#ruyakasun's f1 bs
ruyakasunshine · 3 months
my brother was talking about one of his teacher and he pulls a "I swear if verstappen isn't here tomorrow I'll be mad"
so turns out he has a teacher called verstappen
and also a supervisor called leclerc.
these two really do find each other in every universe, uh?
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ruyakasunshine · 30 days
wdym all the races charles wrote music about last year are those max didn't win this year?
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ruyakasunshine · 16 days
So I introduced my brother to f1 (yes, the same brother who's got a teacher called verstappen) and here are some of his first impressions and reactions :
"So Ferrari is like the Real Madrid of f1?"
^ he keeps making football comparisons. I know nothing about football so I'm not much help.
He's got a personal beef with Checo. I might be the cause of it, but the fact that his first race was Canada might play into it
He started getting a lot of f1 videos on his ig fyp, and he seems to like "the Japanese guy who want to open a restaurant"
Similarly, he roots for "Charles' teammate who looks like a funny guy"
He also claimed Carlos as one of ours because he looks like he's from our ethnicity according to him (he is not, btw. we are barely even European??)
On the same topic he seems to be sad about the separation of charlos next year ( "how could they separate this duo??")
He also roots for Pierre
"But Max seems like a good dude actually"
He quotes the iconic "I am stupid"
Realized that Max was an unfair comparison to other drivers because of how good he is
Also not to call him unlucky but everyone he rooted for either couldn't make it to q3 or had to dnf (the two ferraris, pierre in the quali, yuki during the race)
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ruyakasunshine · 2 months
[ F1 drivers as things the people around me/I have said pt.5]
Oscar, to Carlos: you know what I hate you, I hope your future kids miss their bus everyday
Carlos :
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ruyakasunshine · 1 month
my roman empire is the amount of drivers in formula who are belgian but refuse to compete under that flag
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ruyakasunshine · 24 days
[F1 drivers as things the people around me/I have said pt.6]
Lando : I mean when you really think about it, having a sugar mommy is supporting a woman owned business.
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ruyakasunshine · 3 months
Formula one has some of the most insufferable fans I've ever seen (and this is coming from someone who's been in Kpop fandoms), so I'm gonna type a couple of reminders for y'all :
Max is not ruining the sport by being "too good". I honestly don't understand how people can have the same reaction whenever someone is actually good at the sport (e.g. Hamilton during his prime days), and never learn. He's not going to start losing just to entertain you (and that wouldn't work anyway, he DNF'd in Australia and the race still sucked).
You should be happy enough to witness the making of one of the biggest names in F1, because he will for sure be a considered a legend in the future (if that's not the case already).
The whole 'Hamilton is washed' narrative is starting to become annoying. You know, even as someone who hasn't been into the sport for long enough to remember his prime days, I can call you out on how baseless this narrative is. A seven-times world champion doesn't forget how to drive over the course of a season, obviously there is something that is going on behind the scenes, and his sudden move to Ferrari is only a proof of it.
Likewise, you guys need to drop the "Ferrari fired the wrong guy uwu" narrative. Firstly, Carlos wasn't fired, they decided to not renew the contract with him. This happens all the time, and we don't even know all the reasons behind this decision. This is a sport, not a boyband, they don't owe each other eternal fidelity for the fans or something.
Ferrari saw the opportunity of signing The Lewis Hamilton (which; like it or not, the guy is a legend), and took it. And, as Max himself said it, it isn't too surprising that they re-signed Charles and not Carlos, considering that the first has been more consistent throughout their career as teammates. He had chances at the championship, and could have new chances in the future with the right team orders (and with the maturity he's gained over these years).
Finally, Carlos will most likely have a seat in 2025, considering that he is a good driver and that most of the seats for next years aren't taken yet. Stop crying under each instagram and twitter posts of ferrari, stop bringing down Charles at every opportunity (seriously, hearing you talk you'd think the guy is finishing at the end of the grid each race and not within the top 5 at the very least since last year), and start cheering on their last season as teammates instead.
Overall, fans need to learn to whine less, be more respectful (drivers are human beings who deserve basic respect, I can't believe I need to remind this in this day and age), and appreciate the sport more.
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ruyakasunshine · 2 months
[ F1 drivers as things the people around me said pt.1]
Lewis : this winter is so cold, people will start filming porn with clothes on at this point _ _ _
Esteban : unfortunately I have a flaw : I am french _ _ _
Daniel : I've actually downloaded the Dutch national anthem on spotify. Trying to build a tolerance, you know ? _ _ _
Charles : my mom pretends that the only reason she asks me for help in the kitchen rather than my brother is because she trusts me more. It's hard to believe that when you consider that she's banned me from the dishwasher _ _ _
Lando : you know I've been thinking a lot and I a genuinely believe that if I were a fairy, I'd be able to solo a ninja. _ _ _
Georges : is anyone interested in seeing my PowerPoint presentation about my favourite conspiracy theories ? The first slide is about why I believe that Australia doesn't exist
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ruyakasunshine · 2 months
[ F1 drivers as things the people around me/I have said pt.3]
Charles, reading of a tiktok post: "remember that our face is a combination of thousands of years worth of people who loved each other" That's so cute!
Max: what exactly makes you assume I was born out of love ?
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ruyakasunshine · 3 months
yes i want charles wdc but i want to see him win it against max
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ruyakasunshine · 25 days
i'm fighting demons (the urge to write a hidden omega fanfic)
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ruyakasunshine · 4 days
Watched the Spain Grand Prix with my brother so here are more of his reaction (pt.2)
"Lando is so good!"
"Max really is that main character"
He is oddly attached to Zhou Guanyu so he is happy whenever he is doing good
When I told him that Carlos (his fave) might be leaving for Williams he told me that he wouldn't watch it next year if that's the case
"Going from Ferrari to Williams is like going from Real Madrid to a team like Galatasaray"
He thinks that Gasly would be competing against Max in a better team (not so sure about that one but he really likes Pierre so yeah)
When he saw everyone running and applauding for Hamilton : "wow, they are acting like he is Ronaldo or something"
"Max is so humble, you can tell he is a nice guy"
"C'mon Perceval" when Charles was trying to pass George
"That's Max's 40 000th trophy, I bet he needs a whole room to store them all"
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ruyakasunshine · 3 months
logan is stronger than me because i would have bitten someone
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ruyakasunshine · 16 days
So I was talking about the Canadian GP to my friend (who isn't into F1), and at some point I mention Logan's name. And she says something along the lines of "after everything this guy has done I can't believe he is still relevant."
And I'm like ??? What has Logan done that I am not aware of?
And she says "Well, Logan Paul? That's who you are talking about, right?"
So yeah long story short my friend thought that Logan Paul was a fucking f1 friver.
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ruyakasunshine · 18 days
none of whatever the fuck is happening during this Canadian gp was on my bingo card
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ruyakasunshine · 1 month
this whole piastri-leclerc situation is the funniest moment i've seen in any fandom
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