#rum fic rec
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decayingpizza · 4 months ago
AHHHHHH! My very first fic I read that started my Kid Pirate obsession. If this blog magically becomes viral one day (heh 😏😆🙄) I want you to know that A Barrel of Rum by @honeyshiddendesire sparked it's conception.
The second fic I read was Rotation by @standfucker 😏
I mean, just 🤌🏽 come on now.
Barrel of Rum
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Plot with porn lol reader gets slapped like once but not by Kidd, Smut, praise and degradation kink,choking, overstimulation, big dick Kidd, he’s a hoe in this trying to fuck away his feelings for you, fingering, penetration (female receiving), dirty talk, d.f user reader, slight mentions of a dark past but nothing heinous, pet names (Kidd calls you Ruby) mean and soft Kidd smut,
Words: 6,500+ Pairing: Eustass Kidd x female reader
Summary: Finding you chained in a barrel of rum wasn’t something Kidd expected after raiding an enemy ship but what was even crazier was that he fell for you- hard! You were more than a diamond in the rough, you were a red ruby in his simple scrap metal world and he didn’t know what to do about that.
Author’s Notes: There will be continuations of this story but not in the way you all think lol
Reader's Aesthetic
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Kidd took pity on you after raiding a random pirate crew, finding you sticky and chained up in a barrel of rum in tattered clothing. Not knowing what you were capable of he just made you clean up on the ship like some kind of maid but you didn’t care it’s not like you were gonna return to your home island any time soon anyways. You stayed silent never speaking unless spoken to, quiet like a little mouse sometimes he forgot you even existed. He gave you one of his shirts he never wore and a pair of sweatpants, you drowned in them but once again it never bothered you. You got free protection, no one harassed you, and you ate for free while sailing the sea.
The moment you caught his eye was when he left you after docking on some random island, rival pirates shooting out canons in an instance upon the sight of the Victoria Punk. He didn’t know you had powers, you never used them for anything since you were basically the maid and knew the crew could handle themselves well. But that day was different as all of Kidd’s usual muscle was out strolling the spoils that the island had to offer.
When they arrived the next morning they discovered the leftover crewmates unconscious from a sleeping gas that had no effect on you, meaning you were defending the ship single handedly. A cannon flying directly at you exploded causing a smoke screen that had Kidd’s heart nearly drop but when the smoke cleared he was astonished to see you unaffected. A wall of what looked like ruby was in front of you before encasing the entire ship like a brilliant shield as you fired back cannons. The enemy's ship finally sinks into the water after hours of you shooting at them, your clothes tattered and breath heaving from exhaustion. Killer and the others ran towards the ship while Kidd made a metal bridge right towards you, catching you as you finally collapsed from exertion.
“D-did I…Did I do good?” You barely breathed out as he caught you in his arms, your eyes drifting shut slightly making him blurry. “Yeah- yeah you did. I gotcha now.” Kidd mumbled as he picked you up and took you to his quarters, stopping to shout a command at the rest of his crew. “Whatever bastards you can fish out of the water leave them to me.”
After that day he gave you money and even brought you to the islands to buy whatever you wanted. He would try taking you to the bars but you always skipped on those adventures, not wanting to watch him suck face with whatever random woman he would find. You still didn’t fight and he never asked you to, instead you just kept cleaning as if that day never happened and no one spoke of it for some reason. You never realized though that it plagued Kidd’s brain every night. Seeing you up on the ship firing cannon after cannon while literally taking one to the face unharmed was haunting his dreams. Your expression of concentration as you took out the opposing crew made his blood rush south in a way he wasn’t used to from you.
It’s not like you were unattractive he just didn’t think there was much to you since you were always so quiet and kept to yourself but now he realized that there was a reason. Maybe your powers are why you were chained in that rum barrel in the first place. Come to think of it, that ship he found you on did resemble the usual slave trader ships but he barely noticed at the time. He couldn’t stop wondering what those people planned on using you for but after seeing you fight that day he thought maybe it was your abilities.
“Jeez can’t you clean any faster?” Kidd heard someone snap as he walked down the ship halls then what sounded like a hand hitting flesh followed by a thud. Kidd couldn’t help but scowl knowing there was only one person who cleaned up all the rooms and that was you. Taking longer strides he followed the angry yelling with clenched fists, his blood boiling as you picked up laundry on the floor. Noticing the bit of blood that was on your lip he grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt to slam him into the wall.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing putting your hands on her huh?!” His raged voice made the walls almost rattle. A gasp leaving you once you heard him barge in to defend you, not that you needed it, the guys hit was nothing anyways he just caught you off guard to use your powers.
“I-I was just telling her to hurry up.” The guy choked out as Kidd only pushed a hand to his throat harder. “She ain’t your fucking maid. You- get outta here. From now on you only clean up my mess. I better not catch you cleaning up or pouring anyone's drinks but mine. Got it!” Kidd barked out as he looked at you and you only nodded as you dropped the man's laundry on the ground before casually strolling off.
Leaning close to the man he growled out another warning, “If I ever catch you putting your hands on her again I’ll fuckin kill you.” With that, he dropped him roughly to the ground before storming off in your direction. “Hey!” You heard him call to you once you entered his room to start cleaning up right away.
Looking up at him from where you made his bed you just raised a brow, “Oh thanks.” You simply said and he scowled as he marched toward you. “Thanks? Thanks? Are you fucking kidding me? The hell is wrong with you.” Frowning you couldn’t figure out his rage so you corrected yourself. “Thanks Captain.” You fixed thinking that was the issue and he only groaned.
“No dammit! Why that hell did you let him do that? I seen what you can do so why did you let him hit you!” Kidd shouted and you just gave an ‘oh’ with a head nod before continuing to make the bed, totally unphased by his rage. Shrugging your shoulders as you fluffed his pillows.
“He wasn’t a threat.” You stated as you went to the other side of the bed. Kidd practically growled in frustration at how nonchalant you were despite your pretty lips having a cut on them. “Wasn’t a threat! He knocked your ass to the ground.”
Looking at him simply you just sighed in boredom not understanding why he made it a big deal, “If i would’ve used my powers on him he probably would’ve died. I had already gauged his strength level compared to mine; it was nothing. The only one that could come close on the ship is you. That’s why I didn’t care. So if we’re done I’d like to clean up your mess before we dock. I’m sure whoever you bed tonight would like it clean.” You say the ending as you started to pick up trash and Kidd thought he was going to explode with how calm you were.
He didn’t even know why he was so upset if you were the one that was hit and fine with it. Should he keep shouting or were you really okay? He was at a loss of what to do and found himself huffing angrily as he walked off to his workshop. Stopping in the doorway he didn’t bother looking at you as he grumbled out. “Don’t let my men walk all over you. Make sure you handle yourself so I don’t have to keep saving you.”
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself shaking your head as you continued picking up trash. He was a strange man for sure but you kind of admired him. He was strong and fearless, capable and intelligent in the way that he crafted and built things around the ship. Also very attractive that you found him in your dreams more than you liked to admit. You couldn’t help but grow feelings for him in the year that you were on his ship but you liked to keep to yourself. It felt easier that way considering the last man that you trusted is the reason you found yourself on that slave ship in the first place.
Lusting after the man who saved you was so cliche though but it was hard not to considering your room was right next to his… well it was actually a storage room turned bedroom but that's besides the point. You heard everything! Literally everything. It was torture and it was like he picked the noisiest women on purpose just to fuck with you. They’d always scream their heads off whenever he would fuck them, the sound of the headboard rattling even your room making you hate that your bed was bolted against the joining wall. You would just groan as you shoved a pillow over your head hoping to get even a minute of rest. You wondered if he was actually good in bed or if they just faked it since he had money but there was no way you’d ask them. He always kicked them out after he was done, it almost made you thankful in a way.
Kidd never kept the same woman more than once but that all changed when he found a woman in the bar that resembled you more than most. He couldn’t help it, he wanted to have you but didn’t know how to deal with these new feelings so immediately he dragged the random lady on the ship to fuck her brains out. The whole time picturing you beneath him instead.
‘AH YES! YES! FUCK YES! SO BIG!’ The woman screamed through the walls making you groan in annoyance as you shoved your face further in the pillow. Ugh her voice was so squeaky you wondered how he could even focus with her bothersome tone. What you didn’t know was that he found it annoying too.
Kidd scowled at her extra high pitched voice, flipping her around to force her face into the pillows below. “Shut the fuck up you damn slut!” He bit out literally putting his foot on the back of her head to keep her down as he fucked her from behind. His girth digging deeper in her insides which only made her moan more into his velvety pillows. Kidd couldn’t help but wonder what you sounded like when you were lost in pleasure. Were you shy and bashful like always or were you hiding a hidden freak inside that begged to be fucked.
“Ugh fuck~” Kidd’s groan louder than usual at the thoughts that started to pool in his brain and he found himself fucking the woman below with more passion. He put the wannabe you in almost a hundred positions till she became silent from the pleasure, the whole time with you on his brain.
“Fuck fuck fuck~ that’s it~” Kidd growled out as he felt himself coming with her on his lap, back leaning against the headboard with her back to his chest. His thick calloused hand wrapped around her throat as she heaved and shook above him. He let out a sigh as his head fell back against the wall and he did something he usually never did with the woman he picked up. “Let’s go to sleep. I plan on repeating this in the morning.”
You knew you had a pillow over your head but there was no way you’d miss him saying that. With a gasp you moved the pillow away from your ears in horror. He couldn’t be serious! He was…letting her stay?! You were in complete shock. He never kept a woman more than once. It made your blood boil and you couldn’t understand why, it’s not like he belonged to you but you still felt an uncontrollable rage. What the hell was so good about her that he felt like she deserved to stay another night. She sounded like a dying animal. What the hell was so hot about that.
“Ugh!” You groaned as you turned on your side trying to get some sleep instead of thinking about how you’ll rudely get woken up.
And you definitely got woken up the next day…and the next - and the next day.
Four Fucking Nights! Literally! That’s all they did was fuck and fuck and fuck. The only time they left was for you to clean up the mess that they created everyday. You couldn’t stand the woman and how snooty she was. One morning they didn’t even get out of bed as you cleaned. He just laid with her cuddled up by his side watching as you picked up trash in his room.
“Whoa you even have a maid!” She giggled and he only grunted. You thought he would’ve said something in your defense but she was right that's practically what you were anyways to him. Kidd wanted you to say something to her, to put her in your place with that same strength he saw you use to defend his ship months back but instead you just kept cleaning. It made him scowl and he couldn’t help the hard on he got from watching you bend over in those damn dresses you wore. You looked like the stereotype female pirate that sailed the seas and he fucking loved it. Your heeled boots clicking along the floorboards as you walked around quietly, he wondered what they’d feel like scratching against his back.
Dammit he needed to fuck watching you clean up his room so calmly. It both pissed him off how passive you were but also turned him on. You both were polar opposites and he found himself lusting over the idea. He wanted to see you break underneath him, losing it as he fucked your dripping cunt until that voice you kept hidden released like a dam. He couldn’t stop himself from pulling the woman on top of him to ride his cock. She just giggled like a dumbass making him roll his eyes but he kept his gaze on you. He wanted to see you get flustered once you realized what he was doing.
Both him and the woman above wore a cocky smirk once she started moving and you turned to glance at them but his face dropped when he saw that same bored expression that you always wore. Rolling your eyes before you continued cleaning up again as if nothing was happening. Kidd practically lost it seeing your face look so unimpressed that he just flipped the girl over onto her back so he could fold her in half pounding into her harder. Taking all his frustrations out on her poor sore cunt that he wished was yours wrapped around his cock instead. “Fucking bitch.” Kidd mumbled under his breath but the lady only screamed out in ecstasy that had him scowl even more, beefy hand covering her mouth to silence her. “Dammit shut up!” Kidd hissed as he felt her pussy clench, his eyes closing as he pictured you instead. The sound of your heels moving around the room sounded like a loud speaker in his ears and it drove him wild.
You cleaned the fastest you ever had in your life so you could hurry the hell outta there. You could’ve walk out while he was having sex but you didn’t want him to win. You could tell by the smug grin on his face that he wanted a reaction but you’d be damned if you let him see you even remotely flustered. Carrying out a bag of trash and shutting the door behind you you finally let out a sigh of relief.
“Bastard.” You mumbled as you carried on with the rest of your day.
The next morning when you went into his room to clean neither of them were there thankfully. But your heart sank when you dusted off his end table noticing something missing. It was gone.
NO! There was no way.
Searching around his room and digging through every drawer you couldn’t find it and it made your blood boil in anger. The room went from being spotless to a total mess as you turned it upside down in search for Kidd’s prized possession. You didn’t know the significance but he kept it in a tiny red velvet box. Getting mad at you when you moved it to dust underneath it one day you knew it had to be special after that. Being curious after that incident you secretly opened the tiny box and found a metal locket with the engraved name ‘Victoria’ on it. You wondered if it was from his first love, maybe his mother or even a late loved one. You couldn’t figure out the mystery behind it but all you knew was that it was special to the man. So discovering it gone made you see red.
Marching to the deck you scowled as you heard her giggling away as she sat on his lap, her back to you completely oblivious to her impending doom. “You thieving snake!” You hissed out as you yanked her head back, literally tossing her off of Kidd’s lap like a sack of potatoes.
“What the hell is your problem, you dirty wench!” She shouted back holding her head in shock trying to stand up before your foot came swinging to connect with her stomach. “Where is it!” You shout before she can get back on her feet.
“CAT FIGHT!” Someone from the crew shouts and you don’t even spare them a glance, your only focus on the thief below.
“Hand it over. NOW!” You hiss as you pull her hair again till shes looking in your eyes. You see her swing her hand toward you but throw her down before she can connect with your face. Clicking your teeth as you stand up straight above her. “What are you even talking about! Kidd get your fucking maid out of here!” The woman shouts as she looks back at an amused Eustass Kidd.
“She fucking stole it!” You tell him and his grin falters for a second. “I didn’t steal anything your stupid maid is just jealous I keep fucking you instead of her!” The woman says finally standing up and you only roll your eyes. “As if.”
Kidd couldn’t help but laugh at the whole thing and he didn’t even know what was going on but it certainly was entertaining seeing you so worked up. “You know what I had enough of this! I’m leaving! You’re just a couple of dirty pirates anyways!” The woman said as she turned to storm off and that’s when Kidd started getting pissed.
Who the hell did that bitch think she was talking about him like that.
Before he could say or do anything you created a whip made of ruby that had his eyes widen. Almost a year since he had the privilege to witness you unleash your gemstone secret. The sparkling weapon going to wrap around the woman's neck, snapping it back so she went flying across the deck with a choking sound. “The fucking locket! You stole his fucking locket!” He heard you yell and that's when he felt himself shatter the mug that was in his hand.
A part of him was hoping you were just jealous and had enough of the woman and finally came to stake your claim but here you were again defending him when he least expected it. Showing your loyalty time and time again. As if on cue the tiny box fell from the woman’s pocket and you just shook your head in disbelief. “I fucking knew it. Fucking thief!” Instead of walking towards her you just pull the whip towards you, causing her to choke and gag. Her feet flailing as you drag her towards you, her hands trying to pull at the stone that wrap around her throat.
“You think you can sneak into my Captain’s lap and butter him up with your pussy so he wouldn't notice your little tricks? Well guess what- you forget about me! Anyone fucks with him- then you’re fucking with me! And I don’t take kindly to thieves.” You hiss out as you remove the whip from her throat causing her to gasp for air. Cracking it in the air with a loud sound that made her shiver, you grin menacingly down at her. “You got five seconds to run or I’ll hang you in the center of town for everyone to see what happens when you mess with my Captain. 5…4…” Quickly she goes running off the ship leaving Kidd’s locket on the deck long gone behind her.
Within seconds of her leaving shouts and cheers erupted behind you making you jump, not expecting the sound. “Hell yeah!” “Good fucking job!” Everyone yelled and you couldn’t help but smile awkwardly. It’s not like you were trying to make a scene, you just got so mad that she stole from Kidd then tried to lie about it. Shifting on your feet you felt your cheeks heat up as you heard Kidd’s heavy footsteps coming toward you. The unmistakable sound that he made with his massive size almost took your breath away.
“Sorry about your lady frien- mmph!” Your words caught off by him pulling you into a deep kiss, his hand tugging your head back by your hair. After the whole fight and you showing your loyalty he couldn’t control himself any longer. The cheers only got louder along with some whistles at the display from their captain finally kissing you.
You were stunned by his deep kiss but you found yourself quickly reciprocating as you threw your hands around his shoulders standing on your tippy toes. “MM~” You moan into the kiss as your eyes roll back and the sound makes the man grunt in turn. Not wasting a second to slip his hands down your back to lift you up in his arms by gripping your ass, your legs wrapping around his waist to hold yourself. “Grab that for me.” You hear Kidd mumble as he passes by Killer with you still in his arms. Kidd’s long legs carrying you both quickly to his quarters so he could unwrap you like he always wanted.
“Fuck you don’t know how bad I’ve wanted you.” Kidd mumbled into your neck as he kicked his door in, using his abilities to close it after. He didn’t drop you on the bed, instead he laid you down while still holding onto you, not wanting to disconnect even for a second as if this moment would suddenly end with the separation. Strong hips grinding into you making you throw your head back with a moan at the feel of him. “Oh fuck~” You moan out quietly as you felt him roll his hips into your cunt.
Kidd kissed your neck with a raging passion you didn’t know the man could possess but it made you melt. Your lip getting caught between your teeth to hold in any embarrassing sounds that threatened to spill out. Feeling his skillful tongue lick your pulse point before nipping your jaw gently had you sign out. You were sure that his lipstick was leaving a trail wherever he went but you couldn’t care. You wanted him to mark his territory once and for all.
“Captain~” You sighed out as you tugged his red hair, your own hips rolling up to meet him with a quiet whine. “Please~” Kidd cursed hearing your desperate plea for more and he felt the same way. Not wanting to waste anymore time he pushed your dress up to your hips before pushing his pants down. Your hands moving his coat to the floor below so you could run your nails down his back making him hiss. Your ruby red nails that drove him nuts scratching his pale skin as you moaned out.
“Tell me how bad you want it.” Kidd whispered in your ear and you only whined at the feeling of his fingers running over your pussy that was covered in lace. You couldn’t help but squirm underneath him as his other hand ran up your waist to pull down the top of your dress. Cold metal groped your tit making you shiver and whine at the sensation that he ripped from your body. His teeth nipping at your ear before sucking a spot underneath, “Come on ruby don’t be shy.” Kidd grinned at the moan that you released when he pushed your panties to the side.
His thick fingers running over your slick cunt before dipping one inside with a curse, “Fuck you’re so wet for me.” His teeth biting into your neck before kissing his way back up to your parted lips were he kissed you deeply again. Tongue darting out to dance with yours as you pulled him into you more with a whine. Your hips grinding into the palm of his hand as his thumb rubbed on your clit sending electricity coursing through your veins.
“Please Captain~ I need you so bad.” You whispered into his mouth before kissing him again swallowing the loud groan that he let out hearing you finally say the words that he dreamed of. Kissing you more as his hands worked to please you in every way. He felt like he was going to lose it any second and he hadn't even started the main event yet. Kidd moved his lips from yours back down your jaw till he reached your tits that he took in his mouth.
Your eyes rolled back as he swirled his tongue around your nipple before sucking it into his mouth making you moan and arch into him. Pushing another finger into your juicy hole he only groaned against your sweet tasting skin as he curled his fingers further inside of you.
If you felt this tight and wet wrapped around his fingers he couldn’t wait to see how your cunt felt around his cock. He wanted to feel your walls gush on the palm of his hand first though so he only thrust and curled them faster. Loving the loud moans that you started to let out when he hit that certain spot within you. “You’re so fucking sexy.” Kidd grumbled as he kissed his way to your other breast repeating the action as his hand gripped the sheets.
“Ca-Captain~!” You could barely recognize your own voice as you felt your legs tremble and pussy water even more around his fingers. He was making you feel so good you could barely hold in the sounds anymore it was so embarrassing but you couldn’t stop. “Ah~ ah fuck Kidd!” Hearing his name slip out from your stained lips almost had him bust everywhere. “You gonna cum for me?” Kidd smirked as he pulled away from your nipple with a ‘pop’.
You just nodded with a moan as you felt your walls clench on his rough fingers. “Talk to me.” Kidd commanded and you only whined pathetically. Kidd loved seeing you like this after waiting so long. “Yes! Yes please! Fuck I’m gonna cum.” Your eyes squeezing shut as you creamed around his fingers, pussy getting so tight he could barely move his hand but he fucking loved it.
“Fuck yeah baby that’s it~ Be a good girl and cum for your captain.” Kidd breathed out with a cocky smirk, the tip of his cock leaking onto the sheets below but he didn’t dare touch it in fear of cumming in a second. “KIDD~!” You moaned his name like a siren and it made his eyes roll back before he removed his fingers. Sucking them clean as you watched with lidded eyes, your chest heaving below him. You felt your face heat up as you watched him lick the cream that coated his scarred fingers, a deep groan leaving him at the taste of you. He wanted to eat you out but that would have to wait till after, right now he needed to fuck his little ruby or he was gonna die. Not literally but he honestly couldn’t right now.
Ripping your panties and tossing the shreds to the floor with a huff he pushed your legs against your chest with a wicked grin. “Ready for your captain to ruin this pussy you got?” You swallowed the lump in your throat but quickly nodded as you held onto the sheets beside your head. You were starting to see why all these women lost it when he had them in his grasp. The way he spoke was doing unspeakable things to you and he didn’t even penetrate you with his dick yet.
Glancing down your eyes widened as you looked at his thick veiny cock, the thing was huge making your mouth water. “Oh fuck! Yes!” Your head nodding faster at the delicious sight of him even more excited now that you got a glimpse of the dick that was about to split you pleasantly open. “Good cause I’m not letting you out of this room until you’re limping.”
You just laid there nodding pathetically with your dress pushed down with your tits exposed, thighs spread ridiculously wide. Your cunt was practically crying when you felt Kidd’s meaty cock rub along your slit coating it in your juices. “Damn you're so wet.” Kidd’s voice hissed as he grinded against you, his tip bumping into your clit with each press forward.
You reached out for the man with a face so expressive it made his heart race. That usual bored look long wiped off your pretty face, it was perfect. Leaning down so you could grab his shoulders you pulled him into you, “Please fuck me already.” Your voice called to him before locking your lips with his. Gripping his cock he tapped it against your clit making you whine into his greedy mouth. His tongue searched around in your wet cavern with a deep grunt before he took your breath away with a powerful thrust forward.
A shocked and slightly pained gasp left you at the feel of his girth slamming inside of your tight, wet cunt. He didn't waste time going slow inch by inch instead wanting to let you get through the hard part quickly. “Shit~” Kidd groaned into your mouth making you clench around his cock with a vice grip. His hands spread your thighs further apart till you opened up even more for his wide hips.
“K-Kidd please move.” Your voice strained and broken barely recognizable to your own ears. It made you embarrassed how flustered he got you. Hands trembling as you wrapped them around his sturdy shoulders, fingers tugging at the hair on the nape of his neck to prepare yourself for the wild ride. “Let's go Captain, I want to see what I've been missing.” You smile at him with a confidence he's not used to seeing trying to cover your flustered state and he returns it with a smirk.
“Oh yeah? Well I shouldn't keep my girl waiting.” That was all he said before pulling out to his fat tip, slamming forward with a force that made the headboard rock like an ocean wave.
“Ugh~!” You choked out as your eyes rolled back with your head falling back into the blankets. “Holy shit!” You whimpered as he set a brutal pace, the same one that kept you up for days on end. It was euphoric and now you understand why those woman never shut the fuck up.
“Oh fuck me! Yes!!” You screamed out and Kidd only laughed in response. The sound of his laugh husky but morphing into a deep groan feeling how your slippery walls sucked him in unbelievably tight. Kidd shook his head in disbelief feeling how good your pussy was, gripping his cock like he always dreamed. He only fucked into you harder and faster unable to control himself after lusting for you so long, all the other woman never comparing to your slippery walls as if you were made for him.
“This pussy belongs to me now, got that?” Kidd told you as his hand placed itself on your neck, not just choking, just holding you firmly in place. You let out a gasp at the feel of his calloused palm against your throat and couldn’t help but bit into your lip, “Choke me.” You commanded and Kidd thought his brain would melt at your quiet request and pleading eyes, a grin starting to ghost over his face. “Ha! I knew that bored look was all an act.”
Squeezing his palm over your throat as his metal hand pushed your legs further in the mattress you let out a choked moan, eyes rolling back as his cock started to bully your cunt till she was crying. “Fuck- nngh! Yes~” You hissed out as you clawed at his skin making the man groan. “C-cumming~” You whined brokenly, “Gonna cum~” You told him and Kidd only grinned more as he rocked his hips deep into that spongy spot in your pussy that made you drool like a whore.
“Shit you feel so good ~ Captainnn~” Your voice a whine that had the man’s chest swelling with pride that he finally got to see you like this, all broken and moaning underneath him. “Yeah does my lil slut like that?” Kidd grit out as he nipped at your jaw, thumb rubbing at your neck where he choked you. Changing the pressure he applied on your neck every once in a while leaving you in a whirlwind of intense pleasure. Your mouth hung open barely able to swallow the spit that was starting to pool out but Kidd loved how wrecked he had you and had to look away or he was gonna come to quickly. “Dammit how the hell did we go so long without doing this.”
It was rhetorical but you couldn’t help your choked out answer that you gave. “You’re stubborn.” You moaned and Kidd chuckled deeply before angling his hips further into you fucking you with hard shallow thrusts making you mewl and choke our moans. “Oh well cum for your stubborn captain then.”
Eyes watering and mouth hanging open you felt your body start to tremble and if it weren’t for Kidd’s hand keeping your legs pried open they would’ve closed by accident. The pleasure so great it’s like your body wanted to run away but you knew you needed this, you needed him, his cock fucking into you like his life depended on it. It was bliss in reality and you couldn’t wait for more.
You came so many times that night with Kidd fucking his cum into your swollen cunt so many times that night you couldn’t even count. The both of you breathing heavily side by side, your eyes barely able to stay open at this point with how long it’s been but you weren’t complaining even for a second. You gasped as you felt his hand run down your body to rub along your sore cunt, rough fingers dipping in to push his seed further inside your slick walls that twitched in painful pleasure. “AH! Kidd~”
“Oh hush ya baby cry.” Kidd groaned as he leaned over to suck a mark on your neck, while his fingers gently curled into your spent pussy. He wanted to keep going but his dick was done for the count, you milked him dry and it was incredible but he couldn’t stop the perverted need to finger his seed inside you one last time. “Just one more. Please babe.” You whined as your hand clawed at his forearm, his fingers massaging your g-spot sending shocks throughout your pussy. “Oh fuck fuckfuck!” It only took him stroking that sweet button for you to feel close to tipping over, his cum seeping out the sides making you shiver. Turning your face to look at him with dreamy eyes you caught his gaze, it was focused and intense as he watched your reaction.
His crazed demeanor changed to something intimate as he worried about your pleasure, thumb moving to rub circles on your puffy clit. “Did so good for me baby just give me one more. You can do that for me, yeah?” Kidd’s forehead coming to press against yours as he stared into your eyes tha rolled back, but he never looked away. His fingers picking up the pace only slightly and the slight change was enough to have you screaming his name for the last time that night. “That’s it ruby, give it to me baby.” Your pussy creamed his fingers which you didn’t think was possible since you came so much but still he managed to pull another from your tired body. Legs shaking wildly and body twitching, as your back arched like a bow off the mattress.
“There we go, I knew you had another in there for me.” Kidd said his voice oddly gentle as he kissed your neck up to your jaw. Licking the salty sweat that coated your skin before making it to your lips. Molding his lips with yours in a passionate kiss, swallowing the last of your whines as he gently moved his fingers from your cunt leaving his hand to rest on your hip, rubbing your skin tenderly. You didn’t think he could hold you like this, let alone fuck you how he did earlier. You saw multiple sides of him that night that you definitely couldn’t wait to see again, he couldn’t agree more. Your hands came to wrap around him to deepen the kiss with a sigh, it wasn’t a ‘fuck me kiss’ you could tell it was something more, something more sweet and intimate.
Pulling away you gave him a tired smile as you stroked his cheek, “I think I’m falling for you Captain.” You didn’t know if you were joking but you could tell by the flush on his cheeks that he felt the same way. “Good cause I’m not letting you leave any time soon.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You told the man who pulled you onto his chest as he laid on his back, a contentment washing over the two of you that you never thought was possible. You never knew what the next day would bring while being pirates but one thing was for sure- he had you by his side and nothing would change that.
Who would've thought one barrel of rum would change his life.
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captain-joongz · 8 months ago
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Deserve you
Pairing: brother-in-law!Seonghwa x f!reader
Genre: smut, darker themes, it's a little angsty
Summary: Marrying into the Park family was already a curse in on itself, but the cherry on top comes when on your wedding night the clock strucks midnight and there's the wrong brother knocking on your honeymoon suite door. But being a mindless pawn in his game of revenge might not be the worst when he buys it out with pleasure beyond your comprehension.
Word count: 18.5k words
Warnings: unhealthy family dynamics, arranged/forced marriage, infidelity, Hwa is mean and manipulative, themes of revenge and resentment, humiliation and praise, very rough handling and manhandling, spanking, rough sex, blink and you might miss it choking, oral (f. rec.), multiple orgasms, hair pulling, pussy drunk hwa, unprotected sex, doggy, creampie, some breeding kink (would it even be my fic if there wasn't lol), squirting, biting and marking (another one of my staples), a tiny bit of body worship
A/N: it's only going to be 13k i said *insert clown emoji here* enjoy cause good half of this is pure porn lol, i wrote the smut scenes at like 3 am while i was ovulating and therefore i legally cannot be held responsible for anything inside. please do enjoy!! if you wanna, leave comments and reblog, i always love to see what you guys have to say! i recommend listening to lurk by the neighbourhood, that's what i was listening to while writing this
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Annoyed, I looked over the decorated hall to where my groom was amusing himself with a bunch of his goons. Their boorish laughs carried through the five-star hotel’s restaurant and could be heard over the hum of conversation from all four corners of the spacious room. I watched, completely unimpressed, as they took another shot together, every other one holding a half empty bottle of some kind of liquor in their hands. Rum, whiskey, vodka, all the colours of the rainbow.
My attention was pulled away by yet another very uncaring, but still unnecessarily cordial congratulatory small-talk from some relative who I’ve either never met before, or it has been so long their face blended into all the other hundreds of people who claimed blood-relation to our family.
While pretending to listen to their sugary fake speech and distractedly shaking their hands, my eyes flitted over to the close family table. I couldn’t help the trace of cold rage and hostility that crept into my gaze as it landed on my father, who leisurely sat at the table pushing around some greens on his plate while holding an amicable conversation with Mr. Park, my so very enchanting and charming father-in-law. My mother sat expressionlessly next to him, ever the picture of a perfect wife, here or there entertaining some pointless chit-chat from Mrs. Park.
With disgust I watched these four interact with each other, the realisation that this is where I was headed as well slowly sinking in and making me sick to my stomach. I excused myself from the circle of insincere inquisitors and went to sit down at the head table, pretending to eat to gather my strength.
When four months ago it was announced to me that I would be marrying into the Park family, a shocked disbelief quickly melted into an absolute rage. Even knowing that we were a very high-profile family, generations upon generations of wealth and a steady successful conglomerate of companies keeping us near the very top of the food chain of the upper class, it would have never crossed my mind my father would actually sell me off like a milk cow.
Yes, arranged marriage was still very much a thing between these families, profit and merging of riches far more important than such a silly little thing like love, but I always made it clear to my father I didn’t agree with such practice, and I would like to choose my husband myself. There was an unspoken agreement between us that he would leave me free reign and I would decide between the sons of the families that were on our level and suitable for marriage.
And Parks were nowhere near my radar. Although there were two sons in the family, only one was eligible for marriage and he would be the sole heir of most of their father’s empire. That made him a favourite in my father’s eyes, but all the women around these circles knew to give him a wide berth. Notoriously known for his unpleasant character, spoiled behaviour and stupidness, no self-respecting woman would ever touch him with a two-foot pole.
And now I was married to him.
Of course I opposed the marriage. I cried and begged and raged, I bargained and threatened, but nothing swayed my father. He had already made a good deal and now all he had to do was threaten me that if I didn’t listen, he’d make sure I was cut off not only from the family, the family wealth, but also every respectable company in the city. No matter how many times I told him ‘anyone but the Park’, he’d never listen. Papers were signed, deal was made. I was sold. All that was left was coming to terms with the situation.
The Parks, while they kept their respectable front, were a family that rose to the level of the likes of my father very rapidly and somewhat recently. It was an open secret that most of their business happened in the illegal little dark corners hidden behind a few presentable companies, but what mattered the most was their money and influence. Even though there were a few skeletons in their closet.
Like the one that suddenly made eye contact with me from the close relatives table while I was pretending to enjoy the worst day of my life.
The eldest son of the Park family, Park Seonghwa.
Mr. Park, much like his younger son Yujun, also known as my amazing husband, was known for his unlikable character and somewhat unscrupulous ways and manners. Or lack-there-of. Before even officially meeting him at some boring dinner, I had already heard the mountains upon mountains of rumours about his womanising and misogynistic ways.
Therefore it wasn’t a great surprise when just five years ago a boy showed up on his doorstep, determined to claim a corner of his ever so elusive father’s paradise. Seonghwa was older than Yujun, but due to him being a bastard of a poor maid that once upon time was harassed by the master of the house into giving into him, even though he managed to weasel his way into Mr. Park’s graces he still wasn’t considered a good face of the empire, and so Yujun remained the main heir, with his older half-brother as his glorified henchman.
Back then, even though I wasn’t 18 yet, I was also privy to all the drama that went down with Seonghwa’s sudden appearance. Perhaps eager to please his father and buy his approval, he managed to beg a broken-down old hotel out of him and set to his path of a lonely businessman always chasing some old man’s praise.
That hotel? The same one we were sitting in today. Seonghwa proved to be a formidable force in the business sphere and managed to bring this place from the bottom of the barrel and turn it into one of the best establishments in the whole country. He has since bought a several restaurants and another hotel, skyrocketing into those same circles that looked down upon him still. Including his family. Especially since everyone knew Yujun was a useless fool that would no doubt tank his father’s business the moment he got his hands on it, which made Parks the laughingstock of the rich and the bored.
During the four months I spent tagging along with our mothers and a wedding planner, trying to put together a last-minute grandiose event for half the city, I saw a lot of him. He always hung around the Park residence or the various lounges we chose to sit and chat in (which I later realised was because he owned them). When he graciously offered to host the banquet in his hotel, I was grateful to him but held no other regard to his actions.
But there seemed to be a strange connection between us. Maybe it was that I saw the same resentment reflected in his eyes when he looked at his own father, or maybe because he seemed to be the only other self-aware person here. We never spoke much, but sometimes we would catch each other’s eyes and see the same emotion in them.
In present time, I finally managed to tear my gaze away from his intense one, seemingly trying to burn through me with a single glance. In truth, I was a bit unsettled by him. Not matter how human he tried to appear, there seemed to be a dark aura around him and sometimes this strange feeling possessed me, as if I was on the cusp of getting devoured by a dangerous beast. His eyes, while part compassionate, also held this underlying viciousness, like they were trying to bait me into trusting them. And I didn’t. The more the wedding approached, the more I saw some kind of depraved excitement in them, only heightening this unsettlement that dwelled in my bones every time I came across him.
So thus I pissed away the evening. I tried to dodge as many guests as possible, keeping the conversation short and sweet, always finding an excuse why I had to move on, while giving a wide berth to the family table lest I get entangled in whatever was going on there and steadily growing more and more irritated by my new husband’s behaviour. He was nearing a dangerous level of intoxication and we still had at least two or three hours of entertaining everyone present in front of us. Well, at least I did. Yujun seemed to be quite happy wreaking havoc with his buddies and leaving me to do all the work. That is most definitely going to be a staple of our marriage.
I sighed and reached for a fresh flute of champagne. I didn’t even like champagne, but this day was driving me fucking insane.
“Darling,” my mother’s voice startled me enough to lightly choke on the drink and attempt to hide the flute like I was a naughty schoolkid sneaking snacks, “it is getting quite late. You might want to talk with your husband about retreating for your wedding night soon.” I looked at her, sizing up her perfectly schooled elegant face, her slender frame draped in expensive designer clothes and sighed again.
“It’s only half past eight,” I argued back petulantly, “we still have time till around eleven.” No matter what, I just wanted to avoid talking to Yujun, especially when he was this wasted and surrounded by similar idiots. My mother’s expression spoke of quiet reprimand. She only looked at me like that when she wanted to tell me I should know better.
“Most people are going to start leaving around ten, you know that,” she scolded me lightly and picked an invisible piece of dirt off of her sleeve, not even directing her full attention to me, “Stop stalling and go talk to your husband.” With that she was done, already turning and walking away before I could even open my mouth.
I pursed my mouth to keep the expletives from falling all out loud enough to embarrass her for 10 years in advance. Just aimlessly standing around, I threw back the rest of the champagne in the flute, chugging it in two big gulps, before slamming it down on the table perhaps a little too hard and startling a poor waiter just trying to clean up the buffet table. Steeling myself, I looked determined back into the direction of the rowdy table, but my feet stayed stubbornly glued to the ground.
“I can go talk to him, if you want,” the mellow voice came from my left and this time it startled me enough to jump. His big dark eyes crinkled in amusement, lips curling gently in a pleased smile. Park Seonghwa annoyingly looked absolutely stunning in his fitted three-piece suit and long dark hair carefully swept in curls out of his face, a tiny half bun sitting at the back of his head.
I regarded him coldly, trying to keep my distance from a man that felt too dangerous to be this close to. I didn’t even realise he had moved to the table, had no idea how long he has been standing there watching me. Even now, he patiently waited for my answer with his eyes eagerly taking me in, causing goosebumps to erupt on my naked arms.
“I’m not sure how I feel about you discussing my wedding night with your brother,” I fired back when my brain finally jumped back online, and I no longer just stared at the tall slim man and his deceptive gentleness.
He smiled lightly, really it was just a quirk of one corner of his mouth, and shifted a little closer.
“I’ll just tell him fun’s over in an hour and a half,” Seonghwa assured me in a manner that was maybe supposed to be calming, but only made the dark pools of his eyes even deeper. I didn’t step back, even when my body was begging me to put more distance between us, and stood my ground.
“I’m not sure the fun will be over for him no matter what you say,” I sighed and threw one more angry stare towards the drunkards, “He’s already too drunk to even get home and we still have more than an hour to go.” Seonghwa sidestepped and turned, and we stood there side by side, just watching the madness unfold.
“There’s a honeymoon suite prepared for you in the hotel,” the tall man supplied dryly, “all you have to do is get him into the elevator.” I hummed but couldn’t tear my eyes away from the embarrassing displays of drunkenness that were beginning to scare away nearby tables, the guests side-eyeing the young men and moving to leave while throwing disgusted glances around, more often than not sending them towards me as well. As if I wanted a husband like that, old lady.
Suddenly there was an arm gently coiled around my shoulders. Before I could react, Seonghwa squeezed gently twice and then moved towards them with a cheeky wink.
“I’ll tell him, don’t worry,” he told me while walking backwards away from where we stood, “and once you get him into the honeymoon suite, you can just dump him there and go sleep next door.”
I didn’t react in any way, only sending him an unimpressed look and then watched as he walked briskly the rest of the way and slowly inserted himself into the mayhem of the groomsmen. Immediately his face completely shut off, putting on a fake pleasant expression, but none of the men seemed to notice. I watched as Yujun got up and drunkenly stumbled until he was half hugging Seonghwa, hanging off of him and laughing loudly. From Seonghwa’s expression I could only guess whatever the joke was, he must have been the butt of it, but he took it well, years of practiced patience taking over his body. He said something to Yujun and I could see his eyes darting to me before his face was split by the grossest sleaziest grin known to man. I couldn’t stop the full body shudder that went through me, and honestly, I didn’t even try. The groomsmen all started whistling and shouting obscenities, pouring more shots and patting Yujun on his back while he cackled like a madman. Seonghwa then proceeded to say something more which elicited even more hollering and back pats, now even to him to his incredible discomfort.
He then withdrew from the situation just as slowly and quietly as he entered it, quickly walking back towards me. I hated the pity in his eyes, genuine or not, so instead I just grabbed another flute of champagne and grumbled into it while I sipped.
“Sorry you had to witness that,” he whispered and I avoided his gaze as hard as I could, instead staring off into the distance. “Whatever,” I grumbled back, trying to shake off the disgust that once again started to crawl back into my bones and stomach, making me sick with the thought of sharing a bed with that man.
Just then Seonghwa was called over by one of the servers gesturing wildly to the bar. He gave me one last apologetic glance and then ran off to deal with whatever mess that needed his immediate attention, leaving me to stand alone next to the champagne tower like the drinking wreck that I was quickly becoming. From the corner of my eye I saw my mother’s disapproving face, signalling me to step away from the alcohol and mingle more, smile more and look happy to have my life ruined by father’s business, but I ostentatiously ignored her until she alerted father of my unbecoming behaviour.
That quickly shook me into action, and with his stare burning into my back, I disposed of the empty glass and threw myself back into the madness.
The rest of the evening was a frenzy of overwhelming sensations and passed in a blur. I must have spoken to every guest that was invited, held so much small-talk I was beginning to lose my voice. I still avoided the two tables that held all of the people I didn’t want to interact with and rather I listened to some old aunt’s rants about how the modern generation of women just don’t want to be perfect housewives anymore and how they bring dishonour on their husbands.
Before I knew it, two hours have passed and I found myself stationed at the main entrance, shaking hands and exchanging goodbyes with everyone who was leaving, and waving at people that were staying in Seonghwa’s hotel.
The man himself was suspiciously scarce throughout the last hour of the party, his tall lean figure nowhere in sight, which made me surprisingly jumpy. There was a mounting feeling in me that something would happen, anxiety rising with every minute ticking by, but I thought it to be just a by-product of this whole clusterfuck of an evening and disregarded it.
My husband was also missing, probably still thrashing the bar in the lounge one room over, not even bothering to see his guests out.
Soullessly I watched everything happen, empty smile plastered on my face as I was pushed from side to side, listened to the same four meaningless sentences come out of the hundred mouths on faces that all blended together in my mind.
After they were ushered out, there was suddenly a flutter of action around me, people all speaking over one another, one telling me to go there and other telling me to stay here. I stayed silent and waited like a puppet for someone to move me where I was supposed to be. My emotions were shutting down one after another, too overloaded by everything and too scared to face head on what was about to take place.
Woodenly I let my mother drag me to the elevator, mumbling something about not worrying about my husband, father would get him, he would be here any minute, there was no reason to stress out, just relax and wait for him, it was as easy as that, after all we were a man and a woman, it was all perfectly natural. I nodded when there was a lull in her chatter to keep her none the wiser, agreed when I heard her intonation climb in a question.
Finally, the elevator climbed all the way up, reaching the quiet floor with a long hall that had only four doors on it, two of which were honeymoon suites. I felt more confused than ever, as if even my brain completely stopped working, but fortunately (or not) my mother seemed to know where to go.
The room was spacious inside, with a beautiful view of the night city, a whole comfortable lounge that already held a tray with more champagne and some appetizers. To one side I could see a sleek bathroom and to the other through an arch was visible a king-sized bed that dominated the space.
Mother sat me down on one of the sofas and I just distantly took notice of how soft and comfortable it was before she again launched into some sort of a monologue I wasn’t interested in. I amused myself by looking out the window, already nursing another flute of champagne, which was promptly yanked out of my hands.
“Are you trying to catch up with your husband?” my mother’s angry voice cut through the fog in my mind, but I was beyond caring what she had to say.
“I certainly cannot go through it completely sober,” I noted dryly with a sarcastic flare, snatching the flute back. That earned me a glare that could split a mountain in half, but I stubbornly, and somewhat childishly, refused to look at her.
“You’ve done it before and you’ll do it again after,” she stated matter-of-factly, as if she didn’t understand where the problem was, “it’s just sex.” A wave of rage and hatred raised in me so strongly that I had to hold myself back from either screaming or bursting into tears.
“Just leave already,” I said coldly instead, still not looking at her, but watching her figure in the reflection of the window. She froze, her arms stuttering a little in the middle of a movement, and I could clearly feel the disappointment in my behaviour radiating off of her. Then she straightened out and without a word walked towards the door.
“Your husband will get here shortly; I advise you to prepare yourself and meet him not completely hammered.” Her cold words rang through the silent room and then she was gone.
I simmered in that silence for a long few minutes, working to get my emotions back in check. In the end I just gave up on resisting this. There was no way out of this anyway. With a bit of luck Yujun was already so drunk he’d just take his clothes off and pass out and then I can tell him the next day how he was just a wonderful lover, how I enjoyed our time together so much.
So, I had one last glass and then started preparing myself mentally, steeling myself and pacing nervously around the room waiting for my husband to burst drunkenly through the door any minute now. I flinched with every sound, strained my ears to hear anything moving outside those doors.
Only… it never came. After 40 minutes of waiting, Yujun was still nowhere to be seen.
I was beyond irritated, checking the time every two minutes and still expecting the shoe to drop. The longer he took to get here, the drunker he’d be and the drunker he was, the more volatile and unpredictable he’d get. The irritation quickly rose to anger, my mood fluctuating between rage and fear and panic.
Once it was longer than an hour, I was just tired. The clock struck 23:45 and I sighed, completely drained and resigned. It became clear that he wouldn’t get here. At least not now.
Sitting down on the sofa, I felt all the stress trickle out of me as I completely decompressed. There was a sudden numb calm washing over me and I just wanted to be done with it, so drained I became completely detached from the world. I rose to finally fucking change out of the gown and promptly found out that now I faced a different kind of problem.
My dress had a lacing I couldn’t reach on my own. I needed help to get out of my dress. There was no one else on this floor and my parents were long gone, choosing to return to our home instead of sleeping in a hotel. My husband was god knows where and most probably in a state where he wouldn’t be able to take off his own pants.
I crumpled into the sofa, half groaning half screaming into my hands, the frustration of the whole situation, the whole day, the whole four fucking months weighing down on me enough to force a sob out of me. And then another, and then another, until I was bawling my eyes out in an empty honeymoon suite. For long moments I laid half draped over the settee crying, just getting all of my jumbled emotions out in the only outlet I had. Why did everything just have to go absolutely wrong?
It felt like whole centuries had passed when I seemed to run out of tears and finally managed to calm down again; and I looked around the room, playing with the thought of just cutting myself out of the dress with a knife or scissors, but quickly giving up on the idea with a despaired laugh falling out of me.
Everything hurt and I was exhausted, and I wanted to go to sleep, alone preferably, so instead I went into the bathroom and tried to salvage my makeup as much as possible. Thankfully bridal makeup seemed to be invincible, and I just had to tap at some smudged corners to get them dry again.
With that I set out of the room, determined to find anyone that could help me out of the dress, even if it was just some poor busboy trying to make it through nightshift. But I didn’t make it far.
I had just made two steps into the hall when the elevator suddenly dinged, and the door opened. For ten absolutely terrifying seconds I expected my husband to be the one stepping off of it, but instead a tall slender figure elegantly made its way towards me, hair still effortlessly falling around his face as if it was paid to do it.
“What the hell are you doing here?” flew out of my mouth before any reason kicked in, my brain too fried to concern itself with proper manners. Seonghwa only blinked at me in amusement, lips quirking up. Something was different about him and my alarms started going off, but I’d already gone through so much that day I barely even realised.
“Is there a reason why you’re roaming the halls like the ghost of Christmas past?” he shot back, coming close enough to lean and tower over me. His eyes peered down on me over the bridge of his nose, suddenly looking a lot less amused and a lot colder and domineering. I stuttered over my words, clocking in the change in his demeanour once I noticed the darkness swimming in those usually expressionless orbs.
“I- I need help getting out of my dress,” I whispered, too shocked to comprehend what was happening, the truth suddenly slipping out unwittingly, “I was looking for someone… Yujun hasn’t-“
Seonghwa’s dark chuckle interrupted me, it rumbled through his chest close enough I could almost feel it. I looked up at him questioningly. His grin was suddenly mocking and it threw me for a loop. All my instincts screamed at me to back away from such clear savagery shining through in his expression, but I felt completely frozen, half mesmerised half terrified.
“Yujun wouldn’t be able to untie his own shoes right now,” he said meanly, the resentment towards his family he so often hid away now out in the open, raw in his voice like a bleeding wound.
“Do you know where he is?” I decided to ignore his heated stare that seemed to be penetrating deep into my being and instead focused on my goal – locating my husband so I could kick his ass and then avoid him for the rest of the honeymoon.
But Seonghwa only smirked and curled an arm around my shoulders, pulling us towards the suite doors, clearly steering me to follow him inside.
“First, let’s help you with that dress, sweetheart,” his deepened voice almost purred somewhere close to my ear and it sent shivers through me, some kind of dark anticipation setting into the pit of my stomach.
Alarm bells were blaring loudly through my mind, but I just stared him completely stunned and let him drag me. Man, maybe I did overdo it with the champagne.
I looked at his face and fully took in just how ethereally beautiful he really was, the big dark eyes and full sensual lips on a slender face framed by glossy dark hair, he was a vision that an artist would die for just to catch a glimpse of. A face that could unleash wars and bring down empires, break the honour of gods, taint them and seduce them into immorality. Such a man he was. And I saw in his eyes that he would.
Before I could stutter out some sort of answer, he was already pulling us inside the door and shutting it behind us, the lock clicking with a startling finality. Suddenly I found myself standing panicked in the middle of the lounge with Seonghwa circling me like a shark, watching my form and the dreadful dress with dark hungry eyes. Even though my mouth hung slightly open as I still processed the current situation, nothing could come out of it, as if he took my voice with just a single touch.
“How terrible, chaining you poor thing into such a dress,” he whispered sensually, his voice caressing my skin like raven black feathers, “it must have been tiring, having it on the whole day…” He trailed off, a second of silence stretching between us and putting me on edge. Then, I could feel his fingers lightly dancing down the exposed back of my neck, until they hit the edge of the lacing. My breath hitched, getting caught deep in my throat at the sudden contact, and I shivered, eyes fighting the urge to roll back into my skull.
I blushed at my body’s visceral reaction. Either I had to be even more drunk than I initially thought, or the desperation clouded my judgement enough to actually allow my brother-in-law’s advances. Both options were terrible and unacceptable. Still, I felt rooted to the spot, unable to even lift and arm to swat his hands away, not even to turn and scold him with a glare, nothing. It was as if I was deep under a spell, his aura pressing me into inaction and sluggishness, my brain muddled and confused but vaguely excited.
Just as I took in a deep breath to break the fog away and started gathering a sufficient effort to move from him, he abruptly stepped closer, pressing his front against my back with his arm coiling around my waist like a strangler snake. Now all he had to do was squeeze the life out of me. His lips touched lightly on my exposed shoulder, and I could feel his breaths hitting the crook of my neck, a wave of goosebumps breaking in its wake.
“You shouldn’t act like this towards your brother’s wife,” I managed to get out of my dry throat, the words no more than a breathless whisper. There was a mocking scoff next to my ear and his arms coiled even tighter before releasing me all at once. I heaved a sigh of relief, not realising yet this was only the beginning of his game. Oh, he wasn’t anywhere near done.
I was spun quickly, two dexterous hands moulding me to his liking until I was facing him again. There was a terrible grin on his face and an absolute terror set into the pit of my stomach.
“I’m just trying to help you out of an uncomfortable situation,” Seonghwa lied smoothly, the words slipping out of his lips easily with faux concern. We both knew it was utter bullshit, but I still floundered in his arms, not knowing what to say or do, how to combat his searing mocking gaze.
His hands started moving again slowly, sliding tenderly down my arms and back up and then making their way to my back. Seonghwa pressed himself closer again, now front to front with my face awkwardly angled around his shoulder. Before I knew it, his arms looped around me and started tugging at the ribbon tying the corset part together while his face slowly lowered until he was gently mouthing at my shoulder.
I gasped, hands on instinct shooting up to grab something to stabilise myself. It ended up being the lapels of his suit jacket that hung between us. The tall man chuckled darkly, and I was caught in the strange in-between of his gentle touch and mean demeanour.
I felt my knees shaking, the tension rising to a point that my body could barely handle it. A whole-body shiver wrecked through me, the path his mouth made on my skin burning and sending shocks of pleasure through my nervous system that had dangerous heat starting to rear its head in my tummy.
Slowly, leisurely, his hands worked on the ribbon until it was flowing freely from the top and the first few knots were loosened. My heart was beating inside my ribcage so hard it felt as if it was hitting against the bones, and my chest tightened enough to make breathing hard for me. The silence suddenly stretched between us tensely and I wondered if the man could hear the wild beating in my chest, if to him it maybe felt like a scared bird fluttering in the palms of his hands.
Seonghwa lifted his head enough to turn me again, enough to let me see the self-satisfied smirk, and I went easily wherever he wanted me to go. My brain was screaming at me to do something, say something, but I could barely think over the dull buzz of nerves and dark thrumming of my boiling blood. My body yearned and I lost all control over it, turning into a pliant little doll in the hands of a terrible master. The temptation was just too strong, what he offered too sweet.
Words were bubbling in my throat, catching on the swallowed sighs and getting stuck in the constricted little space as I fought for every breath, but I knew they needed to spill over. I couldn’t go down without at least a little fight.
“Where…,” I started but it came out all scratchy and barely audible, “Where is my husband?” Seonghwa’s hands froze where they were unhurriedly playing with the ribbons and loosening them a millimetre after a millimetre to turn this into a torturous progress, to show me that I would let him play me like this for hours if he so pleased. Then he snickered.
“You’re still looking for him?” he asked with his lips pressed into the skin beneath my ear, “Aren’t I enough for you?” It was said as a tease, but I felt the sharp daggers of bitterness in his voice, like he was daring me to insinuate he was beneath his brother. “Aren’t I the better choice?” came out with a chuckle a moment later. Now, that was a taunt.
“Any moment he can get here and then I’ll get fucking murdered for your misdeeds,” I hissed back venomously even though I still haven’t made a single move to get some space between us. Seonghwa laughed condescendingly at me, and I didn’t even have to see his face to know he was sneering madly at my insistence to discuss the other man with him.
“He won’t be coming anytime soon, don’t you worry your pretty head darling,” he bit out with a mean laugh, “I know my brother and he can’t resist an open bar. It was only a matter of waiting until he drank himself into a coma. He won’t disturb us until the morning, and even if he wakes up during the night he won’t know up from down.” This time it was me who froze completely while Seonghwa’s fingers resumed their journey. Some terrible realisation dawned upon me, and I felt as if the rug was swept right from underneath my feet and I was freefalling, straight into these dangerous outstretched arms.
“You were planning this the whole time,” I whispered shakily, trembling in the man’s hands but ultimately, I was helpless to his games. I already knew I was fighting a losing bet, and in the end I would surrender to him.
This time Seonghwa outright laughed at me, making embarrassment sink into my gut and I shrunk into myself. I felt his fingers dig into the fabric of the white wedding dress. In the reflection of the window I saw him, shoulders shaking and mouth open with the laugh, eyes crinkled in a depraved kind of amusement. The sound cut through the empty silent room, strangely as melodic as much as it was savage. I watched him equal part with both horror and reverence, the dark atmosphere finally sinking through my skin and penetrating deep into my soul. In that moment I realised I had just walked into the tiger’s den and there was no way out.
Seonghwa finally calmed down and his eyes found mine in the reflection of the window almost instantly; they were full of contempt and I shuddered under his gaze, humiliation spreading through me at his sneering lips.
“Finally you’re catching up, darling,” he spit that word out like it was poison, and even though it was meant to caress it felt more like a slap, making me sharply inhale, “how could I let my spoiled little brother just walk into this without a little price.”
Suddenly his hands roughly grabbed at the ribbons and pulled hard, almost tearing the corset apart in his haste to finally rid me of it. I stumbled under the force and almost wished there was a wall or a window in front of me, so I could lean on it. My own hands were shaking, as were my pupils while I tried desperately to catch up with the situation. His beautiful face looked almost ethereal with this much wrath and hatred pulling it into a savage grimace, all burning eyes and bared teeth. In this light they almost looked sharp enough to tear flesh apart with a single bite.
“There’s a little compensation to be had, don’t you think darling?” he sneered some more, hands feverishly working to rid me of the oppressive clothing.
Then he used the ribbons tightly clutched in his hands to pull me closer again and our bodies collided harshly. This time I did gasp out loudly but before I could comprehend or react, his face was pressed to mine, our cheeks smushing together lightly while our eyes met again in the window. Pure deranged madness was swimming around his blown-out pupils and he flashed me a beastly savage grin.
“How do you think our little prince would like that I defiled his lovely wife before he even had the chance to get his hands on her?”
There was a sound of tearing fabric ringing through the room and I felt the dress give way, sliding down my arms and torso. In panic I quickly caught it to stop it from pooling around my ankles. But I might have as well let it be, because shortly Seonghwa’s arms circled around my waist and trapped both my hands and the dress under his grip.
Without wasting a single second, he pushed us together as close as we could go, moulding around my back and feverishly attacking my exposed neck and shoulders. Quick scolding hot wet kisses were laid one after another and I felt his hands squeeze at my waist as he licked and bit into my skin, rapidly moving up my neck to the edge of my jawline.
My mouth hung open a little wider with every swipe of his tongue, little breathy sighs and half moans flowing out freely. I was helpless coming face to face with such devastating passion and desperation, how could I protest anything when I heard Seonghwa’s satisfied groans muffled by my skin, when I felt his hands tearing at the dress and never letting me part even a single millimetre from him.
Desire and duty warred through my body, leaving me desperate and frustrated and unable to make a single move in whichever direction. I never wanted this marriage and I already despised Yujun. If I could, I would have since long walked away from this, from my father and his stern unloving face, from my mother and her constant reprimand and propriety, and most of all from my awful disgusting husband. Seonghwa was offering me the same thing he himself sought with this. Revenge. But I respected the vows and despised cheating, and my moral side was begging me to end this at once and remain faithful to a man I barely knew, barely even liked. The result of this was my torn silence and inaction, never taking part but never stopping it.
It was so wrong, but it felt so good I couldn’t do anything except for stand there and take it from the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.
The confusing mix of emotions tore through me and left me all bloody and aching like an exposed nerve. My hands clenched and unclenched, eyes flitted around the room in panic, mouth opened and squeezed shut, the words always just at the tip of my tongue but never quite making it out while my brain quickly sunk deeper and deeper into lust.
Seonghwa’s eyes found mine in the reflection once again and slowly bled into a condescending pity. He licked a long stripe along my neck, tasting the salty sweat and purring in content, eyes just slightly rolling back. The sight made me weak, made my body thrum with feelings I haven’t felt in a long time, the excited tension manifesting in the dull throbbing in my lower tummy and the tingles running through me whole. I felt myself clenching at the display, and quickly pushed my thighs together to chase after the pleasure.
“You’re all up in your head, darling,” Seonghwa whispered, spinning sweet webs to catch me in, “Stop thinking, pretty. Just turn off your brain and let the sensations wash over you. Just go with the flow.” His dark eyes flew over my figure for one last time and then he was gripping my jaw roughly and jerking my head to the side to finally feast upon me like he wished.
He kissed like he was laying a claim on me, hard and heavy, tongue prying my mouth open immediately and swallowing the aborted little sounds I couldn’t stop from slipping out. It was filthy and wet and I felt as if he tried to devour me whole. I couldn’t even reciprocate fully, only stand there and take it, weakly moving my own tongue against his but I was quickly overpowered by him in every sense. Then it stopped just as quickly as it started.
I opened my eyes, blearily blinking and trying to get my unfocused gaze back into working order. I felt like I was underwater, like thick molasses was pulling me deeper into the sweetness. Meanwhile Seonghwa looked beyond delighted, lips permanently quirked up and showcasing his sharp canines.
Quick hands spun me around again, one arm immediately securing me against him while the other went to my face, caressing it with deceptive gentleness. Slowly he ducked his head down and kissed up and down the side of my neck and my shoulder, and this time around his lips were tender and reverent, like he didn’t turn into a beast just a few moments ago. My head was spinning from his constant flip-flopping between kind and cruel, but I submitted to him every time anyway.
“He doesn’t even deserve you, darling,” his sugary whispered words carried a little sting to them, but he still trickled them like honey straight to my awaiting throat and I happily drank it all, “He can’t value you as he should… He can’t fuck you like he should.” He growled the word into my throat, hands migrating to grab at my ass and press me up against his crotch, letting me feel the hardness of his arousal.
I gasped and grabbed onto his shoulders, not even knowing whether I’m pushing him away or pulling him closer, but the result was the same. He kissed the same the second time around, plunging his tongue into my mouth and dominating it completely, not giving me a chance to do much else than sigh and moan filthily as he pried me open in every way.
The dress was slowly pulled down and I suddenly found myself exposed to his eyes, the white lacy wedding lingerie a contrast to my heated flushed skin. My first instinct was to hide myself away from him, shyness fighting to take control over me, but I stood still. Somehow to me it would have been more embarrassing if I cowered before him, so I faced his lust head on.
Seonghwa’s eyes hungrily took in every detail, every new inch of skin revealed, from the lacy top and the frilly ribbons in the middle, to the panties that barely hid anything and the wedding garter still firmly sitting on my thigh.
“God, look at you,” the man darkly groaned, eyes glued to my crotch, “You’d be wasted on such an idiot. You deserve so much more, darling, so much more.” On a whim I decided to gather some wit and push back a little, even though it might not be a great idea to provoke him right now.
I threaded my hand through his long locks and tugged hard, making him hiss loudly while his head jerked back. There way annoyance in his eyes, but even that couldn’t mask the sheer amount of arousal and lust reflected in them.
“And you think that you’re what I deserve?” I attempted to say coldly, but I couldn’t tell how successful I was at my delivery with my whole body shivering and succumbing to his touch already. His eyes narrowed and his face turned to stone, and I immediately wanted to take my taunt back. I did not feel anywhere near ready to have that kind of confrontation with him. I felt the fight drain out of me at the dangerous glint is his eyes, head instinctively ducking in shyness and submission.
Seonghwa must have sensed my surrender too, because his lips quickly turned into a cruel smirk and he laughed at me, hand going to lightly grab my throat. I waited with bated breaths, fear and anticipation bleeding together into an ugly kind of arousal, but I didn’t have it in me to feel much shame anymore.
The world suddenly spun around me and then I was crashing into the settee behind me with enough force to knock the breath out of me. I barely just gathered my wits back and Seonghwa was already kneeling in front of the sofa spreading my legs. His hands grabbed my hips and roughly manhandled me into the position he wanted, and once my legs were thrown over his shoulders, he wasted no time descending onto me.
He bit and kissed and licked his way down my inner thighs, the sensitive skin hurting and pinching with every nip, making me jerk and gasp in his hold to which he only chuckled coldly.
“Hold steady now, doll,” he said evenly, “I’m gonna eat your pussy until you’re cumming all over my face.” With that he smirked and dove in. His warning did nothing to stop my body jerking wildly the moment he licked a long bold stripe over the seat of the panties.
Seonghwa’s eyes flicked up full of dark reprimand, sending a wave of goosebumps over me. I saw his arm rise and descend quickly, just barely managing to hold my breath as it harshly collided with the skin where my thigh met my ass. The smack carried through the room, as well as my loud whimper. Embarrassingly I felt a gush of slick hit my panties at the action, but I had no time to dwell on it when Seonghwa bit mercilessly into the inner part of my thigh before sliding back to my centre.
For a few long moments he amused himself by skirting around where I truly needed him to touch and instead paid attention to the edges of the panties or lightly licked and sucked through the drenched lacy fabric. My whole body thrummed with excitement, begging to be finally touched where it needed it the most, but I was too afraid to writhe around or push him, so I just lied there and whined loudly, not even caring anymore. There wasn’t even anyone else on this floor anyway.
I was so wet and aroused, my cunt pulsing knowing he was so close to touching where I needed him, my brain completely melted and unable to comprehend anything beyond the burning consuming need as I trembled under his teasing touches and licks.
Seonghwa’s eyes bore into me, just endless swirling pools of arousal and arrogance, watching me battle my body to listen to his instructions and slowly falling apart before he even did anything. Once he had enough of the pathetic little show I put on for him, I more felt than heard his chuckle before he suddenly dove in.
The moment I felt his lips curl around my clit through the panties and suck, it felt like I could cum just from that as the relief and pleasure rushed through my veins and my hips kicked up a little. A long moan left my lips almost unwittingly and I threw my head back into the cushions hard enough to hurt even through the softness. My hands flew to his hair practically immediately and pulled hard, trying to keep him buried between my folds until the end of time.
Seonghwa didn’t seem to mind I disregarded his rule not to move, instead moaning loudly into my cunt in response and desperately mouthing and sucking at the little nub over the fabric. I felt my thighs tense with every move and Seonghwa’s hands gripped them harder to keep them still, his fingers sinking deep into the flesh until it was borderline painful, but the sensation only fuelled the madness of ecstasy that was warring through me and made everything just a tad bit sharper.
The man could only bear it for few more moments, before a frustrated noise sounded from between my legs and he was suddenly flying off of me. I instinctively pulled his hair to keep him where I wanted him and was greeted with the sight of his eyes rolling back into his skull and mouth opening on a silent moan. The display was enough to make me forget about the annoying lack of stimulation for just a few seconds, and I whined, high and long, as if trying to lure him closer.
Finally he looked at me, debauched pleasure written all over his face as his red swollen lips curled into a sensual grin, and then he quickly ripped my panties off and flung them somewhere across the room, only giving me the warning of hearing the fabric tear before the tatters curved through the air. I had barely two seconds to react and gasp before he was diving back straight for my pussy, his mouth and tongue finding my entrance almost immediately and licking and sucking all around it, spreading my wetness all over the lower part of his face.
An electric current went through me, my back arching on its own as I tensed and moaned at the sudden contact. And this time Seonghwa delivered, with all his might.
Only loud slurping sounds could be heard throughout the room as he wildly swirled his tongue around my folds, quickly gulping down everything he could gather and sucking intensely at my clit, making me jolt in his arms every time. Every once in a while he would move down for a moment, immediately sticking his tongue as deep into me as he could and fucking me with it with harsh fluid movements while his nose bumped against my most sensitive part and the loud chuffs of air, pants and moans vibrated through me and sent me higher; and then he’d rise back up only to abuse the swollen nub with rough flicks and well timed hard sucks.
I was falling apart under his ministrations quickly, almost embarrassingly so, my whole body jerking and quivering as my back curved up under the powerful euphoric bursts ravaging me inside out and the feeling of his warmth enveloping my folds made me almost crazy. The feeling only intensified when I looked down breathlessly and saw Seonghwa’s eyes, completely gone and glazed over, making him look like a helpless slave to the pleasure. I would have even felt some sense of power from it if he didn’t completely overwhelm me with the sensations, dutifully stimulating me in every way his clever mouth could think of.
He ate pussy wildly and messily, spreading my juices everywhere and nigh drowning in them, leaving me slack jawed under the onslaught of his tongue until I couldn’t even moan anymore, only tremble and gush even more right into his welcoming lips.
I felt myself clenching on him, the powerful feeling growing in intensity, building up from deep inside my core and my thighs shook over his shoulders. I knew I was a goner; I knew I was going to cum soon, and there was nothing I could do to fight it. So, I let go.
Seonghwa kept working my cunt tirelessly, swirling his tongue around my clit, licking through my folds, thrusting his tongue inside of me in slow and rough motions. And as he felt me getting closer, his own moans rose in pitch as if he was the one about to cum, mouth latched onto my entrance hungrily awaiting my release.
It only took a few more pumps and his nose pressing down hard on my clit, and the tension was snapping and suddenly I found myself cumming loudly, moan ripping out of my throat in shock at the strength of the orgasm, my whole body spasmed attempting to curl and arch with the euphoria, hands tightening impossibly in Seonghwa’s hair.
I blanked, everything turning to white and I could swear I could almost see stars as my ears rang. The whole feeling kept intensifying with Seonghwa still going, groaning into my pussy like it was the most delicious food he’s ever had.
When the high started coming off, I whined in overstimulation at his lazy strokes, for the first time trying to push him away instead of pull him closer, until he finally stopped and rested his head on one of my thighs. We both were breathing heavily and my whole body thrummed with the sweet release, while I could already see the darkness swirling back into his black irises. He smirked at me, half of his face completely smeared in my slick and glistening under the golden light of the room.
“See, wasn’t that refreshing?” he asked suddenly with voice raw and hoarse, a lot more joy seeping into it as he took in my boneless form and my unfocused eyes. I blinked through the tears and through the haze, rendered useless by the force of pleasure and yet still strangely unsatisfied. There were already swirls of new lust building up in my belly at his calculating hungry stare, and I was completely ready to give myself over to him in any way he requested, if only just to have him rain euphoria on me.
As if hearing my thoughts, the man rose suddenly, towering over me and once again looking down on me condescendingly over the top of his nose, but this time around I was considerably more distracted by the enormous tent attempting to push through his pants. He scoffed at me, watching me lust over his cock like I was nothing more but a bitch in heat, and then two of his fingers curled in a beckoning motion, luring me to him with a single gesture. And we both knew I would go.
I eagerly forced myself to sit up, taking a few seconds to try out my limbs again and see if I could even hold my weight now, but after some uncoordinated slips and bumbling around like a newborn fawn, I was able to push myself into a kneeling position on the sofa, my face exactly at the height of his crotch.
I looked up at him expectantly, already licking my lips at imagining having his length stuffed all the way down my throat. I knew he would do it to me, I knew he would push his way in harshly and fuck my throat until it was unusable, until I was crying and struggling to breathe. He would hold my head and force himself as deep as possible, disregarding me completely. It had me slicking up again, breathing quickening, the arousal building up steadily and quickly, the idea of it making my cunt clench in a silent plea to be filled up and absolutely ravaged. And by the look in Seonghwa’s eyes, I could tell that wish would soon become reality.
There was so much mockery and condescension etched into his features I would absolutely feel shame at myself the moment this ended, but while kneeling there I barely minded him clearly looking down on me, both literally and metaphorically. And he played with me a little, hand tangling itself into my hair and messing up the bun I had done for the wedding even more, pushing my head against his bulge, but not letting me mouth over it or touch it, always pulling away as soon as I moved closer. His cruel smirk reflected clearly how much fun teasing me he had, knowing he had me in this state after one orgasm without even fucking me. How truly pathetic I was.
His hard cock pushed at my cheek, and he pressed himself closer and firmer against me, slowly rocking his hips until he was dry humping my face, peering down at me filthily. I stayed docile in his hold, letting him rub himself over me, eyes trained on the way pleasure slowly broke through his mask, colouring his eyes with different kind of darkness. But he soon grew bored of this and pushed me away.
I held in the embarrassing whine at that, biting my tongue to keep myself together while he gazed at me looking like he was trying to figure how to destroy me. Which, to be honest, he absolutely was.
His thumb swiped over my lower lip quickly and then his hand migrated to my neck again, this time manhandling me a lot gentler as he pushed me around to turn and bend over to all fours, still perched on top of that sofa.
The furnishing moved and dented behind me, throwing me off balance a little, but then there was a body pressing into me, hips firmly digging into mine and a hot hard cock pushing against my weeping red cunt.
I gasped lightly and moved backwards, grinding onto the man to feel him sliding through my folds even with his pants still on, but he stopped me with a hiss, one hand going to push at my lower back and the other grabbing onto my hip.
“Stop being so impatient, doll,” Seonghwa taunted darkly, voice heavy and low with the accumulated lust, “You’ll take what I give you or I’ll have you watch as I cum all on my own.” Though even this threat sounded a little tempting, I immediately froze, only feeling my walls clenching in anticipation. I dug my fingers into the furnishing, almost even holding my breath to settle the wild desire running through me and begging me to just spear myself on his cock rules or no rules. But I held steadfast and was rewarded with his amused chuckle.
“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you doll?” he whispered, hands grabbing onto the meat of my hips and pulling me back against him while at the same time thrusting forward. I was so wet I slid along his pants seamlessly, leaving behind a trail of my arousal, and he parked himself home perfectly, cock pressing into my folds just flawless enough to make my brain absolutely melt.
I could feel the trembling in my hips start up again and fought against the urge to cant my hips in an attempt to finally have him fuck me. I didn’t feel strong enough to hold myself up on my arms anymore, so I slowly lowered myself until I was lying on and grabbing onto the arm of the sofa, looking straight into my own eyes in the reflection in the windows.
Seonghwa behind me was fascinatedly watching where we were pressed together while his hips resumed the gentle rocking against mine, just enough to make me feel him but not enough to give me any relief. I couldn’t hold back the whine and his eyes snapped to mine in the window, face instantly crumpling into a mean smirk.
“Such a good girl,” he repeated more teasingly this time, “only want someone to push you around a little and stuff you full, huh? Need someone to throw you down and show you your place, don’t you darling? No thoughts, just a cock drilling into you and filling you with cum, that’s what you need, huh?”
His words triggered a visceral reaction out of me; shuddering I whined loudly and finally pushed my hips against his, working them in little circles right on his erection, hoping to entice him into doing something. But I clearly underestimated just how much of a menace he could be when he wanted to.
Upon his entertained laugh I searched the window for his form again, finding him amusedly watching me pitifully attempting to get myself off on his pants, and frustration rushed through me. A growl ripped itself out of my throat and before I knew it, my mouth was running off.
“God, Seonghwa, just shut the fuck up and fuck me finally.”
Suddenly we were plunged into silence as I saw his eyes narrow at me, boring right into my soul even through the medium of the window. One of his hands pushed at the small of my back forcefully, steadying my hips and pinning them away from his, while his other finally moved to his belt and zipper. But there was a dark expression on his face, all amusement draining out of him in a second, instead now giving him a colder and domineering aura again.
“Guess I spoke too soon, huh?” he said with faux anger, hand aggressively tearing his belt off of his pants, “Did you already forget what I said about taking what I give you? Well… don’t tell me I didn’t warn you…” The last sentence had me breaking into cold sweat, both a warning and a promise sounding through his voice, throwing me into panic while my cunt slicked up even more in anticipation.
Seonghwa tore his pants open, pushing them around just enough to pull his cock out and without even giving me a chance to look, he shoved himself balls-deep inside of me knocking the wind out of me. I gasped out loudly, whole body jerking forward, and my hands grabbed onto the sofa as hard as I could to battle with the dual sensation of pleasure and fulfilment with burning pain. Tears sprung into my eyes, one sliding down my cheek and falling right into my mouth open wide on silent moan, making me taste salt.
Turns out, the dark-haired man wasn’t willing to wait on that either, as he immediately started pumping his hips into me full force, using his cock to mould my walls to fit him without giving me time to adjust. But it’s not like I complained about anything, when ecstasy I haven’t known before wracked through me and I moaned out desperately with every rough thrust, quickly feeling the pain melt into mind-numbing pleasure that had fire spreading through my every nerve.
I could already feel my body responding and we were barely a couple of thrusts in, but if the rapid throbbing of my walls and my shaking trembling hips were anything to go by, I was ready to cum within few moments. And Seonghwa felt it.
His hands readjusted their grip on my body and then he upped the pace, snapping his hips into me wildly and forcefully, almost knocking to wind out of me on every uptake and sending me crashing into the armrest. He slid in so deep and so perfectly, pressing up against my sweet spot with every move and sending me into overdrive. Every few thrusts I felt like I blacked out for a few seconds as my mind and body started shutting down to only receive the pleasure and nothing more. My face was wet, and I wasn’t sure if it was from sweat, drool or tears, but still I felt like I was sitting on the edge of some terrible breathtaking revelation, like a messiah witnessing a godly act for the first time in their miserable life.
I was literally gasping for breath and on the cusp of cumming again after barely two minutes of his rough pace, cunt so wet I made a mess everywhere and every time he pulled out my juices splattered on our bodies. I was hungrily sucking him in, clenching around the intrusion in hopes of keeping him lodged so deep inside of me it scratched something wild and primal in my brain.
There was babbling and nonsense spilling out of my lips, begging the man to never stop and whining out how good he felt stretching me out like that; cock hammering into my walls with brutish force and I knew I’d never forget the feeling of getting fucked by him, of his thickness spearing me open and the spongy tip overstimulating me from the inside.
The man behind me snickered and I peeked through my half-lidden eyes to the reflection, seeing the vision of Seonghwa ravaging me with all of his clothes still on and perfectly intact, only his pants pushed slightly down, sweat running down his forehead and his cheeks, eyes crazed and trained on the way my whole body bounced with his thrusts. His eyes screamed absolute power and rendered me defenceless against him.
He kept steadily upping the tempo until he was jackhammering into me so quickly my body was crashing down under the tidal wave of pleasure, my g-spot so fucking battered I was crying and drooling into the pillows. I was so sensitive and high-strung, experiencing a wave after a wave of nearly there orgasms, always strong enough to have me breathless but never enough to quite push me over the edge.
I wanted to plead and beg for him to make me cum, but I couldn’t even speak properly through the loud whines and moans spilling freely out of my throat, tongue completely useless and wooden, and any attempt to speak got drown out by Seonghwa’s grunts and groans anyway. So I put the matter into my own hands, quite literally.
I quickly stuck my hand down between my legs and went straight for my clit, pressing on it desperately, half expecting Seonghwa to push it away and punish me, but the man only laughed, head thrown back beautifully to showcase his neck shining with perspiration. When his head lolled back, he was grinning brilliantly, eyes half-lidded and yet so alert it was scary. He was drinking it all up, taking in the spectacle and enjoying the show.
“Look at you, making yourself cum on my cock,” he teased breathily, trying to keep the same tempo but I could feel he was slipping too, “If I knew you’d be cumming your brain out within a few thrusts like this, I’d have treated you like that from the beginning, darling.” I barely registered it, instead everything inside of me screaming from teetering on the edge for too long.
And then suddenly I stuttered and gasped, everything crashing onto me in a burst of fire, and I was cumming so fiercely I screamed, cunt clenching strongly enough to restrict his movement, but he continued slamming into me forcefully as if nothing happened, as if it was nothing while I shook and jerked and cried, the feeling overtaking me with such intensity I blacked out for a moment, eyes rolling back into the back of my skull and my tongue lolling out of my mouth and dripping drool everywhere. Everything was just white noise, and all I could register were my curling toes, my fingers digging into the fabric hard enough to hurt, the feeling of my juices streaming down my thighs as I came and my cunt pumping the most delicious euphoria I’ve ever felt through my body, like sweet ambrosia running through my veins.
I heaved a deep breath suddenly, like coming up through the surface after almost drowning, my body snapping back into itself as the climax turned into a continuous shivering electric hum under my skin. I felt even barely conscious, eyes slipping closed after the intensity of the orgasm plundering through me at the hands of the beautiful man.
But Seonghwa was still thrusting into me, plunging deep and keeping practically the same tempo, and I cried out in overstimulation, instinctively trying to pull away from him, but he kept me in place with his grip, never faltering and taking what he wanted. He was grunting and loudly gasping for air behind me, clearly also on the edge of finding his release, while I was fucked into complete oversensitivity, every new thrust sending scalding hot fireworks through my tired body.
His pace changed, his strokes getting more heavy-handed as he focused more on delivering deep hard thrusts instead of keeping up his pace, the impact of our bodies strong enough to make loud slapping noises that flew through the room, and in any normal kind of headspace it would make me embarrassed, but now I could barely think about anything else other than the hard hot cock making me go crazy and slowly pushing me towards a third high.
Seonghwa curled around me slightly, crumpling with the force of his oncoming orgasm, eyes blown wide and mouth hanging open, his hands digging into me with such force I was afraid they were drawing blood.
This was pure animalistic fucking, the kind that I’ve never experienced before, and wasn’t fully prepared for what was in store for me, turning me into a lifeless ragdoll in his hands, just taking it, body jolting around on the soft settee along with his movements.
“I’m going to ruin you for him,” gasped out Seonghwa abruptly after such a long period of silence. His mind seemed to be completely gone, eyes glazed over with something insane and dangerous. His hips pumped desperately, and I felt his cock twitching wildly inside of me just begging to burst.
“I’m going to ruin you for him and for everyone else,” he continued hurriedly, the words falling out of him quickly and with force, “every time he even tries, you’ll only be thinking about how I gave it to you better than any man ever could. My sweet little sister-in-law thinking about my cock while fucking her husband.” A long groan left him, the image he was painting getting to him and pushing him towards the edge hard, his eyes squeezing shut tightly.
I moaned out weakly at that, heat clamping down on him once again in response to his filthy words, and there was an absolutely debauched high-pitched moan from behind me before I felt Seonghwa explode, cumming in strong thick spurts that filled me up quickly as his hips jerked forward with the momentum, trying to press himself as deep as possible to deposit his load.
Another wave similar to a weak orgasm rolled through me and I shivered under him, body protesting and begging me for a reprieve.
We stilled, both trying to catch our breath and recover from the highs we went through, and Seonghwa leaned down, plastering himself to my back. The heat rose at the contact of our two bodies and it was nearly unbearable, but then suddenly the man was giggling darkly into my ear and dread rolled through me at the sound. His lips attached themselves lightly to the lobe, playing with it a little before getting to the point.
“Gave you my load nice and deep darling,” he whispered conspiratorially, another breathless chuckle escaping him, “just like your pussy wanted.” There was a terrible beat of silence, the calm before storm, the dark awful moment before a disaster strikes. I felt his lips pressing closer to the shell of my ear, almost feeling the shape of his smirk.
“Wouldn’t it be ironic…” he started playfully, intentionally avoiding what he wanted to say, until he finally whispered: “How fun would it be if his first son was my bastard, huh? If I got you nice and pregnant tonight and sent you back with a little gift? Wouldn’t you agree, darling?”
A sense of dread and panic started setting into my stomach, but I was too tired, too drained, and I couldn’t do anything except lie there under him and slowly come to terms with my fate. My eyes were even barely open, but I saw enough of him to know that he had more than just a little sick satisfaction from that. The only thing I could do was turn my gaze away and quietly stew in the possible consequences      of my lapse of judgement.
“He took everything of mine,” Seonghwa said with dark finality, “It’s only fair I take something of his.” I didn’t react to that, letting him ride the high all on his own while I just wanted to lie down and sleep. But he seemed to have a different idea of how this evening would continue.
With a deep rumbling laugh he gently gathered me in his arms, dislodging himself from me in the process. I blushed lightly at the feeling of his thick cum trickling down my thighs immediately, but I bet it could be barely seen on my sweaty red face. I dreaded to see the state of my makeup after all of this, or the state of the sofa where my face got smushed into the light brown fabric. Or where I, you know, got fucked into oblivion.
Seonghwa happily heaved me up and started walking towards the king bed in the other room, softly laying me down on the bedding. In my half delirious state my tired brain tried catch up with him now that he flipped again and started being all kind, but I just watched him warily as he moved about the room elegantly.
His clothes were somehow still perfectly in place, except for his pants that were open and hanging onto his hips by sheer willpower. I could see the dark stains of my slick on them alongside some colourful smudges of my makeup and I blushed again, the shame catching up on me now that my brain wasn’t as heated anymore, and I could think at least a little clearly.
I was gathering up my strength to sit up and remove the rest of the tattered lingerie (and my shoes, somehow I managed to forget my heels were still firmly strapped on my feet), when I felt a shadow fall over me. My eyes blinked open slowly, taking in Seonghwa who suddenly appeared at the foot of the bed, looking down on me amusedly.
I watched on as he slowly started loosening his tie and undoing the buttons on his black vest and white shirt. He undressed unhurriedly, the whole time hypnotising me with dark eyes and the bad premonition rose in me once more, the pit in my stomach opening. But if it was with dread or hunger, I couldn’t tell.
Once he got rid of everything except for his pants and underwear, which was on again even though there was a dark wet stain on it, I was already inched up all the way in the middle of the bed as if instinctively trying to put some distance between us. The predatory glint in his eyes told me he was very aware of that; it was trained on me like a wolf’s gaze on a helpless rabbit.
He leisurely climbed onto the bed, one leg after another, beautiful muscled torso on display, just miles of flawless honey-toned skin rippling with every fluid movement of his lithe body. Suddenly he leaned forward and his hands clasped around my ankles like shackles, but his touch remained delicate, a complete one eighty from the ruthless man before.
While keeping his eyes trained on mine, he languidly bent down and placed a barely there kiss on the skin right above my ankle, and I shivered at the caress, my legs tensing and trembling under his care. Seonghwa smirked lightly, snickered quietly and put his lips back to work.
As he unhurriedly climbed up my legs, crawling over me with his hands and lips reverently tracing my heated skin, here or there swiping his tongue over it and tasting the salt of our combined sweat, I laid there and observed him with bated breath, tentative excitement beginning to swirl in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t sure whether I could go on, but it was hard to remain cold under his lustful stare and gentle hands.
When he reached my crotch I gasped and he laughed at me, nosing a little around the sensitive area and staring like a hawk at my reaction. Trying hard not to break I pursed my lips together hard, but I couldn’t conceal whatever it was that swam in my eyes to which he seemed to be drawn the most. I cursed at my weak mind and flesh and threw my head back in surrender, thighs automatically falling more apart to give him space to operate.
My heart gave a few painful pumps, and I tried not to think about what was happening here, tried to not think about what night this was and who I was with, but the man seemed determined not to let me forget what sin we were committing here.
An amused chuckle flew out his mouth at me, I felt the puff of air hit my sensitive slit and jolted a little with a quiet gasp, but he only kissed the top of my mound and then moved on to kiss at my hip and further up.
“I’d love to clean up your naughty little pussy, darling,” he whispered into my navel stuttering and trembling with my uneven breaths, “but I want my cum stay right where it is for just a moment longer.” I shuddered at that, a pulse of heat running through me. My hands, all sweaty and clammy, desperately grabbed onto the sheet and dug deep into the mattress in a miserable attempt to not grasp onto him.
Seonghwa slowly kissed his way all the way up to my breasts and suddenly his way was obstructed by the remnants of my night-dress, the white lacy bra barely holding on after he ripped off the lower half of the set. After one cheeky glance my way he sat up and tapped my side gently.
“Arch that back for me for a moment doll, let me take it off for you,” trickled out of his mouth in a sensual drawl, hands already sliding to my back. I listened, of course I did, even though I still stubbornly refused to meet his eyes and turned my head to the side, instead looking out the window at the night Seoul. The man’s reflection was embedded there, obstructing my view and forcing me to perceive him until the bitter end. I watched as he moved fluidly, hands caressing their way up my back and searching for the clasp, undoing it with a single blind flick of his fingers.
I felt the fabric give and slide off of me slightly, before Seonghwa dutifully moved to collect it and move it away, quickly taking it off and throwing it to the side towards the closet. I kept my eyes trained on the vision he was, a dark silhouette backlit with golden light, almost shining skin like a halo, on the backdrop of the beautiful nightline. It was ethereal, he looked ethereal.
The figure moved again, smoothing himself out over the bed, anchoring himself between my thighs. I witnessed him languidly bend down, like he had all the time in the world, a soft smirk on his face that spoke of victory. The same moment his head ducked down lazily, I felt the man’s hot breath hit my skin and then he was licking a bold stripe up the strip between my breasts. In the reflection, the two forms moulded together, and I felt myself arch up into him and gasp, breaking the eye contact with the window.
I lost the battle to my hands and finally reached for him, needed to feel him and grab on to him so viscerally I almost couldn’t breathe with the desire. I ran up the smooth planes of his back until I finally tangled them into his long black messed up hair, for the second time that night.
Contrary to what I expected, Seonghwa kept himself calm and only migrated to softly play with my tit, pulling the nipple into his mouth and lightly sucking, sending tingling down my spine. He wasn’t hurried at all, the lazy strokes of his tongue around the little nub and the sucks pleasantly sending bursts of warmth through me.
His hands held my tits from the sides, pushing them together as he trailed his mouth all over them, laying down searing branding kisses, alternating between the two nipples and biting lightly. I surrendered to the feeling, letting the beautiful man play me as he pleased, curling into him and hands pulling him closer, massaging the skin of his back and his shoulders.
I was obsessed with the feeling of him under my hands, the heat radiating off of him, the softness of his skin compared to the firmness of the muscle bellow, feeling it ripple as he moved himself closer and plunged his head between my tits, feeling it vibrate with his light moans and sighs of pleasure. It felt like I was losing my mind, body melting into him and eternally begging for more.
I had my eyes closed firmly shut, head thrown back and all thoughts banished except for the sensation of his wet tongue exploring every inch of me and leaving a trail of shivers behind. Without me realising it my thighs rose to cage his waist and hips, hitching up to the back of his thighs and latching onto him so he could never leave and deprive me of this feeling.
Seonghwa was full of happy chuffs and amused chuckles, just entertaining himself by watching me struggle to contain the lust, and I could feel his eyes on me, the dark orbs taking me in as I laid there under him and pleaded for his attention without even having to say a single word.
After what felt like hours of just worshipping my tits, until not even a single millimetre of my skin wasn’t kissed or licked or sucked by his naughty mouth, he finally moved higher and settled into the crook of my neck and latching onto the soft spot right under my ear, making me keen and sigh and whimper. He paid the same attention to my neck, marking it all up with searing kisses and bites that left a gentle sting mixing into the pleasure and I felt my cunt gushing once more, getting ready to take him again.
This new position had our hips perfectly aligned and there was an unmistakable bulge pressing into my centre, and before I could stop myself or think about it, I started gyrating my hips and rubbing myself all over him.
“Being so naughty again, princess,” Seonghwa murmured into my skin with a snicker, “Need another good fucking? Want another load from your brother-in-law, is that it?” I whined, turning my head away from him in embarrassment, but he didn’t seem bothered and only pressed himself closer. I hated when he was using that name for himself, but I couldn’t deny it was the truth. I’ve done such a good job of ignoring that blaring fact, but he never failed to bring me back firmly onto Earth.
Then his hand slowly sneaked from my breasts down my stomach between my legs and he immediately pressed two fingers onto my clit, forcing a stuttered moan out of my throat.
My pussy was so raw and tender after the fucking it received, just wet and swollen and burning, burning for more and begging to be filled and ravaged again, and I knew the moment I’d get his cock inside me again it would feel like getting branded with a fired seal, but I craved nothing more than to have the tip battering my sweet spot until I couldn’t speak.
His fingers didn’t waste time and after some playing around with the sensitive aching nub, he plunged them as deep inside as they could go, giving me a nice substitute but knowing they wouldn’t fill me up enough, not in the way I craved as I began to lose my mind to the lust once more.
The residues of his last release squelched and spurted around his fingers as he began slowly but forcefully fucking me with them, turning it into even a bigger mess, but I barely cared when I had something to clench onto and ride the feeling.
I absolutely felt like I was going through a heat, like I wasn’t capable of single thought beyond getting absolutely railed by this stunning cruel man. At the back of my head countless alarms blared through the night, but I ignored all of them. So what if he did it for revenge? So what if he didn’t care one bit? So what if this had potentially devastating consequences? Nothing mattered as long as he kept fucking me and making me cum.
“How’s that, darling?” he asked on a mean turn of his fingers, forcing them deeper into me and curling them into the most sensitive patch, “Enjoying your brother-in-law’s fingers? You’re such a dirty little whore, letting me have my way with you on your wedding night.” The equally fascinated and mocking tone of his voice was back, hypnotising me with its sweetness and luring me in just to hammer my shame home even further.
I ignored the way I clenched around him at those words, though Seonghwa no doubt noticed judging by the snickers and giggles that kept escaping him as he watched me flail about on the bed under his ministrations. The whine that did claw its way out of me was completely involuntary though and I tried to cover it up with a loud exclamation of “Seonghwa!”. I truly meant it as a reprimand, but it came out as a helpless moan as I felt a shockwave of pleasure rushing through me.
And had I been watching the man, I’d see the way his already blown out pupils dilated with lust even more, as the familiar glint of aroused craze settled back into them.
“Fuck, darling, I really do like hearing you say my name like that,” he whispered breathlessly, fingers picking up the pace, “And you’re absolutely right. You should be screaming my name, you should scream yourself hoarse on my cock so you’d never forget..”
I panted heavily and my legs kept tensing with the rising feeling of another orgasm coming, this time the tidal wave rising higher and higher, the tension getting more strung up and tightening around my core like a string about to snap. But I needed more. I wanted more.
Letting go of all the inhibitions I had left, I grabbed onto the man, desperately pulling at him as I arched more, thighs falling open and hips canting up to feel his thin frame lodge into mine even more. My eyes blinked open after what felt like a whole eternity in a blissful darkness and sought out his immediately, looking into those all-consuming orbs watching my every move.
“Please, Seonghwa…” came out as a hoarse whisper, more a desperate whine than anything, “fuck, please! Please, give me something!” A wicked fucking grin split his face and I realised that it was what he was waiting for this whole time. To break me enough to beg for it all on my own. A dark anticipation ran through me, knowing I’d finally get what he’d been teasing me with.
And I couldn’t even feel bad about it when the man finally extricated himself from me, settled on his knees and pushed his trousers and underwear off, baring himself to me for the first time that night. Or early morning, I had no idea how much time has actually passed.
I was taking his lean figure in hungrily, eyes scaling up and down the elegant planes and curves that hid so much muscle and strength under deceptive beauty, and of course, his beautiful cock standing tall, thin, long and angry red at the weeping tip, all but begging to get back inside of my warmth. And who was I to take that away from him?
Clocking in how starvingly I was eyeing his length, the man smirked at me, hand going to grip my jaw and force my eyes back to his face. There was an arrogant self-satisfied grimace, knowing he’d captivated me like no other before.
“Now now, be a good girl,” Seonghwa taunted darkly, “and maybe I’ll let you suck it some other time.” The promise in that sentence sent shivers and goosebumps down the line of my body, but I couldn’t decide whether it was dread or pure ecstasy at knowing I’d get him like this again, already completely hooked on what he was offering. I licked my lips and his eyes jumped briefly down, lips absentmindedly turning into a smile and then he released me.
Now fully naked, he teasingly slowly settled over me, hips anchoring themselves between my thighs like before, but this time he went for my mouth in another claiming kiss, grabbing onto the side of my head as he pushed his tongue in immediately and eagerly drank up all my little noises of surprise and joy.
This kiss was different though, languid and deliberate and deep, the slow strokes almost lazy in nature, and I keened into him, eyes rolling back with the sensations that washed over me both suddenly and gradually at the same time.
And then, without any warning, he started pushing in, much like he was kissing me – languidly and deliberately driving into me in a slow motion, until our hips were moulded together. And this time it felt like he was even deeper, just sitting there inside of me, pushing into me in a way that was making me crazy without even moving, the weight of having him pressed there enough to choke me up on a sob.
My mouth opened on a moan and Seonghwa hungrily ate it up, mouth continuing to work me and kiss me even though I grew unresponsive in his arms, eyes glazed and unseeing.
And just like before, contrary to my expectations, he didn’t start wildly thrusting into me. Instead he just as slowly pulled out and pushed back in, hips fluidly moving in broad slow strokes and I felt like he was pumping hot molten iron into my circulation.
Our mouths disconnected with a lewd gasp, a few strings of saliva connecting us together until his dark grin broke them. We were so close to each other, our skin melded together by sweat, bodies sliding against each other with every leisured thrust. He stayed hovering right above me, our noses brushing together and breaths mingling. Seonghwa drank up every little twitch of my face with his dark blown out eyes and I couldn’t help but keep my wide open, staring right back.
The eye contact was intense, and I felt sparks jumping between us, but neither of us broke. We just breathed into each other’s lips, brushing but not initiating another kiss. It was so intimate it almost fooled me into believing we cared about each other; with one of his hands reverently caressing my side and the gentle steady pace of his hips, it would have been easy to believe that.
Seonghwa shifted slightly, so that he was leaning on his elbow placed by my shoulder, while the free hand travelled down again to grasp at my hip. Pinning me down to the bed, he roughed up the pace a little, snapping his hips to me a little harder. That finally got me breaking out of the spell and the moment he hammered into my sweet spot, my eyes rolled back into my head and I moaned whinily.
I grabbed onto him, at first onto the shoulders and then I migrated to his waist. Seonghwa chuckled and swerved to get back to my neck, giggling lightly straight into my ear.
“That’s it, darling,” he whispered devotedly, voice honeyed and curling around my senses like a snake, “Fuck, yeah, that’s it…” I took in a shaky breath and immediately tensed at another perfectly aimed pump.
“Seonghwa..” I whimpered out, arching under him even more if that even was possible, legs curling around his hips, and he suddenly pulled back his arm to grab onto my right knee and force it all the way until it hit the mattress, opening me up to him and sliding in even deeper on the next stroke. I choked on a whine, the gradual build up of another orgasm turning my tongue into lead and whiting out my mind.
Seonghwa stubbornly refused to speed up, even though I was hopelessly writhing underneath him on the king bed in the honeymoon suite, husband of barely few hours drunken halfway to death somewhere in this 60-storey building, and here I was. Falling apart another man’s cock, begging for more.
“S-Seonghwa!” I choked out again, “Please, please, fuck I need something!” My cunt felt so raw and sensitive from all the fucking and orgasms before and every time he plunged back inside, slowly to make me feel every inch, every ridge, until his tip nudged as deep as it could go, it ignited me in a way that seemed to touch deep enough to burn my soul.
I felt the sweat trickling down my body, from the creases on the inside of my knees, from beneath my breasts, down my neck and hairline, we both felt so sweaty we stuck together, every movement made smooth by it. It made the slapping noise of our bodies meeting each other wetter, along with my juices that must have by now covered absolutely everything. The heat was nigh unbearable, but it was consuming me from the inside out just like all the other sensations, making my brain even more muddled.
I fought to focus my eyes again, pull them towards Seonghwa, to see the man that was ruining me like this, to see what kind of expression was on his face. The moment I rolled my head back, he was there. The man must have gone back to watching me at some point without me realising it, because there he was, with his face wet with perspiration and hair sticking to his forehead, eyes almost black and lips curled loosely into a smug grin.
“There you are, darling,” fell out of his lips easily, in the otherwise pretty silent room it was almost too loud. I gasped and hiccupped, still hanging onto him like a lifeline.
“After this, what I wouldn’t give to have you ride me, pretty girl,” the man continued now that he had my attention again, “To see your tits bounce as you ride my cock, to fill you up with another load… I know you deserve another one, don’t you pretty girl?” He grew breathless with every word, hips losing rhythm and snapping a little faster, not much but a smidge. I appreciated it all the same, chanting a row of “yes, yes, yes!” while he laughed at me like I was pathetic.
“I’ll have you do it some other time, darling,” Seonghwa just kept going, my reactions fuel to his fire, hips now swirling with every thrust, working in little circles like he was just amusing himself, “after all, I’ll probably need to pump you full a couple times before it takes, huh? And we have all the time in the universe… now that we’re family.”
I whined, but it was drowned out by the noise inside of my head. Sparks were erupting all over my body, the steady pace he set putting just enough pressure on my g-spot to have me stiffening and growing taunt, getting pushed closer and closer to an edge that was already so familiar to me by now.
“Like that!” I couldn’t hold back the scream, head thrown back into the pillows, “Hwa! Hwa, please don’t stop!” The man in question didn’t laugh at me like I anticipated, instead he bent down until our foreheads were almost touching, hand clenching on my knee and keeping it pushed into the bedding, hips enthusiastically pumping into me in a deep circular motion. There were some soft creaks of the bed that got lost to my relieved moans, drowned in the cacophony that was us.
The shaking started up again, the feeling close to overcoming me so intense my whole body shook and trembled as I gasped and moaned, my throat hoarse and lips bitten raw (whether it be from Seonghwa or my own self).
Seemed that the man for once decided to listen to me, cause he kept his pace and aimed at that one spot until I felt the wave rising, rising, pussy clenching and squeezing. It was mounting way more intensely than before and I found myself thrashing, feeling like I was about to explode.
My fingers dug into Seonghwa’s skin, enough to leave him some nasty marks and scratches, and I heard the man hiss in pleasure, hips kicking forward a little rougher and all it took was two, three, four more pumps and then everything burst out in blinding deafening blast, body contorting as much as it could twist under Seonghwa, toes curling and the ecstasy shot through me, shot out of me in strong currents of relief and it felt so fucking good, so good I could cry (and I probably did).
Once the first wave fell off a little, I registered Seonghwa’s stuttered moans and curses, hips jerking wildly, drawing out the euphoria endlessly until I thought I might die between the never-ending pulses of pleasure. The feeling of wetness rose tenfold between us, but my brain couldn’t comprehend anything.
I kept moaning as Seonghwa kept thrusting, going with the feeling and riding the high, listening to his desperate groans and murmurs. I couldn’t make out what he was saying, not fully, everything still fuzzy on the edges and my bones molten gold, even the air I was breathing was full of ecstasy and everything swam in front of my eyes.
“Look at me darling, fuck, look at me,” his desperate moan pulled my attention, and I did my best to focus on him. Eyes blown wide and hair messy, golden skin dewy with drops of perspiration; I felt one hit my skin and splatter and it was almost burning.
“Fuck, I wanna see you when I fill you up one last time, pretty girl,” Seonghwa gasped out, hold tightening on my thigh and mouth open wide gasping into mine as our noses slid against each other with sweat.
When he came, I felt it viscerally through my whole body.
At first, he trembled under my hands, muscles growing taunt. Then his hips kicked forward forcefully and suddenly an overflow of scalding hot seed spilt into me in thick long spurts. Seonghwa’s face fell to my neck and his high-pitched moans reverberated through my chest and I lied there gasping, walls contracting, trying to keep everything inside. It was a primitive instinct, but I knew no better than to get absolutely bred and fucked after all.
There were little tremors running through me, aftershocks of the orgasm, aftershocks of feeling Seonghwa’s orgasm so close, of the raw pleasure it brought me to feel him release inside of me. But as the adrenaline started wearing off, I suddenly felt dizzy and boneless.
Seonghwa was like the devil, lips pressed to the shell of my ear and whispering, tattering off with hushed praises, hands caressing me and his weight comfortably pressing me down into the bed. I felt the warmth of his cum trickling down the cleft of my ass, escaping around his softening cock still lodged inside of me.
“You’re amazing darling, I had no idea you’d squirt for me like that,” I caught one of the things he muttered into my neck sweetly, kissing along the column of it in gently, “such a good girl for me…” Everything wavered, growing dark.
My eyes were closing by themselves, and I could barely keep myself awake enough to hear what he said next, the gravity making itself known once more and pulling my heavy body into the bedding. I slowly drifted off to his soft whispers and tender touches.
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Waking up the next morning, if someone told me I got runover by a truck in my sleep, I’d have believed them. I’d fucking swear my body creaked when I tried to move, the muscles protesting and bones cracking into place one by one.
Upon stretching I realised that I was laid in clean sheets. I distinctly remembered falling asleep in a bed that was soaked through with release and sweat, the feeling of the cold wet bedding on my rapidly cooling skin was uncomfortable enough to burn into my memory. I was still naked though.
The next thing I noticed had mortification mixed with shame spreading through me rapidly and I didn’t know whether to blush or just burst out crying. I could feel the dried up cum coating my heat and thighs, meaning he didn’t clean me up afterwards.
I wanted to hate him and paint him in my mind as an asshole that didn’t give two shits about aftercare, since it wouldn’t be that big of a leap honestly, but if I got to know one thing about him yesterday, it’s that he most definitely left it on purpose.
Just as I was cursing him in my mind and figuring out how to take a shower while my entire body refused to work, there was a groan and a ruffle of sheets from behind me. I froze immediately and panic gripped me.
If the bastard didn’t even leave… Anyone could come in at any moment, there’s no explaining the fate that would befall me if I was caught here like this.
But when I finally willed myself through the panic to turn around and face it head on, there was my husband, sleeping like a baby. He was undressed and smelled absolutely horrendously, but it was him unmistakably. Unfortunately. A vague shape of a memory fought its way to the surface in my mind – blearing through sleepy eyes glued together at the shadow of Seonghwa pulling someone into the room, the rustling of sheets and nondescript cursing and thuds – before I got pulled back under.
Great. Just awesome
After few moments of struggling to stand up and balance my weight on my shaky unsteady knees, I finally managed to set out on my way to the bathroom. It was all across the suite and in the process, I got to witness the doom of our night together.
The poor sofa had a stain and a few splatters on it, and I didn’t wish to investigate their origin any further, so I moved through the tattered remains of my wedding dress that was split in the middle almost cleanly. At some point one of us had to knock over a champagne glass, because I almost stepped on it while looking over the dress, instead landing my foot in still a vaguely damp sticky pool of drying alcohol seeping into the carpet and lower tiers of the dress. I ignored the mortification and embarrassment at the clear display of complete mess and soldiered on shakily.
Getting to the bathroom was a whole ordeal, but when I made it, I had no idea the true show was yet to begin. There in mirror was my reflection, it was much clearer than the ones I had burned into my memory of yesterday, there were no blinding lights behind it, no dark sky to distract, only me covered in marks from head to toe, hair a fucked-out nest and eyes red-rimmed.
I breathed out a sigh, resignation setting in as I looked at the state of me. There was nothing I could do. I didn’t even have my makeup here, it was a hot summer outside. I would have to walk out of here eventually and I couldn’t hide even an inch of the reddish and purplish spots and bitemarks that littered the skin of my neck and the swell of my breasts. The bites tapered out a little there and I looked down, seeing the carnage that was my hips with vivid marks of fingers and hands printed on my skin.
For a moment I stood there, eyes squeezed shut and face pulled into a frustrated grimace, but then I just sighed deeply again, the tension quickly bleeding out of me. What was done, was done.
With slumped shoulders I dragged my feet to the shower, trying to make myself forget as much as possible and wash away all the evidence that could be taken off with the soft floral soap.
I hid away in the bathroom for as long as was humanly possible, going through all the extra steps of trying out the several samples of moisturizes and drying my hair until it was almost fried, even cleaning up after myself. If I had the solution, I’d even polish the fucking mirror, but eventually there came a knock on my door and a timid maid informed me I was eagerly awaited at the brunch. I waited to hear her leave, and then with shaky hands pushed the door open.
The room was already empty when I stepped out, but it was clean – the carpet with the dress were gone and the offending sofa stain was covered up with a throw blanket, I supposed until they could get to cleaning it. A single pile of folded clothes sat on the table.
I didn’t even question it until I had it in my hands and realised both the top and the skirt covered just enough to be decent, but most of the marks would be pretty much visible, the spaghetti straps barely covering anything and the slit between my top and bottom showing off the fingerprints on my waist. Rolling my eyes annoyedly I fucking immediately knew this was Seonghwa’s pick.
I was going to murder the man once I got my damn hands on him.
With no other choice left in the empty room, I put it on and made my way downstairs. It was a real walk of shame, all the eyes turning my way and examining my colourful state. Even knowing the staff were all aware it was my wedding night didn’t make it any easier, and at some point, I found the idea of them thinking this was Yujun’s job actually worse than knowing it was his brother. I shimmied quickly down the halls until I reached the little private salon where we were apparently being hosted.
Without realising how bad my day was about to get, I hurriedly rounded the partition and promptly froze in my tracks. This wasn’t a private breakfast. As soon as I stepped into the space, there was several sets of eyes trained on me, more sets than I was comfortable with.
At the head of the table sat my mother and Mrs. Park, both alternating between casting judging glances towards Yujun and towards me, on one side of the table sat three of Yujun’s obnoxious buddies and on the other I found myself once again face to face with Seonghwa.
He was eyeing me with undeniable interest, pupils dark and hungry. Proud. He liked the clothes. Liked showing me off. I flushed but thankfully the embarrassment was easily explainable by the sudden attention from everyone else, especially since Yujun’s bodies started murmuring something no doubt very inappropriate, judging by their lewd expressions.
It was awful and I wanted to fucking melt into the floor, so I stood there for few long moments battling myself to stay put and not turn on my heels and walk straight out of the hotel and into the sea.
Yujun was puffing up his chest, much to the distaste of our mothers sitting right by his side, but he was ignoring them and already sending looks to his friends and looking like a right idiot. I fought to keep the scowl off of my face, and when I finally forced myself to move to sit down in the only spot left at the table, I kicked Seonghwa who was grinning in a very much “cat who ate the canary” way.
The man barely reacted to me and continued leisurely eating his waffles, so self-satisfied it rolled off of him in fucking waves. And what was even worse, of course I had to sit in between him and Yujun. The gods couldn’t be more against me, but I soldiered on. I really had no other option.
I tried not to insert myself into the conversation too much. After the initial shock of my entrance wore off, the hum of amicable chat resumed. I ignored some very uncouth comments and soon they lost interest in teasing me when I stubbornly stared into my cup or food and didn’t react at all. The brunch dragged on with the air of awkwardness hanging over everybody, our mothers attempting to pull the table back to polite conversation while Yujun continued making an idiot out of himself by behaving like a fucking caveman.
Or maybe it was just me, my husband and his buddies certainly seemed in great spirits. I almost scoffed, managing to put my hand in front of my face last minute and cough. I heard Seonghwa’s quiet snickers to my right and registered my mother’s warning glance, and after that I didn’t speak another word.
And just when I thought I had escaped, with the empty plates signalling the end of the brunch was in sight, I felt a hand on my thigh. My right thigh. Seonghwa looked at me from the corner of his eye, lips dangerously curved into a playful smirk. I tensed, body slowly turning to stone.
Everybody else carried on.
My heart was pumping painfully, hands shaking. An awful feeling of despair set into me, my chest cavity filling with black tar while my head spun. What had I gotten myself into?
“Seonghwa, thank you for letting us use the hotel,” my mother said, completely clueless, “it was so very helpful.”
He laughed gently, hand squeezing my thigh possessively.
“Trust me, it was my pleasure.”
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thank you for reading!
the divider taken from the amazingly talented @saradika-graphics
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bee-the-loser-recs · 4 months ago
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~✩✮✩ My Yuta One-shot Fic Recs ✩✮✩~
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★ Call me by your name By @yutaholic 17k, tattoo artist Yuta, reader gets tattoos, nurse reader, both have bad past exes, fluff, smut, slight angst, (mis)communication, alcohol use
★ Deep end By @yutaholic 22k, rich heir Yuta, bartender reader, mentions of arranged marriage, lack of freedom, smut, fluff, angst, kind of sugar daddy relationship, cigarette use
★ On my own By @yutaholic 16k, non-idol au, cheating partners, getting revenge on ex partners, falling in love, smut, angst, fluff, revenge romance, reckless, raunchy, brief violence, cigarette use
★ Convincing By @suhnshinehaos SMAU, university au, fake dating to real dating, shitty exes, basketball player Yuta, fluff, cute conversations, Yuta has a crush on reader
★ Spiked By @suhnshinehaos 0.78k, drabble, office au, fluff, spiked punch bowl, reader looks after Yuta, drunk Yuta, mutual crushes, promises of kissing when sober
★ In disguise By @tqmies 13k, Jungwoo x reader (x Doyoung x Yuta), college au, roommates, camboys, romantic Jungwoo & reader, foursome, smut, fluff, friends Mark & Haechan
★ Fuck the police By @loudstan Magic au, werewolf Yuta, police officer reader, reader can read minds, smut, slight fluff, imprinting, slight angst
★ Missing pieces By @woozten-x 18.8k, non-idol au, model Yuta, cafe worker reader, Shotaro is reader's brother, model Shotaro, living down the hall from another, homesickness, fluff, slight angst, comfort, teasing, jealousy
★ Hard to fake [part 1], [part 2], & [part 3] By @irregular-idol-imagines 1.7k & 1.5k & 1.9k, non-specified au, Yuta is a friend's roommate, creepy dates, help getting rid of a creep, fluff, suggestive & sexual nature, awkwardness, dirty talk, making out, phone sex
★ Kitchen flirt By @irregular-idol-imagines 600+, roommates to lovers?, humour, asking for outfit checks, making out, flirting, suggestive nature
★ One of the Girls [part 1] & [part 2] By @irregular-idol-imagines 1.7k & 1.4k, friends to lovers?, fluff, insecure & toxic date, verbal conflicts, stereotypes, drinking together, discussions of relationships & dynamics, "girls night", suggestive nature
★ Highway to heaven & Runaway with me By @justwritedreams 2.1k & 2.2k, college au, established feelings kind of, making out, suggestive nature, slight fluff, parties, friends NCT 127, beach holidays together with friends
★ Rum, eggnog and an accidental confession By @neonun-au 4.2k, holiday au, fake dating to get family pressures of your back, Christmas time, accidental confessions, fluff, pining, past university partners
★ Surprise By @jungcherie 10k, boss Yuta, secretary reader, parenthood au, abandoned child, mentions of them being Yuta's biological son, angst, slight fluff, friend Mark
★ Love me now By @kpophours 7.3k, non-idol au, tattoo artist and piercer Yuta, old college friends, past crushes, fluff, suggestiveness, slight angst, idiots friends to lovers, mutual pining
★ Fuchsia coloured sunglasses By @whereisten 28.5k, rockstar!Yuta, makeup artist reader, soulmate au, fluff, angst, some smut, different dimensions, comedy
★ Delphinium By @taelme 12k, demi god au, Hades' son Yuta, Demeter's kid reader, angst, in depth discussions of grief, parental loss, hurt/comfort, some fluff, comfort from Yuta, slight strangers to lovers
★ Tattoos and tea By @bellalikeskitties 1.9k, flower shop owner reader, tattoo artist Yuta, edgy x sunshine dynamic, cute, reader wants a tattoo, spending time together, fluff
★ Just like me By @bellalikeskitties 1.6k, demon Yuta, immortal au, reader has a sick sister, making deals & selling your soul, God's blessing, mentions of Doyoung
★ Cologne By @jaelvr 3.5k, college au, enemies to lovers, mutual feelings, Jonny is reader's brother, brother's best friend trope, fluff, angst, mutual feelings
★ Just between us [part 1] & [part 2] By @mrkis 9.2k & 14.4k, established relationship between Yuta & reader, inviting Mark to join them, smut, mentions of Winwin being included in their dynamic, slight fluff, teasing, discussions of the rest of NCT having crushes on reader
★ Train crush By @planetkiimchi 4k, strangers to lovers, meet cutes, non-specified au, red-haired Yuta, train crushes, asking one another out, fluff, cuties
★ Sweet deception By @neowinestainedress 19.5k, Haechan|Yuta|Jaehyun|Jaemin|Johnny|Jeno x reader, halloween party, smut, monsterfucking, demon Haechan, fairy Jaemin, incusub Jeno, tentacle monster Yuta, ghost Jaehyun, shadow Johhny, smut, plot twist
★ [1:24am] By @gyeomsweetgyeom Drabble, best friends to lovers, Yuta & reader have a habit of making out while drunk, frat NCT, other 127 members mentioned, pining, fluff, slight suggestiveness, mentions of weed
★ Limo By @springseasonie 1.5k, Yuta x reader x Doyoung, established relationship, polyamorous, smut, driving in a limo, high fashion event, sexual content, semi public sex
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sitp-recs · 10 months ago
Hi Liv! Not sure if you do recs anymore but I read the funniest Drunk!Draco fic last night called How Draco Won Spin the Bottle (and Outed Himself in the Process) by written in ash (?) I think.
Do you have any other drunk!draco fics? I may have developed a new obsession
Haha I love this ask! Drunk Drarry is always fun, here are some favourites:
Tastes Like Soap by InnerLilith (E, 4.6k)
Harry goes to the foam party hoping to finally have casual sex. Draco goes to the foam party expecting yet another night of casual sex. Harry and Draco do not have casual sex.
Born Slippy by dracoladon (E, 8k)
Harry finds that it's less 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor' and more 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, decide Malfoy's quite fit, actually, and decent company after your friends traitorous abandonment, floor.' With Malfoy lying next to you.
Ferocious Determination, Insufficient Deliberation, and a Slightly Wrong Destination by Faith Wood (E, 9.5k)
All Draco wants is sleep, but his bed won't stop talking. More importantly, it refuses to stop looking like Harry Potter.
Tales of Apparation Gone Awry by @thecouchsofa (E, 12k)
These are the things Draco has recently learned:
1: Don’t apparate while drunk or you’ll end up in Potter’s living room without fail. 1a: This is a Big Problem. 2: Draco is unable to keep his mouth shut while drunk. 3: Pansy is a shite friend. 4: Potter has nice thighs. 5: Draco maybe possibly doesn’t mind his apparation problem as much as he lets on. 5a: Potter doesn’t seem to mind much either
One Night at the Leaky by birdsofshore (T, 12k)
Harry should have known better than to accept a drunken dare. Especially when Malfoy was sitting right there, looking like that and wearing those bloody tight trousers.
Party of Two by fireflavored (E, 13k)
Drinking, sex, and a total misreading of the concept of fuck buddies.
Mixed Drinks and Crossed Wires by @korlaena (E, 16k)
Draco is a handsy drunk. Harry is okay with it, really. They’re friends, so it doesn’t mean anything.
Vanilla and Sweet Spices by FleetofShippyShips (E, 20k)
After the others leave an eighth year party, Harry still has the rum he snagged off Dean. But the only person left to drink it with is Draco Malfoy.
Take You Home by @lqtraintracks (E, 26k)
Everybody’s a little fucked up after the war, Draco especially. What starts as hate sex after a night out, eventually turns into something else, something more like comfort. And even though his friends all tell Harry he’s just being used, all Harry’s doing is making sure Draco gets home in one piece. He’s not falling helplessly in love.
Starts With a Spin by Maxine (E, 120k)
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.
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constellation-of-disasters · 2 months ago
Ohohohoho have I found a new ship?
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there isn't enough love for this ship tbh
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thehopelessromanticclub · 1 year ago
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💋- smut // 💗-fluff //🥀-angst //💌-personal favourite
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introduce me a good person - @taeyegu (friends to lovers au) 💗🥀
“if there is a nice person, please introduce him to me. sometimes like water, sometimes like fire. someone who can love me sincerely. i hope he is someone who is mature and faithful…”
I found love in your smile - @wonlouvre (royalty au, arranged marriage au)💗🥀
The shattered camera - @puppetwritings( celebrity au, paparazzi au)💗🥀
Wonwoo already had enough on his plate as it is—proving his parents wrong, making a living, fighting his just conscience—and with you in the picture, nothing could possibly go more wrong. Or could you be his ticket to the good life that he wanted?
Healing hues - @thedensworld (Slowburn, friendship au) 💗🥀
Exhausted by the monotony of his life as a celebrity, Wonwoo makes a pivotal decision to return to his childhood hometown and embark on a heartwarming project: building a small library named 'Healing Hues.' Little does he know, this journey will lead to a series of unexpected and transformative events.
Ruminations - @waldau 💗💌
[08:41 pm] - @jjuniehao💗💌
Deluxe version - @darl-ings💗🥀💌
in which you and Wonwoo spend some alone time together.
Bedtime routine - @yikesmary 💗💌
where you loved times like these with your boyfriend, Wonwoo.
Two umbrellas - @hanniology💗💌🥀
Wonwoo doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but you do after meeting him.
Flustered - @waldau💗💌
Take a chance - @wonwoonlight💗💌
and they were newlyweds - @viastro 💗💌
in which Wonwoo builds the Ikea couch, but something... doesn’t look right.
conclusion number three - @wonwoonlight💗💌
you have a hypothesis you'd like to prove. a/n- this one was sooo Wonwoo-coded
The regular - @trblsvt (bakery au, college au) 💗
Wonwoo couldn't really recommend anything at the bakery he worked at, he couldn't even handle going in a couple days a week. that is until he found his new favorite customer.
Chocolate rum cookies - @wonwoonlight (non-idol au, friends to lovers au) 💗
Play again - @shuarush💗💌
after ten years of not seeing your high school crush you find yourself partnered with him at the company you work for. Since you've been rejected before, you try your best to not let any feelings flourish, but Jeon Wonwoo's charms make that attempt especially hard for you. a/n - totally an all-time favorite.
first kiss with seventeen: wonwoo - @etherealyoungk💗💌
"stay there. i'm coming to get you." - @dokyeomin💗💌
wedding weekends with wonwoo - @suhnshinehaos (fake dating, non-idol au)💗🥀
jeon wonwoo, the perfect man. kind, smart, successful career, and not too bad on the eyes. all his friends are getting married and everyone’s aunts, mothers, and family friends are trying to set him up with their friends, sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews at every wedding he attends. he’s tired of it. what better way to solve his problem than to employ your help, someone who’s having the exact same one?
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Thank you authors for all your amazing works.🤩
If there are any fics that anyone would like to recommend feel free to do so🤗😁.
( also the dividers were from @cafekitsune and @baexywth. they have really cool dividers. do check them out.)
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enretrogue · 1 year ago
Destiny — @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away
A Brother For Cyril ⎢ Part Two — @muneca-lemon-steppa
You Love Is Enough — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Evenings At Home — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Good Girl — @ukrainianmotherfucker
Interviews For New Beginnings ⎢ Part 2 ⎢ Part 3 ⎢ Part 4 ⎢ Part 5 ⎢ Part 6 — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Kisses For Bad Days — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Change Of Plans — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Married Life w/ Alfie Solomons HCs — @muneca-lemon-steppa
All Kinds of Trouble — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Overstimulation + Praise Kink — @fandom-puff
Rum and Soap — @dearshleby
Always — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Show You How Much I Love You — @roguerogerss
I Can Imagine — @xoxoavenger
At the End of the Day — @lis-likes-fics
The Complaint — @look-at-the-soul
Midnight Interlude — @awritesthings1
Gone with the Leaves — @awritesthings1
Numbers — @mrkdvidal1989
Train Left - Moments Passed — @mrkdvidal1989
Ignoble Sins — @cillmequick
Empty Promises — @fallatyourfeet
You Have More To Lose Than You Take — @mrkdvidal1989
Bloodstained Hands — @mrkdvidal1989
Look At Me — @simplyundeniable98
Time After Time Chapter 13 — @all-mirth-no-matter
A Moment of Happiness — @gypsy-girl-08
Christmas Lights — @mrkdvidal1989
First Christmas — @acewritesfics
Eye Fucking Each Other — @mrkdvidal1989
All I Need — @gypsy-girl-08
Promotion — @acewritesfics
No Man Works Alone — @muneca-lemon-steppa
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The Best One — @theewokingdead
Are You On Mute? ⎢ Part Two — @rhoorl
Ask Prompt — @bullet-prooflove
Are You Going To Be Quiet? — @rhoorl
Bluffing Season — @beskarandblasters
Mesmerized — @endlessthxxghts
New Year’s Day — @hellishjoel
My Home Is You — @chronically-ghosted
Stars — @trulybetty
Need You — @endlessthxxghts
Cravings ⎢ Crash ⎢ Insatiable — @pedge-page
Merry Christmas Cariño — @joelsflannel
All I Want For Christmas — @morallyinept
When Sleep Comes Easy — @laurfilijames
Just A Little Push — @missdictatorme
Kinktober 2023: Sexual Exhaustion — @gosmigenergy
Clusterfuck — @velicibeewords
All I Want — @laurfilijames
Company — @pimosworld
The Story of Us Masterlist — @pimosworld
TSOU AU ⎢ Never Have I Ever ⎢ Down The Rabbit Hole ⎢ Santa’s A Homewrecker — @pimosworld
What Benny Doesn’t Know Masterlist — @backtothefanfiction
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The Nurse Series ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 ⎢ 7 — @heresthestorymorningglory
The Spy Next Door — @renren-006
Homework Problems — @renren-006
Wide Open Spaces — @elusivewildflower
Hurt You — @j4desblurbs
Bodyguard!Sierra Six — @wiidvw .☘︎ ݁˖
Safe Hands — @hollandstrophyhusband
Bodyguard!Sierra Six — @wiidvw .☘︎ ݁˖
Aftercare w. Sierra Six — @ken-dom
Bodyguard!Sierra Six — @wiidvw .☘︎ ݁˖
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See You Soon (+ Jason Todd) — @reveluving
Batmom’s Biggest Fan — @silly-thinkings
The Bat in the Shadows ⎢ Part 2 ⎢ Part 3 — @ynscrazylife
Long Overdue Masterlist — @apocalypse-shuffle
Love Thorns All Over This Rose ⎢ Part Two — @youreobsessedwithtoomanyfandoms
Harmony (+Dick Grayson) — @soriseerakyra
Batprank ⎢ Part Two — @ciaraswritings
Unexpected — @ciaraswritings
Ballet (ft. Cass Cain) — @reveluving
I Want To See My Little Boy (ft. Damian Wayne) — @dragon-chica 
Gossip and Galas — @ciaraswritings
The Graysons — @hannibals-favourite-meal
Alleviate The Pain (Platonic!Dick Grayson) — @pugh-pugh-pugh-pugh
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eye-may · 3 months ago
idk if you even read fanfiction lol but do you have any recs from the cats fandom, i love your headcanons so i trust your judgement lol
originally I had two paragraphs ranting about how mad I was at my past self for not bookmarking some of the fics I wanted to recommend, and how categorically worse than useless google is in times of crises, but I'm happy to report that I did manage to trundle through enough digital ether to eventually find the elusive yarns. I did it for you, anon.
so yes btw needless to say I do occasionally partake.
anyway, I have extremely unregulateable, tunnel-visioned interests, so these are all at least somewhat mistoffelees or tuggoffelees centric.
after deliberation I have decided to confine this list to longform bc I am too indecisive to cherrypick which oneshots/shortforms to include and tumblr simply does not have the character capacity for me to log them all. might just have to make a whole separate ass post for that.
this list is incomprehensive and in no particular order. fuck it we ball?
I think all my ducks are in a row but if one of the links turns out to be wrong or smth pls lmk, I will fix it and then call the police on myself
I Call Out Your Name, But You Don't Call Back by Anonymous - COMPLETE / 43.8k words
Misto wakes up thinking he was kidnapped by Macavity. Luckily Tugger is there to assure him it was just a nightmare.
a good long look at some quite literal psychic damage wrought by Macavity. really delves into how his sith mid tricks fuck with Mistoffelees, who struggles to discern what's real and what's not. I love how this fic focuses on the depths of Macavity's ostensible hypnotic powers and how well it grapples with psychological fuckery via the pov in a literary sense. and also it has tugger being devoted and comforting. I could hardly ask for more. (also it includes cool art).
Curiosity Killed the Cat by StarFar - INCOMPLETE / 222k words
Munkustrap and Tugger's relationship had never run smooth, mostly thanks to their very different personalities, but when Tugger takes an interest in the newly arrived nephew of the esteemed Bustopher Jones things get complicated. Quaxo himself has little interest in making friends. All he wants to do is to look after his twin sister and keep his magic hidden, he didn't think that was too much to ask. But things get even more complicated when even more new arrivals show up, this time with links to the long banished Macavity. Despite this the Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat who just can't help but get involved, and it turns out Munkustrap isn't so different to him after all. And we all know what they say about cats and curiosity.
first of all, yes it's incomplete, BUT I honestly think it leaves off in a satisfying place. as you can see by the word count it is VERY! long, so it's hard to describe it succinctly, but I will try lol. it's dark, it's dynamic, and it expands extensively on two relationships that I hold dear: tugger+mistoffelees, and macavity+mistoffelees. and it also runs a wider gamut of varying, fully-realized relationships(i.e., Mistoffelees and Bombalurina having an intriguing, and sometimes funny, friendship). this fic deals a lot with an abusive false imprisonment and shows a lot of self-sacrificiality on Mistoffelees's part, as well as his attempts to both endure, and outsmart, Macavity. and in that vein, it explores moral ambiguity and the Batman/Joker trappings of the infinitely juicy Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain web of drama. amidst which is a lot of focus on the specificity of Mistoffelees's powers, his limitations, and shows how he evolves with (mostly coerced) practice and training. also it contains some of the most extensive and unapologetic whump and angst I have seen in any CATS fanfiction, and a luxuriously long recovery section. the fic is not without levity however (the BEEF between bustopher and skimble is so fucking funny to me)...suffice to say it contains multitudes lol. starfar...you have done the lords work.
A Different Kind by TheGirlWithBrightEyes - COMPLETE / 52.2k words
Quaxo is a cat with powers - and a lot of problems. When he escapes from his new owner's house in an act of desperation, he finds himself brought into a tribe of mostly stray cats and has to come to terms with his new life and the loss of his family. At the same time, Quaxo's powers that were not under his control from the start are quickly spiralling out of control making him a danger to the others. He needs to gain control fast before anyone gets hurt - including himself.
A really heartwarming "origin story" with an ADORABLE explanation for how Quaxo came to adopt the name "Mr. Mistoffelees." including a wide variety of soft, fluffy friendships and an intriguing interpretation of the difficult journey Mistoffelees had to take in order to ingratiate into the junkyard and get his powers under control. incidentally contains really cute friendship moments between Mistoffelees and Alonzo, which is a pairing I wish to see more often. and the most hilarious and believable depiction of Tugger I think I've ever read lmao
Kidnapped by the Fire by Anubis44 / INCOMPLETE / 39.6k words
"They all stood there. Dead silent. Nobody was moving a muscle. Only thing heard was a faint growl. The unconscious body of Mister Mistoffelees was hovering just above the ground right next to The Hidden Paw himself." Macavity desides to torment the Jellicle Tribe (and his brothers) as revenge for the Jellicle Ball and leaves everyone hurt in one way or another.
evidently never going to be finished, but what's left to us is marvelous. unambiguously Evil Macavity and lots of whump to go around if you're into that lmao. pretty much everybody amply suffers, as promised in the author's summary.
Gold Rush by millenari / COMPLETE / 174.7k words
In the aftermath of his bout of heroics at the Jellicle Ball, Misto finds himself with a newfound -and unwanted- popularity brought on by his and Tugger's performance. After one too many incidents from which Misto escapes his new fans by the skin of his teeth, Tugger informs him that he needs to change things up. The plan they end up hatching in order to do so is unconventional to say the least. But brought to the end of his rope by his new admirers, dreading the approach of the yearly heat season, and busy tending to his sister in the aftermath of her own abrupt transition into adulthood, Misto figures that pretending to be mates with his best friend since kittenhood couldn't possibly make his life any more harrowing. And it's not like such a small lie is going to actually hurt anyone. Right?
my fav. slice of life! expansive glimpses into the banalities of Jellicle culture! angst! levity! contains some of my favorite descriptions of Mistoffelees struggling to understand and wield his own magic. and what if I told you that the most relatable, accurate, meticulous, sensitive, and believable depiction in writing of neurodivergence and social anxiety I've ever encountered can be found in a longform tuggoffelees fanfiction? what then??
Catalyst by FlyingFritz / COMPLETE / 47k words
There's a shift in the air. Quaxo can feel it. A strange, alluring presence taunts him in his dreams despite his attempts to ignore it. The more he tries to push it down, the more insistent it becomes, leading to explosive, dangerous results. Meanwhile, Tugger tries to puzzle out the enigma that is Quaxo and learns that there is more to this cat than meets the eye. Misto/Tugger
first of all this took me HOURS to find. ig it's not on ao3 or if it is I can't find it on there. but anyway! this was one of the first CATS ffs I read and it has a really neat take on the quaxo-eventually-embodies-and/or-becomes-Mistoffelees pipeline. ik there's a handful of fics out there that grapple with the concept, but I particularly enjoy how this one interprets the separation (or lack thereof) between the two personas. I want to get it into it further but am gallantly restraining myself to avoid spoilers. also: tugger kind of bumbling through the entire convoluted series of events is funny and cute. AND you get a lot of good pounce and tumble.
He's Always Wide Awake! by Maliex / COMPLETE / 14.7k words
The Jellicle Cats are settling down again after the intense Ball where Grizabella went to the Heaviside Layer. Important conversations are had, and Mistoffelees adjusts to his new power levels and position in the Clan. But he knows - a storm is brewing on the horizon, one that he will have to be in the middle of.
again!! I searched for HOURS!!! I was so mad at my past self for not having bookmarked this fic for whatever god foresaken reason. hopefully my devotion to hunting it down is a sufficient indication of the impression it left upon me lmao. before I continue, it's worth noting that this is a part of a series, but this is the only installment of the series that I've read. so I can't speak to its predecessors or how worthwhile it is to read the entire trilogy in succession. idk do w that information what you will.
anyway, this fic has one of my fav interpretations of magic and the ways in which Mistoffelees and Macavity differ regarding their relationships with it. the author also has an infinitely interesting and juicy take on Macavity's backstory and why he is the way he is...and the ways the characters and their interpersonal dynamics evolve are riveting. also this version of Mistoffelees is really curt and just like...Done With All Bullshit Ever and I think it's funny lmao. btw if you're into Deut Family Dynamics (tm)...plenty here!
okay that's enough *for now* ig. shout out to fanfiction authors...yall are really out here providing hours of entertainment for FREE?!! all of you are amazing.
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outtoshatter · 1 month ago
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banner made by me but it is truly the fault of @robotcorsair that it exists. so. make of that what you will
HELLO DUNGEONS AND DADDIES FANDOM I'm back with another rec list! You want something quick to read, a little taste of your favorite ship? You want something to test out a ship you haven't decided on yet? Look no further, here's my bite-sized fics rec list!
by the stroke of midnight by misswhimsy/ @missanniewhimsy Rating: NR | Tags: Pre-slash, human sacrifice, bastardized Cinderella-AU | Word count: 200 | Summary: The bell rings out in the town square and Nick runs faster, he doesn't know if he can make it in time.
Apartment 17D by Cephalogod/ @cephalog0d Rating: T | Tags: Pre-relationship, Humor, fluff, meet ugly, remix | Word count: 300 | Summary: Lark is maybe possibly drunk and maybe definitely ready to just go home to his apartment. Which this definitely is. Right? An alternate POV remix of Gia's "Apartment 17C" Fondue by Cephalogod Rating: G | Tags: Bad cooking, can be read as shippy | Word count: 100 | Summary: Fluffcember 2024 Day 19 Featuring Nick, Lark and some unfortunate experiments in cooking.
kiss me, you fool by drabblecaster/ @stratfender Rating: T | Tags: Shut up kiss, double drabble | Word count: 200 | Summary: "You're not gonna kiss me goodbye?"
Watch Your Step by drabblecaster Rating: T | Tags: Hiking, bickering, triple drabble | Word count: 300 | Summary: Lark takes Nicky on a hiking trip.
(Dis)Missed Connection by Captain_Dogfish/ @supremely-unsupervised Rating: G | Tags: Drabble, Red string of fate, soulmates | Word count: 100 | Summary: Lark would like to opt out of having a soulmate, please.
Maintenance by Captain_Dogfish Rating: G | Tags: car repair, soulmates, red string of fate | Word count: 150 | Summary: You gotta put in the work to build a relationship (and take a car apart)
I can(t) explain by Zoynkzz / @zoynkzz Rating: T | Tags: Demon Nicky, Hunter Lark, meet ugly, open ending | Chapters: 2 | Word count: 371 | Summary: Lark Oak Garcia, demon hunting extraordinaire, catches a devil red handed.
Mechanisms for NOT Dealing With It by AnOctoberPepper/ @anoctoberpepper Rating: T | Tags: fluff, system Nicky, angst | Word count: 795 | Summary: Lark talks to Nicky about his smoking habits while Nicky tries not to burn breakfast.
Vessel by GiaSoFetch / @outtoshatter (me!) Rating: T | Tags: horror, demon Nick, at sea, supernatural bounty hunter Lark | Word count: 200 | Summary: Prompt words: cast, vessel, relevant Sacrifice by GiaSoFetch Rating: M | Tags: implied human sacrifice, blood drinking, established relationship | Word count: 300 | Series: The Game of Love and Fate | Summary: Every year, the village leaves a sacrifice for the devil in the woods.
Come to me by Kibbles423/ @2dents Rating: G | Tags: pirate AU, Siren!Nick | Word count: 300 | Summary: “Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest… yo-ho and a bottle of rum,” Nick sang, his eyes steeled on the small ship drifting closer and closer to his rocky cove. It wouldn’t be long now. His stomach rumbled at the thought. “Drink and the devil had done for the rest, yo-ho and a bottle of rum.” “They can’t hear you, Siren.”
Snack time by Kibbles423 Rating: T | Tags: blood drinking, drabble | Word count: 100 words | Summary: Nick wants a snack and thinks Lark's a good option.
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lavndvrr · 10 months ago
Fic Rec Friday Week 3
(Yes Ik I posted this forever ago but I wanted to organize my fic recs)
ok im kinda obsessed with avatar rn (its just so good!!!) so here are some fic recs cause Im so nice <33333
Also all of them are Zuko centric because I have an obsession with angsty fireboys with issues
Mid-Season-One Zuko is held for ransom by Chief Hakoda. Ozai's replies to the Water Tribe's demands are A+ Parenting. Hakoda is… deeply concerned, for this son that isn't his, and who might be safer among enemies than with his own father.
A Prison with no Bonds
A Prisoner Situation with a colonel who has some basic decency and compassion. Zuko’s trust lvl is -3 so it’s going great.
like rum on the fire
Katara unlocks Zuko's tragic backstory, finally gives him the hug he needs, and the rest is history.
The Path of Overcoming
Slave! Zuko au where he is giving to the gaang as a gift by king Bumi.
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steddieunderdogfics · 10 months ago
Visions Of the Things to Be by findafight
Visions Of the Things to Be by findafight
Rating: General
2,866 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Eddie Munson Lives, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Pre-Season/Series 04, Post-Season/Series 04, EMT Steve Harrington, Implied/Referenced Underage Drinking, Crack Treated Seriously, Developing Relationship, References to MASH (TV), 5+1 Things, sorta?, Background Steve and Claudia Henderson bonding, the inescapable nature of north america's most popular scripted show of all time, Floor Rum Cake, and the inherent romanticism and dedication implied therein, Steve Harrington Loves MASH
The one thing Eddie loved that was, for all intents and purposes, mainstream (eugh) was M*A*S*H. Of course it was. Hawkeye Pierce was a…formative experience for a young Eddie, and he wasn't ashamed of that. The chaos Hawkeye formulated and controlled in his persona was a goal Eddie truly aspired to. His swagger and confidence and easy charm whilst also being a snarky asshole was everything Eddie wanted to embody. So. It was…frustrating when Henderson swanned into hellfire complaining about Steve goddamn Harrington having a fucking wine night (wine!! Night!!) with his mother. OR Eddie loves M*A*S*H almost as much as Steve does, and fancies himself a bit of a Hawkeye Pierce character, only to find out he is...incorrect. About a lot of things. OR OR 5 times Eddie was annoyed at Steve Harrington's apparent equal love of the war doctor show, and a few times he wasn't really annoyed at all.
Thanks for the rec!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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sansaorgana · 1 month ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you feel like it, no pressure) Spread the self-love 💖
Hi, Lee! (❁´◡`❁) Thank you for remembering about me while sending this! 😊
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply but I kept forgetting about it... I also want to thank @julyzaa & @solomons-finest-rum because they sent me the exact same message but there is no point in making three replies. 😅
DUNE – Well, I have to start with the classic that is "Thrown To The Wolves". I sometimes feel like this fic is my magnum opus. 🤣 But while we're talking about Dune, I have to admit I am fond of this fucked up fic "Forbidden Fruit" where the Reader is originally married to Baron Harkonnen... 👀
HOTD – Gwayne Hightower, THE MAN THAT YOU ARE! I miss him, not gonna lie. And I just have to mention my fanfic "Broken Oath" + its alternative version aka "Sister's Choice".
TROP – Hard to choose one??? Idk I feel like my Sauron hyperfixation really inspired my creative juices to be flowing more than ever and I am proud of so many fanfics from this universe. 🦚 I think I'm going to mention "In Perpetuity" here because I just love how evil the Reader is in it + I think it was the first fanfic I have written for Jack Lowden's Sauron and we all know how it went... (at least those who follow me surely know what I'm talking about 🤣).
MOTA – I have written SO MANY fanfics for Gale Cleven but if I had to choose my favourite, I think it would be the one where he feels insecure about his scars.
THE BIKERIDERS – Now, if I finished that multichapter I had started, I would probably mention that fic but The Rings of Power hyperfixation got in my way... However, I am planning to go back to this fic, I pinky promise! 👆🏻 Out of the shorter one shots I have written for Benny, I think my favourite is the one where Reader is raising her nephew.
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blossomwritesthings · 6 months ago
𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐩
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⬷ 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 ┊ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬┊ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
pairing: minho x felix (minlix)
genre: dancer!minho/artist!felix. brothers best friend troupe. college au. age gap (abt 4 years). minho pov. extremely dark themes throughout, including smut - MDNI, 18+ only.
word count: 2.7k
the playlist 🗡️
a/n: what can I say, you guys??? I'm nothing if not an absolute WHORE for angst. I really be putting the boys through the RINGER with this one, just I can assure ya'll- there is a light at the end of the tunnel… eventually 😭☝🏼 just please, pleaseeee be patient with me, cuz we gotta get through the difficult and dark stuff before we can have soft fluffiness and smut 😫 love ya guys, thanks for all the supports always!! 💖
🗡️ - ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ other cool stuff ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌! ࿐ྂ
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̶﹒⊹﹒ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ʙᴇ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴅɪᴇ !،، 🌌  𖥻 𓂃 ᴀ ғɪsᴛ ғᴜʟʟ ᴏғ ᴘɪʟʟs ᴀɴᴅ ʀɪᴠᴇʀs ɪɴ ᴍʏ ᴇʏᴇs╰╮ 🌑
   After their night studying together at Minho’s dorm, there was complete radio silence from Felix. And the one time Minho had texted him to wish him good luck on his midterms, he had been left on delivered.
  Minho knew he was doing okay, though - from the things Chris said in passing and the rumors he heard throughout campus… about Felix’s weekend parties and continuing to make out in public with random people. 
  Before he knew it, weeks had passed since the last time Minho saw Felix. And each night, when he laid down to sleep, each time he closed his eyes… he saw Felix right there. In the front of his mind - back pressed against the wall of his dorm, staring up at him with a mix of burning anger and agony. And every time he envisioned Felix in his dreams, he had to bite his tongue to hold back the tears. 
  Chris and his other friends didn’t understand why he was in such a bad mood, but they tried to cheer him up as much as they could… by eating their meals together and hanging out around campus to study. 
  His friends were the reason why Minho found himself in the thick of a crowd in a nightclub one weekend. He usually didn’t go out into the city late at night, opting instead to play video games at home or read a good book, or even cook a meal for everyone. 
  But instead, there he was- standing in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by writhing bodies. Couples were bumping and grinding to the music that blared all around the expansive room. The bass thrummed in the floor, vibrating against Minho’s heels and up into his legs. Hyunjin was the one who had invited him and Chris to the nightclub, stating that it was the best one in the city and fairly new. On top of that, Changbin was DJing a set for the night, so Minho decided to go out just once to support his friend. 
  So far, he had drunk two rum-and-cokes and could feel the buzz of liquor shooting through his veins. As he shuffled off of the dance floor, stumbling over people's feet, he searched the crowd for the rest of his friends. Changbin was busy up at the DJ booth, head bopping to the rap beat he was remixing with a famous pop song. Chris was right before the booth, in the throng of the crowd that was head-banging to the song. Hyunjin, meanwhile, was in the center of the dance floor, doing a sensual dance with a beautiful woman. 
  Immediately, Minho could feel the heavy weight of exhaustion and sadness tumble down onto his shoulders once more. Just seeing his friends - and everyone else - have a good time was making him even more depressed. So Minho made his way over the bar, sitting on one of the stools and ordering a tall bloody mary. As he sipped on the sour liquor, his eyes continued to survey the crowd. 
  He was extremely dressed down from the rest of everyone— opting for a pair of black jeans and a matching button-down that Hyunjin had convinced him to unbutton by just a tiny bit so that his chiseled pecs were visible only slightly. Minho studied the people all around him, who were mostly college students. People were making out at the bar, groups of guys were in the corners of the room, their laughs growing louder with each shot they took and then there were the people alone— 
  For a second, everything stopped. The room froze in place, the music died down, and everything came to a screeching halt. Slowly, Minho’s eyes slid over to the end of the bar, where a cluster of circled tables were positioned in a corner. 
  There, two figures were sitting on one of the cushioned plushes. One was an older man, whom Minho had never seen around town before - he looked to be in his late thirties, with a beard and dark hair, and eyes that seemed to pierce right into a person’s soul.
  And next to him was… 
  Lee Felix. 
  But, as Minho looked a little closer, squinting for a better view, it wasn’t Felix.
  Not the one he was used to, at least. 
  No— this Felix was finding it hard to keep his eyes open. This Felix’s delicate shoulders were beginning to cave in with exhaustion. This Felix’s cheeks were as pink as a rosebud, his lips just as red and a little swollen. 
  His blonde hair was a mess of curls atop his head, having grown out a little bit since the last time Minho saw him weeks ago and now touching the nape of his neck. As usual, his skin was dripping with silver jewelry and diamonds. Minho couldn’t make out his entire outfit from such a far distance, but he caught a glimpse of the red, glittery tube-top Felix had on and that was enough to make his throat dry up. 
  Minho took a long drawl of his drink, watching over the salted rim of his cup as the older man cozied up to Felix’s side and grew a little closer. He whispered something into the blonde’s ear, and Felix turned to him with a tiny frown. Then, the stranger was taking hold of his jaw, pressing a few kisses against the exposed skin of his neck and collarbone. 
  Minho held onto his glass a little harder at the sight of it all, the chilled feeling of his drink radiating throughout his palm and waking him up from his liquor-induced daze by just a tiny bit. 
  Deep down, in the back of his mind, he knew something wasn’t right. 
  There was something… off, about the vision of Felix like that. Of how he was acting. How he was letting such an older stranger fondle him so obscenely. It wasn’t normal for him - even despite him being a big one to party and fuck around with people. 
  Minho waited and watched, eyes flicking back between the two of them. As the minutes ticked by, the man grew closer and Felix seemed to grow more exhausted. And then, things were happening again. 
 Too quickly and too soon— 
  The man was standing up from his spot on the couch and grabbing ahold of Felix’s arm, hoisting him up, and pulling him out of the booth. He grabbed ahold of his hands, smirking as Felix started to hit his arm in protest. But he was too weak, and a lot smaller than the stranger. In an instant, the man was yanking him away from the bar entirely and into the crowd of people, and the last thing Minho saw was Felix hitting at the man's chest, struggling to pull away with his halted movements.
  Just like that, Minho was losing sight of them. Heart beating wildly against his ribcage, he shot up from his barstool and slapped a tip down onto the countertop. Then, he was shooting through the bodies on the dance floor, searching for Hyunjun. By the grace of all things holy, he was able to find his friend in the crowd. 
  Reaching out, he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, shaking him out of his trance. “Hyunjin, I gotta go— something’s happened. Let the others know!” He screamed over the music, motioning with a hand to the exit. 
  It was much too loud for Hyunjin to hear, and he was probably too drunk to process Minho’s words. Even still, he nodded and held a big thumbs up. Minho didn’t wait for him to reply verbally, pushing through the shivering and gyrating bodies.
  He was taking too long— Felix was probably gone already. 
  Gone with that man and— 
  His anxiety and worry forced his legs to push harder, faster, until he was busting out of the nightclub’s front entrance. Eyes scanning the streets all around, he didn’t see anything. 
  He couldn’t find them. 
  Felix was gone. 
  But Minho didn’t give up, running down the street… eyes scanning every surface around. 
  Then, his eyes landed on a blonde head. One that was being led away on the opposite street by a taller man. They had gotten so far from the nightclub, that Minho had to sprint to catch up. 
  It was so late into the night, that darkness had settled in all around. The alleyways of the area called out to Minho in a foreboding kind of way. The nearby streetlamps did little to brighten up the surroundings, and by the time Minho made it close enough to call out to them, he was so out of breath he could barely talk. 
  “Hey- Lix!” He yelled out, as he reached their figures. 
  But the man didn’t stop, continuing to drag Felix with him. His hoodie was up now, and he had a strong grip on Felix. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong. Minho’s alcohol-addled brain was moving a little too slow to process everything, but he knew the basics of what was going on and what he had to do. 
  So without any more formalities, he walked up behind them and grabbed ahold of Felix’s other arm, forcing them to a stop. The man turned around, giving Minho a dark glare. “And where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Minho started, getting a firm grasp of Felix’s forearm and pulling him a little closer to his body. 
  But the man didn’t let go, instead giving Minho a sly kind of smile. “Back to my place— we’re dating. So let go of my lover and I won’t call the police on you.” The man said, his voice coming out gravelly and deep. 
  Raising an eyebrow in question, Minho stared down at Felix, catching onto the way his eyes were nearly rolled into the back of his skull. He was so limp, he could barely hold himself up. Minho’s hand crawled down his arm, his fingers entangling with Felix’s chilled ones. 
  “He’s much too drunk for you to take him anywhere. So let go of him and I’ll make sure he actually gets home.” Minho seethed out, the rage boiling deep inside of him at the sight of Felix so weak. 
  He had been drugged, that much Minho knew. 
  Drugged by the man in front of him. 
  “And who the fuck are you, to tell me what to do?” The guy was yelling now, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping Felix’s arm. 
  “I’m his friend. Now let him go,” Minho said, giving the man a poisonous, deadpan stare. “And maybe I won’t report you for drugging him.” Which was a complete lie, but at that point, he was scrambling for anything. 
  And just when the man was about to open his stupid mouth to say something else, people were shouting down the street, across the way from them. Turning only slightly, but still keeping an eye on the man in front of him, he saw three figures trudging down the street. 
  He recognized the first one, with silver-fox locks. 
  The people in question were Felix’s friends. 
  Thank fuck, he wasn’t the only one around now. 
  Almost instantly, upon seeing the three men stride up to their sides, the man was yanking his hand away from Felix’s skin as if it had burned him. Then he turned around and made a run for it. 
  “Fucking coward! I'm still gonna report you, fuckface!” Minho screamed in his wake, watching the stranger bolt down an alleyway and quickly get lost in the misty night. Felix’s friends were growing closer now, and Minho’s head pounded with a mix of liquor and adrenaline that still rushed through his veins. 
  Felix felt light as a feather in his arms, as Minho grabbed ahold of him. Wrapping his arms around his waist, Minho pulled him close. “Felix… can you hear me?” He whispered, brushing a few fingers against his cheek. He was so warm to the touch, his lips slightly parted and eyes completely closed. “It’s going to be okay… please, just hold on a little longer, baby…”
  “Who was that?” Jisung was the first one to talk as they neared Minho, taking a long drawl from his joint. 
  “Probably some weirdo that wanted to fuck Felix- what’s new-“ Seungmin joked, his tone light. 
  The carelessness of Felix’s friends made Minho’s blood boil. And when he turned around to face them, and they saw the state of their friend, all of their casual expressions dropped instantly. 
  “What the fuck were you all doing?! Leaving him alone in there-” Minho screamed, pointing back towards the nightclub with its loud music bleeding out of the front entrance. “He was drugged and he would’ve been taken by that man if Ihadn’t stopped him!”
  The first one to speak up was Jeongin, nearing them and brushing a hand against the top of Felix’s head. “Is he okay?” His voice trailed off, as his eyes searched Felix’s face. 
  “I don’t know, but I need to get him home. So one of you useless fucks need to call a cab.” Minho gritted through his teeth, pulling Felix away from Jeongin’s touch. Then he was hoisting him up into his arms, bridal style. Keeping him as close as humanly possible. 
  Jisung frowned at the insult, shaking a finger at Minho. “Hey! Don’t get mad at us— we didn’t know where he had gone, that's why we came out here looking for him,” He started, rolling his eyes dramatically. “Plus, he’s a manwhore anyways— he loves getting fucked by strangers. Ask anyone on campus.” 
  Minho watched, as Seungmin pulled out his phone and began to call a cab. “You’re the worst friends, you know that?” Minho said, voice low as gravel. He looked around the small group, at the way Jisung continued to smoke his weed right there while his friend was drugged, at the way Seungmin was typing away on his phone without a care in the world. The only one who seemed mildly concerned was Jeongin, with his knit brows and a deep frown. “I can’t believe he got mixed up with you. You all suck and I’ll get my own taxi so don’t even fucking worry about it.” 
  And then, like a random chance of luck, a taxi pulled up to the curb right outside of the nightclub. A group of girls in short skirts and stripper heels tumbled out of the car, giggling and smiling as they made their way into the club. Stepping onto the curb, Minho waved down the taxi. 
  Only after he had carefully seated Felix down in the backseat did he turn around and regard Felix’s friends. “I really hope this situation teaches Felix who his true friends are,” Minho said, glaring at the three of them. 
  Shrugging only a little bit, Seungmin stared up from his phone and gave Felix a sardonic kind of laugh. “Your hatred for us is kinda entertaining, not gonna lie,” then he was showing his phone to Jisung beside him, scrolling through something. “Ji— look, there’s a bigger club just down the road, let’s go check it out.” 
  Without another word, Minho was sliding into the backseat right beside Felix. Just as he was about to slam the door, a hand caught ahold of the frame. Jeongin leaned into the car, eyes scanning over Felix’s limp body which was slumped against Minho. “Let me know when you get home. Here’s my number.” He pushed a piece of paper into Minho’s hand. 
  Staring down at it, Minho crumpled the thing between his fingers. “I don’t want any kinda contact with you.” 
  “Do it for Felix, then. Please.” 
  Then Minho’s eyes were flicking up to Jeongin’s and he noticed the way his face was colored with desperation, the way his mouth was pulled into a thin line and his eyes danced with concern. 
  So all Minho did was nod silently before Jeongin pulled away and shut the door with a quiet click. 
  Minho reached out after that, as the taxi began to move. He gently grabbed ahold of Felix’s hand and squeezed it. The blonde was fast asleep against his shoulder. 
  And it took everything in Minho’s power not to start crying just then. At seeing Felix’s weakened state, his mind replayed the scenes of the night. How Felix was almost taken away. How he could’ve been kidnapped and raped by a stranger. Or, even worse. 
  Leaning his head against the seat, he stared out the car’s window. Studied Seoul’s dark streets, and the blaring lights all around. He squeezed Felix’s fingers a little bit just then, feeling like he never wanted to let go. 
  Making a promise to himself that he never would. 
  Not again.
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
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bee-the-loser-recs · 2 months ago
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.✩✮✩✮ Themed Fic Recs: Winter ✩✮✩✮.
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Groups: BoyNextDoor, P1Harmony, The Boyz, NCT, Stray Kids, Ateez
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★ Kiss Culture By @ihangelic 4.7k, Jaehyun x reader, established relationship, winter holidays, mention of Jaehyun being sick, planning winter dates, fluff, smut, pet names, whiny and clingy Jaehyun ★ Going to a Christmas Market By @4ranghaes Drabble, Sungho x reader, established relationship, Christmas Market date, really cute & fluffy, looking around the stalls, competing to pay ★ Building a Gingerbread House By @4ranghaes Drabble, Riwoo x reader, established relationship, having the place to themselves, winter themed dates, planning their decorations for the gingerbread house ★ Christmas as Parents By @4ranghaes Drabble, Taesan x reader, they have a son and daughter, fluff, decorating the Christmas tree, really sweet ★ Decorating the House By @4ranghaes Drabble, Taesan x reader, established relationship, Christmas time, setting up the decorations, really fluffy, mentions of mistletoe, teasing and playful flirting ★ Ice Skating By @4ranghaes Drabble, Jaehyun x reader, established relationship, going ice skating together, it's snowing, fluff, date night ★ Visiting your family By @4ranghaes Drabble, Jaehyun x reader, established relationship, Jaehyun is spending time with reader's family for the first time, having a roast dinner, cute, fluffy
★ Dirty Santa By @memorabxlia 1.5k, Theo x reader, non-idol au, established relationship, Theo turns up dressed as Santa, holiday moment, dirty talk, smut, banter
The Boyz
★ Double a decade By @from-izzy 5.7k, Sunwoo x reader, holiday seasons au, childhood friends to lovers, idiots in love, mutual pining, fluff, a tinge of angst, platonically sharing a bed, cute, reader is sick at one point ★ Holiday Miracle By @from-izzy 5.2k, Ju Haknyeon x reader, childhood friends to lovers, oblivious idiots in love, fluff, winter time, making snow angels together, mutual pining, so cute ★ Only for the kids By @odxrilove 0.8k, Jacob x reader, friends to lovers, Christmas dinner at reader's house, fluff, being mistaken as the boyfriend, hidden feelings ★ First Snow By @stayteezdreams 3.3k, Hyunjae x reader, belief about experiencing first snow together, trying to find one another, fluff, childhood friends to lovers
★ Skating with you By @from-izzy 850, Haechan x reader, established relationship, holiday theme, going ice skating together, being taught how to ice skate, fluff ★ Rum, eggnog and an accidental confession By @neonun-au 4.2k, holiday au, fake dating to get family pressures of your back, Christmas time, accidental confessions, fluff, pining, past university partners ★ Mistletoe while you work By @starlightkun 6.9k, Jisung x reader, established relationship, secret relationship, co-workers, office workers NCT, friends Haechan & Jeno, holiday themed, messing with friends ★ Out of left field By @starlightkun 16.3k, Jisung x reader, brother's friends trope, Chenle is reader's brother, rich kids Chenle & reader, spending Christmas together, parental issues, college au, fluff, slight angst [I genuinely love all of her works, like check out the masterlist]
Stray Kids
★ King Candy By @petrichor-han 1.0k, Han x reader, established relationship, holiday au, decorating gingerbread houses, mentions of future marriage, fluff ★ Home for the Holidays By @petrichor-han 0.8k, platonic Skz x reader, best friends, platonic but flirty, playful arguing, taking holiday photos for a card to send to families, fluff, humour
★ Secret Santa By @lilacmingi 3.1k, Hongjoong x reader, fashion designers, secret santa trope, love confessions, fluff, cuties ★ Scrooge By @lilacmingi 3.4k, Seonghwa x reader, Scrooge/grumpy x Christmas lover dynamic, roommates to lovers, fluff, learning to like Xmas ★ Snowman By @lilacmingi 3.6k, Yunho x reader, Snowman Yunho, magic of love, innocent Yunho, lonely reader, cuties, kiss ★ A Christmas wish By @lilacmingi 4.3k, Yeosang x reader, Christmas cheer elf Yeosang, falling in love, magic snow, fluff, cuties, best friend Skz Han ★ Mall elf By @lilacmingi 2.6k, San x reader, mall workers & mall elves, helping out a friend, friends to lovers, cute, fluff, reader is great with kids ★ Elf in training By @lilacmingi 3.4k, Mingi x reader, they're elves, Mingi is abnormally tall, fluff, cute, kissing in the snow ★ Rosy By @lilacmingi 2.1k, Wooyoung x reader, they're elves, Wooyoung has glowing cheeks when embarrassed/flustered, fluff, cute ★ Grinch By @lilacmingi 2.4k, Jongho x reader, grinch Jongho, whoville reader, childhood friends to lovers, falling in love, cuties, fluff
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jaynovz · 2 years ago
Silverflint “In Peril” Fic Rec List
Hi guys! I got an anon a few weeks ago requesting Silverflint recs with the prompt: “one of them being in danger/peril/kidnapped (or anything akin to that) and the other going just above and beyond to save him. something with the vibe, if you hurt him i'll kill you.” 
There were hmmm not as many as I thought with the EXACT getting rescued parameter but I compiled some similar ones as well. Enjoy.
Affinity by Magnetism_bind
Summary: Silver spends his time while captured by Hands thinking of Flint and ignoring his feelings for the man.
It's a little harder to do so after Flint rescues him.
Notes: Oneshot, 4.6k, definitely the best and most faithful example of the prompt as submitted. Silver is held hostage and brutalized by Israel Hands and Flint rescues him.
Another Way by x_etoile_x
Summary: Silver doesn’t get the chance to turn back and attack the Spanish soldiers when he and Flint are captured on the warship, so he needs to come up with a different plan. Things get out of control. A retelling of their time on the warship at the beginning of S2, in the aftermath of this.
Notes: Long fic, 29k. Fantastic story on many levels. For the list, first chapter has a direct fulfillment of the prompt--Flint is in danger, Silver goes above and beyond to save him.
Fifteen Men in September by ballantine
Summary: Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
A Black Sails origin story for the song.
Notes: Long fic, 34k, just a fantastic read. There is a pivotal scene where Silver kills a man on Flint’s behalf and then further scenes of both of them in peril, Silver gravely ill. Very much the “going above and beyond” and “if you him I’ll kill you” vibe.
we were never meant to survive (but what if we did) by explosiontimothy, inwardphae
Summary: Since you still haven’t told me your name, I shall call you Jonah. You are so obsessed with sea and water that you’d make a home out of the belly of a whale if only it meant not to touch foot on solid land ever again. What if you get stuck there? I’d be forced to make my way to you and drag you out, cut the whale’s skin with my knife like a shark with its teeth and carve my shape out of it. And yours. There are two fighters, on opposite sides of the time war. They have never met but they know each other's names. But names are powerful, untamed things when they are spoken out loud. So they don’t call each other by their names, ever. Until, one day, they do. The Silverflint Time-Travel AU no one asked for, but you're all getting anyway.
Notes: Long fic, 46k, big concept sweeping crossover with the book This is How You Lose the Time War. Without spoiling, this story very much embodies “going above and beyond to save him.” Top tier.
darkness in his fingertips, eyes just the same by Jaynovz
Summary: A desperate fear is welling up in Silver. Flint, injured? How grievous a wound must it be to keep Flint from a battle? To prevent him from heading up the rescue party? Flint, who Silver had seen take a warship with a shot shoulder, Flint, who shrugged off injuries from raids with an annoyed grimace as if they were minor inconveniences. Silver’s heartbeat is too fast and too slow at the same time, ice creeps around him from all sides at the stark reminder that Flint is mortal. The man who would sneer at God, who would sail straight into a tempest, who seemed to control reality with his demons… Silver has seen Captain Flint bleed, yes, but it’s never mattered like this, never truly hampered him.
And on the heels of this fear is something far less enfeebling, something Silver embraces: a dark vortex of rage.
Notes: Oneshot, 4.3k. A reaction to in peril. An alt canon take of early s4 where Billy injures Flint at the Underhill Plantation. After Silver returns, he murders Billy for the insult. “If you hurt him, I’ll kill you” exactly.
frail and fragile bars by Ajaxthegreat
Summary: “I think you fuck,” Silver says. By which he means, with great intent: I think you are human. I know you are human. I see you.
Notes: Long fic, 21k. A very excellent story overall, and for this list specifically, it features Flint taking a sword to protect Silver in battle and Silver murdering the man responsible.
how we could be brought here by love by mapped
Summary: A 4x03 AU where Flint receives a minor injury in the battle of Nassau Town and Silver is very shaken by it.
Notes: Oneshot, 3.7k. Not a rescue so much as Silver’s intense reaction to Flint being hurt. I think it fits the vibe.
in over our heads by Jaynovz
Summary: Set at the end of 2.1.
The remaining Walrus crew want Silver flogged.
The experience creates some altogether unexpected outcomes.
Notes: Mid-size fic, 13k. Silver is flogged, Flint is very affected by that, takes care of him after, and they both learn a lot about each other ahem. “If you hurt him I’ll kill you” vibes definitely feature.
please do not let me go by natlet
Summary: Vulnerability, it turns out, is a blade that cuts both ways.
Notes: Series, 5 stories, 39k words total. An overall excellent series of Silverflint fics, however the one I’m thinking of for this list is the fourth, all pale and panting, where Flint is gravely ill and Silver goes above and beyond to take care of him. 
As always, let me know if you have a suggestion for an inclusion and I’ll give it a look. Thanks.
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focusfixated · 8 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
thank you for this! i think my favourite fics i've written are the ones that are basically like. my thesis statement. if you ask me about these characters, i will slide you one of these fics and say: here's my dissertation on the subject. everything you need to know about how i feel is in there.
can't get a life (if my heart's not in it)
libertines rpf | peter/carl | M | 20.9k
When Peter came to London, Carl was waiting for him under the hanging clock in the middle of Waterloo station. It had been romantic, in the way that Peter saw all their meetings as a little romantic – a song in the making, all Terry meets Julie and a sunset over the river. Or: the early days of Peter & Carl's love affair with London - and each other.
note: i wrote this one during my first year moving to london. inhabiting this story with these people and their music helped me settle there. this was also my way of taking every insanely romantic and toxic thing peter and carl did or felt about each other in those early years and weaving it into one point of reference.
on the wings of a nightingale
good omens | aziraphale/crowley | E | 11.1k
Aziraphale liked his body. He liked the shape of it, the way it moved and touched the world, a type of sensory feedback that made him understand the shape and extent of his corporation. Like he wasn’t just an ephemeral vessel. Like he was flesh. Or: Aziraphale gets a tattoo. Crowley is an accessory to this crime against good sense. Everyone’s kinks are very poorly disguised.
note: i think this is the one where i really got to grips with my authorial obsession with bodies, embodiment, sensation as existence. it's probably one of the most personal things i've written, too, in terms of its dissection of touch, and espousing thoughts on faith as tangible feeling vs abstract thought. this is the aziraphale that exists in everything else i've written in this fandom.
i hope i find my home
it chapter 2 | richie/eddie | E | 53k
The peak of summer is long gone, if it ever came, but the funk of stagnant air still hangs low over the suburban streets. Richie Tozier – sallow-skinned and puffy-eyed, wearing a too-small denim jacket that smells of sweat and mildew – hasn’t slept in several days, and he's trying to remember how he got here in the first place. Or: Coming back to Derry, Richie hadn't expected to live. Eddie hadn’t expected to die. In the aftermath of Neibolt, they’re both confronted by another shot at life.
note: possibly actually my favourite thing i've ever written out of all of these. features this ongoing obsession with bodies, though this is from a more confrontational perspective than the good omens one - there's an element of body horror, a sense of fear and discomfort about the body, and grapples with embodied repression. took me two years to write this one. it was a labour of love and hard work, and a proof of my commitment to getting this story about survival and recovery told.
le temps qu'il faut
disco elysium | harry/kim | T | 5k
Snow blows in from the east. It falls on Martinaise, thickening the frigid air like cornstarch, thick enough to chew on. Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi stands – quiet, watchful, an oddity placed at the centre of a racket – collar turned up against the weather. Or: winter is tough and so is Kim, but a lot can change in ten days.
note: a story where i feel like i got the closest to capturing the mood of the original media. it was such a fucking pleasure to write something that was almost pure atmosphere. felt right that the poetry came out of this cold and battered landscape, and really solidified my interest in capturing environments. (who needs plot when there are buildings and lakes covered in snow).
when we fight about love
our flag means death | multi | E | 41.2k
Bonnet took a dainty sip of rum, then put the mug down with a fussy finality. “Look, I’m not interested in deals and riches and who gets what from who. I want to find Ed, that’s it. You’ll come with us, and you’ll guide us to the Revenge, and when we’re done, you can have my other ship to do with what you like. Sell it, sail away, set it on fire, I don’t care. Do we have an accord?” Bonnet held out a hand. His nails were ragged, and there were blisters on his fingers. Somehow, he still smelled of lavender. With all the recalcitrance of reaching towards an open flame, Izzy shook it. (Or: after brokering an uneasy peace, Izzy Hands, Stede Bonnet and the rest of the Revenge’s depleted crew are thrown together for a mission: find Edward, snap him out of his terrible madness, and then – and then.)
note: this is the one. the story that sums it all up. "how do you feel about izzy? what do you think was going on with him? how would a coherent version of him, flaws and all, realistically interact with the people most important to him during this time?" well: like this. focuses on repression, again, a key theme for me. though the repression here is not just physical, but mental, too. this was an exercise in finding a way to present a dislikeable, misguided, unreliable narrator as a point of view character and still finding meaning and empathy in his perspective. one of the most satisfying things i've ever written.
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