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dozydawn · 1 year ago
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moradadabeleza · 1 year ago
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Tomáš Rücker
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mariocki · 1 year ago
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Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel (The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism, 1967)
"I'm already dead, hanged. Yes, I was hanged. Your body soon adapts a resistance to bullets."
"But, sir, I've not done anything wrong!"
"Of course not. All you did was shoot me somewhat."
#Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel#The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism#the blood demon#horror imagery#west german cinema#1967#harald reinl#manfred r. köhler#lex barker#karin dor#christopher lee#carl lange#christiane rücker#vladimir medar#dieter eppler#peter thomas#edgar allan poe#this ended up being quite a lot better than I'd anticipated; I'd figured it for a Jess Franco style bit of eurosploitation trash but#underneath its derivative plot‚ heavy cribbing‚ small cast and strained budget‚ there's an altogether more polished bit of kino going on#in particular‚ this looks fantastic: the set design‚ lighting‚ aesthetics‚ costuming‚ all are working hard to elevate this above its pulpy#genre origins. Bosch stype frescos‚ rich colourful tableaux‚ dripping gothic atmosphere.. on vibes alone this is a real winner#Lee is high in the credits of course but only really has an extended cameo (this being during his sojourn to europe to escape Hammer for a#while‚ only to end up making even cheaper Hammer alikes for the Germans and Italians). the plot is all Corman Poe cycle‚ loosely inspired#by the works of Poe‚ but with its own nearly wholesome adventuring bent. benefits from having genuinely likeable and compelling characters#upfront (Medar is a consistent scene stealer as a highway robber who gets unwillingly pulled into the gothic shenanigans and becomes a#reluctant heroic accomplice). some startling imagery and a few choice pearls of dialogue too. much better than it would look on paper#definitely one of the better examples of euro schlock from this era‚ and among the best Lee was involved in
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blueskipper-photography · 1 year ago
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Jenisch Park / Parkwärterhaus im Schweizer Stil ©2023 blueskipper
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jacques-le-fataliste-23 · 6 months ago
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Maps of Zimiamvia, Mistress of Mistresses: A Vision of Zimiamvia, by Eric Rücker Eddison, illustrated by Gerald Ravenscourt Hayes (1967)
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Hallo ich bin Christopher Andreas Wolf und bin 36 und im Mai werde ich 37 Jahre Alt und ich Bin Ein Mensch Mit Handycup und ich Arbeite. In einer WFBM und da bin ich zum Windeln Tragen Gekommen und jets Wirt es Rücker mit dem Windeln Tragen Aber ich bin Immer noch Nachs Gewindelt und ich Suche eine Gleichgesinte und ich Suche Ein Windel Girl in meinen Alter
Gleichgesinnte gesucht
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mariaangels · 2 years ago
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Tomas Rücker
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gazpachoworld · 1 year ago
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Christiane Rücker
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atundo-shop · 8 months ago
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Rücker Mozzalina vegan lecker, pflanzliches #Mozzarella Ersatz als #vegan mit #Hanfsamen in Salzlake #Käseersatz #food #mozarela #tomaten #foodblogger #instafood #germanfood Rücker Mozzalina vegan lecker, pflanzliches #Mozzarella Ersatz als #vegan mit #Hanfsamen in Salzlake #Käseersatz #food #mozarela #tomaten #foodblogger #instafood #germanfood
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ancruzans-blog · 9 months ago
Julio Aumente
Aumente fue un poeta español nacido el 29 de octubre de 1921, en Córdoba, donde también falleció, el 29 de julio de 2006. Julio Aumente Martínez-Rücker fue el poeta más independiente del Grupo Cántico y tampoco estaba demasiado interesado en publicar sus creaciones, tanto en la poesía como en la pintura. En 1955 aparece su primer poemario, El aire que no vuelve, donde habla de su ciudad y sus…
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jcmarchi · 10 months ago
We use chemicals for more or less ‘everything’. Now we have to find smarter ways of making them - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/we-use-chemicals-for-more-or-less-everything-now-we-have-to-find-smarter-ways-of-making-them-technology-org/
We use chemicals for more or less ‘everything’. Now we have to find smarter ways of making them - Technology Org
Did you know the chemical industry supplies products to virtually all other value chains, including the food, construction, health and transport sectors? All these industries now have to renew themselves as part of the green transition, and SINTEF is working to help them.
Researcher and blog author Theresa Rücker, pictured here in her lab at SINTEF, where she is helping to develop innovative and eco-friendly methods of chemical manufacture. Image credit: Torbjørn Pettersen
The demand for innovative and greener chemical manufacturing has been clear for some time and represents a key aspect of the green transition in Norway and Europe. The chemical industry must undergo radical change, but how will this change take place?
Today, the chemical industry supplies products to virtually all other value chains, including the food, construction, health, and transport sectors. As chemicals become more expensive, this affects consumer prices throughout society. Across Europe, increases in the price of oil, gas, and energy are impacting all chemical manufacturing processes because these are commonly very energy-demanding. 
Green chemical manufacture is just one area of investment in what the EU defines as its ‘twin transition’, which involves identifying new, non-fossil raw materials, promoting by-product utilisation, and accelerating the electrification of manufacturing processes.
At SINTEF Industry, where I work, we’re coordinating a project called ELOXYCHEM that is investigating alternatives to our conventional thermochemical manufacturing processes. ELOXYCHEM is an abbreviation for Electrochemical Oxidation of Cyclic and Biogenic Substrates for high-efficiency production of organic CHEMicals.
My team is investigating whether we can manufacture a variety of acids (carboxylic acids, in particular) using energy-saving processes. These acids are a key raw material in producing paints and varnishes, catalytic converters, fine chemicals, agricultural chemicals, scents, pigments and much more. What is special here is that we want to manufacture them using the waste products from other chemical manufacturing processes.
We will also look into poorly exploited by-products from biorefinery processes, so-called side streams, to manufacture chemicals of greater value. If we succeed, there will be multiple benefits including converting waste materials into a resource, energy savings, and a wealth generation boost with increased sustainability.
The ELOXYCHEM project will involve a study of three different manufacturing processes, where one line of investigation will conclude with a pilot facility as a precursor to chemical manufacture at industrial scale. SINTEF Industry will build the pilot facility in Trondheim and will later be transferred to one of the project partners, Evonik Operations in Germany. Here, both the equipment and the process will be tested for two years with a view to commercialisation and major upscaling.
The second strand of the project will involve the development of an eco-friendly process designed to produce approximately the same interim products from other industrial residual products.
Innovative technologies of the type that we are aiming to develop as part of the ELOXYCHEM project have the potential to produce not only familiar, but also new and exciting, building blocks for the chemical industry in much more sustainable ways by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and chemical waste.
Finally, the project will develop a so-called ‘digital twin’ of the manufacturing facility. This will be used to plan production using available energy sources in the smartest possible way. Since production will be powered by renewable energy sources alone, planning must take into account the intermittent nature of electricity supplies from wind and solar power, which may impact on the process.  
Source: Sintef
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korrektheiten · 11 months ago
Übersterblichkeit 2021-22: Viele Ideen möglich, aber nicht alle wertvoll
Tichy:»In seinem Artikel „Corona-Impfung und Übersterblichkeit: Was ist dran?“ in der Berliner Zeitung vom 14. Januar 2024 setzt Martin Rücker die Diskussion über die Ursachen der Übersterblichkeit 2021-2022 fort. Der Artikel beinhaltet zwar eine ganze Reihe korrekter Punkte, aber in einer Weise, die seinen Text als Ganzes fragwürdig macht. Da einige seiner Überlegungen durchaus repräsentativ Der Beitrag Übersterblichkeit 2021-22: Viele Ideen möglich, aber nicht alle wertvoll erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/T2hPsX «
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ingridverse · 1 year ago
Free download https://dev.gutenberg.org/ebooks/67090
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THE WORM OUROBOROS by E.R. Eddison (London: Jonathan Cape, 1922) Illustrated by Keith Henderson. Link to the 1924 edition.
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THE WORM OUROBOROS is a fantasy novel first published in 1922. The book takes place on a fictional Mercury that appears mainly medieval and partly reminiscent of Norse sagas. It describes the protracted war between the domineering King Gorice of Witchland and the Lords of Demonland, and is slightly related to Eddison's later Zimiamvian Trilogy.
The Worm Ouroboros is written largely in sixteenth-century English; with Eddison making use of his experience translating Norse sagas and reading medieval and Renaissance poetry.
——16 May 2022
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knuddels-admins-team · 1 year ago
Der Admin (Kurzform für "Administrator") beschreibt ein administratives Ehrenamt im Knuddels-Chat. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen speziellen Status für sehr erfahrene und von den Stammchattern demokratisch gewählte Mitglieder des Chats. Die Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, für ein gutes und für alle angenehmes Chatklima sowie die Einhaltung der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) und des Knuddels-Knigge zu sorgen. Um die Erfüllung dieser Aufgaben gewährleisten zu können, stehen den Admins, neben den allgemeinen bekannten Funktionen, auch einige spezielle Chatfunktionen zur Verfügung, von denen sie bei Bedarf Gebrauch machen können. So ist es den Admins beispielsweise möglich, Mitglieder durch eine Nicksperre vom Chat auszuschließen, wenn diese zum Beispiel Verstöße gegen die AGB begangen haben. Eine Liste aller amtierenden Admins findet sich ganz unten im /h-Popup.
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/f - große Watchliste
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Anzahl der Admins
Im folgenden Diagramm kann man die jeweilige Anzahl der Admins zu Beginn der jeweiligen Periode sehen. So lässt sich leicht herausfinden, wie die Zahl der Admins sich im Verlauf der Zeit verändert hat. Für die Wahlen vor der 12. Adminwahl gibt es leider keine Zahlen mehr.
Anzahl der Admins pro Periode.png
Mitglied (205)
2911micha, AaliyahShane, Ach, Acou, Allium Sativum, Allrounder2006, Andre, angryshark, Anni maliisch x, Aro Volturi x, AudioSuckA, BadBoy4ever, Balticker, Banshee, Barbiepuppenfresserin, base62, Binelicious, BlackLostSoul, Bladinator84, Börchen, Candela, carla100099, cepo, chrissi38, CookieDough x, Cränkz, Cuore Rosso, dark-teufel2005, Dat Rücker, der coole felix, DeusVultMoH-Sefa, DevilsQueen, dirrrrrrrty-14, Dr Steve, einUser, Embrace, enricoreiss, ErdbeerPraline, eXilant, fangnix, Felix105m, Forcy, freches kätzchen, frechundsüß19, Fro, Frozen Hope, Funkelnder Weihnachtsmarkt, Funny honey, g1rlw1thd, Game, garath-boy17, Girlmoregirls ma, glitteringcandy, Gluecksbringer x, Glückssternchen93, Guisy feat Cati, Halinaa, handballgirl1987, Hard Enduro, Heiki, Hein20, Herrscherin des Eises, Hexa, Hill, I>Voodoobarbie<I, Ich atme ein und RASTE AUS, IchBinMirSicher, Iomee zu Westfal, Ivar der Seefahrer, Jack17, jean-darc72, Jessie, Julchen1986, Jule555, JumpstyleChris, Kaba1990, Kartoffelwuschel, king-kerg, kingchiller, KlEeNe<3KaTtA<3, kleeneskleen, knuddelige maus 789, knuddels queen 42, Knurrpuschel, König Gil-Galad, Königskind, Königspinguin, Legende, Lena1224, Leonie Griffey, Letzter blauäugiger Drache, Lila38, lili-sophia, Lille, lisa99, Loewenherz<26>, Lolmops35, lonelywolve32, Loyal, Lucy12w, lämmie, Mabuse, mailylylylylyn, Maltorian, Marilena, Medididi, Melli 61, Micha1977m, Michii, midnight roses, MiSSVanillaBaby, Mona40, Mortisian Blackfeather, Mr Krampus, mrs fabelhaft, m u s i k v e r r ü c k t, Mäuschen73347, Narkol, Natnat2982, nature-balance, nerdpunk, Nessa2006, Neutronenreaktion, Nightfee39, Notfallsanitäter, Nööölpf3rd, pandastic, papasylvio, Passato, pharao72, PhüLü, Plueschzombie, policemann, powertina, Prettywoman38, qballleipzig, QueenBeast, R0cky, Realplayagirl2000, Reddiamant, Regenbogenfischchen, Regenbogenzauberstein, riesaboy, RigoSH, Roses for summer, ruhig, sabetorie, Sayaki, Sceptically, Schneckii93, Schneecristal, Schnupfnäschen, Schuechterne-1989, server33, Sh4nnon, Silberschwinge, SimplyChris, SiSSi von Krolock, skatass, SmokinPanda, Sohn von Teufel oder Engel, Sonic>iJay, Sovereignly, Stefan, Sternchaen, sterrnschnuppe, Sweetesdream, süßertiger1991, SüßeVanyMaus, Tabacco, Tauren der Horde, teddi 23, thomy70, Tiger307, timme82, Twicks, TxG, Vampir Missy, Vergöttert, VeriHH, Waldkätzchen, Weltenbummler76, Werder@Lady, WerEWulF, wichtel13, WiNo2k, wuschel26, x4erocell, x Acadia, x baaabyface <3, xD ChRiS =D, x louve, X MAFIA papst <3, x Momo x <3, x Nici <3, x Rebellin, xXDarkSoulXx, XxgroßerTeufelxX, xx Niico <3 xx, Xx Pumilein xX, Ypsilon, YuriH, Zeitverschwendung, Ärztefanin908, ÜOoOJojoOoOÜ
Teamleitung (3)
Chris30014, Holgi, Kaddi
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jessebeckerms · 2 years ago
Weingut Giegerich Silvaner Rücker "Schalk" Franken 2021
Bundtsandstein. Smokey reduction on the nose, veering on popcorn. A technique-driven aromatic profile but well-executed. Close to the edge, for my preference. The palate is smokey, salty, ripe, and concentrated. I like this, but the aroma and flavor are of a particular style that might not appeal to some. ***+
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gazeta24br · 2 years ago
O período de chuvas de verão, intensificado pelas mudanças climáticas, com enchentes e alagamentos em todo o país, fez crescer o número de chamados de emergência para seguradoras, feitos por proprietários de automóveis com seguro Comercializado em todo o mundo, o seguro de automóvel busca proteger veículos contra prejuízos, incluindo aqueles causados por catástrofes naturais, como as enchentes. As condições climáticas, sabemos bem, nem sempre são previsíveis. Uma enchente pode ocorrer em qualquer lugar, em qualquer momento, o que torna o seguro automóvel imprescindível, apto a minimizar os prejuízos causados. Apenas em São Paulo, segundo a Federação Nacional de Seguros Gerais, foram cerca de 3 mil atendimentos nos dias 19 e 20 de fevereiro. Esse número ainda deve subir, considerando que as chuvas perduram na região. Em razão do excessivo número de chamados, as seguradoras montaram um plano de ação para atenderem as vítimas seguradas, valendo-se de veículos especiais, caminhonetes e jet-skis. Estima-se que já resgataram cerca de 3 mil veículos. Ao contratar um seguro automóvel, é importante entender quais eventos são cobertos. A maioria dos produtos oferece cobertura contra enchentes como parte da apólice básica, mas pode haver limitações ou exclusões. Algumas apólices podem não cobrir danos causados por enchentes originadas de causas naturais, como chuvas torrenciais, enquanto outras podem excluir danos causados por enchentes que resultam de falhas em sistemas de água ou esgoto. Assim, morando ou não em uma área que apresenta risco de enchentes, é importante conhecer o produto, ler atentamente as condições gerais antes da contratação e considerar a inclusão de coberturas adicionais. Importante um contato próximo junto ao corretor e à seguradora, através dos canais de atendimento, e dar conhecimento sobre os riscos específicos para as regiões e como as coberturas oferecidas podem vir a ajudar a atenuar prejuízos em caso de uma catástrofe natural. As empresas, em conjunto com a Confederação Nacional das Seguradoras, também vêm lançando campanhas nacionais sobre os produtos ofertados no mercado que podem vir a auxiliar na prevenção de crises e prejuízos. *Marcos Alexandre Lopes �� advogado no Rücker Curi Advocacia e Consultoria Jurídica
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