#ryovan x 004.
elliearchive · 5 years
TAGGING ➝ Donovan Smythe, Rylan St. James.
LOCATION ➝ Bar, then Rylan’s house.
TIME FRAME ➝ 4/29 evening through 4/30 morning.
NOTES ➝ Don has been avoiding Rylan but then they end up in the same bar and things happen.
Things were weird. Weirder than they had ever been, in fact. Donovan was already around the day Rylan was born, she literally had never known a time without him, but now here she was, with the two of them evidently not on speaking terms. She’d tried calling and texting a couple times, but to no avail. Eventually, she was going to just show up at his house, but she figured it was important to give him his space, at least for now. She was the one who had chosen to ignore what’d happened between them, after all. It was rare she’d go on nights out without Donovan, but she now found herself in an overly crowded bar with a couple people from work, trying to enjoy herself and forget about everything that’d happened between she and her best friend. That was easier said than done when she’d caught sight of him only moments after entering the place, but Rylan did all she could to stay away, to keep allowing him his space. Usually, when she was at these trashy bars, she was with Donovan, therefore people would leave her alone. Now, though, it was her and a couple other women, so the flow of people unashamedly hitting on them had been pretty consistent. There’d been one particular guy, a little older than her, who had continuously tried to talk to her, offering her drinks that she was yet to accept. However, mostly to shut him up, she decided to take the one he’d just bought for her, humoring him. She hadn’t expected him to take that as his invitation, though, and as his hands gripped onto her hips, Rylan found herself recoiling, shaking her head up at him. “No, come on, I told you, I’m not interested,” she frowned, though he reached for her again. He was kind of cute, she guessed, and although she wasn’t going to go home with him, she found herself playfully rolling her eyes without pushing him away, though she was probably very visibly uncomfortable, in spite of her small laugh as he used his hands to move her hips, making her dance with him.
Donovan was avoiding Rylan. For obvious reasons. She’d hurt his feelings and he’d decided to be a jerk about it. It really wasn’t either one of their faults. Or, it was technically both of their faults. Either way, neither one of them had the higher authority here. They had slept together and both of their reactions were garbage, but in Don’s mind, his reaction was less trash than hers. His was only a counterreaction. So, he was angry and that was how he’d ended up at a bar that night. Even though he knew the Uber back to his place was going to be ridiculously priced. Usually if he drank in the city, he would wind up at Rylan’s house, but that was because she was the person he almost always found himself drinking with. Not this time. He was out alone. Drowning in sorrows in something called a midori sour that just tasted like Sprite. His eyes scanned the bar, stopping as they fell on the one person he had been hoping not to run into. Or maybe he wanted to run into her. He really didn’t know anymore. He was pretty sure he was going to just sit back and let her come to him, but then he noticed a guy. A guy dancing with her and he could tell that Rylan was shaking her head. It didn’t take long for Don to leave his seat and head over in that direction, immediately stepping in between her and the guy attempting to grind on her. “Little close, aren’t you?” He snapped, pushing the man away from her. “She clearly doesn’t want to dance with you. So, back off.” The guy stepped closer to him, getting in his face, but Don didn’t back down. He shoved him again, a sigh escaping his lips as he stared at him. The guy mumbled something about Rylan not being worth it, so Don shoved him again, this time knocking him over slightly. The guy rolled his eyes and walked away, deciding to just leave it alone. Don turned back to his friend, his jaw still clenched from anger. “You okay?”
For obvious reasons, Rylan didn’t like when pushy people got in her personal space the way this stranger had. She was sure that nobody really enjoyed it, but it brought memories back to her that she’d always tried hard to forget, so she was generally quick to panic. She felt like she had this under control, though. Her friends were close by, and there was nothing harmful about swaying her hips along with his. She was sure one of her friends would intervene soon enough. What she hadn’t expected, though, was for that friend to be Donovan, and it took her a moment to register what was even going on at first. She jumped a little as she watched her best friend pushing the stranger back. “Don, it’s okay,” she tried to reassure him, placing her hand delicately on his arm, but then he was pushing him again, and Rylan found herself raising her voice to get his attention. “Donovan, it’s fine, okay? Cut it out.” She watched as the man walked away, and as grateful as she was for him leaving, something inside of her seemed to have clicked, and she really wasn’t feeling so positive in regards to her best friend. He could change his seat on the plane, ignore her for days, but then he’d just show up from nowhere and she had to deal with him being her knight in shining armor? It didn’t work like that, and there was a look of anger in her blue eyes as she stared up at him. “I’m fine,” she hissed, glancing toward the hallway leading to the bathroom. She figured it might be a little less crowded there, and took ahold of Donovan’s arm again. “Can I see you for a second?” She led him over to the corridor, letting go of his arm and folding her own over her middle. “What the hell was that?” She half yelled, looking up at him. “You disappear for days, and then you show up here and play the hero? Fuck no,” she shook her head. “I don’t need you to save me, you’re not my boyf—” She trailed off, backtracking. “I was fine.”
This really was not the way he wanted to ease back into conversation with Rylan. Donovan wanted to apologize to her and tell her that everything was back to the way it was. Even if he didn’t fully believe it, he knew that she needed everything to be normal again. And he needed her back in his life. A few days without communication was really enough. But his blood was boiling at the sight of some other guy touching her hips and forcing her to dance with him. He couldn’t even hear her trying to get his attention during the altercation. That was all he could think about it. He sent her a confused look as she pulled him down to the hallway, not really sure where they were going. “Are you being serious?” He griped, letting out a small sigh. He wasn’t her boyfriend. She was right about that, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t protect her. Sure, they hadn’t talked in a couple days, but everything he’d done for her just now was normal Donovan stuff. It was no different than what he would have done if their relationship wasn’t all wonky. He was never going to let a guy touch her like that when she didn’t seem to want it. He knew how she liked to be touched and he knew what her face looked like when she was enjoying it. He knew he should have punched the guy. Maybe she would have been more grateful then. “I just helped you with that guy and you know it. Or is your selective memory acting up again?” He mumbled with a slight shrug. He brought his gaze to meet hers, knowing that the two of them staring at each other for too long always led them down a dangerous path. He didn’t really want to argue with her. That was the last thing he wanted to do with her. The first thing he wanted to with her was kiss her, but that was out of the question. “Ry,” he started, taking in a deep breath as he stepped closer to her. “You’re really going to tell me that’s really what you wanted?” He asked, keeping his gaze on hers. “You wanted his hands touching you?”
Under different circumstances, Rylan would’ve been much more appreciative. She would’ve thanked him, and probably just clung to him for the rest of the night. In fact, they probably would’ve left right away and gone to hide out in her house, just the two of them, where she felt safe. But these weren’t different circumstances, they were the sucky ones caused by them giving into what was evidently a deeply rooted desire the other day. “Of course I’m being serious,” she snapped, unsure as to which part of this seemed like a joke to him. Everything was screwed up, Rylan hated what was happening here. She hated being mad at Donovan, but she was. She couldn’t help it. She was sad too, which was maybe driving her even more than her anger. His dig definitely did not go unnoticed, and she found herself shaking her head, laughing sarcastically under her breath. “Of course that’s what this is about,” she muttered, bringing a hand up to run through her hair. Her other hand was now planted on her hip, and as much as she was trying not to make eye contact with him, she knew she was failing. “No,” she shook her head, trying to look past him, but her gaze met his, with Rylan shaking her head. “No, that’s obviously not what I wanted. I don’t want some creepy guy in a bar. But I was handling it.” Her tone was still angry, though she wasn’t yelling. She watched the way he moved closer to her, her gaze drifting down toward his lips briefly, though she quickly closed her eyes. “God, you’re so frustrating,” she sighed, bringing both hands up to rest against her forehead. She dropped them to look up at him again, volume increasing. “What the fuck are we doing, Donovan? This isn’t us! We don’t fight like this. We don’t avoid each other. We don’t…” She trailed off, gaze drifting to his lips again. She let out an angry huff, quickly bringing her eyes back up to his. “We don’t fucking hold back. So what the fuck are we doing right now? Why are you holding back?”
Donovan wished they were anywhere, but here. He only liked places like this when he was with her anyway. And he definitely wasn’t interested in it when the two of them were arguing with one another. He rolled his eyes at her. Of course, he was still mad about that. She’d decided all on her own that what happened between them just didn’t exist anymore. That made him angry. And he didn’t even know why. If anyone asked him how he felt about Rylan, he wouldn’t know what to say, especially if you asked him to talk about what the other night meant to him. He shouldn’t have blamed her for wanting to forget about it, but for some reason, he did. “You’re not really a walk in the park either,” he snapped with a shrug of his shoulders. If she thought he was frustrating then she should have tried having this conversation from his end. She was the most stubborn person he knew. And it didn’t seem like she was going to back down from yelling at him anytime soon. He didn’t even know why he’d decided to step closer to her. Well, deep down he did know why, but he couldn’t think too hard about that. He could not answer any of her questions. He didn’t know what they were doing. They were arguing next to a bar bathroom and he was trying to focus on both of their words, but his eyes just kept drifting down to her lips. She was really hot when she was yelling at him. “You don’t want me to hold back anymore? Fine.” He sighed, bringing his eyes back to meet hers. He took another step closer to her, his voice a lot softer than what it had been when he was insulting her. “What the fuck do you want from me, Ry?” He asked, not breaking his eye contact with her. “You know what I’m thinking about right now. You know me. I don’t have to say it. And I know you don’t want some creepy guy in a bar. I know who you want.”
As frustrating as this was, it also kind of beat the alternative. It wasn’t like she wanted to fight with Donovan, but at least this way, he was talking to her. He was actively paying attention to her, and that felt better than not having him there at all, the way it’d been the last few days. She found herself sarcastically laughing again at his words. “Please. At least I’m not ignoring you. I haven’t avoided you trying to reach out to me. Not that I’ve had the chance to avoid you, of course, considering you haven’t even tried. Who knew you’d find it so easy to push me away?” She’d struggled to ignore what’d transpired between the, she’d struggled to avoid it and pretend it had never happened. But Donovan had seemingly disappeared so easily, it was almost insulting. It added to the reason she was yelling at him now. The idea of talking any more calmly was out of the question. Rylan was mad, she was hurt. She was confused and she was frustrated, and Jesus Christ, she was sick of finding herself looking at his lips, desperate to step forward and close the gap between them. That was what she’d been trying to avoid. But then he was moving closer to her, his voice was softening. Rylan could feel how hard her heart had begun to race, just from having him so close to her. And she knew what he was implying. She knew that he was right, and she knew that he knew it, too. “Right, and who do you think I want?” She questioned, voice still angry, “You?” She couldn’t deny it even if she wanted to, because her gaze was drifting to his mouth again, and before she could even stop herself, she was taking a step closer to him and reaching up to cup his cheeks in her palms, her lips crashing hard against his. All of her sadness, all of her frustration, it seemed to fade with the feeling of her lips against his. “I do,” she heard herself saying as she pulled back from the kiss, though she kept her hands on his cheeks, she remained close to him, her tone for some reason still annoyed. “I do, I want you,” she mumbled, licking over her lips. “I want you and it fucking terrifies me.”
Donovan wasn’t really someone who got mad often. He wasn’t even sure if he was mad now. He just knew that he had to keep going back and forth with her. He couldn’t let her just keep denying everything that happened between them. And he definitely wasn’t going to let her put the blame for their disconnect on him. Sure, he had avoided her, but that was because he had to. She was acting insane. “Not talking to you. Not seeing you. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But don’t act like I was the only person avoiding something.” She might as well have been avoiding him when she deciding to pretend like what happened just didn’t transpire at all. His heart was broken and he didn’t even know why. It was like she was avoiding the connection they’d forged that night and for some reason, that really upset him. As he stepped toward her, he was very aware of his own movements. He didn’t know why he was doing it. Except well, maybe he did. The best way to stop her from avoiding talking about what happened was to kiss her again. He knew she wanted to. Her eyes kept falling to his lips just as much as his kept glancing at hers. He raised an eyebrow at her when she pretended to protest like he was wrong. He wasn’t. She knew that. He immediately kissed back when he felt her lips press against his. It was so familiar. It was what he’d been craving. That was why he’d been avoiding her. As much as he missed her, he knew he wanted to kiss her again. And being around someone he really wanted to kiss that he wasn’t sure wanted to kiss him back would have been just too painful. He sighed when she pulled away, his eyes staying on her. “I want you too,” he breathed out, knowing he didn’t have to say it. It had been pretty obvious. Her words from the other night just kept running through his head, and he knew she had been right then too. “It should've always been you. That's the scariest part,” he mumbled out, ducking down to meet his lips with hers again.
Right now, being mad was easier. It was better than being sad, and it was just coming so naturally to her, because seeing Donovan had been almost as frustrating as not seeing him. Rylan had so many things she wanted to say to him, she just didn’t know where to start. She didn’t know what she could and couldn’t say with her own stupid act and her self-made rules for pretending there was nothing between them, because obviously there was. There was something there, neither of them could deny it. They could ignore it, sure, but they couldn’t deny it. “You seemed to pull it off pretty damn effortlessly, dude,” she scoffed, eyes rolling. Which was weird, because usually when Rylan rolled her eyes at Donovan, it was in a playful manner. But not now. Nothing about this was playful. It was serious and it was emotional, it was clear everything was just so raw and real between them. Honestly, it was kind of terrifying. No more so than when their lips were together again, though. Rylan knew that she was done for, that there was no turning back from this, because it was so much more than just a spur of the moment kiss. It meant something. Their words only confirmed that as they parted, then moved back in all over again. “It’s you,” she mumbled against his lips, her arms lifting to wrap around his neck now. Rylan tightened her hold on him, pressing her body against him and in the direction of the bathroom. Apparently, they were going to make a habit of that. But the last thing she wanted to do right now was pull away, or to wait until they got back to one of their homes. She needed more, like she was throwing all of her emotions and her anger from the last few days into that desperate kiss, her lips parting slightly to move her tongue against his.
It was hard fighting with someone who knew exactly what to say to push his buttons and exactly how to say it. It was a very similar to when they were hooking up and they didn’t have to say a single word to each other to really know what the other person wanted. They had been best friends for years. They knew exactly what to do to each other. Whether it was to make each other mad or to just get each other turned on. He was tired of fighting with her though. Relief spread across his body once their lips were reconnected. That’s what he wanted. It’s what he wanted the entire day when they were with their families, and it was what he’d wanted to do the other morning when they woke up and she wanted to pretend like everything hadn’t happened. The truth was, he had always wanted to kiss her. Even long before that day. It was like white noise. Just always there. All of this was extremely confusing. The words pouring out of her mouth, agreeing with him that this was something. He didn’t really know what to think of all this. It was a good thing her lips being on his and the way she was pushing them toward the bathroom was enough to clear his mind of any other thoughts. He kept his lips on hers as he felt his back finally hit the bathroom door. He lifted his arm slightly to reach for the handle and turn it, smirking against her lips as he pushed the door open. He moved her body up against it to shut it behind them, never taking his lips off hers. Now that he was kissing her again, he knew that he didn’t want to stop anytime soon. He brought his hands down to grip onto her thighs, lifting up her legs and wrapping them around him. He pulled away from her breathlessly, his lips still sore from how rough she’d kissed him. “I missed you,” he mumbled out, pressing his body against hers.
Until the other day, when she and Donovan had wound up kissing and then ultimately hooking up (twice), Rylan had genuinely never thought about so much as kissing him. But the way it felt to do it now made her wonder if it was something she’d forced out of her mind, like she’d always just considered it something so out of the question that she wouldn’t even entertain it with a thought, because it was evident now that this wasn’t a new thing. Nobody kissed somebody as hungrily and as passionately if they’d only just begun to feel something for them, she was sure of it. But that was exactly what this kiss was; it was hungry, it was passionate. Rylan wasn’t even concerned about the fact that they were in the bathroom of some trashy, crowded bar, because all she was thinking about was Donovan, and a small moan fell from her lips and into his as he pushed her back against the door, her legs instantly wrapping around him with his help. The door against her back, as well as the way she was now holding onto him with her legs, helped her to stay upright, so she was able to unwrap her arms from around him, her hands immediately trailing down his body to push her fingertips slightly under the fabric of his shirt, able to feel his already familiar abs beneath her touch. She didn’t want to pull away, but once they had, her gaze instantly met his, and Rylan found that she was a little breathless as she looked down at him. “I missed you, too,” she nodded, hands lowering to unfasten the button on his jeans. She was still staring at him as she tugged down the zipper. “You’re all I’ve thought about. You’re all I want.” Apparently, she wasn’t holding back so much today. Truth be told, every man in that bar could’ve come over to hit on her, and none of them would’ve measured up, because none of them would’ve been Donovan. With the way she was feeling, she would likely tell him that, too.
There was nothing sexy about their current location. The bar was old and crowded, and full of drunk people that Donovan didn’t want to be anywhere around. The bathroom wasn’t anything special either, but it didn’t matter because the girl he was currently holding up and pressing against the door was sexy. That was something he never thought he would actually admit. He’d never looked at her like before, but Rylan was really hot. Other than a few stolen glances over the years and maybe an awkward boner or two that he refused to address, he’d never tried to look at her like that. But ever since the other night, it was impossible for him not to. The moment he saw that guy grinding on her, he was pissed. He was pissed because he wanted to be the one touching her. The feeling of her fingertips grazing against his bare skin caused goosebumps to prickle up trailing behind her hands. Her words were just a simple reply to his, but it still turned him on. Or maybe it was really the way she was staring at him as her hands located the button and zipper on his jeans. Apparently, they really liked eye contact. For two people that should’ve been more embarrassed that they were hooking up with their best friend, they both like being hyper aware of exactly what they were doing. “You have me,” he breathed out, pausing for a moment to move the two of them away from the door and over to the sink. That was becoming a thing for them too. “I’m yours.” Clearly, he was still confused. These weren’t things you said to your best friend. You didn’t avoid your best friend for days and then hook up with them again the moment you were back together. These weren't normal best friend things. His hands fell to the buttons on her jeans, unfastening them before dipping his hand underneath the fabric to meet her wet panties. He found her clit, rubbing it softly over the fabric of her panties. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered out before pressing his lips against hers again.
Rylan knew what she was doing now. Not that she’d been so wasted the other night that she’d acted under the influence; she may have been tipsy, but she was fully aware and consenting to what they were doing. Tonight, though, she hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol. She didn’t need to drink to have a good time, and she’d driven here, so she wasn’t trying to drink and drive. She was of a completely clear and conscious mind, and she only wanted Donovan even more than she had the other day. The way her heart raced wasn’t fear of the unknown this time, it was in sheer desire for him. She could tell he felt the same way, too. She nodded at his words, unsure of whether he realized just how powerful they were. She had him. She wasn’t going to let go this time. At least she didn’t think so, anyway. Her arms wrapped around his neck again as he begun to move her over toward the sink, then she was back to trailing her hands down his body again, her stomach tensing slightly as his fingers popped her button and trailed inside of her pants. The touch of his finger against her clit, even over her panties, was something she hadn’t realized she’d been craving from him, but it instantly pulled a reaction from her in the form of a soft whimper, her hands moving down to push her jeans down her thighs, hoping he’d do the same with her panties. Rylan really never thought she’d hear Donovan tell her she was beautiful, and she never thought it would feel as good as it did to hear those words coming from him, but it did. It made her feel so wanted, just the way she wanted him. “Show me,” she mumbled against his lips as they moved back in, though she only stayed there for a moment, before she’d begun to trail kisses down his jaw. Her hands moved to the waistband of his jeans, looping under the fabric of his boxers, and tugging them both down. “Show me how beautiful you think I am.” She breathed out against his neck, teeth biting gently onto his skin.
Donovan needed her in a way he had never needed anyone before. He just wanted his hands all over her, but it was hard to be as flexible as they both probably wanted to in such an enclosed space. There was still a lot of confusion running through his mind, but he wasn’t confused about wanting her. He knew that. The first time they’d hooked up, he’d had a couple glasses of champagne and tonight, he’d had one drink, but his decision-making skills were all clear. He couldn’t hide behind any of the alcohol he had chosen to drink. He just wanted her. There was no excuse for it. He followed her lead as she pushed her jeans down her legs and slid her panties down behind them. Finally, his fingers could reach her wetness without the fabric of her panties blocking him. He circled his fingers over her clit, a small moan leaving his own lips. Telling her she was beautiful had really just slipped out, but he meant it. She was beautiful. There was something even more beautiful about her in this moment though. Maybe it was because of how intimate it all was, or maybe it was because he was finally seeing her the way he should have. it didn’t matter. He leaned his head back as her teeth hit his beck, a soft moan escaping from his lips. He brought his head back down as he positioned himself at her entrance. They had both waited long enough. He knew what they were both craving and knew he needed to give it to them. He slowly guided himself inside of him as a deeper moan left his mouth. “Fuck,” he breathed out at the contact. “You are so fucking beautiful,” he moaned out again, bucking his hips forward slowly. This had been in the back of his mind ever since he left for the airport that morning in Rhode Island. He pulled his head up, wanting to look into her eyes again. It was that hyper-aware thing again. There was nothing sexier to him than knowing he was with her. He bit down on his bottom lip as he stared at her, his speed slightly increasing. “Say my name,” he begged.
If this was going to become a thing, they really were going to have to start doing this in more functional places. It was hot, knowing they wanted each other so badly that they had to make do with a bathroom sink as their surface of choice, but the image of Donovan in her bed, of the two of them doing this, made Rylan ache, her body already so sensitive to his touch. She knew he could feel how wet she was through her panties, so even more so now that he’d moved them out of the way. She wished their clothes could come the whole way off, just like they had in the hotel room, but that wasn’t practical here, so they would just have to deal. Not that she was complaining; she wanted Donovan regardless of where. Her legs spread further as she felt him positioning himself against her, with her lips sucking gently down on his skin, a soft moan vibrating against it the moment he’d slid himself inside of her. She had to pull back from where she was kissing him, needing to make that eye contact with him all over again as she began to rock her hips with his. “You’re gorgeous,” she stammered out, the pace of her breathing already quickening as she hung one arm over his shoulder, fingers trailing across his back. “You feel so good, Don,” she whimpered, bending her legs to clench her thighs around his waist, the new position making it easier for her to roll her hips in time with his. She had to hold onto him, though. Especially as their speed picked up. “Fuck,” she moaned, the way they moved together causing him to touch all of the right places, making her walls clench around him as he pumped in and out of her. “I need you,” Rylan breathed shakily between another series of quiet moans, unsure of what she even meant, considering they were literally having sex. But she knew that whatever it was, she meant it, she needed him. In more ways than one.
Don knew that he didn’t want this to be their last time together. As scary as that was to admit to himself, it was clear that neither one of them could really leave this as a one-time thing. Well, a three-time thing. This was their third time hooking up and Don had yet to be disappointed by any of it. They were so in sync. Now it all sort of made sense why everyone thought they were secretly in love with each other for so long. It was obvious to everyone else that they had chemistry, but it was not evident to the two of them. They had just never noticed it. Until now, anyway. Until they were locked in a bar bathroom, wanting to feel every inch of each other. He loved hearing her say his name. It was another one of those hyper-aware things. If she said his name then it meant she was right there with him. They both knew what they were doing and who they were doing it with. He rocked his hips with hers, sliding himself in and out of her with every single stroke. His length was throbbing inside of her and hearing her whisper that she needed him really just made him harder. He sipped his fingers back into her clit, beginning to make circles on it again. Maybe this was about her. He wanted to make sure she couldn’t forget him. Even if she had been completely pretending before. She wasn’t going to be able to do that again. This was going to be worth remembering. He sped up the pace of his fingers as he quickened the movements of his hips. He really didn’t know how long he was going to last. He had been waiting for this since their first two times. His breath was hitching as he kept rocking himself inside of her. “You’re gonna come,” he whispered out, looking into her eyes. “And you’re gonna scream my name.”
This was amazing. Being with Don was truly amazing. He knew what he was doing, he seemed to know Rylan’s body already, although that really wasn’t surprising; they knew each other so well, it made sense that that would extend to something like this. Already, she was learning what he liked, too. He liked to hear her say his name, and Rylan wondered if it was for the same reason she’d been so scared to say it the first time. Because it just made everything so real. It was a reminder of what they were doing and who they were doing it with. Honestly, in that moment, she couldn’t think of a single person she’d rather be doing this with. Their bodies were in sync, right down to the way he moved so perfectly in and out of her, the way he filled her. The whole thing was already making her moan almost desperately, drawing her closer to the edge, so when Don’s fingers found their way to her clit, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to keep this up much longer. “Just like that,” she stammered, her legs tightening their hold on him as her hips moved in time with his, her volume already increasing as she moaned between short, fast breaths. How she was keeping eye contact with him was beyond her, but she was, and she was completely under his spell. He could’ve asked her to do anything and she would’ve done it, so given the volume she was already moaning for him, it was really no hardship to do what he wanted. “Fuck,” she moaned out loudly, head tipping back as she reached her release. It was natural, the way she screamed his name, her walls tightening around him, orgasm taking over completely.
Don could tell from the way her body was reacting that she was enjoying every second of this. He already knew he was and he had inkling that she was too, but his gal was to make sure this was so good, it was impossible to avoid. He thought he was doing a pretty good job of it so far. His body moved with her as he rolled her clit in between his fingers. The words of encouragement were enough to cause him to speed up even more, knowing that she was probably just as close as he was to releasing. All of this had been amazing. Just the way they meshed together so well, even though before the other night, they weren’t even convinced there was any chemistry between the two of them. He felt his eyes flutter shut for a moment as he drew closer to his breaking point, but they reopened pretty quickly. He liked looking at her and he liked that she was looking back at him, even though keeping eye contact with each other was getting harder and harder because of the way they were moving. Then she screamed his name and he knew he was done for. His movements slowed as he felt himself reaching his release, his body going stiff as he moaned. He let out a deep breath once he was done riding out his orgasm. His body still shaking and his breathing still heavy. He pulled himself away from her, but pressed a small kiss to her lips before he bent down. He grabbed her panties and started to slide them back up legs, trailing small kisses against her skin as he did so. He placed one final kiss against her inner thigh before leaning down to collect his own bottoms and pull them up. “My place or yours?” He questioned, buttoning up his jeans. “If you want to talk, we can talk...” He started, looking down to make eye contact with her. “Or we can not talk.”
How they’d gone this long without jumping into bed together before was an honest to God mystery at this point, because the chemistry between the two of them was undeniable now. It was like a switch had flipped the moment their lips had grazed at the party, and now here they were, completely addicted to each other. It was terrifying, it was something Rylan would probably go back to being weird about tomorrow, but not right now. Right now, everything was about Donovan. It was about screaming his name, making him come for her, her coming for him. She was almost afraid for them to stop, worried that things would be automatically weird again, but it wasn’t. She stayed where she was, still whimpering softly as she came down from her high, her lips pressing back against Don’s easily. She didn’t want to let go of him, but brought her arms back from around him, running her fingers through her now messy hair, her skin tingling under the touch of his lips as he pulled up her panties for her, her legs instinctively spreading once he’d moved to kiss her inner thigh. She wanted him to go down on her, especially when he was in that position, but she wasn’t really in any hurry to stay in this bathroom, so she offered him an appreciative smile as he pushed her panties back into place. Rylan kept her eyes on Don as she climbed down from the sink, leaning down to pull up her jeans. “My place is closer,” she said without thought, fastening her jeans. She evidently didn’t want to keep her hands off of him for too long. She licked over her lips as she reached out to cup his cheeks, leaning up to press her lips against his. “Don, I want you in my bed,” she whispered as she pulled back from the kiss, gaze locking with his for a moment. She finally let go of his face, her hand grabbing ahold of his as it fell. They could figure out if they wanted to talk later. For now, she simply led him out of the bathroom, shooting her colleagues a departing smile as she brought him to her car.
Donovan completely understood why Rylan had acted so weird. It all made sense. The chemistry that the two of them had was so obvious now that they could not keep their hands off each other. Don knew they were probably going to be weird about this tomorrow. She might even go back to just ignoring it, but that was tomorrow. Not tonight. Tonight they were going to continue to be engulfed in each other, soaking up every moment of living in the present and just being together. They’d have the rest of the week to stress and worry about what all of this meant. Tonight would be something else. He didn’t really want to move away from her. Even though they were finished, he didn’t want to fully pull away, but he had to so they could both fix their clothes. He was eager to hear what her answer would be to his suggestion. He wanted to go home with her. A smirk spread across his face offer her reply. She was right. Her place was closer. “I really want to taste you,” he murmured out as she pulled her lips away from his. It was a lot to admit, but she had seen how eager her was to lay kisses against the sensitive skin on her thighs. He definitely wanted to keep going. Just not in here. He followed her lead and made his way out of the bathroom, inwardly acknowledging how weird it was to hold her hand. Clearly, they’d done it before during their little act, but this wasn’t a part of an act, and that didn’t make it feel any less natural. A sigh of nervousness escaped from his lips as they approached her car, sliding into her passenger seat as he waited for her. He didn’t know if he should try to get her to talk about anything. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to talk about what was happening between them. It was awkward and confusing, and it was clear that the two of them would rather just have sex than actually deal with what was right in front of them. “I am sorry,” he finally spoke up, his voice a little uneasy. “I shouldn’t have avoided you. You’re my best friend... I just shouldn’t have done it.”
They didn’t say things like they wanted to taste one another, but that was exactly what was happening right now, and Rylan couldn’t bring herself to dislike it. If anything, the thought made her clench between her legs. “I want that, too,” she agreed, licking over her lips. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d wanted someone the way she wanted Donovan, and it only made things even more confusing to her, but Rylan was trying not to question them. She was trying not to get too deeply in her head because then she’d freak out again, and now just wasn’t the time nor place. Not with Donovan’s hand in her own, their fingers easily lacing as she led him to her car. Rylan climbed in the driver’s seat, buckling up, before quickly starting up the car. She’d explain things — through means of a lie, of course — to her friends from work tomorrow. For now, everything was about the two of them. It was fortunate that her house was close by, because the longer they were in the car together, the more likely they were to have to talk about everything, and she wasn’t ready to do that. She kept her eyes on the road as Don began to speak, eventually shaking her head. “It’s okay,” she promised, finally turning to look at him briefly. She should’ve apologized too. If anyone should’ve been apologizing, in fact, it was her. But that would be pointless, since she was going to be back to pretending this didn’t happen again tomorrow. She’d decided already. Apologizing just felt like a false promise. She offered him a small smile instead. “It’s really okay, we’re okay.” For good measure, she took one hand off the wheel, reaching over to settle it on top of Don’s, her fingers gently squeezing his, before she moved back to the steering wheel again. They weren’t talking about this, she wasn’t going to let them. Rylan pushed the awkwardness from her voice, changing the subject. “What was that you were saying again?” Her street was coming into view. “About tasting me?”
The idea started to creep up into his mind after they left the bathroom, but Donovan tried his hardest not to let it sink in. Was his best friend using him for sex? It was really starting to feel that way. He didn’t want to think of Rylan doing something like that to him, but the way she pulled him to her car, the way she’d chosen to not even acknowledge that it had ever happened, it was all becoming a lot clearer to him. He felt his heart sink as she attempted to move on from his apology. His apology didn’t matter because she didn’t care about any of that. This was just sex. It was only about the connection they were making when he was inside of her. It definitely broke his heart, but he wasn’t going to dwell on it and let it ruin the moment building between them. He sent her a small smile once she rested her hand on top of his, a sigh leaving his lips. He didn’t want to look over at her right now. He just wanted to focus on the road. He noticed that they were nearing her street and he could feel himself start to calm down a little. At least he’d have her for tonight. Even if it was abundantly clear she wasn’t interested in him as anything more than a best friend and a meat stick, it didn’t matter because at least they would have tonight. “I remember you saying how much you wanted that too,” he mumbled as the car came to a stop. He popped open his car door and stood on the outside, smirking over at her. “You still want me in your bed?” He asked with a grin, already knowing the answer.
Rylan knew how this could’ve looked. In fact, she was sure it really did look that way, like this was just sex to her. And maybe that was because that was what she was trying to make it. There was clearly something deeper there, but she wasn’t ready to address it. Honestly, she was scared to. It could change everything between them, and what if that wasn’t in a positive way? The smart move would be to stop sleeping with him, but that was the only way of addressing that connection. It meant putting her feelings out there without verbally admitting to them. It was just easier, she had herself convinced of that already. Something felt weird between them. Like Donovan was thinking something but not voicing it. Then again, Rylan was doing the same thing, so she wasn’t going to question him. She just shot him another small smile, focusing on the road. Pulling up outside of her house almost made her nervous, and she stayed put for a moment as Donovan climbed out of the car, just looking out at him when he spoke. “I do,” she nodded her head, her own smirk soft, though it was kind of forced. The idea of him in her bed was incredibly hot, it was too appealing to pass up on, but she couldn’t help this worry washing over her. Still, she licked her lips, then pushed herself up from the car, locking it behind her as she led the way to her house. She stayed quiet as she unlocked the door, letting Donovan in first, before closing it behind her once she’d followed. Turning to look up at him, she caught his gaze, her heart suddenly falling. “I don’t know what we’re doing,” she whispered, her tone small and honestly sad sounding. She was afraid to turn on the light, to properly see his expression. “What are we doing?”
It might have hurt Donovan’s feelings, but be really didn’t want her to notice. He knew she would probably notice any slight difference in his tone or facial expressions though. She was his best friend. She noticed everything about him. He did the same with her and even though he was trying his hardest not to stare at her, he could tell she was thinking. She had her thinking face on. She had a lot of different faces and he of course knew every single one of them. There was clearly something going on here. At least on his end, but it didn’t seem the same for her. She barely wanted to say his name while they were having sex. As much as there was nervousness building up in his stomach once they reached her place, there was also an ounce of hopefulness brewing under the surface. He was hopeful that maybe things would change for her. Maybe he’d kiss her and she would be able to see what he saw. That this was definitely not just a one or two time thing. He didn’t know why it was so important to him for her to want more than sex from him, but he did. He nodded his head as she confirmed that she still wanted him in her bed. He closed the car door behind him and made his way inside after she opened the door, a nervous sigh escaping his lips as he waited for her to turn on the lights. But she didn’t. “Huh?” He spoke up, waiting for her to explain what she was talking about. “I thought we were gonna have sex again...” He trailed off, the amusement obvious in his voice. “You don’t want to talk about this, Ry,” he mumbled out, shaking his head. “I want you. You want me in your bed, right? What’s there to talk about?”
The last thing Rylan wanted to do was ruin this, whatever it was. She wasn’t trying to ruin the mood, nor was she trying to prevent anything from happening. She’d just managed to get in her head somewhere during their drive over here, and now she was standing face to face with her best friend, and all she could think about was getting him out of his clothes. That wasn’t how it was supposed to be, they weren’t supposed to feel that way about each other. “We were,” she agreed, voice still soft. “I mean, we are.” Slowly, she took a step closer to him. The light was still out, but the lights from outside were giving them enough exposure to at least see each other. Rylan swallowed as she looked up at her friend, studying his face. She’d reached out to settle her hands on his chest almost instinctively, without even realizing it. It was like she just needed to be close to him, she just needed that comfort. Everything he was saying was the truth, right down to the fact that she didn’t want to talk about it. She still didn’t, and gently bit down onto her lower lip in thought. “Is that okay?” She questioned, arms snaking around his neck. She pulled their bodies closer together, eyes never leaving Donovan’s. “If we don’t talk about it? Not right now. I do want you, Don. I just don’t know how to talk about what that means.” This was probably the most she’d actually opened up about their situation at all, and while it wasn’t much, it was something. Her voice remained soft, arms tightening around him. “You know where my room is. Take me up there.”
Don could feel his heart skip a beat as she stepped closer to him. This was all too much to think about. He had sort of come to terms with the fact that their friendship was always going to be weird after this. He was always going to look at her differently. He was sure that a small part of him was always going to want her after this. Now that they’d gone for it, he was sure that it was always going to be in the back of his mind forever. He smiled softly when he felt her hands on his chest. He loved being close to her, even if their minds were foggy and they were without a doubt emotionally distant from each other, but that didn’t mean they didn’t want each other. Clearly, that wasn’t the problem. “We don’t ever have to talk about it,” he agreed, letting out a small sigh. He finally understood why she didn’t want to talk about it and he was going to do what she wanted. He didn’t want to live without his best friend anymore. He just wanted to make her happy. And if bottling all of this up and just letting it go was going to help with that then he was fine with it. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled their bodies closer together as he lifted her off the ground. He made his way toward the stairs, carrying her with him into her bedroom. He placed her back down on the ground once they were there, sending a smirk in her direction. If this was going to be their last time together then he was going to make sure they both enjoyed it. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek as he pressed his lips against hers before pulling her closer to him to deepen their kiss. “Take off your pants,” he instructed as he pulled away. He took in a deep breath as he stepped away from her, exhaling as he removed his own shirt.
Keeping so quiet about everything going on between them had seemed like a problem before. Back in the hotel room, when Rylan had tried to ignore it’d happened, and Donovan had freaked out at her for it, she figured he’d be the same way now. So to hear that he was on the same page, that he didn’t need them to talk about it, that made her feel better. She chose not to respond, at least not verbally, and simply offered him a small smile, nodding her head in understanding. Rylan was positive things would be different tomorrow, but she was happy to get lost in the moment with her best friend for now. She needed him, whether that meant physically or emotionally. She just needed him. Her legs wrapped easily around his waist as he picked her up, with Rylan ducking her head to press her lips gently along his jaw. Now that she’d started, she didn’t want to stop, so once he’d set her down on the ground in her room, she found herself moving closer to him, in spite of unwrapping her arms from around him. She appreciated the kiss and allowed herself to get lost in it for a moment, lips almost stinging to feel Don’s against them again the moment he’d pulled back. “You take them off for me,” she whispered, watching as he begun to peel off his shirt, her eyes drinking the sight in. She didn’t give him the time to begin removing anything else before she was stepping forward to cup his face, her lips moving back to his as she begun to back toward the bed, leading him blindly along with her. It was like she needed that intimacy, like she could put her feelings into their kiss, rather than saying them aloud. Her lips partied instantly to deepen it as her legs hit the back of the bed, her tongue moving to massage against his. It was of course a turn on, kissing Don like this, but there was something else about it, too. Something Rylan couldn’t quite put her finger on. She knew that she didn’t want to stop, though, not even as she sank back onto the bed, pulling him down with her.
Don wanted to keep this as strictly sexual as possible. He has convinced himself that was what Rylan wanted. She wanted this to be as disconnected as possible and that was what he was going to try to do. But it was hard. At the end of the day, they were never going to be two random people hooking up. They were always going to be Rylan and Donovan and that was hard to shake. She wasn’t making it any easier. He was expecting her to just do what he said. Slide off her pants and then he was going to give her what it was obvious she was craving. But she didn’t. And the way she kissed him was different. He hadn’t been expecting it at all. His lips parted instinctively as she deepened the kiss, following her lead over the bed and hovering over her as she fell back. He pulled back slightly just to stare into her eyes. He really wasn’t going to do that this time, but he couldn’t help himself and he couldn’t think properly this time. “Fuck,” he breathed out, even though they weren’t really doing anything yet. It had just sort of hit him that he liked her. As he laid there, staring into her eyes, he just knew it, and he was terrified. He met his lips with hers again, trying to distract himself from his thoughts by kissing her. His hands found the button on her jeans for the second time that night. He unfastened them and pushed them down, moving his lips away from hers so he could slide her jeans off. He started doing what he promised and returned his lips to her legs, kissing softly against him as he led himself to her inner thigh. He pressed a few kisses against her center through her panties mentally acknowledging just how wet she was again. His hands found the waistband of her panties, slowly guiding them off of her before he repositioned his mouth at her entrance. He slowly started stroking his tongue over clit as he slid his index finger inside of her. He didn’t want to think about feelings, so getting lost in the taste of her seemed like the better option.
It would be easier to separate this from anything emotional, or at least it would in theory. In reality, it was much harder to do, and when Don had instructed her to take off her pants, Rylan had kind of hated it. Not that it wasn’t hot, him telling her what to do, but because everything was in those little details. They couldn’t verbalize their feelings, but they could show them in the attention they paid to one another, and in the way their bodies connected when they were close. That same connection shone through as their gazes locked again once Don was hovering over the top of her, and Rylan almost desperately scanned his eyes, her heart beating hard as she tried to ignore whatever she was feeling. Whatever he was trying to tell her with that look. “Me too,” she whispered, kind of against her will. She didn’t even know what she meant, but him cursing out had stuck with her, it had just made sense. His lips against her own served as a welcome distraction, and she kissed him back hungrily, her arms wrapping around his neck again, hips rising instinctively as he popped the button on her pants. Soon enough, he was moving down her body, and Rylan’s hand followed, trailing down his back as she lifted her hips to help him take off her jeans. She was still sensitive from before, so given the way they’d just been making out, the kiss to her now bare thigh caused a shiver throughout her body, a small whimper falling from her lips in response. She wanted more, and as soon as he’d discarded of her panties, she was spreading her legs, her fingers finding their way into his hair. “Fuck,” she muttered in response to his tongue stroking against her, her hips moving slightly with the feeling of his finger inside of her. He knew exactly what he was doing, and she found herself sinking back into the pillow as he worked his tongue against her, the sound of her moaning already beginning to pick up. “Fuck, baby. You’re so good at that,” she breathed, the pet name completely passing her by. She was too lost in what was happening to even register it.
A few moments ago, Don had been pretty convinced of what this was. It was a hookup. Sure, it was between best friends, but it didn’t seem like she wanted it to be anything else. And he wasn’t sure if he wanted it to be either. But the way they’d kiss was something else. He could feel it, which he’d made apparent by the way he’d stared at her when he pulled away. And it seemed like she felt something too. Her words stuck with him. It was the first time he felt something from her that wasn’t just physical. She’d confirmed that she was feeling something too. This was what he’d been trying to avoid. He knew that if they connected like this again, staring into each other’s eyes, making love to one another, then it was going to be harder to keep his promise to her. He said he wouldn’t bring it up after tonight, but with the way she was making him feel, he didn’t know what he was going to do. He was happy once he’d found his way down to her center, knowing he could get her off without having to make any eye contact. So maybe, it would feel disconnected again. Maybe it would feel like two random people with no feelings for each other. As he worked his tongue against her, he heard her call him baby and his plan was ruined. It only made him want her more. It was all about her. He slowly slid another finger inside of her, quickening the pace of his tongue. He gently sucked at her clit as he moved his fingers in and out of her. “You taste really fucking good,” he mumbled out as he pulled away for a second. It didn’t take long for him to return to what he was doing, his tongue making circles around her clit as he sped up the movements of his fingers.
Rylan had had boyfriends and girlfriends before, though never anything too serious. She’d never felt something so deeply behind a kiss with any of them, though. Not like she did kissing Donovan. She didn’t know how to explain it. In fact, she wasn’t sure she even wanted to question it, but his kiss made her heart race. It made her crave more of him, and although neither of them had explained themselves, she knew he felt whatever she was feeling, too. Like she’d been telling herself all along, sex was easier. It was easier than feelings, and once Don’s tongue was against her, his finger inside of her, Rylan could focus on that. She could get lost in the way he was making her feel, in how sensitive she already was to his touch. Her sounds were repetitive as he worked her up, her hips rocking a little bit along with the feeling of him slipping his fingers inside of her. “You’re going to make me come so hard,” she breathed, her voice higher pitched as her fingers tightened in his hair. It was never going to take much, considering she was still turned on from them fucking in the bathroom, but he was really, really good with his mouth. “God, baby, I need you,” She panted, hips moving at a quicker pace. Evidently, she still wasn’t processing her own words. Her free hand gripped down onto the sheets below her, the other still tugging on his hair. It wasn’t long until she was reaching her release, his name moaned out loudly in the process.
Don didn’t even want to dwell on what all of this could mean. Clearly, they weren’t cut out to address this situation. They were good at sex, but actually talking about and evaluating what it could mean was out of both of their comfort zones. It was clear they were both choosing to focus on his tongue and his fingers and the way it was all making her feel. Seeing her body squirm had completely turned him on. He liked knowing that he was the one doing all of this to her, and he found it incredibly sexy when she warned him that she was getting close. He slowed his movements with his tongue in order to drive her closer to her breaking point, almost stopping when he heard her call him baby again. That was something he could get used to. Even though he knew he shouldn’t. But it was hard not to enjoy it. It was hard to see all of this as just sex because deep down he knew that it wasn’t. There was something there between the two of them. When it was obvious that she was done riding her wave, he pulled himself away from her and brought his hand up to wipe his mouth as he began searching the floor for his shirt. He figured this was over. They’d done their thing, so he should probably leave before things got awkward again. He could feel the sweat that had built up on his body during the whole thing. He reached up and ran his fingers over his messy hair as he looked down at her with a smirk. He wanted to lay down next to her and not leave, but that would make things weird. This was just sex. She wanted just sex. “I think I might head back to my office. That’s where I left my car. Good work tonight, bud.”
Rylan didn’t want to think about what would happen when this was over. Were they going to fall asleep together, then wake up in the morning feeling uncomfortable, the way she’d felt at the hotel? It was a situation she really wasn’t looking forward to, but fortunately Donovan was keeping her pretty well occupied with his mouth against her, his fingers inside of her. It was over almost too quickly, but that wasn’t his fault. He was just really fucking good, and Rylan could barely focus as she rode out her orgasm, her body still reacting as she laid back against the pillows, trying to come down from her high once he’d moved away from her. She was still breathing harder, but at least had enough energy to prop herself up on her elbows as she looked over at him searching the floor for his shirt. It was confusing. She hadn’t really expected him to come over, get her off and then leave right away. Then again, she didn’t know what she’d expected, so it wasn’t like she could really say anything. If this is what he wanted, to leave right away, then what could she do? “Uh, okay. Sure,” she nodded, expression a little confused. She smoothed it out quickly, pushing herself upright now and running her fingers through her hair. She scooted over to climb off of the bed too, reaching for her panties and jeans. “I’ll drive you.” It wasn’t far, but she wasn’t about to let him walk, and there would’ve been no point in taking an Uber or Lyft when she was perfectly capable of driving him. “You don’t have—“ She paused, stopping herself. Rylan shook her head, offering Don a forced smile as she pulled on her clothes. “Never mind.” She motioned to the door, her voice more defeated than she meant it to be. She grabbed her keys. “Go ahead.”
The last thing Donovan actually wanted to do was leave, but he felt like he had to. Every part of him was telling him that Rylan didn’t want this to go any further than it had. He still remembered how she reacted after the first time they hooked up. She didn’t want this to become a thing. She didn’t want this to affect their friendship. And he had promised her that he wasn’t going to make her talk about it. And he didn’t break the promises he made to her. He knew that his standing up and immediately being ready to leave was probably a little confusing. He didn’t really know that was going to be his next move until he made it, but he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. He finally found his shirt, lifting it up and holding it there in his hands. He didn’t know what to do. He was even hesitating getting dressed because he really didn’t want to leave. His eyes stayed on her as she located her own clothing. “You don’t have to drive me. It’s a short walk.” A small part of him was afraid of what they would do alone in a car together. They would either actually talk or they would end up fucking again. There wasn’t really another choice of what could happen. “Do you want me to leave?” He finally spoke up, pulling his shirt over his head. Every part of him wanted her to say no, but he really wasn’t sure what answer he was going to get out of her. Everything that was happening between the two of them was all so confusing. “I don’t know what to do, Ry,” he explained with a sigh. “If we get into your car together, I’m pretty certain this is going to happen again. If I stay here, then we’re going to wake up next to each other and I don’t think you want that.” He didn’t know what what possessed him to be so honest, but he knew he was not ready to walk out of that door and leave her bedroom just yet. “Just tell me what you want from me and I’ll do it.”
Honestly, Rylan had no right to feel the way she currently did. It had been her who had wanted to avoid talking about this. She was the one to have completely ignored the fact that it’d even happened back at the hotel, so for the feeling of being used to wash over her now was ridiculous. Donovan wasn’t using her. If anything, it would probably look like it had been the other way around; she’d brought him to her house, he’d gotten her off, and now she was going to drive him back to his car. Except she wasn’t the one making him leave this time, he was doing that all on his own. “No, it’s fine. I have to run out and grab coffee creamer anyway,” she lied. Their relationship wasn’t supposed to change. If she couldn’t even drive him to pick up his car, then it was already changing. She couldn’t cope with that thought. Her head was a total mess, and she really had no idea how to even answer his question. Of course she didn’t want him to leave. But what would telling him that do? She simply stayed quiet, just offering him another weak smile, then went back to fastening her pants. But then he continued, and Rylan let out a short sigh as her fingers brushed through her messy hair all over again. “Is that why you just finished up going down on me, immediately went to look for your shirt and announced that you were leaving? Because you wanted me to stop you?” She asked, not meaning to sound as annoyed as she did. But she was annoyed, because they weren’t supposed to play games. They weren’t supposed to do a lot of things, but here they were. “If you want to leave, leave. If you don’t, don’t. I’m not going to tell you what to do either way.” The hint of annoyance was still in her tone, but Rylan found herself sitting down on the edge of the bed, defeated. She clasped her hands together in her lap, staring at the wall across from her. “I don’t know what the fuck’s happening.”
She was lying to him. He could tell that she was lying. That was problem with being friends with someone for so long. They could tell you that they needed to go out and get creamer and you could tell that they were full of shit. Donovan still didn’t know what was going on. It didn’t seem like she was all that happy with him. It was clear to him that he hadn’t been using her. He didn’t get anything out of this deal. She was the only person who orgasmed in that bedroom. But maybe it looked shitty because he was ready to leave, but he was only so eager to leave because he didn’t want to make things awkward for her. Clearly, his plan had been absolute garbage. “You’re mad at me?” He questioned confused by her tone. He wasn’t playing any games with her. He just wanted to know what the hell she wanted from him. It was a lot to ask, especially since he didn’t one hundred percent know what he wanted. He just knew that he wasn’t ready to leave. He could have, but he wanted to know if she wanted him to. He had to know if she wanted him to. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he frowned, already done with the attitude she was giving him. “I don’t want to leave, but I think I should. I want to stay here with you. I want to kiss you again and fuck you. And I want to hear you scream my name for the rest of the night, but I know in the morning it won’t mean shit to you.” His voice snapped at the end of his argument, a sigh of exasperation leaving his lips. It was a lot of honesty. Maybe more than he knew he was going to give her, but he couldn’t stop there. “I told you what I want. What about you?” He questioned, his tone still slightly angry. “I can’t keep being the only one that cares.”
She wasn’t mad at him, she was mad at the situation. And maybe a little bit at Donovan… But that was only because they’d both done this, so on some level, she was mad at them both. She chose not to respond to his question, though, and instead just glanced up at him, expression annoyed, before averting her gaze. This whole thing was a mess, one that Rylan didn’t know how they were going to come back from. If she could just get over herself and actually admit to whatever she was feeling, maybe things would be better. It didn’t seem that Donovan had a problem with pouring out his thoughts, even if he did sound kind of angry while doing so. Her gaze drifted up to him again as he spoke, and this time she couldn’t even bring herself to look away. She tried to ignore how hard her heart had begun racing, though. “You don’t know me as well as you think you do if you think none of this means anything to me,” she muttered, slowly shaking her head. “Do you really think I’d be acting this way? If this didn’t mean anything to me? If you didn’t mean anything to me?” She hadn’t been ready to open up yet, but apparently they were doing this right now, and now that she’d begun speaking, it was all just kind of flowing out freely. Rylan paused, swallowing as she scanned his face. “Fuck you if you really think you’re the only one that cares, Don.” She licked over her lips, almost like she was daring herself to continue. “I want you,” she finally said, no longer focusing on the wall. Her eyes were trained on him. “I want you, and I don’t want you to fuck me and then leave. I want you to stay. I want you here with me. And you know what?” She hadn’t realized her voice had raised, or that her tone had grown angrier. She was just frustrated, so much so that her eyes were beginning to sting a little bit. Rylan ignored that, though. “I’m so fucking pissed at you for getting up and trying to leave just now. You should be here. You should be here with me, and if you don’t come and kiss me…” She didn’t even have an end to that sentence. She locked her gaze with his. “Kiss me. I’m asking you to kiss me.”
Donovan did not know what was going on between them two of them. One minute they could not keep their hands off of each other and the next it seemed like they were arguing. He didn’t want to argue with her. He would have rather done the other thing, but that also was not the best idea. Even though they had a great deal of chemistry, it did not make any sense for them to keep hooking up and just fight about it constantly. That would have been ridiculous. But there they were. Alone in her bedroom. Avoiding eye contact with each other. He wanted to kiss her, but what was new? Ever since their first kiss he wanted to kiss her again, but he tried not to think about it. The truth was, she was right and wrong. If he didn’t think she cared about any of this then he didn’t know her all that well, but he did know she cared. He had seen it in her eyes when they locked earlier in the night. Sure, the two of them wanted to keep it under wraps, but it had been obvious from both sides that they were interested in each other. And it was more than just sex and it was definitely more than just friendship. “I want to mean more to you than just your friend.” He couldn’t believe those words had come out of his mouth. He wanted to take them back. They were needy and reckless and not what he should have revealed to her just yet. It was hard making eye contact with her again. Because that need to kiss her was still there and it only made it worse when she licked her lips. But then she continued. And it seemed liked she was being open and honest with him. His eyes fell to the ground after it became obvious just how upset she was. There was water forming in her eyes. Although, he knew she would never admit to them being tears, that was what it looked like. It didn’t much longer after she told him to kiss her for him to close the gap between them and make his way over to her, connecting their lips. His tongue slipped in between their parted lips to immediately deepen the kiss. They’d addressed something. So, it had to count for something. “I want to stay here with you,” he mumbled as he pulled away slightly. “I’m sorry for trying to leave you. I don’t want to go anywhere, babe.”
Despite everything, despite the fact that she was spilling her thoughts and feelings and that Donovan was doing the same, Rylan would still argue that she didn’t want to talk about this. She didn’t want to complicate things. But if she really thought about it, they were already complicated. They were more complicated than she’d ever expected things to be between she and her best friend. Because he wasn’t just her best friend anymore, there was something else there now, too. “You already do,” she stated, figuring that she’d already made herself completely vulnerable, so she might as well continue. Not that she could even stop herself if she wanted to at this point. It was clear she needed to talk, whether she wanted to or not. They both did. There was obviously a huge amount of passion between them, and it all spilled out into that next kiss, when Don moved forward to do as Rylan had asked. Like his, her lips parted immediately, her eyes fluttering shut as she leaned up to kiss him back, pulling him back down onto the bed with her. She nodded her head as they pulled back, but didn’t move far enough away from him that she couldn’t move back in. Her eyes were still closed, heart beating hard. “You can’t leave me,” she whispered, voice cracking slightly, “You can’t ever leave me like that. I don’t know what to do without you.” Finally, she looked at him again, her hand resting on his cheek as she scanned his face. “Stay. Stay and lay with me. Keep kissing me.” Her fingertips brushed softly against his cheek. “Just stay with me, Don.”
Things between them were clearly a mess, but Don wasn’t going to focus on any of that. He was going to focus on how vulnerable his best friend was being. He was going to focus on how they’d met each other half way. They were best friends, but something had been brewing underneath the surface ever since that first kiss they’d shared. They were more than that now and both of them had admitted as much to each other. She made his heart race in a way that a best friend shouldn’t. And they had done things together now that best friends definitely shouldn’t have done, but they didn’t know how to stop themselves. He didn’t know how to control himself around her and it seemed like she may have had the same problem. Either way, they’d passed the point of no return and at some point they were going to have to deal with the consequences. It didn’t seem like either one of them wanted to deal with them anytime soon though. Kissing was easier than talking. It was obvious that they were better at expressing themselves physically than verbally. But it was refreshing to hear Rylan stay vulnerable with him and tell him that she wanted him to stay there with her again. It was what he wanted. His head hit the pillow next to her and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her as close as he could to his body. His eyes met hers as he sent her a small sincere smile. “I’m right here,” he mumbled out, leaning forward to press a small peck to her lips. “I will never leave you. Not like that. I am right where I’m supposed to be.” He brought his lips back to hers, pulling her back in for a slow deep kiss. He didn’t want to pull away again. He just wanted to do this all night. Lay next to her and kiss her the way he always should have.
Falling asleep in Donovan’s arms last night hadn’t been scary, not the way it was the last time. Nor had waking up in them, and despite the fact that it took Rylan a moment to adjust to her surroundings, once she pieced together how they’d gotten there, naked and tangled up in one another, she felt way more calm than she had before. Glancing up at Donovan to see that he was still sleeping, she wondered if she should leave him be for a couple hours. He’d have a long day of work to deal with later, and they hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. There was a part of her that missed him, though, which was kind of crazy, but it was true. That seemed to be the part that won, and despite the fact that she slipped away from him carefully, making sure not to wake him as she moved his arm from underneath her, she knew he wasn’t going to stay sleeping much longer. Not as she fixed her gaze on his face, her smirk soft as she turned onto her front and shuffled under the covers, her legs straddling his. Rylan began to kiss slowly down his body, knowing she would’ve woken him by now, until she was settling herself between his thighs, her fingers wrapping around his length and moving gently. They’d had a lot of sex last night, but she hadn’t gone down on him like he had her. She wanted to make up for that now. She lowered further down the bed until she could duck her head, taking him into her mouth and moaning softly for effect against him as she began to move her head, taking him further in. Her fingers were still wrapped around the base, moving slowly up and down as her mouth worked the rest, her tongue flat and rubbing against him. This was definitely not how they’d ever woken up in the same bed before, but she had a feeling he wasn’t going to complain.
Donovan hadn’t expected the night to turn out like it had. But he had ended up staying at Rylan’s with their  bodies wrapped around one another. It was surprising to him. He figured she would have sent him home after they were done having sex, but they had fallen asleep together. When he fell asleep, he hadn’t been thinking about how he needed to wake up the next day for work. Or how awkward things were going to be the next morning. He just enjoyed the feeling of sleeping right next to her, and once he was there he really wasn’t in a hurry to get up. Don was usually an early riser. Living on a farm with tons of animals, he had to wake up pretty early everyday, but lying next to Rylan, he didn’t feel the urge to get up at all. His eyes started to peel open after he feel a tickle on his body. He was surprised to see his best friend working her lips down his body. This wasn’t how he thought she was going to act the morning after they spent the entire night having sex. He thought she was going to be awkward again. But there was nothing awkward about the way she was stroking his length. “Good morning,” he breathed out with a smirk spreading across his face. A deep breath escaped from his lips once he felt her mouth taking all of him in. “Fuck,” he moaned, leaning his head back on the pillow. This was new. Definitely not something he ever would have seen coming, but here they were, with her sliding her tongue on his shaft. He reached his hand down and tangled his fingers in her hair as he guided her mouth further down in his length. “Your mouth feels really fucking good.”
It wasn’t all about sex between them. That much was obvious given the way they’d both opened up last night, the way Rylan had actually gone ahead and made herself vulnerable. But it was a good way for them to express their feelings, and she figured Donovan wouldn’t be upset to be woken up like this. She already knew she was turning him on, given the way his length was hardening right there in her hand, but his moan that followed her wrapping her lips around him, the way she felt his body move, that was a much clearer sign. It made her feel smug as she moved her lips against him, his fingers in her hair causing her to let out another soft moan of her own as her tongue rubbed up and down his shaft. That was hot, the way he was guiding her, and his words were only giving her that extra push to move faster, to want to draw more from him. Her hands rested on his stomach, trailing upward to dance her fingers over his abs. She would probably never get over how hot he was, not now that she’d really allowed herself to appreciate him the way she had. Rylan moved her head faster, her hands sliding down to rest on his thighs, fingers gently squeezing. She wanted to talk, to tell him to come for her, but she wasn’t ready to move her mouth away from him, so she hoped that the way she was moving, the way she moaned against him would make her intentions clear enough on their own.
It was clear that the two of them had amazing sexual chemistry, but last night had just proved that there was more to them than that. Although, it had been clear to him since their first kiss that it was more than just something small between best friends. There was something more. Even after the previous night, he didn’t expect to wake up like this. With her mouth sliding down his length and moans escaping uncontrollably from his lips. She was driving him crazy. And he knew he really wouldn’t last very long. Not with the way she was holding onto his thighs and quickening the pace of her mouth on his shaft. She was hot. Everything about this was hot. He could feel the pressure building up inside of him as he started to approach his release. “Fuck, baby,” he swore out. His chest was heaving pretty heavily as the words poured out of his mouth. He had already slipped up once or twice the night before and called her by a pet name, but he seemed to be a lot less worried about it this morning. He took in a deep as he felt himself getting closer and closer to his breaking point, his body going stiff as he started to reach his release. He laid back, trying to catch his breath while he was coming down from his high. “I won’t be needing any coffee,” he mumbled out as his breathing started to slow down to a normal pace. It was true though. He was wide awake now. “Come up here,” he instructed, wanting to kiss her. He needed to kiss her. They were still clearly going to need to figure things out, but it seemed different than last time. She didn’t disappear into the bathroom and walk out like none of this ever happened. They were already off to a healthier start. For now. He would not have been surprised if things somehow imploded between the two of them in the next thirty minutes. They had a habit of arguing before and after sex. “I really need to kiss you.”
Last night, Rylan had been trying to draw things out. Everything they were doing was for that connection, to pull every reaction they could from each other. Right now, she wanted to make Donovan feel good, but this was also her way of waking him up, so she wanted to make him come, and was proud of herself for how quickly he finished up. She slowed down as he came in her mouth, swallowing once she’d pulled away. Her hand ran slowly up and down his length as she began to work her way back up his body, finally pulling her hand away as she emerged out of the top of the covers, her body hovering over the top of his. “No? I was about to go make some for us,” she smirked, looking down at him, “I guess I got a little sidetracked.” This was so different to the last time. The last thing she wanted was to run away now. In fact, all she wanted to do was kiss him, so she wasted no more time in ducking her head to press her lips gently to Don’s. She hovered for a moment, pulling back to look down at him again, the smirk still settled on her lips. “Hi,” she finally said, closing the gap again to press another quick kiss to his lips, before pulling back once more. She brought a hand up to brush her fingers through his hair, entirely comfortable to just be with him like this. If she let herself question why that was, she’d probably freak out. She wasn’t trying to do that, though. While she was enjoying this, that’s exactly what she would continue to do. Enjoy it. “I kind of like that, by the way. When you call me baby.” She pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “How did you sleep?”
Donovan hadn’t expected to lose control so quickly, but Rylan had that effect on him. It was like she knew exactly what to do to get him over to that edge and she did a great job at it. He was already surprised at how well this morning was going compared to the other morning after their first time. She wasn’t pulling away from him. They both weren’t afraid to look at each other. Nothing was awkward. At least not yet anyway. “You can get sidetracked whenever you want,” he teased with a smirk. He kept his eyes on her as she finally made her way up to him. It had really only been a few seconds, but he was craving her lips on his in a way that made it feel like an eternity. He smirked as he felt their lips finally connect. He almost didn’t want to pull away. He grinned at her as she did pull their lips apart, replying to her greeting. “Hi,” he breathed out before their lips met once again. All of this felt natural. And that should have been more worrisome, but Don was done worrying. He was done being freaked out about what was going on between them. He just wanted to enjoy their moments together. He didn’t know how long they had before things felt awkward and he wasn’t just going to wait around for it to happen. “I like it when you look at me. Your eyes are beautiful and I like looking into them,” he said with a small smile. He kept his eyes on her, a small chuckle leaving his lips as she kissed his nose. “I slept great,” he laughed, shaking his head. “We really didn’t get much sleep though. Not that I have any complaints. I could stay like this all day, baby,” he muttered out, grinning as that last word slipped out. He reached up and tangled his fingers in a few loose strands of her hair, pushing it back behind her ear. “I think I have a crush on my best friend. What should I do?”
“I thought you’d think so,” she grinned down at him, her gaze easily meeting his. They’d been pretty good with the eye contact, at least during sex. But now they were done, and Rylan was still finding it easy to look into Donovan’s eyes. It just felt natural, it wasn’t something she wanted to question. It seemed as though he was going to make sure she was aware of it, though, considering he literally brought up her eyes. They were definitely one of her more impressive features, they tended to get compliments all the time, but it never made her blush. Not like she was right now as she looked back at her best friend, the thought that he was paying so much attention to her causing her heart to flutter a little bit. “Well, I like looking at you,” she admitted, her voice a little softer. Her fingers trailed down from his hair to brush against his ear, with Rylan just studying his face. She’d seen him up close before, but not like this. She’d never paid this kind of attention. His statement made her laugh softly. “We didn’t. We’re both going to be exhausted at work. I’d say you could just come and stay here again after rather than driving all the way home, but someone’s gonna have to feed the animals.” They both knew they would both end up back at Don’s place. Even before things had taken a turn for them, it was rare they spent an evening apart. She really had been about to go make them coffee, but the idea of leaving Donovan right now just wasn’t sitting well with her, so Rylan decided to make herself comfortable. Her body was already laid over his, and she rested her palms on his chest, her chin rested on the back of her hands as she looked up at him, unable to hold back her smile. “I don’t know, I’m having the same problem,” she agreed, her fingertips stroking over his chest where they rested. “How about I put on your shirt, you put on your boxers and we go make some breakfast, and maybe it’s something we can talk about?”
Staring into Rylan’s eyes was incredibly easy. Not only did it feel natural, her eyes were just absolutely gorgeous, so he never wanted to pull his gaze away from hers. And Don liked that him complimenting her eyes had caused a reddish tint to wash over her cheeks. He really liked that. He never thought that knowing he’d made his best friend blush would mean so much to him, but it suddenly did. A grin tugged onto his lips as she agreed that she liked looking at him as well. It wasn’t surprising because their eyes had been locked together pretty much since their first kiss, but it was still nice to hear. He was appreciative of her being vulnerable with him, even if it was something so small like telling him that she liked looking at him. Although, he was incredibly tired, he hadn’t stopped smiling since the moment he woke up with her. And the thought of leaving her to go to work wasn’t appealing to him at all, neither was the thought of the two of them staying at separate locations that night. “I’m sure Tiger will want to see you tonight. And I could always use the help with the animals.” He didn’t need any help. And maybe Tiger did miss her, but the truth was that Don just wanted her to be with him again. He wasn’t sure if they were ready for that much vulnerability, but he figured she was going to pick up on his hint. He stared up at her, softly gazing into her eyes as he listened to her speak. He let out a small playful groan before leaning up to place a peck against her lips. “I’d rather lay here with you than eat. Is that bad?” He joked, pulling himself up and regrettably sliding himself out from under her. He grabbed his discarded boxer shorts along with his shirt, and handed her the latter item before slipping on the former item himself. He pulled himself up off the bed and started heading toward her kitchen. “I can start some food if you want to start the coffee. And you can also start the conversation,” he muttered with a chuckle.
Donovan lived on a farm, he didn’t need any help with the animals. Rylan knew he was more than capable, and she knew that he knew it, too. But she wasn’t going to question him, because for whatever reason, the idea of spending the night without him wasn’t sitting well with her, so she just offered him an appreciative smile, nodding her head. “Tiger misses me when I’m not there. He tells me you do, too,” she smirked, knowing that they were already in what was pretty dangerous territory, it probably couldn’t hurt to push just a little bit more. She’d literally just had his dick in her mouth, it wasn’t like they had any boundaries now. Rylan returned the kiss happily, laughing softly against his lips. “No, not bad. I’d rather do that, too. But we both have jobs to go to. You have animals to save,” she pointed out, climbing off of him. She allowed herself a moment to just watch him as he got up, though, taking all of him in. He really was seriously hot, and if she didn’t have neighbors to worry about, she probably would’ve told him not to bother putting anything back on. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible, so she accepted the shirt and tugged it on. Given her small size, it covered everything it needed to, but she grabbed a pair of panties from the drawer and pulled them on too, then followed Donovan down to the kitchen. “Sounds like a plan,” she agreed, making her way to the coffee maker to get it started. “I don’t want to make this anything heavy, you know? I mostly just want to make sure we don’t ruin us.” Rylan began, grabbing a couple coffee mugs and setting them down on the counter as she turned to Don. “You’re my best friend, you’re always going to be my best friend. I just want to make sure we don’t fuck that up with whatever we’re doing, you know? I can’t lose you. I wouldn’t know what to do.”
They were clearly treading on crossing a line with each other. Well, technically they were no longer treading on that line. They’d crossed it completely Donovan knew they had already crossed the point of no return, so flirting a little more with each other was not going to hurt anything. “Tiger might know what he’s talking about,” he smirked, shaking his head. Even before they’d started all of this, he did miss her whenever she wasn’t around. She was a staple around his place. It was safe to say that she was there just as much as he was. Sometimes he’d come home to her already being there. And the idea of any of that changing was scary to him. The new uncharted territory that were currently exploring was a little terrifying because it could change every little thing about their friendship. And not necessarily for the better. “You have people to help,” he replied with a nod. “I guess we’re both a little too important to skip work.” He could sense her eyes on him once he was up putting his boxers on. And for some reason, it made him feel a little self-conscious. Clearly, he should not have been. She was checking him out for a reason. He must have looked good. But there was something about her looking at him that made him nervous. She made him nervous. It was a strange concept. The person he felt the most comfortable around also was the person the most nervous around these days. He popped open her refrigerator, pulling out a carton of eggs and placing it on the counter. He had never woken up in a woman’s house the morning after sex and felt so at home already. Maybe it was because he had done all of this before. Not in his underwear, but he’d made breakfast for her before in her kitchen. This wasn’t anything new. He looked over at her once she started speaking, nodding his head along at what she was saying. “I get that. I don’t want to ruin our friendship either,” he mumbled out. “What we did last night, and the other night, it was fun. And not just fun. It felt right, you know? And I don’t want to stop, but…” He trailed off, pausing to scratch his fingers through hair as he thought about what he was going to say. “Our friendship is the most important thing.”
Although it was strange, this playful flirting with one another, it wasn’t uncomfortable. Because Rylan realized that this was how they’d always been. They’d always said things playfully to one another, like how Don would miss her when she wasn’t there, but it had never been preceded by sex. Or by them admitting to having any kind of crush on each other. She didn’t hate it, though. Quite the opposite, in fact. “You’re right, I do.” The smile she flashed him was almost apologetic, which wasn’t very fair, considering they really did have important jobs to get to. She just wouldn’t despise the idea of laying around with Donovan all day, that was all. But they were responsible adults, so as much as Rylan wanted to just stay in bed with him, she found herself in the kitchen and preparing their morning coffee for them as Don got to work on breakfast. It was very domestic, but this was how they always were, so she wasn’t worried. Had he just been some random guy she’d brought home from the bar and fucked all night, she would’ve been weirded out by them making breakfast together. But nothing with Donovan weirded her out. Everything was just as it should be. She wanted to make sure it stayed that way, and was grateful that he seemed to be on the same page. “Right,” she nodded, quietly pleased to hear that he didn’t want to stop what they were doing. She didn’t, either. “I agree, it did feel right. And it’s not something we have to stop. I just want to make sure our friendship still comes first. So like right now,” she paused, making her way over to her friend and standing in front of him. Rylan reached her arms up to wrap around his neck, pulling his body closer to her own, then stood up on her tiptoes, pressing her lips softly against his, before pulling back to look up at him. “We can do that. But I think we need to hang out like normal, too. Do something we normally do, like go to the aquarium like we keep saying we’re going to and then never actually do. And just be Rylan and Donovan for a day, you know?” Her arms were still loosely wrapped around him, eyes still up on him. “Just so I know that we can.”
The fact that this didn’t feel uncomfortable at all should have worried Donovan more. It was starting to make him realize that this may have always been there. These feelings. Maybe he had just been ignoring them for years or repressing them so far down in his subconscious that not even he was aware of them. The idea of lying next to her in bed all day should have seen daunting, but it seemed comfortable. Like something they should have been doing all along. And now making breakfast seemed comfortable. Likely because they did it all the time, but they never did it the morning after spending the entire night having sex. Still, he felt completely comfortable and calm. It was nice to hear her confirm that it didn’t seem like she was interested in stopping what they were doing either. He was slightly surprised, judging by the last time they’d hooked up, but last night had seemed different. They were both so open with each other. His eyes stayed on her as she started making her way toward him, a smirk spreading across his face as she wrapped her arms around him. He grinned as she pulled her lips away from his, his eyes never leaving her. “I want to do more of that,” he replied with a smirk. He knew she was right. Things had to stay normal between them too. Jumping into a sexual relationship and ignoring their decades of friendship was not a good idea. They had been friends for so long. It didn’t make any sense for them to throw it all away, even if their sexual chemistry was off the charts. “Okay,” he said with a nod. “I can do that for you. The aquarium’s a good idea.” He wasn’t really sure how well it was all going to go. If he was really going to be able to spend so much time with her and not want to kiss her and touch her. That was going to be a new facet to their friendship. “Just no hanging out on my couch or yours. I will end up with a boner. Not that it would be the first time I’ve gotten a Ry-induced boner on my couch." A small chuckle left his lips before he leaned down to meet her lips one more time, pulling away with a smile. “Alright. We’ll hang out and we won’t do any of that. It’ll be just like old times.”
It was less terrifying today than it had been in the hotel, when Rylan’s fight or flight mode had evidently kicked in and caused her to do the latter. Mentally, she was actually kind of annoyed with herself for reacting the way she had, because this was easy now. Just being with Donovan, being open with him, it was so much easier than the alternative. It was comfortable, and the way her lips pressed so easily to his just felt so normal and so right. So much so that she wasn’t even afraid as she pulled back, and simply looked up at him with a small, content smile, arms still draped around his neck. “You and me both, buddy,” she winked, quietly noting how nice it was to still be able to call him that with her arms wrapped around him, the feeling of his lips against her own still lingering. He was right, hanging out on their couches together would be a bad idea, it would lead to more, and Rylan was about to agree before Don continued, her brow arching in amusement. “Wait, really?” Her gaze automatically drifted down his body toward his boxers, before she looked back up at him. “Aw, little Don would get excited over me even before now?” She paused, smirking up at him. “Actually, I take that back. He’s definitely not little.” Rylan stood up on her tiptoes as he leaned down, meeting in the middle to return the kiss. She pulled back but kept her eyes up on him, nodding her head in agreement. “Okay, thank you.” For a moment, she just stared up at him, voice soft as she continued. “I could get used to this, you know?” She didn’t even know what she meant by that, but pulled away before she had the time to question it, going back to the coffee machine and finishing up what she’d started.
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