realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, 07/15/17: Mirage Media has officially released information about maknae, Yong Hanbyul, also known as Loki, on G-ZER0’s official website! Loki is a ‘98 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2013. Find out more about Loki below!
I, YONG HANBYUL, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of MAKNAE and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of MIRAGE MEDIA.
Preferred name: Erika
Pronouns: She/her
Timezone: GMT+1
Other muses: None
Skype (this is optional, but if you would like to join the RHYTHMSgc please leave your skype username here): N/A
Faceclaim: Choi Junhong (Zelo)
Name: Yong Hanbyul
Stage name (if applicable): Loki
Idol concept: Just a mere fifteen years old upon his debut and as the youngest member of G-Zero, it had been more or less officially decided that Hanbyul should be portrayed as the most innocent amongst his peers regardless of the situation. His remarks and suggestions were to always be downplayed, his reactions exaggerated and his intelligence almost if not questioned – after all, he was just a kid.
To play the pure and oblivious member in a team of fierce colleagues was a role that Hanbyul had taken without much protest only for the simple fact that, at just fifteen, there was little that he could say against the image that he had been given and needless to say, nor did he think much of it. He would often put a smile on his face and laughed the loudest laughter, filled with genuine happiness as he would often take advantage of the maknae position to spill information regarding the older members and also receive what he wished for. After all, he was to be taken care of by those older around him.
But as he transitioned from a kid that had just entered his teenage years and moved with slow yet sure steps towards adulthood, Hanbyul had steadily become fed up with being brushed off as ‘just the maknae’ and having his words rarely if ever taken into consideration. Taking advantage of the upper hand that he had and namely the public that was on his side, Hanbyul had shed off the ‘innocent’ persona that he had been given and had instead begun showing his true colours – a boy that was growing into a man, who had a mind to speak out, several interests that contradicted his idol life, and a sharp tongue to go with it all.
Points Sorting: +3 singing, +3 dancing, +4 rapping, +0 acting
Birth date and age: 1998.08.01
Company name: Mirage
Group Name (if applicable): G-Zero
Group Position (if applicable): Maknae
Strengths: One would argue that Hanbyul’s strength would be his versatility. The most loyal of fans would even go as far as to say that Hanbyul might as well just be the one maknae in the industry that holds a position in each and every field that exists in a group. While holding the title of the ‘main vocalist’, he himself would tend to argue and attempt to explain that he considers himself much better in the rapping department.
Weaknesses: While Hanbyul could, without a doubt, be named a jack of all trades, he does not excel at any department – none of his talents would be enough to be considered anywhere near amazing. And one would have to consider the fact that while he had managed to keep appearances and stick to the image that he had been given, Hanbyul would not be able to take up professional acting. His versatility and capacity of passing off as decent in the fields required to break into the entertainment industry have also kept Hanbyul from developing his talent – he considers his level as enough and refuses to improve for the simple fact that he is just plain lazy.
Positive traits: Passionate, generous, humourous, warm-hearted
Negative traits: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy
1998 – Hanbyul was born as the only child in a family of medical tradition. With the last five generations having occupied some type of position in the field of medicine, the boy’s future had been written from the moment that he had been born – that was what the joyful parents had thought to themselves once they had laid their sight on their newborn son. He was to follow in their steps.
2002 – He is just four years old and already a troublemaker, as he has been called. Just an average child in his beginning years in kindergarten, he is a boy who does not hesitate to take whichever toy he had deemed as his own, to pull on a girl’s hair as a sign of affection that would mistakenly be interpreted as malicious, and to get into fights over whose superhero is better. He is already opinionated and does not hold back from showcasing it.
2008 – Having moved into fourth grade, his parents had deemed it a moment fit of beginning to insert their aspirations for their son into him, to be already more or less implementing the path that he is to take as he grows older. A path that Hanbyul himself refuses without further thought – suffering unbeknownst to his parents of haemophobia, he is quick to deem a career in the medical field as unfit for him. He avoids any further conversation and brushes the topic off much to the dismay of his parents who were rather blatantly disappointed to say the least, not missing an opportunity to voice their displeasure.
2011 – Constantly faced with words of dissatisfaction from the two people he faces first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening each and every single day, Hanbyul finds himself doing the unthinkable – he auditions for an entertainment company, paving his path towards a career opposite to the rational world that he had lost himself in for the last couple of years. And moreso, he does it by auditioning for a company that had just been founded. He does it without any hope of being accepted, he does it only to spite the parents that had not allowed him to build his own dreams. And yet, he receives a call informing him that he had made it and would be formally invited to sign the contract prior to his training. Finding himself in shock yet enjoying the delusion of a future in the spotlight, Hanbyul had done possibly the most selfish deed of his life thus far – he had fooled his parents into signing the contract, having fabricated a story behind the reason.
And, at just thirteen and having just entered the company, Hanbyul is more than just taken aback to be informed of the upcoming survival show. A show that he would be taking part in. He finds himself to be a natural in fields that he had never even thought he could be even at least mediocre at and thus advances through the rounds with the help of the fans that had found a liking to him. He finds refuge in the adoration that they show him and the hope of already making his debut albeit even he himself considering that the events were unfolding at an incredible speed.
And then it comes crashing down on him that he had been cut from the final line-up for Mirage’s first group with no explanation whatsoever much to the dismay of the public. Yet if he were to be honest, he was much less disappointed.
2013 – He is diligent and continues working towards his newfound dream, and the effort that he had put pays off once he steps on the stage as an official member of Mirage’s G-Zero for the first time. His ears perk and bumps appear on his flesh at the sound that engulfs the room – a public who has learnt the words to their debut song by heart and who, in his mind, seems to be screaming his name the loudest. He is just fifteen, yet he often repeats to himself that he has thus yet achieved more than people twice his age with much less effort.
2016 – Three years into his career, Hanbyul is given the type of attention that he considered lacked as a child. He observes the attention that he is given from the company, the way they seem to pamper him with an abundance of lines in their songs and screen time that would possibly amount to more than that of the other six members combined. ‘Maybe their way of making up for it’, he says to himself in reminiscence of how he had been cut from Mystery6 without any explanation whatsoever, and honestly, he does not mind it one bit. In the contrary, he adores the spotlight he is given, but in the same time, he seems to have one complaint.
For three years, he is the maknae of G-Zero. His remarks during variety appearances are not given much thought, he is being cut off mid-sentence every now and then and he is rarely given the opportunity to talk during interviews and speeches. He has to laugh it off, he has to appear as the most innocent among the team consisting of what seems to be six men and one boy. But as his eighteenth birthday approaches, Hanbyul takes a risk. Without consulting his management and with the risk that it might backfire, Hanbyul decides to begin showing more of his true colours.
2017 – He remains and, theoretically, will always be the youngest member of G-Zero, the group that had managed to form and break records in the entertainment industry, but he finds more pride in holding that position whilst being himself. As for his family? He hasn’t spoken to them for about a year considering that he had cut his ties with them the moment he had turned eighteen. ‘Payback’, he once more tells himself. With his newfound riches and implicitly lacking a dependence on them, he has found it easy to detach himself from them while also delving in the real estate area and indulging himself in his cravings in the same time. He is just nearly nineteen, yet he often repeats to himself that he has thus yet achieved more than people twice his age with much less effort.
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rytdispatch · 7 years
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Netizens lay out evidence that G-ZER0’s Mint is dating labelmate skyLectric’s Angel.
Following G-ZER0′s Mint and SILVERBEAT’s Siyeon dating rumor. Netizens claim that Siyeon is just a cover up over the truth behind Mint’s real relationship. Netizens have dug up evidence that the G-ZER0′s lead rapper isn’t dating Siyeon but labelmate skyLectric’s lead vocal instead, Song Haneul more known as Angel. 
The two were spotted having dinner with a group of friends at a restaurant in Gangnam on a tuesday night and Sangmin or more known as “Mint” was seen getting inside the former Miss Korea semi-finalist’s car after they bid the said friends goodbye.
But this isn’t the first time that the pair was spotted together. While this might seem like a normal “sunbae-hoobae” relationship, some fans are not buying it. Fans of both groups are defending both idols from this malicious rumors, but we’ve gotten hold of the said evidence regarding their ‘relationship’. It’s up for you to decide whether to believe this rumor or not.
1. Holding hands during V Live broadcast. During one of Angel’s solo live broadcasts, someone knocked on the door and it turns out to be none other than G-ZER0′s Mint. Fans pointed out that Angel waved at him and he took her hand, holding it right away. While he could’ve let go of her hand to close the door behind him, he didn’t. It seemed as well that the pair held hands for quite a while and even under the desk which could not be seen by the camera. Though some fans were glad to see him on her broadcast, others were not happy at all upon noticing their closeness.
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2. Sending secret messages. In the photo below, fans noticed how Sangmin and Haneul were looking at each other. Though it may appear innocent and harmless. Fans are saying that Angel could possibly be sending Mint a secret message while others say it’s simply nothing.
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3. Airport madness. Several accounts stated that Mint and Angel stood side by side as they came out of the airport. Additional security had to step in due to the fans crowding in, the small stop allowed some fans to take pictures and videos of their idols. In the small clip below, it can be seen that Angel was looking or checking for something or possibly, someone. Then we can see Mint standing nearby.
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A representative from Mirage Media denied the rumor and has stated that the two are simply good friends and both idols are not in any kind of romantic relationship with anyone. 
Could the statement of their company be true or are they actually dating? What do you think?
❪ +9892, -2135 ❫ Mint and Angel always hang out. Why are you making this a big deal? Not like any of you would be noticed by your oppa. Get over it. ❪ +7892, -3358 ❫ It’s weird because Angel is sporting a short haircut and Siyeon as well. HEOL!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if I cut my hair short, Mint will date me too!!~~ ❪ +2860, -437 ❫She didn’t win the crown but she’s winning all of your oppas hearts! ❪ +1903, -592 ❫Angel is too good for your oppa. ❪ +632, -161 ❫ They’re not dating! They are like brother and sister! Why would Sangmin oppa date Angel anyway? She’s not pretty. ❪ +575, -183 ❫ why is sangmin oppa always getting into a dating rumor? ❪ +530, -200❫ Weren’t they caught spending Christmas together last year? ❪ +499, -158 ❫Obviously Angel is better than Siyeon. Mint would be a fool to choose Siyeon over Angel. ❪ +192, -45 ❫ I thought I was the only one who thought they were dating!! MintGel!!!
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (06/24/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about actress, Moon Suah, also known as “Sun” by some fans, on the official website! Suah is a ‘93 liner and has been beloved by fans since her debut in 2015. Find out more about Suah below!
I, Moon Suah, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of Actress 1 and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Mirage Media.
Preferred name: gina
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: gmt+1
Other muses: none
Password (for reservations only): lime
Faceclaim: iu
Name: moon suah
Stage name (if applicable): was supposed to debut with the stage name ‘sun’. some people that have known her since her singer trainee days still call her that.
Idol concept: while training to become a member of skyLectric, the idea behind her was the typical “girl crush“. she was supposed to be it all to fans - the little sister one would want to protect and the girl next door one wouldn’t hesitate to give up their heart for. despite suah not being all that in reality, she accepted that image. though, that perception and utopic idea of her faltered as soon as she became a full-time actress. there was a number of meetings held, all of which revolved around her possible image. soon it was announced that her new image is “mystery“. she became like someone behind a white veil; you can see her, but she‘s blurry; you can talk to her, but you‘re never sure of what exactly she means – a “mirage“ in its finest form. Her image is a painting of blurred lines and enchanting gazes, which never failed to draw people in and ensure that all eyes stay on her.
Birth date and age: february 16th, 1993 (24 years old)
Company name: mirage
Group Name (if applicable): -
Group Position (if applicable): actress 1
Strengths: she has a certain aura around her that draws people‘s attention and makes eyes set on her and her only. that‘s something the company and the girl herself view as an ultimate strength – the mystery behind her character and the likable aura around her mixed with undeniable acting talent ensures that she will stay relevant despite the quick changing actor industry. besides that, it‘s worth to mention that she has trained to become an idol for a number of years before the ceo had her switch to become an actress. therefore, she exceeds in dancing and singing, music composing and songwriting. on top of that, she‘s variety trained, so she knew how to maneuver her supposed, idolized personality just right in interviews and tv shows.
Weaknesses: her ultimate weakness is the fact that her actual personality is far from mysterious. she‘s in a constant struggle between who she has to be and who see is, and that causes a lot of slip ups. suah hates having to hide herself from the world and the fact that she genuinely didn‘t want to be a full time actress adds to it. she‘s also a very bad liar – to the point where she taught herself to just stay quiet instead of telling the truth. of course, it adds to her image, but when she is forced to talk, it does more damage than anything else.
Positive traits: proactive, expressive, enchanting
Negative traits: angry, pessimistic, cunning
to her life was but a stage in the purest sense of the words. there were no exits or substitutes, only her and hairbrushes turned microphones and noises turned melodies. therefore, as seasons changed one another and leaves turned from green to brown, she ignored the endless misfortunes that walked hand in hand with her family ever since she could remember and chose to focus on music instead. needless to say, it was her dream. to become an idol, that is. and with every step she took, just as her body moved further into maturity, she moved slowly towards her goal. soon, the never-ending cycle of part time jobs, dance lessons, vocal training, speech lessons became a routine.
mirage welcomed her at fifteen. and as soon as her eyes blinked the sleep away at four in the morning right after her acceptance, all the scattered puzzle pieces of the graceful dance moves, melodies that steadily gained stability over the years, the formal and elegant speech she was always taught of seemed to slowly start fitting together. the stage that she saw whenever she closed her eyes started becoming real – the status of an trainee to suah was an equivalent of a promise of a debut, stages and blinding lights, sending her mind into a daze and her heart soaring in euphoria.
and she worked hard for it. with tears in her eyes and droplets of sweat in her hair, she practiced until until the sore playing with her muscles made her taste sweetness on the tip of her tongue. but who could blame her; she often mistook the lights in the practice room for the ones of a stage. if only she had known that living in a dream that she so desperately tried to make real might end up being venomous.
time passed in a blink of an eye and there she was; standing proud and tall, looking at the girls standing next to her through the dance studio mirror. they were her new family, her new partners, as a chance of debut finally peeked in their horizon. together they were supposed to create something of theirs, leave a mark in the industry. and all suah could do at that is smile at the ridiculousness of her own mind, as somehow right then and there looking at those girls through the mirror made them seem like they somehow were a part of an alternate universe, a different reality. they seemed far from reach. maybe suah’s subconscious mind knew the future.
“we have decided to debut you as an actress later,“ / “after promotions?“ / “no. it’s the best for you and the company for you to debut later as an actress instead of a singer.“
suah never considered that a couple of acting lessons might change her whole life path to one she never asked for and the twinkle of light that was a promise of a debut with a group disappeared out of her sight just as swiftly as it appeared. a star fallen, one might say. the worst part about it was that she didn’t even try to be good at acting. without as much as a grain of effort from her, her face and body told stories to those who watched her. a talent she never wanted to possess ripped her only goal in life out of her hands.
from there she was angry. suah is angry at the whole word that she didn‘t get to do what she wanted. and she is angry at herself for failing to protest the announcement of a change of her career plan. to this day, she has a lot of pent up bitterness and spite in her gut. luckily, the “mystery” of her persona and the lack of background information about who she was coming with that helps with keeping the negativity inside while in public. but you can only fill a cup to a certain point before it spills; her feelings do come out here and there; the frustration, helplessness and pure dissatisfaction directed towards herself and her life.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, 06/24/17: Mirage Media has officially released information about lead rapper, Kwon Sangmin, also known as Mint, on G-ZER0’s official website! Mint is a ‘94 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2013. Find out more about Mint below!
I, KWON SANGMIN, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of LEAD RAPPER,  and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of MIRAGE ENTERTAINMENT.
Preferred name: ellen Pronouns: she/her Timezone: pst Other muses: n/a
Faceclaim: lim changkyun (I.M) Name: kwon sangmin Stage name: mint
Idol concept:
when sangmin was given the stage name mint, the company told him it’s a reflection of who he is as a person – cool and impactful. because of this, he often stays quiet to maintain that “cool” presence to him and only spoke up when he had to. his comedic timing, cleverness, and thoughtfulness would often win people’s hearts. as time passes by, he’s becoming more outspoken and willing to be silly.
there’s not much difference between his public persona and his private one. his public persona is really a watered down version of himself. in private, he’s a lot more vulgar and has his fair share of bad habits he has yet to shake off.
Birth date and age: july 19, 1994 (23) Company name: mirage media Group Name: G-Zer0 Group Position: lead rapper
[ RAPPING ] you can take the boy out of the underground, but you can’t take the underground out of the boy. he spent time with an underground hip-hop crew composed of young, aspiring vocalists and rappers. knowing he doesn’t have the voice to be a vocalist, he spent his youth learning the works of having a flow and how to deliver his rhymes. he’s fierce on the mic, able to go on and on without taking a breath.
[ COMPOSING/FREESTYLING ] to survive in the music business, you always need new material. sangmin has years of composing under his belt. whenever he has free time, he’s working on something new. he’s also capable of improvising on the spot, thanks to his time as a battle rapper.
[ STAGE PRESENCE ] while he has no desire to be the center at all, sangmin makes everything count. when his verse comes, sangmin puts his heart and soul into his part. when it comes to variety, he makes sure to get his own screen time even for a short while. growing up with parents who are constantly busy with work, fighting for people’s attention has become second nature. it just happens.
[ MOODINESS ] being an idol is not easy and it takes a toll on sangmin. when he’s in a bad mood, it’s hard to ignore it. his professionalism keeps him from telling people what’s wrong, but his moodiness could potentially disrupt the harmony in the room until he cheers up.
[ DANCING ] compared to his groupmates, it takes him a bit longer to get the choreography down. it gets to the point where he spends more time in the practice room than he does in his workroom, which frustrates him. sangmin gets the whole idea, but his body can only do so much.
[ VOCALS ] he studied vocals when he was young, but he knows singing is not for him. despite his knowledge on music, his range as a vocalist is pretty bad. he can sing along quietly. other than that, he’ll just stick to rapping, thank you very much.
Positive traits: clever, curious, ambitious Negative traits: moody, reserved, sensitive
“be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire.”
kwon sangmin was born in gwangju, south korea as the youngest son of two aspiring restaurateurs. his parents’ business makes enough to provide for a family of four. they were not rich, but they weren’t poor either. aside from the occasional arguments over finances, his parents love each other very much.
they were happy and that’s all they asked for.
his parents lose the restaurant.
with two growing boys, the kwon family packs up and leaves gwangju behind for seoul. there are friends and relatives who can help while they recover from their loss. his parents are heartbroken, discouraged, and deep in debt.
and sangmin struggles to adjust to  the city his parents have called home. he enters his new elementary during the school year. his new classmates do not know what to make of him. he is, after all, the new student and everyone has already settled their own friendship circles.
fortunately for sangmin, they are not cruel but being ignored hurts.
the piano that sits in the corner of their home has been collecting dust for a long time. her mother insists they keep it, even if it was a hassle bringing it in from gwangju. according to his mother, it was her father’s. there’s sentimental value; she remembers, when she was a girl, how her father fills the silence in the house with his beautiful music. it was not until he became old and could barely remember his wife’s name when he finally stopped playing.
sangmin decides he wants to learn how to play the piano.
music becomes the love of his life.
sangmin has always been a curious child. he would wander around his parents’ restaurant, asking guests who are you? where are you from? what do you do? it takes a lot for something to really capture sangmin’s attention, and music has so much to offer, to discover, to learn. music helps him find friends who mean the world to him.
while his parents are busy with work and his brother has no time to spare, sangmin spends his time writing composing and producing his own music. his vocals are, well, not bad but, through his friends’ suggestions, finds his place in rapping. besides, they could use another rapper if they were going to form an underground hip-hop group.
sangmin doesn’t see himself sitting behind a desktop in a sleek suit or sweating over an stove in a five-star restaurant. being on stage, spitting out verses, and producing music feels right. it feels like he’s right where he’s supposed to be.
he tells his parents he wants to pursue a career in music. though, to his surprise, his parents don’t support him. they know the hardships and struggles it takes to reach a dream with no security behind it. he should be more realistic, they tell him. if he wants to make his mark on the world, he should be a lawyer or a doctor or something more dependable, more secure.
in the end, he is his parents’ child and he will pour blood, sweat, and tears for his dream even if it doesn’t work out.
being a trainee for mirage media is, well, not really where he thought he would end up. it’s a start, though.
sangmin feels like the new kid in seoul again. he’s alone, he’s tired, and he’s homesick. he spends time to himself, preferring to work on his own songs and only interacting with the others if he has to. but as his trainee days go from months to years, he warms up. his fellow trainees become his home away from home.
the idol life gives him everything he dreamt about. he’s able to see the world and make music people love with the group who has become his second family. he made it, and his parents are finally happy with him again.
but the fame is slowly getting to him. the choreography is only getting harder and the fact mirage wants him to do more than just music makes him wonder how long he’s able to hang on.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, 06/24/17: Mirage Media has officially released information about main dancer, Makiyama Hibiki, also known as Echo, on G-ZER0’s official website! Echo is a ‘96 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2013. Find out more about Echo below! 
I, MAKIYAMA HIBIKI, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of MAIN DANCER and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of MIRAGE.
Preferred name: rae
Pronouns: she/hers
Timezone: cst
Other muses: n/a
Faceclaim: nakamoto yuta
Name: makiyama hibiki
Stage name (if applicable): echo
Idol concept: there are two parts to echo’s image: part one and the part hibiki hates is generally being considered the foreign one. mirage likes to push the fact he’s from a different country though hibiki himself tries very hard to not play into the “silly foreigner” stereotype because knows it’s a hard image to escape from. the second part and the part that hibiki generally likes is playing up to his skill in dancing. if there’s a dance cover to be done he’s on it, boy or girl group it doesn’t really matter to him. he has no issues being labeled the dancing machine of the group because it’s something that he enjoys doing.
Points Sorting: acting - 00, singing - 01, dancing - 07, rapping - 02, concept - 00
Birth date and age: october 31, 1996 (20)
Company name: mirage
Group Name (if applicable): G-ZER0
Group Position (if applicable): main dancer
Strengths: 01. DANCE/CHOREOGRAPHING - when it comes to dance in any form hibiki is usually the go-to person. he’s usually the one who catches on to the choreography fastest if he’s not the one choreographing. if he is the one behind the choreography he’s known for pushing boundaries with creative and memorable choreography. he is also a patient teacher, someone who’s willing and able to help the other members when they’re struggling with a certain point. 02. COMPOSING - truthfully composing is never something that hibiki thought he’d find himself doing. he was happy just being the main dancer, however, once he started dipping his toes into the composing world he found that it was something he both enjoyed doing and something that he was fairly talented at. 03. RAPPING - while his skill in rapping isn’t quite as developed as it could be he’s passable enough at it. hibiki isn’t going to be taking on the korean underground any time soon but his rapping is acceptable enough for a few bars in a song here and there. truthfully speaking his biggest strength where it comes to rap is lyricism.
Weaknesses: 01. SINGING - hibiki certainly isn’t tone deaf, and he’s capable of singing a line or two here and there, however, his vocal range is rather pitiful and he tends to start sounding unsteady and breathy if he sings too much at once. his voice is more suited for harmonizing than holding down a lead vocal for an extended period of time. 02. PRONOUNCIATION - although he’s fluent in korean he still tends to struggle with pronounciations here and there, which is something that clearly marks him as a foreigner. however his struggles with the language mean that he’s often having to re-record his parts in the studio so that the lyrics actually sound the way that they’re supposed to. 03. VARIETY - most of hibiki’s parts in variety shows consist of him near-perfectly reproducing other idols choreography. and while that talent is certainly entertaining it’s really the only thing he can show off on variety shows because the rest of his parts tend to get cut because he’s extremely resistant to playing into the oblivious foreigner stereotype. hibiki’s reluctance to accept that and play into it sometimes gets him in trouble with the company as well.
Positive traits: affectionate, optimistic, passionate
Negative traits: indecisive, moody, competitive
hibiki watches as okasan dotes on his elder siblings. with them she is kind and gentle. however, whenever hibiki approaches her she is replaced by a cold and cruel woman. if he scratches his knee and comes to her in tears she sneers at him and tells him that boys shouldn’t cry. if he has a nightmare and finds his way to his parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night she tells him to go back to his own room and stop bothering her. then hibiki watches as okasan cares for the smallest of bruises on his brother’s leg or he wakes up only to find that his sister slept in his parent’s room last night. otosan is not much better, he seemingly forgets that hibiki even exists.
when hibiki is nine he overhears an argument between his parents. it is then that he learns the truth. okasan hates him because he is not her child. he walks away from the wall where he had been hiding and goes to his room. the knowledge that okasan is not his real mother sits heavy in his small chest. the next day he goes to his otosan and asks who his real mother is. he gets hit for his trouble.
hibiki learns the answer to his question when he is twelve. his real mother is a porn actress. and she abandoned him on his father’s doorstep almost as soon as he was born. any fantasies he has of his mother loving and caring for him are shattered by cruel callous words from his adoptive mother (by now he no longer calls her okasan, she is not his mother after all). “your mother left you here with us,” she says, “you’re here only by the kindness of our hearts.” the words weigh down on him weeks, months, years after they’ve left his adoptive mother’s lips.
he learns to dance from an older classmate at school. whenever things at home become too much for him hibiki finds himself practicing dancing with his friend. dancing soon becomes an escape from the constant storm that is his home life.
at fourteen hibiki is street-casted by an agent from a company called mirage. and his parents are pushing him to accept the offer. suddenly his parents are interested in him when they never have been before. hibiki accepts the offer purely because it offers an escape from his house. it’s harder than he expects at first. he is the foreigner trainee, the one who makes amusing mispronounciations. but dance is the same in any language and soon enough the other trainees take note of his skill as a dancer.
it takes a lot of sweat and tears but hibiki finally debuts two years later as the main dancer of g-zer0. it takes a while but eventually he gets some composing and choreography credits under his belt. hibiki doesn’t want to only be the “foreign one” and he works hard to shake the unofficial title. the only thing he can’t seem to shake is the shadow of his parents. they show up to every showcase pretending to be supportive and caring when hibiki knows they are anything but. and when he turns nineteen hibiki goes through a very public separation with his parents – however, luckily enough the media and public seem to take his side on the matter and hibiki is finally able to move forward.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (06/07/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about maknae, visual, and vocalist, Cha Jinwoo, also known as “JinU”, on G-ZER0’s official website! JinU is a ‘98 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2013. Find out more about JinU below!
I, Cha Jinwoo, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of Maknae and Vocalist and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Mirage Media.
Preferred name: nabs
Pronouns: She/Her
Timezone: (UTC+08:00).
Other muses: nil
Faceclaim: Kim Taehyung
Name: Cha Jinwoo
Stage name (if applicable): JinU
Idol concept:Joker, Greasy romantic. Jinwoo doesn’t hate it, it was just difficult for him to think of things to do. He would secretly practice cheesy pickup lines in his room and he’s known as the “Fan service King”.
Birth date and age: 31 Dec 1998, 19 Years
Company name: Mirage Media
Group Name (if applicable): G-ZER0
Group Position (if applicable): Maknae, Visual, Vocalist
Strengths: His voice isn’t silky smooth like the other members, instead it was deep and rough, and that was his charm. His voice was weirdly soothing to the fans. His dancing was something he was proud of, having taken contemporary dance lessons in middle school, he managed to get in because of his dance.
Weaknesses: Jinwoo’s happy image was meant to be constant, but at times he lets it slip especially when he’s tired. He has a bit of a temper and throws small tantrums (like a child). He’s been reprimanded a lot, and is doing his best to improve.
Positive traits: Positive, hardworking, responsible
Negative traits: Perfectionist, Indecisive, Irritable
PERSONAL HISTORY“Jinwoo, born in Daegu to two loving parents."— something he wishes he could say. But in reality, Jinwoo was a mistake. A mistake created accidentally from lust. He was never supposed to happen, but he did. Two teenagers enveloped in lust, couldn’t possible be able to take care of him. So the harsher reality to this begining would be,
"Jinwoo, Born in Daegu, to a parent who abandoned him on the front doors of an orphanage.” He may not have parents, but he did have 30 other “siblings” who were just like him. Of course, this number wasn’t always accurate. His so called “siblings” would come and go. It was a bittersweet feeling whenever it happened. There wasn’t anything wrong with him, it was just that there was always someone better.
One day, the caretaker had called him into the office, introducing him to a couple who seemed to be in their 40’s. Jinwoo was overjoyed and so were they.
The couple had one daughter and were unable to have anymore due to complications. Their daughter, had mild autism, and because of that, they had wanted an older brother to help take care of her. The moment Jinwoo saw her, he absolutely loved her. His new family was a dream, he had dreamt of ever since the first day in the orphanage. His father, Cha Wonwoo, was the CEO of a leading cellphone service and his mother, Cha Eunwoo was an announcer for the local news. Moving from Daegu to Seoul was difficult for Jinwoo, all his life he had only known the streets of his area. Moving out felt like he tore a part of himself. But he knew it was for the better. It was for his new life.
His new life had seemed like a fantasy. He was pampered just as much as his little sister was. They went out for dinner, they bought him new clothes, he even had packed lunches for school. It truly began to feel like he was part of the family.
When he was about to start highschool at Seoul Arts Academy, his mother encouraged him to try out for an audition, he had mentioned to her about his dreams of becoming someone famous, and she was all the more supportive.
So that was how Jinwoo got to where he is. He began training for Mirage in 2010, a total of 3 years. Balancing between trainee life and school was not easy at all, but with the help of his members, he managed to push through.
Sometimes Jinwoo looses himself in the luxuries of the life that was suddenly given to him, he forgets what was in the past, and when he remembers what happened in the past, it was definitely going to be a bad day for him.
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rytdispatch · 7 years
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MIRAGE actor NAM EUNTAE and ATHENA of AEON’s MOON YEONHEE a little too close on the set of RHYTHMS’ TRAIN TO BUSAN
April 14th was the official date of Train to Busan casting, which Rhythms will be filming from the 20th until May the 2nd. Many actors and idols such as Jo Dahye, Choi Haesoo, and Jamie Jung. But it seems there has been something fishy going on between two of the leads of the movie, Moon Yeonhee and Nam Euntae.
Yeonhee is an idol under Prime that debuted with AEON as the “Athena”. She has made her name in the business as “The Nation’s Lady” which we can say has been called into question given her actions upon the set of Train to Busan in the past few weeks. Yeonhee is playing Jin-hee, the love interest of Yong-guk who is played by G-ZER0’s Jamie Jung, while Nam Euntae is playing the lead role of Seok-woo.
The clean image of the idol has been part of what has kept her and her group afloat, as well as the clean images of the other idols within the group. But sources say she has been seen a little too close to Mirage actor Nam Euntae on the set, and their behavior towards each other is being called into question. The couple had been seen back in 2011 together a bit more than the usual, but no rumors had surfaced because everyone had higher standards for Yeonhee. Yet, with them being casted into the same upcoming movie, sources have said that the two of them have been hanging around each other a lot more lately, and they even feel the two of them might be hiding something from the public. Others say they are just being friendly cast members, as they were only brought together again by the movie.
While Yeonhee has been held as one of the cleanest idols so far, and a scandal like this could make or break her career given it is being held on her record. Train to Busan is planning to promote on May the 2nd and premiering on May the 13th.
Do you think Yeonhee’s career is on the line with this kind of scandal arising? And do you think her and Euntae have something they’re hiding? Share you opinion below!
❪ +9302, -3852 ❫ yeonhee unnie can do whatever she wants, it’s her life, so what if she’s dating an actor? it’s not like dating is a bad thing ❪ +5831, -4029 ❫ the nation’s lady? yeah right ❪ +1732, -796 ❫ euntae oppa is taken ?!?!?!????? ugh !!!!!!!!! ❪ +570, -145 ❫ who cares… i cant wait for the movie to come out, i bet i’ll be great seeing jamie fighting off zombies and stuff!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
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rytdispatch · 7 years
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SEONGKYEO of G-ZER0 reveals insight on his relationship with his family on latest episode of WEEKLY IDOL
On the latest episode of weekly idol, leader and lead rapper of G-ZER0, Yong Seongkyeo (better known as Kyeo by his fans), raised eyebrows at the denial of giving a heartfelt message to his family back home. 
Towards the end of the episode, the group as a whole was asked to speak a few lines to their families back home given their latest uprising of fame with their comeback “YOU NEVER WALK ALONE” and promotions of “Spring Day” earlier in the year. The aspiring solo artist and songwriter was the last person to be asked to speak, to which he curtly responded with, “I have nothing to say to my family back home,” with a brief apology afterward. This has since raised a few speculations on just what happened before Seongkyeo had joined Mirage and G-ZER0.
It was only a last year he had revealed on a V APP LIVE that he had been with the company since before he was even put into his group at the age of seventeen. Most fans found this extremely surprising because of the age he was, but other fans just brushed it off as his will to become something he had always wanted to as a child. He later revealed in another V APP LIVE that he was in the company interning, writing song lyrics and, “never intended to actually be in a group within the company, but after watching everyone use my work and nobody really noticing me, I tried out for a group and got into the big name G-ZER0.” He also states that it was an exciting feeling, but he always refuses to go any further back than that when it comes to his past. It is not even known if he has any siblings.
Upon the comment while on the variety show, he was asked by the hosts, who have known him for hosting on the show before, in fact, why he did not want to give a message to his family. Seongkyeo simply replied that he does not have contact with his family and that he feels that even if he did say anything, nothing good would come out of it. His statement is below:
“I don’t have any contact with my family, so if I wanted to send them a message on air, it’s not like they would see it or even know about it. But even if they did, I don’t really think it would matter, because nothing good would come out of it.”
The host’s attempts to pressure Seongkyeo for more answers were to no avail, as he only replied with saying that his family was now his group mates, and that was all that he cared about in the moment. He also expressed his love for his fans and career, saying that was his message to his family; everyone who had supported him and his group throughout his career.
Ever since the show, many fans have been wondering just what hides behind Seongkyeo and his heavy past. Some fans have asked him to expose the problems between him and his family, but he either declines or flat out ignores them. He eventually addressed it to the public in an instagram post as seen below: 
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It is expected that fans will continue to support the group and the leader without hesitation, but there will always be a mystery surrounding Seongkyeo’s past. He has told the public that the company is allowing him to stay quiet about it and any heavy rumors or speculations will be dealt with accordingly.
Despite it all, Seongkyeo seems to have moved on very quickly and happily from the situation, continuing to do all he can to help promote G-ZER0’s comeback and prepare for future projects.
A video of the clip from weekly idol is also available below.
❪ +5493, -107 ❫ seonggie should be able to do what he wants without people pestering him about it TT fighting!!!!!! ❤❤❤ ❪ +3984, -890 ❫ sure he’s an idol, but he is also a person and not everyone gets along with their family. he’s come so far without their support, how can you not love him ?????? ❪ +758, -1472 ❫ does he realize what he’s doing tho??? he’s damaging not only his image but g-zero’s ;;; what a waste ❪ +132, -93 ❫ i love gzero and nothing will change that !!! ❤❤❤ i love you seongkyeo-nim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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rytdispatch · 7 years
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G-ZER0’S MINT and SILVERBEAT’S SIYEON possibly DATING after being seen together once again.
Another article about the Train to Busan casting - it seems to be a pattern. With the recent spark of scandal with AEON’s Moon Yeonhee and actor Nam Euntae, it seems like the new RHYTHMS’ movie is bringing together all sorts of new couples, including the infamous Sangmin, better known as “Mint,” from G-ZER0 and SilverBEAT’s maknae, Siyeon.
It is worth noting that the two of them had been seen hanging around each other before. G-ZER0 recently came out with their comeback single “Spring Day,” but Mint has made time for his new casting of the antagonist of the movie, which is a new jump for the usually sweet idol. Siyeon has recently debut solo with “Don’t Say No” and was casted as a supporting character in the movie. The movie has brought them together once again, but is it for good?
Rumors had surfaced before about the two of them dating because of how much time they had been spending together. Both Mirage and BKB denied all the rumors, but it never really set it to rest. Many fans believe they were dating, even if Mint, Siyeon and both companies denied it. Now they are brought back together again for the Train to Busan movie and it seems they are picking up right where they left off when the rumors died down.
The companies refused to comment with their busy schedules of comebacks and helping with the BKB casting, but netizens are getting even more suspicious seeing them back together again. The two of them were even spotted in the picture below:
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Do you think they could be dating? And do you think they were before? Comment below!
❪ +4941, -3902 ❫ let! them! rest! for! once! god can a boy and a girl not hang out without people thinking they’re dating all the time, sheesh, next thing you know you’re going to be saying something bizarre like minjoon and aejeong are dating. get over yourself, neitzens. ❪ +2103, -1320 ❫ but if sangmin oppa is happy, i’m happy too, whether they’re dating or not. ❤❤ ❪ +1682, -1575 ❫ they would be so cute together if they were dating i ship them so much !!!1 ugh !11!! ❪ +418, -279 ❫ g-zero just can’t stay out of the tabloids long enough, huh? first kyeo and his family, now sangmin and his potential ‘girlfriend’. next will be jamie and something stupid like his suggestions for a healthy dinner plan.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/20/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about television host, Kim Yeseul, who goes by simply “Yeseul”, on Weekly Idol’s official website! Yeseul is an ‘86 liner and has been beloved by fans since the show started in 2009. Find out more about Yeseul below!
I, KIM YESEUL, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of TELEVISION HOST 1 and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of MIRAGE MEDIA.
Preferred name: lynn
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: pst
Other muses: none
Faceclaim: Park Sojin
Name: Kim Yeseul
Stage name (if applicable): Yeseul
Idol concept: Yeseul is known as the member of the duo who always has that brutally honest humour that is often times bland. She’s been given the concept of “cuttingly truthful”.
Birth date and age: March 31, 1986 / 30
Company name: Mirage Media
Group Name (if applicable): -
Group Position (if applicable): Television Host 1
Strength: Even though she’s known for sometimes being the uptight kind of person, when idols finally meet here, they realize how welcoming and helpful she is. This always come into play for her variety skills.
Weaknesses: One thing Yeseul has trouble with is her image outside of Weekly Idol is her anger management. She tries her best to watch what she says, but often times things do come out about secrets of other idols behind the scenes.
Positive traits: helpful, assertive, loyal
Negative traits: hot-headed, aggressive, cynical
Kim Yeseul was born in Quebec, Canada to a anthropologist and musical professor. They lived there for more than seven years It was Yesul’s first playground. Quebec would always be her hometown. The place where she learned to walk, talk, smile, cry and laugh. The land where she first disliked school and fell in love with the people in it. Yeseul was saddened by the news that they have to bid farewell to Quebec, but she promised to visit often.
For the next few years, the Kim family traveled the world. Yeseul’s mother was born an adventurer and she took her husband and only child with her to see the beauty that is Earth. They visited the wonderful cities in Africa. They had nice meals in Europe and South America. And after months and months of inhaling culture and knowledge, the family of three returned to Asia.
They migrated to Nagoya when Yeseul was thirteen. The Japanese land where the father of the household was born and grew up in. Yeseul attended school for the with people who talked a different language than her for the first time. She gained friends who influenced her in so many things. These things that groomed Yeseul to what she is today, and the dreams she wants to achieve in life.
At fifteen, Yeseul’s mother died from breast cancer. The same year, she and her father relocated to Seoul because of her mother’s wishes. She attended an international because of her determination to flourish her talents and to also kill time and drift from her depression. Speaking out and interacting with other helped keep her mind off of things. It ignites the passion in her heart. It makes her alive. Hence, Yeseul chases for it. She inhales it.
Sweet sixteen. Yeseul made a decision of a lifetime. She told her father that she wanted to become someone on television. Her father accepted her life choices by offering his blessings. By the end of the year, Yeseul is already under a training contract. And she never felt this alive.
Yeseul made a name for herself online, especially Naver and Youtube.  She made parody of popular songs and released them online (mostly with the assistance of her father and step-sister). She is also a known face in the ulzzang community in Seoul. Nevertheless, she is a growing talent, eager to show what she’s got to the world.
One of the most proud moments of her life is to finally graduate from high school. Yeseul was grante ad second honor for all her dedicated and hard work. The year passed by quickly with it being eventful and memorable. Yeseul attended Hongik University to major in Korean language and literature. By the time she graduates, it was confirmed that she would debuting as a co-host for a new show.
Idol life is not as easy at some may think. Yeseul struggled to maintain her visuals in the public eye which resulted herself sometimes falling back into depression, and working double time to get her name. Whilst her co-host had his own activities, Yeseul was scouted to do extra work overseas. She’s been in the Japanese magazine spreads, as well as commercials, which became rather hectic after many months. This lead to the rumors of her possibly never had wanting to be a host and just wanting to be an idol after all. However, Yeseul proves time and time again that Weekly Idol will always have a special place in her heart, and she’ll never leave them behind - despite the growth of her career in Japan.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/06/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about main vocalist 2, Seok Dohyun, also known as “D.Hyun,” on mystery6’s official website! D.Hyun here is a ‘90 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2012. Find out more about D.Hyun below!
I, Seok Dohyun, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of Main Vocalist 2 and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Mirage Media.
Preferred name: Han / Haneul Pronouns: He / Him / His Timezone: UTC-06:00 (Central) Other muses: N/A
Faceclaim: Young K (Day6) Name: Seok DoHyun Stage name (if applicable): D.Hyun Idol concept: D.hyun’s idol concept is ‘Allure’, he plays the part of the mysterious messenger inciting you to the mystery of their group. While he might not speak the most out of the members, his intense stare holds many words behind a simple smolder or smile. He beckons with a thick voice and subtle teases as he flirts with not only the camera but the people around him, eager to tease the fan’s love and interests without fully committing to a thing. All of this playing on a hidden confidence within, and his ability to act without being shy of others thoughts or his own pride. Birth date and age: December 19th, 1990 (26) Company name: Mirage Media Group Name (if applicable): Mystery6 Group Position (if applicable): Main Vocalist 2 Strengths: Dohyun joined the company first and foremost to be a singer. He prides himself on his voice and the surrender to emotions he’s allowed when given a microphone, but through his company he’s grown in handling variety shows with quick wit. Also a talented actor, able to pretend emotions easily for his songs. Dohyun’s use to playing a part and fooling others into thinking that his 'role’ is the true Dohyun. Having done it since moving from Busan to Seoul, and now as a idol. He pretends to be bad at acting when he was doing it all along. To this day he will watch his idols and spend hours in front of a mirror training his face to tease like them, or imitating the actors he sees on the television, all to be that much better a performer for his fans. Instruments have also been a strength of his, a media he’s turned to when sick or unable to use his voice. Aiding him in songwriting, he’s not so much as gifted but rather puts sheer hard work into the craft allowing him to be above average. Dohun prefers the Guitar and Piano. Weaknesses: Rapping is a big weakness. While he can write songs which helps in pulling lyrics from thin air, he doesn’t have a flow for rapping, always losing his timing or beat while thinking of how he could sing the lyrics instead. Rather, he’ll fall back to the simple beat used in children games and chants and use the situation to get a good laugh out of the members. Positive traits: Attentive - Confident - Dependable Negative traits: Possessive - Impulsive - Judgemental
PERSONAL HISTORY He hated moving. Packing up his entire life into smelly barely stable boxes, being upset with how neatly it fit into a number of 4 and that was it. Leaving his friends behind, his girlfriend. He hated being on the road in cramped spaces, being mad at his parents for focing him along like this, more mad at his own inability to do anything about the situation, but there was better work in Seoul. A better 'education’ and so all Dohyun could do was sit in a ball of crossed arms pressed hard to the door of the car and glare out the widow. He hated how easily his new room fit, how the people in Seoul all looked so good and that he’d forgotten already to miss his friends and 'home’, but what could he do. Lock his door, sing out lines from songs that seemed to touch his heart… but the tears didn’t come until school started. He was 12 in a room of strangers who mocked him, made fun of him, he hated his accent.. where he was born, because it was only fuel for the fire. The television lied when those girls and guys claimed to like men from Busan, failed to warn him of the scrutiny of his peers, and so he studied hard. Worked to speak like those charismatic actors and roll words like those famous singers. He spoke and yelled and groaned through blood and sore throats. Speaking only when needed but being mindful of his accent at all times…. Suddenly finding letters shoved into his desk and shoe locker. The price of silence, attraction? He caught on quickly, playing others with a smile here and a few words there. Only growing confidence in the burial of his hometown. Suddenly he was a man from Seoul, fun and popular. How shallow the people around him were but it didn’t matter. If he could control how people treated him, then he’d take their shallow waters with a cherry on top, just so he could come home and recharge. Sing a heartfelt ballad or honey slick tune where the person he hid could ooze out freely and no longer tax to the stress on his shoulders. His parents didn’t know, they were just so proud to have such a good son. Good grades, 'good’ friends. Imagine the surprise when he busted through the front door, sweaty but glowing with a new passion. His idol came to his school, his idol sung for them… Park Hyo Shin smiled at him and gave his shoulder a pat reminding him that songs have been there for him the whole time…. That a single thick voice could be all the light you needed in your life if it could but carry the soul… He needed to be a singer, if only to meet his idol once more. And so, against his parents wishes, he pursued singing. Applying for lessons, working his ass off to get into an academy all the while auditioning and auditioning with any time allowed. He was in love, in love with song and melody. Finding himself utterly fierce for his craft, and passionate for it’s soothing. The one time he could be the true self lost among so many faces. He would be and idol. That is his blazing dream, whatever the cost.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/13/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about leader, Park Hanui, also known as Honey, on skyLectric’s official website! Honey is a ‘92 liner and has been beloved by fans since her debut in 2012. Find out more about Honey below!
I, Park Hanui, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of Leader and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Mirage Media.
Preferred name: Randi
Pronouns: She / Her/ They
Timezone:  UTC -4
Other muses: N/A
Skype (this is optional, but if you would like to join the RHYTHMSgc please leave your skype username here): N/A
Faceclaim: Kim Hyorin ( SISTAR )
Name: Park Hanui
Stage name (if applicable): Honey
Idol concept: Smooth, Sultry, Coquettish Hanui is however, pretty much the same on and off the stage – She’s kind to pretty much everyone she deems fit ( such as her group mates who she shows unconditional love and support to), yet at times can give off a coldish demeanor to some people and has mastered the RBF ( resting bit** face ). She enjoys flirting, not only with men but women as well and is open about it — has on numerous occasions said that she should have been born a male so she could have many girlfriends. Her private life is just that, private. But being as though she is the same everywhere she is, it’s expected the same at home.
Birth date and age: 12/ 24/ 92, 24
Company name: Mirage Media
Group Name (if applicable): skyLectric
Group Position (if applicable): Leader
Strengths: Singing; singing for hanui has always been easy, always been something she loved to do. She’s constantly working in the studio to improve herself, even after having debuted. She finds that it’s very important to work hard, and so she kept her practices up in hopes that one day she can possibly debut as a soloist. Dancing; as much as she practiced singing, she worked just as hard to improve her dancing. She has even worked hard on a few choreography’s that went unnoticed, but she still enjoyed making them up. Modelling; Even though she has been criticized for her looks ( and as well as her darker skin tone ) a few too many times, she still goes out there and models for magazines as if she were a professional.
Weaknesses: Rapping; this was never at the top of her list whenever she was a trainee, so it was pushed to the back burner so she could focus on her singing. Though everyday she practices so that way she can thrill the fans with the new and improved Hanui Acting; she has a hard time representing a character on tv for all to see, mixes up her lines or completely forgets them and other times she just simply cannot get the words to come out of her mouth. But she continuously finds the time to sit down and practice just in case someone wants her on the big screen one day. Emotions; though Hanui loves her fans, she hasn’t quite mastered her emotions too well. She is sometimes criticized for being not being too honest with them or being too cold. Nobody can seem to make up their mind about her — She’s either too hot for them or too cold. She has come to not mind this so much, she is who she is and she isn’t changing.
Positive traits: Kind. Respectful. Confident.
Negative traits: Possessive. Naive. Indecisive.
( tw; divorce, cancer, death )
Most of her life she lived rather sheltered by the hands of her mother, her father despising the shadows since he was use to living in the light — Use to being out there in front of everyone. Her mother knew this going into the relationship all those years ago but went ahead and fell in love with the man of her dreams, the life of an idol wasn’t always private and things were aired out there for all to see. She was slowly hating this life, everything she did whether it was small or big was known to the world within a matter or moments — Soon the only life she had known she grew to hate more and more with every passing day. The longer her husband was away, the worse her hermit lifestyle took over and she grew afraid of everything in the outside world.
Even though Hanui was young, she could see the impact of everything and the dwindling relationship of her parents right in front of her. She was too young to have a say in anything, but for the best it was decided that a divorce was necessary and the couple went through with it only to find out a few months after everything had been finalized did her mother have pancreatic cancer and wasn’t going to make it to her next birthday; She died at the end of that month leaving Hanui a mess and her ex husband about the same. Hanui was upset, more than her own father with the loss of her mom — Now all she could think about was how she wasn’t going to grow up with her best friend, with the woman she could cry to whenever a boy breaks her heart or get the motherly advice the other kids were getting — Sure she had her father, but with him he wasn’t around as much as he should be. And even though several months had passed, he never properly mourned his  ex-wife’s death and instead continued on with his career — constantly leaving the young girl with his parents so that way he didn’t have to be responsible for anything if she were to cause trouble.
During the times she was left alone she took to writing in a journal, not about her days but music, writing lyrics since it seemed to help her keep her mind off of the world around her and soon with the permission of her grandfather and grandmother she started taking singing classes so that way she could put a voice to the words she had wrote down — She loved what she was doing, and made sure she did all her chores early as well as homework so she could go to her classes and practice harder and harder. It was there she got the idea to become an idol just like her father, and with permission again from her grandparents she started taking dance classes after her vocal coach suggested she start early and recommended her to a few places that were close to home for her.
Eventually, news spread fast that her father had abandoned his daughter back home and all he could see was work ( which was true to an extent ), and it took its toll on him and he decided enough was enough and he was ready to join his beloved wife up above. Before he left he made sure to visit his parents and signed custody paperwork so that way she would never be alone, and gave them sealed documents that would give her all of his earnings from over the years and be set in life with whatever she chose to do — He left before she could tell him that she was going to be just like him.
“Hanui, you’re not alone… You have us. We won’t leave you”
Two tragedies happening so close together left it’s horrible mark on the young girl who was only but thirteen — The only solace she found was in music and time spent alone in her bedroom writing, finding comfort as she sang. Music helped her forget her pain. Music was there for her and she knew she was going to be able to move on with her life.
Her grandparents had decided then and there that they were to move away and start over new, where nobody knew her and knew of her past so that way she could live normal and try to move on. They chose Seoul since both were originally from there and still they were only four hours away from where they use to live. The move was for Hanui, to make her feel better — She started high school like any other teenager, though news about her being the daughter of a deceased idol spread like wildfire and she soon transferred to another school she felt was much more suiting to her; The School of Performing Arts at Seoul. There she became friends with a male student who was older than her who introduced her to a few new genres of music and helped her with her songwriting — Soon the two were inseparable and she followed him whenever he went to audition for bkb entertainment.
“Come with me and be my support team?” He was accepted on his first try and it prompted her to try for herself.
Eventually getting permission to do the same since she was only fifteen by her grandparents to officially follow in her father’s footsteps and auditioned at bkb entertainment where her friend was — The first time was no good, but she came back with a stronger attitude and just knew it was her time. Second time around she chose to go to Mirage Media and auditioned; she was accepted to be a trainee and began her rigorous training period while attending school and balancing her family life. There were many nights she went home crying, or falling asleep in classes — But it was all worth it, she was going to be an idol. Her dream was coming true.
It was soon announced that she would training to debut in a six member group known as skyLectric — she was ecstatic and ready to show the world that her and the other five girls were going to shine brighter than the brightest of diamonds out there — Though their debut was pushed back inevitably and she grew irritated.  She tried to look past it, thinking of it as being just a small bump in the road of her career and almost made the decision to move to another company before her company came to her and said that they were still to debut as skyLectric, only as a four member group instead of six — And she was chosen as the leader of her group. Hanui was speechless, but accepted the position and trained even harder, almost skeptical at first of them choosing her over the other girls to be the leader, but she was strong yet kind. It was known all throughout the company.
Their debut came on them faster than she anticipated, but they were well received and everyone loved them — Something she was worried about somewhat. Things were great, things were fine ~ Hanui was excited and pushed herself and her girls, though she made sure to be there for them whenever and wherever they needed her. She was like the mother figure, even though she wasn’t the oldest — She was still the leader, still their group mom. They were her life now as was their group, and she made sure to treat them as so. Her family. Things were looking so well for them, and that kept a constant smile on her face and made it easier to practice and improve her vocal ability and dancing before focusing on her rapping — Never really allowing herself to sway away from what she loved, or be let down by rude comments brought on by people online that didn’t know her. She was happy — She was living the dream.
“Look how the world lights up for you girls ~ You’re idols!
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (04/29/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about lead vocalist, Song Haneul, also known as Angel, on skyLectric’s official website! Angel is a ‘91 liner and has been beloved by fans since her debut in 2012. Find out more about Angel below!
I, (Song Haneul), have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of (Lead Vocalist) and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of ( Mirage Media ).
Preferred name: Lily
Pronouns: She/Her
Timezone: gmt+8
Other muses: n/a
Password (for reservations only): n/a
Skype (this is optional, but if you would like to join the RHYTHMSgc please leave your skype username here): n/a
Faceclaim: Yoon Bora / Sistar’s Bora
Name: Song Haneul
Stage name (if applicable): Angel
Idol concept: Smooth, Sultry, Coquettish
Birth date and age: July 18, 1991
Company name: Mirage
Group Name (if applicable): SkyLectric
Group Position (if applicable): Lead Vocalist
Singing - Hitting a high note and harmonizing is easy for her. After their debut was delayed, she continued to take lessons and she made sure that if the group didn’t debut, she could manage to survive as a soloist at least.
Dancing - Like singing, Haneul worked day and night to perfect each step of the choreography for the sake of surviving in this harsh industry.
Variety Skills - With her honest expressions and charms, she’s often seen on tv shows as a guest.
Modelling - Having experience on the runway or more like, a pageant, Haneul is used to walking confidently. Even making the airport her runway.
Fanservice -  If it’s for the fans, Haneul will do it. As a member of skyLectric, she feels that it’s a must for her to make sure that their fans will always love them. Often asked to do cute acts (which she thinks should be done by the maknae), despite her telling everyone that she doesn’t think she can act cute at all.
Body Icon - Maintaining the bikini ready body is no problem at all. She’s a gym fanatic and the fans know that!
Rapping - While she can sing and dance with no problem, She has a tendency to stutter when she gets nervous or excited as she tries to rap.
Acting - Asking her to lie on national tv is something that you will regret for life. But she’s working hard to be casted as a lead of a drama someday.
Scandals - Haneul tends to get involved in scandals for being nice to her fellow idols. She was bashed on her birthday for calling out an actor’s name out loud (though this was meant to be a joke and done playfully) as she was re-enacting a certain scene. Named as ideal type by certain idols, she gets caught up with dangerous questions such as “Are you willing to go out with ???” and so on.
Emotions - Haneul is too honest with her feelings. If she’s given an outfit she doesn’t like, you can quickly read it on her face that she doesn’t like it.
Positive traits: Charming, Kind, Passionate
Negative traits: Perfectionist, Emotional, Blunt
Song Haneul was an angel, a total blessing from the heavens as her family says. She grew up in a loving family. A caring mother, hardworking father and an overprotective older brother. Young Haneul always dreamed of being on television someday, but her mother insisted that she focused on her studies and her piano lessons. Her dream was to be a great pianist, at the age of five that is. When she turned seven, she started showing interest in ballet and singing. At seven, she wanted to become a musical actress. But life doesn’t always turn out the way you expect it to be. When she was ten, her father’s company started to spiral down. Moving from a fancy little home to a unfinished apartment complex. Her father felt sorry towards them but Haneul knew that things will get better someday. Haneul started hopping from one sport to another, hoping to get a scholarship to help her family. At fourteen, she was a volleyball athlete and an official member of her school’s dance troupe. During one of their competitions, she was scouted and given a calling card that she didn’t know, would change her life completely. One night, during a dinner with her father. She opened up about the idea of becoming an idol. Instead of hearing him oppose the idea, Haneul was surprised to see just how supportive her father was of her. Balancing school, family and being a trainee was something that Haneul soon learned to do so. Not without crying her heart out every now and then or sleeping in class or the practice room. Fifteen, she was on her way to becoming a star like she always wanted to be. Being the popular kid in school was a big help, she would often get help in class. Being pretty has it’s perks too. Boys would leave gifts, foods and letters every day. Girls do that too, but most of them often scoff when she passes by.  Dating was a luxury but also a curse, she would be a total liar if she said she never dated. Because she did, but past is past. 2009, she was seventeen turning eighteen. SkyLectric was ready to debut. When she thought that the world was ready to see them shine, she was wrong. Their debut had to be pushed back and her hopes for actually debuting was slowly fading. She continued to climb her way for a better future and just when she was about to give up on being an idol, her company decided that the six member group would then debut as a four member group instead. When she was on the brink of giving up on her dreams, she halted training and joined Miss Korea. She trained with them for a month and competed for the crown with fifty three more contestants. But the crown was not meant for her, but still she landed on becoming fourth runner-up. It was both a sad occasion for her, because right after the live broadcast of the competition, her family finally revealed that her father was in the hospital. She couldn’t care less for the crown or her debut, running to the hospital in her gown as she held her father’s hand. He felt sorry for his daughter who had to do all those things just to be able to pave her own way towards her dreams. “Don’t give up on your dreams.” That’s what her father told her as she cried, holding his hand. After the re-run of Miss Korea on tv, her father smiled and told her how proud he was to have her as his daughter. When she told him that she was going to go back to Mirage to train and hopefully debut soon, her father smiled and that was the last memory she had of him. He never saw her debut. But up to this day, Haneul continues to strive forward to make her father proud in heaven.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
when will you be putting up the info for cageless members?
Hello! We had made previous arrangements to get the info for CAGELESS up, but it seems those plans fell through. We’re chatting with a couple members who might debut with CAGELESS, but if they choose a different model group, then we’ll do something else! 
I do have a plan for what we’ll do if neither of the above options work out. Here’s the gist: if you’re an unsorted, male trainee for Mirage and want to debut, we’ll eventually message you and give you two options: the first is to debut as a soloist. The other option is to write out the info for CAGELESS, the mini-bios for the members, the discography, etc. then debut as a member of the group you built (so essentially, you create your own Monsta X group from them). If you were to leave the RP after writing the group for some reason, we would just keep basic history such as discography and chart ratings, then rewrite the group’s personal history based around what the existing group members have built through their threads. 
We have a couple runners in mind for the position of that group’s builder, though, so we’ll let you know if those plans fall through as well and we open up the spot to write the CAGELESS info. Admin Hapu said some time ago that we hope to  get members involved in how their muses’ careers shape and develop, and so far, CAGELESS seems like a pretty stable place for us to start that goal! -Admin Elesa
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/03/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about main vocalist, Yoo Hansol, on mystery6′s official website! Han Sol is a ‘91 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2012. Find out more about Han Sol below!
I, Yoo Hansol, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of Main Vocalist and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Mirage.
Preferred name: Sam / Samuel / Sammy
Pronouns: He / Him / His
Timezone: -5:00 EST
Other muses: n/a
Faceclaim: Byun Baekhyun of EXO
Name:  YooHan Sol
Stage name (if applicable): none?
Idol concept: Their concept is ‘Myth’, –withdrawn and quiet during initial stage interviews despite striking appearance and strong, clear vocals. Despite his soft speaking nature, it has been assumed that he is rude or dislikes his fans because of his short, often blunt responses and 'insincere smiles’. It could be argued that it was a clear juxtaposition against his bold even occasional playful on-stage presence and breath-taking performance. Other more dedicated fans argue that he is kind, despite having a justifiable temper and is one of the groups more sweeter members after admitting that he suffered from stage fright when he wasn’t focused on singing. Han Sol had intentions of becoming an actor, however because of the soft and richness of his voice, he had trained in dance and vocal and started as the group’s more weaker dancers. His on stage performance is often paired with very strong, emotional facial expression. Whether it is his confidence in his work or stage-ethics, Han Sol is a hard worker notorious for his 'hot/cold’ or 'stoic’ personality. Han Sol is unsure if he fits the 'unreal’ or 'un-natural phenomenon’ that comes with their storytelling concept. In reality he has a rather sadistic nature with a temper that can be both cruel and unforgiving albeit childish. He doesn’t trust many people easily and does not get along with other group members or significant figures as well as others would during a first meeting. He prefers to practice alone rather than with others, flourishing in solace and open 'free’ spaces. However would not do well as a soloist because of the softness of his voice alone and unsupported. Many of his fans do not know the sheer amount of time he spends practicing to strengthen his weaknesses, often pushing his limits with too many sleepless nights. In the end he respects hard work over just pure 'fragile’ talent.
Birth date and age: 11/06/1991  , 25
Company name: Mirage
Group Name (if applicable): Mystery6
Group Position (if applicable): Main Vocalist
Strengths:  Han Sol came for acting, - having often admired the amiable, rich voices of those who command the stage during an opera. He wanted to improve the range and clarity of his voice just to match those he had once collected portraits of in the back of his school binder. His voice has been known to reach the halls and stairwells of the different Mirage practice studios, and is rumored to force a lingering sweetness on the tongue of those who happen to hear. With his love for opera and theater, he has a good ear for composing, using primarily piano and computer program to write the various songs and melodies that fill him after long nights spent practicing his dance.
Weaknesses: Entirely unprepared to learn dance as a trainee, he found that he could not easily remember difficult choreography and would forget if he did not spend enough time practicing. In the beginning he would research many idiosyncrasies in order to try and improve the fluidity of what did not come as naturally to him. With that, he is unable to keep the clarity of his voice and match it with speed or what many would call a 'swag’-type atmosphere, making him ridiculously bad a rapping. With his yearning to better himself, and the selfishness that comes with the overzealous attitude on his craft, he is often susceptible to injury or sickness for overdoing it.
Positive traits: confident. determined. honest
Negative traits: impulsive. aggressive. impatient.
She brushes her palm across his cheek, the band around her finger is a painful glide along his skin, still a vibrant angry red. “You’re going to be okay,” her voice is soft and reassuring but when Han Sol looks up he doesn’t see her eyes, just the faint glow of a cracked blue eating his vision. When he thinks of his mother, he remembers snarling black devouring her pallid face. She doesn’t smile.
When Yoon Han Sol thinks about his childhood, he remembers the broken pieces, and what’s made of destruction is what is left. There are only a few happy moments— blurs of time beneath his eyelids or streaked down his cheeks when he chews the ash of a cigarette because he’s a pussy. He is told he has to become nothing—feel what nothing feels like in order to become something.
His father — is all flaring temper, meticulous planning and slightly dim in the head when it comes to drowning, not in alcohol (  If they could afford it, it was there but never in front of his son since real men don’t drown their crying in alcohol, they drown it with hate and war,) just the misfortune that makes up his long miserable shit-stained life. ( and those are his words, his drawn out soliloquies. don’t be a shit stain, don’t be a bitch.) His father was a war mongrel, post traumatic stress disorder sewn into his brain but it’s the loneliness, the contempt that melts his rational thought processes and forces military ideals down his son’s throat. His father couldn’t accept a stain like Han Sol that had wanted to become someone idolized not for the cruelty of war, but for a voice; a face, that could only remind him of the woman he beat for loving him.  
Han Sol would have never thought that he would become the mirror image of his father in the end– an acid spitting fire compared; The outlash, the rebellion; the inner turmoil and wreckage his flaring temper brings with it. And when Han Sol loves, he touches the bruised broken body of his craft with a tenderness only made for him. He would become Zero, if zero meant that could become something. Zero was a force, a massacre, everything and nothing at the same time. Zero, it consumes everything in its path.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/03/17): Mirage Media has officially released information about lead vocalist and lead dancer, Park Kyung-jae, also known as “Johnny”, on G-ZER0′s official website! Johnny is a ‘95 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2013. Find out more about Johnny below!
I, PARK KYUNG-JAE have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of LEAD VOCALIST/LEAD DANCER and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of MIRAGE MEDIA.
Preferred name: Monica
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: pst
Other muses: -
Faceclaim: Seo Youngho
Name: Park Kyung-Jae
Stage name (if applicable): Johnny
Idol concept: charismatic, straightforward, warm. Johnny’s public image is almost exactly as the one he shows privately, aside from the occasional anger and frustration moments he wisely chooses not to express to the public eye. He is generally a happy guy that doesn’t mind being a little loud sometimes with his fans and his members. Though he considers himself very good at it, his least favorite part of the job is being relied on for the aegyo bits that variety show hosts never fail to request.
Birth date and age: February 9, 1995
Company name: Mirage Media
Group Name (if applicable): G-ZER0
Group Position (if applicable): lead vocalist
Strengths: He takes pride in what he does, he knows that if he was placed in this position there is a clear reason for it. Even so, Johnny finds himself to be more comfortable when it is time to dance. He is constantly looking to step out of his comfort zone and thus expand a little more.
Weaknesses: Though Johnny is a very talkative guy, his doubts can sometimes get the best of him. Is he following the dance? Can he actually reach that note? They might come at the most unfortunate of moments and ruin a practice day and sometimes they can mess him up on stage as well. One thing he is trying to do is simply be more trusting of himself so he can do justice to the rest of his members and make them proud.
Positive traits: Loyal, determined, responsible.
Negative traits: clumsy, unsure, short tempered.
One of the most important things in life according to him is family. Close relationships have always been the thing that seems to keep him active and determined as he is. Though he fails to see his family as regularly as he would wish to do so nowadays, he has found a second family within the members of his label. His friends and the people that have supported him individually up until now mean the world to him, he does his best to make them proud and happy to be around him and most of the time he does what he does with other people in mind first. From silly, bad constructed ‘concerts’ he would make his family sit through at a small age to an actual desire to be known to the public. His stubborn mind has lead him to be where he is now and though it was not an easy task it is not something he regrets doing. All he wants now is to be successful with his group preferably, he wants his family to see that all he had to do was not in vain and that all the time and support they gave him was worth it in the end.
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