#ruhi rants
Artificial Wingman Chapter 6!
Sorry of its a bit short!
For the full story on ao3, click here!
It had taken a while, but after three hours of searching the city Danny and Robin finally found themselves standing across the street from a small, brightly colored shop. Even across the street from the store, Danny could smell the different fragrances of all the flowers wafting through the polluted city air.
"Finally!" Danny sighed with relief as they waited at the crosswalk. Robin huffed beside him, whether in agreement or amusement Danny didn't know. For his own sake, he was going with agreement. 
The pair didn't have to wait long on the crosswalk, though Danny could feel Robin's impatience anyways. It seemed that Danny wasn't the only one uncomfortable with wandering around the city all day. Just as they made it across, Danny saw Robin's shoulders tense out of the corner of his eye. 
The teen dropped his hand, his head turning to stare at something just out of Danny's line of sight. Ignoring the part of himself that was disappointed in the loss of contact, Danny cocked his head slightly to the side as he tried to find what had caught Damian's attention. 
"What is it?" He asked the teen when he couldn't find anything of interest in the alleyway his companion was glaring into. 
Robin made a harsh "Tt." noise as he started towards the alleyway. "Go in ahead of me." He said over his shoulder when Danny made to follow him. 
When Danny made a noise of protest, he turned back towards him. Grabbing his hand again, he placed a gentle kiss above his knuckle, making the teen red with the unexpected gesture. "I'll catch up, just head inside, ruhi." He disappeared into the alleyway before Danny could reboot. 
Sighing exasperatedly, he turned and headed inside. He stumbled as he stepped through the door, the scents of different flowers almost overwhelming. Which was confusing to him, until he caught sight of the perfume extracts that lined one of the display shelves. He held his breath as he walked past them, aiming for deeper into the store. His hope was that the further in he got, the less powerful the smell would be. 
Yes, being part ghost meant that he technically didn't have to breath, but not breathing made it harder to appear fully human. And he would rather keep any semblance of normalcy he had at the moment. 
The teen was so focused on getting away from the overpowering perfumes that he didn't really look where he was going. More importantly, he didn't see what he was about to walk into. Or, more accurately, who he was about to walk into. All Danny knew was that one moment, he was power walking down the only available aisle, and the next he was on the floor, flowers scattered on his head and in his lap. Groaning, he sat up, picking a marigold off his shoulder. 
Across from him, a blond with split-dyed tips styled up in pigtails clutched the remains of a premade bouquet, dark crimson roses and white poppies squished to her chest. Almost immediately, memories of Sam ranting about 'flower language' popped into his head and he winced at the arrangement that screamed 'mourning a dead loved one'.
"I am so, so sorry." Danny stuttered as he began to gather the flowers covering him. The woman stared at him for a second before following his lead, grabbing the ones that had fallen on the floor. When they had collected all of them, they stood up, the girl brushing off her white t-shirt that clearly read 'I <3 My Lesbian Girlfriend', scattering yellow petals everywhere.
"It's fine." The woman spoke with an accent that he couldn't quite place. 
Handing her the flowers, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow. Not from any sort of empathy, he couldn't detect any strong emotions from this woman, but just a general feeling. He felt bad for her. "I'm sorry for your loss." He blurted out before he could stop himself. 
She froze, giving him an odd look. "I… haven't lost anyone?" She sounded very confused. 'Huh?' Both of them gave each other confused looks. "What makes you think someone died?"
"The flowers." He pointed to the messy bouquet in her hands. "That's generally an arrangement for graves or memorials." 
The lady glanced down at the flowers before looking back up. "I was gonna give these to my girlfriend." Suddenly, her face flushed slightly. "Oh, I grabbed funeral flowers for an anniversary!" Most people would have looked mortified, but all she did was laugh and toss the flowers into an empty display vase. "Oh, Ives would have never let me live that down." Shaking her head, she turned back to him. "Say, you seem to know your flowers. Think ya could help a girl out?"
Danny startled at the sudden question, but nevertheless let his eyes wander over the different arrangements. Finally his eyes landed on one that looked really pretty, and had romantic meanings. He gently picked them up and handed them to her. "Here. Red tulips, red chrysanthemums, and daffodils. A great bunch for a serious relationship." She looked over the bouquet thoughtfully before letting a smile stretch her face. 
"Thanks kid! Ivy will love these. Moving the bouquet to one arm, she stuck out her hand. "The name's Harley Quinn. It's nice ta meet 'cha!"
Danny smiled back at her, taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly. "Danny. It's nice to meet you too." 
"Well, I better get going. Don't wanna be late!" With that she hurried down the aisle, stopping by the register to pay for her flowers before swinging out the door with one last friendly wave at him. Danny waved back, watching until she was out of sight of the front window before turning back to his mission.
He was still looking for the illusive last few ingredients when Robin slipped into the shop. Danny didn't notice his presents at first, sorting through different seed packets in hopes of finding the one he was looking for. It was a gentle hand on his arm that told him his companion was back. He didn't turn from where he was looking, but he tilted his head slightly towards Robin. 
"Hey, everything okay?" He asked the teen. Robin was silent for a moment, but didn't feel as tense as he did before.
"Yes. It was merely an… annoyance. Another of my siblings, though they didn't know I was here. They have left now." He looked over Danny's shoulder, observing the packets with a small hum. "Have you found what you needed yet?" 
Danny sighs, finally looking at the vigilante. "No, sadly. This place has no organization system. It's just, 'flowers here, seeds there, and ridiculously strong perfume up front'." He finally finds what he's looking for, holding the bag up with a small 'aha!' "There it is! Now all that's left are the dried poppies, and we should be good to go."
Robin nodded and set about helping Danny dig through the flowers. Sadly, it seemed that the store didn't sell pre-dried flowers. Though they had some luck, after all, because they sold 'do it yourself' kits. Something pretty useful, when they didn't have time to dry the flowers out themselves. Purchasing the kit, along with the seed packet, Danny found himself outside the store a few moments later. He tapped his foot on the sidewalk as he waited for Robin, who claimed he would buy the flowers, but had wanted to look for something himself while they were there. 
The ravenette didn't have to wait too long. He turned as he heard the door open behind him, Robin carrying a bag in one hand while hiding the other hand behind his back. The teen had no problem finding Danny, walking up to him and handing the bag over. Peeking inside, Danny spotted at least three different types of poppies. Including the type that the book listed, so that was cool. "Perfect." He said, looking back up. Robin remained as he was, one arm flat by his side and the other hidden behind his back. 
Tilting his head, Danny gave the teen a curious look. "Is… everything alright?" He asked, worry building up in his chest. 
"Yes. There is nothing wrong." Even with his calming words, Robin still didn't move. He almost seemed… hesitant. As if he were debating something. Before Danny could ask, the teen huffed out a breath and shoved something at Danny's face.
 Bright red filled his vision, blindsided him for a moment. He brought his hand up, closing around a stem as Robin let it go. Pulling the brightly colored plant away from his face, he stared at the soft petals blankly. It took him a moment to realize that Robin had just given him a flower. And not just Amy flower, but a bright red rose. He couldn't help but blush as he remembered the symbolism it provided.
Clearing his throat, Danny kept his eyes diverted as he willed away his blush. "Thank you." He murmured, running his fingers over the soft petals. 
Robin cleared his throat too, ducking his head slightly. "You're welcome." His reply sounded almost… shy, to Danny. A quick glance revealed that Robin was blushing as well, a shade of red that was complemented by his soft caramel skin tone.
The door to the flower shop opened with a loud bell chime, startling both teens out of their bashful trance. "We should get going." Danny said quickly, starting down the sidewalk at a hurried pace. 
"I agree, but the apartment is in the other direction." Robin called out to him. Cheeks coloring a deeper red, Danny turned quickly and sped to Robin's side. 
"Right, yeah. I knew that." He mumbled as they walked. Robin's snort told him the teen found that statement hard to believe. Danny resolves to keep his eyes on the sidewalk ahead of him. He totally doesn't smile when Robin's warm hand slips into his colder one. Nor does he squeeze it back. Yeah, totally didn't happen.
Cass ducks her head, embarrassed not about the fact that she had been caught, but the fact that it had happened so soon. 
In front of her stood Alfred. In his hands, a bag. Her bag. The one with the mystery gun in it. 
"I don't suppose you have a good explanation for this, do you?" He phrased it like a question. Both of them knew it wasn't. 
"I have an explanation." She signed to the man. He merely lifted an eyebrow at her. Sighing, she explained everything to him. Damian's weird behavior, the boy Dami was trying to romance, the fact that the gun belonged to him. She told him every detail she knew of. It would do her no good to lie, after all. She could lie to her siblings, to Batman, but she could never lie to Alfred. No one could lie to him. It felt like a cardinal sin to even try.
When she was done, he looked over the bag before letting out a little sigh. "I do not think it wise to lie to everyone else." He told her. She ducked her head again. "But," her eyes shot up, silently urging him to go on. "I suppose, as long as no one is hurt and he is safe, I will not tell Master Bruce." She smiled at him as he handed the bag back to her. "Now, if Master Bruce asks, I will not lie to him." He warned her.
"I wouldn't ask you to." She replied immediately. He smiled at her, giving her shoulder a gentle pat.
"I do believe we have other matters to attend to, don't you think?" He asked after a minute. She gave him a confused look, trying to think about anything. "Even should Master Damian fail in his attempts at 'wooing' this boy, I have no doubt he will wind up here at the manor." He explained. "Would it not be best to go ahead and prepare a room for him?"
Cass thought about it for a moment, letting a slow smile spread across her face. Nodding, she followed Alfred up the stairs, letting him lead her to an empty room. The room beside Damian's, to be specific. 
Whipping out her phone, she texts her brother a simple question, getting a response a few minutes later that made her giggle. Alfred looked over at her curiously, so she showed him the message. Reading over it, he chuckled softly before handing the phone back to her. "I believe that can be arranged." 
Damian frowned when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Pulling it out, he quickly read over the message Cain had sent. A bit puzzled, but equally curious, Damian popped his head into the kitchen. Danny looked up from where he was carefully pressing Poppies with an old Phone book.
"What's up?" He asked, turning back to the task at hand when he settled back down again. 
"Do you have any hobbies besides potion brewing and universe hopping?" Damian asked the teen.
He received a surprised noise in response, but no immediate negatives. Instead, Danny looked back up at him curiously. "Uhh, I really like astronomy. Y'know, like the stars and stuff?" Damian nodded and typed a response to Cain's question before settling down across from the teen. 
"Really?" He asked. Danny nodded, a smile working its way onto his face. "Would you tell me more?" If he thought Danny was bright before, he was positively beaming now. In fact, Damian was pretty sure that he was actually glowing, a faint luminous quality about him. 
He spent the next hour listening intently as the teen explained Red Giants to him, enjoying how animated he had become while talking about his passion. 
It was a nice distraction from the fact that they had everything they needed for the potion now. A small part of him had hoped that he might be able to delay a bit longer, but it seemed that it was wishful thinking. 
He pushed all the negative thoughts away, determined to enjoy what time he had left. Even if he was sure that the potion wouldn't affect his feelings, he couldn't help the dread that began to build in his gut. 
Instead, he asked another question about space, focusing solely on the way Danny's fangs reflected the light from his icy blue eyes as he dove into another long-winded explanation about his favorite topic.
(I know there are probably some misspellings/Grammer mistakes. But it's okay, I tried my best!)
Note; I used Google translate for the endearment 'ruhi'. It means 'Soul' or 'my soul'.
Also, I looked up a flower language dictionary, so I'm sorry if some of the meanings are wrong.
To all the lovely people who wanted to be tagged, as well as the amazing person who made the prompt for this story! :
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legal-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394
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Why are bullion knots so hard oh my god
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If in this ptm my teachers tell me to focus on boards instead of clat I'm gonna lose it fr.
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jc · 4 years
Tagebuch: Sanfter Übergang in die Isolation
Montag, 14. Dezember 2020
Das zustän­di­ge Minis­te­ri­um emp­fiehlt drin­gend, Kin­der ab sofort nicht mehr in die Betreu­ung zu geben, son­dern zuhau­se zu las­sen. Wir wis­sen das seit Sams­tag und sind ent­spre­chend vor­be­rei­tet. Nicht! Natür­lich nicht. Wir arbei­ten bei­de noch die­se Woche und sind bei­de im Jah­res­end­stress. Mit der Tages­mut­ter han­deln wir aus: Heu­te und mor­gen geht die Klei­ne noch­mal zu ihr, ab Mitt­woch ver­su­chen wir es dann selbst. Die Iso­la­ti­on wird bis min­des­tens 10. Janu­ar gehen, wie der gesam­te soge­nann­te Lock­down. Ich wer­de also mei­nen kom­plet­ten Urlaub das Kind betreu­en dür­fen. Ver­steht mich nicht falsch, ich ver­brin­ge ger­ne Zeit mit dem Töch­ter­chen, aber so ein paar Stun­den Me-Time in den drei Wochen Urlaub hat­te ich mir doch erhofft. Plan­mä­ßig wären es eh nur drei Tage gewe­sen, aber immer­hin. Dar­aus wer­den jetzt minus zwei Tage. – Ich will nicht so viel jam­mern, immer­hin sind wir alle gesund, haben eine schö­ne Woh­nung und genug zu essen, wir wer­den die Zeit schon gut überstehen.
Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2020
Ich ver­brin­ge den Tag zunächst am Tele­fon. Am Nach­mit­tag geht sie dann los: Unse­re digi­ta­le Weih­nachts­fei­er. Es ist schon sehr selt­sam, mit dem Team auf dem Bild­schirm zuhau­se zu sit­zen und nicht wie sonst in einem Restau­rant, wo wir vor­her noch lus­ti­ge Sachen wie Laser­tag gemacht haben. Nach dem Essen neh­men wir an einem vir­tu­el­len Knei­pen­quiz teil (und bre­chen wegen Lust­lo­sig­keit ab) und spie­len dann solan­ge Among Us, bis mir die Augen zufal­len. Also ca. 22 Uhr.
Die vir­tu­el­le Weih­nachts­fei­er war ein guter Kom­pro­miss, aber ich wäre euch allen sehr dank­bar, wenn ihr euch sobald wie mög­lich imp­fen lasst, damit wir nächs­tes Jahr wie­der alle an einem Tisch sit­zen können.
Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2020
Ich betreue heu­te noch die letz­te Digi­tal­ver­an­stal­tung des Jah­res, des­halb darf ich ins ruhi­ge Büro, wäh­rend die Kin­des­mut­ter zuhau­se Home­of­fice versucht.
Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2020
Und heu­te dann ver­tausch­te Rol­len. Es ist wie immer: Man schafft fast nichts, wäh­rend man das Kind betreut. Ich habe meh­re­re Tele­fo­na­te und Video­kon­fe­ren­zen. Bei kei­nem die­ser Gele­gen­hei­ten kann ich mich zu hun­dert Pro­zent auf die Gegen­über kon­zen­trie­ren. Zum Glück bin ich unse­rer­seits nie allei­ne und alle haben gro­ßes Ver­ständ­nis für die Situa­ti­on, sind teil­wei­se natür­lich in der glei­chen Bre­douil­le und ver­zei­hen mir Unter­bre­chun­gen und Geschrei im Hintergrund.
Nach der letz­ten Video­kon­fe­renz mit mei­ner akti­ven Betei­li­gung schnap­pe ich mir Klein-Lea. Wir müs­sen noch sowohl geschäft­li­che, wie auch pri­va­te Post zur ent­spre­chen­den Filia­le brin­gen. Wir haben Glück und erwi­schen eine Lücke, es sind nur zwei Leu­te vor uns. Und trotz­dem wür­den wir es nicht mehr recht­zei­tig zurück schaf­fen, um an der Ver­an­stal­tung teil­zu­neh­men, zu der ich mich ange­mel­det habe. Als Orga­ni­sa­tor von Events fin­de ich spon­ta­ne Nicht­teil­nah­me zwar auch nicht wit­zig, aber nach gründ­li­cher Abwä­gung der Gege­ben­hei­ten ent­schei­den wir uns im klei­nen Fami­li­en­rat für einen Spa­zier­gang übers Feld.
Freitag, 18. Dezember 2020
Letz­ter Arbeits­tag des Jah­res. Ich habe mir schon vor­sorg­lich einen ganz­tä­gi­gen Block in den Kalen­der gesetzt: „Ho-ho-ho, bit­te kei­ne Ter­mi­ne mehr!“ Ich habe also nur noch weni­ge Ter­mi­ne. Der aller­letz­te fin­det am spä­te­ren Abend statt: Ich spie­le wie­der eine Run­de Mono­po­ly mit den drei Inter­net-Bes­ties, wer­de früh bank­rott und schaue den ande­ren dann stun­den­lang zu, wie sie sich Geld hin und her schie­ben. Wenigs­tens hat Zoom jetzt lus­ti­ge Make-up-Filter, das ver­treibt die Zeit ein wenig.
Wochenende, 19.+20. Dezember 2020
Zum sanf­ten Über­glei­ten in die Iso­la­ti­on gehört auch das Tref­fen von Freun­den. Ich will nichts beschö­ni­gen, wir tref­fen uns weder (nur) im Frei­en, noch sind wir auf Abstand oder tra­gen Mas­ken. Es ist so eine Mischung aus Die-waren-schon-vorher-nur-im-Homeoffice, Glücks­spiel und dem Wis­sen, dass wir in den nächs­ten zwei Wochen kei­ne Men­schen­see­le mehr tref­fen wer­den. Ganz schön arro­gant, dass ich mich trotz­dem über ande­re auf­re­ge, die zu Weih­nach­ten durch die hal­be Repu­blik zu den (Groß-)Eltern gondeln.
💌 Ver­pas­se kei­nen Bei­trag mehr! Lass dich per E-Mail benach­rich­ti­gen! 🐖 Dir gefällt, was du hier liest? Ich freue mich, wenn du Klein-Leas Spar­schwein fütterst!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2020/12/uebergang-isolation/)
0 notes
lassluna · 8 years
Los Angeles Fairy Tales (1/?)
A/N( Lucifer and Once Crossover, may be more, may have a plot, who knows? Thank you for all the reblog encouragements of “DO IT” and “write the thing” from: @trueromantic1 , @randomramblings473 and @captain-swan-jones. 
I also had a bit of proofreading from ruhi and svenja on the CS Writing Hub on Discord to make sure Maze was in character. I don’t know their names here...)
Chapter 1: Maze Makes a Friend
Maze didn’t like humans. She’d grown used to them, but he had trouble dealing with certain aspects of them.
They were needy and fragile things. Maze was a demon; she didn’t do well with fragile things. She often forgot this when chasing down skips. On occasion, she broke a bone or two. It was becoming a problem according to Chloe. They thought she was using ‘excessive force’ on her catches.
“The only reason that no one has tried to charge you with anything is that none of your perps want to confess to getting beat up by a girl smaller than them.” Chloe told her one night over wine. “So you need to be more careful, try to be gentler.”
Gentler. Chloe was telling a demon to be gentler. It would be laughable if Chloe believed she was in fact a demon.
Maze rolled her eyes. She was created not to be gentle.
Linda tried to teach her to be patient and nurturing last month; she said it could help let go of some of her anger. Linda still didn’t understand that it wasn’t anger that made her violent, it was stupid people. Linda gave her a fish to take care of.
Trixie confiscated her fish, for what, Maze didn’t know, she was trying to be patient, but it wasn’t doing anything. She was just trying to make the thing do something, she was just poking it, with a knife, but it was only a little knife.
Trixie named it Bubbles, and hid Bubbles in her room.
It was a ridiculous assignment anyway.
So Linda gave Maze a different one to help teach her ‘people’ skills to fit in better. Linda told Maze to make a friend, sounded simple enough.
So Maze started looking. She tries the person she gets coffee from when she’s on a stake out, but her voice is too high pitched and all she talks about is if some guy likes her. It made Maze want to hit her.
There was this cop guy that emailed her the newest batch of dirt bags to hunt down, but he kept calling her ‘missy’. Maze was no missy. Instead of telling him all the things Linda coached her to say to a new friend, she told him that if he called her missy one more time, she’d decapitate him with his stupid emails.
So that guy was out.
There were a handful of other people she tried, but they didn’t seem too receptive, and Maze wasn’t too interested either. Maze decided that this assignment was also stupid.
She already had friends. Lucifer, Linda, Chloe, Dan, Amenadial. She didn’t need anymore. But Linda shook her head.
“Someone new.” She insisted. “Someone not connected to Lucifer, your own friend.” Lina explained. “You say you want a life outside of Lucifer, to be on your own, well this is a good step towards that.” Maze hated it when Linda was right.
Maze had pretty much given up, ready with a rant about how she couldn’t possibly befriend another human, how they were just too self-involved and weak for her to have to deal with. The whole point was to teach her to be gentler with her catches, and getting her pissed off by idiots, was not going to help.
She tried to forget about it and catch her recent dirt bag. A thief by the name of Tom Martin, the ass had robbed a jewelry store; put the owner in the hospital for no good reason. Just to assert macho dominance, Maze rolled her eyes looking the file over.
See? This was what made Maze exert a little bit more pressure than she needed to.
Maze stared from her car, waiting for him to come out of the restaurant, she preferred catching her prey in her element, the dark alleys or parking lots, and it usually prevented civilians from screaming.
She looked up, seeing the guy staggering out looking like he’d had one too many with a blonde woman besides him. Maze smirked; she got out of her car and quietly crept behind the couple. She’d push between them and arrest Martin. She promised herself that she’d only break his leg if he tried to run.
However, before she got a chance, the blonde moved. She took the hand that was around her hip and twisted it behind the guy’s back, slamming him into the car she was walking him towards.
“Call me Missy one more time, I dare you.” She hissed, pulling her cuffs from her side and cuffing him. It made Maze stop in her tracks in intrigue. She smirked at the sight. “Back to jail with you.” She said, pulling the guy up. The blonde caught her watching.
“It’s not what it looks like.” She said with a tired sigh. “He’s a criminal, skipped out on his bail.” She assured her.
Maze nodded. “Oh I know sweetheart.” He said, coming close. “First time someone beat me to a catch.” She praised, looking the blonde over, she didn’t look too tough, but Maze new better than anyone that looks could be deceiving.
“Well I deserved it for letting this creep feel me up for a half hour.” She complained. Maze chuckled. There was no way she’d have that patience for that. She’s more of a predator sort of bounty hunter.
The blonde smirked. “And it won’t be the last I get.” She said confidently, shoving the guy into the back of her car. Maze chuckled. The blonde was returning Maze look with her own. Maze could tell when she was being sized up. She returned a smirk.
“You think.” She smirked. “You got lucky this time blonde.”
Blondie rolled her eyes. “We’ll see.”
Maze made her way back to her car, not even upset that she lost her skip. She thought she might have possibly a new friend.
Apparently the blonde in the Yellow Volkswagen wasn’t wrong, she spotted her at least four of her skips that week. She was good.
She didn’t just honey trap them, she hunted almost methodically, going to all the best places for dirt bags to lay low, the second she spotted them, she took off after them like a demon out of hell.
It was awesome.
“Talk to her.” Linda encouraged when she met her for her weekly session. She looked happy, almost proud of her. All Maze had said was that she might have found a human that wasn’t completely annoying. “Do you remember what I told you about how to make a new friend?” She asked. Maze nodded.
“Be friendly, talk about common interests, open up to her.” She recited in a bored tone. It honesty wasn’t that difficult.
“Just not too much, no demon stuff.” Linda corrected.
“Be a good listener; invite her to go for drinks.” She continued. It was how she became friends with Chloe after all.
Linda nodded. “Good. What did you say her name was?” Linda asked.
Maze hadn’t, she hadn’t even asked for the blonde’s name, just that she was a bounty hunter like her and didn’t take crap, so Maze asked around, most people hadn’t heard of her, apparently she’d only moved to LA a few days prior to Maze meeting her. IT meant Maze would have to do this the old fashioned way.
She found her rallying a pair of guys with handcuffs.
“Need a hand?” She asked approaching. She vaguely recognized the men, no one of any particular interest.
“And split the check, no way.” She snapped, pushing them to their knees, dialing her police contact, whoever that was.
“I don’t need you money.” Maze promised. “Just know that not many of the cops like to come down for pick up, you might be a while.” She looked skeptical.
“I’m Mazeken, but my friends call me Maze.” She introduced. “Best Bounty Hunter in LA.” She said smugly.
“For now.” The blonde quipped back. “I have a knack for finding people.” She said. Maze shrugged.
“We’ll see.” She said. “So do you want that help or not?” She shook her head.
“I got this.” She said stubbornly. Maze frowned.
“What do you do besides catching dirt bags?” She asked, switching gears. The blonde shrugged.
“They keep me busy.” She mused. “Looks like the cops got here after all.” She said just as a blue and white police car pulled up.
Maze frowned; this was harder than Linda made it sound.
She was being nice, being kind, being what a good friend should be.
It repulsed her, but she was trying.
She tried to invite her for food, nope, she wasn’t hungry, she tried sharing her past work experience at a bar, Lux. She tried complaining about her roommates, (Chloe snored). She got nothing in return. No sharing of stories, no attempts at being her friend. It was like talking to a wall.
Linda encouraged her to keep trying, that sometimes people need to get used to the idea of something before they accept it, but it was really, really hard for her, Maze didn’t do nice, so it was taking everything out of her to be that.
Maze asked if there was a way to make someone your friend. It would save her a lot of trouble right about now.
Linda assured her she couldn’t, all Maze could do was extend the hand of friendship and hope she takes it.
The last straw when she brought her coffee. The blonde looked at it and shook her head. “Thanks, but I don’t drink coffee.”
Who doesn’t like coffee?
Maze was done. She dropped the coffee on the ground.
“Look, I don’t know what backwater town you came from, but I’m done.” She snapped, seemingly surprising the blonde. “I like you, you seem way cooler than most of the mortals I run into, so I wanted to be your friend, but now, no way, not interested.”
The blonde looked at her in surprise, but Maze didn’t care. He turned around and walked away.
“Maziken?” The blonde called out. She stopped. “That place you used to work, Lust?”
“Lux.” She corrected.
“I was hoping to get a drink tonight.” She said casually. “Is it good?”
Maze turned around with an uninterested look.
“The new bartender isn’t half bad.” She said. Lucifer was out on a stakeout with Chloe, otherwise there was no way Maze would bring her around Lux.
“Want to join me? I can tell you about this one time I was a cashier at a grocery store as a kid.” She said, leaning against her bug. “But right now I have a skip to catch.”
Maze smirked. “Sure.” He said, looking uninterested. “But only if I catch mine in time.” She said.
“Ken Fisher?” The blonde asked. Maze nodded.
“Winner buys drinks.” She said with a competitive edge.
“You’re on.” Maze agreed.
“Swan.” The blonde supplied. “Emma Swan.”
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uniboss · 7 years
Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th May 2017 Written Update of Full Episode: Adi and Aliya to get married, Ashok plots to ruin the Bhallas
Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 25th May 2017 Written Update of Full Episode: Adi and Aliya to get married, Ashok plots to ruin the Bhallas
Yeh Hai Mohabbatein starts with Mani(Sumeet Sachdev) telling Ishita(Divyanka Tripathi) that he trusted her with his daughter and all the decisions related to her thinking that she was the best mother but she proved him wrong today. Shagun(Anita Hassanandani) takes over once again and goes on with her rant about how Ishita tries to become the Godmother everytime. Ruhi(Aditi Bhatia) lashes out at…
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Watching CID (again) because why not. But like. I really wish Shreya's Character arc had been developed into her being something more than just Daya's love interest. I mean I get that her popularity spiked up heavily when that track was introduced but after that both the show and its viewers kinda forgot that she is a person beyond her chemistry with Daya too?
Same goes for Dr. Tarika—reduced to being Abhijeet's love interest. The fans in particular keep forgetting that she is her own person first. She is a forensic doctor first. I just ...
Even Purvi! Granted that this is more the Fans' doing than the shows, but I see her being made into someone's love interest—Rajat or Sachin or Kavin or Pankaj or even Mayur, somehow. Smh—and that is the extent of characterization that they are willing to give her.
Same goes for any and all female cast of the show tbh? Ishita? Is a sub inspector? Who is barely given any screen time? Paired with Dushyant. Divya? Is also a sub inspector, possibly a trainee? Who never gets the screen unless she is standing behind someone? Paired with Nikhil. Kajal? Who used to be a prominent-ish background character back when the bureau wasn't this crowded? Paired with Sachin.
Tasha, until her death? Prominent character. Paired canonly with Vivek. However, I feel she managed to evade this fairly well.
I just ... Why?
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Kajal is magic guys. I accidentally looked at myself in the mirror today with kajal and honestly the person looking back at me had her shit together.
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Okay why is every female cop in C.I.D. a sub-inspector????? Why?????? Why is it that you can introduce male senior-inspectors but not female ones???? And Purvi???? Has been here forever????? And is still a sub-inspector???????? Her tenure on that show has been longer than all the extra senior inspectors' combined!!!! Smh
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