#ruma t
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elifeayurveda · 5 months ago
Amazing benefits in joint pain by using Ruma T. Try now and stay fit. 💪🏻
Introducing Ruma T, the ultimate ayurvedic solution for joint pain relief. Specially formulated for Indian people, these natural capsules provide fast and effective relief, promoting flexibility and comfort. Experience the healing power of Ayurveda with Ruma T, your trusted partner in joint health.
Song: Cartoon, Jéja - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSoundsFree Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/onandonWatch: http://youtu.be/K4DyBUG242c
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nepkatz · 1 year ago
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I did a,Art trade and was ask ed t dra wKup ruma nd Folykl beig in love :3
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filmokosmos · 4 months ago
Tuntematon Don Huonot
Koskela - Kaamos Hietanen - Olemme kuin veljet Rokka - Tule sellaisena kuin olet Rahikainen - Manimania Vanhala - Absurdit sävelkorvat Määttä - Kuujärven jää Lahtinen - Maanantaiaamun moottorisahamies Lehto - Mustaan uneen Kariluoto - Auringonjumalan poika Lammio - Ruoski minua Kaarna - Väärän kuninkaan päivä Sarastie - Kunhan kuluu viisi vuotta Salo - Kupla Sihvonen - Vapaata pudotusta Honkajoki - Iidus-linnun kootut selitykset Mäkilä - Suojelusenkeli Riitaoja - Hermoraunio Hauhia - Aarteenetsintää Susi - Pois valoista Ukkola - Pääkallokiitäjä Asumaniemi - Ruma rämä romu römö-römö Sinkkonen - D on huono T Viirilä - Verta, pornoa ja propagandaa Karjula - Viiden tähden sekopää
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klimtjardin · 2 years ago
U M  C O N T O  D E  E S C A M A S  E  O U T R A S  L E N D A S
Parte I
Leitora x Taeyong
{inspirado em Spirited Away; aventura; romance; fantasia; realeza; TY híbrido de dragão}
É um sonho recorrente. Vê as pedras no chão passando diante dos seus olhos como se desenrola uma longa fita que dá a volta ao mundo. São masmorras. Nunca as viu, mas as reconhece. As demais criadas dão-se ao trabalho de descreverem a você toda a vez. E aquela imagem impregna em sua mente de forma que na maioria das noites antecedentes ao seu encontro, ela retorna em forma de pesadelo. Você vê seus pés. Tão frágeis, cansados, sujos, um atrás do outro em uma velocidade estúpida e inútil. Onde ele está? Você é ele. Ele te vê do alto. Você é a presa. E quando percebe, o sonho acaba.
— Você está se preparando?
É abordada quando se estica à beira da lagoa para recolher a água que usará para lavar uma ruma de vestes. Suas colegas de trabalho não falham em te encher de perguntas, conselhos e, obviamente, medos. Suspira. Volta a se concentrar na pilha de roupas a serem lavadas. A verdade é que não. Não está se preparando, nem pretende. É somente uma incumbência como qualquer outra que precisa realizar no castelo. É como esfregar os pisos, fazer as camas, lavar as roupas e trançar o cabelo da princesa.
Você vai alimentá-lo.
Por cinco dias.
E depois disso, outra moça será escolhida para o mesmo fim, como uma roda, e ciclicamente todas o farão de novo, e de novo. O que haveria de tão terrível nisso?
O príncipe Tae-Yong é conhecido por ser um homem austero. Viu-o algumas vezes, de relance, quando ele saía para ter suas lições de tiro com arco e flechas na parte externa do castelo; a capa bordada, drapeada pelo vento, encobria todo o corpo, sem deixar saber como se parecia. O que ouve sobre ele é que se trata de um homem reservado, quase recluso: o segredo da família real.
A lenda conta que um feiticeiro, com inveja da beleza do rei e da rainha, amaldiçoou o filho caçula do casal, selando nele o espírito de um dragão; uma criatura feroz e horrenda. Para todo o povoado, Tae-Yong morreu no parto e deixou sua mãe com saúde debilitada. E assim, todo o que trabalha no castelo jura por sua vida jamais deixar escapar o que se vê acontecer dentro dos muros de pedra. O segredo do príncipe é que ele vive. Sob a condição de tornar-se um dragão em toda a lua cheia.
As serviçais são as escolhidas para cuidá-lo durante esse momento, uma vez que o príncipe, quando transformado, mata homens.
E seu momento chegou. Desta vez é você quem precisa alimentar Tae-Yong. Tem certeza que será nada demais, mas suas colegas insistem em te contar informações que só servem para incomodar sua cabeça. Tem dormido mal enquanto os dias se aproximam.
— Me disseram que ele consegue controlar quando se transforma — continua ela. — Mas que sofre de ataques de raiva que o fazem cuspir fogo!
Faz esforço para se manter focada em sua tarefa. Nunca gostou da forma como se referem a ele, como uma coisa. Como se não fosse metade humano. E, ademais, sabe que todas as que foram voltaram plenas de suas vidas. Não há porque criar pânico em torno disso.
Nos seus pesadelos você o ouve agonizar.
É apenas um trabalho. 
Caminhar até o meio, deixar o alimento e voltar. 
Mas suas pernas assumem um peso insustentável durante o trajeto, como se houvesse corrido por milhas antes de chegar. É uma sala circular, bem iluminada e arejada pelas janelas que a cercam por todo diâmetro, apesar de restringidas por barretes de ferro de ponta a ponta. Com uma rápida esquadrinhada, percebe que em uma das aberturas, no canto, a cela está entortada, como se uma força houvesse tentado separar as barras para os lados.
Há uma distância considerável entre você e o príncipe. Preso por grilhões em suas garras, ele jaz no canto oposto ao que te mantém segura. Têm uma coloração carmim em suas escamas brilhantes e bigodes que flutuam ao lado da fuça ofegante. É estranho, é claro. Porém, não tão horrivelmente assustador quanto imaginou. Ele sequer olha para você. É largar o alimento com as mãos trêmulas, e dar as costas.
Você permanece.
O observa, estática. Suas negras pupilas rasgadas e íris amareladas. Ele não move. Estão a passos de distância. Você, a bandeja e ele. A cauda longa mexe para cima e volta baixo, robusta, o que interpreta como uma advertência.
— Isso dói? — questiona. — Essas coisas que prendem você?
Ele ofega. Você sente a quentura da fumaça escapar de seu focinho como uma sauna ardente. O dragão começa a rugir, ansiado. Você se afasta, anda para trás. Onde estava com a cabeça?
Ele para. 
Cabisbaixo. Têm olhos humanos. Olhos que dizem “não se aproxime, não se aproxime”. Você vai embora.
Nesta noite você não sonha, mas o olhar do dragão te perturba. O tem impresso no fundo da mente toda a vez que cerra os olhos.
Seu estômago fervilha. Não quer vê-lo, é cruel. Agora tem medo, ou angústia. Os braços estão arrepiados, a tigela de alimento dança na bandeja, de um lado para o outro, entre suas mãos. Ele tem raciocínio humano? Ele entende o que você diz? Porque você se arriscou dessa forma? 
Se abaixa, larga a bandeja e dá as costas num movimento só. Sem olhar para trás.
O príncipe ruge. Alto, feroz, ensurdecedor.
Se vê estagnada. A espinha reta, encurralada contra a parede. Há uma vara, presume que para açoite, esquecida num canto da sala. Mas para alcançá-la precisa passar por ele.
O príncipe puxa os grilhões com a boca. Fecha a mandíbula em torno deles várias vezes. O estalido do metal ressoa em seus ouvidos já perturbados pelos sons do dragão. A respiração forte, quente e ofegante, faz as barras de suas roupas dançarem sobre seus pés. Ele te olha. Não de forma ameaçadora. Em súplica.
— O quê?!
Ele puxa o grilhão mais uma vez, estica até onde consegue.
— Quer que eu te solte? Não posso! Como? eu vou- vou me aproximar.
O dragão se recolhe na mesma posição que o encontrou da primeira vez. Cabisbaixo, sem oferecer ameaça. Você se aproxima. É quente, emana da pele. Tem pelo menos um metro a mais de altura do que você, por mais que nessa posição suas cabeças se encontrem. Estende a mão para tocá-lo. Áspero. Olha para baixo, onde ele está preso, e percebe que as algemas podem se desprender com facilidade. Estão velhas e gastas, o ferro enferrujado nos grilhões. A vara que avistou se faz útil. Corre para pegá-la. Usa-a como alavanca nas aberturas das algemas e com certa concentração de força elas se partem ao meio. O príncipe está livre.
Você é empurrada pelo seu focinho, quase derrubada. Ele põe a cabeça sobre seu ombro, em seguida, curva-se diante de você.
— De nada.
Quando se afasta, no entanto, é impedida. Ele morde e puxa a barra do seu vestido.
— O quê? Não posso ficar aqui com você! Não deveria nem ter te soltado.
O dragão choraminga e funga como um cãozinho.
— Não posso, sinto muito.
É madrugada. Mais uma vez não consegue dormir e se pergunta como todo o castelo pode descansar sabendo que há uma criatura presa nas masmorras, agonizando.
Planeja um encontro até ele.
Surrupia uma lamparina a óleo para guiar os seus passos. As demais serviçais dormem aquém da sua movimentação; o guarda do quarto igualmente jaz em sono profundo, roncando até mesmo. Conhece uma passagem que te levará ao destino mais rapidamente, pé por pé, despistando qualquer ronda que possa existir. 
Mas não há.
O rei e a rainha podem até ser condenados por suas escolhas para resolver o problema do príncipe, mas algo te faz acreditar que não são tão cruéis quanto imaginava. Porque deixariam Tae-Yong descuidado? Como se, de certa forma, desejassem que ele escapasse?
E ele não está lá.
Quando você sobe a tranca da porta e a fecha atrás de si, encontra a sala vazia.
— Tae.. Yong?!
Aperta a mão sobre os lábios quando vê um vulto escalando as janelas. Novamente, encurrala-se com a porta às costas, como se prender a respiração fosse te fazer sumir do recinto. Com a lamparina em frente ao corpo, o olhar corre para a mesma barra de ferro que usou para soltar o dragão. Mas quando a luz noturna pinta o vulto de ciano, reconhece a capa bordada. Ele afasta o capuz.
É metade homem, metade dragão, com escamas visíveis em parte do rosto, pescoço e peito. Tae-Yong instintivamente se afasta, amedrontado ao ver seu semblante. Ele pensou que gostaria de vê-lo, mas é claro, esqueceu-se de como é um horror aos olhos. Você percebe o desconforto e tenta contornar, assumir uma postura menos tensa:
— Tae-Yong? — gagueja.
Ele então aproxima-se num rompante e te gruda contra o próprio peito. A lamparina cai de suas mãos. Ficam assim pelo que parece um minuto inteiro. Ouve o coração dele bater, lento.
— Posso assustar, mas não vou te ferir — diz ele. Sua voz é quase sólida, tão áspera quanto sua pele.
— Sei que não vai, se pudesse já o teria feito.
Ele tem o seu rosto entre as mãos, os olhos negros brilham, gigantes de um sentimento que te parece um esperançar.
— Obrigado.
— Não tem de quê.
— Por favor, fique. Eu nunca tive com quem conversar.
É uma oferta tentadora. Nem pode explicar o que faz ali àquela hora da noite, mas ali está. Entende que deve ficar.
— Estou ouvindo passos — diz o príncipe, e logo cola o ouvido à porta.
Você não ouve nada. A noite parece tão serena quanto a recepção feita. Mas Tae-Yong está certo. Ele corre em direção a uma das janelas e pede que você se apoie nele para alcançar o outro lado - o jardim. Se esgueira por aquelas mesmas barras da cela que te pareciam estranhamente afastadas. Quando você cai na grama, ouve o estalido da tranca e alguém adentra o cômodo. Segundos depois a porta se fecha. Há um silêncio perturbador em que os sapos e as cigarras tomam conta da noite. Tae-Yong surge escalando a mesma janela e cai ao seu lado, com sua lamparina apagada em mãos.
— Devem ter te ouvido — afirma, devolvendo o objeto. — Se voltar agora podem te pegar, estão fazendo a ronda.
Você engole em seco.
— Posso distraí-los. Mas, por favor, fique um pouco... se quiser.
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5conspiracy-rule · 1 year ago
● Hillary Clinton
● Bill Clinton
● George Nader (Geschäftsmann)
● Huma Aberdin
● Laura Silsby
● Rachel Chandler
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● John Podesta
● Michael Podesta
● James Alefantis
● Anthony Wiener
● Leslie Wexner (limited Inc-Vorsitzender)
● Herbert Strauss
● Isidor Strauss
● Martin A. Nowak
● Steven Spielberg
● Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram-Vorsitzender)
● Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)
● Michael Steinhardt (ehemaliger Hedgefonds-Manager)
● Sara Bronfman
● Clare Bronfman
● Niles Lehman (Professor an der Portland State University)
● Seth Roger
● Ruth Ginsberg
● Alison Mack
● Robert Maxwell
● Wendi Murdoch
● Jonathan Tscheban
● Naomi Campbell
● Maxime Chow
● Val Kilmer
● Marina Abramovic
● Steven Spielberg
● Kevin Spacey
● Alison Mac
● Marc Collins-Rector (Gründer von Den)
● Chad Shackley
● Brock Pierce
● David Geffen
● Tom Hanks
● Dustin Hoffman
● Andrew Kreisberg (US-amerikanischer Fernsehschreiber, Produzent)
● Bryan Singer
● Harvey Weinstein
● Bob Weinstein
● Roman Polanski
● Ruma Hazard
● Charlie Sheen
● Madonna
● Kate Perry
● Miley Cyrus
● Errol Flynn
● Billy Graham
● Walt Disney
● Michael Laney (ehemaliger Walt Disney Vizepräsident)
● James Gunn (Disney)
● Heidi Fleiss
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Alison Mack
● Stormy Daniels
● Rachel Chandler
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Chris Tucker
● Larry Summer
● Lisa Summer
● Bill Murray
● Bill Hammond
● Ehud Barak
● Andrés Pastrana (ehemaliger Präsident Kolumbien 1998-2002)
● Jean Luc Brunel
● Doug Band
● Ron Burkle
● Woody Allen
● Sarah Kellen
● Ray Barzanna
● Sandy Burger
● Andrea Mitrovitch
● Peter Marino
● Shelley Lewis
● Paul Hala (t) (d) a
● Richardo Legoretta
● Tom Pritzker
● Kelly Spamm
● Tiffany Gramza
● Claire Hazel
● Paula Epstein
● Mark Epstein
● Ralph Elison
● Sophie Biddle
● Audrey Raimbault
● Shelley Harrison
● Melinda Luntz
● Gwendolyn Beck
● Albert Pinto
● Richard "Handsome Dick" Manitoba
● Gary Roxburgh
● Mandy Elison
● Jean Michelle Gathy
● Virginia Roberts
● Kristy Rodgers (Kristina Real Rodgers)
● Greg Holbert
● Alyssa Rodgers
● Juliette Bryant
● Heather Mann
● Ed Tuttle
● Glen Dubin
● Ellen Spencer
● Chris Wagner
● Casey Wasserman
● Laura Wasserman
● Paul Mellon
● Oliver Sachs
● Henry Rosovsky
● Lynn Forster (de Rothschild)
● Joe Pagano
● Naomi Campbell
● Nicole Junkermann
● Rodney Slater
● Magali Blachon (Deperrier)
● Svetlana Griaznova
● Emmy Tayler
● Larry Visoski
● Carrie Davies
● Johannes (Paul) Molyneux
● Freya Willemoes Wissing
● Adam Perry Lang
● Fleur Perry Lang
● Caren Casey
● Hank Coller
● Cindy Lopez
● Mark Lloyd
● Alan Dershowitz
● Seth Green
● James Gunn
● Steven Spielberg
● Tom Hanks
● Steven Colbert
● Jimmy Kimmel
● Barack Obama
● Kevin Spacey
● Kathy Griffin
● Oprah Winfrey
● Shawn Carter
● Beyoncé Knowles
● Anthony Kiedis
● John Legend
● Chrissy Tiegen
● Jim Carrey
● Steven Tyler
● Ben Affleck
● Stephen Collins
● Will Ferrell
● Marshall Counts
● Jeffrey Jones
● Victor Safe
● Mark Collins Rector
● Charlie Sheen
● Tyler Grasham
● Madonna Ciccone
● Katheryn Hudson
● Gwen Stefani
● Stefani Germanotta
● James Franco
● Will Smith
● Justin Roland
● John Cusack
● Anderson Cooper
● Demi Moore
● Brian Affleck
● Meryl Streep
● Wanda Sykes
● Chelsea-Handler
● Michelle Wolf
● David Jarovesky
● Pharrell Williams
● Quentin Tarantino
● Courtney Love
● Alec Baldwin
● Robert Downey Jr.
● Disney Corporation (Biete Kinder "Tauchen" Reisen, auf die Insel Epstein)
● Andre Balazs (Besitzer der Standard Hotels und mit den Rockefellers verbunden)
● Jay Z
● Beyoncé Knowles
● John Belushi
● Britney Spears
● Errol Flynn
● Dennis Hopper
● Helmut Newton
● Jim Morrison
● James Dean
● Billy Idol
● Victoria Beckham
● Heath Ledger
● Sienna Miller
● Balthazar Getty
● Scarlet Johansen
● Elon Musk
● Mark Zuckrberg
● Lawrence M. Krauss
● Steven Pinker
● Mick Jagger
● Courtney Love
● Joan Rivers (verstorben)
● Kevin Spacey
● Chris Rock
● Eli Weisel (Nobelpreis gewinnt Holocaust-Profiteur)
● Lauren Hutton (Top-Mode-Modell)
● Herzog & Herzogin von York
● Earl Spencer (der Bruder von verstorbenen Diana)
● Richard Bronson (englischer Geschäftsmann)
● Tony Blair (ehemaliger britischer Premierminister)
● David Koch (1/2 eines Bruders-Teams)
● David Rockefeller
● Evelyn de Rothschild
● Eduouard de Rothschild
● Jake Tapper (CNN)
● Jennifer Tapper (Frau von Jake Tapper)
● Ahorn Inc
● Barbara Walters
● Mort Zuckerman
● Eric Margolis
● Rupert Murdock
● Conrad & Barbara Black; Baron Black von Cross Harbour
● Bill Clinton (ehemaliger Präsident von Amerika)
● Jon & Mary Kaye Huntsman
● Gouverneur Charles Turnbull (US-Jungferninseln)
● Henry Kissinger
● Ethel Kennedy
● Bobby & Mary Kennedy
● Senator Edward Kennedy (verstorben)
● Ted Kennedy Jr.
● Andrew & Kerry Kennedy Cuomo
● Maria Shriver (Kennedy-Verwandte / Schwarznegger Ex)
(Freie 1992-2002)
● Keck Family (Standard-Öl / Gründer des Standard Hotels)
● Perry Mason
● Bank of California
● JP Morgan - Standard Oil
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Bear Stearns Group
● Standard companies
● Colombia Developement
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nellamente · 23 days ago
“Ma jidhirlix li l-Mulej ħa jieħu għalih”- Il-Kappillan ta’ Raħal Ġdid.
Rapport Informattiv
Vox Pop
Intervista man-nies ta’ Raħal Ġdid dwar l-opinjonijiet tagħhom fuq il-proġett kurrenti tal-Knisja ta Kristu Re ġewwa Raħal Ġdid stess.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Il-Knisja Parrokkjali ta Raħal Ġdid applikat għal permess għal- kafetterija ta’ Class 4C li jitħalla l-permess għal tisjir fuq il-post, b’hekk kien hemm min ħaseb li kien pjanat li jitwaqqaf ristorant fuq is-sit.
https://timesofmalta.com/article/paola-parish-priest-withdraw-eatery-plans-prime-minister-says.1091032 Il-PM jħeġġeġ sabiex ma jitħallux l-pjanijiet ta’ tisjir fuq il-post u l-applikazzjoni “non-starter” bħal din tiġi rtirata. Kompla jghid li jemmen li l-knejjes “m għandhomx jiġu rrovinati b dawn it tip ta applikazzjonijiet”, “Jekk wieħed irid jieħu kafe’ ġewwa Raħal Ġdid hemm postijiet oħrajn” jghid il-PM
F’ April 15 2024, Il-Knisja Parrokjali ta’ Raħal Ġdid ssostniet li m’għandha l-ebda intenzjoni li tiftaħ restaurant fuq il-bejt tal-bażilika, mentri hu pjanat sabiex tinfetaħ kafetterija zgħira. Jitbiddel l-permess għal Class 4D.
L-ebda ikel m’hu ser ikun qiegħed jiġi msajjar fuq il-post.
““Qatt ma kien hemm il‑ħsieb li jkun hemm ristorant fuq il‑bejt tal‑knisja parrokkjali iżda ġie maqbul li jkun prudenti li l‑parroċċa temenda l‑applikazzjoni tagħha biex telimina aktar spekulazzjoni u ideat żbaljati.” Jghid l-Arċidjoċesi
Se jkunu pprovduti postijiet fejn wiehed jista’ jpoġġi barra, iżda m’hi ħa tiżdied ebda struttura sabiex tinżamm l- valur tal-estetika tal-knisja mingħajr ebda impatti negattivi lejha.
“Il-kafetterija proposta, li tagħmel parti minn proġett akbar li jinkludi mużew u ċentru ta’ interpretazzjoni, se tkun qed topera f’binja eżistenti f’wieħed mill‑kampnari. Filwaqt li mhu se jsir ebda bini fuq barra, imwejjed u siġġijiet mhux fissi se jitqiegħdu barra wara l‑balavostri għoljin tal‑knisja skont l-applikazzjoni oriġinali.”- Arċidjoċesi ta’Malta
L-ħsieb oriġinali kien li jintuża spazzju eżiżtenti sabiex jitbiddel f’kafetterija aċċessibli ghal-parruċċani u viżitaturi. L-kafetterija nnifisha tagħmel parti minn proġett akbar li jinkludi mużew u interpretation centre. https://timesofmalta.com/article/paola-parish-priest-withdraw-eatery-plans-prime-minister-says.1091032
Proġett similari sar f’Bażilika ta San Pietru ġewwa Ruma.
“hemm pjanijiet biex din il-parti tal-bażilika tibda tkun aċċessibbli bħala attrazzjoni turistika bl-installazzjoni ta’ viewing platform” – Massimo Axisa
Barra l-qbil li tinħoloq l-idea ta kafetterija, kien hemm qbil ieħor sabiex “l-installazjoni ta viewing platform” tkun fil-ġenb tal-knisja, aċċessibli ghal-pubbliku.
“Il‑kampnar u l‑portiku tal‑Bażilika ta’ Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid se jibbenefikaw minn finanzjament ta’ €400,000 mill-Gvern”  “sabiex isiru t-tiswijiet u r-restawr neċessarju fil-parti ta’ fuq tal-bażilika permezz tal-entitajiet Komunità Malta u l-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti rispettivament.”
Fis-16 ta’ April Mark Laurence mar iżur il-bażilika mal-kappilan sabiex jispejga fid-dettal l-idea tiegħu. L-kappilan jsosstni illi “fuq is-saqaf tal-portiku lanqas qieghed fuq is-saqaf tal-knisja”
Ġewwa l-kampnar hemm 12-il kamra u huwa pjanat li jsir “vertical museum”, Kull kamra ddedikata għal tema differenti.
Fil-filmat Fr Marc Andre Camilleri jitkellem kif dan il-proġett m’huwiex jtellef mill-qdusija tal-knisja u huwa biss proġett li qiegħed juża’ t-tempju t’Alla sabiex jieħu ħsieb il-kommunita’ u huwa importanti li dan “t-tempju” nieħdu ħsiebu. “Qiegħed nisraq lil xi ħadd?” wieġeb Fr Marc meta ġie mistoqsi “Inti qiegħed tagħmel id-dar t’Alla dar tal-ħallelin, ma tħossx li vera din?”
Fil-filmat jwieġeb l-kritika tan-nies rigward il-veduta, juri viżwalment il-veduta, li ħa tkun aċċessibbli għall-pubbliku, tagħti għall-ħafna postijiet madwar Malta bħal Ħal-Luqa, L-Imdina u diversi iktar.
“Ma jidhirlix li l-Mulej ħa jieħu għalih”
“Kieku nista niftaħ l-knisja għal-tnax-il siegħa” “free of charge”
Fr Marc jitkellem fuq l-opinjoni tal-PM u jgħid li m’huwiex ħa jieqaf issa għaliex ilhom 10 snin għaddejjin biex jsebbħu l-knisja (mis-16 ta’ April 2024)
“Il-proġett jipproponi wkoll pjan terran u kmamar għall-użu pastorali, li se joffru spazju għad-diversi gruppi ta’ tfal, żgħażagħ, adulti u anzjani li jiffurmaw il-komunità parrokkjali” TVM News April 14 https://tvmnews.mt/news/il-knisja-trid-tiftah-kafetterija-fuq-il-bejt-tal-bazilika-ta-rahal-gdid/
Franco Debono ma jaqbilx mal-idea u tefa diversi posts fuq il-midja soċjali fosthom b’diska ta Faithless bl-isem ta “God Is a DJ” bil-kumment tiegħu jgħid li din għandha tkun id-diska
uffiċċjali tal-Knisja ta’ Raħal Ġdid”. https://lovinmalta.com/malta/unbelievable-but-true-franco-debono-reacts-to-plans-to-build-rooftop-cafeteria-in-paola-church/
Filmat Lovin Malta intervista ma Fr Marc isosstni li xejn m’hu ser jinbena fuq il-knisja. Semma wkoll li fost dawk it-tnax -il kamra jaf ikun hemm xi ftit minnhom użati għal lezzjonijiet tal-katekiżmu.
L-kafetterija hija biss parti żgħira minn proġett kbir.
Siġġijiet u mwejjed mhux fissi fuq is-saqaf tal-portiku.
Dettalji tal-applikazzjoni: https://www.pa.org.mt/pacasedetails?CaseType=PA/02260/24
Lovin Malta ħadu l-interess li jistaqsu lil ChatGPT sabiex jikrea ismijiet li jistgħu jkunu ta’ użu għall-kafetterija.
L-ewwel permess Class 4D
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It-tieni permess Class 4C (TIBBDIL FIL-KLASSI) :
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14 ta’ April:
Times of Malta-
Paola parish seeks permit for eatery atop of church, Curia says it's a cafeteria
Paola Parish clarifies: No plans for roof restaurant, only small cafeteria
Malta Independent-
No restaurant, just a cafeteria on roof of Paola parish church, Curia says
Il-Knisja trid tiftaħ kafetterija fuq il-bejt tal-Bażilika ta’ Raħal Ġdid
15 ta’ April:
Times of Malta-
PM urges Paola parish to drop eatery plans, Curia says they are being amended
Arċidjoċesi ta'Malta-
L-applikazzjoni emendata għal kafetterija fil-parroċċa ta’ Raħal Ġdid teskludi tisjir fuq il-post
Lovin' Malta-
‘Unbelievable But True’: Franco Debono Reacts To Plans To Build Rooftop Cafeteria In Paola Church
Lovin Malta-
‘Is-Sky Lounge Ta’ Kristu Re’: We Asked ChatGPT To Suggest Names For Paola Church Rooftop Cafeteria
16 ta’ April:
Times of Malta-
Watch: ‘I don’t think God will be offended’ - Paola priest shows café plans
18 ta’ April:
Lovin Malta-
27 ta’ Lulju:
Times of Malta-
Paola church drops plans for rooftop café after securing funding for restoration
Il‑Parroċċa ta’ Raħal Ġdid b’finanzjament mill-Gvern għar-restawr urġenti tal-Bażilika
“Ma jidhirlix li l-Mulej ħa jieħu għalih”- Il-Kappillan ta’ Raħal Ġdid  
Kif qed jiżvolġi il-proġett tal-Knisja ta’ Raħal Ġdid.
“Qatt ma kien hemm il-ħsieb li jkun hemm ristorant fuq il-bejt tal-knisja” jwieġeb Fr Marc Andre Camilleri wara l-kontroversji li nħalqu dwar il-proġett tal-Knisja ta’ Raħal Ġdid.
Fl-14 ta’ April 2024 jitħarġu pubblikament l-pjanijiet ta’ dan l-proġett li jinvolvi kmamar bħala mużew b’temi differenti, kafetterija (Klassi 4D), observation deck kif wkoll ħanut tas-souvenirs. Fost dawn l-pjanijiet, l-iktar li spikkat kienet il-kafetterija li ħolqot diversi opinjonijiet mil-pubbliku fuq il-midja soċjali. Times of Malta ddettaljat illi kafetterija ta’Klassi 4D turi li “Dan it-tip ta' permess jippermetti l-preparazzjoni u l-bejgħ ta' ikel u xorb sħun u kiesaħ, kif ukoll tisjir, u huwa t-tip ta' permess attribwit għar-ristoranti.”. Madankollu l-Kurja nsistiet xorta waħda illi “l-intenzjoni tal-Parroċċa hija li tuża kamra f’wieħed mill-kampnari eżistenti bħala kafetterija żgħira għall-parruċċani u l-viżitaturi.”
Id-diversi artikli li ntħarġu minn pjattaformi u organizzazzjonijiet differenti dwar dan n-nuqqas ta’ ftehim, irriżulta li Fr Marc Andre Camilleri u l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta sabu kompromess sabiex titbiddel il liċenzja minn Klassi 4D għal dik 4C li “ma tippermettix li jsir tisjir fuq il‑post.”, jiktbu L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta li ħadu din d-de��iżjoni “biex telimina aktar spekulazzjoni u ideat żbaljati” .
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L-Prim Ministru Robert Abela nnifsu jitkellem f’intervista ma Times of Malta waqt li juri nuqqas ta’ qbil mal-permess tal applikazzjoni, fi kliemu jgħid li l-knejjes “m’għandhomx jiġu rrovinati b dawn it-tip ta applikazzjonijiet”.
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L-Avukat Franco Debono lanqas ma qabel ma dan il-proġett, tant li tefa posts jirredikolha dan il-proġett b’mod speċifiku billi jsemmi d-diska “God is a DJ” ta’ Faithless u ikkummenta li din hi “Id-diska uffiċċjali tal-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Raħal Ġdid”. Fis-16 ta’ April 2024 l-ġurnalist Mark Laurence minn Times of Malta żar il-bażilika waqt intervista ma Fr Marc Andre Camilleri li kellu l-opportunita’ sabiex jispjega iktar fid-dettal l-proġett billi juri viżwalment l-postijiet speċifiċi li ħa jkunu qegħdin jiġu rrestawrati maż-żmien.
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Ħafna mil-pubbliku rreferew għas-silta tal-Evanġelju fejn Ġesù’ jaqleb l-imwejjed tal-bejjiegħa ħdejn it-tempju, sabiex juru l-idea tagħhom ta kif Alla għandu jirreaġixxi għall-proġett bħal dan, madankollu Fr Marc iwieġeb “Ma jidhirlix li l-Mulej ħa jieħu għalih għaliex dan it-tempju huwa mibni għall-unur tiegħu biex iservi l-kommunitá ” b’hekk mhux ħa jtellef il-qdusija tal-knisja .F’diversi rapportiil-kappillan jssostni illi s-siġġijiet u l-imwejjed m’humiex ser ikunu fuq is-saqaf tal-knisja ‘żda fuq is-saqaf tal-portiku b’siġġijiet u mwejjed mhux fissi kif wkoll l-ebda struttura m’hi pjanata li tiżdied sabiex tinżamm l-valur tal-estetika tal-knisja mingħajr ebda impatti negattivi lejha.
Il-Kurja tenfasizza illi l-kafetterija hija biss parti żgħira minn proġett ħafna akbar, storiku u turistiku sabiex l-knisja tiġi apprezzata iżjed. It-tnax-il kamra li hemm fil-kampnar imsejħin li jkollhom għanjiet differenti; ftit minnhom “veritcal museums”, hekk kif sejħilhom Fr Marc, b’temijiet differenti u l-bqija ser ikunu spazji ddedikati għan-nies tal-paroċċa b’etajiet differenti sabiex jkun hemm it-tgħalim tal-katekiżmu.
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Fl-intervista ma Times of Malta, Fr Marc juri il-veduta li tidher mill-ispazju li hu pjanat li jkun l-observation deck sabiex jirrispondi l-kritiki tan-nies rigward l-veduta limitata għal “ħabs u ċimiterju”, hekk kif intqal minn-nies. L-filmat juri l-veduta filwaqt li Fr Marc jsemmi u juri d-diversi rħula u bliet li jidhru mil-post bħal “L-Imdina, Ħal-Luqa, San Ġiljan.....kollox jidher minn hawn” jghid Fr Marc Andre Camilleri.
Fis-27 ta’Lulju TVM news iħabbar illi “Il‑kampnar u l‑portiku tal‑Bażilika ta’ Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid se jibbenefikaw minn finanzjament ta’ €400,000 mill-Gvern.” Fil-kumplament tar-rapport niskopru illi dawn il-finanzi mħabbrin mil-ministru Owen Bonniċi Byron Camilleri kif ukoll mill-kappillan ta’ Raħal Ġdid, ser jgħinu “sabiex isiru t-tiswijiet u r-restawr neċessarju fil-parti ta’ fuq tal-bażilika permezz tal-entitajiet Komunità Malta u l-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti rispettivament.” Fl-istess jum Times Of Malta jiktbu li l-proġett huwa ttamat li jkun komplut fl-2025.
Mistoqsijiet possibli għal Vox pop:
Taħseb li din il-kafetterija ħa tiġbed lil ġenerazzjonijiet iżjed lejn il-knisja?
X’taħseb fuq lidea tal kafeterija?.. Għaliex?
Kieku tagħmel użu minn din il-kafetterija?
Għandek interess li eventwalment iżżur l-mużew malli jitlesta l-proġett?
Taħseb li wara dan il proġett għandhom jiftħu iżjed bħalhom madwar irħula oħra f’Malta?
Postijiet ta’ Interess:
Raħal Ġdid ħa jkun il post prinċipali fejn ħa nsaqsu il-mistoqsijiet tal-Vox pop minħabba li il-kafetterija ħa tinfetaħ hemm.
Apparti Raħal Ġdid ħa nmorru ukoll il-Belt Valletta biex naraw kieku dan il-proġett kellu isir ġo irħula oħra, b’hekk inkunu nafu perspettivi oħra ukoll.
Valletta: Bħala ħinijiet tal-iffilmjar ħa nmorru bejn is-siegħa u l-erbgħa, ħabba li dawk il-ħinijiet ikun hemm min irid imur jixtri x’jiekol jew inkella ikun hemm min qiegħed jaqdi il qadi ta’ wara ix-xogħol. B’hekk insibu varjeta ta eta’.
Raħal Ġdid- Wara l-ħin tal-quddiesa tal- 8:30/10:00 AM
L-equipment li ħa nużaw:
SD cards
USB-C Microphone
Tascam recorder
Ħabba li hija diffiċli biex issaqsi lil kull persuna biex jiffirmaw il-karti tal-kunsens, qabel ma nibdew il-mistoqsijiet tal-Vox pop ħa nistaqsuhom għall-kunsens verbali li ħa jkun irrekordjat għal provi.
Udjenza li qed nimmiraw għaliha:
Minħabba li r-rapport normalment tiġi imtella’ fuq il medja socjali bħala grupp ta’ udjenza qegħdin nimmiraw għal nies li joqgħodu fil-viċininanzi.
Archdiocese of Malta. (2024). Amended Paola parish cafeteria application rules out cooking on premises. [online] Available at: https://church.mt/amended-paola-parish-cafeteria-application-rules-out-cooking-on-premises/.
Arena, J. (2024a). Paola church drops plans for rooftop café after securing funding for restoration. [online] Times of Malta. Available at: https://timesofmalta.com/article/paola-church-drops-plans-rooftop-cafe-securing-funding-restoration.1095954.
Arena, J. (2024b). Paola parish seeks permit for eatery atop of church, Curia says it’s a cafeteria. [online] Times of Malta. Available at: https://timesofmalta.com/article/paola-parish-wants-eatery-top-church-roof.1090987.
Galea, C. (2024). ‘Is-Sky Lounge Ta’ Kristu Re’: We Asked ChatGPT To Suggest Names For Paola Church Rooftop Cafeteria. [online] Lovin Malta. Available at: https://lovinmalta.com/humour/is-sky-lounge-ta-kristu-re-we-asked-chatgpt-to-suggest-names-fors-paola-church-rooftop-cafeteria/.
Independent.com.mt. (2024). No restaurant, just a cafeteria on roof of Paola parish church, Curia says - The Malta Independent. [online] Available at: https://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2024-04-14/local-news/No-restaurant-just-a-cafeteria-on-roof-of-Paola-parish-church-Curia-says-6736260218.
Jurgen Balzan (2024). Paola Parish clarifies: No plans for roof restaurant, only small cafeteria. [online] Newsbook. Available at: https://newsbook.com.mt/en/paola-parish-clarifies-no-plans-for-roof-restaurant-only-small-cafeteria/.
L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta . (2024). L-applikazzjoni emendata għal kafetterija fil-parroċċa ta’ Raħal Ġdid teskludi tisjir fuq il-post. [online] Available at: https://knisja.mt/l-applikazzjoni-emendata-ghal-kafetterija-fil-parrocca-ta-rahal-gdid-teskludi-tisjir-fuq-il-post/?_ga=2.20813816.1512547125.1734197854-1039669133.1734197854.
Lovin' Malta (2024). [online] Tiktok.com. Available at: https://www.tiktok.com/@lovinmaltaofficial/video/7359152052297026849.
Massimo Axisa (2024). IlParroċċa ta’ Raħal Ġdid b’finanzjament mill-Gvern għar-restawr urġenti tal-Bażilika. [online] TVMnews.mt. Available at: https://tvmnews.mt/news/il%E2%80%91parrocca-ta-rahal-gdid-bfinanzjament-mill-gvern-ghar-restawr-urgenti-tal-bazilika-2/.
Planning Authority. (2023). Planning Authority - PA Case Details. [online] Available at: https://www.pa.org.mt/pacasedetails?CaseType=PA/02260/24.
Tortell, A. (2024). ‘Unbelievable But True’: Franco Debono Reacts To Plans To Build Rooftop Cafeteria In Paola Church. [online] Lovin Malta. Available at: https://lovinmalta.com/malta/unbelievable-but-true-franco-debono-reacts-to-plans-to-build-rooftop-cafeteria-in-paola-church/.
TVM Newsroom (2024). Il-Knisja trid tiftaħ kafetterija fuq il-bejt tal-Bażilika ta’ Raħal Ġdid. [online] TVMnews.mt. Available at: https://tvmnews.mt/news/il-knisja-trid-tiftah-kafetterija-fuq-il-bejt-tal-bazilika-ta-rahal-gdid/.
Zammit, M.L. (2024a). PM urges Paola parish to drop eatery plans, Curia says they are being amended. [online] Times of Malta. Available at: https://timesofmalta.com/article/paola-parish-priest-withdraw-eatery-plans-prime-minister-says.1091032.
Zammit, M.L. (2024b). Watch: ‘I don’t think God will be offended’ - Paola priest shows café plans. [online] Times of Malta. Available at: https://timesofmalta.com/article/watch-i-don-t-think-god-offended-paola-priest-shows-cafe-plans.1091076 .
0 notes
m39 · 4 months ago
Decade of DOOMstruction(2000s): 1 map WADs (source port)
If you thought that there weren’t enough WADs to talk about previously, don’t worry. We have 4 times more of these today. And, oh boy… We are off with a bang.
2000 – CHORD 3
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As in, the difficult type of a bang, the conclusion to the Chord series has a high chance to kick your ass. Unfortunately, by the end of 2000s standards, it’s closer to the cheap difficulty, with traps surrounding you with enemies, BEING surrounded by enemies at the start (at least there are no hitscanners at the start), the environment usually being against you, starving amounts of ammo until the end of the map, and the less we talk about the bullshit galore of the ending, the better.
I think I might have been more masochistic in the past since I found this map easier with my first review; probably because I found cheap stuff more acceptable and now I got more rusty.
Nonetheless, it’s still a fine map. I still recommend giving it a shot, even though the cheapness of this map might sour your experience with it. Don’t try it on UV when playing blind.
2001 – VRACK 2
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This map, on the other hand, felt easier than the last time I played it. Sure, there are over 550 enemies on HMP, but on the other hand, you get a lot of rockets to use, and it doesn’t feel as cheap as the previous map; I’m not even mentioning how some of the secrets trivialize some of the harder moments of the map.
It still looks kind of impressive for a space station from a 2001 WAD. And it was less confusing than during my review of it (probably because I had a secrets guide I made for myself).
It might be an over-two decades-old fossil of a map, but it’s still a good map worth checking out.
2002 – RUMA
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While Espi is still fondly remembered by the Doom community even to this day, and even after being dead for 15 years, I’m not really that fond of the decisions he made with his WADs.
Starting with this map, for instance, where the hardest thing to survive is not the small barrage of barons and revenants near the end, but the new sound effects. The pea shooter now sounding like an actual pea shooter, the profanation that is the super slapgun, and the horribly bitcrushed explosion from another game I don’t recognize which, makes me want to play this map muted.
Other than that, it’s still a good map in other parts of it. Sure, the army of zombiemen going down the hallway near the starting area is a bit much, but it’s not a hard map, and by the early 2000s, it looks neat. I think I might appreciate this map slightly more than the last time I played it since it doesn’t try to make unwanted gimmicks over the cost of fun.
If you think you can survive the new sound effects, go ahead and play this map. I don’t think it will disappoint you.
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It’s kind of hilarious how the author of this map would made the foundation for the Doom+2 port released this year.
As for this map, though? It’s basically one of those tech demos to see what ZDoom can do. My opinion on it doesn’t really change. Annoying? Sure. But it’s less annoying than some of the other tech demos of its time. You can give it a pass.
2004 – GROVE
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Trees that block your every move. Darker than a baboon’s arsehole. Irritatingly cryptic in some places. Forces you to do things in a certain way to not rip your remaining hairs out. These are some of the elements that plague this map. A map that should fall apart, and yet it fits in many places.
It’s a marvel for eyes and ears, the atmosphere might be one of its kind, and despite ammo-starving you, you will still have enough ammo to kill all enemies if you know where to look.
This is a map only a madman with the mind of B.P.R.D. could understand 100%. Even though I still like it to some degree, it’s without a doubt one of the most polarizing maps in the WAD community. And yet, I still recommend you play it, if only for the sheer curiosity.
Check the bookcases in the house near the start.
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This might be the best map in this category’s roster by far.
Not overly cryptic. Challenging but not going too far. Atmospheric. Good use of Doom 64’s sound effects. No hitscanners whatsoever.
It’s a really solid map worth trying out. It might have some sound glitches, and the starting area kind of reeks of bullshit, but hey, nothing is perfect. You won’t be disappointed with this one.
2006 – ONIRIA
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Another great and fun map to play.
I don’t know how, but I think I enjoyed this map more than the last time I played it. Like Grove, it is one of the more unique experiences of playing Doom WADs, but at the same time, it is much, MUCH less polarizing than that map. Somehow trying to wake up from a monochromatic dream full of skulls to collect became one of the best 2000s WADs to play. And it’s a crime that it isn’t as remembered as the other maps from the roster.
Go ahead and play it. I 100% recommend checking this map.
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Three great maps to play in a row, people. And the second one without hitscanners.
It slightly spices up the gameplay by nerfing cacos and lost souls… and plasma gun as well (SHIT), but aside from that, it’s a rather standard, but fun map to play. It might be cheap in some places, but aside from one secret that forces straferunning and the trial-and-error guessing game with the yellow key, this map wasn’t that cheap. It’s not that hard either. And it’s pretty fun to look at when it comes to its architecture and scale.
This map will not disappoint you either.
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We end today’s roster with a little bit of a letdown (when compared to the previous three maps).
On its own, it is still a fun map to play; it has some interesting things to do, like picking up a pickaxe to unlock one of the secrets (and that pickaxe is not a sprite), but aside from that, it’s rather standard. Nothing else really sticks out aside from some cool locations.
Still, worth checking out.
I believe the maps from 2005 to 2007 deserve the title of the best WAD of the decade. It’s like every element of each map snapped in the right place. Only one of them will get this title, though. And I believe that Oniria deserves the second One Man Army award for the best one-map WAD of the decade. The reason for its win is basically the same one why it was named one of the best WADs of 2006 – it stands out from both AoE and SotD.
That doesn’t mean that Altar of Evil and Songs of the Damned are left with nothing. I’m naming both of them runners-up in this category… along with Grove. I might be biased with the latter one, but look, despite its polarizing ideas, it should be at least recognized.
And that’s all for the one-map WADs. Stay tuned in the future folks. The time between each part will only get longer… probably.
0 notes
shuvva · 9 months ago
One of my favorite Ruma/Jazz commonalities is when they both go so hard with a specific aesthetic that ties them to the genre that they're most influenced by, and then you zoom out to reveal that they're literally the only weirdo dressed this way and everyone else in this Target is just wearing T-shirts and pants.
0 notes
warukunaimirai · 2 years ago
Tonight at a Jazz Bar ♦ A Quartet of Freedom and Passion | Episode 4 「Forming A Jazz Band」
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The next day
Night: Pardon the intrusion. Wow, so this is your lab, huh…!
Nobel: Welcome, Night. I know this was sudden but I hope you can make yourself feel at home.
Ruma: Let’s begin by giving you some time to settle in. Ein, could you bring him some tea?
Einsatz: Understood. It will be a short wait, Night-san.
Night: T-That’s fine! —So uh, you wanted me to play the trumpet in your jazz band, right?
Alto: Yes, thank you for coming by. No matter how much thought I gave it, I couldn’t imagine anyone that would be a better fit than you, Night.
Night: Ahaha, I'm honoured! I’m glad you decided to rely on me.
Nobel: But…are you completely sure this is okay? You’re rather busy, yes?
Ruma: Certainly. Not only must you deal with the duties of a top climber, but there's also that bar you manage too…
Night: That won’t be a problem. I plan on gathering information too so it’ll be like killing two birds with one stone.
Alto: Gathering information?
Night: To be honest, I’ve been intrigued by jazz for sometime now and I’ve been thinking about taking the time to properly learn more about it.
Helping you guys out also gives me the opportunity to actually experience it for myself, so Kite and Light were more than happy for me to come and lend a hand! 
Nobel: Is that so? In that case, I’m sure putting your skills into practice with a performance will prove to be wonderful material.
Night: Plus, you guys have been so much help to us so I’ve been wanting to return the favour in some way.
Ruma: Hahaha, “return the favour,” you say? That sounds like a very delightful offer. It would be wonderful to rely on you.
Alto: You’re really helping us out here…! We’re counting on you, Night.
Night: Of course!
Einsatz: Thank you for waiting. Here you are.
Night: Thank you, it looks delicious…anyway, how are we going about this? Where should we get started?
Nobel: Let’s begin with inputting. It may be easy to remember the methods of a performance by installing a program, however…
More than anything, I want you to understand the delightfulness of jazz. Let’s begin by wiping our minds of troublesome matters, and experience the pure enjoyment that jazz masterpieces have to offer.
⋆ ♦ ⋆
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Night: …
They were all incredible…! Especially the first song!
I mean, the way it jumped from that immersive piano solo into a melody in an instant! I had no idea there were songs this wonderful out there…!
Nobel: It’s one of the most famed piano jazz songs of them all. The timbre of a piano played by the hands of an illustrious figure has the grandeur and stability akin to that of an ancient tree.
Ruma: I found that this song was to my liking. It was brimming with joy and elation. It felt to me like celebrating the first steps of a new journey.
Nobel: I completely understand what you mean. I’m sure those from far in the past would associate this song with the scenery they’d see from the window of a railway train.
Einsatz: …
Nobel: Ein. Did you have a favourite song?
Einsatz: …My apologies, I was analysing the sound patterns. I aim to understand the roles of the instruments within the composition and to formulate the logic of performing. 
However, without listening through the lenses of analysis…this song, for example, exceeded my expectations with its complexity and intricacy.
Nobel: I agree, the timbre of this song is quite complex. Despite that, it carries a feeling of nostalgia and sentimentality, like touching an old scar.
Ein, to be able to connect with this further proves that your “kokoro” is developing wonderfully.
Einsatz: It’s an honour to receive your praise.
Alto: (Nobel-san is full of energy. He must be having fun…)
Nobel: Now then, gentlemen. So far, we’ve delved into the famous songs—or the “standard numbers” as they’re also called…
Moving forward, I’d like for you to listen to a selection that’s a little more geared towards the fanatics. Is that alright?
Now then, let’s proceed. Focus and listen closely—
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elifeayurveda · 6 months ago
Experience Natural Joint Relief with Ruma T Ayurvedic Capsules
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sweetheartmagic · 5 months ago
ty for tag!
s - slim - mindless self indulgence
w - white knuckle girl (where do you get off?) - will wood
e - everybody wants to rule the world - tears for fears
e - everything at once - lenka
t - tear you apart - she wants revenge
h - hearts and crosses - heavenly
e - euthanasia - will wood
a - american healthcare - penelope scott
r - RUMA - kairikibear
t - tornado - mindless self indulgence
m - megalomaniac - KMFDM
a - anarchy - KMFDM
g - ginger claps - machine girl
i - i could stay away forever - snow patrol
c - chick habit - april march
@chainsawgirlfriend you might think this is fun uhh. I'm sorry if you don't LOL. Too shy to tag anyone else
rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people (if you can):
tagged by @sapphire-to-the-rain !!
cell block tango
little lotte / the mirror
eat your young
aristos achaion
ruler of my heart
o’ icarus
death respect
lower one’s eyes
everything goes on
sign of the times
stop this flame
killer queen
yume no kanata
i’m not even going to try to tag my url lmao
@sneebl @glcive @pinkrosylux @catinasink + open
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sugarstarlights · 5 years ago
you know what salso brain drowning? Dubstep.
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herawell · 5 years ago
Would you ever write about Ruma confronting Sugriva about him fleeing after Vali came back from the cave, how he left her behind or the aftermath of it?
In my headcanon, Sugriva was in desperate fear for his life and fled on the spot with no time to prepare or take Ruma. He also thought Vali was still reeling from his near-death experience, however, and thought that he would calm down given some time, so he wasn’t afraid for Ruma at first. Vali and Ruma had always enjoyed a good if distant relationship, so he didn’t think Vali would take his anger out on her. It was only later, when the assassination attempts began and he heard about Vali imprisoning Ruma, that he realized how wrong he’d been. 
Because of this, Ruma doesn’t hold it against him, although after her ordeal, she is too traumatized to really communicate with Sugriva properly, and their relationship suffers because of it. (You can read more about my interpretation of Ruma’s struggle in my fic Aksepya here, although do heed the warnings.)
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churlfriend · 3 years ago
yeah i support LGBT
L eyawiin G vatch B ruma T he Imperial City
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pukanavis · 3 years ago
Nobel Memory Story “Cherished Music” Part 3
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Nobel: This is my collection. It’s a list of all the songs I’ve collected up to this point.
Alto: W-Woah…! That’s incredible…how many songs do you have?
Nobel: Hmm…I’ve never counted before. I’d say about ten thousand songs.
Alto: T-Ten thousand…!?
Nobel: Aside from that, I also have some CDs and records up on that shelf there.
There are many with poor sound sources so I must use a player when I wish to listen to those ones.
Alto: Wow…! I had no idea your collection was this extensive. It’s like a museum.
Nobel: A museum? I guess you could call it that. I suppose my love for this is so intense that it’s simply just turned out this way.
Alto: Could we listen to some of the songs?
Nobel: Of course. I hope you don’t mind if I choose.
Alto: Sure, go ahead.
Nobel: Let’s see…
Alto: Ah…this song was playing at the restaurant we were at earlier.
Nobel: Indeed. Although, this one is performed by different people and thus has a slightly different arrangement, doesn’t it?
Alto: Yeah. This is like a completely different song.
Nobel: …Here. Isn’t this swing simply amazing?
It makes you feel as if you’re floating beneath the water’s surface, doesn’t it?
♡ ♡ ♡
Alto: …This is another entirely different tune from the previous one.
Nobel: Certainly. If the last song held the image of the morning, this one carries the melody of the night.
Listening to it like this makes me feel as if I'm blanketed by the tranquillity of the night.
The light cast by a crescented moon, the glistening stars…
That’s the type of scene painted in my mind when I listen to this song.
Alto: (...That’s rather poetic. It almost slipped my mind that Nobel-san is an android.)
(The development of his “kokoro” is one of the finest I’ve ever come across.)
Nobel: …This is a special occasion so I put some songs on a drive for you.
It’s a collection of my recommendations, particularly ones that I’m especially fond of.
Alto: Thank you very much! I’ll listen to them thoroughly and learn what I can.
Nobel: You don’t need to treat it so formally. As I’m sure you know, music is about “enjoying the sound”.
So all you need to do is listen to the songs and see whether you like them or if you enjoy listening to them.
Alto: Oh…I see.
Ruma: I’ve returned.
Alto: Ah, welcome back, Ruma-san. Don’t mind me.
Nobel: Welcome back, Ruma…ah, is it that late already?
Alto: Huh? …Ah, no way! I’m sorry for staying this late.
Ruma: The time slipped by even for me. So, how was your day?
Alto: I had a lot of fun! I learned a lot of new things. It was a very valuable experience.
Nobel: I’m glad to hear it. It was a splendid day off for me as well. Thank you, Doctor.
Alto: Ah, but…
We talked about a number of things and I got to learn a lot from you, so…
If it’s alright, I’d like you to get to know me better next time.
Nobel: Fufu, I see. I’m looking forward to the next opportunity that arises.
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veale2006-blog · 3 years ago
● Hillary Clinton
● Bill Clinton
● George Nader (businessman)
● Huma Aberdin
● Laura Silsby
● Rachel Chandler
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● John Podesta
● Michael Podesta
● James Alefantis
● Anthony Wiener
● Leslie Wexner (president of Limited Inc)
● Herbert Strauss
● Isidor Strauss
● Martin A. Nowak
● Steven Spielberg
● Edgar Bronfman Sr. (president of Seagram)
● Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)
● Michael Steinhardt (former hedge fund manager)
● Sara Bronfman
● Clare Bronfman
● Niles Lehman (Profesor de Portland Universidad Estatal)
● Seth Roger
● Ruth Ginsberg
● Alison Mack
● Rachel Chandler
● Robert Maxwell
● Wendi Murdoch
● Jonathan Cheban
● Naomi Campbell
● Maximiliam Futter
● Val Kilmer
● Marina Abramovic
● Steven Spielberg
● Kevin Spacey
● Alison Mac
● Marc Collins-Principal (Den Founder)
● Chad Shackley
● Brock Pierce
● David Geffen
● Tom Hanks
● Dustin Hoffman
● Andrew Kreisberg (American television writer) , producer)
● Bryan Singer
Harvey Weinstein
● Bob Weinstein
● Roman Polanski
● Ruma Hazard
Charlie Sheen
● Madonna
● Kate Perry
Miley Cyrus
Errol Flynn
● Billy Graham
● Walt Disney
● Michael Laney (former vice president of Walt Disney)
● James Gunn (Disney)
● Heidi Fleiss
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Alison Mack
● Stormy Daniels
● Rachel Chandler
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Chris Tucker
● Larry Summers
● Lisa Summers
● Bill Murray
Bill Hammond
Ehud Barak
● Andrés Pastrana (former president of Colombia 1998-2002)
● Jean Luc Brunel
● Doug Band
● Ron Burkle
● Woody Allen
● Sarah Kellen
Ray Barzanna
Sandy Burger
● Andrea Mitrovitch
● Peter Marino
● Shelley Lewis
● Paul Hala (t) (d) a
● Richardo Legoretta
● Tom Pritzker
● Kelly Spamm
● Tiffany Gramza
● Claire Hazel
● Paula Epstein
● Mark Epstein
● Ralph Elison
Sophie Biddle
Audrey Raimbault
● Shelley Harrison
● Melinda Luntz
● Gwendolyn Beck
Albert Pinto
● Linda Pinto
Gary Roxburgh
Mandy Elison
Jean Michelle Gathy
● Virginia Roberts
● Kristy Rodgers (Kristina Real Rodgers)
● Greg Holbert
● Alyssa Rodgers
● Juliette Bryant
● Heather Mann
● Ed Tuttle
Glen Dubin
● Ellen Spencer
● Chris Wagner
● Casey Wasserman
● Laura Wasserman
Paul Mellon
Oliver Sachs
● Henry Rosovsky
● Lynn Forester (de Rothschild)
● Joe Pagano
● Naomi Campbell
● Nicole Junkermann
● Rodney Slater
● Magali Blachon (Deperrier)
● Svetlana Griaznova
● Emmy Tayler
● Larry Visoski
● Teala Davies
● Juan (Pablo) Molyneux
● Freya Willemoes) Wissing
● Adam Perry Lang
● Fleur Perry Lang
● Caren Casey
● Hank Coller
● Cindy López
● Mark Lloyd
● Alan Dershowitz
● Seth Green
● James Gunn
● Steven Spielberg
● Tom Hanks
● Steven Colbert
● Jimmy Kimmel
Barack Obama
Kevin Spacey
Kathy Griffin
Oprah Winfrey
Shawn Carter
Beyoncé Knowles
Anthony Kiedis
● John Legend
Chrissy Tiegen
Jim Carrey
● Steven Tyler
● Ben Affleck
● Stephen Collins
● Will Ferrell
● Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon)
● Marshall Affairs
● Jeffrey Jones
● Victor Salva
● Mark Collins Principal
● Charlie Sheen
● Tyler Grasham
Madonna Ciccone
● Katheryn Hudson
● Gwen Stefani
● Stefani Germanotta
● James Franco
● Will Smith
● Justin Roland
● John Cusack
● Anderson Cooper
● Demi Moore
● Brian Affleck
Meryl Streep
● Wanda Sykes
● Chelsea Handler
● Michelle Wolf
● David Yarovesky
Pharrell Williams
Quentin Tarantino
● Courtney Love
● Alec Baldwin
● Robert Downey Jr.
● Disney Corporation (Offers children "scuba diving" trips to Epstein Island).
Epstein flight registration documents
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