cressdarnelthorne · 12 years
rubythemonster replied to your post: oblig kurt has no place to talk about trust post
Your forgetting that, as Kurt Hummel, he’s entitled to always have the moral high ground.
silly me how could i forget
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princeofthehallows · 12 years
Seblaine for rubythemonster!
Blaine knew what he was getting into. Sebastian wasn’t the dating kind. “Never have been, never will be” came straight from the horse’s mouth. That didn’t mean, though, that they couldn’t do anything.
That idea came from Sebastian. Well…it was more of a compromise. Blaine wanted a boyfriend, Seb wanted a fuck buddy. To meet in the middle, they agreed on fucking, but only with each other. This was Sebastian can get some when he wants and Blaine doesn’t have to worry about other people for a while.
And did Sebastian ever take advantage of that. Directly after Warbler practice, closet blowjobs, empty classroom fucks, fucking in the quad at midnight, on the roof early in the morning, each other’s beds, everywhere. Blaine didn’t mind it until a few weeks in he had trouble walking. Seb took it easier after that.
They didn’t stop, though. One night was especially memorable for Blaine. By the time Seb’s tongue was probing his hole he was struggling to form coherent thoughts, so he had no idea what he’d do when Sebastian was actually inside him. He didn’t have to wonder long, though, because as if by telepathy Seb slid into him slowly. That was a first for him, seeing as he normally preferred to go fast and hard.
After a few minutes of this, Blaine realized Sebastian was looking to go harder and deeper than they had before. As he rocked Blaine’s hips up and his cock farther in him, Blaine cried out completely unintelligibly from having Seb’s cock press hard and slow into his prostate.
“Seb, Seb, oh fuck...” was all Blaine could muster and his throbbing cock came with a burst, shooting all over his torso and landing on his cheek.
Blaine’s clenching and cry was all Sebastian needed to finally fall over the edge and he came inside Blaine with a low groan. He fell over panting hard but making sure to avoid one thing. “I can’t kiss him.” kept replaying through his mind.
Sebastian was already shuffling around for his clothing as Blaine mumbled incoherently, but Blaine could think complete thoughts. As Sebastian walked out the door all Blaine could think was,
“Please stay, Seb.”
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youtriedjpg-blog · 12 years
#you are my favorite school girl
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missgoalie75 · 12 years
please, that gif is relevant 1000% of the time
That's true I mean he's always brought into shit that has nothing to do with him, so.
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cressdarnelthorne · 12 years
brody is such a pointless character they might as well get rid of him
mte whoops
Imagine if he had said d*** or f** or the n word. He would be off for sure. This shouldn’t be any different ugh
ugh i know but who knows how glee will treat this since they've already treated their transgender character like shit
a slap on the hand at worse. SIGH.
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cressdarnelthorne · 12 years
this has been me basically all season. It’s such tiny things that keep me watching, too.
and then i get upset because they may be cheerios but so far they're not having any cheerio numbers like wtfffffff
but yes it is the tiny things
right now it's basically episode 7 and cheerios that keep me coming
because everything else sounds like shit
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cressdarnelthorne · 12 years
rubythemonster replied to your post: what do i have to do to get more jake/unique and...
ngl, Jake/Kitty is a broship I can SO get behind after this episode.
puckforpresident replied to your post: what do i have to do to get more jake/unique and...
high fives to both of you yes
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cressdarnelthorne · 12 years
rubythemonster started following you
you look familiar
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youtriedjpg-blog · 12 years
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williambarfee replied to your post: guys i bought a dress and it’s cute as fuck
take a picture I LOVE DRESSES IHEHFj
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 rubythemonster replied to your post: guys i bought a dress and it’s cute as fuck
pics or it didn’t happen
I'll do it later ;~; cause i wanna put on make up and shit too
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youtriedjpg-blog · 12 years
oh i was supposed to rank my FAVORITE ships
oops i just tried to put the majority of them in a ranking oh well
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youtriedjpg-blog · 12 years
Sebastian and Blaine (I'm curious what you think of their other ships)
OKAY I'll do Sebastian first:
1. Sebastian/Lima Bean
2. Sebastian/Love
3. Sebastian/Blaine
4. Sebastian/Hunter (oh man i'm gonna ship that shit with an iron fist okay)
5. Sebastian/Karofsky ;~; so many feels okay don't judge me
6. Sebastian/Santana I guess even though I just ship them as bros
7. Whatever ships I've forgotten
8. Sebastian/Kurt which is just a big ball of nO for me.
1. Cougaine obviously. duh.
2. Elaine because let's face it it's endgame yo
3. Blaine/Angst because yeah I'm one of tHOSE people
4. Blaine/someone who actually cares for him okay and tells him he's perfect all the time
5. Blaine/Sebastian
7. I don't really shiP anything else but I guess Blam as bros
8. Blaine and Santana as bros
9. oh yeah i forgot klaine
10. what other ships are there
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