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The Quote really resonates with me to the point that it initiated my writing an article on Supervision - An Art or A Science?
I found this Quote by Brianna Wiest, and it resonated with me. This is the Quote...
"True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don't need to regularly escape from." - Brianna Wiest.
Today is the beginning of a new week for most of us. Take care of yourself to set the stage for the week. Just like when you save money, money will save you. When you care for yourself the right way, that way will take care of you in the future.
I am about to step into a supervisory role. So, I have written about my unique preparation process. And, I have this book I want to read to continue this getting ready process. I sat through a presentation on the concepts within the book. And the concepts are simply lovely, uplifting and enlightening.
You may be interest in the Movement - Be Better Movement. Yes, or No, I encourage you to read the Bee Better Book. This book will teach you have to harness the power of words - positive words, phrases, and sentences. In other words, adopting a positive outlook on LIFE and Worldview from today onwards.
Here is the Link to my Supervision - An Art, or A Science article, within which you will find the link to the Bee Better Movement and the Bee Better Book. I hope you enjoy the article, as well as the book:
"True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don't need to regularly escape from." Brianna Wiest.
#rrr247#supervisor#supervision#positive thoughts#positive mental attitude#positive thinking#be better
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Fitness, Sleep, and the Magic Supplement
To help you with your fitness goals, you need to sleep adequately to benefit from your physical exercise routines. Additionally using this biohacking supplement called Zlem by Velovita, which is a powerful natural supplement that helps your body enjoy quality sound sleep while supporting a renewed and holistic healthy state might just be the support that you need.
You want to know more about the Zlem supplement visit my Blog Website at:
Visit my Home Blog website for more exciting information on a variety of topics:

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Is College Worth It?
Is College Worth It? College is more and more proving to be a WASTE of TIME, MONEY, ENERGY, and is creating incredible Debts and impacting lives financially. Some are taking multiple generations to repay.
School Tuition is Going Up, so are Grades, yet Success Rates in the Real World are DECLINING like the unemployment rate with Trump as President.
Despite the fact that colleges hardly ever offer classes, their costs rise every year. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonighthttps://www.youtube.com/embed/5Fh6LtBYmiI
Is College Worth It?
OK… let’s review this…
Over the course of the first two years of college, 45% of students “did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning.” Close to 40 percent didn’t learn anything at all over all four years.
CLEARLY College is not making People Smarter.
Many Students Never Really Studied, with 35 percent reporting less than 5 hours a week in study time.
All that is reported is 2.67 hours every day. Twice that time in shopping, eating, partying.
Consistent increase in Adult illiteracy. Most College Grads fall below average in Cognitive Tasks. (Such as calculating the costs of foods in a Grocery Store).
College Grads in the US test at or less than High School kids in several other Countries.
Top Universities are declining in their Academic Rigor.
College Classes get flimsier. Yet College GPA averages are over 3.0 averages. Grade Inflation Highest at Private Schools. More Students are Failing, but yet nobody fails.
And with $Billions in Tax Payer dollars being sent to these Institutions??? WHAT!!! If this was a Private Business there would be Fraud Indictments.
So what is the answer?
Well it may not be your thousands and thousands of dollars in tuition costs, but the Education you will have immediately access to has a proven track history of helping to create incomes of hundreds to thousands a week for its students.
It is not your 2 year, 4 year or 8 year course plans either. You can literally learn and earn within a month to 6 months.
Costs? Well you can get going for as little as $97.
You claim it sounds too good to be true, what do you have to loose. My opinion is give it 60 days you still don’t believe it, then get your money back it’s that easy. Especially when compared to College, and the true SCAM it has proven to be for Millions of Americans.
It gets better… you’ll get a full 60 DAYS or your $97 back!
READY? Go here for just a GLIMPSE.. and if I was you… I’d just get it, get going and see for yourself what you are about to learn. And when applied… you gain in potential incomes and time freedom. Funny… they definitely do not teach this in School. Is college worth it? We think you’ll find some incredible options once you get connected with us.
If you are not a part of the RRR247 Marketing Family, you need to go here and get acquainted with us. And you should register to the Email System located to the right of this Article. And reply to any of the emails for direct contact to become a part of this.
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I am down 6 pounds in just a week, haven't changed a thing other than incorporated this amazing Magic Gel right before I go to sleep. It helps me sleep amazingly, and the pounds are melting away. I wouldn't of believed it if it wasn't working for me! Go to http://1r02.com/sleep-slim-bio-hacking/ to find out all about this wonderful weight loss/better sleep enhancement and where you can get yours. #lovevelovita #lovit #rrr247 #lifewithellen #weightloss #sleepbetter #wegettodothis #lifechanging
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I am in love with this amazing stuff. No need for that second put off coffee, get rid of the brain fog with a simple snap. Follow the link in the picture. #lifewithellen #brainfog #rrr247

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First things first, I don't know ANYTHING about affiliate marketing. That said, my retired father was contacted by an Affiliate Marketer named Rory Ricord (RRR247.com) and has now spent the last 3 months building a blog with products linked primarily to ClickBank; eventually his goal is to be generating commissions from the sale of these items.To me, this all looks scammy; and frankly, having googled "Rory Ricord," it looks like my skepticism is justified. Is anyone familiar with Rory Ricord or his program? Can you explain why this program is, or is not, a scam? Is there another course that you would point my father to?To date, my father has paid a semi-annual fee of $295 (to Rory Ricord) to obtain the framework to a Wordpress blog (where my father now adds products). He has also purchased one membership that allows him to sell Valentus products from his blog ($65/month). The next step -- after my father's blog is full of Clickbank items (including content featuring unique key phrases) -- is to submit that blog to Google AdSense and hope money begins to trickle in from people who have landed on his page and purchased the featured products.Any insights would be greatly, greatly appreciated! via /r/Affiliatemarketing
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Today, I decided its time I get back to connecting with others. You see, I had travelled abroad for about 6 weeks. My experiences abroad were stressful, but also extremely fruitful. For these experiences I have been, and I am very grateful to The Most High. It was really incredible that all the detours I encountered still yielded the most unimaginable positive results.
To me, my experiences abroad simply affirms my ideas that going with the follow with conviction that what is most appropriate for us in the moment will come to fruition when we exercise patience, keen observation, appropriate judgment and keen discernment, perseverance, and trust in the mere fact that we are all surrounded by help all the time.
You may wonder what I mean by "surrounded by help all the time..."
In my mind the problem some of you and I might have, or have been experiencing is we doubt, wallow in disbelief, as well as we lack Conviction that there is a Wisdom greater than our intellect. You see, I strongly believe there are forces, energies, and happenings beyond the sphere of what our physical senses can perceive and/or comprehend.
Yet, help and support and guidance manifest in this material world through our fellow humans some of whom are total strangers. Incredible!!
Needless to say, I have had sometime to reflect on my recent experiences, which have been very humbling because I received HELP beyond what I can explain logically.
In addition to the gratitude I feel for what the universe allowed stream towards me while I was abroad, I am making great progress in my fitness journey. I have completed 9 weeks of training and my work out routines have already been upgraded by my trainer. Bless his heart. He says I am upgrading very quickly.
The most surprising thing to me is that my body is rapidly responding to my workouts. I have started receiving comments about how different I look - "skinny and radiant..."
Of course, I am not skinny. I still have my folds, but they are fast disappearing. I wonder how I would look in 6 months, then, in 1 year and so forth,
If you want to know more about the ups and downs of my weeks 3 to 9 in my fitness journey, visit my Blog Website:
Also, I'd appreciate any comments, ideas and so forth. Thank you in advance. Check out the quote below by Eckhart Tolle which succinctly summarizes my ideology.

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Natural Strength
If you are into fitness, physical and mental wellness you may want to pay attention and try this out. For you to fortify your body by continuing to build your musculoskeletal structure, and other organs you may want to try regeneratively raise beef. You will instantly notice the difference between beef raised with hormones, and antibiotics and beef that is regeneratively raised devoid of such chemicals. You will find more information on regeneratively raised and nutrient beef here:
Or by going to the URL on the meme below
#rrr247#mental health#carnivore diet#benefits#wellness#physical wellness#physical wellbeing#physical health#mental wellbeing#mental wellness
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Hello Everyone, this past weekend was both restful, and full of my fitness workout activities. I found myself conflicted between being Brave in facing my decision to go on this Fitness, and New Business quests with the equanimity required to become successful, on both fronts. And, the Sense of Safety remaining in my Comfort Zone will provide.
This week, Sunday was the second day of my week 3. And, the body soreness I feel equals nothing I have ever experienced. Journal entry for week 3 is Coming Soon... So be on the look out.
The quote by Dr. Amy Edmondson, and designed by LetsGrowLeaders succinctly captures my struggle this past weekend.
Follow me on FB and watch how I transform my body "little by little..."
Here is my Fitness Journal Entry for Week 2"
You may learn a thing or two about yourself.
Home PBS Blog Webpage: https://9e8q.com/
#rrr247#fitness#comfort#comfort zone#physical wellness#physical wellbeing#mental wellness#mental wellbeing#courage#brave
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Free Will to Choose
This quote by Freeman and designed by Entrelligence really resonates with me. It confirms that indeed I hold my destiny in my own hand... And, so do you.
How do you identify with this quote?
Visit my PBS Blog Webpages for valuable and interesting information on different aspects of life and living...
Home PBS Blog Webpage: https://9e8q.com/

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Month Of Love
I have been very busy these past days. Yet I'd rather be busy than have little, or nothing to do over a stretch of days. I know there is value in balancing between doing and being. Yesterday as I went along with my day at my clinic, I realized today is the first day of February. But, what really struck me most deeply were the utterances of some of those with whom I work, regularly. Especially those whose follow up appointments fell on the 14th of February. Their remarks were powerful.
You see I usually refer to February as the Love Month, aka the Oxytocin Month. A month when some of us have the permission to be affection towards the other(s). A month when some of us can allow ourselves to be emotionally expressive to the other(s). I also know some of us might experience this month as unpleasant trigger of difficult past events, or experiences. I wish you the strength to Flow with the spirit of Love...
I love it when I allow myself go with the Flow. Things become much easier.
So, as we (my peeps and I) found out we would be meeting again on the 14th of February, Most of my peeps from yesterday, jokingly said we would be doing Love work on the 14th.
How on spot my peeps were with their remarks.
What might be more befitting than to reinforce Self Love, and Love for Humanity on the 14th of February, which hopefully will be carried forward throughout the month(s), year after year.
Humans and even some animals express love differently. We tend to understand and need to be loved differently, as well. One way to express the Gratitude and Love we feel towards the people in our circles, who bring Sunshine and Positivity to us might be by
Gift giving Spending quality time with awesome people Eating delicious food Listening to fantastic music which leads to an atmosphere of Magic - such as Wine Magic.
The list can go on and on... I found out Magic can be found Everywhere and Anywhere.
If you are a Wine Lover, I bet you know there is a difference between store bought wine, and True Fine Wine.
However, if you do not know there is a difference between wine from the liquor store, or supermarket, and True Fine Wine, then, you are in for a surprise because there is a huge difference. Ranging from the variety of grapes (premium of course), aging, curation and so forth.
If you want to know more about True Fine Wines and how you could create Wine Magic, here is an article I wrote:
Especially if you are planning to hang out with your loves ones, or send Fine Wine hampers to others as an expression of Love and Gratitude during this Month of Love - February, this might be the article to read.
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Marian Wright Edelman said "Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree."

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Transient Nature of Emotions
This is the end of another lovely day for me. How was your day? If you had joyful moments, that is Fantastic. If you experienced some anxiousness, or unpleasantness, do not despair. Most likely there is/was no Tiger in the room.
I found this quote by Cammie McGovern, that buttresses my thoughts about the Transient nature of Emotions. In my mind, emotions are Visitors. Emotions are not Residents. They Come and they Go! Perhaps my words to you, and Cammie McGovern's words will soothe you. And, give you an alternative perspective.
Go to my PBS Blog Website" https://9e8q.com/ for more Valuable Content

#rrr247#mental health#positive mental attitude#positive thinking#positive thoughts#wellness#wellbeing#emotions
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Datafication in Business - Pros and Cons
Hello everyone, I am finally at home. I hope your day was as Awesome as mine. We had showers of blessings from on high almost all day. I love the rain. In fact I love all the seasons. Because if we didn't need these seasons, we won't have them. Anyway, as I was driving home, one of the music tracks that came on was this music by Gwen Guthrie. For some reasons, I always thought Janet Jackson sang this song - "Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent, you got to have a Jay O'Bee if you want to be with me.." No it was Gwen Guthrie. She further sang "No romance without finance..."
As I sang along to the music, it suddenly dawned on me, and I questioned how did she know there ain't nothing going on but the rent and so forth. Hmmm... she must have gathered some type of data and analyzed it. Perhaps subjectively gathered data, rather than objective data. Qualitative rather than quantitative data.
Then, I thought about my article on datafication. Datafication, and big data appear to be hot topics these days because of all the fantastic attitudinal and behavioral predictions possible. Very interesting stuff. I have my very unique opinions about the scientific and business processes, and the intuitive/spiritual components to analyses.
One person who clearly expresses my thoughts is Toto Wolff with his Quote:
“You need the right balance between data and gut feeling…”
If you want to know more about my take, here is my blog page on Datafication in Business:
Enjoy the Read!
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Protection All Around
Do you have an unexplained medical condition? Or does someone you know have this plight? There are so many factors that could shift you off balance leading to you to feeling unwell. Sometimes, Very Unwell. I found out that I am sensitive to electromagnetic field (EMF) radiations. Thank goodness I did.
Here is what I used to rectify my dilemma. - EMF Protection. So you have EMF Protection you can wear on your body, as well some you could place in different spaces such your rooms in your home, office, as well as in your car and somewhere on your computer/laptop/smartphone/tablet and so forth.
Especially, If you are very sensitive to different things, you need to try this out. Perhaps your thymus gland, which is a very important gland in your body might be compromised. The least you can do is wear an EMF protection pendant to protect it.
This is way to protect your children and pets from harmful EMF, as well.
Checkout this Link for more information on the EMF protection I am talking about. Gain access to this pendant as well:
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Skin Replenishing Balm
Today I had a long, but fulfilling day. As I sat relaxing, I thought about surgical work. Hmmm. surgery of the Soul/Psyche, or was I actually thinking about surgery on the physical body, or maybe both? I think it is magical that we can operate on the Soul/Psyche, as well as the Physical Body. I saw a quote that kind of summarizes what I am talking about.
Here we go,
“Surgeons must be very careful. When they take the knife! Underneath their fine incisions Stirs the Culprit—Life!” ― Emily Dickinson
The scares from working on the Soul/Psyche are not visible to the naked eyes. However, post-surgery scares from working on our physical body can be very visible. If you are in this position, where your post surgery scares are very visible, or your are preparing for surgery, and you want to minimize, or completely eliminate any post surgery and aftercare scaring, you are in luck.
Because I'd like to introduce you to an Aftercare Balm I have personally used for my scares. My scares are fading away, with no itching. This Aftercare Balm is incredibly effective. You just have to try it to know.
You can get more details about and gain access to this Replenishing and Healing Aftercare Balm, HERE: https://9e8q.com/skin-replenishing-balm/
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