#running around using the party head makes me feel like I'm playing as that character
dazzlerazz · 11 months
ALSO CRICK!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
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Unexpected Trip
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: Some people think you're too good for Bucky, who they see as just a nobody. Little do they know the backstory of both of you from 5 years ago.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!" The cheery chorus filled the sunny garden as friends and neighbors gathered around. Balloons bobbed in the breeze, and the table was adorned with a colorful array of treats.
Your son, Tommy, was wide-eyed with wonder at the commotion, his little hands clapping together with glee.
You knew he was too young to remember this day, but the joy on his face was enough to make every moment worthwhile.
Bucky, your husband, stood beside you, a proud smile on his face as he watched Tommy's excitement. "Can you believe he's already three?" you said, leaning over to Bucky, who nodded, his eyes never leaving Tommy.
"I know, it feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital," Bucky replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Time really does fly."
As Tommy blew out the candles on his cake, the guests cheered, and Bucky wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. "I'm so glad we decided to have this party," he said, planting a kiss on your cheek. "Even if he won't remember it, we will."
You smiled, feeling grateful for this moment of togetherness. "Me too," you said, watching Tommy's delighted face. "Here's to many more birthdays filled with love and laughter."
As you, Bucky, and Tommy were lost in your own world of celebration, the neighbors, known gossips of the neighborhood, couldn't resist whispering among themselves.
"I heard she got promoted to become the Director," murmured Mrs. Jenkins, a woman known for her keen interest in everyone's business, her eyes darting over to where you and Bucky stood.
Mrs. Thompson, a perpetually nosy neighbor, chimed in eagerly, "Wow, I knew she's a career woman since the first time I met her." Her voice carried a tone of admiration mixed with a hint of envy.
Standing nearby, Mr. Wilson, a retired gentleman with a penchant for spreading juicy tidbits, leaned in conspiratorially. "And she has a perfect house-husband," he added with a knowing nod in Bucky's direction.
The fourth neighbor, Mrs. Patel, a woman with a sharp tongue and a love for scandal, couldn't resist joining the conversation. "I don't want to sound rude, but she's too good for Bucky. He's just a nobody," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
Mrs. Jenkins leaned closer, her eyes widening with exaggerated shock. "And guess what?" she whispered, drawing the others in.
"What?" Mrs. Thompson asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued.
"I heard a rumor that Bucky used to be a driver, like a courier," Mrs. Jenkins revealed,l.
Mrs. Patel gasped dramatically, her hand flying to her chest. "Omg! And he met Y/N? He hit the jackpot!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening as if she had just uncovered a scandalous secret.
Mr. Wilson chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "I think in Bucky's previous life he saved a universe," he joked, adding to the whimsical nature of the gossip.
Meanwhile, you and Bucky remained oblivious to the whispers behind you, too engrossed in Tommy's joyous laughter as he played with his friends. Bucky had his arm around you, pulling you closer, unaware of the drama unfolding in the background.
Little did the gossiping neighbors know, they were 10% right, at least when it came to the part about Bucky saving someone.
You see, Bucky wasn't just a nobody. He wasn't just a regular driver. To be precise, it all goes back to five years ago.
5 Years Ago
You had just arrived in Russia, alone and shivering from the cold. This wasn't a holiday trip; it was for business.
Unfortunately, your luck had run out, and you were the chosen one sent by your less-than-friendly manager, who knew the bid was a long shot. You were the scapegoat.
It wasn't until you were on the plane, reading the documents, that the truth hit you like a ton of bricks.
Shaking with cold, you reached for your phone and dialed your colleague. "Is there someone to pick me up at the airport?"
"You've arrived? I almost forgot. I suppose someone should be waiting for you. Check to see if there's a sign with your name at the exit gate," came the reply before the call abruptly ended.
"Huh?" You couldn't believe it. The company had tossed you out like yesterday's news, leaving you stranded like a lost child in a foreign country.
"I swear, if I had a lot of money, I'd buy the company's shares and fire every single one of them," you grumbled to yourself, dragging your small suitcase behind you toward the exit gate, uncertain of what awaited you.
As you approached, you spotted a person holding a sign. You gathered your resolve and approached them, saying, "Hi, it's me."
You finally took a good look at the person holding your name sign. He was pretty tall and muscular for a driver, more suited to be a bodyguard.
With a swift motion, he crumpled the paper and tossed it into a nearby trash can. When you finally caught a glimpse of his face, you couldn't help but think, "Damn, he's fine."
He pointed towards your suitcase. "Is that all?" he asked, his voice firm but not unkind.
"Huh? Oh yeah," you replied, momentarily distracted by his good looks.
"Follow me," he said simply, then turned and walked ahead.
You hurried to catch up, feeling a mixture of confusion and intrigue. This wasn't the welcome you expected, but you followed him nonetheless.
After a quick walk, the two of you stopped in front of a black BMW. The design of the car felt straight out of the '90s.
"Get in," Bucky said, opening the backseat door.
You complied, noticing that your driver seemed to be a man of few words. "Um, what's your name?" you asked as you fastened your seatbelt.
"Bucky. Bucky Barnes," he replied, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he started the car.
Then, glancing at the rearview mirror, he added, "Always watch your back."
"What? What do you mean?" you asked, a hint of unease creeping into your voice.
Bucky shifted gears and increased the speed. "Just in case," he said cryptically, his focus on the road ahead.
You couldn't shake off the feeling of mystery surrounding Bucky. As the car smoothly glided through the streets of Russia, you couldn't help but wonder what kind of business you had genuinely stepped into.
Bucky glanced at you through the rearview mirror as the car continued its swift journey through the city. "You came here without knowing anything?" he asked, his voice serious.
"I knew that other countries also put a bid on this project," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady despite the growing unease.
"True," Bucky acknowledged. "Do you know what kind of representatives the other countries sent here too?"
Your voice turned into a whisper, barely audible over the hum of the engine. "Not like me?"
Bucky's eyes flicked to the side mirror, noticing a few cars trailing behind them. " And they've arrived too," he confirmed, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly.
Feeling a surge of panic, you turned around to look out the rear window. "Oh, shit," you muttered under your breath.
There was a group of cars following behind you both, and their windows opened. Someone appeared with a gun pointed at your car.
Bucky shifted gears again, the car picking up speed. "Don't bite your tongue, Miss Y/N," he said calmly, his focus unwavering on the road ahead.
You swallowed hard, your heart racing as you realized the gravity of the situation. The cars following them meant trouble; you were right in the middle. Gripping the door handle tightly, you braced for whatever was to come, grateful that Bucky knew what he was doing.
The chase was like something out of a movie, but the fear gripping your heart was all too real. The car Bucky drove was bulletproof, a small comfort in the chaos unfolding around you.
Yet, despite the safety of the car, you couldn't shake off the primal fear that clawed at your chest. This was the first time you had ever found yourself in such a dangerous situation, and the adrenaline surged through your veins.
"Oh god, oh god," you muttered, your voice filled with panic as you clutched onto the door handle, your knuckles turning white.
Bucky, on the other hand, remained surprisingly calm. His hands moved expertly over the steering wheel, navigating through the narrow streets with precision. "Hold on tight," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos outside.
You could hear the sound of gunfire, bullets ricocheting off the car's armored exterior. The world outside seemed to blur as Bucky weaved in and out of traffic, the pursuing cars hot on your tail.
"What do we do? What do we do?" you pleaded, your heart pounding in your chest.
Bucky glanced at you briefly, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Trust me," he said cryptically, before reaching for a button on the dashboard.
With a click, the back of the car transformed. Panels shifted, revealing an array of weapons hidden within. Your eyes widened in disbelief as a gun turret emerged from the rear of the car, whirring to life.
"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, both terrified and amazed at the same time.
Bucky didn't hesitate. He maneuvered the car expertly, aligning the gun turret with the pursuing vehicles. With a press of a button, the turret unleashed a barrage of bullets, hitting the cars behind you with precision.
The sound of metal tearing and tires screeching filled the air as the pursuing vehicles swerved and crashed, their drivers no match for the firepower of Bucky's car.
You watched in awe and horror as the scene unfolded behind you, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins. "I can't believe this," you whispered, your eyes wide with disbelief.
Bucky remained focused, his eyes scanning the road ahead. "Welcome to the world of high-stakes business, Miss Y/N," he said, his voice calm despite the chaos around you.
As you both sped away from the gunfire, the intensity of the moment left you breathless. The adrenaline coursing through your veins made you wonder how Bucky could remain so calm, and how his car seemed to be designed for situations like this.
"Bucky, are you really just a driver?" you asked, your voice filled with astonishment and curiosity.
Bucky, focused on the road ahead, replied without missing a beat. "Most of the time I work as a getaway driver."
"What?!" you exclaimed, unable to hide your surprise.
Bucky glanced at you briefly, a small smirk playing on his lips. "I have a few skills up my sleeve," he said cryptically, his eyes returning to the road as he expertly navigated the streets.
You panted heavily, trying to catch your breath after the intense chase. "Huff... huff... I have to win this damn bid. I almost lost my life. If I win, I will demand a promotion, and for you too, Bucky."
Bucky chuckled. "Thank you," he replied, his laughter mixing with relief as the moment's tension dissipated
Bucky glanced at you, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "You know, Miss Y/N, I'm impressed," he said, his voice tinged with respect.
You looked at him, surprised by his words. "Impressed? Why?"
"Because even though you were scared out of your mind back there," Bucky explained, gesturing vaguely to the chaos that had just unfolded, "you still have the drive to win this bid. That takes courage."
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips, touched by his words. "Well, I don't want to go through all of this for nothing," you replied, a hint of determination in your voice.
Bucky nodded, his expression serious. "I understand. And I believe you have what it takes to succeed."
As the car continued on its journey, you felt a newfound sense of confidence swelling within you. Despite the danger and the unexpected twists, you were determined to make this business trip count. With Bucky by your side, you felt like you could take on anything that came your way.
"Thank you, Bucky," you said, gratitude evident in your voice.
He smiled, a reassuring presence beside you. "Anytime, Miss Y/N. We make a good team."
And at that moment, as the city lights blurred past the windows of the car, you knew that this business trip would be far more than just a bid. It would be an adventure, with Bucky as your unexpected ally.
After you won the bid, you demanded a meeting with the CEO and threatened to sue the company if you weren't promoted.
Asserting your worth, you stood firm, and the CEO eventually relented, granting you the promotion you rightfully deserved.
As you stood in the office, your evil manager and colleague before you, the air was charged with tension. They both wore expressions of surprise and disbelief, clearly caught off guard by your sudden assertiveness.
"Good afternoon," you began, your voice steady and firm. "I requested this meeting to inform you both that your employment with this company is terminated, effective immediately."
The evil manager scoffed, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "You can't do that. You're just a new employee."
You met his gaze, unwavering. "Actually, as of today, I've been promoted to a position where I have the authority to make such decisions."
The lazy colleague chimed in, who answered your call at the airport. Her voice laced with disdain. "This is ridiculous. You're letting power go to your head."
You shook your head, a steely resolve in your eyes. "No, this is about accountability and integrity. Both of you have demonstrated a lack of professionalism and ethics that is unacceptable in this company. And you make me go alone knowing that the trips was a high risk."
The evil manager tried to argue, but you held up a hand to silence him. "There's no need for further discussion. Your actions have consequences, and now you're facing them."
With that, you handed them their termination letters, each neatly printed with the company seal. The evil manager's face turned red with anger, while the evil colleague's eyes widened in shock.
"This is unfair!" the evil manager shouted, his voice filled with outrage.
You remained calm, unfazed by his outburst. "It's the consequences of your own actions," you replied firmly.
Othrr colleague tried to plead for another chance, but you stood your ground. "I'm sorry, but this is non-negotiable," you said, your tone resolute.
As they gathered their things and left the office, the weight of their absence felt like a burden lifted from their shoulders. You watched them go, feeling a sense of relief and empowerment.
One day, the memories of Russia tugged at your heartstrings, and you found yourself longing to return, this time for a personal visit to see Bucky. With determination, you booked a flight and arrived at his apartment.
Bucky greeted you warmly, a smile spreading across his face. "Miss Y/N," he said with genuine happiness.
"Bucky," you replied, matching his smile. "I couldn't resist coming back to see you."
You smiled, feeling a rush of excitement and nervousness. "I wanted to thank you," you began, gratitude filling your voice. "For everything. You were there for me in Russia, and I couldn't have done it without you."
Bucky's expression softened, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth. "It was my pleasure. You showed courage and determination. I was just glad to be a part of it."
"I wanted to ask," you continued, gathering your courage, "if you would consider coming with me. With my promotion, I have the opportunity to lead new projects, and I can think of no one better to have by my side."
Bucky's eyes widened in surprise, clearly caught off guard by your offer. After a moment of contemplation, a smile slowly spread across his face. "I would be honored," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I believe we make a good team."
Bucky smiled warmly, a glint of excitement in his eyes as he grabbed his car keys and jacket. "To celebrate, let me pay for tonight's dinner. My treat," he said, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.
You couldn't help but feel gratitude and happiness at his offer. "That sounds wonderful." you replied, a smile spreading across your face.
That's how the love story between you and Bucky started.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
*kicks in door*
imma have ta ask ya for those tickling hcs for the vices if i may be so bold
the ones where their lover is the receiver
won't you focus on me?
Characters: Vice-dorm Leaders (Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Ortho, Rook, Lilia)
Synopsis: With you entirely focused on your phone, he finds himself feelng neglected. What better way than tickling to regain your attention and affection?
Tags: tickling, fluff, slight hurt much comfort, reader is ticklish and has hair, reader is kinda obsessed with their phone, bot proofread
Word count: 1.9k+
Notes: i love the energy of this ask hahaha! i included Ortho for fun, but as always, his is purely platonic!
Dorm Leader Vers ✧ Part 2 ✧ Masterlist
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Trey comes over to Ramshackle to visit you with food!
he's been a bit busy lately with unbirthday parties and so he really wanted to spend some time with you
but here you are, all caught up in your phone???
not even the scent of pastries is enticing you?
he's a bit offended by that, but mostly patient with you
"Well, I can wait until you're done with your phone," he sighs
when you still won't pay attention though, he knows just what to do to get your attention
he's used to playing around with his siblings
he starts with light tickles and gradually increases intensity depending on your reaction
gosh he's revelling in your attention now that your phone is out of reach
he won't be too mean, but he'll tease you for quite a bit
when he stops tickling you, he'll hold you in place for a bit to savour your company
"What's going on, sweetcakes?" Trey reaches out to ruffle your hair. "You've been glued to your phone all day. I brought you your favourite pastries?"
"Come on, I'm just messing around with you. It's your fault for ignoring me!" He chuckles as his wriggles his fingers across your sensitive spots, a playful glint in his eyes.
He stares at your disheveled form, satisfied. "Alright, alright, I'll give you a break. But seriously, put down the phone and let's eat!" He pulls you closer and you can feel him smiling as he kisses your forehead.
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Ruggie finally has a bit of free time!
he's been working extra hard to finish his jobs and tasks early to spend some time with you!
and you're just ??? on your phone???
he's pouting, honestly how could you?
"Well well well, looks like someone's too busy with their phone to pay attention to their favorite person in the world," he grumbles
he's impatient and if you're not showering him in affection immediately, he's pouncing on you
he'll start ticking you and laughing as you squirm at his touch
but oh? you swatted his ears a bit and he's shivering?
it turns into a tickle battle where you're both clawing for each other
when you're both out of breath, he'll snuggle close to you
the two of you spend some time together, doing whatever you want
and whoops! he's lost track of time and he needs to go running to get leona's laundry now
you better make it up to him next time!
Ruggie mumbles under his breath, dissatisfied. "What's so important on there, huh? Cute cat videos? I'm better than those cats..."
He snatches your phone out of your hands. "You thought you could ignore me, huh? Pay attention to me now!" He exclaims as he starts tickling your sides.
"See, I knew I could make you forget about your phone! Shishishi, you're all mine now. What do you say we do something fun together?" Triumphantly, he lays his head in your lap to gain your full attention. "We could chill, watch a movie, whatever you want, as long as you promise to give me your undivided attention," he says, as he leans into your touch.
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Jade was finally able to get a break from his duties
and so he wanted to spend some time with you building terrariums together
emphasis on together
he's also a bit a distracted by the flora but when he turns to you, he realises you're just on your phone???
"Darling, which do you think would be better? Hypoestes hyllostachya or Soleirolia soleirolii? Hmm, darling?" He turns around at your silence.
*Insert his creepy smile*  ̄⁠v ̄⁠
sighs and sneaks behind you before attacking your neck with tickles
oh no, you dropped your phone? he'll deal with it later, right now he's focused on punishing you
even better if it's broken so it can't distract you
and oh boy, he's not gonna stop anytime soon, he's not so secretly relishing in your squirming and giggles
when he thinks you've suffered enough, you'll have to deal with his crocodile tears as he laments you don't love him anymore
this sneaky eel wants you all to himself, ok?
Jade smiles at you, but you can't detect any warmth from it. "Pardon me, my pearl, but I do believe you've been neglecting me," he hums thoughtfully. "Perhaps a bit of tickling will remind you of your priorities of the present moment."
He sniffles as he wipes away a fake tear. "My pearl, you wound my heart so. Am I no longer entertaining enough to hold your attention?" He cups your cheek and directs your gaze towards his. "I hope you know I always crave your attention," he says as his hold on you tightens.
"I must say, it's quite satisfying to see you laughing like that. You have such a lovely smile. Now, how about we forget about that device for a while and just enjoy each other's company?" He smiles affectionately as he leans in for a kiss.
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kalim just announced another impromptu banquet, so Jamil won't have a lot of free time for a while
he finds you completely engrossed in your phone, oblivious to his presence
normally he wouldn't mind, he just likes being near you and hearing your heartbeat
but he really wanted your love and affection to keep him motivated
"Ya amar, do you mind paying attention to me?"
you hummed in response without looking away from your phone
well, time to take matters into his own hands
he shuffled closer to you, leaning in to hug you like he would as always, then he snuck his hands to your sides and neck to tickle you
you try to wriggle away but he's got you pinned down, and he's very precise in where he's tickling
when he finally relents and lets you catch their breath, your faces were flushed and his eyes sparkling with amusement at the sight
now you're just snuggled together, his head on your chest as you brush his hair and he sighs contentedly
make sure to check in on him when he's busy! he'll need to recharge with you
"Sigh, looks like I'll have to resort to drastic measures," he mutters as he reaches over to hold you.
"Got your attention now, huh?" Jamil teased, a playful glint in his eyes. You are still panting from his attack, bit you couldn't find it in you to get mad at him at all.
Jamil grinned, feeling satisfied that he gotten your attention. "So, what were you looking at on your phone that was so interesting? Tell me about it more, I want to hear you talk."
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you had asked Rook to demonstrate archery and how could he say no?
but wait! there's a new trending video on magicam!!
he notices immediately you're distracted by your phone
your hunter is less than pleased, he wanted your eyes to be on him!
he tries calling you all sorts of nicknames to get your attention, but you're just ignoring him???
"Mon chou, ma puce, mon cœur, mon trésor, ton attention s'il vous plaît!"
but nope, this video is just thaat interesting
he's nothing if not determined though, and he sneaks closer to you and starts tickling you
his eyes are narrowed in amusement, quickly catching your phone before it hit the ground and placing it on the bench, then continuing his attack
once you beg for him to stop he will, and he just cradles you in his arms tenderly
you're such a creature of beauty, he can't help but want to monopolise your attention
Rook stands in front of you and sighs dramatically. "Trickster, it seems you have been ensnared by the siren song of your phone. But fear not, for I have come to free you from its grasp!"
"You thought you could ignore me, mon amour? Think again! Your laughter is music to my ears, and I shall not stop until you are helpless with giggles!" He says as he continues to attack your ticklish spots.
"Come now, let us bask in the glory of each other's company, and leave this electronic abyss behind! Mon chou, won't you keep your eyes on me," he murmurs, pulling your hand to cup his cheek as he leans into it.
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Ortho's super excited to come over and play the newest video games with you!
he did try to get idia to come, but he's still running away from irl contact
he really likes hanging out with friends like a normal kid
but oh? you're distracted by this video online?
he already saw it a day ago, and idia complained about normie humour when he saw it
"Come on! You promised to play the game with me!" he pouts
see, he coould disable the video from the internet
but there are better and more fun ways of getting your attention!
per anime logic, why not try tickling you?
sneaks up behind you, and gently tickles you under your arms
this is so fun??? he can't stop tickling you, and you're just trying to squirm away
you can try to tickle him back, he's not ticklish with how idia built him
instead, just try the new game out! he wants to see how normal gamers play!
Ortho tilts his head in exasperation, before settling on the perfect strategy."Initiating playful retaliation protocol. Tickling commencing in 3...2...1. Warning, increased laughter and squirming may occur."
"Tickling pressure increased by 20%. Friend's laughter response is at maximum levels. Suggested response: continue tickling," he continues attacking ticklish spots that you didn't even know existed until you're left gasping for air.
"Haha, gotcha! You can't ignore me forever. Now come on, the game's already set up, let's have some fun!" He exclaims in excitement.
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Lilia offered to help you study history when he learned you had a habit of dozing off on Trein's history lessons
he's very excited to tell you the more accurate version of history but oh?
you're entirely focused on your phone and not a word of his lecture is entering your mind
"Sigh, looks like I'm not as interesting as that little screen of yours. Young people nowadays..." he shakes his head
he sees this as the perfect opportunity to tease you!
you're lucky you two decided to study in the common room and not the library
smiles wickedly as he's tickling you, and he knows where all your ticklish spots are
try as you might to push him away, but he's surprisingly strong despite his petit stature
he'll tickle you until he's satisfied with how dishevelled you are
that should teach you a lesson to pay attention to him
now come on, your history books won't study themselves and you have a very charming tutor here to help you, the least you could do is focus on him ;)
"My dear, it seems your attention is quite fixated on your phone. Do you not wish to give your attention to me, your beloved partner who has offered his services in teaching, for a moment?" Lilia asks, batting his eyelashes playfully.
"Hmm, perhaps a gentle tickling will be enough to regain your attention," he hums thoughtfully.
"Ah, it seems I've finally caught your attention. I hope a little tickle didn't inconvenience you too much," he laughs as he brushes your hair out of your face. "But I must say, you're quite ticklish! I'll have to remember that for next time," he smiles mischievously.
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Dorm Leader Vers ✧ Part 2 ✧Masterlist
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reizoudesu · 13 days
day three - smoke and mirrors
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ context: you received an invite from your boss yelan, a mission. strangely enough, it doesn't even include your lover in it, and you were always collaborating in cases involving crime-fighting, but you went with it anyway. it's time to fly solo.
coincidentally, you managed to run into them during your mission, but you were in a disguise. how would you greet them? how would they react? and how long would it take for them to recognize you without blowing your cover in front of the criminals?
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ fandom/s: genshin impact
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ character/s: heizou, wriothesley
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ genre/s: fluffily fluff / suggestive if you squint
notes: nobody is sending me asks and i'm getting a lil grumpy (>^< ). no matter... i wanna write what's on my mind lately. more for everyone~
heads-up/warnings: lowercase letters, a loooong paragraph (i'm having way too much fun in heizou's prompt aaaghhh), yelan is reader's boss, reader is aligned to feminine qualities (but still uses you/your/yours pronouns), set in modern au of genshin impact, petnames/affectionate nicknames, might be ooc
tw! mdni: mentions of blood, crime-fighting, gunshots (in wriothesley's prompt), suggestive themes and innuendoes (both heizou and wrio's)
do not copy, steal, mark as your own work (but feel free to repost <3)
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
"oh? can i help you, darling?" heizou - already had hints that it's you, but still decides to play along
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well, what a predicament. you are the loveliest being the world has ever seen. the tresses that bounced in every step you make, the way you presented yourself in the masses; the gala is home to one of the best and richest of attendees. and you are (pretending to be) one of them.
you are an agent under yelan's organization, who is co-partnering with inazuma's police agency, the tenryou commission. the letter of the client was sent to you, but you were the only one assigned. yes, you alone, without your lover.
that only leaves you to a happy mood since you couldn't handle his cheeky antics. it's a blessing in disguise that he's not here to pester you with his unruly yet affectionate attitude. although you still missed his company, you are just so stubborn you wouldn't admit that, of course.
anyway, the letter states about a gala (the one you are in), coupled with a file with your targeted suspect. the suspect is said to be in a group of vigilantes, but he and another member infiltrated the gala; they must've split teams. and it is your task as an agent to catch them before things get awry. you'll have to infiltrate the party as well, so you are dressed as a noble with a decent job as a writer in liyue.
you were just there, casually interacting with a few people like a beautiful friendly socialite you are until you stumbled upon a pretty face. youthful, a smirk on his lips, a touch of golden in his olive-green eyes. you didn't quite catch his appearance, but he was in a fancy suit with a neat little tie. there's a faint dot under each eye hidden in a layer of makeup and blush if you squint.
"oh? can i help you, darling?" the note was smooth you can faintly recognize the tint of foxiness in his voice. oh no, it's him!
the one and only… detective heizou.
"ah, hello," you answer a little clumsily, your smile was shaky to the point that you were visibly bothered. why were you even so mortified?
he chuckles inwardly at your pinkish appearance, wrapping his fingers around your gloved ones. it felt warm and familiar. it was so unsuspecting that anyone in the crowd wouldn't see your hands interwoven. they would mistake it as someone who bumped into you and was just offering his support to you who nearly tripped over him.
"so, what bring you here in the gala, miss?" he asked with a mild beam on his lips. you could only answer with this, "ah, they sent me an invite. the party's pretty nice, and the food as well."
despite your cheery attitude, he can pick up on your uneasiness, but he continued looking and playing the part. of course, he had to. it's bad when it's heizou you are seeing, worse when he is the one clinging onto you. finally, to add fuel to the fire, the band is on top volume, the introductory lines of the song billowing like smooth silk:
" birds flying high, you know how i feel. "
ooh, no... please archons, no.
" sun in the sky, you know how i feel. "
and that is really it.
"so, care for a dance?" heizou held out his hand for you to take, and you had no choice but to go along with it, the skirt of your gown flowing to the movement of your heeled feet towards him.
he pulled you in and went dancing in the pool of partygoers. despite the rising feeling of panic of being in a cramped space full of people, he held you close, shielding you with his arms as the two of you went waltzing in the dancefloor. there's a grand, elegant scene before you, swags of white silky curtains flowing lazily by the windowsills, pillars supporting the roof of the covering ballroom, while a glistening chandelier hangs over the crowd.
most of them dancers were show offs, impressing the ladies in bright pinks and flashy reds, as if their suave presence alone could win their praise. the rest were drunk off of the punch at the white table decorated in silverware and ceramics. this is a fancy gala, but neither of you had the care to even think about them. just each other’s presence, his hands on your waist while yours settled right on his shoulders, the fibers of his clean, black tuxedo tickles at the littlest of cells in your palm.
he makes small talk as his beam remains, but his voice was much quieter than before, enough for only the two of you to hear; "you took the case without me?"
"i had to, yelan said you were busy," you answered with a light grimace as heizou skillfully twirls you at the timed beat of the waltz; "i know i shouldn't, but you're getting busy, and i really understand that." you were clearly not over him and his antics but still, the truth in your words held the same sincerity in your eyes.
he slowly frowns in dejection at your words. he messed up and you both knew it. he holds you near him, your foreheads almost touching you could barely breathe; "y/n, i didn't realize...—"
"no, no, it's okay," you cut him off, and he was a little disappointed at your interruption. there's just so much more to tell you, and at a time like this. he can't hold it in any longer…
you both weaved along the crowd while you remained intertwined in the dance, until he had you behind the wall, a serious glint in his olive-green eyes. you felt it too, and felt uneasy. a pleasant kind of uneasiness. until a smile creeps into his lovely visage.
"what are the possibilities that we're taking on the same case?" his smile returns, and your expression turns playful. that's not entirely true, at least in your case. he's perceptive, and he can't pretend that he didn’t had his sights on your missions as an agent. and he wouldn’t even consider this as a simple coincidence either.
"oh, believe me. you're just here to tell me how much you missed me, aren't you?" you cross your arms with a huff. that answer only fueled his unspoken thoughts of what he wants to do with you, "i'm not surprised you can catch on so quickly, darling. but it's more than that..."
the night grows colder, the music raised in a crescendo, with the dancers twirling like little flowers in spring, the chatters of the partygoers in the mix. it veiled the sounds of your sighs.
his lips devoured yours, as you two remained hidden in the wall of the hallway, surrounded by a crimson curtain. your heartbeats are timed as one, racing a million miles a minute. your fingers danced upon his half-buttoned dress shirt, earning a shiver from the detective in response. in turn, he deepened the kiss, leaving you at a loss for air.
"mmm... archons, you're so beautiful..." he breathed into your ear, and there's that dizzying haze seeping into the back of your mind. it's like breathing his smoke into your lungs, and you're addicted.
you found yourself tugging at his tie, while his hands were in your hair, crumpling in his hands. it stung, but that was the main driving force to keep going. and neither of you would let go yet. until a faint hiss rang in your ears—
"status report, y/n. where are you right now?" the voice crackled and rang in your earpiece, and you had to force your head away from his own. yelan, your boss.
heizou was dazed and confused at the sudden pull-away, before his open-mouthed expression morphs into a small smirk. he heard her too.
"that's your cue to leave, eh?"
you were blushing so hard at his words, and you glared at him before turning away. you manage a shaky reply to yelan, trying your best to hide the wavering note in your voice; "i'm alright, i'm on the lookout right now," before you punched him on the shoulder, earning a laugh from him. finally, he softened down and cupped your cheek with a tender beam.
"go on, love. good luck on your mission."
you smiled back and planted one last kiss on his cheek, parting ways with a lingering glow of bittersweet and longing.
it lasted forever but ended so soon.
"i’m not sure if i should be surprised or scared, but… how exactly did you find me?" wriothesley - has suspicions that you'll be present in the investigation, but far too stressed (and pretty banged out) to even recognize you in a disguise
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you were running at the group of robbers, bunching up your skirt as you clomped your way through the cobblestone streets of fontaine. they are not going off the hook so easily. gunshots rang across the vicinity but you managed to evade them, thanks to the crowding buildings and abandoned houses in the outskirts of town.
yes, this is exactly what yelan told you about. she mentioned about a bank in fontaine, and predicted a robbery, especially in pursuit of a diamond hidden in the halls of the bank. and it’s also located near the fortress of meropide. where your boyfriend could be waiting…
ah, the administrator of the meropide incorporation— or simply known as the fortress. your lover wriothesley works there. he wouldn’t be too keen on letting you leave on your mission all alone, but you can’t rely on him all the time, can you? you were a capable agent after all, so this should not pose a problem to you.
you steel yourself for what’s to come, slipping though the door of the bank as it gets locked. it’s dark.
“huh—! who goes there?!” a voice rang out from afar, alerting you of a potential threat. ah, it’s just a guard. still, you made a point not to draw attention to the guards in the bank. it’ll scare your hunting game away.
you dove deeper into the abyss, within the walls of the enormous safe and the room adjacent to it when you hear someone’s breath. you froze up; is someone following you? are they a spy? are they here to kill you? you swivel around your head with a wary expression, a blade in your hand before your eyes set upon a glowing pair of silver.
slowly, you began to see his silhouette, but by bit, little by little, until the scene catches you in a swirl of emotions. he’s injured, a gash on his shoulder, with his good arm clutching over it to stop the bleeding, while he sits there, panting for breath due to exhaustion.
“a-ah?” he started, trying to get a good look of your face. he doesn’t know you, you were in a disguise. despite the lingering feeling to break character and take off your hat, you only pressed a hand on his chest to stop him from moving, your voice unrealistically firm, “sir, you’re hurt.”
somehow, he can recognize that voice, yet he was too tired to even think straight. by luck, you pulled out a pocket first aid kit, a little something from sigewinne. she and wriothesley don’t always meet eye-to-eye at times, but you can tell they really care for each other like a little sister to an older brother. and she cares about you, too.
dabbing the wound with a cotton ball stained with antiseptic and wrapping it with a roll of gauze, you place him straight behind the wall of the safe.
“thank you…” he managed, a surprised yet tender smile on his lips. you smiled back with a nod, “anytime.”
for a moment, you two were silent, apart from the sound of his panting. he had so many questions that he would like you to answer. why are you here? how did you find him? and do you not find it strange to nurse a stranger? you were never a stranger to begin with, but still, the disguise leaves more questions to wriothesley’s noisy mind.
“i’m not sure if i should be surprised or scared, but… how exactly did you find me?” he started with a serious gaze, still clutching the patched wound on his shoulder. you shook your head, “i heard you scuffling over… and i saw you there.”
no, no, this is no good at all. he wants to know more about your intentions.
“is it now? heh, how so?” he asked, a tired but wry look on his face as he shifted himself to the corner. finally, for the first time, you decided to play a little into his feelings.
“i have my sources, wrio,” his nickname slips past your lips so suddenly he visibly tenses in recognition. slowly, he hears you loud and clear. it was his y/n all along!
“w-wait, y/n??” he audibly gasped, so loudly you had to cover his mouth as a few guards perk up at the sound. he narrowed his eyes at you with a stern grimace, “you didn’t get in trouble, did you?” you could only shake your head with a cheeky laugh. “nope. i'm here on a mission.”
“without me?” he looks wounded by your words, he was worried sick about you. and you both loved and hated it at the same time.
”i know, i’m sorry,” you murmured, planting a kiss on his cheek, where a dried scar ran over the pale skin, across his jawline. At this point, you forgot all about the mission and your focus was entirely on him.
“i missed you,” you said, and he almost melted at your words. he pulls you close and whispered, “i missed you too.”
within the dark, you were here with an injured boyfriend, feeling oddly strange. but you liked it. you were getting bored from waiting, but the two of you decided to kill time with friskiness.
hands in his hair as you swallowed his quiet little pants, while his strong, vein-streaked hands grabbed at your frame. even though the morbid scene of him almost dying remained, this little moment pushed all worries and logic behind.
if someone was watching them right now, they can’t. your floppy hat concealed the closeness of your faces, the flushed looks you’ve exchanged while your lips remained sealed, a taste. even though you lover is injured, the way he’s holding you as if he’ll crush you into dust tells the tale.
you were playing with fire, and you both knew it.
he had to suppress a groan that sounded like a mix of pain and bliss, but you pulled away, thinking that you’ve hurt him.
“sorry, did i hurt you?” you asked with a frown, while he huffed a sigh, “nope, not even once, darling.”
then you heard gunshots, and the both of you perked up. it’s time to go.
to your shock, wriothesley began crawling on all fours before he stood at his fullest height. he was revitalized, up and going again. you can see the hint of determination in his stance and steel-grey eyes, and it infected you like a virus.
“here, why don’t we both go and get those lackeys?”
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selfloverrrrrr · 5 months
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Warning: smut, heavy smut, unprotected sex, teasing, nipple play, jealousy.....
( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
Gojo Satoru. My biggest enemy. If anyone ask him what's his favourite thing to do... he'll definitely answer getting on my nerves. Like more I hate him that isn't enough....he makes me hate him more. There's not a single day he haven't got on my nerves!
It was a normal day. I was just about to enter the college when someone called my name "heyyyy....y/n???". I turn around and saw Yuta. Yuta is my childhood friend. A large smile appeared on my face. "Yuta??? OMG.... after a very long time!!! How are you???" I asked and went infront of him. "I'm fine...wbu???" He asked. "I'm fine too... but you here suddenly?" I asked. "I newly joined this college actually " he replied. "Oh really? That's great " I said and suddenly felt a slap on my ass. "Why are you talking to another man after we did that last night???" A voice said. I looked at him. The devil himself. Gojo Satoru. Standing there and smirking at me.
Me : that's not any guy.... that's my childhood friend! And-
Gojo: why don't you introduce me to him???
Me: why would I introduce you to him???? And we did not fucked last night!!!
Gojo: I didn't use the fuck word.... you wanna do that?~
Yuta: hey y/n.... I have to go now...see you later! Bye.
Yuta went inside the college. And Satoru did the same with whistling. 'this mf is getting on my nerves!!!!!' I thought. The things made me hate him more is his fucking flirting!
Another day. I run towards Geto. "Hey Geto??? Where's Gojo????" I asked agressively. "He went out.. coming here soon.... but why are you asking like that?" He asked. "I just can't take your dumb annoying ass bestfriend anymore!!!" I said. "Yeah...but what happened now?" Geto asked and at that moment Gojo entered. He walked towards us. That annoying smirk still on his face.
Me: what the fuck do you think you are doing???!!!
Gojo: what?~
Me: stop being annoying shit!!! Geto, do you know what he did???? He said the junior girls that me and Gojo fucked each other and we do it so often!
Geto: Satoru... again?
Gojo: what?... that was for defence....they weren't leaving me alone.... and they keep giving me proposals every day.... that's I said that!
Me: Why fucking me?!
Gojo: don't act like you won't be pleased if we do that really ~
Me: NEVER! I rather die than let you put your fucking dick inside me!
I said and leave the place.
Shoko gave a party at her place. I got ready and went to her place. I was wearing a red wine short bodycon dress.
When I entered there first I saw Geto and Shoko. Shoko hugged me and took me inside. Then I saw Yuta. " you came too?... that's good" I said with a smile. " Yes I did" he replied me. Then I turned to Geto again. " You're looking hot... tonight" Geto said. " Oh... thank you for the compliment" I replied with a small smirk. Then I went to the drinks counter.
I ordered a drink. I was looking around when I saw Gojo. He didn't saw me yet. Then my went to the girl infront of him. That girl was a well-known whore of our college. There isn't a guy in our college she haven't tried to shove her breasts in their faces. Now GOJO was flirting with that bitch and he didn't even noticed me at all!? I don't why but I felt jealous which I should not be feeling!
When I turned around for my drink there was someone beside me. Ryomen Sukuna. He was the biggest rival of Gojo. I looked at him. He was smirking at me. "Hello ~" he said. "Hey" I replied. "You're looking sexy" he said and his eyes trailed over my body. "Oh?" I replied. "Yeah... that colour suits you so much" he said leaning against the counter. "Well....Thank you" I replied. "So? What plans do you have for tonight?" He asked with a smirk. I was about to reply when I heard someone's voice from my behind. "Heyyy.." the voice said. I turned my head to see Gojo standing behind me. "What are you doing?" He asked. He was standing so close to me. I could feel his breath on my shoulder. "Can't you see??? I'm talking with someone" I replied rudely and turned my head towards sukuna. Gojo's eyes drifted to sukuna. Sukuna smirked at him.
Me: "What were you asking?"
Gojo: "can we talk?"
Me: "I'm busy now"
Sukuna: " I was asking What plans do you have for tonight?"
Gojo glared at sukuna and clenched his jaw.
Gojo: "we need to talk "
Me: "I said no!"
Me: (to Sukuna) I don't have any plans just waiting for a handsome guy to pick me~"
Gojo grabbed my arm and dragged me to a corner and pinned me against a wall. "What the fuck do you think you are doing???" He said with venom in his eyes. " What do YOU think I am doing???" I replied. "Why the are you ignoring me and giving attention to that fucker???" He said with grinded teeth. "Maybe cause he noticed me, came to me and complemented me inside of flirting with the biggest whore of our college who tries to spread her legs infront of every guy!" I replied. Gojo glared at me. "I was not flirting with her! She was trying to get in my pants so I was trying to get off her " he said seriously. "I don't care.... I liked Sukuna's complement and I'm going to him!" I said and he pushed me harder against the wall. "Don't test my fucking limits " he said with grinded teeth and glared at me. "Or what?" I replied. "Or???" He said. And the next thing I felt was his lips on mine. He was kissing me roughly as if he was suck my out with the kiss. I kissed him back roughly grabbing his hair.
*cough* *cough* we heard a voice beside us and pulled away and looked beside us. Geto and Shoko standing there crossing their arm. They smirked at us. "It's not-" me and Gojo spoke together but they cut us off. "Yeah we know... continue we're leaving" they said and leave. I was about to leave when Gojo grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "Did I told you to leave?" He spoke. "What were you talking about??? Complement? You dress doesn't need complement...it needs to be on my bedroom floor" he said and picked me up. He carried me outside to his car and drive to his house.
Reaching his house he rushed into his bedroom and threw on his bed. Gojo started crawling towards me. He was now on top of me. He crashed his lips on mine once again. Kissing me roughly. Making me breathless.
He started undressing me. He was undressing me like a wild animal. He almost took off my clothes. I was just left in my panties. Gojo started licking my nipple. He was being such a tease. I moaned. He continued his teasing licking and sucking on my nipple. With his one hand he grabbed my other boob and squeezed it roughly. I moaned so loudly.
When he was done playing with my nipples and boobs he got up and started taking off my panties. "You're dripping, darling~" he said with his smirk. He bring his face close to my pussy and licked it. "Ummmmmmm..... heaven~" he whispered to himself and I moaned .
He now took off his clothes. His huge length was out now. My eyes widened at his length. It was too long and too thick. He grabbed his dick stroked it two or three times then line it with my entrence. I was panicking a bit at the size. Gojo pushed his whole length in one slide and I scremed with pain and pleasure. "Weren't you the one who once told 'I rather die than let you put your fucking dick inside me'...huh?" He asked with a smirk. My face become so red at his words. He smirked at my reaction and started thursting in and out roughly. I was screming loudly. His huge dick was giving me too much pleasure. He started giving me hickeys on my neck and chest. His thursting getting faster and harder. "Now tell me can that fucking Sukuna make you feel like this???" He said while thrusting harder. "N-no...." I moaned loudly. "Don't hide those hickeys tomorrow.... I want that fucker to see these " he whispered and I just nooded eagerly. My whole body was shaking. He was moaning too. The way his dick was touching my g-spot make my back arch. It didn't take much time and I came. As I came that smirk again played on his lips.
I felt his dick started throbbing inside me. I didn't have the power to speak. It was too much for me. When my warm walls clenched around him he moaned loudly. In a few minutes he came inside me. He slowly pull out and threw him beside me. I was already fainted. He bring his face closer to mine and whispered....
"Don't worry,baby. I'm not that bad... I'm gonna buy you pills tomorrow"
Give me your requests guys 💗
I love when you give me your requests 💗💖
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magicxc · 6 months
Pairings: Survey Corps - their fave holidays
Word Count: 871
Warnings: none
A/N: I considered Japanese holidays for this bit but then laziness got the best of me. Like most pieces I create with these characters a lot of how I envision them will relate to western/modern culture in some way or another. Though they probably won't celebrate half of the holidays I'm about to list, I want to reiterate that this is my idea of the traits these characters possess and also they are not real. 
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren  - Christmas
Eren is big on family, especially the family he’s made with Armin and Mikasa. It’s clear that he stands ten toes down behind them and when he gets his own family, it’ll be much the same. I actually think having kids will bring out the fluff in Eren and he’ll be that obnoxious holiday parent that's doing the most with decorations and presents. But it's honestly the atmosphere that gets him going. The holiday cheer, the kindness, the emphasis on giving - he loves it all. 
Levi - New Years
The new year signals a new beginning but also the close to another chapter. Each time Levi makes it to a new year he’s thankful but mostly shocked. From life underground to humanity's biggest threat, he never knows when disaster might strike. But, when the clock strikes 12 it's a moment of relief, one where he can sit back and relish in the thought that he’s made it to another trip around the sun. 
Erwin - Fathers Day
Lmaoo I'm not tryna make Erwin sound egotistical at all, but I was also running out of popular holidays. The day the Scouts headed to their mission to plug wall Maria was the first time we saw them get a standing ovation and it was also the first time we saw Erwin express such vocal excitement. Even though he can come off a bit aloof, I thought it was fun to see him in that way. That being said I think he’d enjoy being celebrated and can even play up the wowwwws at the macaroni necklaces and handprint construction papers lol. He would love and take care of his family obvi but it’d also make him feel good to feel that admiration in return. 
Connie - Thanksgiving 
You feed this man and he’ll love you forever. It’s his favorite holiday because it has back to back benefits. There's tons of food, a four day weekend off from work, and the opportunity to spend time with his family. He’s the type to pitch in money but over the years Connie has been more inclined to learn how to cook and has even started bringing in a dish. He’s most excited to try a Friendsgiving as he considers them family as well. 
Jean - Valentines Day
I firmly believe that Jean is a romantic. I don't think he’d be the most creative at gift giving lol but it’s certainly the thought that counts. On valentines day he goes all out - teddy bears, flowers, chocolates, etc. ya know, the usual. Although his gifts are very on the nose and sometimes he needs to be spoon fed the information, what he lacks in creativity, he'll gain in experience; learning to step his game up as the years go by. Again, sweet guy. 
Onyankopon - Easter
He more so likes the spring break aspect of it. With the flowers blooming and the sun making regular appearances, it was usually the first sign to what summer would be like. Ony enjoys traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures. So although spring break was meant to party, which he did, Ony always made the time to immerse himself in the customs of whichever country he visited. Now as an adult, he still indulged in his version of spring break as he always enjoyed the mini relaxation that it brought about; thinking of it as his summer outside of summer. 
Reiner - Independence Day
Reiner is over the whole patriotic thing, however he can't help but enjoy the events that take place because of it. There’s literally a bbq happening on every corner so he’s for sure house hopping for a plate. There's all sorts of sales and Gabi is making him put that wallet to USE hunnie. And while he doesn’t mind, he more so enjoys their time spent together. There's also the beautiful fireworks that light up the evening sky. And at the end of the day he gets to spend his remaining time with family, gathered around over good food and even better vibes. 
Armin - Mothers Day
Armin is def the type to dote on his wife. Hard day at work? He’s rubbing the stress out of your shoulders. Hungry? He’s cooking and prepping lunch for the week. Overwhelmed at work? He’s booking you a spa day. Armin literally adores his woman and enjoys any chance he has to celebrate her and Mothers Day is no exception. Expect him and the kiddies to hand make you some arts and crafts, cook you breakfast, and plan the holiday around your desired interests; with him making sure, at the end of the day, to show you why you celebrate the holiday in the first place. 
Floch - Halloween
He’s big on the spooky vibe but not to a concerning extent. Like many others he just enjoys the activities surrounding it. This is actually where Floch flourishes in creativity and fun. He’s making spooky themed treats, decorating to upstage the next door neighbor, and enjoying all the movie classics. Let's not even get started on the lengths he’ll go through to make the most life-like costumes and the parties where he shows it all off?? Top mf notch! Bonus points for getting some action at said parties.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
tsamsiyu ta’em - on the move, desert fox
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Masterlist - part six
Summary: Kayla feels useless to Jake's cause against the RDA and as you might expect, it's hard to convince Toruk Makto that you're ready to be a warrior.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 7k+
Taglist (bold indicates “could not tag”): @mooniequeen @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @heart-an0n @amiets2 @slutforsmut4ever @yeosxxx​ @im-in-a-pansexual-panik
Warnings: canon-compliant, canon-typical violence, mature language, adult content, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, alien/human (technically avatar), jake sully sister agenda, time skips, I'm trying to hurry up and get to the good parts so bear with me, fluff, angst, adopted spider, tags to be added
A/N: Sorry for the wait! Welcome to the events of AtWoW!
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The maglev run should've been something up Kayla's alley, but alas, she wasn't ready to fly an ikran let alone run a task force. Or at least, that's what all her teachers have told her. Until she can hunt and make a clean kill, she couldn't claim a banshee. However, it was possible for her to run ground team assaults on any RDA convoy they hit astride a pa'li. Kayla wouldn't mind that since even Neytiri believes that she makes an excellent rider. At the very least, she could make herself useful instead of helping Kiri or Jocelyn tend to the wounded Na'vi and avatars whenever they come home from these tight-knit missions her brother organizes. 
Instead, she's trapped at High Camp, bored, twiddling her thumbs while standing around in her avatar towering over Jocelyn while the biotech is observing a bit of plant life her two Na'vi boyfriends had brought her. Or at least, that's who Kayla assumes they are. As she noticed before, the two young Omatikaya warriors always bring something back for Jocelyn in their travels and she always tends to follow them around in return. Jocelyn had introduced the two males to Kayla as Txe'la and Meui, to which Kayla struggled but was able to realize their names were derived from 'heart' and 'honor' fittingly. They each represented their names in many ways. While Txe'la is easily more gentle and kind, Meui is respectable but stern. They aren't brothers as she had recently thought, but are childhood friends and orphans from the Last Battle. Kayla never asked, but she could safely assume they were a mated pair, and by watching how they interact with Jocelyn, the avatar wondered if all three's feelings toward each other were mutual. 
Kayla knew Jocelyn a little better now and can safely say that the human female was a good mixture of both Txe'la and Meui. When all three were together, they perfectly evened each other out, but it was hard to tell if all three of them were officially 'together'. Still, despite the even number, Kayla felt like a fourth wheel when Jocelyn had politely invited her into their tight little circle for the day. It was sweet of the biotech to try and distract the avatar woman from the absence of the war party, but unnecessary. Kayla didn't need to be entertained, at least not by a biotech who is more interested in the plants held out to her in Txe'la's hands so Jocelyn could take samples.
"Attack! Attack!"
Kayla's little niece, on the other hand, is far more entertaining, holding a toy toruk in her hand and mimicking flight as she ran around. Tuk dove between Txe'la and Meui, interrupting Jocelyn's sampling when the young girl flew her toy in front of the woman's face, "Gotcha!"
Kayla and the men laugh while Jocelyn threw her arms up in offense, clearly exasperated as the little girl ran away, "Tuk! Come on!" She reprimanded. 
The girl didn't react to Jocelyn, not a care in the world as she ran off to continue playing. Kayla laughed under her breath and shook her head fondly while Txe'la reels Jocelyn's attention back to the leaf, calming her bristle. The little girl had run out of sight by the time horns of war were blown, echoing off the cave system's walls, announcing the return of the war party. All heads turn in the direction of the sound, straining their necks to search for loved ones as ikran slowly glide through the cave entrances to find perches. Kayla made a step toward the landing zone, but Jocelyn whisked her in the opposite direction, asking for her help in case any avatars from the war party returned wounded. Reluctantly, Kayla agreed and followed the smaller woman back to the Longhouse and prepared their medical equipment. Before long, the avatars duck their heads into the marui to greet the others, either to announce they're okay or if they need medical attention. Jocelyn and Kayla get to work on the wounded but thankfully, they were only cuts and bruises, and even made pleasant conversation as they bandaged their patients.
Norm Spellman, tall in his human and currently even taller in his avatar form, struts in, and Kayla immediately clocks in her friend's presence, breaking away from a dismissed patient and moving over to him, "Norm! Are--"
"All Sullys are alive and accounted for," he smirks, "But thanks for the concern, Kayla."
"Shut up, you're fine." She shoves his face away from her, internally relieved about the news of her family, "Big baby."
Norm laughs and shoves her back, which she ignores as she continued, "But be honest, they're alright?"
"Yeah, they're fine. Neteyam walked away with a few scratches, but that's the worst of it, I promise."
She sighs in relief, then for added measure, gives Norm an added shove.
After helping Lo'ak with the ikran, Spider follows the Sully boy to the tsahik tent where Tuk, Kiri, and Mo'at were already tending to Neteyam. The human boy stayed there, gently teasing Neteyam about his boo-boo, and only left once Neytiri and Jake were no longer guarding the entrance of the tent. It's not that Spider was scared of them -somewhat lie- but it appeared as though the parents were having an intense conversation that Spider did not want to interrupt, so he hung out with the Sully kids until the coast was clear and he left, heading home.
The Avatar Longhouse was on the edge of camp, and upon checking in with Max, Spider went looking for one avatar in particular since he had yet to see her since the war party returned. He found her inside the Longhouse, among the large crowds of Na'vi-like bodies towering over Spider as he weaved through them, avoiding tails and swinging arms. In turn, the avatars noticed him and did their best to stay out of his way and be careful where they stepped. Kayla was off to the side, found rummaging through a crate for bandages when Spider approached the tall avatar.
He taps her arm for attention, "Hey, heads up," Kayla looks down instead once she recognized his voice, and finds his eyes immediately, "Lo'ak got grounded."
She raised an eyebrow, suspicious, "Okay... You're telling me this why?"
"I'm letting you know that I'm bringing him around later so he can whine at you instead of me."
Her expression falls into a blank, deadpan expression, "You're very noble, kid," she stated sarcastically, to which the teenager laughs even as she thumps him with her tail. Kayla rolls her eyes and motions to the exit, "Go on, get outta here."
As he walks away, she calls after him, "And bring Kiri, too!"
"Okay, 'Mom.'" Kayla spun around at Norm's taunt, and he grins, ears perking up in delight when she flashed an irritated expression.
"Shut up, I didn't mean it like that."
"Oh, I know," he replied smugly, earning a roll of bandages to the face and getting laughed at by other humans and avatars.
The kids showed back up at the Longhouse shortly after dinner, sneaking into the avatar marui to greet them. Kayla looked up from lounging on her nivi and expectedly spotted the usual three suspects, Spider, Lo'ak, and Kiri, one usually never seen without the other two like the trio they were. 
Norm spots the three teenagers as well amidst brushing his teeth and calls out, "Hey, Spider!"
Spider barely turned his head before his back is slapped by the tail-end of a wound-up towel, pointing an accusing finger up at Spellman as he passed by, "Your ass is mine."
"I'm right here!" Norm exclaimed smugly with the toothbrush in his mouth, arms open in invitation. 
But Spider knows better than to go against someone twice his size and moves on, leading his friends through the chaos of avatars. Jocelyn catches sight of the three teens as she glanced away from a patient she was bandaging up and scowled.
"Avatars only," Jocelyn berated as Kiri walked past, "Go around!"
Kiri wasn't bothered and even mocks Jocelyn in a high-pitched tone with a small bit of attitude. Lo'ak, trailing behind his sister, genuinely looked guilty as he passed by Jocelyn, "Sorry."
The kids head for the biolab and that's Kayla's cue to disconnect the neuro-link, all the while waving at the human woman down the way from her hammock, "I got this, don't worry about it. Kids!" She calls out to the trio, "Come on, wait up!"
"Wait for me," Norm exclaimed while getting cozy in his own nivi.
Leaning back in her hammock, Kayla closes her eyes and expertly disconnected from her avatar, opening her eyes again to see the inside ceiling of her link bay. She waits until she hears her gurney moving back into its inactive position before manually opening the lid herself, taking a deep breath of oxygen, and flexing her human fingers. Hearing Max and Norm talking, Kayla pushes away the censor cage and sits up, groaning slightly at the rush of blood pumping to her brain, causing a headache behind her eyes from lying down for too long. She gathers herself before hopping off the gurney, finding her footing as the teens walk into the biolab, having been beaten to the lab by Norm and Kayla, now in their human forms.
While she was grabbing for an oxygen mask, Kiri felt a tug on her tail and she immediately made a grab for Spider, who in turn moved out of her reach as they playfully hiss and claw the air at each other. Kiri takes a glimpse behind Spider and politely waves, "Hey, Max."
"Hey, kids!"
"Hey, what's up, Max?" Spider briefly forgets playtime and approaches Max as the older man offers the teen a fistbump, who grins in reply.
"What up."
Lo'ak nods his head over to the scientists, "What's up, Norm?"
"Lo'ak!" Norm raised his arm in greeting, beaming over at the Sully boy until Spider swiftly goes in for his revenge, jabbing Norm in the exposed armpit with all his strength. Norm flinches away, guarding his pit as he hissed in pain while Spider wore a proud, shit-eating grin.
"Easy, kiddo," Kayla rounds the corner of Norm's link gurney, arms open wide for her niece and nephew as she flashes Spider a smirk, "Leave that poor old man alone."
"Hey, Auntie!" Kiri exclaims while leaning down to hug the woman, breaking away after Kayla gently tugs at the beads in the teen girl's short hair.
Norm groans while rubbing the now sore part of his armpit, wincing at the spot that'll no doubt bruise there. He snipes back at Kayla with playful irritants and points an accusatory finger, "And just for that, you get sanitize duty!"
She rolls her eyes in response, moving over to grab a spray bottle and a rag before tilting her head toward the link bays, "Hey, Lo'ak! Help me out here, would ya?"
Lo'ak obediently jogs over, letting the others go about their own things, "Yeah, Auntie?"
After a brief instruction, they get to work wiping down the gurneys, splitting up the task in order to get done faster. Kayla waits until they're halfway done to speak up, "So I overheard you got grounded from flying? Must've been pretty serious. What happened?" 
Silence follows and this causes Kayla to look up. Immediately, she sees shame flash over her nephew's yellow eyes and concern immediately flashes over her smaller blue ones, "Lo'ak? Hey... hey," her tone drops to something soft and gentle, "What's the matter, kiddo?"
He takes a deep breath and tells her everything that happened during the mission, sometimes without taking a second between sentences to breathe. Lo'ak was clearly distressed about the whole situation and adds how he got grounded as a result. Kayla patiently stands and waits for him to finish, listening intently without ever making a sound. By the end of his rant, the teen boy finally takes a real, deep breath, shoulders slouching in defeat. He hangs his head, eyes staring down at his feet while his ears pinned back against his skull. The motion frightens Kayla, sometimes having to second-guess and make sure she was talking to Lo'ak instead of Jake, the similarities are still so uncanny to her.
"I nearly got Neteyam killed today." He muttered weakly.
Her eyes widen, lips forming a sneer of disgust, "Did your father tell you that?" When he doesn't respond, it's enough of an answer to make Kayla snarl loudly as if she still had Na'vi fangs, "That son of a-- I swear someday I'm going to rip the braid from his skull--"
"It's fine, Auntie, really," Lo'ak muttered, a little embarrassed and keeping his gaze at his feet, "It's the truth. I made Neteyam break a rule."
"You didn't make Neteyam do anything," Kayla steps forward and places her hand on her nephew's forearm, "He's a big boy and he can choose to listen to you or not. Yes, what you did was wrong, but you didn't force your brother to do the same. He made that choice all on his own."
When he doesn't respond, Kayla tugs his arm to gain his attention. Lo'ak gets the message and lets Kayla guide him to sit on the link gurney next to them. Kayla places both hands on his arms once he sits, now sunken down to her height, "My brother asks too much from you boys. I know you want to be big and strong warriors, but you are still considered boys-- children."
When he flashes a small glare, Kayla retorts back, "Don't give me that look Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan. On Earth, you have to be eighteen years old to be considered an adult, and even then you're not considered fully grown until you're in your late twenties."
Lo'ak tries to laugh but immediately regrets it, wincing in pain and screwing his eyes shut. Kayla's lecture instantly melts into concern, "Hey... what's wrong?"
"My head hurts." He muttered.
Kayla's hands reach behind her nephew's head, gingerly poking around the back of the skull for a bump or bruise, "Did you hit your head when you got tossed in the explosion?"
"... Maybe?"
Her distaste returns, but it's not directed at Lo'ak, "That does it," once she muffles Lo'ak's big ears with her tiny hands, she shouts over her shoulder, "Norm! Max! Please check on Lo'ak and see if he's got a concussion," her eyes are suddenly shrouded with a dark expression and she pulls away from her nephew, "I'm gonna go give his father one of his own."
Norm and Max arrive with a trauma kit, the former and taller scientist sarcastically responding, "Don't be stupid, Kayla... if you're gonna do it, go get your avatar first."
Max sighed, exasperated by his fellow humans' dynamic, "Guys..."
He doesn't push the subject, however, and instead tends to Lo'ak while Kayla goes stomping off to grab a breather mask and pack then abruptly leaves the lab. She doesn't ever stop to greet or speak to anyone, her mind on a mission as she stomps in a straight line to her destination. Jake was already there, standing outside the Sully marui when she arrived, and one glance at her and he knew he was about to earn himself one big headache. 
She doesn't stop until she's close enough that she has to crane her neck up at him, staring up with an incredulous expression, "So Lo'ak told me what happened."
"He also told me he hit his head during the explosion. Did he happen to mention that to you?" Immediately, Jake's eyes widen and his ears flatten, shock and fear crossing over his blue-striped features. Kayla tilts her head, sarcastically curious, "No? I mean, how could he? You were too busy lecturing him."
Guilt and fright were still evident on his face, even when Jake appeared to be fighting a battle in his mind, shuffling his feet and looking away to find whatever answer he was looking for elsewhere. When he couldn't find it, he glance back down at his sister, "Is he--"
"He's fine. Max and Norm are watching him closely. At least they are capable of keeping an eye on him."
Jake's shoulders visibly relax at the news before moving over to sit on his weapon's crate. The tired olo'eykan leaned his elbows against his knees, rubbing his aging face with one hand while trying to take deep breaths. Eventually, he gains the courage again to be defiant against his younger sibling, "I can't be Toruk Maktoand a father on the battlefield at the same time, Kayla."
She crosses her arms and pops a hip, letting the hiss of her mask fill in the silence when she breathes, "Then I suggest you choose one over the other and get your priorities straight. 'Cause at this rate, you won't be able to be a father to them until after the Sky People are sent away again, and when exactly is that happening? Three years? Ten years?" He looked away, defeated because they both knew she was right. Children of war know better than others just how long anarchy lasts. Jake glares down at the ground in front of him, not even blinking when Kayla stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder, "By the time you're ready to be their father again, your boys will be grown and possibly have sons of their own. Are you willing to miss all that?"
"For the sake of their safety and their future?" His expression hardened, cold and authoritative once more when he flicks his eyes back to her, "What kind of father would I be if I didn't sacrifice that? If I can't watch them grow up, fine. But I'll fight this war until I've secured their chances of having a better life, even if it means sacrificing whatever time I have left with them."
Kayla's face falls behind the glass of her mask, her expression shattered and pitiful to the point Jake forced himself to look away. He didn't need his sister's pity. After a few long moments of silence, Kayla squeezes his shoulder, "You know... maybe if you let me fight, you wouldn't have to carry that burden alone. If the two of us led the war, maybe it could get done faster and you can worry more about your sons and daughters instead of gunships and bullets."
Jake shook his head even before Kayla could finish her sentence, "No, Kay. You're not ready."
She frowns, "Norm said you became one of the People in just a few months. Guess what? It's been a few months for me."
"Within those few months, I managed to gain an ikran," he snipes back, shaking his head when she rolled her eyes, "I'm not trying to compare, but that's the law of the Omatikaya. I need you in the sky instead of on the ground, therefore, I need you to get a banshee. And to get a banshee--"
"I know, I know," Kayla sighed, exhausted from hearing the same excuse over and over again, "I need to make a clean kill when I hunt."
"It's not just that. The Forest hasn't given you permission to kill. You need to wait to hunt until that exact time."
She flashes a doubtful, incredulous look. Even Jake could admit he sounded crazy for a former human. He understood where his sister was coming from. He didn't believe this tree-hugging crap either when he first started out. Crazy or not, Kayla wasn't backing down from his reasoning, "But how can I take the time to hunt when I'm too busy healing all the wounded you send my way after all your missions? Perhaps you should slow down so I can catch up?"
"I thought you wanted me to hurry up and finish this war so I can be with my family sooner than later?"
Silence follows the glare set between the Sully siblings, Na'vi against human, before Kayla is the first to look away and snarl a few choice words under her breath, "Touché, Sully. Just..." She sighs, calming down until she's back to being a concerned aunt again, "Just go and check on Lo'ak, alright? It'll mean something to him if you do."
They should've known better. Nothing, not even being grounded from flying, would stop Lo'ak from having fun. Had he remembered this, maybe Jake would have asked Kayla to watch the kids while he, Neytiri, and Neteyam went out on patrol. But at the moment, Jake was pointedly avoiding his sister and she was avoiding him. Instead, Jake took off with his wife and firstborn and Kayla kept busy by assisting Norm with taking some samples while both of them were driving their avatars. It had been getting late in the afternoon and eclipse was supposed to happen soon. Kayla broke her focus and looked around for the first time in hours, realizing that she hadn't seen the rest of her family all day, "Hey. Have you seen the kids at all?"
Norm looked up at her question then proceeded to look around, "I don't think so."  
He moved to the front of the biolab building and peered in through the window, "Huh."
"Spider's spare is still in there," Norm turned back to Kayla and shrugged, "They probably didn't go far."
"Probably? Do you actually believe that?" She flashed a pointed look.
Doubt began to crawl into Norm's mind until he couldn't deny it, wincing at how dumb he looked, "... Shit."
Before Kayla could even call it in, she heard Lo'ak's voice in her earpiece as he called through a public channel meant for the Sullys, "Devil Dog, Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over."
"Wait," Kayla orders Norm, one hand out while the other one presses into her earpiece, listening closely.
"Eagle Eye, send your traffic." Jake's voice responds.
"What's going on?" Norm whispered, unable to hear the conversation.
Kayla flaps her hand sporadically at him and hissed, "Shh!"
"I got eyes on some guys," Lo'ak continued, "They look like avatars... but they're in full camo and carrying ARs. There's six of them. Over."
"What's your POS? Over."
"Um... we're at the old shack."
"Who's 'we'?"
"Me, Spider, Kiri... and Tuk."
Silence rings over the radio call and Kayla winced, picturing the rage likely dawning on her brother's face as he sternly spoke, "Son, you listen to me very carefully. You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. Move! You copy?"
"Yes, sir. Moving out."
"Desert Fox, did you read that?"
Kayla straightens her posture at the sound of Jake addressing her, pressing her fingers into the buttons of her throat mic, "Copy that, Devil Dog."
"I got Pathfinder and Clever Arrow with me," Kayla recounts Neteyam and Neytiri's call signs in her head and nods despite Jake not being able to see her as he continued, "We're Oscar Mike. If you don't hear back from us in three hundred mikes, send backup. Over."
"Lima Charlie. Over and out."
The radio signal cuts out and Kayla ditches her samples, jogging away while Norm follows close behind her, stumbling, "Hey, wait! Kayla, what is going on?!"
Together, Kayla and Norm informed entrusted Na'vi and avatar warriors about the situation should the worst happen. Kayla tells Mo'at in order for the tsahik to shepherd others around her and start a prayer for her family's return, but Kayla herself doesn't join the gathering. Instead, she finds herself pacing for the most part as the sky grows dark and it starts to rain, only worrying the ex-marine further. She was growing antsy as the hours drag on, wishing to send a war party after her family but dutifully waited until the three-hundred-minute mark. To keep her hands occupied, Mo'at had her get started on making her very own songcord, even though Kayla's heart wasn't all into it at the time. She weaved threads and beads almost unconsciously without giving it much thought to the point where Mo'at clicked at her in disapproval.
"It is supposed to be personal," the tsahik lectured, "It is a song for only you to know and others to learn when you sing. To create it, you must put your whole heart and soul into your waytelem. You cannot mindlessly thread impersonal items into the cord as nì'eveng would with their bracelets."
Kayla's flat nose scrunched up when her brain managed to decipher Mo'at's insult in Na'vi but otherwise said nothing against her, instead taking the whole songcord apart and promising the tsahik that she will start on a proper one when she is not as anxious. When Mo'at opens her mouth to scold Kayla, a voice abruptly startles the female avatar when it comes out like static through her earpiece.
"Desert Fox, do you copy? This is Devil Dog, over."
Kayla's tail and ears stuck straight up as she quickly bids Mo'at a quick apology before pressing her throat mic, "I read you, Devil Dog. What's your status? Over. "
"Coming in hot, T-minus ten minutes. We also got Pathfinder and Clever Arrow flying in with passengers. Clear the landing zone, over."
"Lima Charlie," Kayla walks with determination in the direction of the said landing zone, "Shall I prep med bay? Over."
Mo'at gets the message and retreats to her healing pod as Jake's voice patches back through, "Negative. Negative on med bay, over." 
Kayla sighs in relief, waiting for her heart to slow down before pressing the mic again, "Copy that. Over and out."
She yells in the direction of the Longhouse, screaming Norm and Max's names before running in the direction of High Camp's main cave entrance. Kayla noticed how a small population of the clan was swarming the area meant for ikran to land their riders and spoke in her best but broken Na'vi to ask everyone to clear the way as their clan leader would be returning soon. 
Strange stares were sent her way but the Na'vi all appeared to have understood as they all begin to scatter and make way. Kayla's breath catches in her throat when she heard a group of ikran flying in from below. In a fell swoop of fast, hard-beaten wings, three banshees emerge, momentarily hovering over the landing zone before touching down. The ikran exhaled heavily through their many breath holes, exhausted from all the weight they carried. Kayla lets out a sigh of relief when she easily recognized her nieces and nephews, all safe and jumping down from Jake, Neytiri, and Neteyam's ikran. Both parents and eldest child also appeared unharmed, though they looked a little worse for wear. Kayla is the only one in the gathering crowd of Na'vi to approach the family, and once Tuk caught sight of her, the little girl burst into tears and ran right up to her, arms spread wide. Kayla automatically fell to her knees and took the brunt of Tuk's embrace with little trouble, enveloping her arms around the child and gently rocking her.
"Oh, Tuk. Sweet girl, shh. It's alright," she whispered into her ear, reaching her hand up to protect the back of Tuk's neck. Looking up, Kayla immediately found Kiri and Lo'ak's faces as they walked up to stand over their aunt, and she immediately clocked their expressions, "What's wrong? What happened?"
As she looked around, silently observing her family, she took a headcount and realized there was one missing from the pack. Eyes slowly widening, she had somehow missed that there was no sign of a human boy in blue stripes, "... Where's Spider?"
No one responded. Kiri was obviously crying behind her hands and Lo'ak couldn't even look anyone in the eyes, let alone his aunt's. A chill ran down Kayla's spine when her eyes finally land on Jake and Neytiri, and one look at their faces had Kayla stand up with her hands still holding Tuk's shoulders so she could meet her brother's eye level as she glowered, "Where. Is. Spider."
"Kayla?" Norm had finally arrived and jogged up to the family, catching his breath while looking around, confused by the stand-off, "Jake, what's going on?"
"We got a problem," Jake informs Norm before turning to Kayla, his eyes equally as cold as hers. He points an accusatory finger near her face, "I want you to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth, you understand?"
Briefly, her eyes flick between confusion and defense, "What--"
"--Do you understand?" He growls.
Kayla paused, slowly letting go of Tuk and letting Neytiri grab the child before she firmly answered, "Yes."
"Did you know there were more avatars?"
Confusion flashes in her eyes again, brows furrowed, "I told you already. They planned on making more."
"But did you know they already made more?"
Shock stills her expression as she opened and closed her mouth while trying to find something to say. Jake suddenly grabs his sister by the shoulders, eyes wild with fear and anger and his tail curled straight up behind him to resemble said emotions, "Kayla! Did you know?!"
"No! I didn't!" She finally forces out, the words able to calm Jake enough to stop shaking her, "I thought I was the only one!"
"'You swear?"
"I swear."
He scoffed, "That doesn't mean shit to me, Kayla. I for one know what it's like to betray the Omatikaya and I'll be damned if I let it happen again!"
"Ma Jake, enough," Neytiri keeps Tuk behind her as she gently shoves her husband's shoulder to put some distance between him and Kayla, "She does not know and you are scaring the children."
The children were not the only ones who were scared. Kayla looks completely shattered, staring wide-eyed at her brother in disbelief. Even as he stepped back, Jake continued to glare at her with distrust and betrayal, emotions she herself felt at that moment, "... I thought you trusted me? Wouldn't that make you the liar? 
Jake's face briefly froze and his tail slowly lowered. The adult Sully siblings continued their stare-off until Norm took a look around and repeated Kayla's former concern, "Where's Spider?"
Kiri regained her voice between sobs for just enough time to shout out, "They took him! Those avatars took him away!"
Kayla blinked and quickly looked away from Jake, too ashamed and embarrassed to look at him any further. Silently, she moved over to her other niece, reaching out and allowing Kiri to fall into her arms and cry into her shoulder, the teenager clearly still disturbed and heartbroken. Kayla didn't breathe a word and instead held the girl close to her body as her thoughts plagued her mind from thinking about anything rationally at the moment, too caught up in her emotions. She felt betrayed and angry at Jake for believing she lied to him, she felt anger and bloodlust for whoever took Spider, but mostly she felt shattered and scared for the boy and for Kiri who was so distraught without her best friend. Kayla reached up to pet Kiri's hair as she finally whispered, "We'll get him back. I promise."
Jake knew he messed up by accusing his sister of lying to him. All those months, all that progress of trying to get Kayla to trust him again and feel like a part of the family-- gone. For easily the hundredth time, he let his baby sister down and even though he wanted to mend things, he knew it would be nearly impossible, especially after today.
He went looking for her after speaking to Neytiri, finally getting his wife to see his side of things and agreeing to leave. Since yesterday, when Spider was taken, Jake had hardly seen Kayla, only catching glimpses of her during mealtimes and then disappearing again. Norm didn't say where she was, but with one look, Jake could figure it out and made the journey through the camp to find her.
As expected, he found his sister in the war tent, going over the maps scattered across the floor mats and electrical monitors along the edges of the pod, the tech so out of place in the wide-open marui. Kayla hadn't heard Jake come in, her beaded braids swishing past her big ears as she quickly moved from one map to the other, barely pausing and staying on the move at all times. Her eyes flick wildly from one screen to the other, speeding through schematics as Jake finally made his presence known.
She only briefly looked up at him before her determined eyes flick back down to the datapad she held in hand, her face impassive and strict and she spoke flatly, "There you are. I need your help with mapping out potential locations where we could launch an attack on Bridgehead. I know a few blind spots, but they might've upped the security since I left."
Had she looked up, even for a moment, she would've seen the guilt-ridden emotion comfortably etched on Jake's face, an expression his aging features were used to at this point. His ears lowered the further she rants on, "We won't need many people. Just enough to get in, grab Spider, and get out. If you and I take point, we can take the heat and fire back with guns, then Neytiri and a few others could come in and use their bows if needed--"
"Kayla, slow down."
Her eyes meet up with his again, eyebrows furrowed when she finally caught his expression, "What?"
Jake sighs through his nostrils, regrettably shaking his head, "We can't launch a rescue. We're not ready."
She scoffs in disbelief, slightly amused at his stupidity, "Then what are we supposed to do? Wait it out?" Her joke fell flat when he didn't make a rebuttal, her suspicions now heightening as she narrowed her eyes at her brother, "What's on your mind?"
"I'm leaving."
For a moment, he was under the impression that time had frozen if not for the rise and falls of her shoulders indicating Kayla was breathing. She stared blankly at him, features never moving, making Jake feel unease for many reasons until she bluntly repeated the word, "Leaving."
He nods, eyes falling to the wall of the tent behind her instead as he explained, "And I'm taking my family with me. Quaritch isn't after Spider, he's after me and my kids."
"That doesn't change the fact that we need to rescue him."
"Quaritch isn't gonna hurt him--"
"You don't know that, Jake!" She snapped, ears and tail stiffening in defense, snarling between her teeth, "You have no idea what he could do to Spider! Blood or not, I wouldn't be surprised if he used Spider to get to you."
"Hence why it might be safer if I went away. Far away," Jake tried to reason with her, hands out in surrender to try not to appear threatening. His eyes practically pleaded with his younger sibling, "They can't use Spider for bait if we're gone, then they won't have a need for him."
"So they're just gonna, what? Let him go?" She scoffed at her own ridiculous rhetorical question, "They're not gonna do that."
"You don't know that." He tried reiterating the use of her own words.
Kayla tilts her head and glares at him, unconvinced, "You've spent how many years on this moon? How do you know how the Sky People act nowadays? The answer is you don't. I know Ardmore. I know her enough to know that she'll squeeze every ounce of information from Spider until he's skinnier than a rind. They'll torture him until he forgets his name. I've seen their instruments. I know what they'll do to him."
Toruk Makto winced, his eyes briefly flashing down to the scars on the crook of both her arms then looked back at her, voice heavy as he stared Kayla down, "And for Kiri's sake, you're not going to tell her that, right? For her peace of mind?"
"If you believe they're capable of getting the information they want outta Spider, then that's all the more reason for me and my family to go."
Silence fills the marui, suffocating the siblings. Jake didn't dare to look away this time, expressing how serious he was being before Kayla finally gives in, scoffing in distaste as her eyes break away from his. Looking off to the side of the room, she sighed, tired and defeated but unwilling to show her brother that. Her posture relaxes and the anger bleeds out of her. Beside herself, Kayla's voice barely goes above a whisper, "Where are you going?"
He winced again, knowing she would ask but wishing she hadn't, "It's... it's best if I don't tell you for now, in case they come after you for information."
She nods knowingly, "'You mean because you don't trust me."
He winced again before shaking his head, "I do trust you."
"Recent events suggest otherwise," she snarled.
Jake was beside himself, unable to come up with any excuses, "I..."
He closed his mouth, defeated, unable to say anything right for this moment. Kayla decides to take the initiative, closing up her feelings and going around the room to clean up her maps. Her voice is low and she refused to look at him as she spoke, "Go ahead."
She sees his hand move to her in the periphery of her vision and she immediately shrinks away to continue cleaning, further building her walls up, "No, it's fine, go. Leave. I'm not mad. Why should I be? I expect this sort of behavior from you. After all, it's not the first time you left me behind. It certainly won't be the last."
The guilt was evident in his voice, even if she couldn't see his face, "Kayla... it wouldn't be safe for you to come with. To have your human body here while your avatar is thousands of miles away, it's not safe."
"The whole point of me having an avatar is to test that boundary."
"And where we're going... I'm not even sure if we'll be accepted, let alone you. You're not Na'vi. At least... not fully. Until you fully learn our ways--"
"Our ways?" She echoes, flashing a scrutinous expression as she finally looks him in the eyes in disbelief, scowling, "Our ways? Look at you. It's like you forced yourself to forget who you were and where you came from."
"I'm not human anymore."
"You were born one!" She finally screams, beginning to pace while Jake silently takes the heat, carefully watching her as she grabbed the back of her head in distress, "Jesus, how bad is it to have the best of both worlds? Why did you have to choose?"
Her voice nearly cracked under the weight of the last question, a hidden meaning that Jake understood right away and hated himself all the more for it. The marui is silent again as if she was waiting for him to answer. But when she looked up and noticed how he kept his jaw firmly shut, she realized the silence was louder than any answer he could give her. Kayla closes in on herself again, going back to cleaning up her things, "Forget it-- Forget it!" She repeats, clearing her throat to rid the heartbreak behind it, "Just go. I'll see you when I see you. And if I have to, I'll find Spider myself. That kid doesn't deserve to suffer for your sins."
"Get lost, Corporal," she muttered, voice back to a cold, robotic monotone, "Say goodbye to someone who cares."
The Sullys planned on going with the clan to promote Tarsem to olo'eyktan at the Tree of Souls and then leaving from there by ikran. Everything was packed and they were ready to leave High Camp. Kayla, Norm, and the other humans loyal to the Omatikaya will not be joining the Omatikaya at the Tree of Souls and therefore had to say goodbye to Jake and his family early on.
Not that Kayla wanted to say goodbye, least of all to her brother, but she made time to hold her nieces and nephews for as long as she could. Jake had to look away as she did so, ashamed of himself for bringing his sister into his children's lives and then taking them from her in such a short time. 
Neytiri had to be the one to step forward to announce their departure, "Come. Or we will be left behind."
"I don't wanna go..." Tuk whimpered against Kayla's neck, breaking both her mother's and aunt's hearts. 
Kayla kissed the girl's temple and put on a brave face, "Be good for your mama on your flight. I'll see you soon, okay?"
She handed Tuk off to Neytiri and was unable to avoid an embrace from the Na'vi woman herself. With Tuk on one hip, Neytiri used her free hand to pull Kayla in, pressing their foreheads together while her bottom lip quivered, "Eywa Ngahu."
Kayla placed a gentle hand on her sister-in-law's shoulder, "I'll do my best to protect your clan. I swear it."
"The last of them are leaving, folks," Norm regrettably pitches in while shaking Jake's hand and slapping his shoulder steadily with the other, "You're gonna have to catch up."
"Thank you," Jake muttered to Norm, keeping his gaze firmly on his old friend to show his gratitude, "Keep an eye on things for me. Do whatever Tarsem says. Respect his leadership, no matter what."
"You got it, boss," Norm flashes a small grin, but it wasn't as bright or as charismatic as it usually is.
Jake nods and finally pulls away, turning to his family, "It's time."
Feeling rushed, Kayla quickly gathers the older niece and nephews around her, trying her best to get her arms around all of them, and proceeds to kiss all three of their foreheads while they in turn try to keep holding on tight, "Behave yourselves. Do everything you can to help out your parents. Stay safe and keep an eye on your sister."
Kayla then leans her head against Kiri's, kissing the top of her hair while whispering soft enough for only the teens to hear, "I'll find him, okay? I'll find him and bring him back to you."
All three pull away from her and flash their gratitude through their eyes. Neteyam dutifully nods and leads his younger siblings away while all three continued to periodically look back at their aunt even as they mount their respective ikran. Neytiri, Tuk, and Jake follow suit, the child riding with her mother. Jake makes tsaheylu with Bob and leans back for a moment, taking in the sights of High Camp before his eyes flick down to Kayla's.
She meets his gaze with a stern one of her own and she simply nods. Jake tightens his jaw and grits his teeth behind his lips, unable to let the words out no matter how hard he tried. Eventually, he just nods back and looks away, internally commanding Bob to take flight. They lift off and Neytiri vocally caws to get her own banshee flying up, holding on tight to Tuk while she turns back, ululating to summon the rest of her children to follow. Neteyam dutifully follows without a second thought, but Lo'ak and Kiri hesitate before they, too, took off into the air. 
Kayla watches them go until they've completely vanished from sight... and even then she watches some more. 
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A/N: Sorry if it's rushed again. Next chapter is a filler before we return to the film's events.
Txe'la and Meui are OCs and are not from the original franchise, same goes for Jocelyn. I just decided that these background Na'vi and humans need names and entire backstories and yes they're totally fucking, too.
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therealvinelle · 4 months
What are your thoughts on the titanic movie?
Oh I wanted to watch it, tried once as a child, didn't make it through, then again with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, at which point I also didn't make it through.
I'm here for the ship, literally only the ship. Rose and Jack would not get off the screen and let me look at ship, and so even though I made it to the part where they impact the iceberg, I realized I couldn't sit through Jack and Rose running around the decks, no matter how true to life the models were. Watch party ended, and some time later we tried Raise the Titanic with Alec Guinness instead (a deeply silly movie where a dangerous weapon was on board the Titanic when it sank, and the Americans must find it before the Soviets do).
James Cameron's movies have a very consistent problem where he is in love with a concept, or an idea or a new bit of technology, so he makes a movie to show it off and has to put a story in there somewhere so we're watching something happened. This worked incredibly well in the two first Terminator movies, it gave us a deeply funny Aliens movie, but it did not work out for Titanic as his worst tendencies all came out to play.
I like him, as a director, I just don't like the majority of his movies, if that makes sense.
His characters are plainly good or bad with one note motivations and no nuance, and they are all consistently and painfully American, to the point where they feel like caricatures. Jake Sullivan, who is such a staple army vet that he has no personality whatsoever other than being a protagonist with the assigned traits that would make him sympathetic to as wide an audience as possible, is a terrific example of this, as are the gun-toting military crew heading to the colony in Aliens, but so too are the characters of the Titanic, only in a different way. Rose's mother and peers are what I can only describe as Victoria's parents in Corpse Bride without the satire - they are not real people, but old world aristocrats seen through the eyes of filmmakers who fundamentally don't understand class. Rose becoming infatuated with a working class boy is a very simple and straightforward matter where there is no actual reason for them not to be together, it's just that Jack gets made fun of for not knowing the right forks to use. It's just shallow.
I have more complaints, but much of the movie is luckily forgotten so I'll stick to the big one: I wish Cameron had either made this a purely fictional story that was inspired by the Titanic but without actual victims, or else gone out of his way to be respectful of the fact. Going of the wikipedia page for how historical characters were treated, Bruce Ismay being depicted as boorish and attributed decisions he never made in life so he can be at least partly blamed for the sinking. The man's life and mental health was ruined after the real sinking as the act of surviving made him a media target, Cameron could have chosen to leave his memory be and I side-eye his decision not to. The movie has First Officer Murdoch shooting passengers and then himself, I struggle to see what this added to the movie besides upsetting his surviving family.
Perhaps I'm overly strict, but even fictionalized retellings have historical import because they play a much larger role in how people remember the past than history books or documentaries do because more people see them. The film industry has immense power over how we view the past, and in turn over how history is remembered. This comes with a responsibility, and a plea for consciousness of the fact. Set your stories to whichever periods and cultures you may like: but do so knowing that no matter how much media and recorded history already exists on your chosen subject, there will be people walking away from your product whose view is now affected by your depiction.
In other words, Raise the Titanic is somehow more respectul in my eyes because while it was a very silly movie, it insulted no one's memory. And I'll be sticking to documentaries and animations when it comes to RMS Titanic-related media.
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vanilkaray · 2 months
Many years after that event, in New York City
On a deserted street, when everyone was sleeping after a long day of work, somewhere on the rooftops of buildings, a laugh that sounded extremely happy and excited was heard.
A turtle-shaped creature that could stand and act like a human was running and jumping from one building to another. Following that creature was another creature that looked exactly the same but it gave us the feeling that the creature was nagging the other creature.
“Leonardo! Keep it down! This is our first time on the surface!… well, even though we sneak peak without Dad’s permission and you were the one who insisted that we should go out and i reluctantly agreed… But that doesn’t mean we can make a mess here!!”
“Come on, Michelangelo, or should I call you Mikey? Let’s just relax! I'm sure no one will see us. Moreover, with our Ninjutsu, I'm 100% sure that no one will see us. Haha!"
The grumbling creature wore a dark blue eye mask, but the special highlight was the orange spots and the goggles. It wore a black scarf with a red symbol embroidered on it, black pants and gloves that were quite large for its small body and was called Mikey according to the person wearing the dark orange eye mask. Perhaps the most prominent feature was the fishnet stockings that were only worn on one leg while the other leg was only wrapped in black bandages and according to Mikey, the creature's name was Leonardo
i"But today is our mutation anniversary! Our day! We should be free!!"
Another voice was heard, this time the creature was wearing a green eye mask and a bow, the tail of the creature was tied with a bell that shook with the creature whenever the creature moved… It seemed that this creature was quite grumpy, looking silly but still trying to chase the other two
“You too Donnie!?”
“That’s right, D!! We’re at the age of rebellion!!”
“Leo, you’re only 16…”
“So what? I’m still young while you still can’t pass your emo phase Miche-lame-lo”
“Ugh… you still owe me a cup of black coffee…”
Mikey could only sigh and shake his head in disappointment but honestly he had wanted to go to the surface for a long time. Ever since he had his memories, he remembered his father always telling them not to go to the surface until they were old enough. As for his other three siblings, he was already 22 years old but Mikey himself sometimes felt like he was the real father in this family… His father wasn’t very serious, well he was serious but not that much…
The three of them played around doing things they’d never done before… actually it was just the two of them playing around because Mikey still had to keep an eye on them to avoid them getting too carried away and being discovered by humans.
After a while of playing around, Leo was giggling and lying on the roof of the building while Mikey just leaned against the railing
“What a f-“
“Bad day”
“Hey you party pooper!!!”
So the two of them argued back and forth while Donnie just laughed and turned back to look at the night city.
“It’s a pity that Raphie couldn’t enjoy the moment again.”
Mikey and Leo suddenly stopped and thought for a long time before Mikey spoke up
“I also… feel sorry for him, his body doesn’t allow him to go out much and I’m also afraid that he might get sicker.
Mikey, Donnie and Leo were now even more thoughtful than before until Donnie suddenly spoke up and pointed at something below.
“Hey, is that what human do when they want to invite someone into the car?”
“What did you say?”
Mikey heard and turned around to look at what Donnie was pointing at.
“Hey, I don’t think so, it might be kidnapping, looking at that girl’s expression, it’s very um, what did I say?” I like was the main character but turned out to be a supporting character and failed…”
“Oh, maybe they’re playing around? :D”
Mikey squinted his eyes despite wearing contact lenses to think about whether he should intervene or not. Leonardo, who was lying down, also had to get up because he smelled the action
“I smell it, we have to act!! We have to save the girl!”
Leo had just finished speaking then he pulled out his two Katanas from his waist and jumped down.
“H-Hey! Wait!… Ugh! Always acting before thinking… Don, help me!”
Mikey sighed again and pulled out his nunchaku with a blade attached and also jumped down. Seeing this, Donnie used both hands to cover up his giggling and also jumped down
“We’re going to play pretend with them, right!? Yeeeeeee!!! It’s so fun”
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Love In Separation P1
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet Af
Requested: Its another benny one lol (I love that man to death😂) But imagine benny being like super upset cause he hasn't seen his girlfriend in like forever (two weeks lmao) cause she's busy in London for work and he's so upset that when she suddenly shows up at one of his tournaments he just fucking runs dead straight for her and hugs her like "I MISSED YOU!!!!!" cuz lets be real benny is definitely that type of boyfriend anyways
so he's like so happy and hugging her that he doesn't even remember the tournament he's just focused on his girlfriend 😂
I sat admittedly pouting, sat on the bed my back against the wall my shoes kicked off of course leaving me in my black socks, dark blue jeans my belt still wrapped around the bedpost, and my dark grey button-down my sleeves rolled up to my elbows my arms crossed over my chest I could feel the cold sing of my chains against my arms. Watching as she moved gracefully around our bedroom often moving back and forth between the edge of the bed where her suitcase sat with various items sorted into piles and the wardrobe where most of her dresses hung. Her little white fluffy slippers glided across the concrete floor, the slight swishing sound of her long black dress as she moved humming to herself as she picked things out, counting clothes and picking perfume all the usual packing things but I couldn't help feeling the way I did
"Do you have to go?" I asked
"I have to We've been over this" she laughed
"Can't your agent just do it?"
"No, it's a press tour that's the whole point" she laughed "hummm plaid or checked skirt?" She asks holding both
"Plaid always, but y/n I'm serious there's no way you're able to get out of this?"
"No Benny, you know I wouldn't go away if I didn't have to," she says giving my cheek a kiss
"But you'll be gone so Iong,"
"Benny I'll be gone two weeks?"
"So? You go away for tournaments for months at a time in the chess season?"
"I know but I always take you with me," I told her getting to my feet wrapping my arms around her pulling her into my chest "We haven't spent any real time apart since you moved in, and you'll be so far away, in a whole other place that might not be safe, and we won't even be able to call because of the time difference, and I'll be going to my tournament and I haven't been to a tournament on my own in-" I began but she kissed me
"You can just say you'll miss me, Benny"
"Of course, I'll miss you, little bird." I cooed pulling her into my chest and of course, she happily rested her cheek against my shirt as I gently stroked her hair until she moved and rubbed her nose into my chest "Hey!" I complained it ticked
"It'll be okay, it's just for two weeks Benny then I'll be home"
"I know, I just… I'm not used to you not being around."
"Well it'll give you lots of guy time"
"Guy time?"
"Yeah to do all the things I usually don't let you" She smiled heading out of the bedroom but I followed her
"Like what?"
"Like, have a party?" She laughed going to the shower to make up her wash kit to take with her
"I don't like parties"
"Drink loads of beer and watch sports?"
I didn't even answer I just leant on the kitchen counter and glared at her "Well not exactly that, but do…man things"
"Everything you tell me not to do you have very good reasons for,"
"Like you tell me not to leave junk food out, very good we love in New York the rats don't need encouragement, you tell me to shower everyday good my body is weird and goes sour if I not constantly cleaning myself, you tell me to make the bed and I actually really like when I'm tired and I get to crawl into a warm made bed it's nice makes me feel fancy"
"Well do other not-normal things then, have wine, play poker, buy chicken nuggets. Just do whatever is going to make you happy Benny" she laughed taking her now full wash kit and giving my cheek a kiss before she went to the bedroom to add it to her suitcase
"But… being here with you would make me happy"
"Naaawwwww" she giggled "that's so cute"
"I'm not cute"
She smiled coming and taking my hands pulling me into the room more "Benny, when you wanna be your damn right adorable" she smiled rubbing her nose on my own "humm what would the chess boys think? There scary goth cowboy pirate all cuddly and cute"
"That's why you're the only one who gets to see me like this" I smiled pulling her into a kiss and stroking her cheek "My little bird, I'm really gonna miss you"
"Aww Benny I'm gonna miss you too"
"I'll be here in this dark cold basement all on my own, without my little bird to warm my bed, or make me coffee, or to go shopping with, or to do laundry with, or cook with, or play chess with, or cuddle, or kiss"
"Awww Benny, it's okay it's only two weeks just have fun treat yourself have some boy time, play chess, have drinks, get a pizza do some self-care. Enjoy some time without a lady messing up your boy time. Like it was before I moved in"
"Do you have any idea how miserable I was before you moved in?"
"Well, I was. And it's not just being here on my own, I have to pack up and drive all the way to Ottawa by myself without my little bird to navigate for me, and I can't even get slushie and fries on the way because that's the thing we do and without you, I'll just be all alone in my car with half an order of fries and half a slushie that you normally have" I explained
"You still can Benny"
"No, not without my little bird. It's not the same it's our tradition I can't do it without you"
"That's very sweet Benny, why not get something else like a cola and a burger or something instead then?"
"I guess but who's gonna make the hotel bed up just the way I like? Who's gonna help me figure out hotel shower taps? Who's gonna tell me I'm wearing my boxers inside out?" I explained
"I'm sure you can manage all of that yourself for one trip Benny" she laughed heading to the bedroom getting her now packed suitcase and bringing it to the door with her already packed handbag she kicked off her slippers and put on her little flat shoes for travelling going through her handbag to check she has all her paperwork and I sheepishly approached
"But… who's going to tell me how handsome and clever I am before I go play?"
"Well I suppose you just won't be told"
"But - but you tell me how clever and handsome I am before every tournament."
"That's true"
"I can barely play chess competitively without being told how handsome and clever I am"
"Well tell yourself?"
"That's not the same"
"Benny" she sighed
"I'm sorry y/n. I shouldn't be complaining. This is a big deal I'm excited for you getting to tour for the release of your book, I really am happy for you, I'm sorry for being such a crybaby about it"I told her giving her a cuddle
"Thank you, Benny, it's alright it's very sweet to see how much you care"
"I'm just not used to being away from you"
"I'm not used to it either benny, how do you think I feel having to fly off halfway around the world without the man I love to keep me company, it's alright it's just for two weeks and I'll be back home again"
"I'm sorry"
"It's alright, It's sweet to hear how much you'll miss me" she smiled
"Of course, I'll miss my little bird, but have fun really and be safe"
"I will and I'll bring you a present back I promise"
"Alright," I nodded as I slipped my shoes on, I took her bags up to the street and soon enough her car to the airport arrived so I loaded up her things for her and stood on the pavement staring at the yellow cab knowing she'd be gone she's picked my head up and smiled
"It's just two weeks"
"It's just two weeks" I nodded "I'm gonna miss you little bird," I told her pulling her close and inhaling her sweet sugary scent squeezing her tightly doing my best not to cry
"I'm going to miss you too Benny"
I knew if I didn't let her go now I wouldn't and I didn't want to make her late for her flight so I forced my arms away taking her face in my hands and kissing her forehead as I stroked her cheek "I love you little bird'
"I love you too Benny" she smiled pulling my hands down and giving my hands each a kiss before she moved away climbing into the cab the driver started up and she blew me a kiss before the cab and she scampered away into the hazy new York streets.
I headed down to the apartment and locked the door kicking off my shoes leaning my hands on the railing listening to the deathly silence of being alone. 
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dualcastimpact · 2 months
dawntrail impressions pt. iv
In which we head to Urqopacha and Kozama'uka for the Feat of Gold and the Feat of Reeds, featuring t-posing Alphinaud!
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Spoilers below the cut, as always:
First up: Urqopacha! There was no real reason for choosing to go to Urqopacha over Kozama'uka, I think. There doesn't seem to be any reason for the choice either; there's no advantage over choosing one over the other, and the story doesn't change regardless of which. I thought it was a relatively new addition to the game, the whole choose-your-path thing in the first level of the expansion, but then I realised it's been a thing since Heavensward — it was choosing between accompanying Artoirel or Emmanellain then, and in Stormblood it was choosing between M'naago and Meffrid. Then in Shadowbringers you had to choose between going to Amh Araeng to meet Alisaie or Kholusia to meet Alphinaud first, and in Endwalker it was either going to Labyrinthos in Sharlayan with Y'shtola and the twins or Thavnair with Estinien, Thancred and Urianger.
I'm a bit embarrassed it took me so long to notice, to be honest.
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Alphinaud: "That one massive peak in particular has quite the presence. It puts me in mind of Sohm Al."
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Alphinaud: "I feel the change in altitude most keenly. While mayhap not to the same degree as the Sea of Clouds, the air is decidedly thin here."
The writing tends to make fun of this but Alphinaud is nothing but genuine whenever he calls back to his past adventures. He especially tends to reminisce about his experiences during Heavensward; it's become sort of a running gag with Alisaie getting exasperated whenever he brings up firewood-gathering, but I think it's more poignant than anything. He brings up his experiences from Heavensward so often because they're important to him. It's in Heavensward that he really grew up and became a better person after the clusterfuck that was post-ARR, and the way he sincerely and somewhat innocently references his experiences in Heavensward every so often just shows how much of an impact they had on him.
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Krile: "Wuk Lamat is lucky to have Erenville. Everyone—royalty especially—needs a friend unafraid to chide them when the need arises."
Raginmar canonically plays that role for three royals — well, not sure if Aymeric counts as royalty but I digress. He absolutely holds no punches with Aymeric and Hien; he regularly gives Hien shit (especially regarding his feelings about Cirina) whenever he drops by the Doman Enclave, and he's extremely blunt whenever Aymeric asks for his opinion over their dinners together. He wasn't as close with Nanamo, but their adventures together in the Sil'dihn Subterrane changed that a little bit — he's not so blunt with her like he is with Aymeric and Hien, but he does tend to be more open and honest with her.
I like how we're not really playing that role for Wuk Lamat this time. I think post-Endwalker somewhat prepped us for this — the main character for post-Endwalker was Zero, not the Warrior of Light, and it remains the case for Dawntrail as well. We're not the most important chess piece on the board anymore, and I like that.
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Alphinaud: "Converting to gil, that comes to around a million or so. Mayhap if we all pitch in..."
This is absolutely a reference to his mishap with buying Gosetsu's katana back in Stormblood (laughs). He's become so conscientious about money now!
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Krile: "You've seen markets and bazaars the world over, and surely have sage advice to share."
This was a bit funny because I took this screenshot back when I'd still planned for Raginmar to be an uninvolved third party who just happened to be in Wachunpelo at the time, doing business buying mezcal and mate leaves and coffee beans and selling furs and heavy fabrics and prize crops and mead, and I thought Krile's comment was incredibly on the nose. "You've seen markets and bazaars the world over" exactly, he's here on business right now!
Of course that idea went out the window eventually but at the time I really had a good laugh at this.
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Tobli: "Mablu hasn't given up, I see..."
Given up on what, my guy?
Ah, turns out Mablu has always wanted to become a merchant, but thought it'd be a betrayal of Tobli since he'd taken care of her like his own. In true shōnen manga hero form, Wuk Lamat inspires her to chase her own dreams, and she proves herself to be a promising aspiring merchant as she helps Wuk Lamat progress through the Feat of Gold.
I spent most of this sequence writing down notes so I could figure out how to fit Raginmar into the Feat — maybe Gobli had sold the premium three-year-old mezcal to him, and Wuk Lamat and Mablu would have to figure out a way to get it from him instead — so I didn't take a lot of screenshots, but it was a pretty fun sequence! The way it introduced the people and culture of Urqopacha to both Wuk Lamat and the audience felt organic; it felt like we were learning alongside Wuk Lamat and I loved that.
From the get-go, it was clear that the Feats were intended to connect the claimants to the peoples of Tuliyollal — to learn their history, their culture, what's important to them and what made them tick; all the things a ruler should know about their people. How the claimants respond to this is key to determining their worthiness to the throne.
It's a classic trope and it's not even remotely subtle, but I think it's fine. Sometimes I wonder if stories like this shouldn't be made even simpler considering how people nowadays find simple media literacy so challenging.
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Alisaie: "Alphinaud was quick to lend a hand with dismantling the tent. Is this to be his new obsession now that he's mastered collecting firewood?"
I don't know if it's just me feeling maudlin right now, but at times Alisaie making fun of Alphinaud like this feels more aggravating than humourous. Like I said, I get that Alphinaud's earnest enthusiasm is a running gag throughout the game but making fun of something that genuine and sincere feels off-putting to me.
The way he keeps talking about how he's good at firewood-gathering is meant to demonstrate how despite his character growth, he still has moments that shows his naïveté — firewood-gathering isn't a particularly impressive skill, he only thinks that way because of his sheltered upbringing. He opens himself up to ridicule whenever he acts as if this is something incredible he's learned to master, because to him it was. He's genuine about this, and to make matters worse he genuinely wants to be helpful whenever he brings it up. That's how impactful his experiences in Heavensward was for him, and I think the way the game keeps treating it as a running gag feels tasteless sometimes.
He's not even talking about gathering firewood at this point! He's branching out, even! Why are you still giving him shit about it?!
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Alphinaud: "So this is a Hanuhanu village! One can tell at a glance how very different their culture is to the Vanu's.
Sue me for being sentimental but it genuinely brings a tear to my eye how Alphinaud's so enthusiastic about learning about the world now, compared to the absolute self-absorbed shithead that he was in ARR. He's genuinely so excited about learning new things and having all these new experiences as he travels the world and it's such a great show of character development, even after so many expansions.
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Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: "These allies of hers, though... They might be a problem."
One thing I really like is how none of the claimants are so arrogant so as to be foolish when it comes to underestimating their opponents. In fact no one underestimates anybody, not even Bakool Ja Ja. He's arrogant and boastful and supremely full of himself, and he's dismissive of Wuk Lamat because he doesn't like her (and later on we'll see that he actually does respect her, he just feels that he has to act like he's better than everyone), but he knows perfectly well how much of a threat Raginmar is. He's not fool enough to dismiss that.
There's a lot of chatter on the birbsite about how much it sucks that the Warrior of Light is no longer the main character of the story, and how they've been relegated to this sidekick character who's not getting much focus. It's real baffling because sure Wuk Lamat is the main character of the story, but the game's narrative makes it damn clear how important the Warrior of Light is still. Everybody knows how skilled the Warrior of Light is, and how they're not to be underestimated. They're a threat. They're a gamechanger. While the Warrior of Light isn't the most important piece on the board right now, they're still pretty damn significant and it's acknowledged, unlike in previous expansions with characters like Artoirel very clearly looking down on the Warrior of Light. That's way better than being your stock shōnen manga-slash-JRPG protagonist.
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Linuhanu: "Yes, it hurt to hear, but she was right. Though I must mourn, I cannot let my grief consume me."
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Linuhanu: "Her words made me realize that the path to my recover—our recovery—is already laid out before me. And I will walk it. For myself, and for my friend."
Every time the game makes some overt reference to grieving and mourning those gone, I immediately think back to Haurchefant — and not in a good way. I think this is more to set up something later on regarding Wuk Lamat and Gulool Ja Ja (because that man is raising all the death flags) but at the same time, the game's been pushing the whole thing with Haurchefant so often and for so long that you can't really divorce any mention of grief from his death.
Even the PCT job questline had something similar — I think it was in Camp Dragonhead when Kupopo asks the Warrior of Light about their adventures there, and the Warrior answers that they'd lost someone important to them? The exact phrasing eludes me but it's still a reference to Haurchefant. At this point it's honestly doing the game more disservice than anything, I feel.
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Koana: "A method I could not have devised without the education I received at the Studium and the cooperation of my Archon allies."
For context, the Feat of Reeds required the claimants to revitalise the dying paddy fields that the Hanuhanu rely on, while the Feat of Gold back in Urqopacha required the claimants to catch a wild alpaca. They serve to demonstrate how Zoraal Ja and Koana differ from Wuk Lamat; in the Feat of Gold, Zoraal Ja eschewed any advice and went and caught a rare golden alpaca all by himself, purely by threatening the alpaca into submission. In contrast, Wuk Lamat went through the motions of getting to know the Pelupelu's culture and getting herself a saddle to catch a wild alpaca the Pelupelu way.
Here in Kozama'uka, Koana brought the paddy fields back to life with an alchemical concoction to improve the aether flow in the fields. Wuk Lamat revived Ihih'hana, a traditional harvest festival that also served to amplify the arcane energies from the Hanuhanu's hopes and prayers to revitalise the land. In true shōnen manga-slash-JRPG hero form, Wuk Lamat's revival of Ihih'hana had no logical bearing whatsoever. She didn't know it'd do anything to help revitalise the fields until Alphinaud suggested it could and Wuk Evu confirmed it. The only reason it worked was because it just so happened to be the exact thing the Hanuhanu needed, not just to revive their fields but also to revive the Hanuhanu themselves. The only reason it worked was because the plot mandated it so.
Koana's method, on the other hand, was rooted in reason and science. It was the logical method, it was the reasonable solution, and by all accounts it's a more superior answer because it directly addressed the issue — but it's framed as lesser because it didn't take into account the Hanuhanu's culture and the real reason behind their dispiritedness, even though Wuk Lamat really only got lucky that her idea worked at all. In a way, it's a weaker aesop than the one about Zoraal Ja and Wuk Lamat in Urqopacha — that strength alone is not enough, and that one would not need to resort to brute strength when there's community. It's still an aesop about the value of community and culture, only here it's that technological advancements alone are not enough even though they get the job done, but if you think about it realistically, when the stakes are so high — when your people are actively starving and suffering from natural disasters and poor harvest seasons — is addressing the issue as quickly and efficiently as you can really the wrong way to go about it?
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Koana: "Employed appropriately, they make light work of what would otherwise be arduous labor. There's no need to lug around heavy floats!"
This whole scene was designed to showcase how Koana is a foil to Wuk Lamat: Koana is rational, analytical and scientific-minded, but he's also dismissive of things he perceives as backwards or uncivilized like customs and traditions that other people would hold dear. Whether he intends it or not, his words come across as mocking; even in the JP dub where his tone is mild and his dialogue ends with a —ね?. We see later in the story how he's extremely fond of Wuk Lamat so he's not maliciously making fun of her, but it makes clear his derision for the Hanuhanu's traditional practices for how outdated and inefficient they are.
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Erenville: "There is an alternative, but it requires preparation. Until it's ready, you could rest at the cabins or see more of the city. Whatever you prefer."
This is where I'd planned for Raginmar to officially join Wuk Lamat's entourage in that scrapped canon I'd mentioned before (you can read all about that here and why that canon didn't work here) because it'd seemed like the perfect opening, but then...
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Fonjeantaine: "Then... you have experience with my predicament? Of being terribly inadequate compared to your undeniably superior peers?"
...Wuk Lamat just so happened to chip her axe and she just so happened to come across a soul in need of aid at the place she's getting her axe fixed and he just so happened to have the same insecurities that she has, that she has to confront within herself in order to both learn a lesson and console him. Of course.
The story is contrived as hell, but at this point you really just have to accept it. Also I KNEW he was going to play a role in the plot when he was the only named character in that talk-to-the-other-passengers sequence at the beginning of the expansion.
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Fonjeantaine: "But what of you? Have you ever measured your work against that of your colleagues and found yourself wanting...?"
Asking the wrong guy, buddy. That said, Raginmar doesn't waste time comparing himself to others and worrying that he's lacking. He'll be as skilled as he wants to be, and he doesn't need anyone to be his benchmark. If there are other people more skilled than him, it's not his problem.
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Koana: "I'd heard much of the incomparable Archons during my time at the Studium. As soon as the contest was confirmed, I thought who better to recruit to my cause? I contacted the scholarch, who arranged an introduction to these two gentlemen."
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Urianger: "The Second Promise had specific requirements: they who would be his assistants must boast both proven survival skills and mastery of the arcane arts."
It's a little funny that if Raginmar had agreed to become an Archon — which he absolutely could have, thanks to his skill in arcanima and engineering — he would have fulfilled both those requirements all by himself.
I also think it's kinda funny there's basically a PhD-equivalent for having survival skills. It's like Bear Grylls getting a PhD from Cambridge for being a survival expert.
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Thancred: "We did our due diligence, of course, and made sure of who were working with before agreeing to this endeavor. He's even more opaque than Urianger at times, but is surprisingly—"
Surprisingly what, Thancred?! Tell us!
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Wuk Lamat: "I don't have Koana's education or Zoraal Ja's strength. I'm all bluff and bravado, not fit to bear my title..."
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Krile: "To hear the voices of others, empathize with how they feel, and think how best to serve... In so doing, you'll come ever closer to being the person you wish to be."
I'm not going to touch on the whole crisis of confidence and Wuk Lamat's character development arc in growing out of her insecurity and all that, because this story is essentially your typical shōnen manga-slash-JRPG tropes condensed into half an expansion, but I do want to point out the whole "hear, feel, think" thing — you'd think they'd retire the reference altogether after Hydaelyn's passing. I know it's been this game's arc words for basically forever, but now I'm wondering if they'll ever retire it or if it'll be another Haurchefant situation.
Because honestly speaking...
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Thancred: "I imagine your experiences on this journey—all the things you'll hear, feel, and think—will help you refine that approach."
...was there any real need for the arc words to be repeated in this different-yet-parallel scene with Koana, just to hammer it home?
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Koana: "But what of you two? Wuk Lamat's allies are your comrades, it must feel strange to be rivals."
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Thancred: "Helping you has made us rivals, aye, but we're not about to break into fisticuffs over it."
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Thancred: "Unless of course it is a matter of winning or losing the contest. Then I'll have no qualms about putting Alisaie on her rear."
Real interesting you chose to talk about kicking Alisaie's ass instead of someone like, say, Raginmar.
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Urianger: "Despite our long history, never have I been given the chance to test myself against our companions. The thought stirreth within a most unexpected sense of competition."
Contemplating this bit because I had a headcanon about a Grand Melee 2.0 after the Final Days have been averted or something. Maybe what's remaining of the Garleans joined, maybe it's just the Grand Company of Eorzea and their allies (including the now-disbanded Scions, who join as independent combatants) having a melee for funsies or something, but essentially it's Raginmar and his old squadron facing off against everyone else after he thoughtlessly made a comment about how not even the combined might of the Grand Company could defeat his former subordinates, and Hien and Pipin took offense.
There's more to the story, obviously, but basically if this is canon to Raginmar's lore, then that negates everything Urianger just said because then he'd absolutely have had the chance to test himself against his companions, and gotten his ass kicked for it (laughs).
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Koana: "Lamaty'i has surrounded herself with distinguished figures indeed. One of the Studium's finest graduates. The head of the Students of Baldesion..."
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Koana: "And then there's Eorzea's vaunted champion. If he's half the hero you say, then the odds are stacked against us."
It's a real pretty way of saying you're screwed and have no chance whatsoever, truth be told.
Next up: the Feat of Pots!
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minato-division03 · 4 months
SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS (R.I.P Märchen & Pixel SyndicateEdition)
— (All) —
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let's get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let's get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don't have fun, there's no point
Let's go!
— (Queen Card) —
Don’t be afraid, come closer, Baby
to a land where norms are forgotten, magic happens
They said, "don't you feel a little lonely living in your own world?"
But don't you  feel helpless living in other's worlds?
How can someone who looks like danger and sin
taste so good and holy just like the heavens?
The one that you sought, we’re making it hot
The land of dreams feels good to me
Come on in
— (Black Cat, Reiaki Suzubayashi) —
Sometimes I just need a break from my own thoughts
In my head, my thoughts twist and form into knots
You sleep to dream while I'm awake to live mine
I'm outta my mind, it's a dark and scary mind
— (Hex 13, Miku Shirazuki) —
In the dark two shadows reaching through
their hands meet and light spills in a flood like a
hundred gold urns pouring out the sun
All the way up up up in the air yo
— (Rush Hour, Anika Kiyozaki) —
Uh everyday I'm winnin’
Akihabara's lights never stay dimming
I'm aiming for the thoughts, I got your head spinnin'
Whether it's on the tracks or the clinic where you relax
The world now that you living in
is all just an illusion
Your strings have loosened Uh-huh
All hands on deck, Syndicate, raise your mics
Instincts take over
We swallow you whole,
— (Ready or Not, Shian Meizono) —
I found you gotchu in my line of sight
Are you flirting or trying to start a damn fight
How bad can a good girl get
Be careful with how you tread
Don’t run you will only get caught tired
— (Screen Shot, Makina Setsukura) —
See you yap yap with it Just the opening gambit
I heard you’re a player
Nice to meet you I’m the game
Enemies I keep slaying
Only way to win is to keep playing
— (All) —
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let's get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let's get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don't have fun, there's no point
Let's go!
Bukuro! (Hey!)
Yokohama! (Ho!)
Minato! (Hey!)
Nagoya! (Ho!)
Shibuya! (Hey!)
Shinjuku! (Ho!)
Akiba! (Hey!)
Osaka! (Ho!)
— (MC B.B, Ichiro Yamada) —
All in all, we're bad motherfuckers
We're seriously unique, so it's a traffic jam of characters
Clashing our hilts against each others', rattle rattle
From learning from each other, to I gotcha again
— (Mr. Hc, Samatoki Aohitsugi) —
A locust leading the underground
Goodbye to the empty-headed kiddy rappers
The bell tolls for me, brass knuckles
Even if you line up a bunch of small fry, it's still 0 points
— (Queen Card) —
You want a battle from me
I'll give you a war, it's like Beauty and Beast
You know I'll be the designer of your catastrophy
Go hard, take the mic,
I'm the Queen, I'm swordlike
— (Rush Hour, Anika Kiyozaki) —
Bet you got your hopes high up, thinking you can beat me
Well think again, everything I oversee
Treat me like a joke, I'll run you over like it's funny
I'll laugh in your face. Bitch, my victory tastes like honey
— (Easy R, Ramuda Amemura) —
From Shibuya, Shinjuku, Hama and Bukuro
With Nagoya, Osaka, Minato, Akiba, we'll cause great fear
The iron rule is to stan while you still can
Today, it seems like around here is where we should run off
— (ill-DOC, Jakurai Jinguji) —
A warped rondo, an elaborate skit
A vaccine panacea overdose, end of examination
With the past, NO WAR
Let's change with the night's crescendo, checkmate
— (Tragic Comedy, Sasara Nurude) —
Final countdown of one thousand days
Held by the beat, this heart is steel
Fated for battle until we burn up
You're not allowed to stop this flow
— (Evil Monk, Kuko Harai) —
The anchor for these complicated guys
If it was a different day, we'd be taking each others' territory
Taking a mic in hand, deciding the last shot
I'll change this place into an energy vortex
— (All) —
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let's get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let's get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don't have fun, there's no point
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namig42 · 7 months
random OC ask: say your OC is a love interest (in BG3 or a relationship-heavy game format of your choosing) — what does their first romance or "deepening the relationship" cutscene look like?
Strap in because this is going to be a loooong post. I could make a whole write up for each of these interactions with how intricate they are and my process behind each one. It may even be fun to do another post exploring what their character arc would be if they were proper companions in a BG3 run instead of just a Tav/Durge character.
These are all written with the idea that each of them are companions in your party during a standard BG3 run. There's still the same premise of the threat of tadpoles and the Absolute, so there's some common ground that the love interest (you) has with each of the members immediately to bring them together.
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Wyndolyn will approach you early on in the evening and ask if you'd like to take a walk with her later on when everyone else is asleep. If you agree, then she'll wait for you by the edge of camp that night before leading you down to the river. As you walk in the moonlight along the bank, she'll open up to you a bit and take you to a spot that reminds her of happier days. She smiles a bit more and her face softens as she tells you about one of her sillier memories from when she first used to run off into the woods outside Baldur's Gate. She laughs a bit at how dumb she was, and comments that she probably isn't much brighter now. She meets your gaze for a moment, then turns her eyes to the river. She proceeds to wade into the water a bit and grabs a stone to give to you. It's a smooth, round stone that fits well in your hand. "I always like to keep something like this in my pocket because it makes me feel at home. I thought you might like one, too." She blushes a bit as she takes your hand and places the stone in it, then wraps your fingers around the rock. She holds your hand for a lingering moment before letting it go and taking a step back, smiling at you. After another moment of looking in each other's eyes, she'll say that it's getting late and that you two should head back to camp for the night. With a light touch, she takes your hand and leads you back to your tent, saying a warm goodnight before heading to her own bedroll.
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Helena is often shy. As you garner approval with her, she'll let you in on her witty, snarky comments, small stash of pickpocketed goodies, or the little pranks she plays around camp. She's slow to open up, but she becomes even more fun and chaotic when she does. She especially loves it if you're willing to help her cause a little commotion around camp or while out on an adventure.
The moment you know that you've made strong headway with Helena is that one night, while everyone else is asleep, she'll wake you up with a gentle nudge. When you open your eyes, you see Helena is sitting next to you and shaking. She isn't looking at you, but her hand is still lingering on your shoulder. Her eyes look a million miles away. "S-sorry... I just... really didn't want to be alone right now..." She leaves her hand on your shoulder, the touch so subtle you barely feel her fingers. After a few moments of sitting like that, her breath starts to stabilize and she'll ask if you'd like to take a walk with her. When you two get far enough away from camp that she doesn't think anyone will overhear you, she admits that she's embarrassed about the situation and that she even considered waking you. She tells you how she has nightmares sometimes, bad ones, and always hates waking up alone. You were the first person she thought to reach out to in that moment, and she's grateful you sat with her. "Please don't tell anyone about this. I promise I'll be fine by the morning. This just happens sometimes, is all. I get over it and everything goes back to normal when the sun comes up. This can be our little secret, okay?" She holds her finger up to her lips with that last statement and gives you a playful smirk, though she still looks a bit nervous. You agree to keep this to yourself, and she thanks you while giving your hand a small squeeze. You make your way back to camp afterwards, her hand grazing yours as you walk, and say goodnight to each other before returning to your separate bedrolls.
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One night, around the campfire, Dahlia will ask if she can share something personal with you after everyone else goes to sleep. She doesn't see the issue with her wording, but the way it comes across, it sounds like it could be a confession of sorts. If you tell her yes, she'll smile and tell you to meet her in her tent later that evening. When you come to see her, she's sat on the floor writing in a book. When she hears you come in, she looks at you and her smile brightens. She scooches across the floor to make space for you to sit, but you're still stuck sitting very close because of how cluttered her tent is with books and random bits of cloth that are covered with her yellow and green thread. Not to mention her large stature that already takes up most of the space.
Dahlia shows you the book she was writing in and confides that as much as she's always loved to read, she's never really tried her hand at writing before. She's always wanted to write a book of her own, but felt that she never had the right inspiration. Now though, with an adventure like the one she's been forced into with you all, she thought that it would be a great time to start. She'll ask you if you'd be willing to read what she has so far and tell her your thoughts. When you go to read it, you notice that the name that comes up the most commonly is yours. She mentions the others and is very detailed about the places and events, but her writing seems to be the most focused on you, your actions, and her thoughts about you, all which are quite flattering. She doesn't seem to realize that though, and so after a few moments, she'll say, "I've never felt capable of voicing my thoughts, but for some reason, I feel like I can with you. I'd love to know what you think. Do you think there's anything I'm missing?" She leans in a bit closer to you, and in this moment, you can either kiss her, take her hand and tell her your thoughts, or simply lean back and excuse yourself.
Let's assume you kiss her since we're going for romance. If you do, she'll be shocked. She doesn't pull away, but it takes her a moment to reciprocate. After a moment, she'll pull away with wide eyes. "I... I didn't think... I never thought..." She has a hard time finding her words, but what it comes down to is that she has never been loved like that and never imagined she could experience a kiss like the ones she's read in countless stories. She's ecstatic and stuck in a moment of shock. "Could I try that again?" she asks after she regains a bit of composure, and if you allow her to, she'll lean in and kiss you once more, this time a bit deeper and with more intent. The screen will fade to black afterwards, leaving the two together in Dahlia's tent in each others' arms.
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One night, after making eyes at you across the fire all evening, Vero will make her way over to you and ask if you'd like to spend some time together that evening. She's very collected and precise in her delivery. If you say yes, she gives you a soft smile and tells you to come by when everyone else has gone to bed. "Don't keep me waiting too long, alright~?" With that, she goes off to her tent with a bit of a sway in her step. When everyone else is asleep, you make your way to her tent. Just as you're about to enter, you hear something from inside. It's Vero's voice, and she sounds distressed. "Dammit! Why'd you have to go and make a mess now? You bloody imbecile! Idiot, idiot!" When you open the tent, you see Vero on the floor, surrounded by instruments. She's holding a drum that has a massive hole where the drum skin should be. The wood seems to be cracked and jagged too, as if someone tried to rip it in half or smash it unsuccessfully. There's a few bloodstains on the wood, and looking at Vero's hand, you see a large gash on her right palm. The rest of the tent is very tidy and organized, but Vero looks frantic. She sees you and her shaking ceases. Her eyes are wide and her cheeks turn red, something you've never seen before, as she yells, "get out!" She waves at you frantically with her bleeding hand to get out of her tent, leaving you out in the cold.
After a few moments, she collects herself and steps outside. She smooths her hair back with her clean hand and looks you in the eye as you two stand out in the evening air. "I'm... Sorry about that." You ask what happened, and she tells you that she was trying to tidy up for you. Light some candles, lay out some blankets, all those sorts of things, very romantic and whatnot, and when sorting through her instrument collection, she doesn't know what happened. Her eyes fall to the side with her next words and her hands start to fidget a bit. "Sometimes... Sometimes I do things without realizing what they are until it's too late. For some reason, I saw my drum and... Well..." She turns to meet your gaze again, her fingers still twiddling. "Let's call it an intrusive thought." After a moment, her fidgeting stops and she takes your hand in her uninjured one. She looks at you with a sheepish smile, and her typically cool, calm demeanor is missing. She seems softer, more unsure of herself. "I'm sorry, I must've spoiled your evening with all this." If you tell her that nothing has been spoiled, she'll chuckle a bit. "You're sweet to say such flattering things, even if you don't mean them. Would you still want to spend the evening with me, even after that unsightly display?"
If you tell her yes, she'll pull you by the hand and lead you back into her tent where you sit together on the soft purple blanket she laid out, surrounded by soft silk pillows. She reaches into a small chest and pulls out some gauze, then holds it out to you. "Would you mind...?" she asks with that soft, nervous voice. If you say yes, she offers you her hand to gently bandage, then when it's done, she leans in close to you and places a gentle kiss on your lips, her bandaged hand resting on your leg and her other hand on your cheek. After a moment, she pulls away, smiles at you, and thanks you for your kindness. The scene fades away to the next morning from there.
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Sahed approaches you one evening when the others have all moved to their sleeping spots and you're preparing for bed. He pulls you to the side when you're walking to your bedroll and confesses to you that he's been watching you since you've met. He believes you've proven yourself to be a remarkable individual time and time again so far on your journey together. He's not impressed with most people, but he finds you to be a rare specimen. As he's praising you, he steps into your space, closing the distance between you two. His voice lowers and his finger starts to trace the back of your hand as he tells you how he'd like to know more about you and your abilities. He leans in close to your ear as he asks, "won't you let me learn all there is to know about you, little pup?"
If you tell him yes, he'll give you a devilish smile, take your hand with a soft grip, and lead you away from camp. Once he feels he's lured you far enough, he'll release his grip on your hand, take a step away to face you, and command you to remove your clothes. If do as he says, he smirks and will move in close to circle you and examine your exposed form. He does not touch you at all, only looks with an intense, degrading gaze as he moves slowly. After what feels like ages, he steps back to where he was standing before and crosses his arms. "Kneel for me." If you follow his orders and kneel at his feet, he'll reach down and hold your chin with a gentle touch. "Good pet," he says with a silky voice, then kneels down to reward you with a soft, chaste kiss. As he pulls away, he stares deep into your eyes and says, "I want you to be mine. If you serve me and reveal all your secrets to me, you will have all my affection. Is that what you want, little pup? To serve me?" If you tell him yes, then he will kiss you once more, leaning in this time for a much deeper kiss. He leans further into you until he pushes you down to the ground, and from there, the scene fades to black.
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Velora will approach you one night and ask if you'd like to spend a bit of time with her. She has a surprise planned, but needs to wait until everyone else is asleep before she can show you. If you agree, she lights up and tells you to come find her tent when the others have all gone to bed. Later that night in Velora's tent, she has a plethora of flowers scattered about on the floor. She smiles when you enter, waving you to take a seat next to her. "I was hoping to do something nice for everyone and make some flower crowns. Do you think that'd be silly?" If you tell her it wouldn't be, she beams and turns her attention back to her piles. She has them sorted by flower types and colors. "What do you think would work best for everyone? I found a few night orchids, and I know those are Shadowheart's favorite. Maybe these red poppies for Karlach? Though they might burst into flame if she tries to wear it... Maybe I could make her a wreath?" She turns to you and looks in your eyes, pondering what colors would suit you. "What about you?" she asks. "What flowers would you like?" She waits for your answer, and after you point at a flower, she'll pick a few out of the pile she has and begin to weave something together. As she goes, she blushes and tells you about how she used to love making crowns when she was small, but she never had anyone to give them to besides her parents. "I always had so many piled up in a basket in my room. It means a lot to finally have people I can make these for."
She finishes a crown for you and leans in close to place it on top of your head. "Well, what do you think?" You can either simply tell her you like it, or close the gap to kiss her. If you kiss her, she's shocked. She pulls away quickly, falls back on her bottom, and covers her mouth. She is stunned into shock. After a moment of staring at you with wide eyes, she'll stutter and make her way back to the flower crowns, mumbling about what the other party members might like. She avoids eye contact with you and is burning bright red as she tries to weave another crown with shaking hands. You can move closer to her and kiss her on the cheek or ask if she's alright. If you peck her on the cheek, she'll freeze and turn to face you, covering her cheek with her hand and leaning away from your body. You sit like that with her for what feels like a while, and eventually, with a face still burning and eyes wide in disbelief, Velora will slowly and hesitantly lean in to kiss you one more time. Eventually her body relaxes and she leans into the kiss a bit more. After a moment, she'll pull away with a soft, nervous smile on her face. Her eyes, which were wide in panic just a moment ago, are now soft and sparkling. "I've never had a true love's kiss before. What a wonderful experience." If you are willing, she kisses you again, this time without the hesitation that plagued her only a moment ago, and the scene fades out from there.
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Okay, Gardon is a dragon, BUT HEAR ME OUT. Since he is tadpoled in this scenario, the effects it has on his body limit his powers greatly. He is trapped in his dragonborn form for the time being since that was the form he received the tadpole in, but similarly to Astarion, the effects of his curse are negated. He still is sick and breathes lava instead of fire, but he is not compelled to do evil like before and for the first time in centuries can finally act on a will truly of his own. This leads to him being very hesitant to be rid of the tadpole, since in this state, he can finally be a force of honor rather than chaos.
With that in mind, if you show morals of honor and good, Gardon will approach you one evening. He will sit next to you by the fire and stare into the flames. "It's odd..." he speaks, unprompted. "The only being I've ever admired was someone from so long ago. I haven't seen her in centuries. When I look at you though..." He turns his gaze from the fire to you. "You remind me so much of her. You are a mortal she would've found worthy of her respect." He is hesitant to place his hand on yours, but does so with a clumsy touch. He has only hurt mortals like you for so long and is so afraid to do any damage. He leaves his hand on yours for a while, then eventually stands and turns to face you. "It is late. You should turn in for the evening." You stand up next to him, and as you do, he reaches for your hand one more time. He holds it in both of his and squeezes it gently. "Good night, my friend." With that, Gardon makes his way back to his tent, not to sleep, but to think about these feelings and what he should do.
This post is the culmination of hours of thought and editing over multiple days. I really wanted to sit down and think what scenarios would really feel right and intriguing for each character and how they would approach their own vulnerabilities and insecurities (or completely avoid them. Lookin at you Sahed). I think Vero may have been the most difficult to figure out. She's fairly complex, and I wasn't sure if I should approach this with her as a bhaalspawn or not. I did come to a decision, but I'll leave it open to interpretation what you think! We even got Gardon in there for anyone who wants to romance a real dragon, which I totally respect. His scenario is much less detailed for now, but he has a lot of his own character growth to do before being able to romance anyone, especially a mortal.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Who would you try to romance? Let me know if you'd like to see any of these events in more detail or where they lead to next! I could expand on these stories all day!
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 1 year
Enemies to Frenemies to ... Still Frenemies, but Nicer About It
Look out, I'm gonna talk about Baldur's Gate 3 instead of just showing an occasional picture of Dusk. That said, here is a picture of Dusk:
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He doesn't understand why everyone seems to think he's a killer for hire. What could it be, that makes them think he fights for a living? And is possibly good at it? It's so strange.
Anyway, I wanna talk about Dusk and his relationship with Astarion. It's probably going to be long.
So! I understand the people who insist Astarion isn't impossible to get positive rep with if you're playing a good character. I understand why they're doing it. They're likely playing a character they think of as at least good intentioned, and likely have the playstyle that they want to make everyone in their group happy with their decisions as often as possible, even if it means bending their character's personality a teeny bit from time to time. And they want to help other people also have good Astarion times. Valid and kind-hearted and well-meaning of them.
BUT. That's not what I go for, when I play a character. Do I want the companions to like me? Yes, because that's usually the gate behind which their personal shit is hidden, and I would like to get into that. But I'm not willing to do things I don't think are in character to do it, these days. I always replay games like this (if they're good, which this one is), so I feel free to fuck around and find out, as it were, and do my best to stay in character no matter what.
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In this playthrough, I am playing Dusk, who is the biggest fucking busybody helperman golden retriever you can conceive of. And I made him an Oath of the Ancients paladin to also really drive his hippie tendencies home. He needs no convincing to help people, doesn't even realize he could ask for pay to do so, has no interest in power, and his sense of humor does not run towards the cruel. Yes, I saw times I could've done something that Astarion probably would've appreciated ... but it wasn't Dusk. It wasn't how Dusk would handle the situation, wasn't what he would actually say, whatever. So I didn't pick it, and I had Astarion scowl at the back of his head. Often. SO often.
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And I loved it! Everyone else in the party loved Dusk, for various reasons, and it fit, frankly. People generally like Dusk in every setting I've shoved him into. So to have this chaos gremlin feral cat go 'fuck this stupid puppy man' at seemingly every turn was great, because it was an experience Dusk never has.
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So it got me thinking about how Dusk would handle it, and the answer was apparently be nice even harder. He kept true to himself and being the man he wants to be, and any time he talked to Astarion, he took the supportive, helpful options, secretly willing this stupid vampire to ask him for help gods dammit.
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See, Dusk is always willing to help ... but he waits to be asked, because he doesn't want to accidentally 'help' and mess something up because he didn't have the full picture. And he realized, after taking a rep hit for freeing some slaves, why Astarion was so annoyed every time Dusk helped someone, and once he did, he did it even MORE, because he wanted Astarion to see. To see that no, seriously, Dusk wants to help. To see he wants to help everyone he possibly can, Astarion very much included. To see it was safe to chance asking Dusk to help him.
And eventually, finally, he did ask, and Dusk agreed to help him, and they both acted like it was no big deal at all for either of them, even though it was a huge deal for both of them.
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They're a teeny bit at odds currently on what 'help' means, of course, but you know. Baby steps.
Astarion still complains occasionally about what Dusk was choosing to do, since Dusk is still extremely Dusk, but it's starting to feel less bitter and exasperated, and more like he's a little ... concerned? Worried that Dusk is giving too much of himself away, and definitely not taking enough back in return. Dusk won't use the extra tadpoles. He won't take any offer of power presented to him, really. He'll even turn down rewards for doing things for people. That must seem insane to Astarion, especially given what they're up against. Why wouldn't Dusk want an edge, even if that edge is questionable?
This is one of the reasons why, mind you:
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This is one of the only times Astarion gave Dusk advice and Dusk took it, because it seemed the less-bad option of the two he was stuck with. I love Astarion's face back there. He knows what he did. In Astarion's defense ... Dusk already knew deep down that choice would go that way, and did it anyway, because it was still better than the alternative at the moment. It just caught up with him way earlier than he expected.
Anyway, I love their weird dynamic, where Dusk is going to drag Astarion to a healthier mindset if it kills him, and Astarion is trying to coax Dusk into having the tiniest shred of a survival instinct. It's a work in progress for both of them, but one I've loved playing through. I'm looking forward to seeing where it ends up.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
As an avid (?) Dota player, what's your opinion on other games in the genre such as HoTs, LoL, HoN etc?
I'm an avid Dota fan, but only a casual player as evidenced by my playtime
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Anyway to answer your question, I've tried quite a few in my time!
Heroes of Newerth - This was Dota 2 before Dota 2. Had many old heroes from Dota but with a ridiculously fast turn rate and overall game speed. I didn't get to play it much, but a ton of the current pros in Dota 2 came from the HoN scene. I'm still hoping Icefrog ports some HoN heroes over (though some abilities like Puppet Master's Crazy Puppet have already made their way into Dota through skills like Winter's Curse) now that HoN is, you know, dead.
League of Legends - I had a lot of fun with it as a more action based take on the genre, but i disliked the general streamlining of strategy. Replacing trees and high ground for vision breaking with tall grass that just makes you invis while inside didn't really sit right with me, as well as how tame skills and items were compared to Dota (an ultimate stun in League is about the length of a regular stun in Dota, as League does not have an equivalent to BKB. Something like Flash moved you only a tiny hop compared to Blink Dagger's screen wide teleport, because of how busted introducing Dota-style mobility would be in League of Legends). Loved certain members of the cast though. My faves were Leona, Orianna, Lux, and Ezreal. The last time I played, they had just newly introduced Yasuo (I think this was in 2013?) so I'm sure a lot has changed since then.
Heroes of the Storm - It was a party game. I don't know how else to describe it. Way too gimmicky and casual for my taste, though I thought its talent tree was really cool (and Icefrog did as well apparently, patch 7.00 brought HotS talent tree into Dota). They also had some ridiculously cool ideas for character skillsets, Abathur was completely insane, and the Lost Vikings were a very unique take on one hero who is many (such as Meepo).
Smite - I played Smite in the beta and didn't play it anymore after it actually released. the 3D angle felt novel, but I really didn't see the point of switching to a 3rd person action control scheme vs isometric point and click when the map was just as flat with no verticality whatsoever. You can't make a classic MOBA map and then make someone run around it in 3D, without verticality it feels very boring and stale. I'm sure they improved it post launch though. It was also really fun to have main menu animations in the beta where the gods of various pantheons would be palling around. If I remember correctly, the Play button was a Norse deity (i forgot who) giving Ra a bearhug and ruffling his head while they smile at the player. So cute.
Battleborn - Every day I have to contend with the knowledge that Overwatch lived and Battleborn died. I liked Battleborn. i will never get to play Marquis or Phoebe again because the servers are deactivated. Fuck.
Super Monday Night Combat - Yes it was flawed. Yes making your level act as a multiplier of your stats (meaning being just 1 level above the enemy gave you an insane advantage) was really bad for game pacing and made games stompy. Yes every character having a grab attack meant that every character in the game had a channeled stun. I don't care. It had Captain Spark, a weird Rocketeer- Shark Boy fusion, and the most fun blink in the history of PVP games. This dude could teleport through walls and floors, letting knowledgeable players potentially get the drop on people from ANYWHERE (if they dont teleport to their deaths anyway) and that 360 degrees of possible angles was so fun I still daydream about getting to play Spark again. I can't. They deactivated the servers. I loved this game so dearly I wrote up character guides and posted on the forums every day. SMNC is where i got the name of this blog; my username used to be Camerashy, then it became Shuttershy, then people playing against me in SMNC thought this was a my little pony reference, so Shuttershocky it was.
Gigantic - They killed the perfect video game. I was there since Alpha testing. I have a shirt from the developers. Gigantic had some of the best character art in the history of video games. Playing it felt amazing, like someone finally figured out how to do a 3D MOBA, and it was to flip the whole concept on its head. Rather than defend a base, you had a massive kaiju on your team that kicked ass, and your objective was taking down the enemy kaiju while yours literally tore the battlefield apart. God. It was everything. I loved it so much. It had so much life left to live, but nobody played it, another victim of being a cartoon 3D team game that dared to be around when Overwatch arrived. Players who came in during beta or release never even got to play my favorite character of the Alpha test: Roland, because they took Roland away for some reworking and promised he'd come back, only for Gigantic to die before Roland ever returned. Tyto. Tripp. Mozi. Especially Beckett and Imani. I miss all of you every day. This was as close a PVP game could get to perfection in my eyes and it's gone. I will forever grieve what could have been
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check-ur-squad · 4 months
im back again to ask something ajdkkc
anywho, i finally got vanessa thread of fate and im confused on who should i kick out of my team and whom to keep. here's my team just in case you're curious. (and the characters i have)
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i reallyyyy need a healer on the team tho otherwise my team would be doomed 😭
Hi dude!! Hope you've been well.
Getting into it, both Vanessa and Zora operate the best on "Mono" teams. For Vanessa, that might look like her, party Mimosa, Mereoleona as a tank/DPS (or Patri), and Charlotte. For Zora, that's likely going to be him, ceremony Luck, Charmy/Kahono/Gauche if you can swing it, and William. The Mono meta is going to continue for a few seasons more, and then we're going to have Valkyrie Noelle introduced, which will disturb that meta by adding two new types to the game (purple (chaos) and yellow (harmony)).
Why is this the case? Well, currently the structure of the game is such that each type has a special strategy.
Blue has counterattack.
Green has SP regeneration/skill spamming (Ceremony Charlotte, Party Mimosa, and Fate Vanessa ALL regenerate SP)
Red has burn stacking --> more damage/blasta + witch queen combo.
Now, these strategies are by no means ubiquitous. Mereo also has burn stacking --> damage, and she's green. Yami and Noelle [Swimsuit] have counterattack, and they're red. However, most SUPPORT units in their types have passives that only activate if everyone in that team is only one color. Those support units include: Party Mimosa, Zora, Vanessa [Fate], Charlotte [Academy], Sally to some extent, Charlotte [Ceremony], Witch Queen, and more.
Zora in a mono blue team gives himself a +15 SPD boost at the start of a round. That's INSANE, and it makes him the fastest character in the game, but only if he's in that type of team. Otherwise, he has a regular debuffer speed of around 112-114. You can play him however you want, but you will be working at a disadvantage to people who are using him in mono (at least, in the arena), because that's just kind of how the game works.
It looks like you've got a lot of well-built units. As it stands, however, there's no reason to have both Zora and Noelle on a team -- their skills are essentially the same, and Zora's benefit is that he basically turns any attacker INTO Noelle through DEF stacking, damage reflection, and damage reduction.
Langris is frankly a shit DPS, even though Fate Vanessa resolves his Skill Points problem to some extent (I'm sorry to langris fans but he's not lore-accurate. forget eating my brain out of my head, the most he's ever done is lightly blow on me. im talking like 1k damage) so if I had a recommendation, I would swap Noelle out for another DPS character and Mereo for Vanessa. You could also swap Charmy for Vanessa and Magna for Noelle and run a burn/stun/taunt team of sorts, but I would personally play around until you find what's fun for you and then go with that.
Thanks for asking! Please feel free to continue to do so :D I'll do my best to help!
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