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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @youngnovas​ genre(s) action, superhoes, dc. premise based on teen titans. the titans are back at it again to protect jump city! bad guys every day and even worst, bad roommates to deal with. the whole crew lives in titans tower (located in sunny california) and as of late has been dealing with new member additions as well as the reappearance of the H.I.V.E. tearing up downtown. yikes! characters canons & oc. 
robin / boy genius here can beat you in a fight in every single fighting style known to man. and his tech? simple, deadly and effective. literally the definition of robin (and batman) itself. the leader of the team. very strict and unyielding with his decisions. always an avid supporter of training, training, and more training. stick in the mud. it’s not that he hates fun but that he has too much to do to have any fun. scolds beast boy and cyborg all the time. soft spot for starfire. lost to jinx once (because she’s a cheat) and is still sore about it. getting increasingly stressed these days, not sure how vantablack keeps getting in the tower. (taken by @svrrows)
starfire / alien princess that can fly and shoot bright green energy from her hands and eyes. also has super strength. but supposedly all her powers depends on her ability to be happy/content and in tune with her emotions. literally a complete opposite of raven, but they’re good friends anyway. still trying to get used to earth’s traditions. trying hard to make friends with the new recruits, even the grumpy one (but she keeps saying things like “don’t worry! you didn’t fail! you’re just not good enough yet, welcome to the team :D”) (taken by @rackandrouge)
raven / demon? human? both. raven’s got a long list of capabilities but the majority seems to lie in the control of shadows, telekinesis, meditating, and having a patience of a lifetime to not wring beast boy or cyborg’s neck yet. not much if known about her bg among the titans, she’s not a sharer. admittedly good friends with starfire. not sure why the new recruits won’t look her in the eye though. (taken by @rottenfrvit)
cyborg / half cyborg, half man. also the titans’ go-to repair/tech man. friendly, protective over his friends, outgoing, cool, loving. hates the h.i.v.e. (gizmo especially) like no tomorrow. pretty sure one of them blew up his pizza joint. besties with beast boy, also often bickers (it’s a bro thing) with him though. bumps egos with robin badly sometimes. (taken by @ofeternity)
beast boy / animal morphing. everything he morphs into green though, idk. one of the youngest on the team. was abandoned on the streets and basically one of robin’s oldest friends as he took him in. total glutton. clingy. best bros with cyborg. impulsive and knows it! (taken by @youngnovas)
new recruit (1) / oc, only recruit to make it through robin’s tedious obstacle course (and expectations). giddy, nervous. clumsy but capable. scared of raven but that’s because of all the rumors they’ve heard. power utp. (taken by @yahang) 
new recruit (2) / oc, sidekick (don’t call them sidekick) to a famous superhero (utp) in another city. only dumped here because they’re too considered “too green” by said hero. hates it. wish cyborg and beast boy would shut up about it. power utp.
all graduates (or current students) of the hive academy (yes an academy for young villains), their assignment is to take down the titans. current “hq” is in some dingy flat above a bbq place (man when i tell you a supervillain’s life is not easy…)
jinx / uses a form of magic that materializes in a pink/purple of energy, notoriously bad luck energy (but it’s just her manipulating probabilities). unofficial leader but it’s more like babysitting at this point. doesn’t really want to be here, but doesn’t have anywhere to go. always in perpetual bad moods. also into pulling petty crimes/pranks with gizmo. (taken by @youngnovas)
gizmo / no powers, just brains, brains, brains. nasty attitude, extensive collection of high-tech weapons. makes his own tech and also some enhancers for the team. also insanely good at sniping. doer of petty crimes. super nosy, loves sticking his nose in everyone’s business. bossing the new additions around like it’s nbd. likes to pair up with mammoth since he’s the easiest to order around out of the group. also they pig out together. a lot. (taken by @tomywcrld)
mammoth / the big and bad. super strength (currently unmatched), durability and the works. (x) eats a lot and i mean a lot. always off trying to grab a bite before or during their little excursions. still pissed off his favorite pizza place is gone. eats downstairs often because of the discount (free if you scare the right waiter, bitch) lowkey scared of jinx after the time she jinxed (pun intended) him for a whole day.
vertigo / literally makes the world spin, that’s her power. (x) new on the team, seems to think she’s all that (bc 100% can bring you to your knees). ranked first in every class tbt H.I.V.E so she’s got a chip on her shoulder. doesn’t like jinx, treats gizmo like a puppy.
vantablack / can transform into shadows, blend in, mold attacks, and travel through them. (x) bit on the older side. doesn’t really take orders well. always sneaks into titans tower (and gets kicked out) like its nbd. it’s funny. finds starfire interesting (i mean alien? fr? cmon). (taken by @athaza)
new addition (1) / oc, recruited by mammoth after fighting in line with him over pizza. said pizza parlor, kaput! gone! sadness. hint: doesn’t like him. power utp.
new addition (2) / oc, deflected from the titans, or okay, simply put, didn’t make the cut. hates them now but that’s the point. not entirely an “evil” person though. jinx has them on watch just in case they turns out to be some sort of spy. power utp. (taken by @neueroses)
please comment below or dm if you’re interested! ages for these charas can be from late teens to early/mid twenties. fcs can be whoever you want!  i’m also open to adding more to the list if anyone is interested in expanding the plot :) 
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @yahang genre(s) slice-of-life, action, tragedy premise follows a band of orphans picked up by a female mob boss in korea’s chinatown whom they call “mother”, taught to resort to organized begging, loan sharking, forging identity cards, and assaulting debtors. some struggle to justify their actions, while others commit themselves because it’s all they have. survival of the fittest at its best. characters skeletons & ocs
the favorite grew up on the streets before she was sold off to mom. the “complete malefactor package”– remorseless, efficient. set to become mother’s personal debt collector. soft spot for the druggie.
the druggie dependent relationship with the favorite. inexplicably cheerful. loud, clingy. the most naive of the bunch.
the quiet one the most levelheaded of the kids. resigned to this way of life, wants the others to do the same for the sake of survival. protective.
the diy former mom-protégé, running their own side business with her permission. hot-headed. holds a grudge against the favorite for replacing them.
twins (1♀, 1♂) recently joined the family. blank slate.
MOM “when you become useless, i’ll kill you.”
please claim by dming!! genders are interchangeable. age range preferably 20+. a discord gc will be made after the main four spots have been taken (the favorite, the druggie, the quiet one, the diy).
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @yahang genre(s) sol premise  based off of the japanese reality show featuring six strangers, three boys and three girls, who live under the same roof and get to know one another. characters skeletons
the flirt hits on everyone to “keep their options open”, has never lasted more than a month in a relationship. sleazy, greasy, not winning many points in popularity (probably has a few girls crushing on them for their good looks anyways).  emotional, unexpected target of sympathy.
the sweetheart fresh out of a long-term relationship– both were in the formative years of their career, with the s/o deciding that the relationship was a distraction.  still secretly pining after them.  “just wants to be friends.”
the drama king/queen always intentionally or unintentionally causing rifts between the members.  knows all the gossip, likely because they’re the ones who spread them in the first place.  loudmouth, blunt, unafraid to voice their opinions.  the occasional unexpected hero.
the peacemaker the group’s voice of reason.  in a stable stage of their life, probably just on the show to promote whatever their line of work is.  always ends up giving advice to the rest of the group.  has a secret bad habit they just can’t kick.
the kid immature, naive, spoiled rotten by overprotective parents.  lacks ambition, has no idea what they want to do with themselves.  probably crushing hard on the peacemaker, with little to no reciprocation.  
the neutral good oblivious to any ongoing drama, has a hobby they’re passionate about and probably talks about it 90% of the time.  wholesome interactions only (except maybe for some offscreen hookups).
claim by commenting under the post!! genders interchangeable (but 3 male muses and 3 female muses).
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @rottenfrvit​ genre(s) supernatural premise based off taika waititi and jermaine clement’s iconic kiwi vampire mockumentary. three old vampires who struggle to adapt to the world’s constant cycle of change are in for a treat when a newborn vampire shows up along with his human friend (off limits!), inviting more chaos into their home.  characters skeletons only
viago — 379 years old. unofficial mother of the group. kind of uptight, used to be an aristocrat so still has most of those mannerisms. very friendly and fascinated with technological developments. (taken by yours truly)
vladislav the poker — 865 years old. dracula-esque figure and was a former tyrant. hedonistic and kinda sleazy. has extreme powers, haunted by his enemy, the beast.
deacon — 183 years old. youngest of the group until nick comes in. acts like a rebellious teen with an affinity for knitting, erotic dancing and being cool. has a human familiar (NPC) who he uses to get the trio their food, often by inviting them to dinner.
nick — late 20′s-mid 30′s. newborn vampire turned by petyr (NPC) when they were intended to be the trio’s meal. now nick lives with them and in exchange for being taught how to be a vampire, nick and their best friend, stu, teach them how to adapt to the human world.
stu —late 20′s-mid 30′s years old. nick’s human best friend who does I.T. work and is off-limits as a food item. awkward and mild-mannered, stu is often roped into their antics by association with nick.
(NPC) petyr — 3000 years old. nosefateru-like vampire who lives in a coffin in the basement of the house and is only awoken to feed. keeps to himself but also acts like a feral animal. responsible for turning deacon and now, nick.
**names and fcs are utp
claim a skellie by commenting under the post. it’s a chaotic, lighthearted-ish plot so the only triggering content you’ll find is stuff associated with vampires so like. blood. also probably wanna watch the trailer for wwdits to get a feel of the ~vibe~ we’re going for.
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @irieus genre(s) slice-of-life, tragedy, supernatural, childhood friends premise five childhood friends part ways after the very tragic death of their best friend, hong maeum. ten years have passed since the accident, and it does seem that everyone has moved on with their lives.. until maeum supposedly returns into one of their lives. that summer break, rekindled unspoken feelings and shamefully hidden secrets throws every single one of them back to the past. characters canons
- was the leader of the group; the most outgoing - became incredibly isolated and depressed after maeum’s death - has 0 goals in life; failed college entrance exams and is now a complete homebody - turned 21 on the first day of summer and began “hallucinating” maeum… except that it’s not a hallucination, and it really is the girl’s ghost claiming she can’t rest in peace until she has her wish granted - he has 0 clue what the wish is, and seeks the help of his childhood friends to figure it out - except his childhood friends think he’s crazy, and has difficulty moving on - had feelings for maeum; promised to marry her when they’re all grown up
- currently studying at a nearby college - very pretty and stylish; quite popular with the other students at her college campus - was a very kind child; loving towards her friends - used to be really harsh and mean at “jintan”, but she really did use to care for him - in fact, as a child, used to have a crush on him but never admitted it because of maeum - has somewhat of a good relationship with “yukiatsu”, simply because they have a lot of common interests, and both suffer unrequited love - actually still bears hidden feelings towards “jintan”; also still thinks he’s delusional about maeu, and he going cray cray - personality-wise: a people-pleaser (would do things she doesn’t like to please others), outgoing, a little short-tempered. the girl you’ll see at every party
- currently studying at a prestigious college with “yukiatsu” - very intelligent, but is still inferior to “yukiatsu”, who excels academically with ease - spends every single day with “yukiatsu”, to the extent people think they’re dating - when they’re actually not… she does have feelings for him though, but thinks “yukiatsu” won’t return her feelings because of maeum and “anaru” - because of that, she’s not so fond of “anaru”, and mocks “jintan” about maeum’s return; also thinks “jintan” is turning nuts - basically 80% of her life revolves around “yukiatsu”
- currently studying at a prestigious college with “tsuruko” - handsome, and very intelligent; top of his class, very well-known for his looks and studies - spends every single day with “tsuruko”; he doesn’t think much about their relationship. he just doesn’t mind her company, and gets along well with her so - turns tense every single time at the mention of maeum; bears hatred towards “jintan” because of that - also hates “jintan” because he knows maeum had feelings for him, and he knew maeum wouldn’t reciprocate his love - which is why he often suggests to “anaru” that they should date, though “anaru” doesn’t really seem interested to be his girlfriend - can get pretty dark at times, and a teensy wee bit violent when upset/angry
- currently traveling the world with his own hard-earned money - ditched high school and worked full-time for 2-3 years before starting his travels - returned to his hometown to take a break, and is currently living at this abandoned tree house all of them used to play in as kids, though he does sleep over at his friends’ places as well - the one with the least drama (lol); has no feelings for anyone. he was and is pretty happy-go-lucky; was very happy to have them as friends as he was a socially awkward child - used to find “jintan” amazing; thought of him as the coolest kid ever - extremely loyal and caring to his friends, which is why he’s always the one to break up fights, calm everyone down, etc etc… and also why he believes what “jintan” says about maeum - is resolute on helping “jintan” find out about this wish of maeum’s that will help her rest in peace - oh, right….. he has a dark side too. he actually witnessed maeum’s accident, but never told anyone, so it’s actually why he travels the world… because he thinks he can get over the past by going as far away as he can, but nope 
just comment which canon you’re interested in, and ask away if you have any questions. will go into deeper detail once everyone is ready for the au c:
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @745e genre(s) slice of life, television, fashion  premise based off netflix’s queer eye but in a much more general sense where there’s 5 gay friends who come together and change people’s lives one makeover at a time.  characters skeletons only
**going global with the premise so let’s expand and go with guys (or gals!) that are in their early 30′s to late 30′s with the fc’s 
antoni food and wine expert
bobby design expert
jonathan grooming expert
tan fashion expert
karamo culture expert 
super cute, straightforward plot that’s a nod to the tv show! comment under the post with the skellie you want and once all the slots are filled we can make a discord gc or something and get the party started! 
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @mobiivs genre(s) superhero, fantasy, sci-fi premise based on the umbrella academy set in an alternate universe in which the koreas were not divided. in an inexplicable worldwide event, forty-three extraordinary children were spontaneously born by women who’d previously shown no signs of pregnancy. billionaire inventor namgoong joowon adopted seven of the children; when asked why, his only explanation was, “to save the world.” they are groomed into the umbrella academy, an elite force of six superheroes. but, as they grow up, each of them take their leave until only one remains, estranged. it is their father’s death that brings them back together, gathering once more for his funeral. characters skeletons
**all muses should have the surname namgoong
luther - number one, their father’s right hand man. recently returned from the moon, and the only one still part of the umbrella academy and loyal to it. has super strength & durability.
diego - number two, and bitter about it. currently a private investigator, paradoxically cocky and insecure. has trajectory curving & marksmanship.
allison - number three, the kindest of the lot. an actress whose personal and professional life is starting to unravel because she’s gotten too used to using her powers. has mind control &manipulation.
klaus - number four, probably high. rehab regular but the most sane of them all. has mediumship & evocation.
number five - five, dealing with twin nightmares of puberty and apocalypses at the same time. cranky time travelling trying to save the world and his mannequin love. has spatial jumps &space-time travel.
ben - number six, dead. just a ghost hanging out around his siblings still, because they probably need him. had eldritch tentacles.
vanya - number seven, the normal one. the only thing notable is her skill with the violin, and the book she wrote about the other six. will have sound manipulation & atmokinesis.
comment under the post to claim a canon :) if you’ve got questions, you can contact me @mobiivs!
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @undergvndking genre(s) futuristic, vr  premise sword art online is a virtual reality mmo. on the release date, thousands of players logged onto sao, only to be unable to log out of the game. an announcement is made throughout the game, informing players that their lives are now within the die. die within the game, you die in real life. it’s been almost two years since the release date, and many have died trying to clear the floors of the game to finally be able to escape into the real world. our plot will be following a small guild made up of various players trying to fight their way through the game. characters ocs
the leader. started the group two years ago with “second in command.” deals the most damage on the team as they are the highest level. was impressed by “the outsider”s skillset and has decided to recruit them while knowing little to no information about them. constantly is in small fights with “mage / healer” due to their lack of respect for hierarchy.
second in command. has stuck by “the leader”s side throughout two years, their guild having been only them until “oc 2″ was recruited. almost as close to “oc 2″ as they are with “the leader” but rls with “the leader” is more ambitious while rls with “oc 2″ is purely platonic, on “second in command”s side at least.
mage / healer. a hotheaded but capable healer that joined the guild a few months ago. was kicked out of her previous guild for not taking orders, both on and off the battlefield. has a strained relationship with “the leader” due to the same character traits that got them kicked off the previous ( taken by @athaza )
the outsider. has been a solo player until more recently ( maybe a month or two ) when the group and he crossed paths, needing each others abilities to get past a boss. has now reluctantly joined the guild through “the leader”s recruitment, though “second in command” seems to think he is hiding something darker. ( taken by me )
oc 1. recruited by “mage”. they were old friends, having met each other over a fight over the lot won from battling a monster together.
oc 2. found almost out of health near a lake and has been part of the guild for over a year. nursed back to health by “second in command”.
comment under the post for your desired spot. 
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @eyezo @745e genre(s) slice of life, coming of age premise inspired by brockhampton, a self-proclaimed “internet boy band” and music collective. founded in 2014 by jihoon “woozi” lee and june “j.tune / junebuggy / frankfurt” go as something to initially kill time and expectations of high school living up to something it would never be, it’s found a surprisingly strong foundation in florida since its conception. aiming to re-define said label, this group grows in artistry and number throughout their shared years. characters ocs
whew! plenty to say about this project considering how open-ended it is, but some ideal basics worth putting out there down below:
like bh (pre-ameer scandal), 3ng aims to be entirely self-sufficient and independent with their creative direction and production. they have nothing personal towards hotshot professional record labels though! the point is to revolutionize the creative scene on the boys’ terms and their terms only. family, friends, fans, and everything else that comes in life may or may not count as inspiration as they go along
the collective is based in america. western fcs, hence, are welcome and highly encouraged
roles in the collective are not limited to rappers and singers. there is room for: producers, managers, designers (web + graphic), directors (creative + video), instrumentalists, djs, record engineers, effects specialists, skit vocalists, photographers. boys can take on plenty of roles at a time, some roles simultaneously being isolated to one or two sole individuals.
boys can be just as emotional and profound behind the scenes as they are on record. we would absolutely dig extensive character development between members both for better and for worse
though bh currently has fourteen (14) members, 3ng is in testing waters and would be home to... maybe ten (10) at this time in their career.
origin of 3ng’s name: back in the first dumb days of the group, three takes of a shot, record, layer, anything creative relevant to their product would determine if something was worth continuing or not. it’s not necessarily their philosophy anymore, but it has stuck ever since. 
aesthetic/vibe/inspo/whatever: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / kevin abstract’s twitter
current slots: 3/10
woozi (born as jihoon lee), co-founder. creative director & music producer. (fc: lee jihoon, seventeen) 
june, co-founder. vocalist & music producer (fc: koo junhoe)
names and fcs are utp
if you’re claiming a spot, please reply to this post or dm either one of us! depending on the interest of people who’d like to participate, slots may or may not increase. ten is the minimum, npcs can be concocted together as a group to make up for the members 3ng lacks at the given time. boy muses only, given the nature of the band. preferably 19-26 years old.
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @mayvis genre(s) horror, action, slice of life premise based on the walking dead, left 4 dead, world war z and other zombie mediums— this plot revolves around the lives of a group of survivors maintaining whatever sense of humanity and order they have left in their suburban safe zone. we pick up over a year after the apocalypse started and these people are keen in keeping their group protected no matter what. characters skeletons & ocs
the leader — 30+ years old. known to be intuitive, caring and willing to do whatever to keep the zone and their people safe. experienced with weapons and offers aid on any area within the safe zone (taken by me)
the trainee — 22+ years old. known to be inexperienced, compassionate and high-strung. formerly studying to be a doctor before the outbreak. manages the group’s most essential supplies.
the widowed — 25+ years old. known to be experienced (weapons & medical), caring and cunning. formerly married and dependent on their spouse (now dead). has grown to take matters into their own hands.
the pacifist — known to be a skilled fighter, calm and stubborn. formerly a reckless killer. vows to never commit murder and opts to keep captive the group’s enemies.
the prisoner — known to be resourceful and loyal. recently rescued from a safe zone when he was taken prisoner for leverage. reluctant to kill living survivors, but will do so to protect the group.
the hunter — known to be a good tracker, selfless and aggressive. formerly a lone wolf. a founding member of the group and has unparalleled skill when dealing with the infected.
the soldier — known to be skilled with firearms, feisty and hot-headed. formerly a part of a militia. has little experience being alone and grown to greatly care for the group.
the eccentric — known to be intelligent, aloof and cowardly. formerly a part of a militia. capable of building essential contraptions out of ordinary items (such as a water filters and unusual weapons).  
the fearless — known to be brave and reckless. formerly a part of a wandering group. added to the group after defending them from the horde that overran the previous zone. enjoys killing walkers.
the youngest — 18 years old. known to be strong-willed and assertive. formerly lived a sheltered life hidden from the chaos of the outbreak. eager to fight for the group, despite being inexperienced.
ocs — (5/6) members of the group that all possess different skills and experience with the infected. can take on any roles and dedicated to the group’s safety.
additionally, these are the jobs the survivors posses in the safe zone:
commander — the leading voice of the settlement. they are in charge of keeping everything in check and skilled in dealing with both the infected and outsiders. (taken by the leader)
medic — former medical students and practitioners, the medic is tasked with the duty of maintaining everyone’s overall health. they cater to the sick and injured, administering proper treatment when they can and manage important medical supplies (1 spot for the trainee)
scavengers — scavengers often travel outside of safe zones to investigate the streets and buildings in search of anything useful. to be efficient, scavengers plan their trips ahead of time and need to be adaptable, quick on their feet and go around without being noticed (2 out of 3 spots available)
gardeners — gardeners know how to grow, manage crops and/or livestock. they maintain future supply and work tirelessly to ensure a consistent food source for their settlement. within the suburb, they have turned a couple lawns into gardens with few vegetables (2 spots available)
cook — preparing food that’s safe for consumption is an important task for the cook. they must make use of unlikely ingredients or available crops to provide food for the residents of the settlement and keep everyone in good condition. luckily, the primary cook of the suburb have plenty of kitchens and supplies to make use of (1 spot available)
engineers — tasked not only with repairs, engineers are mainly there to maintain a safe zone’s vehicles and keep them in working order as well as optionally, spruce them up with any offensive or defensive additions to better go against the infected. they are also left in charge of maintaining any of the area’s defenses or walls (1 out of 2 spots for the eccentric)
lookouts — equipped with a scoped rifle // the area’s first line of defense, lookouts are in charge of keeping an eye on the surrounding area and alerting the settlement of any incoming dangers. due to the importance of a lookout, only survivors that are known to be observant and agile are entrusted with this role (2 spots available)
guards — equipped with pistols and melee weapons // upholding the peace within the zone is tasked to guards who patrol around the area and in times of danger, act as soldiers to defend their home & people. they enforce the law effectively and hold those that don’t captive. a guard tends to be well-trained combatants who know the use of a variety of weapons and extend their knowledge to others to make sure everyone in the safe zone can manage against others (4 spots available)
the youngest person in the group is 18 years old, which means everyone else should be around 20 - 40+ years old. the group contains 3 bite/sickness-immune members and 2 spots are available to be claimed (one is taken by me). additional details on the infected and safe zone are available on a page here and will continue to be updated. please keep in mind this verse will have triggering content such as: blood, gore, violence, guns, death and possibly more. slots can be increased or decreased in the future depending on what happens to the group and if there’s interest, i can make a discord group to plot or discuss details. comment below to claim a spot and send me an im if you have questions!
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @youngnovas genre(s) action, crime, crack premise based off 2018′s extreme job, plot revolves around a team of detectives (infamous for their tendencies to wreck and cause damages as well as being generally messy) that inevitably decides to invest in a chicken shop for an undercover drug-bust. (plot drops to follow…unless you’ve already watched the movie!) characters skeletons only
go — the one in charge. the mastermind behind it all. like the rest of his team, he’s determined and capable but goes about it in all the wrong ways possible. it’s his idea to invest in the shop. though it is him + the jaehoon’s savings that is able to make it happen. currently considering keeping the business running till he can make his fund back. (taken by @745e)
jang — quick tempered, poor cook, she’s not allowed anywhere near the kitchen that’s why she works the cashier and what not. finds it insulting though, doesn’t think her food is that bad. the type to put her all in everything, hence being so invested in the restaurant. cousins with jaehoon. messy lifestyle. bickers constantly with ma. (taken by @youngnovas)
yungho — quite possibly the only one that still remembers they’re cops. refuses to pitch in at the restaurant, instead sits in his car monitoring the building across from the shop. sick of fried chicken by now. wants to throw up at the smell of oil. why is no one helping seriously :( (taken by @undergvndking)
ma — handed the job because his chicken was…the least horrifying. surprisingly cooks pretty well. uses his family’s secret recipe. loves wearing track suits. keeps everything prim and proper. don’t touch his hair. gets into squabbles with jang all the time but she’s the one always getting violent. (taken by @eyezo)
jaehoon — newest to the team. a total wide eyed baby. does anything he’s told with limitless enthusiasm. gullible for a cop. super excited to make his first arrest. cousins with jang, but begged her not to tell anyone so they don’t think he made detective with “connections”. recently gave up his marital savings to invest in the shop and is now in hot waters with his girlfriend. (taken by @provlematic)
all genders are interchangeable, ages may vary but only jaehoon would be the youngest at 25. to claim a skellie, please dm me! thanks.
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @rottenfrvit, @undergvndking genre(s) fantasy, heist, crime premise based off six of crows and takes place in the grishaverse.
six criminals. one powerful drug. thirty million dollars.
a lethal yet powerful drug that can enhance the powers of the grisha has been created in the ice court, a military stronghold impossible to infiltrate. its creator is being held captive and so, the leader of the dregs is given a near-impossible task. rescue the scientist, steal the drug. the reward? thirty million dollars.
but the dregs’ dear leader can’t do it alone.
that’s where the other five come in.
characters skeletons
the leader: aka ‘dirtyhands’ because of his exceptional ability to steal and pick locks. a criminal prodigy who took over the dregs after throwing a coup. self-serving and hellbent on killing the man responsible for the death of his brother. has a phobia of skin-to-skin contact and wears leather gloves all the time.
the sharpshooter: closest to the leader after being personally recruited into the dregs by them. witty and sarcastic, the sharpshooter also has a gambling problem. they are also secretly a fabrikator. ( taken by @undergvndking)
the runaway: the child of a rich merchant who ran away and found the dregs. an arsonist and expert with demolitions. lived a privileged life compared to the rest of the dregs and isn’t exactly used to their violent ways.
the wraith: a spy for the dregs. trained in acrobatics from a young age, they can scale walls, break in and out of buildings, and spy on people with their ability to blend in to their surroundings. trained by the leader to kill, they picked up a talent for knives, which they hide all over their body.
the heartrender: a corporalki. used to help other grishas from being hunted down by witch hunters, but was later captured by the convict. however, after they saved the convict’s life, they became allies. when the convict was turned into the officials by the heartrender, they joined the dregs and later, broke the convict out. ( taken by @rottenfrvit )
the convict: a former soldier and witch hunter turned convict after defecting with the heartrender. they were soon turned into the authorities by the heartrender, not knowing it was done to prevent them from being sent to ravka for abandoning their post. for this, they still resent the heartrender, but joined the dregs regardless. has yet to find their new wolf.
important content to read up on: the grisha, the plot of the book this is based off, ketterdam, the dregs. for claiming a skellie, pls leave a reply to the post.
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @neueroses​ genre(s) slice of life; host club premise Entering its seventh year, Madame Lim’s Club Cinnamint is widely considered one of Hannam-dong’s most luxurious commercial strongholds. Tucked away among the district’s numerous galleries, speakeasies, and boutiques, Club Cinnamint is, by all accounts, as purposefully subdued and indistinguishable as its unassuming neighbors. But in wait behind the club’s plain concrete facade is a world of intrigue—Swarovski chandeliers, plush suede, and rows of dashing young men hoping to entice you with conversation and maybe, if you’re so inclined, a champagne tower or two. characters canons only
Honey (Choi Sangheon): Perennial optimist, but easily angered. Innocent, but far from naive. Lazy, but ambitious. Loves to be babied.
Mori (Jung Hwanmo): Tall, dark, and mysterious to a T. Goes with the flow, but draws hard lines and is stern when he needs to be. Undetectably overbearing.
Rebel (Son Gijoon): Classic rich boy acting out; hosting is more of a hobby than anything else. Personable and generous, but a notorious flake.
Bud (Nam Hong): Networker who’s in this for the money and clientele connections. Brutally honest, with a flair for cruelty. Call it societal payback.
Chip: Absolute unit. Ex-bodybuilder. Well-liked for his can-do attitude, but there’s something suspect about that bright smile of his.
Slick: Knows everything about everyone, and then some. A smooth talker who can’t stop once he gets started.
Beatnik: Proud, loud idiot—the most spontaneous of the bunch. Claims to own 50 authentic Hawaiian shirts. Something of an escapist.
Libera: Kind, cheerful, and sagely. Famous at the club for crossdressing, giving the best advice, and constantly tripping over himself.
Mini: The youngest. Stubborn, bratty, and so ungrateful you have to wonder why the hell he’s here, but Madame Lim always has her reasons.
To join the verse, either comment under the post or reach out to me via Tumblr IM.
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revolveplots · 6 years ago
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mastermind(s) @irieus genre(s) sol  premise the daily antics and struggles of 5 college girls in their 20s living together in one house. based off of the drama age of youth.  characters ocs 
just comment below the fc that you will be playing so we can all know who is taken! take note that there are only 4 spots (1 spot for myself hehe), so fastest minds and fingers first c: will make a discord group once the au is complete so we can plot further!
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