#s: lissa and maribelle
onyxedskies · 1 year
Also everyone should be able to S support everyone
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Version 8 Release
Creature Campaign (v8) Changelog
Added unique sprites for all gen 2 units as taguels/manaketes. Credit to Merrill for all non-Owain taguel sprites!
Unique taguel Lucina textures
Asset assignments so the kids will keep their voices when they transform (no voice filter unless they're Yarne, Nah, or Morgan though)
Optional alternate manakete Morgan sprites, one to match Tiki's outfit and one to match Nah's outfit. Alternate textures not included.
Updated UGGLR to match the expanded support options
Custom male manakete model (UGGLR only)
Removed Owain's inexplicable dark mage reclass
Various minor support fixes
53 new supports!!!
Since there are so many new supports, the list of what's been added will be under the cut
New Romantic Supports: F!Robin/Nah, Chrom/Virion, Lissa/Cordelia, Lissa/Cherche, Frederick/Libra, Virion/Sumia (no voicelines), Vaike/Kellam, Vaike/Sumia, (Vaike/Donnel have an S available that has not been written), Miriel/Tharja, Sumia/Say'ri, Sumia/Tiki, Kellam/Henry, Maribelle/Sully, Maribelle/Nowi, Maribelle/Cherche, Panne/Say'ri, Panne/Yen'fay, Nowi/Olivia, Cherche/Tiki, Emmeryn/Aversa, Lucina/Nah, Inigo/M!Morgan, Brady/Yarne, Kjelle/Nah, Cynthia/Noire, Cynthia/Nah, Severa/Nah, Gerome/Yarne, Yarne/Laurent, Noire/Nah
New Platonic Supports: Chrom&Emmeryn, Cherche&Emmeryn, Lissa&Lucina, Frederick&Lucina, Sumia&Severa, Libra&Nah
New PC Supports: Lucina&Libra, Owain&Cordelia, Owain&Olivia, Inigo&Nowi, Brady&Sumia, Cynthia&Panne, Cynthia&Tiki, Severa&Lissa, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Sully, Nah&Olivia
New Sibling Supports: Owain&Severa, Owain&Kjelle, Inigo&Nah, Cynthia&Yarne
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frickingnerd · 11 months
lissa with a protective s/o
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pairing: lissa x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship
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you would've been protective of your girlfriend either way but since she was a princess, you couldn't help but be extra protective of her! 
for starters, you're always holding your girlfriend's hand or have an arm wrapped around her, wanting to keep her close at all times
after all, you can't protect her when you are separated from her, right?
you also tend to have an intimidating look on your phase by default when you're out with lissa
you want other people to be aware of you and to make sure nobody dares to make a move on your girlfriend – whether it's to hurt her or to flirt with her
you only ease up around lissa and her friends and family
chrom, emmeryn and even maribelle really like you and are quite happy that you keep their beloved lissa safe
and even lissa is happy about it! 
she sometimes jokes that you're more her bodyguard than her partner, but she does find it very charming how you always insist on protecting her
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Hey there! I remembered there was a prompt about accidentally hurting their significant other the last time. Is there anything with Fredrick with this prompt?
(I've got it right here!!! U V U )
He didn’t know how it happened. One instant, he was fighting on his own, blocking and countering the strikes of multiple assailants at once.
The movements became a rhythm, a blur; he downed one, then another. There were only so many left and he wouldn’t stop until he was freed from their assault.
He didn’t realize it was your coat, not a Grimleal’s. He didn’t realize it was you until the lance pierced your side and you gasped in shock.
Frederick’s eyes widened in sheer horror, staring at where his lance had gouged into your body. He had stabbed his wife.
“NO!!” An unholy roar ripped from his mouth, dropping the lance as he rushed to your side. Numbly your hands closed around the metal, barely able to register Frederick’s towering presence as the pain had yet to fully register.
He stabbed you.
“No, no, no-!! Gods, Robin, how-?! Gods… Gods!!”
“Don’t…d-don’t panic.” You sucked in a sharp breath, the very act causing your lungs to scream in protest. Frederick’s face paled as your expression contorted in pain, his hands quaking as he reached for the lance. His lance.
He stabbed you.
“W-we have to take it out,” You wheezed, “Cover the w-wound…get help…” You grasped his armor with one hand, the blood smearing the steel more frightening than he could fathom. He barely registered your attempt to remove the weapon, until a wet, choked cry of pain escaped as your knees buckled.
“Robin, stop-!” He fell to his knees beside you, catching you in his arms before you had a chance to hit the ground. The lance came loose at the movement, giving you some relief, but more anxiety for your husband.
His shouts for healers and help were hoarse and rumbled across the battlefield, trying desperately to find someone who could fix his critical mistake.
That attack was meant to wipe out an enemy in a single strike.
It wasn’t supposed to be taken by you. Not by someone who was weak to lance attacks. Oh, gods; Frederick killed his wife.
“Don’t…panic.” You breathed again and again, reaching up and brushing your fingers against his cheek. Frederick’s eyes were glued to the gaping wound in your side, tearing away your coat and stuffing it into the wound as best he could.
In his anxious scramble, he recovered your emergency flare spell, sending it rocketing into the sky without a second thought. He pressed down against the bloody hole in the meantime, his entire body shaking at this point.
“Stay awake- stay awake, Robin, please- help will come soon. Gods, help will come- please stay with me until then, I need- I c-can’t lose you like this, not like this, n-not because of me, gods-!”
“Breathe…” You whispered in that frighteningly calm voice, staring up at him through heavy eyelids. Ice flowed through his veins when your head drooped to the side, barely conscious. The blood drenched his fingers.
“Robin!!” He yelped, “S-stay awake!! Stay with me, don’t you dare fall asleep! You need only last a little longer, please- Lissa’s on her way!!”
The princess’s frightened cries when she spotted you could be heard across the field. It would be mere moments before they’d take care of you. Frederick turned your head toward him, urgently coaxing your gaze to meet his. Your eyes were already glazing over.
“Look at me, my love, I beg of you- pl…lo…t me…!”
Your eyes shut seconds later.
“You stabbed your wife?!” Maribelle’s shriek pierced the camp’s uneasy quiet, “How could you do such a thing?! Are you truly so unobservant and boneheaded that you would strike down your own lover?!”
“M-Maribelle, please…” Chrom placed his hands on her shoulders, attempting to calm down the irate healer. “She’s stable now, that’s all that matters. Besides, I think it’s clear Frederick didn’t mean to, and he feels awful about what happened.”
To say he felt awful was an understatement. Frederick’s eyes were red from crying, completely wrecked by the thought you had passed; and by his own hand, a thought that made it much worse.
His hair was askew as was his ribbon, his armor having been forgotten so he might return to your side faster once you were taken away to be healed. His anxious pacing had finally slowed to a stop when Maribelle learned what happened. She nearly knocked him from his feet in that instant, she was so angry.
“How could you be so blind?” She snapped at him, tugging away from Chrom. “She’s not that hard to recognize!! You’d think her husband would know that better than most!”
“I…I don’t know.” Frederick mumbled, dumbfounded by the scenario, himself. “I was just so focused on… I-I was surrounded, and fell into a rhythm to defend myself and counter them, but then she…she just came out of nowhere. I-if I hadn’t been so focused on my goals, I never would have…s-she wouldn’t be…”
“All right, that’s enough.” Maribelle was pulled back from Frederick in a far more stern warning than before, the prince’s jaw set as he cast a chiding glare at his friend. Maribelle simply huffed and turned her nose up at them both.
“At least he’s not completely heartless. Any husband of mine who stabbed me would surely be seeing divorce papers the instant I woke, no matter how ‘sorry’ they claim to be!”
Chrom shook his head as she left, turning back to him. “I know it was an accident. You needn’t be so distraught. Lissa said she’d make a full recovery in a few days, and I’m sure she knows better than anyone else it wasn’t deliberate.”
“Y-yes, but milord, I…I’m clearly a danger to her, and everyone else. If I get so focused on fighting that I might kill Robin, then-”
“You’re no danger, Frederick. You made a mistake. You were overwhelmed, and lost focus. It’s not your fault. If anything I’m sure she went in there to help.”
“Please, don’t do this to yourself, my friend. Robin won’t blame you and none of us do, either. The least you can do is not blame yourself. Just hold fast and wait until she wakes. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”
It wouldn’t be for another four days before your eyes opened, again. Frederick had remained by your side without hesitation. Dragging a cot beside yours when you slept, that he might be there the instant you woke each night.
It was on the fifth morning that he woke to the feeling of your fingers tenderly brushing against his cheek, his eyes bleary and exhausted as they slowly focused on that warm, sweet glimmer in your eyes.
You were pale, a bit gaunt, and certainly thinner after your blood had spilled and your body was without food so long, and yet…you were so beautiful.
It was all he could do to take your hand into his, pressing kiss after trembling kiss to your fingertips and knuckles, drawing you into his chest and clutching you tightly against him.
You made him swear not to blame himself. It was an accident, a miscalculation, and it couldn’t be further from his fault. You were just so happy to see he was all right, and that you were awake to see it.
He managed to nod once or twice before the tears overtook him once more, burying his face in your hair as he mumbled his apologies, squeezing you close.
It wasn’t long before he retired his lance and took to training exclusively with swords, axes, and the occasional seashell once all was said and done.
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djtitus921 · 2 years
What are your favorite ships from Fire Emblem Awakening? Outside from Chrobin, you seem to like: Vaike x Lissa, Henry x Olivia and Frederick x Sumia. I am currently writing a fanfic about the Shepherds and their life's (During, After, and Before the Plegian war) and some of your videos had somewhat been inspiration on how the character's interact with each other. I was hoping if you could give me some insight.
Gladly! Most of my reasoning are going to be from my own messed up headcanon world and because i am a lunatic, i am going to name like 25% of the Awakening cast because I use like 20 units (most of them being child units and dlc) and never switch them out. So im prolly not gonna be much help
Chrom x Robin - Chrobin had always been my favorite, because of the whole Romeo and Juilet thing goin on with Chrom's Exalt blood and Robin with Grima's blood. Plus i imagine that their kids are the strongest in the whole game due to their genetics. I also imagine Robin is the one who REALLY wears the pants in the relationship (even tho Chrom doesn't want to admit it) But I love the image of the royal family being probably the weirdest bunch out of the entire Ylissean Royal bloodline. With Chrom being a man who can't stop breaking things with his immense strength and doesn't think about things all the way, Robin being the technically only smart and logical one, but still doesn't know how to be a proper royal (neither does anyone else in the family), Lucina is smart yeah, but not with common sense. And Morgan is gifted with Robin's intelligence, but somehow manages it to only put it to making traps and finding ways to use Falchion as anything else but a sword.
Frederick x Sumia - Frederick is a perfectionist that married a complete clutz. And Frederick was a complete sweetheart during their conversations. He was so patient with her and never gave her a hard time for her mistakes. Plus Cynthia is practically Sumia who is hyped up on coffee 24/7. So for Frederick to have to deal with his chaotic family everyday, is not only wholesome, but hilarious.
Vaike x Lissa - Vaike was willing to discard his rivalry with Chrom to make Lissa happy when he proposed to her. And he respected her and Chrom for being a royal and not having a boujee attitude. And he said Lissa was "beautiful as a goddess" Plus a big bonus for this ship is that Vaike's and Chrom's rivalry seemed to be passed down to Owain and Morgan
Maribelle x Ricken - I love the fact that both of them are Ylissean nobles and Ricken always tries to prove himself to others that he is not a child but he also wants to restore his house to it's former glory. But a cool little parallel to Ricken and Maribelles relationship is that Maribelle did the same thing to Ricken what she does to Lissa, when Ricken saved her from Gangrel. She became overprotective and tried to get him out of the shepherds in an attempt to protect him
Lon'qu x Cherche - Cherche (being the best girl as always) is the one (out of two) who lifted the burden off of Lon'qu about Ke'ri. Gerome being Lon'qu kid kinda makes sense too. I imagine Gerome is a big loner compared to the rest of the Future Shepherds.
Stahl x Cordelia - This is purely because i think Stahl and Cordelia are neat and Cordelia was the first girl i S-supported when i first got the game 10 years ago. And because im a fool, i figured to put two of my favorite people together. But i will say this tho, Severa with Stahl's hair color is not bad
Henry x Olivia - I feel like this is probably the most chaotic family outta all my favorite ships. Henry is just a lovable killing machine. Olivia is an adorable crit/killing machine. And the stats they give Inigo aint too bad neither. Henry's and Olivia's C support made me fall in love with Henry's character. But Im going to ignore the copy-paste supports with Henry getting mad at Inigo in the B support because its somewhat out of character. But i feel like both Henry and Olivia are always compassionate to their son. Olivia is the tender one, who showers Inigo with love and affection and Henry is the one who always makes sure Inigo never loses his smile. (And completely unrelated to the ship by Inigo having Plegian blood is kinda cool because i ship him with Lucina and she too has Plegian blood, soooo.... yea)
Those are pretty much it. Everyone else is either because i dont use them or they dont have supports other than Robin
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pegasusknightsonly · 6 months
the main reason why i haven't ever wanted to try the gay awakening hacks is that Sumia and Cordelia having an S support was one of the main selling points so i instantly lost all respect for everyone involved but lurking in the background of that is a not-unfounded fear that the fan-written gay S supports might not be any good
like Lissa and Maribelle, for example. i LOVE Lissa and Maribelle's C to A because Maribelle is teasing Lissa, the prank queen, and it works because Lissa doesn't expect it. the obvious S support is some kind of prank proposal with the ring hidden at the bottom of a cup of, idk, Bucks Fizz, and someone starts choking on it as they try to accept. obvious. but the fear in my heart is that whatever got put into this mod (which tbf was obviously not that concerned about meaningfully representing the character writing in awakening itself if it thought Sumia and Cordelia would get married) would just be "Lissa, my favourite kind of tea is ... you!!!"
you know? no effort shit. uwu cute gfs shit. absolutely not. Lissa and Maribelle would do multiple fake outs in their vows and walk down the aisle to here comes the bride played on a wet armpit. they TERRORISE their sensitive adult sons
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iturbide · 1 year
I just started playing fe awakening, if I may ask who was the first character you s ranked and what are your thoughts on the s rank options :0?
OHOHOHO I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN it really is a wonderful game -- my complaints about the narrative implications are not baseless hate, they're born out of genuine love for the game and wanting the story to do more than it did.
but oh man you have so many choices frankly it gets a little ridiculous. I'm one of those people who went out of their way to get as many supports as possible for as many characters as possible, and everybody has their own opinions about the cast, favorite characters, etc. For example: I love The Vaike, but I know other people who find him obnoxious; similarly, I know several people who love Virion, but the shameless flirt archetype is one I absolutely loathe, so I can't stand him.
With that said: I'm pretty sure my first accidental S rank was Chrom and Sumia because I can't help myself, they both charm me. There's a reason Future Built is what it is.
For thoughts on S-Rank Options:
Get a feel for Sully, Maribelle, and Sumia when you have the chance! Chrom's S-Support options are limited, and all the more if you're playing a male avatar and don't have a gay hack: those three are part of his short-list of S-Support options, along with Olivia who won't be available to deploy until Chapter 11, so if you want to Chrom to Olivia you basically can't have any supports with his other options.
Sumia is the only other character with a similarly limited set of Support options: she can S-Rank with Chrom, Frederick, Gaius (who you won't meet until the middle of Act 1), Henry (who you won't meet until Act 2), and Robin if you're playing as a male avatar.
Honestly, with every other character, just try to grab a few Supports to get a feel for the different characters and see what personalities you might like together! Pair Up is fantastic for Support grinding, and combined with skirmishes it's a great way to get all your units leveled to meet challenges.
And for some of my favorite Support pairs:
Olivia and Henry - Love everything about them
Sully and Kellam - I just love their whole dynamic so much
Sully and Libra - All the gender
Lissa and Gaius - Princess and thief, amazing dynamic, come on
Lissa and Ricken - Let the kids have fun trowing up together okay
Maribelle and Vaike - Again, their dynamic is just amazing
Miriel and Gregor - Impeccable dynamic
Miriel and Lon'qu - The experiments are hilarious
Sumia and Henry - They're just really sweet okay
Sumia and Gaius - Everything about the bees and honey
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teaveetamer · 2 years
Anyway for fun I've been replaying Awakening for the first time in like ten years, with the gay hack this time ofc (I've also been playing Fates with the gay hack for my streams) and it's fun, but a little rant:
Man I get mod authors not wanting to do certain pairings or make S-ranks for certain characters, but you'd think they'd at least be consistent lmao. Like, can't give Sakura any new S-ranks! Can't give Elise any new S-Ranks!!!!!! They're too young!!! Oh, but Hana and Effie, who are canonically supposed to be the exact same age as Sakura and Elise (or at least very close) are completely fine to give new S-ranks to.
Same deal with Awakening, can't give Lissa any new S ranks because she's 15 (before the two year time skip... so really she's 17/18 by the end of the game but I digress) but Maribelle who is probably around the same age as her is fair game!
Like obviously I'm not the one making it so you do you, but it comes off as an extremely silly limitation with a lot of completely arbitrary rules Sakura isn't allowed because she's "too young" but Hana, who is the same age as her, is fine because she's, what, "more mature"? Hana doesn't even look that much older than Sakura so it can't be that people just didn't notice that she was supposed to be young. I think it's literally just because there was never any big anti discourse around Hana or Effie like there was for the little sisters and maybe Hayato.
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sentofight · 1 year
ooc. quick sum up of my ocs down below!
Einar Vilho | F/inal Fantasy type 0
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Captain in the Militese army--the White Tiger, Byakko. He is not on board with the whole war idea but he can't defect because his uncle's life on the line. He is a cat enthusiastic. Due to a past mistake, he lost his right arm and was given a magitek arm instead. Only army personals know of this. He is stoic and pragmatic.
Roland of Ylisse | F/ire Emblem: A/wakening
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Pessimistic and does not trust people easily, the complete opposite of his father, Chrom and older sister, Lucina. Roland is the son of Ylisse's Exalt an the village maiden (Daughter of loyal village chieftain.) Roland prefers the company of animals and plants than people since neither of the two will plot to kill him. He got acute sense of hearing thus makes him less happy about crowded places. He is germaphobe which makes it even harder to communicate with him. His present counterpart does not have all the negative traits of him because he was not exposed to a big ass dragon.
Thomas of Ylisse | F/ire Emblem: A/wakening
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Chrom and Rebecca's son child, and only boy. He is the i-do-whatever-i-want kid. Thomas takes a lot from his aunt Lissa meaning he is fan of pranks and causing chaos. Though he holds deep resentment to the Ylissean council for the treatment his mother had to go through when she became a Queen. Especially when she was accused of cheating on Chrom since Thomas leans more in look to her biological parents than Chrom. He is one of the future children that came with Lucina. His present counterpart is mostly similar to him but he is less chaotic and more of mama's boy.
Maria of Ylisse | F/ire Emblem: A/wakening
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The third child of Chrom and Rebecca, and the second daughter. Maria suffered the most in term of personality development. She was forced to see destruction as soon as she opened her eyes to the world. Maria grew up without knowing a lot about her parents, only through Lucina and Thomas' stories--as well from S.T.A.R. It took Maria a lot of courage to break from her shell--relying on both Lucina and Thomas for everything. Her present counterpart does not have Maria's stuttering and low self-esteem problems.
Chloe of Ylisse | F/ire Emblem: A/wakening
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Fourth child of Chrom and Rebecca, and the third daughter. Chloe is not one of the future children but was born in the saved present. Because of that, she lacks some empathy and well, sense of human life than the future children. She can be arrogant at times that is due to be spoiled by her parents, mostly Chrom. She loves fashion and her role model is Maribelle. Despite all that, she is still good kid in heart. Plus, her grandfather does a good job at keeping her checked.
Rahma Samer // Amina | F/ire Emblem: A/wakening
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A woman who devoted her life to practice medicine got strayed by her own ambitions and dreams at the cost of people's lives. She had to run away during the war between Ylisse and Plegia and lay low in Valm, Cho'sin. She had to change her identity in order to come back to Plegia. The ex mad doctor now refuses to practice medicine and hopes to atone for her sins somehow. The years passes by and she only grow fearful of being found out. Perhaps when she is about to die she will reveal her secret ...
Feiruz | H/arvest Moon // S/tory of Seasons
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A beginner farmer who wants to make something of herself, and stop relying on her family. More like come out of the shadow of her sisters and do something she likes. Plus, her family already raises animals so it was not hard to branch a little bit and work on a farm on her own. She is a sweet sunshine who is loud to compensate feeling ignored. Please be gentle with her.
Sohrab Errol | Original lore / established originally as FE:A oc
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A young man who likes alchemy. He is a good at it because he keeps practicing and trying every possible idea that comes to his mind. His latest was to infuse the minerals into his body in order to create items/weapons at free will. That worked out but at the cost of poisoning himself every now and then. He is quiet and reserved because he likes to observe and listen more than participate in conversations. Animals hate him for the smell he emits because of the minerals he house inside of his body which is a running gag that he found himself in unfavorable situations because of that. He is from Horiyah (mermaid) Kingdom which is shrouded with extremely disturbing past.
Jokull | Original Lore
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Half human, half yuki-ona(snow woman/spirit) who lives in Ardam kingdom in Brightwood village. Jokull inherits some of his mother's race traits--the ability to control ice. However, being half came at a cost. Jokull is 24/7 cold and even to the people around him. He has to wear lots of layers and human touch hurts him, as it hurts them. That is why he became a little bit reclusive until he started working in the black smithy and got to come out of his shell somewhat. Still, he is awkward at times. His wish is to be able to feel things and people without hurting them.
Ren Amamiya | God Eater
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My take on Lindow Amamiya and Sakuya Tachibana's kid. Born to the best duo in the Den, Ren inherited the corrupted Aragami cells from his father whether he likes it or not. He became a god eater at the age of 16 during the 3rd game timeline. He works between Fenrir and Port H.O.P.E. in order to save as many people he can. He crushes so hard on Licca. He likes to troll and manipulate people for fun not for bad intentions. Most of his victims are his surrogate sister Setsuna (@/kinships), Kota, his father, Teru, Haru, but never his mother, Licca, his aunt Tsubaki and ofc his idol Soma.
now i got sneep. love my children mwah~ <3
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quietsun5268 · 1 year
Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Parent (Mother and Father) for each Morgan (Male and Female) based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?
Most Child units inherit the hair color from their fathers (with the exception of Female Morgan, who inherited her mother's hair color, and Lucina). But some parents are more fitting for some child units then others based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc. I'm not looking for who would make the kid stronger. Just a parent who would make sense for the Child Units.
Recap: Brady Severa Cynthia Laurent Noire Yarne Gerome Nah Kjelle Lucina Owain Inigo
Each Morgan has a slightly different personality. Here we will go through 3 categories. Male, Female, and what both have regardless of their gender.
Female Morgan
1.) Female Morgan's Class in Future Past 2 is a Wyvern Lord While it could be from Male Robin due to his large class sets, it also could be from either Sully, Cherche, Panne, Nowi, Say'ri, Tiki, or Aversa. In Fire Emblem Heroes, Female Morgan is like a combination of the Tactician and Dark Flier (she even rides a Pegasus). So the Dark Flier part could be from Lissa, Sumia, Maribelle, Cordelia, Olivia, Say'ri, Emmeryn, or Aversa. But it could be from Male Robin.
2.) Female Morgan looks similar to Sumia. But then again…. (see: section 3 in the category Both Morgans)
3.) One of the things that makes her more different than Male Morgan is that, while they are both cheerful, Female Morgan has more…. energy compared to him (like if she's given an extra dose of sugar). Which would make both Lissa, Cynthia and Nowi more fitting to be her mother. (See section 1 in category Both Morgans. There's a slight difference between Energetic and Cheerful)
4.) Female Morgan is also a bit of a prankster, as shown in a Hot Spring Scramble talk with Cynthia, where they plan on pranking the people who want to go into the hot springs. Which might be inherited from Lissa or Maribelle (Maribelle told Brady that her husband does a daily tea ritual is just a prank. See Brady's support with any of his fathers). But then again it could be from Male Robin since he did play a bit of a prank on Maribelle by teaching her "The slang of the unwashed lowborn common folk".
5.) Tiki, hints that Robin is a similar person to the hero king Marth, who married the pegasus rider Caeda who is often liked with Sumia as the recurrent love interest of the lord. With Male Robin being similar to Marth in personality, instead of Marth direct descendent Chrom (who Tiki hints is similar to his ancestral Sigurd, who married Deirdre, despite not knowing one another long after a chance encounter. Which could make Chrom and Olivia's marriage a reference to the pairing.), Male Robin and Sumia's marriage could be a reference to the pairing.
(?) Female Morgan is shown to be insensitive. Maribelle also came across as well. See Maribelle's C Support with Male Robin.
(?) We know in Female Morgan's supports with Yarne, she acts rather roughly to him, in their S Rank it's because she wanted his attention. Lissa's S Support with Male Robin has her admit to him she's pranking him to get his attention.
(?) We know one of the things that make both Male Robin and Female Morgan similar to each other are their amnesia. But one can also say that it also makes Morgan similar to Emmeryn too.
Male Morgan
1.) Remember in Chrom's B Support when he walks in on Female Robin (Avatar) naked. Male Morgan walks in on a bathing Kjelle in their S Support, so he could've gotten it from him. However, In Female Robin's A support with Chrom she walks in on him naked. She also does it to Gaius and Say'ri.
2.) Male Morgan's Class in Future Past 1 is a Sorcerer While it could be from Female Robin due to her large class sets, It could also be from either Libra, Henry, or Gangrel.
3.) Male Morgan Looks similar to Henry. But then again… (see: section 3 in the category Both Morgans)
4.) Male Morgan likes bugs, revealed in all his supports with Noire and in his C-Support with Lucina if she's his sister. Lon'qu likes bugs, In Summer Scramble DLC, he reveals to Gaius that he liked to catch them as a kid and finds them fascinating. Lissa also catches him catching butterflies in one of their support conversations. So liking bugs could come from Lon'qu. Maybe Henry since Henry likes animals (plus he can talk to insects). However, Male Morgan has exceptions, cockroaches and giant fire-breathing scorpions
5.) While Male Morgan is still cheerful, he's a lot more mellow and nicer compared to Female Morgan (not that she's intentionally mean per say, just has poor social skills. She has her own nice moments. One of the examples of her Hot Spring Scramble talk with Severa where she listens to her woes and gives her advice.). His niceness stands out, which makes him similar to Stahl, Kellam, Libra, Henry (Henry does like helping people, he just has a completely misguided and rather unorthodox way in doing it.), Donnel, and Chrom but it could be something he inherited from Female Robin.
6.) Despite Male Morgan claiming that he does not remember Lucina in his recruitment conversation with Chrom or Robin, in his sibling support conversation with Lucina, Morgan has memories of her wielding the Falchion in the future. Which is a direct contradiction of his whole 'can only remember my mom' thing.
(?) In Fire Emblem Heroes, Male Morgan's artwork depicts him in the Tactician class wielding Grima's Truth. Tactician classes in Awakening can't use dark magic, Only Dark mages and Sorcerers can. While Male Morgan could've been taught by a father who has dark magic or has the option to change into a Dark mages and Sorcerers class, it could also be from Female Robin's Various classes.
Both Morgans
1.) Morgan is genuinely cheery, upbeat and smiles a lot. Like Henry, Gregor, Anna, Owain, Inigo, and Gangrel (see his support with Female Robin).
2.) Morgan can be ditzy. Could be from Donnel or Sumia. But Robin does have their moments of being Ditzy. For example, see Female Robin's B support with Lon'qu.
3.) Physically, they are both based on the body type 2 for Robin. You can say that Morgan looks like the opposite gender version of Robin when they were younger (if you see Robin's body type 2 as what body type 1 Robin would look like if they were younger).
4.) Both Morgan's greatest dream is to become a master tactician like Robin. Robin mentioned in their support that Morgan will surpass them. Its VERY obvious they got that from their parent but you could say they also got it from Laurent (In the future, Laurent was the tactician of the future kids), Severa (In her supports with Male Robin and in her B Support with Yarne, she's a decent strategist), or Virion (He plays chess which is considered a strategy game and He beats Robin at a strategy game in their supports). Maybe Miriel too, I mean while we don't see her engage in battle tactics, she's always analyzing something or other which is a trait necessary for a Tactician. Maybe Ricken since I'm pretty sure being studious is another necessary trait for a Tactician (and we know Morgan studies a lot in order to be a good tactician.).
(?) Those who saw that I didn't mention the second generation as a possible parent for both Morgans based on Classes is because it gets complicated due to the fact that A.) Robin has a huge class sets and B.) It depends on who fathered (or in Lucina's case mothered) the specific second generation so that they can pass down a class to Morgan.
(?) I don't think anyone in the Second Generation is most likely to be Both Morgan's parent because they exist in Future Past, so would the Robin there have Morgan (who is a little younger then the kids) with one of the Second Generation?
Who do you think is the child's units mostly likely, maybe, and least likely parents based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc?
I'm not sure if I got everything. There's always a chance I'm missing something but I'm willing to listen to any input and reasons why you think whatever Mother or Father is suitable for each Morgans.
Who's the Most Likely Father for Male Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/PbZqRYL0vyN
Who's the Least Likely Father for Male Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GeZAOop8PnV
Who's the Most Likely Mother for Female Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/PKgl3Pjp4np
Who's the Least Likely Mother for Female Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/1MnwO6N05n7
Reddit (you can click here if you want to see what other people think in the comments but know that the polls aren't in Reddit)
Edit: sorry everyone forget to add the second generation in the poll. Now it's added
This is the last one, now I'm finished with "Fire Emblem Awakening: Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Fathers or Mothers For Each Child Units based on Classes, Looks, Supports, and/or Mannerisms?".
Which do you want me to do next? "Who Would Be The Most Likely Mothers or Fathers for the Fire Emblem Fates Children Units?" Or "Which of the Ending(s) Would Be A Happy One for (Insert Name Here) in Fire Emblem Three Houses?"
The last ones means which character ending (single or paired) has the character accomplish their goals. Because in some paired endings it seem like it's happy for one of the two characters instead of both of them. I've give you two examples: 1.) Most of Bernadetta's endings end up with her still being reclusive while a very few have her heal from that. 2.) Ingrid is a complicated case, her dream is to be a Knight but at the same time the County of Galatea's (the domain of her family) suffers from poor conditions for agriculture so Ingrid might have to marry in order to aid her land. It seems like she has to choose one over the other.
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coralhoneyrose · 2 years
What Have I Ever Done to Rely on You? - m!Chrobin one-shot
Plot Synopsis: The Shepherds' most recent battle did not go according to plan, and Robin thinks it's all his fault. Chrom is determined to convince him otherwise. (Post-Battle Hurt/Comfort)
Originally posted on ao3 with f!Robin as part of the Day 4 prompt for Chrobin week. I thought it would be fun to share an m!Chrobin version of it here for anyone who prefers that version of the pairing.
Rating: Teen
Words: 3,774
Chrom ducks out of the medical tent, careful to ensure the flap swishes fully closed behind him. A biting chill has entombed their camp since the sun set; gray flurries diffuse through the air like dust motes and prickle where they land against his exposed skin. Beside the tent post, Robin waits restlessly—fists balled at his sides and his lip a raw red from being worried at. His head whips up at the sound of Chrom’s steps. 
“H-how are they?” he asks.
“Awake and stable,” Chrom replies, with a reassuring smile. “Maribelle’s already feeling well enough to boss the others around again.”
“And Lissa?” Robin urges.
“Much the same. Frederick and Miriel are attending to her as we speak.”
Robin’s shoulders slump with relief. “Good…that’s good,” he breathes. “Gods, I wasn’t sure if…”
A shiver ripples through him as he trails off. Clusters of half-melted snowflakes glimmer like miniature diamonds where they’re ensnared on his eyelashes and Chrom can’t help but wonder how long he’s been waiting outside the tent. 
“Why don’t we get you out of the cold,” he suggests. “Then we can discuss how to proceed.” 
Robin gives a tight nod and falls into step alongside him. Their footsteps crunch against the thin layer of frost that blankets the earth—the only sound breaking the silence as they walk. There’s still an odd rigidity about how Robin is carrying himself, and Chrom can’t tell if it’s from the temperature or something else. 
He leans closer, keeping his voice low. “Hey, are you alright? You’ve been quiet since we got back to camp.” 
Unthinkingly, he brings a hand to Robin’s waist in what’s meant to be an offer of reassurance, but the second his fingers brush against Robin’s side, he winces away. 
Chrom jerks his hand back, rebuking himself for the momentary slip. It’s ironic: despite finally knowing they hold the same affections for each other, they must be more careful about sharing touch than ever. Lingering hands were nothing to worry about when there was no hidden meaning attached. Now, every brush of their fingers comes with the risk of drumming up suspicion. 
“S-sorry,” he apologizes hurriedly. “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine, Chrom,” Robin assures him, though his strained voice and gritted teeth leave Chrom less than convinced. He really needs to be more cognizant of their surroundings—no matter how distracting Robin’s nearness can be. 
They’ve made it to just outside Robin’s tent now, and he pauses in front of the entrance even as a gust of frigid air whips his hair against his cheeks. Chrom raises an eyebrow at him quizzically, unsure why he seems so hesitant to go in and take shelter from the cold.
Instead, Robin gives him a tiny smile. “Alright, what’s the first order of business, Captain?”
“Well, we’ll want to review the inventory sooner rather than later,” Chrom says, after a moment’s consideration.
“Right,” Robin agrees, “so we can stock up on supplies when we arrive in Ferox. What else?” 
“Nothing that’s pressing,” he replies. “With Lissa and Maribelle hurt, we won’t be marching tonight, so the route can wait until tomorrow. If you need a moment to warm up and rest—”
“I’m fine,” Robin interrupts. “I’d rather keep busy—you know, try and make myself useful.” He takes a long shaky breath before smiling at Chrom again. “I’ll be over to help with the inventory in a minute. I just want to change first.” 
“Alright,” Chrom agrees. “Do you want to walk over together?”
“No, no, I don’t want to hold you up. I’ll meet you there,” Robin assures him. He peels open the tent flap and hurriedly side-steps in, pulling it tight around him so only his face is peeking out. “You can just go on ahead.” 
“Okay, if you’re s–”
Robin disappears before Chrom finishes speaking. He blinks at the tent canvas, taken aback by the abrupt dismissal. Robin must be really eager to change out of his battle sullied clothing. 
Chrom is just turning to go when he remembers that the ledger for the inventory is still in Robin’s tent from the last time they reviewed the Shepherds’ expenditures together. Better for him to remind Robin now so neither of them will have to run back halfway across camp.
Chrom pokes his head into the tent. “Oh, and Robin; one more thing. Make sure you bring—”
Robin yelps sharply, severing the rest of Chrom’s sentence. His eyes catch up to his mouth, and a dozen thoughts crash into his head at once. 
Robin is sitting on his bed, his shirt pulled halfway over his head—just barely covering his chest. His coat lies discarded on the floor, and for a moment Chrom can’t manage anything but to be floored by his own thoughtlessness. Robin just told him he was going to change clothes and he still didn’t think to knock? Then Chrom’s eyes slide down Robin’s bare torso, and all of his embarrassment is swallowed by horror instead. Robin yanks his shirt back on, but it’s too late: Chrom has already seen the ribbon of weeping, scarlet skin wrapping from his ribs across his abdomen. 
“C-chrom! Get out of here!” he shouts, at the same time Chrom exclaims:
“You’re injured!” Immediately, Robin’s face crumples—guilt laden in every line. Chrom crosses the room in a few long strides and kneels beside him. “Let me see it.”
“I-it’s not as bad as it looks…” Robin mumbles.
“Robin.” Chrom’s tone brooks no argument. 
A sigh hisses out of him. With shaking hands, Robin curls his fingers around the hem of his shirt and lifts it to expose his stomach. Chrom inhales sharply as his eyes trace the wound’s path: it’s a brutal burn—furious crimson and already blistering. 
“What happened?” he asks, voice hoarse. Robin is his partner in battle—if he sustained an injury like this, he should have seen it. Unless it was when—
“...when the reinforcements showed up,” Robin says, answering Chrom’s unspoken thoughts, “and I sent you and the other infantry back to cover for our healers. There was still a small squadron of mages left to dispatch. My fault. I should have been able to handle it alone. But I was distracted and…” His voice breaks off suddenly and he shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter.”
Chrom gapes at him. “What do you mean it doesn’t matter? How can you say that?” he demands. “You should have told me!”
He’s already berating himself for not noticing sooner. Robin wincing away from his touch before probably wasn’t motivated by a privacy concern at all—he was in pain. And if Chrom hadn’t barged in when he did, he might never have realized it.
“We’ve had other things to worry about,” Robin insists, a defensive edge creeping into his voice.
“Other things?” Chrom echoes. He can hardly believe what he’s hearing. “You mean the weapon inventory? Robin, you know injuries take priority over our damned camp supplies! You need to be treated for this right away, it—”
“By who, Chrom?” he snaps, voice warbling. “Neither of our healers are in any shape for that!”
Chrom’s eyes fly up to his—all his frustration snuffing out. “...Is that what this is about?”
“Well, am I wrong?” Robin counters, but he looks gutted. He drops his hold on his shirt, concealing his scorched skin again before slumping forward to hold his head in his hands. “We don’t have anyone to heal me…and I have no one to blame for that but myself.”
Chrom’s heart clenches tight. With a small sigh, he takes a seat beside Robin on the cot. “You are wrong, actually,” he says. 
Robin’s head snaps up to look at him, and he almost smiles from how obvious it is that Robin isn’t used to hearing those words. 
“There are things we can do to treat injuries even without Lissa or Maribelle’s help,” Chrom continues. “But even if there weren’t, that doesn’t mean you deserve to suffer through this, Robin. You can’t punish yourself for what happened to them.” 
“Why not?” Robin asks, voice wavering again. “It was my fault, Chrom. I’m the one who made the battle plans. I over-extended and left our healers without proper coverage. If we’d been spread any thinner, or if there were more reinforcements, th-they could have been—”
“But they weren’t,” Chrom interrupts, voice gentle but firm. “Lissa and Maribelle are recovering as we speak. This wasn’t a fatal mistake, Robin.”
Robin glares down at his own clenched fists. “But it could have been…” he mutters stubbornly.
“But it wasn’t,” Chrom emphasizes again, and this time he takes one of Robin’s balled fists and pries his fingers apart to weave them between his own. “But since you’re so concerned with hypotheticals, let me say this: even if it had been, the blame and guilt still wouldn’t be yours to bear alone.”
Robin shifts to look at him sidelong, and for once Chrom is glad that his face is such an open door to his heart: Robin won’t be able to ignore the sincerity there. Robin gives a shuddering sigh and grips Chrom’s hand more tightly.
“I just…I don’t understand why you’re not angry with me,” he admits quietly. “This is your sister we’re talking about, and one of your childhood friends. They were hurt because of my miscalculation. How could you not resent me for that?”
“Because they were also hurt on my orders,” Chrom says. “You may have made the plans, but it was my decision to enforce them. And that leaves me just as much at fault as you. I’d be lying if I said the weight from that isn’t overwhelming sometimes, but…” He runs his thumb over the familiar hills and valleys of Robin’s knuckles, soothing himself before he continues, “...but at the end of the day, I know I’m always trying to do right by the soldiers under my command—as are you. That’s all any of us can do.” 
Robin mulls on this silently, eyes fixed on where their fingers are wound together: as if their entwined hands are some riddle that needs solving. 
“What if my best isn’t good enough?” he asks suddenly. “What if the Shepherds would be better off without me altogether?”
Chrom chuckles before he can think better of it and immediately indignation flares on Robin’s face.
“Err, sorry, sorry! I’m not laughing at you,” Chrom apologizes quickly. “It’s just…you weren’t around to see what the Shepherds were like before we found you, and—” another wry chuckle slips out of him, “—believe me when I say there’s no comparison.”  
The hurt in Robin’s expression wanes into a watery smile. “Was it really that bad?” 
“I’ve seen bands of brigands with more coordination,” Chrom replies, grinning sheepishly back. “As much as I may be suited for battle, I hardly have your mind for tactics.” 
Though, to be fair to himself, he’s not sure if anyone in the world does. If Robin has a match when it comes to strategy, Chrom has certainly never seen it…and would not be eager to face them from the other side of a battlefield. Gods, sometimes he thinks finding Robin in that field when he did must have been some kind of divine intervention.
Robin huffs out a feeble laugh and scrubs at his eyes with the heel of his free hand—banishing the pin-prick beginnings of tears that had formed there. “Well, I suppose I’ve no choice but to take your word for it, do I?”
“You don’t,” Chrom agrees, squeezing his hand again. “We need you, Robin. And for much more than just your tactics. You’re the only reason I feel brave enough to face any of this.” 
Robin makes a tiny, strangled sound—a brilliant blush painting his cheeks. Chrom knows Robin finds his penchant for declaring his feelings so intensely to be overwhelming, but in truth, the cute way Robin flusters from it only leaves Chrom more eager to spill his heart to him.
Robin leans his head against Chrom’s shoulder, but for all the content in his eyes, there is still a strain to his smile. His body is contorted slightly to keep their sides from brushing—Chrom remembers all at once how much pain he must still be in. 
“Alright, enough talk,” he decides. “It’s past time we do something about that burn.”
Robin straightens up. “I was going to bandage it myself before you barreled in here,” he says, just a little petulant. 
“Well, now you don’t have to,” Chrom says. “I can do it instead.”
Robin blinks back at him, surprised enough to forget his own obstinance momentarily. “You’re going to?”
Chrom nods, moving to Robin’s trunk in search of the supplies he needs. Fortunately, most of their militia keeps at least a few bandages and concoctions on hand, and Robin is no exception. “When I first formed the Shepherds, Emm made me learn some basic first aid to use in a pinch. It won’t be elegant, but I should at least be able to keep the wound from getting infected until Lissa or Maribelle can look at it properly.” 
Robin flinches almost imperceptibly at the sound of their names. “I can manage it just fine on my own, you know.”
Chrom shakes his head as he settles back beside him on the cot, supplies now in hand. “I know you can, but you shouldn’t have to. And besides, I’ll be able to reach it more easily than you can.” Robin opens his mouth to protest, but Chrom cuts him off. “Please, love, let me do this for you.”
The term of endearment, still relatively new between them, slices right through any counterargument Robin could make. Relenting, he leans back on the bed to grant Chrom better access to the wound, and Chrom takes a breath to inspect it again. The edges are ragged and beaded with droplets of serous fluid. Despite being no stranger to injuries, his stomach roils: Robin must have immense pain tolerance to have concealed it as he did.
There’s just the matter of Chrom’s hands, then. His gloves are soiled with dirt, blood, and dried sweat from the battle—dressing Robin’s wound while wearing them would not be remotely sanitary. Chrom peels the first glove off, then tugs at the second with his teeth so as not to dirty his hand in the process. When he glances back at Robin’s face, he finds him biting down on his lip—eyes wide and fixed on Chrom’s now bare fingers with a breathless intensity. Chrom studiously makes a point of ignoring the flush it brings to his face: Robin’s injury is much more pressing, and he can’t afford to be distracted. 
With great care, he uncorks the concoction and empties the flask’s viscous contents onto the bandages.
“Alright,” Chrom says, keeping his voice steady and low—trying to inject in it a surety that Robin can ground himself to. “I’m going to put my hands on your sides to let you adjust.” 
Feather-light, Chrom ghosts his fingers against the edges of Robin��s toned abdomen, still some distance from the wound. He can hear his own heartbeat pounding in his ears: he’s never touched Robin here before. Silk smooth skin glides beneath his finger pads, adorned with scars like copper cross-stitches. If only the circumstances were different perhaps Chrom could learn the path of each with his lips instead. 
Stop that! You’re getting ahead of yourself, he chides. If he doesn’t focus on tending to this burn properly, Robin could well be adding another scar to his collection. The thought sobers him, and Chrom shifts the bandage against his palm, aligning it nearer to the injury.
“It’s going to sting for a moment,” he warns him. “This first layer will be the worst.” 
Robin nods around gritted teeth. “Just do it.” 
“R-right. Okay…” Chrom takes a bracing breath. “Then here we go…”
As delicately as he can, Chrom lays the bandage across Robin’s scorched skin. There’s a faint sizzling sound as the concoction seeps in and accelerates his body’s natural healing process. Robin hisses in pain, fingers digging into the blankets of his cot, but he manages to hold still, and Chrom gets the first layer of bandages wrapped firmly in place. He’s trying desperately to be both gentle and efficient, but Robin whimpers, and he wants to curse his big, bumbling hands for not knowing how to make this easier on him. 
After a few more passes, though, Robin’s shallow panting eases to something steadier—a wash of calm settling over him. Chrom’s fingertips brush over the ridges of his ribs as he tucks the bandage edges down to lie flat and secure—tight enough to hold but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. He’s feeling pretty good about it…up until Robin shudders.
“Are you alright?” Chrom asks, immediately concerned. “You don’t feel sick, do you?” It can’t have been more than a handful of hours since the battle concluded. Surely Robin can’t have developed a fever already… 
“N-no, I’m fine…” he answers, but the wavering in his voice pulls Chrom’s eyes up to his face, and he finds it flushed nearly as bright as the seared skin he just bandaged. 
“You don’t look fine.” Chrom brushes a hand against his cheek and is alarmed to find heat pulsing off him in waves. “Gods, Robin, you’re burning up. We need to get you—”
“Chrom, trust me,” he interrupts, suddenly looking away. “I don’t have a fever. Or at least, if I’m feverish, it’s not because I’m sick.”
“What do you—oh.” Chrom breaks off as he registers how he’s leaning over him—one hand cupping Robin’s face while the other lingers against his bare waist. He sits up straighter and withdraws both hands, certain his cheeks must be burning just as brightly now. “S-sorry.” 
Robin waves his hand in dismissal. “It’s nothing you need to apologize for. It’s not like I didn’t—” he stops short, suddenly shy, but it’s easy for Chrom to fill in the rest of the thought.
“W-well, that’s good then,” he admits. “Because I’m actually not sorry at all.” 
Robin huffs out a laugh, and something fizzles in the air between them when their eyes meet. Chrom’s fingertips tingle at each point where they were touching his skin. 
“Robin, I wish—” he starts, but he cuts off just as suddenly. 
Chrom wishes he could stay with him—wishes he could spend the night at his side, combing his fingers through the sleek silver of Robin’s hair and murmuring soft assurances of all that he means to him. Wishes that he could love him so fiercely that Robin would never be able to doubt his worth again. The fact that he can’t is a wound all its own.
“I know,” Robin whispers, before his eyes fall—brought right back down to earth by the weight of their duty. “I do too.” 
Chrom’s heart kicks around in his chest; an electric current humming in his blood with every beat. Blazes, this war cannot end soon enough. 
Before he can do anything he really will regret, he cuts the tension by clearing his throat and rising from the cot. “I suppose now that you’re all patched up, I should see what other matters need tending to."
Robin’s face alights. “That’s right! I almost forgot. I still need to change so that I can help you with the inventory.”
He tries to sit up, but Chrom lays a hand on his shoulder, stopping him before he can stand. “You’ll do no such thing,” he tells him firmly. “You need your rest. I’ll take care of it.” 
Robin’s brows furrow, a protest budding on his lips. “But the burn is already healing. There’s no reason I can’t–”
“This isn’t up for debate,” Chrom interjects, before adding, more gently, “Rest, my love. The most important thing is to get you feeling better. I can’t do this without you, after all.” 
Robin’s eyes soften, warm as melted caramel. With a resigned sigh, he flops back onto his bed, sinking boneless into his pillow. “I guess a break wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world,” he concedes. 
“Then can I ask one more thing of you before I go?” Chrom requests. Robin hums in affirmation, so he presses on. “Promise me that the next time something like this happens, you won’t keep it from me.” 
A pause. Robin cranks an eye open to look at him and Chrom wonders if maybe he pushed his luck—braces himself to sit back down and argue through it if he must. He can see Robin mentally rattling off justifications for his behavior in the purse of his lips and the pinch of his brow. 
“...Alright,” he says finally. 
Chrom blinks at him. “Really?” 
“Yes, Chrom, really,” he says, attempting to stifle a laugh at Chrom’s obvious disbelief. “If the situations were reversed, I’d want you to do the same. So…you have my word: no more secrets or silent suffering. Consider me thoroughly chastised.” 
“Thank the gods,” Chrom sighs, and on a whim, he leans down to press his lips to Robin’s forehead—chaste but lingering.
Robin huffs, his face a pretty pink. “We’re not very good at this ‘waiting’ thing, are we?” 
“I think we can afford a brief lapse in protocol every now and then,” Chrom replies, attempting to smother his grin. “It’s important for a general and tactician to maintain morale.”
“Oh, really?” Robin sits up straighter. “Well, in that case…” 
His fingers wrap around Chrom’s collar, a coy smile curling his lips before he tugs him down and into a kiss. Robin’s lips burn against his, and a rosy warmth unfurls from Chrom’s chest all the way to his fingertips. He plants a hand on the pillow beside Robin, and threads the other hand through his hair, but just as he stoops to deepen the kiss, Robin pulls away from him, laughing.
“Easy there,” he teases, lightly shoving Chrom’s shoulder. “I’m still injured, remember? What happened to wanting me to rest?” 
The tips of Chrom’s ears blaze red. “Wh—you started it!”
“Yeah, but you were the one getting carried away,” Robin counters with a smirk. “Now go on, already: the inventory awaits.” 
Chrom grumbles and rolls his eyes fondly on the way out. He knows Robin well enough to realize he’s probably still not totally at peace with what happened in the battle—his commitment to bearing the blame for a failed plan is much too dogged for that. But if he’s poking fun at Chrom again, it must mean he’s feeling at least a little better. And Chrom will gladly endure a little teasing if it comes with the assurance that Robin is okay.
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onyxedskies · 1 year
maribelle should have been canon trans and she and lissa should have been able to s-support and owain and brady should have been brothers and in this essay i will—
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Version 5 Release
Hey there, welcome to what I'm calling the 🌈 Rainbow Edition 🌈 of UGA! Unfortunately Tumblr's preview of the mod name on top of the new title screen makes it a little... cluttered. Anyway, here are the changes you can expect:
NEW SUPPORTS: M!Robin/Owain S, Lissa/Olivia C-S, Stahl/Gaius C-S, Stahl/Libra C-S, Cordelia/Cherche C-S, Owain/Laurent C-S, Nowi&Tiki C-A, Lucina&Frederick PC, Morgan&Owain PC, Owain&Maribelle PC, Brady&Lissa PC
Included EU and JP versions of the sibling code patch
Functional support log for all non-spotpass gen 1 characters
Custom title screen for ease of checking installation
New Ch11 CG when Chrom marries a man
Replaced the frilly pink sleeve in the Ch12 CG with light green longsleeve shirt
Minor edits to existing vanilla and original GA supports for better consistency
Remembered to give Kellam a Ch12 spouse scene
Fixed animation error in Vaike's Ch12 spouse scene
Big thanks to everyone who's contributed!
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Awakening Women Masterlist
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lissa with a protective s/o - headcanons
sumia crushing on you - headcanons
cordelia's s/o sacrificing themselves to protect her - oneshot
enemies to lovers with maribelle - headcanons
jealous tharja - headcanons
olivia with a sweet s/o - headcanons
riding on cherche's wyvern - oneshot
arguing with sully - headcanons
flirting with miriel - headcanons
panne crushing on a flirty reader - headcanons
star gazing with tiki - drabble
secretly dating emmeryn - headcanons
aversa with an intimidating s/o - headcanons
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outeremissary · 2 years
How about Fire Emblem Awakening for the fandom ask game? 👀
Favorite Male Character
Easy! That's Henry, my most beloved favorite guy, my first video game wife, my silly rabbit, etc. I love that little dude! Obviously he has an absolutely S tier character design, which I shall include for the convenience of everyone who hasn't seen him before and so everyone can have a good chuckle at how absolutely predictable I am. I don't even have coherent Henry thoughts it's just like. Turning that guy around in my head like a doner kebab, y'know? But also I love that he's so cheerful, I love that he smiles even when it isn't genuine at all, I love his absolute detachment from social norms (and morality), I think it rules that he's always drenched in blood and hanging out with the dead... I just think he has a wonderful innocence that's greatly enhanced by that dash of darkness. The crow puns are also 11/10!!! And of course. A man wearing a skirt with a cape covered in eyes. AND it's all purple and gold. And also has those big loose sleeves- look, it's like he was made specifically for me!! And then the little hand thing at the end of the sleeves... Godddd he's perfect. I'm sorry Ash like I said this is INCOHERENT
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[Image ID: A white haired young man in a grey shirt and dark leggings. He wears a short purple wrap skirt around the leggings. A wide purple lined black cloak billows behind him, six golden eyes adorning the collar. He smiles cheerfully and extends a hand above his head to a crow.]
Honorable mentions are Owain (I love chuuni characters...), Ricken (who has the cutest little wizard outfit), and Libra (no one say anything. I already know.)
Favorite Female Character
I made the mistake of cracking open the artbook to help me choose when writing this up and immediately had a list of like a dozen ladies who I think are all the best. This game is hell for that. Henry is so easy but the female characters... jeez. I think I'm going to commit to Maribelle! For one thing Maribelle canon sapphic IntSys can fight me. I know the truth. But also, I like that Maribelle is very assertive despite being a person who isn't a fighter, and her commitment to justice is admirable. She's got a strong spirit and always stands up for what she believes in. I'm very fond of her! She and Lissa should have been able to marry. Why can't they get married, IntSys? Why is that, why are you keeping her down
Honorable mentions: Cynthia (chuuni!!!), Tiki (ancient dragon lady who has outlived all her friends gives me many thoughts. also hot), Say'ri (another great story character), Cherche (pretty lady with big axe and dragon makes brain go brrr), Flavia (another cool fighter lady. wow), Anna (the goddess of random numbers), and of course Lissa (Lissa)
Least Favorite Character
Tharja. It's Tharja. This is easy. My least favorite is Tharja. She does have some funny supports, but I just thinks she's overall uncomfortable to be around and I dislike her overtly sexual design, which kind of presaged a lot of things in Fates I dislike. I find her a very uncompelling yandere and everything with Noire is also uncomfortable. I think it's a damn shame that she was one of the most popular female characters in the game and thus she got carried through so much other stuff.
Honorable mention: Cordelia. I don't find her pining for Chrom forever thing or her being literally perfect thing interesting. Also a vaguely uncomfortable character in some ways, but not at all as bad and Severa rules so hey. Makes up for it.
Favorite Ship
Well, when I was in high school I was a serious Henricken guy! I don't really know why, honestly. I think it was just a "these are my two favorite characters, I want to see them together." As a mature adult, allow me to say: Libra and Lon'qu is the pinnacle. I mean. All Libra ships are 11/10, that's Libra's nature, but I feel like that's something that I've seen so much compelling stuff about for years.
On the sapphic side of things, Say'ri and Tiki are obviously just married and I love that for them. The devoted warrior and the immortal dragon she protects... it's amazing. I also really love Severa and Lucina! Severa is just a fantastic character in general, and I love the initial tension between Lucina as the principled warrior and Severa, who's committed to spurning her duties (but is devoted deep down). I feel like these are like, two of the most typical possible picks. But like. They're amazing, you know?
And if you asked me to pick an m/f, since I am seeing that I've not done that, Cynthia and Morgan. It's cute :)
There are so many characters with good chemistry, I know that I cheated badly here ^^;; But like. It's all so good!!!
Favorite Friendship
The Justice Cabal!!! Which is to say, everything between Owain, Morgan, and Cynthia. I love that they're all just little weirdos and I love the idea of them hanging out being little weirdos together. Morgan isn't a chuuni but they're chuuni adjacent... the weirdgirl energy in a room containing all three of them must be off the charts. I love it.
I'm also a huge fan of platonic Chrom and female Robin. QPR Chrobin is the way... And I think there's also something really beautiful about Chrom doing so much for a woman he loved and valued as a friend, and that being as powerful as if she was a romantic paramour.
Favorite Quote
Uh besides everything that comes out of Owain's mouth? Or Henry's... Well, I'd say that because I'm incredibly cheesy, it's that "Welcome back." at the very end.
Worst Character Death (if any)
It's been a looooong time since I last played Awakening so obviously I'm going to give you the most absolutely basic answer ever: Emmeryn's death. I just think it's a really good dramatic moment, and it's a place where that false choice works. It's good characterization for Robin and it's also so fitting that it doesn't do anything at all. Emmeryn's sacrifice is only in her own hands. It's painful to watch. I like the way it echoes through the rest of the pre-time skip stuff, and it's such a heart breaking touch to see sage Lissa's clothing.
Of course, it's also the worst death because the paralogue that brings her back cheapens the hell out of it for no real narrative reason and there really isn't anything the story has to do with her, unlike the enemies that can be rescued or Robin. If any one character should have stayed dead, it should have been Emmeryn.
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
Okay time to come out and say I'm one of the five people who actually loves the end of Awakening. I KNOW people say it makes the sacrifice feel cheap. And it does, objectively. But ALSO. Do you know how happy it made me at fifteen?! You have no idea. I actually cried seeing that mirrored scene at the ending. I'm a sucker for when it all comes around. And like... the hope of that ending is also really great. It may have been a graver and more real game if those consequences really had been what they seemed, but I do love the miracle of breaking the cycle.
Saddest Moment
I've already touched on Emmeryn's sacrifice and Robin's sacrifice... hmm. I'd say that it's learning about the choice between sealing Grima temporarily and destroying him forever. When the hero learns they need to die for the greater good, that's something that always sends a pang through my heart. And the buildup to either saving themself (what Chrom wants and is so willing to support!) or becoming a martyr is, well, really good. I'm remembering it through the eyes of someone who found it very fresh, I suppose. Along with that is Lucina's assassination attempt. I mean, that's just tragic. She's right to want to kill you, but she'll never be able to do it.
Favorite Location
Either the Mila Tree or Mount Prism- I love verdant places filled with light and water. Both maps feel so soothing. They also feel so far apart from the ordinary world... it's humbling, in a way. Wonderful.
(buuuuut also Grima's back. I love that dragon man)
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Um clearly if FEA doesn't have that mechanic we need to think about it ourselves. Obviously anyone noble can't cook worth a dang, so I think we can safely sort Virion into the lower tiers. Can you see him cooking I can't. I think Chrom can cook campfire food, probably, and I think Frederick can cook...? Cherche seems self-sufficient enough... and I have no justification for this but I feel like Maribelle could girlboss her way into a good meal, if not a GREAT one. IDK why. I just feel it. In my bones.
Okay, we actually do have SOME information about who can and (more often) CAN'T cook from supports. Let's see what I can remember/find reasonably quickly.
Chrom sucks at cooking. In his A support with Vaike he makes goulash so bad that Vaike falls off his chair and goes unconscious. (Chrom then declares himself winner by knockout. I love him.) Also, his Dragalia Lost appearance had him saying "I'm useless as a chef. Even among my family, my cooking's reputation is less than stellar." This seems to imply that Emmeryn and Lissa (maybe Lucina and Owain, too?) are also not great at cooking, but that Chrom is particularly awful.
Sumia's food CAN turn out amazing, but she's pretty bad at the actual process. Chrom thinks her rhubarb pie is the best he's ever had, even though he normally hates rhubarb, but it took her 15 tries to get it right. Similarly, Gaius loves the honey cake she makes him in their S support, but then she admits it took her 23 tries. So... her heavenly cooking comes with a high price, apparently.
Sully is bad at cooking. "Yeah, maybe I can't cook, or clean, and I burn all the laundry" (per her S support with Chrom), but it's also brought up in Kjelle's supports with her father. Yeah, turns out Kjelle can't cook, either.
And actually, Kjelle's supports with her father actually do indicate something about the cooking skills of her potential fathers... See, most of them just get a line about giving her some pointers... EXCEPT for Chrom and Robin, who get an additional line of "I'm no whiz in the kitchen, but I've made my fair share of campfire breakfasts." So presumably, most of the guys in the Shepherds at least decent at cooking. Chrom "winner by knockout" Ylisse and Robin "I've only poisoned myself twice" Reflet are outliers.
Because speaking of Robin, yeah... "I've only poisoned myself twice" is from Donnel's supports, but we also see from Panne's supports that she is the only one willing to touch Robin's carrot stew. (Taguel notably have a different diet than humans do, and eat things like firefruit, which causes human skin to "blister and itch for days on end" according to her supports with Stahl.) In the Nowi/Robin supports, Frederick instructs Robin with field cooking (so we can probably assume Frederick is good at at least that sort of thing), and Robin and Nowi end up making something together that appears unappetizing but apparently tastes pretty good... but, um... Well... Nowi's a manakete, and Robin has fell dragon power even in their human body, so... Mm... Nah likes Robin's cooking, too (although to be fair, she was used to eating bitter leaves and plant roots in the bad timeline). Forgive me if I suspect it might be another Panne situation? F!Robin's C support with Severa does show her getting a good result, but Robin also says that her cooking usually turns out "tasting like mud... Or burned mud." Severa gets mad at what she sees as false modesty, but... Severa IS Severa, and also I don't think ANY of the future children were eating gourmet under Grima's reign, so... I'm inclined to think Robin's cooking is decent at its absolute best, on an exceptionally lucky day.
Now, let me go back to the Stahl/Panne supports for a second, because I think that Stahl is likely pretty good at cooking. Fitting for a guy who loves eating, right? Although it's a little weird, because I'm pretty sure they added that as his gimmick at the last second. If you read all his supports, eating is never really brought up, and in fact his gimmick appears instead to be... being so average that it's remarkable. If that's the case, perhaps his meals are also average when you look at the whole camp? But in his supports with Panne he specifically brings her a special dinner because Lissa was making "some kind of weird stew" (another point in favor of her not cooking well? although compare Tharja's line in her C support with Lon'qu about Lissa maybe making more little honey cakes for the war council she's hosting. Maybe Lissa is better at baking generally, or maybe she's better when it comes to sweets specifically?). Now, the cottage cheese and squid dish Stahl brings Panne doesn't sound, uh, super great for humans... but the "carrot dumpling wrapped in a flaky pastry crust" sounds pretty delicious and I kind of want one, too...
Severa claims that she burns everything she tries to cook in her supports with her father, but that's probably just her insecurity flaring up (she goes on to say she must be a disappointment compared to her mother... and yeah, I'm sure Cordelia's cooking is as excellent as her reputation for perfection would suggest). But in her supports with M!Morgan, she manages to cook a pretty good stew. Morgan's only complaint is that it tastes like she was just going through the motions with it, not really putting any feeling into her cooking. But hey, compared to SOME of the Shepherds, I think she's doing an amazing job! Morgan even asks for seconds! (Also, if she S supports Morgan then she makes the same stew and Morgan raves about it. Clearly, Severa putting her love into her cooking makes it outstanding).
... Okay so that's all I've got off the top of my head (I say as if I didn't already spend hours looking up supports...) but if anyone has anything else to add let me know. I'm too tired to read the full support list for every single character right now.
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