simbafire · 3 years
when the main theme of life is rythm #rythmoflife #rythmofmylife #babyjaya #superjaya #babymodel #babysuper #babysuperstar #kiddomodel #kiddosuperstar #kiddojaya #kiddosuper #superkiddo #superbaby #jayasuper #jayamodel #jayasuperstar #jayakiddo (at Sayuri Healing Food) https://www.instagram.com/p/COUc5NOnJSGsM0jQNxRfRf2clw0ODdX-wFf7XU0/?igshid=18zwpptox2f1t
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raveon-shop · 5 years
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🔊Rave On!® 📖 Made on Planet Earth... CHAPTER 1: Eines Tages wachst Du auf, gehst in dein Bad, machst dich fertig, irrst noch leicht benebelt Durch die Wohnung als würdest du etwas suchen. Ganz leichtes, sehr leises, aber für dich kaum überhörbares hämmern macht sich irgendwo zwischen deiner schläfe & kleinhirn bemerkbar sobald du kurz still hältst und deine volle Aufmerksamkeit versuchst auf deine Gedanken zu ziehen. Du Prüfst unbewusst kritisch all deine Sinne und als du Durch mit dem allround Check-up bist, kommt es dir so vor als würde dir noch ein Teil, ein gedankliches letztes Häkchen, deiner geprüften Kognikativen Fähigkeiten auf der Check-Liste zum Abhaken fehlen... Fehlt dir was?... Währenddessen stellst du fest, dass dieses hämmern im Hinterkopf nur dein, sich durch dein Rückenmark zum Kleinhirn im außerordentlich stimmungsgeladenen Takt, virbrierender Herzschlag ist. Dieser Rhythmus verfolgt dich schon länger. Er ist, so solltest du kurz inne halten können, immer in deinem Kopf. Er begleitet dich überall hin und du bist froh darum. Dieser Rytmus bereichert dein Leben und du fühlst dich von Zeit zu Zeit damit anders. Besonders. Einmalig. Einzigartig. Eigenartig? Einzigartig? Ja, das bist du und du lässt gern dazu zeitweilen deine Gedanken in der Leere kreisen. Manchmal solltest du das tun. Öfter als Nie, denn diese 'Baseline' in deiner Brust ist dein 'Rythm of Life' und der Beat in deinem Kopf dein eigegenes 'Rave On!' Rave On! Bedeutet übrigens nicht einfach nur, wie gemeinhin bekannt sich ausgiebig, Stundenlang auf Klänge der elektronischen Musik zu bewegen. Nein... Rave On! Bedeutet viel mehr! Es heisst nicht aufzugeben, weiter zu machen, an etwas angefangenem festzuhalten und gleichzeitig nicht Stehen zu bleiben. Es bedeutet voran zu kommen, weiterzugehen, über sich und seine Grenzen, mehr zu machen als nötig, zu Sehen was ist möglich. Rave On! bedeutet Antrieb, Straight, Nächstenliebe, Cool bleiben, es leicht zu sehen und Chill! Nochmal von Anfang... Zurück zu dir: DU... To be continue... ____WWW.RAVE-ON.DE____ #ravelife #rave_on #story #rave_on_story #chapterone #raver #raveon #ravelove #raveguy #rythmoflife #madeonplanetearth (hier: Jannowitzbrücke) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8kqL1WIKBM/?igshid=qm6blladdw4a
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protejedj · 5 years
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I'm not happy because today is Friday. I am happy because today is today and I love my life! #protejemusic #neversawuscoming #livingyourdreams #rythmoflife https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkjZoVApG7/?igshid=26d36kr9hxf7
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azulyoga · 7 years
18 seconds to pause, to listen, to breathe, and to Be Still. #rythmoflife #ebbandflow #ocean #tide #sunrise #sunshine #sky #sun #onewithnature #meditation #peace #peaceful #breathe #lovefl #loveboca (at Boca Raton, Florida)
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amandalightjurne · 8 years
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Speaking to yourself as your own best friend, what advice do you have for yourself right now? Zoom out from your current circumstance & see what the broader perspective holds. Do you still feel the same once you've witnessed a larger portion of the picture? #introspection #iammybestfriend #broadenedperspective #innerworkings #rythmoflife #newreality #lostvalleyofthepegasus #celebrationofloveoracle #lightjourneyhealing
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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🌟CUT THE CORDS🌟 • 🌷~ Spring clean your soul ~🌷 • 1st of March, & spring has begun. We are at our rebirthing point in nature. We are being reborn at this time. The buds are coming out & nature is blossoming. Spring clean your soul, detox. Cut the cords to what you are hanging on to, let go of the clutter deep within. Ask for spiritual support, ask for guidance, ask what you need to do, listen with awareness for answers. • Clean everything out 🧹🧽 • #spring #1stmarch #springcleaning #detox #detoxyourbody #detoxyourlife #detoxyourmind #springisintheair #cordcutting #cutthecords #reborn #rebirth #newyou #bornagain #birth #cycles #naturalhealing #naturalcycles #beinsync #naturalflow #flowwithnature #rythmoflife #guidancecards #angelsigns #angelmessages #angelsspeak #oracledeck #angelguides #universalsigns https://www.instagram.com/p/CL4Jt91F3aB/?igshid=tb4pviggdzrt
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thezenstore · 5 years
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“If you study the rhythm of life on this planet, you will find that everything moves in perfect symphony with everything else — by grand divine design. The earth has the ability to heal and regenerate itself, just as our oceans have the ability to replenish themselves by turning over their debris with the waves to wash them ashore. This perfect orchestration of the cycle of life is one of the Creator's greatest and most beautiful miracles. The earth will continue to exist with or without us. So the real concern should be, will we be able to continue to co-exist with each other?” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem #life #light #meaning #light #ocean #meaningoflife #rythmoflife #change #awakening #connect2earth #wildernessculture #bethelight #wildness #motherearth #naturegoddess #ZENstore #gogreen #liveauthentic #illumine #spreadgoodvibes #earthlovers #wildandfree #seekadventure #wildlove # #rooted #wildwoman #awakenings ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sent via @planoly #planoly — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2KTmZvB
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raveon-shop · 5 years
🔊Rave On!® 📖 Made on Planet Earth... CHAPTER 1: One day you wake up, go to your bathroom, get ready, still slightly befuddled, wandering around the apartment like you're looking for something. A very light, very quiet, but for you hardly audible hammering makes itself felt somewhere between your sleeping & cerebellum as soon as you hold still for a moment and try to draw your full attention to your thoughts. You unconsciously check all your senses critically and when you are done with the allround check-up, it seems as if there is still a part, a last mental check mark, of your tested cognitive abilities missing on the checklist to check off... Missing something?... Meanwhile you realize that this hammering in the back of your head is just your heartbeat vibrating through your spinal cord to the cerebellum in an extraordinarily mood-charged beat. This rhythm has been haunting you for some time. It is, you should be able to pause for a moment, always in your head. It accompanies you everywhere and you are happy about it. This rhythm enriches your life and from time to time you feel different with it. Special. Unique. One of a kind. Peculiar? Unique? Yes, you are, and you like to let your mind wander in the void at times. Sometimes you should do that. More often than never, because this 'baseline' in your chest is your 'Rhythm of Life' and the beat in your head is your own 'Rave On! Rave On! By the way, it doesn't just mean, as it is commonly known, to move for hours on end on sounds of electronic music. No... rave on! Means much more! It means not to give up, to continue, to hold on to something started and at the same time not to stand still. It means to move forward, to go further, to go beyond yourself and your limits, to do more than necessary, to see what is possible. Rave On! means drive, straight, charity, staying cool, seeing it easily and chill! From the beginning again... Back to you: YOU... To be continue... ____ #ravelife #rave_on #story #rave_on_story #chapterone #raver #raveon #ravelove #raveguy #rythmoflife #madeonplanetearth (hier: Block House Berlin - Kurfürstendamm) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8k9rFWIhvQ/?igshid=1t6ud99awd59v
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rapitones · 11 years
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Funny what a touch of #creativity can do #music #soccer #rythmoflife
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