#rue’s 2k
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theonehitwonder · 1 year ago
*wearing my projection glasses* wow, crazy how all my favorite characters are literally me
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kflixnet · 2 years ago
Check out our member Rue's oneshot!!
forgive me - wang yixiang
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pairing: bf! nicholas x gn! Reader (ft. enhypen and mentions of euijoo)
genre: angst, fluff, romance, established relationship au, idol au
warnings: swearing (lots of it) fighting/argument, kiss scene at the end!!
Wc: 2.5k 
Summary: When you have had a really long, awful day at work, and so has Nicholas. So when a misunderstanding happens between you, you take a breather before you say something really outta pocket. However, despite Nicholas being the one in the wrong, he is still worried about where you could have ran off to. Nothing will calm his brain until he finds you.
author’s notes: ahh thank you so much for the request anon!! I slightly went off track with parts of this request so I hope that’s okay, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this!! This is one of my longest works I think I’ve ever written, and thank you so much to @wvnkoi @jisungsdaydreamer @odxrilove @liumoonlight and @uwuheeseungie for beta-reading this for me as I was writing it!! 
*bao bei = baby
**qin qin = dear one
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Today was just not your day. You had a long and stressful day at work, where nothing seemed to go right all day, all starting from the morning. As soon as you stepped out of your apartment building that morning, it began raining heavily, already soaking you before you could reach for your umbrella in your bag. When you finally managed to get your umbrella up, a strong gust of wind blew seconds later, turning it inside out, and despite many efforts to fix it, the wind had ultimately broken your umbrella beyond repair.
As if the rest of your day could get any worse, you had managed to spill your coffee all over you, smash your phone screen, and your laptop had crashed twice; all by the time of your first meeting. The meeting, however, went great, but as soon as it finished, everything began going wrong again.
Firstly your car had a flat tire, meaning you had to get a taxi back to your apartment, as your boyfriend Nicholas wasn’t able to pick you up due to dance practice for his latest comeback. Then, when you phoned for a taxi, they told you it was going to be over an hour's wait for one to pick you up from work.
The final straw however just so happened to be deciding to take the bus home, sure, it dropped you off further away from your apartment building, but it was much quicker than the 45 minute walk in the still heavy rain. However, just as the bus stop was in sight, the bus sped past you - through a giant puddle, and straight past the bus stop. The bus that ran near to your apartment complex only ran once an hour, so at this point you would have been doomed to wait another hour, or just face the long walk home.
Ultimately, with the want to get home and just hide away from the world as quickly as possible, you decided to just face the long walk home in the downpour. Somehow the rain now matched your mood, contrary to this morning, as you walked the streets, no umbrella in sight due to the unfortunate events of this morning. It seemed that as you passed through the swarms of people that were scattered across the length of the sidewalk, they all seemed to be staring at you, somehow aware, and sympathetic of the events that had occurred to you that day.
Finally, having arrived at your apartment a whole hour after you left the office, you took your shoes off and rounded the corner into your bathroom. Immediately, you started up the shower before grabbing some warm, dry clothes, and turn on the heating in your apartment. Once the shower had reached its optimal temperature you migrated from the cold, tiled floor of your bathroom, into the shower cubicle.
You stood in the shower, the warm water cascading down into the drains, washing away the worries of the day. After thirty minutes had passed, you hopped out of the shower and got changed into your warm clothes that you had laid out on the bed. Nicholas wasn’t expected home for at least another three hours or so, therefore, you held off on doing the housework for a little bit whilst you continued to destress after the day. 
You flopped down, face first onto the sofa in the living room, and burrowed into the blanket that laid on the back of it. Anything to take your mind off the shit show that was today. You turned your head to face the television, and dragged your arm up and out the comfort of the blanket, to turn the tv on for any sort of background noise that would help turn your brain off. You came across a chinese drama on netflix, called hidden love, that piqued your interest. Eventually the distraction worked and you happened to fall asleep fifteen minutes into the second episode. 
You were rudely awakened by the sound of the front door slamming open, followed by a sweet call from your boyfriend, Nicholas. “Baobei, wo hui le!*” He called out to you sweetly. Shit. You thought, you hadn’t meant to fall asleep for so long. You hadn’t had the chance to do any of the house work you wanted to before he got back from dance practice. Hell, you hadn’t even made dinner yet, which was the plan you guys had discussed the day before. 
“Shit, qin qin** I’m so sorry. I fell asleep after I got home from work.  I didn’t have a chance to tidy up before you got home but I’ll go make dinner for us now.” you quickly rambled, still flustered and half asleep from your nap. 
“Fucks sake y/n, it’s not hard to just do one thing. It was the only thing I asked of you y/n, and it was to make dinner. Seriously.” Nicholas shouted at you, seriously startling you. It was unlike Nicholas to shout at you over something so small, but you could tell he must have had a hard day at practice. Even then though, it didn’t give him the right to scream at you over this. You decided to give it a one last attempt at resolving the issue, proposing ordering takeout for once, but yet again this was shot down by Nicholas’ incessant screaming. 
“Wang Yixiang! I will not have you screaming at me like this. I get that you’ve had a long, shitty day at work, but in case you haven't noticed, so have I. I got absolutely fucking drenched today as I left for work, then dropped my fucking phone because of some stupid idiot in the office, then my laptop crashed right before the most important meeting of my life, then turns out I had a flat tire as I was leaving work, couldn’t call for a taxi, and then missed the stupid fucking bus. Therefore I had to walk the fourty five minute journey home, in the fucking rain again cause my shitty umbrella broke this morning. So, excuse me for the fact that when I got home, I was trying to keep my shit together and forget about the day that I’ve endured, and the only way I could do that was having a fucking nap on the couch.” You screamed back at him. This was the first time you guys had had an argument like this, and you were just so frustrated by everything, that tears threatened to spill over the edge of your waterline.
“I’m only human, Nicho, and there’s only so much that I can take in one day. I’m sorry that I didn’t live up to my words, but shit happens. Please, don’t follow me, I’ll be back soon, I promise.” You spluttered out to him, turning your back to him, pulling on your worn out trainers and grabbing the first coat on the rack, before sliding out the front door. 
Luckily, you had your phone already in hand throughout the entire argument, which meant you could leave the toxic environment of the apartment quicker. You really didn’t want to say anything else that could hurt him, the words exchanged were already borderline hateful towards him but you were just so frustrated at the idea of his problems being the only problems in his world. Just thinking of how harsh you had been towards him, caused the tears to finally fall down your cheeks, as you headed towards your best friend, Heeseung’s dorms. Instead of surprising him at the door, in the unfortunate state you were already in, you decided it would only be proper to phone him and let him know of your intentions to crash at his for a couple hours before you felt stable enough to go back to Nicholas. 
You picked up your phone and began to dial Heeseung’s number. The call tone began to ring and ring, and at one point you thought it was going to get cut off. It wasn’t until you lost the hope of him picking up his phone that he answered you. 
“Hey, y/n. How are you doing, love*?” Heeseung asked you, his tone of voice as sweet as ever. In fact, the ever so sweet tone of your best friend, made you lose all sense of composure prior to him answering your call. 
“Seung…” was all you could manage to utter before you absolutely broke down in tears, thinking back over how harsh you had been towards your boyfriend. 
“Y/n, love. What’s up? Where are you? Are those cars I can hear?” He asked at a quick pace, with a worried undertone to his voice. He knew there was a reason that you called him crying and not your boyfriend, and as much as he wanted to know why that was, your safety was his top priority at that point. 
“Love, stay exactly where you are for me please, send me your location and I’ll be with you as soon as possible okay? I need to make sure you're safe,” Heeseung stammered out the instructions to you. In limited words, you agreed and quickly sent him your address, not wanting to be alone for much longer in the bitter winds. You were met by the end dial tone; assuming that Heeseung had received your location, you took a seat on the bench on the sidewalk. 
After ten minutes of waiting, you heard a couple voices shouting out for you in the pitch black of the night, it wasn’t until they got a little closer that you recognised the voices of Heeseung, Jake and Sunghoon calling out to find where you were. You shouted out their names, and the three of them ran straight over to you from different directions. As he arrived, Heeseung wrapped you tight into his chest, resting his head on top of yours. 
“Hey love, why are we crying? And, why are we in the middle of the streets when you have your own apartment, silly?” He asked whilst chuckling lightly. You could see over his shoulder Jake and Sunghoon bickering over something stupid, probably who found you or who got to you first out of them. Seeing the pair of them made you let out a little giggle, which in turn, caused Heeseung to turn around and see them. “Really boys, for god’s sake!” 
Heeseung dragged you back over to the bench that you sat on whilst waiting for the boys to come and again asked you what had happened. “Nicho and I, we had a massive argument when he got home today. Like we both were screaming at each other over stupid stuff, but I just couldn’t stay there in case I took it too far. Like I get that he’d had a really tough day at practice but at the same time I had an awful day at work, and he just had to pick an argument with me, all because I’d had a nap on the couch instead of doing some housework, and preparing dinner like I’d told him, I would,” you rambled to the boys about everything that had happened and why you walked out on Nicholas and left him in your apartment. 
In your peripheral vision, you saw Jake pull his phone out from his pocket upon hearing what had happened, but thought nothing of it. Maybe he was just telling the other boys where they were, or maybe he was telling Nicholas or Euijoo that you were safe, and with them. You owed your life to the three boys who sat with you, who endured the bitter winds in the pitch black streets just to make sure you were safe and calm. The boys meant so much to you, in ways they would never understand. 
After a few moments of silence, you heard another couple of voices shouting out for you, seemingly coming from the total opposite direction to where the three boys sitting with you had come from. The two voices you could hear were quickly recognised by your brain, as that of your boyfriend Nicholas, and his best friend Euijoo. You guessed that Nicholas had called Euijoo telling him exactly what happened and how he had messed up, big time, and that Euijoo had offered to help him find you before it got too late or you got sick. 
Euijoo reached you before Nicholas, and wrapped you in a tight hug similar to that of Heeseung when he first found you. Over the shoulder of Euijoo however, you could see your ever so loving boyfriend Nicholas, his cheeks glimmering slightly under the streetlights as he hung back away from you all. It was evident that he was crying, and the way he hung his head showed just how much he regretted the events of the night. You lightly tapped Euijoo on the back as a signal to release you from the hug he held you in, and headed over to Nicholas. As you reached where he stood, he must have seen your shadow on the ground as he slowly lifted his head up, eyes stained red and swollen, a clear indicator that the emotional distress was shared between the pair of you. You slowly lifted your hand up to rest on his cheek, as he looked at you through his sticky wet eyelashes, wiping away the painful tears that slipped out. 
A moment of silence was shared between the two of you, before Nicholas pulled you close into his unyielding grip, not letting you go, as he rested his head on the top of your shoulder, exhausted. The whimpers in your ear heartbreaking as you recognised just how much pain he was in, your hand reached up to rest on the back of his head stroking it as a sign of silent reassurance that everything was fine.  
“Qin qin, everything’s okay darling. I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you early, it was out of line and I’m really really sorry. I love you, please never forget that,” you murmured an apology out to the love of your life, feeling utterly guilty about everything.
“Bao bei, please never apologise for something like this. I was the one who was in the wrong, I am so ashamed of how I spoke to you earlier today, and for not taking into consideration everything you do for me on a day to day basis. Please forgive me, I know it's not an excuse but everything just went awful for me today and I just missed your food so much that I…” You cut Nicholas off, by trying to pull his head up from your shoulder, him giving you a look of confusion before trying to continue his apology. “I just…” You smashed your lips against his, maybe it was a little rough at first, but it was overflowing with both positive, and negative emotions which seemed to dissipate just as the anger and upset of the night had. 
It was almost like a mutual promise between the both of you to forgive and forget the events of the night.
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status: open 
@bambisgirl @enhacolor @acaiasahi @duolingofanaccount @slytherinshua @redm4ri @enluv @jaelaxies
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xanasaurusrex · 1 year ago
hi, i love how you write, could you please write some clarisse x daughter of hephaestus drabble? like some love triangle kind hephaestus, aphrodite and ares, but the sapphic version with ares and hephaestus, please ♡
clarisse and hephaestus!daughter hiding their relationship clarisse la rue x hephaestus!daughter!reader a/n: hi!! thank you sm for reading my other stuff, and yes ofc! so this was originally meant to be a drabble, but as you can see from the word count i got carried away. i had an idea and then i just kept writing it, and i couldn't stop. honestly clarisse x hephaestus!daughter is a favorite pairing of mine i love ares children with hephaestus children! ok thanks sm for requesting, i hope i did your request justice! warnings: enemies to lovers, weird transition from enemies to lovers, making out, mentions of getting stabbed, mention of weapons, secret relationship wc: 2k+
a child of ares and a child of hephaestus getting together isn't impossible, and also definitely not unheard of, but it's also definitely not common.
ares kids and hephaestus kids have a sort of natural rivalry that they're sort of inducted into from the second they're claimed.
since hephaestus is married to aphrodite, and yet aphrodite is having a longstanding affair with ares, hephaestus kids tend to not trust ares kids very much.
that was how it was for clarisse and y/n for quite a while.
their relationship was as hostile as any other relationship between a hephaestus kid and an ares kid, but they just felt drawn to each other. there was just something there that they couldn't deny.
everything changed the day they first kissed. they had gotten into an argument after clarisse claimed that the armor that y/n had made for her was faulty.
y/n claimed this was 100% untrue, because she had made it herself, and she didn't half-ass armor making.
it was late in the day, early evening. y/n had finished her dinner early, since there was a sword that she had to have finished within the next two days, the production of which she was still very behind on.
clarisse had caught up with her and cornered her in the forge, and started making the angry accusations.
"the straps are loose, and the whole thing almost fell off me while i was getting stabbed at. i call that faulty, y/n," clarisse sneered.
y/n scowled at clarisse. "then you must've knocked them loose or something, because i know for a fact that i fastened on those straps myself, and they were not loose," there was a fierceness in her voice that would've made anyone else fall back, but only made clarisse get further in her face.
"they were loose, and i almost died because of it!" clarisse snapped back.
y/n rolled her eyes as she went to put her mallet back from pounding down on the metal to create the sword shape. "come on, clarisse, stop being so dramatic. you were in the sword practice area, you wouldn't have died,"
"you don't know that!"
"yes i do!"
the two paused their arguing and stared at each other. there had always been something electric between the two of them, that was something nobody was able to deny, not even the two of them.
after a few seconds of the stare down, clarisse surged forward, her feet stomping loudly on the ground of the forge as she pushed y/n up against the wall. her nostrils were flaring, and her eyes were full of fire.
and as much as she hated it, clarisse couldn't help but look down at y/n's lips.
they looked so deliciously kissable, and yet they were pulled into a sneer at clarisse. she did everything she could to banish the temptation to kiss y/n right now, because that was so not what was going to happen.
"get... off me," y/n breathed out, panting heavily. her teeth were clenched, and her eyes closed tightly, as if warding off unwelcome thoughts.
clarisse could understand the feeling.
clarisse didn't move. the two of them stayed where they were, eyes flicking between their lips and back up to the other's eyes.
eventually y/n closed her eyes again, tigher this time, saying, "clarisse, you need to get off me and leave or something is going to happen,"
clarisse stayed where she was.
the two of them continued to stare at each other for a few seconds, their breaths speeding up and hitting each other in the face, hot and harsh.
everything changed within the span of about two seconds.
surprisingly, it was y/n who surged forward first, her hands grabbing onto clarisse's face and pulling it close to hers, their lips making contact.
the second their lips touched, they both knew that their relationship would never be the same again. they weren't exactly sure how, because there was a good chance that they would just act like this never happened.
but right there, in the moment, they wanted to enjoy it as much as they could.
clarisse's hands found themselves snaking around y/n's waist, holding her tight and pulling the two of them closer together. y/n moved her hands from cradling clarisse's face to wrapping her arms around her neck.
the air in the camp forge felt hotter than y/n had ever experienced it being, and she knew it had nothing to do with the fires raging in the hearths, and much more to do with the daughter of ares, who was currently pressed up against her, kissing her with so much fervor it was making her dizzy.
they both pulled away for a millisecond with the intention of getting some air before going back in, both of them feeling hungry for the other, when of course, an interruption struck.
"y/n!" a voice called from the distance.
they both shoved away from each other dramatically, y/n accidentally banging her hip as she tried to jump backwards, unaware that she was as far back as she could go. they made eye contact for a few more seconds, staring into each other's eyes with the kind of intensity that would even make the gods quiver.
"y/n!" the voice called out again, causing y/n to avert her eyes from clarisse, being worried that if she looked at her for even a second more, she wouldn't be able to look away.
when the voice finally entered the forge, it was revealed to be one of her siblings, looking for her for advice on something to do with a weapon they made.
when y/n's brother entered the forge, he could immediately feel the tension in the space. he shrank unto himself, noticing that clarisse, the widely known volatile daughter of ares, and his older sister, who had a rather funny look on her face. come to think of it, clarisse had the same funny look on her face. like they'd been caught doing something they shouldn't have, but that couldn't be. he couldn't even fathom a thing they would be doing together that would be wrong.
he then saw clarisse's caught expression morph into one of anger. she snapped to get y/n's attention, before saying with as much conviction as she could muster, "just make sure the next armor isn't faulty. i would prefer not to die, and even if i did, i'm sure you don't want it to be your fault,"
and even though this was clarisse who was talking, there was less conviction in her voice than she had hoped. in fact, it almost sounded a little weak. like she was out of breath. which she most definitely was not. no way did a simple kiss rob her of her breath.
(it most definitely did)
y/n stumbled through walking her younger brother through what he had asked, only half focusing on his questions and giving half-thought out answers. she knew she was going to regret that when he tried to forge whatever it was he was wanting to create the next day, but at the moment, y/n couldn't find it in herself to care.
she had just kissed clarisse la rue, and she was sure it had been the best kiss of her life. granted, there hadn't been many, but she couldn't imagine another kiss topping the one she had just experienced.
there was only one problem.
the best kiss of her life had been with... who it had been with.
the next week was particularly awkward between the two. the usual animosity that had come to be expected at camp half blood between an ares child and a hephaestus child was absent between the two, and instead they avoided each other at all costs.
y/n spent most of her time in the forge, crafting anything but the specific style of armor that she knew clarisse favored, and instead found herself self-consciously forging beautiful spears that, despite the expert craftsmanship, she knew would never rival the spear that clarisse's father had given her.
her siblings were becoming increasingly worried about her, since she hardly ever left the forge. when she did, she seemed preoccupied, and irritated about something. they had asked what was going on, but she had refused to disclose anything.
similarly, clarisse was doing everything she could to keep y/n out of her head as well.
she hardly ever left the training fields. she was singing dummies with her magical spear left and right, day and night. specifically the first day after the kiss, people would see clarisse violently taking down whole fleets of dummies within seconds, and were hesitant to train that particular day.
clarisse took more breaks than y/n did, mostly because she wasn't able to spend every waking moment at the training areas, partially because her body wouldn't allow it, and also the harpies that patrolled the camp at night weren't particularly fond of it. if clarisse had the energy to fight them off, she might've attempted it, but considering she spent most of her days training her body in an attempt to train her mind away from thinking about y/n, all that she could really do was sleep.
over time, though, the two of them were forced together in certain situations.
since they were both the heads of their respective cabins, whenever the counselors of each cabin were needed, they needed to be in the same room, and they had to be accustomed to that.
they were also shoved together quite a lot when their campers got into tousles, which happened quite often considering the animosity that was practically drilled into their heads from the second they were claimed and put in their right cabins.
to say that their relationship was complicated would be a gross understatement.
there was something that drew the two together, often finding themselves in situations that could rarely be explained.
like the time about a month after the forge incident (that neither of them had told anyone about) when they both went to the bathroom at the same time unknowingly, and found themselves mere centimeters from each other.
"do you ever think about it?" clarisse asked. it occurred to her that she had no memory of getting this close to y/n, but she wasn't really complaining.
before the kiss they at least interacted. it was mostly negative, with the two yelling at each other or complaining about the other for whatever reason, but they were near each other quite often due to this. after the kiss, and after the two started avoiding each other like a damn hellhound, that clarisse was really missing her company.
she was starting to think that maybe she had only ever bickered with y/n to get the scraps of her attention that she was desperate for.
there were times when this sounded like a completely logical explanation, and there were also times when clarisse had this thought and she forced herself to banish it, telling herself that she didn't need y/n's attention. why would she? they had never been friends, had never even really been acquaintances.
and yet, throughout a lot of clarisse's life, y/n had been one of the only constants.
the first day clarisse showed up at camp half blood, she was there, welcoming her. though clarisse had been rather hostile to her that day, which now that she thinks about it, may have been what caused their more intense rivalry, y/n still insisted on showing her around the camp, showing her all of her personal favorite spots.
"think about what?" the sound of y/n's voice broke clarisse from her trance, and brought her back to the present.
clarisse blinked once, and then y/n was in focus again. clarisse sharply inhaled at really seeing y/n up close, seeing all the intricate details of her face.
she was sure she had never seen anything so beautiful.
"the kiss," clarisse clarified. her fingers, as if with a mind of their own, began seeking out y/n's fingers. "because i do," she murmured. the tips of their pointer fingers touched, and it was as if electricity zinged up their spines. "i don't really want to," clarisse admitted, her head turning to the side as she did everything she could to avoid looking y/n in the eyes. "but i do. i can't help it."
y/n cleared her throat, utterly shocked at clarisse's admission "sometimes... sometimes i think about it, too," she confessed. "o-occasionally,"
the two were silent for a few seconds, before clarisse finally gathered up the courage to look y/n in the eye again. the eye contact was searing, and intense, and before they knew it, the two were leaning closer to each other.
there was no denying it anymore, since they had both admitted it.
they didn't know what happened, when it happened, or even why it happened, but there was something between them. something that was magnetic and uncontrollable... and somewhat addicting.
they were milliseconds away from kissing. their lips were just barely grazing, when the sound of voices startled the two apart.
as electric as the two of them felt around each other, they both knew that this was the sort of situation they didn't want to be caught in.
this need to not be caught like this was only furthered when it was a group of aphrodite girls that walked into the bathroom, looking at the two of them curiously, instantly clocking how close the two were standing. they obviously noted the taut tension in the room, and clarisse and y/n watched as the girls' eyes flitted between the two of them, their previous conversation having come to a halt.
clarisse, so fast y/n wasn't sure she hadn't just disappeared into thin air, turned around and slammed the stall door behind her, locking it with a heavy click.
y/n was left there with a shocked expression on her face, staring at the aphrodite girls, looking a lot like a deer caught in headlights.
she hesitated for only a second more before pushing past them and leaving the bathroom all together. she felt slightly guilty about leaving clarisse in there, but she was the one who had abandoned her first, so she didn't feel too bad about it.
after this, everything changed for clarisse and y/n.
they started meeting up in secret to spend time with each other away from camp. this spending time with each other consisted of talking together, laughing together, and yes... kissing.
it took a while for them to become official, but when they did, they both found themselves happier than they had been in a while.
it was noticeable, too. almost everyone at camp, chiron and mr. d included, that the two were acting... happier.
there was just something in the air around the two of them. whenever they were close to each other, it felt like the air became electric. no one could really place what was happening, since y/n. and clarisse had decided to keep their relationship a secret... at least for the start.
it was a complicated decision they made. people often forget that camp half blood is a large collection of teenagers. and teenagers like to gossip.
it's not exactly uncommon for two demigods to get together, and then everyone has something to say about it, which puts a strain on the new relationship.
it was y/n who suggested the idea.
"i just think... i want to enjoy this," she said while twirling a strand of clarisse's hair around her finger. she adjusted herself where her back was leaned against the rough bark of the tree in the woods at camp. clarisse was laying down as well, with her head in y/n's lap. "i mean, you've seen what happens. everybody has their own opinion, and then they get into fights and then they break up," y/n took a deep breath. "i really don't want that to happen to us,"
clarisse was quiet for a minute, her eyes flitting around at the trees and leaves and branches above her head. "okay," she said. "i don't want that to happen to us either. i want to enjoy us," she said.
y/n smiled, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead. she started to lean back up, but clarisse kept hold of her cheeks and pulled her down for a kiss on the lips. they both smiled into it, giggling slightly, enjoying being the teenage girls that they are.
so there they sat, enjoying each other's presence. enjoying being in love, although they hadn't said those three large words quite yet, but they would before long.
because the gods knew that these two were hopelessly in love with each other, and were going to be together for quite a while.
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delulusionwl · 2 months ago
♡ I Can't Keep You Off My Diary ─ pt i
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♡ I Can't Keep You Off My Diary ─ pt iI Pairing ── Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Reader! | Apollo!Daughter Word ── 2k Synopsis ── In wich Clarisse see drawings of herself in reader's diary. Warnings ── Nothing much? (I hope), Clarisse and her group being annoying as usual, Reader being the target of their teasing? A bit of low self-steem? Insults of reader's apparence? (nothing related by weight, height or strong facial features or body limbs) Please help me with this, I'm new lol A/n ── English is not my native language, forgive any mistakes! Please alert me if any of the nicknames might be offensive to any racial group. I would hate for that to happen, and it’s not my intention. However, since my native language is not English, some of the nicknames may not have racial connotations in my language – which might happen in English. I appreciate your help with this! Please, let me know if it's good hehe :) Part ii has been released, go check it out! *Images are not mine, so credit goes to the respective owners
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Y/n wasn’t like any other child of Apollo. She stood out from the more predominant characteristics of all her siblings. The truth was that she often felt like an ugly duckling, with no hope of turning into a beautiful swan.
Amidst her siblings—blond, red-haired, or light-brown, with eyes ranging from honey to the brightest green—Y/n stood out, but not because she radiated more light than the others. Her beauty was cold. While the others resembled a beautiful morning sunbeam, Y/n kept her rays hidden behind layers of clouds—enough to light the day, but not enough to make it vibrant.
Her dark eyes and hair, along with her lightly tanned skin—barely touched by the sun—set her apart from the other children of Apollo, who seemed to be lovingly kissed by sunlight, vibrant, vivid, golden. These features enhanced Y/n’s cold beauty, making her impossible to go unnoticed. Some even claimed she couldn’t be a child of Apollo if the god himself hadn’t claimed her.
Despite her strong and contrasting characteristics in her cabin, Y/n’s abilities proved her to be a legitimate child of the sun god. In training and combat, her bow was her strongest point, always hitting its mark regardless of whether the target was stationary or in motion. She was also a good healer, like most of her siblings, and helped in the infirmary during tough times—especially after Capture the Flag.
What truly made her stand out, however, were her artistic talents: writing, singing, and drawing. Y/n excelled at everything related to art but insisted on keeping it to herself, even among her talented siblings. This was another distinctive trait: unlike most children of Apollo, she wasn’t a social butterfly. She didn’t flaunt her talents or surround herself with friends like her siblings. Y/n was more introspective but could be a great friend when she wanted to.
Y/n’s cold beauty set her apart from all the other children of Apollo. She didn’t go unnoticed—least of all by Clarisse.
The daughter of Ares had seen Y/n’s arrival at camp, skittish like a scalded black cat. Like everyone else at camp, Clarisse had initially thought, So Hades had a daughter? But the truth came out shortly after the rumors spread. Y/n was a daughter of the sun.
Clarisse, already a standout in her cabin, with her group well-established, “welcomed” the new daughter of Apollo to camp. From then on, whenever Clarisse saw Y/n, it was impossible not to make jokes about her appearance.
“Oh my gods, are you sure you’re Apollo’s kid?”
“If the sun had a cold, dull version, that’d be you.”
“Hey, Winter Apollo, ready to brighten our day? On second thought, don’t—the day might get even worse.”
“I always thought Apollo’s kids were lively and full of energy. But you? You seem to be on night mode all the time.”
Many such remarks were made by Clarisse and her group over the years. Sometimes, Y/n even laughed along—not to appease the children of Ares or ingratiate herself, but because the jokes were genuinely creative. The first time Y/n laughed, it only fueled sharper, slightly more biting remarks.
Clarisse vividly remembered the day. The sun was setting, giving way to night, and Y/n was returning to her cabin after a long day helping in the infirmary. Clarisse and her group were heading to their own cabin, inevitably crossing paths with Y/n.
Y/n looked at the group ahead, her expression neutral. As she moved to step aside and let them pass—hopefully without interaction—she was stopped.
“Well, well, the daughter of Apollo. If that’s really who you are. What’s this? Stole the essence of the sun but forgot to bring it to camp?” Clarisse teased, stopping briefly in her path, scanning Y/n from head to toe with an amused grin as her siblings laughed at her comment.
To the children of Ares’ surprise—especially Clarisse’s—Y/n let out a small laugh. The sound echoed in Clarisse’s ears, her eyes locked onto Y/n. “There’s the glow,” Clarisse thought, captivated by Y/n’s smile.
When Clarisse finally shook off the thoughts and the sound of Y/n’s laugh, her siblings were already piling on more jokes, sharper than before. She quickly snapped back to the present, slipping her hands into her pockets.
“Gods, with the way you are, Apollo might be rethinking his parenthood,” one of Clarisse’s brothers said, gesturing dismissively toward Y/n. This time, the comment didn’t amuse her as much, though the other children of Ares—Clarisse excluded—found it funny.
“Come on, leave our little sunblocked alone. Or she might start crying,” Clarisse said with a playful grin, eliciting more laughter from her brothers as they moved on toward their cabin.
As they walked away, Clarisse’s gaze briefly returned to Y/n, who took a deep breath and resumed her own path, glancing back at the Ares group and briefly meeting Clarisse’s eyes.
From that point on, Y/n wasn’t often seen near the Ares children. Camp was full of demigods, and Y/n would inevitably cross paths with others—or so Clarisse thought. But Y/n mainly appeared in training, the dining pavilion, occasionally in the infirmary, and during Capture the Flag.
Wherever Y/n was, if Clarisse was nearby, her eyes seemed magnetically drawn to the daughter of Apollo. Whether it was a crowded space or an open field, Clarisse couldn’t help but look, even if just for a few moments.
The first time Clarisse’s eyes were locked for more than a few seconds and she couldn’t look away from Y/n was in the dining hall at night, where the daughter of Apollo was talking with her siblings, wearing a beautiful smile and laughing softly with them.
The embers of the flames from the dining hall’s pyre made her dark hair shimmer with red and golden highlights, and her skin reflected the flames almost like a mirror, becoming subtly flushed from the heat and glow of the firelight. Her dark eyes and a smile just a bit wider than usual seemed to brighten the surroundings. Clarisse swallowed hard upon noticing all this and forced her attention back to her own group.
The daughter of Ares tried not to think about the daughter of Apollo over the years, but Y/n had already carved out a place in Clarisse’s curly-haired head. So, every time she spotted Y/n from a distance, Clarisse allowed herself a few seconds to look at her, just enough to take her in, before quickly turning her attention back to her group, pushing thoughts of the daughter of Apollo away.
Those thoughts, however, were about how Clarisse would like to see Y/n more often, how she hoped to talk to her more often... maybe without the sarcastic remarks. But Clarisse’s brain had already made a list of jokes, each one less rude and intimidating than the last, but a little funnier, unconsciously hoping to make Y/n laugh at one of them again.
Until one day, Clarisse, accompanied by two of her group members, was on her way to Hephaestus’s forge. Alec, one of Clarisse’s brothers, had left his sword there to refine its blade since the Capture-the-Flag game was at the end of the month. As they walked across the open lawn where a path led to the forge, Clarisse’s eyes fell on someone sitting in the grass with a notebook and pencil in hand, facing a bird perched on a rock.
The daughter of Ares chuckled through her nose, catching the attention of her brothers, who were casually chatting about a few strategies and how they hoped to defeat the children of Athena in the upcoming Capture-the-Flag. Alec and Darius smiled, amused, as they followed Clarisse across the lawn.
“Look at that, it’s ‘Apollo on mute,’” Clarisse said as they got close enough, causing the bird on the rock to quickly fly away and Y/n to look up at her, squinting slightly against the brightness of the day. Alec and Darius’s laughter was audible. Clarisse glanced at the open notebook in Y/n’s hands, which contained a few sketches: on one page was the landscape of the field, and on the other, the startled bird. “What do we have here?” Clarisse said, snatching the notebook from the other girl, who jumped up immediately.
“Clarisse, give it back!” Y/n said loudly, nervous, stepping closer, but Alec and Darius were quicker, positioning themselves in front of her to prevent her from reaching Clarisse, who held the notebook in her hands.
"Ah, what’s the matter?" Clarisse said with an amused laugh, and Y/n looked at her nervously, casting the same uneasy glances at Alec and Darius, who were thoroughly enjoying the daughter of Apollo’s reaction. "You’re not half bad at drawing, Ray-less." The daughter of Ares turned her attention back to the notebook, flipping a page and finding a drawing of a rose with many thorns curling across both sheets, along with some scattered phrases, some in Ancient Greek and others in English. Fragments of what seemed to be thoughts. "Oh... look what we have here... is this a diary?" Clarisse said, laughing, as she turned another page to see what else was inside.
"Clarisse, this isn’t funny. Give it back. Now!" Y/n said in a louder tone, reaching her hand out quickly, demanding that the daughter of Ares return her notebook.
"Chill, girl," Clarisse said nonchalantly, looking at the page she had turned to. "Why the rush, Y/n? Did you write down who your crush is in here?" The daughter of Ares laughed, and that was enough for Y/n to try pushing past Alec and Darius, who were standing right in front of her, to snatch the notebook from Clarisse herself.
"Hold it, overcast sky," Alec said with a sarcastic smirk, stopping Y/n from getting any closer.
"Clarisse!" Y/n called out loudly, her eyes fixed on the girl, who had just flipped another page in the notebook.
As soon as Y/n saw Clarisse’s eyes widen slightly and her lips part softly, her heart skipped a beat, and she swallowed hard. "Shit." The daughter of Apollo thought, swallowing again.
"C-Clarisse. Give it back!" Y/n pleaded, her voice trembling, her face starting to turn red, but Clarisse’s eyes remained fixed on the notebook as she turned more pages.
The daughter of Ares’s brothers grew curious, and that was enough for them to move closer to their sister, one on each shoulder, peering at the pages in the hands of a practically frozen Clarisse.
"IT’S YOU!" Darius shouted in delight, and Alec burst into laughter while the two girls stood there, almost like statues.
Some drawings were heroic, worthy of one of those paintings of the Greek gods: Clarisse with her spear, battle clothes, hair and parts of her attire flowing in the wind, claiming her victory over faceless enemy bodies. Clarisse shouting and warring, accompanied by her own army of faceless people.
Other drawings? Something simpler, calm… gentle, perhaps a side of Clarisse she didn’t let many see: Clarisse smiling with her siblings—not a sarcastic or amused smile, the one she always gives after tormenting another poor soul at camp. No, not that one. It was an open, carefree, and relaxed smile. Clarisse with her piercing eyes and long lashes, looking straight at whoever's eyes were on the page. Clarisse with a small smile, just like she had during one of the past campfires, except this time with a flower in her hair. A real flower, pressed between the pages of the same drawing.
Y/n cleared her throat while Alec and Darius laughed beside a frozen Clarisse, who was staring at the drawings.
"Had your fun?" Y/n said, steadying the tremble in her voice, stepping forward and snatching her notebook back quickly. She closed it and started walking back to her cabin. Even though Y/n tried to appear unshaken, the undertone of her voice betrayed her mortification.
Clarisse finally snapped out of it when she heard the firm steps on the dirt fading away. She turned, watching Y/n moving away as fast as she could, while her brothers still laughed beside her.
"Wow, she did more than just write down who her crush was," Alec said, chuckling.
"Congrats, Clarisse, you’ve got yourself a fan," Darius said, laughing even harder, leaning on his sister’s shoulder.
Clarisse brushed Darius’s hand off her, and although her face was flushed, her brows were furrowed, and the glare she shot Darius was far from friendly.
"Shut up, idiot," Clarisse snapped at Darius, irritated, shoving him hard enough to send him to the ground. When she turned to Alec with the same fiery glare, he shut his lips and raised his hands, trying to compose himself. "I swear to the gods," the daughter of Ares muttered angrily, trying to pull herself together.
"Just one question..." Darius said as he got up, catching his breath. "Why’s your face so red?" He smirked, teasing his sister, while Alec struggled not to laugh.
"It’s the sun, idiot." Clarisse said curtly, blaming something else as she started walking again toward Hephaestus's forge, refusing to think about what had just happened.
Alec and Darius followed a few steps behind her, stifling their laughter, while Clarisse stomped forward, determined to keep her thoughts far from Y/n’s notebook. Far from Y/n.
"'Apollo on mute' has her glow," Alec whispered to Darius, who stifled another laugh as they trailed behind Clarisse. "Clari, wait up!" Alec called out, still laughing.
Part 2 >
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accidentcache · 6 months ago
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:: suggestive / nsfw 🎶 song fic 📌 requested 📲 smau
▶︎•၊၊||၊|။|||| | golden -- fall out boy
ginasfs 🎶
dear maria, count me in! 📲
cat whisperer 📲
childhood friends w touya brainrot
nail biter 📌
bassist!touya brainrot
my canon ending for touya (i'm delusional)
rue's entry for 2k
im your boyfriend yours
boyfriend texts [ part one ]
emergency contact
pro hockey touya 📲
pro hero touya blurb
a piece of me, on you ::
doa !
awkwardly sharing a bed for the first time
overstimm ::
after all this time
dad!touya ↓↓
dad!touya you wake up first when your water breaks / he wakes up first dad!touya - bathtime dad!touya - fuck ass toy dad!touya texts dad!touya -- surprise! shut up mom prank dad!touya thoughts
happy birthday touya <3 ↓↓
riding dabi :: everything i didn't say late teen touya suffocating him w ur thighs ::
© accidentcache do not repost, translate or alter my work without permission. all rights reserved.
165 notes · View notes
aphroditesmoon · 1 year ago
Hi!! Same person who requested the Hades oneshot lol! I loved it alot and I know it's like super early to request another but I wanna get this out before I forget ^^. Okay so what about a Fem!Reader who is a mermaid or siren. Poseidons daughter, who is usually aggressive to anyone who enters her waters but Clarisse somehow is dating her, reader only has a soft spot for clarisse so when they need to cross her waters during capture the flag only clarisse can convince her ^^.(also reader often adopts random fish and clarisse is always swarmed with them when in her pond/waters.) Thank you!!
love letters from the sea to the shore
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clarisse la rue x fem!siren!reader
warnings: reader doesn't like demigods, possibly ooc clarisse.
wc: 2k
a/n: i hope u like this🩷🎀
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If there's one thing you hate more than demigods is their little capture the flag game. You view these half breeds as unresponsible, mischievous, and disrespectful beings.
You never saw the appeal in gods mingling with mortals and making children with them when they are so many other creatures they could be with.
Your father have tasked you into protecting the waters, and that is who you are. Lady of the lake, guardian of the sea.
The job isn't exactly glamorous, it have been more than a few time that you have caught some sneaky, filthy demigods canoodling in the waters, making out or doing worse.
Your ways into scaring them to leave have gotten less and less subtle as the years pass by and more aggressive. A few weeks ago, you had come close into strangling a kid from the Hermes cabin who had thrown his empty Snickers wrapper into the sea. You were deeply reprimanded by Chiron that same day.
You never see the boy near the waters anymore since that event.
But today...today is different. Every year, the demigods participate in the game of Capture the flag, and though every year they would try and use different routes and strategies, passing through the waters is always necessary. Which meant that whether you liked it or not, the demigods would pollute your waters anyways.
"I'm not going in." You could hear the kids argue among themselves. "Last time someone did, they got jumped by that thing."
"Mermaids don't jump, dumbass." His brother countered, only to be corrected by a familiar voice; "She's not a mermaid, she's a siren, and we don't have a choice."
Both of them were right. You would try and scare anyone who dares enter in, but you would let them in sooner or later. Even though you knew that rules must be abided.
"Move aside, I'll talk to her." Clarisse spoke again.
You weren't that close to land, but swam up nearer when you heard her approaching your territory. "Hey-hello?", she called out as her feet steps into the water.
"Lady...protector, I ask permission to speak to you." The daughter of Ares spoke as if she was unfamiliar with you, and either it was because her siblings were there or because she still considers the concept of your relationship a strange anonymity.
You knew who Clarisse was, you first met her 2 years ago. You wish you could say that she's different from the other obnoxious children, but she isn't.
The girl is as foolish as she is brave. She did not believe in other's warning to tread carefully around the waters, and so when you appeared despite her doubt that you would, she ran off in fear just like all the kids before her.
But a day after that, she came back.
She sat by the edge of dry land and waited for you to appear. And when you did, the same anxiety you've seen on many people's faces before was etched on hers.
But she did not run off that time, instead she gave you an apology, and a gift. A string bracelet made of tiny seashells. An offering, she called it. As if you were one of the gods.
You told her to stop collecting seashells, but thanked her for it anyway.
Since that day, she would come down ny the water more often, not too much that it'll annoy you, but enough times for you to grow a liking for her.
Some nights, when you're in a good mood, you'd even let her meet your sea creature friends. Not a lot of people manage to get close enough to not scare the fishes and crabs.
You are not in a good mood today.
Small waves were sent back up as a response to Clarisse, but it seemed that she needed more. "We need to cross the water." She informed, straight to the point.
She knew you wouldn't be answering her verbally, it isn't like you to appear in broad daylight. You kept the waves coming to indicate your presence and waited for her to speak again.
"Let us pass quickly, and we won't bother you for the whole year again." Clarisse attempted to bargain.
The truth was, she didn't need to ask you at all and you would've still let her pass. But she didn't know that and neither does her siblings, so you act as if you're still contemplating her deal. A few minutes later, the waves slowed down until they completely stopped, a finalised decision has been made.
"Is that a no?" Her brother asked. They couldn't read you like they could.
"Just get in the water." Clarisse instructed with an annoyed sighh as she lead the way, letting the waters surround her legs. That was another thing you had in common with her, you both agree that everyo e else in camp is insufferable.
You watched them waddle their way through from below, hidden from the side of the sea until eventually, they crossed over to dry land, getting closer and closer to the flag.
No one else tried to enter the waters again for the rest of the day. And 20 minutes after you had granted Clarisse safe passage, you could hear the cheers coming from the red coloured team.
As midnight approaches the hour, a rare sight comes into view around your space.
Fireflies dances above the large body of water, glowing over the places where the moonlight couldn't.
It's time like this where the most glorious parts of nature would come out of their hiding, the quiet is inviting. And the peace, comforting.
This has been your life since you could remember. And you were content with it. Despite your mother merely being a siren, your father acknowledged you and gave you responsibilities that he'd only give to people he trusted. The creatures of the water and the trees are your friends, a distraction for boredom and repetition.
And though you've had no problem repeating the same cycle of routine daily, you only knew what yearning meant after you met Clarisse La Rue.
Before her, you never knew what it felt like to wake up waiting on the best part of the day. You never knew what loneliness had meant up until you met her.
Only after Clarisse, did you realize empty and unfulfilling your life had really been. To be so good at what you're doing and yet, not having anyone who notices it or to care for you the way you've been caring for the sea and rivers.
But the thing with Clarisse is you never know when she's gonna come. It's impossible for her to visit you ever night, what with Chiron's guarding. And she had her own life apart from you.
Your infatuation with her soon lessened moderately when you realized just how ridiculous it is for you to assume that she views you as more than anything but a fascinating mythical creature, but your liking for her never truly leaves you.
You were not expecting her tonight, knowing full well how taxing and tiring their little game was. The children would all sleep like babies tonight.
And yet, from where you're sat, back leaning against a boulder, you hear her footsteps entering your grounds.
You tilt your head slightly, sneaking a glance at her before you turn back to your front, watching the fireflies disappear and the fishes lurking near your feet.
You felt her presence behind you and said nothing. It isn't uncommon for you to be silent around her, after all there is a risk of you accidentally affecting her with your voice.
You only turned to her when she knelt down to your left. Her face is shadowed by the darkness, without the fireflies, it was harder to see things.
"Hey." She greeted in a hushed tone. You stare at her quietly, responding to her in your mind. "I wanted to see you tonight, to thank you." Clarisse explained.
Her team had won, thanks to your cooperation. You offered her a small smile, something that is rare even between the two of you. Clarisse grinned back, encouraged by your positive attitude.
"I know how much you hate it when there's people over. You didn't have to let us cross, but you did."
You did have to let her cross, there are rules even you had to follow. But she didn't need to know that. Plus, if it were anyone else, you would've made it harder for them to cross.
The tiny goldfishes are surrounding your lower half that's still soaked inside the water, as if guiding you back under, you ignore them as your eyes remain on Clarisse. She looked beautiful like this, with her hair down and sleepy eyes that only you have the privilege to see before the sun rises.
She was pulling something out of her pocket suddenly and fixing her sitting position."I also got you something, a gift."
You had expected this. Clarisse often came to you with little gifts. Flowers, shiny rocks, dead butterflies.
Her hands are wrapped around the item strategically to hide it from you. If she was trying to get you excited, it's working. You push your neck out to try and get a peak on it, but it's gripped closely.
Clarisse pushes her hands outband slowly opened up her palms to you, exposing a circular bracelet, covered in a bright yellow colour.
"Gold." You noted aloud and looked up at her. "It is. Do you like it?" She asks, smiling.
You nod your head once and extend your wrist to her.
Clarisse easily puts it on over your hand, the size fitting perfectly. You wondered if this notion have somehow changed something in your relationship, but didn't know how to ask.
"I had someone from the Hephaestus cabin to make this for you. I wanted it to mean something...not just for you, but for me too." She had said it all so well, your heart skipped a beat over her words.
Clarisse probably didn't know, but for your species, gifting and offerings are usually considered as courting methods. And so you found it genuinely amusing how easy it is for her to be going around, getting you stuff unprompted.
You also had a gift for her. Something you've been keeping to yourself for months, contemplating on whether or not you should actually give it to her.
But it's been sitting down deep in the water, safely waiting to be retrieved.
And so without saying anything, you moved away from her and dived into the waters. You made sure to be quick, swiftly reaching for the closed shell into your palms.
And as you make your way back up onto the shores, you see that Clarisse is thankfully, still waiting.
Your fingers found hers as you tried to climb back up onto dry land. She does not hesitate to wrap her long arms under your elbow, pulling you up towards her.
Once you're seated next to her again, you nudged the shell onto her hand and waited for her to open it. Clarisse cracked open the pouch and opened her mouth to let out a soft breathy sigh at the sight of a singular white pearl that sat inside of it.
"Are you...giving this to me?" She asks, turning her head towards you. You nodded as a yes.
"You know, I think this would make a decent ring." She tells you, thumbing the stone. You raise your hand up to lightly graze over her collarbones. "You think I should make it a necklace?"
You nod again. Clarisse seemed pleased at how engaging you've been throughout this whole meeting, trying her best to coax a conversation out of you.
There are so many things you want to tell her of. Things you aren't ready to tell her yet. And so for now, whatever this is would have to be enough.
Clarisse shoves the pearl into her back pocket after. “Thank you.” She says gratefully. The silence was no longer excruciating nor suffocating. Instead it is loud in unsaid confessions and comfort in understanding.
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persevereforahappyending · 9 months ago
Maybe in Another Life |13|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Hunter of Artemis!Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: Slight Battle of the Labyrinth Spoilers
Word Count: 2k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13 | ch. 14 | ch. 15 | ch. 16 | ch. 17
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“Where are you now?” Clarisse asked.
You took your eyes off the iris message, looking around at your surroundings. The Hunters had set up camp in the mountains. It was fall but still pretty warm, the leaves were all various shades of red and orange as they prepared to fall off their trees. There was a small waterfall flowing into a stream, that the native animals drank from. The sun was just beginning to set, so there was still enough light for Clarisse to see a bit of where you were.
“I’m not even sure which state,” you admitted. “The mountains and more south then north.”
“How’s it going?”
You shrugged. “The usual. We get a lead and then it runs dry. What about you, how are things there?”
You hadn’t seen Clarisse since you left her house after the labyrinth, which was at least six months ago. You still talked to her every week though, you actually seemed to talk to her more than you had been before.
“Good,” Clarisse said, nodding and smiling to herself. “Chris has been good.” Your mouth twitched, wanting to frown but you managed to keep your face as neutral as possible. “We’re actually about to go to the bonfire soon. Silena will not let me hear the end of it if I’m late again.”
Chiron ended up not being able to help Chris. They took him back to camp and after Percy and Annabeth had their adventure in the labyrinth Mr. D had returned to camp and cured Chris’s madness. He went ran into king Minos in the maze who was the one that caused him to go mad.
“That’s great,” you said, forcing a smile. “I’m glad he’s doing better and tell Silena I say hi.”
“Will do.” She had a soft smile on her face, something she seemed too only have around you. “Bye.”
“Bye,” you smiled before waving your hand through mist, ending the message.
You wanted Clarisse to be happy, even if that was with Chris. It’s not like you could ever be with her, you weren’t leaving the Hunters, and you had no right to hold her back from falling for someone else, you had no right to be mad at her. You were friends, you were the one that drew that line. None of that meant that it still didn’t hurt to see her getting along with someone else. You didn’t know when you’d see her again but listening to her talk about how Chris was doing was enough to tell you how happy she was.
“How’s it going?” Thalia asked as she walked up to stand beside you.
“It’s fine,” you said, giving her a little shrug. “Clarisse said Chris is doing better.” Thalia let out a little hum, you weren’t sure what it meant though.
“Annabeth says he’s been a great help with preparations for Luke.”
“He probably knows by now that Chris is back at camp.” You didn’t take your eyes off the horizon, watching as the sun slowly began to disappear behind the trees. “He had to have changed course.”
Thalia nodded. “Probably a little,” she admitted. It would be stupid and crazy for Luke to continue with his plan when Chris wasn’t on his side anymore. Even without Kronos guiding him Luke wasn’t stupid. “At the time though, his big plan was using the labyrinth which he’s already done.”
You nodded, that was true, Chris was one of the ones sent into the maze to figure a way through it. That was Chris’s main mission before he went crazy. “Attacking the camp was just a step,” you said. “War is coming.”
Thalia nodded. “Annabeth is about to call, care to join?”
You shrugged. You had been around for some of the calls with Annabeth, but you were usually off on your own or talking to Clarisse at the same time. Thalia and Annabeth went over a lot of plans and went over new developments if anyone has seen or heard from Luke, but otherwise there was no reason for you to join a call. More times than not the call started out talking about battle plans and then turned into two friends just catching up.
“Hey!” Annabeth greeted when her face appeared through the mist in front of you. “Oh, Y/N, hey!”
“Hey,” you said, giving her an awkward wave. “Hope you don’t mind, Thalia asked me to join.”
“No, no, of course. How have you been?”
“Good, just got off a call with Clarisse.”
Annabeth let out a little hum, flicking her eyes to Thalia for a second before back to you. “How’s she doing?”
You scrunched your eyebrows at that question. “Wouldn’t you know better? She’s at camp with you every day.” You knew Annabeth and Clarisse weren’t necessarily friends, but they had gotten closer when working on the labyrinth mission together and Clarisse was a head councilor, she always told you about councilor meetings and how annoying everyone was being or if they discussed anything serious.
“Well, yeah, but…” Annabeth shrugged. “She doesn’t really talk to anyone here.”
You furrowed your brow, you knew that wasn’t true, she talked about doing stuff with Silena all the time, she mentioned Chris more than once, much to your dismay, and she mentioned yelling at her siblings. “What are you talking about? She literally just told me she was going to the bonfire tonight.”
“Well, yeah,” Annabeth shrugged. “She might make casual conversation with select people.” You nodded, that sounded right, Clarisse wasn’t going around talking to just anyone. “But she doesn’t actually talk to anyone. Not about the labyrinth.” You looked down at the ground, the two of you talked about it occasionally, you figured she’d talk to the others about what happened. “She warned me and Percy and that was about it, she hasn’t talked about what happened down there.”
“Not even with Chris?” based on the glance Thalia gave you, you were sure you didn’t do a good job at hiding the bitterness in your voice. With how much time Clarisse had been spending with Chris you figured she was talking to him; she had been updating you on his condition every call until Mr. D healed him, even after that she still updated you on how he was integrating back into camp.
Annabeth shook her head. “She’s been helping him, but they don’t talk about that. Chris mostly talks to Chiron or even me and Percy.” You gave a small nod, you figured Clarisse had been spending her days training her siblings and hanging out with Chris, first helping him recover, and then just getting closer with him.
“The only one she really talks to is you,” Annabeth said. Your head snapped up; your eyes wide as you stared at Annabeth. “I haven’t seen her act that way in a while, except with you.”
You furrowed your brow. “She hasn’t acted any different?” Some of your conversations got a little more somber but Clarisse herself hadn’t changed, you still talked just as you had before.
“Exactly,” Annabeth smiled. She was giving you this look like that explained it all, like you were supposed to get something. “She’s not like that with anyone else.”
Your eyes found the ground again, you weren’t sure how long you stood there taking in Annabeth’s words. When you looked up you saw Annabeth and Thalia, both watching you, making you quickly clear your throat. “I’m going to…” you pointed back towards the camp and quickly turned on your heel.
You quickly made your way back to camp, taking a seat on a log next to the fire. Only a few of your sisters were still seated around it, some were already asleep, some were off somewhere else talking, and some were patrolling the perimeter. You hadn’t even been seated for a minute before the other Hunters got up and walked away from the fire without a word. You furrowed your brow; you knew you had been distant lately, but you didn’t think you were that bad of company. Your confusion was answered though when you left Artemis sit down next to you.
“You’ve been talking to that girl, Clarisse, a lot,” Artemis said.
You glanced at her out of the side of your eye, there were still times, like this time, when it felt strange to hear Artemis sound so serious, especially when she looked like a twelve-year-old. You had been with her for a thousand years and you didn’t have a problem with taking orders from your goddess, but there were certain times she got serious, and the subject sounded weird coming out of a twelve-year-olds mouth.
“She’s a friend,” you said, staring into the fire. If you turned to look at Artemis you knew she’d see right through you, see that you had feelings that went beyond friendship for Clarisse.
“You don’t make friends often.”
You chuckled. “I’ll have you know I think I’m quite likeable.”
“It takes awhile to warm up to you.”
You chuckled a little louder, shaking your head. That was fair, you tended to come off in not the best light upon first meetings. “I beat her in capture the flag. She was not happy,” you smiled at the memory.
You could feel Artemis’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t hide how happy the memory made you. “I bet a child of Ares took that well.”
You smirked, giving a little shrug. “She’s easy to annoy, you know how much I like that.” You turned your head, finally looking at her only to give her a knowing smirk.
“Yes,” she sighed. “I am more than aware how annoying you can be.”
You lightly chuckled but your smile slowly faded as the memories from camp continued to play through your mind. “We sparred for the first time after Zoe left on the quest,” you whispered. “She could keep up with me, not that she ever beat me.” You caught a small smile on Artemis’s lips. You were a daughter of Nike; you couldn’t let anyone even consider you’d lose.
“You’ve been different since you got back from the labyrinth,” Artemis said softly.
You knew she was testing the waters, seeing how willing you’d be to talk, how much you’d give her. “I almost died,” you whispered.
“There was some sort of monster, it had me,” you said, gesturing with your hands. “It had me, but then…” you let out a humorless chuckle. “Clarisse sacrificed her spear, her pride and joy, to save me. I owe her my life.”
“You care for her,” Artemis concluded, straightening her back.
“Yes,” you said instantly, staring Artemis in the eyes. You knew it was a risk, but you would not lie to your goddess.
“You were sent to pick up supplies but wandered off to help her with a mission.” You swallowed nervously. “Who are you loyal to?”
“You,” you said without hesitation.
“And if you had to sacrifice yourself?”
“Without hesitation.”
“If you had to choose between your sisters or your friend?”
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. That was the first time you ever hesitated on that question. The truth was, if it came down to saving one of your sisters or saving Clarisse, you’d be conflicted. Either choice, you didn’t think you could live with yourself. You could tell by the slight tilt of Artemis’s head that she suspected this, she knew you’d hesitate on this question.
“I am a Hunter,” you said, your voice was quiet, but you refused to let it waver. “I am loyal to you, to Thalia, and to the rest of our sisters, first, above anyone or anything else.”
Artemis stared into your eyes, it felt like she was staring straight through you and into your soul. You remained strong though, holding eye contact with her and kept your head held high. It wasn’t a lie. You couldn’t deny it, you’d protect Clarisse with your life, but at the end of the day you were loyal to your goddess, she and your sisters came first, always.
“Okay,” Artemis said. She gave you a curt nod before getting up and leaving you alone by the fire.
You turned back towards the fire, staring into the flames as you thought about what had just happened. Artemis believed you; she knew your words were true, she knew you were loyal till the end.
Taglist: @cxcilla @danonered @touchmyfracturedomens @luclue @manu-007s-world @death-in-love @nenas19 @mynameiskaci
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schizophrenic-writer · 1 month ago
Le dernier arrêt|Ni-ki
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✦ Fandom : Enhypen ✦ Personnages : Ni-ki et narratrice ✦ Genres : Horreur, surnaturel, thriller psychologique ✦ Nombre de mots : 2k ✦ TW : Angoisse, isolement, réalité altérée, perte d’un être cher ✦ Résumé : Une jeune femme prend le métro comme à son habitude lorsque soudain, un arrêt brutal plonge le wagon dans le noir. Lorsqu’elle retrouve la lumière, tous les passagers ont disparu. En sortant, elle découvre une ville étrange, floue et irréelle. Elle y retrouve Ni-ki, un ami proche, mais quelque chose en lui semble différent, mélancolique. ✦ Note de l'autrice : L'idée de cette histoire m'est venue un jour où le métro que je prends habituellement a eu un arrêt d'urgence, plongeant les passagers dans l'obscurité totale pendant quelques instants. Ce moment suspendu, à la fois angoissant et fascinant, m'a rappelé une légende urbaine japonaise autour d’une station de métro fantôme : Kisaragi Station.
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Le métro gronde sous terre, ses vibrations secouant doucement les passagers qui s’accrochent aux barres métalliques. J’ai mes écouteurs sur les oreilles, la musique couvrant le son mécanique du train. C’est mon quotidien, une routine invariable, où chaque station est un point fixe, une habitude rassurante. Les lumières artificielles défilent à travers les fenêtres, projetant leur lueur blafarde sur les visages fatigués. Une autre journée qui commence, sans surprise, sans éclat. Mais soudain, tout bascule. Un choc brutal me projette presque en avant. Le métro s’arrête, si brusquement que les passagers autour de moi émettent des exclamations de surprise, certains tombent, s’accrochent aux sièges. Puis, sans prévenir, les lumières se mettent à clignoter furieusement avant de s’éteindre complètement. Le noir m’enveloppe. J’entends des cris, des murmures paniqués. Une voix étouffée quelque part appelle quelqu’un, mais le son est comme aspiré par l’obscurité. Le silence tombe, lourd, oppressant, et mon cœur s’accélère, battant la chamade dans ce néant.
Quand les lumières se rallument, tout est différent. Autour de moi, il n’y a plus personne. Le wagon est vide. Je me redresse lentement, mes mains tremblantes agrippées à la barre devant moi. Les sièges désertés, les fenêtres plongées dans un noir d’encre... Je me sens soudain très petite dans cet espace immense et déshumanisé. Je fais quelques pas, mes chaussures crissant légèrement sur le sol.
— Est-ce qu’il y a quelqu’un ?
Mais aucune réponse ne vient, juste le bourdonnement léger des lampes au-dessus de ma tête. Je me dirige vers les portes, poussée par une curiosité irrésistible et une peur que je ne peux pas ignorer. Celle-ci s’ouvre automatiquement devant moi et je me retrouve dans une station qui m’est inconnue.
L’autre côté est un monde que je ne connais pas. Ou du moins, pas tout à fait. La ville est là, mais elle semble floue, comme une peinture à moitié effacée. Les rues sont vides, les bâtiments s’élèvent, grandioses et menaçants, leurs contours ondulant légèrement, comme dans un rêve. Le ciel est d’un gris étrange, un mélange d’aube et de crépuscule, sans soleil, sans lune. Une lumière diffuse éclaire tout, sans jamais vraiment chasser les ombres. Les murs des bâtiments sont ornés de motifs étranges, et l’écho de mes pas résonne comme une mélodie oubliée. L’atmosphère est chargée d’une énergie singulière, une sensation à la fois familière et terrifiante. Je scrute l’horizon, espérant voir un signe, quelque chose qui m’expliquerait où je suis. Je devrais avoir peur. Tout dans ce moment me crie de faire demi-tour, d’attendre que la réalité se réinstalle. Mais il y a quelque chose d’irrésistible dans cette lumière, une curiosité qui me pousse à avancer. Je marche, le cœur battant, cherchant un signe, quelque chose de familier. Et puis, je le vois. Assis sur un banc, au bout d’une ruelle étroite. Il semble tellement réel, et pourtant, il y a quelque chose d’étrange en lui. Ses yeux, d’habitude pétillants de vie, sont maintenant sombres, presque insondables.
— Ni-ki ! j’appelle, en courant vers lui.
Il tourne la tête, et son regard se pose sur moi, mais je ne vois pas la chaleur et l’amitié que j’ai toujours connues. Il y a une distance, une sorte de mélancolie dans son expression. Je m’arrête devant lui, haletante, et il me regarde de ses grands yeux sombres, une expression douce, mais indéchiffrable sur le visage.
— Qu’est-ce qu’il se passe ici ? Est-ce que je suis en train de rêver ? je demande, tentant
de reprendre mon souffle.
Il hausse les épaules, un léger sourire aux lèvres. Il s’avance, et je sens mon cœur se serrer. Il a toujours été celui qui m’apportait du réconfort, celui qui me faisait rire. Mais maintenant, il semble comme un étranger, perdu dans une réalité qui m’échappe.
— Viens, suis-moi.
Sa main se tend dans ma direction et j’hésite, quelques secondes, avant de lier nos doigts entre eux.
Nous marchons ensemble, et le monde autour de nous change au gré de nos pas. Des scènes de notre vie se dessinent, flottant comme des souvenirs projetés. Je vois la forêt où nous avons marché, un jour d’été, le soleil perçant à travers les branches, sa main tendue vers moi pour m’aider à franchir un ruisseau. Je revois cette soirée dans mon appartement, des pizzas sur la table, nos rires résonnant contre les murs alors que nous nous moquions des personnages d’une série stupide. Des simples moments de bonheur.
—Tu te souviens de ça ? je demande, pointant du doigt l’image de nous deux, assis sur le
canapé, riant aux éclats.
Il acquiesce, ses yeux rivés sur le souvenir, une amertume que je ne comprends pas dans son regard.
— Oui, murmure-t-il, c’était une excellente soirée.
Sa voix est douce, mais il y a quelque chose de triste, une profondeur qui me fait frissonner. Les souvenirs continuent de se matérialiser autour de nous, flous mais si vivants, et je suis happée par cette sensation étrange, cette nostalgie qui m’envahit de plus en plus. Pourquoi tout me donne l’impression que chaque seconde peut être la dernière ? Je lève les yeux vers lui, le cherchant du regard comme pour trouver un sens à tout ça, mais il l’évite soigneusement. Une certaine peur commence à naître dans mon esprit, comme si je sentais au fond de moi qu’il y a quelque chose que je devrais comprendre, une vérité enfouie derrière ce calme irréel.
— Pourquoi est-ce que tout semble si…
Je cherche le mot, mais il m’échappe.
— Pourquoi suis-je ici, Ni-ki ?
Il détourne les yeux, et le décor change à nouveau. Nous sommes sur un toit, le vent soufflant et emportant avec lui les feuilles mortes qui virevoltent autour de nous. Je me souviens de ce jour – nous avions passé l’après-midi sur ce toit, à parler de nos rêves, de nos secrets, à regarder la ville s’étendre à nos pieds. Mais ici, dans ce monde étrange, tout semble amplifié. Les couleurs sont plus vives, les émotions plus intenses, presque douloureuses.
— Parfois, dit-il, sa voix portée par le vent, il y a des choses qu’il faut accepter, même si
on ne les comprend pas tout de suite.
Je fronce les sourcils, cherchant à saisir ce qu’il essaie de me dire. Il me regarde alors, ses yeux brillants d’une tristesse indéchiffrable, et il tend la main.
— Viens.
Je la saisis, et une chaleur douce m’envahit. Nous dansons, là, au milieu de ce toit fantomatique, sans musique, juste le bruissement des feuilles dans les arbres et le battement irrégulier de mon cœur. Ses bras m’entourent, et je ferme les yeux, laissant la chaleur de sa présence m’envelopper, un instant hors du temps. Ses doigts finissent par se resserrer un peu autour des miens, sa main froide pressant contre la mienne. C’est si étrange, ce contraste. Lui qui, habituellement, est toujours plein d’énergie, là, il semble s’effacer, comme une ombre. Il relève la tête, son visage prenant une expression douce mais empreinte de ce trouble insaisissable.
— Je suis content que tu sois là.
Ses paroles me troublent profondément. Il y a quelque chose dans sa voix, une forme de résignation qui me fait comprendre qu’il y a plus que ce qu’il laisse paraître. Nous reprenons notre route, et je remarque que nos souvenirs s’estompent peu à peu, remplacés par des fragments de paysages incertains, de ruelles silencieuses et de lieux inconnus. À chaque pas, l’atmosphère semble se faire plus lourde, plus oppressante, comme si le temps lui-même ralentissait. Il me regarde cette fois avec une intensité qui me fige, avant de murmurer, presque trop bas pour que je l’entende :
— Il est temps.
Mes doigts se serrent instinctivement autour de sa main, refusant de lâcher prise, refusant de croire qu’il puisse y avoir quelque chose d’inéluctable ici. Puis, je le sens se détacher, doucement, comme un rêve qui s’évanouit au réveil. J’ouvre les yeux en sursaut dans le métro, la lumière crue des néons m'aveuglant un instant. Le brouhaha du train, les grincements des rails, tout semble étrangement familier. Je prends une grande inspiration et réalise que ma main est posée sur celle de Ni-ki, assis à côté de moi, un sourire tranquille sur le visage. Je me tourne pour l’observer alors qu’il me semble perdu dans ses pensées, sa tête se balançant au rythme de la musique qu’il écoute. Sa présence devrait me rassurer, mais pourtant, un sentiment, pesant, continue de courir dans mon esprit. Je sais que ce n’était qu’un rêve, mais il reste en moi comme une brume tenace, une sensation qui refuse de disparaître. Ses doigts, sous ma main, sont tièdes, bien réels cette fois, mais je n’arrive pas à chasser la trace de cette froideur qui s’était imprimée dans ma mémoire. Il pivote enfin la tête dans ma direction, son casque dorénavant autour de son cou, et m’adresse un sourire amusé.
— Ça va ? me demande-t-il sans doute à cause de mon regard insistant, on dirait que t’as
vu un fantôme.
— Oui… enfin, non. Ce n’est rien. J’ai juste fait un rêve étrange. je termine en secouant la tête, tentant de rire pour dissiper le malaise qui commence à s’installer.
Ni-ki se penche vers moi, et je peux lire l’amusement dans ses iris foncés.
— Du genre ? T’as rêvé de moi, c’est ça ?
Sa voix prend une intonation malicieuse, et je vois son sourire s’étirer.
— Allez, avoue. Tu te languis de moi jusque dans tes rêves maintenant ?
Je sens mes joues s’échauffer et je secoue vivement la tête pour le faire cesser.
— Ce… n’est pas ce que tu crois, je balbutie, tentant de minimiser. C’était différent.
Il écarquille légèrement les yeux, feignant une expression d’incrédulité exagérée.
— Oh, différent comment ? Genre, romantique ? Tragique ?
Son visage s’approche du mien, l’air faussement sérieux.
— Ou bien, était-ce un rêve où tu me déclares ton amour éternel avant de t’enfuir dans le
coucher de soleil ?
Je me mordille la lèvre, cherchant quoi répondre, mes mains moites de gêne.
— Rien de tout ça, d’accord ? C’était…
Je cherche à détourner la conversation, mais il éclate de rire, ravi de ma réaction, et me pince gentiment l’épaule.
— Relax, dit-il en riant, ses doigts toujours entremêlés aux miens. Je te taquine.
Un sourire naît malgré moi, même si je détourne un peu les yeux pour échapper à son regard perçant. Sa main serre la mienne avec chaleur, et je sens mon cœur se calmer, même si quelque chose continue de me hanter.
La voix du conducteur annonce notre prochaine station, puis soudain, un flash de lumière intense envahit le wagon. Un bruit assourdissant secoue le métro, un grondement puissant qui résonne dans mes os. Le train tremble, et tout se passe en une fraction de seconde. J’entends des cris, je sens le sol se dérober sous mes pieds, et tout autour de moi se transforme en un chaos terrifiant. Le souffle d’une explosion ébranle la rame, le monde autour de nous devenant un tourbillon de poussière et de débris, et je perds pied, me sentant aspirée par un vide abyssal. Dans le tumulte, je m’accroche désespérément à la main de Ni-ki, le seul repère, le seul ancrage que j’ai dans ce monde qui s’effondre autour de moi. Je tente de murmurer son nom, mais ma voix se brise dans le bruit assourdissant. Alors que le train s’immobilise enfin, le silence s’installe progressivement, lourd et oppressant. Autour de nous, des débris jonchent le sol, et la lumière faiblit. Dans ce calme étrange, je ressens la chaleur de sa main… ou plutôt, je sens cette chaleur s’éteindre. Je tourne lentement la tête vers lui, mon cœur s’arrêtant presque en voyant son visage, calme, paisible. Il me regarde sans me regarder, ses yeux empreints de cette même mélancolie qui m’avait troublée plus tôt. Et là, je comprends. Ma gorge se serre alors que je ressens l’absence de chaleur à travers son épiderme, cette sensation glaciale qui remonte le long de mon bras.
— Ni-ki… je murmure, une larme roulant sur ma joue.
Mais il ne répond pas. Ses yeux restant fixés sur moi, empreints d'une tendresse infinie, comme un dernier adieu silencieux.
❥ Les histoires ne s’achèvent jamais vraiment, elles restent suspendues entre les pages et les cœurs qui les lisent… Merci d’avoir voyagé avec moi ღ © schizophrenic-writer 2025.
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bouncybongfairy · 2 years ago
Shits and Giggles
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Rue Bennett x Fem Reader
Summary: You become Rue's rebound from Jules; you are aware from the beginning that this wasn't a serious relationship. However, what happened in your bed with her seemed pretty momentous.
Word Count: 2k+
Trigger Warning: Smut and Drugs
Ever since you first saw Rue, you knew you were going to get close with her. She was a beautiful mentally ill druggie and what could you say, that was your type. You guys really gravitated to each other because of your issues. It's easy to be with someone who is struggling the same as you because you don't have to explain things that are unhealthy yet normal. It was nice not having someone judge you for your depression room or wanting to rot in bed. Not to mention drinking or getting high with someone who wasn't doing it to post online. It's not like you didn't know that this was toxic, you just didn't care. Both of you had people in your life that lectured you daily. People who were always gazing at you with disappointed eyes. You were each other's escape from that, and that meant a lot to the both of you. 
You met her when you were skipping class in the bathroom smoking. She asked you for a couple of puffs off the blunt, which you gave her. You complained about how teachers would seem to pick on the kids whom they knew didn't pay attention. You asked if she wanted to ditch with you and she was more than happy to do so. You walked the 30 minutes to your house, Rue asked you if your parents would be home and this is when you told her your mom had died. She didn't say much about her dad dying but she did let you know. There was no need to explain because you both knew what it was like. Like a mutual agreement not to acknowledge each other's suffering. It was the first time you'd ever snorted a pill. You were nervous, like super scared but she talked you through everything which made you feel comforted. You turned on Jersey Shore and laid in bed together, just zoning out. You had a swamp cooler that directly faced your bed, which made the room ice cold. This brought you two closer underneath the blankets. 
After taking a nap, Rue FaceTimed her mom to show she was at a friend's house. You sat at your desk with your laptop and pretended to be working on homework. This made you both burst into laughter once she hung up. Your dad came home from his 16 hour shift and greeted you before going to bed. You shared the burger king that he brought home for dinner. When Rue lit the blunt in the middle of eating, you knew she was going to be a bad habit. The one time you did that in front of someone they called you disgusting for doing so. When she did this so nonchalantly, it really left an impression on you. 
"I think we're going to be great together," you said, stuffing your face with the golden fries.
"Are you sure about that?" she asked to take a drag before taking a bite of her burger. 
"If you let us be then yeah," you said, taking the blunt from her. 
Ever since then, you two were pretty much inseparable. It was definitely weird at times; once, you were walking down the hall hand in hand with Rue and passed Jules. It made you feel bad, especially because you knew that they were together when she was sober. It made you feel inferrer a bit, like Jules got the real Rue. You never brought this up to her, because you didn't want to scare her off. You also were doing drugs with her so it felt a bit hypocritical to say anything about that. 
You were sitting in the cafeteria with Rue, picking at your lunches. You were trying to finish a math assignment that was due next period. Rue was drawing things like bongs and weed flowers, knowing it would distract you because it had to be raised. She kept laughing when you would playfully scold her for doing so. 
"It's just a piece of paper," she would taunt you.
"iT's jUsT a PiEcE oF PaPer," you would mimic. 
She laughed and continued until you finished the last equation and raised the last doodle. You kissed her on the cheek and she hung her head down giggling to herself. You practically huffed half a cart down in the bathroom before entering the cafeteria. She pulled your chair closer and nudged you with her shoulder. The bell rang shortly after, you got up and threw both of your trays away and started walking towards your class. Rue pulled you by the arm into the bathroom, the one with the scratched mirror behind the E-building. None of the girls used it to actually go to the restroom because they couldn't examine themselves obsessively in the mirror. She helped you sit on the edge of the sink, resting each hand on either side of you. 
"And where did you think you were going?" she asked.
"5th period," you responded rhetorically. 
"Why don't we go to your place and uh, have some fun? she stated more than asked. 
"You won't get in trouble?" you asked.
"I'll think of an excuse later," she said, giving you a kiss before helping you down. 
You guys took the bus back to your place, neither of you wanted to walk the distance. Once you were home you went back to your bedroom and cranked the AC on. Rue complained about the icebox of a room you have which made you laugh; there was no way you were turning it off. You went to your closet and pulled out your half drank bottle of Kirkland vodka. You went into the kitchen and grabbed a tall glass and filled it with ice before heading back into the room. You pour a good amount of alcohol into it, letting it chill for a minute. 
"You're so high maintenance, why don't you drink it out of the bottle?" she asked. 
"Well sorry if I don't want my entire chest and throat burning after the first shot," you said, walking over to her and kissing her forehead. When you walked back to strain the liquor into the shot glasses, she followed. 
"Seriously this seems excessive," she said, wrapping her arms around your waist from behind. 
"Quit your bitchin' and take this with me," you said, turning around and handing her the tiny glass. You quickly cheer and both tip your head back. 
You pull away from her and go digging in your backpack, grinning from ear to ear once you feel the plastic baggie. When you pull it out, you show Rue she matches your grin. It was two tabs of acid that had a faint picture of the Rick and Morty logo, barely visible due to the discolorations. It didn't take long to kick in, well it did but due to the second and third shot it didn't feel that long. You were both giggling and dancing with each other around your room. Knocking each other over every once in a while, landing on the bed. You would quickly recover once a song motivated you both enough to start dancing again. You were feeling light, like your head could lift you off the ground. Rue kept running her hands through your hair which would make you shiver. Rue kept wanting to do a line but you eventually found another way to distract her. 
The last time you fell on the bed you ended up face to face, rubbing each other's foreheads together. She kept running her hands down your arm and the exposed skin on your side. She kept mumbling about how soft you were. Hearing this come for her was making your stomach flip. Somewhere between cuddling and rubbing against one another you start to make out. She was laying on her back and you were straddling her. You were holding her head in your hands as you kissed. She quickly sits up which catches you off guard. You pull your tee-shirt off and get slightly embarrassed when you are reminded of the fact that you didn't have a bra on. She stared at your chest for a while before taking your nipple into her mouth. You let out a moan and let her pull you as she let her back fall against your mattress. You pull away and tug at her sweat pants, she takes the hint and helps you take them off. You smirk and take your shorts off, you start grinding against her. You hover back over her and start to give her a hickey on her neck. She starts playing with your chest as you do this. This made it harder to kiss her neck because you were moaning so much. 
"Fuck you look like a pornstar," Rue said flipping you over and shoving her hand into your panties. 
She started playing with your clit, using her middle finger. You bury your face into her neck and let out a couple moans. If she already thought you looked like a pornstar so you might as well sound the part. You were completely soaked, this was the first time you'd ever done anything like this with rue. The sexual tension between you had been building for so long, that even hearing her voice sometimes made you melt. It was nice to have a sexual experience with someone and not worry about how you looked or came across as. She continued to stroke you, arched you back and buckled your hip up every once in a while. You tried kissing her but you were in such a state of pleasure that your lips were just pressed together slightly. It was like she was trying to eat your moans. You pull away from her right before your climax. 
 "Do.. you wanna, uh.. 69?" you asked, trying to catch your breath.
"Yeah but only if you're on top of me," she said. 
"You're sinister for that," you said, getting on top. 
"And much more," she said, smacking you with what felt like all the strength she had. 
When you started eating her out, you were pleased to feel that she was just as wet as you. You were kind of worried that she might not be as into you as you are her but that thought quickly left. You start flicking your tongue slowly, slowly increasing your pace as she did the same. She penetrated you with her fingers which made you gasp and press yourself onto her face. When you did this, she smacked your ass with both hands causing you to squeal. You tried to keep your rhythm but you were finding this hard because of how close you were getting. You were full on riding her face and fingers at this point. You could tell that Rue was getting close because he rhythm was becoming spotty. As you started to cum, you could feel her clit harden slightly. This was just enough encouragement to keep going instead of sitting up and going full cowgirl on her face. You both rode out your orgasm before you fell back next to her on the bed. 
You grabbed your tee-shirt and wiped her face off before doing the same to yourself. You both looked over at each other and couldn't help but burst out laughing. Not because it was awkward, more likely from the drugs that were still in your system. You both change into different clothes before cuddling back in bed. Rue had fallen asleep for a while while you played with her hair. You noticed some of her curls sticking to her neck because she was so sweaty. You grabbed a hair tie and pulled all her hair into a bun. Every once in a while you would plant a kiss on her forehead or nose. She was holding onto by the waist, you woke her up to ask if her arm was losing circulation from being underneath you. 
"Don't wake me up to ask stupid shit like that again," she grumbled. Right as she finished the sentence, there was a hard knock at the door which made both of you jump. 
"Dinner's on the counter!" your dad shouted through the door, when you both looked over and saw the panicked expression on each other's faces you both started laughing.
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random-thot-generator · 1 year ago
Dirty Little Secret + pt. 3
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Summary: Johnny shows up out of the blue and gets to meet Aunt Rue. Cue the impromptu come-to-Jesus meeting.
Warnings/Tags: Angst - obviously, Profanity, Sex is mentioned but nothing explicit, Soap's POV, Rue's POV, Reader is taking a moment, Aunt Rue's a good mum, No use of Y/N
(Notes: Again, no smut. We're not there yet, folks. Wanted to get Johnny's side of the story out there, along with Aunt Rue's thoughts on the matter. Just a warning. Edited this to Kickstart My Heart on loop, so if there's a shit-ton of mistakes... my bad. 🤷‍♀️)
Word Count: 2K
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Johnny felt like the wind had been knocked out of him when he heard your voice behind the counter, but when you suddenly popped into view, it almost brought him to his knees. The only thing that kept him from reaching for you was that horrible, devastated expression on your face. Tucking his hands in his pockets to hide their shaking, he took a hesitant step towards the counter, as if approaching a cornered, wild animal.
"I'm no' here t'cause ye grief, hen," he murmured, trying to make eye contact. "I jus' wanted t'see ya."
You blinked up at him, huffing a breath out of your open mouth. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," you confessed, sounding dazed. "How did you…?"
Johnny scratched the back of his neck, feeling like a bit of a creeper. "I, uh… I saw ye on the news. Some sort o' festival 'r somethin'."
"The May Day celebration," you mumbled, remembering the news cameraman panning his camera along the row of booths on the boardwalk. "Bloody hell. So… you saw me and just decided to stop by for a visit? After six months?"
Johnny's look turned sour. "It was no' like I knew where the hell ye'd gone off to, now was it? Ye jus' took off without sayin' a bloody word," he replied, his tone low and accusing.
You scoffed, your own expression growing dark. "And how could I have told you, Johnny? It's not like you ever bothered to give me your number, remember?" you fired back.
The bitterness in your tone cooled his anger instantly. "I…" He huffed out a breath, shoulders slumping. "Yer right. Tha's on me." His contrite expression returned. "It was jus' a shock, comin' back an' findin' ya gone, yer flat empty. I was no' expectin' it. Not after…" He blew out a breath, running his hand over his mohawk. "I dinnae ken wha' t'think."
You crossed your arms over your chest, lips trembling. "I'm surprised you thought of me at all. Why did you even go back to my flat? Things not work out with your other bird?"
"Other bird?" he repeated, scowling, looking utterly confused.
Before you could clarify, your aunt pushed through the swinging door from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. Whatever she was about to say died on her lips as her eyes darted between you and Johnny. "Everything alright, love?" she asked you.
"Everything's fine." You dragged your eyes away from him to address your aunt, your tone softening. "I'm sorry 'bout your tea. The box was empty, and then he showed up, and…" You sighed, closing your eyes, shoulders dropping in defeat. "I— I need to go back to the stockroom. Maybe there's another box of oolong back there."
Picking up on the obvious tension and your need to escape the young man, Aunt Rue patted your arm affectionately. "'Course, love. Go ahead. I'll see t'him."
You gave a slight nod, eyes slanting towards Johnny for only a second, but then your chin gave a wobble, and you rushed through the swinging door. He called after you, taking an unconscious step forward, hand reaching out, but you didn't stop. A pained expression crossed his face before he turned and paced a few steps away, raising both hands to rub over his head, holding them there as he blew out a frustrated breath.
Rue pursed her lips, studying him before her eyes cut back to the kitchen door. "So, I take it ya know one another," she drawled.
Johnny turned back around, dropping his arms to his sides. He looked like a whipped pup. "Yes, ma'am. We were… She was my…" A myriad of emotions played over his face before he sighed, remorse evident in his eyes. "Aye. We know each other."
Rue smirked, brows lifting. "I see." She turned to the hot water urns and grabbed a couple of to-go cups. "Tea or coffee, lad?"
Johnny blew out a frustrated sigh. "Dinnae bother, ma'am. I should prob'ly jus' go. Sorry t'have bothered—"
Rue snorted, amused. "Ya ain't gettin' off that easy, lad. Been dealin' with that heartbroken lass for six months. I've got questions, an' you're just the one to answer 'em. So. Tea or coffee?"
Johnny opened his mouth to refuse but didn't have it in him to argue. "Coffee, please. Black with sugar," he mumbled.
Rue hummed in acknowledgment, making them both a strong cup, forgetting about the oolong. She needed all cylinders firing for this one. As she worked, Red finally showed, cheerful as always. He gave Johnny a friendly nod, opening his mouth to greet Rue, but she cut him off.
"No time for chit-chat this mornin', Red," she told him, throwing a couple of rolls into a bag and handing them over. She reached beneath the counter and grabbed his favorite jam packets, then rounded the counter to hand them to him. "On the house, yeah?" she said, ignoring his shocked expression. "Off ya go, then. See ya tomorrow."
Red could do little more than nod as Rue herded him out the door, casting a flummoxed look back as she shut the door and locked it behind him. Reaching for the cups she left sitting on the counter, she handed one to Johnny.
"C'mon, lad. Let's go out back an' have ourselves a wee chinwag."
She led the way to the back exit, checking to be sure you were still inside before motioning him out the door. Walking over to a pair of metal folding chairs leaned against the wall, she grabbed one, nodding for Johnny to take the other, then sat down with a tired sigh. Once, they were both seated, she crossed her legs and looked him over with a critical eye.
"Alright, then. First things first, lad. I'm Rue, her aunt, and you are…"
"John, ma'am. John MacTavish, but ye can call me Johnny."
She nodded, giving him a tight-lipped smile. "Well, it's nice t'meet ya, Johnny." She took a quick sip of coffee and smacked her lips. "Now, let's get down t'brass tacks, shall we?" She sat back and crossed her arms over her lap. "I'm goin' to take a wild guess an' say you're the reason why my girl came runnin' home with her tail between her legs. Not seen her in that bad a shape since her da dumped her on my doorstep, so it must have been serious. How long were ya together?"
Taken aback, it took a moment for Johnny to answer. "I been seein' her fer almost two years, but we were no'… I mean, it wasnae…" He huffed a frustrated breath and scrubbed his hand over his 'hawk. "It's— It's complicated."
Rue rolled her eyes, making a scoffing noise. "Bloody hell, this generation, I swear…" She shook her head. "Just say ya were fuckin', lad. Jesus." She scoffed again. "Complicated, he says…" she muttered.
Johnny gaped at her, surprised by her blunt words. His brows furrowed, an embarrassed look on his reddening face. "It was no' jus' fuckin'," he muttered, sounding defensive. "I cared 'bout her— do care 'bout her."
"Uh-huh. So, what happened, then? What would send my girl runnin' back to the one place she worked so hard to escape, hm?"
His lips parted, but he didn't have an answer. Eyes darting back and forth, he searched for an explanation, a reason why you would just up and leave him without saying anything. He thought it might have been another bloke, but after that last night together, he couldn't bring himself to believe it. So, why? Why did you leave? He had been searching for that answer for the last six months. Finally, he settled for repeating your confusing words from earlier. "She said somethin' 'bout another bird," he said glumly. "Dunno wha' the hell she's talkin' 'bout."
Rue's brows ticked up. "Sure about that? You're a handsome lad. Doubt ya have trouble pullin' the birds."
"No!" he snapped. "I'd never che—." He cut himself off, gritting his teeth in frustration. "There was no other bird," he grumbled out.
His hand clenched into a fist, the other warping the to-go cup, some of the hot brew spilling over his knuckles. Cursing under his breath, he set it on the ground, slinging the hot liquid off his hand. He glared at the back of his hand, then huffed a tired breath, his expression softening. "I dinnae want anyone else. Jus' her." He shook his head, looking lost.
Rue studied him, her head tilting to the side. "She never mentioned you, ya know? Never once spoke your name. I knew she was hurtin'— obviously, but there was somethin' about the way she looked when I'd try to bring it up, like she was... ashamed. 'Course, we've all been fools for love, so I figured some bloke had filled her head with a bunch of pretty words, promisin' her the moon an' stars, then broke her heart, but…" Her eyes narrowed. "Explain to me what 'complicated' means."
A look akin to the shamed face you would always give her now came over his. He started picking at one of his cuticles, studying it with keen interest, his bottom lip jutting out a little.
"When we first started hookin' up, it wasnae a big deal. We'd run into each other at the pub an' end up back at her place." He shrugged but then paused, his eyes growing solemn. "But then, somethin' changed. I'd catch m'self thinkin' 'bout her, like all the bloody time, while I was deployed. Then I'd come home an' find m'self goin' back t'tha' same damn pub, hopin' t'see her, gettin' pissed when she was no' there." He sighed, shook his head. "I finally gave up pretendin' it was jus' a hook up, an' started goin' over t'her place when I was on leave."
"So, you're a soldier, then," Rue said softly.
A grim look pulled the corners of his mouth down. "Aye. A sergeant in the Army. Special forces." He frowned, an inner struggle going on inside his head. "I ken 's no' the best job t'have, no' when ya got a lass waitin' fer ya at home. 'S hard t'make it work, bein' gone so much. Most birds canna hack it, end up callin' it quits. Figured I'd come home one day an' she'd be shacked up wi' some other bloke. Thought that might'a been wha' happened, but... I had t'see fer m'self." A sad expression made his eyes look luminous in the morning sun. "Tol' m'self I should leave her be, let 'er go, but I canna do it."
He sighed, leaned back in his chair and scrubbed at the scruff on his cheek. "I never tol' her how I felt, dinnae think it was fair puttin' tha' on her. Tried no' t'crowd her, dinnae hang about her place, makin' a nuisance o' m'self. Thought I was protectin' her, but it was jus' as much fer me, I guess. Dinnae help."
Rue's heart went out to the poor lad, despite how bloody stupid he was. "Could ya not tell that she loved ya, lad?"
Johnny's brows shot up, his mouth falling open. "She… She loves me?"
Rue sniffed a laugh. "Bloody hell, you really are an eejit, aren't ya?" She shook her head, amazed at how clueless he was. "'Course she loves ya, ya daft numpty." Her eyes grew shrewd as she watched him process the revelation, saw the hope bloom in his eyes.
"So, tell me, Johnny boy. What are ya willin' to do to get her back?"
part 2 part 4
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aryastark-valarmorghulis · 2 years ago
My amc Iwtv stories
(newest fics listed first)
Loves to be loved (Rating E, 10K) - Lestat/Louis Lestat is rehearsing for the tour. He’s also in a situationship with his ex-husband, who is the Vampire Lestat’s official photographer.
No name (Rating M, 3K) - Armand/Lestat 1795. The spoils of revolution.
your beautiful face is imperfectly comprehended by human minds (who wishes to know it must first die) (Rating T, 2K) - Daniel/Louis Dubai, after hours: Daniel and Louis talk.
Asphodel Meadows (Rating M, 2,3K) - Armand/Louis and Armand/Daniel Dubai, 2022. Armand keeps vigil.
I make up things that I would never say (I say them very quietly) (Rating E, 7.8K) - Armand/Daniel Armand loves Daniel. But Daniel doesn't know him anymore.
The Haunting of Rue Royale (Rating E, 10K) - Lestat/Louis 1930, 1939 and 1940: love and hate side by side in 1132 Rue Royale.
the devil you know (Rating T, 1.3K) - Lestat/Louis The evening Louis finds out Lestat didn’t kill Antoinette.
I couldn't get the boy to kill me but I wore his jacket for the longest time (Rating T, 1.5K) - Armand/Daniel Dubai, 2022: Daniel eats breakfast in the company of Rashid.
Once again I love and I do not love (Rating M, 1.8K) - Lestat/Louis The night before the Mardi Gras ball.
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theonehitwonder · 1 year ago
Me: alright, this is our first gift exchange, someone is writing something for us so we have to write something in return, we promised.
My brain:
My brain: But what if we finished that videogame we've literally never cared about before?
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dreamteamemojis · 8 months ago
wait did Tommy make Rue edit that fucking video 😭 like ohhhh boy I bet ya girl was having to constantly remind herself that if she quit she'd never get more than 2k people to watch her tiktoks again
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tragedy-of-commons · 1 year ago
featured works
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☆ genshin impact
step away〈 〉alhaitham oneshot. ambiguous. wc: 2k. ↳ [modern au] you seek a reprieve from what is considered "normal".
forget-me-not〈 〉kaveh drabble. romantic. wc ≤ 1k. ↳ what a sick joke it is, to love.
"who did this to you?"〈 〉xiao drabble. romantic. wc ≤ 1k. ↳ you can fight your own battles. you can.
☆ honkai: star rail
homecoming〈 〉dan heng oneshot. romantic. wc: 11.4k. ↳ [modern au] your boyfriend invites you to spend christmas break with him and his eccentric (but lovable all the same) family. you oblige.
rue〈 〉march 7th oneshot. romantic. wc: 5.6k. ↳ [modern au] on valentine's day, rumors reach your ears that your best friend - and coincidentally, your mega crush - march 7th, has inexplicably started dating someone else. is everything here really as it seems, or is cupid just using you as target practice?
a deciduous thing〈 〉boothill oneshot. ambiguous. wc: 4.5k. ↳ [modern au] never in your life did you think that your peaceful day-to-day would grind to a halt after one of your scarecrows comes to life. apparently, his name is boothill, and he's insistent on making your life 10x harder than it has to be.
yellow rose〈 〉aventurine oneshot. platonic. wc: 2k. ↳ that's what triggered this flight response. the storm on this planet (one he cannot recall the name of now, and cares not to) was brewing long before his arrival.
☆ touchstarved
you could kill him right now.〈 〉kuras drabble. ambiguous. wc ≤ 1k. ↳ no one is ever as they seem.
☆ more
[everybody talks] 200 follower event!
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cryonme · 3 years ago
— 𝐖𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐱
— Remus Lupin x fem!reader
— summary: you're used to boys wanting one thing and one thing only from you, causing you to be thrown off when Remus Lupin kisses you, just to kiss you. based off of "We'll Never Have Sex" by Leith Ross.
for @fairydxll 's 2k writing celebration! sorry it took so long, angel.
prompts: "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified." + "Please never stop smiling."
word count: 2.5k
— tw: slut shaming (ew, i know), alcohol, marijuana, cursing, mentions sex. mainly fluff ewwww ;)
— a/n: eek! i've been wanting to do a fic based off of this song for a while now, and i thought it would work so well with these prompts I simply couldn't resist!! i'm sorry its been so long since i've uploaded a fic, life has been really hectic and honestly really shitty and sitting down to write has been hard, but I'm so happy i finally finished this one. hope you all love it like I do!! xoxo Miz
“Heard (Y/n) (Y/l/n)’s gonna be at the party tonight, she’s an easy target.”
Sirius Black didn’t even give his best friend a chance to react before he was smacking their fellow Gryffindor’s books out of his hands and straight to the ground, making them land with a dull thud that echoed through the corridors, never once turning his head to get a good look at the kid, he didn’t have to to know he was probably rat faced.
Remus didn’t say anything, but he had never been one to do so. He kept his eyes forward, piercing down the long hallway, but his anger showed in the tightness of his jaw and the white of his knuckled as his grip on his shoulder bag strap tightened, and if you looked close enough you could see the glint of a heavy sadness twinkle in his brown eyes, but only if you looked close enough, of course. 
Which Sirius had.
The darker haired boy opened his mouth to say something, anything to his best mate to get at least the ghost of a smile to graze his lips, but he quickly shut it when he saw you making a beeline for the two of them from the opposite direction, a bright smile plastered on your face.
And, suddenly, there was the light in Remus Lupin’s eyes.
“I am so ready to get absolutely plastered!” You enthused, your eyes wide with excitement as you linked arms with your two friends, looking back and forth between the two of them, patiently awaiting for excited smiles to grace their handsome features as well. But, when they both just nodded, pathetic smiles hanging loosely from their lips, your shoulders slumped.
“You’re not excited?”
“Of course we are.” Remus assured you, raising an eyebrow at Sirius.
Sirius had a terrible habit of telling you all of the nasty things they overheard about you around the school, not because he enjoyed the sad look in your eye or the occasional quiver of your bottom lip, but because he would get so angry he simply couldn’t help himself. He felt as though he would be doing you a disservice if he didn’t make you aware of how more than half of the student body felt about you. But it began to get to the point where it became useless, you already knew, why was there any point in informing you every time?
And why was there an issue? Why was it such a bad thing that you enjoyed hooking up? It wasn’t like more than half of the male student body wasn’t doing the exact same thing you were. You were just having fun, enjoying your young years and reveling in the perks of not wanting to be tied down just yet. It made the Marauders blood boil, hearing people talk about you so terribly like they weren’t doing the same thing.
“Ecstatic.” Sirius exhaled, sending you a soft smile and a wink, causing you to smile again.
The three of you continued to walk arm in arm to the common room, chatting about nothing and everything, summer plans, classes, the handsome dark eyed boy Sirius has his eye on, Lily and James, and just about everything in between until you reached the fat lady.
Sirius muttered the password and you brought your hands to your sides, breaking the chain between the three of you, causing a chill to go down Remus’ spine at the lack of your touch, the spot on his arm now felt cold.
“There they are! S’my best mates!” James came tumbling down the steps leading to the boys dormitories, a loose tie hanging from his neck and hair tousled in all different directions.
“Are you drunk already?!” Remus questioned, stifling a laugh.
James held his hands up in surrender, “Wha’s a party without a little pre party right lads??” He laughed before bringing his hand up to point to you. “You!”
“You! Go change and meet us in our dorm! Pre party!!”
You had barely opened your mouth to respond before James spun around on his heel and was bounding up the steps again, impressively not tripping over his own feet, with Sirius not far behind, yelling at James about how he hoped he saved some for him.
 You and Remus stood next to each other for a moment, amused looks adorning both your faces at the childish excitement from your two best friends over a Hogwarts house party, before you eventually turned to each other and giggled, both sets of cheeks flashing with heat.
“I’ll see you at the party then?” Remus asked, assuming there was no way you’d come to sit in their messy dorm hours before the party started, forced to watch Sirius and James argue over spells and the best pickup lines.
You nodded. “See you there, Moony.”
Remus had been right, of course, you did not join the boys in their dorm for drinks, instead deciding to take a nap before getting ready and taking your time on getting ready, before taking a couple photos with your roommates and having a couple quick drinks with them.
By the time you made it downstairs to the common room, the party was in full swing, drinks cluttered the tables, students were crammed on the couches, and the smell of smoke and firewhisky quickly invaded your lungs. You couldn’t help but smile at the atmosphere, you adored parties. There was always just a lighthearted and carefree vibe around them, you get a couple drinks in you and suddenly everyone is your best friend, your cheeks hurt from smiling, and the undeniable urge to dance all just tie together to create the perfect feeling in your chest.
And it doesn’t hurt when there’s a certain cutie you have your eye on that you can flirt with all night.
“Looking lovely as always.”
You turned your head as your eyes landed on your best friend and you smiled, trying so hard to ignore the warm feeling of butterflies in your stomach as his deep brown eyes looked into yours, a soft smile playing at his lips.
“Why thank you, Mr. Lupin.”
“Please, call me Remus.” He quipped, extending a hand out to you to assist you in walking down the remaining steps, only then had you realized you were still on the stairs.
“As you wish.” You joked back, a wink flickering across your left eye, and Remus swore if he had had just a couple more drinks his legs would have turned to jello.
Once you had made it down to even ground, a drink was being shoved into your hand by James, who’s bloodshot eyes were paired nicely with the poorly wrapped joint hanging from his lips.
“Where’s Lils?”
You smiled and took a swig from your drink, light happiness bursting through your chest at the love your best friends shared, they were better for each other than you could’ve ever imagined. 
“Should be right behind me.” You said, turning your head slightly to see if your best friend had made her way out of your room yet, but the only sight you were met with was James clammering up the steps to check on his girl.
You shook your head and giggled before turning your attention back to the taller boy, who had the same humorous expression on his face.
“Shall we?”
“We shall.”
“I’m telling you! Those are the exact words that came out of her mouth!” Sirius argued to the gaggle of friends, who all weren’t listening, too occupied by their fits of laughter and the joyful tears running down their faces to listen to their friend.
The black haired boy pouted and fell against the handsome Ravenclaw he had been wrapped around all night, who cooed and kissed the side of his face, although an amused glint still sparkled in his eyes.
You hadn’t even remembered what the story was, but now you couldn’t stop laughing, being egged on by the cackles of the rest of the group, and you clutched your stomach.
The party had completely died out, leaving just you and your closest friends on the common room couches, exchanging stories and cigarettes as soft music sounded from the record player in the corner.
And Remus’ hands hadn’t left your skin all night. 
They were constantly somewhere, one on your waist, your lower back, swung over your shoulder, the back of your neck, and currently, softly gripping your thigh.
You turned to look at him, a bright smile still beaming on your face before you lazily rested your head against his shoulder, prompting him to press a kiss to your hairline.
“You are so beautiful.” He whispered so softly that even you almost missed it and you felt heat rising up in your cheeks, bringing your head up to face him again, this time a softer smile on your lips.
“Please never stop smiling.” He breathed out, his face turned serious, eyes filled with devotion and warmth, quickly flickering to your lips before they went back to your eyes.
And he had you.
“I feel sick.” You announced suddenly to your friends, shooting straight up to your feet, causing Remus’ hand to fall. “M’gonna turn in.”
“Oh, love! Would you like help?” Marlene asked, leaning forward and gripping her hands around the armrest of her seat, ready to up and help you, despite the curly haired brunette sitting on the floor between her legs.
Remus caught on. “No, Marlene, you stay here. I’ll help her.” He insisted, standing up beside you, his hand ghosting around your waist.
“You’re sure?” She raised an eyebrow and Remus nodded, trying his best to ignore the knowing smirks of his fellow Marauders.
“It’s no problem.”
“Alright.” She answered hesitantly, eyes flickering over to you. “Come fetch me or Lils if you need, yeah?”
You nodded and bid your friends goodnight, snaking your fingers through Remus’ while allowing him to lead you up the stairs.
You were both giggling and tripping over your own feet as you got closer to your room, but a certain heaviness weighed on your chest when you remembered what he most likely wanted from you. Even though Remus was someone closer to your heart, he was still a boy, and it was something that all boys wanted from you, because they knew they could get it.
You didn’t entirely mind, enjoying the no strings attached one night stand every once in a while, but it got to the point where most guys at Hogwarts wouldn’t even look in your direction unless they had a lustful intent, and sometimes, that stung.
But, you still let Remus into your room, you still locked the large oak door so you’d be left alone by your roommates, who you were positive were spending the night elsewhere, and you still looked up at Remus expectantly, breathing slightly heavy from running up the stairs and only a little dizzy.
The sandy haired blond was hard to read, his eyes didn’t leave yours as he set down his bottle of firwhisky with a thud on Lily’s dresser, and he brought one hand to grip the side of your neck, his thumb stroking your cheek bone, and the other on your hip.
Your heartbeat quickened as you rested a hand on his chest, the other holding the opposite side of his neck.
It was agonizing, the way he studied you, the way he leaned in closer only to place a chaste kiss on your jaw, earning a soft sigh from you as you fluttered your eyes close.
“Fuck.” He whispered before his lips were on yours, soft and gentle, barely parted as his grip on you barely tightened, just holding you.
And he pulled away, just like that.
“(Y/n).” He whispered.
“Yes?” You breathed out, head still spinning from the feeling of his lips on yours.
“Jus’ sayin’ your name.” He replied, his eyes scanning over every feature on your face, before pulling you in for another kiss, and you took the liberty of deepening it, leading him over to your bed before he pulled away from you, his hands gripping your shoulders. “Woah, woah. Hold on, love.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you looked at him, slightly cocking your head to the side.
“You don’t want-”
Remus felt his heart break.
You thought he just wanted to fuck you.
“W- why did you kiss me, then?” You asked, confusion plastered all over your face, arms dangling at your sides as you waited for Remus to answer, and his intoxicated brain couldn’t get a response out fast enough.
“Oh god, oh god.” Your eyes widened in horror and this time it was Remus’ turn to be confused. “I completely misread the situation. Fuck!” You frantically rubbed at your eyes, smearing black eyeliner and mascara all over the delicate white sleeves of your top. “Oh god, I’m so sorry Remus. I- I thought you were flirting and-”
The brown eyed boy was completely helpless and didn’t know what else to do besides grabbing your face to kiss you once more, breaking apart only a second later to rest his forehead on yours.
“Just to kiss you.” He responded to your question.
“I kissed you, because I wanted to kiss you, love.”
Your eyebrows raised in understanding, a look of uncertainty in your eye.
“Just to kiss me? Not to-” You gestured to the bed, but Remus cut you off.
You could’ve cried, right in that moment, you could’ve cried. Did your best friend love you the way you loved him? Was this really happening?
“And, and if I told you I didn’t want to be touched?”
He smiled, “I’d say you look lovely.”
“And if I told you I just wanted to lay with you and cuddle?”
“Happily.” He breathed, a look on his face that said that was the only thing he’d ever want from you.
“If I said we’ll never have sex?”
Remus laughed and shook his head at you, “Darling, I wouldn’t care.”
You smiled, and sighed with relief, falling into him, and he gladly wrapped his arms around you, swaying you back and forth.
“Rem.” You said after a few moments, voice muffled by the material of his shirt.
He hummed in response.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he pulled away from you in disbelief, staring and studying your face, looking for any hint of sarcasm or humor, but there wasn’t one. But there was a tear running down your cheek, and Remus was quick to wipe it away.
“And I’m terrified.” 
He frowned as your bottom lip quivered and your eyes lowered to the floor, ashamed to look at him. But Remus brought your head up to look at him by placing his thumb and pointer finger on your chin.
“Nothing to be scared of, dove. I love you more than you could ever know. I’m with you.”
remus lupin taglist: @swaggieee @mystic-writings @fairydxll @agqrtz @milkiane @athenapotter @joebobisachickenfart @waszuka @moonlitmeeks @scandalous-chaos @maddisoninnit @perfectpoetryangel @lilytoyourjames @lavendersfairy @maraudershousewife @gallysonegoodlung @sadbluebarry721 @kaitieskidmore1 @icarus-star @spencersboybandhair @moonlighy @eichrnhouseproperty @h1ppieth1ngs @mirclealignr @pokey-hedgehog @stariightjoyy @rad-cool-huh @jellycolors @l0vley.lee
add yourself to my taglist
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accidentcache · 6 months ago
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guysssss thank you so much for 2k followers. i love you all so much, thank you for sticking by with my silly brainrot and unfunny jokes and shameless rants <3 as always, when is something not fall out boy themed with me lmao. keeping this open for idk how long, so send in whatever!!!
RULES: no negativity please! you will be blocked immediately. [ nsfw ] & [ sfw ] allowed, characters will be aged up for suggestive and [ nsfw ] pieces. don't like it? don't interact! do not spam! if an entry says moots only, it means moots only!
OPEN TO: mha/bnha , naruto , jujutsu kaisen , [ hesitantly ] demon slayer / kimetsu no yaiba , [ hesitantly ] chainsaw man , [ hesitantly ] haikyuu!!
REMINDER: this is all for fun! if i don't get to your ask right away, please understand I am still human & a new mom. i just want this to be fun!
🪦 — send in an approved character for a lyric breakdown of a fob song I think fits them!
🎭 — send in an approved character for a fob song based moodboard!
🐑 — send in an approved character + a random headcanon and i’ll match a fob song i think fits best!
🐻 — send an approved character for a little fob song blurb!
🎸 — send in an approved character + trope and i’ll match a fob song + a blurb to it!
🇺🇸 — send in an approved character for a random fob album headcanon!
✝️ — freebie! yap about something!
🫧 — MOOTS ONLY ! send in a random headcanon of you + your fav and i’ll match the best fob song that fits + a small blurb 🖤
have fun! reblogs are always appreciated !
links / masterlist for this event will get updated to this post as they get published!
i do not own lyrics to any of the songs i use nor do i claim ownership of any of the albums or songs + the characters i write for.
rue; golden / the (after) life of the party [ touya todoroki ]
bugs; get busy living or get busy dying [ tomura shigaraki ]
anon; church [ keigo takami ]
© accidentcache do not repost, translate or alter my work without permission. all rights reserved.
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