#rugbert i love you
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Happy Birthday, Rugbert ~
WC: 1450 a/n: Hello, I am here to scream happy birthday to my best boy. I love him dearly. I am spending money on him today. Because baby girl deserves to be spoiled on his birthday ♥
You looked at the clock, seeing it was almost time for Ruggie to come home. Even on his birthday, he still worked, never taking the day off for himself. “The grind never stops, not even for lil ole me,” he would always say to you. You took the afternoon off to sneak into his apartment, using the key he had given you of course, and surprise him once he was home from work.
The both of you enjoyed being playful, always playing pranks on one another and cracking jokes together. Unfortunately for you though, your boyfriend was way better at pulling pranks than you were. But not tonight. Tonight, you were going to be the mastermind behind this. You would finally get him, just like he's always gotten you. Of course, you would shower him with affection and love afterwards to let him know that he is your one and only and that you adore him.
You had thought about it a lot, the type of prank to best play on him and how to get him. You figured out the best way to get him would be when he is caught off guard, he’s too sly to fall for something if you come at him headfirst. You knew just the right time to play your silly little prank, too. Ruggie was the kind of guy to come home from work and try to relax in his bed for a little bit, decompressing from his long day and winding That was when you would make your move, when he would least expect it. You decided that you would hide in his closet, being sneaky and waiting for your prey to return home.
Earlier that day, you had swung by his grandma’s on your way and ended up with a delightful treat to give him. Grandma Bucchi was so sad that he worked all day and that she wasn’t able to see him, but greatly appreciated you stopping by to see her. She sent you on your way to his apartment with a bag of homemade donuts for him. You’d scare him and then throw the bag in his face as an apology. Yeah, that’s a sweet plan. There’s no way he would stay upset at you or down with donuts in his hands.
You waited in his closet, the shutter doors shut tightly to not look obvious. The minutes were slowly ticking away it felt like. After what felt like an eternity, you could hear his keys shuffle in the door. Your eyes widened as your heart skipped a beat with anticipation as you heard his footsteps approach his bedroom. The door creaked open; his jacket was tossed on the dresser as he plopped down on his bed . get settled in before you pounce. You continued to wait patiently. This would be the one time you finally got him, you wanted it to be perfect.
You peaked through the door shutters, seeing him lying on the bed. He had one hand behind his head and the other was holding his phone as he aimlessly scrolled. You decided you would text him to try and get a feel for what he was doing, another way to distract his mind before you jumped out.
[Y/N] heyy birthday boy ! are you finally home yet?
You sent the text and peered through the small cracks again. He smiled and sat up on his bed as he read your text. Even without you there with him you still made him happy, and it showed in this moment. His expression was cheeky as he typed his reply, snickering as he put his phone down. You looked down to see your phonescreen light up.
[Rug♥] thank you baby, i just got home. Are you coming over? It is my birthday after all (;
You gave him a blank stare through the closet door, hoping he couldn’t feel your intense eye roll you just did at him. You tried to think of something, a lie of some sort, that you could tell him so he wouldn’t be questioning where you were. I mean, as his partner it does make sense for you to come over on his birthday, even if it’s just for dinner together.
[Y/N] yepp :P i am about to head out now, so i should be there soon
[Rug♥] alrighty :) see you then
You barely hit send before Ruggie was already responding to your text. You peaked again through the door cracks. He sighed as he tossed his pillow over his face. This was it. He’s all relaxed and unprepared. This was the perfect time. The perfect opportunity, your perfect-
The closet door flung open, making you jump and squeal in terror. You huffed as you watched your boyfriend stand there in the doorway, laughing hysterically, tears forming in his eyes. You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s not funny, Rug, I almost peed myself.” Ruggie stopped laughing and cocked his head to the side. “Oh, I’m soooo sorry for scaring you. Isn't that what'cha were trying to do to me?” he teased playfully. You pouted and crossed your arms over your chest. “Hmph, no. Of course not. Why would I even do that?” you said grumbly.
Ruggie just stared back at you, giving you an “are you kidding me right now” look. He didn’t say anything, he just stared, waiting for you to try and explain yourself out of this one. You sat for a moment thinking to yourself, how could you even explain why you’re in his closet if not to scare him? It wouldn’t matter, he would see right through your explanation anyway. “How’d you even know I was in here?” you asked as you stepped out of the closet, the donuts in your hands behind you.
“Well, for starters, I have a fantastic sense of smell,” he said as he raised his eyebrows at you. “Did you really think you’re going to hide from me when you have donuts with you?” he teased as he grabbed the donuts out of your hands. “These are Gram’s, I know it." He blissfully smelled the bag. "She would only give these to me, but she likes you. You’re the only other person she would hand ‘em off to.”
You stamped your foot on the ground, to which he chuckled at. “This was supposed to be the one time that I finally got you, and you still got me somehow. Grrrrr,” you playfully growled. “Woah there, tough guy, calm down. You’ll get me next time,” he said as he pulled you in for a hug. “C’mon, I’ll share my donuts with ya. How’s that sound?” he said as he jiggled the bag in front of your face. You rolled your eyes as you both sat on the bed and began to share the donuts. It really was hard to stay upset or down when you had donuts in your hands.
“Thanks for coming over for my birthday, this is one of my favorites 'cause I got to spend it with you,” Ruggie hummed as he had his arm wrapped around you. You cuddled up to him and dreamily sighed. “You’re welcome, happy birthday, Rugbert.” Ruggie groaned at you calling him Rugbert. Oh how he regretted his grandma telling you that she calls him that. “Hey, Rug?” you said curiously. “Hmm” he said, turning to look at you. “Was it really the donuts that gave away my hiding spot?”
He snickered at your question and then rolled back onto his back. “No, it wasn’t,” he sighed through a smile. “Oh? Then how?” You wanted to know how he knew. What could you do differently next time so he wouldn’t get you before you got him. He just gently pointed at your chest and smiled at you. “Your heartbeat, I can pick that out in a room full of a million people. I could hear it before I even walked through my front door.” You sat there, astounded by his response. He could pick your heartbeat out of a room full of people? And he said a million people? Even just thinking about it made your blood rise and stomach do cartwheels in the best way possible.
“C’mere,” he chuckled as he pulled you on top of his chest and into his arms. You relished in his arms, contently sighing. “Y’know, I can hear it when it speeds up too,” he whispered. Your eyes grew wide at his words, making you feel a little embarrassed. There was no hope for you. You were forever destined to be the one getting got. “Maybe… I’ll let you get me on your birthday.... Maybe~,” he laughed. "Yeah... maybe we can go to Wendy's house then," you said quietly. "Wendy's?" Ruggie asked puzzled. "Wendy's nuts," you said as you obnoxiously laughed, your boyfriend letting out another groan. You got him, though.
happy birthday you sweet baby man. i love you to the moon and back. thank you for making me want to play twisted wonderland. you are the only reason i am here. i wish i could give you the sun, stars, and moon. (all of you back up i will bite) haha /hj
#~.writing#ruggie x reader#twst x reader#ruggie twst#ruggie bucchi#twisted wonderland ruggie#twst ruggie#ruggie bucchi propaganda#rugbert bluecheese#rugbert i love you#happy birthday ruggie
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Ah yes, my thug boyfriend had some hair loss. But we got him some nice shampoo and it’s supposed to help it grow back ☺️😉
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hello everyone, i just wanted to remind you all that I love Ruggie Bucchi, Rugbert Bluecheese, Mr. Rug Bug. That is all.
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Always Meant to be | Ch.2
► ► notes: Here I am again, bringing you more of Ruggie x Reader in Pokemon AU. Enjoy.
▬ ♥ ▬
You kept saying it over and over again, today wasn’t ruined at all. You and Ruggie continued to walk towards your houses in silence. Ruggie kept looking ahead quietly while you couldn’t take your eyes off the flower he had just handed you. How did he know this was your favorite flower? When did you ever tell someone this was your favorite, and how did Rugbert Bluecheese get this information?? Maybe Ruggie paid more attention to you than you thought, or maybe he was just extremely good at guessing.
The thought of the day not being ruined was tossed out the window as you entered your house. Your parents bombarded you with questions about how the event was, what it was like, which pokemon did you choose, what did the other kids get. You didn’t want to talk about it; tears began to well in your eyes as you ran upstairs to your room.
You were thankful your parents were as understanding as they were. Seeing you run upstairs, they decided to let you have time to decompress before trying to pry more into your day. You were laying on your bed facing your ceiling, lightly tossing your fox squishmallow into the air right above you when you heard your mom knock on the door.
“Honey, dinner will be ready in a few minutes. You can come down if you would like to sit at the table or I can bring it up to you in your room, whatever you would like. It doesn’t matter to me,” she said softly outside your door.
You appreciated her more than she would ever know; your friends’ mom never let them eat dinner in their rooms when they were stressed out. You knew this because you had heard the complaints time and time again while still in school.
“Okay, sounds good! I’ll come downstairs in a few minutes,” you shouted back to her.
You heard your mom’s gentle footsteps fade as she made her way downstairs. You put your squishmallow back into its safe spot, right under your blanket next to your pillow. You tapped it a few times as if saying “nighty, night” and left your room.
Downstairs smelt amazing, you were confused how you couldn’t smell your mom’s cooking from your room. As you walked further into the dining room, you saw your mom had already set the table and your dad was making your mom a plate of food. Your parents’ dynamic may seem weird to others, but you knew by the small gestures your dad always did for your mom that he truly loved her. He would go out of his way to give her the world, even if she didn’t ask for it. You hoped you would find a love like that one day, but for now no one matched your standards.
“This food looks so good!” you said delightfully as you and your parents began to eat dinner. There was nothing more comforting after having a long day than enjoying your mom’s cooking. You knew your parents would eventually ask you about your day, so you gathered your thoughts as you ate to make sure you explained what happened.
Your dad started asking questions first. “So what happened, hun?”
You sighed and began your explanation. “Well, I was going to be on time… but I really wanted to take a short walk through the gardens. I figured seeing the flowers would make me feel better because I started having anxiety the more I walked towards the lab.”
Your dad nodded and said, “Yes, you always did love the gardens. Did you lose track of time while there? Sometimes I get lost when I look into your mother’s eyes.” Your dad chuckled as he continued eating while your mom just rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Aha, no,” you laughed. “I actually got sidetracked by Ruggie Bluecheese. He and I chatted while I was at the gardens.” You knew chatting wasn’t exactly how the conversation went with Ruggie. It was more like two old people bickering back and forth- that’s how it felt talking to Ruggie, constant bickering.
“Oh, Ruggie, that young man is pretty swell. He is always such a hard worker,” your dad began to boast. “Ya know, he always comes over to help me bring in groceries from the store, and he never shies away from helping me out with any yard work.”
Listening to your dad made your ears start to burn. You could feel your blood starting to boil, but why? The sound of Ruggie’s name and hearing your dad praise him must’ve made you go insane.
Just as you thought the Ruggie compliments were over, your mom suddenly chimed in. “You’re so right, dear! He is such a respectable, young man. I love how well mannered he is, and he is so well-rounded! His grandmother really is raising a gentleman,” she said smiling.
You sat there looking at both of your parents, looking at them both back and forth. Why on Earth are they sitting here talking about Ruggie. Rugbert Bluecheese. Rugbert. Blue. Cheese. It really felt as if you could never get away from him. He was consistently in your vision, no matter where you went. You couldn’t even escape him at your own dinner table. At this point, not only were your ears on fire, but so was your face. This caught your mother’s attention quickly.
“Oh, hun! You’re blushing?! Wait-,” she said, motioning for your father to look at your face. “Do you like Mr. Ruggie? He would definitely be a good match for you in my opinion, someone who would care-”
“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” you shouted to her, cutting her off mid sentence. You felt bad for shouting, but you couldn’t take hearing anymore of that.
Your parents looked surprised by your reaction and decided that they would drop the Ruggie conversation. It was clear you didn’t want to continue it, and they respected that.
You all finished your meal and turned in for the night.
▬▬ ♥ ▬▬
A month had gone by since you left the lab that day, no pokemon in hand. It had made you somewhat saddened. You watched as your friends all started on their Pokemon journey; all of them aspiring to be the very best. You wanted so badly for it to be your turn. You knew Professor Oak told you he would bring you back a pokemon once he returned from Lavender Town, but it had been 3 weeks already since he left. You didn’t know when he planned to come back. All he did was send you postcards, writing to you about the amazing time he was having and to “not fret” over the starter pokemon situation.
You got dressed for the day and mosied downstairs. Your dad was already gone for work, and your mom was in the living room cleaning. She motioned for you to come to her while she vacuumed.
“CAN YOU GO TO VIRIDIAN CITY AND PICK UP A PACKAGE FOR ME TODAY?” she shouted over the loud vacuum.
You nodded and headed out the door.
You took the path to Viridian City that was clear and fenced off. The fencing made sure no wild pokemon got on the path while those without pokemon traveled. You were forced to take this route, though you longed to take the path full of pokemon sounds, tall grass, and the unknown.
After a while, you finally made your way into the city. It was much larger than your quaint hometown. You knew that this wasn’t even the biggest city in the region, but coming here always made you feel so small.
The PokeMart wasn’t too far into the city, and since you had been here a few times before, you knew exactly which way to go to get there the fastest. You made your way down the paths and walked into the store.
At no shock to yourself, your eyes noticed him again as you entered. Why is Rugbert always there?
He was there buying what looked to be items for his grandmother- an assortment of her favorite candies, crossword puzzles, and prescription bags. You waited in line behind him, hoping he didn’t notice you come in. As he waved his goodbye to the cashier, the cashier greeted you by name. He was sure to notice you now.
You smiled shyly at the cashier and gave her your information to pick up your mom’s package. She swiftly gathered the small package and handed it off to you, nodding to you as she assisted the next customer.
You walked towards the door only to see Mr. Rugbert Bluecheese, himself, waiting by the door for you. You kept walking and tried to avoid any interactions with him, you just wanted to go back home. He quickly grabbed the door before you could and held it open for you as you walked out.
You smiled at him, but didn’t say thank you. Wasn’t a smile enough? It should be enough for him, right? No, it wasn’t.
Ruggie frowned at you with his arms out, “No thank you, question mark?” He stood there, waiting for you to respond.
You chuffed at his question and glared at him standing in his stupid pose. “Sorry, Rugbert,” you said sarcastically. “Didn’t see you there.”
He put his arms down and chuckled at your response. He seemed pleased this time, maybe he was coming around to your jokes. Or maybe, he felt bad for you and your poor sense of humor.
“Did your grandma send you here? My mom wanted me to tell her she needs her recipe for tater tot casserole when she has a chance to write it down,” you said to him.
Before Ruggie could give you an answer, you both heard a lot of bustling behind you. You both turned to see the back half of a Nidoran run into the tall grass. Ruggie immediately looked at you with large eyes. You knew this wasn’t going to end well.
“No, RUGBERT- DON’T,” you said strictly.
He gave you his signature mischievous grin, raised his eyebrows, and said, “I am going to get a pokemon today, whether you like it or not.”
“Ruggie, the professor said-”
“FORGET THE PROFESSOR?!” he shouted. “Why should I have to wait for him, maybe I can get the little guy to like me. I will be a good trainer, I know it- I just need a pokemon.”
You listened to his words, and for once, he made sense to you. You, too, wanted to start your trainer journey. All you needed was a pokemon, maybe this was your chance to get one. You figured you would get the pokemon to like you more anyway, so why not rub it in his face now.
You watched as Ruggie ran into the tall grass after the Nidoran. You could hear your mother’s words. Don’t rush in and choose a pokemon… And that is exactly what you were about to do. Sometimes being spontaneous has its advantages.
You tucked your mom’s package into your shoulder bag and made your way into the grass, following behind Ruggie. You could hear a lot of commotion in front of Ruggie as you both kept walking through the tall grass. A small clearing showed two small Nidorans being swarmed by a group of Spearows.
Ruggie looked at you like a puppy who just saw a large bone at a pet store. You knew exactly what he was saying from the way he looked at you. He wanted to help them, but he needed your assistance.
You began to think of a plan in your head, and as the words started to leave your mouth- so did Ruggie from the tall grass. He was heading into the clearing, straight to the Nidorans in need of saving.
“RUGGIE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” you yelled at him.
Ruggie must’ve not heard you, or he just flat out ignored you because he didn’t turn around. You watched as he swatted at the Spearows, trying to get closer to the Nidorans. You noticed one was laying over top of the other, as if it was already attempting to shield it from the Spearows.
Ruggie finally got to the Nidorans, while you stood in shock trying to figure out what more you could do to help. The only thing you had were a few berries, a map, and your mom’s package in your shoulder bag.
You watched, your jaw dropping in the process, as Ruggie got down and shielded both Nidorans from the group of Spearows- taking all the physical attacks for them.
You fumbled in your bag, looked on the ground- searching for anything you could that might be of use. The lightbulb in your head went off- what is in your mom’s package? Maybe what she ordered could be useful??
You rushed to open your mom’s package, almost dropping it as you got it out of the bag. Once opened, you unwrapped the package and screamed at the top of your lungs, “YES!!!” It was a bottle of repellent.
You immediately used the repellent and threw it at the group of Spearows, watching them stop their attacks on Ruggie and disperse into the sky. You ran to Ruggie’s side, grabbed his arm, and said, “Come on, we have to hurry!”
You both scooped up the Nidorans and ran out of the tall grass back into the city.
Once out of the grass, you both were out of breath and tried your best to catch it. You quickly looked over the two Nidorans. Ruggie’s seemed to be fine, even though it was the one who was acting as a shield. Yours, on the other hand, had a huge gash on its back leg that was bleeding.
You weren’t sure what to do, but looked up at Ruggie. He seemed determined and focused as you watched him rip his shirt sleeve off and use it to make a bandage over the bleeding wound.
“We have to get this one to a hospital quickly. The wound looks pretty deep,” he said.
You both ran through the streets, taking all the turns you needed until you finally reached your destination. You ran inside the hospital and explained the situation to Nurse Joy at the counter. She quickly and carefully took the Nidoran from your hands and rushed him to the back for treatment.
You turned around and found Ruggie sitting with the other Nidoran. It looked confused and seemed like it was on edge. Honestly though, can you blame the poor pokemon? After all that, you were pretty shaken up yourself.
You sat down beside Ruggie as you both waited for Nurse Joy to come back. You both tried to comfort the Nidoran in Ruggie’s arms, patting its head and giving it gentle pets and scratches.
After what seemed like forever, Nurse Joy finally came back out from the treatment area- holding the wounded Nidoran in hand. You breathed a sigh of relief, thank god it was okay.
Nurse Joy walked over to you happily. “This one is going to be alright! The wound will take a few days to heal fully, but until then there shouldn’t be any issues with your pokemon.”
“Nurse Joy, we found these two out in the wild. What do we do with them?” you asked.
“Dear, what do you mean what do you do with them?” she asked, confused.
“She means- do we just put them back out there or what? We can’t let that little guy out there alone while it’s not healed,” Ruggie said.
Nurse Joy giggled before responding. “Why, you keep them of course! It seems like they both are fond of you and seem to already feel at home in your arms if you ask me.”
You both sat there dumbfounded. You finally did it. You got your starter pokemon. Nurse Joy handed you the wounded Nidoran and walked back to her desk.
Ruggie laughed, “See, I told you I was getting a pokemon today whether you liked it or not. For saving me back there, I won’t ever mention how I got my pokemon before you actually got yours.”
You smiled, looking down at your new companion. You didn’t even care about what Ruggie just said. You were so happy having your own pokemon finally, no matter how you got it.
#ruggie bucchi#ruggie x reader#twisted wonderland#pokemon x twisted wonderland#ruggie pokemon au#this is actually fun to write
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Yee~ Congrats, bby! If I can bug ya, then, when did you first figure Ruggie was THE Oishii for you? (And what was your reaction?)
Honestly, I downloaded TWST when it came out last January and did not open it until somewhere in March, I think it was around Sebek's birthday if I remember right?
When I finally opened it, I kid you not I was staring at my screen flipping through the dorms for at least 15 or 20 minutes. I was flipping between Savanaclaw and Diasomnia because Ruggie looked like a character I would really like, but Malleus was RIGHT THERE.
I ended up choosing Ruggie, could not be more happy. And the more I played and saw memes and content made by everyone who enjoys TWST, the more I liked the character. Really in the second chapter, I was so mad when he tried to push Riddle and Trey got hurt. Screaming at my phone RUGGIE NOOOO, WHYY!!!
Playing Ruggie's story for his birthday card I think is what made me love him. I think that as far as our lives growing up, we had similarities and it was comforting finding a character that I related to. The more I played and read through his cards, the more clear it was that Ruggie was my favorite.
Also, the fact that he loves donuts. Man, you should see me when food comes out- and I will eat a whole dozen donuts by myself if you let me.
#~.chats#~.asks#thank you for asking!!#Ruggie and I shake hands in solidarity#he is my favorite because I see myself in him
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Happy Birthday, Rugbert ~
WC: 1450 a/n: Hello, I am here to scream happy birthday to my best boy. I love him dearly. I am spending money on him today. Because baby girl deserves to be spoiled on his birthday ♥
You looked at the clock, seeing it was almost time for Ruggie to come home. Even on his birthday, he still worked, never taking the day off for himself. “The grind never stops, not even for lil ole me,” he would always say to you. You took the afternoon off to sneak into his apartment, using the key he had given you of course, and surprise him once he was home from work.
The both of you enjoyed being playful, always playing pranks on one another and cracking jokes together. Unfortunately for you though, your boyfriend was way better at pulling pranks than you were. But not tonight. Tonight, you were going to be the mastermind behind this. You would finally get him, just like he's always gotten you. Of course, you would shower him with affection and love afterwards to let him know that he is your one and only and that you adore him.
You had thought about it a lot, the type of prank to best play on him and how to get him. You figured out the best way to get him would be when he is caught off guard, he’s too sly to fall for something if you come at him headfirst. You knew just the right time to play your silly little prank, too. Ruggie was the kind of guy to come home from work and try to relax in his bed for a little bit, decompressing from his long day and winding down. That was when you would make your move, when he would least expect it. You decided that you would hide in his closet, being sneaky and waiting for your prey to return home.
Earlier that day, you had swung by his grandma’s on your way and ended up with a delightful treat to give him. Grandma Bucchi was so sad that he worked all day and that she wasn’t able to see him, but greatly appreciated you stopping by to see her. She sent you on your way to his apartment with a bag of homemade donuts for him. You’d scare him and then throw the bag in his face as an apology. Yeah, that’s a sweet plan. There’s no way he would stay upset at you or down with donuts in his hands.
You waited in his closet, the shutter doors shut tightly to not look obvious.The minutes were slowly ticking away it felt like. After what felt like an eternity, you could hear his keys shuffle in the door. Your eyes widened as your heart skipped a beat with anticipation as you heard his footsteps approach his bedroom. The door creaked open; his jacket was tossed on the dresser as he plopped down on his bed. Should you jump out now or wait? Jumping now would be too quick, let him get settled in before you pounce. You continued to wait patiently. This would be the one time you finally got him, you wanted it to be perfect.
You peaked through the door shutters, seeing him lying on the bed. He had one hand behind his head and the other was holding his phone as he aimlessly scrolled. You decided you would text him to try and get a feel for what he was doing, another way to distract his mind before you jumped out.
[Y/N] heyy birthday boy ! are you finally home yet?
You sent the text and peered through the small cracks again. He smiled and sat up on his bed as he read your text. Even without you there with him you still made him happy, and it showed in this moment. His expression was cheeky as he typed his reply, snickering as he put his phone down. You looked down to see your phonescreen light up.
[Rug♥] thank you baby, i just got home. Are you coming over? It is my birthday after all (;
You gave him a blank stare through the closet door, hoping he couldn’t feel your intense eye roll you just did at him. You tried to think of something, a lie of some sort, that you could tell him so he wouldn’t be questioning where you were. I mean, as his partner it does make sense for you to come over on his birthday, even if it’s just for dinner together.
[Y/N] yepp :P i am about to head out now, so i should be there soon
[Rug♥] alrighty :) see you then
You barely hit send before Ruggie was already responding to your text. You peaked again through the door cracks. He sighed as he tossed his pillow over his face. This was it. He’s all relaxed and unprepared. This was the perfect time. The perfect opportunity, your perfect-
The closet door flung open, making you jump and squeal in terror. You huffed as you watched your boyfriend stand there in the doorway, laughing hysterically, tears forming in his eyes. You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s not funny, Rug, I almost peed myself.” Ruggie stopped laughing and cocked his head to the side. “Oh, I’m soooo sorry for scaring you. Isn't that what'cha were trying to do to me?” he teased playfully. You pouted and crossed your arms over your chest. “Hmph, no. Of course not. Why would I even do that?” you said grumbly.
Ruggie just stared back at you, giving you an “are you kidding me right now” look. He didn’t say anything, he just stared, waiting for you to try and explain yourself out of this one. You sat for a moment thinking to yourself, how could you even explain why you’re in his closet if not to scare him? It wouldn’t matter, he would see right through your explanation anyway. “How’d you even know I was in here?” you asked as you stepped out of the closet, the donuts in your hands behind you.
“Well, for starters, I have a fantastic sense of smell,” he said as he raised his eyebrows at you. “Did you really think you’re going to hide from me when you have donuts with you?” he teased as he grabbed the donuts out of your hands. “These are Gram’s, I know it." He blissfully smelled the bag. "She would only give these to me, but she likes you. You’re the only other person she would hand ‘em off to.”
You stamped your foot on the ground, to which he chuckled at. “This was supposed to be the one time that I finally got you, and you still got me somehow. Grrrrr,” you playfully growled. “Woah there, tough guy, calm down. You’ll get me next time,” he said as he pulled you in for a hug. “C’mon, I’ll share my donuts with ya. How’s that sound?” he said as he jiggled the bag in front of your face. You rolled your eyes as you both sat on the bed and began to share the donuts. It really was hard to stay upset or down when you had donuts in your hands.
“Thanks for coming over for my birthday, this is one of my favorites 'cause I got to spend it with you,” Ruggie hummed as he had his arm wrapped around you. You cuddled up to him and dreamily sighed. “You’re welcome, happy birthday, Rugbert.” Ruggie groaned at you calling him Rugbert. Oh how he regretted his grandma telling you that she calls him that. “Hey, Rug?” you said curiously. “Hmm” he said, turning to look at you. “Was it really the donuts that gave away my hiding spot?”
He snickered at your question and then rolled back onto his back. “No, it wasn’t,” he sighed through a smile. “Oh? Then how?” You wanted to know how he knew. What could you do differently next time so he wouldn’t get you before you got him. He just gently pointed at your chest and smiled at you. “Your heartbeat, I can pick that out in a room full of a million people. I could hear it before I even walked through my front door.” You sat there, astounded by his response. He could pick your heartbeat out of a room full of people? And he said a million people? Even just thinking about it made your blood rise and stomach do cartwheels in the best way possible.
“C’mere,” he chuckled as he pulled you on top of his chest and into his arms. You relished in his arms, contently sighing. “Y’know, I can hear it when it speeds up too,” he whispered. Your eyes grew wide at his words, making you feel a little embarrassed. There was no hope for you. You were forever destined to be the one getting got. “Maybe… I’ll let you get me on your birthday.... Maybe~,” he laughed. "Yeah... maybe we can go to Wendy's house then," you said quietly. "Wendy's?" Ruggie asked puzzled. "Wendy's nuts," you said as you obnoxiously laughed, your boyfriend letting out another groan. You got him, though.
happy birthday you sweet baby man. i love you to the moon and back. thank you for making me want to play twisted wonderland. you are the only reason i am here. i wish i could give you the sun, stars, and moon. (all of you back up i will bite) haha /hj
#i love this#HELP THE RUGBERT NICKNAME😭#ruggie x reader#twst x reader#ruggie twst#ruggie bucchi#twisted wonderland ruggie#twst ruggie#ruggie bucchi propaganda#rugbert bluecheese#rugbert i love you#❦siphok-reblogs❦
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