battledr0id · 4 years
| Starter for @russianicefaerie | Closed 
Emerging from the tunnel, Rey took a deep breath of sunshine and fresh air, careful to have her arm draped over her mouth to keep the sand out of her lungs. That done, she pulled her goggles over her eyes, protecting them next, before she began the trudge back to her speeder, which was parked behind a rock, with a tarp draped over it.
But she hadn’t made it there before she saw someone approaching from across the dunes, on their own speeder it looked like. Squinting towards the speeder and the sun, Rey, bag hurled over her shoulder, started to run, just in case this was a thief. 
She made it to her speeder just as the person made it to her. She tossed the bag into her speeder and pulled her staff from behind her, ready to fight.
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Replies coming soon!
// Hey all, just wanted to let you know I will have my replies out to all rps (+ a starter I still owe to someone) by sometime later today in the evening or Saturday. I'm coming to find out the best time for me to actually leave a post is on the weekend or close to the weekend after all. Thanks so much for being patient! 🖤
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lifelovenquadflips · 6 years
“Yurio!!” Viktor stormed into the changing rooms, locating the younger skater and rushing to his side. “This is an emergency! You gotta come with me!”
Seeing he was almost ready to leave after practic, as Viktor had guessed he would be, he grabbed Yuri by the hand and tried pulling him to his feet.
Viktor was definitely in a hurry. It was December 20th, the Russian Nationals would begin the very next day, and by the morning of the 23rd, Viktor would be on a flight, Tokyo-bound, to reunite with Yuuri just in time to be with him for his FS at Japanese Nationals. That was the busiest period for the skater and coach, and he had just realized something fundamental.
“We must find a present for Yuuri! You need to help me!”
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sl-walker · 6 years
russianicefaerie replied to your photo
//I tried to like this but then I already had. It’s so great. I love it.
-beams!- Thanks!
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flowercrownbeka · 7 years
Shookabek and Yuri Plikissingsky
“Did you just kiss me?”
10!—Otabek looked around the room at all of his friends and fellow skaters, everyone smiling brightly. 9!— He chanted the countdown along with them. 8!—he took a quick swig of his drink, adding to the warmth in his chest. 7!—He searched the room for his best friend. 6!—His gaze finally landed on the bright green eyes he’s looking for. 5!— He moved closer, smiling brighter than he’d ever smiled before. 4!—He kept moving closer until they were only inches apart. 3!— his breath caught in his throat. 2!—He wasn’t sure he was even counting down anymore. 1!—His heart pounded in his chest at the sight of Yuri. A Chorus of “Happy New Year!,” erupted in the room and before he knew it there was the shock of lips against his own. His heart beat wildly and he kissed Yuri back, almost in a state of disbelief. When he pulled away, all the shock he felt was apparent in his normally characteristically neutral features. “Did you just kiss me?,” the Kazakh asked incredulously.
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nentenium · 6 years
❝ I won’t hesitate, bitch. ❞
favorite vine sentence starters || @russianicefaerie || accepting!
Tenya blinked a few times at the boy before him- shorter and slight and with a wild look in his eyes. “You won’t- what would you be hesitating about?” His brows drew together, eyes taking a secondary survey of the posture.
Ah. He was being threatened. 
It was shameful, Tenya supposed, as a hero, to not recognize the fact sooner, regardless, he wasn’t particularly afraid- though he wouldn’t underestimate his enemy? “Have I upset you in some way?”
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❝I seriously don’t feel too good.❞
Drinking starters
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Viktor knew he should have stopped while he was ahead.  Goading Yurachka into taking a simple sip of his beer was an immature idea–even for him.  What worried him more was how one sip lead to gulping down the rest of the glass, especially when followed by this statement.
“Yurachka…”  He began, backing off of his question in order to flag down the waitress and order another glass of water.
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mostadorableskater · 7 years
Yuri eyed the other vampire. “Why haven’t you fed then?” he asked. “What do you usually do for food?” he asked. “You and Leo are pretty close right, why not just ask for his blood?” Yuri suggested. Apparently it didn’t occur to him that that was kind of weird.
Guang Hong blanched at the thought. “Leo--Leo doesn’t know what I am!” he said. “Does Otabek know what you are?” He trembled at the thought. “What if, what if he rejects me? What if he’s scared of me? What if he thinks I’m evil?” All this hyperventilating was not good for his weak body.
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katsudown-blog · 7 years
"Trick or Treat, Pork Cutlet Bowl!" the Russian demanded, lobbing bag of fake cobwebs at the Japanese skater.
Yuuri dodged the cobwebs with agility only gained by years of training as a professional athlete. Quite frankly, he was surprised Yuri knew the term considering he hadn’t heard it until moving to Detroit. “Where’d you even get those?” He asked, bewilderment evident in his eyes. 
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aisudream · 7 years
russianicefaerie replied to your post: REPOST. DON’T REBLOG. post TEN characters you’d...
//I thought you *had* a Chris blog and a Phichit blog.
Shoot you’re right I had @giacumxtti lol
And I do have @selfieroyal but I never got started there ><
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candideangel · 7 years
👄 bite meme neck (incomplete)
Angelique wasn’t sure how to react. Her body was stiff and it had nothing to do with the air, it was the shock of what had happened. She had been traveling on her own, in the dark, while it was snowing after a long night. Suddenly she had found herself pinned to a wall within an even darker alley. There was an orange glow of light and flakes were slowly swirling around it. “M-Mn….” she had shut her eyes since the grip was too strong for her to break out of, and that breath on her neck made her shudder.
Was she truly afraid? Perhaps. She supposedly knew of the rumors or the problems of traveling alone at night. She had taken up the risk, or in her case probably had no choice. However, though her heart was racing and pulse was rushing she cast a glance to the person who had suddenly stopped, possibly sharpened canine’s close to her veins.
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sl-walker · 7 years
russianicefaerie replied to your post: @russianicefaerie: Thanks, brother.  Totally...
//Is this about the Christmas gift? That was so fast, I only mailed it last week, omg. Glad you liked it! :D I always think of you when I see Coffee Crisps lol ❤️
Yep! Just came today. That is pretty fast! And thanks. XD Anytime I see anything involving Finland, I'm thinking of you and Anna. <3 And sometimes just randomly throughout the day, too.
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flowercrownbeka · 7 years
Demon!Bek AU
When the time was right, the demon Seir, brought to the human world a progeny to do his will. The human world was the ideal place for his son to be raised, to be prepared to help rule over his twenty-six legions. For a demon indifferent to evil, and a bringer of good fortune, human greed would be an ideal catalyst to learn and grow for his son. His son, Otabek was born to two humans, Dinara and Aibek Altin who loved their child greatly. They sensed something different about him, as did those around him and Seir watched over his son—Seir’s presence disturbed the spiritual people of the community greatly and they rose up against the young child who seemed too beautiful—too aware. 
Dinara and Aibek fought to their dying breath to save their son, with the help of a powerful jinn, they saved him—masking his true nature and dulling his beauty so that he appeared to be human. They died saving him as the people of the community burned their home in an attempt to rid themselves of the evil they believed Otabek to be. The jinn had promised to raise Otabek until he was of the age that he could care for himself and Dinara’s and Aibek’s contract was solid through death. 
The jinn cared for Otabek and taught him how to survive and thrive in the human world. They taught him of his powers and of his true nature as a demon. They left him once Otabek reached the age of twenty-three with one final bit of parting wisdom,  “We’re creatures of the underworld. We can’t afford to love.”
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ledkorol-blog · 7 years
continuation from: x
“Oh, I’ve every right to complain. Why do you always have to go after guys at least twice your size?” Viktor muttered as he hoisted the body higher to get a better hold of it.
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kriiger · 8 years
Starter for russianicefaerie 
She’d been here before, many many years ago, but Kyushu had changed since last time. Not that it wasn’t lovely as ever with its mountains and stunning views. 
There were a few places left on earth which she hadn’t visited, like Svalbard and Wales, but why go there when there were exotic and warm places to explore? Especially hot springs. Ureshino Onsen had enough hot springs to choose from and relax in.
Meg was looking at herself in front of the mirror in her room, eyeing her peach bikini and the few fainted battlescars. There were only one which were particularly nasty, the one on her lower abdomen where Crowley had gotten her. But she still looked hot and the scars only added a sense of badass to her.. “Still got it.” The demon mumbled to herself as she moved away, heading outside. 
She didn’t get very far though before she collided with some form of solid mass--- a person.
“Watch it, kid.” 
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face fucking, costume play, nipple play, double penetration, degradation, uniforms
Asks || Accepting
face fuckingNo | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |costume playNo | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |nipple playNo | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |double penetrationNo | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
degradationNo | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
unifromsNo | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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