drunkenworgen · 1 year
Like this post and I’ll send one of Gin’s pets into your inbox.
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fire-bear · 11 months
Another version of the last original story I posted!
Thankfully, Wullo was wearing a vest and a pair of tight shorts. Unfortunately, with how tight they were, it left nothing to the imagination and Rylak swallowed, trying not to look at Wullo’s bulge. “What do you want?” he snapped. Wullo seemed unconcerned by Rylak’s outburst. In fact, he took a moment to look Rylak up and down, a pleased look on his face. “A meal has been prepared. Come eat with me.” With a suspicious glare, Rylak nodded. “Fine. Let me get dressed.” Glancing at Rylak’s crumpled, bloody flight suit, Wullo added, “There are clothes in the wardrobe.” “I don’t want your gifts.”
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Rylak’s Pigments
Rylak Salva was both wizard and artist who was famed for transmuting the horrific into something beautiful. A skilled exorcist and demon binder Rylak would remold the souls of the foulest demons into works of spellbinding art. It is said that some of these demons were forever changed into beings of light upon their release. A sculptor and painter Rylak worked with some of the most exotic materials in the world, the pigments used in his paint the most famous.
Two hundred and forty four different colored pigments are in the collection with just a dash able to make a great quantity of paint. A skilled artist can mix the various pigments to create colors capable of intoxicating the mind and enchanting the soul. Currently the pigments are under the auspices of the Firstking Brothers who parse out the pigments with great care to the world’s finest painters.
Author’s note - Wow! Three years running now with an entry for every day. I plan on keeping it up, it’s been one of my great achievements in the last few years. I’ll also be including some more images as well though I do not count them as a daily entry. I appreciate everyone that follows me here more than you know. I don’t benefit financially from this is any way, it’s a pure labor of love…so i means a lot to know that people are getting something from it. I hope you all have a good 2023 and God bless.
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algrolo · 1 year
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Ahhm. Anyways.
Elementals getting buffs across the board is good, they were way too weak at launch. Hopefully barnstormer gets pushed to a +3/+3 deathrattle and not just stat changes. Trumpeter will probably be 5 elementals and rock rock will cycle in increments of 2 (+2 health or +2 attack). Zapp interests me Immensely, no idea what the change is, but Im interested.
Dynamic Duo - 3 turns, 4/4 maybe 4/5. Makes it much worse and very niche.
Reanimating Rattler - 5* again? Get reverted idiot. Alternatively, make it a 2* and the reborn is for next combat only, but that seems very bad.
Stormcharger - buffs all dragons +4 attack but its only a 1/7 now (meaning its a 5/7 when you play it)
Macaw - who the hell knows. Rylaks in the game still so who the hell knows.
Banana Slamma - DIE. I HATE YOU. PIECE OF SHIT CARD. Multiple slammas don't stack. No more summoning beasts in combat with 12x stat buffs. Doesnt necessarily kill the card, but its so much worse now. Should release the meta from its stranglehold.
Mama Bear - maybe down to +4/+4 to beasts you summon in combat?
Upbeat Frontdrake - i thought this card was pretty weak already but now I guess its a 1/1.
Drakkisath - 2/6 from 2/8
Kalegos - 4/10. If they revert the trigger buff they're idiots.
Nadina - 6/3. Kills itself on blaster but doesnt kill the blaster. Meaning blaster can counter it. Learn to buff your nadina and itll be fine.
Wave surfer - 1/2 from 1/3
Scourfin - 4/3 maybe? I think itll stay +5/+5 to a minion in hand. Or maybe itll only target murlocs now?
Radio Star - No idea. Stat changes are irrelevant to its effect. Not sure how you change the effect.
Peggy - back to a 5/4. Get reverted, idiot.
Gnome - its a 1/1 now I guess? Irrelevant.
Record Stealer - gives +1 gold for each Other friendly pirate
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fictosensuality · 2 years
Thrall x F! OC
My other Thrall fic.
Eowyn wiped her sweat-covered brow against the back of her hand, looking down with pride at the completed meal before her. Cooking for her orc husband was always a chore that took hours as he could seemingly eat forever, but it was a chore she enjoyed wholeheartedly nonetheless. She wiped her hands on the white, stained apron she wore over her simple blue linen dress. Thrall would be home any time. She lit the candles on their modest wooden dining table and set out the food. Blackrock ham,  black cherries, Rylak claws. All made to his liking. But still, Thrall wasn't here. She began to grow worried, almost enough to go out and look for him, but before she could he finally entered the house. Eowyn stood with her hands clasped in front of her, worry knitting her brow. Thrall stood in the doorway for a long moment, staring at her. His expression was unreadable.
"Go'el...?" She asked sheepishly and he suddenly charged towards her, grabbing her face in his large hands and pulling her into a searing kiss. Eowyn was taken aback at first but soon returned the kiss, placing her hands atop his.
When he pulled away he went to sit down at the table and eat as if everything were normal. Eowyn said nothing as she sat across from him, but she was certain she was going to interrogate him about this before the night was through, if he did not give her answers beforehand.
"Impeccable, as always." He remarked with satisfaction as he finished his food, drinking deeply from his goblet of ironwine.
"Thank you, my love." Eowyn said, unable to keep the suspicious edge out of her voice.
"I'm going to take a bath, would you care to join me?" He asked, smiling at her as he got up from the table.
"I bathed already, I'll clean up." She said, standing and beginning to do just that. Thrall gave her a lingering glance as if he wanted to say something, but he decided this was not the correct moment and he left to take his bath without another word.
When Thrall came to the bedroom, clean and naked, Eowyn was sitting on the edge of the bed in her thin nightgown, looking at him expectantly.
"Go'el. I want you to tell me what's wrong." She demanded. Thrall sighed heavily and came to stand in front of her. He looked down at her thoughtfully, eyes full of love and affection and then he knelt, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his ear to her breast, listening to her heartbeat.
"Saurfang came to visit me today. He was following two assassin's, I don't need to say who sent them. He did not ask me to lead the horde, but he asked me to fight for it." He confessed. He noticed the quickening of her heartbeat as he spoke and he pulled back to look into her eyes. The glow of the hearth against her skin made her look so warm, radiant. Regardless of faction, regardless of race, he would trade his human lover for no other, horde be damned. Eowyn looked concerned, unsure of what to say. She could not ask him to reject his faction, it was not her decision to make.
"I will not fight for the horde if it means fighting against you." Thrall took one of her hands, dwarfed in his, and held it to his lips.
Eowyn was contemplative for a long moment.
"We are not fighting against each other. We fight together, for Azeroth." She said, squeezing his hand encouragingly.
Thrall smiled and let out a sigh of relief.
"I am so blessed to have your support. Together we will fight, side by side. For Azeroth." He said, standing up to kiss her lovingly.
Eowyn kissed him back, cupping his face with one hand. As they kissed she trailed her other hand down, over his muscular chest, to his cock, wrapping her hand around his thick, warm shaft. Thrall inhaled sharply and broke the kiss, looking downward to admire the sight of her small, soft hand wrapped around him. Eowyn stroked him slowly, now with both of her hands and she continued to pump his cock between them until he was fully erect, precum glistening at his tip. She gently ran her finger over it, swirling it in a circle, a trail of the transparent fluid connecting her fingertip to it as she pulled it away to put it into her mouth. Thrall groaned and grabbed her hips, flipping her over onto her stomach. Eowyn giggled, satisfied with her ability to drive him mad. Thrall pushed her nightgown upwards and fondled her ass roughly with both of his hands, squeezing and rubbing and spreading them to get a good look at both of her eager entrances. He plunged two of his thick fingers into her, as deeply as he could. Eowyn arched her back and cried out as he pumped his fingers back and forth, making loud squishing noises as she was already quite wet. He pulled his fingers out and plunged his cock into her, lifting her up by her hips with one hand, putting his slick-covered fingers in his mouth and savoring the taste of her as he thrusted vigorously. Eowyn gripped the fur blanket beneath her in both of her fists, closing her eyes and moaning continuously enough for her to start to drool. Thrall held her hips tightly, pulling her away from him as he pulled out and slamming her back into him as he thrusted forward, reaching deeply enough inside of her to touch her womb with every thrust.
"Go'el- G-Gods I-" she broke off as she climaxed, unable to finish her sentence, eyes rolling back as she trembled and clenched tightly around his cock.
"Yes..." He hissed in satisfaction, the feeling of her hot, snug cunt around his cock was absolute ecstasy. He picked up his pace, nearing his climax as well. He leaned down, pressing his face against her back, sliding his hands up her body to cup her breasts and letting out a feral growl that would've frightened Eowyn had it not come from her lover as he came, his hot cum spilling out directly against her sensitive cervix. Too tired to move immediately, Thrall stayed where he was, pressed up against her back, cock still deep within her. Eowyn reached back with one hand, entangling her fingers in his dark hair, holding him close. He purred and nuzzled against her lovingly.
"I love you but you're very heavy."
Thrall chuckled and rolled off of her, stretching out on the bed on his back and yawning. Eowyn lay beside him, thoroughly spent. He rolled onto his side to face her and began to stroke her hair, humming softly to her. The sleepy, happy face of her lover and the sound of his lullaby were the final things Eowyn beheld as she drifted to sleep.
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
Jaie's Favorite Recipes
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Jaie has been all over Azeroth and beyond and in each land one of her main goals is ‘learn what they cook here and how to cook it.’ From Azuremyst Island to Zandalar, she’s learned enough cooking techniques to fill several books, and has several favorites from each land. A sample of which follows.
Sea Mist Rice Noodles
3 cups Rice Flour
5 Tiger Gourami
5 cuts Fresh Turtle Meat
25 Fresh Scallions
Jaie’s Notes: “This is actually a traditional dish from my home on the Wandering Isle. Yes I know its odd to eat something with Turtle Meat in it when we live on a giant turtle, but I think Shen-zin Su didn’t really mind… or notice… he’s kind of big and its not like the other turtles are related to him. I find this is a good snack whenever I’m not feeling cheerful. It reminds me of home…”
Calamari Crepes
5 Rylak Eggs
10 Fire Ammonite Tentacles
1 Nagrand Arrowbloom, dried and crumbled.
Jaie’s Notes: “This one is really unusual, its actually from Draenor. The rylaks are these huge two-headed monsters that live there, while the Fire Ammonite is a type of squid that believe it or not lives in molten lava! Spicy! Sadly… this is also one I doubt I’ll ever be able to make again. With the Dark Portal closed and the Hourglass of Eternity destroyed we can’t go to Draenor anymore. I’ve tried making it with Azerothian ingredients, but its just not the same…”
Leybeque Ribs
5 Tablespoons Leyblood
5 Racks of Ribs (big and or gamey preferably)
5 Dalapeno Peppers (medium size)
Jaie’s Notes: “Wow this stuff is spicy! The Dalapeno Peppers on their own pack a punch but mix in Leyblood and it really has a kick to it! I remember when Nomi and I first tried using Leyblood in cooking… that stuff is so volatile that it almost blew up the kitchen! Oh man Nelen was upset… but we promised to help repair it. The ribs were worth it too once we worked out how to cook with Leyblood without… well… THAT happening.”
Wildberry Bread
8 cups Wild Flour
8 handfulls Wild Berries
5 cups Powdered Sugar
2 Tablespoons Aromatic Fish Oil
Jaie’s Notes: “A Kul’tirian special. Dried fruit, flour, and sugar keep well on long voyages, and of course it’s easy to get fish oil when you’re out at sea, so it makes a sweet and nutritious snack for sailors. Its also good if you’re going to spend a long time out in the wilderness too. This stuff takes a while to go stale, so it’ll keep you going for weeks.”
Tenebrous Crown Roast Aspic
3 racks Tenebrous Ribs
3 pounds Creeping Crawler Meat
4 tablespoons Multispice
2 cups Rich Grazer Milk
Jaie’s Notes: “Now hear me out! Yes it has crawler meat! Yes that’s the stuff that comes from those huge bugs in Maldraxxus! But its really good! It’s a meat gelatin that’s super savory and just melts right in your mouth, and the juices are sooooooo tasty! Yeah okay so you’re kinda sorta eating something made with a huge crawler that lives in a world made of dead flesh but… wait come back!”
Thrice-Spiced Mammoth Kabob
4 cuts of whatever meat you prefer
4 racks Mammoth Ribs
Spice to taste
Jaie's Notes: "Do you know how hard it is to feed six people every day? It doesn't help that for all his bookishness Nelen is a worgen and he eats about twice what most humans do because of it. With Zhan-min on our team now add two more Nelen to that. Well, Mammoth Kabobs help a lot. Mammoth meat is easy to get since its, well, from a mammoth! They're HUGE! I take down one and I'll have enough meat to last at least a couple weeks! I can even swap out whats on the kabobs for whoever is eating. I'll put some veggies in for me, Shalandrae, and Dareley, but Nelen, Sam, and Zhan-min like it meat all the way down... especially Nelen. Infact I notice he really doesn't like veggies at all. Must be a worgen thing."
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Ry Lake. #rylake #rymarina #bythelake #nature #blackandwhite #ropes #boat #yatch #anchor #smashingphotography #nikond5300 #smashingbydinesk (at Ry Marina) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByKTogcht0Z/?igshid=sdu8htaf6ror
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katieskarlette · 2 years
Here is a headcanon of mine: Rylaks are convergently evolved with dragons. Dragons canonically evolved from elementals, and the elements are everywhere to who is to say they didn't evolve on Draenor as well? As a result by convergent evolution you have the rylaks which seem to be on par with proto-drakes and possess elemental abilities like them through breath weapons. Perhaps if the Titans had thought Draenor was worth their time the rylaks could have become something more like dragons on Azeroth, complete with two-headed ogre visages!
p.s. it is from the rylaks that the Dragonmaw Clan get their name.
Yeah, the out-of-universe (Doylist) explanation is that Blizzard made up rylaks to explain how a "dragonmaw" clan could exist on a world without dragons. I figure their name is orcish for "flying monster's maw," and they ended up using the same word for "flying monster" for dragons when they got to Azeroth.
Your headcanons seem reasonable. I love the idea of multi-headed rylaks shifting into multi-headed ogres.
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shirodai · 3 years
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"I knew it. You don't speak like others because no one listened to you. No one adored ya. But I know who you are, Great Rylak" He threw the bow and raised his hand to her trusting in his instinct that he was in front a Loa of Draenor.
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howliteart · 4 years
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Commission for @kymehra! 🔥🔥🔥
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omusasteelhorn · 3 years
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A late birthday present for my friend Kotsuko.
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drunkenworgen · 2 years
Suddenly, a Gin crashes through your ceiling. She says nothing, just hops up as if nothing is wrong and dusts herself off. She quickly assesses the damage and leaves you more gold than is necessary to fix it, then tips her head to you as she walks calmly out the door. Still processing - you hear her yelling at something named “Fluffy,” and by the time you get your wits about you and outside, all you see is the ever shrinking silhouette of a rylak flying away. Surely that thing can’t be named Fluffy.
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fire-bear · 1 year
A wee story about aliens and their cultural differences.
Or a start of a story.
His scanners also told him that, with the damaged engine, he wouldn’t make it to the planet before the fuel ran out. Fighter ships were designed for speed and fitted with weapons for space fights. They weren’t designed for long-term use. So, Rylak’s ship had no back-up power supply for this sort of emergency. When he ran out of fuel, he would run out of air. Staying put would elongate his lifespan, but there was no use in waiting. The closer he got to a planet, the more chance he would have of a passing ship picking up his distress signal and helping. He could only hope that it would be a Tardar ship instead of any of the Concu. Time slowly and surely moved onwards. Rylak tried not to look at the fuel gauge. Instead he focussed solely on the planet he was heading towards, a small marble on the screen which slowly grew until he was able to see its colour - purple - and then the cloud systems, the pink swirling across the planet in sweeping waves and circles. Then, finally, he could see continents. That was when the fuel ran out.
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wp100art · 4 years
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some rylaks. one of my fave creatures from wow!!
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wowhead · 5 years
why have they never added chimera as flying mounts? they been in the game since vanilla
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inay-art · 5 years
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