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lucentclan · 3 months ago
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Moon 31.2
Sparkstar has 6 lives remaining
*sighs and changes 'moons without disaster from 2 to 0'*
sorry if the pacing in this one is weird
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fallenclan · 1 year ago
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what a good moon.... sorrelteddy kittens, cool new cat, AND pinefrost finally participated in an event. beautiful world
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lucentclan · 5 months ago
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Weed and Cavekit from @loudclan-clangen
Frondstar from @chaosclan
Fernfreckle from @vaporclan
Sparkstar (and Lavenderkit, Olivekit and Russetkit) from @lucentclan
Sorry it's taking a moment for moons ! Here's clangen art I did for artfight ! All of these blogs are super cool you should give them a look
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octahedral-chaos · 3 months ago
Gemclan: Moons 26-30
Moon 26
Logpaw and Icepaw started their apprenticeship
Nekeena brings a litter of four kits back to camp, and refuses to explain their origin (We have so many kitten WHAT-)
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Moon 27
Yellownettle believes that they're part of a new prophecy
Russetkit finds something interesting and decides to wear it on their pelt
Moon 28
A loner leaves their kit to the clan, and Stoneflower decides to adopt them
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Olga found a bunch of pretty feathers and decided to wear them
Needlekit tries to convince Arckit to run away together
Moon 29
Nothing significant happened this Moon
Moon 30
Vixenhare is injured after messing with a twoleg object
Pigeonpaw has started their apprenticeship
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mossclan-moons · 1 year ago
otterstar, podkit sure does look familiar...
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What ever do you mean, anon! Podkit and Russetkit looks just like their mother and nobody else! (ft. a mini ref of the father...)
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h3mogoblinz · 7 months ago
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With her mate Cederclaw dead, Hollytail has to raise her kits alone. (Russetkit, Spiderkit, and Mousekit)
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quiet-clangen · 10 months ago
What happened to QuietClan
Soooo it's been a while and like I've mentioned before, I haven't been posting because I've been busy, I figured I'd give a run down of what happened in QuietClan when I had all this free time. I did play well in to the 100's and my sketches go to about moon 102. Read under the cut, if you're curious but I also came on here to mention that I will be making a new Clangen blog. This time, I have a semi-planned story instead of just letting the RNG tell it. Not sure when I'll start it but I'll post a link when I do. So on to QuietClan:
Picking up where we left off, Rainbowpelt is pregnant, her partner was some random loner. The same moon, Nutella and Elmhare bring home an orphaned litter of kit. Rainbow gives birth to three kits and the same moon, a former kittypet named Luci Purr, renamed Purrpounce (remember her), joins the Clan with her five newborn kits. A two moons later, a rabid group of rogues bursts in to the nursery in the middle of the night. Rainbowpelt and most of the kits died in the ensuing fight. The nursery survivors are two of her kits, Hazelkit and Firkit (remember him), Purrpounce, and two of her kits: Kinkkit and Eggkit. Immediately after, a loner named Oriole joins with her three sons: Lizardkit, Firekit, and Sunkit.
After that kit boom, Hazelpaw is apprenticed to her aunt Minkeye, cheering Minkeye up quite a bit. Firpaw is apprenticed to grandpaw Nutella and Elmhare. Sunpaw falls out of a tree on his first day out and has an extremely delayed warrior ceremony but in the meantime, grows a close bond with Pondfox (also injured at the time), Elmhare, and Greenstar. Purrpounce broaches the idea of stricter patrols to Greenstar and the same moon, Minkeye, Bogtwist, and Hazelpaw are taken by twolegs. They all die outside the Clan.
Elmhare and Pondfox grow some impressively high romantic like for each other. Elmhare finds some more orphaned kits on patrol: Stormkit, Heartkit, and Acronkit. Soon after, Bitterkit and Bitekit are found by Nutella. Berrykit is also found by Purrpounce. Eggfeather, now a warrior, is very bubbly and air-headed and is the girl every cat around her age is attracted to. A couple moons later, Oriole and Greenstar become mates, just very randomly.
At moon 38, Elmhare and Stormpaw died in a timeskip, which I drew as a human with a crossbow. A few moons later, Greenstar and Lizardshimmer are taken by twolegs. Her extra lives are taken since she is no longer under StarClan's skies. Pondstar becomes leader, making Purrpounce her deputy on account of wanting a deputy that will question her. When Pondstar comes back, Purrpounce announces she's expecting kits with her friend, Sunlion. But only a few moons later, a pack of dogs attack the Clan. Pondstar loses all her lives protecting Sprigkit and Featherkit.
Purrstar names her son Kinkjump deputy, despite his nervous nature and not finishing Heartpaw's training, due to her getting taken by twolegs at 9 moons old. Sunlion stays in camp to watch over Featherkit as he fights yellowcough, but the kit succumbs to his illness at 5 moons old. Heartbounce finds their way back to camp but the moment of joy doesn't last, as Nutella is found dead by the FrondClan border later that moon. Sunlion dies of an infected dog bite the next moon. Purrstar is... unwell.
Purrstar declares war moon 54. Eggfeather has been dating Acronbreak but they disagree on when they would want kits now with this war. Of all Eggfeather's many romantic prospects, Acornbreak is the most likely at this point. On the same moon, Greenholly returns, glad to be home and reunite with Oriole but devastated to learn what happened to her friends and fellow founders. The same moon, she and Oriole adopt their daughters Hootkit, Claykit, and Russetkit. The war fizzles out only a few moons later with both Clans concerned for their own young kits.
A fire breaks out moon 59 and during it, Acornbreak dies shoving Purrstar out of the way of a large burning branch. Purrstar is devastated, she knew about how her daughter felt about Acornbreak, who was a strong, upstanding young warrior. The next moon, Bitterfur, a good friend of Purrstar's, and Sprigfang, her youngest son, die of yellowcough. Firjay was unable to treat them due to the fire burning away his herb stores and being too injured himself from a dog attack too look for more.
The clan notices that Greenholly gives more attention to Hootkit than her other kits after saving her from a hawk. All the clan either has a strong opinion or is desperate to get away from the gossip. A apprentice from FrondClan joined after the fire but Purrstar is always hostile to him and his mentor (a former kittypet named Flameblink) has to constantly interrupt. Flameblink was Sprigfang's former mentor though, and part of her hates him, trying to associate him with her son's death.
A loner named Dori joins with Agavekit, Ryekit, and Quickkit. On moon 63, Russetpaw died sneaking out of camp and stepping on an adder. Rubbing salt in Greenholly, Purrstar names Ficklepaw Ficklenudge. A few moons later, she and Oriole rescue the orphaned Waspkit and Oakkit from a fox, adopting the kits as their own.
Moon 71 is when Purrstar suddenly dips in to full dictator mode and every other moon, she'd snap at someone questioning her leadership. Purrstar would order someone to help her punish the questioning cat, either through coercion or getting someone in her inner circle to do it. Despite getting in to all these fights, Purrstar never lost a life from the ensuing injuries.
Among the injured parties is Purrstar's mate Stream, who dies from her claw wounds. Oriole dies of infection. Heartbounce continually challenged Purrstar. At one point, Purrstar tried to get Eggfeather to punish them, but she was easily defeated. While still injured, Purrstar ordered Eggfeather to attack Hoottiger (formerly in Purrstar's circle). Eggfeather becomes Firjay's mate after he defends her. Hoottiger is punished by Purrstar herself and dies of her wounds.
At this point, Greenholly looks to the stars, completely despondent. She's taken by twolegs the next moon and dies soon after. She resides in the outsider residence, having lost her faith in her ancestors. She finds other clanmates that died under Purrstar's rule here.
From this point on, QuietClan cats proceed to die constantly, among them being Firjay, Ficklenudge, Heartbounce, Firenettle, Kinkjump, and many, may others. The Clan is always at war, cats always choose violence on border patrols, there's not enough hunting patrols. Eggfeather has lost her bubbly personality. There's no medicine cat, her mate is gone, her friends are gone, the Clan is ruled by fear. Even when Purrstar appoints her deputy, Eggfeather doesn't find the strength to assassinate her mother. When Eggfeather retires, there are no young, able bodied cats to take her place. No one can hunt, everyone is injured. Slowly, the clan starves to death.
In the end, the only survivors are an ancient Flameblink and his three sons. Then, he too dies, leaving a newly named medicine cat and two apprentices. And this is the cyclical story of QuietClan: left on the brink of extinction by war, famine, and disease due to a bloodthirsty leader. The youngest are left to pick of the pieces. No one in any clan lives long enough to remember that this has happened before. New StarClan makes old StarClan's mistakes. They don't trust themselves, thus, the previous generation goes silent.
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realjoehours · 8 months ago
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this is russetburr! he’s the last of the main trio in star of the night :)
he’s a heatherclan warrior and son of the leader rootstar and the deceased queen kestrelwing. he was born alongside his younger brother foxfern and his baby sister emberkit, she wouldn’t make it through the night however being born too weak to feed properly. when russetkit and foxkit were almost ready to become apprentices their mother kestrelwing died and it wasn’t long before rootstar took a new mate with russetburr feeling great resentment for that beginning to think that maybe his father had something to do with his mother’s death. russetburr had never had a very good relationship with his father as he was very demanding of him and wanting him to act exactly as told of him, and unlike his younger brother foxfern russetburr wouldn’t listen. while he was an apprentice on patrol with lightningpaw (lightningfang), his mentor thornjaw and rootstar they were attacked by a fox. after this attack russetburr was left bleeding out in the undergrowth which his wounds of the time would later turn into the scars he now sports as a warrior, this is also how lightningfang got her scars as she had fiercely fought against the fox to shoo it from the territory. russetburr doesn’t like thinking about that day often with it also causing a larger strain on his relationship with his dad. russetburr has an apprentice called berrypaw who came to the clan only two moons ago being frail and half dead when he was found resting amongst some heather not far from the camp entrance. rootstar gave the responsibility of caring for the young and scared cat to him and russetburr reluctantly accepted. he often spends his free time off from his duties around the medicine cat den helping rabbitleap, sharing tongues with him and eating fresh kill with him and heatherheart. simple things like that help him stay grounded.
this is the last piece of art for star of the night i’ll be posting on this blog but if you’re interested in any more you can check out the new side blog! @wacastarofthenight :)
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adventures-of-glenclan · 1 year ago
Yewstar- A warm gray bobtail Tom with curled ears and bullseye markings along his torso
Mantishop- A longfurred she-cat with round green eyes, light gray marbled markings, and a lengthy tail
Medicine cats:
Beetlecrawl- A yellow pelted she-cat with folded ears, and stripes along her legs and face
Quailshell- A pale she-cat with light to dark brown markings mimicking that of a quails egg, blue eyes, and round ears
Warriors (senior, to youngest):
Swanhiss- A tall, imposing, she-cat that has a mostly white pelt with deep gray patches, and amber eyes
Rustwhisker- A stout, long furred tomcat with a bright red tail and ears, distinct brown whiskers, and blue eyes
Minkswipe- A lanky, short furred brown she-cat with a dark tipped tail and ears, and hazel eyes
Corvidstalk- An orange ticked black tomcat with a harsh yellow stare, and a torn ear
Troutchirp- A broad shouldered blue and brown marbled Tom with two separately colored eyes of blue and yellow.
Bearskip- A short, lean she-cat with mostly dark fur with a few lighter brown markings and yellow eyes
Hawkdive- A fluffy cream colored she-cat with flamepoint markings and light blue eyes
Coyotepaw- A brown tabby she-cat with long ears, distinct darker paw and tail markings, with amber eyes [MENTOR: Corvidstalk]
Cricketpaw- A bicolor ginger she-cat with wide blue eyes and a tail that twitches [MENTOR: Bearskip]
Skunkpaw- A short dark gray, almost black Tom with brown eyes, and a streak of white fur running from his face to his tail [MENTOR: Mantishop]
Queens + kits:
Robinthroat- A green-eyed, large, thick coated brown tabby she-cat with light colored muzzle markings and paws >KITS: Tangledkit, Russetkit [father: Corvidstalk]
Dovesnap- A half deaf, thin, pale shecat with a single folded ear and hopeful green eyes, currently expecting a litter [father: Troutchirp]
Badgerstride- A dark eyed elderly she-cat with a short muzzle, markings akin to a badger, and noticeable scars on her lips and cheek
Pikefang- An old black tomcat with bengal markings, and sharp canine teeth that hang out if his jaw, with green eyes
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needleclanclangen · 2 years ago
"Harefawn has given birth to her kits! Bluekit and Troutkit are welcome additions to our clan."
Finchstar grinned, tapping her paws together. It had an old, faded scent that she swore she recognized, but other scents overlapped it, and she couldn't quite tell who it was. It was no matter, anyway. Beestar smiled at Finchstar.
"We also found a kit abandoned at our borders. Russetkit will be raised as Bluekit and Troutkit's sister." Beestar said. Inhale, exhale. She closed her eyes. "Along with that. Meadowkit and Floodkit are Meadowpaw and Floodpaw!"
The two apprentices froze under the attention, withdrawing away into their mentors. Galetuft laughed, pulling Floodpaw closer.
"That's all." Beestar sat down. Finchstar purred a congrats, and then stood.
"Our clan is faring well in the warmth of this time of year." Her eyes gleamed. "Some dogs were spotted in our territory, but they were pulled away by their Twolegs. Still be cautious, however."
Finchstar sat. Quickstar stood.
"Pikekit is Pikepaw."
Pikepaw, unlike Meadowpaw and Floodpaw, stood tall, especially when his name was shouted across the clearing. Quickstar sat.
"We have all sorts of rank changes, hm?" Stonestar asked to the air. "Brookpaw has earned their warrior name of Brookdapple, finally joining their sister in the warriors den."
"Were they not ready yet?" Finchstar asked.
"Nah. Sprained a paw. Wasn't gonna make them a warrior with a sprained paw, you know." Stonestar nodded. "If that's all...?"
"No complaints." Quickstar meowed.
"Let's go, then. Dismissed."
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lucentclan · 10 months ago
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Moon 26!
The babies are here!!
from left to right its, Olivekit, Russetkit, and Lavenderkit!!
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fallenclan · 1 year ago
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i swear i spent like 20 minutes trying to translate that one spiderverse meme into cats lmao
interestingly. Featherkit was apparently born into another clan. and then left for Fallenclan to raise. also interestingly, his dead dad is a kittypet. so I guess he's half-clan? I'll have to go through the other clans to see who he looks like, I guess
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yarnclan · 2 years ago
8th Newleaf
The chill of Leafbare set in late and was slow to break. Braveblaze leaves camp to go on a walk and comes back with frostbite.
Ridgetalon announced that he and Racoonsnout are expecting their second litter.
Stonewhisker comes out as a translady.
Velvetclaw is made a warrior, he takes after Roachfoot quite a lot. And has come to regard her as a parental figure.
Midnight Goddess dies of greencough :<
Web goes missing and many in the clan are greatly worried. Via, who's still on her way to recovery mentions casually to Orange that she'd seen Web in her dream last night, all sparkly and walking away to join a crowd of other starry looking cats. Orange tells the other medicine cats, but doesn't say Via was the one who'd seen it. They are very shocked and saddened at the news, and Goldcreek is later able to confirm that Web had fallen into a hole and died.
Orange starts talking to Via a lot, as she's had visions and been able to sense "ghosts" for most of her life. As she recovers she decides that she might hang around a little longer, if she could get some answers to the nature of her "abilities".
Lowpaw comes out as nonbinary.
Tulipnose and Martenshine have become mates, Martenshine is happy to have a companion. And a moon later they announce they are having kits.
8th Greenleaf
Rosypelt invites Thornstar on a hunt, and the two of them end up relaxing in the sun. They talk happily about their kits and time in the clan together and all of the adventures they've had together. Thornstar would like to have another adventure with her. She purrs happily, and says she'd have to think about it. She's very proud of what they've helped build. But she's getting older. Thornstar picks up on what she's suggesting. It breaks his heart, but he knows he can't possibly deny her her very well earned retirement. Its a few days before they formally make the announcement, and Thornstar selects Shineclaw as the new deputy. She's not the cat Rosypelt would have picked, but she'll be a good deputy. Racoonsnout feels a little passed over, as he has a much more even temperament.
But he has something to be happy about as he and Ridgetalon welcome Raggedkit, Russetkit, and Badgerkit into the world.
Multiple eagle attacks happen? Cricketspeck is attacked and survives. Marbletail is actually picked up and dropped, but manages to survive. It's found on a patrol that a new large eagle nest has been constructed at the top of a very tall tree. There isn't much that can be done, Shineclaw, wanting to show off their worth tries to climb up to wreck the nest, but it's too high up to reach.
Lowfeather is made a warrior and honored for her devotion. She's always going out of her way to help her clan mates, but she has developed a bit of a self-focused aditude about it, that she's the only one who can do certain things the right way, so she must do them.
Via has another vision from StarClan, and tells Orange about it. Following this vision, Orange finds a kittypet named Saffron and convinces her to join the clan. On her first boarder patrol she attacks a twoleg kit, partly to show her devotion to clan life, and partly cause she wanted to.
Tulipnose and Martenshine happily welcome Lightkit, Cloudkit, and Cranekit into the world. The clan is happy to have such a bustling nursery.
Fishpaw proves to be a strong cat, and many are proud of her for overcoming so much tragedy. She's honored for her dignity when given the name Fishfalcon. She feels a little lost at this, and wanders away in hopes of perhaps learning more about her mother, or finding her father. But returns having found nothing.
Many of the older members of the clan mourn, as Duskspot succumbs to an infection that had taken hold of his mangled leg, but none more than Braveblaze, even though he'd only come to know him recently. It had seemed like the two had always been meant to meet, and fall in love, and it was a great misfortune that it had happened so late in both of their lives.
October also dies of heat exhaustion.
8th Leaf-fall
Roachfoot retires to the elder's den, where kits are sure to bother her to tell them stories of her time as a leader in the twoleg place, and she's happy to oblige.
Forestpool and Gustclaw officially become mates at last. They've been each other's rocks through all the drama and tragedy surrounding both of their respective sets of siblings. They aren't the type to be openly lovey dovey with each other, so it took a while for either of them to realize, but now that it's out in the open they certainly are. Hazelholly is quite moody about the whole thing.
As leaf-fall starts to turn to leaf-bare whitecough spreads through the camp, progressing to greencough for some. Unfortunatly effecting both Goldcreek and Tamale. Oh no, we only have... 4 able bodied medicine cats. But Spottedmint does help out in the den, going on a nostalgic herb gathering patrol with Goosetooth, and Shineclaw tagging along as well.
Tawnybird and Sunfox become mates, good for them.
A former kittypet named Fishleg joins the clan. Objectively hilarious name, changed it to Carpleg because look at her:
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Dusktooth seems to take to her pretty quickly, inviting her around the territory, and fighting off a fox with her.
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The somewhat aggressive herb gathering of late, especially by Orange and his warrior buddies, Via and Saffron have triggered some of the old disputes with ShineClan. Egretwing travels to try to resolve them, but fails.
Stan and Bigtail die of greencough...
Shadedapple dies saving Badgerkit from a hawk. She'd snuck out of camp, and he'd happened to be on patrol. She feels really terrible about the whole thing.
9th Leafbare
It doesn't feel real, Hazelholly heads into camp after another one of his long walks, that he takes for no particular reason, and thinks he must have passed out somewhere in the snow and is dreaming. Berrylight is standing in the center of camp, surrounded by cats. Thornstar looking happier than he has in moons. When she sees Hazelholly, her tail shoots straight up, and she runs to him. The moment she touches her nose to his, he knows its real, she really is home. She tells everyone that Chasingcloud guided her home, and Hazelholly feels overwhelmed with emotion. Berrylight's sister, and a cat that he'd come to love and trust, had reunited them both.
Gustclaw also announces that she and Forestpool are expecting kits.
Raggedpaw is apprenticed to Glowberry, whome is hopped to be able to get through to the very reserved and awkward cat. Russetpaw is apprenticed to Forestpool, and is excited to learn about the ins and outs of everywhere in the territory from the wise and observant warrior. Her experience with the hawk and Shadedapple has cause Badgerpaw to become rather fearful and careful, A patient cat like Carpleg can hopefully help her regain her confidence.
Wiggity Wacks fell into a sinkhole and vanished forever :<
Goosetooth, lead by a prophetic dream, finds Prancekit and Shrewkit, still holding on to their father's body. Peachheart, the dead cat, and the kits, had been members of a far away clan, that perhaps lived by the sea. Prancekit and Shrewkit have only vague memories. But they were captured by some very cruel twolegs, only barely managing to escape. Peachheart died of injuries he sustained while they were escaping. Prancekit is quite standoffish, understandable for someone with so much turmoil in her early life. Shrewkit is a little more friendly than her sister, but is still a bit too adventurous for her own good.
Jadeleaf freezes to death in a snow storm :< :< :< Glowberry is inconsolable. She's lost two of the cats she was closest to in the world. And isn't sure what to do. Marbletail is also distraught to have lost their daughter, who was their pride and joy. Glowberry does her best to keep up with training Raggedpaw, but she finds it very difficult to focus and manage with the younger cat's emotions. Cricketspeck sees her younger sister's trouble and tries her best to help out.
A queen named Rippleshine comes to join the clan, bringing her only surviving kit, Budkit. She'd actually come a long way, from another distant clan that was entirely taken over by a gang of rouges.
The only kit in Gustclaw and Forestpool's first litter is born and they name him Leafkit. He catches yellowcough very soon after he's born. Worrying his parents quite a bit.
Indeed illness continues to plague the clan. Petya, Stoatplume, and Spikeheart all die of greencough.
Apprentices! More! The apprentice den is quite a bustling place now!
Lightpaw is apprenticed to Leopardleap, and pretty excitable and somewhat immature combo. The two of them very quickly start having lots of fun running around, and doing cat parkour and stuff.
Lighpelt is very excited to be given Cloudpaw as her first apprentice. She's been waiting for the oportunity to train another cat and she knows she can get the very quite Cloudpaw to open up.
Cranepaw is chosen by Thornstar to be his apprentice. She tries very hard to to let this psych her out. She focuses on putting her clanmates first, and making sure everyone is fed and well cared for.
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infinitycuube · 2 years ago
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a family from one of my clangen clans! this one is legacyclan, aka mothclan! deerbranch ( a long furred dark cream and grey calico she-cat) she is a compassionate molly and an excellent speaker. she is the main caretaker of kits. when she and flowerweb had their kits together, her mate went missing under mysterious circumstances. deerbranch, however, never gave up on flowerweb, believing that starclan will guide her mate home. flowerweb (a long furred light brown smoke she-cat, trans) deerbranch's mate. she is a loving molly who excels at hunting. a moon after antlerkit, willowkit, and olivekit were born, she was abducted by twolegs. she was taken to a twoleg nest that contained numerous other cats from out of the clans. during a storm, a lightning bolt struck the nest, and the containers burst open. the cats scrambled to escape, and flowerweb made her escape with Mac, who decided that clan life was not for them when flowerweb asked if they wanted to join mothclan. DB + FW kits: antlerbranch (a long furred ginger ticked tabby molly) apprenticed to blackpebble, antlerbranch honors her ma by taking her suffix. flowerweb was still lost when she earned her name. antlerbranch was a sick kit for most of her kithood, pulling through just in time to be named an apprentice. she was named a warrior earlier than most, and was honored for her carefulness and her efficiency. she died in kitbirth, but her kits, coniferkit, russetkit, and sparrowkit were born healthy. willowstorm (a short furred ticked tabby molly) apprenticed to greenhope, willowstorm was named for her integrity. she is the only one of her siblings to have a mate, breezefade. flowerweb was still gone by the point she earned her name olivenight (a long furred grey and white tom) apprenticed to umberstar, he was the only who found his mom while on a patrol. olivenight was named for his creativity, and flowerweb was present for his ceremony.
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pikaclan · 9 months ago
Moon 581
Season: Greenleaf
Spikemouse and Canaryspeckle found a litter of 2 kits and decided to adopt them
Bearkit (male) and Carpkit (male) are born!!!
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Hemlockroar was seen touching noses with a kittypet. Scandalous!
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Pheasantprickle can't keep this secret anymore. When they find themself alone with Driftsong, they tell the story of Lynzi's death: When he was out, he murdered the father of his first litter so he could steal them for his own (Russetkit was named so because he was stained with blood, before presumed to be that from a birth-gone-wrong). Lynzi saw and had to be silenced. Driftsong tells Cinderstar due to his righteous personality and morals, and Pheasantprickle is exiled
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Mintyrise was seen arguing, and borderline-fighting, with a cat from SplinterClan. The border was crossed
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Cinderstar got fleas hemlockroar got fleas Carnationflow's broken bone healed but got heat exhaustion Sparknip got heat exhaustion
Cinderstar and Crestfreckle realize they have more in common than they previously thought (high positive effect)
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Gorseflight promises to teach Russetpaw a new technique later (medium positive effect)
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Cinderstar finds a distinct trail has crossed the border and find an old sick kittypet. They taken them back to the Clan for care
Shanichase (male) joinns the Clan with carrioplace disease. He is fixed
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dovestorm-wc · 3 years ago
Acornclan: Sickness Abounds
Seventh moon in Acornclan.
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Beecall was fortunate enough to avoid catching an illness. Unfortunately, Halftalon was not as lucky and caught a cold.
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And little Bumblekit(left) had started to feel uneasy, not playing with the other kits as much.
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