#ruikasatober 2024
sana5353 · 3 days
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ruikasatober day 20 - sorcevalier
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tearwolfe · 7 hours
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DAY 22: Colorfes
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cryptid-quill · 2 days
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RUIKASATOBER DAY 12: Pandemonium
im running out of captions . uhhhhhhh hhhhh. homosexuality . cue confetti
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a very late rkstober day- what was it, 16?
can you tell i didn't know what to do with this?
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melpoststuff510 · 2 days
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Day 20 sorcevalier
“That spellbook was worth more than you ever were”
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lunrall · 1 day
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day 20 - sorcevalier!!
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shoyosho · 23 hours
Ruikasatober day 20 - Sorcevalier
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f1zzz-p0p · 21 days
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I had to speedrun this and now my hand hurts
I probably wont be doing day 2 and some other days because there is no way I will have the time to do a drawing every single day for 31 days 😭
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karamell-sweetz · 7 days
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🌟🎈tober day 16: kuroshiro/lilies ‼️
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revelry-in-severity · 21 days
Ruikasatober: Unit Outfits
"Where do you think you're going?"
When the back of his coat is grabbed, Rui throws himself backward as a surprise. He knows it is Tsukasa behind him; he knew it was him from the sturdier thud of his heels as he stomped toward him. He giggles as Tsukasa lets out a yelp, also knowing he won't let Rui fall even though his hands scrambled to find a purchase.
"Honestly," Tsukasa grumbles when he calms down. "Must you be so needlessly difficult?" With his arms wrapped around Rui's waist, he leans forward to push Rui up.
"But Tsukasa-kun, you are the one keeping me behind. Emu-kun wants a group picture to commemorate this moment and you, my friend, are holding us up." Rui lets himself be placed on his feet.
"Emu," Tsukasa squeezes him before turning him around. "Can wait until you're wearing the new uniform properly. Has your memory of tying a proper bow been misplaced?" He reaches up and tugs the purple end. 
It unravels, and Tsukasa carefully reties the thick ribbon, the backs of his fingers caressing Rui's neck. Rui doesn't recognize the way Tsukasa ties the bow; crosses strands, leaves it half-done, and then suddenly it's complete. Placing his hands on Rui's shoulders, he leans back to eye his handiwork. "There," a pleased smile crosses his face. "Show ready."
"If you say so," Rui humors him. He's helpless against the smile that appears on his face. Doesn't even try to fight it.
"Of course I do," Tsukasa responds earnestly. His hands rest on Rui's shoulders before he spins him back around. "Because I'm the one who did it. Now come, we must find Emu before she finds us."
He begins to walk, trusting Rui to be right behind him. And Rui does begin to follow, but he pauses. He glances between the perfect bow around his neck and Tsukasa's back, neck cold. 
He tugs the purple loop so it lies lower than the green one.
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justamethyst3 · 6 days
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"I will return for you, my Lily... Until then, please... wait for me..."
Kuroshiro... Kuroshiro 🥺... oughhhh I love Kuroshiro so much 😭😭😭
Like many of my other AU's, I'm not gonna say much about these two until I can work on their story more cause... I'm not 100% sure on most of the details for this one (I've only written up to the first chapter, but I started rewriting what I had lol) 😅
So for now, I'll just leave this drawing and the oneshot I did for RuiKasa week earlier this year for you to speculate on hehe
And here's the link in case anyone hasn't read it yet or would like to reread it :D
As for the other prompts for the rest of Ruikasatober, I most likely won't get to them, unless I can finish drawing the fish and post the next chapter of FtW for day 23 (any AU) or day 31 (free day)... I want to at least post it before the end of the month if I can, so we'll see how fast I can finish up this last bit of prep for it ehe
time : 10 hr 24 min
Pls don't repost/reuse/edit
Likes, comments, and shares are appreciated!
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sana5353 · 10 hours
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ruikasatober day 22 - colorfest
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tearwolfe · 2 days
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DAY 20: Sorcevalier
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cryptid-quill · 1 day
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RUIKASATOBER DAY 13: Study Session
i miss lets study hard
also ignore the fact that i drew rui's 3rd anni uniform bc i initially wasnt gonna add the others in the bg and just didnt bother changing it aside from the color disappears into the void
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I've had this idea in mind for a year now and I only just drew it today,,,
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f1zzz-p0p · 12 days
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