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Acornclan: Sickness Abounds
Seventh moon in Acornclan.

Beecall was fortunate enough to avoid catching an illness. Unfortunately, Halftalon was not as lucky and caught a cold.

And little Bumblekit(left) had started to feel uneasy, not playing with the other kits as much.
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I already have a name picked out for this cat, but I'm curious what you'd suggest for her name. She's a dappled brown and gold torbie and white molly with gold eyes. Normally pretty polite, but can get a bit too cozy with friends and end up unintentionally hurting their feelings. A bit of a spitfire and can be rather outspoken. Pretty observant and makes for a decent tracker. Friendly with outsiders, much to her clan's chagrin.
- flyshine
- honeybit
- beecall
- fernnose
- dappledcloud
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So I had a really weird dream last night..
Went to the movies and there was a sequel to the bee movie coming out (I know ) and everyone thought it was gonna be almost educational all the bees dying out etc and them coming to peace with humans but no..
This guy somehow ended up being the queen bee so and was turned into this giant bee and was trying to take over the world and the bees were plotting against him and everyone in the movie was a grey that the movie was called bee movie 2 and not beee movie total beecall
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This is a text I got from one of my Best friends, Jackie. She pretty much is like a sistet to me. We have had our times of Tears, grieve, love, a period of misunderstanding and not speaking and Beecalling sister this is what it means to encourage somebody and lift another woman up and for the people I did it say women can't hear each other on lift each other up and really be there for each other don't believe the lies.
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Mga suki sa IG mga bebe boys meet BEiick and BEec or BEecal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #cuties (at Pacific Mall Legazpi)
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Acornclan: Kit Redesigns
Just like with Acornstar’s kits, it is time to redesign Beecall’s kits.
Sims 3 generated version:

Semi-realistic genetics version:

More ginger kits! I swear, this clan is gonna get overrun with ginger cats. I finally figured out how to get the colorpoint effect with the layering in Sims 3. I won’t change Beecall’s appearance, but her kits who inherit the point look now have a way to make them look right. The two rolled almost identical genetics, so both toms are spotted ginger tabbies. The only physical differences are the point patterning and Russetkit’s darker ginger fur and almost dark brown markings on his face, tail, and paws. Genetically, Russetkit also carries the genes for white markings and carries the potential for diluted offsping.
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Acornclan: More Mouths to Feed
Fifth moon of Acornclan life.

In the dark of the night, Beecall went into labor. She gave birth to two healthy tom kits, named Bumblekit and Russetkit.

Unfortunately, not all is cheerful in the clan. Only a few days after Beecall had her kits, Acornstar’s daughter Spottedkit managed to wander away from the clan cats. She found herself near the thunderpath, where a twoleg found her and took her away. The cats tried to find her, but had no luck. Now only time would tell if the slippery little tortie would be able to escape and find her way home.
#warrior cats#warrior cats oc#sims 3#Beecall#Bumblekit#Russetkit#Oakfluff#Spottedkit#Firekit#Acornclan
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Acornclan: Less Cats to Hunt

Third month of life in Acornclan.
During this month, Oatdive and Beecall have grown close, becoming mates. Beecall becomes pregnant with Oatdive’s kits, meaning one less cat able to hunt for prey to add to the prey pile.

And then tragedy struck... Frostflight, the newest member of Acornclan, was struck by a twoleg monster while on patrol. This is a danger of having the camp so close to a thunderpath (my bad). With very little herbs, Hazelfur was unable to save the white molly’s life.
And now we are back to only five cats who can hunt, but now there’s seven mouths to feed. Unfortunately, Frostflight, despite coming from kittypet roots, was the clan’s best hunter.
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Acornclan: Year 2, Moon 3
Hazelfur collects 5 herbs this moon.

Beecall was hunting for the clan, wanting to make sure Halftalon would have plenty to eat while she was carrying kits and unable to hunt. The ginger molly definitely disliked being unable to support her clan, so the tortoiseshell hoped a big juicy bird or shrew could lighten up her friend’s mood.
She almost had a squirrel when she heard a familiar rumble quickly getting louder. She looked up to see a bright red monster barreling towards her. She was stricken with fear as she looked into blank golden eyes, she almost didn’t hear the panicked yowl of Cloudy as the silver and white tom rammed into her side hard enough that the two cats tumbled off the thunderpath and into the safety of the bushes beyond.
Later back at camp, once Beecall had explained what had happened, Acornstar called a meeting.
“After the bravery Cloudy has shown today, he has earned his warrior name as a member of Acornclan!” Acornstar announced from atop the cat tree.
The clan cats cheered for the silver tom. He’d been around for long enough now that he’d grown close to each and every cat. Especially his mate Halftalon, the first cat of Acornclan that he’d ever met. While their relationship may have had a rocky start, the two were now closer than ever.
“Cloudy,” Acornstar began, lifting her tail to silence the cats below. “Do you vow to care for and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?”
Without hesitation, Cloudy nodded. “I do.”
“Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior name.” Acornstar declared. “From this moment on, you will be known as Cloudheart, in honor of your bravery.”
“Cloudheart! Cloudheart!” The clan cheered Cloudheart’s new name as the silver tom puffed his chest out in pride. His dream had came true. He was officially a clan cat living in the wild.
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Acornclan: An Eventful Leaf-bare
[Woo! Might have to start splitting up each moon’s events if they keep being this long! ~ Dovestorm]
Tenth moon of life in Acornclan.

Grief raked through the clan like claws through pelt at the loss of the young Bumblekit to his mysterious illness. The clan still had no plasma beetles to cure him... and now it was too late. Beecall was stricken with grief the most, her sweet little kit now dying without any way to help him. She became ill in her grieving, not realizing she had grabbed a salmon that had gone foul until she and her remaining kit were in pain from their bellyaches. Hazelfur sighed as he used the only pufferfish in his stores to heal mother and son of the food poisoning they’d given themselves.

The next week, Acornstar called a clan meeting.
“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the cat tree for a clan meeting!”
The clan cats gathered with excitement, curious as to what would cause the mackerel tabby she-cat to call for a meeting. Russetkit ran off to play at the other side of the prey pile, not as interested in such a gathering as his older denmates.
Acornstar looked over her clan, blue eyes glimmering with pride as they landed on her kits Firekit and Spottedkit.
“Cats of Acornclan, it is with great pleasure that I welcome our first apprentices! Firekit and Spottedkit have reached six moons!”
Cheers rang through the gathered cats at the announcement. The first apprentices of Acornclan! And they were the leader’s kits too! Acornstar waved her tail to quiet her excited clanmates so she may continue the ceremony.

“Firekit!” Acornstar called out, getting the attention of her flame furred son. “From this point on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as ‘Firepaw’!”
“Doeheart will be your mentor.” Acornstar purred. “May she teach you everything she knows about what it means to be a strong but caring warrior.”
Firepaw smiled as he touched noses with the pale torbie. Doeheart had always played with the kits when their parents needed a break, it would be great to learn under her.

“Spottedkit!” Acornstar called out, turning her attention to her daughter. The black and ginger torbie looking almost like she was going to fall asleep on her paws. The leader chuckled as Spottedkit startled awake at her name being called. “From this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be know as ‘Spottedpaw’!”
“After giving it plenty of thought, I have decided Oatdive will be your mentor.” Acornstar extended a paw to the mackerel tabby tom by the edge of the crowd. “Hopefully, you two may both balance each other. This leaf-bare is not the time for getting into fights or wandering off.”
Oatdive nodded sheepishly as he padded forward. “Yes, Acornstar. I promise to do my best training Spottedpaw.” He gently touched his nose to the young tortoiseshell.

Unfortunately, not long after the ceremony, Spottedpaw went to the medicine den with a case of white-cough. Hazelfur gave her medicine, but only rest and time would tell if she gets any better.
A few days later on patrol...

“Intruder!” Halftalon hissed at the silver tabby she’d encountered. “What are you doing in Acornclan territory?!”
This cat reeked of twolegs... and horse? Was he from one of the nearby barns?

“Oh?” The tom perked up in surprise. “You’re one of those wild cats, aren’t you? The ones who live amongst the trees and stuff yourselves with fresh mice everyday?” He seemed to almost drool at the thought of freshly killed prey.
“Wha... yes...” Halftalon cautiously replied, eyeing up the thin tom. He certainly spoke like a kittypet who never stepped into the forest before... but he looked like a starving stray. “And who are you?”
“Well, my person called me ‘Dacoda’. But my friends call me Cloudy.” The tom purred. “What’s it like to sink your claws into a freshly caught mouse? Could you teach me to catch mice?”
“You want me to teach you to hunt? That’s it?” Halftalon scoffed.
“A place to stay would be nice too, but if you could just provide a few lessons in hunting, maybe I could be a wild cat too!” Cloudy’s purple eyes sparkled with the thought of living in the forest and catching his own food.
“Halftalon?” The ginger she-cat jumped in surprise, turning to see her leader standing before her, curiosity in those deep blue eyes. “Who’s this?”

“This is Da-”
“Cloudy.” The silver tom interrupted. “I’m Cloudy to all my friends.”
“He wants to live with us.” Halftalon hissed softly.
“And learn to hunt!” Cloudy purred. “It was quite the adventure to get here. I even almost got trampled by a horse!”
That explains the scent... Halftalon watched her clan leader for her reaction to this outsider.
The mackerel she-cat purred with pleasure as she looked at Cloudy. “A new clan member would be greatly welcomed. So long as you help provide for the clan this leaf-bare. Halftalon here can teach you to hunt and defend the clan, in return you’ll have a place to stay and aid should you fall ill or get injured.”
“Thank you so much!” Cloudy smiled brightly, neither cat noticing the annoyance on the darker ginger she-cat’s face.
#warrior cats#warrior cats oc#sims 3#Bumblekit#Russetkit#Acornstar#Firepaw#Doeheart#Spottedpaw#Oatdive#Halftalon#Cloudy#Acornclan
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Acornclan: Kit redesigns
How I’ve been playing this on notepad, I have a selection of genes that I use to figure out a cat’s appearance. It is harder to follow through with certain genetics when making the designs in the Sims 3. Beecall, for example, is supposed to be a calico tabby colorpoint, but I hadn’t figured out a way of making that in the Sims just yet.
Since the sims 3 has a different way of combining genes, the kits will have two designs: the sims 3 generated design, and my own genetics notes design. Here are Acornstar’s kits just after birth in both designs.
Sims 3 generated version:

semi-realistic genetics version:

The last picture is how the kits will look anytime I show them from now on. As children of a diluted ginger mackerel tabby dam with a little bit of white and a solid cinnamon point sire, the kits are spotted tabbies with the molly kit being a tortie.
These might not be 100% accurate, but I like to use a more simplified list of the genes for the cats.
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Acornclan: The Clan Grows

The second moon of Acornclan life was full of excitement as Acornstar was now expecting her mate Oakfluff’s kits. The tabby molly was so happy to be growing the clan, even if it meant less able warriors to hunt and patrol for the time being.

As this moon continued on, the clan was blessed with more encounters with loners willing to join Acornclan. Oatdive, especially, was excited to meet the new clanmates Beecall and Doeheart.
Close to the end of the moon cycle, Oakfluff had been on patrol in the dark of night when it seemed like a piece of the moonlight landed in front of him from a tree. He was surprised to meet the sleek white molly before him, her purple eyes gleaming with wonder. The fur around her neck seemed flatten in a way only longtime collar wearing could cause. She was clearly a kittypet, or at least a recently former one.
“You’re one of those wild cats of the forest, right?” The molly purred, paws shuffling the leaf litter in her excitement. “My name is Frost, and I’d love to join you!”
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