#rudolf kransimir
imagitory · 6 years
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[Lack of Lamb Sauce] Daphne Greengrass/Rudolf Kransimir Moodboard
“...I never got to thank you, for saving my life.”
The skull-eyed man gave Bridget a very small smile.
“I couldn’t have done anything else,” he said. “I know your loss vould have devastated my sweet Laurel...she’s spoken so kindly of you in her letters, it almost makes me feel as though ve are already friends.”
~Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce, Chapter 92
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imagitory · 6 years
UPDATE YAY! Whew, this chapter was tricky to write -- these next few chapters are going to be very action-heavy, but I also don’t want to rush through too much of the emotional stuff, like friendships and characters arcs, so...yeah, I’ll try to keep this pacing quick as the last chapter, this one, and the next few chapters will all be taking place in about two days, but at the same time, we gots lots of characters to check up on!!
In this chapter we get focus on Percy Weasley (OMG YAY!!), Cho Chang, Tokala Kyon Mulligan, their MACUSA cohort Mia Ramero, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Dolores Umbridge, Uric Cuffe, Marietta Edgecombe, Elijah Whitby, Jacques Jengu, Gordon and Tana Ramsay (YES, THEY’RE BACK TOO!), Bridget Jaheem, and the mysterious Lavrov (who oh who could he be...?)
Next chapters: the Golden Trio returns to Hogwarts and the Battle of Hogwarts begins!
Hope you enjoy!
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imagitory · 6 years
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[Lack of Lamb Sauce] Rudolf Kransimir Moodboard
“How can I help?” Antoinette asked immediately. “What do I have to do?”
“Say nothing of this to anyone,” the skull-eyed man said sharply, his eyes flashing. “The last thing I need is for anyone to suspect me. Even associating vith other resistance members or telling my loved ones of my activities vould be too risky, now that I’ve earned Dolohov’s trust.”
~Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce Chapter 86
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