-Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018) Season 2, Yuichi Usagi Rise iteration, my version, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
For a while I’ve been wondering if the Transformers might be in a bit of a rut with its villains. Ever since IDW in particular leaned hard into making the Decepticons more of an oppressed group fighting against (implied) tyranny, it kinda feels like the series has lost its primary villains, especially Megatron who has fairly consistently been portrayed as more of an anti-hero in more recent stories.
Because of this, a lot of stories post Aligned have desperately tried using other villains but none of them have really stuck as mainstays.
Cyberverse and WFC tried bringing back the Quintessons, but neither really left much of an impression, despite CV handling the group better. Both Quints just kinda confusingly show up with an intent to destroy for vague reasons, and then leave. Both shows also tried to use the Mercenaries but both just used them so horribly… Not helped is both sets of Mercs were all Decepticons, making it feel more tonally confused. RiD15 got this right by having Autobot bounty hunters in addition to Decepticons post war to make it less … one sided.
Prime Wars tried to have non Decepticon antagonists as well, but Starscream, Trypticon, Menasor, Overlord, Rodimus Unicronus, and Megatronus are all labeled Decepticons, so … which is it…?
It feels like, similar to Sonic fans making observations about Eggman, that Hasbro and current creatives want to move away from using the Decepticons as villains, but don’t really seem to know what to do without them.
There’s this confusing back and forth where they can’t seem to fully divorce themselves from the Decepticons, using some in non Decepticon but still Decepticon roles that I don’t understand, especially in Cyberverse’s case, why they just weren’t rabble rousing Decepticons in a post war setting. (There was Megatron X, Tarn, and the Perfect Decepticons, but they too feel like they were meant as a separate, non-Decepticon faction at times like I dunno, Horrorcons or Vehicons.)
The live action movies are similarly in a weird spot where Megatron steadily became less prominent in favor of other villains, one villain being an Autobot even, to the point he has no role in Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts. While the Bee Movie did use Decepticons effectively in their traditional roles, we now have Beasts…
Now you’d think the obvious thing would be to use the Predacons as galactic beast machine overlords or something, opposite the Maximals, but instead we have the Terrorcons led by Scourge. That in itself isn’t bad, but it still feels like that same reluctance in using Decepticons, as the Predacons are typically the descendants of them, so a weird reluctance by association… (Doubly confusing as some Terrorcons are former Decepticons, continuing that weird tonal confusion.)
This wouldn’t bother me so much if Hasbro just came right out and admitted they want to retire the Decepticons as antagonists and they want to focus on a new evil faction going forward in newer (non-G1) media. Rise of the Beasts feels like that’s them indirectly admitting it, but then we have EarthSpark.
EarthSpark is basically Rescue Bots but aimed at teenagers. (They say it’s a kids show, and it is, but let’s be honest, most children’s media above kindergarten nowadays is more openly made for teens and college aged adults. Quick aside, Rocko’s Modern Life and The Brave Little Toaster is a fun instance in the 90’s where both was actually made with adults in mind, but when they found out kids were watching the most, they toned it down. Gargoyles meanwhile, was made for kids specifically, but was also made by a team that wasn’t trying to make (as much) of a point above all else…) Anyhoo like Rescue Bots, the focus is more on a team of young new Autobots (again let’s be honest, until told otherwise the Terrans are all functionally Autobots) navigating life with their new found family. While the Decepticons are villains this time, they’re limited to mostly being an inconvenience in favor of the new lead villains Agent Croft of GHOST, Dr. Mandroid and his Arachnamech droids. Both are a call back to Marvel TF human villains who don’t trust any Transformer and want to hunt and exterminate them all. These two are really fun, though they admittedly lean a little too much into a current “only white people can be villains thing” I’m not fond of (some of my favorite baddies from other stuff are other ethnicities as well!), but they’re both otherwise very solid and have that honesty of Hasbro wanting to try new villains outside of the Decepticons. But because fans are always weird about humans, the Decepticons have to be the “true” focus, but that doesn’t really work very well in a show that wants to paint the Earth bound Decepticons in a sympathetic light (particularly Tarantulus and the Cassettes) like IDW and Cyberverse did…
It does appear ES is at least partially aware of this, and it feels like they’re making Shockwave the new Decepticon leader in the absence of Megatron (again kind of harkening to Shockers’ role in Marvel), with the assumption Shockwave will take control in season 2. It would be fittingly logical, still having the new human villains but also reinvigorating the Decepticons with a cold, merciless yet logic driven leader not bound by petty things like a conscious. However there’s still the mystery of what happened to Cybertron. The earth bound Transformers are cut off from Cybertron and seem to assume the planet is gone and their race near extinction up until the discovery of the Terrans. Now there’s a separate discussion entirely here, but what I want to focus on is Cybertron. Some of us have wondered if the planet is not only still intact but the remaining Autobots and Decepticons are still fighting up there. Why wouldn’t they? Shockwave wants to continue the war, and other Earth Decepticons are also itching to settle old scores when the time comes, so it stands to reason the Cybertron Decepticons are doing the same. It’s led to some theories that the Cybertron bound Transformers may reestablish contact with Earth, with the Decepticon leader of Cybertron looking to rescue Megatron and take over the mudball he was trapped on for decades. Who would be the leader? A friend has been gunning for Deathsaurus in particular, but I’d say any previous Emperor of Destruction type Decepticon would work well: Deathsaurus, Scorponok, Galvatron, Magmatron, Cryotek, Overlord, Tarn, Straxxus, etc. Some theories have also leaned on a group of evil Terrans, possibly led by a Terran version of Beast Wars Megatron as synergy for RotB and general Beast Wars resurgence purposes. Both takes would be interesting, especially with the ever common observation the wars never truly end (it’s why I don’t have high hopes for the returned peace in Cyberverse with the twitchy Shadow Striker and immature Bumblebee as new council members), that it stands to reason the Terran Transformers might have their own war later on…
My point otherwise is if Hasbro wants to truly commit to non Decepticon villains going forward than actually commit to the bit and not be wishy washy about it. Mandroid, and Scourge seem to be the step in such a such a direction.
However if they want to retain the Decepticons as the primary villains, but not have Megatron as the leader anymore, then pick a new leader and commit. Part of why I enjoy RiD15 so much is that it wasn’t afraid to experiment in that context, with such leaders like Steeljaw, Glowstrike, Scorponok, Saberhorn, Cyclonus and Motormaster all serving as fun leader types for what they were at the time. Personally I’d enjoy Optimus vs Scorponok again, or an Optimus/Predaking, Fire Convoy/Black Convoy, and Bumblebee/Steeljaw style match up. Bumblebee continuing to be the main focus probably implies more of a Bee/Steeljaw thing in the future and I’ll gladly take it.
I think what I’d prefer at this point is a new evil faction since that’s what it feels like it’s going anyway, be it something like Blendtrons, Terrorcons, Predacons, Vehicons or a brand new kind of ‘Con. Terrorcon feels like the faction Hasbro wants to use specifically from Prime and now the Movies, though it’s continued usage will likely depend on RotB…
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morgan-weston · 13 days
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PSU TASK 001: Character Sheet
Name: Morgan Beau Weston
Nickname(s): Morg, Morgie, Big Mo
Age: Thirty-one
Birthday: December 13th, 1993
Gender: Cis man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height and build: 6' 5"
Place of birth: Helena, Montana
Place of residence: Los Angeles, California
Type of residence: Ranch
Extrovert/Introvert: Introvert
Optimist/Pessimist: Optimist
Illnesses or disabilities: None
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Dark brown
Hair length: Short
Memorable physical features: His beard
Clothing and accessories: Morgan typically wears t-shirts and jeans - he needs to wear something that can get messy and dirty, so his t-shirts are usually old, tight and have holes in them. But if he needs to, he can also put on a nice dark-colored shirt with a nice pair of black pants. He usually wears his cowboy boots with his outfits, but sometimes he also puts on a pair of sneakers or when he needs to, his black leather oxford shoes
Glasses?: No
Tattoos: Too many (google it, I don't even know how many the man's got)
Piercings: None
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Mother: Anita Weston
Relationship: The best. Morgan looks up to his mom and has an insane amount of love and respect for her, and the fact that she took care of him when his dad was too busy with his career
Father: Cash Weston
Relationship: Morgan doesn't dislike his dad - he has a great amount of respect for him, and for the way that he's built himself up. But he can't ignore the fact that as a child, he wasn't there for Morgan, and he selfishly uprooted the whole family and took Morgan out of his comfort place, just to keep furthering his career
Parent relationship: Married
Birth order: Firstborn
Sibling #1: Dallas Weston
Age: Twenty-eight
Relationship: Morgan adores Dallas. Sure, she followed him around everywhere as a kid, and copied everything he did, and he teases her the way a big brother does - but he still feels protective of her, and worries greatly about her. The distance between them, when Morgan moved back to Montana as a teenager to live with their grandparents thankfully didn't ruin their relationship, and they're as close as they can be
Relationship status: It's complicated, but a throuple situation with Eva Anderson and Noah Puckerman
Notable past romantic relationship(s): Andy Pierce
Best friend(s): Zach Wilde, Bree Brown, Jake Puckerman, Avery Dunn
Roommate(s): Twenty horses and a red cat named Cosmos Toulouse Weston
Education & Career.
Past college education: A summer course in business marketing at PSU
Current education: None
Past job(s): As a kid, Morgan mowed the neighbors' lawns which he could spend hours upon hours doing. When he returned from LA, he picked up a job at his local mechanic, sweeping and cleaning car parts, in exchange for learning how to put cars and motorcycles together. Then, he slowly started taking over the jobs that needed doing at his grandparents' farm where he grew up, along with trying to break through as a rodeo cowboy
Current job/career: Horse wrangler for movies
Wanted job/career: As a kid, Morgan wanted to be a bounty hunter, but then he found out how dangerous that was. Then, he tried his hand at becoming a rodeo cowboy, which was his ultimate dream job, after having seen his dad do it so successfully. The only problem was that he wasn't terribly good at it. He still wishes he could have done it, but he's honestly very content with his current job
Favorite band/musician: Bruce Springsteen (or Hannah Montana)
Favorite color: Brown
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite scent: Freshly cut grass
Favorite food: Pumpkin pie
Favorite drink: Black coffee
Favorite movie: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Favorite TV show: Hannah Montana
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lowryland · 9 months
when i start obsessively posting about teenage bounty hunters, it's all @penguin-writes-books 's fault. blame adalie not me i didn't choose this life
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hellsingmongrel · 1 year
Manga Recommendation For The Triguners
So I’ve been seeing people who, after having binged all of the available media for Trigun that’s out there currently, wondering about things that were similar to it, and I just remembered a manga series I read in college that, I’m not even kidding, felt like it was a Shojo inspired directly from Trigun, and I thought I’d recommend it here.
The title of it is either Immortal Rain or Meteor Methuselah, depending on which language you get it in, but in the US it was sold under Immortal Rain, and it was written by Kaori Ozaki.  To my knowledge, it never got an anime adaptation, and it was published by Tokyopop around the time TP went defunct, so you can’t find print versions in English of all of the volumes, but there were, at least at one time, digital translations available online.
I honestly really loved it, the story was as traumatizing and crazy as Trigun in a whole lot of ways, still a bit goofy but also just really sad at parts, but a really enjoyable read as a whole.  I think people who liked Trigun would find a lot of things to enjoy about that manga, what with the number of similarities in the plot and characterizations, from a young-looking, very traumatized, very old man who just wants to live a quiet, peaceful life but is being blamed for heinous things and is on the run from bounty hunters, with a haunted past that shows that he wasn’t the actual cause of all the shit, it was another person with a sibling-like relationship with him, who’s also had horrible medical procedures performed on him and is all scarred, who’s also able to do CRAZY shit.  There’s also monsters, body horror, some really fucked up shit involving births and pregnancies, copious amounts of religious symbolism, people who lived and/or worked at an orphanage, the list goes on and on and on.  So if you’re looking for something new to tide you over while you wait for season 2 of Tristamp, maybe pick that one up if you can find it.
The only thing I would warn for, and I know this can be a biiiig deal for some people, is that the lead female character (and the possibly romantic interest to the Very Old But Young Looking Man, but it’s been a long time since I read it and if it was romantic, I intentionally just mentally blocked that part out) was underage.  An older teenager, but still not 18 for at least the beginning of the story, though she might have aged up by the end.  :|  I know it’s a huge deal to a lot of people, and that is absolutely valid, but it’s also something that’s unfortunately kind of common in manga and anime, so.../s h r u g/
Not that Trigun also didn’t have that, though...hah...hah hah...HAH HAH HAH 8|  /Stares at Wolfwood and his actual age that all the old 98 Anime and Manga fans had dropped in their laps, very late in Trimax...Jesus H Christ.../
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Villains
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Sonar Flare- A legendary sorcerer from the dark side of the moon who can turn people into his own shadow slaves and has been after Shlorpians for a long time.
Lá Smaragdus- A jewel-themed super villainess who was once a Latino tv star, until her salary was cut and she was fired from her show. Her powers are turning people into diamond statues and making minions out of rare gems.
Screech- A muscular super villain with the power of brutal strength that can tear apart objects and innocent people.
Platinum Belt- A manipulating spiritual cyborg controlling a superhero named Blue Belt, and is known to manipulate innocent bystanders by taunting them over their issues and fears and their flaws.
Temptra- A robot disguised as a gorgeous platinum southern-accent woman created by Platinum Belt to tempt people into their own temptations, which ended up failing badly when she suffers the wraith of Qausarblast.
Sun-Yi- An evil young ninja after an ancient artifact known as the Blue Heroin and is revealed to be Blue Belt’s rival.
Piedro Blobsmith- An obese mafia boss in charge of a dangerous alien slime food company that causes aliens, including Shlorpians to become morbidly obese and the size of blimps. His main victims are Korvo and Terry aka Qausarblast and Mighton.
El Minotaur- An evil warlord and nemesis to the Resistance who is after Earth-4 by building for fortress for when he kidnaps innocent bystanders so he can brainwash them into his soldiers.
Mindreader: A villain that tortures people through their minds and send them on weird bizarre trip in the Forbidden Zone.
Simon/Tarantula Boy: A super villain teenager with the powers of a tarantula that can turn into mindless zombie army.
Zahmara Python: A famous well-known evil bounty hunter alien woman who hunts down and kills innocent aliens.
Morlak: An evil sorceress who believes in the power of darkness and sees love and family as nothing. Her powers is to make people give into their own fears and turn them into monsters.
Spirala- A teenage villainess with the power to turn teenage girls into Lust-themed zombies and also turns teenage boys into her own love-blinded slaves.
Zeus - A crook that wants to drain people’s energy for his own powered machine that can make the world entirely dark.
Candy Bitch- A cute but evil and bratty super villain based on candy sweets that has candy-themed powers, including shooting Starburst Fruit Candy slime from her hands.
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Rock Fraud- A former rockstar who lost their career after it was revealed that they were lip singing this whole time. They now have the power to steal people’s voices, so they can use it for evil purposes.
Moral Blade: An evil shadow woman with the power of turning people into their worst dark selves and turning them rebellious.
Dreamweaver: A robot that turns people away from real life and put them into their own fantasy worlds from their own dreams, or worse… nightmares!
Merissa: A rogue witch who wants revenge on the human witches of Earth-4 for kicking her out because of her jealousy over newcomers and for turning her son against her.
GeenaDavisTron 4000: A robot built to help struggling students as school, but then rebels and malfunctions into a war machine after labeling humans and the Solar Opposites imperfect beings.
Empress Ophelia Darkstar: An evil empress from the planet Emeralddon that hunts down aliens for their own life sources for her corrupted planet.
Impulse: A super villain with a huge amount of blood pressure that causes her to attack citizens with passive-aggressive behavior and is very dangerous to be around with when it comes to very strong emotions.
La River Bestia: The swamp monster of Earth-4’s Swamp Forest who is revealed to be a young deranged scientist turn into a monster by his own troubles.
Magnesium: A villain who turns out to be a former head of the Bowenian Church that is revealed to be Sister Sisto’s apprentice and is after Pezlie.
Macromanser- Once a famous wrestler woman named Alya Sparks, she is a now a monstrous strong woman bent on crushing people with her own savage strength.
Pinball Brat- A teenage super villain based on a pinball machine that traps people in her house size pinball machine and makes them play the game.
Madame Luna- A witch villainess that was a former meteorologist that has powers based on the moon.
Qourra- A former water bender who goes rogue and tries to blood bend people for revenge on the death of her mother. Only for her to caused an Unwitting Instigator of Doom which led to the arrival of the Silver Spades.
The Silver Spades- A villanious team of dangerous silver-shaded multi-colored villains that are actually apprentices and allies of the Silver Cops that are after the Solar Opposites once they heard about their arrival on Earth and later Earth-4. The members are Maverick, the silver-green leader who is determined to take down the Mighty Solars, Loo-Loo, the silver-yellow member with the power of dangerous lightning, Bullet, the silver-purple member with strength powers that rivals Mighton’s, Zelda, the silver-red member with the power of lava and Aqua, the silver-blue member with the powers of controlling water.
Carl Rockwell- A dangerous most wanted criminal that is going after the Mighty Solars’ allies.
Dr. Van Gurbin- A scientist that tested on steroids but was kicked out of his college for testing it on innocent people. Now he is gonna use Mighton’s strength for revenge.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: A returned foe from the Wall, who has been revived as a super villain of dark magic and mind control.
Hope you love these villains and I bet they are baddy enough for ya! Until then… watch these Mighty Solars kick the villains’ fucking ass and save the day!
Mighty Solars, Move Out!
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better
Tagged by @marley--manson
I'm pretty sure I did something like this recently where people were using the shows' posters. Since it says "get to know you better," I'm going to assume anyone reading this can read my little description and already know I'm into those shows. I'm also going to do that because it makes it harder/more interesting for me.
Doctor Who This was the show that got me onto Tumblr (that's not entirely true - my roommate dragged me on here, kicking and screaming, just like how I have joined every social media site ever), and it's one of the first shows I was weird about as a (kind of) adult. I'm an Eccleston fan through and through. This is another show that my partner and I stalled on because of a variety of life things, so we're years and years behind.
Veronica Mars I love this show. I didn't actually watch it until I was in grad school (and then I binged an entire season without sleeping one time during a PhD-induced anxiety spiral, so), but I adored it. I have always loved the girl detective, or even just boy detective, genre (looking at you, Harriet the Spy, Sammy Keyes, and Encyclopedia Brown), and this just did that dripping in early 2000's teen tv drama. And I adore Enrico Colantoni as her dad. I also always appreciate a detective show where the cops are the bad guys.
The O.C. I am often kind of ashamed of my deep love for The O.C., and I'm trying not to be. I got the DVDs out from the library and hid in my bedroom to watch it because my family would've made fun of it (probably - I was also a teenager and just afraid of people judging me). This marks the beginning of my massive crush on bisexual characters played by Olivia Wilde. I loved every moment of this show, sometimes especially when it was being awful.
The Avengers (1965-1967) British spy-fi starring Diana Rigg playing Emma Peel, an actively publishing theoretical physicist who knows martial arts and wears catsuits. What more could you want? If anything made me queer, it was Emma Peel. And although she's partnered with John Steed, supposedly a professional spy while she's an amateur, she regularly came in kicking to save his butt. I have only ever seen Series 4 & 5 with them as the main team, so I actually have zero opinions on the rest.
Killjoys I love this show so much. I wish it had been allowed to have more than 10 episodes a season because I would've loved to see more unabashedly queer sci-fi bounty hunter side plots. I love that the main characters are platonic life partners who did crime until they ran out of money and became bounty hunters. And that there are assassins and creepy conspiracies and cyberpunk awesomeness and the show is almost more bisexual than Lost Girl.
Anne With An E I loved Anne of Green Gables as a kid, and this show was beautiful and compelling and did a really good job with most things. This was one of the first shows I did a virtual watchalong with friends in 2020 at the beginning of COVID, and those watchalongs reminded me that I had internet friends and showed me how I could shift my social life, so this show is important to me.
Pose I don't even know where to start. I love this show, and Papi and Angel are perfect and deserve the world.
Buffy/Angel Buffy and Angel were incredibly important to my development as a queer feminine-presenting person. I actually didn't watch Buffy all the way through until after I'd become obsessed with Firefly. I have lots and lots of feelings about Buffy and Angel and I have so many of the comics that were a continuation of the show, and I got really into the lore, and I'm glad it existed. I'm glad I enjoyed it, and I'm glad I went back and saw how problematic a lot of it was. And whenever I think about it, I think wistfully of Monster of the Week style shows with a bajillion episodes per season.
I hope people feel like they know me better because I feel like I just went on an emotional journey, y'all. I'm not tagging anyone because I'm tired, but if anyone wants to do this, I would love to read what other people have to say.
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infinitcnexus · 1 year
Abandoned Mask + Mask's Calling
Abandoned Mask: Meet a muse I’ve had in the past that I no longer roleplay.
One of the muses I've once roleplayed but have dropped is the rabbit-like demon trickster Zippelnum - aka Zipp - from a short but beautifully made Flash game called Salem. He's a smarmy, sarcastic, and theatrical dude who, despite being a demon, helps a rookie human demon hunter and player character Anselm in his quest to banish demonic influence from the eponymous city, seemingly for his amusement.
I was a bored, somewhat lonely teenager who spent most of my time on the computer when I picked up Zipp as my muse. I met a lot of my present online friends through roleplaying him, and I did my best to expand him as a character beyond the characterization he was given in the Flash game. Unfortunately, I eventually lost interest and dropped Zipp despite his devilish charm.
Little did I know that he would be responsible for my getting into Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss and eventually creating Shrike, the city of New Ch'thon, and many things in Blazing Tails. Perhaps I will make a New Ch'thonian who is a homage to this cool skull-faced, legless bunny boi.
Mask's Calling: Meet a muse I’m on the fence about roleplaying as.
A muse I'm on the fence about roleplaying would be Proto, a 20-something male calico cat with cybernetic enhancements. Initially, he is called Proto Shen, a Chinese-American cat and freelance mercenary who "repossessed" an alien artifact resembling a box cutter. As long as it has enough energy, he can "cut" open a portal allowing him to travel from his universe to another. The clothes he wore were...unsuitable, to say the least, and I eventually thought that his stealing an unknown device from a fenced-off crash site was pretty dumb, so I dropped it.
Sometime later, I reworked him as Prodikus Toufexis - an ex-military police officer turned freelance bounty hunter who resides on a version of Earth where humanity has disappeared for unknown reasons (based on thought experiments in works such as Life After People, Aftermath: Population Zero, and The World Without Us), allowing refugee aliens escaping star-eating monsters from another universe as well as native aliens to settle on it. Instead of stealing the dimension-cutting knife, or the Riftcutter, from a secured crash site, he took it from the ship of a criminal with a high bounty on his head. After accidentally opening a portal by stabbing one of the henchmen in self-defense, Proto found himself in another variation of Earth where he met Bonita Salvadora - daughter of Sergio Salvadora and @canuck-sweets33 's Lucy Gibbs and NYPD detective who specializes in cybernetics-related crimes. They would form an unlikely partnership that would eventually blossom into romance.
I eventually put Proto on hiatus and reserved him for certain RP scenarios with my other friends. His setting felt underdeveloped, and I didn't quite like the looming dread of the "Star-Eaters" potentially returning and wreaking havoc due to the misuse of rift-creating technology. I may revamp Proto's setting in the future so it doesn't feel too intimidatingly grand someday.
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marvelstars · 1 year
Anakin and Obi-Wan in AOTC
You know there´s a general belief that Anakin was portayed as an inmature padawan in this movie and while I don´t really disagree, in my oppinion and I know this is a very unpopular oppinion, the movies didn´t do much better with Obi-Wan as Anakin´s teacher.
In the movie Obi-Wan tells Anakin to stay with Padmé while he goes for the one who just attacked her by breaking Padmé´s window, this after telling Anakin their job was just to protect Padmé not investigate what was happening as she was asking which was the reason they started their discussion at the beggining of the movie.
So Obi-Wan breaks the window with zero plans in what to do if he fell, then Anakin goes to help him using a car and manages to save him and Obi-Wan just complains because they were losing the bounty hunter. Then Anakin does the exact same thing Obi-Wan did just a few minutes ago and jumps out of the car to get into the bounty hunter car and Obi-Wan complains saying "I hate it when he does that" and I am like mister I wonder from who he learned that from? :(
Before all this happened Anakin was trying to share with Obi-Wan the dreams he´s been having for a month about his mother with Obi-Wan just saying "you made a commitent to the Jedi order"(it doesn´t seem to matter it was more like 9 year old was send to the temple and made a padawan after being rejected just because he was able to destroy a droid control ship, which means Anakin didn´t made the commitent, he was just told he was in), and "dreams pass in time" there´s not support for his student in a vulnerable moment in which he´s telling him he is dreaming of his mother being tortured and in pain, there´s not reflection about his emotional state or his past, an exploration of how visions work for Jedi, much less an offer to look into what is happening because Anakin is supposed to forget all about his mother despite him knowing the last time he saw her she was still a slave on Tatooine and in a very vulnerable possition with a bomb inside of her.
So when Anakin is talking about her being tortured the obvious conclusion is that her slaver is doing it, hence why Anakin went to Watto first to look for his Mom and he did this in secret because when he tried to bring the matter with Obi-Wan he just told him dreams pass in time.
In this I believe younger Anakin(in comparision to Obi-Wan) did better with Ahsoka in the Clone Wars series, because at the very least he was always ready to listen to her, to her complains and when he could to her sugerences, like when she asked him to stop everything they were doing so they could look for Master Plo Koon, Anakin listened to her and took on the complains from Obi-Wan, the Council and Palpatine about him changing path in the middle of their mission, why?, simply because he trusted Ahsoka´s feelings about Plo Koon still being alive which he was and they managed to rescue him along with Wolfie and his men. If Anakin had ignored her telling Ahsoka there was no life signal and they needed to come back to the base, Plo Koon and his men would have died, in an eerie rhyme to Anakin´s mother dying. Happpily this didn´t happen because the situation was managed in a different way.
Getting back to AOTC we are shown Obi-Wan talking with Mace Windu and Yoda about how Anakin wasn´t ready for a solo mission because his skills made him arrogant but Yoda counters this by saying that arrogance has indeed become a big problem in the Jedi Order in general, while looking at Obi-Wan, bassically wanting him to reflect about his own influence on his padawan, while Mace thought Anakin was ready for the mission.
So while I agree Anakin definitely was pictured as an inmature teenager in AOTC, Obi-Wan really wasn´t doing a good job as his Jedi master at the time but I only see talk about Anakin being inmature and not obi-wan being unsuited at the time to have a padawan in the fandom. This looks like a double standard to me, especially when Lucas made a point in saying part of the reason Vader fell was because he didn´t had a good formation as a Jedi, something Old Ben Kenobi comments in the Original trilogy.
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purgatoriius · 15 days
✦ ;; verse: honkai star rail.
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name: peruere arlecchino
age: appears to be in her late 20's/early 30's
combat path: destruction
combat element: fire
weapon of choice: scythe
species: human (long-life)
faction: stellaron hunters
world: F̷̡͈̮̳̃̓Ḯ̶͚̼̦͋̈́L̷̡͉͠Ę̶̣̫̈ ̶̳̯͊͝͠C̶̤͝Ơ̵̢̺̙̬̇́͌R̴̙͕̻̺͛͒̋̅R̵͚̃Û̵̦P̴̯͆̾͂T̶̹͓̜̊E̷̱̒̉̀̈Ḑ̶̦̤͓̾͝
messages: arlecchino's messages
bounty: 3.4 billion credits
before she became an actor reading off of elio's script, she was an ordinary girl known as peruere. she grew up in an orphanage on her home planet. within the orphanage, there were rules - the director was to be called by "mother", and failure to live up to the expectations of "mother" would result in cruel an unusual punishment - oftentimes these punishments lead to death. peruere's only friend in the orphanage was a little girl called clervie, "mother"'s biological daughter. she was the sun, oh so bright she could easily burn herself away, while peruere was the moon, quiet but at ease. she always tended to clervie's injuries when she and "mother" argued as they got older - if only she could have done the same for a fatal wound clervie one day received when they were teenagers. if only the fatal wound wasn't caused by peruere's hand. clervie's death cemented peruere's desire to kill "mother" and flee from the orphanage, to avenge her "siblings" that have fallen by "mother"'s cruel hand. and she did just that. her newfound ability to create flames with her blood served its purpose well when she finally challenged "mother" - no, crucabena - to end the pain of the children, to extinguish the hearth's flame once and for all. peruere, although roughened from the fight, incinerated crucabena like a log is incinerated by a blaze, burning the orphanage down with her, now merely an afterimage in the memories of all. it was after the blaze died down that her actions would be reached by destiny's slave - a stellaron hunter - and thus she was invited to join elio with a fresh new role in his script. with the new addition that was peruere, she changed her name - arlecchino, a character from plays she'd read as a child whenever she was bored during a rainy day on her home world. but every now and then, whenever she was found or captured, her bounty never seemed to go up and she'd return to the stellaron hunters as if nothing happened...
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spencerbegins · 1 year
12, 30, 40, 59 :)
12. what is something you want right now? to move out of my ex's house <3 and also an iced matcha latte w coconut milk
30. favorite tv show(s) never have i ever, stranger things, 911, yellowjackets, aaaaaand a lot of others that were cancelled after like 1 season (rip teenage bounty hunters in particular)
40. favorite memory oh god um. there was this time i took my old film camera and explored a bunch of the woods and stuff in my hometown. i skipped school and just went out by myself and it was so fun and calming. just me and my camera. i ended up losing that roll of film so the photos never got developed but it was so worth it regardless.
59. why i joined tumblr well i originally joined in like? 2013 i think?? for the house of anubis fandom when i was like 13 years old. but i deleted that blog back in 2019 and rejoined after nhie season 2 bc i needed to find people to yell about it with <3
get to know me
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icydoodless · 1 year
A little something I wanted to share
A few months ago I was making a character catalogue (With poorly drawn fullbodies of my OCs), I didn´t finish it, because tbh I would prefer to make a REALLY good catalogue, with good looking art.
I still wanted to show these MS paint looking drawings over here cuz why not? These are a few of the villains in Isaac´s city/world.
Erick the beaver
A 12 year old who was friends with Emmet the Dog. They eventually drifted away from each other, after that, Erick started to pretend he was Emmet´s biggest archnemesis. He´s not really a threat, just a very annoying kid.
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Rob the Cat and Quacks the Duck.
They are low tier criminals in Isaac´s town, meaning they aren´t really a threat (At first). Evilm eventually finds them and allies with them, giving them brand new weapons to maximize their abilities.
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The Zapper
Later on, Rob would team up with Evilm to defeat the one they both hate, Isaac. He has a battery attatched to his back, this gives energy to his electro-gloves, they help him control electricity and give him an immunity to electroshocks.
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Kevin the Opossum
Despite him not having any real superpowers, he is probably one of the most formidable adversaries to Isaac. His fighting skills and agility are more than enough to compete with Isaac´s special powers.
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Paps the Bear and Scott the Parakeet.
They are two greatly different friends. Paps is not really present during Isaac´s story, he is actually an antagonist to JL the Dragon, defeating him a couple of times. Scott wasn´t involved in Paps stuff, he´s just his buddy.
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Leader of the mafia and business man, usually he wouldn´t get involved with teenagers like Isaac, but JL´s bounty hunter job started to interfere with his job, so he had to teach him a little lesson: "Don´t mess with my business, kid."
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And with that I wrap up today´s post, I´m really glad to be posting over here again, it has been a while since I last posted. As always, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and thank you so much for reading! (If you actuali did of course :]).
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productsreviewings · 2 years
Particulars of canceled Netflix reveals ship followers wild, down a rabbit gap so deep it makes folks slightly determined to save lots of their reveals. So, after checking the headlines we considered probably the most black mirror method to deal with this case.What if Chat GPT and the brand new Bing itemizing together with ChatGPT will make up for a few of our favourite packages? These text-driven AI instruments have delivered all types of untamed leads to their preliminary assessments, and when ChatGPT first got here out, we had to make use of Bing's model as a result of ChatGPT wasn't in a position to entry more moderen particulars.We picked three of our favorites — GLOW, Inside Job, and Teenage Bounty Hunters — so we may choose these bots' output for accuracy. Here is what occurred:Bing went wild to convey Job againAfter some technical difficulties (they do not need us to know the reality!) we managed to get Bing to provide a possible new season of the deep-state animated comedy that Netflix cruelly canceled after one season (in two elements). The 2-part construction confused each Bing and ChatGPT, and it didn't acknowledge the second half of the primary season. Bing offers us a quick description of the present after which issues begin to get bizarre. And will get bizarre contained in the work not within the common method. (Picture credit score: Netflix)Bing added “a brand new character named Greta Thunberg (voiced by herself), who seems to be an alien spy despatched by an intergalactic council to observe Earth's environmental circumstances. He befriended Reagan and helped him expose a few of Cognito Inc.'s schemes."It additionally mentions rival teams of conspiracy theorists, name-checking Alex Jones because the chief of the "Truthers" and Tom Cruise and Beyoncé main the Illuminati. It virtually likes to recycle Bing, akin to a parody of Alex Jones in Inside Job Half 2, in addition to an Illuminati that included Beyoncé.ChatGPT itself, when requested to "write season 2 of Inside Job" supplied a imprecise and normal plot however notably described the goofy Brett as "tech-savvy" and the "sensible however unpredictable Doc, and the fashionable and crafty Sam" who Most likely referring to Andre and Gigi respectively.Bing's glow revival could be very predictableGLOW was controversially canceled after simply 3 seasons after being renewed for a fourth season that was closed on account of Covid-related delays. Bing appeared to have a reasonably good deal with on what occurred on the finish of GLOW and gave us some concepts.It advised "a potential storyline for season 4 could possibly be about Debbie's battle to run her personal community as a girl in a male-dominated business, whereas additionally making an attempt to stability her friendship with Ruth and her romance with Tex." Which, sure, we will see that occuring.(Picture credit score: Netflix)Bing additionally advised that "one other potential storyline for season 4 could possibly be about Ruth's journey as an actress in Hollywood, the place she could face rejection, discrimination and harassment. She may additionally miss working with Sam, who's busy making his daughter. Films with Justin." Though pretty imprecise, these appear to be affordable instructions for GLOW. Bing even created storylines for facet characters like Bash and Carmen that once more appeared fairly potential. Issues began to go awry when ChatGPT was requested to "write GLOW Season 4." AI gave me an episode-by-episode breakdown of a wrestling-centric plot and even added "a brand new wrestler named Roxy (performed by Laverne Cox)," however there have been some key inconsistencies. The largest mistake was when it mentioned that Alison Brie's Ruth and Betty Gilpin's Debbie have been a pair, which seems like chatgpt is sourcing an excessive amount of from fanfic boards to do justice to their emphasis on the present. Nearly each episode ends with primarily the identical description: "In the meantime,
Ruth struggles to come back to phrases together with her emotions for Debbie and the path of her profession." Or "Sam finds himself at a crossroads in his profession and should make a troublesome choice."How about getting Glow Season 4 concepts from Bing with ChatGPT. (Picture credit score: Future)If GLOW is to get the revival it deserves, let's persist with human writers.ChatGPT supplied flaws in Teenage Bounty Hunter FundamentalsOne of many scariest cancellations of the Netflix period, Teenage Bounty Hunters ran for simply 10 episodes, ending with a twist that by no means obtained an opportunity to develop. Teenage Bounty Hunters was humorous, candy, and kick-ass unexpectedly, not phrases normally used to explain AI.Bing really confirmed little or no creativeness in his response and as a substitute gave us a abstract of the primary season after which a quote from one Leisure Weekly (opens in new tab) Interview with collection creator Kathleen Jordan concerning the potential path of season two. ChatGPT is nonetheless comfortable to oblige us.ChatGPT even follows some steps from the primary season, believing that Sterling continues to be going out with Luke though they broke up halfway by the primary season. By way of plot, ChatGPT saved issues super-vague and promised us that "because the season progresses, the stakes get greater and better for all of the characters, resulting in a climactic showdown that can take a look at their bonds and alter their lives eternally."As with Glow, some notable errors have been made. It begins with 'Season Two' "Sterling and Blair are nonetheless uncovering that their mom, Debbie, just isn't solely alive, but in addition a prison who's utilizing them to assist them of their unlawful actions" which, as a notable omission, is definitely Debbie's twin Dana who Offender, it's also revealed within the season one finale that Debbie just isn't Sterling's mom. ChatGPT even follows some steps again to the primary season, believing that Sterling continues to be going out with Luke though they broke up halfway by the primary season. Outlook: ChatGPT and Bing aren't changing skilled (or novice) writers anytime quickly.We went into this experiment interested in how bizarre issues would get if we supplied ChatGPT and Bing's model a seat within the writer's room. Clearly, they aren't prepared in any respect.That mentioned, it is fascinating to see that AI really delivers a artistic thought right here and there, even when it simply scrambles and regurgitates concepts to us the remainder of the time. So, Netflix, when you're pondering of bringing these reveals again, do not attempt to minimize corners through the use of AI writers. (Not that you just ... would you?) You reply goals by giving nightmares.Right this moment's Greatest Roku Streaming Stick 4K (2021) Offers (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab)
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