#rw slugcat campaign concept
hdra77 · 3 months
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This is going to be a long post explaining about my slugcat oc's concept and their abilities!
also just a quick reminder i'm not good at explaining stuff in general so i hope an explanation with visuals is easier to understand!
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the chronomancer needed 8 food pips for hibernation and extra two for storage
this slugcat doesn't have a stomach storage because it needs all the pips it can store in its stomach to compensate for its energy use.
its special ability is state binding. with this ability the slugcat is able to bind an object, leaving a golden glow in its place.
and if the ability is used again the object the slugcat is holding will teleport back to its place.
Sub ability of state binding And arguably more useful If the slugcat is standing in the afterimage when the object is teleported back The momentum 'stores' in the item itself And the yellowish glow on the object becomes intense
but the more the slugcat store its momentum it will lead to them being exhausted since it consumes so much energy and magic from the force
heres a poorly drawn demonstration how the chronomancer's general ability works
now more about their ability. they have this 'vision' ability where they are able to 'phase through walls' but heres the catch. when this ability is activated their surroundings change, which makes the slugcat get a glimpse into the past and what the place used to look back in those days. they cant always have this ability activated for a longer amount of time and it will wear out after 30 seconds
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i have this idea where this ability would be very useful in puzzles and such.
this idea is still a work in progress but i wanted to share this here to hear what you guys think! ^^ and maybe if its possible the chronomancer can even become a mod of its own in the future!
also some extra bits here:
like chronomancer's vision form and present form seperatedly
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any questions are welcomed!!
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flickering-nightfall · 11 months
I think it would be really interesting if in a hypothetical continuation of Rain World we explore other parts of the world or the facility grounds of other iterators in the local group or beyond. I'm just really curious about what else would be going on during the Pebbles & Moon drama, or how the others inevitably broke down, or where the heck did Rivulet come from/who bestowed the mark, or what other crazy situations unfolded elsewhere. I dunno I've always just been fond of exploring and learning more about a story's worldbuilding
Oh definitely! There's so much story/region/new mechanic potential for Rain World and it's already such a massive game. Though the limitations of what we see of RW just means all the more opportunity for people to get creative with their stories!
I think some people are interested in making mods like this (I'm saying this with cursory knowledge - I don't follow the modding community closely - correct me if I'm wrong). For a multi-region expansion, it seems very ambitious and like it'd require a lot of work from a lot of people. Downpour was already huge enough as a DLC~
I don't know if RW's going to have more stuff added in the future, but if it does I'm gonna eat it right up :)
My friend Folly and I made a new campaign concept wayyy back when I first played Downpour in January. You play as the Collector, a brown slugcat with a pearl belt. You've been sent by some unknown iterator to gather data from an experimental local group strewn across an archipelago. There were two other campaigns in this setting: The Painter who sought to capture the beauty of the world, and The Noble who leads a colony of slugcats long after Saint's era, long after the iterators have all died out, when the world is recovering from the ice age.
There were also a bunch of other slugcats who had mini-campaigns or were otherwise noncanonical playables. It was all way too huge of an undertaking to even dream about making a mod, but it's still very fun to think about stuff like that.
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kelocitta · 1 year
What if I want to hear your thoughts on the void worms and saint and how people see them? What then? Because now I'm curious ngl (no pressure tho)
Ah I certainly could try to get my thoughts in a row, and was sorta planning on it once I got a sideblog set up (I have it but its WIP at the moment) I can sorta cover what I primarily think though, a bit less properly thought out and in order. Warning for Downpour endings.
New addition made after I typed everything: I did not hold back this is so long. I went insane okay
*Small Note, I know Rain World is themed heavily around concepts of Buddhism and it's teachings, but for the most part I'm not really gonna invest much in that for my own thoughts on the things in it.
I'll start by saying I have a lot of complex thoughts on Saint, I don't dislike their campaign (It's neat!) but I do have hm… certain feelings on the what it communicates and how it communicates it, but I'll also say I think I interpret Rain World in a very different way than a lot of people do, or at least have a "second half" to the thoughts people tend to express, and the way Saint plays out gives me conflicted emotions from those feelings. That and with RW's inspirations its just… easy to be conflicted emotionally. Without going to far into things I guess you could say that in many ways I see Saint as a bad thing. Not really a villain but a… negative. It's complicated and I don't really have the words for it right now, other than I think RW does a lot with its themes of life and death and Saint complicates it as an outside force imposing a solution. And perhaps that statement there makes the caption on the art a little more clear- "Do you think yourself above it all?" as something that could be the statement of either Saint or the Worm.
Jumping from that to the "how people see them" I often see a sort of expression of surprise, mostly playfully, about how the solution turned out to be a slugcat (Saint). The idea there is a sort of novel "Ha! Its this silly little forgettable creature" but in what way is Saint any different from the worms? Are the worms not also creatures, just ones that live in an environment most cannot? They are massive and incomprehensible from our perspective, but thats hardly a new thing- there are some things just above peoples ability to understand, and that really doesn't make them abnormal or unnatural. I suppose I find the whole placement of the worms as some sort of divine creature or gods to be misplaced because even within RW the concept of a god is recontextualized- Five Pebbles gloats to the player that they are "Godlike in comparison" while rotting away from the inside and crumbling to pieces, because at the end of it all his position doesn't save him from the mechanisms of the world, even if he stands high above many of the creatures of the world and would be "incomprehensible" to a lizard or slugcat in the same way a giant space worm would be to us. Are the echos, ghosts as they are, gods? So what does it even mean to be a god, in the context of rain world?
There's another aspect, which is that ultimately the worms still lie at the heart of the solution, the final step when the survivor leaps into the void is to have themselves plucked by the worms and ascended. When artificer dives into the sea, the worms reject them for their incomplete karma (They observe them, and then leave, forcing artificer to just continue swimming), and they dissolve. They don't become an echo, they just fade away in the waves the void. Its not so much the just void sea that does the ascension- its the worms within it too. In this aspect Saint is very similar to them- but forgoes the void. To make a bit of a joke, a worm off the string.
So going back to my first statement on Saint being a bad thing… I said I wasn't going into it but damn, I am, a lot of people seem to view the void ends as some sort of "Life sucks, and then you die" kinda thing. Life sucks, you fail over and over, its unfair and horrible and then you die. And in the context of Rain World you die, and then you wake back up in a new life and start it all over again. But people tend to interpret this so… pessimistically. When actually Rain World, even the base game, actually holds a lot of love for that cycle as something worth it. Survivor wakes up after a traumatic event and they fail over and over, they exist in a frustrating environment they have no control over and no real help for- but its through those failures that they (you) get better. You fail less, you learn, you understand. And even if things stay unfair eventually you get your bearings and you can face that uncertainty with more confidence, you grow and establish yourself- you can even start going outside your safety nets and still succeed. To quote the actual achievement for survivor- "This land has become your home". The fun of Rain World, the part that sticks with people- is when it finally clicks and they start to get it, when they get just a little bit better at understanding the world they live in, the creature they are, and can find the fun in a world that is scary and unfair but something you can overcome if you just keep trying.
And that's the beauty of a life- that despite that suffering you can still get back up again and do better. You can do worse. But you still get back up. In the wide scope of Rain World's reincarnation, you can fail so badly its lethal but still, ultimately, try again. The world around you is cruel and unfair but not impossible. There can be rain and blizzards so awful that most things can't survive them but some things can, and will. Life finds a way. Even ascension, the escape- is something you can only get after you've gotten good enough to make it there. You learn how the world works, make peace with it. And at the end, if you so choose, you can take this and complete your cycle via ascension.
Downpour spins this all very differently with its endings- instead opting to give the slugcats ways to indulge in their lives- to find their homes, their families, find friends… It very much indulges in the exact opposite of ascension- a reverence for life, overcoming the suffering in return for the good. Attachment to the world. In Artificers case, they can indulge in such simpleminded lust for revenge and violence that they can lock themselves at karma one. It begs the question- is giving this up something to be desired? Is an attachment to life good or bad? If you know there is a solution to simply cease existence, what does it mean to take that choice? The Echos says as much- The Ancients understood how the aspects of how their world works. They sought such, and some failed, others didn't. Some resent their failure. Others made peace with it. Some don't understand why it was ever something anyone wanted. The rest ceased to be.
And I guess that's where Saint comes in as something I have conflict over. With the void worms there's an aspect of choice to choosing to cross yourself out. Saint acts as a solution to the fact some creatures cant possibly even know there is a way out of life to seek. The struggle for survival is, of course, a struggle after all. Death is something creatures want to escape, but failing to do so just means returning to the escape again. But what does it mean to take that choice from something that doesn't even know it has it? Will Saint take that choice from things that know it, and wouldn't want it? The iterators want it, sought it, direct those who ask to it, but that was the purpose of their whole creation. They are satisfied with Saint's choice to do so, but if the Ancient in undergrowth were still around, what of them? They seemed to not want to seek such a thing at all, moved by some unknown pressure. The world teems with life still- a harsh blizzard, a burning desert, these are not lesser ecosystems than a forest or a city. The world is not barren, not empty, and when the Ancients' towers finally crumble away into unrecognizable scrap and dirt made of rust, life will continue to pull themselves from the dust.
Its sad, its solemn to think that one day everything here and everything there will become nothing recognizable. That any link between past and future may vanish so thoroughly that no lines can be drawn between them… but it is also kinda beautiful in a way. The stubbornness of it all.
Perhaps this is just a very long way of saying I would become an echo.
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yourbuddy1984 · 5 months
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I saw your. Rbs on my art,, If you work more on your buddysim rw au can I be tagged?? Perhaps??? Pleamsies,,, 'w' I love. 👍 10/10
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<3333!!!! ofc!!! if i make anything more for it ill @ you!!:D!! teehee.. i mostly made the au bc, at the time when i made it, rw and buddy sim were my two big interests, and Not putting buddy in rw felt like a crime ❤️i was thinking.. a lot about their potential in the game.. so im gonna talk about it under the cut, if you wanna see the insides of my sick and twisted mind (spoilers for rw)
i'm guessing buddy - boundless friendship/frustration (bff) as their iterator name - would be made with a purpose relating to friendship. i'm unsure how exactly - 'can friendship solve the great problem?' 'will friendship decrease the ammount of echoes?' 'would it be better for an iterator to be closer with their ancients' and such .. but..
a thing about buddy is that they were never meant to gain access to your computer! they were just supposed to play silly games with you. they already show signs of anxiety Before that, but there's no big glitches. i don't think anekom (the company that made buddy sim (in-universe)) Knew what they were doing when they made buddy, i don't think that they accounted for buddy gaining access to the Internet and such.. buddy was also only taught about 'the good side of friendship', as they say in one of their buddy button dialogues (they say 'so you have nothing to worry about' right after lol). that's kinda ancient-core, i think? only teaching buddy that a good buddy spends time with their friends, play games together, laugh together, etc etc. no concept of boundaries whatsoever, yea ! like "bff wont be taught about the 'bad sides of friendship' so that its a Good Friend and doesnt do Bad Friend things"... idk !!
i was thinking mostly that, during the campaign - still unsure if friendo would be a scav or slugcat? ohh owen could have been an ancient... omg... anyway the campaign would take place Ages after the ancients all ascended, and it'd take place in buddy's/bff's can. friendo would travel through it, guided by bff's overseers, maybe being talked to by bff? but it wouldnt understand ofc because no mark of communication. that would give buddy a one-sided sense of attachment to friendo!! talking to it chatting with it for cycles while friendo doesnt even know that buddy exists.
anyway some stuff would happen (maybe friendo would explore buddys ancient city? i was imagining they could construct friendo some kinds of gamerooms..) and buddy would gain this .. emotional dependance on this creature. nothing/nobody has visited their can/talked to them in so so long friendo is the first thing in so long to be near them. they cannot let this go- can't let friendo go! they'd be alone again. so they trap friendo in their can n stuff :3 and so on ...
thats it i only had a general idea of the story ✌️
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starlitmeadows · 8 months
squealing wtf /pos
look can you tell im normal about rw aus and hcs and stuff. character writing is my passion [written in bold comic sans]
I THINK ITS REALLY FUN TO PLAY AROUND WITH INV because there's not Technically a lot of canon regarding it [dating sim isn't canon and as aroace i refuse to acknowledge it tbh] there's so many concepts you can explore, especially as a glitch or something akin to it!!!
i'm so very normal about this idea lmao. i love brainstorming for concepts that are meant to be jokes.... my inv being an iterator turned slugcat was originally a joke but then oops! lore
gotta be honest i never finished Inv's campaign and i never got to the dating sim so to me they always were just a funny guy whom community loves to interpret a lot
but the interpretations are always so different and interesting i think it's very cool
ohh and i like the idea of Inv being formerly an iterator!! i think this concept should be used more bc it kinda makes sense for more rebellious iterators to try escaping their cans via organic vessels
also it just sounds incredibly badass
this reminds me of an oc of mine....maybe i should bring them in the light one day (< really bad at oc posting)
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