#rune factory fanfiction
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This is long overdue but I finally finished the next chapter of the Adventures in the Capitol Arc. Above are the images I used in the chapter. Click below to read:
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Tell Me
Fandom: Rune Factory 5 Pairing: Ryker/Ares Word Count: 3,654
Ryker lets his fingers brush gently across the other’s cheek, lingering near the dark circles under his eyes. “...Ares, can you do me a huge favor?” Ares’ face leaned slightly into Ryker’s touch, eyes closing with contentment. “Yeah?” “...When you have to go out of town for SEED errands or anything like that, could you let me know? I can’t stop myself from worrying that you’re going to get into some kind of trouble while I’m not there...”
[x] - Read on AO3
It was a chilly autumn day, with winter just on the horizon. Ryker couldn’t help but shiver as a particular cold gust of wind blew past him and he knew he would likely have to stop by the bakery and see if Granny Yuki had any warmer coats on hand. Otherwise, he’d have to improvise. That much wasn’t a problem. In fact, if he got too cold, he at least had someone that he could cuddle up to in order to warm up.
Speaking of...
Ryker let his gaze trail over towards the field that sat not too far from his spot on the grass. He watched as the familiar blonde stood underneath the orange tree that he had put so much time and effort into. He remembered the day that the tree had begun to bear fruit, remembered the day he came across Ares gushing and rambling in excitement to Priscilla and Cecil about how much his hard work had paid off. About how excited he was to eat one of the oranges that he had grown himself.
That was the day that Ryker figured out that Ares really loved oranges, and liked fruit in general. For a while, he never really knew why he filed that information into the back of his head at the time. Really, Ryker should have realized why but he was extremely thick headed at times. But it was when Ares confessed to him that he finally figured it out.
They had been dating for a while now, and already, Ryker has had his fair share of screw ups in their relationship. Nearly screwing up accepting Ares’ confession because he simply couldn’t look Ares in the face because of how embarrassed he was, running away from their first date because they were seen by Martin... and then nearly leaving Ares for good in order to pursue the dream of becoming Basara, under the delusion that it would get his old family together.
Even now, he still remembered how hurt Ares sounded when he found out about Ryker’s crimes. How heartbroken he looked when he had ‘lost’ their competition, how lost he looked. So lost that he didn’t even notice that giant monster sneak up behind him. If Ryker hadn't looked back, Ares would have been...
...Ryker couldn’t even stomach the thought of it. The scar across his own chest that Ryker had received from when he took the hit for Ares was entirely worth it, if it meant that Ares didn’t get hurt because of his own stupidity. The idea of losing Ares was almost unbearable. He was an idiot for nearly leaving the man behind in the first place, but a world without Ares... he couldn’t imagine that.
“...Hey, Ares.”
Ryker watched as Ares perked up at the sound of his name, arms full of his daily harvest of oranges. His blue eyes were practically sparkling with life as he quickly dumped his daily prize into a nearby basket. “Yeah, what’s up? You okay?”
When Ryker requested that they hang out today, Ares seemed a bit uncertain about it, due to him having to do some last minute farm work to prepare for the oncoming winter. The end and beginning of a season always seemed to be the busiest time for the ranger so Ryker couldn’t really blame him for wanting to turn him down but... Ryker really just wanted to be near him for a while. So, he asked if he could just hang out and nap on the sidelines while Ares did his work and the man eventually agreed.
Not that Ryker got much napping done. Not when he was too caught up in watching his boyfriend pick his oranges, the blonde smiling as if all of his dreams had come true. And now, that cute little smile was pointed in his direction and the white haired man could feel his heart skip a beat.
Ryker really didn’t want to get in the way of Ares’ work but... “C’mere for a second?”
As Ryker held a hand out, Ares gave a momentary pause as he looked down at the basket full of oranges and then gave a quick glance around the area, as if determining just how much work he had left on his plate. There probably wasn’t too much work left to do, since Ares ultimately decided to walk over to Ryker to gently place his hand onto the other’s. “Is something wrong, Ryker?”
Ryker grinned. “Nah. You just fell into my trap, is all.”
That was the only response that Ares could get out before Ryker yanked hard at his arm, pulling the man down onto his knees next to him. And then, with a swift movement, Ryker wraps his arms around the other’s waist and pulls him close enough for Ares’ back to press against his chest. For a moment, Ares scrambled for a moment, trying to gain an understanding of what was happening but just as quickly calmed down as Ryker rested his chin on Ares’ shoulder. Once Ares was seated securely between Ryker’s legs, Ryker loosened his grip on the other as he smiled into the man’s shoulder.
“There we go. Much better.”
Ares turned his head to try and look over his shoulder at the white haired man, his voice on the brink of laughter. “What in the world are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m holding my boyfriend.” Ryker could feel his cheeks heat up but from Ares’ vantage point, there was no way he could see his cheeks... right?
“Yeah, but I told you I have a lot of work to do!”
“Yeah, but it’s break time.” Ryker grins, squeezing the other again. “C’mooon, you’ve been at it for a while.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Nope. Break time. Take a minute and breathe and look at the sky with me, okay? Then I’ll help you with the rest of your work.”
Ryker knew that his offer to help was a critical success, judging by how Ares went still and couldn’t offer another retort. Ryker smirked in victory as he felt Ares slump back, leaning back against Ryker’s chest with a tiny sigh. “Okay, but only for a little bit.”
Considering that Ares didn’t clarify how long ‘a little bit’ was... Ryker could work with this. “Fine by me. I just wanted you to take a bit of a break. You’ve been looking exhausted lately.”
Ares falls quiet for a moment before a tiny chuckle leaves his mouth. “Heh... well... you know how the end of the seasons are. Plus... SEED work has been pretty rough lately.”
Ryker frowned. He had noticed that Ares and Scarlett both had been leaving town a lot lately, or running around like rampaging cuckadoodles. It wasn’t even just him that’s noticed. The entire town was beginning to notice just how exhausted Ares had been lately. But the ranger would always wave it off with a smile, even turning down free food that had been offered by Elsje, Randolph and Granny Yuki. He even almost turned down a couple of free baths from Murakumo but one pointed look from Misasagi and a perfectly planned puppy dog look from Hina was enough to get Ares to accept the family’s kindness.
It helped, but it wasn’t enough to get rid of the faint and barely noticeable dark circles that were beginning to form underneath his eyes. Harvesting the oranges was probably the most life that he had seen from Ares in the last couple of days. Just what in the hell did SEED have Ares doing?
“...I’ve noticed that you’ve been going on mission after mission for SEED lately. Do I need to complain to the captain about putting too much on your plate? I know how you are. The word ‘No’ doesn’t seem to be in your vocabulary when it comes to people needing help, so if you’re struggling, I can—” Ryker’s offer trailed off when Ares quickly shook his head.
“No, no— it’s fine. Captain Livia isn’t overworking me... Things are just crazy right now, that’s all.” Ares hesitated before shifting in Ryker’s arms, pulling the man’s arms off of him so he could turn to face the other, sitting back on his knees.
Once again, there was that damn smile. That smile that was constantly telling him and the others to ‘Not worry.’
Ryker was never one to worry over much before. Maybe he would worry about making blueprints that would make Palmo’s reputation look bad but he never really had much else to worry about. But then Ares came along, so brave, so kind, so reckless when it came to protecting others... How could one not worry about him?
He took a deep breath, breaking his gaze from his boyfriend before the urge to wipe that smile off of his face took over the entirety of his body. “... Just be sure not to take too much, okay? You’re... amazing. Maybe too amazing. And dependable. And overall, just extremely helpful to everyone you meet—”
From the corners of his eyes, Ryker could see Ares’ eyes widen and his cheeks began to turn a faint shade of pink. “Ryker... I’m not—”
Ryker shook his head and took Ares’ hands into his own. “You are. Maybe not as cool as me, but... just because you’re all of those things, doesn’t mean you need to take on the entire world’s burdens by yourself, okay?”
Ares tensed as Ryker spoke those words and the smile faltered for only a moment. He watched as his blue eyes darted down to their joined hands and for the tiniest moment, Ryker can see past that barrier that the other kept up in favor of putting everyone else first.
Ryker decided he wanted to tear that damn wall down more than anything.
“I...” Ares squeezed Ryker’s hands. “I’m not alone, Ryker. I have everyone here in Rigbarth and that gives me enough strength to keep pushing forward. Captain Livia, Scarlett, Priscilla, Lucy, Cecil— Everyone. But most important of all, I have you, don’t I? Even if I see you just in passing, just seeing your face is enough to energize me.”
“Heh...” Ryker tilted his head, ignoring the heat on his own face. “I guess I just have that effect on people.”
That managed to get a laugh out of Ares, at least. Ryker would count that as his victory of the day. “It has an effect on me.”
“I would hope so, considering that we’re boyfriends.” Ryker laughed. And then, as silence settled between them once more, the white haired man tugged his hand free so he could lift it towards Ares’ face. He lets his fingers brush gently across the other’s cheek, lingering near the dark circles under his eyes. “...Ares, can you do me a huge favor?”
Ares’ face leaned slightly into Ryker’s touch, eyes closing with contentment. “Yeah?”
“...When you have to go out of town for SEED errands or anything like that, could you let me know? I can’t stop myself from worrying that you’re going to get into some kind of trouble while I’m not there...”
Ares’ eyes opened again to meet Ryker’s gaze, confused and questioning before the gentle smile made its return. “You’ve gotten really overprotective lately.”
Ryker returned the smile as he goes from brushing his fingers against the other’s cheek in favor of cupping Ares’ face instead. “I can’t help it. You’re really important to me, y’know?”
“And you’re important to me, Ryker...”
Ares was just a few inches away from his face now and he wasn’t entirely sure when they had gotten so close to each other. Wasn’t sure when he had started leaning into Ares’ personal space, or when Ares had scooted closer until he was practically in his lap. Ryker stole a glance down at the others lips and even just a tiny glance was enough to make Ryker’s heart race. Come to think of it, despite their many dates... he and Ares still hadn’t shared their first kiss together, have they?
Ryker took a deep breath and leaned in closer. “There’s something else I wanna ask you, Ares.”
“Yeah?” Their noses were barely touching now as Ares moved his other hand so that it would rest on Ryker’s shoulder. His cheeks were a deep red now, his lips parting and Ryker wanted to lean in so badly, to steal a kiss so badly, more than anything—
But still, he found himself asking for permission. Because Ares’ comfort and happiness came above all else in Ryker’s eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
And that was all he needed to hear. Ryker leaned in and pressed his lips against Ares’, with the blond turning his head just right so they could slot their lips together perfectly. As their eyes slipped closed, they lost themselves into the kiss, becoming the only two people left in the world at that moment. Ryker’s hand, the one that rested on Ares’ cheek, moved so he could slide his fingers through the back of Ares’ short blonde hair. He could feel the hood of his coat fall back as his partner slid his arms around his neck, in an effort to get as close as possible.
There was something... desperate about the way Ares kissed. He gripped onto Ryker like a lifeline, his eyes were shut tight as if he were afraid of opening them, afraid of coming back to reality. He even trembled slightly under Ryker’s touch, sighing against the kiss every time Ryker squeezed him and tried to pull him closer. At first, he thought that maybe Ares was getting really into it and that maybe they needed to move this somewhere that wasn’t the backyard of SEED Headquarters… but then he felt something wet slide down Ares’ cheek.
Ryker tore away from Ares in an instant, breathless and maybe a little hot but he shoved that to the side for now as he put all of his focus into Ares. His hand moved back to wipe at Ares’ cheek, panic shooting through his body. “Ares? H-Hey, what’s wrong...? Why are you crying?”
Ares’ blue eyes were brimming with tears as he stared back at Ryker with a confused stare. It seemed to take him a moment to realize that he was crying in the first place and then soon, the boy jolted back to reality in favor of wiping his face. “I’m crying—? Ah, I-I’m sorry, Ryker, I dunno what got into me—”
Ryker frowned and continued to help Ares wipe at his face, even going so far as to offer part of his cloak to dry his eyes with. Not once did his eyes leave Ares’ face as he rubbed gently at the other’s back. “Did I do something to upset you? Was it the kiss? It wasn’t that bad, was it?”
It was a weak attempt to make a dumb joke to try and get Ares to stop crying but even if Ares was able to let out a tiny laugh, the tears wouldn’t stop falling. Ryker was... torn. Torn between pulling Ares closer to comfort him, but being unsure if he was the reason he was crying to begin with.
“C’mon Ares... Talk to me. What did I do?”
“Nothing— You didn’t do anything. I’m so happy right now but—” Ares cut in immediately, shaking his head as he wiped at his face. “I just... I guess I just got emotional. That’s... That’s all.”
Ryker’s eyebrows furrowed, a doubtful look on his face. Upon seeing Ryker’s doubt, Ares leaned in and pecked him on the lips once. Twice. Three times and smiled widely at the man when he pulled away.
“I just really love you... you know?”
Ryker nodded quietly, eyes fixed on Ares’. He seemed genuine about that. He was genuine and sincere about everything. It was one of the reasons why he loved the man so much. But still... something didn’t seem right. Something was bugging Ares. But what...?
It was getting late, as the sun began its descent in the sky. It would be night soon and normally, Ryker held more energy as soon as the moon rose. Usually by now, he would start getting more active, start making his way through the town to run off the energy but something told him that the rest of his afternoon was going to be tied up.
“I love you too, Ares.” Ryker dabbed at his lover’s face a little longer before tilting his head with a tiny grin. “Hey... Do you wanna finish up your work real quick and then maybe... I dunno. Head to your room and nap for a while?”
Ares hesitated and for a scary second, Ryker wondered if maybe he was overstepping by inviting himself to Ares’ room. He watched the smaller man glance at the fields and then back towards the SEED headquarters and— Ah. Right.
Ryker wasn’t exactly planning to do anything other than nap but in the few times he had been in Ares’ room, he was very quick to note that there was very little privacy in that place. If someone came upstairs looking for Ares, they would definitely get caught cuddling. Ryker’s face burned at the mere thought of it. “Uh... We can also head back to my place instead? Palmo’s out of town for a job and won’t be back until late tonight so...”
Ryker’s face burned even more. They would have the place to themselves. He almost wished he was feeling brave enough to try and make a move and maybe, just maybe, he would have if Ares wasn’t currently trying to dry his face from whatever had just upset him.
Maybe next time, the helpful part of his brain suggested.
He pointedly decided to tell that part of his brain to shut its trap for right now.
The sound of his heart hammered in his chest seemed to go on forever as he watched Ares, waiting for an answer. And right before Ryker could think to take it back, right before he could just mumble out a “just kidding” in order to save face, he’s blind-sided by that smile again. The smile that told him that no matter what was going on in Ares’ brain right now, Ryker was at least making something better by just being around him.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I would love that.”
Ares let his finger gently twirl and brush through Ryker’s white locks as they laid together in the apprentice’s bed. The house was strangely quiet due to the absence of Palmo. Ares couldn’t help but wonder how Ryker could even stand staying in this house when it was as silent as it was. Palmo was such a loud and joyous individual, it was hard to imagine staying here without hearing him at least singing in joy in the next room.
Despite how strange the silence was, Ares couldn’t help but be grateful for it. He could imagine that they wouldn’t have had this moment of peace otherwise. Which meant that Ares would also have missed out on watching just how adorable Ryker was when he was sleeping. It never took his boyfriend long to pass out if his mind was set on resting.
Ares wished he could sleep as easily as Ryker could.
The gentle smile resting on Ares’ face slowly fell away into a more pensive expression. His fingers fell from Ryker’s hair to brush against his cheek and the blonde let out a heavy sigh that he had been holding all day. He wished he could sleep just as peacefully as Ryker could.
Unfortunately, it was hard to sleep at all when the fate of the world weighed down on your shoulders.
At the grim reminder of what was at stake, Ares felt his entire soul grow weary as he shifted closer to Ryker’s sleeping form. His boyfriend’s arms were wrapped loosely around Ares’ waist and upon feeling him shift in his grasp, Ryker let out a tiny mumble before Ares felt the other squeeze him in his sleep before moving to bury his face into Ares’ hair. Ares felt something warm blossom in his chest.
Even if he, himself, couldn’t get enough sleep, he could count on Ryker to sleep enough for the both of them... Mostly. He still had a habit of running around in the middle of the night but one way or another, he managed to catch up on sleep somehow. Ares simply... couldn’t. No matter how much he tried. And he likely wouldn’t get much sleep at all until Gideon was taken care of.
Soon, he would be leaving to go chase after Gideon in his fortress in the clouds. Soon he would be confronting the man who led SEED into power, and would be stopping him from trying to force the world into his image. Soon, he’ll be fighting and putting his life on the line in order to protect the world and the people he had grown to love in his short year of living in Rigbarth.
But for now, he’ll simply rest his head against the chest of the man he loved and listen to the steady and soothing heartbeat within. Even if he didn’t sleep, this was still more than enough to energize him for the coming turmoil that Ares would soon be facing on his own.
All to protect his friends. All to protect Ryker. And all to protect the life he had created for himself, despite everything.
And when he got back, he was certain that Ryker would be more than happy to spend the next twenty four hours in bed with him in order to allow the ranger to catch up on days of lost sleep. It was something that Ares could look forward to when he came home.
Because, he told himself repeatedly, I will be coming home.
#rune factory 5#ryker/ares#ares/ryker#rf5 ryker#rf5 ares#crest fics#i haven't posted fanfiction in like fifty years#and i almost forgot to post it here too LMAOOO My b#enjoy! Can be considered a oneshot but#might add more
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Well its time for one of those tag games!
Ahem, yes! Link as many fanfics as you want and tag someone else to do the same!
The only rule is one fanfic per fandom and a sentence next to the fanfic that describe your emotions towards it! I shall start!
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43463049
Holy shit what the hell did i read you cannot expect me to be the same after this-
Rune Factory Frontier: https://archiveofourown.org/works/9151039/chapters/20790229
This is the sweetest thing I have ever read in my entire life and its just- healing from trauma one day at a time my beloved.
Boku no hero academia: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13617231
I will always think about this, this is peak chaotic energy and so fucking funny.
One Piece: https://archiveofourown.org/series/366521
I never said it couldnt be a series- ANYWAY THIS IS AMAZING; ITS SO LONG BUT SO AMAZING
Spiderman: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17395793/chapters/40943768
Ok yeah this is rlly fucking funny cause Peter is basically in a love triangle- WITH HIMSELF
Ducktales: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29841321
This is amazing and i cant wait to reread it again
Sonic the hedgehog: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21580105/
I almost cried in class because of this fucking fanfic
And these were all from the top of my head! Ill just @ a couple of mutuals and if any of you dont wanna join thats alright too of course!!!
@oneshortlove @revitalizationrat @diona-98 @trashyandtiredsol @tinkerthedragon @midnighticee @hatekawa @v-albion @confuzzledhooman @temva @qeelovestea @abbys-tmnt-side-blog @leosmasktails @cruilty-ink ok these were enough I THINK
and i apologize for @ literally all of you but also mutuals amirite and if any of you just dont read fanfics you can ignore this pffff
#rottmnt#rune factory#boku no hero academia#one piece#spiderman#ducktales 2017#sonic the hedgehog#am i nervous doing this?#yeap#but also i rlly wanted to share these fanfics that i adore#fanfiction#fanfic game#haha imagine knowing how to tag things#tumblr games
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rune Factory (Video Games), Rune Factory 5 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alice/Reinhard (Rune Factory) Characters: Alice (Rune Factory), Reinhard (Rune Factory) Additional Tags: Romance, Pining, Mutual Pining Summary:
As Reinhard joins Alice for the Seaside Lights Festival, he can't help but notice how increasingly... dangerous Alice has become to him.
Hehe, it’s finally complete! I hope y’all enjoy! <3
#rune factory#rune factory 5#fanfiction#fanfic#rf#rf5#rf alice#rf reinhard#alice x reinhard#reinhard x alice#rf5 alice#rf5 reinhard#pining#romance
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I'm here to bang Anime Milves and Grow Turnips (Rune Factory Special)

We've interrupted our planned Fire Emblem content to talk about a topic close to Grace and James' hearts; anime milves.
Nicks out of town unexpectedly, so we took some time to look at a smaller topic (but one Grace is very into). Join us as James learns all about farming, and in a rare role reversal Grace has to keep James on topic!
Apologies for James' sound difficulties, that microphone was turned up way too high!
The Hatsune Miku Pizza video we discuss:
Listen to the episode here
Or here
Or any other podcast place too!
Oh, and we have an Instagram now! You can follow us here if you like: https://www.instagram.com/fanficsandchill/ stuff will be uploaded as we get round to it...
#podcast#ao3#the shipping forecast#chaos#rune factory#farming sim#Colin firth gets knotted#fanfiction podcast#Let us date the milfs you cowards#Youtube#Spotify
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Rune Factory 5 - Alice/Priscilla - Gotcha Covered
This work was to fulfill a prompt on Ao3, and it features the Alice/Priscilla pairing. I hope you enjoy!
EDIT (7/5/23): I have also added the story here if you don't feel like accessing Ao3.
Rating: General
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Category(ies): F/F
Fandom(s): Rune Factory 5
Relationship(s): Alice/Priscilla
Character(s): Alice, Priscilla, Lucy, Scarlett
Additional Tag(s): Alternate Universe, AU, Coffee Shop Alternate Universe, Coffee Shop AU, College, University, Comfort, Rain
Language: English
Summary: After having some hot chocolate at a coffee shop, Priscilla waits for the bus back to her dorm room, when she realizes she forgot her umbrella. Luckily, someone has her covered.
Start Author’s Note: This is a Coffee Shop AU in a modern-day setting.
Gotcha Covered
It was cold and rainy – basically, the opposite kind of day that Priscilla typically enjoyed.
That was the reason she had decided to go to The Silo today. She’d been hounded by her best friend Lucy about visiting the coffee shop. The hyperactive girl hardly needed the additional caffeine in her diet, but Lucy still visited the place almost daily, despite it being somewhat out of the way.
Even though there were plenty of similar establishments near their university that Priscilla herself had frequented, Lucy swore that The Silo had the best of everything. Especially their hot chocolate.
Priscilla had a severe sweet-tooth, which some would say bordered on obsession. Priscilla thought it odd to ride the bus from their dorm to visit The Silo, only to have to ride back to make it to their first class in the morning. Nonetheless, her friend’s persistence eventually won out, and Priscilla decided to try the place out.
“Brr! It’s so chilly today.” Priscilla shuffled over to the bus stop, eyeing the bench. Rubbing her hands together and blowing on them, she hurried over and claimed a seat. She pulled her phone out of her coat pocket and texted Lucy that she was on her way back. A few moments later, she received a confirmation from her roommate, saying that she’d meet Priscilla at the bus stop in front of their dorm.
Priscilla pocketed her phone quickly, not wanting the cold droplets to collect on the screen. When Lucy had finally convinced her to go, the roommate had quickly realized that she had forgotten to finish up a homework assignment that was due today. Priscilla wasn’t surprised, but she did think it odd that Lucy had insisted that she go to The Silo without her.
Priscilla had assured her friend that she could wait, but with the back and forth of transportation, it would most likely make them either late to class, or feel rushed at The Silo, which wasn’t the first-time experience Lucy wanted her to have.
Which was why Priscilla sat on the bench alone, hoping that the bus would arrive sooner rather than later. She had checked the time on her phone earlier, and as long as the bus arrived when it was scheduled to, she shouldn’t have any problem making it to class.
Really feeling the rain, which was falling at an increasingly faster rate, Priscilla rummaged through her purse, feeling for her umbrella. She felt everything else – wallet, room key, make-up, a calculator for her math classes – but not her umbrella.
“Drat!” she cursed to herself. She must have left it at The Silo. She’d been so distracted making it to the bus stop in time that she must’ve forgotten it on the table.
She weighed her options. She would probably have enough time to run back and fetch it, but what if the bus happened to be early? If she missed this one, she would definitely be late, which, though not a big deal for many, was a big deal for her. She would rather die than have to feel the entire class’s eyes on her as she slowly slinked over to her seat. Her professor was nice, but they tended to make jokes, so she was sure that they’d make a comment at her expense.
So, she decided to just wait it out. Hopefully, The Silo would hold onto it for her, and she could come back tomorrow with Lucy to pick it up.
The rain was starting to soak into her hair, the pink strands sticking to her face. As she breathed more heat onto her hands, she noticed that the breath itself was visible. It was late autumn, which was why she was wearing a coat. However, it didn’t have a hood, so she was unable to cover her head, which was starting to get uncomfortably damp.
“Whew! I made it.” The sudden voice caused Priscilla to jump and look up towards to source. All she saw was pink.
“Um, hello?”
The stranger must have realized that Priscilla couldn’t seem them past the umbrella. “Oh! Sorry about that! I was just so excited that I caught up to you.” The stranger’s voice was bright and warm, the complete opposite of the current weather. They moved the umbrella slightly so that they could sit next to her, both of them being protected from the rain.
“C-Caught up to me?” Had this person been stalking her? She hadn’t felt anyone’s eyes on her, but she had been somewhat distracted making it back to the bus stop. She met the stranger’s eyes, which were a vibrant green.
“Yeah! I mean, Scarlett noticed that you had forgotten your umbrella at The Silo, so I ran over to catch up to you. I guessed you were headed for the bus, and turns out I was right! Lucky, huh?” The stranger laughed, and now that Priscilla realized where this person was from, she calmed down a bit.
She looked closer at the stranger, and took in the rest of her. Her hair was blonde, and was partially covered by a pink cap that was so dark, some might consider it red. She had a matching apron, with a white t-shirt and black pants. Definitely a barista.
“Thank you very much for… returning my umbrella.” Priscilla reached out a hand to take it so that the other woman could leave, but the barista moved her hand away before she could.
“Of course! But please, let me hold it for you, at least until your bus comes.” The woman smiled at her. It was so bright and cheerful that Priscilla couldn’t help smiling back.
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Ah, I should probably introduce myself.” The woman laid her free hand on her chest. “I’m Alice! I’m a barista at The Silo. Scarlett is my coworker, and she was the one who served you.”
Ah. So that’s who this Scarlett was. She remembered a woman with serious red eyes and light blue hair tied back into a ponytail. Her uniform had been the same as Alice’s, though instead of pink, it had been green. Maybe to denote a rank or seniority?
“She had her hands full, so she ordered– er, told me to get this back to you.” Alice chuckled, her cheeks a light pink.
“Well, Alice, thank you for taking the time to deliver this to me. I’m very grateful.” She felt like she was saying ‘thank you’ too much, but she couldn’t think of what else to say. Lucy was usually by her side, and she tended to be the active communicator either between themselves or with other people.
Alice nodded. Her blush deepened as she looked up and down at Priscilla, her green eyes roaming. Priscilla felt her own face redden as the two said nothing.
The barista finally met her gaze once more, and her smile widened. “Tell me if I’m barking up the wrong tree here, but you’re really pretty. Especially with that rainswept look you’ve got going on.”
Oh! So that’s why she’d been staring. To be honest, Priscilla herself had been staring a bit, but she had thought it was just because this woman was so energetic, that it was hard to look away.
Maybe it had been for another reason?
“Th-Thank you. You’re… pretty too.” Priscilla looked away. Had the bus shown up yet?
She heard Alice laugh. “Why thank you! I try.” Priscilla looked back. “Though, it’s hard to look attractive when I’m wearing a barista uniform.”
“N-Nonsense, you look attractive!” Realizing what she had just said, Priscilla’s eyes widened. “I-I mean, you look pretty regardless of what you’re wearing.”
Priscilla sat there, wishing that the bus would not only arrive, but run her over after such a blatant verbal misstep. Alice was just being nice, a barista serving her customer, but Priscilla had been so flattered that she’d said too much.
Alice watched her, her smile melting into one of… contentment? Good, maybe she hadn’t really noticed how she’d said she was attractive. Maybe she’d thought it was just reiterating that the barista uniform didn’t detract from her appearance, rather than an admittance of… something more.
“Hey, don’t worry so much. I asked if I was barking up the wrong tree for a reason.” Alice gently placed her free hand on Priscilla’s, rubbing her thumb across the backs of her fingers. “I think you’re attractive too. I should have been more straightforward. My uh… ‘game’ could use some work, or so I’ve been told.” Her voice had turned to an annoyed mutter at the end. Huh. Sounds like her friends had teased her about it.
The feel of a warm hand on hers, as well as Alice’s self-deprecating response, made Priscilla’s chest flutter in a bubbly sort of way. Before she knew it, she was giggling. “Your ‘game’ seems perfectly adequate to me. I’m just… not great around people, so I find it hard to pick up cues sometimes.”
“I see. Well, that’s good. I knew you had to have some sort of flaw, since you’re so beautiful and kind. It wouldn’t be fair to have it all!” Alice laughed, squeezing her hand.
“You seem to be very unfair if that’s the case,” Priscilla responded. She surprised herself with how smooth that had come out.
Alice’s eyes widened. “Pretty, kind, and flirty? I think I just hit the jackpot!” She moved her hand off of Priscilla’s, and reached into her apron pocket. She pulled out her phone and unlocked it. “If it’s not too much to ask, could I get your number? I’d love to talk with you more, maybe over a cup of…?”
“Hot chocolate.” Priscilla filled in the blank for her. A small smile formed on her face. “Sure.” She reached out and took Alice’s phone, entering her contact information into it.
She handed it back, and saw Alice’s eyes scan over the screen. “Priscilla…” she sounded out the name. She almost purred it, and Priscilla felt her heartbeat quicken slightly. “I’ll remember that.”
The two stared at each other, until Priscilla noticed Alice look over her head. “Great timing!” Priscilla turned her gaze towards what Alice was staring at, and saw that the bus was slowly pulling up to the curb.
Alice handed Priscilla her umbrella. “I’ll text you later, ‘kay?” She winked.
Priscilla swallowed thickly, practically forcing a response out of her throat. “O-Okay.”
She stood up, closing the umbrella as she walked up to the bus, its doors slowly opening. As she climbed the steps and got situated into a seat, she looked out the window to see Alice looking at her. The barista waved, and Priscilla gave a small wave back.
As the bus drove away from the curb, Priscilla watched as Alice turned and made her way back to, presumably, The Silo.
Sighing contentedly, Priscilla leaned back into her seat, and closed her eyes.
End Author’s Note: I haven’t really written a character that just comes out and says they’re attracted to someone, so this was fun to write. Hope you enjoyed!
#prompt collection#rune factory#rf#rune factory 5#rf5#alice#priscilla#yuri#wlw#wholesome#my fanfiction#fanfiction
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30 Day Song(fic) Challenge: Day 20
Aaaand we are officially 2/3 of the way through my Song(fic) Challenge! I am very excited to be here, and with my progress so far! I'm doing a lot of things I've never done before this month--which extends to today's fic, which is a bit different!
Today's prompt was "a song that makes you feel cozy", and I had a bunch of options for this one, since I have an entire 4.5hr playlist of slow cozy love songs. I ended up going with "One and Only" by Teitur, though, which you may better recognize as the song from the water tower fireworks scene in the 2000s classic mermaid movie, Aquamarine. The instrumental in this song has always reminded me of the OST for the farming adventure sim Rune Factory 3, and so I deviated from my usual LoZ to write for a new fandom instead--for the first time in nearly four years!
Stars Above, Stars Below
Game: Rune Factory 3: A Fantasy Harvest Moon
Pairing: Micah/Marian
Word Count: 1582
Keywords: romance, love confession, handholding
He wasn’t sure when it had happened, but sometime between running away from that two-handed weapon she called a syringe, waking up after fainting in one of the dungeons with her tending his bedside (gleefully overcharging him while she was at it), and their walks along the beach through the summer and fall, feelings had blossomed in his heart like the flowers he grew in his fields. He couldn’t help but to fall for her chaotic charm: her determination, her humor, her desire to understand the world and herself, her selfless desire to help others that still never outweighed her selfish desire to help herself. Micah was a slow grower, but Marian made him want to keep up.
Read the fic on AO3, or under the cut!
The stars shone down on the Sol Terrano Sand Sea with dizzying brightness. Above their heads, Micah saw galaxies upon galaxies, layered atop one another like celestial tulle in one of Evelyn’s designs. Violet splashed into emerald green; silver sparkled atop indigo. He hadn’t known a night sky to contain so much color before in his life. Even if he’d had all his memories, he was pretty sure that would still be true.
Of course, he hadn’t stargazed with Marian before like this, either. Perhaps every sky shone brighter with her by his side.
She lay next to him on the dune. The sand, still releasing a soothing warmth from the day’s heat, cushioned them like the finest of mattresses. If Micah wasn’t hyperaware of his date’s every breath and shift in position—she never could sit still for too long—he might have found it comfortable enough to fall asleep.
A warm glow flared to life in his heart at the thought of falling asleep next to Marian someday. Spirits, he was truly head over heels for her, wasn’t he?
He wasn’t sure when it had happened, but sometime between running away from that two-handed weapon she called a syringe, waking up after fainting in one of the dungeons with her tending his bedside (gleefully overcharging him while she was at it), and their walks along the beach through the summer and fall, feelings had blossomed in his heart like the flowers he grew in his fields. He couldn’t help but to fall for her chaotic charm: her determination, her humor, her desire to understand the world and herself, her selfless desire to help others that still never outweighed her selfish desire to help herself.
Micah was a slow grower, but Marian made him want to keep up.
“Micah, are you cold?” Marian asked suddenly. His brows drew together in concern at the slight quiver in her voice.
“Maybe…a little? Why?” Was she the cold one? The desert did get chilly at night, it was true. If she wanted to go back…well, it would be a little disappointing, since they’d only been out for half an hour or so, but he would gladly walk her home to the apothecary if that was her choice.
“You just have those little gaps in your sleeve on your shoulders! It’s perfect for a shot, you know.” In the past, Micah might have shuddered at a comment like that, but after seasons of getting to know her—and watching her sense of medical ethics slowly improve—he only smiled affectionately up at the sky. “I thought maybe you’d be cold, with those exposed.”
“Oh!” Micah considered it, for a moment. He was a bit cold, if he was honest. Not enough to want to leave, or that it was unpleasant, but enough that he could feel it, and knew he’d feel nicer if he was warmer. “Maybe a little. …What did you have in mind?”
He snuck a peek over at Marian’s face beside him, and found her staring up at the sky with wide eyes, and a blush so hotly red he could see it even in the dark on her cheeks. “Well, I have my cloak with me, and it’s so warm and fuzzy…I thought, if you were cold, we could…share it? Like a blanket?”
Micah’s own cheeks flamed at the thought, and he turned back upright himself so as not to be caught with the incriminatingly gleeful, shocked smile on his face. “S-share a blanket? With you?”
Marian twitched beside him, just for an instant. “Um, yes? But you don’t have to if you don’t want to! I can just keep it to myself.”
Oh, no, it hadn’t been a twitch after all. It had been a flinch. Micah’s heart dropped into his stomach.
While he was feeling guilty, Marian had kept on rambling. “Actually, I might have some medicine here somewhere that would raise your body temperature—”
Micah interrupted as Marian’s hands darted to her skirt pockets. “No, no! I…want to.”
“To take medicine?”
“No!” His voice was too loud, but spirits, Marian could be so endearingly dense sometimes! He made a conscious effort to lower it. “To share your cloak, Marian.”
“Oh!” Micah wasn’t sure if she was trying to mask the delight in her voice at all, but if she had, she had failed. The pressure bearing down on him from his accidental near-rejection of her advances lessened, and he took a full, deep breath. “You should’ve said so from the start, silly!”
He laughed. “You’re right, I should’ve.”
There was silence for a few moments. Micah resisted the urge to look back over at Marian, worried that he would see something on her face she wouldn’t want him to see. Instead, he searched the sky above for any stars of the same candy-cloud blue as her hair. Many came close, but there was never an exact match.
“I’ll…scoot closer, then!” Marian said eventually, her voice high. “Although, I should take off my cloak first, I guess…”
She sat up beside him, and Micah watched, eyes wide, as she untied the large yellow bow that held the cloak together around her shoulders. Her shoulders weren’t anything new to see—they’d shared the beach before, after all—but under the desert starlight, her skin seemed to almost glow.
Or maybe that was a side effect of some new medicine she was researching. He wouldn’t be surprised.
Marian laid back down, and began to scoot across the sand towards him. They’d been about a foot apart before, but that distance shrunk quickly. Micah felt his heart thump-thudding in his chest. Not to leave her hanging, he scooted forward too, until his left arm bumped into her right.
Marian swiftly shook out her cloak and let it flutter down over them. The warmth was immediate: between the sturdy-yet-comfy thick fabric, and Marian’s own body heat that had radiated into that cloak all day long, he felt like he was in a soft cocoon of coziness. Not to mention the way feeling Marian beside him, with all her sharp edges and hesitant presses against his side, made his own internal temperature skyrocket.
“This is a lot warmer,” he said, although he felt quite foolish at such an inane comment. Why couldn’t he be more suave? What was he so scared about? “Thank you for sharing your warmth with me, Marian.”
“You’re welcome!” That higher-pitched tone was still there, but she seemed genuinely pleased by his words. He could take comfort in that.
They lay together under the cloak-blanket, and Micah felt them both begin to relax, ever so slowly. His own tension at not saying the right thing and the new challenge of functioning normally with Marian so close began to abate as he simply enjoyed her company, and Marian’s posture beside him became less rigid.
“The stars are beautiful tonight.” Spirits, why had he opened his mouth? What a useless thing to say.
“They really are!” Marian agreed. He smiled at the zeal in her tone. No matter where, Marian was Marian.
Still no stars in Marian’s color in the sky above them. He was beginning to think that the only celestial body in the whole universe with it was lying right beside him.
Micah took a steadying breath, and then reached out with something besides his stumbling words.
Under the cloak, his tentative hand found her own. His fingers grazed across her palm, and he felt her shiver, just before their fingers intertwined.
Oh, oh. If Marian was a star, he was a supernova. And yet, the feeling of her hand in his brought a strength and courage he hadn’t felt before.
“Marian…there’s something I want to ask you.”
He turned his head to the side, instinctively seeking out the familiar aubergine of her gaze. To his surprise, she was facing him already, eyes widened, mouth poised in an ‘o’.
“I…really like you, Marian,” he confessed, heart thrumming in his throat like a hummingbird’s wings. “No, I—I love you. I don’t think I could’ve gone another day without telling you.”
The recipe for the silver-and-ruby engagement ring flashed in his mind’s eye, and he rushed to clarify. “I-I mean, I’m not ready to get married, I still have so much to do with the farm, and Vale River to free! And I know you still have dreams too at the apothecary that you want to focus on! Not that you’d have to give them up if you married me, of course! I only mean—” Spirits, he was digging himself into a hole here. “I’d like to promise myself to you, though, for the future. If you’ll have me.”
Marian’s gaze had transitioned from shocked, to confused, to amused, as he spoke. Now, she stared back at him with unbelievable tenderness.
“I like you too, Micah,” she whispered, eyes sparkling. “And I love you. And I’d be the silly one if I turned down such an adorable guinea pig.”
Micah cracked a grin despite the seriousness of the moment. He squeezed her hand once, twice, three times. I love you.
Someday, he’d tell her of the significance of the motion, and they would repeat it all the time, until he could get three squeezes back even while she slept beside him in their marriage bed, blue hair tickling his face and legs tangled with his. For now, he stared into the stars in Marian’s eyes, knowing that they were a reflection of the same joy and excitement in his own.
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Adventures in the Capitol is finally ready to continue! For the next few chapters I'm going to be presenting the arc in story with pictures style so I'll have the link to the full chapter below. But enjoy the images I'm using this chapter as a preview!
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My other (first!;) piece for the Bokumono Reverse Big Bang 2023!! Art by the amazing @kanakotakaya-theshipper is currently available as a coloring page, though we hope to be able to present a colorized version as well! (Life just keeps happening!!!)
I enjoyed writing this one so much as well; it’s fluff with a bit of action and excitement. ;) I hope it brings you joy. <3
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@joyfulsanctuary, it was so much fun working together on this! From bouncing around ideas to making up our own head canons, this was such a rewarding experience. 🥰 It was such a treat to write out Ryker's and Cecil's dynamics, and to play around with the detective/phantom thief trope. The artwork is so gorgeous, and I love how you captured everyone's expressions so well. It was such a fun scene to write out, and you nailed it!
Whelp... another pairing that has very little content... Stuck in rarepair hell once again. Guess I'll have to drag you all in with me, hehe 😅
I had the absolute HONOUR to work with @durotoswrites for the most recent @bokumonobigbang! They worked on a fic while I worked on the image above, it was a TON of fun!
Link to the fic is here! Ryker x Cecil supremacy let's goooooooo!
#rune factory#rune factory 5#rune factory cecil#rune factory ryker#cecil x ryker#ryker x cecil#rf 5 cecil#rf 5 ryker#rf5 martin#rf5 murakumo#rf5 reinhard#fanfiction#fan art#rarepair#rare ship#rare pair#phantom thief#detective#mystery#angst#humor
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About me
Hello! This blog is becoming a bit cluttered so I thought i'd make a pinned post as an introduction.
I'm 20, nonbinary and use they/them pronouns. Here is my best attempt at describing myself with fictional characters. (aka kins if you wanna be a zoomer)

Fandoms: - Attack on titan (Try to guess my favourite character..) - Haikyuu - Rune factory (I've only played 5/4/3 so far! I will also work to spread the word of Dylas/Arthur....when i have the energy.) - Persona 3/4/5 (Ann is my wife forever) - Hermitcraft (Mostly reblog bdubs builds and pretty art of scar) With various other fandoms sprinkled in.
What I post:
#bollgrodan art - for my art (my art blog is @bollgrodan) @badger-icons for my icons, I colour manga. Check the blog for request rules if you want me to make something.
#asks - anon asks are off, but I'll respond privately if you ask me to. dms are also open.
#fanfiction - my fanfiction, but I only have 1 published fic. My ao3 username is bollgrodan.
okay bye bye friends
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My Pinned Bio / Summary
Hallo // This pinned bio makes it easier to explain myself, this blog, and what content will likely be spammed with it. As well as reaching out to other fans also thriving here, heh.
I must quickly clarify I do interact with 18+ content, so please, minors DNI and everyone else, proceed with caution; however, this post is SFW, hah!
About Me:
I go by Fae or Spec (She/They).
I am 24 years old - ENFP and queer [not a shock considering my sailor moon core]
A recent postgrad burnout woman who has resigned from the stressful 9 - 5 STEM grad job I had to now work as a disability student support worker. There's a lot more flexibility in this role that allows me to have passions and personality outside my Degrees and Academics, haha!
Regarding birth charts and for the sake of astrology I am Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Sagittarius Rising.
I have ASD - Like many women, I was late diagnosed due to many in my community dismissing my observational signs as "quirks" and "A wee bit away with the fae". I masked a lot in my life, but I realize it is essential for my mental health to unmask where possible.
My first language is Gàidhlig; later in my life, I learned English when I wanted to move from the Scottish isles, where I grew up. So, if you have a DnD/OC character influenced by Celtic Myth/Gaelic culture, I am happy to give advice and commentary.
Attack on Titan, Avatar-The Last Airbender, Aggretsuko, Anohana, Bleach, Berserk, Chainsaw Man, Devilman Crybaby, Digimon, Dororo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Made in Abyss, My Hero Academia, Naruto, One Piece, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Shiki, Yu-gi-oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Lovely Complex, My Love Story!!, Wonder Egg Priority, Romantic Killer, Toradora, RWBY, ROTTMNT, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, and a TON of K-dramas/C-dramas/J-dramas - atm I am watching a K-drama called The Glory and my most absolute fave is Strong Girl Bong-Soon.
I am starting the likes of Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and I am open to more recommendations!
Video Games:
Animal Crossing, Bloodborne, Baldur's Gate 3, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Cult of the Lamb, Dark Souls, Diablo, Hades, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory, Monster Hunter, Minecraft, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, The Sims, Style Savvy DS series (Dress-up Games are my weakness), Pokémon, Super Princess Peach (also looking forward to the switch release!)
Okay, I am also obsessed with Dating Horror Games:
John Doe, Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, DachaBo!, Frost Bite, My Dear Hatchet Man, House Hunted.
(I know Your Boyfriend is a popular one - the game is fun, but I am not a fan of the creator.)
I intend to play the likes of Touch Starved, Courtin' Cowboys, Snaggemon, Trapped with Jester, and more, heh. :^
I read a lot of Fanfiction alongside actual works by Elizabeth Lim, Sue Lynn Tan, Sarah J Maas, Judy Lin - Anything that is literally Chinese Mythic Based Plot, and Fae Smut, if I gotta be honest with you PFFT. I am on Booktok a ton, so recommendations are appreciated while I organise my Kindle.
I have been roleplaying/writing since about 15/16, so I have a few years of writing experience creating OCs and writing out RP Ideas. I went on an extended hiatus as I finished university and took time off to deal with my mental health as I settled into a new routine. I am currently not outright seeking RP partners as I slowly find the time to write again, but I am open to people reaching out to discuss their OCs and RP ideas!
I am such a recluse who will binge fanart, headcanons, and fanfics - I love listening to people talk about their OCs, Fanfics, AUs, and the works. If you share my hyperfixations, don't hesitate to infodump! I might get distracted and forget to respond- but I WILL respond.
#iyu yu hakusho#one piece#bleach#jjba#jjk#atla#mha#naruto#k drama#booktok#bg3#anime#swwsdj#john doe#dating sim#visual novel#nintendo#yyh#pinned post#about myself#yyh oc#rp#rp writing#birth chart#fire emblem#stardew valley#yu yu hakusho
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @emeraldhazeart, thank you so much!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
85 total, across 2 separate accounts and including some ~Secret Works~ (aka Anonymous fics) that aren't listed on my main work count.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,147,857. I have been writing for a very long time and my posts on AO3 go back to my earliest fics from ~2008.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The bulk of my fics are either Star Wars, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, and Rune Factory. But I've been known to dabble in other fandoms when the muse strikes.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Gonna focus on my main account because otherwise I know at least half of the list would be [Redacted] (because ~secret works~)
Wells of Silence (Star Wars)
Aggressive Negotiations (Star Wars)
[Redacted] (Star Wars)
Among Scuttled Ships and Scrap (Star Wars/The Bad Batch)
How Far Ahead The Road Has Gone (The Hobbit)
It comes as absolutely no surprise to me that all of my top 5 fics from from Enormous fandoms
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love responding to comments. If anything just to thank the people who take the time to read and comment on my stuff. But I also love engaging in conversations with readers! I try to respond to every comment, but sometimes I just don't have the time/energy/spoons when it comes in, and then it falls through the swiss cheese holes in my brain and goes unanswered (but never forgotten).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Maybe it's recency bias, but Fated comes to the top of my mind. Soulmates who spend almost all their lives separated and come together only to be fated to kill each other? The angst was just So Delicious.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh man, a lot of my fluffy oneshots have happy endings. It's tough trying to pick one with the Happiest ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face.
Realistically and statistically I'm fully aware that my writing is not somebody's cup of tea. Just by the numbers I know someone isn't going to like something about my stories. But anyone who is unhappy is at least gracious enough to not be mean to my face or in places where I could find the hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Only once. And I think I overcompensated a lot with angst. Smut isn't why I read or write fanfiction, and while I thought it fit well and was necessary for the one story I wrote it was an interesting exercise. I might include smut in future stories, I don't know, it's not entirely off the table, but I'd probably just stick closer to the M/PG13 cutaways and implications.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really. Beyond characters from different installments of a franchise/universe interacting when they don't in canon (which I don't count as a crossover).
The closest I've gotten is doing a Rune Factory Star Wars AU recently for a fun little one shot. But again, it included RF characters in the SW universe, and no SW characters so I'm still not counting that as a true Crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so, no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I've done other collaborations but never a full co-writing. I think one could be lots of fun though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don't really have one. I'm a pretty fluid shipper, I'll ship anyone with anyone if it compels me. I have a few comfortable oldies I'll fall back on, but I don't think I could rightly say they're an All Time Favorite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's some Really Old WIPs that I kinda abandoned from 10+ years ago that I don't think I'll ever get back to. Part of me never wants to give up hope, but I've moved on from the fandom and the muses and they'll probably stay unfinished for all time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do quite well with taking what could be a 'meh' idea and putting an interesting enough spin on it to make it a story worth telling and reading.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking to a consistent writing schedule and wrangling my muses long enough to finish long projects. My focus is Very Easily broken and I am super susceptible to distractions and chasing the nest shiny ideas. 😭 rip all my wips i was just gonna take a 'short break' from and it's been like a year or longer since the last update.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Unless I have some confidence in the language, or it's a common enough phrase within the fandom that everyone knows what it means, I won't do it. I might translate choice words or phrases when necessary and appropriate. But I'm not subjecting my readers to google translate dialogue. Anyone who is fluent will know it's a bad translation, and for anyone who isn't I'd have to translate back to english anyways.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we're going back to before I started really writing fanfiction, but was still doing creative writing in a fandom, it would have been Warriors Cats.
But my first real fanfic was for Jak and Daxter. (And can still be found on my ao3, but oof is it old)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This is a cop out answer, but I genuinely can't pick a favorite. I can find something I love and I'm proud of in every fic I've written. But I'll give into the recency bias and say Tongues & Teeth is still living in my brain rent free even after I wrote it down and posted it.
Tags! No pressure tags, and if I don't tag you and you want to play around, feel free to say I tagged you! @durotoswrites, @thychesters, @lookforanewangle, @aashiyancha, @kindlystrawberry
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I don't meant to be annoying by plugging this fic again, but I've decided to switch to posting fics on a dedicated RF sideblog attached to my main account, instead of a weird separate "fanfiction and aesthetics of the fanfiction" account. So I decided to just start by posting this on here, so the blog wouldn't be empty, and so people wouldn't think I got eaten by a grue or something after deleting the other blog.
So, hi! I'm still me, and this is still a fic about Arthur and Margaret being awkward and having issues. :D
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10 Lines Challenge
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics (wips included) and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thank you Sara <3 <3 <3 @desfraisespartout
Of Dwarves and Dragons; A DND Rune Factory 3 Fanfiction
The town was swathed in lanterns that cast an orange glow on the streets, busy with bodies in motion. Foodsmells wafted from every corner as merchants hustled for drunk clients with loosened pockets.
A particularly gutsy vendor pressed heavily to his side, thrusting a bowl full of something warm and viscous into his hands. It sloshed over the side, a few steaming veggies and tiny dough balls escaping to the dirty path below.
He shivered, disgusted, and shook the vendor away, crushing a carrot under heel as he did. The bowl was dumped into the lap of a couple lovebirds to the side. Either too taken by the atmosphere or too distracted to care, they did not react.
There was a reason for the town’s collective mood, of course. He didn’t blame them, he understood. it wasn’t every day that the world was saved.
L.I.P; A Birdmen Radiostation AU
He’d opposed it at first, but Eva’s working on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and, often, Thursdays was a blessing in the form that he didn’t need to work Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or, often, Thursdays. But that his schedule went to hell on a Friday took into account exactly none of this.
It was, however, contingent on the fact that he was weak. Weak. And that Dr. Saitou was as loose with his compliments as he was with assigning menial tasks. Saitou did that thing, the one where he acted like the heavens had conspired to send one angel down in human flesh for the slightest hint of goodwill. The one that was basically an air pump to Eishi’s usually depressed Inflate-a-Bed ego.
Besides, he reasoned that to spend an extra hour or so in the company of new faces numbered quite low on the list of potential self-tortures. So when the offer came, he accepted without thinking much about it.
“His name is Thrush,” Saitou babbled, radiating gratitude that lazy Friday morning.
Eishi pulled a face.
“He’s from Arizona,” Saitou clarified.
Ah. Arizona.
With the Wisdom of Old Men Chapter 4; Birdmen Pirate AU
Someone drove the unkind muzzle of a burning-cold gun into his spine, urging him up the side of the boat. Freezing, Eishi’s fingers slapped uselessly on steps carved into the splintered wooden hull as he struggled to comply. It was hard to do anything else, the way his instincts tugged and pulled in opposite directions. Exhaustion conspired with the weight of the ocean dragging down his bones, the forces vying to see which would make him fall first.
Eishi’s heart stuttered in his chest and he barely reminded himself not to look down. Instead he blinked up, painfully blind from the incessant headache he’d yet to shake and made dizzy by the fear in his veins. When finally he scaled over the bannister, he was met by a series of white jackets as the day boastfully declared it could turn worse.
Nevermore had he pitied a fish than when he was forced against the mast, a lanky not-adult fidgeting with ropes that chafed at his wrists.
I tag @kitsoa >:3c what're you working on, homie?
#mal makes noise#mal made a thing#stories#thank you sara XD#it has been a MINUTE how yall doin?#birdmen#rune factory 3
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This is an alt account that focuses on 'x reader' fanfictions and headcanons.
Fandoms I'm a part of
• Genshin Impact
• Fire Emblem
• Pokémon
• Xenoblade Chronicles
• Rune Factory (Only played 4 and 5)
There are more, but listing all of them would take forever. Just because I haven't played a game doesn't mean I won't research a character that piques my interest, any works will just take longer than others.
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