#rw six ears listening
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altitudeofalcatraz · 2 years ago
Could I request my favorite iterator sillies Softly Flowing Water, Six Ears Listening, and Gnawing On Metal? Or Reckless Infatuation and Violet Sky Hues? Or Spearmaster and Suns! You can just choose between any of those three! I’d love any of them! ^^ I plan on drawing some more of your sillies soon, just got a few necessary drawings I have to do first!
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(Here is their ref sheets if you decide to draw these sillies!)
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Uhhh how about all of them! Doin a lil chat! About what, who knows ☆
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thyminell · 2 years ago
Hrgrgr lovingly chewing on your ocs <3 Also happy early birthday dude!! I would love to learn more about all these silly lil guys, I care them lots
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Oh my gods! This is the art ever!! Thank you so much!! ^^ I'll talk about each one of these four! (Also I have begun work on drawing your sillies ^^)
Six Ears Listening:
The youngest iterator of their group! They were activated around the time the last big ascension event happened. They have no clue about the Great Problem. All they know is that there are many scavengers on their facility grounds. They decide their main purpose is to help scavengers thrive and have the best lives possible. So, Softly Flowing Water genetically modified a slugcat, named The Alert, as a gift to them. We'll talk more on The Alert later though! They have Six Ears is overall quite eccentric and kinda wild. They speak quickly and want information immediately. However, they are still friendly and cherish those they care about deeply. Their clothes are all ripped up due to playing with scavenger kits.
Softly Flowing Water:
The second youngest iterator. He knows there is a Great Problem, but doesn't care enough to find out what it is. He's very calm and collected and knows how to calm others down. Additionally, he is very quiet until you get to know him. There are many slugcat colonies all over his grounds. Similar to Six Ears, he adores them! He genetically modifies them and delivers them to other iterators. That's how he asked Six Ears Listening to be iterator married. He changed himself to be more slugcat-like, giving himself a tail, feet, and ears. His hope was that this would connect him better with his scugs! And it has worked! He can detach himself from his can and run around with his slugcat feet. Essentially, their relationship together is that they are married and sometimes Water likes to surprise Six Ears with a little visit! Those in their local group are also obsessed with speciifc creatures, but I haven't made their designs yet! I do know there is going to be a lizard loving one and that the oldest iterator in their group greatly admires The Ancients, and has a group living on their grounds.
The Alert:
They're a slugcat who was genetically modified to be more scavenger-like. They were raised by one of the three tribes living near Six Ears Listening. Six Ears assigned them to research, befriend, and meet other scavenger tribes. They have an overseer to follow them, but they often use visual cues to indicate information to Six Ears. They and Dusk Upon a Dream are in love and travel together. Dusk Upon a Dream will be talked about more later though! They are a bit skittish if to be wary. They do have another job: to protect scavengers. The yellow on their fur is bioluminescent and their ears are big to hear predators. They are also taller than the average slugcat to look over places easier. (They are one of my favorite sillies)
Dusk Upon a Dream:
A scavenger who originated from one of the three main big tribes around Six Ears Listening's facility grounds. He is the half-brother of the leader. Due to his meekness, he was always seen as an outcast. Additionally, he has anxiety and gets scared easily. Eventually, The Alert visited his tribe. Not wanting to be in his tribe anymore, due to their poor treatment of him, he began to follow The Alert. They were cautious of each other at first but eventually, they began to know each other. While Dusk struggles with spears, he's good at finding fruits. He often just holds the spears for The Alert. Over time, they fell in love and would travel together always.
I've played around with the idea of Six Ears giving them a scavenger kit to adopt or maybe genetically modifying one for them or perhaps they have both. I don't know! I think it would be cute for them.
Anyways, here's information of my four sillies here!! I hope you enjoy! ^^
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masterofthespears · 2 years ago
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Here’s my silly iterator who loves scavs and has a genetically modify scug who is part scav (and is longer than other scugs).
Six Ears is excitable and their “ears” goes up or down with their emotions! Also their clothes has been ripped from playing with baby scavs!
Alert is more anxious and befriends, protects, and retrieves information of scav groups!
Thank you for the iteratoratunity! ^^ (iterator oppurtunity)
Idk who is actually gonna see this but
I will draw ur iterator oc if you reblog this post with the ref
bonus if you have a scug too to go with them
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beethoventhemovie · 6 years ago
AUGUST 1, 2013
this is my third try at doing this 'cause i keep on...ending up rambling. today's august first, i said i'd--i would update the liveblog today, i don't feel like writing, it's six fifty-two a.m. i got...uh, i'm in...new york. i was in...my...in maryland, at my mom's. for some days. um. um. tonight--really briefly, what i've been doing--um. my friend jordan is visiting either tonight or the next...day...and he's allergic to cats, so most of tonight since i've gotten home i've been cleaning the apartment. um. i've be--i've been--(points to bottle) this isn't really coconut water. it's just water. (picks up windex). i've been using this to kill--i left a lemon on my windowsill, a-nd...it was full of fruit flies when i got back. so, um. i don't recommend this way...of killing...bugs? because i think...this is...poison? um, because it kills them. but i-it, it is good, you demobilize them. um...and i think eventually like, even if you don't...smash them after you de-mobilize, they like. slowly kinda lose their...faculties, or something. they go on their own. i've been getting a lot tonight, i probably killed like twenty...or something, tonight. i can't believe there's so many, i feel like they're breeding. um. but i--where? where? where are they breeding? um. i'm pretty good at getting them with my hands.
i went...to maryland...'cause the guy i was seeing, who--i don't (nose laugh)--the ‘omitted’ person? um, that ended. i don't wanna get in...to...it, 'cause. i don't. wanna. give him the. satisfaction (laugh) of getting talked about, anymore, by me. it ended pretty bad. um. and. so i was hanging out with mom--i didn't do any of the things, in maryland, that i said i was gonna do, um. which were to, like. something with my phone. um. and print out, uh. applications for schools. (exhale).
so cleaning the apartment: that's what i've been doing...uh. (pause). last night. (pause). you can't tell how clean it is, 'cause i tried to show in anoth--that's the laundry, that i have there. right now it's a temporary...comforter, temporary, uh--my old one--'cause...the cats...peed...while i was gone....so i u-uh, a lot--i shampooed--i was shampooing and blow-drying the...mattress, a lot. all the cat pee's out. i just don't wanna. um. i just wanna sleep with a mattress pad on it tonight. no sheets. um.
so i guess i'll show you--four minutes, is that kinda long?--(pause). show you some stuff that's different.
(picks up picture) um, th-this? th-this. this? um. i...this is called 'fucked tuna.' there it--there he is. there's the other ones. i commissioned tao to make that, um. 'cause he made a similar one. for someone, and i thought. he gave it to me like really cheap. i really like the colors of it. and. um. just like, i like (close-up of picture) that, the...what's going on, with that (laughs). um. it was really nice. of him. to do that, cheap.
um. bathroom...? is anything different in the bathroom? dyed my hair? in here? a couple weeks ago? i got a zit, it's like...the last...kinda...days...of my perio--i really, i--i just--you can't tell i-i, i just--i cleaned it. the apartment. i cleaned it really hard, tonight. um. did i say why? i forget if i said why. doesn't matter.
um. what else. let's get a variety of (nose laugh) shots. um, tha--i don't know, it's--it just looks really...clean to me. like, the surfaces. and then there's not much crap around anywhere.
um. oh--uh. (pause). here (opens freezer): i was disappointed to only find spinach, when i got home? 'cause i thought i had bananas, and i could make a green smoothie thing, tomorrow? guess i can't. (opens refrigerator). here's the refrigerator situation, um. on the top shelf i have kimchi, raw, and red cabbage, raw. cat food, as usual. got some garlic. some hot sauce. um, i still have this chia mixture thing. i'm kind of afraid. to see what happens with that, and. under there--you can't tell, but i threw away the milk--i had milk--and uh, a bud clamato? thing? um...that...i got both of those with uh, whatev—‘omitted,’ or whatever (nose laugh). it doesn't matter. um.
um, so i'm gonna show you this other stuff, now? really quick, about my mo--my mom and i talked a lot. i had a really good time. with mom. and i had a good talk with dad, today, too. (exhale). mom gave me a lot of jewelry. for kind of a sad reason. kinda, uh. she thinks they're probably...she wants...me and my sister to have...some of her, stuff. before. she (whisper) dies, or something. um. so. she's into...um--i'll get into that in a second. she gave me, earrings, th-thes--she has a lot of nice jewelry. it's like, 'nice.' these are like emeralds, or something? and then, she let me pick out rings--i used to wear rings a lot. um. and, these i've always had, and i've felt a little weird about...wearing them just plain, um--this one's my grandma's engagement ring. and then, this one's my mom's...something...special. um, but i-i, i feel wei--like. a little like. it's not my 'married' finger, but it looks like i'm--i don't know. i don't know. i feel weird about wearing them. but i really like them. but i feel like it looks less weird. 'cause (laugh) i have...other rings, now. um, this one? it's a stone called like peridot, and. it's on mars, my mom said. they found it on mars. and then this one--this, is special, to me, because my mom watches the jewelry channel, a lot, it's--and, um. um. knoxville tennessee or something--it's not home shopping network but it's like that, and. um. she ordered this. she orde--sh-she, she just bu--she likes the people on it, and. s-she has, all these like plates with like rocks and crystals and stuff on them, she. used to be into crystals, a littl--when i was little. 'cause she's like, 'they're--you should have them. they hold you onto the ground' or something and, other reasons, she has this whole thing about crystals. which i think is really cute. and she. so she gave me--she gave me this, which is like an old butter dish, they used to put butter in this. and these are all from the jewelry channel. they're all pretty...pretty! sparkly! just nice, you know--nice little...jewels--and she's like, just--just look at them sometimes. and think about how. pretty, they are. and, um. and feel nice. so i'm gonna do that. it's funny to be talking about stuff like this like, 'oooh oooh, rocks! and stuff,' but. um. (pause) and like, stuff! like stuff, that she was like, 'you can't. give. anyone. any blowjobs, if you wear this,' (laugh) um, or, 'you can't have butt-sex,' (laugh) and...'you should start taking care of yourself' or, something, and. um. i-i, i don't--but i...like? doing those...things? some peop--i don't know, she was ver--uh, i. i don't--i don't know. um.
so anyway it's weird 'cause...it feels kinda cool, kinda different, to have those things. um.
i think that's about it. for what's happened tonight.
i ea--i ate, i have oxycodone, and i have xanax--i ate two milligrams of xanax, earlier, and...fifteen total oxycodone tonight, since (pause) around probably like, eight p.m. and i still. i'm having a hard time sleeping, a lot. (exhale) and...um. overall feeling...um. i was feeling pretty good, i was feeling pretty good. then the thing with, um. the person. happened. then i felt pretty bad, i've been feeling pretty bad. uh, since tha--that happened friday. today's wednesday--or thursday, now, technically--jeez almost a week. um. so. i don't know...if i'm gonna wanna update...liveblog, right now. for the next few days. 'cause i wanna be hanging out with jordan and stuff. and not thinking. and not wanna type stuff.
before...um...i g--part of my thing, part of my plan, when i stopped...doing...the liveblog thing, i was like 'i'm gonna write, uh, i'm gonna start writing articles. for vice. again. and i'm gon-na...apply...to s--to colleges,' and i...i sent in my fafsa. forms. for, colleges. um. but i really haven't done much of anything yet. um, and i thought i would. those were kinda things i wanted to kinda straighten out, er. or like, i'm gonna do research studies...or something. um (pause). f-eeling in general...like i don't have anything...to say (laugh). to...or con-trib-ute, to stuff. that was another thing with the guy. 'omitted' guy. he kinda has his shit together and i kinda don't. it seemed to not bother him but maybe it did. um, i don--i don't, actually i don't think--i don't know what it was, um. he seems more...kinda obsessed, with like...sex, than me...um....i could take, or leave...sex (laugh). um, and he...did i say he cheated on me? i said it on twitter. he cheated on me. that's never happened to me in the, the um. (shows necklace) this is from coldwater cr-creek (laugh), um. never happened to me in the beginning, the beginni--like, the two months, 'beginning'--it's...happened at the end, when things are already bad, or i've agreed with the person, like, 'we're gonna see other people' and. and i-i, i'm pretty sure--uh, i don't know, i don't wanna get into...um...talkin'...shit—
days just keep going by, and then they turn into night, and then they turn into morning, and i'm up for all of it, and it sucks. um. and i'm...flaky...person (laugh) to hang out with, but then, so seems kind of, everyone, sorta...um, tolerated in this particular group of people that i like hanging out with sometimes? um. (pause). i'm probably the worst, 'cause i'm not even good at emails or stuff. or, uh. or being...consistent, with stuff...or...anything. so...
i guess that's about it, um. (pause). no matter what, it--it always feels a little better if the apartment's clean, if everything is really really super-clean, really--surfaces are all dusted and, um, laundry--it's just like...there's less cells, of. that person. here. uh (pause). or, yeah. there's just less of it. um. this is really long. thanks for listening if you want. it's--here, this--let this...tide you...ov--i (laugh)--uh. i'm not gonna update for a few days, so...um...stupid, stupid stupid stupid st--okay, um. the end thank you for listening goodbye.
Here’s the video I transcribed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_IyCWgR-Rw&index=31&list=PLsyt9f4wsCrZYQC6w_DbLdlJ18P2C_wJb&t=0s
Here’s a video of me reading this transcription: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDB2XP2um0M
I’ll be reading the entire text of LIVEBLOG 11/14/18-11/16/18, starting 8PM at Murmrr in Brooklyn, NY (second location TBA). Jordan Castro, Brad Phillips, and Cristine Brache will also be giving readings: https://www.murmrr.com/event/1783137-megan-boyle-brad-phillips-brooklyn/
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thyminell · 2 years ago
Gnawing on Metal’s design!! I’ll talk a little bit about them down below
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Gnawing on Metal is older than Softly Flowing Water but only by a few cycles. He's considered very strange, especially by the older members of his iterator group. He knows what the Great Problem is, but like Water, they don't care about solving it. For some decent amount of cycles, they did have Ancients on their city. These group of ancients often had lizards around. Lizard guards, lizard pets (though these were discouraged due to having emotional attachments), and even lizard medics. After the final big ascension, they felt lost. The Ancients in their city knew the ascension was coming and decided not to make a fuss about the big problem, instead, teaching the iterator about empathy and being understanding to all creatures. The Ancients also taught them how to take care of lizards. Many types of lizards. While the Ancients ascended, the lizards stayed. Metal became very very attached to these lizards. He wanted to really connect with them and began to develop their characteristics. He taught himself how to be quadrupedal, which looks wonky because he wasn't designed to be that way. He learned how to make their hissing noises. He knew what foods they liked and didn't. Softly Flowing Water and Six Ears Listening has always been understanding. Water went over to their can and made it so they could not only disconnect from their can, which they also weren't designed to do, but also aided his tail and horns. The lizards accept him as their own. There are other creatures on their facility grounds, but they are often prey to the lizards. SFW and SEL gave genetically modified versions of their creatures, with Water helping Six Ears a lot, as a sign of their friendship with Gnawing on Metal.
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thyminell · 2 years ago
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Two quick and messy sketches of Six Ears Listening! Their ears turn up when excited, which is often! They are super excitable! The non colored sketch is them being visited by Softly Flowing Water. I might turn that sketch into a more detailed drawing! The colored one is just a quick little sketch for funsies!
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masterofthespears · 2 years ago
Awww!! They are having a nice conversation!! I love them all!! ^^ Thank you for drawing my sillies!!
Could I request my favorite iterator sillies Softly Flowing Water, Six Ears Listening, and Gnawing On Metal? Or Reckless Infatuation and Violet Sky Hues? Or Spearmaster and Suns! You can just choose between any of those three! I’d love any of them! ^^ I plan on drawing some more of your sillies soon, just got a few necessary drawings I have to do first!
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(Here is their ref sheets if you decide to draw these sillies!)
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Uhhh how about all of them! Doin a lil chat! About what, who knows ☆
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altitudesrambles · 2 years ago
Ooooahha the sillies ever!!! I very much enjoyed the rambling -- married iterators!! i love the fact that they are all based around/enjoy a specific species,, dude that’s cool as hell! I want to very gently hold Six Ears Listening in the palms of my hand,, cherish the SEL,, and cant forget the silly lovers <3 the idea of them being gifted a kid is so cute whshshshhshs,,, 
Hrgrgr lovingly chewing on your ocs <3 Also happy early birthday dude!! I would love to learn more about all these silly lil guys, I care them lots
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Oh my gods! This is the art ever!! Thank you so much!! ^^ I'll talk about each one of these four! (Also I have begun work on drawing your sillies ^^)
Six Ears Listening:
The youngest iterator of their group! They were activated around the time the last big ascension event happened. They have no clue about the Great Problem. All they know is that there are many scavengers on their facility grounds. They decide their main purpose is to help scavengers thrive and have the best lives possible. So, Softly Flowing Water genetically modified a slugcat, named The Alert, as a gift to them. We'll talk more on The Alert later though! They have Six Ears is overall quite eccentric and kinda wild. They speak quickly and want information immediately. However, they are still friendly and cherish those they care about deeply. Their clothes are all ripped up due to playing with scavenger kits.
Softly Flowing Water:
The second youngest iterator. He knows there is a Great Problem, but doesn't care enough to find out what it is. He's very calm and collected and knows how to calm others down. Additionally, he is very quiet until you get to know him. There are many slugcat colonies all over his grounds. Similar to Six Ears, he adores them! He genetically modifies them and delivers them to other iterators. That's how he asked Six Ears Listening to be iterator married. He changed himself to be more slugcat-like, giving himself a tail, feet, and ears. His hope was that this would connect him better with his scugs! And it has worked! He can detach himself from his can and run around with his slugcat feet. Essentially, their relationship together is that they are married and sometimes Water likes to surprise Six Ears with a little visit! Those in their local group are also obsessed with speciifc creatures, but I haven't made their designs yet! I do know there is going to be a lizard loving one and that the oldest iterator in their group greatly admires The Ancients, and has a group living on their grounds.
The Alert:
They're a slugcat who was genetically modified to be more scavenger-like. They were raised by one of the three tribes living near Six Ears Listening. Six Ears assigned them to research, befriend, and meet other scavenger tribes. They have an overseer to follow them, but they often use visual cues to indicate information to Six Ears. They and Dusk Upon a Dream are in love and travel together. Dusk Upon a Dream will be talked about more later though! They are a bit skittish if to be wary. They do have another job: to protect scavengers. The yellow on their fur is bioluminescent and their ears are big to hear predators. They are also taller than the average slugcat to look over places easier. (They are one of my favorite sillies)
Dusk Upon a Dream:
A scavenger who originated from one of the three main big tribes around Six Ears Listening's facility grounds. He is the half-brother of the leader. Due to his meekness, he was always seen as an outcast. Additionally, he has anxiety and gets scared easily. Eventually, The Alert visited his tribe. Not wanting to be in his tribe anymore, due to their poor treatment of him, he began to follow The Alert. They were cautious of each other at first but eventually, they began to know each other. While Dusk struggles with spears, he's good at finding fruits. He often just holds the spears for The Alert. Over time, they fell in love and would travel together always.
I've played around with the idea of Six Ears giving them a scavenger kit to adopt or maybe genetically modifying one for them or perhaps they have both. I don't know! I think it would be cute for them.
Anyways, here's information of my four sillies here!! I hope you enjoy! ^^
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