#rural scheme disruption
townpostin · 2 months
MGNREGA Workers Launch Indefinite Strike in Jharkhand
5,000+ Employees Demand Job Security and Better Benefits Indefinite strike by MGNREGA workers in Jharkhand threatens to disrupt crucial rural development schemes and wage disbursements. RANCHI – Over 5,000 MGNREGA workers across Jharkhand have initiated an indefinite strike, raising concerns about the continuity of vital rural development programs. The strike, which commenced on Monday, stems…
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mariacallous · 2 years
As the saying goes, three things matter in real estate: location, location, location. Cities and metropolitan areas are built around assets such as transportation nodes, employment hubs, cultural attractions, political and religious institutions, and health facilities—all of which tend to cluster in specific locations. The ability to develop the places that concentrate these assets has always been a key ingredient to building productive and thriving metro areas.
But after decades of suburbanization, activity does not concentrate in the same ways it once did. Metropolitan areas are no longer structured along a linear continuum, fanning outward from a distinct downtown to edgeless suburbia to rural countryside dotted with a few town centers. They instead contain constellations of asset-rich places, typically surrounded by housing-only developments or a mix of residential and commercial sprawl.[1]
This long-standing concept of metropolitan geography as a line from a singular urban center to suburbs to farms—and conceiving of the suburbs as exclusively residential places—is no longer accurate in the age of American megaregions. Over time, the dispersion of assets and activities has stretched the distances between people and opportunity, often leading to greater economic and racial inequality.[2] More recently, the emergence of rapid telecommunications and a global pandemic have led to new uncertainties about what kinds of places will be in demand in the future.
At a time when economic and climate-related disruptions seem to come ever more frequently, it is easy to lose track of the fact that the built environment changes quite slowly. As such, industrial, cultural, and environmental shifts in the decades to come will primarily occur within existing places and alongside the infrastructure we’ve already created. But, as in the past, the impacts of those shifts—for good and for ill—will still be influenced by the choices we make today regarding how and where we prioritize future investments.
All this makes it essential that the field of metropolitan development—particularly, practitioners and applied researchers—has a contemporary understanding of what people and the economy need from place, how those needs express themselves on the landscape, and how, then, the field should respond to them. In other words, we need to establish both a new map and a new vocabulary for American economic geography. One major obstacle is that there is no consistent scheme to compare where activity concentrates within metropolitan areas or what kinds of places—with what types of attributes—can best support shared prosperity and resilience.
In this report, we introduce a new methodology to locate and characterize activity centers: places within regions where economic, physical, social, and civic assets cluster at a clearly defined hyperlocal scale.[3] We present a typology of activity centers, map their locations within the 110 U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) with at least 500,000 residents using census block groups, and analyze those centers to help planners, real estate professionals, and elected leaders better understand how and why they matter.
For this analysis, we identified five categories of assets that can contribute to an area being an activity center: community, tourism, consumption, institutional, and economic. We ranked Census block groups by their relative concentrations of each kind of asset to identify three kinds of centers: monocenters (lots of one kind of asset); secondary centers (some of at least two kinds of assets); and primary centers (lots of at least two kinds of assets). Attempting to locate which places are activity centers may challenge deeply held assumptions about places’ relative strengths and needs—often pinpointing neighborhoods that even residents may not often consider an activity center in their home region (for example, our results for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, shown in Figure 1).
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We find that:
Metropolitan areas concentrate assets in activity centers. Within the metropolitan areas in our study, activity centers occupy just 3% of all land, yet hold a far higher share of assets and their associated activities. For example, 40% of all private sector jobs locate within activity centers, and institutional assets—including college and university students, hospital beds, and major intercity transportation nodes—are almost exclusively found in these areas.
Metropolitan areas that concentrate jobs in activity centers are more productive. Our analysis revealed a clear and positive relationship between activity center density and productivity, as measured by gross metropolitan product (GMP) per worker. Every 1,000 jobs per square mile in a metro area’s median activity center was associated with an additional $1,723 in output per worker across the metro area.
Activity centers yield a value premium. Activity centers have four times the commercial real estate assessed value relative to developed land area. For two-thirds of metro areas, housing near activity centers is worth a weighted average of 26% more. In three high-growth metro areas (Raleigh, N.C., Deltona, Fla., and the Washington, D.C. area) these housing premiums exceed 50%.
Activity centers are more accessible and inclusive. The vast majority of metropolitan residents—in the vast majority of metro areas—live within 3 miles of an activity center, and this is even more true for people of color and low-income households.
Activity centers have more sustainable travel outcomes. These areas are reachable by twice as many bus and train riders as other block groups. Activity centers themselves have higher walk scores than their metro areas as a whole, which contributes to the fact that both commute and non-commute trips by car are shorter when starting in activity centers versus other places.
This paper represents a critical step in helping planners and other practitioners compare activity centers across different metro areas. In the process, the findings make the case to build on existing assets (both literally and figuratively) whenever possible, rather than prioritizing low-density and/or single-use development. It concludes by pointing to how leaders can use this information to advance transformative placemaking within activity centers—and by doing so, increase regional competitiveness, enhance sustainability and resilience, and improve the social and physical well-being of all metro area residents.[4]
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nativtechniks · 2 months
Understanding the Financial Hurdles in Solar Adoption in the Philippines
With incredibly high electricity costs, the Philippines faces challenges in every corner of their life. These challenges make them vulnerable to living without free will while trying to maintain a constant balance between the two. Switching to solar energy can considerably reduce these costs after an initial investment.
However, despite all the credentials that can be offered to adopt solar panels, the sector still faces numerous problems that restrict the use and installation in the country.
This is why in this blog, we will try to identify these financial hurdles that act as a barricade for its installation. So, let’s read on to find out more.
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Top financial hurdles for solar adoption in the Philippines
1. High Initial Costs
The first and foremost barrier that causes a financial barrier in the adoption of solar panels is its initial high investment costs. Many households and SMEs are unable to afford such an expense thus being restricted to building a sustainable life. While solar panels provide one with the assurance of a future and increase home value, this initial expense is a significant restraint.
2. Limited Financing Options
Before being confident about installing solar panels, one should confirm that their financial status is secure. In the Philippines, traditional banks and financial institutions often hesitate to lend money and assistance due to the uncertainty and unpredictability of going solar. This lack of financial support from the banks makes it difficult for Filipinos to invest in solar energy.
3. Lack of Incentives
Even though the government has introduced schemes such as the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, these incentives aren’t successful in providing the security that the Filipinos are looking for. Since these incentives aren’t well publicized, this makes it unavailable to its potential users.
4. Importation and Supply chain issues
As the Philippines relies heavily upon its supply chain for imported solar panels, any disruptions might affect the entire process, leading to an increase in prices and delays in solar projects. Supply chain disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic were a victim of these interruptions. Therefore, the government is aiming to develop a local manufacturing industry for solar components that could help in cost reductions and dependence on imports.
5. Limited Grid Infrastructure
In the remote and rural areas of the Philippines, the grid infrastructure is insufficient to support large-scale solar installations. To accommodate solar energy and ensure reliable connectivity, the government is aiming to upgrade these grid structures to accommodate solar energy and promote solar adoption in these areas.
Now that you have an idea about the financial hurdles of installing solar panels in the Philippines, let’s look at some ways in which these hurdles can be addressed.
Addressing the Financial Hurdles
The financial hurdles require a multifaceted approach involving the government, financial institutions, and the private sector.
Thus, addressing them would require the government to provide many incentives, which would impact solar panel users.
The government can introduce more substantial subsidies and tax incentives for solar installations to make them more affordable for homes and businesses.
Low-interest loans can be offered by financial institutions to reduce the risk for lenders and make financing more accessible.
Educating the public about the benefits of solar energy and available incentives is necessary to create awareness among the public.
By simplifying the regulatory process for solar projects, the government can help in reducing delays and lower costs.
The grid infrastructure can be upgraded, especially in rural areas, as it is essential to support solar energy.
With abundant sunshine above their heads, the Philippines are gifted with the potential for solar energy. However, the financial hurdles weigh them down and they are unable to utilize it effectively.
By implementing targeted solutions and fostering collaboration between stakeholders, the government can solve these challenges and work efficiently towards a better tomorrow. Investing in solar panels would not just benefit the environment but also strengthen energy security and provide long-term assurance and protection to the citizens of the Philippines.
Discover the benefits of sustainable energy with Nativ Techniks. Our top-of-the-line solar panels for home are designed to provide reliable, eco-friendly power for homes and businesses across the Philippines. Join the green revolution and save on your energy bills today!
Call at +639176310032, or drop a mail at [email protected].
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blueweave8 · 3 months
India MSME Market Analysis, Demand, Forecast 2023-2030
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the India MSME Market size by value at USD 17.98 billion in 2023. During the forecast period between 2024 and 2030, BlueWeave expects the India MSME Market size to expand at a CAGR of 8.54% reaching a value of USD 22.54 billion by 2030. The MSME market in India is propelled by the increasing government's initiatives and policies aimed at boosting the MSME sector, the growing adoption of digitalization, and the sector's significant contribution to employment and GDP. Notably, the export potential of Indian products, the availability of funding and subsidies, and the rising domestic demand are crucial factors supporting this growth. Also, the lower capital requirements and extensive job opportunities in both urban and rural areas further propel the market expansion. Despite challenges like insufficient financing and organizational development, the government's support and various schemes, such as MSME Samadhaan, Udyog Aadhaar, and Mudra, provide a strong foundation for the sector's continued growth.
Opportunity – Rapid adoption of innovations and modern technologies
The Government of India aims to double the economy to USD 5 trillion within five years, with MSMEs playing a crucial role in achieving this target. To enhance MSME contributions to exports and GDP, the government is promoting the sector to create new job opportunities. However, the sector faces challenges such as inadequate technology-based production activities and low investment in R&D. To address these issues, the government should invest in back-end services and subsidize globally available technology to improve product quality. Collaborations with academic institutions are also essential to provide R&D services for product innovation, ensuring MSMEs become more competitive and technologically advanced.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/india-msme-market/report-sample
Growing Rural Markets
Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) are instrumental in catalyzing economic growth in rural areas of India. These enterprises serve as engines of development, generating employment opportunities and driving entrepreneurship in rural communities. By establishing local businesses and production units, MSMEs contribute to the industrialization of rural regions, thereby reducing regional disparities. Moreover, MSMEs play a crucial role in catering to the unique demands of rural markets, offering products and services tailored to local needs. Through their presence and activities, MSMEs stimulate economic activity, empower local populations, and foster sustainable development in rural India.
Impact of Escalating Geopolitical Tensions on India MSME Market
Geopolitical tensions can have a multifaceted impact on the India MSME Market. Uncertainties and instability can disrupt supply chains, hamper export opportunities, and increase operational costs for MSMEs. Furthermore, strained international relations may affect market access and foreign investments, impacting the growth prospects of MSMEs. Heightened geopolitical risks may also deter investors and lenders, limiting access to capital for small and medium enterprises. To navigate these challenges, MSMEs need to diversify their markets, enhance resilience in their operations, and closely monitor geopolitical developments. Government support through policy interventions and diplomatic efforts is crucial to mitigate the adverse effects and sustain the growth momentum of India's MSME sector.
India MSME Market
Segmental Coverage
India MSME Market – By Industry
Based on industry, the India MSME Market is divided into Manufacturing (including Textiles, Food Processing, Chemicals); Services (IT, Tourism, Education, and Healthcare); and Trading (Wholesale and Retail Trade Business) segments. The services segment holds the highest share in the India MSME Market by industry. The services segment has witnessed significant growth due to the increasing demand for IT services, fueled by India's emergence as a global IT hub. Notably, the emphasis on quality education and healthcare services has led to substantial investments in these areas, further boosting the Services segment. Moreover, the Services sector is less capital-intensive compared to Manufacturing and Trading, making it more accessible for entrepreneurs and startups. Also, government policies and initiatives have focused on promoting the Services sector, contributing to its dominance in the MSME landscape. Overall, the Services segment's pivotal role in driving economic growth, innovation, and employment generation has solidified its position as the dominant force in the India MSME Market.
India MSME Market – By Region
Geographically, the India MSME Market is divided into North India, South India, East India, and West India regions. North India region holds the highest share in the India MSME Market. The National Capital Region (NCR), encompassing the entire National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT Delhi) and parts of the States of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Rajasthan, emerges as a dominant region in terms of MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises) in India. The NCR boasts approximately 85,648 micro and small-scale enterprises, with a total investment of INR 94,929 crore and employing over 900,000 people. The region's rich resource base, industrial development, large population, and vast consumer market have contributed to the significant growth of MSMEs. Additionally, the NCR has been recognized for its presence of informal sector activities and enterprises, providing abundant opportunities for self-employment to a large section of the population. The growth of MSMEs in the NCR is supported by various policies and schemes formulated by both the central government and the participating states within the NCR. For example, the Government of Haryana has implemented the 'Enterprises Promotion Policy-2015' and formulated the 'Mini Cluster Development Scheme' to foster the development of MSME clusters and common facility centers. Similarly, other participating states have devised interventions to promote the growth and development of MSMEs, contributing to the dominance of the NCR in the MSME sector.
Competitive Landscape
The India MSME Market is fragmented, with numerous players serving the market. The key players dominating the India MSME Market include Varroc Engineering, Orient Craft, Assam Carbon Products Ltd, Elkay Chemicals Private Ltd, Line O Matic Graphics Industries, Mohindra Fasteners Limited, Olimax Systems, and Minimac Systems. The key marketing strategies the players adopt are facility expansion, product diversification, alliances, collaborations, partnerships, and acquisitions to expand their customer reach and gain a competitive edge in the overall market.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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zylem2020 · 1 year
Below are some potential advantages that a DMS could provide to your business.
Before a product can make it to store shelves, it must pass through a series of rigorous processes, beginning with production and ending with distribution. As soon as manufacturing is complete, the product is shipped to distributors and retailers.
A comprehensive distribution management system (DMS) hones in on the key nodes of the supply chain to optimize the shipping logistics of finished goods. Manufacturing, packaging, inventory management, warehousing, and shipping are all steps in the process.
Distribution management software is essential in India due to the rising complexity of supply chain management and customer service. This strategy of following secondary markets to the point of sale simplifies several channel sales aspects, including stock replenishment, storage expenses, and production scheduling.
Let's take a look at why a Distribution Management System might be useful. Even though the actual number of advantages is almost certainly unlimited, we have created a short list of the most significant ones:
 1. Quickly accessible in the present
As a manufacturer of fast-changing consumer goods, you understand how important it is to keep tabs on all of the information flowing through your distribution channels in real-time. Lacking a DMS forces businesses to rely on infrequent, outdated, and costly offline data given by distributors at predetermined periods. Distributors shouldn't do anything that can disrupt their supply chain, including reducing their stock levels, the number of pending orders, the number of returned orders from retailers, etc. Therefore, distribution management software is essential for running an efficient distribution system.
 2. Remotely observing
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies are rapidly expanding their distribution networks to include virtually every district in India, thanks to the country's robust economic growth. Acquiring accurate data on your product flow from all of your distributors may be challenging due to the challenges connected with enormous numbers, time management, and the geographical isolation of the distributor. If a distributor management system is in place, distributors in cities, rural areas, or anywhere else in the world may have access to the same data.
 3. Offering incentives to shops that carry your products is crucial.
Using a DMS would be tremendously helpful because it would streamline and automate so many processes. This program will make a distributor's life easier in many ways, including the automation of product movement of all kinds, system-generated bills, data on late payments, and smart notifications.
 4. Arguments should be settled more rapidly.
The DMS's streamlined claims processing is sure to be a hit with your distributors. The DMS allows the company and its distributors to keep a close eye on deliveries and payables by handling things like return policies, damaged receipts, and everything else. In addition, if all claims are submitted electronically using DMS, they can be finalized much more quickly than if they were submitted manually, which would require numerous rounds of changes between the two sides.
 5. Smarter Administration of Marketing and Promotion
There isn't a single company that doesn't rely heavily on marketing and incentives. Many companies have significant capital available for such an undertaking. With the help of the Distributor Management System, you will know exactly how each scheme is operating, and there will be no surprises when it comes to billing.
 6. Quick Restocking
Stockists, distributors, retailers, and other channels of distribution are all points of contact between FMCG manufacturers and their customers; as such, they must maintain meticulous inventory records. Inventory levels, expiration dates, batch numbers, and return information can all be tracked with DMS. Access to significant updates and replacement parts is expedited through distributor sites.
 7. Making a Manufacturing Strategy 
Ideally, your ERP system's demand planning module would receive updates from your distribution management system. In doing so, the ERP's production planning engine can consider factors like inventory at warehouses and upcoming orders. Consequently, you will make better use of, and waste less of, your manufacturing resources.
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riyaseo6 · 1 year
TDP's Stand On Central Government Policies: Assessing Contributions And Achievements
The Telugu Desam Party (TDP), under the leadership of its stalwart N Chandrababu Naidu, has been a prominent political force in Andhra Pradesh. While primarily focused on state-level governance, the TDP's position on key policies of the central government plays a significant role in shaping their political discourse. In this article, we will assess the TDP's stance on crucial policies such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST), demonetization, and the implementation of various schemes and initiatives. We will also highlight the Top TDP Achievements and Top TDP Contributions of the TDP and its TDP MLAs. The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2017 was a significant policy reform aimed at simplifying India's complex tax structure. While the TDP initially supported the idea of a unified tax system, they voiced concerns regarding the impact on the revenue-sharing mechanism between the central and state governments. The TDP demanded that the central government compensate the states adequately for any potential revenue losses due to GST implementation. TDP MLAs actively participated in the GST Council meetings and voiced their concerns to safeguard the interests of Andhra Pradesh. Through effective negotiations, the TDP secured certain concessions, including the reduction of tax rates for various commodities and the inclusion of particular state-specific demands. However, in 2018, the TDP withdrew its support to the NDA government at the center over unresolved issues related to the implementation of the AP Reorganization Act.
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Demonetization, implemented in 2016, aimed to curb black money and promote a digital economy. The TDP initially supported the move, echoing the government's intent to tackle corruption and illegal wealth. However, the party soon expressed concerns about the adverse impact of demonetization on the rural economy, particularly in states like Andhra Pradesh. The TDP criticized the central government for inadequate cash supply, which led to severe hardships for small businesses and farmers. They also raised concerns about the abrupt disruption in the informal sector, which heavily relies on cash transactions. The party urged the central government to take immediate measures to alleviate the suffering of the common people and provide adequate support to sectors impacted by demonetization. The TDP continues to strive for the welfare and development of Andhra Pradesh. Its TDP MLAs actively participate in legislative sessions, putting forth the concerns and aspirations of the people they represent. The TDP remains committed to addressing the challenges the state faces and advocating for its rights and interests at the central level. TDP MLAs consistently raise important issues related to the state's development, infrastructure projects, financial allocations, and the implementation of central schemes in Andhra Pradesh. They voice the concerns of the people and seek equitable solutions that benefit all sections of society. N Chandrababu Naidu, as the leader of the TDP, continues to play a crucial role in shaping the party's policies and strategies. With his vast experience and visionary approach, he actively engages with various stakeholders to find collaborative solutions for the state's growth. To stay updated with the TDP's activities and initiatives, one can follow the party's official channels, including its website and social media platforms. These platforms provide real-time TDP Live Updates on the TDP's engagements, public addresses, policy statements, and ongoing campaigns. TDP Live Updates keep supporters, party members, and the general public informed about the party's stance on critical issues, its participation in debates and discussions, and its efforts to bring about positive change in Andhra Pradesh.
The TDP's position on central government policies, such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and demonetization, has been influenced by their commitment to safeguarding the interests of Andhra Pradesh and its people. While supporting the broader objectives of these policies, the TDP has consistently raised concerns regarding their implementation and impact on the state's economy and welfare. The TDP MLAs actively engage in legislative discussions and advocate for the state's development and equitable distribution of resources. Moreover, the TDP, under the leadership of N Chandrababu Naidu, has made significant Top TDP Contributions to Andhra Pradesh through visionary leadership, infrastructure development, welfare schemes, and industrial growth. As the TDP continues its commitment to the welfare and development of Andhra Pradesh, it remains an influential political force in the state. By actively participating in legislative sessions and raising the concerns and aspirations of the people they represent, the TDP strives to ensure that the state's interests are well-represented and addressed at the central level.
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digitalsevaportal · 1 year
The Intersection of Loan Business, Banking, Fintech, and the Digital Seva Portal
Introduction: Traditional banking models have evolved, embracing digital technologies and innovative solutions to meet the ever-growing demands of customers. The symbiotic relationship between the loan business, banking business, fintech sector, and the Digital Seva Portal, highlighting their impact on financial services and the opportunities they present.
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Loan Business: The Loan Business has been an essential part of the financial sector for centuries. Loan DSA enable individuals and businesses to access funds for various purposes, such as starting a new business, purchasing a home, or investing in education. In recent years, the loan industry has witnessed significant transformations due to advancements in technology and changes in customer expectations. Online lending platforms and alternative financing options have emerged, providing borrowers with quicker and more accessible loan products.
Banking Business: Banks have long been the primary source of banking business, offering a range of products like savings accounts, loans, and investment opportunities. However, the rise of digital banking has revolutionized the industry. Today, customers can access their accounts, make transactions, and even apply for loans from the convenience of their smartphones. Digital banking has enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and expanded financial inclusion by reaching previously underserved populations.
Fintech Financial Business: Fintech, short for financial technology, refers to the use of technology to improve and automate fintech business . Fintech companies have disrupted traditional banking by introducing innovative solutions that enhance convenience, speed, and efficiency. These include mobile payment apps, robo-advisors, blockchain-based platforms, and peer-to-peer lending. fintech financial business has democratized finance, empowering individuals and small businesses to access financial services with greater ease and flexibility.
The Digital Seva Portal: The Digitalsevaportal is an initiative by the Indian government to provide citizens with a range of government and financial services through a single platform. It aims to bridge the digital divide by offering access to services like banking, insurance, utility payments, and more, particularly in rural and underserved areas. The portal leverages technology to connect citizens with various government schemes and facilitates transactions in a secure and convenient manner.
The Synergy and Opportunities: The convergence of the loan business, banking industry, fintech sector, and the Digital Seva Portal presents numerous opportunities for both businesses and consumers. The integration of digital platforms and technologies enables faster loan processing, improved risk assessment, and personalized loan offerings. Fintech companies partnering with banks can leverage their technological expertise to enhance the banking experience and expand their customer base. The Digital Seva Portal brings government services and financial products closer to individuals, fostering financial inclusion and empowering citizens to take advantage of various schemes and opportunities.
Conclusion: The loan business, banking industry, fintech sector, and the Digital Seva Portal are all integral components of the evolving financial landscape. Together, they are transforming how individuals and businesses access financial services, driving innovation, and promoting financial inclusion. As technology continues to advance, the opportunities for collaboration and synergies between these sectors will only increase, providing more convenience and value to customers while driving economic growth and development.
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tomorrowedblog · 2 years
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Friday Releases for October 14
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for October 14 include Raymond & Ray, Rosaline, Decision To Leave, and more.
Raymond & Ray
Raymond & Ray, the new movie from Rodrigo García, is out today.
Half brothers Raymond and Ray reunite when their estranged father dies—and discover that his final wish was for them to dig his grave. Together, they process who they’ve become as men, both because of their father and in spite of him.
Rosaline, the new movie from Karen Maine, is out today.
“Rosaline” is a fresh and comedic twist on Shakespeare’s classic love story “Romeo & Juliet,” told from the perspective of Juliet’s cousin Rosaline (Kaitlyn Dever), who also happens to be Romeo’s recent love interest. Heartbroken when Romeo (Kyle Allen) meets Juliet (Isabela Merced) and begins to pursue her, Rosaline schemes to foil the famous romance and win back her guy.
Decision To Leave
Decision To Leave, the new movie from Park Chan-wook, is out today.
A detective falls for a mysterious widow after she becomes the prime suspect in his latest murder investigation.
Halloween Ends
Halloween Ends, the new movie from David Gordon Green, is out today.
Four years after the events of last year’s Halloween Kills, Laurie is living with her granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak) and is finishing writing her memoir. Michael Myers hasn’t been seen since. Laurie, after allowing the specter of Michael to determine and drive her reality for decades, has decided to liberate herself from fear and rage and embrace life. But when a young man, Corey Cunningham (Rohan Campbell), is accused of killing a boy he was babysitting, it ignites a cascade of violence and terror that will force Laurie to finally confront the evil she can’t control, once and for all.
The Curse of Bridge Hollow
The Curse of Bridge Hollow, the new movie from Jeff Wadlow, is out today.
A father (Marlon Wayans) and his teenage daughter (Priah Ferguson) are forced to team up and save their town after an ancient and mischievous spirit causes Halloween decorations to come to life and wreak havoc.
Stars At Noon
Stars At Noon, the new movie from Claire Denis, is out today.
A young American journalist (Margaret Qualley) stranded in present-day Nicaragua falls for an enigmatic Englishman (Joe Alwyn) who seems like her best chance of escape. She soon realizes, though, that he may be in even greater danger than she is.
Piggy, the new movie from Carlota Pereda, is out today.
During the sweltering summertime of rural Spain, Sara carries an extra load of teenage agony due to the perpetual bullying from her peers. She’s also an outsider at home—her parents and little brother just don’t understand her—so, feelings internalized, she’s often found buried in her headphones, drowning out her surroundings. One day, Sara’s usual solo dip at the local pool is disrupted by the presence of a mysterious stranger in the water and an exceptionally grueling bout of abuse at the hands of three girls. But, in a strange twist of fate, along the way home Sara witnesses her bloodied tormentors being kidnapped in the back of the stranger’s van.
The Loneliest Boy In The World
The Loneliest Boy In The World, the new movie from Martin Owen, is out today.
A modern fairytale—but with zombies. When the sheltered and unsocialized Oliver (Max Harwood) is tasked with making new friends after the sudden and devastating death of his mother, he decides that digging a few up (literally) might be his best bet. However, when he awakens the morning after his excavating escapades, he discovers that his newly acquired friends have mysteriously come to life overnight, launching them all into a series of misadventures as they try to keep their secret safe from neighbors, bullies, and social workers alike.
Shantaram, the new TV series from Eric Warren Singer and Steve Lightfoot, is out today.
Escaped convict Lin Ford (Charlie Hunnam) flees to the teeming streets of 1980s Bombay, looking to disappear. Working as a medic for the city’s poor and neglected, Lin finds unexpected love, connection, and courage on the long road to redemption.
Holy Family
Holy Family, the new TV series from Manolo Caro, is out today.
A family hiding a shocking secret starts over in Madrid, where new relationships complicate their plans and the past begins to catch up with them.
Scorn, the new game from Ebb Software and Kepler Interactive, is out today.
Scorn is an atmospheric first-person horror adventure game set in a nightmarish universe of odd forms and somber tapestry.
Venice 2089
Venice 2089, the new game from Safe Place Studio, is out today.
The city of Venice, once a significant tourism destination but now almost uninhabited, is struggling with the unpredictable behaviour of tides. Some of the most important monuments are being taken away, among the complaints of the citizens, and the lower part of the city becomes inaccessible more often than not. In Venice 2089, you'll explore the city through the eyes of Nova, a bored teenager who has no clue about what to do in life and just wants to relax from the stress of their usual routine. Yet tides change for everyone without exception...
It’s Only Me
It’s Only Me, the new album from Lil Baby, is out today.
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tonkivelo · 2 years
Battletech urban warfare story
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#Battletech urban warfare story Ps4#
If you have the season pass, this comes as part of it. Urban Warfare will launch on the 4th of June, selling on Steam and Paradox Plaza. Bringing in whole new tactical elements, even more of a height factor when skyscrapers are considered and new missions and flashpoints should expand the game greatly.
New Encounter - Attack and Defend is a challenging new mission type where your mercenaries must destroy an enemy’s base to stop a steady stream of attackers before they can overcome your forces and knock out your employer’s base.īATTLETECH: Urban Warfare should certainly make for a nice addition to the game, particularly thanks to the move from the rural environments.
#Battletech urban warfare story Ps4#
for PS4 / PS3 Wireless Controller, Analog Stick 9. The story follows a MechWarrior, a pilot of. 7 products - 30000 Battle Beaver Phillips 00 x 50 Screwdriver. In the game, the player takes the role of a commander of a mech lance and leads their robotic troops through different combat scenarios. Three New Enemy Vehicles - The Tank sports a variety of weapons to fight at all ranges with speed and agility, the Packrat is a battlefield support vehicle equipped with a prototype version of ECM, and the Rotunda is a reconnaissance vehicle equipped with a prototype version of Active Probe. Urban Warfare is a expansion pack to the turn-based strategy game BattleTech, developed by Harebrained Schemes and published by Paradox Interactive.New Flashpoints - A wide variety of new branching short stories that link together mercenary missions, crew conversations, special events, critical choices, and rare bonus rewards. City combat is center stage in this expansion, introducing new street features including blocked lines of sight, collateral damage rules, and all sorts of.The Javelin is a compromise between speed and firepower, with close-range knockout power. Two New BattleMechs - The experimental Raven 1X sports an advanced electronic warfare package combining ECM and Active Probe systems into a lightweight component.Its optional storyline, narrated via a breadcrumbs trail of storyline. Meanwhile, ‘Mechs equipped with Active Probe can reveal, locate, and target enemy units that would otherwise be hidden. The game is (mostly) set around the year 3025, near the end the Third Succession War. ‘Mechs equipped with Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) and nearby friendly units are obscured from enemy targeting systems, and immune to indirect fire. Electronic Warfare - The return of these lost technologies will forever change the 31st century battlefield.Abandoned explosive fuel trucks, destroyed coolant exchanger buildings, and broken electrical transformers that disrupt targeting will drastically change the battle as you go. Every building in the new urban biome is fully destructible, so you’re never more than a few salvos away from a new line of sight, or the defensive cover of high-rise rubble. Urban Warfare - Street brawls introduce new tactical gameplay challenges as ‘Mech combat moves from wide-open natural landscapes to vast urban sprawls.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Vintage Shows to Watch While You Wait for the Next Episode of WandaVision - The 60s
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So the 60s is the era that Wandavision pulls most heavily from for it’s inspiration. So much so that one could make the argument that each of the first three episodes are all set in the 1960s. Episode one pulls from the early 60s with multiple Dick Van Dyke refences, episode two is very Bewitched inspired, and episode three is aesthetically very similar to The Brady Bunch which started in ‘69. As such it was hard to narrow down the list for this decade and I had to get creative in some ways. 
1. The Andy Griffith Show (1960 - 1968)
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The Andy Griffith Show gets kind of a bad rap now a days for being, supposedly, a conservative’s wet dream. People claiming it as such have apparently never actually seen the series. Oh yes, it’s very much set in white rural 60s America and will occasionally present the obliviously outdated joke, but the story of a widowed sheriff being the only sane man in a small town full of lovable lunatics, who prefers to solve his and others problems with negotiation and hair brained schemes as opposed to violence has far more in common with modern day Steven Universe than whatever genocidal fantasy fake rednecks have in their heads.  
As the gif above shows Andy Griffith was very subtlety progressive for its time. Andy was a stanch pacifist, pro-gun control, treated drug addicts and prisoners with respect, and all the women he would date had careers, ect. and so on. It’s not a satire making any sort of grand political statements but the series had a moral center that was far more left than many realize. 
But if it’s not a satire, then what type of comedy is it? 
The Andy Griffith Show excels in what I like to call, ‘awkward comedy’. See everyone in Mayberry is far too nice to just come out and tell a character they’re making an ass of themselves, so therefore whoever is the idiot punching bag of the episode’s focus must slowly unravel as everyone looks on in helpless pity until said character realizes the folly of their ways and the townsfolk come together to make them feel happy and accepted once more. Wandavision takes this polite idyllic awkwardness and plays it up for horror instead of laughs.  
2. The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961 - 1966)
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The creators of Wandavision actually met with Dick Van Dyke himself to pick his brain and learn how sitcoms were made back then. Paul Bentley also took inspiration from Van Dyke in his performance of the sitcom version of Vision, while Olsen stated Mary Tylor Moore had a heavy influence on her character of Wanda. But more than just being a point of homage, The Dick Van Dyke Show was hugely influential in modernizing the family sitcom and breaking a lot of the unspoken traditions and ‘rules’ of the 50s television era. It’s also just really, really funny.  
3.The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962 - 1965) 
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Bit of a cheat here. Alfred Hitchcock Presents actually started in 1955 as a half hour anthology show, but in ‘62 the show got a revamp and was extended into a full hour tv series. I knew I wanted The Twilight Zone to be covered in my episode one recap, but ‘The Master of Suspense’ couldn’t be forgotten. While The Twilight Zone reveled in the surreal and supernatural, Alfred Hitchcock pioneered the thriller genre and made real life seem dangerous, horrifying, and other worldly.   
4. Doctor Who (1963 - present day) vs Star Trek (1966 - present day) 
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Just like how westerns dominated the air waves during the 50s, science fiction was the center of the cultural zeitgeist of the 60s. From Lost in Space to My Favorite Martian, space aliens and robots were everywhere. So naturally I had to name drop the two sci-fi juggernauts that still air to this today. If you thought that the rivalry between Star Wars and Star Trek was bad then you’ve never seen a chat full of Whovians and Trekkies duking it out over who is the better monster, the Borg or the Cyberman. But which one has the more influence over Wandavision?
Well Star Trek owes it’s existence to sitcoms. As with The Twilight Zone before it, Star Trek was produced by Desilu Productions and it’s co-founder and CEO, Lucille Ball, was the series biggest supporter behind the scenes, lobbying for it when it faced early cancelation. As with all things sitcomy, everything ties back to I Love Lucy in the end. However despite that little backstory, it would seem that the series has very little to do with Wandavision itself beyond being quintessentially American. 
I would argue that Wandavision owes much to Doctor Who though. Arguably more so than any show mentioned in this retrospective. Time travel, alternate realities, trouble in quite suburbia, brainwashing, people coming back from the dead, ect... just about every trope you can find in Wandavision has also appeared in Doctor Who at some point. As a series that can go anywhere and do anything, Doctor Who was a pioneer of marrying genres in new and interesting ways. 
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5. Bewitched (1964 - 1972) and I Dream of Jeannie (1965 - 1970)
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It’s hard to pick one series over another because they’re essentially the same show. A mortal man falls in love with a magical girl who upends their lives with magic filled hijinks as they try their best not to have their secret discovered by the rest of the world. And both have their fingerprints all over the DNA of Wandavision. 
There’s only two core differences; Samantha and Jeannie have completely different personalities, with Sam being confident and knowledgeable and Jeannie being naïve and oblivious, along with their relationships with their respective men, Sam and Darrin being married and in love at the start of the series and Jeannie chasing after Tony in the beginning in a will they/won’t they affair, finally only getting together in the last season. 
6. The Munsters (1964 - 1966) vs The Adams Family (1964 - 1966)
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Fans of these two shows are forever sadden that there never was a crossover between them. Because they’d fit perfectly together. Both shows are about a surreal and macabre family living in American suburbia and disrupting the lives of their neighbors with their otherworldly hijinks. Sound familiar?     
The main difference between the two shows is the way the characters viewed their placement in the world they inhabit. 
The Munsters were always oblivious to the fact that didn’t fit in. They just automatically assumed everyone had the same personal tastes as them. Whenever they encountered anyone who behaved strangely around them they would write that person off as being the odd one rather than questioning themselves. As such the main cast was structured like a stereotypical sitcom family who just happened to be classic movie monsters. 
The Addams were well aware that they were abnormal and they loved it! They lived life with in their own little world and didn’t care what anyone thought of them. As such the characters were far more colorful and quirky as individuals but there was little in the way of refences to other horror franchises beyond just a general love of the twisted and strange. 
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7. Green Acres (1965 - 1971) and the Rual-verse (1962 - 1971)
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So the MCU is not the first franchise to bring viewers an interconnected universe to the small screen. Far from it, as sitcoms had been doing this for decades, starting with the ‘rualverse’. Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, and Green Acres were all produced by the same company and were treated as spinoffs of each other, complete with crossovers and shared characters and sets. 
Of the three, the last show, Green Acres, has the most in common with Wandavision. A well to do businessman and his lovely socialite wife settle down in small town America on a farm in order to get away from the stresses of city life, only to find new stresses in the country. Eva Gabor, herself a natural Hungarian, plays the character of Lisa as Hungarian making her one of the few non-native born Americans on tv screens during the cold war. Despite her posh nature and original protests to the move, Lisa assimilates to the rural life far easier than her husband, Oliver. Who, as the main comedic thread, can’t comprehend his new quirky neighbors’ odd and often illogical behavior.  
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8. Hogan’s Heroes (1965 - 1971) and Get Smart (1965 - 1969)
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So as comic fans have been quick to point out, it’s looking like both A.I.M. (Hydra) and Sword (Shield) will be players in the story of Wandavision. To commemorate that here’s two shows to represent those opposing sides. Although in truth, neither series has anything else in common with each other but I need to condense things down someway. 
In Hydra’s corner we got Hogan’s Heroes. A show all about taking down Nazis from within. 
I love, love, love, ‘robin hood’ comedies where a group of con artists try week after to week to pull one over the establishment. The Phil Silvers Show, Mchale's Navy, and Top Cat, just to name a few examples are all childhood favorites of mine. However while those shows had a lot of morally ambiguous characters, Hogan’s Heroes has very clear cut good guys and bad guys, cause the bad guys are Nazis and the show relentless makes fun of the third reich as should we all. In fact I was watching Hogan’s Heroes while waiting for the GA run off election results. Fortunately my home state decided to kick out our own brand of Nazis this year. 
For Shield, we got the ultimate spy spoof, Get Smart. Starring, Inspector Gadget himself, Don Adams, as the bumbling Maxwell Smart. Get Smart, is a hilarious send up of Cold War espionage but the real selling point of the show, imho, is Max and his co-worker 99′s relationship. You can cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife all while laughing your ass off. 
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9. Batman (1966 - 1968)
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First was Superman and then came Batman. Yet while Superman was a serious action show, Batman was a straight up comedy. Showcasing that superheroes could indeed be funny. 
Also shout out for Batman being the only show on this list to have an actual crossover with it’s competitor, The Green Hornet. 
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10. Julia (1968 - 1971)
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Since episode two features the first appearances of Herb and Monica, let’s highlight the first black led sitcom since the cancelation of Amos ‘n Andy over a decade earlier. The show focuses on single mother and military nurse, Julia, as she tries to live her life without her recently decease husband, who was killed in Vietnam, as she tries to raise their six year old son on her own.  
The series is cute. It’s more of a throw back to earlier family sitcoms where there’s no fantasy and life lessons are the name of the game. It’s the fact that the main character is a single black woman is what made the show so subversive and important at the time. 
Runner Ups
There’s much good stuff in the 60s, so here’s some others that didn’t make the cut but I would recommend anyways. 
Car 54, Where Are You? (1961 - 1963)
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I call this the Brooklynn 99 of the 1960s. Bumbling but well meaning Officer Toody longs to do good in the world and help anyone in need, but often screws things up with his ill thought out schemes. He often drags his best friend and partner, the competent but anxiety riddled, Muldoon into his escapades. 
Mr. Ed (1961 - 1966)
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The grandfather of the sarcastic talking pet trope. 
The Jetsons (1962 - 1963 and 1985 - 1987)
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Hanna-Barbera often took popular sitcoms and just repackaged them as cartoons with a fantasy theme to them. The Jetsons has no singular show that it rips-off but is rather more a grab bag of sitcom tropes that feature, robots, computers, and flying cars. 
The Outer Limits (1963 - 1965) 
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The Outer Limits was The Twilight Zone’s biggest competitor in terms of being a sic-fi/horror anthology series. 
Gillian’s Island (1964 - 1967) 
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The only comparison to WandaVision I could think of was that this is a sitcom about people being trapped in one place. But by that point I was running out of room on the list. Still it’s one of the funniest shows on here. 
So yeah, this took longer than expected cause there’s a lot, here. Hopefully the 70s will be easier. Which I’ll post on Friday. 
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish and Briny Waters (two)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Settling into your new house Part 1 Masterlist Part 3
Tags: +17 | 1.7k words | just really fucking domestic stuff, one (1) bad attitude, presumptuous behavior, unprotected morning sex, more remodeling.
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AN: I kind of know where I'm going with this. The conflict will be subtle at first but it's there I promise.
The first day goes by fast and for Ralph meeting every single person on staff in this prestigious school was like trying cheeses and wines in a vineyard– fun at first but you get a stomach ache because somebody forgot to tell you not to swallow and there are just so many of them each more rich than the last. By the time he crosses the threshold to his new home, he's exhausted and annoyed. 
"I told you not to unpack without me." 
You look at him from the kitchen and shrug. "I needed stuff, baby. I already wrote a list of things to work on in this 'bare bones' house you put us up in and I was bored." 
You don't care for his attitude but offer him the covered plate anyways. "I saved you some dinner." 
All at once, Ralphie's anger melted from his face. He shuffled his tired feet across the still empty living room and pulled you into his side. The plate was warm (still warm or recently warmed up, he couldn't tell) and his stomach growled. 
"M sorry," he said, "I don't mean to be an asshole." 
You smile your forgiveness. "Long day?" 
"Yes," he hisses. "I already can't wait for the weekend." 
You chuckle. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. Give it a chance, baby!" 
"As you wish." 
After eating, Ralph is right to sleep despite his insistence you finish packing together tonight. A part of you thinks it's the climate here– fresh sea salt air and less artificial light to disrupt the body's natural sleep patterns. You took off his shoes and empty his pockets because he was just 'resting his eyes for a moment,' then slid in right next to him. He's fine without a blanket, but you pull the back of the quilt over your rear and curl into his side. Sleep comes easier tonight than last night and you dream of wallpaper and wood smoke cologne. 
The rest of the week gets easier for the both of you. You arrived on Monday and unpack the bigger furniture together by Wednesday with the help of some locals. Ralph is getting to study the lesson plan for Ms. Lewis' math class and establishing a gentle authority with his temporary students. He is still excited for the weekend, intent to help you figure out what to do with the walls of the house. 
"Has anybody come to see you at the house yet?," he asks you Thursday night. 
You pause dicing onions to think. "Besides the neighbors to the north and those Vayle boys? No." 
Ralphie raises his eyebrows and drops them, an involuntary gesture made more for himself than you. 
You put a hand on your hip. "Why?" 
Ralphie waves you off and continues mixing the meat with the spices. "Nothing. It's just everybody and their fucking moms has been asking me about you." 
"What?" This was news to you. "Why?" 
"Because they're nosy," he replies, "asking me about my whole life story and I let slip I had a wife and then they just wouldn't shut up about it." 
You swat his shoulder. "Well don't sound so depressed about it. Do you not like having a wife?" 
"No!" Ralph huffs and turns to look at you as he says, "I just hate that every single one of them bugs me about a million personal things and then I mention you and it's the only thing they can talk about now." 
Ralph turns back to stirring the pan and grumbles to himself, "might tell them to fuck off and just hoard you forever…" 
It clicks in your head at least a bit. Ralph's a born and bred city kid. In the city nobody cares who you are, what you like, or where you're from. Strangers don't want to be anything more than strangers. Their eternal social motto is 'don't waste my time' and anyone who acts differently is probably scheming something. 
You chuckle and rest your chin on his shoulder. "You're forgetting these are a different breed of people. Rich and educated socialites more over but suburban, maybe even rural. We're probably the first new thing to happen to them in decades, and communities like this don't have a 'mind your business and I'll mind mine' attitude." 
Ralphie flicks you a look but you know he knows you're right. It doesn't mean he has to like it but at least he understands it's not malicious, at least not inherently. It's out of his element, a little out of yours too, but you'll have to adapt and play by their rules if you want to stay here for a while. 
The dining room table can seat six, but your Ralphie takes a seat right next to you at a corner so he can hold your hand while you eat. Homemade tacos ease your apprehensions a bit and you go over the remodeling plans with him until midnight. Getting ready to sleep, you wear your thinnest shift and wrap around him like an octopus, your warm core brushing over his barely clothed manhood in temptation. 
Ralphie hums, tucking a stray hair back into your bonnet. "We need to get up early tomorrow." 
It's a weak protest. The two of you keep rocking into each other and sighing at the feeling of friction but eventually fall asleep despite the delightful buzz of sexual energy surrounding you. You do wake up when Ralph flips you under him and sucks a few marks into your neck.
You spread your legs to accommodate his breadth, feeling him settle deliciously and glancing at the bedside clock. It's barely 5 o' clock and the sun is rising. You gasp as you feel Ralphie's cock slide into you and he's met with little resistance. You two have sex for the first time since you moved and it's been so long that the affair is short lived. 
Ralph already has an apology on his lips but you shush him and come a moment later with your fingers brushing your clit in tandem. He peppers you with a dozen more kisses as silent promises to make it up to you. 
You shower together, barely bumping elbows as this bathroom is way bigger than your New York City apartment ever was. You chat idly about the weekend and the town and when you're ready to leave, you grab the manila folder where you store the plans for the remodel. You've even got samples from the wallpaper, only taking the ones you like and want to replace. 
"I know we probably won't find exact replicas but I want to at least find something similar." 
Ralph squeezes your thigh. "Ok, ok. We'll try." 
While this town doesn't have a McDonald's (the town over does and it's fancy for some reason), it does have a Home Depot (also pretty fancy). You know you'll need wood and screws and glass panes to finish that solar room but that's not the goal for today. 
Ralph skips right over the green paint swatch section to the creams. He's rambling about paint brand pros and cons, he did his research on the way in since you were driving and he brought the book from the school library. You follow and half listen. 
Ralph finally catches on to your soft smile. You glance around to make sure no one is in earshot because god forbid these gossipers over hear your conversation right now. 
"I guess I got you pretty excited last night, huh," you say with a sense of pride. Ralph feels the opposite about his performance this morning. 
"I just… I think it's just been a while." He occupies his hands by grabbing every single free swatch sample on the shelf and says, "I promise I will make it up to you." 
You roll your eyes in a not unkind way. "It's fine, babe, really. I uh… it feels kind of good to know I still have that kind of effect on you…" 
Ralphie sports a smile of his own and puts you under his arm. "Of course you do, sugar." 
He leans down to plant a kiss on your lips when you're interrupted by a bright voice. It's so startling that your husband bounces away from you. He stares wide eyed at the woman who interrupted you and he gets that dark look in his eye that only you can see. 
"Jesus, Julie," he tries his best not to growl her name. "This is Julie, she's a teacher at the school. Julie this… is… my wife." 
Julie makes a noise like a whistle. "Oh my god you are so much more beautiful than I imagined! Ralph doesn't have a picture of you in his office!" 
"It's on my desk," he huffs, "it's the one turned towards me." 
"And why would you do that?" 
"...so I can look at it while I work…?" 
Julie's… a little too hands on for just meeting you. You're too reserved to say something about it so you sling a loose arm around her back and hope Ralph doesn't say something for you. 
"Hi Julie, it's nice to finally meet you," you tell her. "Ralph's been slowly but surely introducing me to the concept of his coworkers." 
"I can't believe we haven't met before now! Ralph keeping you all to himself, me and the other teachers are just so curious about you," she coos. It feels almost put on, like overindulging in sweet to play up her first impression. You let it slide though, maybe it's just your city lens. 
"Well, uh, once we've got the house fixed up a bit, we can plan a housewarming party," you suggest. "But not a day before and you may quote me on that, miss!" 
Julie laughed and gave you her phone number 'in case you need anything at all.' Ralph breathed easy once she finally left and you tug his ear gently. "She's veeerry friendly." 
Ralphie shoots you a glare like you'd made a joke he didn't find funny and you go back to debating the paint to use for your walls eagerly.
@escape-your-grape @hoodoo12 @softbeej @go-commander-kim @beetlesstuff @imma-fucking-nerd​ @werwulfy​
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timac-extraversal · 3 years
Big Dumb Legitimacy, Part I
(TIMAC #004, ~2,300 words, 10 minutes)
Summary: When the mythic basis for a country's government is disputed, the government should consider justifying itself by successfully delivering practical, easy-to-measure projects instead.
Epistemic Status: Political speculation.
In early 2019, I discussed the appeal of Trump's Wall.
Previous government programs were seen as ineffective, it's difficult for voters to tell if a program is working, and congress could always quietly defund or nerf a program when voters aren't paying attention. (Lobbyists for companies that employ unauthorized migrants might also have something to say to the senators about any immigration control program that works.) If you think that illegal immigrants coming over the southern border are driving down wages, and you don't trust the government, the appeal of the wall is obvious:
It's a big dumb object.
You know exactly what it is. You know it can be done. And you can easily tell if the government followed through. Even if you don't trust the newspapers, or the President, you can simply drive down to the Texas border and check if it's physically there.
Many on the left (and among the liberals) abhor the idea of Trump's wall, but with the Trump era coming to an end (for now), some are now starting to admit what was once more of a right-contrarian viewpoint - America's institutions have spent down some of their social capital. People just don't trust them as much.
And that's why the big dumb object may be an echo of things to come.
Latino Voters
In Texas, Trump made big gains in 18 counties where Latinos made up at least 80% of the population. A state Democratic party official said Latinos were worried about threats to the fracking industry, a major local employer, and that Republicans were also helped by 'a network of Border Patrol agents, families and unions.' [1☆] That Latinos are in the Border Patrol shouldn't come as a surprise. Latinos climbed from 7.8 to 12.5% of the country's police forces between 1997 and 2016. Previous efforts at integration were in part driven by policing as well-compensated, blue collar work. [2☆]
Latino voters might be more interested in practical issues than abstract ones. Are they productively employed? Are the places they live safe and secure? Philosophical debate and moral posturing can last all day, and with social media, well into the night. But at some point, someone actually has to get out of a truck and pour asphalt if we want to fix the potholes.
At least one hispanic man was not amused with last year's rioting and, infamously, showed up with a chainsaw and shouted for protesters to go home - and that wasn't the meanest thing he had to say. [3☆]
Spiritual Legitimacy
...and practical issues may be for the best.
To pile up recent heated rhetoric, it would be difficult for a "white supremacist" government of a country "built on stolen land" "by the hands of slaves," founded in slavery 1619 (rather than, more famously, in freedom in 1776), to legitimize itself on intergenerational moral grounds. We would need to repair or replace its legitimizing myth.
Countries are social phenomena, not just physical ones. A country is an idea, not just a place or a people. [4] The narrative of what makes a country legitimate is the story that binds the population together towards a shared project, and convinces the people to accept what, due to the limits of information, must necessarily be the rule of a small number of individuals. A country without a legitimizing myth is vulnerable, and from multiple directions at once.
The state is a shape in the minds of the population, and in a high-energy society its boundaries are maintained by the invisible threat of force. If a police precinct building is set on fire where everyone can see, rival rioters might get the idea that they can just bust open a few windows and pay a visit to the national Capitol building, perhaps smiling as they carry off the speakers' podium or live-blog from the offices of congressional representatives. [5]
There is no such thing as a safe riot. The entire point of a riot is that law enforcement is unable to control the situation. There especially isn't such a thing as a safe riot in the national Capitol building, where rioters might make contact with the nation's lawmakers (who carry much of government's sins), and where, for that reason, security personnel may be even more jumpy than usual. It's the sort of thing that might spark the fires of revolution, either in showing the weakness of the central government, or in retaliation for a massacre.
January 6 was bad, but it could have gone much, much worse.
A spiritual struggle for the soul of the nation is certainly exciting. We might imagine it gets excellent television ratings, social media engagement scores, and clicks. In fact, CNN declined from 2.5 million primetime viewers during what we might call the 'President Trump season finale' to 1.6 million primetime viewers after Biden took office. [6☆] Michael Bloomberg's failed candidacy suggests that you can't buy the kind of entertainment provided by pro-wrestling's now most legendary and infamous heel.
...so it might be better to focus on a form of legitimacy that can be achieved more easily, with something more concrete, like bulldozers.
This does not mean we need to 'abandon' suffering minorities or struggling rural residents 'to their fate.'
Streets Before Trust
On the last day of 2020, Alon Levy of Pedestrian Observations posted Streets Before Trust. Alon notes that in a "trust before streets" approach, the focus is on getting community buy-in before starting a project. Often the idea is to avoid disrupting low-income or minority neighborhoods. However, Alon writes that,
The reality of low-trust politics is about the opposite of what educated Americans think it is. It is incredibly concrete. Abstract ideas like social justice, rights, democracy, and free speech do not exist in that reality, to the point that authoritarian populists have exploited low-trust societies like those of Eastern Europe to produce democratic backsliding.
His theory is that the state proves to people that it can provide tangible goods by successfully providing tangible goods. However, he writes,
Such provisions of tangible goods cannot happen in a trust before streets environment. This works when the state takes action, and endless public meetings in which every objection must be taken seriously are the death of the state. ... Low trust is downstream of low state capacity. Build the streets and trust will follow.
On January 6th, Matt Yglesias expanded the concept and provided more examples. [7☆]
The correct way to respond to a low-trust environment is not to double down on proceduralism, but to commit yourself to the “it does exactly what it says on the tin” principle and implement policies that have the following characteristics:
◆ It’s easy for everyone, whether they agree with you or disagree with you, to understand what it is you say you are doing.
◆ It’s easy for everyone to see whether or not you are, in fact, doing what you said you would do.
◆ It’s easy for you and your team to meet the goal of doing the thing that you said you would do.
That’s not a guarantee of political or policy success. Maybe you will pick terrible ideas and be a huge failure anyway. But this triad for success under conditions of distrust at least creates the possibility of success, where people will look back and decide that what you did worked. Committing yourself to that triad may involve some waste and inefficiency relative to a more theoretically optimal scheme with more means-testing.
There's been a running joke among some parts of right-contrarian twitter that Matt Yglesias is a secret reactionary. After a passage like that, we might joke that he's secretly a Rationalist. (He isn't either, of course.) [8]
Who Do You Trust?
Alon writes,
Low trust in many cases exists because people perceive the state to be hostile to their interests,
Right now, many Americans, both left and right, don't trust the state. Even a writer from Sri Lanka wrote that America is in a collapse - and that collapse isn't a single moment, but a low-level hum punctuated by violence that's in the background unless it happens to you. [9☆]
Many liberals will blame this on Trump. From their perspective, the logical thing to do to restore trust is to criticize Trump. The thinking goes something like this: if Trump is discredited, it follows that all his criticisms of other institutions are discredited - and if those criticisms are discredited, you should trust those institutions as much as you did back in, say, 2013.
This will not work. First, the doubt is not solely caused by Trump. Second, if right-wingers trusted the institutions (such as newspapers) needed to make the criticism of Trump, they would not have voted for Trump a second time. (Trump received about 11 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. [10☆]) Their trust in these institutions seemed to erode after 2015, [11☆] accelerating in 2020, culminating in the spectacular fireball of the Trump election fraud allegations and the 2021 MAGA Capitol Riot.
For the left and liberal people, a rising 'consciousness of racial injustice' leads them to question (and distrust) every Western institution. "Will this program benefit People of Color?" Historically, there have been some serious questions about that. [12] If the program is complex or difficult to measure, it will allow those suspicions to sneak in, or even dominate: could the criteria, even if they look reasonable, have been chosen by a racist? What if it's subconscious racism ("implicit bias")? Some institution might tell us the program isn't racist, but what if that institution is itself racist, or unwittingly working from racist data? Etc.
Each of these worldviews has layers of memetic defenses - complex procedures to handle opposing arguments. Each also has a network of paid actors that perpetuate them. The New York Times cannot criticize a MAGA into trusting the New York Times. A self-identified progressive is unlikely to be convinced that a MAGA's criticism of 'racial justice' rhetoric isn't motivated by 'a desire to protect white privilege'. [13] And contemporary political constellations [14] can fabricate entire scandals that would take months for a normal person to fully disprove.
You can't go through it. That's too expensive. You have to go around it.
[1☆] How Latino support for Trump grew in Texas borderlands Los Angeles Times, (2020/11)
[2☆] Latino officers are helping diversify police. Can they help reform the ranks? NBC News, (2020/05)
[3☆] McAllen man who waved chainsaw at protesters charged with assault KRQE, (2020/05)
[4] A country is also a people, not just a proposition, as well as a process and a place. But that's an essay for another time.
[5] Perhaps fittingly given the Florida Man genre of news stories, the man carrying off Nancy Pelosi's lecturn was from Florida. But unlike the more whimsical examples of the Florida Man genre, which might see an alligator thrown a drive-through window, people did die during the 2021 MAGA Capitol Riot, including one of the white women who entered the Capitol building. There were even early reports that a police officer was mortally wounded after being hit with a fire extinguisher, though this may not have been accurate.
[6☆] CNN viewership plummeted after Trump left office New York Post, 2021/03
[7☆] Making policy for a low-trust world Matt Yglesias, Slow Boring, (2021/01)
[8] In both cases, he's just integrating information from outside the current consensus and presenting the resulting outputs from adding it to his considerations politely. This creates a sensation of coherent but novel depth under the surface, in the same sense that Japan is an entire culture with its own sets of unspoken cultural assumptions, providing more novelty to manga and anime for Western readers.
[9☆] I Lived Through Collapse. America Is Already There. Indi Samarajiva, (2020/09)
One day, I was at work when someone left a bomb at the NOLIMIT clothing store. It exploded, killing 17 people. When these types of traumatic events take place, no two people experience the same thing. For me, it was seeing the phone lines getting clogged for an hour. For my wife, it was feeling the explosion a half-kilometer from her house. But for the families of the 17 victims, this was the end. And their grief goes on.
As you can see, this is not a uniform experience of chaos. For some people it destroys their bodies, others their hearts, but for most people it’s just a low-level hum at the back of their minds.
[10☆] An Australian news piece from Nov 5 reports Trump had about 63 million votes in 2016. A later USA Today piece reports a final total of about 74 million for 2020.
[11☆] This is my personal judgment, but tracks a Gallup Poll that ends in 2019. Trust in government remains near historic lows (2019).
[12] From a right-wing perspective, if we consider some norms, beliefs, values, or expectations a form of "social technology," there are even more questions.
From a left-wing perspective, during the Obama Administration, I remember one writer suggesting that Black Lives Matter wanted to convince politicians to want to help black folks rather than agreeing to a specific policy, because they didn't trust the details of policy (which could easily hide implementation details that disadvantage black people).
[13] If members of the white working class seem suspicious of this antiracist explanation, however, it might have something to do with white privilege theory lowering white liberals' sympathy for poor white people.
[14] Networks of interrelated organizations and actors acting semi-independently in a way which, due to conditions, gives the appearance of coordination. No one is specifically 'in charge,' and many actions take place in the open.
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Weekend Edition: Contemporary Indian Fiction
Today is the first day of Diwali, or Deepavali, the Indian festival of lights. Although, traditionally a Hindu holiday, it is celebrated widely across India and the rest of the world. It lasts five days, during which time people clean their homes, decorate with clay lamps, create designs on the floor using colored sand and powder called rangoli, and visit with friends and family. 
To kick off Diwali 2020, we are highlighting four novels by Indian authors recently added to the OCL collection. To discover more, subject search “Indian fiction” in OBIS.
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The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
"A richly moving new novel--the first since the author's Booker Prize-winning, internationally celebrated debut, The God of Small Things, went on to become a beloved best seller and enduring classic. The Ministry of Utmost Happiness transports us across a subcontinent on a journey of many years. It takes us deep into the lives of its gloriously rendered characters, each of them in search of a place of safety--in search of meaning, and of love. In a graveyard outside the walls of Old Delhi, a resident unrolls a threadbare Persian carpet. On a concrete sidewalk, a baby suddenly appears, just after midnight. In a snowy valley, a bereaved father writes a letter to his five-year-old daughter about the people who came to her funeral. In a second-floor apartment, a lone woman chain-smokes as she reads through her old notebooks. At the Jannat Guest House, two people who have known each other all their lives sleep with their arms wrapped around each other, as though they have just met. A braided narrative of astonishing force and originality, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness is at once a love story and a provocation--a novel as inventive as it is emotionally engaging. It is told with a whisper, in a shout, through joyous tears and sometimes with a bitter laugh. Its heroes, both present and departed, have been broken by the world we live in--and then mended by love. For this reason, they will never surrender. How to tell a shattered story? By slowly becoming everybody. No. By slowly becoming everything. Humane and sensuous, beautifully told, this extraordinary novel demonstrates on every page the miracle of Arundhati Roy's storytelling gifts"-- Provided by publisher
One Part Woman by Perumal Murugan; translated from the Tamil by Aniruddhan Vasudevan
"Selling over 100,000 copies in India, where it was published first in the original Tamil and then in this celebrated English translation, One Part Woman has become a cult phenomenon in the subcontinent, jump-starting conversations about caste and female empowerment. Set in rural South India during the British colonial period, it follows a couple, Kali and Ponna, who are unable to conceive. Kali and Ponna try everything to please their parents and have a child, including circumambulating a mountain supposed to cure barren women, but none of the offerings or rituals helps. A more drastic plan is required, so Kali and Ponna's mothers agree that Ponna should go to the annual chariot festival, a celebration of the half-male, half-female god Maadhorubaagan. On the eighteenth night of the festival, there is an immense carnival, during which the rules of marriage are relaxed, and consensual sex between unmarried men and women is overlooked, for all men are considered gods. But rather than bring them together, this scheme threatens to drive the couple apart. Wryly amusing and deeply poignant, One Part Woman is a powerful exploration of a loving marriage strained by the expectations of others"-- Provided by publisher
The Secrets Between Us: A Novel by Thrity Umrigar "Poor and illiterate, Bhima had faithfully worked for the Dubash family, an upper-middle-class Parsi household, for more than twenty years. Yet after courageously speaking the truth about a heinous crime perpetrated against her own family, the devoted servant was cruelly fired. The sting of that dismissal was made more painful coming from Sera Dubash, the temperamental employer who had long been Bhima's only confidante. A woman who has endured despair and loss with stoicism, Bhima must now find some other way to support herself and her granddaughter, Maya. Bhima's fortunes take an unexpected turn when her path intersects with Parvati, a bitter, taciturn older woman. The two acquaintances soon form a tentative business partnership, selling fruits and vegetables at the local market. As they work together, these two women seemingly bound by fate grow closer, each confessing the truth about their lives and the wounds that haunt them. Discovering her first true friend, Bhima pieces together a new life, and together, the two women learn to stand on their own."--Dust jacket flap
Karimayi by Chandrashekhar Kambar; translated from the Kannada by Krishna Manavalli
Chandrasekhar Kambar is one of the most accomplished Indian writers working today. In each of Kambar's novels, the archetypical Mother, Karimayi, is at the center. The narrative of Karimayi moves through an astounding time span, beginning with the mythopoetic times of Goddess Karimayi's birth and continuing through the historical and cultural shifts in the life of a small rural community called Shivapura during the British colonial era. Karimayi breaks the familiar narrative of an idyllic and traditional village community being destroyed by the incursion of modernity. Instead, the multilayered narrative of Karimayi weaves everything into itself--the story of the village's past, the myth of Karimayi, the disorder that sets in with the invasion of colonial modernity and the lure of the city, and, most importantly, of the disruption of another form of "native" modernity that the village community has already begun to incorporate into its rhythms of life. Cleverly challenging colonial cartography, Kambar's book plays with the idea of an eternal India that exists between myth and reality.
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blueweave8 · 8 months
India Tractor Market Outlook, Trends, Report 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the India Tractor Market size at USD 1,935.72 million in 2023. During the forecast period between 2024 and 2030, BlueWeave expects the India Tractor Market size to expand at a CAGR of 5.55% reaching a value of USD 2,676.82 million by 2030. The Tractor Market in India is propelled by the government’s supportive initiatives focused on rural development. India holds a prominent position in the global tractor market, consistently selling between 600,000 to 700,000 tractors annually from 2016 to 2021. Two-wheel drive tractors outpace four-wheel-drive counterparts in popularity within the Indian market. Domination of the agriculture tractor market is evident among indigenous Indian Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), including Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, TAFE, International Tractors Ltd (Sonalika), and Escorts Limited. International players, such as Deere & Company and CNH, have also successfully entered the market and established a significant presence. In addition, the declining availability of farm labor and the emergence of innovative business models like custom hiring solutions for tractors make India an attractive market for tractor manufacturers. The government's support, including subsidies under the mechanization component of the agriculture macro-management scheme, further contributes to the sector's growth. Notably, a 25% subsidy, limited to INR 30,000, is provided for the purchase of tractors with up to 35 PTO HP. With sustained government backing and a focus on enhancing farm mechanization and crop production, the agricultural tractor sales are expected to rise in India during the period in analysis.
Opportunity - Seasonal labor shortages to drive further mechanization of agricultural production
The India Tractor Market experiences a surge due to seasonal labor shortages compelling farmers to mechanize their operations. Traditional growth predictors tied to monsoons are disrupted, with growing rural labor deficits becoming a pivotal factor. Acute shortages in major states including Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu, as migrant workers stay back under the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, have led to increased wages. Farmers, responding to rising labor costs, are investing in tractors, resulting in a significant boost in tractor sales. This trend highlights a shift toward mechanization in rural India and underscores the tractor industry's resilience and growth.
Impact of COVID-19 on India Tractor Market
COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the India Tractor Market. It is primarily due to heightened demand for agricultural produce including cereals, vegetables, and fruits. The surge in demand for these essential food items resulted in an increased need for mechanized farming, leading to a boost in tractor sales. As the pandemic unfolded, the agricultural sector emerged as a resilient force, driving the tractor market in the country. The unexpected positive effect showcased the vital role played by tractors in meeting escalating food demands during challenging times. The pandemic underscored the significance of mechanization in sustaining agricultural productivity and responding to dynamic market needs in the India Tractor Market.
 Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/india-tractor-market/report-sample
India Tractor Market
Segmental Information
India Tractor Market – By Application
By application, the India Tractor Market is divided into Agriculture, Construction, and Mining & Logistics segments. The agriculture segment holds the highest share in the India Tractor Market by application. With approximately two-thirds of India's population dedicated to agriculture, tractors have become indispensable in the sector. Tractors contribute essential efficiency and productivity, enabling the country to compete internationally in agricultural activities. Tractors serve as a cornerstone in modernizing and optimizing farming practices, consolidating the agriculture segment's prominence in the India Tractor Market.
India Tractor Market – By Region
Regionally, the India Tractor Market is segmented as North India, South India, East India, and West India. The North India and West India regions dominate the India Tractor Market, attributed to the presence of manufacturing units and significant agricultural production. Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh follow suit, with state governments actively promoting tractor adoption to stimulate market growth. A pivotal factor in the industry's expansion is the influence of normal monsoons, fostering production and bolstering farmers' income, thereby driving increased tractor demand in key states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. In the Southern region, sustained growth, particularly in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana, outpaces other regions, propelled by government support programs and improved rural sentiments. Meanwhile, the Eastern region experiences robust volume growth, aided by government initiatives for farm mechanization. In contrast, the Northern region, including key markets like Uttar Pradesh, faces challenges in keeping up with nationwide growth, with certain states such as Rajasthan and Punjab struggling due to weak haulage and replacement demand.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in India Tractor Market include Force Motors Limited, CNH Industrial N.V., Escorts Limited, HMT Limited, Deere & Company, V.S.T. Tillers Tractors Ltd, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, and Sonalika International Tractors Ltd. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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tonotbelionized · 5 years
Volume 7, Episode One: The Greatest Kingdom
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So, I’m gonna be doing something that I haven’t done before and make some reviews on each episode of Volume 7. After watching this first episode, I have many feelings towards it.
Under the Read More because spoilers!
I’m gonna start positive on this review before getting into the negatives, because there were actually a lot I liked about this episode.
First, the colours and animation. CRWBY have been getting better and better with their backgrounds and colour schemes throughout the years and it really shows. The industrial aspect of Mantle is sold with the dusk colours, purple and reds, and the neon lights distinguish it from the more rural and asian inspired Mistral architecture.
On top of that, the first episode does a great job in setting out just what it’s like to live in Mantle. The people seem disenfranchised, you have people drunk in street, and the racism is so ingrained that people just behave that way in the open with no fear of reprimand. With the billboards showing Ironwood telling these strict rules, and soldiers roaming the streets with droids, it very much paints Mantle in a dystopian light.
On the characters, I’m love that Ruby and Weiss immediately jump to protecting Blake from the drunk guy. With what little interactions we get for Ladybug, I’m glad that we’re getting something, and that Weiss has grown so much from her Volume 1 attitude to the Faunus to now. Great character development. 
Also Maria is pretty funny again. She annoyed me at the end of Volume 6 with her antics, but it’s nice that she’s climbed back up my list again. I think it was a good idea that she’s not arrested with the others, and I hope that she takes a backseat this volume simply because she’s not needed anymore. The team are in Atlas, Ruby’s learned her silver eyes, and Maria isn’t good in a fight. She’s ran her course.
The new character we got in Pietro Polendina, Penny’s father. All I have to say about him is:
I. Love. Him. On top of his good design with elements connecting to Penny, he’s another disability representation with his wheelchair, and his chair has such a cool design. It looks exactly what a smart and innovative creator would make. And he’s voiced by Dave Fennoy. One of my favourite characters in all media is Lee Everett from The Walking Dead Game, and they got his voice actor to play Pietro.
That’s a big plus for me. 
The fight we got in the episode was very well done. The animators knocked it out of the park with the fight choreography, especially with Qrow and his scythe. The one negative I have is that it feels a bit slow and static in some places, especially with Weiss, but that’s just a problem with her since now her fighting style is stand in one place and use your glyphs. The inter-team fighting is great, I love Weiss and Ren working together, and Nora using Jaune’s shield to launch herself is such a nice nod to her move with Pyrrha back in Volume 1.
Last thing that I like is Penny’s design. It’s really cute, reminds me of those Victorian dolls, and her new hair is so pretty, if a bit janky in some parts. I know that they obviously took inspiration from Dishwasher’s design of Penny, which makes sense considering he’s working for RT now.
And this is where I start getting negative, because there are some parts that I really don’t like.
#1 thing that has made me angry is Penny returning. I hate it. I’ve already made a post months ago about why they shouldn’t bring Penny back, so I’m not gonna repeat myself here, but the simplified explanation is:
It spits in the face of her arc. Penny was struggling with the fact that she’s not a real girl because she’s a robot, with Ruby helping her by saying that, because she has a soul, she is real. This has always been a driving point for Penny. When she died, it drove Ruby and Pyrrha to grief, but it served a purpose because that was when things were getting serious. Ruby just lost her best friend, and Pyrrha won like she always did, but this time her victory came at a price.
Pyrrha killed someone. She was devastated, Ruby was heartbroken, but now all this was for nothing because apparently Penny can just be rebuilt! Who cares that your friend is dead and you watched it before your eyes? She’s back now so it’s all okay!
Real people don’t come back from the dead. Pyrrha is not coming back, everyone who died is not coming back, the whole point that Salem never understood in her backstory is that people can’t come back from the dead. But Penny can, because she’s a robot so of course we can just put her back together. It’s reads off as Penny being a cheap plot point. Ruby could’ve gone through an arc of accepting that her friend was gone and finally talk to someone who knew Penny, but no, because we gotta have powerpuff girl back.
Also Team WBY’s comments are dumb. You guys didn’t know Penny, you only interacted with her once for the entire three volumes she was alive, why are you acting like you’re friends with her? I hate it so much it’s unreal.
Moving on from Penny, beside her, Ruby, Yang and Qrow, the new outfits are bad. The excess use of belts are not only annoying, but they’re clunky and disrupt the flow of the outfit. They make them too busy. The lack of textures makes everything look the same, the overall designs are seriously inappropriate for both Atlas weather and the fact that they’re meant to be fighting. 
Weiss’ ballerina style fighting is going to be seriously impeded by her long and heavy looking dress. Blake is meant to be a stealth fighter who uses acrobatics, leather catsuits chafe and rub you up in all the wrong ways, and the fact that white is overcoming the black is annoying. Her colour is black, put her in it.
On top of colours, Nora’s is just way too bright. It’s colours from her original outfits but there’s just too much saturated blue and pink, it’s way too much. Her old outfit was perfect with the pink taking center stage and the blue being way darker in her jacket. The fact that it mimics the trans flag colours is funny though, as a trans man myself.  
But a final note on the designs is the hairstyles. Jaune’s doesn’t look as bad as I thought if he’s moving, so that’s a plus, but Weiss and Blake’s are just ugh. I had wild hair like Blake’s when I had it longer, and even though I cut it now, it’s still curly. Why is Blake’s hair so lifeless? It looks thin, flat and greasy, and the added problem with it is that her face looks wierd now.
The whole braid on Weiss is way too thick as well, and just isn’t rendered nicely.
Moving on, we have the new characters introduced. Clover and his team, Robyn, Pietro, on top of the previous characters returning, it’s a big problem. The cast is already too bloated, we don’t need Clover and his team adding more and taking away screen time that the other characters need. Why even introduce him when you could easily use the wide cast you already have? Bring Neon and Flynt back, have them be older students than Team RWBY in the Vytal Festival and then they graduated the whole year since the Fall of Beacon.
It woulda added more to the scene, or just have it be guards who disappear after taking the team in. Just stop adding new characters, I literally don’t care about them. And the fact that the heavily Irish-inspired character doesn’t have an Irish accent is bad and I disapprove as an Irish person.
Finally, the OP. I like the actual animation of it, it definitely feels different to the other OPs in the past volumes, but it’s pretty good! I just don’t like the song. Not only can I not understand what Casey is saying, which is something not unique to this song I know, but it doesn’t feel like a RWBY song. All the other openings are rock with ripping guitars and wild energy.
This just doesn’t have that. It feels like a generic anime song to me, and that’s sad because the music has always been that unchanging praise for RWBY from me. 
And that’s it for this episode! Overall, I’d actually really enjoyed it! It was fast, great fighting, good characters and interpersonal moments, and the fact that Dave Fennoy is here just sold it. I’d give my soul to that man.
Now if CRWBY has him call Penny “sweet pea”, I will literally cry. 
So in conclusion, I’d give the episode a 8/10. Needs improvement, but amazing regardless. 
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bhaskarlive · 4 years
No crisis can determine India’s future
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Dear friends,
A year ago, a golden chapter was added to the history of Indian democracy. After decades, the people of the country gave a second opportunity to a government elected with a full majority. You have played a major role in writing this chapter. Today presents an opportunity for me to bow to you and honour you for your commitment to India and Indian democracy.
Had the situation been normal, I would have been blessed to be in your midst. However, the circumstances brought about by the global coronavirus pandemic have led me to write this letter and seek your blessings. In the past one year, your affection, blessings and active participation have given me fresh energy and inspiration. During this period, you have shown to the world democracy’s collective strength, which has become an example before the entire world.
In the year 2014, the people voted for a big change; you voted to change the policy and system (niti & reeti). In those five years, the country saw extricating itself from the quagmire of inertia and corruption. In those five years, the country inspired by Antyodaya has seen the change in governance in easing the lives of the poor.
In that tenure, on the one hand, the country’s prestige before the world grew, and on the other, we raised the dignity of the poor by opening their bank accounts, making available free cooking gas and electricity connection for them; and by building homes and toilets for them. In that tenure, whereas there were surgical and air strikes, there were also works for one-rank-one-pension, one-nation-one-tax GST and fulfillment of decades’ old demands involving procurement of crops under MSP for farmers. That tenure was dedicated to meeting several needs of the country.
In 2019, your blessings meant dreaming big for the country, for high hopes and for meeting the aspirations. The decisions taken in the last one year are the reflections of those big dreams. The people’s power fuelled by the common man is effulgently shining as the nation’s strength. In the past one year, the country had many dreams, many resolves as it also continuously took several steps towards realizing those goals.
In this historic journey, each community, each section and each individual has played one’s part responsibly. ‘Sabka sath, sabka vikas’ with this mantra, the country is forging ahead in all directions — social, economic, global or internal.
in the last one year, some important decisions have been in discussion, and that is why it is natural to for these achievements to linger on in our memory. Whether it was the topic of Article 370 for national unity and integrity, or the happy outcome of age-old conflict over the Ram temple construction, or the factor disrupting the modern social system, the ‘triple talaq’ or the symbol of India’s compassion, the citizenship law – all these achievements you remember.
Amid these decisions which came in quick succession, there are many other decisions and changes that have given new momentum to India’s development journey, have given us new objectives as we have strived to fulfill many expectations of the people. The constitution of the post of Chief of Defence Staff has led to increased coordination among armed forces. At the same time, India has accelerated its preparations for Mission Gaganyaan.
In this period, our priority has been to empower the poor, farmers, women and the youth.
Today, each farmer has been covered under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. In the last one year, under this scheme, over Rs 72,000 crore have been deposited in the bank accounts of more 9.5 crore farmers.
To make available piped drinking water for the country’s over 15 crore rural population, the ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ has been initiated.
To ensure better health care for our more than 50 crore cattle, a massive campaign for livestock vaccination is under way.
For the first time in the nation’s history, the government has decided to offer the facility of Rs 3,000 monthly pension for farmers, farm labourers, small shopkeepers and workers belonging to the unorganized sector after the age of 60 years.
A separate department has been formed to strengthen ‘blue economy’ and increase the facilities for fishermen. Similarly, it has been decided to constitute National Traders Board to timely resolve issues concerning business enterprises. About 7 crore sisters associated with self-help groups have been given more financial assistance. Recently, the loan amount available without guarantee for self-help groups has been doubled to Rs 20 lakh from Rs 10 lakh.
Keeping the education of tribals’ children in mind, a campaign is under way to build more than 450 Eklavya Model Residential Schools.
The government has also worked expeditiously towards making better laws linked with common man’s welfare. Our Parliament has broken decades’ old record in conducting legislative business. That’s why several laws – the Consumer Protection Act, amendment to Chit fund law, and laws concerning more security for women and children – have been quickly enacted.
The government policies have led to bridging the gulf between the urban and rural lives. For the first time, the internet users in rural areas have outnumbered the urban counterparts by 10 per cent.
The list of historic works and decisions is very long. It is not possible to elaborate on all of them in this letter. But I would surely say that in the last one year, each day round the clock, the government has worked with full awareness, sensitivity, and has taken decisions.
just when we were moving quickly towards realizing our country’s aspirations, the corona pandemic surrounded India too.
On the one hand, there are countries with massive economies and most modern health services, and on the other, there is India with its huge population and so many challenges. Many people had expressed their apprehensions that when corona would attack India, the country itself would become a trouble for the world. Today, all countrymen have changed the way they look at India. You have proved that your collective capability and capacity are unprecedented in comparison with other more resourceful and prosperous countries.
You have shown that India alone holds the guarantee for a greater and better India – whether it was collective clapping or thali-beating or lighting the lamps, whether it was honouring of corona warriors by the armed forces, or following the Janata curfew or following the lockdown rules with sincerity.
In this crisis, no one can claim that nobody has been put to trouble or inconvenience. Our workers, migrant brother and sister labourers, those working in small industries, cart pushers and vendors, our shopkeeper brothers and sisters and those having small businesses have suffered immensely. We all are working together in an attempt to sort out their problems.
But we have to be careful that these inconveniences should not transform into a crisis of life. For that, each Indian has to follow all directives. We have to move forward with the same patience and courage that we shown so far. This is the reason why the situation in India has so far been manageable in comparison with other countries.
This battle will stretch on, but we are on way to victory and, to be victorious is our common resolve.
We can draw inspiration from those people who recently faced the Cyclone Amphan boldly. They worked hard to reduce the damage caused by the cyclone.
under the given circumstances, there have been discussions as to how economies of India along with other nations will emerge out of the crisis. At the same time, there is this belief that the way India has surprised the world in facing coronavirus with its unity, the country can present the same example in the economic field — 130 crore Indians can not only surprise the world but can also inspire it.
Today, the time demands that we must stand on our feet, and we will have to move on our own strength. And for this, there is only one path: a self-reliant India (atmanirbhar Bharat). The recent economic package of Rs 20 lakh crore is a big step towards ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ campaign. This campaign will usher in a new trend of opportunities for every countryman – our farmers, workers and labourers, medium enterprises and the youth associated with startups. India will reduce its dependence on imports with the sweat of its citizens, with their hard work and skills, thus becoming self-dependent.
you have continued to bless me with your affection in the past six years. The country has moved ahead with unprecedented pace with historic decisions and development. But I know there is so much left to be done. The country has many challenges and problems before it. I am making all efforts day and night. I may have some deficiency, but the country does not have any. That is why I place more confidence in you, in your strength and in your capacity. You, your support and your blessings are the energy behind my resolve.
The global pandemic has brought about a crisis situation, but at the same time, for us Indians, this is also the time for determination. We have to remember that no calamity, no crisis can determine the present or future of 130 crore Indians. We will decide our present and, the future too.
We will move ahead, we will race ahead to progress and we will be victorious. It is said in our country: “Kritam me dakshine haste, jayo me savya ahita-h” – meaning, in one hand we carry our deeds and duties and in the other, sure success.
I bow before you yet again with a wish for our country’s success forever. Best wishes for you and your family. Be healthy, be safe. Be aware and be conscious.
Your Pradhan Sevak
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