#rwby v07e02
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Weiss gives the best hugs.
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okurokuweb · 5 years
RWBY v07e02: Revelaciones Sorprendentes e Interesantes
RWBY v07e02: Revelaciones Sorprendentes e Interesantes
(Lechería, 18 de noviembre. O’kuroku).- Este episodio de RWBY realmente sacudió las ideas preconcebidas dejadas por el anterior. Sin embargo, creo que fue lo mejor pues la otra ruta estaba llena de clichés.
Tengo que admitir que había comprado la idea de que Ironwood se había vuelto un tirano debido al miedo; no obstante, el líder de la Academia Atlas resultó no ser tan simple al final, y su…
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RWBY V07E02 - A New Approach
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Aaand we're back! Last episode a dangerous band of vigilantes was arrested by the valiant Ace Ops. You can rest easy, citizens of Mantle, your streets are safe again. Or are they? Let's do this!
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He was arrested for dumping world building on unsuspecting people.
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Her ship? Winter? Ooh, that guy is dead.
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I'm not sure I like the introduction of something as good as "better conditions in Mantle" coming from someone who the show is not taking seriously. Even the music is lighthearted.
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...they are not being subtle about Robyn Hill being a reference to Robin Hood, huh?
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Again, I'm not sure what's up with the tone. Why is _this_ the first impression we get of Robyn Hill's movement? Is it because Ironwood is coming and we need to see his side before Hill's thing is presented as something more serious?
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I haven't commented on it but background Nora has been a delight.
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The second time Blake speaks to Ruby this season. Ah, how times change.
This could be a "you're a making a great mistake" moment but I have faith in Ruby.
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I was prepared to not see Penny again for _episodes_ but here she is. The RWBY Gods are generous today.
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She missed her! I think? She's surprised but her expression doesn't exactly scream happiness... but then, she has smiled maybe twice in the show.
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I like how Ironwood's both metallic and human side are represented by Penny and Winter. And how their demeanor usually represents the opposite, with Penny being a lot warmer and open than Winter's cold nature.
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Aw, she really was worried about Weiss. And Ironwood in the back wondering what's wrong with his usually ice-cold, professional to a fault right hand.
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Weiss's hugs are incredibly powerful, as seen in Volume 5.
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They can even defeat Winter.
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There's something very suspicious about how they in shadows. Penny looks almost menacing with the way her eyes shine.
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Uhm. About that.
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Huh, so she got attacked too?
Many volumes ago I thought that Penny was a candidate for being the Fall Maiden, but if the Winter Maiden has been in "stable condition" since before the Fall of Beacon, it'd make sense for her to actually be a candidate for that.
I just had a dumb thought. What if Pietro transferred her aura to Penny (with a scene somewhere saying how creating aura from nothing is impossible) because she was dying, and now the Winter Maiden is for all purposes brain dead. So, the Winter Maiden is "alive" but Penny maybe could have access to the powers?
It feels too complicated to be true but who knows.
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Oh, she's old. For some reason I thought they were all young-ish but it makes sense that at least one would survive to an old age.
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lol, too late
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"Indeed. Also, who is this small child and why is he here in this classified meeting"
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Okay, that's a _great_ idea considering how unbelievably vulnerable the old system was. But... doesn't Dust stop working in space? And, doesn't this smell like an orbital supervillain laser waiting to happen?
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Ironwood wants to trust humanity when Ozpin didn't. Is the show going to validate Ozpin's beliefs about how the knowledge would only hurt humanity? Knowing could help everyone prepare for a future attack by flying monkeys and it could unify them against a common enemy... Huh, I'm not sure how to feel about this. It really could go either way depending on the writers.
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I think she's lying because of the "destroy Salem" thing but I'm not sure why. Does she think telling everyone is the right idea and doesn't want to discourage Ironwood? Is she trying to dissuade Ironwood from using the relics until things are clearer? Maybe she's still reeling from everything that happened in Brunswick and doesn't want anyone to give up?
Her motivations are a bit of a mystery right now since we don't even know what their current goal is.
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That sounds like Ironwood didn't quite believe Ozpin. Without the code word there's nothing he can do though.
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A gesture of goodwill? But is it sincere or is Ironwood trying to get into RWBY's good side for a reason?
In theory he doesn't need them for any of his plans so I feel he's being at least partly genuine.
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It's also a good way to keep RWBY in the inside track of the plot since they will continue being directly tied to it as long they have the lamp.
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An excuse for the outifts change!
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Okay, I love that woman.
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The opening has a lot of scenes with RWBY fighting random Grimm so I was expecting something like this. It was either this or being hired as unnofficial huntresses.
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AO3 is going to go nuts after this.
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...is Tyrian inside that bag? Please tell me he is.
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The hacker equivalent of calmly walking from an explosion.
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That was a hell of an episode considering it was all setup. But what a setup! The show continues to give us pieces but there's still no way to know what they are going to mean in the future.
Robyn Hill moves from poster cameos to the hero of that dude who nobody, not even the show, takes seriously. I'm still not sure why _that_ was the tone they took for the introduction of what looks like a valid social unrest movement.
It feels too obvious if it was only to sell Ironwood's image as someone who is willing to make the hard decisions.
It'd be easy to go all paranoid and say the guy was planted by Ironwood to generate an early bad impression of the "opposition", only including everyone in his highly confidential plans and returning the lamp to Ruby as demonstrations of trust just to get their trust back for reasons unknown. But I can't see Ironwood playing the necessary 4D chess to get there. He seems genuine, even if he places too much trust in Atlas's military superiority.
And we don't know of any reason why that kind of subterfuge would be necessary since in his eyes RBWY are just a group of ragtag students that never graduated. They are not unique... unless he needs Ruby's silver eyes? Oh. I hadn't thought of that. Uhm.
Anyway, his plan is based in the assumption that they _can_ destroy Salem. Ruby and everyone else knows that's false. She _lies_ about Ozpin to cover up that fact. Which I think was the right choice, even if everyone else is probably going to have words with her at some point in the future (do the walls have ears in Atlas Academy?)
Ozpin's main problem is that he didn't trust anyone fully, not even his closest allies. Ruby trusts her friends and allies, but Ironwood is not that (yet?). There is a parallel between the two of them, but I feel it's more to show the difference between them than the similarities.
Unless Ironwood finds out (or already knows) they are lying and goes nuts, confirming that in the show honesty trumps all. Which I don't really agree with.
I'm curious about how the plan is going to work. Restoring global communications would be invaluable but Atlas having total control of that antenna feels like it's going against the spirit of the post-war agreement. It doesn't help that orbital stations always feel like they can host weapons.
Telling everyone about Salem could be the next "Fall of Beacon" if it's not handled well. Maybe Watts's plan is exactly that, manipulate things in such a way that the plan succeeds but it all ends up strengthening Salem's position instead of humanity's chances of survival.
This episode dropped so much information and possibilities! And we don't even know what's up with Jacques! Or the election!
I can't wait for the next one, until next time!
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okurokuweb · 5 years
RWBY v07e02 Interesting and Shocking Revelations
RWBY v07e02 Interesting and Shocking Revelations
(Lechería, November 17, O’kuroku).- This episode of RWBY really twisted the preconceived ideas left by the previous one. However, I think this turn was really for the best since the other route one was full of clichés.
I have to admit I had bought the whole idea of Ironwood being some kind of tyrant due to fear; nevertheless, the leader of Atlas Academy was not that simple in the end, and his…
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