#runt sans
ask-runtsans · 11 months
Runt groaned as they stood up still getting acclimated to reality. They looked around noticing quite a few eyes on them. They looked at all those watching and smiled a bit. “I can see that you all would like to know what happened to me and why I look so different. Well it’s because I reinvented myself. I’m no longer who I once was. I’m not the same little pushover you all have come to know. Now I mean business and nobody is going to mess with me anymore!”, they declared. They stood up, their eyes now glowing green looking at the audience. "But you all have to earn my trust in order for me to tell you what the true story of my change is."
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theseusgodkid · 1 month
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they Are saying Anything
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catofoldstones · 1 year
I love how in every chapter since asos sansa and arya both say “I’m a woman grown” or “I’m 11, a woman now” or “I’m a woman flowered”. Like you’re both severe minors, haven’t even broken the eggshells of the eggs from which you’re yet to hatch 😭😭 calm down there, buckos
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askwesterntale · 25 days
pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls sign my arm tumbelweed pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls ily tumbleweed im ur #1 fan plsolspspsspslspslspslsplssplsps pls pslsppspsllsls i love you tumbelweed no one understands my love dor you tubelwedd ily pls marriage me psllsoslslslplslpslpsplspls
oh also whars runts favorite food
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my head hurts yeeowch
gonna do a big ask next so it may take a while sighh
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fr3shbarks · 5 months
i am just a freaking dog, dawg....
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milaisreading · 4 months
Crossdresser!Yn AU with baby Kaiser:
Ness: Why is he crying?!
Current Kaiser: How should I know?!
Isagi: Isn't that literally you, though?
Baby Kaiser, still crying: I want Yn! Where is he?! He promised to give me a piggy back ride!
Ness, mumbling to himself: This is so unfair
Current Kaiser: Listen here you runt, he is busy doing something else! He doesn't care about you!
Isagi: So you are finally admitting he doesn't care about you either?
Current Kaiser: Shut it! Him and I are two completely different things!
Isagi: If you say so...
CD!Yn walks in while carrying Chigiri's sister on her back: Heyo. I am back from my date. I bought you the kintsuba you wanted.
Isagi, taking the bag from her: Thanks!!
Ness: Why is she here?
Current Kaiser: This isn't really a girls place
Chigiri's sister: I wanted to visit Hyoma a little. Plus, I have permission from Ego-san to be here.
Ness: Can't you two just break up for my own peace?
CD!Yn: What?
Baby Kaiser, running up to Yn and pulling on her shirt: Why are you carrying her?! That's my spot! She shouldn't be there!
Current Kaiser: I agree with the last part.
Chigiri's sister: The heels I am wearing were a hassle at one point, and Yn decided to carry me like this. I am his girlfriend after all
Baby Kaiser:...
Baby Kaiser starts crying and punching Yn in the stomach: That's not true!! You have to marry me in the future!! You two need to break up!!
Kaiser and Ness start pulling him away while Isagi and Chigiri's sister inspect him for any injuries*
CD!Yn: I need to start getting paid for this
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nixnephili · 11 months
What does everybody call atsushi do they all have nicknames for him or do they all just call him by his name? (I'm absolutely obsessed with this AU btw)
Fyo!Atsushi A.U.- Atsushi Nicknames:
Codename for missions - Mono - short for Monochrome, referring most often to an image in black and white/ greyscale, though not exclusively.
Between them: - Tigrenok - "tiger cub"
Otherwise, he does use Atsushi-kun formally or when around others.
-Club (inside Casino) - late hours, amongst the crowds of people.
`The 'club' meaning, in cards, is the indication of the stage of “youth” when one places a focus on education, recklessness, and so forth`
-Byako- a diminutive used in between them in the library.
-otherwise calls him Atsushi-kun, Tiger, Atsu.
Nikolai tends not to care for where they are or around who. So he just has a list...
In serious/ dire situations, he may slip up and call him Atsushi.
Considering Atsushi's ever growing band of rodent friends, he may refer to him as: "Pied piper" too..
Atsushi-San most of the time
Nakajima-San only when Fyodor is present because he gets nervous.
Simply Atsushi or Atsushi-kun
He doesn't quite get 'nicknames'...
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716chr · 2 months
“WE ARE M・T・T・B” - Chapter 4
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📍 HAMA House - Kitchen
Ten: Ah—...today’s finally over…..
Ten: (The practice itself isn’t all that hard so I can’t complain……it’s still a drag though.)
Ten: (I guess it still beats getting ambushed by a certain recruiter every day. Feeling kind of thirsty though—)
Ten: Hm?
Muneuji: Murakumo-san.
Ten: (Muneuji Kaguya…..)
Ten: Ah~ Good work today, have a good night~.
Muneuji: Do you have a moment? I’d like to discuss something.
Ten: What?
Muneuji: We really want to know what you think of our performance. As the expert around here, we value your honest feedback.
Ten: (Mm, I figured it was something like that.)
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Ten: If you’re feeling that off about it, doesn’t that mean you can already tell what the problem is? You don’t need me to spell it out, do you?
Muneuji: …………。
Ten: (Ah~, was that too unserious?)
Muneuji: I see…. you might be onto something. That really resonates with me.
Muneuji: Your input is profound and very sensible. I really appreciate such insightful words.
Ten: (Insightful words….? Well whatever I guess.)
Ten: ……You’re welcome~. Keep at it~.
📍 HAMA House - Tiger Room
Ten: Oh boy.
Renga: Welcome back, Ten! Dance practice really held you up, huh.
Ten: Yeah, because of that I have a crap ton of messages to reply to now.
Ten: Hm?
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Renga: That crow is looking right at us. Maybe it’s a fan of mine….?
Ten: ……。
Ten: (Yeah, yeah. “Know your place as a family member.” You didn’t need to send a messenger, I know that much.)
Ten: Hah, can’t wait to get this whole thing over with—.
📍 HAMA House - Dining Room
Chihiro: Hmm~….
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Chihiro: (Lately, it feels like there’s this huge wall between me and the other 3 during practice…..)
Chihiro: (I can’t let it go on like this~. I gotta find a way to break the ice a bit…..)
Chihiro: …..Well, I came to the dining room for that but….. nobody’s here~.
📍 HAMA House - Kitchen
Chihiro: No way~, nobody’s here either…. This is a total bummer…… Did everyone already go back to their rooms—— Oh?
Chihiro: (The back door’s slightly open. Maybe someone was airing out the room?)
Chihiro: Huh!?
Kitty: Meow.
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Chihiro: Oh, it’s you, Meowster Jr…. You’re not with your Mama today~?
Kitty: Meow mreow.
Chihiro: Hehe, you’re way too cute. ….I didn’t find anyone I wanna talk to, but seeing you here makes this trip to the kitchen all worth it ♪
Chihiro: C’mere, c’mere~. If PT were here, you’d have a playmate already~
Kitty: Mreow meoow!
Chihiro: Ah…..!
Chihiro: Hey….! Wait, that’s Turysuke!
Kitty: Meow!
Chihiro: Hold it~! That’s not a toy!
📍 HAMA House - Entranceway
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Ten: Like I said, you’re really putting me on the spot by asking me to take responsibility here~. Hellooooo, are you listening? Are you crying?
Kitty: Meeeow!
Ten: Oh, what are you doing in there, runt?
Chihiro: Ten-cham! Don’t let that kitty get away!
Ten: Eeeeh? I’m on a pretty serious phone call, you know……
Kitty: Meeeoww!
Ten: Oops, he ran away.
Chihiro: Hey! Ten-cham, you’re responsible too, help Chii catch that lil guy~!
Ten: What do you mean responsibility…… Ah, whatever.
Ten: My bad. Something came up so I’m hanging up now—.
📍 HAMA House - 2F Hallway
Akuta: Arrghhhhh, I’m starvinggg….. I wonder if there’s any food, cooked meals, or just plain ol’ white rice leftover. Would be a godsend if there’s some meat as well.
Kitty: Meeow!
Akuta: Eyy, I know I said meat but that’s not what I meant! I’m against cat consumption!
Chihiro: Atta, catch that lil Meowster for us~!!!!!
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Akuta: Aww hell naww! I’m a cat lover not a cat eater~~~!
Ten: I think you’re having a weird misunderstanding here, Akuta.
Akuta: Kitty! Run!!! Run that way before they catch and make a meal outta you~~~!
Kitty: Meeeeoooowwww!
Chihiro: Huff, huff…… We’ve finally got you cornered…..!
Chihiro: You’re as trapped as a mouse in a mousetrap now~! Except, well, you’re a cat~! ……Huh?
Ten: ……Sounds like a familiar tune…
Chihiro: Is that….. our song….?
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(Godbless Jelly for the help on Akuta’s dialogues 🙏)
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eljeebee · 2 months
Winter Postlude: Pity
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“I’ll be out for a bit, Father.”
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Shit. Bloody shit. I can’t keep him inside that makeshift casket for long. I need to find her.
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Amelia noticed her hand. They were shaking. Surprised, she let out a breathy laugh and a “shit”.
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She’s nervous? A vampire like her? Preposterous.
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Amelia takes a deep breath. She can’t find Teresa Williams because she’s been dead for centuries. How is she going to proceed with her plans without her?
I know those Watcher imposters chose another person to be a Pupil. The question is who?
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Amelia wandered around, from Newcrest, to the Promenade, to San Myshuno, deep in thought. She needs to find Teresa’s successor to find the woman. The High Priestess. But she’s having difficulties looking for the new Pupil. On top of that, her father’s whining like a little runt.
Just then…
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“What are you looking at?” She can see me. That shouldn’t be. My spell is strong…
A woman whose neck was covered (Amelia almost clicked her tongue with this) with thick colorful scarf was walking and was looking straight to her.
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She opened her mouth as if she was gasping, as if she was surprised that she saw Amelia, shocked, at the sight of her, but she sneezed and turned away. The woman entered the apartment beside them, presumably her home. Her actions were a little…odd…though. It seemed like her sneeze was forced.
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I thought she could see me…her eyes looked straight at me. I might need to see her again…just in case.
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Amelia finds herself sitting on a picnic table in the middle of who-knows-where in San Myshuno. The sun had already set, and the streetlights illuminated the city. If this was under normal circumstances, she would have enjoyed exploring what the modern world could offer, but she’s stuck with her father, and they must stick together, because they’re the “only ones who have each other”.
Or whatever her father said. He has plans.
Amelia knows he’s not going to accept unfulfilled plans. She knows her father – as spoiled as his sons. Whatever he wants, he gets. Whatever his plans are, it happens. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t get the Overlord’s friendship when another vampire maiden was chosen to be his bride.
I just know if I was the Overlord’s wife, I wouldn’t be stuck with him…
I don’t want to be his wife though.
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Amelia let out a loud exhale.
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When she got back to their refuge, she saw her father sitting on her stool. The candle was lit.
Is his dark vision waning?
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“You left the candle lit, Amelia. What if I was burned?”
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“I didn’t,” she restrained clicking her tongue, or even sighing. “You won’t burn, Father. That’s an ordinary fire.”
“Why do you keep this thing?”
“I like it. Why did you light it?”
He didn’t answer. Of course he won’t. Since when has he admitted things? Is he getting weak? Should I be worried?
“Did you find her?”
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“Amelia, you useless child! How long are we going to be like this? I need to find the Pupil now; I want to get my hands on Straud right fucking now!”
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She tries her best not to snarl. With practiced patience, she replied, “It’s not easy looking for mortals in this cold, Father. They want to keep warm. Once the ice melts and the flowers bloom, it will be easy.”
And she wants to investigate this girl she saw earlier. But of course, she’s not going to tell him. If she did, he’d do everything himself, and her plans might fail.
He huffed. “A lord like me shouldn’t be stuck in this dump, feeding on rats.”
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Her fangs gritted together, her head pounding. With a hiss, she angrily said, “That’s all I could give you without people suspecting us! Do you want to alert the Overlord? While you’re at this state?” She knows he might hit her for this, but it would be like an ant’s bite. He’s weak. He’s no longer as powerful as before. She doesn’t fear him anymore.
“It’s not enough, Amelia.” It was almost a whisper. But her sharp hearing picked it up.
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His shoulders slumped. He mumbled, “Just this once, dear. Let Father have one mortal blood. My body just needs one more push…”
Amelia took a moment to let her golden eyes wander around her father’s body. She could feel his dark energy pulsating weakly, its tendrils barely enveloping his body. It no longer reaches her. He’s no longer frightening. It’s like it’s fading. Waning. The Overlord struck him well.
She sighed.
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“I’ll go look for a poor urchin. You’ll have to help me get rid of the body though.”
“I will…thank you, my dear.”
She turned on her heel and left.
A glance, before she went down the stairs, and she saw him returning to the makeshift casket.
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Amelia sometimes pities her father.
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konstya · 5 months
i was doing state testing and this girl was next to me and she pulled out a sketchbook!!! reminder she looked like a junior in highschool and i’m a puny little runt of a eighth grader. i look over while im mapping out falins chimera form and she’s drawing COUNTRYHUMANS?!? AND SANS AUS?!? HELP?! SHE WAS DRAWING THE EARTH BUTTFUCKING MARS.
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cheemscakecat · 8 months
Missing in Action
Chapter 1: Morning
Scout is smarter than people give him credit for, and tensions are high after he confronted Spy.
TW: Angsty. Scout’s got some low self esteem.
How’d he figure it out? Scout got asked by a couple of teammates over the next few days. When he’d been dying on the floor and “Tom Jones” showed up, he thought it was real. There was a chance that Jones could be his dad, even if the odds were crap. And he was dead already because Soldier decided to kill him. It made enough sense to Jeremy that his dead dad would come to collect his soul.
But “Heaven” didn’t. Scout was too embarrassed to share what “God” told him, about him and women. It was the fact that he walked into Heaven and Tom wasn’t following him, despite coming to collect him. The fact that Jones got his neck snapped by angels when Scout got close, the fact that he was in the middle of a game and not anywhere near “Heaven’s” entrance.
And there was the fact that he hadn’t died. Medic told him that because of his size, loosing too much blood made him cat-a-tonic. Soldier n Pyro thought he died in Siberia when they went to get Heavy for the same reason. All that bleeding made him hull-you-san-ate, which explained his dumb version of Heaven. It also meant that there was no ghost coming to greet him that day. And there was only one teammate with a dopey disguise kit to pull that crap off.
Jeremy didn’t really sleep that first night back at base. He wished Spy had left him alone until they got to base, so he could chew him out private like. But then again, maybe the others needed to know so they’d be disgusted with Spy too. At least Ms. Pauling hadn’t heard it. She had enough goin on herself. He wished he’d realized what was going on with her on his own, but she had been hidin it real well. Being from Boston and having Ma calling to talk about life, he’d heard about the gays tryin to get their rights. It was good that he understood Pauling’s reasons for keepin secrets, he didn’t wanna be mad at her like he was mad at Spy.
Scout still wished he had a girlfriend. One that did like guys. His brothers drilled it into him that real men don’t hug each other when they get all teary-eyed. And that getting teary-eyed made you a weak little crybaby. The only person at home that would’ve hugged him was Ma, and sometimes she was just too busy chasin them all around. So after 20 years dealing with that, he’d drop dead before he ever went to a teammate for a hug. They mighta laughed in his face, just like his siblings. So he wished he had a girlfriend to hug him, so nobody would make fun’a him for getting comfort.
It didn’t really matter though. He was still the runt, no matter what. He hated Spy for being so **** skinny and fragile. Hated taking after him, instead of any’a the men on Ma’s side of the family. Hated the fact that loosin blood made him look dead and made him think of stupid crap. Hated being a virgin at 27, and being too dumb to identify a lesbian. Scout didn’t know what to do with himself.
**** Saxon calling him a it, like he wasn’t even a human being. At least that “Mags” lady turned Hale down; the selfish ******* deserved it.
No, Jeremy didn’t sleep that night. At breakfast, which Engineer and Heavy threw together, they gave him an extra few strips of bacon. Thankfully he got to enjoy it, since Spy didn’t bother him. Yet.
A whole lotta planning was going on for fightin BLU as a placeholder job, using the Administrator’s leftover money hoard. Pauling figured she could find someone willing to pay teams to fight, but it might be a while. If BLU and RED ceased to be, most’a them wouldn’t have references at another merc recruitment. She had’ta find something for everyone who wanted the work.
Soldier was planning to marry Heavy’s weird sister, Sniper wasn’t doing too well, Engineer had to get used to Medic and Pyro being around, and they all had to get their things and unpack. It was gonna take a while.
Spy didn’t bother him until that third morning back. He was hovering near Scout’s room out in the hall. Great. At least he didn’t look smug and “better” n everyone when he awkwardly walked up. “Are you in the mood to talk?” Spy asked cautiously. Jeremy just stared back at him in disgust. “What do you think, *****?”
“Okay.” It bothered Scout that his old man thought he’d ever want to talk.
Two more days went by and Spy asked again, this time after dinner. And again 4 days after that, when Jeremy finally told him he’d come talk if he ever felt like it, and to quit asking. Then Spy finally left him alone.
Jeremy sold some of his Tom Jones merch, which was thankfully still mint condition in that craphole Teufort. The people there weren’t trying to hang him anymore, but he still wanted his crap moved. Just being there made his neck prickle and itch, made him remember that goon crowd salivating as he got dropped. Now that Jones had been dead for a while, true-blue collectors were scramblin to buy. Scout kept the best stuff for himself, so he could sell it when he was old as dirt and it would go for more.
It was hard to sort through that collection, but he’d rather sit in a storage unit feeling heartache than deal with Spy. Sent the money back to Ma, shipped his bedroom crap back to base. He found that bein all organized was helpful; it distracted him. He looked for other towns that might have fried chicken and good storage for his collectibles. There was one hours away, if he could get enough motorcycle fuel.
A bunch of people bounced back fast. Whether Spy did or not was the last thing Scout cared to know, but that wasn’t the case for Sniper. He spent a lot of time holed up in that van, more than he used to. Demoman pulled him aside one day and told him why. As much as he hated Spy, he hated the fact that poor Sniper had to hear about it a heck of a lot more.
Stupid, stuck up New Zealand parents. Jeremy made an effort not to whine about Spy around Sniper, it wasn’t fair to him. Ms. Pauling was busier than any of them combined. At least she was smart and useful, two things Jeremy was not. “It’s not like that’s all you ever do.” The woman he loved saw nothing worthwhile in him. He wasn’t sure he’d ever find love. Who would want a loser runt like him, with 7 dumb brothers and a dad who smells like an ashtray?
Just stay busy. Ma’s right, it helps! At least, that’s what he told himself. Four of his brothers had actual wives, the others were not alone like him. Ugh, stop thinking about it! Scout kept working and trying to distract himself, but even being tired from all that wasn’t enough to make good sleep. He had all sorts of dumb freakin nightmares for those first 9 days. Somehow being back on that gallows in Teufort was the worst one.
Day 10 came and Pauling briefed them over the big computer that Engineer built. She deli-gated people to do certain things every other day. She had to do the same for freakin BLU.
“Spy? I need you to gather your things from one of the other bases. You guys are gonna be here for a while.” Spy froze. “Which base is it?” He asked. “Harvest.” That was 4 days away, in freakin Arizona! Not that Jeremy cared. “Alright. I’ll leave in an hour.”
Scout had a bad feeling that somethin was gonna go wrong. He tried to ignore it, but over the hour it just got stronger and more annoying. He found himself walking to the garage 5 minutes till Spy said he’d leave. He tried not to make eye contact and tinkered with his motorcycle. It’s nothing. Just stop being so weird about-
“Scout?” Spy was way too close, but Jeremy played it cool. “Just workin on this.” He muttered. Spy sighed real shakily and looked away. “Listen.” He begrudgingly looked up.
“I’m going to come back. I promise.” Scout stared up at him blankly. He scoffed and furiously started picking at metal that was fine where it was. Dumb Spy, acting like he’s a kid! Freakin- “I mean it.” Jeremy paused. “I’m going to come back.” Stupid little tears were tryin to form in his eyes. “Whateva.” He choked out. Spy walked away and started his car, which also hadn’t been destroyed in Teufort. And then he left.
Funny. That stupid gut feeling didn’t go away.
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ask-runtsans · 11 months
The small skeleton looked over at you, "...oh...hey...long time no see..." they smiled a little, their normally pink eyes looking like a dull green.
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what are your agents dynamic with the idols? Whichever dynamics you think are most interesting.
Ooh okay so- this got a bit long but I had a lot of fun I hope you like reading!
San and the Squid Sisters- it started out as a sort of like, imagine two deities and their terrifying demigod champion, which slowly devolved into a more genuine sibling relationship, but still having traces of the dynamic before like. Marie, Callie, and San are a very goofy trio.
Callie is peppy and positive, Marie is snarky and sardonic, and San is serious and controlled- but underneath that San still stands as this harboring entity of pure power that Marie and Callie stand by and support. San as captain is still very much The Captain but without Marie and Callie they also lose much drive.
They're all symbiotic and you can't pry any of them apart from each other now. They're a destructively powerful family that can tear the world apart if they wanted to.
Meanwhile Marie turns around and squishes Yon's cheek like: heyyyy its my scrimbly its my scrimble guy its my little fella its my funny little dude.
While San goes from champion to little sibling- Yon is like, runt, to champion. Rising star of the NSS. Is far more helpful and reliable than Yon will ever believe.
Marie sees so much potential in Yon and just wants to encourage the kid. She sees Yon as someone who hasn't quite lived yet and will always be someone Yon can fall back on. She feels like she also owes that to them.
Callie thinks Yon is just swell.
Hachi and Off the Hook- I don't see them as a particularly arbitrary mothers and daughter trio but they're a found family nonetheless. Mentors, Big Sisters, Weird Aunts, Mom Friends, thats the energy Off the Hook give to Hachi.
They'll never adopt Hachi, she's barely like three years younger than Marina- but Hachi sees them as reliable and nurturing friends. Off the Hook will always support Hachi and see her as a dear companion they care very deeply for.
Hachi originally lives with Off the Hook after escaping the metros but being a bit overwhelmed, she decides to move in with Yon instead and no matter the favor, Off the Hook will answer Hachi's needs. (Though Hachi is trying not to abuse this power)
This is how Yon gets to meet Off the Hook and I imagine Yon is a huge fan and eventually becomes a close friend of Off the Hook as well.
Now... Neo. Neo is pure splatland pride. Wasteland scavenger, most of it's memories lie in the sandy dunes and the occasional dip into the city they found somewhat foul but... she actually quite respected Deep Cut. He knew they were bandits due to it's patrols in the splatlands and seeing them do bandit-ing shenanigans but the splatfests were.. one of the few times Neo found themself lost in their own enjoyment of Splatsville.
Big Buddy did his best to try and bring Neo to Splatsville during Splatfests. Those times were the longest Neo actually willingly stayed in town before fully moving into Splatsville post Storymode.
However, Deep Cut aren't really mentors to Neo, not even after the Storymode. They love to fight the kid for fun now, it's very respectable, but Neo isn't getting any lessons from Deep Cut. They're more like scrappy rival-ish friends that Neo can train on equal ground with. (Big Man is Neo's favorite though. Just genuinely. His hugs remind Neo of Big Buddy...)
Meanwhile- The Squid Sisters think Neo's resemblance to both young and current San is a bit both unnerving and endearing. it's like they have their little little sibling back all over again- but it's quite a sad sight to see too.
They're a bit more invested in Neo than Neo is to them. Squid Sisters are more like weird distant aunts to Neo than any sort of potential siblings (which they respect! they just, also want to pamper the kid much to Neo's dismay).
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rainmustfallts4 · 8 days
Project Pisces ◇ Wu G1, Part 4
⊶⊰Information⊱⊷ ⊶⊰Chronological (all)⊱⊷ ⊶⊰Chronological (Wu)⊱⊷
The Wu children are unbelievably spoiled. They’re used to wanting things and getting them immediately. So when Jolene decided she wanted a tiny goat and a tiny sheep on a whim… well, Jolene always gets her way.
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‘Her brother is going to kill her. Oh my Grim, am I going to witness a murder?!’
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They are very cute omg so tiny!
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Runt came over to bark at them, ordering them to leave the property before the eldest Wu found them. They ignored him, sleeping soundly as if Runt did not exist.
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Yeah you better hug her now because you’re gonna be pissed when you find out, Todd…
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Look at him goooooo. He’s getting so much air!
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Oh my Grim, he’s a stealth goat 🤣 he managed to jump by while Todd was in the pool and he never saw them! Also, apparently mini goats/sheeps cannot climb stairs??
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Oh… I guess they weren’t as stealthy as I thought.
“You bought goats?!”
“No, I didn’t!”
“Then why are there goats in our yard?!”
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“There’s not.”
“I just saw them, Jolene!”
“You need your eyes checked, bro. There is only ONE goat. The other is a sheep, idiot.”
“Are you kidding me right now? You can’t just do whatever you want, brat.”
“Watch me!”
“Take them back now!”
“I refuse! You’re not my dad, you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do!”
I think Jolene is still processing the loss of their parents. Or maybe she just doesn’t like being looked after by her brother. Either way, she’s taking out most of her frustrations on him. Granted, he’s not the best father figure in the world, but at least he’s trying.
Before the accident, he planned on moving to San Myshuno for a year before moving to Sulani and marrying a cute local. He put those plans on hold to raise his siblings!
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“Hey, baby, whatcha up to?”
“I am preparing a meal, sir.” She didn’t like the pet names he used, but she liked her job more than she disliked this. The pay was great!
“Oh, cool. Don’t forget to remove the bones from the fish for Jolene. She hates them. Oh and the bread should have garlic added to it because it’s Darnell’s favorite. Wait, why are you doing that? You’re doing it wrong. I can show you if -“
“That won’t be necessary sir,” she cut him off sharply, trying to keep her annoyance in check. “I have a degree in the culinary arts. I assure you, I know what I’m doing!”
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“Aw, don’t be like that! I was just trying to help. Cooking together is a great way to get closer, you know.” He winked at her, completely missing the way she gritted her teeth.
“Of course, sir.”
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After harassing the butler, as one does, Todd headed back to Sulani to buy some equipment he would need for work. After doing so, he got in some swimming to pass the time.
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Wait… why does he swim like that lol He literally forms a triangle with his body before propelling himself forward… who swims like this?? Is this a rich thing
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Oh… oh my… that doesn’t seem good…
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oh well, what’s life without a little risk?
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askwesterntale · 21 days
This seems like my kinda place honestly!
Also time for a few asks!
To runt: is runt your real name or nickname?
To chara: *there was no questions, but it did start to rain chocolate on chara in I couldn't manner* I have to, it's tradition to bombard charas with chocolate
To sans/tumbleweed: do you ever slack off? And what do you like to drink?
To papyrus/horseshoe: don't monsters usually get along? Why bounty hunt? Also, *gives a plate of spaghetti (well made)* try this!
To undyne/gunpowder: opinions on the skele-brothers and them robbing the nice cream store every morning?
To alphys: we know what you are, when will you confess to the fish
To MTT/sandstorm: is anything you do legal?
That's all folks! Enjoy my asks. Pardner
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don’t worry!! you’ll be tagged when I do the rest, I just wanted to get smth out rn..
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viking-raider · 3 months
Lost this sweet dofus a week ago now. His name was Mouth. Why? Cause he loved to talk and he would literally eat anything you gave him. He randomly appeared one day two or three months after we lost our old girl, Raven. He was one of the many strays that run about the apartment complex we live in. A triplet, a runt, and for some mean reason, the only one that didn't get a home. Til he found us.
It took Will a long time to let Mouth in, both in his soul and the house, though he let him out to use the restroom cause he wasn't down for another litter box, something we both regret now. But the little sucker meowed his way into my heart. It felt good having a pet again, I learned after losing Midnight and Raven, that my mental health hit a real rock bottom. Mouth did wonders to it. Opening the door to find him there or just cuddling with him repaired my wounded soul.
But now, it's broken again. He got sick. Stupid Bite Fever, that antibiotics were too late to save him from. We're waiting to get his ashes back. He'll have an honored place with Raven, Midnight and the other stray we took care of so many years ago, Papa-San. Losing them hurts as much as losing my dad. The decades of my life I'd give to have them again. I don't know how my emotional and mental health will survive this.
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