#ruesha x katie
woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
End of the World III
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Ruesha Littlejohn x Child!Reader
Summary: It's different at Mammy's house
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"I've got you!" Mammy said, reaching down to snatch you up.
You shrieked and tried to pull away but she had you nice and tight, throwing you up into the air and catching you. "Mammy!" You laughed," Let go!"
"No chance!" Mammy declared, pretending to bite at your cheeks.
You laughed again, trying to bat her away as you caught sight of Ma sliding the back door open.
It was an unusually warm day so Ma said you could all eat in the wendy house at the bottom of the garden.
"Katie!" Ma scolded when Mammy turned you upside down and shook.
"We're just playing!" Mammy laughed as she pretended to drop you, much to your amusement and Ma's horror.
"You can play later. Come on, kiddo, help me carry everything out."
As soon as you were on your feet again, you hurried inside to collect the plates Ma wanted you to take. You walked as quick as you could without running (because then Ma would scold you like she scolded Mammy) and placed the plates on the little table in the wendy house that Mammy and Ma built for you last year.
"You got everything, kiddo?" Mammy teased as you moved back and forth between the table and inside.
You thought for a moment, nodding before shaking your head. You bounded over to her and asked," What do you want to drink, Mammy?"
Mammy laughed. "There should be some fruit juice in the fridge, kiddo. Can you get me that?"
"I can!" You scampered off back inside and tugged on Ma's shorts. "Mammy wants fruit juice."
"And she's too lazy to come and get it herself?" Ma teased as she poured some into a glass for you to take.
"I asked!" You said quickly.
"My helpful girl," Ma kissed you on the head before sending you on your way.
On your way to the garden, you begin to feel a little woozy and blink a few times to see the entire garden has gone still and someone's calling your name.
You blink awake suddenly, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to see Ma kneeling in front of you.
"Hey sleepy girl," She says," You look like you were having a good dream."
You nod sullenly.
Ma puppeteers you into your clothes when it becomes clear that you don't want to move. You've spent your week with Ma and now you're going back with Mammy to Arsenal. You're used to the routine of it now but after your dream, you can't bring yourself to be happy about seeing Mammy again even though you've really missed her since you've been away.
You swing your leg up to put on Ma's knee and she laces up your shoes nice and tight.
Ma does a lot of things she didn't use to do with you. When it was Ma and Mammy and you, you did things all together or with one of them only. Now though, Ma has a lot more time with you. She takes you everywhere, to the park, to the cinema...Anywhere you want to go, she takes you.
You went to the zoo yesterday and the day before that you went to the trampoline park. You scraped your elbow there and Ma gave it special magic kisses and took you to get ice cream.
Something that's become increasingly more regular with Ma is that she holds you. She didn't used to hold you in her arms, just your hand, but she does it a lot now. Sometimes, when she's having one of her bad days, she holds you close and tight and just sits with you. Sometimes, when she's having one of her really bad days, she cries.
You both pretend not to notice.
She smiles at you as she zips up your jacket and helps you wear your backpack. That's new too, decorated with the characters from your favourite show. You went to Camden market the day you came home to her and you saw it at one of the stalls and Ma bought it straight away and then you shared some Dutch pancakes before getting on the tube to go home.
"I love you," She says as she presses a kiss to your cheek. She puts one on your other cheek. "I love you." Then your forehead. "I love you." Your nose. "I love you." Your chin and then your cheeks again. "I love you! I love you! I love you!"
You giggle and try to squirm away when she tries to start it all again. She doesn't let you go and you're thankful when the doorbell rings.
"Mammy!" You cheer, barrelling into her. All of your earlier aloofness towards her has disappeared as you crash into her, arms coming up to wrap around her middle.
"Hey, kiddo!" Mammy laughs as she picks you up," ...Hey, Ruesha."
"Hi, Katie."
You know something bad happened between Ma and Mammy. You know so because you heard Ma discuss it with Auntie Shebahn and Lucy when they were having one of their adult juice nights when you were meant to be sleeping.
Ma mentioned Mammy's adult name a lot and Caitlin's name too but you didn't understand it. All you know is something bad happened and now Ma and Mammy won't even be friends anymore.
"All of her stuff is packed," Ma says to Mammy as you wait on the doorstep, standing on your tiptoes to shyly wave at Caitlin, who was waiting in the car," There's a juice box and snacks too. Her tablet's all charged up and she's got her special pillow too, in case she wants to nap and-"
"I'm her Mam too, Ruesha," Mammy says as she takes your hand," I know what to do with her. Say goodbye to your Ma, kiddo."
"Bye Ma! Love you!"
"Love you too."
Mammy straps you into your car seat and pulls off the driveway.
Caitlin says hello to you before she and Mammy get involved in one of their adult conversations that you don't know how to contribute to. Now that it's just you and Ma, she never has conversations that you can't be included in like Mammy and Caitlin do.
It's a little annoying but it doesn't take too long to get home so you can deal with it.
"Put your stuff away," Mammy says," And then we'll sort out some lunch. Sound good, kiddo?"
"Will you play with me?" You ask.
She winces and brushes a hand over your head. "Later," She promises," I've got some meetings to go to and some emails to answer. But I'll play with you later, okay?"
Ma always plays with you when you ask but this isn't Ma's house and this isn't Ma. The rules at Mammy's are a bit different to Ma's so you just nod and go to put your stuff in your room.
You sit criss-cross-apple-sauce in the living room with some of your barnyard animals, making your tractor drive over the rug. Cooper naps nearby and you give him a kiss in greeting before going back to your game.
Mammy and Caitlin sit at the kitchen table. Mammy's got her headphones on and she's talking to the people on her screen while Caitlin is hunched over a book, scrawling notes with one hand.
You're hungry and Mammy's on one of her special calls that you know you're not meant to interrupt her unless you're hurt. You glance at Caitlin. You know the bad thing that happened between Ma and Mammy had something to do with her so you're a little wary in approaching her but you suck it up because you're hungry.
You tug on her top. "Caitlin?"
"Huh...? Oh, right. Yeah, what's up, kid?"
"I'm hungry. When's lunch?"
Caitlin glances at the kitchen. "I think we've got ham and cheese? Do you want a sandwich?"
Caitlin lifts you up onto the granite countertops as she makes you your sandwich.
"You have to cut it into triangles," You say," And no crusts. Because crusts are bad."
She grins at you. "Triangles and no crusts. Got it, boss."
That makes you giggle a little. You're not the boss.
"Thank you, Caitlin."
You sit by Cooper on the floor to eat your sandwich, playing with your toys. By the time you've finished your sandwich, Mammy has finished her meeting.
"Mammy," You say as she passes you," We can play now?"
"Sorry, kiddo," She replies," I'm still working."
You huff. "But it's later now! You said you would play with me! Ma always plays with me!"
You know it's the wrong thing to say because Mammy's face goes sad for a moment before she presses her lips to the top of your head.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," But I'm very nearly done. Why don't you play with Caitlin? She's free."
You give Caitlin a wary look but she's smiling at you and you've got no other options with Mammy doing work and Cooper asleep. So, begrudgingly, you nod.
Caitlin joins you in front of your farm toys.
You give her a look. "You can be the donkey," You say, passing the toy over to her," And the fat duck. He's fat because he eats bread all the time. He's stupid."
You're sullen and a bit pouty and you keep looking up to see if Mammy's nearly done.
She's working a lot now. Always working or doing something that you can't do. Ma never does anything like that. She always plays with you.
You pout, bottom lip jutting out as you wait for Mammy but she's taking ages.
Caitlin seems to notice because she looks between you both several times before opening her mouth. "Katie!"
Mammy looks up.
"Come and play."
"I have work," Mammy says.
"Nothing that can't wait a few hours," Caitlin says," You haven't seen her all week. Come and play with us."
"Please, Mammy," You say," I promise I won't ask again all visit!"
Something in Mammy's expression shatters as she approaches. She cups your face, running her finger over your cheekbone. She sighs.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," I'll...I'll play with you. You don't have to promise that."
"Mammy needs to work," You say to Caitlin," Not supposed to interrupt her when she works."
It's clear to Katie that you're a bit bummed out about everything. She had plans last night to take you out to the park and to the nice bakery you like but a call from her agent in the car when she drove to pick you up about today's meeting had completely blindsided her and then, when she thought about it, she realised that she had emails that she needed to reply to.
Katie sighs, sitting down on the floor and pulling you into her lap. "No," She says," I don't need to work right now. I've got an adorable little kiddo to play with first."
You give her an odd look like you can't quite believe what she's saying before you look down at your toys with a smile.
"You can be the horse," You say," Because he likes playing rough with his friends."
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arsenal-womens-1 · 7 months
Mama mom and auntie Caitlin
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 My mom has been acting weird; they have been fighting a lot. Mom has been staying with Auntie Shebahn for the past 2 days, and Auntie Caitlin has been over a lot. 
I have asked Mama what has happened, but she won't tell me. I'm not Ruesha and Katie's biological daughter. I was at the Arsenal U10s program, and Katie had an interest in me because I was apparently a good player. I was put up for adoption when I was 3 days old, but the adoption never went through, and I was placed in foster care. 
I'm now 17, and I play on the Arsenal senior team. I play as a striker and defender. I'm currently sitting on a chair. I knew what my mama wanted to tell me, but I didn't want it to be true. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mama talking, "y/n, I need to tell you something because you need to know... me and Ru." I know what's about to come out of her mouth. 
It was like slow motion: "We have decided to break up, "I just staired at her, "Did you cheat on her with Caitlin?" A look of guilt goes over her face. " "I-" . I get up and walk out of the room. A few of the girls were standing there. Caitlin was one of them. She reaches out to stop me from going. The rest of the girls look confused. "Get the fuck off me. Why the fuck did you do it?" I get out of her grip and go to the car. and drive off. I drive to the London City Lionesses trying ground, and I park. I can see everyone on the pitch; they are in practice. I sit for 10 minutes, then get out and go in. They know me because I've been there before. 
I knock on the door to see if anyone is in there. When I don't get an answer, I go out to the pitch, and the boss sees me. I stand off to the side. She comes and stands next to me. She looks at me with sad eyes, telling me she knows why I'm hearing "Hey, sorry, I don't know why, to be honest." 
"It's all good. I guess you know now." 
I look at the players on the pitch and say, "What I'm meant to do, I can't look at them without feeling betrayed; she was my aunt.". 
Time skip: 3 weeks later 
Not a lot has happened except the fact that I've stopped talking to everyone. I'm now staying with Viv Beth and sometimes mom, but mostly Viv and Beth. I don't want to be at Arsenal anymore, so I've decided to have a meeting with the managers and other people to see what I can do to get out of here, even if that means I have to go to the USA. If I want to get out of here, I need to. 
It's like I'm suffocating while staying here. 
After the meeting (I can't be bothered to write it), 
So that was eventful for the first part of the meeting. They did want to let me go, but in the end, after I said I would quit football, they decided to lone me out to Gotham; it's a team in the USA. 
I don't really want to leave mom, and to be honest, I don't really want to leave mama, but I need a new start and a fresh slate. I want to go and be able to breathe. Maybe mom will follow me to the USA. I don't think Mama would, and to be honest, I haven't talked to Mama. I'm still angry at her, but she's still my Mama, and I still love her. 
It's been three weeks since we made the deal with Gotham. I have yet to tell anyone I need to tell them because in two days it's the end of the season. Then it's the World Cup, so I need to tell them today, but I don't know how to tell them. 
I'm sitting on the pitch, and a bunch of the girls next to me are all talking about the next game. the World Cup and the new signings that will happen Leah was talking about people transferring, and everybody was saying who they thought would go where. 
I say in a hushed tone, "I'm going to Gotham." I guess it wasn't quite, and Beth said loudly, "You're moving to Gotham!" 
There is a part two but I’ve not finished it it’s not my best work but I’ve got a few more from another app that I think I might post here the alexia one will be out when I write it which  will probably be soon
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
Whumptober 2023: 7 (Arsenal)
No. 7: “ “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.”
Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”
“Y/N?? Y/N, can you hear me?” Katie says loudly, tapping your cheek, “c’mon kiddo, you need to wake up.”
A mistimed attempt at a redirection of the ball from the goalie had ended up getting you right in the temple. You had crumpled to the ground limply, unmoving. Your teammates had raced across the field as they watched the events unfolding, making it to you quickly. 
Fans and opponents alike were surprised to see the usually calm and collected Viv laying into the goalie who had knocked into you. Everyone was even more confused by the fact that Katie ‘Red Card’ McCabe wasn’t threatening anyone. 
Katie had been the first one to your side, dropping to her knees. Her hands hovered over your body, desperately needing to touch you but terrified of hurting you. Eventually, one hand comes to rest on the top of your head, the other culling your cheek. Here, she taps firmly yet gently while calling you, hoping for a response. 
In the stands, Rue is unable to breathe. She watches as Katie and your other teammates are crouched around you, your body unmoving. The medics are quickly making their way over, but it seems much too slow. To the woman watching as her girlfriend tried to arouse their surrogate daughter after a major head injury, the medics seemed to be crawling. 
Rue grabs her bag, rushing down the stairs and into the building. She easily navigates her way through the stadium, finding herself in the tunnel before long. Here, she can see you as opposed to a video feed of you, and this allows her to relax just slightly. When she notices your face scrunched in pain as you move slightly, the panic in her chest alleviates as she gets confirmation that you’re alive. 
Katie is simultaneously trying to control her breathing as she helps the medics to transfer you to a stretcher. She has the most important job- keeping you calm. She takes this very seriously, murmuring softly while keeping a constant hand on you. You’re confused and in pain, whining as your wide eyes search frantically around for answers. 
Katie’s thankful when she sees Rue in the tunnel, knowing that she’s expected to stay on the pitch as much as she hates it. She walks with the medics, pausing just before the sidelines and whispering directly to you. One hand is still cupping your head, the other having been grabbed tightly in your frightened panic. She rubs her thumb across your cheek in a goodbye, squeezing your hand three times as a silent ‘I love you’ before pulling away. 
You’re quickly carried all of the way off of the pitch and towards the tunnel. Katie watches as Rue replaces her as soon as she’s able to. Knowing that you’re in good hands, she returns to the game with a new fire lit inside her. 
Katie runs off of the field at the final whistle, not staying to talk with the other team or cool down. Instead, she takes off down the tunnel, weaving through hallways until she finds the door she’s looking for. She doesn’t bother knocking, swinging the door to the medical room open. Shockingly, her eyes first find Rue perched on the medical table. A slight look down answers her questions, finding you cradled snugly against Rue. Rue’s chin is resting on your head, holding you close.  Your eyes are open, looking at the motion in the doorway. Your lips tilt into a smile when seeing the Irish woman appear. 
Katie hurries over, climbing on the table to sandwich you between them. Despite the injury and the uncertainty, you’re calm as you’re supported between the women. 
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hoe4sports · 6 months
Hola princesa,
Here is my masterlist. Click on the desired player's name. Feel free to make requests for anything that your little heart desires. I write for all players <3
❤️ Alessia Russo
❤️ Alexia Putellas
❤️ Caroline Graham Hansen
❤️ Fridolina Rolfo
❤️ Jenni Hermoso
❤️ Jessie Fleming
❤️ Leah Williamson
❤️ Ona Batlle
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httpswritings · 4 months
i'm being mean and what about it?
katie mccabe x ruesha littlejohn; 247 words; angst
“Shoot!” Ruesha's shout was everything Katie needed to gain confidence and shoot the ball.
Unexpectedly, it took her back to those days when she played along with Ruesha when they were younger.
Her voice brought her feelings of familiarity and calmness.
Katie scored a goal, and the whole team rushed to congratulate her. That's when a spark of curiosity was brought to life as she quickly glanced over Ruesha to see if she was celebrating her goal.
Indeed, she was. Discreetly, but she was.
She looked at the woman who had spent almost a decade loving.
Started as a friend, continued as a lover, and ended as a stranger.
After the match, Katie tried to approach Ruesha to mark this as the beginning of cordiality between the two.
Her wish was quickly denied.
“No. Katie. No. Let's not do this.“
“Let's not do what?”
“Pretend everything is fine because it's not.”
“It's Ruesha for you. Just leave it, okay?”
Katie started to feel anger instead of sadness over this entire situation.
“Oh, so you can mention my name any time you want in public but I can't try to make things easier for both of us.”
“You have such curious ways of approaching people. You can fuck your teammate so you can create a deeper bond for the team and then you try to hug your ex-girlfriend so you can keep things calm. You must be very proud of yourself.”
“Rue—Ugh! Ruesha, you're being mean.”
“Yeah, I'm being mean, and what about it?”
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bonm4ti · 8 months
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Ruesha Littlejohn x Reader
You Ruined Love for Me
Part of the Beth McCarthy mini song series
If You Loved Me Right
If you didn't lie to me
Tell me you'd die for me
Break every promise
If you were honest
I wouldn't be crazy
If you didn't call me names
If you didn't try to change
Every part of me
Every part of me you hate, I
Know that if you loved me right
I wouldn't be crazy
On the plane to Australia you were catching up with the latest Ruetube, they always make you laugh and couldn’t wait to see if you had made this week’s cut. Midway through, you could tell your bestie wasn’t her usual happy and crazy self; she seemed distant and the sparkle in her eyes had faded. Always the light of the party and the clown of the locker room Ruesha had the power to make anyone belly laugh their way into next week. You could be having the worst day of your life but could guarantee Rue would change that with a single sentence. You never had to tell her you were having a bad day, she could always just sense it and would do everything she could to try and cheer you up. She was everyone’s pick-me-up and none of you had noticed how sad she truly was lately. She’d been painting on a brave face every day of training but the camera doesn’t lie - the despair in her eyes was undeniable. That’s why watching her online made you feel so guilty, you knew she was going through a tough time with the break up and being released from Villa but missed the sadness behind the mask she paints on every single day.
Looking behind to spot Rue a few rows back as she made her way through the aisle pretending to be an air hostess, singing Busted as she went, most would be fooled to think she was truly happy. You knew how much she had been worrying that she wouldn’t make the squad. You knew her break up with Katie was messy and that she didn’t get a choice about leaving Villa. Everything she’d known for years had gone. Disappeared. Her life had been turned upside down and you just hadn’t noticed how much it had taken a toll on her until you watched it back on the laptop. She may be laughing and joking behind you but it’s all pretend.
“Oh hello madam, may I offer you a refreshing beverage?” Rue tapped on your shoulder sounding exactly like Mrs Doubtfire. Entertaining her efforts as she served your drink but ignored Katie who was in the row opposite - you can hardly blame her! Everything had come at such a shit time for her and when she finally slumped back down in her seat, it didn’t take her long to put on her headphones and pull the hoodie over her eyes. Unable to watch her combust any longer you made yourself known by dropping hard into the empty seat next to her. She’d purposely stationed herself in the empty back row, moving from the seat in front of Katie before take off. Nudging her hood back to spy who had invaded her space to see it was you and immediately forced a smile back on to her face. “Wanna watch a movie?” your voice perky, “I’m not really in the mood (y/n/n)” your friend grumbled behind the jumper covering her mouth. “Okay..” thinking of another approach, “I have cards? Entertain an old lady would ya?” nudging her gently as she laughed a little at your statement. “I’m older than you ya cheeky hen, whats that make me?!” snatching the cards out of your hand to shuffle them.
A few games in, Rue finally took the bait and started talking. Just as you expected, life had just got a bit too much for her lately and putting on a front had become tiring. Determined to not let her be sad the entire tournament and knowing you were underdogs with this being Ireland’s first time at a World Cup, she should be enjoying it. So you decided to make it your mission to drag her through the shit and into the light so she could fully appreciate her first time in Australia and at a major tournament, knowing it would most likely be her last chance too. “I’m so glad you made it mate, I couldn’t imagine doing this without you” trying your best to make sure she knows how much the team love her. “Very nearly didn’t come, didn’t know if I could face that for weeks” gesturing towards Katie with her eyes. “But Shebhan convinced me, said I would never forgive myself if I stayed home” her eyes never faltered from the cards in her hand. “Well I’m glad I’ve got my best friend here” nudging her shoulder as you slapped down the winning card. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Sometimes the person who makes sure everyone’s okay needs someone to ensure she’s okay?” Rue nodded as she as shared out the cards again. Playing non stop for a few hours she shared her worries of not knowing how she’s going to cope being stuck with Katie for so long, at home she can escape but here she’s got to see her ex every single day. She was also hoping to be picked up before coming away but nobody had enquired about her and made the prospect of retiring suddenly more real. She didn’t know what she would do next but you told her you would pay a hell of a lot of money to hear her commentating and you’re sure others would too!
Once you’d arrived at the hotel you made sure Rue was your roommate so you could stabilise her mood and bring back a spark of joy we’re so used to seeing. You thought it was working but when the day of your first game came you could tell she was on the war path - snapping at everyone and losing it over the littlest things. You hadn’t put two and two together until you were in the tunnel stood across from Australia, noticing Caitlin Foord directly opposite Ruesha, suddenly everything made sense. As your eyes burned into the back of Rue’s head who was burning holes into her rival’s - on the pitch and off, you could tell by her stance she was angry. Echoes of Rue’s voice shouting for Ireland bounced around in the metal tunnel, bangs on the side rippling through the line up. By this point it was too late to address her as you walked out with your team, grabbing her after group photos to ask if she was okay. “Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” she replied in loud arrogance. You knew this was going to be a looong 90 minutes.
Shoving Rue back into the locker room Katie was in her face and not letting up as she screamed at her that she was psycho. Laying into her ex for ignoring her new girlfriend in the line up and lashing out after the game. There’s a lot Rue did wrong but she played a superb game regardless, she hadn’t played 90 minutes in ages and it didn’t show for a second. Noticing Rue was about to blow you put yourself between the two exes just like you did on the pitch with Caitlin. You knew Rue was gonna boil over and being the nearest to her, you had to pull her away.. And here we are - a screaming match after our first ever World Cup game.. it certainly leaves a lot to be desired for the rest of the tournament! Being only one person in the middle of two very passionate people right now, it didn’t take them long to simply walk around you. Every time you moved between them they just swerved your body to face each other again. Two Irish women screaming at each other made your ears ring. “If you were a decent human being I wouldn’t be fucking crazy would I!” Rue shouted literally through you towards Katie. “You tried to change everything about me and that still wasn’t enough for you!” this time standing on the bench to shout over the top of you. “It’s always the same argument from you isn’t it! Can you blame me for not being honest if this is how you react? I don’t love you anymore Ruesha, I haven’t loved you for years!” That statement from Katie made your eyes bulge in shock, that was a spiteful thing to say. “You always liked to keep your options open didn’t you!” still standing on the bench and kicking Katie’s belongings onto the floor. “You’re so over emotional and unpredictable Rue, what the fuck even was that out there? Are you trying to embarrass all of us? You don’t deserve to be here!” Katie picked up a boot to throw at her. “WOAH, THAT IS ENOUGH!” you screamed to get their attention, grabbing the boot out of Katie’s hand and throwing it across the room. “RUE! OUT! NOW!” pointing at the door. Ruesha’s arms folded as she refused to move so you did the only thing you could. Grabbing her legs and throwing her over your shoulder you carried her out as the screaming continued behind, kicking the door to open it as you marched the midfielder out of the changing room. Placing her feet back on the ground, as soon as the door closed she burst into tears, lowering her down gently as she collapsed onto the floor. Cradling your best friend who wailed into your lap as the rest of the team walked past, you waved them on determined to not make it a big scene. Once they’d passed, you scooped her up to carry her into an empty room and attempted to her calm her uneven breathing, fetching cold towels for her forehead before she gave herself a migraine.
Exhausted from all the crying she soon fell asleep on the coach, your back was against the window with your legs draped over her - feeling like you were protecting her against the world and the childish snickers from the back of the bus. Arriving back at the hotel you carried her limp body into your room and tucked her into bed, holding her into the next day, ready to take on the world again - in more ways than one.
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samkerrworshipper · 9 months
whelp….. if that’s not mcfoord confirmation then idk what is 🤷‍♀️ ehhehehe
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randombush3 · 2 years
Good In Bed
florence pugh x footballer!reader
part one of three :)
summary: it’s just sex. Based on Good In Bed by Dua Lipa.
words: 3216
warnings: mentions of sex, toxic relationships
notes: here’s my compensation for the radio silence. is this more about football than florence? possibly. is it angsty? yes. but don’t be discouraged. read it!
p.s. i have no idea what team flo’s family support. i refuse to believe it’s Oxford United. (it probably is.)
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Florence tries hard not to be surprised that you’ve woken up in her bed. She can’t let you think she wasn’t in control of the situation. One of the rules involved always being in control of the situation. The other rule included not staying the night, but it seems that was forgotten quickly after the third orgasm. Waking up beside you is a first, but there have been close calls before. None have made her feel as uneasy as the real thing.
Your alarm is stupid, she thinks to herself, becoming even more annoyed when she rolls over to face you and you’re out cold. The covers don’t wedge enough distance between your bodies. She is not about to reach over your naked self to turn your irritating alarm off. She doesn’t want to touch you. (It’s silly — she spent the whole night doing just that.)
Instead, she says your name; first softly, but then louder and closer to your ear. You don’t stir. She sighs. “Can you turn your fucking alarm off.” It’s not a question, it’s a command. You shake your head with your eyes closed and move closer to her, burying your face into the soft skin of her neck. The woman underneath you stiffens because she’s not supposed to find you so fucking adorable and the warmth suddenly surges out of your body.
“Oh, fuck.” You jolt upright, trying not to smirk as the covers come with you and leave Florence very bare. “You’re not a fan of One Direction?”
Drag Me Down plays on loop.
“Of course not.” It’s a lie, but you’ll never get to know her well enough to find that out. “You have somewhere to be,” she deduces. No one sets an alarm for six in the morning just for the fun of it. Or maybe you do. She wouldn’t know.
“Yes. Training.” You turn to her, and she catches a glimmer of hope in your eyes, but it morphs into something unreadable the minute you catch the expression she’s giving you in return. She looks kind of… angry. “I just need to…”
“You’re not going to find your clothes here,” Florence states, pretending to be very composed about the whole thing. “Unless you’d like to train in that obnoxious Hawaiian shirt you wore yesterday?”
“No, I’ve got to get my kit. It’s… God, I live on the other side of London, Flo.” You display a shocking lack of resilience. It’s uncharacteristic. Or maybe it isn’t — she wouldn’t know. “I should just not go,” you mumble, flopping backwards onto the bed. Your hand reaches out and settles confidently on her neck, and she hisses as your thumb brushes a developing bruise. It’s one of many. “Do you want me to go?”
She doesn’t know.
You’re too good in bed for her to think straight.
“Is training that important?”
You shrug. “They signed me for another two years. I’m sure they won’t mind if I give it a miss.” She trails her hand up your stomach, splaying out her fingers across your skin as if to keep you in place. It’s a sudden change of heart. “You should come to a match some time. I can prove that I’m not just all talk.”
“Ask me again after an orgasm,” she whispers, and you are quickly devoted to getting her there.
- - -
“Look who decided to show up!” Katie shouts, drawing everyone’s attention from the drill to the sight of you in your sliders. You left Florence’s flat at seven, got to yours at half past eight, and then decided that rushing wasn’t going to be worth it.
You even got a coffee on the way.
“L/n,” Jonas calls. He looks a bit more than unimpressed. You drop your duffel bag, and bin the empty Costa cup.
“Yes, sir,” you reply, staring him down, a hint of amusement present in your voice. Jonas usually isn’t deterred by your ego.
“You received the details of what time training started, yes?” You nod. “And you are not injured so the exceptions did not apply to you, yes?” The girls pretend to not be watching, but the effort put into the drills drops from one hundred percent to fifty. “Training is not optional. Hard work is not optional. You were late.”
“I didn’t wake up in my own bed,” you state rather bluntly. Because the girls aren’t listening, they don’t suddenly have fifty-two thousand questions. “It was unexpected.”
Jonas shakes his head. He is not going to berate you like you are a teenager, but you are not being let off. “Twenty laps. Ten at a sprint.”
“Yes, sir.” You shoot him a grin, and stalk off to the changing rooms.
Your phone buzzes as you lace up your boots; an invitation to come over later. She’s having a stressful day. You don’t think you mind being Florence Pugh’s stress ball.
Katie sidles up to you, a glint in her eyes that promises nothing short of an interrogation.
“Aren’t you supposed to be training?” you ask uninterestedly, slipping your phone into your bag and zipping it up. Katie notices. It’s suspicious.
“I’m getting the train to Birmingham later. Got permission to leave early.” Her lips twitch at the thought of seeing her girlfriend, and then she presses them together in an inquisitive smirk. A smirk reserved for discussing your sex (love) life. “Who was it?”
“Who wasn’t it?”
“Hopefully not Ruesha,” she quips. You roll your eyes. “How come you went out last night without me?”
“I have other friends.”
“No, you don’t.”
You’re not about to tell her this wasn’t a one night stand. She can’t have the satisfaction. She’ll fancy herself the next Sherlock Holmes.
Katie sits beside you and nudges your shoulder. “You didn’t get a booty call, did you?”
“No!” you say a little too quickly, pulling hard on the knot you’re tying. At her pointed look you add, “No, it wasn’t… It’s not like that.”
“You’re fucking someone?” You shouldn’t squirm under the weight of that sentence, but you do. “You’re dating her?”
“Not dating.” You don’t have to say that it’s the former.
“Okay, so my best friend is getting it on with someone. It’s not like you to be so secretive about your conquests.”
Wincing slightly, you stand up to leave. “She’s not a conquest, Katie.”
She’s not. It’s different. It’s not like that.
- - -
The next game you have ends with you feeling like you could absolutely beat the shit out of someone. Your scowl is determined to stay put, even after you’re given player of the match. In fact, that just makes everything worse.
You march your way back to the locker room with unyielding determination to get the fuck out of here. No one blocks your war path, even if a few of your bravest teammates trail after you. They all jump as you slam the door shut, and agree that going back to the pitch for a natter with their friends on the other team would make for better conversation than whatever you’d fire at them.
Your fist connects with the wall but you barely register how much it hurts. You just played the game of your life — a game in which she promised to watch. She fucking promised.
Anger clouds your judgement as you dial her number. You never really use it unless you’re telling her to come over or asking what she’s wearing. You’re not supposed to use it for anything other than that. She made that clear.
“Hey?” She sounds like she’s on set. You ignore the background noise that tells you she couldn’t possibly have made it because you’re not going to make excuses for her. “I’m at work. I can’t talk—”
“Let’s get to the point. You love to disappoint me, don’t you?” You put the phone on speaker as you strip off your kit. The seams rip, the telltale sound echoing through the empty locker room, but you carry on with full force and decide that you don’t want the shirt from this match anyway. “You tell me what I want but you don’t fucking follow through.”
“Is this because I didn’t make it to your stupid match?” Her tone is unbothered, disinterested.
“You agreed to come!” She had been the one to suggest it, actually. The night before, when you’d been a hurricane through her flat trying to find the clothes that had been thrown across the floor of various rooms, she had pulled on a t-shirt and placed a hand on your shoulder, and then told you she’d be there today. “I think if you knew me, you’d understand me better,” you mutter.
“I think it’s better if I don’t get to know you.” It feels a bit like a punch to the gut. You’re okay with friends-with-benefits, but Florence doesn’t even want to be friends. There’s a pause. Florence shoots her assistant a glare as the poor girl tries to tell her she’s wanted for a scene. “Congrats on the win tonight. I’ll see you later?”
You swallow whatever response your brain originally forms, “yeah. I’ll bring Chinese.” And somehow you don’t feel angry with her anymore.
How the fuck do you not feel angry anymore?
“Calmed down?” Beth asks softly. You’re not sure how long she’s been standing there, but hopefully she didn’t witness your little tantrum. “Katie told me you were…”
“It’s just sex.”
“Is it?”
You want to die so that this conversation ends. “Not all of us are capable of having what you have,” you snap, and she steps back. You run a hand through your sweaty hair. “Please can we not talk about this.”
Beth nods and you realise she’s been sent in to test the waters. As soon as the team feel you’re not about to murder her, they filter in as naturally as possible.
No one comments on the busted knuckles of your right hand.
They congratulate each other about the game, patting you on the back if they’re bold enough. Katie and Jordan change either side of you, gushing over everything that went well. It reminds you to tap into the winner’s high stored somewhere beneath the feeling of impending doom. The doom sounds an awful lot like Florence saying ‘I think it’s better if I don’t get to know you’, but you decide to pretend it’s a little drum with no words and no face. Not her words, not her face.
“You alright there, Y/n?” Jordan’s smile pulls you back to a conversation you hardly had any part in. “We were just saying we should go out to celebrate.” The door opens, and the irrational part of you imagines Florence walking through it. Jonas is there in the doorway. “Once we’ve all been told how we can do better, course.”
“Party at Jordan’s place?” someone, maybe Rafa, shouts loudly. The changing room is buzzing with excitement, and Jordan flushes red at the thought.
“Ballie Ballerson is good,” you say above the noise. It changes the location as desired.
“Thanks,” Jordan says, sighing in relief. “Fancy coming over for a drink before we meet the others?”
Jonas is gearing up for a speech. You won’t have to be in a room full of people who care about you for much longer. People caring about you has always made you feel a little uncomfortable.
“I’ve actually got, uh, plans. Sorry, Jords.” You grab your stuff and hurry towards the door, meaning you can run away from everyone as soon as Jonas moves.
“She’s got a new fuck-buddy,” Katie explains quietly. “Beth thinks she’s got a crush on said fuck-buddy.”
“What do you think?”
Katie glances at you, assessing how restless you look. You remind her of a skittish cat hiding behind a wheelie bin before it can make a break for it.
“This girl is lucky to have her in whatever capacity she’s got.”
Jordan laughs. “You think she’s messing with her head, don’t you?”
“Oh, yeah. Definitely.” Ruesha had warned Katie that it would turn into a complete disaster before Katie had finished updating her. “The whole thing is going to blow up in her face.”
- - -
You start to wake up in Florence’s bed more often than not.
Half the time you’re not sure how you got there, having vivid memories of arguments fresh in your mind. There’s talking it out, and fucking it out. Florence and you seem to not know the former exists.
It’s not a relationship.
It’s not a real relationship, at least.
She asked you to join her evening with her friends once, but you didn’t make it out of her apartment. You don’t dare invite her to another game.
There’s nothing remotely close to an emotional connection.
Apart from when everything gets a little too soft and she reaches out to stroke your cheek before she kisses you. Or when you don’t start tearing off each other’s clothes immediately, instead asking genuine questions about each other’s days.
Then there’s the one time she turns up outside your door fully intending to have her feelings fucked out of her, but finds herself crumpling into your comforting embrace and sobbing about nothing in particular. You take her to your sofa and hold her until the crying stops. You fall asleep on the sofa with her on top of you, blanket pulled protectively over the tangle of limbs and mess of emotions.
You score two goals and get three assists in the match the day after. Despite the dull ache of your back. A rumour spreads through the team like wildfire: you’ve got yourself a girlfriend.
It takes three days for her to push however that night made her feel down into the dark depths of the memories she won’t relive.
The fourth day blows up in her face.
You’re tired of being ignored. You shout at her. You shout so loudly she looks terrified.
She hates that the only thing she wants to do after your voice cracks and you start to lose it is to push you against the wall and sink to her knees, but she does it anyway.
You drive each other mad, but it must be what makes you good in bed.
You spend a lot of time in bed. The girls notice. They start to tease you about the purple bruises on your collarbones. They play a game: how many orgasms did you have the night before? It depends on your performance. Jen and Stina decide that it equals the number of goals you score that match. You’re insulted that they underestimate your stamina like that, but remain quiet and passive.
Katie starts talking about you to Leah. If anyone can knock some sense into you, it’s Leah. Your respect for her is enough to quell whatever egotistical ideas are preventing you from seeing how toxic your little situation has become.
Leah asks you who you’re sleeping with. Nonchalantly, you tell her it’s an actress. It takes all of five minutes for Jordan to text you about how she’s thankful it’s not another player. Something about toxicity within the league doesn’t end well. When Katie sees what Jordan has said, she slaps the back of her head. “You’ve practically told her this is okay because she’s fucking an actress not a teammate.” Actress, teammate, it doesn’t matter to you. You’re still clinging to the lie that there isn’t a connection between the two of you.
“It’s Florence Pugh.” You’re sitting on the worktop of Katie and Ruesha’s place. It’s been months since it started. Ruesha seems to barely contain her joy.
“The woman?” Katie checks, curious but not insistent on further details. You nod with a small smile. “You’re in love with Florence Pugh?”
“We don’t talk much.” You’re not in love with her. You don’t have a connection. “Just a lot of fucking.”
“Tell me why my teammates are talking about how lucky your mystery girlfriend must be, then,” Rue quips, catching you off guard. You struggle enough remembering there’s a city outside of Florence’s flat. It feels like your head has been dunked into the Antarctic Ocean: you’re the gossip? “Not going to name names, but there are hints of jealousy.”
“We’re not… It’s not like that.”
Katie rolls her eyes. You say that too often. “You told me you had three rules in place. Keep it a secret, stay in control, and don’t sleep over. I’d say it’s very out of control, you share your location with me and I know that’s not where your flat is, and people are talking.”
“They can talk all they’d like.” No one will link it back to Flo. It’s not possible. “Even you couldn’t think of where I’d met her.”
“At your brother’s birthday party,” Ruesha interrupts. Again, she catches you off guard. She chips at the wall you built around yourself. “He works in film, doesn’t he? Lighting or something.”
“He’s a gaffer.” It’s a little creepy how she knows this.
“It took one look at your wikipedia page. I’m not even a superfan.” Katie is also scared. She reminds herself to make sure her personal information comes from her mouth before Ruesha can search it up. “Florence Pugh has her own set of rumours following her around. One, in particular, takes note of how she knew who was top in the WSL table, despite the fact she is not a football fan. I mean, no one even knows what football team she supports.”
“Tottenham,” you answer without thinking. “She’s not sure why they do, but her family each have their own Spurs jersey. She got number 13 when she was nine.”
Katie grins but it fades soon enough. Florence Pugh has had your jersey number (albeit in the enemy’s colours) since she was nine and you still don’t believe there’s anything there. “You seeing her tonight?”
“Yeah, when her flight gets in from Milan.”
“I think you love her.”
“I can assure you I don’t.”
You fight the urge to second guess yourself. You’re not allowed to love her even if you find yourself doing it anyway. It should be hammered into your head by now.
- - -
Flo is giddy when she drops her bags in the hallway and surges forward to kiss you.
You haven’t stopped smiling since you picked her up from the airport, and she hasn’t tried to sabotage the good mood just yet.
She takes her jumper off as soon as you break for air, and you find that your palm knows exactly where to strike the wall in order to find the light switch to her bedroom. “I missed you,” breathes Florence against your lips, words more felt than heard. “I missed this.”
“Me too.”
You both pretend to have missed sleeping together more than the person you get to do it with.
At four in the morning, you settle into her bed, sheets sticky but not too unpleasant, skin sweaty but not unbearable. The glass of water on your side of the bed (temporarily yours, of course) reflects little puddles of light onto her ceiling as you lie awake. For some reason, you’re unable to fall asleep. Probably for the same reason, Flo is too.
There’s definitely something there. Maybe that’s what makes you so good in bed.
tags: @pewpughpew @ridleypugh @jeyramarie @flosbelova @kassies-take @delfiore @yelenabelovasbxtch @xsophiesx @slut4milfs69 @sunshadesnrainbowz @wandasbb @karsonromanoff
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clarksels · 1 year
Imagine Leah x reader
Mi señorita
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You were on the plane back to England after a year in Spain, you had loved it but you already missed London, or rather Leah, your friend, but this time away from her, only seeing her through a screen made you realize that you want more than just friendship.
When you landed you already knew where you were going to go right away, to Katie's, she had told you that Leah would be with her, you wanted to surprise her and ask her once and for all if she wanted to be your girlfriend.
You went with your suitcase, after ringing the doorbell Katie came out to greet you and didn't wait to hug you - I missed you too Katie - you said hugging McCabe - where is mi señorita? Katie opened her eyes when she heard you speaking Spanish - what? I learned a little while I was there - you said entering with Katie - I met Mapi a couple of times.
You put your suitcase aside and when you saw Leah you ran to hug her - you don't know how much I missed you - you told her carrying her in your arms to which Leah answered with a slap on your arm - if you missed me so much why didn't you come sooner? - Leah complained to you
You put Leah down and got on your knees in front of her, you heard Katie say "what the fuck" behind you, Leah looked confused about the situation.
Guapa, you and I have been very good friends all this time, right? - Leah nodded - during these 12 months I've realized that I like you, I like you a lot - hearing that Leah couldn't help smiling - do you want to be my girlfriend?
Leah say no - said McCabe - another time you would have fought like little girls but this was serious, you wanted an answer - Leah? - you were about to start doubting about what you had done when leah asked you to stand up - yes, I want to be your girlfriend y/n - said leah smiling, her smile is so beautiful you didn't understand how she can be single so long
Katie snapped you out of your trance - this is when you kiss her - she said waving her hands at you - shut your mouth already Katie! You don't need to tell me how and when to kiss my girlfriend.
You walked up to Leah and kissed her - finally! - said Rue when she came in.
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ilikecrowns · 6 months
which of my four WIPS do you want to see first?? i’ll make it a priority and try and finish it
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arsenal-womens-1 · 7 months
Master list
Coming soon
People I’m willing to write for
Lucy bronze
Alessia Russo
Jill roord
Manchester United
Vivianne Miedema 
Beth mead
Georgia Stanway 
Ruesha Littlejohn
Katie McCabe
Caitlin Foord
Kyra Cooney-Cross
Leah Williamson
Jen Beattie
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
End of the World IV
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Caitlin Foord x Child!Reader
Summary: Christmas in Australia
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Before Christmas, there was an argument.
Ma wanted to take you with her for Christmas but Mammy also wanted to take you.
There was a big argument, like how there's always an argument when Ma and Mammy are in the same room.
You end up with Mammy though because she was doing more 'child safe' things. That means you're in Australia with her and Caitlin.
Australia is hot at Christmas and you don't think you like that. Mammy had to buy you a whole new wardrobe because your summer clothes are stuck in boxes in the loft and Mammy couldn't get them out in time because Ma decided too late to let you go with her.
You're on a beach right now, digging your toe into the sand in unease as Mammy tries to get you to step foot in the sea.
You shake your head. "No."
"Kiddo," She says," Come on. It's just the ocean. It won't hurt you."
You keep shaking your head. "Ma said that Australia's oceans have sharks that will eat me."
Katie sighs deeply, cursing Ruesha in her mind before Caitlin steps forward.
"I can look after her," She says," At least until you're done swimming."
"Are you sure?" Katie checks. She knows that Caitlin is still a little wary around you and she doesn't want to make either of you feel awkward.
"It's fine," Caitlin insists," We'll have fun in the sand. It'll be good."
You're still holding your bucket and spade as Caitlin leads you away from Mammy. You sniffle a little bit as Mammy paddles out into the sea leaving you with Caitlin alone.
She sets you up next to the towels and the big basket of stuff she and Mammy brought with. You stare at her. She stares back.
"So," Caitlin says," Do you want to make a sandcastle?"
You sniffle.
Caitlin's eyes go wide.
"Wait! No, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad! We don't need to make sandcastles!"
You burst into tears and Caitlin grows even more panicked.
"Is it the sand? We can go and sit on the steps!"
"Mammy!" You whine, reaching out towards Katie has disappeared into the sea," Mammy's gone!"
Caitlin follows your gaze. "Oh, she's not gone. She's just out swimming."
"Mammy!" You cry again, tears spilling down your cheeks," The sharks are gonna get her!"
"They won't," Caitlin tries to assure you.
"They will!" You insist," Ma said the sharks in Australia are always in the sea."
Cautiously, Caitlin reaches out for you. She gently manoeuvres you into her lap and you let her. "See that lifeguard there?" She points at a man in a big chair," And that building over there? They make sure that sharks aren't in the water."
"Yep," Caitlin says," If any sharks swim in then they tell everyone so no one goes in the water."
You wipe your nose on the towel that's been wrapped around you. "Promise?"
"I promise, kiddo. Katie'll be very safe. Do you want to build a sandcastle now?"
You shake your head, fisting the strap of Caitlin's swimsuit. "No thank you. Stay like this please."
Caitlin tries not to let her shock show as she nods. "Sure, yeah, we can stay like this."
Katie isn't quite sure what to say when she gets out of the water to see Caitlin trying to sunbathe with a limp and sleeping you lying on her chest.
"Hey," Katie says, with a little smile," What's all this then?"
"She was convinced the sharks were going to eat you," Caitlin replies with an eye roll, gently tracing patterns against your back," But she's fine now."
"Well," Katie says," I think that's our cue to head back and have our own naps. She's dead to the world right now."
"What about lunch?"
Katie shrugs as she very carefully picks you up, adjusting you so your head is buried in her neck. "We can get a late lunch afterwards. The little miss needs an actual pillow to rest her head." She looks down at you with a wince. You're truly, deeply asleep. "And maybe a pull up too."
Caitlin and Katie end up asleep as well and Katie wakes up groggy to small hands shaking her shoulder.
Caitlin's arm is thrown over her shoulder as she blinks awake.
"Kiddo?" She asks," What's wrong?"
"I'm hungry, Mammy," You say," Can we have lunch now?"
"Yeah, we can get lunch. Let me just get Caitlin up."
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hoe4sports · 6 months
I’ll pull you through it
Ruesha Littlejohn x reader
A/N: Mentions of blood.
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You got tackled by Katie fucking McCabe for the 3rd time in less than an hour. Did u mention that you were back in Ireland on the national squads practice? At this pace, you werent sure you were gonna make it till the fifa women’s in Australia next month.
You pushed yourself of the ground again, both of your knees ripped up with your torn shorts. You brushed the dirt from your legs and looked up at Katie. “Katie, I swear to god, one more time and I’ll hurt you!” You screamed at the top of your lungs. You and Katie never got along very well. Especially now that there were rumors of her cheating on your bestfriend with Foord.
You stood there staring while trying to calm down. You could hear the blood rushing in your ears and your heart was pounding. Ruesha then pointed to her nose signaling that your nose was bleeding. You wiped your nose. Low and behold, there was blood. That was the final straw. Even thought Katie were stronger than you, you were faster than Katie. You looked at the blood on your hands, and decided that you were done. You lunged after her as she started running at 90% capacity. You held on right behind her running comfortably. Katie was slacking and you were still feeling frisky. You ran around the field 3 times before you decided that you were done chasing, so on the last round you tackled her right in front of the team cooler. You tucked her arms under you legs and opened up the cooler, pouring pure ice at her. She screamed as she tried to get away, but you just sat there shaking your head. “You absolute ass” you muttered as you tool some ice and shoved it into her shorts and her sports bra as you got up.
We had all played for the under 16’s and 18’s together but for some reason you couldnt stand her. Her attitude was horrible, she was a terrible friend and she was even worse to Ruesha. The numbers of times that you jad picked Ruesha up because Katie had caused a fight or gotten black out drunk was outrageous. You had told Ruesha multiple times to leave Katie, but she just couldn’t.
Later that day, the group were split into teams. White and green. As soon as you saw Katie being put on the green team, you knew that meant trouble. You rolled your eyes as you turned to Ruesha. “She’s ruthless” yiu said as you rubbed my nose, still in agony. A few weeks prior, she took out my jaw and dislocated it in a match between Arsenal and Chelsea. And the little fucker didn’t even get a red card. “Any questions?” The coach said as she threw white vests on us. You raised my hand as you eyed Katie “What are the rules like?” I asked and the coaches shot me a dumb look. “The regular rules, Y/N. Anywa-“ and you cut her off. “Okay, so the only way for Katie to get carded is if she physically kills someone on the field?” You asked sarcastically. The coach rolled her eyes and told us to get ready.
You got into position with Ruesha behind you. By the look of Katie’s horns you knew you were in for a hell of a game. The game went on and after you had been tackled 3 times, pushed 5 times and kicked twice in my non existent acl; you decided that you had gotten enough. You pushed yourself off the ground and looked at Ruesha. “Be nice, bbg” she said with a concern in her voice. “Mmm” you said back with the fakest smile you had ever flashed someone. Now, you weren’t really planning on doing anything until Katie pushed Ruesha face down in an attack. As Katie rushed past you with the ball, you rushed after and shoved her straight into the ground, pretending to miss the ball as you kicked her arm and then caught up with the ball as you passed it on. Her team was screaming for a card while she was laying flat on the ground, but the coach looked at you and screamed “figure it out” know that it would cause more problems than do good.
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Truth is, you loved Ruesha first. No really, you actually did. When you were teenagers, you had something going before McBastard came and swept her off her feet. It had been a turbulent relationship between them since day one, yet Ruesha pretended that everything was fine. You knew that Ruesha was suffering, and lately things had taken a turn for the worse with Caitlin Foord joining McBastard’s team Arsenal.
You ended winning 7-4 over the green team and as you came home, you were immediately fast asleep. You woke up 4 hours later with everything aching, “fucking McCabe” yoy mumbled to myself as you tried to find your phone so you could orientate yourself. “22.48” you mumbled and decided you were gonna go back to sleep. A second later you realised that you had 82 missed calls from Ruesha. Yes, eightytwo.
You were about to call back when you heard banging on your door. “Fuckn hell” You mumbled as it sounded like someone were about to rip the door of its hinges. “This better be important be cau-“ and then you got cut off by ruesha sobbing in the pouring rain with a soaked bag next to her. You used a few seconds to access just to make sure you weren’t sleeping. “Ruesh, what on earth is going on” yoy said as you dragged her inside, but she just sobbed and clung to you like cligwrap. Here we go again you thought to yourself.
She showed you her soaked phone as she sobbed, revealing pictures of Katie and Caitlin at a party with the arsenals a few weeks prior. You pulled her in for a hug, and for the first time; you actually felt bad for her. “Okay, I’m getting soaked as well. How about you put on something dry and I’ll find something hot to eat yeh?” You suggested as she sniffled and shuffled with her bag to the bathroom leaving a trail of water. “Jesus” you mumbled as you realised that all her clothes was probably soaked, so you grabbed a sweatshirt, socks and shorts from my own closet. “Hey, is there a chance I cou-“ she yelled from the bathroom as you opened the door. “Could borrow some clothes? Yes” you said as you threw it towards her. She thanked you, and you went to the kitchen. You didn’t really have any proper comforting foods, so you chucked a frozen pizza in the oven.
Later that evening, you found ourselves sitting in your bed while eating and looking out at the busy life outside. It was Friday, so there were tons of people in the streets. Mostly drunks but also random people pacing the street in the dark. “You see the man with the fedora? He thinks he is Mexican because his father is 1/8 Mexican.” You said and Ruesha laughed while you pointed him out. “And you see the muscle bro with the tiny dog? His girlfriend brought it but now he is stuck with it.” Ruesha laughed again as you smiled. “My turn! She pointed out a girl standing in the corner on her phone outside of the bar. “That girl is only at the bar for the pictures and then she’s going home” she joked, and you laughed. You always laughed at her jokes, both bad and good jokes. Anything to see her smile. You couldn’t resist yourself as you pointed out a girl with the same blonde hair as yours with the same light blue eyes. “And she, she has liked her bestfriend since they were teens but her bestfriend dosent know and is dating a human version of an asshole” you finished, and Ruesha laughed so hard that she was crying. You mentally slapped yourself as you had hoped that she would’ve gotten the hint. Oh well, patience is key.
“So, I’m tired and you woke me up mid nap. I’m gonna sleep now, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t rip a hole in my wall or rearrange my living room.” You hoked as you yawned. You laid down and Ruesha followed after.
“Can I share something”
“I think it’s over for real this time.”
“You’ll get through it.”
“And what if I don’t”
“Then I’ll pull you through it.”
You grabbed her hand, and you drifted off to sleep.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 3 months
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— Sometimes two homes are better than one
pairings: katie mccabe x child reader
summary: readers' stubbornness makes an appearance.
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"I don't want to go!" You shout loudly and make your opinion very well known about the situation. "I'm not goin' and you can't make me!"
"Rascal, you have to go," Katie insists, once again on the tail-end of the usual argument with you.
"NO!" You shout back, stubbornly. "I'm not goin' there, mam!" You repeat, even going as far to stomp your foot and show her that your really being serious this time.
Katies' close to pulling her hair out with your stubborness, although shes' not exactly sure who you inherited it from out of herself and Ruesha, "Y/N, come on. We've already been over this before," She catches up to you in the kitchen where you'd stormed off once you'd gotten back from school. "Will you stop walking away from when I'm tryin' to have a conversation with you!"
Its' Friday afternoon, you've finished school and that means that Ruesha would soon be coming to pick you up from Katie's house to spend the weekend with her.
You weren't too big of a fan going between 2 households though and even though Katie and Ruesha split up when you were very little, you're still not all that used to things being different.
"I bet your mamas' really looking forward to seeing you!" Katie tries her luck to change your mind, more than familiar against your protests of not wanting to go. "Why don't you really want to go, rascal?" She wonders, trying to figure out the real reason.
"It's not fair. Why do I have to go between two households? I don't see why I can't just stay here!" You huff in protest, making your way around the kitchen, going about slamming the cupboards that you opened.
"I know its' difficult to understand rascal, but we've spoke about this before, haven't we?" Katie tells you, she hates the fact that you had inherited this stubborn streak. "I thought you were excited about going to watch your mamas' game?" She questions, knowing you were looking forward to it when it was mentioned earlier.
You shake your head in defiance, "Nope."
"Why not?" Katie honestly feels like shes' at her wits end with you and your abrupt decision to not go. "Listen, I know you don't want to go, rascal, but its' important that you still spend time with your mama!" She still tries to remain enthusiastic, depsite how difficult that is most of the time.
"Why can't mama come here instead?" You frown, not really understanding what exactly what went down between Katie and Ruesha all of them years ago.
Katie exhales a sigh and purses her lips, "Because its' not as simple as that. Your mama and I seperated and we live different lives now," She explains to you. "You usually like spending time with your mama, what's changed now, huh?" She wonders.
"I... I guess its' not the same when you two are not both together, I miss it. Like when we're at Ireland camp and stuff," You admit, although its' been a while since that has happened, you've had happy memories of them times and you wish it could be the same still.
"Oh rascal," Katie furrows her eyebrows, "Listen, I know you miss them times, but sometimes two homes are better than one, and in this case your mama and I, we're not good when we're together." She explains, trying to get it across in a way that your 11-year-old self can understand.
"I still don't like it though," You murmer in protest.
"I know you don't, but I want you to remember that no matter what happens between your mama and I, we both love you the very same, okay?" Katie reassures you, gently as she wraps her free arm around your shoulder. "Nothing about that will ever change at all."
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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bonm4ti · 7 months
mccabe spat on the pitch today. i fear i may have gotten the ick. 😣😣
AND AND i may be biased cuz im irish, but half of these italian lads r getting free kicks for absolutely no reason??
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