#rydal keener imagine
whatthefishh · 1 year
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Miscellaneous Characters
Oxford Comma - The Rydal Keener Harvard AU nobody asked for - 18+
Human Weighted Blanket - Din Djarin x reader - 18+
Thots (18+)
Miguel O’Hara
Smutty blurb (18+)
Take My Breath (18+)
Period thots (18+)
Gentle(?) Miguel (18+)
Thots based on fanart (18+)
Showers with Miguel (18+)
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winniethewife · 26 days
In this light, you are mine
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(Rydal Keener x F!reader)
Prompt: I won’t leave you
Warnings: Angst, No happy ending, abandonment
A/N: For my Event Nine weeks in hell and Angstember
Words: 684
Rydal Keener wasn’t one to give up on something when he set his mind to it, and he was even less likely to give up on a person, and so when she walked into his life all those years ago, he didn’t let go no matter how many times she would walk out the door. No matter how many times she left, he would go to the ends of the earth looking for her. So when he saw her in Athens he was over joyed. Their reunion a happy one, as they always were.
“How long do you plan to stay in Athens?” He had asked.
“For a while.” Was her usual reply. Never specific, but never wrong.
 He took her to dinner, to the theater, showed her everything there was to see, wined and dined her, all in an attempt to convince her to stay, just this one time. But as the weeks went on she had that look on her face. Her eyes shifting around every room they walked into, looking for an escape. Her hand held his a little looser, like at any moment she would slip away. He knew she would leave again, she always did in the end.
“Will you stay with me?” He whispered under the street lamp. His lips swollen from kissing her.
“For now.” She uttered softly. She never lied, but got away with half-truths.
It wasn’t that she wanted to leave, but she knew she wasn’t good enough to stick around. Rydal deserved some on who could stay, someone who could love him back with the same intensity. She only hoped that the person who could replace her would show up soon, so he would finally stop looking for her, so he could be happy, so he could finally forget her.
“I won’t leave you!” He had shouted as she packed her bag again.
“But I will! I’ll leave again and again!” She had retorted, slamming her suitcase closed.
“Why? What am I doing wrong? How can I convince you to stay?” He pleaded. He would beg on his knees if she wanted. She looked at him defeated.
“You aren’t the problem here Rydal, I am. I can’t stay, I can’t be the one you need. You’d be better off if you just forget me.” She said with a bitter taste in her mouth.
Maybe sometimes she lied. She could change, she could try to be the one he needed. She could make him happy. She could stay. But she wouldn’t, because for some reason she never could convince herself that she was going to stay. She couldn’t convince herself that she was worthy of his love. Rydal can’t hold back any more, closing the distance between the two of them, pulling her to him and wrapping his arms around her so tightly it almost hurt.
“I don’t want to forget you.” He hissed, the idea was too much, he couldn’t bare to imagine his life without her, and he wanted to keep chasing her.
“Rydal…” she grabbed at the back of his shirt, not sure if she wanted to hold him closer, or pull him away.
“Please, let’s just, go to dinner. We’ll go to the nice place, I’ll show you I can treat you right. Show you I can treat you right.” He was convinced, if he could just show her.
“Alright, I’ll go to dinner with you. You get us a table, I’ll get changed into that dress you like, and I’ll meet you there.” She gave him a smile, with a sparkle in her eye.
He pressed a kiss to her cheek before he had agreed. He had run off to the restaurant and bribed the Majordomo for the best table in the place, ordered their favorite wine, and sat down to wait for her. He waited. And waited. And continued to wait. He didn’t realize, until much too late, that she had gone. She said that she would stay, just to leave.
She had lied.
He had wanted her to.
But he had wished even more, that she would’ve stayed.
Taglist: : @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
This came to me last night, and I thought you would appreciate it, lol. How do you think Oscar's characters would respond to you saying, "Are you breast or a thigh man?" I can already imagine Steven’s reply lol " Love, you know I'm a vegan right, " then the flustered look as it dawned on him what you really meant 😉
Sorry for taking so long to answer this. It got buried and I've been trying to get through some of requests babes. Hope you're well!
So, Oscar's characters hehe. I'm going to go based on the ones I know best of course. (below the cut)
Nathan Bateman: "What the fuck did you just say?" He's chuckling about it and it takes him off guard. - Honestly, as far as what his answer would be, I think he really likes the thighs on a woman fer sher.
Rydal Keener: He laughs, "if we're talking about a chicken, prefer breast but on you? Heh, I'll take anything you wanna give me." - He means it.
Blue Jones: "What did you just say?" He licks his lips and chuckles at you, "you're funny, you know that? A funny little girl." - He also likes any part of you.
Jake Lockley: "Mm bebita, I know you're not talking about el pollo." He's grabbing your ass, telling you how he can't wait to get in there later...he's a thigh man.
Steven Grant: (you're very right on this one), blushy cheeks and saying, "I don't eat meat love, I don't even know what those parts of the chicken...oh..." the realization hits him, "you're not talking about poultry, are you?" - Steven's a breast man 100%
Marc Spector: He chuckles and shakes his head, "you're such a dork you know that?" - Likes every part of you, especially the soft bits.
Santiago Garcia: "Why? Are you making chicken tonight?" Is totally oblivious to what you're actually asking - Santi is an ass man.
Poe Dameron: He's just looking at you wide-eyed, "you ask the weirdest questions, but I love you for it." - Loves every part of your body but my person HC is that Poe is a boob guy.
So many blorbos...one beautiful man.
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marshmallow--3 · 1 year
I had a dream this morning that was a mix-up of a lot of things I've been seeing lately
So there's been a lot of Shameless US clips appearing on my FB feed, and I'm confused watching em cause I'm like, I swear there's more kids in the family than there is in the original Shameless (UK version)
So in the dream, I was living in a building opposite a block of flats, and the curtains didn't shut all the way, so I woke up and there was a guy across the street watching me sleep from his window
And I was like ???? fucking creep! So he scarpered and I got settled under my blanket and tried to go back to sleep
But then I heard a kid laughing and running around, and I sighed, "Liam," which is the name of the youngest kid in Shameless (again, UK version), and I checked the time, it was 5:30 AM
And it was one of those dreams where you already know things, you don't learn the details as you go, but it just makes an appearance as something that feels normal, so for this, instead of us being a family, we were kids in a care home, so not everyone was related (relevant for later)
So I found Liam, he was climbing into a bunk bed of some kids aged 6-7, and they were already awake too, so they were cuddling him, pulled back their covers so he could climb into bed with them and they were having a good cuddle
And so there were no adults around at that point, they kinda expected the older kids to watch the younger kids, free labour and all, so I was sat with them, making sure nobody got hurt running around or climbing things
And we got speaking about a new flavour of Fruit Shoot that had come out, pineapple & apple, one of the girls cuddling Liam said she'd seen a classmate drink it and she really wanted to try it, thing is that living in a care home, we have no income, we don't have a way to buy luxury items that we wanna try, we just have to eat or drink what we're given
So I let her talk about this amazing drink for a bit, like George lets Lenny go on about the farm in Of Mice and Men, just letting them enjoy living out the fantasy in their mind because it's the only way they'll get to experience it
And then Liam climbed out of the bed and took off running again, so I was chasing him, trying to stop him from waking all the other kids up
And he was giggling and throwing cushions and pillows everywhere so I had to stop to clean them up in case anybody got hurt
And by this point, I'm right by a set of bunk beds where the Lads ™️ sleep, they're a mixture of sorts, but the main thing they have in common is that they're tough, bad boys
And I have a crush on one of em, Rydal Keener from The Two Faces of January, (this is where it's relevant that we're not related)
And I'm just trying to hold my own in conversation with them, trying not to make an idiot of myself in front of him, and eventually I move past them, round a corner and let out the most schoolgirl giggle you could possibly imagine
Oh and then I went to the shops and tried to steal some of that drink that the little girl was mentioning but ended up selling my soul to the Devil and from that point onwards, I could only dream about the Devil torturing people and turning them into pork chops
And then I woke up irl and got a shower
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Pretty much a summary of the way he acted in my dream
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oscarisaacsspit · 2 years
oscar isaac in the two faces of january, bloopers and gag reel x
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jakelcckley · 2 years
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(pictures from Pinterest)
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llewynscurls · 4 years
Encouragement  Rydal Keener x reader
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Word count: 1104
A/N: Hey, this is my first rydal keener imagine! We get told to write how we are feeling so I did exactly that. Feedback and comments are appreciated and I hope you enjoy. 
You sat in front of the vanity, your head resting in your hands. You looked over the features that made you ‘you’ and frowned. You thought your smile, which you were told was your best feature, was crooked, you thought your nose was too big, you thought everything about yourself was horrible and ugly. Tears started to form in your eyes as the negative thoughts continued to flood your thoughts. You took in a deep breath to contain the cries, running your hand through your hair. You were going through a rough patch with your self-confidence, and you knew it would eventually pass, it continuously hurt you and you didn’t know what else to do but cry. You always hated it when you felt like this, you felt weak and you hated feeling weak. You didn’t want to get your boyfriend involved as you didn’t want to hurt him. He always told you that you were perfect in every way, most days you would believe him but there was always those days where you couldn’t believe him so you always finished the conversation with a fake smile and a nod. You always asked yourself what he saw in you, every day of every week. You knew that the tourists that he helped were more attractive and you don’t understand why he doesn’t go for them.
 Your daydream was soon interrupted by a knock on the door, your eyes darted towards the clock to see it read 7:30pm. You cursed and wiped the rogue tears that rested on your cheeks as you headed to the door. You put a small smile on your face and opened the door to see your boyfriend, looking as handsome as ever. It was date night and Rydal planned to take you to this really fancy restaurant, which you were really excited for at the time you planned it but now, you just wanted to stay at home.  
“Rydal, you look great” you compliment, opening the door further so he could come in
“And you’re not ready” he stated, giving you a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Sorry, I lost track of time. I, I’ll go get ready now” you walked back into your bedroom and let out a sigh. This was going to be a long night. You tried to get ready but everything you put on looked horrible. You tried your favourite floral dress, but you didn’t like it, then you tried a white blouse with black jeans, but still no joy. You groaned quietly, but internally you screamed so loud that the people on the other side of Athens could hear you if you did it aloud. Rydal sat on the arm of your couch as he waited for you to come out looking as gorgeous as always. He started to grow worried when he noticed you didn’t come out after half an hour. He frowned and walked towards your room, he gave a gentle knock
“Y/N, baby, come on. We are going to be late” Rydal said through the door
“Rydal, I think we are going to have to reschedule” you muttered. The door to your bedroom opened and Rydal walked in with his arms crossed.
“Why?” you ran your hand through your hair as you realised you were going to have to tell him.
“I’m not feeling like myself baby” you start, sitting on the end of your bed. Rydal sat next to you and took your hand in his,
“Talk to me, please” you nodded your head
“I’m hating myself a lot right now. Everything I put on I feel ugly in, all the small things I usually love about myself I hate” tears started to form in both yours and Rydal’s eyes as you continued “I didn’t want to tell you because I already think I’m not good enough for you, and you finding out about this would make you want to end things. I feel worthless and I know if we do go out tonight my mood would ruin all the lovely things you have planned for us. I’m sorry to let you down, my love” you finish, your gaze resting on the floor. Rydal wiped the tears from his cheeks, then yours, and sniffed,
“Baby, I wish you told me about this sooner. I always want to be here for you, during your good and bad days. Everyone goes through these days, even I do, but I just want you to know that to me you are perfect and always will be. I will never break up with you because you aren’t loving yourself, I guess I’m just going to love you twice as hard. As for not being good enough, honey, no. It’s more like you're too good for me. I don’t even know how I snatched a babe like you” he told you, the last part making you smile for real “but honey” he continued “please talk to me whenever you’re feeling like this. I, as your boyfriend, want you to feel loved always” you nodded your head “promise me”
“I promise” he smiled, bringing you closer to him, “do you think you could stay the night and just cuddle with me” you asked, moving your head from his shoulder so that you look at him. He nodded and kissed you. You both pulled away with small smiles on your faces,
“Honey, I would love that, nothing would make me happier” he replied, moving a strand of your hair back behind your ear.
 You both got changed into something more comfortable, after having something to eat from the kitchen, and lay on your bed. Your head resting on Rydal’s bare chest as he drew patterns on your back. You smile to yourself as you thought about how lucky you are to have Rydal as your boyfriend. He said he was always going to be there for you, and you knew he meant it.
“What are you thinking about, baby?” he asked
“Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as my boyfriend” he smiled and kissed the top of your head.
“And I’m lucky to have you as my girlfriend. I love you so much”
“I love you too, Rydal, more than words can describe!” he lifted your head so that it was facing his and he brought you in for a gentle kiss. The kiss lasted a few seconds before Rydal pulled away,
“Let’s get some sleep, yeah?” he suggests. You nod your head and move back to your previous position. Rydal continued to draw patterns on your back until your eyes grew heavy and you eventually fell asleep.
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leiakenobi · 2 years
Fandom: Dune (2021)/The Two Faces of January (2014) crossover Pairing: Leto Atreides/Rydal Keener/F!Reader Rating: Mature Word Count: 1.2k words Summary: You are happy, but for each exquisite moment you spend in his arms, you are under no illusion that Leto is yours. So you feel no shame in the way that your eyes wander across his court, settling more often than not on his young attendant, Rydal. Warnings: Mild sexual content A/N: This fic has been languishing in my WIPs folder for over 6 months, and I finally managed to give it an ending this morning! I hope folks enjoy the concept of a crossover between these two as much as I do.
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Read it on AO3 here!
The Duke is tender.
That is, perhaps, what surprises you most of all, when he first takes you into his bed. So much gravitas, so much power, and yes—his kisses are full and sure.
But his hands trace your body with a lightness that takes your breath away.
Not always, of course. Especially not after he fills you late one evening and you whisper in his ear, “Could you be a little rougher, my Duke?”
He lets out a groan, then, his breath hot across your neck. “Leto,” he replies softly, before fucking you so hard that you’re sore for two days.
He’s never before asked you to call him by his name, but you gasp it more than once that night.
And somehow, even then – even then, with his rough kisses and his vice-like grip on your wrists and his heady, frantic thrusts – he is tender.
You are happy, but for each exquisite moment you spend in his arms, you are under no illusion that he is yours. You know that his Lady Jessica isn’t even the only other woman who’s intimately familiar with his touch. (And you know, too, that the Duke’s tastes don’t stop at women.)
So you feel no shame in the way that your eyes wander across his court, settling, more often than not--
Rydal must be nearly twenty years Leto’s junior, his face fresh and clean-shaven and his eyes bright. He stands attendant over each long supper, lingering close-at-hand to meet all of the Duke’s needs. He’s close-at-hand outside of the Duke’s chambers, too, at least into the early hours of the morning. Each time you extract yourself from Leto’s arms to return to your own small room, your eyes hesitate on the young servant with the ever-present smirk on his face.
The smirk tells you that he’s intimately familiar with the sound of your moans, and you don’t think you mind.
“Good evening, my lady,” he will murmur each time, and you don’t think you mind.
You couldn’t say precisely when those long gazes turn into a sweeter sort of drawn-out fantasy, but you find yourself having fanciful sorts of daydreams—your fingers in his soft, thick hair, his face buried in your chest, his hand tucking between your thighs.
Over dinner you imagine Rydal coming around the table to duck down and kiss along your neck.
Leto guides you to his chambers and you imagine another you, a bolder you, stepping out from under his grasp to grab Rydal by the hips and press him against the wall. Kiss that boyish smirk away.
But it is, you think, fantasy.
And then you’re standing at the foot of Leto’s bed while he discards some papers that a diplomat so unceremoniously tucked into his hand as you left the great hall together. You’re reaching up to pull away the straps of your gown when Leto is there behind you, his hand settling above yours and stilling your movement.
Grazing his lips over the back of your neck, he murmurs, “No need to rush.”
The Duke kisses your neck, slow and languorous, as his hands settle on your waist and pull you flush against him; the buttons of his formal dinner coat dig into your spine, and something about the feeling makes you shiver. It makes you close your eyes and sigh.
“What do you think of Rydal, my darling?”
Your eyes are open again in an instant, settling on the wall of ornate mirrors on the far side of the room. You cannot help but feel insignificant in the context of the splendor that’s been accumulated by generations of Atreides, but you also cannot possibly miss the way that Leto, too, is watching your reflection. You can’t miss the way he’s smiling.
“Your attendant?” you ask softly.
He hums his confirmation against your neck at the same moment that he grazes his teeth over your skin.
“I can’t say that I think of him enough to have much of an opinion.”
While you’re saying it, it doesn’t feel like a lie. You think of him, perhaps, but mostly to wonder whether he’s clever with his fingers and his tongue. That can’t be what Leto is asking you about.
But your words hang in the air and you realize otherwise almost at once.
Leto is patient, though, so perhaps he expected you to play coy. Softly, so softly, he nuzzles at your jaw right where it meets your neck, even as his grip on your waist grows tighter. “I wouldn’t take it personally if you do. I’m under no illusions that you belong to me. If your eyes, or any other part of you, were to stray elsewhere…” You inhale a sharp breath as he presses his pelvis close, making you all too aware of his increasing arousal. “They’d be lucky, to know how exquisite it is to have you in their bed.”
You open your mouth to speak, not quite certain what you might even want to say. You search for words for what feels like an age, though it’s likely only a few seconds before Leto chuckles in your ear. “Whatever you have thought about him, I can almost guarantee that your time with him would be more satisfying than you’ve imagined.”
There’s a playfulness to his tone that goes straight to your core, a playfulness that makes you raise your eyebrows at his reflection and ask, “Do you speak from experience, my Duke?”
It’s a bold question, even bolder because you’re still skirting around the issue of your own interest in the attendant. But Leto smirks, digging his fingers into your hip just a bit too tightly. “I daresay he would gladly join us,” he says, rather than answering your question. That feels like answer enough. “If you invited him inside.”
If you hadn’t known Leto for quite so long, you might have received this as an imperative. But over countless evenings at his side and in his bed, he’s allowed you glimpses at the tender essence of his core, and you feel it now, just barely beneath the surface of his words.
You hear it as an offer. You hear it as confirmation that he’s not remotely oblivious to your desire and he would like to sate it for you, if you will let him.
With trembling hands, you sever Leto’s grasp on you, turning to press a soft, slow kiss to his lips. You remain utterly silent as you cross the floor, footsteps echoing through the room and Leto resolute and statuesque where you left him. And then, hauntingly, the door creaks and groans as you ease it open.
Rydal stands close at hand but a pointedly respectful distance away, his eyes a little frantic even as he smiles at you—as though it took him by surprise that you’ve returned so quickly.
“Is everything alright, my lady?”
An ease settles over you in an instant.
“The Duke and I are in need of your company.”
Cautiously, he smiles, and you’re struck by a pleasant truth.
You think Rydal might be tender, too.
interested in my other fics or my taglist form? you can find them on my masterlist here
blanket taglist: @amneris21​, @brandyllyn​, @iamskyereads​, @jaime1110​, @justjaclin​, @marvelousmermaid​, @mstgsmy​, @pilothusband​, @princessxkenobi​, @pumpkin-stars​
oscar taglist: @aellynera​, @alwritey-aphrodite​, @egcdeath​, @genea-myers​, @jitterbugs927​, @rosiefridayrogersunday​, @thedukeofcaladan​
leto and/or rydal taglists: @dailyreverie​, @disabledameron​, @jettia​, @mariesackler​, @millllennia​, @pedrosbisch​, @stark-kirk-rogers-grant-blog, @zhonglis-wine​
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im-his-druidess · 2 years
Okay...so apparently a single gif has got me hot and bothered swooning over a new Oscar Isaac character 😩
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When I tell you my imagination went WILD when I saw this 🥴 (and yes I then spent hours reading smut about him don't judge me)
ALSO why
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Pretty?? 😤
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Basically his character (Rydal Keener) plays an American con artist who is also a tour guide in Greece who scams the tourist and then preceeds to try and steal the main character's wife during the whole movie.
So, yeah, I'm in love now 😍
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whatthefishh · 1 year
Mona I have a really bad new thought bc i just woke up from a nap and was rereading some Oxford Comma stuff cuz....cuz Rydal yknow?
And now. I can't stop imagining his beautiful face. as a young archaeologist!Steven Grant
i need to be stopped immediately because that thought alone is enough to get me weak in the knees and I just. I don't know how to describe it but like
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HELLO SIR???? tell me i'm not crazy PLEASE like. oh my god. (cuz why is he so pretty let me kiss him until his lips are bruised and he can't get my taste off his lips >:( ufhgng)
anyway. This is all I have to share. This Oscar. as archaeologist!Steven Grant yknow? cuz like. oh m y god. and he's very classy and old fashioned about it yknow he's got huge ass tents on the site all packed with everything you could possibly need and he is GOOD at his job and he takes NO SHIT when on the job (he's still nice) because this is HISTORY and he would rather die than let anyone fool around. He's got this big presence around the dig site and he always just looks so goddamn hot and the way he gets so excited when there's the potential of something yet so absolutely heart broken when there is nothing. He demands to be listened to and he's known for being so stern and a bit harsh, despite his cute smile and very kind attitude when he is on the job with a mission...he is ON the job. does that make sense? (because if he's so commanding and with such a dominating work presence how am I supposed to FOCUS.)
thank you for listening
I will never shut up about this thought now.
Hi Angel!
You reread Oxford comma 🥺 firstly thank you my dear! That made me light up!
Secondly, a baby archaeologist Steven Grant omg !! No he’s gorgeous and his cheekbones need to be more flushed and heated yes
People listen when he speaks and he’s very kind when he explains concepts and excerpts from his findings and he walks with purpose but also a little clumsy bc it’s STEVEN ❤️
And of course people watch him walk by with a little bit of awe because how is someone so pretty and handsome so smart and respectable too? It’s almost unfair!
Thank you for sharing this, I love this thought 🥰🥰💐
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whatthefishh · 1 year
until we bleed
Rydal Keener x F!Reader ; part of the Oxford Comma series
Words: 6.4k
Warnings: swearing, an unnecessary amount of big words being used, smut, pinv, um... slight dub con... drama...
Beta read by the lovely @xbellaxcarolinax who basically jumped on the doc every time I helplessly texted her to ask if I was being stupid, and special s/o to @melodygatesauthor for helping me talk out the smut hehe
The charity gala was a front for the girls to get dressed up and the men to boast about their new business ventures. The charity mentioned in the invitation was picked out by the dean’s wife, a hedge fund manager – a most noble career – and she had already swindled enough out of the guests for the entrance fee before the scheduled auction later that evening. 
You didn’t want to go but you couldn’t really tell Rydal that, especially after the whole thing with Chester just last week. He had been a little down since then, his skin halfway healed from where the skin had broken. You couldn’t help but feel a current of electricity pass through you straight to your core whenever you looked at the slightly swollen pout he was sporting because of it. And the bastard knew it, too. He had been using the pout, with the added weight of his baby cow eyes, to get his way for the past few days, easily swaying you into submission for the littlest things. 
Which is how you ended up at the pretentious gathering being thrown in some philanthropic attempt to absolve the attendees of their greed. The dress you got for this event specifically was more expensive than any you’d ever worn before, the black satin silk of it tickling your calves where it hit. Your heels were new and not broken in, the thin straps sitting across your fresh pedicure — also something he insisted on paying for, picking out your nail colour for you. A glossy soft pink, a shade that reminded you of the Chanel perfume he had gifted you with. 
Rydal had taken you out to buy an outfit when you tried to tell him you couldn’t go with him to the gala because you had nothing to wear, rolling his eyes at what he knew was you trying to weasel your way out of it. You felt bad, making him wait while you tried on every dress the saleslady threw at you. He kept telling you it was fine, eventually threatening to come in there and dress you himself if you didn’t cut it out and that he was comfortable lounging on the sofas outside the fitting rooms. 
Slipping on the next dress from the large selection you had gathered in your fitting room, you checked yourself out in the mirror. Flatting the skirt with your palms, you tried to imagine yourself at the party, your arm looped around Rydal’s elbow and everyone’s eyes on you. Would this help you blend in? Was this the golden ticket you needed to finally gain acceptance? You’re starting to feel like it didn’t matter what you wore, they’d be able to sniff you out regardless, the vultures with their sharp manicures and syringe sculpted faces. 
When you finally stepped out in the simple but flattering black dress, Rydal’s eyes flashed as you turned this way and that in the mirror, trying to see it from all angles. This could work, it was simple enough that you didn’t feel entirely unlike yourself but it was still a lot more extravagant than anything you owned.  
You didn’t notice him slowly getting up like a predator stalking its prey, too focused on whether you liked the garment or not until his hands came to rest on your hips and his nose pressed itself against your neck. Only then did you take note of his half hard bulge pressing into your bum, your body temperature jumping at how quickly he was reacting to you all dressed up for him. You weren’t a lingerie girl, never had to be in your experiences but the way he was growing more and more feral by the second had you itching to buy the most delicate, laciest sets just to pull this behaviour from him on demand. 
“D-Do you like it?” you hated the way your voice wavered when you spoke, the slight increase in pressure from his hot hands causing you to blush heavily. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? Go take it off before I do it for you–”
“Yeah, on it,” you pushed his hands away, bolting towards the fitting room before he got any ideas and shaking your head at him. 
He purchased the dress while you were changing back into your regular clothes, coming out to the sight of him holding the garment bag over his arm while dumbly ignoring the stares of the other girls in the store. 
You weren’t used to feeling so aggressively desired so publicly but Rydal never made you feel like he wanted to hide how he felt about you. He would compliment you in front of his friends, in front of strangers, he would speak highly of you despite having told you something that would send your blood boiling seconds prior. It was reassuring, especially since you weren’t blind to the way girls would look at him, especially the ones in his social circles. 
The dress would help you fit into the crowd a little better, the shoes only slightly uncomfortable so far but that wasn’t the part that bothered you. Before leaving for the night, you made sure to try your best with your hair and makeup to look effortless with the help of your roommate, Eleanor, who told you that Rydal was going to go crazy over your look. That didn’t make you feel any more comfortable, however, wearing clothes much too expensive, you began to wonder if he liked you better like this, if he wanted you to be more like them. 
His reaction upon seeing you made your stomach swoop, the reverence in his eyes making you shyer than you’ve felt in a long time. You think maybe you should dress up like this more often, maybe he’d prefer you like this. Trying to shake those thoughts out of your head, the two of you make your way to the party being held on campus, looping your arm through his. Rydal was wearing a beige linen suit himself, the white dress shirt underneath had the first couple buttons open for a more relaxed look that you knew he only did to stick it to his dad.
You don’t know if you would have preferred to be invisible rather than be gawked at by the guests, but either way you were extremely uncomfortable and trying your best to mask it for the sake of your boyfriend. The party itself was unlike any other you’d attended, and why would you have? It wasn’t something you’d normally be invited to, especially with your financial struggles. It was kind of ironic, you being here now. At least you were dressed for the part.
Most of the guests were in casually lavish clothing themselves, almost everyone in the room exuded an air of superiority and arrogance you didn’t know how to handle. Walking by a group of older men dressed in various shades of browns and beiges, you overheard their heated discussion regarding the new instalment of fine art in the library’s entryway. There was a table full of what looked like raffle prizes to be won, along with a small brass raffle drum at the end. Near the end of the room stood a podium next to a sign with the charity of the night outlined in large, black lettering. For the good press, for the photos, you bitterly think. There was even a small group of classical instrument musicians playing classical renditions of modern day music. 
In every cluster of guests, there was an undeniable condescending overtone, the haughtiness oozing from every direction and you didn’t know where a safe space was for your eyes to land so as not to be assaulted by a judgemental gaze. Rydal was walking with ease, his hand at the small of your back, the warmth from it burning your skin due to the backless nature of the dress but you were thankful for the touch as it kept you somewhat grounded, helping you not trip over your heels. 
He walked you through the psychological battleground, gliding through the people who were most definitely whispering about his date for the evening, leading you to the food and drinks table. Exotic delicacies littered the banquet table, carefully prepared for consumption and small enough to grab several handfuls before feeling any sense of satiation. The rich were an interesting breed, despite their indulgence they loved making things tiny. 
The purpose of the night was drowning in the show of snobbery, and you were so bitter inside at the show they put on for each other that you opted to stay quiet so as not to make Rydal uncomfortable. These were his peers, the people he grew up with, the old man in the corner, his godfather, the lady with the laughable plastic surgery was his favourite ‘aunt’ growing up, giving him the biggest presents at his birthdays. Countless familiar faces for him, all of them sneering at you. 
The comforting touch of his hand leaves your back and you immediately turn to him in a near panic, the idea of being left alone in the sea of sharks making you stumble over your shoes. Upon seeing Rydal’s father right behind you, you opted to stay silent. This was not the first time you were meeting him, but it was the first time you were seeing him on school grounds after spending the summer at their family home. 
“Rydal,” he nodded to you and greeted you by name, “Come, I need you to meet a couple of people from that firm I was telling you about. Quickly now.” 
Lawrence Keener wasn’t the most terrifying person you’d ever met but he was definitely intimidating and he definitely was aware of it. The man had influence at the school, and honestly anywhere else he went. His handsome face and strong jaw demanded respect before his clothes did, his bespoke and cleanly pressed suit giving him a reason to tilt his chin just that smidge higher so he could look down at you with a single snobby brow raised. You could see where Rydal learned that expression from. 
He was somewhat dismissive of your presence, which only served to piss you off further but you had to hold back from rolling your eyes since Rydal was looking at you with a plea in his eyes, asking if it was okay to leave you for a few minutes to go meet the senior partners his father was pushing him towards. 
You nodded with a tight smile to him, trying to be supportive without showing how anxious you already were on the inside. Stepping into his world and pretending you were fine with it was proving to be more difficult than you initially thought.
Rydal leaves you with a relatively chaste kiss on the cheek, his father watching you two with blatant boredom before ushering him away with a hand on the back of his neck. After watching them turn a corner, you have to blink a few times before gathering your bearings and heading straight for the hors d'oeuvres, the miniature yet intricate selection taking your attention away from the prickly company. Devilled eggs, stuffed mushrooms with crispy onions on top, micro fig pies, melted brie and shortbread, roasted oysters with butter mignonette, caviar and creme tartlets and bowls and bowls of shrimp cocktail met your eyes. Reaching to try a pie, it almost made you laugh at how tiny it was in the palm of your hand. 
Some time must have passed and you’d eaten several different kinds of mini appetisers, gulping down the mocktail a random floating waiter had offered you after watching you stuff your face while you observed others mingling and networking. Hearing Rydal’s voice over the soft music playing, your eyes start searching for him excitedly. 
There’s a girl. Walking next to him, there is a very pretty girl. And they’re laughing. She’s touching his arm – familiar, they’re familiar – and he doesn’t brush it off, he’s smiling with her and for a moment you forget that you’re together. 
They look… they look quite perfect together, to be honest. She’s taller than you, blonde hair perfectly coiffed with a classic cocktail dress in a shade of blue that matched her eyes, making her smile look all the more bright. The girl in question throws her head back in laughter at something Rydal says, and it must have been funny at the way she covers her mouth elegantly to hide her grin and–and you want to leave. Badly. He’s not flirting but he’s also not taking her hand off of his arm, and he’s still smiling at her. 
They…fit. She looks like she belongs. Here, with him, on his arm, wherever she pleases really. Maybe she’s the girl his father wanted him to go for, the choice that made sense for him. The option that was easier. The kind of girl who crossed her ankles when she sat at the dinner table, the one who knew which one the soup spoon was. The girl with the right parents, the right upbringing. The one who didn’t need a room at their family home because she had her own next door. The one he didn’t have to take shopping to make her look the part at a charity gala. 
The girl that wasn’t a charity case. 
You should just leave now, and leave them to it. They would probably be engaged right after graduation. Rydal would get a job with the law firm his father was pressuring him about and she would be the host of their next charity event. Hell, maybe she’d even run for a council position. Talk about a power couple. 
While your intrusive thoughts were spiralling, you get caught staring by Rydal, his eyes lighting up to see you and you can see the words forming on his lips as he’s about to call out for you, most likely to introduce you to the girl in question. Turning on your heel before he had the chance to get your name out, you walk with speed and purpose, hunting for the washroom to collect yourself. You know people are looking at you walking past them, you probably look a little out of it but you couldn’t care less right now, just focused on getting some air and maybe splashing some water on your face.
Ducking into the washroom with a sigh of relief – the door matched the wood tone of the walls, the little sign above labelled “Washroom” in tiny, cursive writing making it incredibly difficult to find – you manage to find an empty stall. Leaning your head back against the stall door, you close your eyes as you try to even your breathing. You have to manage the anxiety bubbling up in your chest and the influx of negative thoughts about Rydal, it’s not fair to you or him.
The washroom door swings open and shuts, a pocket of music from the main hall echoing for a few seconds before giving way to the animated chatter of the girls who just entered. Their giggles and whispers became more clear once they settled in front of the large mirror hanging above the marble sinks. 
“I’m going to need a lot more champagne to withstand anymore of that woman’s inane chatter, like, we’re already helping so much,” one girl huffed. 
Peeking your eyes through the tiny gap in the door, you catch a glimpse of the back of their heads. 
“Yeah well at least your boyfriend hasn’t been ignoring you all night. All I said was that he was repeating his outfit and that people would notice!” 
“Oh honey, don’t worry. Nobody is going to notice that with Rydal walking around with his charity case girlfriend. What the fuck does he see in her anyway?” Another girl said, carelessly loud. 
Your ears perked up again, your heart dropping in your stomach. Now was not the best time for you to hear this, their conversation only confirming your shameful thoughts about your boyfriend. 
“I always thought he was easy but to stoop so low? She’s basically the farmer’s daughter!” 
The scandal in her voice almost made you laugh in disbelief from where you were hiding in the stall. 
“I think he’s doing it just to get back at his father. Lawrence doesn’t even look at her.” 
Well. That’s not… that’s not what you wanted to hear. Lawrence looked at you, right? He said hello perfectly politely, right? You’re frowning at the thought.
“Ha! That’s because he wanted Colette for him. My mom told me he’s secretly hoping Rydal wakes up one morning, ready to go running back to Barbie Blue Eyes and make them all proud parents,” the loud one from earlier said with a wicked tone. 
Colette… you didn’t know a Colette. Blue eyes? Could they be speaking about The Girl from earlier? Were they right, were you just a phase for him? 
“Oh my god El, you kill me! They are really blue, and that dress she’s wearing tonight looks so fucking good on her, I can’t deny her that. It’s like she got it custom made to match her eyes.” 
Oh fuck. The Girl was Colette. Of fucking course. 
And from the sounds of it, she was Rydal’s ex. No wonder he never mentioned her. No wonder she was so friendly with him, hands all over his arms, giggling together like a couple of young lovers. Compared to her, she was the obvious choice, and it wasn’t a surprise that Lawrence had given his approval. 
“Sounds like Colette,” the third girl chimed in. 
“I don’t care how much Rydal spends on this new girl, she isn’t fooling anybody. I bet she’ll be gone by the winter. Anyways,” the first girl sighs tiredly, as if unloading all that gossip took a physical toll on her. “How’s my lipstick, Vee?” 
They descended into a different topic, focused on adjusting each other’s appearance until they left the washroom leaving you to stew in silence. They wouldn’t have known you were listening but they said everything you didn’t need to hear anyway. 
So Rydal was dating this perfect girl, Colette, before you got together. You were the rebound. You were never permanent. You didn’t belong. 
You should’ve known he wasn’t serious, it was too good to be true. You should never have opened up to him, never have trusted him with all your insecurities and vulnerabilities. He probably bought all the girls Chanel. He couldn’t have been serious about you. He hasn’t even met your mom, hasn’t visited your home yet. You couldn’t let him get any closer. 
Stepping out and gently splashing your cheeks with some cold water, you walk out the doors on shaky knees and look around. Nobody is paying you any attention now and you exhale a breath of relief. These people are never going to respect you. No matter how many pretty clothes he buys you. 
Rydal finds you before your eyes find him, his hand snaking around your waist and mouth finding your ear to whisper a sweet little I missed you, softly kissing your skin. You shiver, and despite the direction your thoughts were going you find comfort in his smell and warmth, closing your eyes while you turn your body into his. 
He’s the same and yet he isn’t. Rydal slips into his social persona and you’ve never really paid attention before but there’s a slight difference to his voice and once you notice it, it bothers you. You stare at him, perplexed and hurt. You wonder if you know him properly at all. Which one is the real one? Is he pretending with you or with them? 
Rydal tells you he has someone to introduce you to but your stomach starts churning and you think you’re gonna be sick because you see Colette making her way towards you in the crowd and you can’t face her, not after what you just heard. 
“I feel kind of sick, actually, can we go? Like, now?” 
You know you have a frantic edge to your voice but you can’t help it. 
“Can we go in a bit? Just stick it out for a little longer, baby—“ 
There’s a bubble of anxiety in your chest that rises to your throat the closer she gets and you look to Rydal with pure panic, upset that he’d even suggest you stay in this stifling room for any longer. He stops talking upon noticing the tears welling in your eyes, brows immediately furrowing in concern and then nodding quickly.
“Okay, yeah. Yeah, we can go, c’mon.” 
His hand returns to the small of your back, guiding you out of the hall and you’re glad for it because all of a sudden your vision is blurry and if it weren’t for his persistent hands helping you, you would’ve surely never found your way out. 
The way back to his room was tense. Not the comfortable silence you were used to, your throat closed and sealed shut since leaving. Your mouth has opened and shut several times, wanting to break the silence but your tongue felt like lead. 
Rydal doesn’t make any attempt at conversation either. After putting his blazer jacket around your shoulders, he stuck his hands in his pocket and frowned the whole walk back. 
By the time he let you in his room, your bottom lip was wobbling and your anxiety was suffocating you in its attempt for release. Either you were going to cry or yell or both. 
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, you reach for the makeup wipes you keep with his things, aggressively wiping at your eyes and fighting with the layers of mascara you had put on. He slowly comes up behind you, not looking into your eyes but his hands reach to unclasp your necklace, brushing your hair aside for ease of access. 
You inhale a shuddering breath. 
You should just do it now. Just come right out and say it. You may as well cut your losses and let him be happy with whoever he wants, let him make his father happy and stop standing in his way. You were only holding him back, and that’s not what you wanted to do. You still loved him, even if tonight did break your heart. 
Dropping the necklace on the counter, he reaches for the zipper of your dress next but his hands still and instead rest on your waist as he presses his forehead into your shoulder. 
“Did something happen? Did someone… say something?” He mumbled, the vibrations of his voice almost triggering your tears. Instead you let out a sniffle.
“She really is beautiful. Why didn’t you tell me about her?” 
“Why did I have to find out about her from a bunch of girls in the washroom? Does she go here? Is that why your dad doesn’t look me in the eye when he talks to me?”
“…it’s not like that—“ he sighs.
“No? It’s not like you become someone else when we’re around these people? It’s not like you have this whole goddamn life that I’m not part of, that I’ll never be part of because they’re never going to accept me? They’re never going to respect me, never think I’m good enough?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say, I don’t even know what you heard!”
“Everyone thinks I’m with you just for your money, you know. They called me the farmer's daughter. They said I’m your fucking charity case. Do you know how that makes me feel? As if I don’t already feel like an outsider here?”
He opens his mouth to respond but you don't let him, rushing to hurt him the way you’re hurting inside. 
“You’ve never had to work a day in your life, you don’t know what it’s like in my shoes.” You laugh humorlessly. “What are we doing, Rydal?” 
“What do you mean?” His voice sounds so small and the knife just twists deeper in your gut. 
“Why should I have to deal with this constant bullshit from the people in your life? I don’t even know them! Maybe… maybe we should—“
“Stop, stop, listen I can handle everyone else being upset with me, but not you. Not you, please. I can’t take it from you, please don’t say what I think you’re going—“ 
“I don’t know. I just can’t, I— maybe, maybe we should break up, I think you’d feel better, too, I think—“
“How could you think that? How could you say that?” He’s upset, expression sour and twisted.
He looks the way you feel. 
You watch him fumble for words. 
“I literally left my dad at this stupid party and he’s going to be fucking pissed, like seriously livid because he was building me up to his buddies but– but I don’t care because I wanted to make sure you were okay!”
His palms grip your waist tighter and he steps closer, crowding you against the basin and doesn’t give you any room to move. You can’t look at him so instead you stare at the makeup wipe, the angry black marks mirroring your heart as your mind yells at you to run, to leave and hide where he can’t hurt you, where he can’t see you crumble and break after he inevitably agrees to leave you. 
You push it once more.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have. Maybe I should’ve just left you there.” 
There’s a small part of your brain that tells you that you’re being irrational. That he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t care, he must care even a tiny amount, even if you were a temporary toy. 
His hands leave you for a second and he takes a step away. You feel cold, immediately feeling small and stupid, fighting between wanting to cry and going numb until suddenly the familiar warmth comes back, his hand pushing your back with so much force that your hands shoot out in front of you to catch yourself. One on the mirror, one on around the edge of the vanity. 
Looking up at Rydal in shock, you open your mouth to ask him what the fuck his problem is until you see he’s not even looking at you, his eyes are trained on your ass and he’s biting his lip, but he still looks… broken. 
“Rydal, what the fu—“
“Stop. Talking. You’ve said enough.” His voice was almost a whisper but still firm enough to cut through yours, and his hands were still kneading your hips. 
His behaviour is new and kind of confusing, if you’re being honest. It’s clear he’s never been denied before in his life. He looks helpless and angry and worried and aggravated and entirely too focused on your body at this moment for any of it to make sense. 
Rydal’s fingers trail down your dress until they reach the slit in the back and leave goosebumps as they make their way back up, hooking into your panties and then tugging them off and around your heels. Upon rising, he’s still avoiding eye contact. Your cheeks are burning, legs slightly wider than before. Despite being mad at him, your body still obeys. 
“So mouthy all the time.”
Balling up your panties, he surprises you further by shoving them in your mouth even as you protest and try to push back on him but his body keeps your balance wavering. You have no choice but to keep your hands where they were if you didn’t want to fall. 
Your eyes must be bugging out of your sockets and the rise and fall of your chest is coming quicker and quicker.
“If that’s what you really want, then leave.” He’s saying this while the tips of his thick fingers brush and tease your entrance, keeping you frozen in place.
Your mind was at odds with your body as you felt your instinctive reaction to him touching you. Fighting the urge to embrace the desire now dripping down your thighs, you knew you had the ability to walk away if you wanted to and yet you found yourself pressing back against his hand wanting more. 
“Aren’t you gonna leave? Isn’t that what you wanted? No?” 
Rydal slides two fingers inside your cunt, easily and without warning and you grunt but it’s muffled against the cloth. This is absurd, you think dumbly. You want to feel embarrassed but you can’t bring yourself to.
“Didn’t think so, baby,” he’s saying while stepping closer and his fingers reach even deeper, if that were possible.
His mouth comes up to your ear, whispering his next words and sending them straight to your gut, weighing heavily inside you. 
“I need you, can’t you see that? Look at me,” his hot breath hits the shell of your ear and you’re panting. “Can’t you tell? How fucking badly I need you?” 
So you look at him, and you see a desperate and needy man in the place of your Rydal, the one you’re familiar with. This wasn’t the same man you were used to, the one who would make you laugh while he was making his way inside you. This Rydal was upset and he was adamant on making you regret your words. 
His fingers were curling inside your wet heat, pressing up against that spot that made you see stars and stealing your breath so hard your fingers were curling. Your fingerprints were marking the mirror, the squeaking sound making you shudder against his body. Moaning around the fabric still in your mouth, you tried to grind down on his hand, desperate for him to move, to do something, anything to the tension in your body coiling tighter and tighter. 
Rydal could feel your hips moving back against his hand and moved to still you, fingers holding you tight enough to bruise. Slipping his fingers out, he taps them against your clit before removing his hand entirely and making your shoulders sag at the loss.
Reaching one hand up and back to keep him close, afraid of his warmth leaving you, your hand wraps around his neck as he rushes to unbuckle his pants noisily. He’s shaking a little, breaths coming out ragged at how badly he needs to fill you up. 
Once he frees himself, Rydal uses one hand to push you back down and bunch your pretty dress up, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing in swiftly without hesitation. 
He groans loudly, tilting his head back with his eyes shut for a moment before looking down at where he’s seated to the hilt inside you, unmoving. 
“You lookin’? You need me, too, I can see it in your eyes. Look,” he reaches forward to grab at your jaw, making you watch yourself as he slowly pulls his cock out and slams it back inside to kiss your cervix. Again, and again, and again. “See that?”
Rydal forces your head to nod with his hand still holding your face while you try to speak, voice coming out unclear against the panties still in your mouth. The stupid fucking fabric was making it hard to breathe and you were going to pass out, drunk on his cock, you were going to faint against the god damn builder’s grade medicine cabinet. You want to moan out loud, you want to tell him he wasn’t playing fair, that he was going too slow. You want to pull his beautiful hair out and yell at him, you want him to hurry up and fuck you harder, you—
You’re coming. 
“Ohhh, fuuuuck,” he let go of your face, hands dropping to press on your lower back and push you more forward, your hands clambering on the mirror like a fool. “Look so—so, oh fuck, baby, look at you.”
It didn’t take him long at all to make a mess of you. 
“You gonna take it back? Take back what you said, tell me you were wrong,” he whines, still fucking you hard but not hard enough. 
The problem was that he was dragging his girth out slowly but stealing your breath on every hard thrust forward. And it still wasn’t enough, not for this, not for right now. 
Your attempt at speaking is ruined by the fact that your panties were still in your mouth, your saliva soaking the material by this point. You wanted to spit it out, hurl the obstructive garment across the room but it wasn’t possible in your current position. He can’t possibly be stupid enough to expect you to answer him like this. 
He almost laughs when he realises you’re trying to say something, quickly pulling the fabric from your mouth to let you finally have your voice back and you immediately let out a cry at his perfectly timed thrust. His cock was moving faster, intent on not having you speak but making you come again. Now that he could hear you, he was becoming more and more unhinged. 
Embarrassingly, you’re having a hard time keeping your voice down, whines and cries falling from your lips continuously while Rydal fucked you against his sink. Your hands are leaving fingerprints all over his mirror from where you’re trying to get a grip and push yourself back on him, his own hands keeping you bent over for him but squeezing whatever flesh he could reach. 
Leaning forward to kiss your back, he mumbles words he thinks you don’t hear, don’t leave me, mine, my baby, stay here—
“S’wrong, I-I was wrong,” you whimper. “M’sorry, fuck—“
“I—“ you hiccup. “I hate them, I, yesss right there, god—“
“I know, baby, I know, I got you,” he’s back to grunting in your ear and you can’t see or feel anything that isn’t Rydal. 
You’re overwhelmed by everything that’s happened tonight, your feelings from earlier still bubbling up and causing you to tear up while he continues to ram into you. He sees you crying, reaching his hand in front of you to toy with your clit.
“Stay with me,” he demands, voice low against the shell of your ear. Desperate, he’s still so fucking needy even after making you cry on his cock. 
You nod before you realise you’re nodding, sniffling in your daze. 
Rydal’s index finger, the same one he teased you with earlier, starts circling your clit in the surefire way he knows how to make you cum, grunting when he feels your walls fluttering over his length. 
And when you’re gushing all over him, his finger still circles your nub but he stills his hips as he feels you come undone and talks you through it. Pretty baby, love you so fucking much, stay, stay with me, stay—
Lifting you off his length he takes off your dress completely and turns you around with his hand wrapped around your neck to bring his mouth to yours, kissing you like a man possessed. He doesn’t wait to slip his tongue into your mouth, claiming it as his own to prove a point. He’s always fucking proving a point, always pushing his way through your walls. 
Walking you backwards towards his bed, he only breaks away from your mouth to help you remove his shirt and pants, your hands mapping out his chest and shoulders. You don’t let him get far from you even as you lower yourself to lay back on the mattress, pulling his body along needily while he crawls over you. 
This time when he enters you, it’s slower, softer, gentle, but you’re shaking in his arms, foreheads touching as you share a breath and syrupy kisses. You cry a little, mascara messy and lipstick smudged, but he shushes you, mocking you, “thought you could leave me,” he says and anticipating your rebuttal — as he does, he always fucking does — he says, “thought you could go on without my cock, hmm?”
And then he’s kissing you again before you can say anything, effectively shutting you up while pressing you into the mattress, fucking the fight out of you as his hips slide into yours again and again. Your bodies are sweat ridden, your pussy is soaking his sheets and he still hasn’t cum yet, but you think he’s close. He has to be, he’s barely pulling out now, his length throbbing inside your pulsing walls as he ruts into you. 
He’s biting your shoulder and your eyes are focused on the popcorn ceiling, your oversensitive core trembling as he tries to pull another orgasm from you. You’re probably crying, it’s hard to tell at this point, face and body damp, but your ears are attuned to his sounds, his gorgeous whimpers and grunts. Rydal’s body is heavy on yours but you’re floating, you don’t feel a thing until his thumb starts pressing hard against your clit that you try to curl in on yourself, thrashing against him and– yeah, you’re crying. 
He’s speaking absolute filth, it doesn’t make any sense, but in the midst of your pleasure you hear him saying he’s going to fill you up. 
He does. It’s so wet between your legs, the glide of his half aborted thrusts smacking lewdly and loudly and you feel like an exposed nerve and numb all at once. His spend is leaking out of you and just when you expect him to pull out and play with your puffy folds, he turns on his side, keeping you full of him. Rydal rests his face against your chest, your sweaty and spent bodies tangled together. Boneless and breathless. 
His arms are everywhere, one running down the length of your thigh soothingly and the other wrapped under your torso to pull you close by your waist. Touching, always touching. That’s been one constant you’ve noticed from the start. Your breaths are echoing loudly and you’re almost afraid to speak, afraid to ruin the tranquil silence that envelops you both. 
You open your eyes to find him already watching you. 
“I’m hopeless without you,” he says, so so softly. “I’ll let you win at monopoly every time, I’ll stop ruining the ending of the books you’re reading, fuck, just tell me what I have to do. Tell me, I’ll do it.”
You just hold him tighter to you, kissing his temple.
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jakelcckley · 2 years
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jakelcckley · 2 years
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