#rtrp update
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Life update: RTRP, unemployed and still tanga in sending emails
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redthreadrp-blog · 7 years ago
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Hello! Unfortunately, over the past few days, there have been a few misunderstandings from miscommunication between us as the mod team and you as the community. We would like to address this, as we feel and explanation is due out of respect for you all, as members of Red Thread.
We would like to emphasize that reading and understanding our rules to the fullest extent is a must. Upon joining the group, we’re under the assumption that these have been read and agreed upon, as if it were a contract. If there is anything that is not clear or a disagreement, we’re more than willing to discuss it. Our inbox is always open and we’re welcome to any questions or concerns in regards to our rules.
As such, if any of these rules are broken, we will deal with it via warning/discussion/confrontation as we see fit. Anything of this nature is discussed with the entirety of the mod team beforehand to keep things as fair as possible.
For now, we would like to ask everyone to review the rules and make sure they are understood. In the case of a disagreement or misunderstanding, we are always willing to have a discussion. But, as stated above, we cannot do anything unless we are reached out to.
When submitting an application, we assume there weren’t issues and process the application with this in mind. We hold every application to the same standards. In the case of a rejection, we do our best to always give a thorough reason with options on how to fix things. Moreover, one mod alone will never reject an application. Unless it is absolutely impossible for all of us to communicate in a timely matter, all moderators will be made aware of the decision and in agreement. A rejection is never the choice of one mod, and all applications are judged based on the rules we have set that we expect to be understood upon applying.
That being said, we are always open to discussion if the rejection does not seem fair. We do not wish for this to become a group that anyone is stressed to apply to, and we sincerely apologize if anyone has felt this way. We don’t want anyone to be afraid to contact us if something is confusing or miscommunicated but, as stated above, we will not know this is the case unless we are informed. If a discussion isn’t carried out properly, we don’t have the opportunity to fix or explain things. So, please do not hesitate to contact us if there are misunderstandings or something doesn’t seem fair.
We would like to extend our apology for the inconveniences and misunderstandings that have taken place during the course of the past few days and also to those that have been hurt in the process. It is never our intention to make anyone feel targeted or unsafe. In the future, we, as your mods, will strive to improve our communication with our members. We want Red Thread to be a place where our members can enjoy a safe and fun environment. We hope you understand and feel free to message us with any concerns or questions. We’re here to do our best to solve problems and continue making the group a better place. Thank you.
─ The Mod Squad
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dissirnulo-blog · 7 years ago
mathgeekshugarl replied to your post: Uranus: What’s your hobby?
((OOC: If reading manga counts… I do that daily and I write actual fics like once a year lolol I’m just so bad at keeping myself motivated OTL ))
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ugh i cant even keep up with reading manga especially when its the kind that updates like....once a year i will literally forget about them
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tsundere-model · 8 years ago
Ok I never even come here anymore but i HAD TO COMPLAIN BECAUSE I’M SO DAMN ANGRY
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Some of you might remember a certain class which I hate with the passion of a thousand burning suns because the teacher... is just... she doesn’t respects her work or her students at all. No one even knows what she wants, and actually, everyone failed the first essay. Everyone.
Which is fine, w/e. I was pissed but that was it.
HowEVER, there was an exam last week. Apparently in the very last few minutes of it, when most of us had already left -because you can just leave as soon as you finish the exam and damn SOME OF US HAVE CLASSES RIGHT AFTER AND WE NEED EVERY MINUTE WE CAN GET TO WALK OVER ALL THOSE DAMN STAIRS- she said we could present the essay again.
She never sent a mail or posted the information in the online blackboard for the class -that well, is THERE FOR THAt-. She never even mentioned in the next TWO (2) classes. BecauSE I WOULD HAVE HEARD.
So i have to hear about it today, two hours before the deadline from another person that was there. I don’t even have friends in the course ok? so i have to literally overhear from another conversation.
And then i have to write it hell fast just to hand it in and well. It looks NICE, like I’m proud i was able to do this. but it was so awful and I’m already sick, so my headache just went worse and I’m just like W H Y
If we also fail this time is2g I’m gonna kill a bitch.
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ddtriohub · 8 years ago
Me: I really want to write.
Brain: *points at all unfinished/not started projects.*
Me: Yeah... so... I really feel like writing something.
Brain: *points some more*
Me: Pencil those in for February 29.
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dragon-born-freak · 8 years ago
Things have calmed down considerably, I’m going to give it another day or so before I pull him off his semi-hiatus though, just in case. I’ll be back very soon.
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dapperkobold · 8 years ago
Review at Random: Dawn of War 2
Dawn of War was a competent game desperately in need of a quality of life update. Dawn of War 2 is... different. The quality of life improved, but it’s still subject to some troublesome issues that make me frown. Also, bad replayability.
(I already did Dawn of War)
Graphics-wise, it’s fine. Move along. Sure, people who are picky about graphics will no doubt frown, butt they’re rather nice, effective, and not disruptive. Sound quality was similar.
Gameplay, however...
Let me open with a bald-faced admittance that I’m not a multiplayer player. I don’t do the PVP thing. It’s not an interest of mine. I play campaigns, I like plot and campaign missions. As a result, I have no idea how the multiplayer in this game works. The campaign is doing its own thing with its own rules.
The base campaign is really closer to a... let’s call it RTRPS: Real Time Role-Playing Strategy. You have your space marines, they level up, you equip gear that the enemies drop, you gain more stats and abilities as things go on. At the same time, the control scheme and setup means that you’re really playing an RTS game. The resulting hybrid system is... well, it’s not amazing, but I’d love to see it refined until it was. It works, certainly, it’s even good, but it could use some fine-tuning.
You level up, you invest points in stats, you get abilities. Usually I’m hard on stats in video games (especially MMOs, but that’s a line for another time), but this time they’re really straightforward. Health, energy, ranged damage, melee damage. Nice. You unlock abilities in the stats as you level them up, and those abilities are the real power behind your units.
In missions, you get equipment (called wargear as per the Warhammer tradition) and you slap those on your guys. There’s no money or stores, only what you pick up in the wild. Extra gear you can throw in the hopper for extra EXP. Not bad, I suppose, but I’ve become disenfranchised with gear systems in general and especially leveled ones. Oh yes, gear items have levels and if you’re not that level you don’t get to use that gear.
Thankfully, the gear in this game isn’t too bad. It’s mostly linear progression, but there’s occasionally the difficult choice. If this game did have a store, however, I’m pretty sure that would foul it all up, so I’m very glad it does not.
Story-wise, it’s not bad. Not amazing, but I’ll take it and be happy. The characters are fairly compelling, the voice acting is good enough, and the overall plot is really good except for the Eldar.
It’s no wonder that the Eldar are a dying people. How did they get a successful civilization in the first place with such terrible communication skills? And for being ‘master manipulators’ they... really are not. They can’t even manipulate Orks right. They aren’t smart, they don’t seem to have a solid tactical or strategic understanding, much less the social skills to really manipulate people, and they aren’t good at their jobs. 
B- to B+ story, but I’m leaning towards -.
Level design I’m going to be harsher on. You’re on every single map at least twice, and I think it’s sometimes three or more times. none of the levels are super memorable, and it’s sometimes downright frustrating. Bosses are fairly common, and they’re more a drag than anything else. I was never in serious danger in a boss fight, partially due to the boss’ bad AI.
That’s not too say that the game was too easy. No, the game as a whole wasn’t too easy, just most of it was. But then some parts of it are way too hard.
I wound up playing on easy mode because the entire game has a bad case of Jekyll and Hyde. You can breeze through most of a mission, and then 3 of 4 guys are dead and the last one has a giant tank bearing down on him. By the same nature, you fight smart and bypass most of one area, and then just breeze through the rest because you just bypassed the hard part of the mission.
That said, if I could turn up the difficulty mid-game, I would have before the end. Once you get into mid- and late- game, you can blow through most anything with no trouble. You can go look up build guides for your marines if you want, but let me tell you a little secret:
There’s no doubt that you’re going to wind up overpowered. The question is how overpowered you’re going to be.
I don’t know how it is on higher difficulties (I’ve heard some horror stories) but on lower difficulties you’ll likely be fine as long as you don’t specifically hamstring yourself. Once you get past that initial hump, do the extra missions, give all your extra gear away to charity... you’ll be fine. Trust me.
However, I’ve saved the best for last: The game still has some interface issues from the first Dawn of War. The Escape key still does nothing, the hotkeys are better but still a mess, and there’s no grid layout.
Pathfinding has improved, though, barring a few MASSIVE bugs. I think there’s something wrong with Avitus’ AI that doesn’t like rocket launchers, but at least there’s no need to call down an artillery strike on your own men.
Overall, I’m not going to play through it again any time soon, but it was fairly fun.
But wait! I didn’t just get Dawn of War 2, I got ALL of it. That means I got Chaos rising and Retribution, too!
Chaos rising is more of the same. Same quality of plot, same unneeded Eldar, same quality of gameplay, same quality of RPG elements, and a slightly improved difficulty curve. You can import old saves, too, permitting you to go from ‘overpowered’ to ‘hilariously overpowered’.
That said, I’d like to go into detail on that improved curve. It no longer has harsh changes mid-mission, it now changes between Jekyll and Hyde between missions. Also, free advice: the first Eldar mission is a Hyde mission. PUT THE JUMP PACK ON YOUR FORCE COMMANDER AND BRING THADDEUS. BE READY TO LEAVE THE GROUND-POUNDERS BEHIND.
Trust me.
Really, that’s my thoughts on it. If you liked the first Dawn of War 2 campaign, you’ll likely like Chaos Rising. If you didn’t like the first one, I don’t see this one changing your mind. It has the same system, the same hotkeys, the same characters, and Avitus still doesn’t like rocket launchers, just use a heavy plasma gun or a lascannon, trust me.
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising: second verse, same verse as the first verse.
Dawn of War 2: Retribution is quite different, though.
The RPG elements have been streamlined, the stat points now buy abilities directly and equipment has been made into more of a suite of options instead of a mostly-linear progression. I found myself actually considering my loadout and changing it instead of just rolling with the best everything, something that had only barely happened in the first two campaigns.
In addition, you can get more units, like vehicles and infantry, like it’s an RTS game! Woah! However, the level design still feels very much like it’s made for a group of four heroes instead of an army, and I found managing a large group of infantry to be tiresome, so I just wound up using elites and tanks and occasionally melee units when I felt I needed more melee presence. It worked, though.
The story stays at about the same rate, though, maybe lowering a bit. Not complaining much, it’s still not bad. Eldar are still superfluous.
The space marines campaign does lose a few points for me for benching the force commander, though. With the smaller cast and having already explored the character depth in the previous campaigns, lacking Mr. ALIEN BEANS for me to laugh at made me a little sad. Diomedes does have his moments, but that force commander and I had a good time together.
In addition, each map is surprisingly well-made, with a solid deign and no repeating. It went over well enough I wouldn’t be against re-playing it at some point. Which is a good thing, since that’s what I’ll be doing if I want to try other factions.
Yes, the other factions all have campaigns too! No, wait, it’s just the space marine one with less cohesiveness. Well... I’m not surprised, actually. Disappointed, yes, but not surprised. And while the campaign is good, it’s not so good as to make me want to play it again back-to-back.
There’s a few bugs that Retribution adds, much to everyone’s chagrin, including a sound bug that crashes the game and a few other things, but they added in a option for grid hotkeys! Yay!
It turns out that’s not as great as it could be. The order of abilities does not appear to be based on the kind of ability or the placing of the accessory in the slot, but some kind of internal counter. As a result, the hotkey that corresponds to a given ability (especially from accessories) can change every mission sometimes. It’s better than the old set up, but still aggravating.
Overall, Retribution is pretty good, yeah, but it could use more polish, except for the non-space marine campaigns, which are honestly pretty vestigial.
EDIT: I missed a few things! The below conclusion is still accurate, but maybe read the add-on.
So... after all that, I don’t know how to feel. It was a fun romp, but nothing to write home about. I might play it again, eventually, but not anytime soon, and certainly not as much as I play Starcraft 2 or the Arkham games. It’s not an amazing game. I won’t kick it, but I will say it’s not for everyone, and if you want to full experience, you should wait for a sale.
I’d say that on number scores I’d put it above half, on a tier ranking I’d call it a B maybe C, on up or down I’d give it a up, and on a grade sheet I’d give it a B-. Could use some work, but I’m not going to ask you to go back and do it again.
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opticien2-0 · 7 years ago
Travis Perkins updates on Wickes and Toolstation multichannel development
Wickes [IRDX RWIC] and Toolstation [IRDX RTLS] owner Travis Perkins [IRDX RTRP] this week reported rising sales and profits in its consumer-facing division in the first half of its financial year, in contrast to a fall in profits across the business.
Across the group, revenue reached £3.2bn in the six months to June 30, 3.5% up on the same time last year, while like-for-like sales, which strip out the effect of store openings and closures, were up by 2.7%. Pre-tax profits of £168m were down by 4.5% on last time. But in its consumer-facing Wickes and Toolstation businesses sales of £822m were 7.3% up on last time, while adjusted operating profits of £45m were also up, by 2.3%.
Chief executive John Carter said: “The robust growth and outperformance in our contracts and consumer divisions build on strong customer propositions and successful investments in those businesses.
“In the first half of the year, the group made a conscious decision to recover input cost inflation selectively through disciplined pricing activity. Whilst this had some impact on trading volume, it enabled us to maintain group gross margins and positions the business well for the future.”
Here’s what the builder’s merchant group had to say about multichannel in its consumer-facing businesses.
Wickes, a Top100 retailer in IRUK Top500 research, introduced same-day delivery with one-hour delivery slots as it worked to make its fulfilment more competitive. It said that extensions to the range were among its other efforts to improve the online proposition. In-store, the retailer has continued a refitting programme, with 82 new look stores now open. Kitchen and bathroom showrooms delivered “excellent growth”.
Improvements to the digital customer experience were to the fore at Toolstation, a Top150 retailer. It reduced click and collect times, extended online only ranges and improved product reviews, local search and personalised offers. This work, it said, “drove a significant step up in sales growth”. The retailer also enjoyed “industry-leading TrustPilot scores”.
The retailer expanded in the UK, with 19 new stores opened in the half-year, and overseas, with 17 stores now open in the Netherlands. It saw strong web sales in France and Germany and launched a new website in Belgium.
Travis Perkins
The core Travis Perkins builder’s merchant business also made progress with its multichannel strategy. It has a two-hour click and collect service and said that online were strong depite being “still at an early stage of development”. A transactional website was also launched at its City Plumbing business, part of a transformation plan in Travis Perkins plumbing and heating division.
The post Travis Perkins updates on Wickes and Toolstation multichannel development appeared first on InternetRetailing.
from InternetRetailing http://ift.tt/2hpM6Jx via IFTTT
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mollydpowellus · 8 years ago
Self-backhauling: Integrated access and backhaul links for 5G
One of the items that was proposed during the 3GPP RAN Plenary #75 held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, was Study on Integrated Access and Backhaul for NR (NR = New Radio). RP-17148 provides more details as follows: One of the potential technologies targeted to enable future cellular network deployment scenarios and applications is the support for wireless backhaul and relay links enabling flexible and very dense deployment of NR cells without the need for densifying the transport network proportionately.  Due to the expected larger bandwidth available for NR compared to LTE (e.g. mmWave spectrum) along with the native deployment of massive MIMO or multi-beam systems in NR creates an opportunity to develop and deploy integrated access and backhaul links. This may allow easier deployment of a dense network of self-backhauled NR cells in a more integrated manner by building upon many of the control and data channels/procedures defined for providing access to UEs. An example illustration of a network with such integrated access and backhaul links is shown in Figure 1, where relay nodes (rTRPs) can multiplex access and backhaul links in time, frequency, or space (e.g. beam-based operation). The operation of the different links may be on the same or different frequencies (also termed ‘in-band’ and ‘out-band’ relays). While efficient support of out-band relays is important for some NR deployment scenarios, it is critically important to understand the requirements of in-band operation which imply tighter interworking with the access links operating on the same frequency to accommodate duplex constraints and avoid/mitigate interference.  In addition, operating NR systems in mmWave spectrum presents some unique challenges including experiencing severe short-term blocking that cannot be readily mitigated by present RRC-based handover mechanisms due to the larger time-scales required for completion of the procedures compared to short-term blocking. Overcoming short-term blocking in mmWave systems may require fast L2-based switching between rTRPs, much like dynamic point selection, or modified L3-based solutions. The above described need to mitigate short-term blocking for NR operation in mmWave spectrum along with the desire for easier deployment of self-backhauled NR cells creates a need for the development of an integrated framework that allows fast switching of access and backhaul links. Over-the-air (OTA) coordination between rTRPs can also be considered to mitigate interference and support end-to-end route selection and optimization. The benefits of integrated access and backhaul (IAB) are crucial during network rollout and the initial network growth phase. To leverage these benefits, IAB needs to be available when NR rollout occurs. Consequently, postponing IAB-related work to a later stage may have adverse impact on the timely deployment of NR access.
There is also an interesting presentation on this topic from Interdigital on the 5G Crosshaul group here. I found the following points worth noting:
This will create a new type of interference (access-backhaul interference) to mitigate and will require sophisticated (complex) scheduling of the channel resources (across two domains, access and backhaul).
One of the main drivers is Small cells densification calling for cost-effective and low latency backhauling
The goal would be to maximize efficiency through joint optimization/integration of access and backhaul resources
The existing approach of Fronthaul using CPRI will not scale for 5G, self-backhaul may be an alternative in the shape of wireless fronthaul
Let me know what you think. Related Links:
Backhauling problems driving up deployment costs?
from My Updates http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/3gAnd4gWirelessBlog/~3/hVVskvcROW0/self-backhauling-integrated-access-and.html
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red-threadrp · 9 years ago
Hello everyone! As of right now, Red Thread is closed. We hope you’ve had a great time here, and we’re happy you’ve decided to be with us so long.
Feel free to continue your threads if you’d like! But we will no longer be maintaining the masterlist or accepting asks.
Good luck with everything, everyone ~
- The Mods
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redthreadrp-blog · 7 years ago
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     Hello, members and viewers of Red Thread RP!  Unfortunately, it has been our decision that this group will be closing indefinitely. This is due in part to the rapid decline in activity, but also due to the moderator team not having the time to put the effort we would like into the group anymore. As of the posting of this announcement, the group will be closed and we will no longer be answering any questions or messages. 
Thank you all for your time and investment into Red Thread RP. It is unfortunate, but it is our belief that this group has run its course and will not open again in the future. Again, thank you for your time and we hope to see everyone around in the community in the future. 
Farewell,       The Mod Squad 
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redthreadrp-blog · 8 years ago
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Hello everyone! This is an announcement to state that our PrideFest event is officially over. This means that any and all threads cannot be replied to or posted, as the event period is over. If you have an unfinished thread, we do encourage our members to talk it over with their thread partners to come to a conclusion of how the encounter would have ended -- or, alternatively, feel free to finish the thread privately over a document or a messenger! 
We would like to state that we have taken into account the complaints we received about the length of time given for event threads. As our default time length for most events has always been one week, we neglected to take this into account in accordance with our new event rules. As such, our members can expect a longer event period in the future with our main events! We are sorry for any inconveniences caused with this event, and we hope that no one was too disappointed that it only lasted a week. We do, however, promise to have many other mini events and also would like to remind our members that they are able to submit city events to our city blog. If there’s something you’d like to see, please consider creating it yourself and submitting it to us!
Unrelated to the event, we would also like to remind our group members of a couple things. 
The first being that we do not take questions through the IM system. We use our IMs specifically to send out messages about incorrect tagging, or to talk with our members in the event of an emergency. Please remember to send all questions and affiliate requests to our inbox, not to our IMs. This also counts for the members of our group chat: we will no longer be answering questions in the group chat, and ask that you please send your questions to our inbox directly or contact a moderator’s Skype privately. Thank you for your understanding!
Secondly, please make sure to read through all of our pages, even if you have been a member for a while. Too many times do we receive questions inquiring about rules or general information about the group that has already been stated. Please make sure that you are in accordance with all of our rules and general group information! 
We are currently working on new features to be added to Red Thread, as well as new plot development for the coming days. We hope, as creators, that you will all enjoy the content we release in the future. We understand that some parts of our relaunch may have been a bit shaky, but we consider ourselves lucky and honoured to have dedicated members who are sticking with us and returning!
Lastly, before we end this announcement, we would like to announce that Meme Days will resume on July 5th, 2017! We know you have all been patient in waiting for them to come back, and we are finally ready to allow them to resume. Please be cautious and use common sense when reblogging, and follow all Meme Day rules. Remember to tag both your reblogged memes and your answers!
Thank you all for your continued support. We hope that you are enjoying your time here! 
- The Mod Squad 
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redthreadrp-blog · 8 years ago
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The tale of two souls, bound by the thread of fate, has been a long-honoured and well known story held dear by countless citizens living in the country of Rouves. Most notable for encompassing all the magic of this tale is the city of Brieve, located on Rouves Eastern shores. Bellevue, however, labelled as its Western-coast sister city, has its history deep-rooted in this tale as well -- although their telling is slightly different in comparison.
One commonality that these two tales share is the hidden inclusion of the Bewitcher. Of course, it all depends on who regales the tale of the red thread. Most are reluctant to mention the bad luck charm that comes hand in hand with the idea of forever, while some aren’t aware of its existence at all. However, in the city of Bellevue, it is becoming rather apparent of their existence, and of how tired they are of being left in the dark. 
     A question has been raised lately in the city of Bellevue.                 Do you believe in fate, or not?
Recently, the woman known as Alaine Blanchefleur has appeared quite often in the local media. Being the former mistress, now romantic partner, of a high ranking city official who was supposed to be fated to his now ex-wife, Alaine’s love has been put into question. Some traditionalists have been labeling her as a Bewitcher: someone who has come to do nothing but sever the threads of fate as if it were nothing. And then there are the new age skeptics, those that are considering the city’s idea of fate to be false altogether. 
One thing is for certain. Alaine has not sat back and allowed her name to be dragged around without taking action. Supporting the idea that fate is an illusion and soulmates are a fragile concept, she has stood firmly with her followers and has now begun hosting rallies to draw more support. Being harassed daily by traditionalists has left her with no choice but to turn to the citizens for support. She has invited others to come and join these rallies, to educate them in the facts of why fate is such a foolish thing to believe in.
It is up to you, whether your muses attend a rally, several rallies, or not at all. However, we do urge our members to voice their muses thoughts on the matter, through a drabble or other such musings. We ask that you put some thought into your public response: what are your muse’s true thoughts on soulmates, on the city events? If they are unbiased by one, speak of the other. By all means, this is not a requirement -- although, we recommend participating as this is meant to be a group development!
We also ask that our members fill out this form for ALL of their muses. Please make sure to include URLs as well as their muse’s name on the first like (First, Last -- please). We are interested to see the stats of our current members’ muses and where things stand, so we may include this information in our updates for the future.
Lastly, this is a flash event. The next rally has been scheduled for Friday June 16th at 6pm in Brockgrove Community Centre. Responses both on the dashboard and through the google form must be posted/sent by the end of the week on Thursday, June 15th. 
     All future rallies will be announced via the group’s                 city blog -- so make sure you are following it!
** Please tag all posts in relation to this event and future rallies with #rtrp rallies. 
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redthreadrp-blog · 8 years ago
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Hello, everyone! As it was mentioned in yesterday’s city blog update, Bellevue’s Underground district is now available! After the events of Mount Augustine’s eruption, the subway had been shut down temporarily to cut costs. Now that our fair city is in a better state, the city officials have decided to reopen the subway once more! If you are curious about what sorts of new and exciting locations have been added, then please read on. 
You can find our Underground location page here. The new locations will also be listed below the cut for ease, for our mobile users. Please note that a few new jobs have been added as well, to accommodate this addition to our city! Thank you for your interest and support, and we hope that everyone enjoys our new district addition. 
- The Mod Squad 
     “ Rue Noir Station ||  This is the main subway station for the area. Accessible via the Soleil District’s Rue Noir, located nearby the local college. Rue Noir is the only stop that has access to Bellevue’s underground district. The Rue Noir Station is decently maintained, keeping an average level of cleanliness (although the station restrooms are questionable). However the underground station becomes more dangerous at night, as it has a reputation of playing keeper to less than reputable persons who live in Bellevue. If you are traveling at night, only the automated ticketing machines will be working at night. During the day however, the ticket counter will be open and the attendants will be happy to assist you with any directions or purchases you may need. There are also subway maps provided in a magazine stand nearby the ticket counter.
     “ Rue Noir Mall ||  A small underground mall that makes up the majority of the underground district. The different stores are quite small, but sell a variety of different goods. Most of the products sold are either knock offs or of otherwise questionable quality, but this is a nice place to get something for less money! There is a small ASWEARE store down in this mall, although they do not carry as much product as the other stores within the city. Another notable store in the Rue Noir mall is a convenience store that sells a variety of off-brand food and items. There is also a flower shop closer to the exit back into the station, which sells rather pretty flowers all year. The mall in itself is in need of repair, although it is obvious the city government has the area on a very low priority. The lighting in the mall is faulty at best, sometimes cutting out for periods of time in parts of the mall. Towards the back of the Rue Noir Mall is a door that leads out into a tunnel, long since abandoned by the city’s subway plans.
The Black Market is accessible through the aforementioned tunnel, down the dimly lit passage and hidden away in a reasonably sized alcove. This is Bellevue’s underground black market, where criminals and illegal shop-keeps sell their goods. Some of these goods are weird, such as ingredients for ‘magic’ (Wiccan arts, modern witchcraft, or fortune telling, etc). There are also illegal goods sold here. If you end up at the black market without meaning to, you should hope luck is on your side. The area is run by criminals and harsh rules, and they don’t tolerate any sorts of snitches running back to tell the police what they’ve found. 
Louie’s is a bar that is tucked away towards the back of the Rue Noir Mall, usually packed with many different sorts of patrons. Louie, the owner, has run this bar in the underground for many years and serves a lot of regular customers here. It is an hidden treasure of Bellevue, in that despite it’s questionable clientele, the service is incredible. Louie is an amazing bartender who attends to his patrons with just the right amount of tough love and care, even helping them out where he can. The bar itself is very dark, but kept clean. The air in the bar is often thick with the smell of alcohol and smoke, but other than that, it is a nice place to grab a drink or two if you aren’t too picky about the company you keep. 
     “ Bellevue Tunnels ||  These tunnels run all underneath Bellevue, to be used as future subway expansion when they have the funding. At the time however, many of Bellevue’s older citizens who are homeless reside in the tunnels, refusing to leave the underground district they all but abandoned when the city government decided to renovate the city in its entirety instead. Many homeless or wanted criminals roam these tunnels, evading the law simply because this is a place where law enforcement hardly ever visits. Sometimes there are organized raids on the tunnels, but they are never announced ahead of time simply because they are both far and few between, as well as very secretive. The tunnels themselves are mostly reinforced with steel to avoid collapse, but only some were completed and paved, while the unfinished ones are merely barren. In addition, one of the various tunnels is what connects the Rue Noir Mall to the Black Market. 
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redthreadrp-blog · 8 years ago
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Salutations! Today we are pleased to announce Red Thread’s reopening to our former members of the group. As of now, those who have been a part of our community prior to our hiatus are welcomed to come and reapply for their old muses, or for a new muse if they so choose. In a week’s time, we will be opening fully to the entirety of the roleplay community, but for now we will only be accepting blog submissions and reservations from our former members.
A lot has changed around the city! While we will get into the depths of our plot-line changes when we officially reopen for everyone, there are several new locations and features for you and your muses to explore. We invite our former members to please explore the blog to its fullest, as several things have changed on most of our pages. Please take the time to review our premise and our rules especially, as well as our application forms. These pages will be essential to rejoining Red Thread, and it is our hope that our members will be sure to make note of the changes and adjust themselves accordingly. 
If you are looking to reapply as a muse you already had when we went on hiatus, then feel free to update your application to meet the new format before sending in an ask to be accepted back into the group (simply resubmit your blog as if you were applying normally!). If you are looking to reserve or roleplay a new character, you are welcome to do that as well so long as you are a former member of this group. 
That is all for right now! Once we officially reopen on June 9th, we will have an update for this next season of Red Thread. Until then, please have fun enjoying each other’s company and reuniting during this reopening period. 
Thank you all for your support and continued interest in Red Thread Roleplay. We hope that our plans for the future of this group will be well-received, and that we will see many returning faces! 
The inbox is now open. 
     - The Mod Squad 
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redthreadrp-blog · 8 years ago
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Hello, everyone! We would like to take this time to announce that Red Thread RP has been officially opened to everyone once more! While we wanted to give our old members time to reclaim their spots, it is now time to open our inbox for those who never had a chance to join us here in the country of Rouves. Please, make sure to invite your friends if you feel that they might enjoy our group: the more the merrier, as they always say!
And for those of you whom have been waiting for our plot update, your waiting will not continue much longer. We ask that our members familiarize themselves with the updated premise from our reopening last week, as the upcoming plot update will make a lot more sense. 
Be wary, in the coming days. Bellevue may not prove to be as beautiful as one might believe, and forever might not be as concrete as it seems. 
» MOD A : ・゚✧
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