#runext x reader
xoxoxoz · 11 months
heyy :D it’s the jeemin anon again ! can i request again? really enjoyed the one you wrote for me b4 😞!! jeemin x fem!reader, fake dating into lovers tropes! soo your two friend groups dared the two of you to fake date each other because they’re the only one who knew that you both like each other >< !! (jeemin is the top! like u said not in nsfw way 😭) take your time writing this!!
Hi Jeemin Anon! Thanks for another adorable request💘
Bang Jeemin x F!reader
⚠️: fluff, comedy, soft, cutiepatootie JeemY/n
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Jeemin hated group projects for one reason only and that was people’s lack of focus on their task. Unfortunately, she was that person. Her reason?
“If you want us to pass this stupid poster assessment, I suggest you keep your eyes on your laptop instead of Y/n” Yunah mumbled tiredly.
Moa, Jihyun, and Chanelle looked up from their laptops.
“How about opening your eyes Yunah? We’re not gonna get anything done with you sleeping all the damn time” Jihyun fired back, slapping a stack of paper into Yunah’s face.
“Ow! I wasn’t sleeping okay? I was resting my vision”
“You’re unbelievable. And Bang Jeemin, if you don’t stop staring at Y/n, I’m gonna stab these crayons in your eyes so you don’t have to ever see her again!”
Jeemin jumped at the threat and began typing away. “I’m sorry. She just looks really pretty”
“You say that every single time. She looks the same!” Jihyun exclaimed as all heads turned to your group’s table in the classroom.
Your group are known to be the pretty girls of the school, consisting of Funa, Minju, Moka, Jiwoo, and of course you.
Although Jeemin did find the other girls pretty, you caught her eye (and heart) easily the day you were introduced as the new student. Being Funa’s cousin, you fitted in and became very well liked by the entire school.
“Jeemin’s looking at you again” Jiwoo whispered.
You turned your head and caught the girl’s eyes just before she averted her attention back to her laptop like nothing happened.
“She totally likes you, Y/n. Just ask her out” Moka said.
“Just because she looks at me doesn’t mean she likes me. She has a line of girls going after her so there’s no way she’d pick me” you slouched in your seat and pouted.
“Y/n, I swear on my DPR Ian album that she likes you too. She looks at you like you put the stars in the sky, do I really need to go on?” Minju smiled but you shook the delusions away.
“You guys are just trying to make me feel better”
Funa pursed her lips and leaned towards Jiwoo. “I’ve never met anyone more oblivious than my own cousin”
“I agree. Didn’t you tell Moa to convince Jeemin in confessing? These two have been liking each other longer than I remembered, it’s killing me”
“Me too but Moa said Jeemin isn’t budging. Apparently Jeemin thinks Y/n and Minju are secretly dating”
Minju heard the conversation and her eyes widened. “What the—I like Jihyun! I thought I’ve made that obvious”
“Not obvious enough for her to finally ask you out on a date” Moka teased, earning a playful glare from Minju.
“What are you guys talking about?” You whispered.
Funa suddenly had an idea. “We were just discussing Jiwoo’s plan of going to the fun fair tonight!”
Jiwoo frowned. “We were?”
Funa pinched her thigh under the table and spoke through gritted teeth. “Yes. We. Were”
“OW—Oh yeahhhh. I think it would be nice for us to hang out after all these assessments”
You slowly nodded. “Oh that sounds fun”
Minju smirked at Funa and played along. “We should invite Jihyun’s group too. The more the merrier right Moka?”
The Japanese girl smiled cheekily. “Yeah so I can see Chanelle”
“Wait we’re gonna invite them? Oh my god, I need to shop for a new outfit. What’s Jeemin’s favourite colour? Sky blue right? Oh god oh god” You rambled and opened the Pinterest app on your phone for some inspiration.
The girls high fived each other before Funa stood up and walked over to Jihyun’s group. “Hey there”
All were surprised to see the pretty Japanese girl smiling at them. Moa felt her face go red.
“H-Hey Funa. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to ask if you were all free tonight?”
“We’re actually studying tonight—OW!” Chanelle hissed as Moa kicked her under the table.
“Yes we’re free. Why do you ask?” The Thai student chuckled shyly.
“The girls and I are planning to go to the fair. Some extra company would be great” Funa put on her best flirtatious tone and effortless wink towards Moa.
“Sounds good. We’ll all be there”
Funa chuckled and brushed her fingers under Moa’s jaw. “You better be. 6pm sharp. Don’t keep us waiting”
The group watched Funa walk away before sending a glare towards their Thai member.
“Moa seriously? We aren’t even halfway done with this poster” Jihyun huffed.
“Hear me out. Funa brainwashed me”
“Oh shut up” Jeemin mumbled.
“No no keep hearing me out. All your crushes will be there hello? It’s about time we stopped being cowards and finally ask them out! Especially you Jeemin—Hold on I’m getting a phone call” Moa awkwardly chuckled and took out her vibrating device.
“You’re seriously taking a call in the middle of class?” Jihyun pinched her nose bridge.
“Funa why are you calling me? You were just here a few seconds ago” Moa whispered, seeing the girl stare at her from the other table.
“I know I’m sorry but I didn’t wanna wait until lunch. We have a plan but make sure Jeemin isn’t listening”
Moa looked towards Jeemin cautiously, seeing that she was daydreaming again. Typical.
“What’s your plan?” Moa sighed.
“Y/n and Jeemin are the biggest cowards I’ve seen in my life. I can only think of one way to try and get them to finally be together”
“And that is?”
“Daring them to fake date. Now I know it sounds a bit childish but I’m sure it’ll get one to finally say something”
The Thai student massaged her temple. “If I didn’t like you so much, I would’ve found this idea silly. But I’ll trust your word on this”
“Did you just say you like me?”
“ANYWAYS how are we starting this plan of yours?”
“Make some space at your table. We’ll join you in a bit”
“Alright” Moa quickly responded and ended the call. “Scoot over everyone”
The group blinked with confusion but moved anyways as Funa’s group took their belongings and slid into the empty chairs across Jihyun’s table.
“Hi!” Minju waved directly at Jihyun.
“Hope you don’t mind us joining. We need some inspiration for this project” Minju smiled sweetly that got Jihyun running laps.
“And also to talk about the plan tonight. I’m very happy you’re all coming with us” Jiwoo said, eyeing Yunah a bit longer than usual.
Yunah shifted in her seat uncomfortably.
“Hi Jeeminie” You waved at the taller girl.
“H-Hi Y/n! You look pretty”
You looked down at your uniform and giggled. “We’re all wearing the same clothes”
Jeemin face palmed. “You’re right but you just make it look better than everyone else”
“Aw that’s so sweet of you to say. Thank you”
“Yuck. This hurts to watch, but anyways, tonight sounds like a lot of fun” Moa commented.
Jiwoo slowly smirked. “But you know what’ll be fun right now?”
You looked cluelessly at her. “What?”
“A little game of truth or dare”
Jihyun leaned back and sighed. “We have an assessment due”
“And it can wait. This would be a good break for us”
“Well Jiwoo, since you asked for it, truth or dare?” Chanelle grinned.
“Easy. Truth”
“Is it true your pants ripped in front of everyone during P.E?”
“Fuck you. I pick dare now”
Chanelle wiggled her finger. “No no no. You have to stick to your first decision”
“Ugh yes it’s true! I don’t know why I got detention for it” Jiwoo crossed her arms, rolling her eyes the laughter from everyone else. “Moving on. Jeemin, truth or dare?”
“Do you find Y/n pretty?” Jiwoo asked and batted her eyelashes as a little tease.
“Of course I do”
“Then I dare you to date her—OW!”
Funa slapped the back of Jiwoo’s head. “That’s not how you play truth or dare, idiot”
“And you’re ruining the plan” Moka added within a whisper.
“Sorry Jiwoo’s old brain forgets the rules sometimes. Let’s continue” Funa flicked her wrist.
“Y/n, truth or dare?” Moa asked this time.
“I feel bold today so I choose dare”
“I dare you and Jeemin to fake date until the end of the fair tonight”
“What?!” You and Jeemin yelled in unison.
“Scared?” Moa mocked.
You straightened your posture and puffed out your chest. “No! That dare is gonna be a piece of cake”
‘If only I didn’t get a limited time’ You thought.
“And if Jeeminie is okay with the dare too”
The taller girl used her book to fan her face. “I don’t mind it at all. What do we get out of this dare?”
“You’ll see later” Moka patted your back.
“So Kim Y/n, will you be my fake girlfriend tonight?”
“I’d love to, Bang Jeemin”
(Time Skip cuz we need our JeemY/n content asap)
“What did I say about biting your fingernails?” Jihyun gently slapped Jeemin’s hand away from her mouth.
“I’m nervous okay? Do I look good?”
Jihyun took a step back to scan the outfit.
“You look great Jeemin, don’t worry so much”
“There they are!…Holy shit” Chanelle pointed, her jaw slowly dropping.
Jeemin turned around and almost went into cardiac arrest when she laid eyes on your beautiful group. Mostly you.
She felt the world go into slow motion as you approached closer in a sky blue sundress and a smile so bright that it put the stars to shame. The lights from the fair made you look angelic and Jeemin concluded that she didn’t need to know what heaven was like anymore.
“Hey guys!” Funa waved excitedly and clung onto Moa’s arm.
“Minju you look stunning” Jihyun breathed out with amazement, making Minju smile shyly.
“Thank you”
“Ready for a fun night?” Moka booped Chanelle’s nose who nodded enthusiastically.
“I’ll count this as our first date, Noh Yunah” Jiwoo winked and put her arms around the taller girl.
Jeemin still had her jaw on the floor which you laughed at. “Do I look that good Jeeminie?” You asked and did a little twirl.
“Good? You look so…wow. I feel so lucky to be your girl-FAKE girlfriend!” Jeemin quickly corrected herself, not catching the slight disappointment in your face.
“Yeah…fake girlfriend”
“I think we should all split ways and meet up at the food area just before the fireworks start” Jiwoo suggested, earning a approving nod from everyone.
Jeemin offered her hand to you. “Ready to make this night memorable?”
You held her hand gently.
“Lead the way”
Throughout the night, Jeemin managed to impress you with her amazing skills in almost every game, winning plushie after plushie that she had to get you a wagon to carry it all. She ended up dragging the wagon in the end after claiming that a Princess should never carry all her stuff.
You two shared some cotton candy, milkshakes, and made each other DIY bracelets that matched love heart charms.
As it was almost time for the fireworks to happen, you and Jeemin stood by the food trucks, waiting for the others arrival. The taller quickly took off her jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders.
“A Princess shouldn’t get cold”
“Aw Jeemin, you’re such a sweetheart”
The girl smiled before looking at her phone, seeing a message from Chanelle, Moa, and Jihyun.
[Jihyunnie 🍫: It’s now or never, Bang Jeemin. Tell her how you feel]
[Nelle🌙: don’t back out girl. This is your only chance]
Jeemin felt the uneasy feeling in her stomach as she put her device away. “Hey Y/n, can I show you this place while we wait?”
“Yeah sure”
She took your hand again and led you to a hill that showed a great view of the entire fair underneath the moonlight.
“Wow” you exhaled at the beautiful scenery. “It’s gorgeous”
“Y/n, there’s something I want to tell you”
You looked into her eyes and felt nervous at how serious the taller girl had looked. A face you’ve never seen before. “What is it?”
Jeemin started hearing the 10 second countdown from the crowd for the fireworks. She held your shoulders and looked deeply into your eyes.
“First of all, I had an amazing time tonight, and that’s only because you were by my side for the entirety of it. I don’t think I can handle bottling my feelings anymore because it’s hurting me so so bad”
“Jeemin? What are you saying?”
“I don’t want you being my fake girlfriend anymore, Y/n. I want it all to be real. I love you so much that I can’t bear to imagine seeing you with anyone else”
Your eyes widened. “You love me?”
“So much Y/n. I’m sure it’s not the first time you’ve heard it from someone, considering there’s a line of people who want you just as bad as I do. But I completely understand if you don’t feel the same you know—“
You had to admit seeing her ramble was super cute but you didn’t want to waste any more time and there was only one simple way to shut her up.
You cupped her face and your lips melted into her soft ones. At the same time the fireworks had erupted into the night sky, coating it in a variety of beautiful colours.
Jeemin’s heartbeat was ringing in her ears as she finally comprehended that her crush was kissing her. After tears, daydreaming, and staring, she finally got you, and there was no place she’d rather be than holding you close as you continued to share a romantic kiss.
“We did it!!” Funa screamed, coming out from behind the bushes with the other girls.
They all jumped around and cheered.
You pulled away from Jeemin’s lips and became shocked at seeing all your friends. “What are you all doing here?”
“We finally got you two together!” Jiwoo applauded.
“And it took a long time” Moa scoffed and wiped the fake sweat from her forehead.
“Wait, you all knew we liked each other?” Jeemin questioned while back hugging you.
“Duh! The whole world knew besides you two”
“So you’re welcome” Chanelle chuckled, holding Moka’s hand.
“Let’s go eat more food to celebrate!” Jihyun yelled and dragged Minju with her to the food trucks.
The other girls decided to follow, leaving you alone with Jeemin again. You faced her and leaned your head on her shoulder. “I love you Jeeminie”
She kissed your head and swayed you gently. “I love you too. You just made me the happiest woman alive”
“You complete me”
She continued holding you in her warm embrace as the fireworks continued, leaving it as the best night of your life.
A/N: Jeemin anon I’m honestly not proud of this fic because I think I could’ve done so much better SO IM SORRY IF ITS NOT AS GREAT AS YOU WANTED IT TO BE T^T I can make you another fic as an apology🥹🫶🏼
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jeeseth · 5 months
greatest prize
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pairing : bang jeemin x fem!reader
summary : jeemin, the centre of your school basketball team, made it to the final round of their tournament. and with that, you made a deal with jeemin that if she won the game, you'd be her girlfriend.
cw/tw : non-idol au, fluff, cutie patootie jeemin, grammatical error 💀
It’s 8 in the morning, and here you are, sitting on your table, drinking the banana milk that was in your locker. You’re well aware of who put it in there.
“Kim y/n!!”
You flinched when Hyewon suddenly appeared in front of you. Everyone in your class started looking at her weirdly before continuing what they were doing.
“Wonie, calm down will ya! Anyway, what’s up?” You sighed, resting your cheeks in your palms while sipping the banana milk.
She took a deep breath before saying “Do you know that our school basketball team made it to the final round?!?” She exclaimed while shaking your poor table, this actions caught the other students attention.
“Wait wait really?!? our school made it?” One of your classmates chimed in.
“Yes! and the final will take place in our town stadium!! can you believe that?!?”
“Damn yn, we HAVE to go. I bet jeemin will asked you to go too later.” Hyewon teased, giggling afterwards.
Long story short, you were known as ‘the girl that Bang Jeemin likes’. And you were known to the whole school for that. You’re not sure how you feel about being known for that. I mean, yes, you do find Jeemin quite attractive, but you barely even know this girl. Jeemin is really kind and everything, which makes it oblivious that she likes you a lot.
Jeemin would always put your favourite banana milk in your locker in the mornings or after recess. Not only that, but this girl will do anything to get your attention, such as winking at you in private or yapping odd pick-up lines and dad jokes. You think it's hilarious (and charming) that she's trying so hard to start a conversation with you.
Jeemin is quite famous at school for being the centre of your school basketball team. You sometimes wondered, How did she even notice you in the first place? I mean, compared to Jeemin, you don’t really have a big circle of friends, and you’re not even that famous in school. Other than being known as the girl that Jeemin’s like, you were also known as the top student (nerdy, I see). Maybe this is why Jeemin will always ask you for your biology and mathematics notes. 
Despite sharing only a few classes with Jeemin, you always saw her everywhere you went. Imagine going to the school garden to have a break, and then, poof, she popped out of nowhere. So you mostly spend your time in the garden listening to her yapping about basketball. You don’t mind it at all; you actually really enjoy her company.
“Hey, y/n.”
You stopped rearranging your locker when you heard the voice you recognized. You turned around and saw Jeemin standing while looking everywhere else except your eyes.
“Hm? Do you need anything Jee?”
Jeemin was flustered by the sudden nickname but she shrugged it off by clearing her throat.
“Will you come to the game tomorrow? Uh you know its the final and it seems like half of the school is going. i-i just want to know if you’re going too.” she muttered. you find it absolutely adorable at how she’s stuttering and how she can barely held an eye contact with you
“Hmm idk, will you win though?” you asked which caught jeemin by surprise.
“O-of course i will, im Bang Jeemin! I never lose!” she replied with her puffed out. You laughed at her response, and to Jeemin your laugh sounds heavenly to her which made her smile softly.
“I’ll ask my friends first okay? i’ll let you know later if im coming or not.” you smiled.
“Alright, i hope you can come.”
"Wait, Jee, are you practicing tonight?” You asked because you sometimes saw Jeemin practicing alone at the street basketball court. She usually practices from dawn until midnight because you know how much Jeemin dislikes the heat.
“Yes, i am. Why?” she asked, titling her head afterwards.
“No, it’s nothing. Goodluck!”
“40!” Jeemin breathed out before laying on the ground.
She’s currently practicing her shoots for tomorrow’s game. Here she lay on the ground with her messy hair and her favourite hoodie. She was staring at night sky before you appeared in her vision. “Y/n?”
She sat up in a flash, and you chuckled before kneeling in front of her to fix her messy hair that was covering her face. You just came back from a convenience store, and when Jeemin mentioned that she'd be practicing tonight, you thought of buying her some drinks and snacks.
“Here, I bought you some drinks and snacks. It’s not much but I hope you like it.” You smiled softly before standing up and placed the plastic bag at a nearby bench.
You take some drinks from the plastic bag to give to Jeemin but before you can even turned around, you felt her hugging you from behind.
“J-jeemin?” you stuttered, completely flustered by her sudden action. You can hear her breathing heavily so you just let her for a moment before she reluctantly pulled away.
“I-I’m sorry—” you cut her off by hugging her this time. Jeemin was taken aback but still wrapped her arms around you to keep you warm from the chilly weather.
“What are you sorry for?” you laughed, pulling away slightly to look at her face which is now tinted with a bright pink.
“I thought I make you uncomfortable..” she mumbled, still looking away. You giggled before taking her hands to sit down at a nearby benches.
You two sat in silence as Jeemin enjoyed the drinks and snacks you bought for her. She even offered if you want some but you told her that you have already eaten at home before going out.
“Hey, y/n.” Jeemin called as you hummed and look at her.
“I think it’s pretty obvious that I really like you. And I don’t know how you feel about it. But, I want to say thank you for you know, um not being uncomfortable or sum.” Jeemin chuckled and looked down to her feets while playing with her hands. You took notice of it and held her hands.
“Jee, I would never. In fact, who knew maybe i like you too?” You said causing Jeemin to faced your direction. You already can see how a smile is slowly creeping its way to her lips.
“You like me?”
“I don’t know~” you shrugged your shoulders playfully. Jeemin stands in front of you with a big smile on her face.
“Then, let’s make a deal. If i win the game tomorrow, can we be together?” Jeemin asked, anticipating for an answer from you.
You chuckled before replying, “Deal.”
It’s d-day of the final, and the stadium is filled with people and students from your school and the other schools. You’re feeling nervous and excited at the same time.
“Omg y/n, there they are!” Hyewon pointed at your school basketball team and your eyes landed on Jeemin immediately. Her in that basketball jersey with her hair tied up in a ponytail. As both school began to enter the court, the stadium echoed with more loud cheers and anticipation.
And when the whistle blows, the final game has officially started. The game unfolded with exhilarating intensity, each team giving it their all. Jeemin’s focus was however unwavering, her mind in sync with the rhythm of the game. Half time in, and it seems like the opponent school is leading with 3 points ahead. You couldn’t help but to feel worried. With only 10 minutes more, you’re not sure if they can catch up.
You’re sure Jeemin is feeling the same thing. She couldn’t help but feel the weight of the moment. With the time ticking, they slowly started catching up. Jeemin’s gaze changed, and you saw how her captain was patting her back to tell her to calm down. 
Time is still ticking, with a minute left. The current points are 110–109; your school is only a point behind. You saw how the players on your school team were exchanging glances before smirking afterwards. With 30 seconds on the clock, Yunah, the captain, shouted, “Jeemin, it’s time! Everyone, now!” And with that, they all started running towards the opponent and started attacking. Your mouth went wide open at how fast they were dribbling. In 10 seconds, Yunah passed the ball to Jeemin to make the shot. It won’t be easy, seeing how the opponent is right in front of her, blocking Jeemin’s way. Everyone in the stadium feels anxious, but not Jeemin. She smirked before going back a little and there she shoots, startling the opponent. They tried to block it, but the balls were already halfway to the hoop. And then the clock ticked down, just as soon as the ball went into the hoop.
“And there it is, Bang Jeemin buzzer beater!!” the mc shouted into the mic, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause, Jeemin’s heart swelling with pride.
Everyone in the crowd went into the court to congratulate the players. They celebrated, but Jeemin’s eyes were locked on you the whole time. You saw how Jeemin came to you with her arms open. You couldn’t contain your excitement any longer, so you giggled before going down and into her arms. Well, not really. We could say that you dashed into her lips; it was strong enough to knock Jeemin down, but she held back by holding your waist and deepening the kiss. You’re glad that probably nobody noticed the two of you, but you’re sure enough that your friends are going to tease you later. 
Jeemin pulled away and rested her forehead on yours. You caressed her cheeks softly before pecking her lips one more time. She chuckled and kissed your cheeks.
“This is greater than the actual prize.” Jeemin mumbled which make you giggles.
“You’re finally mine, y/n. I promise you that i’ll love you with all my heart yeah?” You nodded at Jeemin’s words before she pulled you in for another kiss.
“I love you, y/n.”
“I love you more than you think, Bang Jeemin.”
After months of tears, staring, yapping and daydreaming, she’s finally with you. And she definitely has no intention of letting you go.
a/n — in the honour of the bang jeemin coming back, i wrote this !! VOTE JEEMIN ON MNET PLUS!
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shybunnyminju · 1 year
Park Minju bff headcanons
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illit⠀୨୧ genre fluff pairing park minju friend x neutral friend reader word count idk warnings none
• Every time you get together to watch a movie, chances are she'll fall asleep on your shoulder. (imagine going to the movies to see barbie and she fell asleep next to you jskkss)
• I'm sure Minju would recommend songs from dpr ian.
• If you are an extrovert, you will most likely have to insist on getting her out of the house.
• If they go out to eat something, it would have to be in a place with few people and you would have to place the order yourself, because she is very shy.
• If they go out somewhere, she will insist on going to karaoke and singing blackpink or dpr ian songs together (even if she doesn't tell you directly, she will give you signs). "Hey y/n... Have you heard this song by drp ian? I've seen it's quite popular in the karaokes..."
• Then they would go for chocolate cake.
• In "r u next?" I would tell Yunah about you and how you met.
• If they do anything crazy, don't count on it (they may get caught before they get it).
• Get those snacks ready, if it's a rainy day, they'll be watching movies all day.
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 1 year
KINDRED — yang jungwon
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It’s your final year of highschool, and your only goal is to graduate top of your cohort, as usual. Except as student council president, your advisor can’t seem to leave you alone. What happens when you take Decelis Academy’s top student, their star taekwondo athlete and put them in front of a camera?
“Kindred” a student documentary. Pilot episode airing tonight on TVN 7PM KST.
PAIRING: athlete!jungwon x stucopres!fem!reader
FEATURING: enhypen, yunjin from lesserafim, ryujin and chaeryeong from itzy, chanelle from runext, beomgyu and taehyun from txt, wonyoung from ive, gunwook and gyuvin from zb1 etc.
GENRE: high school au, enemies to lovers, nerd x athlete, forced proximity, slice of life, coming of age, he fell first and harder, fluff, ANGST, teen drama, slow burn ish?
WARNINGS: contains profanities, horrible attempt at humour, urban lingo, probably cringy, kys/kms jokes, depression jokes, sexual innuendos (nothing too inappropriate), depiction of violence, family drama, incorrect timestamps/information, no fixed faceclaims, not proofread etc.
STATUS: completed! (01/09/2023 – 18/03/2024)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: please read! story concept is heavily inspired by the kdrama ‘our beloved summer’ other than that the storyline is completely original (or so i assume since i manifested this out from the crevices of my pea brain). chapters with ‘(hw)’ next to them indicates that they are half-written, in case y’all skip over it! as always, the content and depiction of the characters in this smau do not in anyway represent them in real life. lastly, if you do end up enjoying, please do like, comment (love reading your comments btw), and reblog so this can reach!! without further ado, enjoy!
TAGS: #tfwy kindred #tfwy smau
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profile. one | two | three
episode 1 - ratatouille and the underdogs
episode 2 - one way ticket to university
episode 3 - do you take constructive criticism?
episode 4 - unsolicited but appreciated
episode 5 - the art of benevolence
episode 6 - taekwondo-anti
episode 7 - beating the mentally ill allegations
episode 8 - can’t help it, i’m a libra
episode 9 - operation we-don’t-really-hate-each-other (hw)
episode 10 - she’s an oscar award winning actress
episode 11 - someone like me (hw)
episode 12 - ‘female-lead-realising-the-bad-boy-isnt-actually-that-bad’ arc
episode 13 - 5 foot 9 garfield meets avatar
episode 14 - yn the heterosexual
episode 15 - the ynwon getting closer montage :p
episode 16 - to the moon and back
episode 17 - eat 2 left toes
episode 18 - you are approved! (hw)
episode 19 - asking for a friend
episode 20 - rediscovering won’s ability to love
episode 21 - beomgyu’s 99999 eq
episode 22 - ynwon get together or else >:(
episode 23 - “hate”
episode 24 - not all problems can be solved with a formula
episode 25 - H.O.M.E.W.R.E.C.K.E.R
episode 26 - collecting facebook milfs like pokémons
episode 27 - you were brighter than the moon (hw)
episode 28 - she's studious not stupid
episode 29 - the garden is full of surprises (hw)
episode 30 - weapon of mass destruction
episode 31 - the name above me (hw)
episode 32 - no offense but she’s a cockblocker
episode 33 - the bane of my existence (hw)
episode 34 - risky risky wiggy wigi this is an emergency
episode 35 - live my life on my terms (hw)
episode 36 - separation anxiety goes crazy
episode 37 - paparizzki
episode 38 - is it too late now to say Sorry?
episode 39 - everything will work out just the way you want it to (hw)
episode 40 (finale) - her entire being is loveable (written)
epilogue - kindred, signing off part 1 | part 2
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bonus chapters!
yunjin x heeseung
i can fight
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Copyright© 2023 thatfeelinwhenyou All Rights Reserved
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psblooms · 9 months
secret proposals
smau series masterlist *on hiatus*
lee heeseung x f!reader fluff fake dating, upperclass!heeseung, new money!reader, aged up characters, inspired in kdramas, vibes of rivals to lovers and grumpyxsunshine
warnings: strong language, mentions of xenophobia and misogyny, parental issues
featuring: jay(enhypen), sunghoon(enhypen), jake (enhypen), jiwoo (runext), yunjin (le sserafim)
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in which while trying to avoid being sent to more blind dates and a future arranged marriage, lee heeseung decides to fake date the only person he knows his parents will not try to set him up with.
started: jan 8
ONE a win in my books
TWO grateful I'm not a nepobaby
THREE soft launching on main
BONUS the chaotic dinner, the ban of a company and the start of a friendship written
FOUR I'm contacts
FIVE operation: find heeseung a girlfriend
SIX a not work-related proposal
SEVEN another day impersonating a pr manager
EIGHT the secret deal written
NINE (everyone knew)
TEN food=bestie
ELEVEN knowing you written
TWELVE (for now)
BONUS colliding worlds
THIRTEEN my boy only breaks his favorite toys written
FOURTEEN *gasps*
taglist: (@eleanorheartschishiya @enhaslxt @ddazed-lhs @nctislifue @ariadores @ineedsomezzz @webjeje @enhaz1 @strayy-kidz @firstclassjaylee @cupidity99 @heeoao @trinxt @flwrstqr @heeswif3y @woninluv @erehkinnie30 @inlovewithasa @mrmld @sumzysworld @simjyunnie @yizhoutv @splat00z @heehappi @yogirllia @partyparty-yah )
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honeylations · 3 months
- Flashing your gf during an argument
- G!P Yeji x mean girl y/n (smut)
- Flashing your gf during an argument
- I love you for you, Ryu (G!P Ryujin smut)
- Flashing your gf during an argument
- G!P Ryujin x fem!reader (smut)
- Ryujin x fem!reader smut
- Flashing your gf during an argument
- Flashing your gf during an argument
- Over the limits(G!P Sakura smut)
- Angry Pupu
- Chaewon x Aespa G!P reader (smut)
- Bully Chaewon x G!P reader (smut)
- Let me be your Edward Cullen
- Loser Yunjin x fem barista!reader
- G!P Yunjin x fem model!reader (smut)
- G!P Kazuha x fem!reader (Smut)
- Fake Dating (fem!reader) PT1
- Fake Dating (fem!reader) PT2 (G!P Kazuha smut)
- Star of my night PT1 (G!P Reader)
- Star of my night PT2 (G!P Reader smut)
- Jimin x G!P reader (smut)
- G!P Loser vampire Jimin x fem!reader (smut)
- Aeri x G!P reader (smut)
- G!P loser Minjeong x fem!reader (smut)
- G!P loser Minjeong x fem!reader (smut)
- G!P Minjeong x fem pornstar!reader (smut)
- In The Right Place (G!p reader smut)
- Miyeon x G!P reader (smut)
- All of your attention (smut)
- Flirts and punches
- Uni student reader x uni student Jiwoo PT1
- G!P Uni student reader x Uni student Jiwoo PT2 (smut)
- Uni sweethearts
- Chanelle x bartender!reader
- G!P Chanelle x fem!reader (smut)
- G!P Chanelle x fem!reader (smut
- Chanelle x fem!reader (Uni au + smut)
- Jihyun x fem!reader
- G!P Jaeun x fem!reader (smut)
- Doa x G!P reader (smut)
- Harin x fem!reader smut (smut)
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jeeseth · 7 months
baby fever
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pairing : park minju x fem!reader
summary : while having a date on the park, the both of you encounter a baby at the ice cream truck, and the sudden baby fever just hits you.
genre : fluff (nuh uh)
cw/tw : lowkey suggestive 💀, implied dom minju
"Baby, what do you think?" Minju asked as she shows you the photos she took of the scenery.
"It looks so good baby!" You complimented her while looking at the photos. "You’re good at taking photos."
"Thank you, love." She smiled.
It’s been a while since Minju taken you out on a date. And the butterflies still hits you every time you’re with her. You fall in love with Minju not only because she’s a hardworking student but also because of how she acts around kids. She’s a part time babysitter, which you find absolutely adorable.
You met her when your mother told you to drop your younger brother off at her place. Apparently, your mother saw Minju's advertisement and told you to send your younger brother there, as you went to school after that. Every weekday, you'd drop off your younger brother and have a small talk with Minju. And that's where you first fell for her. It appears that your younger brother enjoys Minju’s company as well.
Long story short, you confessed to her when you came to her house to deliver some meal your mother had prepared. And she responded to it by pulling you in for a kiss.
"Baby! Ice cream truck! Can we get ice cream? pretty please." You pleaded with your puppy eyes, and she giggled before agreeing.
"Of course, darling. Come, let’s go." She held your hands and led you to the ice cream truck.
You will have to wait for a bit because the queue is pretty long. You and Minju were waiting when you saw a baby in front of you staring at you the entire time. The baby is on her mother's shoulder, smiling at you, and you returned the smile.
You melted on the spot when you saw the baby giggles while her mother pecked her. You were a little sad when the mother left the queue ; you won't see the baby again.
“Minju…” you tugged at your girlfriend sleeves as she hums in response.
“Did you see the baby in front of us just now? She’s soooo cute!” You squealed in excitement.
“Yeah, she’s really cute.” Minju replied, smiling afterwards at seeing your expression.
“I want a baby too.” You blurted out causing Minju to choke on her own saliva. “Min, you good?”
“Y-you want a baby?” Minju asked while wiping her mouth with her back hand.
You nodded enthusiastically. “Mhm, maybe one day?”
“With me?” Minju smirked while wiggling her eyebrows playfully.
“I mean, we can make one when we got hom—”
“Minju! Don’t say that out loud!” You scolded, embarrassed that someone might hear it.
a/n — sorry if this is short! ok but, daddy minju? 🙈
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jeeseth · 6 months
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pairing : park minju x fem!reader
summary : after not attending school for a week because of your fever, your girlfriend who is also the student council president has been living with a grey cloud with her.
genre : fluff, angsty, kinda nsfw at the end
cw/tw : men, harassing, violence, bruises and wounds.
“Good morning, y/n!” A bright Jeemin greeted you while hugging your side.
“Morning Jee!” You smiled lovingly, opening your arms so that Youngseo and Hyewon who was behind Jeemin can hug you too. You all shared a group hug before pulling away.
As you pulled away, Jeemin looked at you with her puppy eyes and pouted. You chuckled before caressing her cheeks.
“It’s been a while since I last saw you.” Jeemin muttered while fixing her hair.
“Sorry, I had a fever.” You chuckled awkwardly, scratching your not-so itchy nape.
You missed school last week because you had a severe fever. You didn't have enough energy to do anything, so you spent the entire week resting in bed. Your parents have already taken you to the clinic to get some medicine and have you checked out. You could hear a number of notifications from your phone, but you're so unwell that you can't even get it from beside the bed.
“I’m glad that you feel better now.” Youngseo smiled, patting your head afterwards. “But, I feel like someone is still in a bad mood since last week~” Youngseo giggled, you look up at her, feeling confused.
“Hm, I wonder why our students president was so grumpy last week?” Hyewon said, pretending to think.
You laughed and quickly realised what they meant. You feel bad for not informing your girlfriend that you're sick. Even your mother wondered whether you tell Minju about it or not, because you discovered that Minju had called your mom to asked why you didn’t came to school. You wouldn't be surprised if the notifications is all from her.
“She is?” You giggled as they all snapped their heads toward your direction.
“She’s like way grumpier than she already is!” Youngseo rolled her eyes playfully, remembering what happened last week.
They told you that last week, during the morning assembly, Minju won’t let them seat and suddenly her speeches were so damn long. You couldn’t believe it when they said that Minju was in her office all day long. Minju’s friends were also worried about that girl.
“Ay, there’s no way it’s all because of me-”
“It is!!” Your friend group and Minju’s friend group said in unison causing you to flinched.
“Where did you guys even came from?!?” You shrieked.
By the look of it, it seems like they were just passing by. You couldn’t help but to noticed that Minju isn’t with them, that’s weird.
“Uh, we were just passing by and couldn’t help but to eavesdrop y’all talking.” Yunah laughed out loud but then she stopped when Jeongeun slapped the back of her head.
“Talking about Minju, she’s still walking around with a grey cloud with her.” Jeongeun sighed, massaging her temples.
“Damn y/n, you really should go and talk to her asap. That girl isn’t even functioning properly since she’s so worried about you.” Jihyun said, wrapping her arms around your shoulders. “Did you not tell her that you’re sick?”
You shakes your head, “no I didn’t, I was so sick that I can barely open my eyes.” You pouted.
“By the way, do you guys have any meetings today?” You asked Yunah, Jihyun and Jeongeun since they’re also in the student council.
“Nope, we don’t have any today.” Jeongeun said as you nodded in response.
“Don’t worry, you have the whole day to make it up to Minju. Just don’t do anything freaky in her office!” Yunah teased and went to her class with Jihyun and Jeongeun trailing behind her, bidding you guys goodbye. Your cheeks flushed a bright pink tint at what Yunah just said.
“It’s time for us to go too, let’s go!” Hyewon said, linking her arms with yours.
Your first and second periods went well, and you have virtually the same classes as Youngseo. Even if you were told to stop chatting so much, it was still enjoyable. It was recess, and you sat next to Jeemin, drinking your banana milk. You also brought an extra one for Minju, as you want to meet her when school finishes.
“You sure, y/n?” They asked, when you told them to just go home first without you later.
“Yeah, I planned on meeting Minju for a while. You guys can go first.” You smiled as they all nodded.
“Bye, y/n!” Jeemin waved at you and you waved back at her, before making your way to Minju’s office.
You were almost at her office when you ran into someone, forcing you to fall. "Ouch…" you winced. You sense a presence in front of you and look up to find two terrifying-looking students. Their uniform made it clear that they were not from around here. You thoughts were cut off when one of them grabbed you by your collar.
“My my, what a pretty lady like you doing here?” He chuckled as he let go off your collar.
“U-um, I just need to go to that office so please excuse me.” You said, attempting to walk away but was stopped by another man standing in front of you.
"Calm down, what's the hurry for?" He stated while looking at you with hunger and lust in his eyes. He looked around before bringing you closer to him, pressing your bodies together. And there's another man at your back. You swear you want to cry at this point.
“Hey, why not let’s have some fun hm?” He whispered and started caressing your body, you let out a whimper when the other man covered your mouth with his hands. Your tears were pouring out like a waterfall right now and you wished for nothing but someone or that specific someone to save you.
The man in front of you was about to touch you again, but before he could, he was pulled back roughly by the hair. You flinched but took the chance to bite the man at your back palms, causing him to let out a yelp. You were quick to run a little bit far away, and you tried your best to look through your wet eyelashes. And there you saw Minju throwing blow after blow to the both of them. Her shirt wasn’t tucked in, she threw her blazer somewhere else, and her tie was loosening a bit. Minju kept fighting before a teacher came and stopped her. It seems like it was the two dudes, teacher. He apologised to Minju and your principal before pulling his students away. The principal asked if Minju was okay, and she said she’s fine, before the principal left to settle with those two. 
Through your vision you saw Minju came to you and kneeled in front of you before picking you up in bridal style. You nuzzled your face in her necks and let her carry you to what felt like her office. She put you down on the sofa before going to close the door. She came back to you and kneeled in front of you with her hands caressing your thighs.
“Love,” she called out, and you hummed in response. You wiped your tears away and looked at her. You saw that her lips were bleeding and her temple was bruised with an ugly purple colour. 
You cupped her face, and she leaned into your warm palms. You peck her nose softly before standing up to take a medkit. A few moments later, you sat back down with a medicine kit in your hands. You patted the empty seats beside you as a sign to tell her to sit down. 
In silence, you carefully treated her wounds. You’re being extra careful with the one that’s still bleeding. Without realising it, you were so focused on treating Minju’s wound that you didn’t see that she was staring at you the whole time. You only realised that when you started treating her lips and making eye contact with her.
She smiled softly before you went back to treating her bruised lips like you weren’t completely flustered by that. “Stop it, i need to focus.”
She just chuckled quietly and continued staring at you until you’re done. You pull away and look at her wounds, looking a bit better than before.
“Um, don’t i get a kiss for being obedient?” Minju asked nonchalantly, making you roll your eyes.
“Is this really the grumpy president everyone been talking about?” You scoffed before laughing at how Minju’s pouting.
“Aw, come on…” she mumbled, intertwining your hands afterwards. You giggled quietly before pecking her lips.
You pull away and saw Minju still pouting. “Why? Is that not enough hm?”
“I want a kiss, and that’s only a peck.”
“Minju, your lips taste like ointment you know.”
“Tch, if you won’t kiss me then I will.” she smirked before pinning you down against the sofa.
Let’s just say, the ointment on her lips were no longer there for some, reasons.
a/n — i don’t really like this 😭 imma make another one soon as an apology ;)
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jeeseth · 5 months
raccoon (rq)
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pairing : noh yunah x fem!reader
summary : your girlfriend said that she’s going out to buy some groceries but when she came home, an uninvited guest tagged along.
cw/tw : slight cursing, raccoon 🦝 , short ff
It’s been three hours since Yunah left to buy groceries, and here you are wondering, what’s taking her so long? Your feelings grew anxious, the grocery store was only 15 minutes away. You nervously walked around the living room, biting your nails.
“Geez, I’m never letting her go grocery shopping again!” You exclaimed while running a hand through your hair.
You were about to call her (or maybe the police) when suddenly, you heard the front door open. There, you heard plastic bags rustling and you released a sigh of relief. You went to the doorway and leaned over it. Yunah saw you and lets out a little yelp.
“Baby! Don’t do that!” She shouted, placing her hand on her chest dramatically.
You huffed before replying, “What took you so long? I’m worried! I’m never letting you go alone anymore.”
“Sorry baby” Yunah pouted and brings the plastic bags in.
As she’s walking to the kitchen, you saw that her hoodie has a bump…? And it’s amusingly obvious too. It lowkey makes her look like a pregnant woman. You approached her from behind and put your hand on her shoulder. She flinched, but then she started turning around slowly to face you. “Yes…?”
“Are you hiding something from me?” You arched your eyebrows at her. You saw how she gulped nervously before denying it.
“What? No! Of course not! What makes you think that?” She laughed nervously, still covering her hoodie with her arms.
You sighed before stepping closer to her, she immediately stopped laughing and back off a little. You pointed at her hoodie which has a big bump on it.
“What’s this? You’re not pregnant, then what the hell is inside your hoodie, Noh Yunah.” You grumbled, causing Yunah to shivers.
“U-umm, uh I think I need to pee I’ll get going firs—” Before she can even finish her sentence, a raccoon suddenly popped out of her zipped hoodie. She lets out a shocked gasp, before hugging the raccoon.
“What the— Yunah! Is that a goddamn raccoon?!?” You yelped, still can’t believe what you just saw.
“Baby listen, I can’t help it! He was following me when I threw out the trash! Isn’t he cute?” Yunah said, shoving the big ass raccoon in your face.
“AND IT’S A HE????” You shrieked.
“BABY PLEASE! Can we keep himmm???” Yunah asked with her puppy eyes, you’re just standing there watching her and her goddamn raccoon hugging each other.
You let out a big sigh, messaging your temple afterwards.
“Yunah, put the raccoon back to where you found it. That thing could have rabies.”
“What if YOU have rabies, y/n?” She retorted.
“…Baby, I love you but put it back or I’m calling animal control—”
a/n — sorry cause it’s short and probably not what you expected anon 😔
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jeeseth · 4 months
first kiss & dates
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pairing : bang jeemin x fem!reader
summary : you and jeemin haven't had your first kiss since getting together. so, after a few more dates with jeemin, you finally had your first kiss.
cw/tw : beware fluff ahead!
a/n : i love jeemin ;D i’ll debut you bang jeemin !
The sun had just set, and the funfair was in full swing. Y/n and Jeemin had been together for a couple of months now, but you two had yet to share your first kiss. Despite their growing feelings, they were both still quite shy and nervous about taking that step.
As they walked through the bustling crowd, they decided to take a break and make their way to the calmer area near the Ferris wheel. They sat down on a bench and started talking about the memories they had shared together. They giggled and smiled, occasionally glancing at one another with shy smiles.
As the crowd grew a bit thinner around them, Jeemin felt her heart race as she looked over at Y/n. She looked so beautiful, sitting there under the twinkling lights of the funfair. She reached over and gently took her hand in hers, holding it firmly but softly.
"You know," jeemin said quietly, "I've been wanting to do something for a long time now." You looked back at Jeemin, your heart fluttering as you felt Jeemin’s warm touch on your hand.
"What is it?" you asked, your voice slightly shaky from the nerves.
Jeemin took a deep breath and leaned in a bit closer, closing the small gap between the two of you. "This," she whispered, and leaned in even closer.. Until their lips met, and it was a moment that felt like time had stood still. It was a gentle and tender kiss, filled with the months of built-up emotions and affection they had been holding back. As they parted, they both looked at each other, surprised by the rush of emotions that had flooded through them.
"Wow," Jeemin whispered, still holding your hand tightly.
"That was... amazing." you smiled and nodded, your cheeks flushed with a mix of happiness and excitement.
"I couldn't have said it better myself," you replied, eyes shimmering with affection.
They spent the rest of the evening walking hand in hand, their first kiss still lingering in their minds and hearts. They laughed and had fun playing games, but every now and then, they would steal a glance or a shy smile at each other, knowing that things between them had changed forever. As the night drew to a close, they found themselves standing by the Ferris wheel again, the twinkling lights casting a warm glow on both of them.
"This was a night I'll never forget," you said, gazing into Jeemin’s eyes. "I'm so glad we shared our first kiss here." Jeemin looked at you, her cheeks flushing again.
"Me too. It was perfect, just like you." Jeemin said making you blushed too, and they both shared a small smile. They hugged tightly, feeling the newfound love and joy that flowed between them.
"I can't wait to make more memories like this with you," Jeemin whispered in your ear, sending butterflies through your body.
"Me neither," you replied, snuggling your head against Jeemin’s chest. They held each other in a warm embrace for a few moments more before finally pulling away.
As they said their goodbyes for the night, Jeemin smiled at Y/n. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Jeemin said.
You nodded, your eyes shining with happiness. "Of course," "and I can't wait for our next adventure together." You both said your final farewells and went on yours separate ways, hearts feeling fuller and more alive than ever before.
After that magical night at the funfair, YN and Jeemin grew even closer than before. They spent their days talking on the phone, sending cute texts, and secretly planning their future together. One day, while they were walking home from school, Jeemin took Y/n’s hand and led her toward a beautiful park nearby.
"Close your eyes," jeemin said with a mischievous smile. You did as she asked, curiosity and anticipation filling you.
Jeemin led you towards a secluded spot in the park, filled with luscious trees and fragrant flowers. When they stopped, Jeemin whispered, "You can open your eyes now."
You let your eyelids flutter open and gasped at the sight before you. Jeemin had set up a heartwarming picnic, complete with a cozy blanket, delicious snacks, and a basket of your favorite treats.
"Surprise!" Jeemin grinned, her eyes sparkling with affection. Your heart fluttered with gratitude and love as you took in the beautiful scene.
They spent the afternoon talking, laughing, and enjoying their little picnic. As the day went on and the sun began to dip below the horizon, they lay down on the blanket, hand in hand, watching the sky transition into a beautiful array of colors.
As the stars started to make their appearance, You looked at Jeemin and said, "This is the best date ever." Jeemin gave her a warm smile and replied, "It's all thanks to you. Being with you makes every moment special."
They lay there under the starry sky, their hearts entwined together tighter than ever before. They talked about their dreams, shared their fears, and laughed at silly jokes. As the night grew darker, they both knew that they couldn't stay there forever.
Jeemin sat up and looked down at you, whose eyes were filled with adoration.
"We should probably get going," jeemin said reluctantly. You nodded, feeling a small pang of sadness as you sat up as well.
As you two stood up, Jeemin gently pulled you close, her hands on your waist.
“Can I kiss you again?” Jeemin asked softly.
“Anytime, Jee.”
Jeemin leaned in, her eyes gleaming with affection, and planted a tender kiss on your lips. As yours lips touched, a rush of warmth and electricity flowed through them both. They held the kiss for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of their love growing stronger with each passing second.
As you two pulled apart, Jeemin kept her arms around you, her thumb gently rubbing your cheek. "I don't want this night to end," she quietly confessed.
YN looked up at Jeemin and said, "Neither do I, but we'll have many more wonderful days like this, I promise."
The two shared a soft smile, the promises and love they held for each other hanging in the air between them. With a final loving glance, they started their journey back home, ready to face whatever lay ahead as long as they had each other.
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jeeseth · 4 months
strawberries and cigarettes (rq)
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pairing : park minju x fem!reader
summary : just two best friends who gets jealous every time someone else approaches the other.
cw/tw : cursing, smoking, jealousy, fastburn, best friends to lovers, grammatical errors .
a/n : thank you for the request anon! and sorry it took a while
“Min seriously? You’re smoking, again?”
Minju stopped smoking and turned around as soon as she heard your voice. There, you stood in front of the rooftop door with a frown on your face. You’ve been warning Minju to stop smoking since it’s bad for her health. But that’s not the only reason, she’s well aware of how bad you dislike the cigarette smells.
“I’m sorry I can’t help it, what are you doing here anyway?” she said, throwing the cigarette away.
You sighed, “You weren’t in class, the teacher told me to check on you. You should stop skipping class, Min.”
“Nah, classes are boring—”
“Then what’s the point of coming to school?” You cut her off, catching her off-guard. She looked at you before answering, and her answer couldn’t make you more flustered.
“To see you, duh” Minju huffed, patting your head softly afterwards.
‘To see you’ damn. That words that came out from her mouth got you running laps. She may have been a dickhead to you sometimes but, she also has a soft spot in her heart just for you. You do get annoyed by her picking on you all the time and one time you even cried in front of her. I mean, she was picking on you while you’re having a hard day so what did you expect? When you cried, she immediately stopped and quickly apologised. You remember it very clearly, and it was lowkey funny too seeing her being anxious for the first time.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on your own best friend. It feels like the whole school is aware of how in love you two are, it’s just you guys are so damn dense. You like Minju, no. You love Minju, but you’re afraid that if you confess it might ruined your friendship with her and you don’t want that to happen at all.
“Y/n? Helloooo?” Minju popped into your vision causing you snapped back to reality. You flushed, seeing how close her face is to yours, and it seems like Minju noticed it so she decided to tease you. She stepped closer and before you could step back, she held you by the waist.
“You smells like strawberry.” She smiled seeing your flushed face that matched with the strawberry colour.
“Way better than smelling like cigarettes I guess.” You muttered, playfully rolling your eyes afterwards, making Minju laughed heartily. Without realising it, you were smiling from ear to ear, her laughter sounds heavenly and you’d be down to her it more.
“Hey, it’s almost time to go home. Wanna walk together?” Minju asked, smiling happily while waiting for your answer.
“Sure, let’s go.” You smiled.
There you walk with her side by side through the not-so cramped hallway, since most of the students already dashed home before the bell even rang (same). Minju even offered to carry your bag but you insisted. While walking, Minju tried her very best to make you laugh by her dad jokes. You have to admit it, it was quite funny seeing how she’s trying her best.
As soon as you were about to exit the school gate, a guy suddenly stood in front of you. You immediately recognised his face, you heard that he’s the school’s football captain. And it looks like he just finished training since he’s wearing the football jersey and is sweating, a lot. yucks.
“Yes? Can I help you?” You tilted your head as you asked the guy in front of you. Minju stood still by your side eyeing everything that’s going on.
“Hey y/n, you look cute today. The name is Zen by the way.” He winked, catching you off guard. Minju gagged playfully after seeing that, she wished she never saw it.
“T-thank you?” You stuttered, completely stunned by the sudden compliment.
“Here I actually got you this, hope you like it.” He smiled, handing you a bouquet of white roses. “Pretty flowers for a pretty girl.”
Before you could take it from his hands, Minju snatched it away from him. She threw it on the ground startling you and the poor guy.
“She’s allergic to roses, idiot.” Minju grumbled, glaring at the guy with nothing but hatred in her eyes.
“W-what?” He stuttered.
“Listen here Zen, don’t even come close to her ever again. The audacity to flirt with my girl? The fuck?” Minju warned, still glaring at him. You were taken aback by her words.
“Let’s get away from this bitch, y/n.” Minju pulled your hands, leading you through the crowds of students. You look down, completely blushing a mess. First, Minju’ words. Second, the way she’s holding your hand so tightly right now while leading you to wherever it is.
As you were still in your thoughts, she stopped walking. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked around. The two of you were in front of the Han river as the sun started to set. The atmosphere was peaceful and calming. As you two stood there in silence you looked over to Minju.
“Thank you for always looking out for me.” You smiled softly.
Minju shrugged, “I just don’t want anything bad happen to you. And besides, that guy was an idiot to give you a flower he didn’t even know you were allergic to.”
You both went to sit down at a nearby bench, enjoying the view unfolding in front. The wind blew your hair softly and it felt really refreshing. Minju looked at you from the side, enjoying the view in front of her.
“Minju, the view is nice isn’t it?” You smiled, still didn’t notice that she was staring at you this whole time.
“Yeah, yes it is.” Minju smiled to herself as she saw you turn to looked at her. You playfully nudged her shoulder before whining.
“Ya, the sunset I mean!” You exclaimed, making Minju giggled softly.
It was silence once again, a comfortable one. As you two sat there, Minju decided break the silence.
“You know, I really appreciate having you as my friend. But recently, I’ve been feeling like… maybe we could be something more.” Your face flushed, and was taken aback by Minju’s honesty.
But, you couldn’t deny the feelings you’ve been harbouring for Minju. You smiled at her, “I’ve been thinking the same thing. I care about you more than just a friend, but I just didn’t know how to bring it up.” You said, your voice filled with sincerity.
They looked at each other for a moment, and then their faces moved closer and closer until, they both leaned in and kissed. It was soft, tender kiss, filled with unspoken feelings and emotions that had been building up for so long. As they kissed, they both realised that their friendship had evolved into something even more beautiful and special.
As they pulled away from the kiss, they looked into each other's eyes and smiled.
"I can't believe we waited so long to do that," you said with a laugh.
"Me neither," Minju replied. "But I'm so glad we finally did. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that."
They sat there in each other's arms, soaking in the moment and enjoying the feeling of being closer than ever before. They knew that their journey together had just taken a beautiful turn.
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jeeseth · 5 months
cats! (rq)
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pairing : hokazono iroha x fem!reader
summary : during a late night walk with iroha, the two of you come across a stray cat. being the maknae duo you are, you two decided to bring it back to the dorm and raised it.
cw/tw : 6th member reader, reader is 07 (but younger than wonhee), grammatical error
The laughter of two girls may be heard from a distance. You and Iroha had just returned from the convenience store, and you couldn't help but giggle at the tmi she was sharing. It's been a while since the two of you went for a late-night walk—practice was insanely stressful, and this late-night walk was much needed.
You two were walking back to the dorm when Iroha suddenly stopped. She noticed a stray cat coming their way.
“Unnie, look at that cat!” Iroha said, pointing at the little stray. They both approached the cat and cautiously tried to pet it.
“It seems pretty friendly.” You smiled, when Iroha pet the cat.
“Yes, and very cute,” Iroha replied still petting the cat.
The cat let out a gentle meow, and the girls felt like it was asking to be taken home with them.
“Unnie can we take her home? Pretty pleaseee!!” Iroha pleaded with her puppy eyes. You thought about it for a moment before agreeing anyways.
“Of course!” You agreed without considering it further. You're worried about how the elder members would react, but you can't just leave this adorable stray here.
Iroha carefully picked up the cat and you started walking back to the dorm. The cat was pretty light and was not struggling to get out of their arms. It seems like she liked the two of you.
Soon, the two of you arrived at the dorm and opened the door. The cat walk in with them without struggling.
“Roha, I think she likes you.” You giggled as you watch the cat following Iroha wherever she goes.
“I think so too!” Iroha laughed as she started running around the living room with the cat still trailing behind. Your laughter were cut off when suddenly the other members came to see what’s going on.
“Ya! What’s with the sudden earthquake!” Yunah shouted, ruffling her hair. Looks like you two woke her up from her nap.
“What’s that? A cat?” Moka asked, looking at Iroha who is now standing still while the cat is meowing at her.
“Aigoo, where did you guys even find it, I thought you two went to buy ice cream?” Minju sighed as she plopped down on the sofa with Wonhee joining her afterwards.
“U-umm, the cat suddenly came to us when we were walking and we just couldn’t help but to bring it home.” You admitted while playing with your fingers.
“What’s her name?”
“Eh?” You and Iroha looked at each other at the same time. This was not what you two expected but you’re more than grateful that they’re not mad.
“We haven’t thought about it yet… we thought y’all would be mad.”
“Over such a cute looking tabby cat? Never!” Wonhee exclaimed, petting the cat softly.
After pondering for a while, Yunah suggested, “How about we call it Mugi?”
Moka thought about it for a second and then said, “I like the name. Mugi it is!”
“Let’s make sure this cat feels safe and comfortable here.” Minju smiled.
“Yes. From now on Mugi is illit’s cat.”
Iroha brings the cat into your shared bedroom to play with her. The cat seemed quite happy and comfortable in her presence. It was clear that it felt safe and loved here. After playing with Mugi for a while, the girls let her rest and lay down.
“Mugi seems very happy with us,” Iroha said with a happy smile on your face.
“Yes, let’s make sure we keep taking good care of Mugi.” You replied while petting Mugi softly.
a/n — rq means requested!
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xoxoxoz · 11 months
Premyuda Meeboonrod (Moa) x F!reader
📝: Even though you’ve rejected her confession, Moa has not stopped pampering you and you made it clear that you did not feel the same. But why does it bother you when you see another girl flirt with her?
⚠️: high school au, popular jock Moa, unpopular nerd reader but not your typical nerd because she can bite back when she wants to, swearing, sick love puppy Moa, some nsfw scenes but not full smut, g!p Moa
A/N: I’m actually unsure if her surname is ‘Mibunrot’ or ‘’Meeboonrod’ because Google tells me both are correct
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You sighed at seeing another strawberry milk held in front of your face. The person holding it, moved the carton aside to reveal herself and you already knew who it was.
“Moa, you already gave me one this morning”
She shrugged. “And? You deserve to have as many as you want”
“Hey Y/n, can I have those extra notes for calculus please?” A boy from your class appeared but Moa was not having it.
“She’s busy. Keep walking”
The boy’s eyes widened when he realised it was Moa who was talking to him so he sped off within a second.
“He was just asking for notes”
The Thai girl huffed. “He can get them later. I just want to have some time with you. You free after school? I heard there’s a festival happening”
You pushed your glasses up and released a second sigh. “Moa, I’ve made it clear to you a few days ago that I don’t feel the same way so no matter how hard you try, my decision won’t change”
“That’s okay. I just want you to have some fun for once. You can’t keep spending your time behind books” she simply said and leaned against the lockers.
She was looking down at you with so much desperation and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find her attractive. You actually marked her as your number 1 hottie in the school but it’ll make her go insane if you told her.
While you were lost in examine her charming features, she took the moment in tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You blushed at the contact but the bubble was bursted when a loud Yunah and Chanelle appeared.
“Hey there you are, captain! Been looking all over for you” Yunah exclaimed happily before noticing your presence. “Hey nerdy”
“Hey twig” you spat back, your mood going sour.
“Still doing calculus, nerdy?” She tilted her head in a way to mock you.
“I’ll stop doing calculus once you learn how to score a goal” you smirked, noticing how Yunah’s smile dropped almost instantly.
“Ouch” Chanelle held back a cackle.
“I’m going. Bye” You grumbled and slammed your locker close before turning on your heels.
Moa quickly held your wrist. “Wait Y/n, about the festival tonight, could you at least think about it? Please?”
You pulled your wrist back gently. “Fine. I’ll think about it” You replied and continued your leave.
Moa watched you disappear within the sea of students. “Stop being a dickhead, Yunah. You’re ruining my chances even more”
“She rejected you a few weeks ago, can’t you give up? There’s so many other girls around here that want you”
Moa looked down at the milk carton in her hand, thumb gently going over the permanent marker that said ‘For my Y/n <3’. “But she’s the only girl I want”
“Well what makes her so different then?” Chanelle was the one to ask.
“For one, she’s smart, and hella pretty. But something about her not wanting me just makes me want her”
“Sounds weird. Hey you gonna drink that?” Yunah asked and pointed down at the strawberry milk.
Moa moved it away from her reach. “It’s for Y/n”
“Wow, can’t even help a friend in need. I’m hurt” Yunah jokingly clutched her heart.
“Let’s go”
Once lunch had hit, you got your tray and sat with your friend group at a table. The group consisted of Youngseo, Jeemin, Jeongeun, Jiwoo, and Funa. You all shared the same classes but unlike you, they were in the student council.
Youngseo has tried convincing you in joining but you claimed you wouldn’t have the time for it.
“Did Moa try again today?” Jeemin asked while pointing her chopsticks at you.
“Yeah she did”
“Moa seems really nice, Y/n. Why won’t you give it a shot?” Jiwoo asked next.
“Because she’s not my type”
“Liar. Your eyes say otherwise” Jeongeun teased.
“You’re delusional”
“So you don’t care that a chick is literally confessing to Moa right now?”
You frowned and looked back, seeing that a girl from your English class was holding a container of bibimbap while standing by Moa’s table.
“M-Moa, sorry to be disturbing you at this time but I’d like to say that I admire you alot to the point I want to spend more time together. Are you okay with that?”
You would usually ignore something like this but since it involved the Thai student, you just had to listen.
Moa shook her head and smiled apologetically. “Thank you for the bibimbap but I can’t accept your confession, I’m sorry”
You felt a hint of satisfaction at seeing the girl’s smile falter. “Oh…May I ask why?”
Moa shrugged. “I’m just not interested in dating right now”
“I’ll make sure you’re interested, just a chance please?” The girl stomped her foot like a child, surprising your group and Moa’s.
“Hey lady, she doesn’t want you okay?” Hyewon, who was sitting next to Moa, had spoken up while juggling a soccer ball between her hands.
“It’s gonna be worth it, trust me Moa. Don’t let me be the 10th girl you’ve rejected”
Seeing the girl’s persistence was boiling your blood. Why can’t she take no for an answer? You didn’t even realise you had abandoned your table and approaching the scene.
“Uh Y/n?” Funa called.
“Uh oh this is not gonna go well. Y/n get your ass back here right now!” Jiwoo yelled but you were too focused on the girl who was now grabbing onto the Thai girl’s arm.
“Hey Moa, we’re still on for tonight right?” You said with a sweet smile.
Moa’s eyes widened. “Errrr…”
“Tonight?” The girl questioned.
“Yeah, Moa is taking me on a date at a festival tonight. Just wanted to make sure she didn’t cancel on me like last time” you scrunched your nose.
“Are you two together or something? Is that why you’re rejecting me Moa?!”
The said girl’s shocked expression slowly changed into a smirk, feeling a bit turned on by your jealousy.
“We’re not together but she’s not available either” you answered despite seeing the stupid smirk the Thai had.
The girl stomped her foot once again and ran off with a frustrated scream. You had to cover your ears for a second.
“She’s screaming like that at this grown age?” Hyewon commented.
Still feeling pissed off, you grabbed Moa’s wrist and dragged her out of the cafeteria. She yelped at your sudden strength but who was she to complain? You’re almost holding hands hehe~
She was broken out of her love daze when you led her into the soccer girls’ locker rooms. Luckily, it was empty.
Moa sat on the bench while you stood in front of her, leaning your back against the lockers. You closed your eyes for a bit to calm yourself down from the recent fiasco.
“You’re hot when you’re jealous” You heard Moa say, making you snap your eyes open.
“I wasn’t jealous. I was just annoyed at the girl for not leaving you alone”
Moa leaned back on her palms to man spread. Your eyes darted away from the view of her crotch. “There’s no need to be shy in admitting in, Princess. I’d be jealous if I saw some dude handing you flowers”
“I wasn’t jealous!”
“Yeah and I’m straight” Moa snickered.
“Fuck off. Be grateful I saved you”
“I can handle confessions like that easily. It’s not the first time” She gave you a toothy grin.
Fuck this. Fuck that girl. Fuck Moa for being so fucking hot right now.
“Oh for fuck’s sakes” you sighed and rush to sit in Moa’s lap, pulling her in by the jersey to smash your lips together.
Her hands slid under your skirt to hold you closer by the ass, not forgetting to give a gentle squeeze to both cheeks.
You moaned into her mouth as you hooked your arms around her neck, feeling her lips travel from your jawline to your neck.
“Dreamt of this for way too long” she muttered into your skin.
It boosted your ego up a bit.
“Yeah? You think of me while jerking off? Fucking pervert—AH!” You squealed at the feeling of her bite.
“You talk too much. Maybe shoving my dick in your mouth would fix that”
“I know you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Shit, have you always been this annoying?” Moa hissed while squeezing your ass harder.
You started to grind your crotch against her’s. “You’re the one who—oh fuck—who wants me”
“Yeah but that doesn’t mean I won’t fix that fucking bratty attitude of yours”
You whined at her words. Having your guts rearranged doesn’t sound so bad.
“Uh hello is anyone in here?” Moa’s coach called, hearing her footsteps get louder.
Moa softly pushed you off her lap to grab your hand and pulling you into the last shower stall. The coach started to walk around, trying to hear any strange noises while Moa had you pressed up against the cold tiles with her hand over your mouth.
“Stay quiet. She’ll leave soon” She whispered and you nodded.
While Moa’s eyes peeked out to see if the coach had left, you decided to be playful by reaching down to squeeze her hard bulge. She hid her face in your neck.
“F-Fuck, don’t do that” she hissed.
You chuckled and moved your hand underneath her pants and started slowly jerking her clothed dick.
Once the coast was clear, Moa grabbed your wrist and pinned it above your head. “You’re so fucking bad”
“And you liked it. Bet you almost came”
“And you wish all that cum was dumped down your throat”
“Im hungry after all” you teased.
“I’d be down for that but let’s not do it at school please. Also still wanna take you out before we do anything else”
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “Alright alright, I’ll go to the festival with you”
“But if you bore me, I’m walking home”
Moa released your wrist and hugged you tightly. “You won’t regret a thing”
“Uh Moa”
“Get your boner down before we leave”
“So fix it”
“You literally just said you didn’t wanna do it here!”
“Im messing with you. Just give it a few minutes”
It took longer than expected but once you were both out of the locker room, both friend groups were waiting outside with crossed arms and not so happy faces.
“Maybe have some human decency to not fuck in a public locker room?” Jiwoo arched a brow.
“We didn’t fuck….just talked” You half lied, not wanting to say that you two had some lip locking action and some hand to dick action.
“Yeah. Right.” Yunah smirked before looking at Jeemin.
“Hey cutie”
Jeemin pushed her glasses up and smiled widely with a cute little wave. “Hi”
“Let’s all go to class. I’ll wait for you outside the school” Moa smiled sweetly at you.
“Ok Romeo. But one thing before you go” you said.
“What’s that?”
You quickly kissed her cheek before grabbing Funa’s hand and running the opposite direction. “See you later!!”
Jiwoo groaned and got the other girls to run with her to catch up with you.
Moa felt a bit dizzy. “Woah”
“I guess you won” Chanelle smiled and shook Moa’s hand who was still knocked out of reality.
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jeeseth · 4 months
yall, im thinking of starting a series… HEAR ME OUT I HAVE THIS THING ALREADY PLANNED SINCE LAST YEAR .
ok so IMAGINE A runext x iland2 x fem reader
WAIT WAIT IM NOT DONE! ok so idk bout yall but i have always been into enhypen’s dark moon webtoon and im thinking of starting a series inspired by dark moon..
not to mention but i have a whole unpublished story about this on my wattpad… I MIGHT JUST CONTINUE THIS.
i need everyone’s opinion tho WILL U SUPPORT ME IF WRITE IT 😞😞
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