#rust ruus
gianttankeh · 4 years
A relatively recent Band Of Gurps album on Chocolate Monk.
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Somehow we forgot to mention that Chocolate Monk shat out a disc of Band Of Gurps (Sharon Gal, Dylan Nyoukis, Ali Robertson, Yoni Silver & Joyce Whitchurch) remixes by such gonkdom luminaries as Cody Brant, Ju Suk Reat Meate, Karen Constance, Hannah Ellul, Rust Ruus, Kenny Carstairs, Posset & Seymour Glass. It’s probably best to get one from the Monk site here as the spare copy pictured is really owed to Fraser.
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gianttankeh · 6 years
Id M Theft Able/ Ali Robertson & Joyce Whitchurch/ Lotterie-Collago/ The Russets at The Old Police House, Gateshead: 25/10/18.
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You can find more about this show here.
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